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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05559 The tragical death of Dauid Beato[n] Bishoppe of sainct Andrewes in Scotland Whereunto is ioyned the martyrdom of maister George Wyseharte gentleman, for whose sake the aforesayed bishoppe was not long after slayne. Wherein thou maist learne what a burnynge charitie they shewed not only towards him: but vnto al suche as come to their hades for the blessed Gospels sake. Lindsay, David, Sir, fl. 1490-1555.; Burrant, Robert. Martyrdom of maister George Wysehart. aut 1548 (1548) STC 15683; ESTC S104157 27,195 88

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and vnder whose tyrannie I thynke it therfore sufficient to admonishe you that for their death lykewyse God alwaies entred into iudgemente and spared not to plage the world for their obstinate and wylful blindnesse in despisynge their doctrine and kylled them whiche preached the true Messias to haue redemed all men frely from sinne and is a sufficient sacrifice to appease Gods wrath ❧ But nowe if ye wyll vouchsafe wyth diligēt eye to peruse these aforesayed storyes and cōferre them wyth indifferente iudgemente wyth the lyke exemples chaunced in oure tyme ye shall fynde God to be no lesse myndefull of his seruauntes nowe adayes no slowar auenger agaynst them that iniuriously shed tye vioude of his electe no vniuster in entrynge into Iudgemente wyth them that stoutly stubburnly refuse to admit his holy worde Thys diligētly marcked what neede I make any rehearsal of their names places or tymes And as yet dayly practise of the same commeth in vre For fyrste consydre howe iustlie God hath ouerthrowen that babilonious harlotte and our great enemie the bishop of Rome Christes onelie deceyuer in earth Yea and not onelie hy n but also as manie be they neuer so secrete in their wycked thoughtes as maynteyne his superstitious traditions and dampnable heresies Amonge whome I founde none to appeare so notable as thys Dauid Beaton that obstinate Sedechias that harde herted Pharao that blasphemous Balthasar that bloude suckar Aman that cruell murtherar of the nobles and elders of his realme Ioram that detestable Idolater Achas and the peruerse hinderar of gods worde Antioch I know not who hath most cause to reioyse and prayse the Lorde of his deliueraunce whether Scotlande for that they are deliuered frō his trayterous tyranny or els England who founde hym an obstinate and proude enemy But well I knowe that the papistes of iust cause muche lamēt mourne for they loste a ryght trustie speare of their chiualry Muche good reporte I hearde of hym by his familiars that he vsed to sweare but in trifles and in weighti matters to blaspheme stoutly Whose othe was moste cōmunely gods bloude as most semely for his estate Many tymes oftē curssed he Englād for their doctrine He rayled at their counselles as vayne and con dempned the clergie as heritickes and not one bishop to be good but onely Winchester and that was bounde wyth an holie daye othe What neede I make farther rehersall of his abhominable factes tragicall dedes whē they be manifestly declared in thys litle treatise folowing But for asmuche as the cause of his death is not to euery mā apparāt I thinke it necessary therefore to put you in mynde that the last day of Marche in the yere of oure Lorde M. D. xlvi he moste cruelly put to death in his castle of sainct Andrewes the mā of god maister George wysehart a man descendyng of a noble house for that he truly and sincerely preached the word of god to the simple and ignoraūt people But god as it is manifestly afore declared neuer leauing the bloude of his elece vnauenged thorowe his secrete motion he moued the hertes of cer teine gentlemen in Scotlande to conspire the death of this tyranne the oppressour of his people So that ther by diuine policie intung the castle garded with the faithful hope of a good intēt to acquite their countrey of an intollerable burthen of tyranny trayterous rebellion fynding al waies opē to their pretēsed purpose slewe thys Antichrist lurkynge in his dungion the last day of May in the yere aforesayed So that it may be wel verified in hym He that stryketh with the sworde shal perishe with the sworde Therefore I woulde wishe that al those whiche are called to the administration of commune weales and also to the office and dignitie of Elders in the congregation woulde wyth moste circumspecte diligence marcke these forsayed stories and late exemples and dayly sette them before theyr eyes as appoynted tokens by God to auoyed lyke daungers whyche assuredly are promised by the word of God to al them that striue so obstinately and wilfully agaynst his holy wyll And