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A68831 The vvhole workes of W. Tyndall, Iohn Frith, and Doct. Barnes, three worthy martyrs, and principall teachers of this Churche of England collected and compiled in one tome togither, beyng before scattered, [and] now in print here exhibited to the Church. To the prayse of God, and profite of all good Christian readers.; Works Tyndale, William, d. 1536.; Barnes, Robert, 1495-1540. Works. aut; Frith, John, 1503-1533. Works. aut; Foxe, John, 1516-1587. Actes and monuments. Selections. 1573 (1573) STC 24436; ESTC S117761 1,582,599 896

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though all the world smelled it yet it brake not out openly to the eye tyll the seege of Pauia And the Cardinall lent the Emperour much mony openly and gaue the French king more secretly He played with both handes to serue their secreat that all men know not as y ● Bishop of Durham sayd But whatsoeuer the frenchmē did they had euer the worse notwithstanding the secreat working of our holy prelates on their side Finally vnto the sege of Pauie came the French king personally with lx thousand men of warre of which xij thousand were horsemen with mony enough And the Emperours host was vnder xx thousād of which were but iij. thousand horsmen with no mony at all For he trusted vnto the pope for ayde of men and vnto our Cardinall for mony But the pope kept back his men till the Frenchmen had geuen them a feeld and our Cardinall kept back his mony for the same purpose And thus was the sely Emperour betrayed as all his predecessoures haue bene this viij hundred yeares Howbeit there be that say that the Emperours souldiers so threatened Pace the kinges graces Embassadour that he was fayne to make che●isaunce wyth marchauntes for mony in the kinges name to pay the souldiers withall Wherefore the Cardinall tooke from him all his promotions played tormentours wyth him when he came home because he presumed to do one iote more then was in his cōmission But howsoeuer it was the Emperors men in tarying for helpe had spent out all their vitayles Wherupon Burbon the chiefe captaine of the Emperour sayd vnto his vnder captaines ye see helpe commeth not and y t our vitayles are spent wherfore there is no remedy but to fight though we be vnequallie matched If we winne we shall finde meat enough if we lose we shall lose no more then we must lose with hunger though we fight not And so they concluded to set vpon the Frenchmen by night The king of Fraunce and his lordes supposing that the Mone wold sooner haue fallen out of the skie then that the Emperours hoste durst haue fought with them were somwhat negligent went the same night a mumming that Burbon set vpon them The Emperours host therefore with their sodaine comming vpon them amased the frenchmen and draue them vppon heaps together one on another so that they neuer could come in aray agayne and tooke the king and diuers of hys lordes and slew many and wanne the field And there came out all the Cardinals preuy treason for in the French Kinges tent say men were letters found beside that in the french kings treasure and in all the host among the souldiers were english shippes found innumerable which had come sayling a thousand miles by land But what wonder ships be made to saile ouer y ● sea wings to flye into far countries and to mount to the top of hye hilles When the French king was taken we sang Te Deum But for all that singing we made peace with frenchmen And the Pope the Venetians Fraūce and England were knit together least the Emperours army should do any hurt in Fraunce Wherby ye may coniecture of what minde the Pope the Cardinall were toward the Emperor and with what hart our spiritualtie with their inuisible secretes sang Te Deum And from that time hetherto the Emperour our Cardinall haue bene twaine After that when the king of Fraūce was deliuered home agayne and hys sonnes lefte in pledge manye wayes were sought to bring home the sonnes also but in vayne except the Frenchking would make good that which he had promised the Emperour For the bringing home of those children no mā more busied his wits then the Cardinal He would in any wise the Emperour should haue sent them home it had bene but for our kings pleasure for y ● great kindnes that he shewed him in times past He would haue maried the kings daughter our princesse vnto the Dolphin againe or as y ● voice went among many vnto the secōd brother he shoulde haue bene Prince in England king in time to come so that he sought all wayes to pluck vs from the Emperor to ioine vs vnto Fraunce to make Fraunce strong enough to match the Emperour to keepe him downe that the Pope might raigne a god alone and do what pleaseth him without controlling of any ouersear And for the same purpose he left nothing vnprouided to bring the marte from Antwarpe to Cales But at that time the Pope taking part with the French king had warre with the Emperour and at the last the Pope was taken which when the Cardinall heard he wrote vnto the Emperour that he should make hym pope And when he had gotten an aūswere that pleased him not but according vnto his deseruinges toward the Emperour then he waxed furious mad sought all meanes to displease the Emperour and imagined the diuorcement betwene the King and the Queene and wrote sharpely vnto the Emperor with manacing letters that if he woulde not make him Pope he woulde make such ruffling betweene Christen princes as was not this him dred yeare to make the Emperour repent yea though it should coste the whole realme of England The Lord Iesus be our shield what a fierce wrath of God is this vpon vs that a misshapen monster shoulde spring out of a dunghill into such an height that the dread of God and man layd a part he should be so malepart not onely to defye vtterly the maiestie of so mighty an Emperour whose authoritie both Christ and all his Apostles obeyed and taught all other to obey threatening damnation to them that would not But should also set so little by the whole realme of England which hath bestowed so great cost and shed so much bloud to exalt and maintaine such proud churlish vnthankfull hypocrites that he should not care to destroy it vtterly for the satisfying of his vilanous lustes ¶ The putting downe of Cardinall Wolsey COncerning the Cardinals putting downe I consider many thinges First that I neuer heard or read that any man being so great a traytor was so easely put to death Then the naturall disposition and inclination of the man how y t his chief study yea and all his felicitie and inward ioy hath euer bene to exercise that aungels wit of his as my lord of Lincolne was wone to praise him in driuing of such dristes to beguile all men and to binde the whole world with all Wherefore I can none otherwise indge by an C. tokens euident vnto whomsoeuer hath a natural wit but that this is also nothing saue a cast of his olde practise so that when God had wrapped him in his owne wiles that he wist not which way out for the Emperour preuailed for al the Cardinals treason and the french children might not come home and he had learned also of his necromancie
and hys Apostles Neither could it bee brought to passe vntill the Pope had got the Emperours sword out of hys hād The Grekes which were the one halfe of Christendome then I suppose would neuer admit it Now godly loue would neuer suffer them to cōsent that we should be boūd vnto that burthen which they themselues could not beare as M. More in an other place affirmeth that they dyd And agayne we haue manifest storyes that it was brought in with violence ot sword that all the Priestes of Germany were cōpelled to put away their wiues And we finde that whersoeuer the pope raigneth he came in with deceauyng the kyng of the countrey and then with his sword cō●elled the rest The Pope came but now late into Wales to raigne there ouer the Byshops and Priestes and that with the sword of the kyng of England And yet though all the Clergie of christendome had graunted it all the Church had not made it nor yet the tenth part of the Church The lay people be as well of the Churche as the Priestes Neither can all the Priestes in the world of right make any law wherin their part lyeth without their consent Now it perteineth vnto the cōmon people and most of all vnto the weakest that their Priestes be endued with all vertue and honestie And the chastitie of his wife daughter and seruaunt perteineth vnto euery particular man which we see by experience defiled dayly by the vnchast chastitie of the spiritualitie Wherfore if the Parishes or any one Parish after they had sene the experience what incōueniences came of their chastitie would haue no Curate except he had a wife to cut of occasions as Paule when he had sene that proofe would haue no young widowes minister who saue a tyraunt should be agaynst them Moreouer the generall Councels of the spiritualtie are of no other maner sence the Pope was a God then the generall Parlamentes of the temporalitie Where no man dare say hys mynde frely and liberally for ●eare of some one and of his flatterers And looke in what captiuitie the Parlamentes be vnder the priuate coūsels of kinges so are the generall Coūcels vnder the Pope and his Cardinals And this is the maner of both Some one two or three wilye Foxes that haue all other in subiection as ye haue sene in my Lord Cardinall imagine not what ought to be but what they lust to haue and conceaue in theyr own braynes and go with child some tyme a yeare ij iij. iiij v. vi or vij and some tyme. xx and aboue castyng can●esing and compassing for the byrth agaynst oportunitie openyng the matter priuely vnder an othe a litle and a litle vnto certaine Secretaries whose part is therin as they finde men of actiuitie and of courage prepared to sell soule and body for promotion And the matter in the meane tyme is turmoyled and tossed among themselues and persuasions and sutle reasons are forged to blind the right way and to beguile mens wittes And whō they feare to haue aduersaries able to resist them for such meanes are sought to bring them in vnto their partie or to conuey them out of the way And whē oportunitie is come they call a counsel or Parlamēt vnder a contrary pretēce And a Masse of the holy ghost whom they desire as farre away as were possible is song and a goodly Sermon is made to blere mens eyes with all And then sodenly other mē vnprouided the matter is opened after the most suttle maner And many are beguiled with suttle argumentes and craftie persuasions And they that hold hard agaynst thē are called aside and reasoned with a part and handled after a fashion and partly entised with fayre promises and partly feared with cruell threatnyngs and so some are ouercome with siluer syllogismes other for feare of threatnyng are driuen vnto silence And if any be found at the last that will not obey their falsehead and tyranny they rayle on him and iest him out of coūtenaunce call him opinatiue selfe mynded and obstinate beare him in hand that the deuill is in him that he so cleaueth vnto his owne witte though he speake no silllable but Gods word is asked whether he wil be wiser then other mē And in the spiritualitie they excommunicate him and make an hereticke of him And this to be true in the Clergies chastitie is as cleare as y e day by manifest chronicles in so much that the Prelates of Rome were a brewyng it aboue an hundred yeares and I wot not how long lenger yer they could bryng it to passe and yet in vayne til they had got the Emperours sword to proue that it was most expedient so to be And for what entent to bryng all vnder the Pope and that the Prelates of all landes might as the old maner was come and wayte on the Pope at Rome where he prepared thē whores inough And that his sworne Prelates in euery land might the more conueniently wayte in Kyngs Courtes to minister the commō wealth vnto the popes pleasure and profite For had the Clergie kept their wiues they could neuer haue come vnto this where they now be and to these pluralities vniōs and totquottes For there is no lay man though he were neuer so euill disposed that could for his wife children haue leysure to cōtr●…e such mischiefe and to runne from countrey to countrey to learne falshead and subtiltie as our spiritualtie do which without feare of God and shame of man keepe whores whersoeuer they come And thus ye see that the clergies chastitie pertayneth as much vnto the temporaltie as vnto the spiritualtie And an other is this no power among them that professe the truth may bynde where God lowseth saue onely where loue and my neighbours necessitie requireth it of me Neyther can any power now binde them to come but they may freely keepe or breake as the thing is hurtfull or expediēt Neither can there be any bond where loue and necessitie requireth the contrary So that this law loue thy neighbour to helpe him as thou wouldest be holp must interpret all mans lawes As if I had sworne young or vnwisely that I would liue chast all the world had bound me if afterwarde I burnt and could not ouercome the passion I ought to mary For I must condition my vow and shew a cause of it thereto I may not vow for the chastitie it selfe as though it were sacrifice to please God in it self for that is the Idolatry of heathen I must therfore vowe to do my neyghbour seruice which in that case he may not require or to geue my selfe more quietly to prayer and studie which is not possible as long as I burne and the minde will not be quiet or that I may the better keepe y e lawes of God which if I burne I stand thorow my chastitie in more ieopardy to breake
cum lucro for lucre say they maketh the labour light euer noselyng them in ceremonyes in their owne constitutions decrees ordinaunces and lawes of holy Church And the promises and Testament which the Sacrament of Christes body bloud did preach dayly vnto the people that they put out of knowledge and say now that it is a sacrifice for the soules of Purgatory that they might the better sell their Masse And in the Vniuersities they haue ordeined that no man shall looke on the Scripture vntill he be noseled in heathē learning viij or nyne yeare armed with false principles with whiche he is cleane shut out of the vnderstandyng of the Scripture And at his first commyng vnto Vniuersitie he is sworne that he shall not defame the Vniuersitie what soeuer he seeth And when he taketh first degree he is sworne that he shall hold none opinion condemned by the Churche but what such opinions be that he shall not know And they whē they be admitted to studye Diuinitye because y e Scripture is locked vp with such false expositions with false principles of natural Philosophy that they can not enter in they go about the out side and dispute all their lyues about words vaine opiniōs pertaining as much vnto the healyng of a mans hele as health of his soule Prouided yet all way lest god geue his singulare grace vnto any person that none may preach except he be admitted of the Byshops Then came Thomas de Aquino and he made the Pope a God with his sophistrie and the Pope made him a Sainte for his labour and called him Doctour Sanctus for whose holynesse no man may deny what so euer he sayth saue in certaine places where among so many lyes he sayd now and then true And in like maner who soeuer defendeth hys traditiōs decrees and priuileges him he made a Sainte also for his labour were his liuyng neuer so contrary vnto the Scripture as Thomas of Canterbury with many other like whose life was like Thomas Cardinalles but not Christes neither is Thomas Cardinals life any thyng saue a counterfaytyng of saint Thomas of Canterbury Thomas Becket was first sene in marchaundise temporall and then to learne spirituall marchaundise he gat hym to Theobald Archbyshop of Canterbury which sent him diuers times to Rome about businesse of holy Churche And when Theobald had spyed his actiuitie he shore him Deacon lest he should go backe made him Archdeacon of Canterbury and vppon that presented him to the kyng And the kyng made hym his Chaunceller in which office he passed the pompe pride of Thomas Cardinall as farre as the ones shrine passeth the others tombe in glory and riches And after that he was a man of warre and captaynē ouer fiue or sixe thousand men in ful harnesse as bright as S. George his speare in his hand encountred who soeuer came against him and ouerthrew the iolyest rutter that was in all the host of Fraūce And out of the si●ld hoate from bloud shedyng was he made Bishop of Canterbury and did put of his helme and put on his mitre put of his harnesse on with his robes and layde downe hys speare tooke his crosse yer his hādes were cold and so came with a lusty corage of a mā of warre to fight an other while against his Prince for the Pope Where his Princes causes were with the law of God and the Popes cleane contrary And the pompe of his consecration was after his old worldly fashiō Howbeit yet he is made a Saint for his worshyppyng of the holy seate of saint Peter not that seate of Peter whiche is Christes Gospell but an other lyed to be Peters and is in deede Cathedra pestilentiae a chayre of false do ctrine And because he could no skill of our Lordes Gospell he sayd of Matene with our Lady Such as vnderstand the Latin read his life and compare it vnto the Scripture and thē he shall see such holynesse as were here to long to be rehearsed And euery Abbay euery Cathedrall Church did shrine them one God or other and myngled the lyues of the very Saintes with starke lyes to moue mē to offer whiche thing they call deuotion And though in all their doings they oppresse the temporaltie and their cōmon wealth and be greuous vnto the rich and paynfull to the poore yet they be so many and so exercised in wyles so sutill and so knit and sworne together that they compasse the temporalitie and make them beare thē whether they will or will not as the Oke doth the Iuye partly with iugglyng and beside that with worldly policy For euery Abbot will make him that may do most in the shyre or with the kyng the stuard of his landes and geue him a feeyearely and will lend vnto some and feast other that by such meanes they do what they will And litle master Parsō after the same maner if he come into an house and the wife be snoutefaire he will roote him selfe there by one craft or other either by vsing such pastime as the good mā doth or in beyng beneficiall by one way or other or he will lend him and so bryng him into his daunger that he can not thrust him out when he would but must be compelled to beare him and to let him be homely whether he will or no. An example of practise out of our owne Chronicles TAke an exāple of their practise out of our owne stories Kyng Herold exiled or banished Robert Archbyshop of Cāterbury For what cause the English Polychronicō specifieth not But if the cause were not somwhat suspect I thinke they would not haue passed it ouer with silēce This Robert gat him immediatly vnto king William the cōquerour then Duke of Normādy And the pope Alexander sent Duke William a baner to go and conquere England and cleane remission vnto who soeuer would folow the baner and go with kyng Williā Here marke how streight the Pope folowed Christes steppes his Apostles they preached forgeuenesse of sinnes to all that repented thorough Christes bloud shedyng y t pope preacheth forgeuenesse of sinnes to all that wil s●ea their brethrē●ought with Christes bloud to subdue them vnto his tyranny What soeuer other cause Duke William had agaynst K. Herold thou maist be sure y t the pope wold not haue medled if Herold had not troubled his kyngdome neither should Duke William haue bene able to cōquere the land at that tyme except the spiritualtie had wrought on his side What bloud did that conquest cost England thorow which almost all the Lords of the Englishe bloud were slayne and the Normandes became rulers all the lawes were chaunged into French But what careth the holy father for sheding of laye mens bloude It were better that ten hundred thousand laye knaues lost their liues then that holy Church should lose one
