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A15033 The English myrror A regard wherein al estates may behold the conquests of enuy: containing ruine of common weales, murther of princes, cause of heresies, and in all ages, spoile of deuine and humane blessings, vnto which is adioyned, enuy conquered by vertues. Publishing the peaceable victories obtained by the Queenes most excellent Maiesty, against this mortall enimie of publike peace and prosperitie, and lastly a fortris against enuy, builded vpon the counsels of sacred Scripture, lawes of sage philosophers, and pollicies of well gouerned common weales: wherein euery estate may see the dignities, the true office and cause of disgrace of his vocation. A worke safely, and necessarie to be read of euerie good subiect. By George Whetstones Gent. Seene and allowed. Whetstone, George, 1544?-1587? 1586 (1586) STC 25336; ESTC S111678 158,442 230

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gouernment of Fraunce no otherwise then the auncient statutes of the Danes Britans or Saxons doe at this day the Gouernment of Englande This vnnaturall Lawe had a barbarous beginning for the reporters thereof confesse that anno 420. the Franconians hauing abandoned their Countrey inhabited along the Rhine and especially about Treues The manners of these people being barbarous they liued vnciuilly without Lawe Which considered by Pharamonde their first Kinge the sonne of their Duke Marcomir He chose foure of the principall men of the Sicambrians whom he authorised by their wisedomes to giue a Law vnto the people The names of these foure were Vsucast Losocust Salgast and Visogust These foure made the Lawe Salique by which Lawe Emperiall gouernment say they is taken away from the daughters and heires of the Kinges of Fraunce This dead Lawe and many other to as little purpose were reuiued to bury the true and lawfull title of King Edwarde the 3. to the kingdome of Fraunce in the right of Quéene Isabell his mother the daughter heire of King Phylip le bel But King Edward nor his successors would not loose their right vpon such canterburie suggestions And some of them subiected the Frenchmen to English obedience And to this day the Armes and Imperiall title of Fraunce are ioyned to the honour of Englande To what purpose doth the law Mentall in Portugal forbid feminine gouernment King Philip deriueth his title from Marie the daughter of Iohn the third of that name king of Portugal and by that title is possessed of the kingdome It is God that disposeth kingdomes and the works of busie heads that vnlawfully séeke to withstand the law of nature in succession To be briefe this inuectiue prooued but a scare-crow it was indiscreatly written and negligently regarded King Francis or more truely the family of the Gwyses ancored their hope vpon the Popes sentence and in all the kings patents and other instruments caused to be intituled Frances of France Scotland England and Ireland king and in his shield quartered the Armes of England and to conquer the kingdome Come era apparente as Guiccerdine reporteth dyuers french forces were daily conuayed into Scotland who tooke and by force kept the strong townes and fortrises there The inhabitants oppressed thus with straungers were for their owne safegard driuen to sew vnto the Quéenes maiesty of England for aid to expel the french who sought the spoile and subuertion of Scotland The malicious purpose of the Guyses ioyned with commyseration of the daungerous affiction of Scotland the Quéene whereof was married and gouerned in France and so barred to vse the lybertie of her Crowne bound the Queenes Maiesty by the vertue of honour pollicie and charitie to sucker them with expedition To accomplish which matter her Maiestie sent a sufficient power towards Scotland by the Duke of Norfolke as generall who remained at Barwicke and the Lord Greay of Wilton being Liuetenaunt entred into Scotland and with her royall power ioyned with the Scots against the french who were soone weary of the English-mens comming But almightie God had set downe a more milde order to honour her Maiesty with the vanquishment of her enimies then by dynt of sword to accomplish which her highnesse sent Syr William Cycill knight at that time her Maiesties principall Secreatorie and nowe Lord Treasorer of England for the full knowledge of whose excéeding worthynesse I retourne the good reader to the Athenians commendation of the Philosopher Euxin and with him accompanied the learned and graue Gentleman Master Doctor Wotton to treat with the french who with their wisedomes so vanquished the french as to the quietnesse and safetie both of England and Scotland they forced them to depart with this following dishonour as Guicherdine reporteth who if he be pertiall it is in fauour of the french First that the King and Quéene of Fraunce and Scotland should leaue the Armes and title of the King of Englande and Irelande and that within sixe monethes at the furthest they shoulde cancell and renewe all their writings and instruments if there were any so made with the former Armes and Titles Further that the Realme of Scotland should be gouerned by the Counsell of twelue persons of the Nobilitie of the said kingdome whereof seuen shoulde bée nominated by the Scotish Quéene and siue by the thrée estates of the Parliament That the iniuries and trespasses committed on either part during the commotion should be forgotten and for the better assurance should be confirmed by the said Parliament That the Garrisons of french souldiers should retourne into Fraunce sauing onely in two fortes sixtie a péece subiect to the Iustice and paie of the Parliament of Scotlande That euerie man shoulde be rest●…red to his office in the saide Realme and that no french man should haue any more office benefite or administration what so euer in Scotland That the french shoulde not at anie time conuay Munition of warre or souldiers into Scotlande without consent of the saide Parliament with sundrie other straight obseruaunces on the behalfe of the french which Guicherdine concludeth Con grandissimo vantaggio honore della regina Inglese with the greatest aduauntage and honour of the Quéene of Englande a victorie no doubt of great glorie and honour Whereby her Maiestie not onelie deliuered her owne Countrey from the daunger of inuasion but also fréeed Scotlande from the bondage of forraigne Gouernment and thus her enemies hungring after an vnlawfull spoyle lost the disposement of an assured benefite which fortune befall to all those that miswish her Amen CHAP. 9. Of her Maiesties peaceable victorie against the rebels in the North ioyned with her quiet vanquishing of sundry other conspiracies to the vniuersall benefit of England PIus Quartus who succéeded Paulus 4. in the Popedome finding an abasemēt of the glorie with which his predecessours were honoured and fearing with all that the example of England Scotland Denmarke and Germanie would draw other Nations from the obedience of the Romishe erronious Church to the profession and receiuing of the Gospell of our sauiour Iesus Christ the life of the soule and destruction of this accursed Antichrist laboured with the consent of manie Princes to reuiue the Counsell or more properly the conspiracie of Trent A conspiracie I may iustly say the pollicy whereof was to kéepe vnder the glorious merite of our sauiour Iesus and to aduaunce to the highest degrée of reuerence the painted Idolatrie of the Pope And appointing for his Legates 5. Cardinals who with a great number of Bishops and other doctors of their Church the eyght day after Easter 1561. beganne this vnholy Counsell And truely as in the intent of their assembly was séene this saying of the Psalmist The kinges of the earth stande vp and the rulers take consell togither against the Lorde and his annoynted So likewise in their vaine idle successe this continuance of the Psalme is further séene He that