as Lucifer could no longar be permitted to occupy the estate of an angel in heauen when that he fel into obstinate and arrogant contention with God lykewyse can no ministre of Christes here in earth accordyng to his vndoubted promises longer obteyne a rule among his electe then that the same ministre be subiected and obedient to Goddes ordinaunce and wyllynglie doeth fulfyll the same appliyng al his administration to the glorie of God to the encrease of his faith amōg his people so necessaryly to the profit of the commune weale And to suche a minister the scriptures do vouchsafe to attribute double honoure boeth for the worthinesse of his office and also for his spirituall and Godlie councel And beside al this Christe hath faythfully promised to glorifie hym amonge his sainctes for that he in earth glorified his father whiche is in heauen Wyth whō the same Christ graunte all vs to reste in lyke glorie Amen Here foloweth the Tragedy of the late moste reuerende father Dauid by the mercie of God Cardinall and archbishoppe of sainct Andrewes And of the whole realme of Scotland primate Legate and Chaunceler administrator of the bishopriche of Merapois in Fraunce and cōmendator perpetuall of the Abbay of Aberbrothoke compiled by sir Dauid Lyndsaye of the mounte knyghte Alias Lione kyng of armes ❧ Anno. M. D. xlvi Ultimo Maii. ¶ The wordes of Dauid Beaton the Cardinall aforesaied at his death Alas alas slaye me not I am a Priest ☞ * ☜ ☞ NOt lōg sence after the houre of prime Secretely sittyng in myne Oratorie I to be a boke to occupie the tyme where I foūd many Tragedy storie Which Iohn Bochas had put in memory How many a prince cōquerour captaine Were dolfully deposed from their raigne Howe Alexander the potent conquerour In Babilon was poysonned petiously And Iulius the mightie Emperour Murthered at Rome causeles and truelly Prudent Pompey in Egypt shamefully Murthered was what nedeth processe more Whose Tragedies are petifull to deplore I sittynge so vpon my boke readyng Ryght sodenly afore me dyd appeare One wounded man aboundauntly bledyng Wyth visage pale and wyth a deadly cheate Seinyng a man of two and fyftie yeare In rayment red clothed ful curiously Wyth fyne veluet and satten richely Wyth feble voice as man opprest with payne ▪ Softly he made me supplication Saiynge my friende reade and reade agayne Yt thou can fynde by true narration Of one payne lyke to my passion Ryght sure I am were Iohn Bochas alyue My Tragedie at length he woulde discryue Seinge he is gone I pray the to endyte Of myne infortune some remembraunce Or at the lests my Tragedie wryte As I to the shall shewe the circumstaunce In termes briefe of my vnhappy chaunce Sence my begynnyng vnto my fatall ende Whiche I woulde to all creatures
were kende I woulde sayed I make suche memoriall Yt of thy name I had intelligence I am Dauid that carefull Cardinall Whiche doth appeare sayed he to thy presence That sometyme had so greate preeminence Then he beganne his deedes to endyte As ye shall heare and I beganne to wryte The Tragedie ¶ I Dauid Beaton some tyme Cardinall Of noble bloude by lyne I dyd descende Duryng my tyme I had no peir equall But nowe is come alas my fatall ende Aye gree by gree vp warde I dyd ascende So that in thys realme dyd neuer reigne So greate a man as I vnder my soueraigne When I was a yonge ioyly gentleman Princes to serue I set my whole entent First to ascende at Arbroth I began An abbasie of greate ryches and rent Of that estate yet was I not content To get more ryches dignitie and glore My herte was set alas alas therfore I made suche seruice vntyll our Souereigne He dyd promote me to more high estate A Prince aboue all priestes for to Reigne Archbishoppe of sainct Andrewes consecrate To that honour when I was eleuate My prydefull herte was not content at all Tyll that I was created a Cardinall Yet preste I to haue more authoritie And finally was chosen Chauncelat And for vpholdynge of my dignitie Was made Legate then had I no compare I purchest for my profit singulare My cofers and my treasure to auaunce The bishopriche of Merapois in Fraunce Of al Scotlande I had the gouernal But myne aduise concluded was not certeyne Abbot bishoppe archbishoppe cardinal In thys realme no higher coulde I reigne But I had ben Pope Emperour or souereigne For shortnes of tyme I am not able At length to shewe myne actes honourable For my moste princely prodigalitie Amonge prelates in Fraunce I toke the pryce I dyd shewe my lordly liberalitie In banketyng playinge at cardes and dice In suche wysedome I was holden wyse And spared not to playe wyth hynge or knyght Thre thousand crownes of gold vpō one nyght In Fraunce sir I made honest voyages Where I dyd artes