inch of her honour or Saint Peters seate one iot of her right And Anselmus that was Byshop in short tyme after neuer left striumge with that mighty prince kyng William the second vntill he had compelled him maugre his teeth to deliuer vp the inuestiture or election of Byshops vnto Saint Peters vicar which inuestiture was of olde tyme the kynges dutie And agayne when the sayde kyng William woulde haue had the tribute that Priestes gaue yearely vnto theyr Byshoppes for their whores payde to hym did not Rāfe Byshop of Chichester forbid Gods seruice as they call it and stoppe vp the Church doores with thornes thoroughout all his diocesse vntill the kyng had yelded hym vp his tribute agayne For when the holy father had forbode Priestes theyr wyues the Byshop permitted them whores of their owne for a yearely tribute do still yet in all landes saue in England where they may not haue any other saue mens wiues onely And agayne for the election of Steuē Langton Archbyshop of Canterbury what mysery and wretchednes was in the realme a long season Then was y e land interdited many yeares And whē that holpe not then Ireland rebelled agaynst kyng Iohn immediatly not without the secrete workinge of our Prelates I dare well say But finally when neither the interditing neither that secrete subtiltie holpe and when Iohn would in no meanes consent that Saint Peters vicar should raigne alone ouer the spiritualtie and ouer all that pertayned vnto them and y t they should sinne and do all mischiefe vnpunished the Pope sent remission of sinnes to the kyng of Fraunce for to goe and conquere his land Whereof kyng Iohn was so sore afrayde that he yelded vp his crowne vnto the Pope and sware to holde the land of him and that his successours should do so likewyse And againe in king Richardes dayes the second Thomas Arundell Archbyshop of Canterbury and Chauncellar was exiled wyth the Earle of Darby The outward pretence of the variaūce betwene the king and hys Lords was for the deliueraunce of the towne of Breste in Britayne But our prelates had an other secrete mistery a bruyng They could not at their owne lust slea the poore wretches which at that tyme were conuerted vnto repētaunce to y t true fayth to put their trust in Christes death bloud sheding for the remissiō of their sinnes by the preaching of Iohn Wiclefe As soone as the Archbyshop was out of the realme the Irishmen began to rebell agaynst kyng Richarde as before agaynst kyng Iohn But not hardly without the inuisible inspiration of thē that rule both in the courte and also in the consciences of all men They be one kyngdome sworne together one to helpe an other scatered abroad in all realines And howbeit that they striue amōg themselues who shal be greatest yet agaynst the temporal power they be alwayes at one though they dissemble it faine as though one helde agaynst the other to know their enemies secretes to betray them withall They can enspyre priuely into the brestes of the people what mischiefe they liste no man shall know whence it cōmeth Their letters go secretly from one to an other thoroughout all kingdomes Saint Peters vicar shall haue worde in xv or xvj dayes from the vttermost part of Christendome The Byshops of Englande at their neede can write vnto the Byshops of Ireland Scotland Denmarke Douchland Fraūce and Spayne promising them as good a turne an other tyme putting thē 〈◊〉 remembraunce that they be all one holy Church and that the cause of y t tone is the cause of the tother saying if our iugglinge breake out youres can not belong hid And the other shall serue their turne and bring the game vnto their handes and no man shall know how it commeth about Assoone as kyng Richard was gone to Ireland to subdue these rebellions the Byshop came in againe and preuēted the kyng and tooke vp his power agaynst hym and tooke him prisoner and put him downe and to death most cruelly and crowned the Erle of Darbye Kyng O mercifull Christ what bloud hath that coronacion cost England but what care they their causes must be auenged He is not worthy to bee kyng that will not auenge their quarels For do not the kyngs receaue their kyngdome of the beast sweare to worship hym and maintayne hys throne And thē whē the Erle of Darbye which was king Henry the fourth was crowned the prelates tooke hys sworde and his sonnes Henry the fift after hym as all the kynges swordes since and abused them to shed Christē bloud at their pleasure And they coupled their cause vnto the kynges cause as now and made it treasō to beleue in Christ as the scripture teacheth and to resiste the Byshops as now and thrust them in the kinges prisons as now so that it is no new inuention that they now do but euen an olde practise though they haue done theyr busie cure to hide their sciēce that their conueyaunce should not be espyed And in kyng Henry the sixt dayes how raged they as fierce Liōs against good Duke Humfrey of Glocester the kynges vncle and protectour of the realme in the kynges youth and childhod because that for him they myght not slea whom they would and make what cheuysaunce they lusted Would not the Byshoppe of winchester haue fallen vpon him and oppressed him openly with might and power in the citie of London had not the Citizens come to his helpe But at the last they founde y t meanes to contriue a drift to bring their matters to passe and made a Parlyament farre from the Cityzens of London where was slayne the good Duke and onely wealth of the realme and the mighty shylde that so long before that kept it from sorow which shortly after his death fell theron by heapes But the chronicles can not tell wherfore he dyed nor by what meanes No maruell verely For he had neede of other eyes then such as y e worlde seeth withall that should spye out their priuy pathes Neuerthelesse the chronicles testifie that he was a vertuous man a godly and good to the commō wealth Moreouer the proctour of purgatory saith in his Dialoge quod I and quod he and quod your frende how that the foresayd Duke of Glocester was a noble mā and a great clarcke and so wise that he coulde spye false myracles and disclose them and iudge them from the true which is an hatefull science vnto our spiritualtie and more abhorred amongest them then Necromancye or witchcrafte and a thyng wherfore a man by their lawe I dare well say is worthy to dye and that secretly if it be possible Now to be good to the common wealth and to see false myracles and thyrdly to withstand that Fraūce then brought vnder the foote of the Englishmen should not be set vp agayne by whose power the
captaine at Calice Hāmes Gynes Iarnsie and Gernsie or sent them to Ireland and into the North and so occupyed them tyll the kyng had forgot them and other were in theyr rowmes or till hee had sped what he entended And in like maner played he wyth the Ladyes and gentlewemen Whosoeuer of them was great wyth her was he familiar and to her gaue he giftes Yea and where Saint Thomas of Canterbury was wont to come after Thomas Cardinall went oft before preuenting his Prince and peruerted the order of y ● holy man If any were suttill witted mete for hys purpose her made he sworne to betray the Queene likewise to tel him what she sayd or did I know one that departed y e Court for no other cause thē that she would no lenger betray her mastresse And after the same example he furnished the Court with Chaplaines of his owne sworne Disciples and children of his owne bringing vp to be alway present and to dispute of vanities and to water what soeuer the Cardinall had planted If among those cormoraūtes any yet began to be to much in fauour with the kyng to be somewhat busie in the Court and to drawe any other way then as my Lord Cardinall had appointed that the plowe should go anone he was sent to Italy or to Spayne or some quarel was picked agaynst him and so was thrust out of the Court as Stokesly was He promoted the Byshop of Lyncolne that now is his most faythfull trend and old companion made him confessour to whom of what soeuer the kynges grace shroue him selfe thinke ye not that hee spake so loude that the Cardinall heard it and not vnright for as Gods creatures ought to obey God and serue his honor so ought the Popes creatures to obey the pope and serue his Maiestie Finally Thomas Wolfsey became what he would euen porter of heauen so that no mā could enter into promotion but through him ¶ The cause of all that we haue suffred this xx yeares ABout the beginnyng of the kinges grace that now is Fraunce was mighty so that I suppose it was not mightyer this v. hundred yeares King Lewes of Fraunce had wonne Naples and had taken Bonony from S. Peters see Wherefore Pope Iuly was wroth cast how to bring the Frenchmen downe yet soberly lest while he brought him lower he should geue an occasion to lift vp y ● Emperour higher Our first viage into Spayne was to bryng the Frenchmen lower For our meynye were set in the forefront and borders of Spaine toward Gascoyne partly to kepe those parties and partly to feare the Gascoynes and to kepe them at home whyle in the meane time the Spanyardes wanne Nauerne When Nauerne was wonne our men came to house as many as dyed not there and brought al their mony with them home againe saue that they spent there Howbeit for all the losse of Nauerne the Frenchmen were yet able enough to match Spayne the Venetians and the Pope with all the souchenars that he could make so that there was yet no remedy but we must set on the Frenchmen also if they should be brought out of Italie Then pope Iulie wrote vnto hys deare sonne Thomas Wolfse that he would be as good as louing and as helping to holy church as any Thomas euer was seeing he was as able Then the new Thomas as glorious as the old tooke the matter in hand perswaded the kinges grace And then the kinges grace tooke a dispensation for his oth made vpon the appointmēt of peace betweene him and the french king and promised to helpe the holy seat wherein Pope Peter neuer sate But the Emperor Maximilian might in no wise stand still least the Frenchmen should mony him and get ayd of him since the Almaines refuse not mony whence soeuer it be proffered then quod Thomas Wolfse Oh and like your grace what an honour should it be vnto your grace if the Emperour were your souldiar so great honour neuer chaunced any King christened it should be spoken of while the world stood the glory and honour shall hyde and darken the cost that it shall neuer be seene though it shoulde coste halfe your Realme Dixit factum est It was euen so And then a Parlament and then pay then vpon the French dogs with cleane remission of all hys sinnes that slew one of them or if he be slain for y ● pardons haue no strēgth to saue in this life but in y ● life to come only then to heauen straight without feeling of the paynes of purgatory Then came our king with all hys might by sea and by land and the Emperour with a strong army and the Spaniardes and the Pope the Venecians al at once against king Lewes of Fraunce Assoue as the Pope had that he desired in Italy then peace immediatly And Frenchmen were christen men and pitie yea and great sinne also were it to shed their bloud the French King was the most Christen king againe And thus was peace concluded and our Englishmen or rather sheep came home against winter and left their flecces behind them Wherefore no small number of them while they sought them better rayment at home were hanged for their labour Why the kinges sister was turned vnto Fraunce WHen this peace was made our holy Cardinalles and Bisshops as their old guise is to calke and cast xl l. yea an hundred yeare before what is like to chaunce vnto their kingdome considered how the Emperour that now is was most like to be chosē emperour after his graundfather Maximilian for Maximilian had already obtayned of diuers of the Electours that it should so be They considered also how mighty he shuld be first king of Spaine with all that perteyneth thereto which was wont to be v. vj. or vij kingdomes then duke ot Burgaine erle of Flaunders of Hollonde Zelande and Braband with all that pertaine therto thē Emperour and his brother Duke of Austrie and his sister Quene of Hungrie Wherfore thought our prelates if we take not heed betimes our kingdome is like to be troubled and we to be brought vnder y t feet for this mā shall be so mighty that he shall with power take out of the French kinges handes out of the hands of the Venetians and from the pope also whatsoeuer pertaineth vnto the Empire and whatsoeuer belongeth vnto his other kingdomes and dominions thereto and then will he come to Rome be crowned there and so shall he ouerlooke our holy father and see what he doth and then shall the old heretikes rise vp againe and say that the pope is Antichrist and stir vp againe bring to light that we haue hid and brought a sleep with much cost payne bloudshedding more then this hundred yere long Considered also that his Aunte is Queene of England and his wife the King of Englands
Neyther is it maruell for it hath cost more then London and xl mile about it is able to make I think at this houre beside the effusion of innocēt bloud that was offred vnto the idoll and dayly is offred therto When this glorious name was come from our holy father the Cardinall brought it vnto the Kinges grace at Greenwich And though the king had it already and had read it yet against the morning were all the lordes gentlemen that could in so short space be gathered together sent for to come and receaue it in with honour And in the morning after the Cardinall gat him through the backside into the frier obseruantes And part of the gentils went round about and welcommed him from Rome as representing the Popes person part met him halfe way part at the court gate and last of all the kings grace him self met him in the hall and brought him vp in to a great chamber where was a seate prepared on hye for the Kinges grace and the Cardinal while the Bull was read in so much that not the wise onely but men of meane vnderstanding laughed the vaine pomp to scorne not far vnlike to the receauing of the Cardinals hatte Which whē a ruffian had brought vnto him to Westminster vnder his cloke he clothed the messenger in rich aray and sent him backe to Douer againe and appoynted the Bishop of Canterbury to meete him and then an other company of lordes and gentles I wotte not how oft ere it came to Westminster where it was set on a cupborde and tapers about so that the greatest Duke in the lande must make curtesie thereto yea and to his empty seat he being away And shortly for lacke of authoritie of Gods worde Martin must be condemned by the authoritie of the king And the kinges grace to claw the Pope againe must make a booke in which to proue all that they would haue stablished for lacke of scripture yea and contrary to the opē scripture is made this mighty reason Such prelates are the church and the church cannot erre and therfore all that they do is right we ought to beleeue them without any scripture yea and though the scripture be contrary Wherefore God offended with such blasphemy to make his enemies feele that they woulde not see in the open scripture nor in the practise of their liuings and doings cleane contrary vnto the scripture and vnto the liuing of Christ and his Apostles this viij hundred yeares hath poured his wrath vppon vs and hath snared the wise of the world with the subtlety of their owne wittes Moreouer when Marten Luther had submitted himselfe in an epistle let his grace consider what aunswer he gaue agayne Where is the glory of y t great prayse become that his grace gaue the Cardinall for his goodly actes and benefites which all the common wealth of the whole realme should feele And More among his other blasphemies in his Dialogue sayth that none of vs dare abide by our fayth vnto the death but shortly thereafter God to proue More that he hath euer bene a false lyar gaue strength vnto his seruaunt Sir Thomas Hitton to confesse and that vnto the death the faith of his holy sonne Iesus which Thomas the Bisshops of Canterbury and Rochester after they had dieted and tormented him secreatly murthered at Maydstone most cruelly I besech the kings most noble grace therefore to consider all the wayes by which the Cardinall and our holy Bishops haue lead him since he was first king and to see wherunto al the pride pompe and vaine boast of the Cardinall is come and how God hath resisted him and our Prelates in all theyr wiles Wee hauing nothing to do at all haue medled yet in all matters and haue spent for our prelats causes more then all Christendome euen vnto the vtter beggering of our selues haue gotten nothing but rebuke and shame hate among all nations and a mocke and a scorne thereto of them whome we haue most holpen For the Frenchmen as the saying is of late dayes made a play or a disguising at Paris in which the Emperour daunsed with the Pope and the French king and weried them the K. of England sitting on a hye bentch and looking on And when it was asked why he daunsed not it was aunswered that he sate there but to pay the ministrels their wages onely As who should say we payd for all mens daunsing We monyed the Emperour openly and gaue the Frenche men double and treble secretly and to the Pope also Yea and though Fardinandus had money sent him openly to blinde the world withall yet the saying is throughout all Douchland that we sent money to the king of Pole and to the Turke also and that by help of our mony Fardinandus was driuen out of Hungarie Which thing though it were not true yet it will breed vs a ●cab at the last and gette vs with our medling more hate then we shall be able to beare if a chaunce come vnlesse that we waxe wiser betime And I besech his grace also to haue mercy of his own soule and not to suffer Christ and his holy Testament to be persecuted vnder his name any longer that the sword of the wrath of god may be put vp againe which for that cause no doubt is most chiefly drawne And I beseech his grace to haue cōpassion on his poore subiectes which haue euer bene vnto his grace both obediente louing and kinde that the realme vtterly perishe not wyth the wicked counsell of our pestilent prelates For if his grace which is but a man should dye the lordes and commons not knowing who hath most right to enioy the crowne the realme could not but stande in great daunger And I exhorte the lordes temporall of the realme that they come and fall before the kinges grace and humblye desire his maiestie to suffer it to be tryed who of right ought to succed and if he or she fayle who next yea and who third And let it be proclamed openly And let al the lords temporal be sworn therto and all the knightes squires and gentlemen and the commons aboue xviij yeares old that there be no strife for the succession For if they trye it by the sworde I promise them I see none other likelyhode but that as the Cardinall hath prophecied it will cost the realme of England And all that be sworne vnto the cardinall I warne them yet once againe to breake their othes as I did in the obedience And all my lord Cardinals priuy secretaries and spyes by whom he worketh yet I warne thē to beware betime My lord Cardinall though he haue the name of all yet he wrought not all of his owne brayne but of all wilye and exercised in mischiefe he called vnto him the most experte and of their counsell and practise gathered that most seemed to serue his wicked purpose
b Dead men 408. a. not holpen by man 13. b. rewarded of the Pope 362. a Dead Saintes their miracles in the Popish Church 302. a Death of Christe why so necessary 462. a. way to saluation 257. b Death and resurrection of Christe shewed by Ionas 27. b. figured by the paschall lambe 439. b Death of Christ purchased grace for our soules 279. a Death of Christ blasphemed by Papistes 16. b Deceauyng of our selues 392. b Declaration of Adames heyres 381. b. of Christ in the old Testament 23. a Decrees deuilish 262. a Decrees of Byshops aboue Gods word 124. b Deedes not allowed without fayth 85. b. how farreforth acceptable to God 154. b Deedes of ours why euill 328. b. procedyng and not procedyng of our selues 47. b Deedes of Christ and ours their effectes 35. b Deedes not iustified by fayth are sinne 155. a Definition of the Church 250. a. of fayth in generall 42. b. of ●rue faith 64 b Definition of Popish penaūce 398. a Defender of the fayth 374. b Defiance sent from the French kyng to kyng Henry the viij 371. b Degrees of nature altered by mariage 108. b Deliueraunce by Christ why 22. a Deliueraūce out of purgatory 366. a Deliberation of Princes in makyng warre 193. b Delight of the faithfull 379. b Denia●l of helpe to our neighbour dishonoreth hym 270. a Derogation frō the dignitie of Christes bloud 70. a Derogation from Christes fayth is agaynst hys Church 187. b Description of swyne 238. a Descriptiō of Baptisme 14. b. of our iustification 330. b Desert and free gift are contraryes 19. b Desperation how it commeth 219 ▪ a. assayleth fayth 259. a Despere of mans helpe bryngeth Gods helpe 454. a Desiderius 359. a Deuilish doctrine 415. a. practises 368. b. pride 353. a. expoundyng the Scriptures by Papistes 175. a Deuill is darknes 392. a. blyndeth vs from Gods wil. 329. a. to be resisted with the sheild of fayth 62. b. euerthrowen by Christ 278. b Deuill driuen away by fayth 131. b. aduauncer of Popes 301. b Deuils and stifnecked sinners destitute of the fayth that Paule speaketh of 130. b Deuils confessed Christe to bee the sonne of God 95. b Deuils wages 100. a Deuises of the Cardinall 372. b Deuteronomium a booke of Moses commended 21. b Differences of fayth 197. a. betwene the old and new Testament 444. a. betwene the Iewes and the 〈◊〉 ●ls 44. a. betwne true faith and fayned 66. b. betwene false fayth and right 66. a Differences betwene Goddes children and the deuils 99. b. betwene Gods sinners and the deuill 199. b. betwene the fall of Peter Iudas 337. a. betwene true Sacramentes and false 156. betwene Sacramentes and sacrifices 13. b. betwene Christes naturall body and a paynted Image 281. b. betwene teachyng the people and a preacher 252. b Difference none of dayes to do good 237. a Diggyng of Abrahās welles 184. a Dignities of shauelynges 353. a Diligence althoughe in vayne towardes our neighbour to be excused 203. b Direction of our lyfe to what ende 387. b Disciples of Antichrist 134. a Disciples of Christe were worldly mynded 106. a. had a wicked opinion of hym 25. b. doubtfull in fayth 261. a Disciples of Christe vnderstoode Christ spiritually 465. a. refuse not death for his sake 199. a Discipline vsed in y e primitiue church 496. b Dishonour of God and neighbour 269. b Dispensations purchased of the pope 329. b Dispensations for concubines 134. a Disobedience 290. b. counted a spirituall thyng 109. a Disputations backward 67. a. for superioritie 347. a Disputations of predestination not rashly to be enterprised 48. b Dissimulation of the Pope 352. a. of Papistes 19. a Dissimulation not culpable in some causes 209 a Dissembled truce 366. a Distemperaunce in eatyng and drinkyng 227. b Distrust ought not to bee in Gods prolongation of helpe 240. a Diuersities of fayth 331. b Diuision in the Church 347. b Doctrine of the Pope 412. a. 415. b. abhominable 316. b. wicked 29. b. Papisticall 360. b. of Phariseis blynd 30. a. of shauelynges vayne and obstinate 137. b. of More superstitions 317. a. of Papistes concernyng Purgatory 306 b Doctrine false causeth euill workes 199. b Doctrine of hypocrites 87. a. of Papistes nedeth miracles 301. b. with out Scripture not to be beleued 304. b Doctrine vniuersally must be examined by Gods word 414. b Doctrine of Christ peaceable 106. b Doctrine Apostolicall 408. b. of the true Church 304. a. of the Scripture 388. b. and. 304. b. of Sacramentes 320. a Doctrine of the Apostles confirmed with miracles 298. b Doctrine sincere causeth good workes 199. b Doctrine of Christ must be defended of euery man in hys owne person 198. b Doctours doubt at Christes playne wordes 205. b. differ in the opinion of the Sacrament 446. b Doctours generally call the Sacrament a sacrifice 447. b Doctour Colct 318. b Doctour Ferman a vertuous man and godly 330. a Documentes of Scripture necessary 389. b Dogges 187. a. who they be 238. a Downe fallyng sinner hath a false fayth 432. a Double signification of this woorde Church 250. a Dregges of Papistes 406. b Duns 302. a. his doctrine aduaunced 278. a Dunsticall dreames and termes 104. a Duke H●●frey 363. b. hys death 364. a Duty of kynges 137. a. of Priestes 133. b. of Ministers at the communion 476. b Duty must be done with loue 212. a E. EAre confession 339. a. a wicked deuise 367. a. destroyeth Christes benefites 320. a Eare confession and pardons neuer confirmed by miracle 319. b Earth geuen to man of God 121. b Eatyng Christes fleshe is beleuyng in Christ 467. a Eatyng Christes body bloud truly what it meaneth 463. a Eatyng y e whores flesh what 455. b Ecclesia 250. b Effect of Christe bloude 380. b. of Gods word 247. a. of his lawes 22. b. of our good deedes 158. b Effectes of fayth spirituall 43. b Elders haue erred 303. b Elders and Priestes why so named 38. a Eldest sonne of the holy seat 349. b Elect must be patient and tryed 260. a. b. haue Gods will writtē in your hartes 255. b Elect euer meditate vppon Christes kyndnes 382. b Election of the Pope confirmed by the Emperour 346. a Elias and More contrary 284. a Emanuell 408. a Emperours election to whom belōgyng 352. a Emperours haue deposed Popes Popes Emperours 364. b. theyr oth to the Pope 352. a. must not be very strong by the Popes will 365. b. abused by the Pope 350. b. not estemed of the Pope ibidem doteth 350. a Emperour setteth on the French kyng by night 372. a. came through England 371. a End of the law 193. a. of all lawes 240. b. of hypocrites 306. a End must be cast before we begyn 99. a Enemyes to Gods word 14. a Enemyes of the truth to be hated 216. a Enemyes must be ouercome with well doyng 117. b Englishmen 365. a English Byshops 114. a Enormities of auricular confession 180. b Enormities
