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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A28561 A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names of all the counties, provinces, remarkable cities, universities, ports, towns, mountains, seas, streights, fountains, and rivers of the whole world : their distances, longitudes, and latitudes : with a short historical account of the same, and their present state : to which is added an index of the ancient and Latin names : very necesary for the right understanding of all modern histories, and especially the divers accounts of the present transactions of Europe / begun by Edmund Bohun ... ; continued, corrected, and enlarged with great additions throughout, and particularly with whatever in the geographical part of the voluminous, Morey and Le Clerks occurs observable, by Mr. Bernard ; together with all the market-towns, corporations, and rivers, in England, wanting in both the former editions. Bohun, Edmund, 1645-1699.; Barnard, John Augustine, b. 1660 or 61. 1693 (1693) Wing B3454; ESTC R13938 1,110,589 500

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through it but now it lies in Ruins therefore called Rovine di Mariana nothing being left but the Cathedral Church which has no Roof neither the Bishops See being removed to Bastia in 1575. Marib See Mecca Mariemberg Mariae-berga a Town of Germany in the Vpper Saxony in Misnia nine German Miles from Meissen the Capital of that Province to the South This is one of the Mine Towns seated in the Mountains near Annaberg in the Borders of Bohemia built by Henry Duke of Saxony in 1519. and still in the Hands of that Family Marienbourg a Town in Hainault in the Low Countries built by Mary of Austria Queen of Hungary and Governant of the Low Countries in 1542. and strongly fortified against the French who nevertheless gained the possession of it by the Pyrenean Treaty in 1660. and dismantled it This stands upon the River Aube eleven French Leagues from Mons to the East and four from Charlemont to the South-West Marienburgh Mariaeburgum called by the Poles bork by the Inhabitants Margenburgh is a strong City in Prussia Regalis whereof it is the Capital upon the River Nogat a Branch of the Vistula six German Miles from Dantzick to the North-East and four from Elbing to the South-West Heretofore the principal Seat of the Knights of Prussia who built it and dedicated it to the Virgin Mary the Castle in 1281 the Town in 1302. Casimirus King of Poland took this City in 1460. The Swedes in 1625. The Castle was burnt in 1644. and restored to the Poles in 1655. by Treaty Marienburgh or Marieburgh the same with Queen's Town in Ireland See Queen's County Mariendal the same with Mergentheim Mariestadt Mariaestadium a new City in Westrogothia in Sweden between the Lakes of Wener and Neter three German Miles from the former and six from the latter Long. 31. 19. Lat. 58. 27. Marigalante one of the Caribby Islands in South America under the French six Leagues from Guadeloupe and ten or twelve from Dominco Recommended for Fruitfulness Marignano Melignanum Meriganum a Town in the Duchy of Milan upon the River Lambro in the middle between Milan and Lodive ten Miles from either Near this the Swiss were beaten by Francis I. in 1515. Marinat Scardus a Mountain in Macedonia it parts Servia Albania and Macedonia and ends at the Euxine Sea near Saramontin the Borders of Romania Drino and many other Rivers spring from it In the Maps it is written Mazinai Marish Mariscus Marus a River of Transylvania it ariseth from the Carpathian Hills and passeth by Neumark Radnot Alba Julia or Weissenburg Branksa and Lippa to Segedin where it ends in the Tibiscus This is the principal River of Transylvania Mariza Hebrus a River of Thrace it ariseth out of Mount Hebrus which is a Branch of Mount Marinat in the Northern Confines of Macedonia Servia and Bulgaria where they all meet from two Fountains and running East it watereth Phileba or Philippopolis Adrianople and Ploutin where it receives Copriza and turning Southward falls into the Archipelago over against Lembro Mark See Marck Market-Iew a Market Town in the County of Cornwal and the Hundred of Penwith Marieborow or Marleburg Cunetio an ancient Roman Town seated upon the River Kenet in Wiltshire in the North-West Bounds towards Barkshire upon the ascent of an Hill In this there was a famous Parliament held for ending the Differences between the Barons and the King in the fifty second year of Henry III. A. C. 1267. where were made the Statutes called the Statutes of Marleburgh The Parliament assembled in a Castle which this place anciently had belonging unto John Sans terre as he was surnamed afterwards King of England It is still a Corporation which sends two Burgesses to the Parliament and hath withal the Convenience of Savernake Forest and Aldburn Chase in its Neighbourhood Charles I. at his Coronation added another Honour to this place by Creating James Lord Ley Lord Treasurer Earl of Marleborow February 5. 