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A05354 A treatise tovvching the right, title, and interest of the most excellent Princess Marie, Queene of Scotland, and of the most noble king Iames, her Graces sonne, to the succession of the croune of England VVherein is conteined asvvell a genealogie of the competitors pretending title to the same croune: as a resolution of their obiections. Compiled and published before in latin, and after in Englishe, by the right reuerend father in God, Iohn Lesley, Byshop of Rosse. VVith an exhortation to the English and Scottish nations, for vniting of them selues in a true league of amitie.; Defence of the honour of the right highe, mightye and noble Princesse Marie Quene of Scotlande and dowager of France. Selections Leslie, John, 1527-1596. 1584 (1584) STC 15507; ESTC S108494 94,307 147

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of her this Henry the second being in Frāce VVhervpon the said king did reuiue and renue the like othe of allegeance aswell to her as to her sonne after her VVith the like false persuasion the Aduersaries abuse them selues and their Readers touchinge Arthur Duke of Britanie Nephewe to king Richard the first As though forsooth he were iustly excluded by kinge Iohn his vncle bycause he was a forainer borne If they had said that he was excluded by reason the vncle ought to be preferred before the Nephewe though it should haue ben a false allegation and plaine against the rules of the lawes of that Realme as may well appeare among other thinges by king Richard the second who succeded his grand father king Edward the third which Richard had diuerse worthie and noble vncles who neither for lacke of knowledge coulde be ignorant of the right neither for lacke of frendes courage and power be enforced to forbeare to chaleng their title interest then should they haue had some countenāce of reason probabilitie bicause many arguments the authoritie of many learned and notable Ciuilians doo concurre for the vncles right before the Nephewe But to make the place of the natiuitie of an inheritour to a kingdome a sufficiēt barre against the right of his blood it seemeth to haue but a weake and slender holde and grounde And in our case it is a moste vnsure and false grounde seeing it is moste true that Kinge Richard the first as we haue said declared the said Arthur borne in Britanie and not sonne of a King but his brother Geffreys sonne Duke of Britanie to be heire apparent his vncle Iohn yet liuing And for such a one is he taken in all our stories And for such a one did all the worlde take him after the said King Richard his death neither was King Iohn taken for other than for an vsurper by excluding him and afterward for a murtherer for imprisoning him and priuily making him away The possessions of the Croune of England that vvere beyond the seas seased into the Frenche kings hāds for the murther of Arthur For the whiche facte the French king seased vpon all the goodly Countries in Fraunce belonging to the kinge of England as forfeited to him being the chiefe Lorde By this outragious deede of king Iohn the kings of Englād lost Normandie withal and their possibilitie to the inheritance of all Britanie for the right and Title to the saide Britanie was dewe to the said Arthur and his heires by the right of his mother Constāce And though the said king Iohn by the practise ambition of Queene Eleonour his mother and by the special procurement of Hubert then Archebishop of Caunterburie of some other factious persones in England preuented the said Arthur his nephew as it was easy for him to do hauing gotten into his handes all his brother Richardes treasures besides many other rentes then in England and the said Arthour being an infant remaining beyond the sea in the custody of the said Constance yet of this fact being against all Iustice aswell the said Archebishop as also many of the other did after most earnestly repent considering the cruell and the vniust putting to death of the said Arthur procured and after some Authours committed by the said Iohn himselfe Polid 15. Flor histo An. 1208 VVhich most foul and shameful act the said Iohn neded not to haue committed if by foraine birth the said Arthur had bene barred to inherit the Croune of England And much lesse to haue imprisoned that moste innocent Ladie Eleonour sister to the sayd Arthur in Bristow Castle wher she miserably ended her lyfe if that gay Maxime would haue serued to haue excluded these two children bicause they were strangers borne in the partes beyond the seas Yea it appeareth in other doinges also of the said time and by the storie of the sayd Iohn that the birth out of the allegeance of England by father mother forain was not taken for a sufficient repulse and reiection to the right and title of the Croune For the Barons of England being then at dissention with the said king Iohn and renouncing their allegeance