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A01354 The flovver of fame Containing the bright renowne, & moste fortunate raigne of King Henry the viii. Wherein is mentioned of matters, by the rest of our cronographers ouerpassed. Compyled by Vlpian Fulwell. Hereunto is annexed (by the aucthor) a short treatice of iii. noble and vertuous queenes. And a discourse of the worthie seruice that was done at Hadington in Scotlande, the seconde yere of the raigne of king Edward the sixt. Fulwell, Ulpian, fl. 1586.; Harman, Edmund. 1575 (1575) STC 11475; ESTC S102758 42,413 130

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The Flovver Of Fame Containing the bright Renowne moste fortunate raigne of King Henry the viii Wherein is mentioned of matters by the rest of our Cronographers ouerpassed Compyled by Ulpian Fulwell ¶ Hereunto is annexed by the Aucthor a short treatice of iii. noble and vertuous Queenes And a discourse of the worthie seruice that was done at Hadington in Scotlande the seconde yere of the raigne of king Edward the sixt Viuit post funera virtus 1575. Imprinted at London in Fleete streate at the Temple gate by VVilliam Hoskins To the ryght honorable and his singuler good lorde sir William Cecill Baron of Burghleygh Knight of the moste noble order of the Garser Lorde high Treasorer of Englande master of the courtes of wardes and Liueries Chauncellour of the Uniuersitie of Cambridge and one of the Queenes Maiesties priuie Counsaile Ulpian Fullwell wisheth long health with encrease of honor BEeing at stryse with my selfe Right honorable whether I might presume to exhibite the dedication of this my vnpolished labour vnto your good Lordship or not I was as oft abashed as I vewed the homelinesse of my style and eftsons vtterly discomfited But contrary wise while I considered with my selfe as it were waying in the other Balaunce your noble nature in accepting the good will of the geeuer aboue the valure of the gift I am againe recomforted And in the ende of this conflict the noble curtesie of your honour wonne in mee the victorie whereupon I was not onely enboldened my self humbly to desyre your L. Patronage but also as muche as in mee laye encouraged my Aucthour master Edmunde Harman to offer vnto you the grosse fruites of this our labours The matter meriteth the Pen of the best writer although it hath nowe happened to the handes of an vneloquent Compyler But if it may please your honour to accept the protection hereof I doubt not but bothe the matter and the worthinesse of the Patrone will stirre vp some of exquisite skill to furnishe my defect by the renuyng of this my begonne attempt VVhich I confesse to be by mee taken in hande more willingly then wittilye respecting more the truthe of the woorkes then the eloquence of wordes Thus ceasing to trouble your good Lordship any longer at this present with my rough and ragged style In moste humble wise I submit my selfe and this my sclender trauaile vnto your honour praying allmightie God to preserue and prosper you in all your noble affaires to the great comfort of this Realme Your honours most humble Vlpian Fulwell A Table of the contents of this booke A Commendations of King Henries noble vertues Fol. 1 A Resitall of King Henries fortunate raigne 2 A briefe discourse of the vnyting the two noble houses of Lancaster and Yorke From whych vnyted house King Henrye was the first kinge that proceaded 4 Of the Battaile fought at Bosworth betweene King Henry the seuenth and king Richarde 8 Of the byrth of King Henry the eyght 10 Of King Henry the eyght in the tyme of his minoritie 12 Of his ryding to the Tower of London before his Coronation 13 Of his Coronation 14 Of the winning of Turwin and Turney 16 The Historie of King Iames of Scotlande that was slayne at Branxston fielde And of his lamentation 22 The Historie of King Iamies sonne who after the death of his father was king of Scottes being but a chylde That tooke his death after the ouerthrowe of his menne at Solomos and of his Complaint 24 How the Kinges of England and of Fraunce met at Morguison An. 1532. 