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A09916 A shorte treatise of politike pouuer and of the true obedience which subiectes owe to kynges and other ciuile gouernours, with an exhortacion to all true naturall Englishe men, compyled by. D. I.P. B. R. VV. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556. 1556 (1556) STC 20178; ESTC S115045 90,036 182

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ye passed nothing on it but as the Iewes being downed in sinne mocked scorned and murthred the prophetes of God which long before prophecied vnto them their captiuities and vtter destruction so ye laughed and iested at your preachers wordes nothing regarding the threattes of God but contēnyng thē yea increaceīg in your wickednesse ādnowat leyn ght murthering most cruelly the ministers of God And seing wordes of warnyng toke no place with you God for his louing mercie hathe warned you also by monstrous maruailes on the earthe and horrible wonders in thelement to put you beside all maner of excuses What wonderfull monstres haue ther now lately ben borne in Englande What celestial signes most horrible A childe borne besides Oxforde in the yeare M. D. LII with two heades and two partes of two euil shaped bodyes ioyned in one A childe borne at Couentree in the yeare M. D. LV without armes or legges A childe borne at Fulhā by Londō euen now this yeare with a great head euil shaped the armes with bagges hanging out at the Elbowes and heles and fete lame A childe newe borne at Lōdō furthewith speaking as a prophet and mes sager of God An horrible Comete this year besides diuerse eclipses whiche folowe But what were these only bare signes No certaynly they doo and must signifie the great wrathe and indignacion of God Not long after the passion of our saueour Christ whan the Britaines our cōtreymen went about to re couer their libertie and to be despeched of the most cruel seruitude and miserie which the Romaines kept thē in wherein no Britayn was certayn of wife childrē goodes no not of their liues all thigs were so in bōd●… ge of the cruel Romaynes pleasur ther were of our coūtreymē slayne at one tyme three score ād ten thousaūt mē ād at an other tyme thrittie thousaūt Before which slaughters ther were many wōders sene in Eng lād Thimage of the Idole which the Romaines hade in their tēple called Victorie was turned backe as though she gaue place to thenenies The sea was like blood ymages of mēnes bodyes founde on the sea syde And womē were out of their wittes ād cried destructiō at hāde destructiō at hāde so that the Britaynes were in great hope ād the Romaynes in great feare Before Britayn now called Englād came in to the full power of the Danes kīg Edmūde the sōne of Ethelberte beīg slayne ther were diuerse straūge thinges wherby all men gessed that an alteration of the Realme was towarde but chiefly they gessed the great calamitie by the sodain swelling of the sea without any euidēt cause which so brake in to the lande that it destroyed many townes and people Before that great slaughter of Englishe men and Normādes which was by reason of the warres that were in Normandie betwene king Hēri the furst king of Englāde and Robert Duke of Normandie his brother at which tyme Normandie was ioyned to Englande the ryuer of Trent did not runne one hole daye together but was so emptie that men passed ouer on fote and at that tyme a sowe brought furthe a monstre with the face of a man and a henne a foure foted monstre So that by that that is past ye maye the boldlier diuine of that that is to come The childe by Oxforde what did it betoken but that our one swete head king Edwarde should be taken awaye as he was in dede and that ther should be in his place two headdes diuerse gouernours and a towarde diuision of the people but not all together which so manyfestly folowed that no man can denye it or two people should be knytte together but not in god proporcion nor agrement The childe of Couentrie without the principal membres to helpe and defende the bodye must nedes signifie that the natural body that is the people of Englande shalbe helpeles ready to be troden vnder the fote of euery creature and non to releue or succour it The childe of Fulham what can it signifie but that the natural body of England shalbe weake the chief membres tharmes and legges which is the nobilitie so clogged with chaynes of golde and bagges of money that the hande shall not be hable to drawe out the sweorde nor the heles to spurre the horse to helpe and defende the body that is the commones And as the head of it is the greatest part and greater than it ought to be with to muche superfluitie of that it should not haue wherfore it must pull from the other membres to confort it and lacke of that good proporcion it ought to haue so shall the gouernours and headdes of Englande sucke out the wealth and substaunce of the people the politike body and kepe it bare so that it shall not be hable to helpe it self yet shall the head neuer come to that nature requireth What is to be gathered of the yōg chil de I doo not saie it is true bicause the father was forced onles he wold haue lost his life to r●…cant it but might it not be true Is ther not as muche to be saied for it as for the popes trāsubstāciacion Dothe not Eusebius Pamphili a man of as good credite as Thomas Aquinas Scotus Gratianus and suche other the inuētours and mainteners of transubstanciacion write that a lambe contrary to nature and possibilitie did in plaine wordes before declare the nature and disposicion of Bochorus king of Egipt They that write the cronicles of the Romaines saie that a dogge a serpent and oxen did speake But scripture plainly saieth that Baalams asse a creature vnreasonable without possibilitie to speake did saie to his maister why beatest thou me And Iohn the baptist contrary to the common course of nature lept and reioiced in his mothers wombe whan Christes mother being with childe came to see Elizabeth his mother If men that beleued not the miracles which the gogle ●…ied Roode of Boxley the Idole of walsinghā the bawde of willesdō which euery foole might see to be deceates and open illusions were condemned and burned for heretikes how should they be taken that doo not beleue the manifest workes of God The horible Comete and blasing starre that was sene this yeare greater in Englande than elles wher what elles dothe it betoken but the great displeasure of God and therfore famin pestilēce warres sediciō deathe of princes inuasion of forain naciones destruction of som or many cities and countreies and the alteracion and chaungeing of the state and gouernement For if it be laufull for man to diuine of Goddes wonderfull workes and by the like thinges past coniecture those that be to come why should we not affirme that these plages will folowe Before the great warres made by Xerses against the Grecianes and the ouerthrowing of the hole state of Grece ther was a blasing starre sene of the shape of an hor●…e and an eclipse of the sunne Before the last and vtter destruction of the citie of Ierusalem ther was sene hanging in thelement ouer