1625. which was afterwards possessed by William the fourth Earl of this Family Grandchild to the first Earl who succeeded Henry his Nephew slain in a Sea-Fight against the Dutch in 1665. The Lord Churchill enjoys this Title at present by the Creation of King William Marlow Magna a Market Town in Buckinghamshire in the Hundred of Disborough probably so called for the Store of Marl or Chalk here dug up Marmara Strymon a River on the South of Macedonia towards the Borders of Thrace more usually called Stromona and also Radnitz and Iscar it falls in the Archipelago at Amphipoli Marmora Elaphonesus an Island in the Propontis on the Coast of Asia famous for Marble Quarries it is ten or twelve Leagues in circuit with a City the Capital of its own Name and divers Villages inhabited by the Religious Caloyers The adjacent Sea is called from hence the Sea of Marmora which discharges it self on one side into the Pontus Euxinus by the Bosphorus Thracius and on the other towards the South into the Aegean Sea by the Hellespont The ancient Poet Aristeas adorned this Island with his Nativity It communicates its Name to the three Neighbouring Islands Avezia Coutalli Gadaro called in general the Islands of Marmora They all stand in a good Climate abounding in Corn Wine Cattel Cotton and Fruit inhabited principally by the Religious Greeks and some Arabians Ptolemy mentions Marmora by the Name of Proconnesus Others call it Neuris Marmorica the present Kingdom of Barca in Africa it had heretofore for its Bounds Libya Propria to the East and Cyrenaica to the West Marne Matrona a great River in France which ariseth in Champaigne near Langres in a Village called Marmote in the Confines of the Franche Comte and running North-West watereth Langress Chaumont ●oynevil S. Dizier Chalons and Meaux then falls into the Seyne two Miles above Paris Maro A Valley Marquisate and Town upon the Confines of the States of Genoua belonging to the Duke of Savoy Marocco is both a City and a Kingdom in Africa in the West Part of Barbary the Kingdom of Marocco is a considerable part of Mauritania Tingitana extended on the Atlantick Ocean from the River Abene to that of Azamor on the East it has the River Malava which parts it from Tremesen on the West the Atlantick Ocean on the South Mount Atlas and on the North the Kingdom of Fez. The Country is said to be very fruitful and pleasant abounding in Cattle Fruits Corn Sugar Oil Hony and whatever is useful to the Life of Man Divided into seven Provinces which are Guzzula Sus Marocco Hea Hascora Daccala and Tedles The King takes the style of Emperour of Barbary and Marocco King of Fez Suz c. Hath a great number of Castles in this Kingdom yet there is one kept by the Portugueze two Leagues from Azamor Marocco Marochum Marochia Marochium the principal City which gives Name to the whole called by the Spaniards Maruccos by the Italians Marocho is supposed to have been the Bocanum
demolished by the English It has a Collegiate Church § There is another Meun in the same Province upon the River Inde betwixt Chateau-roux and Bruzancais § And a Third in the Province of Orleanois under the right side of the Loyre betwixt the City Orleans and Baugency Adorned with a Collegiate Church and taken heretofore by the Victorious English under the Earl of Salisbury In Latin Magdunum Meurs Meursia a small City of the Dukedom of Cleves though seated in the Bishoprick of Cologn which is an Earldom and belongs together with its Territory to the Prince of Orange by the gift of the last Countess in 1600. Yet the Duke of Brandenburgh lays claim to it as Duke of Cleves It lies two Miles from Rhineburgh to the South one from the Rhine to the West about ten from Cologn to the North-West and seven from Cleves to the South-West Meurtre Mourtre Murta Morta a River of Lorrain it ariseth from Mount Vauge and watering Nancy falls into the Moselle three Leagues above Pont Mouson Meuse Mosa the same with the Maes Mexico Mexicum a vast City in the North America the Capital of New Spain and of a Province of the same name in that Kingdom the Seat of the Spanish Viceroy of the West-●na●es and an Archbishop's See This City stands upon the North side of a Lake of the same name in a most pleasant fruitful and large Plain and in great part surrounded with the Lake The Inhabitants pretend it was built in 1322. The Spaniards by the current and thread of their Story say it was built in 902. It was many Ages since the Royal Seat of the Kings of Mexico had then a great and splendid Palace called in their Tongue the Tepac but burnt together with the City when it was taken by the Spaniards in 1521. by Francis Cortez who rebuilt the City and made it the Capital of his Conquests Its Streets are great streight and beautiful its Churches magnificent its publick Buildings noble It has an Aquaduct three Miles long and many Monasteries John de Turre Cremata our Countryman Mr. Gage and some others have given large accounts of this noble City which is the greatest in America It has no Walls Forts Bastions nor any Cannon or Defence whatsoever beside what the number of its Inhabitants afford which is a part of the Spanish Jealousie for fear a Viceroy should set up for himself In 1527. Pope Clement VII made it a Bishop's See In 1547. Paul III. made it an Archbishop's See in which Year Cortez the Conqueror died It was made an University in 1551. by Charles V. As it is seated in a very low ground so it has often suffered very much by Inundations of the Lake particularly Septemb. 21. 1629. forty thousand of its Inhabitants were drowned to prevent this for the future they have with great Charges found out a means to drive part of these Waters other ways There is no way to the City but over three Causways on the North West and South sides the latter of which is the longest Long. 269. 