29 Of the winning of Bullaine 32 Of the death of King Henry the eight 36 An Epitaph of his death 37 A Treatice of iii. noble vertuous Queenes 39 The Historie of the noble seruice that was at Hadington in Scotlande 49 A Commendation of the English Souldiers that serued at this siege of Hadington with the Capitaines names as neare as coulde be called to remembraunce 56 To the frindly Reader Vlpian Fullwell wisheth health THE wyse sage Philosopher Solon noting the insolencie of Cressus who esteemed him self the happiest man lyuing because of his abundant welth tolde him that no man is to bee reputed happie during his lyfe tyme because he knoweth not whether it shall ende with renowne or infamie Concluding hereby that a goodly lyfe a godly death maketh a perfect happie man. Nowe seing our late soueraigne Lorde Kynge Henrye the eyghth hath hit the marke of trewe felicitie and wonne the game of ioyfull immortalitie what ruthe were it that so singuler an example shoulde not be recorded in the golden booke of perpetuall Fame His noble lyfe his Godly proceedinges his inuicted raygne his fortunate successe his whole race of lyfe and ende of the same deserueth to be engraued in letters of pure Golde If Alexander the myghtie Monarche of Macedon was offended with a Schoolemaster in whose Schoole he founde not the fame of Vlisses written by Homer howe much more maye wee deeme he woulde checke and reproue all Englyshe Gentlemen that laye not before their faces the booke of King Henryes lyfe if he were nowe amongst vs But happely it will be sayd vnto mee Sir if you weare as good an Englyshe Poet as Homer was in Greeke or if the worthinesse of your style were comparable to the matter wee would the better esteeme of your woorke If that bee thy obiection gentle Reader I cannot excuse my selfe For I confesse I haue not the gifte of flowing eloquence neyther can I enterlace my phrase with Italian termes nor powder my style with frenche Englishe or Inkhorne Rhethoricke neyther cowche my matter vnder a cloake of curious inuentions to feede the daintie eares of delicate yonkers And as I cannot So if I could I woulde not For I see that manye men are so affected with these premisses that manye good matters are obscured the Aucthors encombred the woorkes but meanely commended and the Reader deceaued For while he coueteth to come to the purpose he is lead amasked in the wylde Desert of circumstance and digression seeking farre and finding little feeding his humor on pleasant woordes of slender wayght guyded or rather giddyed with plaucible eloquence I do not herein condempne neither discomende the noble Science of Rhethorike nor the eloquent Rhethoritian but rather wishe that excellent skill to be employed onlye on such matters as may both commende the speaker and the thing spoken or the writer and the thing written hauing alwayes the cheefe respect to tyme place For as it would sounde verye absurde to the eares of the skilfull Musitian to heare a gallyard or any other daunce playde on the solemne Organs So no lesse contrarie is it to daunce after an Hymn or other cunning voluntarie Thus gentle Reader I desyre at thy handes that thou accept the matter beare with my crabbed meeter Considering well that often tymes is founde good graffes vppon a Crab tree stocke Take then the fruite and accepte my good will. And if
Which for thy wealth the Heauenly heste This order doth deuyse And I of Ioue the messenger this newes now bring to thee With bande of Peace as faithfull pledge If thou thereto agree What losse and languor thou hast had Thy selfe caust witnesse best And Mischiefe hath not sparde to spurne To purchase thy vnrest Wherefore the God that guydes all thinges doth charge thee that with speede Thou ioyne in knott of Mariage as thus he hath decreede There is a lande in Westerne soyle That Britaine hath to name Which coast doth now retayne the wyght that must thy quyet frame A proper youth of pregnant witt To whome with speede repayre Of Lancaster that noble house He is the ryghtfull heire His Princely porte doth well deserue To wear thy Regall Crowne By due discent to wield the Sworde with fame and bryght renowne This worthie wight shall turne the warre That long thy wealth hath wast This Earle Henry shall redresse Thy wayling woe forepast Now see the sequell of this hest That God appointed hath Marke well the meane against Syr Mars To pacifie his wrath A noble spouse within thy lande Of ryght must now be found To linke in sacred wedlockes state And Queene for to be crownde Beholde a Uirgin bryght of hue with vertues force bedect Of personage surpassing all that Nature hath elect Dianaes peere for chastitie A seconde Susan shee Her godly nature well deserues A Goddesse for to bee The daughter of a Royall king That rewlde thy lande of late The heyre of Yorke that long hath beene with Lancaster at bate Elizabeth this Lady hight The late king Edwardes chylde Shee shall bring forth a peerlesse Prince thy people for to shylde Now sith these houses twaine hath causde Such ruyne for to raygne Which bluddie broyle hath forced thee to feele the smarte and