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A13424 A briefe remembrance of all the English monarchs, from the Normans conquest, vntill this present. By Iohn Taylor Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1618 (1618) STC 23736; ESTC S102441 7,924 105

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A BRIEFE REMEMBRANCE OF ALL THE ENGLISH MONARCHS From the Normans Conquest vntill this present BY IOHN TAYLOR LONDON Printed by George Eld for Henry Gosson 1618. WILLIAM THE FIRST Surnamed the CONQVEROVR KING OF ENGLAND And DVKE OF NORMANDIE William 7 D of Normandy at the age of 38 yeares Conquered England Was Crouned at Westminster the 25 of December 1667 Raigned 20 Yeares 10 months 26. dais died at St. garuis in Norm the 9 of Septemb buried at Caen in Normandy William Conquerour BY bloudy battels Conquest and by Fate Faire Englands Crowne and Kingdom I surpris'd I topsie-turuy turn'd the English State And Lawes and Customes new and strange deuis'd And where I vanquish't there I tyranniz'd In stead of peoples loue inforcing feare Extorting Tolls I daily exercis'd And Tributes greater then this Land could beare Besides the Normans fame the more to reare The English I forbad the English tongue French Schooles of Grammer I ordayned here And ' gainst this Nation added wrong to wrong At last my Crowne Sword Scepter Conquest braue I left I lost scarce found an earthly Graue WILLIAM THE SECOND Surnamed RVFVS KING OF ENGLAND And DVKE OF NORMANDIE William Rufus was Crowned at Westminster the 26. of Septemb 1087. being 21 yeares of age Hee raigned 12 yeares 11. months 18. daies was killed with an arrow in new forrest the 2 of Aug 1160. was buried at winchester William Rufus WHat my triumphant Father wan I held I pill'd and poll'd this Kingdom more then he Great Tributes from my people I compeld No place in Church or Common-wealth was free But alwayes those that would giue most to mee Obtain'd their purpose being wrong or right The Clergy I enforced to agree To sell Church-plate and Challices out-right Vntill at last by the Almighties might My Kingly power and force was forcelesse made My glorious pomp that seem'd t'eclips mens sight Did vanish by a glance by chance and fade For hunting in New forrest voyd of feare A Subiect slew me shooting at a Deere HENRY THE FIRST Surnamed BEAVCLERK KING OF ENGLAND And DVKE OF NORMANDIE Henry the 1 Beuclarck borne at selbye in york shire Was crouned at the age of 30 yeares the ●● of August he Raigned 35. Yeares 4. months Died in the forest of Lions in the 65. yeare of age 1135. buried in Redding abby Henry I. MY Father and my Brother Kings both gone With acclamations Royall I was crown'd And hauing gain'd the Scepter and the Throne I with the name of Beauclerk was renown'd The English Lawes long lost I did refound False weights and measures I corrected true The power of Wales in fight I did confound And Normandy my valour did subdue Yet I vnmindfull whence these glories grew My eldest Brother Robert did surprise Detain'd him and vsurp'd his Royall due And most vnnat'rally pluckt out his eyes Kings liue like Gods but yet like men they dye All must pay Natures due and so did I. STEPHEN KING OF ENGLAND And DVKE OF NORMANDIE King Stephen sonne to Stephen Earle of Blois and of Adela daughter to William Conquerour began his raigne the 2d. of December 1135. he raigned 18 years 11 months and 18 dayes died at the age of 49 yeares and lyeth buried at Feversham K. Stephen BY wrested Titles and vsurping claime Through storms tempests of tumultuous wars The Crowne my fayrest marke and fouleft ayme I won and wore beleaguerd round with iars The English Scots and Normans all prepares Their powers exposing to oppose my powers Whilst this Land laden and or'ewhelm'd with