00. Lat. 28. 30. eighty Spanish Leagues from the South Sea and the same distance from the Shores of the Bay of Mexico See Golfo di Mexico There are also two Lakes of Water called by the name of this City one of which is fresh Water seven Leagues long six broad the other is salt Water forty Leagues in compass Meydenburg See Magdeburg Meylandt the German Name for Milan Meyne See Mayn § Also a Mineral Spring much resorted to of late near the City Arles in Provence Mezaal a pretended Island in Aethiopia See Meroë Mezieres Maderiacum Meceria a City of France in Champagne in the Territory of Retelois built upon and almost encompassed with the Maes and very well fortified besides It stands not above half a League from Charleville four beneath Sedan to the West three from the Confines of Luxemburgh and sixteen from Reims to the North-East and hath a Collegiate Church Mezo Amyzon a City of Caria in the Lesser Asia still extant and a Bishop's See under the Archbishop of Sancta Croce being seated between Magnesia and Alabanda thirty Miles from Miletus now Melasso and the same distance from the Shoares of the Archipelago to the East Mezuma oppidum novum a City in the Kingdom of Algïer in Africa in the Province of Tenez between Algier and Tremesin Mezzaba a Province in Biledulgerida in Africa with a City of the same name by the great River between Zeb and Tegorarina to the West Mezzovo Pindus Miana Apamia or Apamea a City of Media Long. 79. 50. Lat. 34. 20. Miary a River in Brasil which receives the Ovaro Covo and divers other Rivers then falls into the Ocean near the Island of Maragnan upon the Coast of Brasil Micoli an Island of the Aegean Sea betwixt Nicaria to the East and the Islands Tenon and Andron to the North. One of the Cyclades called by the Antients Mycone and Myconos It produces Wine Cotton Barley and abundance of Game planted with one only Village which pays a yearly Tribute to the Turks Middleburgh Metelli Castrum Middleburgum Metelloburgum a Town in Zealand the Capital of the Isle of Walcheren made a Bishop's See under the Archbishop of Vtretcht in 1559. by Pope Paul IV the Collegiate Church in 1561 being converted into a Cathedral and the Revenues of a famous Abbey that was here applied to serve for the use of the Bishoprick It is great rich populous extremely well fortified and has been under the Vnited Provinces ever since 1574 in which it was taken by their Forces from the Spaniards The Abbey is now the Town-house § There is a Town in Flanders under the Vnited Provinces two German Miles from Bruges to the North and an Island in the East-Indies both called by the same name Middlefart a Town in the Island of Fuynen in the Baltick Sea giving name to the Channel Middelfart or Middle-Passage betwixt this Island and Jutland Middlesex Middlesexia Trinobantes is bounded on the North by Hartfordshire on the West by Buckingham separated by the River Colne on the South by Surrey cut off by the Thames and on the East by Essex divided from it by the Lea. It is nineteen English Miles in length and sixteen in breadth one of the least Counties in England but its Fertility and nearness to London abundantly recompenseth this want of Extent The ancient British Inhabitants were the Trinobantes afterwards it was a part of the Kingdom of the East-Saxons White-hall and S. James the Royal Mansions of the Kings of England are both in this County to which may be added Hampton Court their Country House of Pleasure and LONDON the Capital of England is its Head The Honorable Charles Sackville Earl of Dorset is also Earl of Middlesex by a Creation of Feb. 4. 1674. Which Title was first bestowed by K. James I. in 1622. on Lionel Lord Cranfield Lord Treasurer of England whose Son James enjoyed the same and after
given of it by Monsieur Thevenot who saw it himself Famous moreover to all posterity for the Children of Israel's passing it on dry ground at their entrance into Canaan and the Prophet Elijah's doing the same in company with Elisha Our Saviour received Baptism here from the hands of S. John near to which particular place the Christians built a Monastery that is now in ruins The Pilgrims delight to bathe in this River fancying the Water sanative from the virtue of that Sacred Contact It overflows in Summer with the melted Snow from Mount Libanus But in the Winter runs a low Water and after its Current into the Dead Sea it is clear without mixture for above a League together issuing thence by a subterraneous Channel into the Mediterranean Ioyeuse Gaudiosa a Town in France in the Province of Vivarais towards the Borders of Languedoc honoured by being first a Viscounty next a Dutchy and giving Name to a Noble Family Ipepa Hypaepa a City of Lydia in the Lesser Asia between Mount Tmolus and the River Caystro not far from Thyatira It is a Bishops See under the Archbishop of Ephes●s Ipre See Yperen Iprichia the same with Africa Ips Ipsium and Ibissa a Town in Austria Ipsala Cypsella a City in Thrace by the River Mela at first a Bishops See under the Archbishop of Trajanopoli or Zernis afterwards it became the Metropolis It lies between this City to the West twenty nine Miles and Drusilaba to the North-East twenty six Miles the River in our latter Maps is called Larissa and falls into the Archipelago over against the Isle of Lembro just behind that Peninsula which