to him receaued Lewis the eldest sōne of Philip the Frēch king to be their king in the right of Blanche his wife which was a stranger borne all be it the lawful Neece of the said Richard daughter to Alphōse king of Castil begotten on the bodie of Eleonour his wife Levvis the French Kings son claimed the Croune of that Realme in the title of his vvyf Pro hereditate vxoris meae scilicet neptis Regis Ioanusque ad mortem si necessitas exigere decertabo Flor histo Anno. 1216. Haroldus muneribus genere fretꝰ regni diadema inuasiit H. Hunte hist Angli lib. 6. Cui regnum iure hereditario debebatur Ealredus Rhiual in histo R. Angliae ad H. 2. Cui de iure debebatur regnū anglorum Io. Lond. in Chro. Angliae Eadē verba sunt in Math. VVestmon in flor hist a. 1066. VVhat calamities fell to the Realme by the vsurping of King Harolde King Stephen and Iohn Rex Edwardus misit c. vt vel ipse Eduardus filius ieus sibi succederēt c. Rich. Cicest vid. VVil. Malmest de reg Angl. E. 2 c. 4● lib. 3. c. 5. one of the daughters of king Henrie the second and sister to the said king Richard and king Iohn VVhich storie I alleage only to this purpose thereby to gather the opinion of the time that so raine birth was then thought no barre in the Title of the Croune For ortherwise how could Lewis of France pretend title to the Croune in the right of the said Blanche his wife borne in Spaine These examples are sufficient I suppose to satisfie and content any man that is not obstinatly wedded to his own fond fantasies and froward friuolus imaginations or otherwise worse depraued for a good sure and substantial interpretation of the common law And it were not altogether from the purpose here to consider and weigh with what how greuous plagues that Realme hath bene oft afflicted and scourged by reason of wrongfull vsurped titles I will not reuiue by odious rehearsal the greatenes and number of the same plagues as well otherwise as especially by the contention of the noble houses and families of York and Lancaster seeing it is so fortunately and almost within mans remembrance extinct and buried I will now put the gentle Reader in remēbrance of those only with whose vsurping Titles we are nowe presently in hand And to begyn with the most auncient what became I pray you of Harold that by briberie and helpe of his kinred vsurped the Croune against the foresaid yong Eadgar who as I haue said and as the old monuments of Historiographers do plainly testifie was the true lawful Heire Could he think you enioy his ambitious and naughty vsurping on whole entier yere No surely
ere the first yere of his vsurped reigne turned about he was spoiled and turned out of both Croune and his life withal Yea his vsurpatiō occasioned the cōquest of the whole realme by VVilliā Duke of Normandie bastard sonne to Robert the sixt Duke of the same And may you thinke al safe sound now from like dāger if you should tread the said wrong steppes with Harolde forsaking the right and high way of law and iustice VVhat shal I now speake of the cruel ciuil warres betwene king Stephen and king Henry the second whiche warres rose by reason that the said Henry was vniustly kept from the Croune dew to his mother Maude and to him afterwardes The pitiful reigne of the said Iohn who doth not lamēt with the lamentable losse of Normandie Aquitaine the possibilitie of the Dukedome of Britanie and with the losse of other goodly possessions in France whereof the Croune of England was robbed and spoiled by the vnlawfull vsurping of him against his nephew Arthur VVell let vs leaue these greuouse and lothsome remembrances let vs yet seeke if we may finde any later interpretatiō either of the said statute or rather of the common law for our purpose And lo the great goodnes and prouidence of God who hath if the foresaid exāples would not serue prouided a later but so good so sure apt mete interpretatiō for our cause as any reasonable hart may desire The interpretatiō directly toucheth our case I meane by the mariage of the Lady Margaret eldest daughter to King Hēry the vij vnto the fourth king Iames of Scotland and by the opinion of the same most prudent Prince in bestowing his said daughter into Scotlād a matter sufficient enough to ouerthrow all those cauilling inuētiōs of the aduersaries For what time King Iames the fourth sent his Ambassadour to King Henry the seuenth to obteine his good will to espouse the said Lady Margaret Polid. 