cares Endures whilst war woe want and death deuoures But as years months weeks daies decline by howers Howers into minutes minutes into nought My painefull pomp decaid like fading flowers And vnto nought was my Ambition brought Thus is the state of transitory things There 's nothing can be permanent with Kings HENRY THE SECOND KING OF ENGLAND DVKE OF NORMANDIE Guyen and Aquitaine c. Henry the 2. surnamed plantagenett Raigned 34 Yeres 9 monethes and 2 daies He dyed the 6 of July 1189. in the 61 Yere of his age was buried at fonteuerard in normandy Henry 2. TO th' Empresse Maud I was vndoubted heyre And in her Right my title being iust By Iustice I obtain'd the Regall Chayre Fayre Rosamond I soyled with foule lust For which Heauens Iustice hating deedes vniust Stir'd vp my wife and Sonnes to be my foes Who sought to lay my Glory in the dust And he m'd me round with cruell wars and woes They poysned my sweet beautious tainted Rose By Isabels deuice my furious Queene My very bowels 'gainst me did oppose Such fruit hath lust such force hath iealous spleene My cursed crosses made me curse my birth With care I liu'd raign'd dyed and turn'd to earth RICHARD THE FIRST Surnamed CVER DE LYON KING OF ENGLAND DVKE OF NORMANDIE Guyen and Aquitaine c. King Richard surnamed Cordelyon Was 43 Yeres ould when he had Raigued 9 Yeres 9 monethes and 22 daies was wounded and died the 6 daie of aprill 1199. Was buried att fonteuerard Richard I. THrough my Creators mercy and his might Ierusalem I conquer'd and set free False misbeleeuing ewes and Turkish spight From Iury force perforce I forc'd to flee The Realme of Cipresse was subdude by mee Sicillia trembled a my prowesse bold King Tancred bought his peace and did agree And paid mee threescore ounces of fine gold Whilst I abroad won honours manifold Aspiring Iohn my Brother vext my Realme In Austria I was tane and laid in hold Thus flouds of griefe each way me ouer-whelme At last I home return'd my Ransome paid My earthly glory in a Graue was laid IOHN KING OF ENGLAND DVKE OF NORMANDIE Guyen and Aquitaine LORD OF IRELAND c. King John surnamed without land Raigned 17 Yeres and 7 monethes died 19 daie of october 1216. Was buried att worcester in the 51 Yere of his age K. John ROmes mighty miterd Metropolitan I did oppose and was by him depos'd He turn'd his cursed blessings to his ban And caus'd me round to be with cares inclos'd The English and the Normans me oppos'de And Lewis of France my Kingdome did molest Whilst I to all these miseries expos'd Consum'd my Kingly dayes in restlesse rest At last the Pope was pleas'd and I reblest Peace was obtain'd proclaim'd I re-inthroan'd Thus was my raigne with woes opprest and prest Blest curst friends foes diuided and atton'd And after seauenteene yeares were gone and past At Swinstead poysned there I dranke my last HENRY THE THIRD KING OF ENGLAND Lord of IRELAND DVKE OF NORMANDIE Guyen and Aquitaine c. King Henry the 3. Was Crouned at the age of 9 Yeres the 28 october 1216 he Raigned 56 Yeres and 20 daies dyed the 16 of nouember 1272 tyeth buried at Westminster Henry 3. IN toyle and trouble midst contentious broyles I seiz'd the Scepter of this famous Land Then being greatly wasted with the spoyles Which Lewis had made with his French furious band But I