the kyng and haue the greatest offices Thus were our countreymen the Britaynes remoued from their king straungers placed in all offices and holdes and at leynght the lande was ouerrunne and possessed of Straungers And the mane of Britayne put awaye and the realme called Englande The Danes after vnderstanding how fertile and pleyntifull England was sought meanes by litle and litle to place themselues in Englande and after a king of Dēmarke in his owne persone inuaded Englād in the Northe ād made wōderfull cruell warres they spared none they burned and wasted Yorkeshire Northumberlande and all places so that the enhabitauntes were forced to sue for peace at the Danes han des Then built they the towne of Dancastre that is the Castle of the Danes and whiles they had peace sent for moo Danes and whan they thought their for ce and power bigge ynough they passed not vpon promyses and leagues that they had made but renued the warres killed burned ād spoiled in euery place til thei came to Excestre the people and realme was most miserably tormented and made tributarie to them Diuerse of the nobilitie of England vpon light yea no occasiones but only bicause they were thought not to fauour the Danes were taken their nose trilles most villanously slytted their handes cut of ▪ Ah good God who can remembre these thinges without weping Who that feareth thy wrathe lorde will not am●…de his life ād call to thee for mercie What naugh tie nobilitie were that that wolde oppresse the commo nes and afterward be vsed and oppressed them selues by straungers as their predecessours haue ben before tyme What deuillis he Cōmones might that be called that wolde repyne or rebelle against the nobilitie and gentilmen and than to be ouerrunne them selues with priestes and forayners and to be pyned with suche miserie as ye heare that our auncettours were and all bicause the gentilmen and cōmones agred not among them selues Who is a natural Englishe man that will not in tyme forsee and considre the miserie towarde his countreye and him selfe ād by all meanes seke to let it who is it that cā hope for quietnesse pea ce healthe pleyntie and such like giftes of God without Goddes fauour and mercie And how is it possible that God should vse mercie with them that beare inwarde hatred and grudge one to an other ād will vse no merci with others If ye forgeue other mē their offenses that thei cōmitte agaīst you saieth Christ your heauenly father will forgeue thoffenses that ye haue cōmitted against him But if ye doo not forgeue other mē their faultes neither will your father forgeue you your faultes No whilest ye saye the lordes praier ād be full of rācour malice hatred ād ēuie towarde your neighbour ye cōdemne your selues and desire Goddes plages and vengeaunce to fall on your selues for ye meane vēgeaūce to your neighbours ād wishe all euill to fall on them And so it dothe fall on you as ye see by experiēce of the playes ād miseries that are ād shall come to you But from inwarde sedicion and ciuile discorde that briedeth so muche mischief let vs come to outwarde warres and inuasiones made by straūgers But ye will saye ye haue no warres with any forain prince It is true but shall ye haue none yes yes the tyme is not yet come all is not hatched that is vnder the henne Your winges must be dubbed your fethers must be pulled your cōbes must be cut you must be cleane piked your substaunce shalbe gotten by littel and littell out of your handes by taxes and subsidies by beneuolences and loanes and so frō a litell to more and frō more to more and at leynght all the marchauntes goodes to be confiscate in Flaunders by an inquisitiō and others in England by an opē excōmunicatiō And whan ye be ones cleane stripped of your stoare and thus weakened out of courage ād your harte in your hose as they saie than shall your king returne to his welbeloued wife England with great pōpe ād power and shall cōpell you in despight of your hartes to rē dre and deliuer her holly in to his handes Than shall the easter linges vpon hope to recouer their olde and greater priuileges aide him with mē money and ship pes as allready they haue offred and promised as diuerse credible lettres haue declared Thā shall they in uade Englande and shalbe by shiploades if no worse happē vnto you caried in to newe Spaine ād ther not lyue at libertie but bicause ye are a stubburne and vn faithfull generaciō ye shalbe tyed in chaynes forced to rowe in the galie to digge in the mynes ād to pike vp the golde in the hotte sande And so with soro we to your soppes your three mānes song shall be Alas and Weale awaye Than shall ye knowe the pride ād lorde lynesse of the Spanyardes though for a while til they maie get the ouer hande they crepe and crouche fede men with swete wordes Baso las manos and women with confettes swete wynes pleasaunt pfumes gaye apparail and suche like vayne to yes but wh●…n they be ones alofte ther is no naciō vnder the cope of Christ like thē in pride crueltie vnmercifulnesse nor so farre frō all humanitie as the Spanyardes be which thig the realme of Naples the Dukedome of Milane the citie of Siena many partes of Duchelande and the lande of Iulike Cleuelande and Geldre lande can to theyr coste right well testifie And maie it not be thought that the Frēche kìg whā he seeth oportunitie wil set in a fote makìg clayme to Englande in the right of the Quene of Scottes as heire to hing Hēry theight by his eldest syster And maie it not be suspected that the pope to doo the Frenche king a pleasure shall saye the Diuorce betwene king Henry and the dowager was by the canon lawes laufull and shall excommunicate the realme onles they reuoke thacte of parliament wherby the Dyuorce of late was iudged vnlaufull Remēbre remembre good countrey men and true English hartes the miserie that folowed in our poore countrey vpon the conquest made by thambicious William Duke of Normādie vpon how small a title he entred ād how tyrānously he vsed him self His only colour was a bequest or promise made to him by king Edward brother to Cauntus and Heraldus kinges of England whā he was a banished man in Normandie if he should dye without issue as he did At his first en trie he had a great batail with the newe chosē king of Englād ād slewe hì ād twētie thousaūt of our coūtreye mē which put suche a feare in all men the Nobilitie the cleargie the Lōdoners ād others the cōmons that it m●…de thēsue for peace ād to geue pledges for their ●…delitie whom he sent in to Normandie At the first he made thē many fayre promises of peace quietnesse ād iustice wherwith the folishe fōde people were sone begyle●… They thought they had
iudge All men knowe that thy mother whan thou wast begoten was an hoore The common voice and fame saieth and the truthe is that albeit one Boner a bare whippe Iacke for lucre of money toke vpon him to be thy father and than to mary thy mother yet thou wast persone Sauages bastarde and of that race come thy Cousins Wimmeslowe thy Archediacon of london a mete eie for suche a grosse head and Wimslowe his brother and a great meany moo notable These thinges be so euident ād plaine that thou cannest not without blushing denie them neither thou wilt I knowe denie thē For thou boastest ād braggest muche that thou comest of gentil blood But thou wilt saye thou hast a bull of dispēsacion from the pope I require to knowe what time it was graunted Thou saiest whan thou wast at Rome It is euen that I requiered Thou wast in dede at Rome proctour for the princes dowager the Quenes mother in the cause of diuorce betwene King Henry the viij and her Whan thou sawest that no prebendes no Archediacōries no bishoprikes were to be goten by continuing on her parte thou betraiedest her cause and becamest of Counsail with the king O noble counsaillour O seuere and laufull iudge A mete man to sit in condemnacion of so many innocentes yea more mete to stande on the pillarie than in a pulpit to be tied vp in a boare franke than walke in a princes chambre to weare 〈◊〉 Tiburne tippet than a graie amise