26. there were of his Counsaile not ignorant of the lawes and Customes of the Realme that did not well like upon the said Mariage saying it might so fal out that the right title of the Croune might be deuolued to the Lady Margaret and her children and the Realme therby might be subiect to Scotland To the whiche the prudent and wise king answered King H. 7. vvith his Counsaile is a good interpretor of our present cause that in case any suche deuolution should happen it would be nothing preiudiciall to England For England as the chief and principal and worthiest parte of the I le should drawe Scotland to it as it did Normandie from the time of the Conquest VVhich answere was wonderfully well liked of all the Counsaile And so consequently the Mariage toke effect as appereth by Polydor the Historiographer of that Realme and suche a one as wrote the Actes of that time by the instruction of the king him selfe I say then the worthy wise Salomon foreseeing that such deuolution might happen was an interpretour with his prudente and sage Counsaile for our cause For els they neaded not to reason of any such subiection to Scotlande if the children of the Ladie Margaret might not lawfully inherite the Croune of England For as to her husband Englād could not be subiect hauing him selfe no right by this mariage to the Title of the Croune of that Realme VVherevpon I may well inferre that the said newe Maxime of these men whereby they would rule and ouer rule the successiō of Princes was not knowen to the said wise king neither to any of his Counsaile Or if it were yet was it taken not to reache to his blood royall borne in Scotlande And so on euery side the Title of my Soueraigne Lady Queene Marie is assured So that now by this that we haue said it may easely be seen by what light and slender cōsideration the aduersaries haue gone about to strayne the worde Infantes or children to the first degree only Of the like weight is their other consideration imagining and surmising this statute to be made bicause the king had so many occasions to be so oft ouer the sea with his spouse the Queene As though diuers kings before him vsed not oftē to passe ouer the seas As though this were a personal statute made of a special purpose and not to be taken as a declaration of the common law VVhiche to say is most directely repugnant and contrary to the letter of the said statute Or as though his children also did not very often repaire to outward Countries The mariages of King E. 3. sonnes as Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancastre that Maried Peters the king of Castiles eldest daughter by whose right he clamed the Croune of Castile as his brother Edmund Erle of Camhridge that maried the yongest daughter as Lionell Duke of Clarence that maried at Milaine Violant daughter and heir to Galeatius Duke of Milan But especialy Prince Edwarde whiche moste victoriously toke in battaile Iohn the French King and brought him into England his prisoner to the great triumphe and reioysing of the realme whose eldest sonne Edward that died in short time after was borne beyond the seas in Gascoine and his other sonne Richard that succeded his grandfather was borne at Burdeaux And as these noble King Edwardes sonnes maried with forainers so did they geue out their daughters in mariage to foraine Princes as the Duke of Lancaster his daughter Philip to the King of Portugall and his daughter Catherin to the king of Spaine his Neece Iohan daughter to his sonne Erle of Somerset was ioyned in mariage to the king of Scottes Iohan daughter to his brother Thomas of wodstocke Duke of Gloucester was Queene of Spaine and his other daughter Marie Duchesse of Britānie Now by these mennes interpretation none of the issue of all these noble women could haue enioyed the Croune of England when it had fallen to them though they had bene of the neerest roial blood after the death of their Aūcestours VVhich surely had bene against the auncient presidentes examples that we haue declared and against the common Lawe the whiche must not be thought by this Statute any thing taken away but only declared and against all good reason also For as the kings of England would haue thought that Realme greatly iniuried if it had bene defrauded of Spaine or any of the foresaid countreies being deuolued to the same by the foresaid Mariages so the issue of the foresaide noble women might and would haue thought them hardly and iniuriously handled yf any such case had happened Neither suche friuolous interpretations and gloses as these men nowe frame and make vpon the statute woulde then haue serued nor nowe will serue A fond imagination of the Aduersaries of the statute of 25. E. 3. But of all other their friuolous and folish ghessing vpō the clause of the statute for Infantes de Roy there is one most fond of all For they would make vs beleue