bee and as you haue wel deserued that I should bée I could so set out this matter that all mē should spytte at you but I will vse my selfe charitable toward you and if the matter had not béene so haynously and so violently hādled of you I would not haue geuen you one ill woorde But now let no man require of me that I should vnto such an abhominable detestable deuill as hath brought in this wicked and shamefull learnyng and maners put of my cappe make low curtesie and geue fayre wordes and say God geue you good morow syr deuill how fare you I am glad of your welfare and prosperity your Lordship doth rule very graciously and all men prayseth you I doubte not but God shall prosper you I say let no man require this of me for I am and will bée so taken for his mortall enemy whersoeuer I doe finde hym whether hée bée Lord or Byshop sauing peraduenture if I spye hym dwelling in a Byshoppe I wyll not hādle him with so rough wordes for the weaknes of certayne men as I would if I founde him in an other place It were not vncharitable if I recited here by name the innocent bloud that you haue shed in my time for the speaking against your vnlawfull doctrine Alas what fault coulde ye sinde in good mayster Bylney whō ye haue cast away so violently I dare say there is not one among you that knew hym but must commende and prayse his vertuous lyuinge And though you had founde him with a litle faulte the which I thinke and hée were now aliue should be no faulte alas would you cast away so cruelly so good a man and so true a mā both to God and to his kyng But I will returne agayne to my purpose and shewe an other example how you haue learned and taught to set kings and kingdomes togither by y e eares for the maintenance of your dignities and doctrines Pope Vrban the vj. which was chosē in the yeare of our Lord 1378. by sedition violence of Romaines which would haue no Cardinall of Fraunce because they woulde the Pope shoulde bee resident in Rome This Vrban I say deuising how to mayntaine his secte and part agaynst his aduersary which was called Clement of whose side y e kyng of Fraūce helde sent to the kyng of England Ed. the 3. the which as than was not well content with the Frenche kyng certayne Bulles contaynyng cleane remission a poena a culpa for all them that would wage battayle against the kyng of Fraunce against them that were of Clementes side And because the kyng and his Lords shoulde bée the willinger to take battayle on them hée sent a commaundement to the Byshops to rayse of the spiritualtie a taxe for to pay the souldiours wyth Moreouer because the Duke of Lancaster had a tytle to the kyngdome of Castell the which helde of Clementes side therefore y e Pope graunted that part of this money should also bée deliuered to hym if hée would wage battayle agaynst y e kyng of Castell promysing hym also that hée would styrre the kyng of Portyngale which than had also varyaunce with the sayde kyng of Castelll to warre agaynst the sayd kyng and to the mayntaynyng of his warre hée would graūt y t kyng of Portyngale a demy of his spiritualty thorow all his Realme How much was gathered in Portyngale our stories maketh no mension but in London and in the diocese was gathered a tūne of golde and in the whole realme of England was gathered xxv C. M. frankes whiche makes in Englishe money CC. lxxvij M. vij C. lxxvij 〈◊〉 And because this money was gathered of y e spiritualitie and by their diligence therefore the Pope ordayned Henry Spenser the Byshop of Norwych to bée the chiefe captayne of this warre but or euer the Pope coulde brynge this matter to passe he sent to y e king to his Lordes and to his Byshoppes xxx Bulles So that at the last thys foresayd Byshop of Norwyche was sent foorth with a greate number of men in the wages of the Church And the Duke of Lankester likewise agaynst the kyng of Castell Theyr oth was geuen them to fight agaynst no man nor countrey that helde with Pope Vrban And our chronicle saith that Pope Vrban would haue made peace betwene the Frēch king and ours at the last How thinke you is not this a pretie practise to set men together by the eares and than to make them beleeue that he woulde make a peace Fyrst we must haue cleane remission to fight and thā wée shall bée curssed as blacke as a potte if wée will make no peace And why because the Pope hath hys purpose Is not this a goodly packyng of spirituall men Is not here goodly obedience taught toward Princes Bée not mens soules well fed wyth thys doctrine Bée not these good fathers that thus watcheth nyght and daye for y t cure and charge that they haue of mens soules Marke how charitable and liberall that the holy Fathers bée in distributing of Christes merites Euery man that fighteth in his cause shall haue cleane remission a pena a culpa and must néedes bée the childe of saluation Let Christ say and doe what hée can for the holye Church hath so determined And that no man shoulde doubt of it there bée xxx Bulles graunted and that vnder leade And the Church of Rome can not erre for the spirituall lawe sayth what the sea of Rome doth approue that must néedes bée allowed and that that she reproueth must bée of no strength Likewise in an other place So must the decrées of the sea of Rome bée accepted as though they were spoken by the godly voyce of Peter hymselfe Agaynst these thinges dare I not speake for I would fayne bee taken for a Christen man but yet I muste bee so bolde to speake one worde the truth is the deuill himselfe hath blowen out these presumptuous voyces And yet mē must set both life soule on these wordes For there bée xxx Bulles of leade to confirme the matter And that is a weightye thynge But when kyng Iohn our naturall prince shoulde haue had of the pyed Mōkes for the defēce of this realme but a small summe of money Than was there neuer a Bull to gette nor yet one Byshop in Englād to preach on his side But now CC. M. pound gathered in one Lent and a greate deale more for the maintainaūce of y e pope his holy flesh Was not this a marueilous subiectiō that we should suffer our selues so lightly to bée moued to geue not onely so greate a sūme of money but also to send forth in the defence of such a wicked person our naturall brethren kinsemen and countreymen I dare say of my conscience that in fiue hūdred yeares there was not such a summe of money so lightly graunted were the cause neuer so great vnto our right naturall and
lege Lord. Ye I doe beléeue that if the kynges grace at this same day should desire of y e spirituality but halfe of this summe I dare say they wold neuer graūt him with their good will nor there shoulde not bée found one Diuine in England of the holy Popes Churche that could and would proue by good Diuinitie that the kyng might take it and the spiritualitie were bounde to geue it Alas what shall I say beléeue me I doe want wordes to y e settyng out of this matter where is natural affectiō where is naturall loue where is fidelitie where is truth of hart that men ought to haue and to beare toward their naturall Prince toward their natiue countrey toward their fathers and mothers toward their wiues and childrē yea toward their liues God of his infinite goodnesse hath geuen vs a noble Prince to the maintaynyng and defence of all these thynges and toward hym we haue litle or none affection But vnto this idole of Rome are we ready to geue both body and goodes and the more we geue the better we are content Was not this a merueilous poueryshyng to this Realme to sende out so many thousandes and to receiue nothyng agayne but deceitfull Bulles and shéepes skynnes and a litle péece of leade yea and worst of all to make men beléeue that their saluation dyd hange on it I dare say boldly that if we poore men which bée now condēned for heretickes and also for traytours against our kyng had not béen the Realme of England had not stād in so good a condition as it is for men had béene bounde still in their conscience for to obey this wretched idole Who durst haue kept y e innumerable summe of money within the realme y e yearely was sucked out by this adder if our godly learnyng had not instructed their conscience Let all the Liberaries bée sought in Englād and there shall not be one booke writtē in iiij C. yeares and admitted by the Church of Rome and by our spiritualtie founde that doth teach this obedience and fidelitie toward Princes and deliuereth our Realme from the bondage of this wicked Sathan the pope or els that is able to satisfie and to quiete any mans conscience within this Realme and yet I dare say hée is not in Englād that cā reproue our learnyng by the doctrine of our master Christ or els of his holy Apostles Yea mē haue studyed and deuised how they might bryng our mighty Prince and his noble Realme vnder y e féete of this deuill There could bée nothyng handled so secretly within this Realme but if it were either pleasaunt or profitable to the Pope to know then were all the Byshops in England sworne to reuelate that matter to him This may bee wel proued by their shamefull trayterous oth that they contrary to Gods law mans law and order of nature haue made to this false man the Pope The wordes of their othe written in their owne law be these I Byshop N. frō this houre forth shal be faithfull to S. Peter to the holy Church of Rome and to my Lord the Pope to his successours lawfully entryng into the Popedome I shall not consent in counsell nor in déede that hée shoulde lose either lyfe or lymme or that hée should bée taken in any euill trap His councell that shall bée shewed vnto me either by hym selfe or els by his letters or by his Legates I shall open to no man to hys hurt or damage I shall helpe to defend mayntaine the Papacie of the Church of Rome the rules of the holy fathers sauyng myne order agaynst all men liuyng I shall come to the Councell when soeuer I bée called onles I bée lawfully let The Popes Legate I shall honorablye entreate both goyng and commyng in his necessities I shall helpe him I shall visite yearely either by myne owne proper person or els by some sure messenger the sea of Rome onles I bée dispensed with So helpe me God and this holy Euangelist There hath béene wonderous packing vsed and hath cost many a thousand mens liues ere that the spiritualitie brought it to passe that all they should bée sworne to the Pope owe none obedience to any man but to him onely This matter hath béene wonderous craftely conueyed for at the beginnyng the Bishops were not sworne so straitely vnto the Pope as now For I doe read in the tyme of Gregory the thyrd which was in the yeare of our Lord. vij C. lix how their othe was no more but to sweare for to kéepe the fayth of holy Church and to abide in the vnity of the same and not to consent for any mans pleasure to the contrary to promise also to séeke the profites of the Church of Rome And if any Byshops did lyue agaynst the olde statutes of holy fathers with him they should haue no conuersation but rather forbidde it if they coulde or els trewly to shewe the Pope of it This othe cōtinued a great many of yeares tyll that a mortall hatred sprang betwene the Emperour and the Pope for confirming of Byshops than as many Byshops as were confirmed of the Pope did sweare the othe that I haue first written For this othe that Gregory maketh mention of was not sufficient because that by it the Byshops were not bounde to betray their Princes nor to reuelate their counselles to the Pope The which thing y e pope must néedes know or els hee coulde not bring to passe his purpose that is to say he coulde not bée Lord ouer the worlde and cause Emperours and kynges to fetch their confirmation of him and to knéele downe and kisse his féete The which when hée had broght to passe hée procéeded farther adding more thinges in the Byshops othe to the maintayning of his worldly honour and dignitie as it shall afterward appeare But first wée wyll examine this othe how it standeth with Gods worde and with the true obedience to our prince I pray you tell me out of what Scripture or els out of what example of our mayster Christ his holy Apostles you haue takē this doctrine to learne to swere to Saint Peter or els to the Church of Rome or els to the Pope What néede you to sweare to Saint Peter ye cā neither doe hym good by your fidelitie nor yet hurt by your falshode Othes be taken that hée that the othe is made vnto might bée sure of the true helpe and succour of hym that sweareth agaynst all men that could hurte hym Now Saint Peter hath none enymies and though hée had yet is not hée afearde of them neyther can you helpe hym nor deliuer hym if hée had néede But the verytie is that good S. Peter must here stand in the fore frunt to make men afrayde with and to make men beléeue that you are his frendes but God knoweth that you neyther fauour his person lrarnyng nor lyuyng For if S. Peters person
declare this intollerable or subtile treason thus long shamefully vsed against my prince which is necessary to bée knowne And I am compelled by violēce to declare both my confession and learning in this cause For mē hath not béene ashamed to report that I would which am but a wretch and poore simple worme and not hable to kill a Catte though I woulde doe my vttermost to make insurrection against my noble and mighty prince whom as God knoweth I doe both honour worship loue and fauour to the vttermost power of my hart and am not satisfied because it is no more This I speake afore God Let him bée mercifull vnto mée as it is true And if I were not so true in mine hart it were not possible for mée so earnestly to write agaynst thē whome I doe recken to handle vnfaythfully and vntruely wyth theyr prince yea against both Gods lawe and mans lawe The very truth is I can suffer through Gods grace all maner of wronges iniuries and sclaunders but to bée called an hereticke agaynst God or a traytour against my prince he liueth not but I will say hée lieth And wil bée able so to proue him if I may bée reported by my workes or déedes by my conuer sation or liuing or by any thinge that euer I did But vnto my purpose the Byshoppes doth sweare one othe to the pope and an other contrary to their prince And yet they will bée takē for good and faithfull children And I poore man must bee condemned and all my woorkes for heresy and no mā to reade them vnder the payne of treason And why because I write against their periurie towarde their prince But how commeth S. Peter by these regalles that you are sworne to defende seing that he was neuer no kyng but a fisher All the worlde knoweth that regalia belongeth to kinges and to like power of kynges Why are you not rather sworne to defend Peters net and his fisherie the which thinges hee both hadand vsed neuer regalles But these thinges will not maintayne the holy Church of Rome and therefore ye sweare not to maintayne them But what meane you by that sentence Sauing mine order why say you not sauing my kinges pleasure Your glose sayth you may not defend these thinges with weapons But oh Lord God what vnshamefulnesse is this thus to delude with wordes all the whole worlde Men knoweth that when the Pope hath néede of your helpe there is no men sooner in armes then you are if you call armes harneys bylles glaues swordes and gunnes and such other thyngs Doe you not remember how soone the Byshop of Norwiche Henry Spenser was in armes to defende pope Vrbane It were but foly to recite examples In the yeare of our Lord. 1164. was there a controuersie betwéen the kynges grace the Byshops of England for certaine prerogatiues belōgyng to the kyng Wherfore the king required an othe and a confirmation of the Byshops as concernyng those Articles and prerogatiues But aunswere was made of the Bishops that those prerogatiues cum omnibus prauitatibus in regio scripto contentis were of none effect nor strength bicause they did forbyd to appele to the Court of Rome onles the king gaue licence And bicause that no Byshop might goe at the Popes callyng out of the Realme without the kynges assent And bicause that Clerkes should bée conuented in criminall causes afore a temporall iudge And bicause the kyng would heare matters as cōcernyng tythes other spirituall causes And bicause that it was agaynst the sea of Rome and the dignitie of the same that a Byshop should bée conuēted afore y e kyng Briefly they would not bée vnder the kyng but this addition should bée set vnto it Saluo honore Dei Ecclesie Romane ordine nostro that is we will bée vnder your grace sauyng the honour of God of the Churche of Rome and of our order The cause why they dyd except these thynges was this as they them selues graunt For kynges receiued their authorities and power of the church but the Church receiueth her authoritie of Christ onely wherefore they conclude that the kyng can not commaunde ouer the Byshops nor absolue any of them nor to iudge of tythes nor of Churches neither yet to forbyd Byshoppes the handlyng of any spirituall cause Is not here a marueilous blyndnesse and obstinacie agaynste theyr Prince They will make it agaynst Gods honour to obey their king and are not ashamed to say in the kynges face that his power is of them But I pray you whether was kynges before Byshops or Byshops before kynges You shal finde that God had long admitted kynges or any Bishop as you take hym was thought of Doth not the holy ghost commaūde that we should honour kynges Also in an other place Let all men bée vnder the high powers for the power is of God and hée that resisteth the power resisteth Gods ordinaunce Here blessed S. Paule sayth that kynges power is of God not of Byshops Furthermore what reason is it to defende the Popes prerogatiue agaynst your Princes Is not your Prince nearer and more naturall vnto you then this wretch the Pope But here is a thyng y e maketh me to marueile When you sweare to the Pope Sauyng your order Is as much to say as you shall not vse no weapons but els you shall bée ready and obedient in all thynges But when you shall sweare to your kyng then Sauyng your order is as much to say as you haue authoritie to confirme kynges and to bée their felowes and neither to bée obedient vnto them nor yet to aunswere to any Iustice before them but clearely to bée exempted and they not to medle with you excepte they will geue you some worldly promotion If I would vse my selfe as vnchatariblye agaynst you as you haue handled me doubtles I could make some thyng of this that shold diplease you How would you cry and how would you handle me poore wretch if you had halfe so much agaynst me as this is But I will let you passe God hath preserued mée hitherto of his infinite mercy agaynst your insaciable malice and no doubt but hée shall doe the same still I will returne to your othe It foloweth I shall come to the Synode when I am called vnles I shall bée lawfully let But why doe you not sweare to compell the Pope to call a Councell seyng that it hath béene so often and so instantly required of him by many and noble Princes of Christendome yea seyng that all Christendome doth require with great sightes an order to bée taken set in the highest articles of our faith But vnto this you are not sworne And why bicause it is agaynst your holy popet of Rome For if there were a generall Councell both hée you do know that there must néedes folow both ouer him you a streight reformation Therfore