makes the Dardanels straight Ipswich Gippo-vicus the County Town of Suffolk heretofore called Gippwich seated on the North side of the River Stour upon the foot of a steep Hill in somewhat a low Ground it has a commodious Haven and was heretofore a place of great Trade with many wealthy Merchants in it and a vast number of other people but now decayed as to both It was also formerly fortified with Trenches and Rampires the loss of which is not to be lamented the Town being so seated that it can never be made a place of Defence the Hills on all sides but the South and South-East commanding it It has fourteen Parish Churches and a great many goodly Houses the tokens of its former Wealth In 991. the Danes sacked it and nine years after repeated their Cruelty upon it In the Reign of S. Edward it had eight hundred Burgesses who paid Custom to the King There was also a Castle built here by the Normans which Hugh Bigod Earl of Norfolk defended against the Usurper King Stephen but was forced to surrender at last the ruins are now lost Mr. Cambden supposeth it to have been demolished by Henry II. when he did the same by Waleton Castle not far off Here landed the three thousand Flemings which the Nobility called in against Henry II. when his Son rebelled against him In the late Rebellion this Town stood clear of all those Calamities which involved the rest of the Nation The Bishop of Norwich hath a House here and the Viscount of Hereford another befitting his degree and quality The Honourable Henry Fitz-Roy Duke of Grafton was created Viscount Ipswich Aug. 16. 1672. who died of the Wounds that he received in the Service of King William before Cork Octob. 9. 1690. This Town is also a Corporation and sends two Burgesses to the Parliament It has a Free-School with the convenience of a good Library and a Hospital Cardinal Wolsey was born here and began the building of a stately College which bears his Name to this day Ireland Hibernia Ivernia is a great fruitful and noble Island on the West of Great Britain accounted in ancient time for greatness and glory the third Island of the World and called then the Lesser Britain Orpheus Aristotle and Claudian call it Ierna Juvenal Mela Juverna Diodorus Siculus Iris. Others Jovernia Overnia and Burnia The Natives Erin The Welsh Yuerdon The English Ireland It is three hundred Miles long and two hundred broad on the East it has the tempestuous Irish Sea between it and Great Britain on the West the Vergivian Ocean on the North the Deucalidonian Sea and on the South the British Ocean Divided into four Provinces Leinster Mounster Vlster and Connaught which heretofore sustained the Title of as many Kingdoms comprehending in all thirty Counties four Archbishopricks and twelve Bishopricks The Country is full of Woods Hills and Bogs The Soil rich and fruitful especially as to Grass Pomponius Mela in the times of the Emperour Claudius gives the very same character of it and therefore it has ever abounded in Cattle which is its most Staple Commodity The principal Rivers are the Shannon the Sewer the Barow the Black-Water the Shour the Neure the Boyne the Leffy c. The Capital City heretofore Armagh now Dublin The Air is at all times temperate but too moist to be at all times pleasant or wholsome The Romans in all probability never had any footing in this Island This Nation was converted to Christianity in the fifth Century by Palladius and S. Patrick especially the latter who planted not only Religion but so much Learning too amongst them that in the next Age the Monks of Ireland were eminent for Holiness and Learning and Ireland thence called Insula Sanctorum an Island of Saints In 694. Egfrid King of Northumberland first entered and destroyed this Nation with Fire and Sword after this the Danes for thirty years together wasted and destroyed them After these the Germans After them Edgar the most powerful King of England conquered a great part of Ireland And when by Massacres and other Accidents the Irish were freed from all these Calamities there ensued Domestick Broils among themselves In 1155. Henry II. being called in by the Natives resolved on the Conquest of them whereupon Richard Strongbow Earl of Pembroke began it in 1172. Henry II. in Person entered Ireland and taking upon him the Stile of Sovereign Lord of Ireland the States and all the petty Kings submitted to him and passed over all their Rule and Power which was confirmed by Pope Hadrian The Kings of England continued the Title of Lords of Ireland till the Reign of Henry VIII who took first upon him the Stile and Title of King of Ireland in 1541. which was confirmed to Mary his Daughter by Pope Paul IV. in 1555. The Irish have ever looked upon this Conquest as a Wrong and an Usurpation which no Act of theirs nor Time it self could make valid Hence when ever England has been imbroiled they have taken the opportunity of Revolting In the Reign of Edward I. when that Prince was engaged against the Scots one Donald O-Neal stiled himself King of Ulster and in Right of Inheritance the undoubted Heir of all Ireland But when in the Reign of Henry VIII the pretence of Religion was added first the Earl of Kildare rebelled