But what if thou haue no dispensacion What a murtherour art thou of true Englishe men What a tormentour of the people of God How haste thou deceaued the Erles of Oxeforde and Sussex the Lorde Riche the Maires and Sheriffes of London and many other of the nobilitie gentilmen and Commones forceing them to washe their handes in innocentes blood with thee what consciences maie they haue through thee How cannest thousalue their wounded soules But thou wilt saie it maketh no matier The cleargie is faire ridde of a great meany of enemies A dead man can doo no hurt But be thou certain thou wilt be dece●…ued What so euer becometh of thy bocherly body I wishe thy soule to be saued Repent therfore in tyme become Paule of Saul Whan the prince of Sebech called Adonisebech cut of the handes and fete of Seuentie kinges and made them lyue by licking vp the cromes that fell Vnder his table he thought those poore maymed men could doo him no hurt but God payed him home For he him self hade his handes and ●…ete cut of and was forced to pike vp cromes vnder the table as he hade forced the other kinges King Abimelech caused his thre score and tē brethren by the father side to be all killed bicause he might reigne alone he thought all was Cocke and so did they that holpe him to execute so horrible an acte But what did they escape No. God suffred the deuil to make discorde betwene the king and his deare dearlinges and first thei were iustly destroied by their king and after he him self hauing his head broken with a pece of a stone lette fall out of a weake womans handes for shame willed his seruaunt to kill him with a sweorde that it should not be reported a woman hade killed him King Achab and Quene Iesabel thought non should reuenge poore Nabothes deathe but contrary to their expectacion by Goddes iustice dogges slossed and licked vp the blood of them bothe Quene Athalia thought her self sure whan she had killed al the kinges progenie but God serued her with the like sawce she reigned not long but she was killed All the miserie and mischief in the Realme of Naples came by a woman called Quene Ioane a woman of muckle lust who after she hade ben a while maried to a noble gentilman and waxed weary of his worke caused him to be hanged out of an open galerie in the toppe of the house bicause noman should see him and not after the poore theues maner with an halter of hempe but with a rope of golde Wrought with her owne and her sisters Madam Mari malecasta her owne fyngers She triumpheth for a while and after besides an vnspeakeable nombre of pryuie mariages she made foure by daye in a litle space but at leynght God plageth her and she was hanged in that place wher she before hanged her husbande Whan those that conspired the deathe of the two brethren the Admiral and the Protectour hade brought it to passe so as they might robbe the king and spoile the Realme at their pleasure did they at leynght escape scotte free No ▪ Som of them by the iuste iudgement of God were plaged with the like punishemēt with the same axe vpon the self same blocke and in the same place And the rest hereafter are not vnlike without repentaunce which they shewe not to receaue their rewardes either in them selues or their posteritie O wonderfull workes O iust iudgement of God that hat●…th those that doo euil and destroyeth those that worke mischief that abhor reth blood thirstie people and those that haue double hartes and treble tongues But Boner I maye not leaue thee thus Geue me leaue Sauage Boner to dispute this mater of laufull and not laufull a litle more with thee If thou and the rest of the traitours thy Cōpaniones should persuade the frēdeles Quene of England whō ye haue enchaūted to geue ouer the towne of Calese and Barwike to a straunge prince and contrary to her othe not to diminishe any parte of the rightes of the Crowne and liberties of the people which kinges of England at their Coronacion in tymes past made and which she also made to her subiectes Whan she was crowned before she was a per●…it Quene she folowed your counsail and som noble personage sent thider to deliuer the keyes and the de putie and garison did not strike of the messagiers head and set it on the gates but obeyed it and not resisted it wer not thou ād thi felowes traitours for ꝑsuading her so doo hade not she broken her othe and promyse were not that tournay a traitour for doing that he was commaunded Were not the deputie and garison traitours for suffring it to be done Answer What cannest thou saie for thy self and thy folowes Giltie or not giltie Thou standest mewet What not a worde Thou art sure your good will will stande you in as good stede as the dede done Neither doo ye passe though the crowes be fedde with your carion carcases and the deuil with your soules so ye maye leaue behinde you a fame that by your traytourie the laitie of Englād was destroyed and the spiritualtie restored to their pompe and lordly power But before the halter stoppe thy winde Boner let vs knowe what thou canst saye for her Sayest thou princes be not bounden by theyr othes and promisses ynough ●…hat for the rest let them remembre that not lōg agoo their neighbour Mōsieur Ver uin Captain of Boloigne was
punished as a traitour for that by necessitie and extremitie of force he rēdred vp Boloigne to king Hēry theight and did not die in the defense of it But thou wilt saie he did it without commaundement of his m●…ister and these shall doo it by cōmaundement of their maistres But what if the commaundement be not laufull doest thou not saie thy self it is not to be obeied Thou saiest to others that non maie do that is not laufull for any commaundement But thou wilt saie it is the Quenes owne and she maye laufully doo with her owne what she lusteth What if it be denyed to be her owne But thou wilt saie she hathe the crowne by enheritaunce and maie dispose of the realme and euery parte of the Realme as pleaseth her But I answer that albeit she haue it bi enheritaunce yet she hathe it with an othe lawe and condicion to kepe and mayn tene it not to departe with it or diminishe it If she ha ue no more right to the Realme than her father hade and her father as muche as euer ani king of Englande what neded he to require the consent of the Nobilitie and commons by parliament to geue the Crowne to his daughter or any other But thou will saie it was more than neded for without consent of the parliamēt he might doo with the Realme ād eueripte therof what it pleased him Take hede what thou sayest If that be true that king Henry might do with it without cōsent of the parliament how is the Ladi mari Quene Why might not King Edwarde his some a prince borne in laufull matrimonie and right heire to the Crowne bequeathe the Crowne wher he wolde and as he did Take hede what thou doest If the king and Quene geue thee a thousaūt perdones yet shalt thou be foun de a ranke Traitour to the Realme of Englande For albeit the king or Quene of a rea●…me haue the Crowne neuer 〈◊〉 iustly yet maye they not dispose of the Crowne or realme as it pleaseth them They haue the Crowne to minister iustice but the Realme being a bodi of free men and not of bondemen he nor she can not geue or sell them as slaues and bondemen No they can not geue or sell awaye the holdes and fortes as Calese and Barwike or suche like without the consent of the Commones for it was purchaced with their blood ād moneie Yea ād thine owne popes lawes wherby thou measurest all thīges to be laufull or not laufull saie that if a kīg or gouernour of any realme goo about to diminishe the regalities ād