paine With speede repaire to Britaine lande This Henry home to call And place him in thy regall seate Be ye his Subiectes all As for his Foes take ye no feare For God his frende doth stande He is annoynted of the Lorde to rule thy famous lande Which being done let sacred state of Wedlocke ioyne these twayne Then be thou sure in perfect peace hereafter to remayne When Concorde had these wordes rehearst and all her message tolde To see the ioye that men did make was wonder to beholde With clapping handes and cheerefull shoutes They shewde foorth great delyght And thought eche day to bee a yere till he shoulde come in syght And when that Fame had blowne her blast that hee had taken lande Determining to chace the Bore with force of myghtie hande Eche man him selfe do then addresse This royall Prince to place With courage stoute and loyall hartes They serue his noble grace Of the Battaile fought at Bosworth betweene King Henry the vii Richard that then vsurped the Crowne AFter long cōtinuance of blody warre through ciuill contention betweene the two ●●ble houses of Lancaster Yorke for the imperiall Diademe of this Realme to the great effusion of English blood as well of the nobilitie as also of the Comons It pleased Almightie God to put into the mindes of the nobilitie of this Realme a meane how to preuent this eminent subuersion by ioyning in knot of Mariage the heires apparant of these two noble houses as is aforesaide to the perfect securitie of this noble Nation And here is to be noted that when kyng Edward the fourth dyed who was lineally discended from the house of Yorke whose variable chaunces of Fortune I ouer passe He lefte behynde him two sonnes and fyue daughters The elder of his sonnes was named Edwarde who was afterwardes proclaymed Kyng being of the age of xi yeres His yonger brother had to name Richarde who was Duke of yorke Now by reason of the nouage of the yong king Richard Duke of Gloucester being vncle vnto the yong kyng intruded him selfe to the Protectorship of the kyng and the Realme and also wrested into his tuition the kinges brother taking him from the Queene his Mother who then laye in the Sanctuarie at Westminster for doubt of the cruell tyrannie of the Protector whose Ambitious mynde shee knewe to bee insatiable of honor and dignities wholly bent to cruell tyrannie which shortly after he put in practyse For when he had got into his clawze these two yong Princes Like a cruell Tyger and rauenyng Wolfe moste vnnaturally he caused them to be pittifully murthered within the Tower of London And caused one Doctor Sha who better deserued to be called doctor Shame to preach at Paules Crosse perswading the people that king Edwarde the fowerth late deceased was not ryghtfull king Affirming that he was a Bastarde And that the Duke of Cloucester being lawfully begotten ought to haue beene king when his brother was and therefore myght nowe iustlye challenge the Crowne Was not this a graceles sonne that caused his owne naturall and vertuous mother to be proclaimed at Powles Crosse a Harlot This and his vnnaturall homicide sownded moste abhominably in the eares of all honest men Notwithstandinge by this beastly and detestable policie wherunto he also added the death of the Lorde Hastinges and other noble men whome he supposed woulde by all meanes possible haue hindered his vngodlye proceedinges he hitt the marke whereat he shot which was the Crowne of Englande and in fine was crowned king by the name of king Rycharde the thirde But ere he had raigned little more then two yeres it pleased God to stir vp the nobilitie of this Realme to the ayde of Henrye Earle of Richemond to set him in his ryghtfull inheritaunce of the Imperiall Diadem of this Realme The large discourse wherof is exquisitely written by Sir Thomas More as appeareth in the Cronicle written by Edwarde Hall. In conclusion this noble Earle of Richemonde after manye doubtfull casualties harde euents arryued at Milforde Hauen in Wales wyth an armye of Britons and by the ayde of the Welshmen his power encreased And manye of the nobilitie of Englande with greate strength came to hys ayde vntill he came to a place in Leycester shiere called Bosworth where he met with kynge Richarde his armye and betweene them was fought a sharpe battaile in which conflict the king himselfe was slayne and his bodie caryed to Leycester on horsebacke as a Butcher caryeth a Calfe to the Market After whiche victorie won by this noble Earle he was proclaymed kyng of England by the name of king Henry the seuenth consequently he maried the lady Elizabeth daughter vnto king Enward the iiii they bothe crowned king and Queene of Englande to the greate ioy of the whole realme And thus were the noble houses of Lancaster Yorke vnited in one whiche was the finishing of long warre ¶ The Byrthe of the puisant Prince King Henry the eyght which was in the yere of our Lorde God. 1490. the xxii of Iune WHen Lady Concorde quencht the broyle