the Hundred of Finsbury of which the Earl of Warwick bears the Title of Baron Kent Cantium is the most South-Eastern County of England on the North it is bounded by the Thames which parts it from Essex on the East and South it has the British Sea in part on the North and on the West it has Sussex and Surrey It is in length from East to West fifty Miles and from South to North twenty six Divided into five Lathes Sutton Aylesford Soray St. Augustine and Shepway wherein are four hundred and eight Parishes and thirty Market Towns That part which lieth towards the Thames is healthful but not fruitful the middle parts are both the Southern are very fruitful but not healthful The Thames the Medway the Stower the Tun and the Rother besides lesser Streams water it Some give this Character of it The Weald for Wood East Kent for Corn Rumney for Meadow Tenham for an Orchard Shepey and Reculver for Wheat Thanet for Barley and Hedcorn for Capons This Country was first conquered by Julius Caesar though not without Resistance in the years of Rome 696. and 698. fifty three years before the Birth of our Saviour being forced to a double Expedition against almost this single County As he began the Conquest of Britain here so did the Saxons Hengist erecting the Kingdom of Kent in the year of Christ 456. seven years after the first arrival of the Saxons Against the Danes the Kentish men did also great things and with much Courage and Patience repelled those Barbarous People When William the Conquerour had subdued all the rest of the Nation he was glad to come to a Composition with the Inhabitants of this County and to grant them their ancient Liberties and Customs Whence the Laws of Gavelkind obtain here to this day This County was also the first that imbraced the Christian Religion from Augustine the Monk in the year 568. Accordingly Canterbury is justly the Metropolis of the whole Kingdom of England as having been the first Fountain from whence the Christian Religion spread it self amongst the Saxons for as for the British or Welsh they had imbraced Christianity long before VVilliam the Conquerour in 1067. created Odo Bishop of Bajeux his half Brother Lord Chief Justice and Lord Treasurer of England Earl of Kent In 1465. Edward IV. created Edmund Grey Lord Ruthyn Lord Treasurer of England which Family still injoys this Honour Anthony II. the present Earl of Kent being the eleventh in this Succession Besides the Sea of Canterbury this County injoys a second Bishoprick which is Rochester and a great many populous rich Towns fafe Roads large and secure Harbours for Ships and whatever else is desirable in Human Life except a more serene Air. Kerci or Chierche Cercum a small Town at the Mouth of the Streights of Caffa upon the Euxine Sea belonging to the Precopensian Tartars Kerez See Keureuz Keriog a River in Shropshire which falls into the Dee above Bangor Kerka or Karka Titius a River of Dalmatia which washeth Sardona and Sebenico then falls into the Adriatick Sea eight German Miles North of Spalatro Kermen Germia a considerable City at this day in Thrace seated not far from Adrianople the Turks have here a Sangiack Kerry a County in the Province of Munster on the Vergivian or Western Ocean between the County of Clare to the North and the County of Cork to the South and East the Capital of which is Ardart Keschidag Olympius a Mountain of Misia in the Lesser Asia Kesmarckt or Keysermarkt Caesaropolis a Town of the Vpper Hungary at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains towards the Frontiers of the Kingdom of Poland Keswick a Market Town in the County of Cumberland in the Hundred of Allerdale near to which Black Lead is digged up in plenty It standeth in a Valley environed with Hills and has been formerly a famous Town for Copper Mines Kes●el or Cassel Castellum Menapiorum a Town in Brabant two Leagues beneath Roermond to the North between the Maes to the East and the Peel to the West seated upon the River Neerse which a little lower falls into the Maes Kettering a Market Town in Northamptonshire in the Hundred of Huxton upon a Rivulet which falls into the Nen delightfully seated on an Ascent It has a Sessions-House for the Justices of Peace of the County Keureuz Keres Krais Chrysius Cusus a River of Transylvania and the Vpper Hungary which ariseth in the Western Borders of Transylvania near Feltat and watering Giula a little above receiveth another Branch called by the same Name which passeth by Great Waradin both which Rivers being united fall into the Tibiscus or Tyesse at Czongrodt above Segedin One of these is called by the Germans Fekykeres which goes to Giula the other Sebeskeres Feky signifying White and Sebes Black Kexholm Kexholmia a Province of the Kingdom of Sweden in Finland which was heretofore under the Russ but conquered by the Swedes in 1617. It is the most South-Eastern part of Finland The Capital of this Province is Kexholm seated upon the Banks of the River Voxen near to the Western Shoar of the Lake of Ladoga which together with the Castle which is very strong was taken by Monsieur Pont de la Gardie a French Gentleman from the Russ in 1580. The year following this Gentleman took Narva and several other strong places for the Swedes from the Moscovites and was at last drowned in the River of Narva Keyserstul Forum Tiberii a small Town in Switzerland upon the Rhine over which it has a Bridge It lies in the County of Baden nine German Miles from Basil to the West and Constance to the East and belongs to the Bishop of Constance but is subject to the Canton of Zurick Kidwelly a Market Town in