rightes of his crowne he ought to be deposed Thus did Pope Honorius the thrid cōmaunde tharchebishop of Collossa ād his suffraganes to depriue a kīg of Vngarie which wēt about to waste sell ād geue awaye the Regalities ād rightes of his crowne o●…les in tyme he ceassed ād called backe that he hade done It is so plaine thou canst not denie it But I see Boner I haue chafed thee to muche thi chekes blushe ād swell for very āgre M. D. Cheadsei M. D. Pēdletō M. Cosins or sō of you Chaplaines get my lorde a cup of secke to cō fort his spirites My lorde ād I agree almost like belles we iarre sōwhat but not muche his lordship meaneth that mē ought to be alwaies but not at all tymes honest But I saie thei must be honest alwaies ād at al tymes His lordeship wolde fayne haue a placarde or prouiso for hī ād his that they might sōtimes that is frō the begīnīg to thēde of the weke plaie their partes But Isaie albeit his lordship haue suche a priuilege yet maie no honest mā at any tyme doo that is not honest iuste ād laufull bi kaisers kīges Quenes no neither his cōmaundement For if those thinges which only in mennes opiniones seme to be vnlaufull maye by no autoritie be done and those that doo thē be no lesse to be punisshed than if they had done them without autoritie how muche lesse maye suche thinges by any commaundement be committed that are in dede vnlaufull but shalbe punished according to the desertes by what so euer power or autoritie they be executed Men therfore ought to take hede that by going about to come out of the smoke they fall not in to the fire and by pleasing of men they runne not in to the displeasure of God If mennes ordinaunces and lawes or the gouernours autoritie and commaundement were a sufficient discharge for men to doo what so euer were prescribed or cōmaunded vnto thē tell me I beseche thee why did Esaias the Prop het suffre rather to be sawed in pieces than to folowe the procedinges of Manasses why did Daniel not folowe king Darius and his counsailles commaundement forbearing to worship the true God but was content to be cast to the lyones why did not the three children Sadrach Mesach and Abednego obeye Nabuchadnesar in worshipping the golden idole ād so auoide the hotte burnīg fornace why did Eleazarus submitte him self to deathe and not dissemble why did he not eate his owne meat ād absteyne frō porke fleshe that the king cōmaunded the Iewes to eat cōtrary to the lawes ād saye that he hade eatē it as his olde trustye frēdes of the court coūsailed hī whi did he not sue for a bul or perdō of Antiochus that he might vse his owne religiō as our En glishe haltīg gospellers doo of the pope cōfessing his autoriti which is the thīg that he ōly passeth vpō ād ●…areth not how many soules be ledde to the deuil why did not the seuen brethrē and their mother obeie the kinges commaundement and saue their lyues and goodes as thauncient Catharistes and newe puri stes doo saieng all thinges be pure to the pure and no Idolatrie nor filthynesse can infecte him that is pure and cleane Or why did they not saie as the Priscianistes and Papistes did in tyme past and as the marchauntes Hill and Petresonne with their double tongued traine ād dissembling secte at this present saie that it is laufull and no sinne to saye one thing and meane another to lye with the lyppes so they haue the truthe in the heart to denye God in wordes and workes so they cēfesse him in thought ād mynde to daunce with the deuil all daye and lodge with Christ at night why did Paule suffre so many imprisonmētes so muche beating scourgeing and tormenting And why at leinght did he not saue his life and folowe Kaiser Neroes commaundement why did not the Prophetes thapostles and so many thousauntes of martirs folowe the wicked tirannes commaundemētes and procedinges but resisted them and with their blood testi●…ied that they allowed thē not But all these holy mēnes doīges in confessīg ād obeiēg the highest power God ād not thinferiour powers in wicked ād euil thīges are cōmēded ād lefte bi the holy gooste to vs in holischrift to folowe ād doo the like If mēnes lawes ād cōmaundementes were a sufficient waraūt to mē
to doo what so eueris cōmaūded thē tell me I praie thee to what purpose is suffrig of persecu ciō so ofte repeted so earnestly taught so highly com mended in scripture Christ saieth He that taketh not up his crosse and foloweth me is not mete for me And again blessed be those that suffre persecution for righteousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Bles sed are ye whan men shall curse you and persecute you and speake all euil against you lieng for my sake be glad and reioice for your rewarde is pleintifull in heauen So did they persecute the prophetes that were before you And thapostle saieth All that will liue godly in Christ Iesus shall suffre persecution And so in a great nombre of places of scriptures By suche persecution can not be ment the iniuries that priuate man dothe to priuate man for God hathe ordained a meane that is the magistrate to redresse them But by persecution is ment the Iniuries and tirannie that the Magistrates and gouernours exercice ouer Goddes people For they not contented to let a christian man haue iustice in ciuile thinges aga inst a papist nor an honest man against suche a one as fauoureth their procedinges doo thē selues spoile the christianes and honest of their goodes and not onely spoile them but by all maner of force uiolence and s●…ares seke their life and blood not onely in their owne countrey but wher they haue non autoritie bicause they will not obeie their commaundements and folowe their wicked procedinges God will haue his tried by persecucion that the worlde maie see who loue the chief power more than the inferiour powers his commaundementes more than mennes fonde procedinges the soule more than the fleshe the sure and euerlasting enheritaunce of heauen more than the vncertain and temporal possessiones of this worlde Yea he hathe non other waie to let the difference appeare to mennes eies betwene his seruauntes and princes Parasites than only by persecucion Papistes Turkes Iewes gentiles can dissemble they can seme to fast to praie●… to geue alniose to builde monasteries and chauntries and to doo notwarde workes gaie to the eie bicause they wold be accompted holy of men but to refuse to doo that is euil for iustice sake to be slaundred spoken euil of whipped scourged spoiled of their goodes killed of the worldly princes and tirannes rather than they wolde disobeie God and forsake Christ this can neither papistes nor Turkes Iewes nor gentiles nor non other doo but onely thelectes of God And yet God dothe not so seuerely require of his people that they should streight offre them selues to the princes slaughterhouse their neckes to the halter their headdes to the blocke their blood to make princes puddinges their entrailles to make tripes their quartres to be boiled or rosted but he hathe lefte them a special rule and cōmaundement wherby to guide themselues that is in all thinges to seke furst the kingdome of God If he that is persecuted fele in his cōsciēce that he maie doo God greater seruice and glorie by suffring than by fleing he ought rather to suffre a thousaunt deathes than to flee one foote But if his conscience witnesse with him that he maie doo God greater glorie by flieng than by tarieng he ought not to tempt God with tarieng but is bounden by cōmaundement to departe If they persecute you in one citie saieth Christ flye in to an other And he did not only teache it but did it him self for saking