doe alleige for their proofe to the ende that by suche discourse on bothe parties the trueth may better appeare King Henry the seuenth The processe of the descent of the houses of York Lancastre and their diuersites in Armurye being descended of the house of Lancastre had for his wyfe Elizabeth eldest daughter of kyng Edward rhe fowrth and right heyr of the house of Yorke By which marieage the bloodye broyles cruell factions of those two noble howses which so many yeres had miserably afflicted the state of England being called the factions of the white Rose and the reade meaning by the white Rose the house of York and by the reade Rose the house of Lancastre vpon that diuersitie in Armurie were by the mercifull prouidence of God broken and ended For those two mightie families descending th one from Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancastre the other from Edmond Duke of Yorke two of the sonnes of king Edward the thirde striuyng for the kyngdome did drawe after them in contrary parties all the nobles and Cōmons of that Realme And no ende nor measure of ciuile dissentions slaughters and morders could be founde vntill suche tyme as the titles interests of those two houses were by the sayd mariage cōbyned in one and closed together and thereby all factions and domesticall dissentions ceased and determined The originall cause of those dissentions was as here after foloweth The cause of debate betvvene the houses of Yorke and Lancastre Kyng Edward of England the third had fower sonnes of whome there was yssue to witt Edward Prince of wales whiche was the eldest sonne Lionell duke of Clarence the next Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancastre the thirde And Edmund of Langley Duke of Yorke the fowerth sonne Edward Prince of wales dyed before his father left a sonne which succeded his Graund father was called king Richard the second This Richard was by his cousin germain Henry sonne of the said Iohn of Gaunt by Blanche his wyfe deposed from hys kyndome and dyed in prison without yssue And then the kyngdome was translated to the heirs of the thyrd brother and so to the house of Lancastre by this meanes Lionell the second of the sayd fower brothers Duke of Clarence had one onely daughter heir called Philippe she was Maried to Edmund Mortimer Erle of Marche and by him had a sonne called Roger Mortimer Erle of Marche whose daughter and sole heir called Anne was the wyfe of Richard Erle of Cambringe And by him had yssue Richarde Plantagenet Duke of Yorke heyr in descent to Edmund of Langley the fowerth brother before named Thus the house of yorke by mariage of the sayd Anne heir of the house of Clarence gained a nearer title to the Croune of Englād And therupō folowed priuie grudge malice hatred and afterward horrible warres betwene those two families The thirde brother Iohn of Gaunt had to his first wyfe the Ladie Blanche daughter and sole heir of Henry Duke of Lancaster descēded of Edmond Erle of Lancastre called Edmonde crowcheback sonne of king Henry the third Polidor li. 16 〈◊〉 Some there were as Polidor writeth which afterward reported that this Edmond crowchebacke was the eldest sonne of the sayd king Henry the third and therfore his heir but by reason of his deformitie his brother Edward was perferred to the Croune In so muche as vnder pretense hereof the before named Henry sonne of Iohn of Gaunt by the sayd Blanche which deposed king Richard the second as is before mensioned to shewe some coloure of good title to the Croune and for to auoyde suspicion of iniuriouse intrusion was aduised by his freends at the tyme of his coronation to clame that kyngdome in the right of his mother the sayd Ladye Blanche But bycause that pretense was misliked the same kyng Henry the fowerth deuised other matter of title and published the same by proclamation Polidor li. 21. in initio as Polidor also writeth and vnder pretense thereof clamed the kyngdome and called hym selfe kyng Henry the fowerth After hym succeded his sonne king Henry the fyft maryed the Ladye Catharin the onely daughter of the sixt kyng Charles of France and by her had a sonne called Henry the sixt whome king Edward the fourth descēded of the house of Yorke dyd cast into prison where he dyed recouered the kyngdome to hym selfe and after the battail of Teukesbury caused Edwarde sonne of the same king Henry the sixt priuilye to be put to death Yet neuerthelesse the house of Lancastre did stand For Iohn of Gaunt before named by his third and last wyfe had a sonne called Iohn Erle of Somerset and Marques of Dorcestre And this Iohn had a sonne named Iohn Duke of Somerset and Erle of Montague and a daughter called Ioan she was maried to the first Iames king of Scotland the third of the house of Stewards after the two Roberts the second and third This Iames the first was father to Iames the secōd father of Iames the third father of Iames the fowerth kynges of Scotland VVhich Iames the fowerth maried the said Queene Margaret eldest sister to kyng Henry of England the eight and by her had Iames the fyft father of Marie now Queene of Scotland The sayd Iohn Duke of Somerset and Erle of Montague had one onely Daughter called Margaret Duchesse of Somerset whiche was maried to Edmond afterward Erle of Richemond brother of the halfe blood to king Henry the sixt by one the same mother the sayd Queene Catharin for his fathers name was Owen Teuther the second husband of the same Queene Catharin This Edmond had by the said Lady Margaret Duchesse