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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10377 A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, aswell in his voyage, as in, and sithence his returne and of the true motiues and inducements which occasioned His Maiestie to proceed in doing iustice vpon him, as hath bene done. Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. 1618 (1618) STC 20652.5; ESTC S115419 21,521 68

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euery man hee mett that hee was sicke and that hee left him in an extreme loosenesse that very night BVt Raleigh hauing formerly dispatched a messenger to London to prepare him a Barque for his escape came at last to London and hauing wonne his purpose by these former deuices of feigned sickenesse to bee spared from imprisonment in the Tower and to bee permitted to remaine at his owne house till his better recouery there fell out an accident which gaue him great hopes and encouragement speedily to facilitate his intended designe for escape For as he came on his way to London in his Inne at Brentford there came vnto him a Frenchman named La Chesnay a follower of Le Clere last Agent here for his Maiesties dearest brother the French King who tolde him that the French Agent was very desirous to speake with him as soone as might be after his arriuall at London for matters greatly concerning the sayd Sir Walters weale and safetie as in effect it fell out that the very next night after his arriuall at London the said Le Clere and La Chesnay came vnto him to his house and there did the said Le Clere offer vnto him a French Barque which hee had prepared for him to escape in and withall his Letters recommendatory for his safe conduct and reception to the Gouernour of Calis and to send a Gentleman expresly that should attend and meete him there to which offer of his Raleigh after some questions passed finding the French Barke not to bee so ready nor so fit as that himselfe had formerly prouided gaue him thanks and told him that he would make vse of his owne Barke but for his Letters and the rest of his offer he should be beholding to him because his acquaintance in France was worne out So passionately bent was hee vpon his escape as that hee did not forbeare to trust his life and to communicate a secret importing him so neere vpon his first acquaintance and vnto a stranger whom he hath since confessed that he neuer saw before And thus after two nights stay the third night hee made an actuall attempt to escape and was in Boate towards his Shippe but was by Stucley arrested brought backe and deliuered into the custodie of the Lieutenant of the Tower For these his great and hainous offences in actes of Hostilitie vpon his Maiesties confederates depredations and abuses as well of his Commission as of his Maiesties Subiects vnder his charge Impostures Attempts of escape declining his Maiesties Iustice and the rest euidently prooued or confessed by himselfe he had made himselfe vtterly vnwoorthy of his Maiesties further mercy And because he could not by Law bee iudicially called in question for that his former attainder of Treason is the highest and last worke of the Law whereby hee was Ciuiliter mortuus his Maiestie was inforced except Attainders should become priuiledges for all subsequent offences to resolue to haue him executed vpon his former Attainder HIs Maiesties iust and honourable proceedings being thus made manifest to all his good Subiects by this preceding Declaration not founded vpon coniectures or likelyhoods but either vpon confession of the partie himselfe or vpon the examination of diuers vnsuspected witnesses he leaues it to the world to iudge how he could either haue satisfied his owne Iustice his honourable intentions hauing bene so peruerted and abused by the sayd Sir W. Raleigh or yet make the vprightnesse of the same his intentions appeare to his dearest Brother the King of Spaine if he had not by a Legal punishment of the Offender giuen an example aswell of terrour to all his other Subiects not to abuse his gracious meanings in taking contrary courses for the attaining to their owne vnlawfull endes as also of Demonstration to all other forreigne Princes and States whereby they might rest assured of his Maiesties honourable proceeding with them when any the like case shall occurre By which meanes his Maiestie may the more assuredly expect and claime an honourable concurrence and a reciprocall correspondence from them vpon any the like occasion But as to Sir Walter Raleigh his confession at his Death what he confessed or denied touching any the points of this declaration his Maiestie leaues him and his conscience therein to God as was said in the beginning of this Discourse For Soueraigne Princes cannot make a true iudgement vpon the bare speeches or asseuerations of a delinquent at the time of his death but their iudgement must be founded vpon examinations reexaminations and confrontments and such like reall proofes as all this former discourse is made vp and built vpon all the materiall and most important of the said examinations being taken vnder the hands of the examinates that could write and that in the presence of no fewer then sixe of his Maiesties priuie Counsell and attested by their alike seuerall subscriptions vnder their hands which were my Lords the Archbishop of Canterbury the Lord Verulam Lord Chauncellor of England the Earle of Worcester Lord Priuy Seale Master Secretary Naunton the Master of the Rolls and Sir Edward Coke Imprinted at LONDON by BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie ANNO 1618. TO The whole World O WORLD THou seest what Contradiction these poor weak Sermons have met withall how they have been and are accused of falshood envy malice peevishness that the Magistrates are standered in them and very lies uttered in the face of City and Country I am necessitated to appeal to God and the World O World I hold forth unto thy view faithfully all that was ●●●ken nothing omitted I call unto thee to be my true and impartial witness and let the God of Truth be Iudg