Iewrie ād goīg into Galile whā he hearde Iohn Baptist was laied bi the heles bicause the time was not yet come wherin he was appointed to glorifie God And bicause God wolde haue a refuge place and sanctuarie for his whan suche tirannie and persecucion should be exerciced he wolde neuer suffre the power and ambicious tirannes to make one perfite Monarchie of all but whan they hade done their best to bring all together and the string hade bē almost in the nicke of the bowe as the prouerbe is it hathe sodainly slipt and not only destroied the doer but it hathe fallen in to a great meany moo shiuers than euer it was before Thus God dalieth and plaieth with his puppettes the princelinges of this worlde wherfore sence we be Goddes people and seruauntes and he our lorde and the highest power and the princes of the worlde be but his ministres and inferiour powers ordained to doo good and not euil we ought to seke chiefly to doo Goddes cōmaundementes before all mennes to please God rather than men For the princes doo they the worst they can can but take from men their goodes and liues but God can take from vs bothe goodes and bodie and cast bothe body and soule in to hell And yet should not they be hable to worke their will in this worlde nor execute their malice if men wolde behaue them selues towarde their lorde and maister God as they ought For as be can so wolde he sone despeche the worlde of tirānes But bicause many be opē enemies of God and many dissemblers with God God sendeth ād suffreth euil gouernours and will sende worse to plage the people for their iniquitie and to trie the faithe of his electe from whom not one heare of the head can be taken without Goddes wil. And therfore seking alwaies to do that is good they should alwayes eschue to doo that is euil and committe thende to God But admitte ther be a great nombre that haue dronken of the hoore of Babilons cuppe and thinke that ther is neither heauen nor hell and that Goddes worde is but friers maters and that therfore like Sardanapalus they should seke to eat and drinke and serue their lustes and nothing elles yet were this no sure waie for them to doo that they wolde if they should obeie their princes in what so euer they commaunded The nature of wicked Princes is muche like to the molde warpes which if they be suffred to haue their snowtes in the grounde and be not furthewith letted will sodainly haue in all the body or to the weselles that conueith in his hole body wher he hathe ones goten in his head So they if they be obeied in any euil thing be it neuer so litell wilbe obeied in all at leinght What letteth but that they maie not only sende for mennes goodes but for their headdes also as the Turke dothe to his best Bassa and all his subiectes whan it pleaseth him Why maie not they sende for their subiectes children cause them to be killed baked and geue it to their parentes in steade of other meat and for a seconde course bring in to them the heades fete and handes as king Astiages did to Harpagus All the papir of England wold not serue to set our the mischiefes that might folowe whā princes euil commaundements should be obeied and fulfilled But men that be wise maie bi a litell considre the hole Seing therfore that God will not princes commaundementes
gouernour and kill a tyranne AS ther is no better nor happier cōmon wealthe nor no greater blessing of God thā wher one ru leth if he be a good iuste and godly mā so is ther nō worse nor non more miserable nor greater plague of God thā wher one ruleth that is euil vniuste and vngodly ▪ A good man knowing that he or those by whō he claymeth was to suche office called for his vertue to see the hole state well gouerned and the people defended frō iniuries neclecteth vtterly his owne pleasure and profit and bestoweth all his studie and labour to see his office well discharged And as a good phisician earnestly seketh the healthe of his pacient and a Shipmaister the wealthe and sauegarde of those he hathe in his ship so dothe a good gouernour seke the wealthe of those he ruleth And therfore the people feling the benefit comyng by good gouernours vsed in tyme past to call such good gouernours fathers ād gaue thē no lesse honour thā childrē owe to their parentes An euil persone comyng to the gouernemēt of any state either by vsurpaciō or by electiō or by successiō vtterly neglectig the cause why kinges princes ād other gouernours in cōmō wealthes be made that is the wealthe of the people seketh onli or chiefly his owne profit ād pleasure And as a sowe comyng in to a faire gardin roteth vp all the faire and swet flowres and holsome simples leauing nothing behinde but her owne filthye dirte so dothe an euil gouernour subuerte the lawes and ordres or maketh them to be wrenched or racked to serue his affectiones that they can no longer doo their office He spoyleth the people of their goodes either by open violence making his ministers to take it from them without payment therfore or promising and neuer payeng or craftily vnder the name of loanes beneuolences contribuciones and suche like gaye paynted wordes or for feare he geteth out of their possession that they haue and neuer restoreth it And whan he hathe it consumeth it not to the benefite and profit of the common wealthe but on hoores hooremongers dyceing carding banketting vniust warres and such like euilles and mischieues wherin he dely teth He spoileth and taketh awaye from them their armour and harnesse that they shall not be hable to vse any force to defende their right And not contented to haue brought thē in to such miserie to be sure of his sta te seketh and taketh all occasiones to despeche them of their lyues If a man kepe his house and meddle in nothing than shall it be sayed that he fretteth at the state If he come abrode and speake to any other further with it is taken for a iuste conspicacie If he saye nothing and shewe a mery countenaunce it i●… a token that he despiceth the gouernement If he loke sorowfully than he lamenteth the state of his countreye how many so euer be for any cause committed to prison are not only asked but be racked also to shewe whether he be pryuie of their doinges If he de parte bicause he wold lyue quietly than is he proclaimed on open enemye To be shorte ther is no doing no gesture no behaueour no place can preserue or defende innocency against suche a gouernours crueltie but as an huntour maketh wilde beastes his praie and vseth toiles nettes snares trappes dogges firret tes mynyng and digging the grounde gōnes bowes speares and all other instrumentes engynes deuises subtilties ād meanes Wherby he maie come by his praye so dothe a wicked gouernour make the people his game and praye and vseth all kindes of subtilties deceates craftes policies force violence crueltie and suche like deuillishe wayes to spoyle and destroye the people that be cōmitted to his charge And whan he is not hable without most manifest crueltie to doo by him self that he desireth than fayneth he vniust causes to cast them in to prison wher like as the bearewardes mosell the beares and tye them to the stakes whyles they be baited and killed of mastyues and curres so he kepeth them in chaines whilest the bishoppes and other his tormentours and heretical inquisitours doo teare and deuoure them Fynally he saieth and denyeth he promiseth and breaketh promyse he sweareth and ●…orsweareth and nother passeth on God nor the deuil as the commyng sayeng is so he maye bring to passe that be desireth Suche an euil gouernour proprely men call a Tiranne Now forasmuche as ther is no