digne of remembraunce Thorowe me were made triumphant mariages To our souereigne both profit and pleasaunce Quene Magdalē the fyrst doughter of Fraūce With great riches was into Scotland brought That mariage thorow my wisdō was wrought After whose death into Fraunce I past agayne The seconde quene homewarde I dyd conuoye That lustie Princesse Mary de Loraine Whiche was receiued wyth tryumph and Ioye So serued I our ryght redoubted Roye Sone after that Henrie of Englande kynge Of our soueraigne desyred one communyng Of that metyng our kynge was wel content So that in Yorke was set both tyme and place But our prelates and I woulde neuer consent That he shoulde see kynge Henry in the face But we were wel content so that his grace Had sayled the sea to speake wyth any other Except the king which was his mothers brother Where thorowe there arose great war mortal strife Great heirships hūgar darth desolatiō On the other syde many dyd lose their lyfe If I woulde make any true narration I caused all that tribulation For to take peace I neuer woulde consent Wythout the kynge of Fraunce had ben cōtent Duryng these warres were taken prisoners Of noble men fyghtyng ful turiously Many a Lorde baron and bacchillers Where thorowe our kynge toke such melancoly Whiche draue him to the deede ryght dolefully Extreme dolour ouerset dyd so his herte That from thys lyfe alas he dyd departe But after that boeth strength speach were losed A paper blanke I gatte his grace subscriue Into whiche I wrought al that me pleased After his death whiche longe were to discriue Thorowe that wrytyng I purposed belyue Wyth support of some lordes beneuolence In thys region to haue preeminence As for our Lorde our rightuous Gouernour If I woulde shortly shewe the veritie To hym I had no maner of fauour Durynge that tyme I purposed that he Shoulde neuer come to none authoritie For his support therfore he broughte among vs Forth of Englande the noble Erle of Anguishe Then was I put abacke from my purpose And sodenly caste into captiuitie My prideful herte to breake as I suppose Deuised by the high diuinitie Yet in my herte sprange no humilitie But nowe the worde of God ful wel I knowe Who doth exalt hym selfe God shal hym lowe In the meane tyme when I was so subiected Ambassatours were sent into Englande Where they both peace and maryage cōtracted And more suerly for to obserue that bande Were promised diuerse pledges of Scotlande Of that contracte I was no waye content Nor euer woulde therto geue my consent To captaines that kept me in warde Gyftes of golde I gaue them greate plentie Rulars of courte I rychely dyd rewarde Wherby I escaped from captiuitie But when I was free at my libertie Then lyke a Lyon losed of his caige Out thorow this realme I begā to raile raige Contrary the Gouernour and his companie Ofte tymes made I insurrection Purposyng for to haue hym hastely Subdued vnto my correction Or put hym to extreme subiection Duryng thys tyme if it were wel dissided Thys realme by me was vtterly deuided The Gouernour purposyng to subdue I raysed an hoste of many a bolde baron And made a rode which Lyghgowe yet may rue For we destroyed one myle aboute the towne For that I gate many blacke malison Yet contrary the Gouernours entent Wyth our yong princesse we to Steruiling wēt For high contemptation of the Gouernour I brought the Erie of Lemox forth of Fraunce That lustie Lorde lyuyng in greate pleasure Dyd lose that laude and honest ordinaunce But he and I fell cone at variaunce And thorowe my councell was in short space Forfaited and banished he gate no other grace Then thorowe my prudence practice and ingine Our Gouernour I caused to consente Ful quietly to my councel incline Wherof his nobles were not wel content For why I gate dissolued in playne parliament The bande of peace contarcted with Englande Where thorow came harme heirship to Scotlande That peace broken arrose newe mortall warre By sea and lande suche theifte wythout releue Whiche to reporte it frayeth my herte farre The veritie to shewe in termes breue I was the rote of al that greate mischeue The South countrey may say it had ben good That my nourice had smored me in my coud I was the cause of mykle more mischaunce For vpholde of my glore and dignitie And pleasure of the potent kynge of Fraunce ▪ Wyth Englande woulde I haue no vnitie But who consider woulde the veritie We myght full wel haue lyued in peace and rest Nyne or tenne yeres and then played lose or fast Had we wyth Englande kept our contrackes Our noble men had lyued in peace and rest Our marchauntes had not lost so many packes Our commune people had not ben opprest On thother syde al wronges had ben redrest But Endenburgh sence that Lyth Kyngorne