persecutour 250 Church truely declared 253. 254. 256 Counsailes haue erred and may erre 255 Councell of Constance forbad the Sacrament in both hyndes 302 Coūcell of Nice thought it meete for a Byshop to haue a wife 320 D. DAyes are no one better nor higher then an other 206 Doctours of the law geue euill counsayle 208 E. ENemy to a true mā is a theef 189 Extreme law is extreme miustice 208 F. FAyth onely iustifieth 226. 235 Fayth without workes iustifieth 228 Fayth is accompted for righteousnes 231 Fayth in Christ attayneth saluation 231 Fayth bryngeth forth good workes 236 Fayth that bryngeth forth frute is the fayth that iustifieth 238 Fayth iustifieth before God good workes declare our iustification to the world 239 Faythes are of two sortes 241 Fayth that iustifieth is geuen vs frely of God 241 Faythfull beleeuers in Christes merites are the right holy Churche of God 244 Faythfull congregation cannot erre 247 Fayth is the mere gift of God 277 Fisher Bishop of Rochester sworne to the Pope 197 Flocke of Christ is litle 247 Fleshly reason refoned frowardly 270 Fridericke the Emper our deposed 191 Freewill of man without Gods grace can doe no good 266. 267. 268 Freewill without grace is sinne 269. 270 Freewill wherein it consisteth 276 Frutes of fayth 235 G. GErmayne a Popes Sainte a straunge hystory 190 George Stafford a learned man 221 God onely is omnipotent and almightie 351 God is to bee obeyed before men 295 God doth wōderfully worke to saue his flocke ibidem Gods commaundements are impossible to our nature to bee kept 272 Gods mercy is the onely cause of our saluation 179 Good counsaile geuē to the Bishops 215 Good workes what goodnes is in them 229 Good workes cannot deserue remission of sinnes 235 Good workes are to be done though they iustifie not 237 Good workes are the frutes of good fayth 249 God disposeth his mercy to whom it pleaseth him 278 Gospell preachyng is no cause of insurrection 184 Gospell profitable to England 194 Grace without deseruyng 224 Grace findeth our hartes stony 273 H. HErode kept his brothers wise 188 Hipocrisie abhominable 189 Holy dayes why they were ordeyned 205 Holy Church truely defined 243 Holy church that is the true church of God is to the worlde inuisible 244 Holy Church is the grounde and piller of trueth 245 Holy Church is built vpon the Apostles and Prophetes 250 I. IAcob is elected and Esau reiected 178 Idols and Images described 344 Idols Images are all one ibidem Ignoraunce made vs worshyppe stockes and stones 341 Images are neither to bee honored nor worshypped 340 Image of God is thy poore Christian brother 345 Images or Idols are not the workers of any miracles 345 Insurrections whereof they came 192 Indifferent thynges are to bee obeyed 298 Iohn kyng of Englād cruelly handled by the Clergy of England 189 Iustification is not by the lawe of of workes but by the law of fayth 234 Iustification how it commeth 236 Iustified personnes cannot abstayne from doyng of good workes 240 K. Kynges ought not to bee deposed though they bee wicked 187 Kyng Iohn was cruelly handled of the Clergy of England 189 Kyng Iohn poysoned 189 Kynges brought by violence vnder the Popes foote 195 Kynges of the kyngdome of heauen what they are 257. 258 Keyes of Christ abused by the Byshops 262. 263 L. LAw why it was geuen 275 Liberties of holy Churche may not bee impugned 217 Losing and byndyng what it is 259 M. MAn is Lord ouer all creatures 274 Mans dominion restreyned 275 Man is the lyuely and true Image of God 346 Mariage of Priestes is allowed of God 317 Mariage hath a greater crosse then virginitie 313 Mariage of Priestes is neither agaynst Gods law nor mans law 328 Mariage is all one beefore Priesthode and after Priesthode 336 Masse made of many patches 357 Masse welbeloued of the Papistes for gaynes sake ibidem Ministers of the Churche ought to bee no Lordes 262 Money is the popes best marchaūt 265 Monkes of the Charterhouse and their superstition 299 Mores holy Church are the Pope Cardinals and Byshops 252 Moses chayre what it is 297 N. NAturall reason is a blynde iudge of the Scriptures 307 Naturally all men desire Mariage 323 O. OBedience to the higher powers taught by Christ and his Apoles 185 Obedience to the Prince wee owe with our bodyes and to God with our soules 300 Officers are Byshops hangmē 211 Offendours of the common weale may not breake prison but paciently suffer that the law doth determine 293 Orders in the Clergy hath two significations 202 Othe the Byshoppes made to the Pope 195 Othe to the Pope last made by the Byshops 200 P. PApistes and Schoolemen peruert the Scriptures 180 ▪ Papistes charge the Preachers of Gods word with heresie 185 Papistes teach disobedience to Princes 185. 186 Papistes shamelesse doynges 186 Papistes and Protestantes wherin they differre 191 Papiste is an vnnaturall subiect agaynst hys soueraigne Lord and Lady 202 Papistes are arrogant and proude 209 Papistes are craftie iugglers 223 Papistes crueltie 225 Papistes are trappers of innocents 223 Papistes are tyrantes 224 Papistes are blasphemers of Gods holy word 286 Papistes preach lyes 287 Papistes and S. Paule are contrary 285 Papistes are the norishers of ignoraunce and darknes 290 Papistes finde faulte with gnattes and swalow Camelles 308 Papistes make blynd reasons 308. 309 Papistes carnall reasons 351 Papistes worshyppers of stockes and stones 352 Papistes blynd and malicious 353 Papistes foolish arguments soluted 354 Paule dispenseth with vnlawfull vowes 314 Peter the Apostle had a wife 325 Petition of Doct. Barnes to kyng Henry the viij 205 Philip the Euangelist was maryed 325 Popes depose kynges 186 Popes shamelesse arrogancy and tyranny ibidem Popes dispense with othes that subiectes make of obedience to theyr Princes 188 Popes procurers of warre and destruction of people 193 Pope agaynst Pope one cursing an other ibidem Popes alter the Byshops othes as semeth best for their purpose 195 Popes and their lewdenes truely described 197 Pope how hee cōmeth by the name of Lord. ibidem Pope Clement excōmunicated kyng Henry the viij 198 Popes what maner of men they are that are chosē to that dignitie 199 Pope Clement the sonne of a Curtisan ibidem Pope a monstruous hypocrite 198 Pope and hys lawes agree not 199 Popes are not chosen after Sainte Paules rule ibidem Power of kynges is immediatly of God 202 Popes Saintes worke straūge miracles 190 Pope absolueth all rebellion agaynst Princes but pardoneth none that hath beene agaynst hym selfe 201 Popes regalles ibidem Pope calleth Councelles as it pleaseth hym 202 Pope hath libertie to say do● what hee list 204 Popes pardōs haue beene good marchaundise in England 212 Pope may not bee controlled of any man 213 Popish law is tyrannous 218. 219. 220 Pope and the true holy church how farre they differre 242 Pope and his maners agreeth nothyng with the holy Church ibidē Pope
is built Bindyng and losyng how it is to be vnderstand The keyes Behold here Antichrist how he wresteth the Scriptures Christes power is 〈◊〉 saue sinners Of this maner iuggleth ●ee with all textes At the sufferyng of Christ the offeryng of sacrifices ceremonies ▪ ceassed for Christ offered hym selfe once for all Christ gaue all his Apostles like authoritie To bynde and lose is to preach Christ sent out all hys Apostles not Peter ●●●n● Note We are bound to forgeue our neighbours aswell as Peter was Christ builded his Churche vpon the confession of Peter not vppon Peter A woman hath power to bynd How 〈…〉 man may bynde and lose To bynde the conscience and to reproue opē sinners perteineth to the congregation Reasons that Peter was not y ● greatest by authoritie geuen hym of Christ Peter had first his seate at Antioche Christes power is in the Gospel Paul is called to helpe In the presence of the greater the power of the lesser doth 〈◊〉 Paule is made equal felow with Peter Peters seate what it is Peters seate Peters doctrine Peters keyes are all but one thyng Peters seate is Christes Gospell The Pope sitteth in th● deuils seate whose Vicare he is Purgatory The Pope sayth that Purgatory ●s in ●arth Vowes Othes Testamēts The Pope altereth mēs willes testamēts at his pleasure The popes marchaundise Vnion The great and shamefull abuse of ●bbeyes Dispēsations purchased of the Pope Choppyng and chaungyng vsed by the pope The wicked bestowing of benefices by the Pope The church can ●ot erre The Pope sayth that the Scripture is true not of it selfe but because he alloweth 〈◊〉 approueth it A similitude This doctrine the papistes vsed in those dayes The c●●mon and 〈◊〉 and ●…ching of ●he Papistes The Abbotes keep the monks in ignorāce and the bisshops y e priestes ●alne ioyned w t pain maketh ●●yne nothing The vse of vniuersities ▪ Prouiso S. Tho. de Aquino Saintes Thomas of Canterbury Tho. ●e●ket Tho. Wolsey copared together The Pope rewardeth his seruāts highly whē they be dead Policie The practise of little master parson K. Herold Robert of Cāterbury Remission of sinnes to conquere England Note here how well Christ and the pope agre Christ biddeth saue the pope biddeth kill The pope is a cruell mercilesse tyrant Anselmus a chapleine of y e popes ☜ The pope is well pleased to admit priestes to haue whores but not wiues Note here the pryde and wickednes of the Pope Remission of sinnes to cōquere England Thomas Arundell Practise of Prelates The popes clergy are secret and subtile conspirators ☞ A trayterous practise ☜ The Papistes are styrers vppe of warres sheders of bloud Duke Hūfrey Papistes are cruell A Parliament kept at Bury The death of Homfrey Duke of Gloucester protectour of the Realme of England This is Syr Tho. More The Clergy cannot abyde them that can iudge talse miracles Thre causes why the Duke of Gloucester was murthered The Pope is the whore of Babylon An other practise of Prelates Popes haue deposed Emperours and lykewise Emperours haue deposed Popes No man may rebuke the Pope for any mischief that he doth Venetians The Pope may geue and take agayne at hys will pleasure The Venetians ●a●e not for the popes cursing nor blessing Frenchmē Englishmē The practise of the pope with all kinges princes The pope a breaker of peace The abuse of the sacrament How y ● sacrament should be broken betwene kinges and princes The Pope would not haue the Emperour to strong Remission of sinnes cleane deliuerance out of pu●gato●ye A frier Forest or a vicar of Croiden Popish practises Dissembled ●ruce Henry v. K. Henry v. conquered more then the prelates thought he would do Henry vi The crafty practise of the popes legate The mariage of king Henry vi The Duke of Glocester trayterously murthered ☜ Frier Bongaye Cruel war betwene k. Henry and the erle of Warwike Confession in the eare was a wicked inuention Lycence of the Pope for xiiij to study Nicromancy A subtile practise of Prelates He meaneth Cardinal Wol●ey Leut. 2● Deut. 28. 29. A practise of the Prelates with their poore Priestes Thomas Wolffe The description of Cardinall Wolsey The kings byrth calked by the Cardinall Byshops talke kings natiuities Kyng Henry the viij had Cardinall Wolsey in great estimation The maner practise of Cardinal Wolsey The kyng is betrayed The quene is betraye● Note this deuilish practise The Byshop of Lyncolne Cardinall Wolsey ruled altogether K. Lewes Pope Iulye This is a true story The new Thomas Maximilian the Emperour was K. Henry 〈◊〉 his souldier Remission of sinnes Note here the subtletie craft of the pope Now King Henry 8. with a● his army was abused The Prelates see euer before-hand what is like to folow Papistes are great forecasters of perils Practise The kinges sister 〈◊〉 to Fraunce Traiterous Prelates ☜ The pomp and apparell of the Cardinall his chap●aines passed the xij Apostles Prelates Salutatiō Cardinall Wolsey was a sub●… worker A certaine secreat Milane Turnay The Emperor came thorough England Nurturing of kinges Pract●●e The french king sendeth a defiance to K. Henry vi● Armies sée into stance The Cardinal was the Emperours frēd openly and the french kinges secreatly The sege of Pauie Pauie A false pope and leud Cardinall Pace the 〈◊〉 of Englands Ambassadour Burbon The Emperour setteth vpon y ● french king by night These shippes were english Angels of gold At the taking of the french king Te Deum was song and great triumph made in England Subtile practises of the Cardinall The marte shold haue bene at Cales A ruffelar The pride and arrogancie of Cardinall Wolsey Cardinall Wolsey a great traytor Cardinall Wolsey cōmitted treason agaynst the Emperour Cardinall Wolsey preferred More to he Chauncelour Treason layd to the Cardinall charge Mortunries probate of Testamentes Pluralitie of benefices Tithes The Churchewardens haue bene accustomed to gather the tithes and to geue the Pa●●o his reasonable stipend and to geue the re● to the poore Princes haue herein much to aunswere The loane first forgeuen by the Clergie The loane forgeuē by the temporalitie The Byshoprieke of Durhā Tunstall Byshop of Durham brent the new Testament A Bishopricke is a superfluous honor and a lew de liberty The Carnall clearely discharged Defēder of the fayth The title of the defēdour of the fayth came frō Rome The Popishe and vayne glorious maner of Cardinal Wolsey The Cardinals hat The falsest and vainest Cardinall that euer was The chirch erreth if y ● pope and bishops be the chirch Marten Luther submitted him self to king Henry viij More is proued a lyer Sir Thomas Hittō A daunce in Paris Here Tindal prayeth for y ● ceasing of persecution Tindall pro●eth the vnderstanding of such as of right should succeed to the crowne Tindall warneth al the Cardinals secretaries to repent and turne to God A generall exhortation to all kinds of people Popish
and a loud voyce hée cried Lord open the eyes of the King of Englande and then first he was with a halter strangled by the hangman and afterward consumed with fier In the yeare of our Lord. 1536. Such was the power of his doctryne and the sinceritie of his lyfe that during the tyme of his imprisonment which as aforesayd endured a yeare and a halfe hée conuerted his kéepers Daughter and other of his housholde Also such as were with him conuersaunt in the Castell reported of him that if hée were not a good Christian man they could not tell whom to trust The Procurour generall the Emperours attorney béeing there left this testemony of him that he was Homo doctus pius et bonus that is a learned a good and a godly man The worthy vertues doinges of this blessed martyr who for his painfull traueles and singular zeale to his countrey may be worthelye called in these our dayes an Apostle of England it were long to recite Amongest many other this one thing beecause it semeth worthy of remembraunce I thought good to shew vnto you There was at Andwarp on a tyme amongest a company of merchauntes as they were at supper a certaine iuggeler which thorough his Diabolicall inchauntmentes or Art Magicall woulde fetch all kinde of Vyandes and wine from any place they would and set it vpon the table incontinent before them with many other such lyke thinges The fame of this iuggeler being much talked of it chaunced that as M. Tyndall heard of it he desired certeine of the merchauntes that he also might be present at supper to sée him playe his partes And to be short the Supper was appoynted and the merchauntes with Tyndall were there present Then was the iuggler called foorth to play his feates and to shew his conning and after his wonted boldnes began to vtter all ●hat he coulde doe but all was in vayne At the last with his labour sweating and toyling when he sawe that nothing would goe forward but that all his inchauntmentes were voyde he was compelled openly to confesse that there was some man present at supper which disturbed and letted all his doinges So that a man euen in the martyrs of these our dayes can not lack the myracles of true fayth if myracles were now to be desired And here to ende and conclude this history with a fewe notes touching his priuate behauiour in dyet study and especially his charitable zeale and tender releuing of the poore Fyrst he was a man very frugall and spare of body a great student and earnest laborer namely in the setting forth of y ● Scriptures of God He reserued or halowed to hym selfe ij ▪ dayes in the weeke which he named his dayes of pastime and those dayes were Monday the first day in the weeke and Satterday the last day in the weeke On the Monday he visited all suche poore men and women as were fled out of England by reason of persecution into Antwarp and those well vnderstanding their good exercises and qualities he did very liberally comfort and relieue and in like maner prouided for the sicke and deseased persons On the Satterday he walked round about the towne in Antwarpe seeking out euery Corner and hole where he suspected any pooreperson to dwell as God knoweth there are many and where he found any to he well occupied and yet ouerburdened with children or els were aged or weake those also hée plentefully releued And thus he spent his ij dayes of pastime as he cauled them And truelye his Almose was very large and great and so it might well bee for his exhibition that he had yearely of the Englishe merchauntes was very much and that for the most part he bestowed vpon the poore as afore sayd The rest of the dayes in the weeke he gaue hym wholy to his booke where in most dillgently he traueled When the Sonday came then went he to some one merchaunts chamber or other whether came many other merchauntes and vnto them would he reade some one percell of Scripture eyther out of the olde testament or out of the new the which proceded so frutefully sweetely and gentely from him much like to the writing of S. Iohn the Euangelest that it was a heauenly comfort and ioy to the audiēce to heare him reade the scriptures and in likewise after dinner he spent an houre in the aforesayd maner He was a man without any spot or blemishe of rancor or malice full of mercy and compassion so that no man liuing was able to reprooue him of any kinde of sinne or cryme albeit his righteousnes and iustification depended not there vpon before God but onely vpon the bloud of Christ and his fayth vpon the same in the which fayth constantly he dyed as is sayd at Filforde and now resteth with the glorious campany of Christes Martyrs blessedly in the Lord who be blessed in all his saintes Amen And thus much of W. Tyndall Christes blessed seruaunt and Martyr Faultes escaped in the Printing Page 16. the 2. col in the margent after these wordes from the put to saluation in Christ. The same Page and same col in the next marginall note after put out in Christ from the beginning of the note Page 21. col 2. in the margent for adminition read admonition ¶ A Protestation made by William Tyndall touchyng the Resurrection of the bodyes and the state of the soules after this life Adstracted out of a Preface of his that he made to the new Testament which he set forth in the yeare 1534. COncernyug the resurrection I proteste before God and our sauiour Iesus Christ and before the vniuersall congregation that beléeueth in him that I beléeue according to the opē and manifest Scriptures Catholicke faith that Christ is risen agayne in the flesh which he receaued of his mother the blessed virgine Mary and body wherein he died And that we shall all both good and bad rise both flesh and body and appeare togither before the iudgement seat of Christ to receaue euery man according to his déedes And that the bodies of all that beléeue and continue in the true faith of Christ shal be indewed with like immortalitie and glory as is the body of Christ And I protest before God our Sauiour Christ and all that beléeue in hym that I hold of the soules that are departed as much as may bée prooued by manifest and open Scripture and thinke the soules departed in the faith of Christ loue of the lawe of God to be in no worse case then the soule of Christ was from the tyme that he deliuered his spirite into the handes of his father vntill the resurrection of his body in glory and immortalitie Neuerthelesse I confesse openly that I am not perswaded that they be already in the full glory that Christ is in or the elect Angels of God are in Neither is it any article of my faith for if it so were I sée
raigne ouer all and will obey no man If the father geue you ought of curtesie ye will cōpell the sonne to geue it violently whether he will or not by crafte of your owne lawes These deedes are against Christ When a whole parish of vs hyre a scholemaister to teach our children what reason is it that we shoulde be compelled to pay thys scholemaister his wages and he should haue licence to goe where he wil and to dwell in an other contrey and to leaue our children vntaught Doth not the pope so Haue we not geuen vp our tithes of curtesie vnto one for to teach vs Gods worde and commeth not the pope and compelleth vs to pay it violently to them that neuer teach Maketh he not one Parson which neuer commeth at vs yea one shall haue v. or vj. or as many as he can get and wotteth oftentimes where neuer one of them standeth Another is made Vicare to whom he geueth a dispensation to goe where he will and to set in a parishe priest which can but minister a sort of dumme ceremonies And he because he hath most labour and least profite polleth on hys part and fetteth here a masse peuy there a trentall yonder dirige money and for his beadroule with a confession peny and such like And thus are we neuer taught and are yet neuertheles compelled ye compelde to hyre many costly scholemasters These deedes are verely agaynst Christ Shall we therefore iudge you by your dedes as Christ commaundeth So are ye false Prophetes and the Disciples of Antechrist or agaynst Christ The Sermons which thou readest in the Actes of the Apostles and all that the Apostles preached were no doubt preached in the mother tongue Why then might they not be written in the mother tounge As if one of vs preach a good sermon why may it not be written Saint Hierome also translated the Bible into his mother tounge Why may not we also They will say it can not be translated into our tounge it is so rude It is not so rude as they are false lyers For the Greeke tounge agreeth more with the English then wyth the Latin And the properties of the Hebrue tounge agreeth a thousand tymes more wyth the Englishe then wyth the Latyn The maner of speaking is both one so that in a thousand places thou needest not but to trāslate it into the English worde for worde when thou must seeke a compasse in the Latin and yet shalt haue much worke to translate it welfauouredly so that it haue the same grace swetenesse sence pure vnderstanding with it in the Latin as it hath in the Hebrue A thousand partes better maye it be translated into the English thē into the Latin Yea and except my memory fayle me and that I haue forgotten what I red whē I was a childe thou shalt finde in the Englishe cronicle how that kyng Adelstone caused the holy Scripture to be translated into the tounge that then was in Englande and how the Prelates exhorted him thereunto Moreouer seyng that one of you euer preacheth contrary to an other and when two of you meete the one disputeth brauleth wyth the other as it were two scoldes And forasmuch as one holdeth this Doctor and an other that One foloweth Duns an other Saint Thomas an other Bonauenture Alexāder de hales Raymond Lyre Brygot Dorbell Holcot Gorram Trumbett Hugo de sancto victore De monte regio De noua uilla De media villa and such lyke out of nūber So that if thou haddest but of euery authour one booke thou couldest not pyle them vp in any ware house in London and euery authour is one contrary vnto an other In so great diuersitie of spirites how shall I know who lyeth and who sayeth truth Whereby shall I trye thē and iudge them Verely by Gods worde which onely is true But how shall I that do when thou wilt not let me see scripture Nay say they the scriptures is so harde that thou couldest neuer vnderstand it but by the Doctours That is I must measure the mete yarde by the cloth Here be twenty clothes of diuers lengthes of diuers bredthes How shall I be sure of the length of the mete yarde by them I suppose rather I must be first sure of the length of the mete yarde and thereby measure and iudge the clothes If I must first beleue the Doctour then is the Doctour first true and the truth of the scripture dependeth of hys truth so the truth of God springeth of the truth of man Thus Antechrist turneth the rotes of the trees vpwarde What is the cause that we damne some of Origenes workes and alowe some How know we that some is heresy and some not By the scripture I trow How know we that Saint Augustine which is the best or one of the best that euer wrote vpon the Scripture wrote many thynges amisse at the beginning as many other Doctours doe Verely by the Scriptures as he hymselfe well perceaued afterward when he looked more diligently vpon them and reuoked many thynges agayne He wrote of many thinges which he vnderstode not when he was newly conuerted yer he had throughly seene the Scriptures and folowed the opinions of Plato and the common perswasions of mans wisedom that were then famous They wyll say yet more shamefully that no man can vnderstād the Scriptures without Philautia that is to say Philosophy A man muste first bee well seene in Aristotle yer he cā vnderstand the Scripture say they Aristotles doctrine is that the worlde was wythout beginning and shall be wythout ende and that the first man neuer was and the last shall neuer be And that God doth all of necessitie neither careth what we doe neither wyll aske any accomptes of that we do Wythout thys doctrine how coulde we vnderstande the Scripture that sayth God created the world of nought and God worketh all thyng of hys free wyll and for a secret purpose that we shall all ryse agayne and that God will haue accomptes of all that we haue done in thys lyfe Aristotle sayth Geue a man a lawe and he hath power of hymselfe to doe or fulfill the lawe and becōmeth righteous wyth workyng righteously But Paule and all the scripture sayth that the lawe doth but vtter sinne onely and helpeth not Neyther hath any man power to doe the lawe tyll the spirite of God be geuen hym through fayth in Christ Is it not a madnes then to say that we coulde not vnderstand the Scripture wythout Aristotle Aristotles righteousnes and all hys vertues spring of mans free wyll And a Turke and euery Infidell and Idolater may be righteous and vertuous wyth that righteousnes those vertues Moreouer Aristotles felicitie and blessednes standeth in auoyding of all tribulatiōs and in riches health honour worship frendes and authoritie which felicitie pleaseth our spiritualty well