Caermarthenshire in VVales The Capital of its Hundred Khoemus Margiana a Province of the Kingdom of Persia See Margiana Kherman Kermoen Kermon or Kirman Carmania or Caramania a Province of the Kingdom of Persia with a City of the same Name Kiburgh a Castle in the Canton of Zurich upon the River Toss two Miles from Zurich to the East the Earls of which were heretofore of great Name This Castle was purchased by them of Zurich in 1452. Kiel or Kil Chilonium a City in the Dukedom of Holstein under the Duke of Holstein upon the Mouth of the River Swentin having a convenient Port upon the Baltick Sea much frequented by Merchants Ships there belongs to it a Castle seated on a Hill and an University opened here in 1665. The Convention of the States of Holstein are usually held here This City stands nine German Miles from Lubeck to the North ten from Flensborg to the South and tho very well fortified has of late suffered very much from the Swedes Kiengara See Gangra Kienning a great City of the Province of Fokien in China and the Capital of a Territory of its own Name commanding six other Cities It is adorned with a magnificent Pagod or
and with it into the Ocean Seyde Sidon by the Germans called Said is a City of Phoenicia in Syria upon the Shores of the Mediterranean North of Tyre about a League distant from the remains of the ancient Sidon Sister to Tyre in the Scripture for its Sins and the Punishments of them A populous City full of Merchants and Artisans of all Nations driving a great Trade in Cotton and Silk The Franciscans Capuchins and Jesuits have each their Chappels the Turks seven or eight Mosques and the Jews one Synagogue here The Maronites of Mount Libanus and the Armenian Greeks enjoy the like Liberties Without the City appear many Gardens of Oranges Citrons Tamarines Palm-trees and the Fig-trees of Adam so called because bearing a Leaf of the length of six foot and the breadth of two Adam it is supposed covered his nakedness with them It hath two small Fortresses but so far ruined as to remain indefensible The Turks keep a a Sangiack here under the Bassaw of Damascus a Cady or Judge and an Aga of the Janizaries The French a Consul All which Officers are handsomely lodged the rest of the Houses are ill built The Harbor formerly was capable of receiving many and great Vessels but is now choaked with Sand to that degree as to admit only of Skiffs whilst Ships lye in the road behind the Rocks for Shelter In the Christian times it was a Bishop's See under the Archbishop of Tyre The Eutychians held Council here of twenty four Bishops in 512 under the protection of the Emperour Anastasius In 1260 the Tartars became Masters of it from whom the Turks obtain'd it about one hundred and fifty years since There is now a Caemetery upon a part of the Mountain Antilibanus in the place where the Old Sidon stood for the use of the Christians of Seyde And the Maronites have a poor Chappel by it Seyne See Seine ● Sezza Setia a City of Campagna di Roma in Italy of good Antiquity mentioned by Martial It is said to have sometime been a Bishop's See though not now Du Val places an Epispocal City of the same name in the Terra di Lavoro in the Kingdom of Naples Sfacchia Leuci a Range of Mountains in the Territory of Cydonia on the West side of the Island of Candy which gave name to the Sfacciotes who signalized themselves by their valiant resistance against the Turks when they endeavoured the ravishing that Island from the Seigniory of Venice of late years Shaftsbury Septonia a Town upon the Stoure in the North-East Borders of Dorsetshire towards Wiltshire seated in the form of a Bow on an high Hill which affords it a serene Air and a large delightful Prospect but deprives it very much of Water In the times of the Norman Conquest it had one hundred and four Houses and after this ten Parish Churches now three with about 500 Houses built of the Freestone of its own Hill Some write King Canutus the Dane died here This Town was built by King Alfred in 880 as Mr. Cambden proves from an old Inscription mentioned in William of Malmesbury In 1672 Charles II. created Anthony Ashley Cooper then Lord Chancellor of England Earl of Shaftsbury who died in Holland and his Son succeeded him in this Honour Shannon Shennyn or Shennonon Senus Sinejus a River in Ireland which is one of the principal in that Kingdom It ariseth in the County of Roscomon in the Province of Connaught out of Mount Slewnern and flowing Southward through Letrim forms a vast Lake called Myne Eske and Ree towards the North end of which on the East side stands Letrim in the middle Longford towards the South Ardagh on the West side Elphem and Roscomon and at some distance from the Lake to the South Athlone Beneath which comes in from the West the Logh a vast River from three other Lakes more to the West called Garoch Mesks and Ben-Carble on the East it receives the Anney so passing by Bannogh and Clonfort to the Lake of Derg at Kiloe it leaves that Lake and passeth to Limerick where it turns full West and between Munster to the South and Connaught to the North enters the Vergivian Ocean by a Mouth five Miles wide between Cape Leane and Cape Sanan having in this Course separated Leinster and Munster from Connaught Shap a large Village in the County of Westmorland in Westward near the River Lowther in which in the Reign of Henry I Thomas Son of Jospatrick founded an