expresse positiue lawe for punishement of a Tyranne among christen men the question is whether it be laufull to kill suche a monstre and cruell beast couered with the shape of a man And first for the better and more playne profe of this mater the manifolde and continuall examples that haue ben from tyme to tyme of the deposing of kinges and killing of tyrānes doo most certainly con firme it to be most true iust and cōsonaunt to Goddes iudgement The historie of kinges in the olde testament is full of it And as Carnal Phoole truly citeth England lacketh not the practice and experience of the same For they depriued king Edwarde the seconde bicause without lawe he killed his subiectes spoiled them of their goodes and wasted the treasure of the Realme And upon what iust causes Richard the the secōde was thrust out and Hēry the fourth put in his place I referre it to their owne iudgement Denmarke also now in our dayes did nobly the like act●… whan they depriued Christierne the tiranne and committed him to perpetual prison Zacharias the pope that inuented first the lampes in the churche deposed Chilperichus king of Fraunce bicause he was sayed to be a lecherous persone and an unprofitable gouernour of the realme and forced him to be a monke and made Pipine father of Charles king of Fraunce Pope Honorious as ye hearde before commaunded that the king of Vngarie should be depriued bicause he diminished the rightes of the Crowne onles he repented and vndid all that he had done A certayn king of Portugale was very negligēt in his office he cōsumed ād wasted awaye the trea sure of his Realme he oppressed his subiectes ād misu sed thē Wherfore Pope inocēt the fourth made the kī ges brother therle of Bolone coadiutour to the king ād gaue hī the hole charge of the Realme discharged the people of their othe to the king and commaūded them to be obedient to the kinges brother in all thinges as king But the Popes learned counsail saied that he ought to haue bē vtterly deposed of the Crow ne These doinges of Popes I rehearse not as though their usurped autoritie were to be allowed but for that ye maye see that it is no newe thing to depose euil kinges ād gouernours ād that those that haue the iust autoritie maie and ought for the like causes doo as they did For albeit thautoritie of the pope be not laufull yet is the reason that moued them so to doo honest and iust and mete to be
bringing in a great power of Ammonites ād Amalekites two kinds of people in beggerly pride and filthinesse of life muche like to the common nature of Italianes and Spaniardes as well to garde his pson as to fortifie the strōg holdes ād mu niciōes that by ād by seīg himself strōg ynough with his straungers and Inborne traitours he brought the countrey and people vnder his subiection by fine force so that he continued their ordinary Prince and chief ruler xviij years long What oppressing of the poore what robbing of the riche what taking vp of corne and vitail for the king and his straūgers and no money paied for it what taxes and paimentes the people were yowked withall what rauishing of mennes wiues daughters and seruauntes what heading and hanging of the natural Israelites to make the straungers lordes and gentilmen what common miseries and continual calamities ther were during that space no doubt it is vnspeakeable But what remedy No man durst make moane to his neighbour for feare of bewraieng none durst ones whistre against the king they must bende or breake no remedy pacience perforce all were faine to serue and please king Eglon. But at leinght they sent as their yearly accustomed maner was a present to the king by a wittye messagier called Ahud who hauing accesse to the kig saied he hade to saie vnto his Maiestie secretly from God And whan the king hade commaunded all his seruauntes awaie so that Ahud and the king were alone in his somer parlour Ahud thrust his dagger so harde in to the kinges fatte paunche that ther laie king Fglon dead and Ahud fled awaie Now was this well done or euil For so the the dede is so commended in scripture that the holy goost reporteth Ahud to be a saueour of Israel But note by the waie the texte saieth not that Ahud was sent of the people to kill the king nor that he tolde them what he intended for by that meane one Iudas or other wolde haue betraied him and so should he haue ben drawen hanged and quarted for his entreprise and all his conspiratours haue lost bothe life landes and goodes for their conspiracie Only the scripture saieth that Ahud being a priuate persone was stered vp only by the spirite of God Likewise whan Sisara lieutenaunt general of king Iabins warres fleing from Barac sought succour to hide his head hauing long noied and hurt Israel with oppression and warres a woman named Iael called him in to her house and hidde him vnder a Couering He thought him selfe sure and for wearinesse dropped harde on slepe Iael taketh a great long spikig nayle and driueth it with a hāmer so harde in to his braines that Sisara troubled Israel no more nor neuer tolde who hurt hī Mattathias being by the kinges Commissionares required and commaūded to conforme him self to the kinges procedinges which was to committe Idolatrie as all his countreymen the Iewes hade done and as the like case standeth now in Englande not only refused to obey king Antiohus commaundement or to folowe his procedinges in that behalfe but also whan he sawe a Iewe committee Idolatrie before his face he ranne vpon the Iewe in a great zeale and slewe him and fell also vpon the ordinary Commissioners sent from Antiochus the ordinary king of the Realme and slewe them out of hande These examples nede no further exposicion the scripture is plaine inough But if neither the hole state nor the minister of Goddes worde wolde doo their common duetie nor any other laufull shifte before mencioned can be hade nor dare be attempted yet are not the poore people destitute all together of remedy but God hathe lefte vnto them twoo weapones hable to conquere and destroie the greatest Tirāne that euer was that is Penaunce and Praier Penaunce for their owne sinnes which prouoke the angre and displeasure of God and make him to suffre tirannes warres famine pestilence and all plages to reigne among the people And praier that he will withdrawe his wrathe and shewe his mercifull countenaunce Hereof we haue not only commaundement but also manifest examples in the scriptures For whan the Arke of God was taken awaie from the people of Israel by the Philistines in batail and the glorie of Israel brought vnder foote the people being miserably for their sinnes pressed and plagued by the Philistines twentie yeares long so that the people despering of their honour and libertie and seing no mar●…ial wepon nor helpe of man hable to redresse their state cried and continued in lamenting their thraldom and greuous condicion at leynght by the aduise and commaundement of the good Prophet Samuel the people fell to these two meanes Penaunce and praier with fasting and the lorde God not only deliuered them out of thoppression of the Philistines vnto their former libertie but also gaue them suche victories that the Philistines many yeares after durst not ones moue warre against them Thus was also the cruel tiranne Herode vainquished Thapostles ād people in the primatiue churche lamenting their sinnes and calling to God for mercie the angel of God stroke Herode sitting in his throne in his princely apparail making an Oracion to the people and they cōmending it to be the voice of God and not of man and so he was eatē vp of