them whiche with their false doctrine and violence of sword enforce to quenche the true doctrine of Christe And as thou canst heale no disease except thou begyn at the roote euen so canst thou preach agaynst no mischief except thou begyn at the Byshops Kinges they are but shadowes vayne names and thynges idle hauyng nothing to do in the world but when our holy father nedeth their helpe The Pope contrarie vnto all conscience and agaynst all the doctrine of Christ which sayth my kyngdome is not of this world Iohn xviij hath vsurped the right of the Emperour And by policie of the Byshops of Almany and with corruptyng the Electours or chosers of the Emperor with money bryngeth to passe that such a one is euer chosen Emperour that is not able to make his partie good with the Pope To stoppe the Emperour that he come not at Rome he bringeth the French kyng vp to Milane and on the other side bryngeth he the Venetians If the Venetiās come to nye the Byshops of Fraunce must bryng in the French kyng And the Socheners are called and sent for to come and succour And for their labour he geueth to some a Rose to an other a cappe of mayntenaunce One is called most Christen king an other defender of the fayth an other the eldest sonne of the most holy seate He blaseth also the armes of other and putteth in the holy crosse the crown of thorne or the nayles and so forth If the Frēch kyng go to hye and crepe vp other to Bononie or Naples then must our English Byshops bryng in our kyng The craft of the Byshops is to entitle one kyng with an others Realme He is called kyng of Dennemarke and of England he kyng of England and of Fraunce Then to blinde the Lordes and the commons the kyng must chalenge his right Then must the lande be taxed and euery man paye and the treasure borne out of the Realme and the land beggerde How many a thousand mens liues hath it cost And how many an hundred thousand poundes hath it caried out of the Realme in our remembraunce Besides how abhominable an example of gatheryng was there such verely as neuer tyraunt sence the world began did yea such as was neuer before heard or thought on neither among Iewes Saresens Turkes or Heathen sence God created the Sunne to shyne that a beast should breake vp into the Temple of God that is to say into the hart and consciences of men and compell them to sweare euery man what hee was worthe to lende that should neuer be payd agayne How many thousandes forsware thē selues How many thousandes set them selues aboue their habilitie partly for feare lest they should be forsworne and partly to saue their credence When the pope hath his purpose then is peace made no man woteth how and our most enemy is our most frend Now because the Emperour is able to obteine his right French English Venetians and all must vpō him O great whore of Babylon how abuseth she the Princes of the world how dronke hath she made them with her wyne How shamefull licences doth she geue them to vse Nichromancy to hold whores to diuorse them selues to breake the fayth and promises that one maketh with an other that the confessours shall deliuer vnto the kyng the confession of whom he will and dispēceth with them euen of the very lawe of God whiche Christ him selfe can not do ¶ Agaynst the Popes false power MAthew xxvj Christ sayth vnto Peter put vp thy sword into his sheth For all that lay hand vpon the sword shal perish with the sword that is who soeuer without the cōmaundement of the temporall officer to whom God hath geuē the sword layeth hand on the sword to take vengeaunce the same deserueth death in the deede doyng God did not put Peter onely vnder the tēporall sword but also Christ him selfe As it appeareth in the fourth Chapter to the Galathiās And Christ sayth Math. iij. Thus becommeth it vs to fulfill all righteousnes that is to say all ordinaunces of God If the head be then vnder the tēporall sword how can the members be excepted If Peter sinned in defendyng Christ against the temporall sword whose authoritie and Ministers the Byshops then abused agaynst Christ as ours do now who can excuse our Prelates of sinne which will obey no man neither Kyng nor Emperour Yea who can excuse from sinne either the Kynges that geue either the Byshops that receaue such exemptions contrarie to Gods ordinaunces and Christes doctrine And Math. xvij both Christ and also Peter pay tribute where the meanyng of Christes question vnto Peter is if Princes take tribute of straungers onely and not of their children then verily ought I to be free whiche am the sonne of God whose seruaūtes and Ministers they are and of whom they haue their authoritie Yet because they neither knew that neither Christ came to vse that authoritie but to bee our seruaunt and to beare our burthen and to obey all ordinaunces both in right and wrong for our sakes and to teach vs therfore sayd he to S. Peter Pay for thee and melest we offend thē Moreouer though that Christ Peter because they were poore might haue escaped yet would he not for feare of offendyng other and hurtyng their consciences For he might well haue geuen occasion vnto the tribute gatherers to haue iudged amisse both of him and his doctrine yea and the Iewes might happely haue bene offended thereby and haue thought that it had not ben lawful for them to haue payd tribute vnto Heathen Princes and Idolaters seyng that he so great a Prophet payd not Yea and what other thyng causeth the lay so litle to regarde their Princes as that they see them both despised disobeyed of the spiritualtie But our Prelates whiche care for none offendyng of consciences and lesse for Gods ordinaunces will pay nought but when Princes must fight in our most holy fathers quarell and agaynst Christ Then are they the first There also is none so poore that then hath not somewhat to geue Marke here how past all shame our schole Doctours are as Rochester is in his Sermon agaynst Martin Luther which of this text of Mathew dispute that Peter because he payd tribute is greater then the other Apostles and hath more authority and power then they and was head vnto thē all cōtrary vnto so many cleare textes where Christ rebuketh them saying that is an Heathenish thyng that one should clyme aboue an other or desire to be greater To be great in the kingdome of heauē is to be a seruaunt and he that most humbleth hym selfe and becommeth a seruaunt vnto other after the ensample of Christ I meane his Apostles and not of the Pope and his Apostles our Cardinals and Byshops y e same is greatest in that kingdome If Peter in paying tribute became greatest how
shal eate them vp in their youth that their enemies should haue y e vpperhand that the people of the land should be minished and the townes decayed and y ● land brought to a wildernesse and that a plenteous lande should be made barren or so ordered that dearth shall deuoure the enhabyters and wealth be amonge few that shoulde oppresse the rest with a thousand such like so that nothing they beginne should haue a prosperous ende all those cursses I say pertaine to vs as well as to them if we breake our temporall lawes Let England looke about them marke what hath chaunced them since they s●ue their right kyng whom God had annointed ouer them King Rycharde the second Their people townes and villages are minished by the third parte And of their noble bloude remayneth not the thirde nor I beleue the sixte yea and if I durst be bolde I wene I might safely sweare that there remaineth not the sixteneth part Their owne sworde hath eaten them vp And though pastures be enlarged aboue all measure yet rotte of sheepe Moren of beastes with parkes warennes with reising of fines and rent make all things twise so deare as they were And our owne cōmodities are so abused that they be the destructiō of our owne realme And right for if we will not know God to keepe his lawes how should God know vs to keepe vs to care for vs and to fulfill his promises of mercy vnto vs sayth not Paul Ro. i. of the heathen Sicut non probauerunt habere deum in noticia ita tradidit illos Deus As it seemed them not good or as they had no lust or as they admitted it not nor alowed for right in theyr hartes to know God as God to geue him the honor of God that is to feare him as God and as auenger of all euill and to seeke hys will euen so God gaue them vp to follow their owne blyndnesse and tooke his spirite and his grace from them and woulde no longer rule their wittes Euen so if we cast of vs the yoke of our temporall lawes which are y t lawes of God and drawen out of the ten commaundementes and lawe naturall and out of loue thy neighbour as thy self God shall cast vs of and let vs slippe to follow our owne wit And then shall all goe agaynst vs what soeuer we take in hand in so much that when we gather a parliament to reforme or amēoe ought that we there determine shal be our owne snare confusion and vtter destruction so that all the enemies we haue vnder heauen coulde not wishe vs so great mischiefe as our owne coūcell shall do vs God shall so blinde the wisedome of the wise If any man haue any godly councell it shall haue none audience Errour madnesse and dasing shall haue the vpper hand And let the spiritualtie take heede and looke well about them and see whether they walke as they haue promised God and in the steppes of hys sonne Christ of his Apostles whose offices they beare For I promise thē all y e deuilles in hell if God had let thē lo wse coulde not haue geuē thē worse coūsell then they haue geuen thēselues this xx yeare long God gaue vp hys Israelites oftē time whē they woulde not be ruled nor know thēselues and their dutie to God and brought them into captiuitie vnder their enemies to proue and feele saith the text whether were better seruice either to serue God and willingly to obay hys lawe coupled wyth so manifolde blessings or to serue their enemies and to obey their cruelnesse and tyranny spite of their heades in neede and necessitie And set the temporaltie remēber that because those nacious vnder which the Israelites were in captiuitie did deale cruelty with them not to punishe thē for their idolatry and sinne which they had committed agaynst God but to haue their landes and goodes and seruice onely reioysing to make them worse and more out of their fathers fauour therefore when God had scourged his children mough he did beate the other for their labour But to our purpose what if the mā runne from his wife leaue her desolate Verely the rulers ought to make a law if any do so and come not agayn by a certaine day as with in the space of a yeare or so that thē he be banished the countrey and if he come agayne to come on his head and let the wife be free to mary where she will For what right is it that a lewde wretch should take his goods runne from his wife without a cause and sit by a whore yea and come agayne after a yeare or two as I haue knowen it and robbe hys wife of that she hath gotten in y e meane time goe agayne to his whore Paul sayth to the Corinthiaus that if a man or a womābe coupled with an infidell and the infidell depart the other is free to mary where they lust And. 1. Timo. 5. he saith if there be any man that prouideth not for his and namely for thē of his owne how should the same denieth the faith and is worse then an infidell And euen so is this man much more to be interpreted for an infidell that causelesse runneth from his wife Let I say the gouerners take heede how they let sinne be vnpunished and how they bring the wrath of God vppon their Realmes For God wil be aduenged on all iniquitie and punishe it with plagues from heauen In like maner if the woman depart causelesse and will not be reconciled though she commit none adultery the man ought of right to be free to marie agayne And in all other causes if they seperate them selues of impaciēcie that the one can not suffre the others infirmities they must remaine vnmaried If any part burne let the same suffer y ● payne or infirmities of the other And the temporalitie ought to make lawes to bridle the vnruly partie Agayne ye haue heard howe it was sayd to them of old tyme forsweare not thy selfe but pay thyne othes vnto the Lord. But I say vnto you sweare not at all neither by heauen for it is the seate of God neither by the earth for it is hys footestole neither by Ierusalē for it is the Citie of the great king neither shalte thou sweare by thyne head for thou canst not make a white heere or a blacke But your communicatiō shal be yea yea nay nay For if ought be aboue that it procedeth of euill As to hate in the hart or to couet an other mans wife was no sinne with the Phariseis no more was it to hide one thyng in the hart to speake an other with the mouth to deceaue a mās neighbour if it were not bounde with an oth And though Moses say Leuit. xix Lye not nor deceaue any man hys neighbour or one an other yet they interpreted it but good councell if a man desired
Christes true disciples shal be but a small flocke in respect of them They shall haue workes like Christes so that fastyng prayer pouertie obedience and chastitie shall be the names of their profession For as Paule saith to the Corinthians the aungels or messengers of Sathā shall chaunge them selues into aungels or messengers of light and truth They shall come in Christes name and that with signes and miracles and haue the vpper hād also euen to deceaue the very elect if it were possible Yea beyonde all this if thou get the victory of the false Prophetes and plucke a multitude out of their handes there shall immediately rise of the same and set vp a new false sect agaynst thee And agaynst all these Amalechites the onely remedy is to lift vp the handes of thy harte to God in continuall prayer Which hādes if thou for werynes once let fall thou goest to the worsse immediatly Then beside the fight and conflict of the suttle sophistrie false miracles disguised and hypocritish workes of these false Prophetes commeth the Dogges Wolues of their Disciples with the seruauntes of Mammon and the swyne of thyne owne scholers agaynst whiche all thou hast no other shilde or defence but prayer Then the sinne lustes of thyne owne flesh Sathan and a thousand temptations vnto euil in the world wil either driue thee to the castell and refuge of prayer or take the prisoner vndoubtedly Last of all thy neighbours necessitie and thyne owne will compell thee to crye father which art in heauen geue vs our dayly bread though thou were as rich as kyng Salomon For Christ commaundeth the rich as well as the poore to cry to God continually for their dayly bread And if they haue no such neede then is Christ a deceauer a mocker What nede I to pray thee to geue or lende me that is in myne own possession all ready Is not the first cōmaūdemēt that there is but one God and that thou put thy whole trust in him Which if it were written in thyne hart thou shouldest easely perceaue though thou haddest as many thousandes as Dauid left behynd him and Salomō heaped mo to them that thou haddest no more then the poore begger that goeth from doore to dore yea and that the begger if that cōmaundement be written in his hart is sure that he is as rich as thou For first thou must knowledge that thou hast receaued y ● great treasure of y ● hand of God Whersore whē thou fettest an halfepeny therof thou oughtest to geue God thākes in thyne hart for the gift therof Thou must confesse also that God onely hath kept it and thee that same night and euer before or els be an idolater and put thy trust in some other thyng then God And thou must confesse that God onely must keepe it and thee the day and night folowing and so continually after not thine owne witte or power or the witte or power of any other creature or creatures For if God kept it not for thee it woulde be thine owne destructiō and they that helpe thee to keepe it woulde cut thy throte for it There is no king in Christendome so well beloued but he hath ●…ow of his owne euill subiectes if God kept them not downe with feare that woulde at one houre rise vpō him and slea hym to make hauocke of all he hath Who is so well beloued thorow out all Englād but that there be ●…ow in the same parishe or nie about that would for his good wishe him to hell if they coulde and woulde wyth theyr handes destroy him if God kept hym not and did cast feare on the other Now then if God must euer keepe it for thee and thou must dayly receaue it of his hand as a poore man doth receaue his almose of an other man thou art in no more suertie of thy dayly bread no though thou were a Cardinall then the poorest is Wherfore howsoeuer rich thou be yet must thou euer cry to God for thy dayly bread So now it is a commaundemēt to pray and that continually short thicke and oft as the Psalmes be and all the prayers of the Bible Finally the third is that we be commaunded to pray with faith and trust and that we beleue in the Lorde our God and doubt not in his promises vnto which Christ enduceth vs wyth an apt similitude saying If ye beyng euill can yet geue good thynges vnto your children how much more shall God fulfill hys promises of mercy vnto his children if they cry vnto hym he is better and more mercifull then all men Wherfore seing God commaundeth thee to pray and for as much as thou hast so great necessitie so to do because he is mercifull and hath promised and is true and cannot deny his owne wordes Therefore pray and when thou prayest looke not on thine vnworthines but on his cōmaūdemēt mercy goodnes on his truth and faithfulnes beleue stedsastly in hym Moreouer whatsoeuer thou hast done yet if thou repent and wilt amende he promiseth that he will not thynke on thy sinnes And though he differ thee thinke it not long nor faint not in thy fayth or be slacke in thy prayer For he will surely come and geue thee more then thou desirest though he differre for thy profite or chaunge thy request into a better thyng All thinges therefore whatsoeuer ye woulde men shoulde do to you so do ye to them This is verely the lawe and the Prophetes This is a short sermon that no mā neede to complayne that he cannot for the length beare it away It is so nye thee that thou needest not to sende ouer sea for it It is with thee that thou needest not to be importune vpon master Doctor saying syr I pray you what say ye to this case and to that is not this lawfull and may I not so do and so well inough Aske thyne owne conscience what thou mayst or oughtest to do Wouldest thou mē did so with thee then do it Wouldest thou not be so dealt with then do it not Thou wouldest not that men shoulde do to thee wrong and oppresse thee Thou wouldest not that men shoulde do thee shame and rebuke lie on thee kyll thee hyre thine house from thee or tice thy seruaunt away or take against thy will ought that is thyne Thou wouldest not that men shoulde sell thee false ware when thou puttest them in trust to make it ready or lay it out for thee nor thou wouldest not that men shoulde deceaue thee wyth great othes swearing that to be good which in deede is very naught Thou wouldest not also that men should sell thee ware that is naught and to deare to vndo thee do no such thinges then to thy neighbour But as loth as thou wouldest be to buye false ware or to deare for vndoing thy selfe so loth be thou to sell false ware or