Abbey and the same was the only Abbey in this County There is near this Town a noted Well which ebbs and flows often in a day and a perfect Bow of vast Stones some nine foot high and fourteen thick pitch'd at equal distances from each other for for the space of a Mile Sheale a Town in the Bishoprick of Durham in Chester-ward upon the Mouth of the River Tine The Newcastle Coal-Fleet takes its Cargo here Sheffield a large well-built Market-town in the West riding of Yorkshire in the hundred of Strafford upon the River Dun of particular note for Iron Wares even in Chaucer's time who describes a Person with a Sheffield VVhittle by his side It shews the ruines of one of the five Castles formerly seated upon the same River Dun in the compass of ten Miles Corn especially is much bought up here for the supply of some parts of Derby and Nottingham shires as well as Yorkshire Shefford a Market Town in Bedfordshire in the Hundred of Clifton situated between two Rivulets which below it join to fall in one Stream into the Avon Sheppey Shepey Toliapis an Island on the Eastern Coast of Kent at the Mouth of the Thames and Medway Separated by the River Medway from Kent and on all other sides surrounded with the Sea About eight Miles long and six broad Fruitful in Pasturage and well watered especially on the South by Rivers The Danes Earl Goodwin his Sons and their Adherents much harassed it in former times Queensborough is its chief Town it hath several other Towns besides and hath been honoured with the Title of an Earldom in the Lady Dacres Countess of Shepey Shepton-Mallet or Malley a large Market Town in Somersetshire in the hundred of VVhiston Shipton a Market Town in VVorcestershire in the hundred of Oswalderston upon the River Stower It stands in a slip of the County taken off from VVarwickshire Shirburne Clarus Fons a Town and Castle in the North-West of Dorsetshire on the Borders of Somersetshire upon a River of the same Name which afterwards falls into the Parret the Capital of its Hundred Built on the side of an Hill in a fruitful and pleasant Country and much increased in the number of its Inhabitants and its Wealth by the Cloathing Trade In 704. a Bishop's See was erected here translated afterwards to Sunning and thence to Salisbury The Family of the Digbys Earls of Bristol are Barons of Shirburne § Also a Market Town in the West riding of Yorkshire in the Hundred of
of Oesel in the Baltick Sea Sonnemberg a Town in the Marquisate of Brandenburgh in Germany near Poland to the East Sor or Soro a River in the Kingdom of Portugal which divides Alentejo from Extremadura and falls into the Taio at Salvaterra nine Miles above Lisbone Sora a City of Latium upon the River Garigliano now a Bishops See in the Kingdom of Naples in the Terra di Lavoro which is under no Archbishop It has a splendid Castle honoured with the Title of a Dukedom belonging to the Family di Boncompagno and slands fifty five Miles from Rome to the East and ten from the Lake di Celano Fucinus to the South § This is also the name of a City in the Island of Scelandt in the Baltick Sea belonging to Denmark which has an University in it founded by Frederick II. and re-established by Christian IV. Kings of Denmark Soracte a Mountain in the Dukedom of Tuscany in Italy consecrated to Apollo in the Heathen Ages there It is now called Monte di S. Silvestre Soratoff Soratovia a City in the Kingdom of Astracan upon the Wolga in the middle between Casan to the North and Astracan to the South Lat. 52. 12. in a great Plain The Inhabitants are all Muscovites See Olearius Pag. 162. Soraw Sorava a small City in Lusatia the Capital of the Lower part of that Province and under the Elector of Saxony It stands in the Borders of Silesia two German Miles from Sagan to the West and five from Crossen to the South often taken and retaken in the Swedish War Sorge Sorgue Orge Sorge Sulga Sulgas a River of Gallia Narbonensis which ariseth in the County of Vendosmois in Provence and falls into the Rhosne above Avignon but very near it at a Town called Pont-Sorge Soria Syria Soria Numantia Nova Soria a City of New Castile not above one League beneath the Ruins of the ancient and celebrated Numantia seated in the Mountains well peopled and having belonging to it a very large Jurisdiction It stands twelve Leagues from Baubula to the South-West and eight from Tarazona to the North-West Soritae an ancient people mentioned by Pliny as neighbouring upon India and living altogether upon Fish Sorlings See Silly-Islands Sorrento Sorriento Surrentum Surentum a City in the Kingdom of Naples which is an Achbishops See in the Terra di Lavoro on the Bay of the Hither Principato twenty four Miles from Naples to the South It is seated in a fruitful Plain and though very ancient being mentioned by Pliny and Livy yet in a good Estate Long. 38. 