lice or wormes Likewise whan Iulian themperour and Apostata had long persecuted the churche at leinght wh●… the people fell to repentaunce and common praier he going in to Persia was slaine and none of the familie of Constantine wherof he came after that was Emperour And in like maner not long sith whan that tiranne Duke George of Saxonie persecuted all suche as professed the worde of God reuiued and pulled out of purgatorie by the worthy instrument of God D. Luther and at leynght threatned that he wolde burne and destroye the vniuersitie of wittenberg which whan Luther hearde he went in to the pulpit and exhorted eueri man to put on his armour that is Penaunce and prayer And sone after God rid the worlde of that tiranne and so not only deliuered his churche but also augmented it with an other vniuersitie called Lipsia and all the hole countrey of this cruel duke was conuerted to Christes Gospell These be the wonderfull workes of almightie God whose power is as great and as ready at a pinche as euer it was and his mercie as willing to be shewed if his poore afflicted people wolde doo on their weapon that is be sory for their sinnes and desire him to with drawe his sourges and to holde his mercifull hande ouer them VVHAT CONFIDENce is to be geuen to princes and potentates WHAN the kīg of Macedonia Alexander the great hearde the philosopher Anaxagoras saye ther were many worldes the worme of ambicion so tickled and troubled his harte that the water gushed out of his eies And whan he was asked what made him to wepe haue I not iuste occasion to wepe saieth he that hearing of so many worldes I
of Gardier but he was not vnskilled I saie ì the arte of practices No in dede he was excellent in that feate as it well appeared For whan he had wrought and made sure the great mariage to auoide the hatred of the people he made his scholar to father it and to haue the outwarde thankes And no maruail of his conning For he was his maister and hade studied longer the arte than the proctour and hade a better witte and spent yearly the halfe of his bishopriche in bribing or elles he had lost his head long before for his treasones were not alltogether vnknowem albeit they were couered and hidden But what dothe this maister or proctour of practices Dothe he not dissemble with the erle of warwike serueth his turne ì al that his wittes wold serue But what at leinght becometh of our practiceing P. He is committed to warde his garter with shame pulled from his legge his robe frō his backe his coate armour pulled downe spurned out of Windsore churche troden vnder fote and he him self at leinght with great fauour obtein●…th that he might redeme the rest of his corporal paines with open confession at the barre in the Starre chambre on his knes of his bribery extorcion dissimulacion ambicion robbing of the king and suche like vertues wherby he became noble If we minded in this place to displaye the packing and practiceing of the Nobilitie and counsail of Englande in the sickenesse and at the deathe of king Edwarde the vi for the pretensed placeing of the lady Iane in the regaleseat and their sodain slipping the coler and deceauing of one an other it were mater ynough to teache men how litel confidence and trust ought to be geuen either to the smothe coūtenaunces faire wordes confident promises bloody othes or swearing vpon the holy Euangelies either yet to the lettres ād hāde writinges of the Princes ād potentates of the worlde They that were sworne chief of counsail with the lady Iane and caused the Quene to be proclaimed a bastar●…e throughout all Englande and Irelande and they that were the sorest forcers of men yea vnder the threatned paines of Treason to sweare and subscribe vnto their doinges bewraied the mater them selues vnder hande by their wiues ād other secret shiftes and afterwarde became counsaillours I will not saie procurers of the innocent Lady Ianes deathe and at this present are in the highest autoritie in the Quenes house and the chiefest officers and doers in the common wealthe And som of them that wrote most earnestly to a certain auncient lorde of the Realme among many other in the fauour of the Lady Iane bebastarding and railing vpon the Quene were not ashamed within fewe daies after whan the same lorde was locked vp in the towre for his constaunt although constrained obedience to the common ordre of the Counsail to be his most straunge and rough examiners on the contrary part as though they them selues hade neuer halted in the mater But I knowe these practicers answer that if they hade not vsed that practice they should not only haue standen in hasarde them selues but also failed of their priuie purpose Well In the meane tyme it is ynough to knowe that a man maie not trust nor beleue them either by their wordes othes or hande writinges further thā he seeth and heareth them and scarcely so farre And I praie you hathe not the realme good cause to thanke and trust the potentates Prelates and Parliament men for banishing the sacred testament and Gospel of God with the sincere administracion of his holy Sacramentes and for bringing the deuillishe power of the Romishe Antichrist in to Englande again with his miserable Masse and all popishe slauery By the which they haue not only brokē their othe ād loy altie to God and to themperial Crowne of Englande pullìg eternal cōdēnaciō vpō thēselues ād ▪ puokig the heauie hād of Goddes wrath ād plage vpō their sede ād vpō the hole realme ì cōpellìg the people to sinne by fallìg frō the true seruice of the liuìg God ìto most wicked supersticion and idolatrie alas therfore but also haue ben and are giltie of the innocent blood of thankes and the Quenes fauour increaced towarde him But his iuste rewarde yet is not come let h●… not loke to spede any better than Heracleo if he continue Iudas still I wolde wishe he wolde in time become a Petre I trust he is not so farre past but he maie be praied for He is my good lorde and Mason ones my great frende ād nere neighbour I wishe them bothe well Thus ye see the final successe and rewarde of traitours Wherfore it is to be wondred that suche practicers which worke so muche mischief for others can not take hede of the euil that is towardes them selues But Goddes worde must be verified of the wicked Beholde the wicked trauaileth with mischief saieth the worthy prophet and king Dauid a man of great experience He hathe cōceaued unhappines and brought furthe a lie He hathe grauen and digged up a pitte but he shall fall him self in to the pitte that he hathe made For the mischief that he mindeth to others shall come on his owne head and his wickednesse shall fall on his owne pate But forasmuche as all these fetches and practices be only made and laied to disceaue those that be honest faithfull true and natural to their countreie it is requisite to treate how they maie be auoided Deceat wold not be knocked out with deceat if it might so be but honest men should alwaies and at all times deale plainly and honestly And therfore the honestest meane before thinges be done is to be wise and circumspecte and to forsee thende what mischief maie folowe before they sodainly rashely and vnaduisedly consent to ani thing To vse suche honest wisdom and forsight is permitted bothe by Goddes worde and nature Yea Goddes worde and nature commaunde honest men to vse it For those thinges that can but ones be done and wheron so great weigh thangeth ought to be well done Therfore men ought not to geue credite to faire wordes large promises and great othes for these are the instrumentes to deceaue the honest and well meaning but the fairer the wordes be the larger the promises ād the greater the othes the more to suspecte For godly and honest thinges maie be well ynough done without painted and smothe wordes faire promises and othes Ther ought to be such equalitie in doing of thinges that such deceates nede not Only subtiltie and crafte deuised long writinges great promises and many solempne ceremonies Whā the great mariage was treated in the priuie Counsail ād so great promises made the olde Duke of Nor folke saied they were golden wordes but how shall they be perfourmed saied he Afterwarde whan it was propouned to the lordes in the parliament to be ratified the Lord Windsori like maner asked who should be suertie for the perfourmaunce therof ād who should sue the forfaite