of Somerset a sonne called Henry who vpō the death of that Tyranne the third kyng Richard obteyned the kyndome of England and was named king Henry the seuenth But to come to the house of york descended of the fowerth sonne of kyng Edward the third so it is that Richard the before named Erle of Cambridge by his sayd wyfe the Lady Anne mortimer before named the only heir of the house of Clarence had as is before sayd a sonne called Richard Duke of York This Richard the principal persone of the faction whiche dyd beare the white Rose after great warres with king Henry the sixt the cheefe of that syde whiche dyd beare the read Rose was slayne in the battail of VVakefeild And had three sonnes Edward Duke of Yorke George Duke of Clarence and Richard Duke of Glocestre This Edward Duke of York as is before mentioned put the sixt king Hēry in prison obteined the kingdome and so brought the Croune to the house of York and was called king Edward the fowerth He had a sonne whiche succeded hym and was called kyng Edward the fyft and a Daughter the Lady Elizabeth afterward wyfe to king Henry the seuenth The second brother George Duke of Clarence was by his brother kyng Edward the fowerth put to death he had a daughter
eight imprisoned in the Tower of london where he remayned many yeres till the death of king Edward the sixt At whiche time that patterne of singular clemencie Queene Marie dyd not only delyuer hym but also restored hym to his auncient estate of blood and dignitie This yong noble man afterward dyed without issue at Padua in Italie but if he had liued he might with best right haue claimed the Croune of England after the issues of king Henry the seuenth and Queene Elizabeth his wyfe had bene extinguishhed In this Courtney now deceased the progenie of King Edward the fowerth had bene determined as concerning the streight line if the ofspring of king Henry the seuenth and Quene Elizabeth his wyfe were not yet liuing But if that at any tyme faile then must they seke for an heyr in the collateral line Therfore it is to be noted The collaterall lyne of the succession that the before mentioned Richard Plantagenet Duke of York which was slayn by Henry the sixt in the battail of wakefeild and of whose progenie we now speake had three sonnes to witt king Edward the fowerth George Duke of Clarence and Richard Duke of Glocestre Now then for default of issue in lineal descent from Edward the eldest brother we must haue recourse as is before sayd vnto the collateral descent that is to George Duke of Clarenee the second brother and to his succession For to speak any more of Richard the yongest brother whiche dyed without issue it were superfluouse George then duke of Clarēce yonger brother to Edward the fowerth had by his vyfe Isabell Countesse of VVarwik and Sarisbury two children to witt Edward and Margaret This George vpon suspition of treason to affect the kyngdome was by kyng Edward his brother priuilye put to deathe And his sonne Edward being but a child emprisoned in the Tower of lond where he was deteined vntill at last vpon lyke surmise kinge Henry the seuenth stroke of his head But the sayd Lady Margaret Countesse of Sarisburie was maried to Sir Richard pole knight by whom she had diuers sonnes to wytt Henry Arthur Geffray Reinald the same which afterward for his rare vertues and singular wisdome and learning was aduaunced to the dignitie of a Cardinal Cardinal Pole and called Cardinal Pole Henry the eldest brother to omitt the rest had two daughters Catharin Pole the elder sister whiche was maried to Francise Hastinges Erle of Huntingdon and VVenefride the yonger sister Of whiche VVenefride there is no nede to speak any more because there is yet liuing descended of the sayd Ladye Catharin a plentifull generation Thus it is euident and very playn that whan the lineal descent in bloode from king Henry the seuenth and Queene Elizabeth his wyfe shall fayle then must the right of the white Rose that is to saye of the house of Yorke whiche dyd spring of king Edward the fowerth be transplanted and be deriued by a collateral lyne from George Duke of Clarence vnto the house of the Poles and so vnto the house of haftings or Hūtingdon Yet is there an other braunche sprong out of the same stock The novv Emperor and King Philip are descended from King Edvvard the third I mean from Edward the third in a long course of descent And that is Philip the king Catholique of Spayn descended from Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancastre third sonne of king Edward the third For the sayd Iohn of Gaunt had two daughters Philipp and Catharin This Ladye Philipp was mother to Edward king of Portugal of whome all other the kings of Portugal sithince that tyme till this day are descended This Edward king of Portugal was father to Eleonor the Emperesse whiche was mother to Maximilian the Emperor father to Philipp king of Castil father to that most victoriouse