20. Lat. 40 33. Sosteropolis Soteropolis a ruined small City which stood near Nicomedia in Bithynia in Asia Minor where according to Zoneras died Constantine the Great of Poyson Soubiac or Sublac a small Town in Campagna di Roma in the Dominions of the Pope It stands upon the River Teverone and is noted for an Abbey of the Order of S. Benedict who did himself choose a Retreat here Souilly or Seulley a Town in the Dukedom de Bar in Lorain Soul Sous a Kingdom in the East part of Biledulgerid in Africa under the King of Marocco Soule a Territory in the Pais des Basques in France Honoured with the Title of a Viscounty The chief Town in it is Mauleon de Soule Soumel a Town in the Kingdom of Bengale in the Empire of the Great Mogul towards the Ganges The Sound See Sund. Sour See Tyre Soure Sura a River in the Dukedom of Luxemburg called by the Germans Saur by the French Soure It ariseth near Bastoigne eight Leagues from Luxemburg and being increased with some smaller Rivers watereth Dietkirch beneath which it receivs the Vr from Viande to the North then passeth to Echternach and Wasser-bilch where it falls into the Moselle two Leagues above Trier to the South Souri a Province of Turcomania in the Lesser Asia Sourie the same with Zurich Souriquois a Tribe of the unconquered Salvages of New France in North America Souristan the same with Syria Sousos a people of Nigritia in Africa Souster Susa the Capital of Chusistan in the Kingdom of Persia one hundred and eighty Miles from Bagdad to the East now in a flourishing State Southampton Clausentum Antonia Magnus Portus Trisantonum Portus a small City in the County of Hamshire seated on the West side of the River Anton or Hampton which comes from Winchester and here falls into the great Bay of South-hampton ten Miles from Winchester to the South This was a Roman Fort called Clausentum and ruined by the Danes in 980. Also plundered and burnt by the French under Edward III. and rebuilt in the Reign of Richard It is a strong rich populous well traded City fenced with a double Ditch strong Walls and many Turrets for the Defence of the Haven it has a strong Castle built by Richard II. The Haven is capable of Ships of good Burthen up to the Key and lies opposite to Jernsey Garnsey and Normandy There are now five Parish Churches in this City Henry VI. granted it a Mayor and made it a County in 1067. Beauvois of Southampton that celebrated Warriour was its first Secular Earl in 1538. The Bishops of Winchester being before reputed to be Earls of Southampton and so styled in the Statutes of the Garter made by Henry VIII Willam Fitz William Lord Admiral in 1547. Thomas Wriothsley Lord Chancellour was created the third Earl by Edward VI. to whom succeeded three of his Posterity The last died in 1667. In 1675. Charles II. created Charles Fits Roy eldest Son to the Duchess of Cleaveland Baron of Newbery Earl of Chicester and Duke of Southampton Southwark a large Borough in the County of Surrey and the Hundred of Brixton opposite to London on the other side of the Thames and under the Jurisdiction of the Lord Mayor of London yet enjoying several ancient Privileges peculiarly to it self and represented in the Lower House of Parliament by its own Burgesses In the number of Inhabitants and Buildings it exceeds most Cities notwithstanding its Losses by many great Fires S. Thomas's Hospital founded by the Citizens of London stands here Southwell a Market Town in Nottinghamshire in the Hundred of Thurgarton of good Antiquity upon a Rivulet falling not far off into the Tren● Adorned with a Collegiate Church Southwould Sowold or Swold a small Corporation and Sea-Port Town in the County of Suffolk famous for the many Rendezvouzes of the English Fleets when ever we have had any Wars with the Hollanders especially for two great Naval Victories obtained against them in the Bay of this Town the first June 3 1663. the second May 28. 1672. Both under the Conduct of King James II. as Lord Admiral of England under his Brother Charles II. of Blessed and Pious Memory It is a strong and pleasant Town in the Hundred of Blithing upon a Cliff with the Sea to the East the River Blithe over which there is a Draw-Bridge to the West and a Bay of its own name to the
Sir William Cecil Lord Treasurer of England built it and Robert Lord Cecil his Son of the same office to K. Jam I much beautified it Theoskeposti the Grotto in the Island of Patmos in the Archipelago wherein S. John is said to have written his Apocalypse Thermia Ferma and Ferminea as the Italians call it Polyaegas an Island in the Archipelago towards Europe which hath a considerable City of its own name and a Castle and a Spring of hot mineral Waters not far from the Sea from whence it took the name of Thermia Thermodon the same with Pormon § The Ancients frequently mention a River in Scythia Europaea in the Country of the Amazons of this name also Thermopylae a Streight or narrow passage at the great Mountain Oeta and the Gulph of Zyton in the extreme Borders of the Province of Thessalia in Macedonia leading into Phocis in Achaia Now called Bocca di Lupo or the Wolf's mouth Of great fame in Antiquity for being maintained by Leonidas General of the Lacedaemonians with three or four hundred Men against a vast Army of the Persians under Xerxes Thespia an ancient City of Boeotia in Greece near the Mountain Helicon It has been a Bishops See under the Archbishop of Athens But as it lies now under the Tyranny of the Turks a poor Village Thessalia a very considerable Province of Macedonia toward the South Bounded on the South by Achaia now Livadia on the West by Epirus on the North by Macedonia properly so called and by the Archipelago and the Bay of Thessalonica to the East The Capital City of which is Larissa now called Comenolitari by Castaldus and by Brietius Janna under the Turks It had in the beginning Kings of its own Next it became subject to the Macedonians and Romans It had Marquesses