shoulde bee iii. Myles out of his Realme Wherat the kyng was sore abashed and not without good cause For a kingdome deuyded in it selfe cannot be quieted without great trouble and bloodshed And the saide Cardinall bare so great a swaye that the king durst not come into Englande according to his appointment It is thought that the Cardinal feared lest the king of Englande would haue perswaded the kinge of Scottes to abolyshe the Popes aucthoritie out of Scotlande and to alter the state of Religion and therefore was not willing that this meeting shoulde be betweene the two kinges King Henry perceiuing him selfe to be thus deluded by the king of Scottes conceiued therof great discurtesie as he myght ful well Notwithstanding he went forwarde him selfe with all his trayne to yorke and made Proclamation that if any man had any matters to exhibite vnto his grace that they shoulde be heard and haue Iustice administred which accordingly hee accomplished to as many as came before him And whereas there had bene an insurrection in the same countrey a little before this tyme The king comaunded that all the Rebelles which were apprehended shoulde be placed before him on the lefte hande of his waye as he passed thorough the countrey and hauing set the countrey in good order he returned to London againe The Cardinall of sainct Androes who as is before saide caused the king of Scottes to breake promise with his vncle king Henry for doubt least that discourtesie might be reconsiled to make hys matter sure set the two kinges at open warre and caused the Scottes to make a roade into the borders who spoyled and did much harme Wherof when king Henry hearde he sent the Duke of Norffolke with an Armie into Scotlande who burned and spoyled muche of the countrey But when the Duke was departed from thence into Englande The Scottes inuaded the borders againe did theare muche harme But at the last Sir Thomas Wharton beeing warden of the marches there with Sir William Musgraue and a fewe of the borderers met with the Scottes the 14. of Nouember and ouerthrew them In which conflict the Lorde Maxwell the Earles of Glencarue and Sassiles with all the captaynes of the Scottish Armie were taken and on S. Thomas eeuen the Apostle they were brought to the Tower of London where they laye that night The next day following they were brought into the starre Chamber before the Lorde Chaunceller of England and the Counsaile being by the kinges charges rychely apparailed and vsed more like Princes then prisoners which they did full euil requite For after they were dismissed vppon agreement vnto certein articles they not only refused the performance of their promises but notwithstanding the benefites on them bestowed by the king they rebelled against him But nowe to returne againe vnto their kinge It is thought of some men that he him selfe was in the Battaile and thear receiued his deathes wounde but escaped vntaken but it was not so True it is that this conflict stroke him to the hart wherof he dyed incontinently Whereby we may bee sure that God strooke the stroake And whether it were that God who stryketh to the thirde and fourth generation of them that hate him did it for his fathers offence or for his owne I maye not nor will not iudge But no doubt his fathers vngodly periurie was heauily in his mynde since whose death the Realme of Scotlande hath bene sore plaged and haue had little good successe in any attemptes and especially against Englande The tirste that brought newes of the kinge of Stottes death vnto king Henry was the Earle of Angoes a Scott who was banished out of Scotlande and lyued here in Englande by a pencion that the king gaue vnto him This Earle came into the Courie the king then lying at hys house of Sainct Iames betweene tenne and xi of the clocke at nyght and desyred to speak with the king which being vnto him admitted he rehearsed vnto the king the whole circumstance of the king of Scottes death Whiche when he hearde he was so sorie of that newes that notwithstanding he warred against him yet he let fall teares from his eyes for sorrowe of his Nephewes death ¶ The Lamentation of king Iames Sonne vnto king Iames before mentioned WHat hard mishap haue I among the rest Whose froward fate vntimely