violence euen so once our hartes sinned as naturally with full lust and consent vnto the fleshe the deuill possessing our hartes and keeping out the light of grace What good towardnesse and endeuour can we haue to hate sinne as long as we loue it What good towardnes can we haue vnto the will of God while we hate it and be ignoraunt therof Can the will desire that the witte seeth not Can the will long for and sigh for that the witte knoweth not of Can a mā take thought for that losse that he wotteth not of what good endeuour can the Turkes children the Iewes children and the Popes infantes haue when they be taught all falshead onely with like perswasions of worldly reason to be all iustified with workes It is not therefore as Paule saith of the running or willing but of the mercy of God that a man is called and chosen to grace The first grace the first fayth and the first iustifiyng is geuen vs freely sayth M. More which I would faine wete how it will stand with his other doctrine whether he meane any other thyng by chosyng them to haue Gods spirite geuen me and fayth to see the mercy that is layd vp for me to haue my sinnes forgeuen without all deseruyng preparyng of my self God did not see onely that the these that was saued at Christes death should come thether but God chose him to shew his mercy vnto vs that should after beleue and prouided actually wrought for the bringyng of him thether that day to make him see and to receaue the mercy that was layd vp for him in store before the world was made The xij Chapt●… IN y t xij in chaffyng himself to heape lye vpon lye he vttereth his feleable blindnesse For he axeth this question wherfore serueth exhortatiōs vnto faith if the hearers haue not libertie of their frewill by whiche together with Gods grace a man may labour to submitte the rebellion of reason vnto the obediēce of faith and credence of the worde of God Wherof ye see that besides his graunt that reason rebelleth agaynst fayth cōtrary to the doctrine of his first booke he will that the will shall compell the witte to beleue Whiche is as much to say as the carte must draw the horses and the sonne beget the father and the authoritie of the Church is greater thē Gods word For the wil can not teach the wit nor lead her but foloweth naturally so that what soeuer the witte iudgeth good or euill that the will loueth or hateth If the witte see and leade straight the will foloweth If the witte be blynde and leade amisse the will foloweth cleane out of y t way I can not loue Gods worde before I beleue it nor hate it before I iudge it false and vanitie He might haue wiselier spoken on this maner wherfore serueth the preachyng of fayth if the wit haue no power to draw the will to loue that whiche the wit iudgeth true and good If the will be nought teach the wit better the will shall alter and turne to good immediatly Blindnesse is the cause of ali euil and light the cause of all good so that where the fayth is right there the hart can not consent vnto euill to folow the lustes of the flesh as the popes fayth doth And this conclusion hath he halfe a dosē tymes in his boke that the will may compell the witte and captiuate it to beleue what a mā lusteth Verely it is like that his wittes be in captiuitie and for vauntage tangled with out holy fathers sophistrie His doctrine is after his owne feelyng and as the profession of his hart is For the Popish haue yelded thē selues to folow the lustes of their flesh compel their witte to absteine frō looking on y e truth lest she should vnquiet them and draw them out of the podell of their filthy voluptuousnesse As a carte that is ouerladen goyng vp an hill draweth the horses backe and in a tough mire maketh them stand still And then the carter the deuill whiche driueth thē is euer by and whistelleth vnto them and biddeth them captiuate their vnderstādyng vnto profitable doctrine for which they shal haue no persecution but shal reigne and be kynges and enioy the pleasures of the world at their owne will The xiij Chapter IN the xiij hee sayth that the Clergie burneth no man As though the pope had not first foūd the law as though all his preachers babled not that in euery Sermon burne these heretickes burne them for we haue no other argument to conuince them and as though they compelled not both Kyng Emperour to sweare that they shall so do yer they crowne them Then hee bringeth in prouisions of Kyng Henry the v. Of whom I aske M. More whether he were right heyre vnto England or held hee the land with the sworde as an heathen tyraunt agaynst all right Whom the Prelates lest he should haue had leysure to hearken vnto the truth sent into Fraunce to occupie his mynde in warre and led hym at their will And I aske whether his father slew not his leige kyng and true inheritour vnto the crowne and was therefore set vp of the Byshops a false kyng to mainteine theyr falshead And I aske whether after that wicked deede folowed not the destruction of the comminaltie and quenchyng of all noble bloud The xiiij Chapter IN the xiiij he affirmeth that Martine Luther sayth it is not lawfull to resiste the Turke I wonder that hee shameth not so to lye seyng that Martine hath written a singular treatise for the contrary Besides that in many other workes he proueth it lawfull if he inuade vs. The xvi Chapter IN the xvi he alledgeth Councels I aske whether Councels haue authoritie to make Articles of the faith with out Gods worde yea and of thynges improued by Gods word He alledgeth Augustine Hierome Cypriane Let him put their workes in English and S. Prosperus with them Why damned they the vnion of Doctours but because the Doctours are agaynst them And when he alledgeth Martyrs let him shew one and take the calfe for his labour And in the end he biddeth beware of thē that liue well in any wise As though they whiche lyue euill can not teach amisse And if that be true then they be of the surest side M. When Tyndall was apposed of his doctrine yer hee went ouer see he sayde and sweare he ment no harme Tyndall He sware not neither was there any man that required an othe of him but he now sweareth by him whō ●e trusteth to be saued by that hee neuer ment or yet meaneth any other harme then to suffer all that God hath prepared to be leyd on his backe for to bryng his brethrē vnto the light of our Sauiour Iesus which the Pope thorough falshead and corruptyng such Poetes as ye are ready vnto
wise The body of our Sauiour which was broken on the crosse for the sinne of all that repent and haue good hartes and would fayne keepe his law be broke vnto my danmation if I breake this othe then is it a terrible othe and they had nede to take hede how they make it and if it be lawfully made not to breake it at all But as they care for their othe whiche they make in wedlocke so they care for this What soeuer nede the Pope hath he wil not send to the Emperour to come and helpe him in Italy for feare lest he would take to him selfe what soeuer he conquered of the Frenchmen and waxe to strong and minish our holy fathers power and become our holy fathers Vicare as he is S. Peters Neuerthelesse if we Englishmen wil hyre the Emperour to come and fight agaynste Fraunce for the right of the Churche in these quarters that be next vnto vs his fatherhode is content to admitte his seruice When our kyng hath graunted to take our holy fathers part then the pretence and cloke outward must be that the kyng will chalenge his right in Fraunce And to ayde the kyng in hys right must the commons be milked till they blede agayne Thē to do the kyng seruice the Lordes sel or lay their lādes to morgage Then is cleane remission geuen to flea French dogges He that dyeth in the quarell shall neuer see Purgatory but flye to heauen streight euē with a thought WHen the Pope hath what he desireth in Italy then must we make peace with the Frēchmen agayn immediatly that Fraunce be not all to gether troden vnder the foote but that it remayne alwaye in a meane state strōg inough to match the Emperour and to keepe him downe but not to mighty for oppressing the Pope And then our Prelates to bryng the peace about send immediatly a Frier Forest or a Vicare of Croyden to preach before the Kyng and his Lordes which preacher roareth and crieth vnto them as though he halowed his houndes maketh exclamations saying Alas what will ye do spare Christen bloud will ye sea your owne soules Be not the Frenchmen as wel Christen as ye Moreouer ye slea poore innocētes that neuer offended Make peace for the passion of Christ Kill not one an other as though Christ had not dyed for you but fight rather agaynst the Turkes Then come in the Ambassadours of Fraunce and money a few Prelates certaine other the kinges playfelowes that be sworne with them to betray both the kyng and the Realme to And then is peace concluded But outwardly there is nothyng saue a truce taken for halfe an yeare till our souldiers be at home agayn for feare lest they wold not bee content Then commeth the whole host home beggarde both great and small And the poore that can not sodenly get worke fall to stealyng and be hanged at home This could More tell in hys Vtopia before he was the Cardinals sworne Secretary and fallen at his foote to betray the truth for to get promotion Take an example the Bishops sent kyng Henry the fifte out to conquere Fraūce The cause was saith the Chronicles that the kyng wēt about to take their temporalities from them And therfore to bryng the kyng into an other imagination they monyed hym sent him into Fraunce When they had sent out the kyng he conquered more then was their will and more then they supposed possible for him in so short space and brought Fraunce cleane vnder the foote so that our Prelates had much secret businesse to set it vp agayne but what is impossible vnto so great Gods In kyng Henryes dayes the vi our holy father of Rome made the Bishop of winchester a Cardinal which went shortly after into Fraunce to treate of a truce betwene England Fraunce And him mette a Legate of Rome a Cardinall also after which meatyng Englishemen had euer the woorse in Fraunce and their chiefest frende the Duke of Burgaine forsoke them For when Cardinals and Byshops mete together they haue their secret counsell by them selues wherin they conclude neither what is good for England nor yet for Fraunce but what is best for our holy fathers profite to kepe him in his state When kyng Henry was of age there was a mariage made betwen him and the Earle of Arminackes daughter in Gyan with the which should haue ben geuen many Castles and Townes in Gyan a great somme of money therto But that mariage was broken not without the secret working of our Prelates and dispensation of our holy father thou maist be sure And a mariage was made betwen him and the kyngs daughter of Cecile for which England gaue vp the whole Dukedome of Gyā and Earledome of Mayne wherby we lost all Normandy whereof they were the kaye And beside that the commons gaue a fiftene and an halfe to fette her in wyth pompe And then was the good Duke of Glocester trayterously murthered partly because he coulde iudge false myracles partly because of the deliueraunce of these two countryes For he beyng a liue they durste not do it And when kyng Edwarde had put downe kyng Harry a mariage was made and concluded betwene him and the kyng of Spayne this quenes mother that now is But yet the Embassadours were come home our Prelates had bewitched kyng Edwarde by their apostle Fryer Bongaye and maryed hym vnto a wydow that was a knyghtes wyfe least if Spayne and England had bene ioyned together kyng Edwarde should haue recouered Fraunce agayne But what folowed after the breaking of the mariage betwene kyng Edwarde and the Erle of Warwicke and what came of his children yea and what came on king Hēry of Windsores children also But what care our prelates what vēgeaūce or mischiefe fall on Princes or on their realmes so their kingdome prosper In kyng Henryes dayes the vij the Cardinall Murton and Byshop Fox of Winchester deliuered vnto y t kinges grace the confessions of as many Lordes as his grace lusted Who so euer was mistrusted if he shroue himselfe at the Charter houses Sion Grenewich at Saint Iohns or wheresoeuer it was the confessour was commaunded by the auctoritie of the Pope to deliuer his confession written sworne that it was all And Cardinall Murton had a licēce of the Pope for xiiij to to studie Necromācy of which he him self was one other I haue heard named which at this tyme I passe ouer with silence And how the holy Friers obseruauntes caryed fayned letters to trye who was true I passe ouer with silence also Howbeit such tēptations fayned profers were inough to moue thē that neuer would haue thought amysse yea in cōfession mē will shrine thē selues of thoughtes which they neuer went about in the outward deede Whē any great man is put to death how his confessour entreateth him what
penaunce is enioyned him concerning what he shall say when he cōmeth vnto the place of execution I coulde gesse at a practise y t might make mens eares glow And did not the subtile counsell of the sayde two prelates fayne the siege of Bolen to make a pretence to gather in afiftene when there was no more warre betwene the kyng of Fraunce and of Englād thā is betwene a mās head that hath lust to sleepe hys pyllow Which siege yet cost many a man their lyues yea and some great men thereto which knew not of that fayning The kynges grace went ouer wyth a ten thousand men to conquere all Fraunce and spent haply an hundred thousand pounde of which he saued the fourth part in the dandy prats and gathered at home v. or vi hundred or more And two other such fayned viages coulde I haply rehearse which I passe ouer for diuerse causes where many an Englishe man lost hys lyfe But what care they for mens liues And did not our Cardinall with like policy thinke ye to gather that which he thought would not well be payde except the commons sawe some cause bring a great multitude of Scots vnto the Englishe pale eyther by some Byshoppes of Scotland or by some great man whom he corrupted wyth some yearely pension agaynst which the poore Northen men must goe on their owne coste to keepe them out And general procession was cōmaunded at London thrise in the weeke and thoroughout all the land whyle the kynges receauers gathered the taxe of the common people Which plague such like after the threatening of God Leuit. xxvj and Deut. xxviij and xxix I am sure will fall on all Christēdome without cease vntill they either defie y t name of Christ with the Turckes or if they wil be called christen they turne and looke on his doctrine Yea and what fained the Cardinall at that great loue to beguile his owne Priestes to make them sweare what they were worth and the better wyllyng to pay for the common priestes be not so obedient vnto theyr ordinaryes that they will pay money except they know why Now it is not expedient that euery rascall should know y ● secretes of the very true cause for many considerations And therefore another pretence must be made and another cause alleaged And therefore the priestes were charged by their ordinaryes to appeare before the gentlemē of the countrey and temporall officers sweare what euery man was worth Now the priestes had leuer be slayne and dye martyrs after the ensample of Saint Thomas of Caunterbury then to sweare before a laye iudge for they thinke it greater sinne then to slea their owne fathers and that then the libertyes of the Church were cleane lost they no better thē the vile lay people And when they were in that perplexitie that they must eyther sweare or run into the kinges daunger and lose their goddes I would say their goods thē my Lord Cardinall sent downe hys gracious power y t they should sweare vnto their ordinaries onely And then the Priestes for ioy that they were rid out of the lay mens handes were so glad ioyous that they wist not what thankes to geue my Lord Cardinall and so were obedient to sweare and to lende or els for all the cursses that my Lord Cardinall hath and the Pope to they woulde neither haue sworne or payde a peny ¶ The practise of our tyme. WHen the kynges grace came first to the right of the crowne vnto the gouernaunce of the realme yoūg and vnexpert Thomas Wolfsee a mā of lust and courage and bodely strēgth to do and to suffer great thinges and to endure in all maner of voluptuousnes expert and exercised in the course of the worlde as he which had heard read and seene much policy and had done many thynges hymselfe and had bene of the secrete counsell of weighty matters as suttle as Sinon that betrayed Troy veterly appointed to sēble and dissemble to haue one thing in the hart and an other in the mouth being therto as eloquent as subtile and able to perswade what he lusted to thē that were vnexpert so desirous gredy of honour that he cared not but for the next and most compendious way thereto whether godly or vngodly this wyly Wolfe I say and raging sea and shipwracke of all Englād though he shewed himselfe pleasaunt c●…e at the first as whores do vnto theyr louers came vnto the kynges grace and wayted vppon hym and was no man so obsequyous and seruiceable in all games and sportes the first and next at hand and as a captayne to corage other a gaye sinder out of new pastymes to obtayne fauour withall And therto as the secrete communication went which by many tokens thou mayst well coniecture and gather to be true he calked the kynges natiuitie and byrth which is a common practise among Prelates in all landes wherby he saw whereunto the kynges grace should be enclined all hys lyfe what should be like to chaunce hym at all tymes And as I heard it spoken of diuers he made by craft of Necromancy grauen imagery to beare vppon hym wherwith he bewitched the Kynges mynde and made the kyng to dote vppon hym more then euer he did on any Lady or gentlewoman so that now y ● kinges grace folowed him as he before folowed the kyng And then what he sayd that was wisdome what he praysed that was honourable onely More ouer in the meane tyme he spyed out y e natures and dispositions of y t kynges play felowes of all that were great and whom he spyed meete for his purpose him he slattered him he made faithfull w t great promises to him he sware of him he toke an oth againe that the one should helpe the other for without a secrete othe he admitted no man vnto any part of hys priuities And euer as he grew in promotions and dignitie so gathered he vnto hym of the most suttle witted and of them that were dronke in the desire of honour most like vnto himselfe And after they were sworne he promoted thē and with great promises made thē in falsehead faithfull and of them euer presented vnto the kynges grace and put them into his seruice saying thys is a man meete for your grace And by these spyes if ought were done or spoken in the court agaynst the Cardinal of that he had worde within an houre or two And then came the Cardinall to courte with all his magicke to perswade to y e cōtrary If any in the court had spoken agaynst the Cardinall and the same not great in the kynges fauour the Cardinall bad him walcke a vilayne and thrust hym out of y e courte hedlong If he were in conceite wyth the kinges grace then he flattered and perswaded corrupt some with giftes and sent some Embassadours some he made
sister considered the old amitie betweene the house of Burgaine the old kings of England so that they could neuer do ought in Fraunce without their helpe last of al considered the course of marchandise that Englād hath in those parties also the naturall hate that Englishmen beare to Frenchmen Wherefore if we shall vse our old practise and set the French king against him then he shall lightly obtayne the fauour of the King of Englande by the meanes of his aunt and his wife ayd with men and money Wherefore we must take heed betimes and breake this amitye Which thing we may by this our old craft easely bring to passe Let vs take a dispensation and breake this mariage and turne the Kinges sister vnto the French King If the Frenche King gette a male of her then wee shall lightly make our king protector of Fraunce and so shall England and Fraunce be coupled together and as for the Queene of England we shall trim hir well enough and occupy the king with strainge loue and keepe hir that she shall beare no rule And as the goddes had spoken so it came to passe Our fayre yong doughter was sent to the old pocky king of Fraunce y ● yeare before our mortall enemie and a miscreant worse them a Turke and disobedient vnto our holy father and no more obedient then he was compelled to be against his will The cause of the iorny to Callice IN shorte space thereafter Thomas Wolfse now cardinall and Legate a latere and greatly desirous to be pope also thought it exceding expedient for his many secret purposes to bring our king the king of Fraunce that now is together both to make a perpetuall peace and amitie betweene them and that while the two Kinges and theyr lordes dalied together the great Cardinales and Bisshops of both parties might betray them both and the Emperour and all christen kinges therto Then he made a iourney of gentlemen arayed altogether in silk so much as their very shoes and lining of their bootes more like their mothers then men of warre yea I am sure that many of their mothers would haue bene ashamed of so nice and wanton array Howbeit they went not to make war but peace for euer a day longer But to speake of the pompous apparell of my Lord himself of his chaplaines it passeth y ● xij Apostles I dare swere that if Peter and Paule had sene them sodenly at a blush they would haue bene harder in beleefe that they or any such should be their successoures then Thomas Didimus was to beleeue that Christ was risen againe from death When all was concluded betweene the King of Fraunce and oures that Thomas Wolfse had deuised and whē the Prelates of both parties had cast their peniworthes against all chaūces and deuised remedies for al mischeifs Thē the right reuerend father in God Thomas Cardinal Legate wold go see the yong Emperour newly chosen to the roome and haue a certaine secreat communication with some of his prelates also And gatte him to Bridges in Flaunders where he was receaued with great solemnity as belongeth vnto so mighty a pillar of Christes church and was saluted at the entring into the towne of a mery fellow which sayd Salue rex Regis tui atquè regni sui Hayle both king of thy king and also of his Realme And though there were neuer so greate striffe bewene the Emperour and the French king yet my lord Cardinal iugled him fauour of them both finally brought the Emperour to Cales to the kinges grace where was great triumph and great loue and amitie shewed on both parties insomuch that a certaine man marueiling at it asked the old Bishop of Deram How it might be that we were so great with the Emperour so shortly vpon so strong and euerlasting a peace made betwene vs the frenchmen the Emperour and the King of Fraūce being so mortall enemies My lord aunswered that it might be well enough if he wist all but there was a certaine secret sayd he wherof all men knew not Yea verily they haue had secrets this vi● hundred yeres which though all the lay men haue felt them yet few haue spyed them saue a few Iudases which for lucre haue bene confederate with them to betray their own kinges and all other Then were we indifferent stood still and the Emperour the French king wrasled together and Ferdinādus the Emperors brother wan Millane of the frenchmen and the Emperour Turnay our great cōquest which yet after so great cost in building a castle we deliuered vp againe vnto the Frenchmen in earnest and hope of a mariage betweene the Dolphine and our Princesse How the Emperour came thorow England AFter that the Emperour would into Spaine came through England where he was receaued w t great honour and with all that partaineth to loue and amitie The kings grace lent him mony and promised him more the Emperour should tary a certayne yeres and mary our princesse not that the Cardinal entended that thou maist be sure for it was not profitable for their kingdome but his minde was to daly with the Emperour and to keepe him without a wife that insomuch as he was yong and lusty he might haue bene nozeled entangled with hores which is their nurturing of kinges made so effeminate and beastly that he should neuer haue bene able to lift vp hys hart to any goodnesse or vertue that Cardinals and Bishoppes might haue administred hys dominions in the meane time vnto our holy fathers profite The king of Fraunce hearing the fauour that was shewed vnto the Emperour sent imediatly a defiaunce vnto our king not without our Cardinals and Bishops counsell thou mayst well wite For frenchmen are not so folish to haue done it so vnaduisedly and so rashly seing they had to many in their toppes already Then our king spake many great woordes that he would driue the frenchking out of his realme or els the frenchking should driue him out of his But had he added as the legate Pandulph taught king Iohn with the Popes licence his words had soūded much better For there can no vow stand in effecte except the holy father confirmed it We sent out our souldiers two summers agaynst the Frenchmen vnto whose cheef Captayne 's the Cardinall had appointed how far they should go and what they should do and therfore the French king was nothing afrayd but brought all his power against the Emperour in other places so was the Emperor euer betrayed And thus the Cardinall was the Emperours frend openly and the french kinges secreatly For at the meeting with the french king beside Cales he vtterly betrayed the Emperour yet for no loue that he had to Fraunce but to helpe the Pope and to haue bene Pope happly to saue their kingdome Which treason