Emperour Charles the fift father to the most prudent Prince Philipp the King Catholik of Spayn now raigning to the most graciouse Ladye Marie mother to Rudolphus now Emperour But no to omitt any thing which apperteyneth to the Royall succession I think it good to adde a word or two touching the Lady Margaret Duglasse Aunt that is to saye sister to the father of my Soueraign Lady now Queene of Scotland her mean whiche was maried to the Erle of Leneux a mariage verie plausible to king Henrye the eight or he indued her with great possessiōs in England this Ladye Margaret had by the sayd Erle two sonnes Henry and Charles Atferward the same Henry went in to Scotland to visit his father and sing in the Court there a comely yong gentlemā verie personable and of great expectation fownd suche fauour in the sight of that most Gratiouse Queene of Scotland as her Maiestie created hym Duke of Albanie Erle of Rosse And there withal she made a speciall choyse of hym to be her husband thynking therby that because he was born and brought vp in England her right and title might be more fortifyed and all surmised defectes supplied yf any thing there were that coulde be obiected against her Maiestie After this Mariage betwene that most noble Queene and the sayd Henry was solemnized and consummate her Grace had by hym a sonne my said Soueraign now king of Scotland called Iames the sixt A noble Prince of heroical towardnesse and of the best hope the vndoubted laufull heir of that most gratiouse Queene representing allwayes from his infancie a liuely Image of his mother and of her beautie vertues and graces Thus muche in few woordes concerning the succession of the Croune of England and of those persones which clame any interest therein But to the ende that all thinges may be more perfectlye discerned I haue caused to be sett downe in a table hereunto annexed all the degrees of descents both lineal and collaterall from king Edward the third from whome eyther of those two families of York Lancastre doe take their begynning In whiche table the whole order and processe of that noble stocke hanging together in a continuall course of succession may most easily appeare at the first sight Here is to folowe a Table of the sayd Genealogie A table of the Rase and progenye of suche persones as descending from the princely families of Yorke Lācastre doe eyther iustly clame or ambytiously couet the title of successiō to the Croune of Englād VVhere by all men may see by what right and in what course eache of the yssues of King Henry the seauenth and Queene Elizabeth his wife are to be orderly called to the Croune of that Realme A genealogie of the Kinges of Englād from VVilliam Duke of Normandie called VVilliam the cōquerour vntill this present yere of our Lorde 1584. VVhereas some persones ambitiouslie coueting the Croune of England doe practize sinisterly to discredit the right title of the laufull heyres and seke priu ilye to aduaunce I knowe not what new titles of their owne creation Therefore to remoue all scruples that hereupon may growe this table
forrein and Barbarous nation the Englysh Saxons And the lett of that Mariage proceded of the Englyshe whose vse is to seek to wynne that of the Scottes by manacing wordes and force of armes whiche they should desyre by fayr meanes termes of freendlye good will And there wanteth not occasion to suspecte that they dyd it of purpose to the end that by breakyng of that mariage some of them might haue a more reddye accesse to the vsurpation of the Croune of England How soeuer it was the Scottysh Nation was not mynded to yeeld by force and yet scarse able to forbeare were constreyned to craue ayde of the Frenshe whiche they could not obteyne onlesse they sent theyr Queene into Fraunce as an hostage for their fidelitie But there was nothing that the Scottish nation more estemed and desyred at that day than the vnion of those two regions by that mariage as may well be proued by the common opinion and sayeing of the people there before the matter was attempted by way of force and armes vve vnderstand the English mans language sayd the people they oures vve inhabit all one Yland and almost in nothing doe vvee differre but that vvee are gouerned by tvvo seuerall Princes And in dede it is euidently knowne that the Scottishe Nation many yeres before dyd greatlye desyre and wyshe this manner of coniunction in amitye and namely at suche tyme as they maried the noble Lady Margaret the only heire of the croune of Scotlād daughter of Alexander their King to the fyrst Kyng Edward of England By whiche maryage those two kyngdomes had bene vnited had not that noble virgin deceassed before she came to the fyght of her husband Seing then the case thus standeth there is no cause whye eyther the Englysh or Scottishe should vpbraide or reproue one an other but they ought rather to agree all together in one voyce and consent that yf there were none alyue to