effect de mon confidence au Roy. Which paper of Raleighs hand writing Mannowry produced And now Sir Walter Raleigh beganne to practise with Mannowrie and to tell him that hee would flie and get himselfe out of England and that if Mannowry would aide him in his escape it was all in his power and that Sir Lewis Stucley trusted in no bodie but Mannowry whereupon Mannowry made him an ouerture that at his comming to London he should keepe himselfe close in a friends house of Mannowries in Shire-lane in London whereunto he seemed to encline and found Mannowries aduise good for a while but in the end hee told him that hee was resolued otherwise and that hee had alreadie sent Captaine King to hire him a Barke below Grauelend which would goe with all windes and another little boate to carrie him to it For quoth hee to hide my selfe in London I should be alwayes in feare to be discouered by the generall searchers that are there but to escape I must get leaue to goe to my house and being there I will handle the matter so that I will escape out of the hands of Sir Lewis Stucley by a backe-doore and get mee into the boate for no bodie will doubt that I can goe on foote seeing mee so feeble as I seeme to bee And then Raleigh hauing mused a while without speaking Mannowrie asked him Sir wherefore will you flie your Apologie and your last Declaration doe not they iustifie you sufficiently Then all in choler Raleigh answered him in English thus Neuer tell mee more a man that feares is neuer secure which fashion of his put Mannowry to silence for that time Now there rested nothing but his Maiesties Licence to permit him to goe to his owne house without which hee sayde hee could nor possibly escape This Licence was after granted him by the meanes of Master Vice-chamberlaine and Master Secretarie Naunton which being obtained Mannowry tooke occasion to say to him That heereby one might see that his Maiesty had no meaning to take his life seeing that hee suffered him to goe to his owne house to recouer his health No quoth Raleigh they vsed all these kindes of flatteries to the Duke of Byron to draw him fairely to the prison and then they cut off his head I knowe that they haue concluded amongst them that it is expedient that a man should die to reassure the Trafficke which I haue broken in Spaine And thereupon brake foorth into most hatefull and Trayterous wordes against the Kings owne Person ending in a menace and brauery That if hee could saue himselfe for that time hee would plot such plots as should make the King thinke himselfe happy to send for him againe and render him his estate with aduantage yea and force the King of Spaine to write into England in his fauour Mannowry at that time did aske him further if hee escaped what should become of Sir Lewis Stucley and whether hee should bee put to death for him or not and whether hee should loose his Office and Estate Not to death quoth Raleigh but hee will bee imprisoned for a while but his landes the King cannot haue for that they are already assured to his eldest sonne and for the rest it was no part of his care Mannowry further asked him if it were not Treason in himselfe to be ayding to his escape No quoth hee for that you are a stranger neuerthelesse you must not bee knowne of any thing for then you will bee sure to bee put in prison In conclusion Mannowry demaunded of him yet further But what if it be discouered that I had any hand in your escape why quoth hee follow mee into France that is your Countrey and quit all and I will make you amends for all After Raleigh went on his iourney to Andolier and so to Hartford-bridge and from thence to Staines during which time Sir Lewis Stucley being made acquainted by Mannowry with Raleigh his purpose to escape vsed extraordinarie diligence in guards and watches vpon him which Raleigh perceiuing saide to Mannowry at Staines I perceiue well it is not possible for mee to escape by our two meanes alone Stucley is so watchfull and sets such strait guard vpon mee and will bee too hard for vs for all our cunnings therefore there is no way but to make him of our counsell and if wee can perswade him to let mee saue my selfe I wil giue him in hand two hundred pounds sterling worth and thereupon drew forth a Iewell and shewed it to Mannowrie and gaue it into his hand made in the fashion of haile powdered with Diamonds with a Rubie in the middest which hee valued at a hundred and fiftie pound sterling and said Besides this Iewell hee shall haue fiftie pound in money I pray you goe tell him so from me and perswade him to it I know he will trust you Mannowrie went presently to Stucley and told him as before and concluded with him that Mannowrie should report backe to Raleigh that hee would accept of his offer and bade him tell Raleigh also that hee was content to doe as hee desired but hee would chuse rather to goe away with him then to tarie behind with shame and reproach and hee bade Mannowrie aske him further how hee thought hee could doe this without loosing his Office of Vice-Admirall which cost him sixe hundred pounds and how they should liue afterwards and to what place they should go and what meanes he would carie with him to furnish this intended escape which Mannowrie did and was answered by the said Raleigh and prayed to tell Stucley that if hee would sweare vnto him not to discouer him hee would tell him his whole intent and that for the first point though Stucley should loose his Office yet hee should bee no looser vpon the matter and for afterwards assoone as hee was gotten into France or Holland his wife was to send him a thousand pounds Sterling and that hee caried with him onely a thousand Crownes in money and Iewells to serue for the present in his escape But after supper Raleigh said vnto Mannowrie Oh if I could escape without Stucley I should doe brauely But it is no matter said hee I le carie him along and afterwards I le dispatch my selfe of him well enough And after Mannowrie relating all that had passed to Stucley brought them together at which time Raleigh shewed the Iewell to Stucley and hee making shew to bee content prayed him a little respite to dispose of his Office whereupon Mannowrie seeing them so accorded vpon the matter in appearance tooke his leaue of them to goe to London and in the morning Mannowrie vpon the taking of his leaue said to Raleigh that hee did not thinke to see him againe while hee was in England Whereupon Raleigh gaue him a Letter directed to Mistris Herrys of Radford that shee should deliuer him an yron fornace with a Distillatory of Copper belonging vnto it and charged him to tell