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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15000 A godlie treatise, intituled the view and down-fall of pride Wherein is declared the cause of Babylons destruction, and Nabuchadnezzars subuersion. Set forth by William Wheatley Maister of Art, and preacher of Gods word. Whately, William, 1583-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 25304; ESTC S113244 73,130 192

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A GODLIE Treatise Intituled The View and Down-fall of Pride Wherein is declared the cause of Babylons destruction and Nabuchadnezzars subuersion Set forth by William Wheatley Maister of Art and Preacher of Gods word Deut. 33.2 If I whet my glittering sword and mine hand take hold on iudgement I will execute vengeance on mine enemies and will reward them that hate me Imprinted at London by Thomas Creed for Iohn Deane and Iohn Baily and are to be solde at his shop at the doore of the Office of the sixe Clarkes in Chancerie Lane 1602. TO THE HONOrable Robert Sackuill the Noble sonne and heire apparant to the right Honorable the Lord Buckhurst Lord high Treasurer of England and to the right honourable and vertuous Lady the Lady Anne Compton Grace mercy and peace from God the Father through Christ be multiplied for euer THE bright beames of your Honours most gratious coūtenāce shewing me fauour not inferior to that of Ahasuerosh extended towards Queene Ester whē he held out the golden scepter and your honourable acceptance together with the vndeserued thankfulnes of those worshipful assemblies accompanying your honors seuerall times at those spirituall bankets which your honors appointed me the most vnskilfull of all other to set out hath caused other blossomes and fruite from the tree of life to spring forth which the cold of the winter had almost killed And furthermore hauing many goodly plants in my vineyard as other men haue in theirs both fresh greene and yet the fruite both bad and small though they haue bene pruned and trimmed a long time by other labourers as by my selfe I much maruelled what might be the cause thereof And digging for a fountaine to water my garden I found a corrupt vaine in the earth that poysoned my trees and made the fruit naught A handfull wherof I haue bound vp in paper because it is straying that as the Euangelist Luke dedicated of loue his booke vnto his deare Theophilus so I might haue something to present vnto your honors for a Newyears gift Which might be Tanquam purae nec non mentis gratissimae pro summis in me vestris accumulatis beneficijs indicium And though veritas odium parit as the prouerbe is yet because she cannot endure to creepe into a corner she greatly reioycing of your loue and countenance towards her and her children intendeth to walke abroad Yet for her better safetie vnder the couert of your ho rs patronage and protection vnto whom for iust cause shee chiefly commends her self your noble honors being such as feare God like Cornelius with your houshold and to all good learning more gratious then ●●ecaenas vnto whom sinne is so odious and who are such godly fauourers of all that be vertuous And thus crauing pardon for this my boldnesse leauing these the first fruites of my poore labours publicke as an earnest of my louing dutie presented like the Widowes mite into the treasurie of your Honors fauourable tuition to be preserued from the spoyler I humbly take my leaue daily commending your honours vnto the protection of God Framfield in Sussex Anno. 1602. Your Ho. right humble and louing Chaplaine and seruant for the Lord to commaund William Wheatley TO THE READER The Author to his late louing Auditorie at Lewise wisheth true loue among themselues and perfect vnitie in Religion REade heere the true substance of that thou hast heard Of this from Pride learne thou thy soule for to gard Be speedie dispatching thy sinne out of sight Else damned with diuels is lotted thy right Receiue Gods word ioy in the sword and die To liue liue not to die eternally Such things meditate As may sin abate Cry for repentance Keepe off Gods vengeance Euer the poore pitie View this with pietie Iudge but with charitie Liue all in vnitie Loue as Christ biddeth thee Emmanuel keepe wee Amen Sicut lectorem meum nolo mihi esse deditu●●●ta correctorem nolo sibi Aug. in pro lib. 3. de Trē The Reader and Corrector must iudge vprightly Without preiudiciall partialitie A GODLIE TREAtise of the destruction of Babilon and Nabuchadnezzar his fall through pride Isay 14.14.15 I will ascend aboue the Cloudes and I wil be like the most high But thou shalt bee brought downe to the graue to the sides of the pit CHAP. I. A briefe exposition of the Text. THe cause of Babilōs destruction and Nabuchadnezzar his subuersion is Pride (a) Dan. 4.34 6.22.23 Who here stands as vppon the Stage vaunting her selfe like Absolon vpon the battlements of his house bewraying his sinne without any shame (b) 2. Sam. 16.22 And is at defiance with God like Pharao (c) Exo. 5.2 or Rabshacheh (d) 2. King 18.22 speaking heere by Nabuchadnezzar as the diuel did by the serpent (e) Gen. 3.1 and thinkes scorne to be equall with any creature And therefore as you see she mounts her selfe aboue the cloudes and will be like God as the Serpent told Eua she should (f) Gen. 3. Such is her shamelesse impudencie that shee fears not to encounter with God as the diuell did with Christ (g) Mat. 4.3 or the dragon with Michael (h) Re. 12 7. But God lyeth as in a scout-watch not as the Elders did to catch Susanna but as Israel did to entrap their enemies (k) Iud. 7. Or rather tells her to her teeth as Elias did Ahab (l) 1. King 1.18 answering her with no lesse terror if it be marked then the hand-writing shewed the destruction of Balthasar (m) Da. 5.5 saying Thou shalt be brought downe to the graue to the sides of the pit Marke the text I saith Pride will ascend aboue the cloudes See her insolencie And will be like the most high Behold her impudencie But saith God there is a stop thou euen Pride shalt that 's thy hope bee brought downe it is thy fall to the graue that is thy honour to the sides of the pit that is the end not onely of thee but of all other sinne except ye repent (n) Luk 13.3 The diuision of the Text. Here in order to helpe memorie I obserue a double proposition the first sheweth the chiefe cause of all mens fall and heere most certainly of the King and Kingdome of Babilon that is Pride whose haughtie humor is heere seene by two things First by a generall contempt of all other in regard of her selfe in these words I will ascend aboue the cloudes And her wings to mount may be first Disdaine second Presumptiō third Rebellion fourth Discontentment Noted out of I will Secondly by a vaine estimation of her selfe to be like God 1. In proprietie as in seeking to be exalted alone 2. In chalenging vengeance vnto her selfe 3. In name by vsurping the glorious name of God The second propositiō noteth two things first the certaintie of proud Nabuchadnezzar his fall where I note 1. Who threatneth 2. What force the threatning is of 3. How it is effected 4.