whome the Soueraigntie of the whole Yland by right could belonged one generall Prince ouer all might be elected by voyce or lott So as at last the whole weale publicque and people might enioye perpetuall peace and be no more with partiall parttakinge sectes factions disturbed Euen as wee rede that the Persians in olde tyme verie prouidently in a like case vsed them selues For as Iustine reporteth when they had slayne their Mages great was their glorie and renowme for the recouerye of their Kyngdome but muche greater for that in contendyng about the gouernement they coulde agree among them selues There was among them many equall in vertue and nobilitie as it was hard for the people to make an election of a gouernour Therfore theyr nobility deuised among them selues an indifferent mean whereby to cōmit the iudgement of their woorthinesse to their goddes They agreed among them selues on a day appointed to lead all theyr horses before the Palace earlye in the mornyng and that he whose horse fyrst dyd neyghe before the rising of the sunne should be kyng The next day after when all were assembled at the houre appointed the horse of Darius sonne of Hydaspes dyd first neygh and gaue that happy signe of good fortune to his maister Immediatlye the modestye of all the rest was suche as vpon the first heearing of the good notice so gyuen they all leapt from their horses and dyd theyr homage to Darius as to their King and all the commons foloweing the iugement of the nobles willyngly confirmed the election accepted hym for theyr Soueraign Thus the kyngdome of Persians wherof at one time there was seuen noble competitors was in a moment reduced to the regiment of one And this they dyd withe suche incredible zeale and pietie towardes theyr Countrye as for the delyuerey therof from trouble and miserye they could haue bene content euery one to haue lost his lyfe Thus farre Iustin Immortall is the honour and renoume of those noble men whiche willinglie preferred the wellfare of their countrey before their priuate ambition But allmightie God hathe eased you well of this doubt For he hathe Layd it open before your eyes what persone it is to whome the Soueraigntie of the whole Yland euen by the lawes of the realm after the decease of the now Queene of England without laufull issue of her body ought to descend and come I mean the most noble Ladye Marye the woorthie Quene of Scotland whose apparēt pietie and vnuincible constancie in aduersitie vniuersally well knowne and talked of through the whole world doeth gyue a plain demonstration how vain and friuolous the Iudgment of those men is which represse and reiect the Regiment of women To this Ladye therfore may the regiment of the whole Yland at length descend according as it was once before to her adiuged by the sentence of her great graundfather Kyng Henry the seauenth and of his Counseill as Polydor reporteth Kyng Iames of Scotland the third saieth he dyd honorably intertein Richard Fox Byshop of durisme Ambassadour sent to him by Kyng Henry the seuēth and at their fyrst meting he showed hym selfe muche greued for the late slaughter of his subiectes but easilie he remitted the iniurie Afterward when they were together alone the Kyng tolde hym how auncient and iust causes of frendshipp had bene betweene Kyng Henry and hym and how greatly he desired the assurance therof that they two myght be tyed together in a more fast knot of loue and amitie whiche out of doubt will folow sayd the Kyng yf King Henry wolde bestow on hym his eldest daughter the Ladye Margaret in Mariage To this the Amhassadour answered coldlie but yet promised his helpe and furtherance and put the Kyng in good hope of the matter if he wold send an Ambassadour directly to that end The Ambassadour vpon hys returne home reported to Kyng Henry the whole matter whiche pleased Kyng Henrye wonderous well as one whiche delyted muche in peace VVithin fewe dayes after this the Ambassadours of Kynge Iames came to request the Ladye Margaret in Mariage Kyng Henrye after audience referred the matter to his Counseil among whome some there were whiche suppected that the kingdome might in processe of tyme be deuolued to the same Ladye Margaret and therfore thought it not good to marie her to a forain Prince whereunto the Kyng made answere and sayd what then Yf any suche thing happen whiche God forbid yet I see our kyngdome should take no harme therby for England should not be added to Scotland but Scotland vnto England as to the farre most noble head of the whole Yland for we see it so fallen owt in all thinges that the lesse is for honour sake euer adioyned to that whiche is farre greater as Normandie in time past came to be vnder the dominion and power of the Kynges of England our auncestors The Kynges Iudgement was greatly commended the whole Counseil approued the matter with a full consent and the sayd Ladye and virgin Margaret was maried to Kyng Iames. Thus