him therof and of the foure hundred yeares that his posteritie should be in thraldome in Egypt of their deliueraunce and as Gedeon was certified by the signe of his Flese of the victory that God had promised him and as many other that beleued in God were certified by the signes that God gaue them of the promises which God made them Verely no mā For our Prelates which lay for them selues compelle intrare compell not vs to enter into any such feast nor will suffer any such meate to be set before vs for feare of ouerthrowyng the foundation of their false buildyng whereof springeth so great glory and profit vnto them which foundation to builde their lyes vpon they could neuer haue layd except they had first thrust this doctrine of our soules health cleane out of knowledge And as soone as they had blinded y ● light they became leaders in darkenesse and made of the Masse imageseruice so that the straūge holy gestures and the straunge holy voyces and straunge holy vestures with all other straunge holy ceremonies must be meritorious workes to deserue lōg life health riches honour fauour dignitie and aboundaūce of all that we haue sorsakyng our baptisme to arme vs from bearing of the crosse with Christ And they haue made of it a pill of two contrary operations so that the same medicine that preserueth our soules from purgatory doth purge the body of house lādes rentes goods and money that it is made as bare as Iob and as baulde as a Cout And the light that rebuketh them they call seditious that it maketh the subiectes to rise against their Princes Which thing the hypocrites layed sometyme vnto the Prophetes as ye may see in the old Testamēt And at last they layed it vnto Christes charge as ye may see in the Gospell and to the charge of the Apostles as ye may see in the Actes But at all such tymes the hypocrites them selues styrred vp such a sword to mainteine their falsehead that euermore a great part of the world perished through their owne mischeuous incensing and prouokyng Princes to battayle These hypocrites layd to Wickle●●es charge and do yet that his doctrine caused insurrection but they to quench the truth of hys preachyng slew the right kyng and set vp iij. false kynges a row by which mischeuous sedition they caused halfe England to be slayne vp and brought the Realme into such ruine and desolatiō that M. More could say in his Vtopia that as Englishmen were wont to eate shepe euen so their shepe now eate vp them by whole Parishes at once besides other inconueniencies that he then saw And so the hipocrites say now likewise that gods word causeth insurrection but ye shall see shortly that these hypocrites them selues after their old wont and examples in quēchyng y t truth that vttereth their iugglyng shall cause all realmes Christen to rise one agaynst an other and some agaynst them selues Ye shall see thē runne out before the yeare come about that whiche they haue bene in bruwyng as I haue marked aboue this dosen yeares c. ¶ This much I haue sayd because of them that deceaue you to geue you an occasion to iudge the spirites The Testament of master William Tracie Esquier expounded by William Tyndall Wherein thou shalt perceiue with what charitie the Chaunceler of Worceter burned when he tooke vp the dead carkasse and made ashes of it after it was buried 1535. ¶ To the Reader THou shalt vnderstād most deare Reader that after William Tyndall was so Iudasly betrayed by an Englisheman a Scholer of Louayne whose name is Philippes there were certaine thinges of his doyng found which he had entended to haue put forth to the furtheraunce of Gods word amōg which was this Testament of M. Tracie expounded by him self whereunto was annexed the expositiō of the same of Iohn Frithes doyng and owne hand writyng whiche I haue caused to bee put in Printe to the intent that all the world should see how earnestly the Cannonistes and spirituall lawyers whiche be the chief rulers vnder Bishops in euery Dioces in so much that in euery Cathedrall Churche the Deane Chaūcelor and Archdeacon are cōmonly doctours or Bachelers of law do endeuour them selues iustly to iudge and spiritually to geue sentēce according to charitie vpon all the actes and dedes done of their Diocessanes after the exāple of the Chaunceler of Worceter which after M. Tracie was buried of pure zeale loue hardly tooke vp the dead carkasse and burnt it wherefore he did it it shall euidently appeare to the Reader in this little treatise read it therfore I besech thee iudge the spirites of our spiritualitie and pray that the spirite of him that raised vp Christ may once inhabite them and mollifie their hartes and so illumine thē that they may both see and shew true light no lōger to resist God nor his truth Amē The Testament it selfe In the name of God Amē I William Tracie of Todyngton in the Countie of Gloceter Esquier make my Testamēt and laste will as hereafter followeth ¶ First and before all other thyng I cōmit me vnto God to his mercy trustyng without any doubt or mistrust that by his grace and the merites of Iesus Christ and by the vertue of his passiō and of his resurrection I haue shall haue remission of my sinnes and resurrectiō of body and soule accordyng as it is written Iob. xix I beleue that my redemer lyueth and that in the last day I shal rise out of the earth and in my flesh shall see my Sauiour this my hope is layd vp in my bosome And as touching the wealth of my soule the fayth y t I haue taken rehearsed is sufficient as I suppose wtout any other mans woorke or workes My grounde and my belefe is that there is but one God and one medaitour betwene God and man whiche is Iesus Christ So that I doe except none in heauen nor in earth to be my mediatour betwen me God but onely Iesus Christ all other be but petitioners in receiuyng of grace but none able to geue influence of grace And therfore will I bestow no part of my goodes for that intent that any man should say or do to helpe my soule for therein I trust onely to the promise of God he that beleueth is baptised shal be saued and he that beleueth not shal be damned Marke the last Chapter And touchyng the burying of my body it auayleth me not what be done therto wherein S. Augustine De cura agenda promortuis sayth that they are rather the solace of them that liue thē the wealth or cōfort of thē that are departed and therfore I remit it onely to the discretion of myne executours And touchyng the distribution of my temporall goodes my purpose is by the grace of God to bestow them to be accepted as fruites of fayth So that I do not suppose that my merite be by good bestowyng of
restreynt with the Lubeckes After this he went agayne to Whittembergh to the Duke of Saxson and to Luther and there remayned to set forth his workes in Print that he had begonne And from thence shortly after he returned agayne into England in the tyme of Quéene Anne Boleyn and continued a faythfull preacher in this Citie of London all the time that shée remained Quéene And was well enterteyned and promoted After this by the meane of the Lord Cromwell he was sent Ambassadour from K. Hēry the viij to the Duke of Cleue for the mariage of y t Lady Anne of Cleue betwéene the king and her and was well excepted in that Ambassade and in all his doinges vntill the tyme that Stephen Gardiner came out of Fraunce But after he came neither Religion prospered nor the Quéenes maiestie nor Cromwell nor the preachers who after the mariage of the Lady Anne of Cleue neuer ceased vntill he had graffed the mariage in an other stocke by the occasion whereof he began his bloudy broyle For not long after the dissolution of y t sayd mariage betwéene king Hēry y t viij and y t Lady Anne of Cleue y t sayd Doctour Barnes with two of his brethrē felow preachers named Iherome and Garret were apprehended and caried before the kynges maiestie to Hampton court and there were examined where the kynges maiestie séeking the meanes of Barnes safetie to bring Winchester and him agréed at Winchesters request graunted him leaue to goe home with the Byshop to conferre with hym and so he did But as it happened they not agréeing Gardiner his comparteners sought by all subtile meanes how to entangle and intrappe them into farther daunger which not long after was brought to passe For by certayne complayntes made to the king of them they were enioyned to preach iij. Sermōs the next Easter folowing at the Spittle beside London At the which Sermons besides other reporters which were thither sent Stephen Gardiner Byshop of Winchester was there present sitting wyth the Maior either to beare recorde of their recantation or els as the Phariseys came to Christ to trippe them in their talke if they had spoken any thing awry When the aforesayd thrée had preached their Sermons among whom Barnes preaching the first Sermō and hée séeing Stephen Gardiner there present humbly desired him in the face of all the audience to forgéeue him and that if he forgaue hym to hold●… vp his hand and the sayd Gardiner thereupō helde vp his finger Yet notwithstāding by the meanes of y t said reporters they all iij. immediatly after they had preached were sent for to Hampton court and from thence caryed to the Tower by Syr Iohn Gostwyke and there they remayned vntill the xxx day of Iuly next folowing Thē ensued processe against them by the kynges counsaile in the Parliament to the which Gardiner confessed himselfe to be priuy among the rest Whereupon all the aforesayd thrée Saintes and true Martyrs the xxx day of Iuly not comming to any aūswere nor yet knowing any cause of their cōdemnation without any publique hearing were drawen on herdelles from the Tower to Smithfield where they preparing them selues to the fier had there at the stake diuerse sondry exhortations amongest whome Doctour Barnes first beganne with this protestation folowing I am come hither to be burned as an heretike and you shall heare my beliefe wereby you shall perceaue what erronious opinions ▪ I holde God I take to record I neuer to my knowledge taught any erronious doctrine but onely those thinges which the Scripture leade me vnto and that in my sermons I neuer mainteyned any errour neither moued nor gaue occasiō of any insurrection Although I haue béene slaundered to preache that our lady was but a Saffron bagge which I vtterly protest before God that I neuer ment it nor preached it But all my study and diligence hath beene vtterly to confound and confute all men of that doctrine as are the Anabaptistes which denie that our Sauiour Christ tooke any fleshe of the blessed virgine Mary which sectes I detest and abhorre And in deede in this place there hath beene burned some of them whom I neuer fauoured nor mainteyned but with all diligence I did studie euermore to set forth the glory of God the obedience to our soueraigne Lord the King and the true and sincere religion of Christ And now harken to my fayth I beléeue in the holy and blessed Trinitie three persons and one God that created and made all the world And that this blessed Trinitie sent downe the second person Iesu Christ into the wombe of the most blessed purest virgin Mary And heare beare me recorde that I doe vtterlye condemne that abhominable and detestable opinion of y e Anabaptistes which say that Christ tooke no fleshe of the blessed virgine For I beléeue that without the consent of mans will or power he was conceaued by the holy ghost and tooke fleshe of her and that he suffered hunger thirst colde and other passions of our body sinne except according to the saying of S. Peter he was made in all things like to his bretheren except sinne And I doe beléeue that he liued here among vs and after he had preached and taught his fathers will he suffered the most cruell and bitter death for me and all mankinde And I doe beléeue that this his death and passion was the sufficient price and ransōe for the sinne of all the world And I beléeue that through his death he ouercame the deuill sinne death and hell and that there is none other satisfaction vnto the father but this his death and passion onely and that no worke of man did deserue any thing of God but onely his passion as touching our iustification For I knowledge the best worke that euer I did is vnpure and vnperfect And here withall he cast abroad his handes and desired God to forgeue him his trespasces For although perchaūce said he you know nothing by me yet I doe confesse that my thoughtes and cogitations be innumerable Wherefore said he I beséech the o Lorde not to enter into iudgmēt with me According to the saying of the Prophet Dauid Non intres in iuditium cum seruo tuo domine And in an other place Si iniquitates obseruaueris domine quis sustinebit Lord if thou straightly marke our inniquitie who is able to abide thy iudgment Wherefore I trust in no good worke that euer I did but onely in y e death of Christ I doe not doubt but through him to inherite y e kingdome of heauen Take me not here that I speake against good workes for they are to bée done and verely they that doe them not shall neuer come to the kingdome of God We must doe them because they are commaūded vs of God to shewe and set forth our profession not to deserue or merite for that is onely the death of Christ I beléeue that there is a holy Church
a cōpany of all them that doe professe Christ that all that haue suffered and confessed his name be Sayntes and that all they doe la●de and prayse God in heauen more then I or any mannes tongue can expresse and that alwayes I haue spoken reuerently of Saintes and praysed them asmuch as scripture willed me to doe And that our Lady I say shée was a vergyn immaculate and vndefiled and that shée is the most purest virgin that euer God created and a vessell of God elected of whome Iesus Christ should be borne Then the shriefe somwhat stayeing him and hastening him to make an ende he turned him to the people and desired all men to forgeue him and if he had said any euell at any tyme vnaduisedly wherby he had offended any man or geuen any occasion of euell that they would forgeue it him and amende that euell they tooke of him and to beare witnes that he detested and abhorred all euill opinions and doctrines against the word of God and that he dyed in the fayth of Iesus Christ by whom he doubted not but to be saued And with those wordes he desired them all to pray for him and then turned him about and put of his clothes and made him ready to the fyre where patientlye he suffered the bitter and cruell Martirdome and death And the lyke dyd the other his companiōs that suffered with him Which was in the yeare of our Lorde 1541. A Supplication vnto the most gracious Prince King Henry viij ¶ Grace and peace from God the father of our Sauiour Iesus Christ be with your most noble and excellent grace for euer Amen IN most hūble wise cōplaineth vnto your grace your continuall oratour Robert Barnes of the intollerable iniuries wronges and oppressions wherwith certaine Byshops of your realme vexe and haue vexed contrary vnto the worde of God and their ownelawes and doctors not onely me but also all true preachers professors of the same in condemning them for heretickes as they did me whiche thing they were not able to proue by the Scripture of God nor yet shall if it would please your grace indifferently according to the office wherein God hath set you to heare the small as well as the great and to sustaine your poore Orator agaynst their violence and strength God I take to recorde that I am right sory to make thys complaint vnto your grace against them if I could coniecture any other meane to cause them to redresse their intollerable oppressions wherewith they dayly oppresse your poore and true subiectes so sore and so violently that without doubt if your grace sée not shortly a remedy God must néedes punishe For I doe not beléeue that euer hée will suffer long so great tyranny against his worde and so violent oppression of true Christen mē as they doe now vse and that in the name of Christ and hys holy Church For verely wée doe not read in any memoryes that our fathers haue left vs that euer the people were vnder so great tyranny as now your poore subiectes bée vnto thē Now it is so farre come that what soeuer hée bée hye or lowe poore or riche wise or foolishe that speaketh agaynst them and their vicious liuing hée is either made a traytor vnto your grace or an hereticke agaynst holy Church as though they were Kings or Gods This may your most excellent grace perfectlye know if you call to remembraunce those good men that they haue had to doe with Is it not a maruelous court that they haue wherein there was neuer man accused of heresie were hée learned or not learned but they found him gilty Is not that a maruelous court y e neuer hath innocentes What court within your realme may say thys againe And if any mā speak of Gods law and right conscience agaynst thys damnable tyranny little will they stick to make him an heretick And if that will not helpe to colour and maintaine their oppression then adde they treason against your grace though hée bée neuer so true a subiect and all vnlikly to make any resistaunce or to thinke any euill vnto your grace Now if it please your grace let vs consider to what ende this vncharitable and vnrighteous accusation of the Byshops yea rather of y e diuell is inuented First if there bée any men y e preach dispute or put forth in writing any thing not towching thē though it bée neuer so blasphemous against God y e bloud of Christ and his holy worde they will not once be moued therew t the examples thereof are so playne y t it néedeth no proufe Your grace may sée what blasphemous rubrikes they allow against y t bloud of Christ what shamefull abhominable pardōs they they tollerate admyt what disputations they doe mayntaine to proue y t Pope a God no man hauing these wordes That the Pope is neyther God nor man And whether y e Pope can sinne or not that no man can condemne the Pope though hée bring innumerable soules to hell by his occasion Agayne let vs consider that if any mā but once speake agaynst their cloked ipocrisie or against neuer so litle a thing y t longeth to them by the which their abhominations shoulde be disclosed And we shall euydently perceaue that their can no scripture no place no maistership nor excuse in the world saue but hée must eyther to open shame or cruell death So that is playne that their cruelnes serueth to no other ende but as they should saye yf that any man wyll take in hād to preache the verety and the true Gospel of their Maister Christ purely wherby those winnings should be deminyshed wherwith we mayntayne our honour our dignity our worldly promotion our delicious lyuing our gorgious apparel our sūptuous pallaces our lordships breifly all things that we vse to our pastime pleasure should bée manifest to all mē y e we not only get these thinges by false fayned holynes in deceyuing and robbing the people of their goodes but also y e dyspendyng of them to bée abhomynable and contrary to the ordynance and worde of God Now rather then this should come to passe we had leuer gather our strēgth togither oppresse by vyolēce as many as wil hold w t this learning bée hée King Duke Lorde Baron knight man womā or childe So that by there practise it is euident to all that will sée that it is they that goe about to make insurrection to y t mayntayning of their world ly pompe and pride and not the true preacher for hée entendeth to mayntayne nothing but to bring to light the most glorious heauenly word of God which by them hath béene darkened and kept vnder and that with suffering persecution as the nature of the worde is and not with persecuting for he maketh no stryuyng yf bée bée the true preacher of God nor fighting for this worlde but suffereth the children