the tēple a burning sweorde almost the space of a hole yeare In the time of cruel Nero ther was a Comete that continued sixe monethes After that folowed great sedicion and alteracion in thempire and the kingdome of the Iewes marke well was vtterly destroied Before the deathe of our countrey man Constantine the great who was the furst professour of the Gospell of Christ among all themperours and no doubt a special fauourour and promotour of it For he did not prohibite laie men to reade Goddes worde as som princes doo at this tyme but he caused examples of the Bible to be written at his owne charges and sent in to all countreyes ther was a great Comete and afterwarde folowed a wonderfull and cruel warre which who so deliteth in histories maie perceaue Before the dissension and deadly warres that was betwene the brethren of Lotarius themperour sonne of Lodouicus Piu●… ▪ for the diuision of thinheritaunce whereby suche slaughter grewe in Fraunce that the Frenchemen were neuer after hable to recouer perfitly their force ther were many Cometes sene About the yeare of Christ M. I. ther was an horrible Comete sene and than folowed wonderfull famines and pestilence In the yeare MLXI. before thinuasion of Williā Conquer our in to England and the conquest of the same and in which Heralde king of England with twentie thousaunt true Englishemen in the defense of their countrey against the tiranne were slaine●…ther was sene a wonderfull Comete which euery man thought as in dede it folowed to be muche mischief and thalteracion of the state as herafter ye shall heare A litle before the great warres in Normandie wherof ye haue hearde before ther was sene in Normandie a great Comet and two full mones at one time shyning thone in the easte thother in the west In the yeare MCCXXI whilest the warres were in Asia betwene the christen men and the vnchristen wher vnto king Henry the thrid sent a power of Englishemen vnder therle of Chestre for the maintenaūce wherof the nobilitie furst graū ted the king the wardeship of their children as Polidore writeth before the Christen men lost the citie of Damiata and a great ouerthrowe of them was in Egipt many wonders were sene in diuerse places and also in Englande a very great Comete a wonderfull great earthequake all the wynter horrible thonders which in Englande seldome in Somer be hearde suche great raines and tempestes of windes that it ouerthrewe many houses and the sea drowned mani places which euery man saied betokened the hurt that folowed on christen men In the yeare MCCXLI a little before wales was brought to the subiection of the king of Englande ther appeared in England a terrible Comete by the space of xxx daies In the yeare M. D. XXXI ther was an horrible Comete And what folowed of it The Turke occupied a great parte of Vngarie the kig of Denmarke Christierne inuading his coūtrey with a great armie and so minding to recouer his kingdome was taken and his sonne And why should not ye of England t●…ike that these signes be only or at the least chiefly for you Compare your selues and your liues and doinges with the Iewes or the worst nacion if any can be worse ād see whether ye be not hable to matche them yea to ouermatche them and to droppe vie three for one In what nacion vnder the cope of heauen hathe God shewed greater tokens of his sauour and it so litle set by as in Englande What contempt of him his worde and ministers hathe bē ther What dissimulacion with God what hipocrisie What swearing and soreswearing What traiterye to their countreye What disobedience to the gouernours in good godly and necessary thinges What ready obedience to their rulers in wicked and euil thiges What vnnatural bitcherie vsed betwene the father and daughter brother and sister What abominable hooredome suffred vnpunished yea in many and the chiefest places the greatest hooremongers the impudentest ribauldes the peltingest bribers and the lewdest persones made Iustices of the peace and correctours of vice What railing and reuiling of the worthy pure preachers of Goddes gospell for only rebuking of vice What horrible murdres secret and open not only of priuate persones but also of the most honourable peeres and reuerende ministers of God What bochering and burning of true Englishe christianes yong and olde hole and lame seing and blynde man woman and childe without respecte of age sexe or astate What pillig and polling taking and snatching stealing and robbing not only among the meane sorte but among the greatest Wher is so great hatred and malice so litle loue and charitie as in Englande ▪ I should neuer make an ende if I should tell but that I haue my self sene and knowē muche lesse if I should declare all that other credible persones of their owne knowlage report to be most certain and true But to retourne to the mater Loke well England loke well whether this Comete past and eclipses to come touche the Art thou not all ready plaged with famin Yes and with suche a famin as thou neuer before heardest of It is true ye had darthes in the time of kinges Henry and Edwarde but those were dearthes without nede only they were occasioned by the gredinesse and malice of naughtie men without scarcitie or lacke of thinges ād for lacke of diligēt ouerseing and good gouernement and not by the directe plage of God But these two yeares since kīg Edwardes deathe from the restitucion of your cursed popishe masse ye haue had scarcitie by the directe plage of God The earthe not brought furthe suche plaintie as it customably did before Wher before time the countrey fedde London London contrary wise was and is forced of her former prouision to fede the countreie Wher Dantis●…e ād other the northe east partes were the barnes and garners of corne for they had the prouision of corne for many yeares before hande ād nourished all the lowe partes of Germanie Denmarke Friselande holande Zelande Brabaunt Flanders Hispaine and many other now by reason of their bringing so muche to releue Englande onles a staie be made in time they them selues will perishe of famin Whan were euer thinges so deare in Englande as in this time of the popish masse ād other Idolatrie restored Who euer hearde or redde before that a pounde of beefe was at iiij d. A shepe xx s. A poūde of Candelles at iiij d. A poūde of Buttur at iiij d. ob A poūde of Chese at iiij d. two egges a penie a quarter of wheat lxiiij s. A quartre of malt at l. s. or aboue the people driuen of hongre to grinde accornes for bread meale and to drinke water in stede of ale And what Shall this famin awaie before his walkīg mate and felowe pestilence come No surely without your earnest spedy repentaunce and Goddes exceding miraculous mercie it is not possible for hitherto the one went neuer before but the other cam either arme in arme