deth hath wrought While youthfull yeres did harbour in my brest My wretched corpes to lodge in claye is brought By haples chaunce contrary to my thought But who is sooner trapte by witched wyle Then he whose harte is free frem craltie guyle Shall I exclayme on fortunes frowarde face Or on the wombe that life to mee fyrst gaue Or on my Fathers facte whose foule deface Hath caused mee this luckelesse lot to haue Would god my mothers wombe had ben my graue Or els the Ayre that yelded mee fyrst breath With sodayne dampe had rendred present death Woulde God my Fathers facte had beene vndon When he made vow a faythfull leage to holde Or els I woulde I had not beene his Sonne But rather borne to pen the Sheepe in folde My Father in this poynt was far too bolde Whereby he moude almighty GOD to spill Him selfe and me his Sonne that thought no ill What may I deeme of this my Fathers deede Whereof I grounde the chiefe cause of my playnte What stonie harte for pittie will not bleede To see how death this pageaunt doth depainte In floure of age our liues so to attainte The Father and the Sonné sucessiuelie The Realme eke plagde for one mans periurie I can not scuse his rage and hautie pride That forced mee my vnkle to offende Who courteousely my comming did abide In frendlie wise a time with ioye to spende I was constraynde my owne minde to vnbende The Prelasie then bare so great a swaye That king and keiser must their mindes obaye I was constraynde contrarye to my will Reuengement on the English Realme to take And eke of Mars his lore to learne the skill Where I lyke Phaeton my match did make My foes mee rulde my frendes I did forsake Though I was king another bare the sworde Whome I durst not offende in deede ne worde I call for vengeaunce on thy wretched lyfe Thou Prelate proude that hast procurde my fall Thou were the cause and aucthor of the strife I was thy Prince and yet I was thy thrall Take heede therefore by mee ye Princes all Where enuious subiects beares so great aswaye The Princes state is like for to decaye Such men they are as fyrst do stier vp stryfe But they them selues of sauegarde will be sure Their deedes are scant their words are very ryfe They rayse the broyle the brunte they not endure Yet bloody warre they dayly do procure And prease foorth Princes to auenge their yre Whyle they them selues with gredy minds aspire Lo by this meanes my fatall shrouding sheete Is now my weede no other robe haue I The graue is
hearde of The maner whereof ensueth The Lorde Graye being at Barwike the kings liefetenaunt theare After the ouerthrowe of the Scottes at Muscleborow fielde made a roade into Scotlande in the Lent in the seconde yere of the kinges Raigne to take a viewe of the towne of Hadington and returned to Barwike agayne without any assault geeuen The Sommer following he came with his armye and entred the towne without anye resistaunce and then made preparation for the fortifying therof In whyche meane space he laide siege vnto a Castell that was three myles from the towne named Ester Castell which Forte was furnished with Scottes and Spanyardes who stoode at their defence refusing to submitt them selues vntill the Lord Graye had with the great Cannons made a breach and was readie to enter the saide Castell Then they yelded and desyred Pardon for their lyues onely which the lorde Gray graunted vnto them all excepting one who during the siege had reuyled the King in woordes and abused his graces name with moste opproprious termes Then they all came forth of the castell in their thurtes onely submitting them selues to the mercye of the Lorde Gray And vpon strayt examination who should be the tayler that was excepted out of this Pardon it was knowne to be one Newton a Scott But he to saue him selfe put it to one Hamelton Thus these two Gentlemen accused one the other For the decysing wherof a Cumbat was appointed betweene them and by the Lorde Gray ad iudped so to bee The tyme came for this Cumbat to be accomplyshed and the listes made in the Market place of Hadington And these saide gentlemen entred in their dubblets and hose weaponed with sword buckler and dagger At the firste entrie into the listes this Hammelton kneeled on his knees and made his hartie prayer vnto Almyghtie God to geeue the victorie vnto the truthe with solempne protestation that he neuer vttered any such words of King Edward of Englande as his aduersarie Newton accused him of And on the other syde Newtons conscience being troubled with his false accusation argued vnto all the beholders his guilt For there oppeared in him great timerousues The