bycause hée lyueth in aduoultry or is a lecherous man If you thinke it a lawfull cause why doe you not preach it opēly why doe you not lay it to kynges charge Why suffer you them to bee kynges that lyue in aduoultry Why doe you not put your lawes in executiō You say they bée the lawes of holy church and therby may you depose Princes But if you wil put them in execution then were it much better to bée a Bishop or a Priest thē to be a Kyng or a Duke For you may lyue in whoredome or in any other vngracious lyuyng yea and that to the destruction of many mens soules and yet no mā so hardy to reproue you as your own law doth openly commaunde in these wordes If the Pope doe draw with hym innumerable people on a heape to the deuill of hell there to be punished for euer yet shal no mortall man presume to reproue hys sinnes for hée must iudge all men and may bée iudged of no man c. Lykewise haue you an other law in your Decretals that no lay mā may reproue a Priest c. How thinke you by these lawes if they bée not of the deuill tell me what is of the deuil You wil both reproue yea and also depose Princes but you will neither bée deposed nor yet reproued of any mortall man What thinke you your selues Gods But and ye will depose Kynges for fornication how would you handle kyng Dauid and kyng Salomon would you depose them bycause of aduoutry So doe you more then the Prophet Nathan durst doe Briefly will ye bée content that the kyng shall depose you for fornication then shall we shortly bee rydde of the most part of you But let vs come to Herode that kept his brothers wife would you depose hym therefore Then doe you more then S. Iohn durst doe For hée durst no more doe but reproue hys vice and dare you depose hym But let vs go forth with your law What authoritie had y e Pope you to set Pipinum in that rowme and not rather to let the kyngdome choose thē a king Our master Christ sayd hys kyngdome was not of this world But you will bée aboue kinges in this world not all onely depose them but also set in new at your pleasure Moreouer by what authoritie did the Pope dispence with the Realme of their othe Your law sayth that the holy church of Rome is wont so to doe I pray you of whom hath she learned this same wont who hath geuen her this authoritie Can shée discharge vs of our obedience that we owe to our Princes Is not this of the law of God Standeth it not also with y t law of nature Yea doe not Turkes infidels faythfully obey to their princes Is not the Princes power of God will you depose this power or can you dipēce with this lawe S. Peter learneth you y t you are more bound to obeye God and his lawe then man but you litle regarde S. Peters saying wherfore what say you to your owne lawe whose wordes bée these we must kéepe vnto Princes and powers fayth and reuerence c. My Lordes here you not fidem and oportet how come you with your despensation for our othe and say Non oportet that we are not bound to be obedient to our princes if you despence with vs. How cā you dispence with vs of our othe seing it is against Gods lawe Here may men sée what teachers you haue béene and also bée toward God and his holy Apostles and towarde your noble Princes And y e this thing may bée clearely knowne I shall resyte an other practyse of yours Our Chronicles make mention that in the time of Edward the iij. Pope Vrban dyd depose Perse King of Spaine because hée was a vicious liuer and set in hys stede one Henry a bastarde How thinke you standeth thys facte with Christes doctrine which of vs all that preach the Gospell hath gone about to doe princes such a villanye you doe the déede and laye the blame to vs. Doe you not remember how that in the dayes of Henry the iiij a captayne of your Church called Richard Scroupe Archbishop of Yorke dyd gather an hoste of men waged battell against hys kyng but God the defender of hys ruler gaue the king the victorye which caused y e traytor to bée beheaded And then your forefathers with their deuilishe crafte made the people beléeue by their false Chronicle that at euery stroke that was géeuē at the Bishops necke the kyng receaued an other of God in his neck And where as the king was afterward stricken with a sicknes you made him and all hys subiectes beléeue y e it was Gods punishmēt because hee had killed the Byshop And not thus content but you fayned after hys death that hée dyd miracles Is not thys toe much both to bée traytors to your king and also to faine God to bée displeased with your king for punishing of treason finally to make hym a saint and also that God had done miracles to the defending of hys treason How is it possible to inuent a more pestilent doctrine then thys is Here is Gods ruler despised and hereby is open treason maintained Thinke you that God will shewe miracles to fortifie these thynges But no doubt the prouerbe is true such lippes such lectuse such saintes such miracles Here were many thinges to bée sayd but I will passe it ouer I am sure you doe remember how obediently you droue King Iohn out of his kingdome And the very originall of the strife was because there were iiij Bishops of England at variaunce with the kinges grace and because hée required a dymie of the pyed Mōkes of England for to maintaine hys warre agaynst the Irishe men but they would géeue hym none Wherfore after y e king had sped well in Ireland hée reuenged him of y e Monkes and tooke of euery place a certayne For y t which thing your forefathers maintainers of your deuilishe doctrine wrote vnto their God y t Pope and caused him first to excommunicate the kyng and afterward to interdicte the land gaue it to the French kinges sonne which was maintayned through your fathers and your naturall king compelled to flée into Wales and there to tarye till y e time that hée was content to make agréement with your holy Idoll the Pope The cōditions of y e agréement were that hée should first géeue xl M. marke to the iiij Byshops and make restitution to the pyed Monkes agayne and also should géeue to Pandolphus the Popes Legate a great summe of money Finally hée should bée bound to géeue yearely to the Pope of Rome a certayne great summe of money and hée and all hys successors shoulde receaue the land of the Pope and holde it in sée ferme and vnto thys your fathers set their hādes seales binding them selues to tompell the
king to kéepe thys contracte But yet you were not so content but afterward you found the meanes that this good kyng was poysoned by a traytorous Monke of Swinested because he should say that hée would make a halfepeny loafe worth xx shillinges if hée liued a yeare For the whiche word your holy Monke was moued and went and confessed hym selfe to the Abbot how that he would poyson the king for thys and the one deuill as good as the other the holy traytor absolued the holy murtherer before the déede was done and for thys holy murtherer is there founded v. masses for euer This is the blessed obedience of your holy Church How would you cry how would you yaulpe if wée had handled a gentlemans dogge on this fashion but you can call vs poore men traytors and in the meane season you bring both king kingdome into seruitude and bondage What is treason if this bée no treason to bring so honourable a kinge and hys lande into such bondage and compell hym to receiue his naturall and frée kingdome of such a vyllayne and lymme of y e deuell What can bée said or thought to defend this matter you haue not all onely done wrong to the kinge but vnto the yongest childe y e lyeth in the cradell y e which by your meanes is bonde And thinke it not sufficient to say that it is not your déede for first you are the children of these fathers and you haue alwayes alowed this acte This hath béene blased blowen preached and cryed out and all your bookes full of this matter and many a true mans bloud hath béene shed for speaking agaynst thys And yet was there neuer none of you y e did euer preach against this damnable facte but with full consent with full agréement both in worde déede and in wrytyng you haue alowed this treason Therfore I take you for the auctors as well as your forefathers I would not speake how dampnable it is to institute masses for a willing traytor and murtherer there was neuer no learninge that could allow this But there is no remedy hée that dyes agaynst his king and for the maintayning of your treason must néedes bée a saynt if masses blessinges and myracles wil helpe for all these bée at your commaundement to geue where you list So that we pore men must bée accused of insurrection and treason and we must bere al the blame we must bée driuen out of y e realme we must bée burned for it and as God knoweth there is no people vnder heauen that more abhorreth and with earnester hart resisteth more diligenly doth preach agaynst disobedience then we doe Yea I dare say boldely let all your bookes bée serched that were written this 500. years all they shall not declare the auctorite of a prince and the true obedience towarde hym as one of our litle bookes shall doe that bee condemned by you for heresy and all this will not helpe vs. But as for you you may preach you may wryte you may doe you maye sweare against your Princes and also assoyle all other men of their obedience towardes their princes You may compell princes to bée sworne to you and yet are you children of obedience and good christen men And if ye dye for this doctrine then is there no remedy but you must bée saintes and rather then fayle ye shall doe myracles To proue this I will tell you of a holy saynt of yours of whom your legend and cronicles maketh mencyon hys name as ye call him is s Germayne So it chaunced y e in the tyme of king Vortiger he came into England into a place where the king lay desired for hym his company lodging The king because hée kept no cōmō Inne would not receiue hym So hée departed very angerly and went to the kinges Neteherdes house and there desired lodginge and meate and drinke for hym and his companye The Neteherde was contēt to lodge him but hée sayd hée had no meate for hym sauyng a yong calfe that stode suckyng of the damme by the crybbe The byshop commaunded the calfe to bée slayne and to bée drest brought afore hym and hée and his company eate it vp and after commaunded the bones of the calfe to bée gathered togither and put in the calues skinne agayne and to bée layde in the cribbe by the damme and by and by y e calfe starte vp aliue agayne The next day the byshop went to king Vortiger reprooued him merueilous straightly because hée would not lodge hym and sayde that hée was vnworthey to bée kyng and therefore deposed hym made his Neteherde kyng in hys stede Of the which Neteherde as y e cronicles maketh mension came afterward many kings This is writen by one called Petrus de netalibus the which writeth the liues of all saintes I thinke no man will binde mée to proue this thing a lye but yet it must bee preached taught in your church it must bée writtē in holy saints liues hée must bée a saynt that did it and why because hée deposed a king and set in a Neteherde These shamefull and abhominable thinges doe you prayse and alowe and in the meane season condemne vs for heretickes and for traytours And if we chaunce moued by the abhomynablenes of your doctrine to geue you but one euyll worde then all the world rekoneth vs vncharitable But as for my parte I take God to recorde afore whome I shall bée saued or damned that though you haue done mée shamefull wronge and intollerable violēce yet with your owne persons am I neuer displeased nor angry but agaynst that horrible deuyll y e dwelleth in you that is the causer auctor and mayntayner of such abhominable doctrine that is against God and his blessed worde agaynst hym I say is my quarell and agaynst hym doe I striue this is the truth let men take my wordes as they will Is it not abhominable thinke you so shamfully to depose princes so to rebuke them so to handle them to compell them to bée sworne to you and to holde their lands of you to bée your ministers to the greate dishonour of the liuyng God and blaspheming of his blessed worde and to the great dispight of all noble potentates Ye remember the facte that is declared in your lawe of the noble Emperour Friderike and that wretch Innocent the fourth the thing was this The Pope by y e reasō of certayne complaintes made by the Emperours enemyes cited the Emperour to appeare at Rome and because the Emperour would not appeare he cursed hym with booke bell and candell and afterwarde deposed hym and commaunded the electours to chose an other This is the cause of your lawe briefely But your text declareth certayne artycles agaynst the Emperour which bée these The first that hée had sworne to kéepe peace with y e church of Rome which oth hée brake sayth y e
t Pope doth and speaketh more generally but the thynge is all one For the Marcianites iudgeth mariage vncleane for their sorte and so doth the Pope for his sorte Farthermore Marcian sayth that among Christen men may bée no temporal maryages but all coniunctions must bée turned vnto a spirituall mariage And the selfe same thing saith the Pope of his Priestes Wherefore séeing that they doe graunt how that blessed S. Paul and also holy fathers hath condemned this heresie of Marcian it m●st néedes also folow that the opinion of the Pope is lykewyse condemned But yet paraduenture here will bée sayde as Doctour Eckius and other mē writing of this matter sayth how that the Pope doth not condemne maryage but hée causeth men alonely to kéepe their vowe I aunswere that thys is but a small euasion For first the Pope cōpelleth them if they wyll bée priestes to vowe and to forsweare maryage For if there were no statute made béefore of the Pope that all priestes should forsweare maryage then shoulde there no vowes bée made of priestes against mariage but the thing shoulde bée frée So that the vowe commeth out of the Popes decrée prohibition and not the decrée out of the vowe Therfore y e probation goeth béefore the vowe Wherfore this euasion can haue no place Take an exāple The Emperour maketh a statute that no man shalbée admitted into his seruice excepte that hée first sweare to bée an enemy vnto the kyngs grace of England Is not now the Emperour first an enemye vnto the kynges person and then also a forbydder of loue and fauour towardes the kinges grace of Englād I thynke hys grace wyll take this acte none otherwise For though hée doth not nor can not make all men the kynges enemies yet hee maketh all that appertayne to hym to bée the kinges enemies So lykewise the Pope though hée doe not forbid all men maryage yet hée forbyddeth as many as will bée Priestes Yea and hée will admitte no man to bée priest excepte hée first forsweare maryage So that y e vow is first made ere that that pristhoode is géeuen Now if hée were not an enemy in very déede vnto maryage what shoulde mooue hym to compell hys priestes to forsweare maryage why doth hée not as well bynde all hys Priestes to maryage as hée doth to chastitie Yea why doth hée not at y t least kéepe hymselfe indifferent and neither make decree against mariage nor agaynst chastitie But the very trueth is that all the protectours of vncleannes filthy liuing doth know very well that this solution is of no strength or valure For in very déede their hartes doth recken matrimony vncleane and vnpure and though they woulde now make a glose yet their owne lawes y t which bée sprong out of their hartes doth shewe how much they holde of holy vnpolluted matrimony The pope doth cal clarks y t bée maried impios y t is wicked cursed vncleane filthy and all y t nought is Also in an other place hée cauleth the matrimony of lay men a fleshly and carnall thyng and the chastitie of his spiritualtie hée cauleth spirituall maryage What saith Marcian more then this is Is not this abhominable doctrine thus shameles to speake of holy and sanctified matrimony and to call it fleshly and carnall And yet hée is not thus content but hée cauleth y t maryage of priestes sinne and defenders of the same sectatores libidinum the folowers of filthy lustes preceptores viciorum the teachers of vice laxantes frena luxuriae géeuing libertie to lechery Tell mée if any man woulde speake and reprooue y t whores of the stewes what other wordes co●ld hée vse agaynst them more shameful then these And yet they wil not bée noted to condemne matrimony What mischiefe can not the deuill cloke if men woulde beléeue hym But farthermore let vs sée how holy and blessed that hée reckeneth matrimony for to bée by the reason of honours and rewardes that hée geueth vnto priests that marry First saith hée if a Priest doth marry of ignoraunce by the reason that hée knew not the statute of the pope forbidding priestes to marry that then this priest fyrste shall forsake his wife and then shall so continue with out any farther promotion as long as hée lyueth And if there bee any Priest that will defēd his mariage by the example of the Priestes in the ould lawe hym doth the Pope priuate of all maner of Ecclesiasticall honour for euer Moreouer hée sayth that if any spirituall mā doth after this decrée marry then his sinne shall neuer bée forgeuen hym nor they may neuer afterward handle the blessed sacramēt because that mariage is a fylthy and a foule concupiscence sayth hée Now iudge indifferently Christē reader if this bée not dispising of holy matrimony thus shamefully to speake of it and so cruelly to handle them that holyly doth liue in it hauing nothing for hym but a lousy decrée of Pope Siricius So that men may perceaue clearely how that hée byndeth not his priestes by the reason of their vowe as his protectours doth say but by y t reason of the statute that Siricius had made afore the priestes had vowed any chastetie S. Paule when hée should order such byshoppes as should bée in the Church of God irrepresēsible among all other thinges hée would that hée should bée a man of one wife hauing children well brought vp Here Saint Paule aloweth hym one wife How commeth it then that men say that a Priest shall haue no wyfe How agreeth this one with none Men must at the least wayes graunt that S. Paule dyd not recken mariage vnpure vncleane for a byshop for if hée had hée would not haue graūted hym one wife Yea moreouer hée speaketh of his children well brought vp in the which hée admitteth and aloweth the coniunction and copulation béetwéene them two for to bée godly and vertuous Hée hath other eyes to looke on the blessed and holy coniunction which is betwéene man and wyfe then the Pope hath For the Pope rekeneth it fylthy and not semely that a Priest should with his holy handes touch a womans body with the same handes to conscecrate y t holy sacrament Oh Lord God what cā not the deuill bring to passe what abhominable holynes of hypocrisye is this to recken a Priest vnpure and vncleane béecause hée hath vsed hym selfe in Gods holy ordinaunce Is not this as much to say God thou art an inuenter and ordayner of that thing that maketh men vnpure vncleane thou art the auctour of this vncleanenes For haddest thou not instituted it so had men not vsed it Alas how fayne would I chide I could here say some thing If I would but I may not Neuertheles it gréeueth mée for I can not tell where to vse euell wordes if I shall not vse thē against such abhominable and execrable heresye
of righteousnes what it is Car● How the spirituality ▪ care for the temporall common wealth As thou 〈…〉 ‑ 〈◊〉 ●o shalt 〈◊〉 ob 〈◊〉 mercy in y ● life to come 6. The filthines of the hart what The purenes of the hart what The ende of the lawe 〈◊〉 to iusti●… all that ●…leue Impure harted who are 7. Peacemaking what Princes what they ought to 〈◊〉 yet they make warre Whē thou maist assure thy selfe to be y ● sonne and heyre of God Vengeaūce pertayneth to God onely 8. In y e fayth of Christ lawe of God ▪ all o●r righteousnes is conteyned Peace The peace of Christ is a peace of conscience To suffer with Christ in this worlde is to be glorified wyth him in the worlde to come Payne No 〈◊〉 payne ca● be a satisfaction to God 〈◊〉 Christes passion 9. What the most cruell persecution is Set the example of Christ before thee Cursed Most accursed who Workes iustifie no● Not the worker but y e pure mercy of God is cause of the promise made vnto The office of a true preacher It is a leopardous thyng to salt hypocrisie Salt Who is mete to salt A true preacher of gods word must vse no parcialitie for feare of persecution Monkes why they runne to cloystures By salte is vndersteod the true v●de●●tandin● of the ●…as of fayth of wo●kes c ▪ Spiritualtie why 〈◊〉 be dispi●●d Ceremonies must be salted Darcknes all knowledge is darcknes 〈◊〉 the knowledge of Christes bloud shed●ing be in the hart Laye The laye ought to haue the Gospell Gospell The propertie of y ● Gospell Gospell The tr●e Gospell is not hid in dennes If y ● spiritualty were a light as they ought to be they woulde make them ●…ues pore to make other riche but they make other poore and themselues riche Kinges ought to be learned The order how euery man may be a preacher and how not None ought to preach ●…ly but such as are admitted by y ● ordinaunce of the congregation Spirituall and temporal req●… do biffer Euery mā must defēde Christes doctrine in 〈◊〉 owne person Whose refuseth tad●… for Christes sake cā not be the disciple of Christ False doctrine causeth ▪ 〈◊〉 workes True doctrine is cause of good workes Grace and truth thorough Iesus Christ Gloses They that destroy the law of God with gloses must be cast out The Church Law Except a man lo●e Gods law ●e cannot vnderstand the doctrine of Christ The righteousnes of Phariseis Glorie He that seketh hys owne glory teacheth his owne doctrine not his masters Glory ▪ he that sek●… came glory altereth his ma●…s message Worde Gods worde altered is not his worde To loue is to helpe at ●eede Prayer The prayer of Mōkes robbeth helpeth not Loue prayeth Scribes Ph●… what they were The Phariseye● might better haue proued thēselues the true Church thē our spiritual●●e way The promises are made vpon the profession of the keepyng of the lawe of God so that the Church that will not keepe Gods lawe hath no promise that they ca●ot erre The wickednes of y ● Phariseies what it was Preacher Why the true preacher is accused of treason and heresie Ipocrisie Why hipocrisie must be first rebuked though it be ieopardie to preach against it The lawe is restored The Phariseis 〈◊〉 extēd 〈…〉 doinges or actes to y ● outward shew 〈◊〉 deede and nothing to the hart The lawe 〈…〉 w●●t on the hart as the hand Racha How a mā may be angry without sinning Loue is y ● keeping of the lawe Sinnerse He that helpeth not to m●nde sinners must suffer with them when they be punished In doyng out best to further our neighbour in vertue although we preuaile not we are excused Hate When a man may hate hys neighbour Offeringes or sacrifices what they meant The faste that God require●… Last farthyng How corruptly the Phariseis dyd attribute all euil to the deede onely Loue is the fulfillyng of the law Aduoutrie Some doctoure ●aue doubted in that which Christ hath flatly condemned Filthy A wife How good a thyng The office of a preacher Law What foloweth the kepyng of the law Law What foloweth the breaking of the law The enormities that haue chaūced since y ● slaughter of King Richard y e secōd vnto this realme of Englād Tiraunts Why God geueth vs vp and leaueth vs in the handes of titaunts and in all misery An admonition What rulers ought to do touching such as runne Flie from their wiues without ●ust cause Swearing To sweare by God Men ought so 〈◊〉 deale that their wordes may be credited without any othes Swearing in what sort it is lawfull ▪ Charitie moderareth the law Othe To performe an euill othe is double● sinne He is not forsworne whose hart ment truly when hee promised To lye or dissemble 〈◊〉 some causes not culpable Cheke To turne the other cheke what it is Mekenes Pollyng how to auoyde it Two maner states degrees of regimētes Euery mā is of the spiritualtie and of the temporalitie both 〈…〉 He that loueth not his neighbour ●ath not y e true fayth of Christ The temporall regiment Violence Not to resist violēce how it is vnderstode Rulers must punishe ●ut for malice but for defence of the people and maintenaunce of y ● lawes An example how to vnderstand y ● two regimentes What soeuer thou art bound to do do it with loue How to be a warriour Thou 〈…〉 or 〈…〉 〈…〉 Goodes Math. xxv To go● 〈◊〉 lawe To rise agaynst the iudge or magistrate so to resiste God Princes whether they may be resisted or put downe of their subiectes in any case The king hath Gods authoritie An aunswere to the former Argument Goodes The kyng as ●ee is Lord of thy body so 〈◊〉 hee of thy goodes Regimēts Euery mā is vnder both regimentes As the spiritualitie may rebuke kings vices so may kyngs vse temporall correctiō agaynst the spiritualtie A preacher of ●…e●ce Rulers do repene to heare of theyr ●…es In lending we must folow the rule of mercy We must not reuenge our selues vpon our euill detters but referre our cause to God and his officers 〈◊〉 Couetousnes is the roote of all euill Iaco. ij The enemies of God and hi● word● are to be huted Leui. 19. Publicans what they were As our heauēly father bestoweth his benefites vpon good bad so ought we to loue both frend and soe To be perfect what it meaneth Almose Deedes cōmanded by the scripture done to any other ende then they ought are ●o good deedes 〈◊〉 xvi It is the purpose entent of our deedes that make or marr● Trumpets To blow trumpetes what Lefte hand Vaine glorie A good remedy against it Workes iustifie not from sinne neither deserue the rewarde promised Our rewarde commeth not of our deserts but th●… the loue that God beareth 〈◊〉 thorough faith in Iesus Christ We may not chalēge the pro●… by our merites but by Christes bloud Crosse Workes What