beholders prayde God for Hammelton for the Souldiers knewe right well that it was newton for his voyce bewrayde him Nowe were the Sticklers in a readinesse and the Combatours drewe their weapons and betweene them was fought vi or vii blowes verye lustely But Hammelton being meruaylous fierce and eager vpon the truth of his quarell constrayned Newton to geeue grounde almost to the ende of the listes And if he had driuen him to the verye ende then by the lawe of Armes he had wonne the conquest and his enemy shoulde haue bene hanged if he had not slayne him Newton perceiuing him selfe to be almoste at the poynt of hanging stept forwards againe and gaue Hammelton such a gashe on the legg that he was not able to stande but fell downe and then Newton fell on him and slewe him with his dagger Thus the Cumbat was ended but the English men that knewe Newton to be the rayler and the false accuser although by more happ then hardinesse he had the vpper hande were very desyrous to renewe Combat againe with him For there were many Gentlemen theare that woulde willingly haue ventered their lyues on him man for man but he challenged the priuilege of the lawe of Armes which was vnto him graunted And the Lorde Gray gaue him his owne gowne of his backe and the Chayne that he theu ware Thus was he well rewarded that better deserued to haue bene hanged But he escaped not so For afterwardes as he was ryding betweene the Borders of Englande and Scotlande he was slayne and cutt in pieces Nowe I will speake of the seege that the Frenche Armye and the power of Scotlande layde vnto the towne of Hadington against the Englishe men When the foresaide Castell was wonne and the Cumbat finished the Lorde Graye departed towardes Barwike leauing behynde him Syr Iames Wilford as generall of the garryson and 2000 chosen Souldiers vnder him to defend the towne whiche was not halfe fortifyed before it was besieged of the Frenchemen and Scottes For our menne had not bene viii weekes in it before Mounsier Dassey the Frenche kinges lie●etenant and the Ringraue of Fraunce came to the siege with twentie thowsande Frenchemen Almames and Scottes beeing all of them lustye gallant Souldiers And at their firste comminge there was a hoat skirmishe betweene them and the Englishe men And because the Gates of the towne were not of anye strength for defence our men were constraynde to ramme vp the Gates with earthe and so mayntaine the defence of the towne vppon the Walles There were many assaultes geeuen to the losse of bothe parties And in the ende our enemies did so beat the towne with shott that they lefte not one whole house for our men to put their heads in Whereby they were constrained to lye vnder the walles for other lodging was there none They looked for helpe to haue come out of Englande but none came So that they were in miserable case for lacke of succour For they were dryuen to so narrow pushe that they rent their shurts for lacke of Matche for other shifte had they none And also their Enemies had taken awaye their Flankers whiche was their whole defence of the walles to expelle them from approching neare whereby to scale So that by this meanes the Frenchemen came close vnder the walles of the towne and were their ouerthwart neyghbours so neare That the Englyshmen on the one syde and the Frenchemen on the other laye close togeather that there was no more distaunce of grounde betweene them then the thicknesse of the walle Also one of the Bulwarkes was beaten downe so flatte that a man myght ryde in and out at the breache but the Frenchemen durste not venter in therat It greeued the Englishe men not a little to see their euill neyghbours so neare their noses whereupon a blunte cuntrey man that was one of our Souldiers and by his occupation a maker of Flayles inuented to beate them from the walles with slayles and tyed a heauye plummet of lead at the ende of a rope fastening the other ende of the rope vnto a good truncheon to holde in hys hande and with suche flayles they slewe and maimed a greate many of them This Mounsier Dassey captaine generall of the Frenche Armie was complayned on to the kynge his Maister for his too muche rashenesse whereby hee lost manye of his best Souldiers so that hee was sent for home in great displeasure and in his place was sent Mounsier de Termes who remoued the siege and came not neare the towne by three myles But he punished our men worse then the siege for he layde all the straytes and passages with watche whereby no victuales coulde bee brought vnto the towne All this whyle beeing about xi weekes came none out of Englande to the