with Peeres and people brauely mand Repeld repulst expulst insulting foes My Barons did my Soueraigntie withstand And wrapt themselues and me in wars and woes But in each battell none but I did lose I lost my Subiects liues on euery side From Ciuill wars no better gayning growes Friends foes my people all that fought or dyed My gaines was lesse my pleasure was my paine These were the triumphs of my troublous Raigne EDWARD THE FIRST KING OF ENGLAND Lord of IRELAND Duke of AQVITAINE c. Eduard the 1. borne at westmin was Crowned at westmi At the age of 33 yeares the 18 of September the 2. yeare of his raigne 1274 Hee raigned 34 Yeares 6. monthes and 14 dais hee died at burgh vpon the sandes lieth buried at westminster Edward Long-shankes MY Victories my Valour and my strength My Actions and my neuer-conquer'd name Were spred throghout the world in bredth length By mortall deeds I wan immortall Fame Rebellious Wales I finally did tame And made them Vassalls to my Princely Son Ientred Scotland fierce with Sword and Flame And almost all that Kingdome ouerrun Still where I fought triumphantly I won Through Blood and Death my Glory I obtain'd But in the end when all my acts were done A Sepulcher was all the gaine I gain'd For though great Kings contend for earthly sway Death binds them to the peace and parts the fray EDWARD THE SECOND KING OF ENGLAND Lord of IRELAND Duke of AQVITAINE c. King Edward the 2. surnamed Carnaruen was crouned att westminster at the 22. yere of his age the 24. of febru 1308. he Raigned 19 yere 6 monethes Was deposed the 25 of Ianiwarius 1326. he was slayne in the castle of barkley in the 43 yere of his age Edward 2. SOone after was my fathers Corps inter'd Whilst Fate and Fortune did on me attend And to the Royall Throne I was prefer'd With Aue Casar euery knee did bend But all these fickle ioyes did fading end Peirce Gaueston to thee my loue combinde My friendship to thee scarce left me a friend But made my Queene Peeres People all vnkind I tortur'd both in body and in mind Was vanquisht by the Scots at Bannocks Bourne And I enforc't by flight some safety finde Yet taken by my Wife at my returne A Red-hot spit my Bowels through did gore Such misery no Slaue endured more EDWARD THE THIRD KING OF ENGLAND And FRANCE LORD OF IRELAND c. Eduard the 3. borne at winsor was Crowned at westminster the 2. of feb 1327. being 15. Yeares olde Raigned 50. years 4 months 24 dais Dyed the 21 of June 1377 lyeth buired in west Edward 3. IN Peace and War my Stars auspitious stood False Fortune stedfast held her wauering Wheele I did reuenge my Fathers butche'rd blood I forced France my furious force to feele I Warr'd on Scotland with triumphing Steele Afflicting them with slaughtcring Sword and Fire That Kingdome then deuided needs mustreele Betwixt the Bruces and the Balliols ire Thus daily still my glory mounted higher With blacke Prince Edward my victorious Son Vnto the top of Honor wee aspire By manly Princely worthy actions done But all my Triumphs fortunes strength and force Age brought to death and death turn'd to a Coarse RICHARD THE SECOND KING OF ENGLAND And FRANCE LORD OF IRELAND c. RICHARD the 2. borne at Burdeaux Sonne to Edward Prince of Wales begann his Raigne the 21 of Iune An o Dni 1377. he Raiged 22. yeares was Deposed died the 14. of February 1399. First buried at Langley in Hartfordshire afterwardes at Westmīster Richard 2. A Sun-shine morne precedes a showry day A Calme at Sea oft times fore-runnes a Storme All is not gold that soemes so glistring gay Foule Vice is fairest features Canker-worme So I that was of blood descent and forme The perfect image of a royall stock Vnseason'd young a duice did me deforme Split all my Hopes against Despaires black rock My Regall name and power was made a mock My Subiects madly in Rebellion rose Mischiefe on mischiefe all in troopes did flock Oppos'd depos'd expos'd inclos'd in woes With wauering fortunes troublously I raign'd Slaine by soule murther peace and rest I gaind HENRY THE FOVRTH KING OF ENGLAND And FRANCE LORD OF IRELAND c. HENRY the 4. borne at Bollingbroke in the County of Lincolne began̄ his Raigne the 26. of September 1●● Raigned 13. yeares 6. moneths died in An o D 1413. Of the age of 46. yeares buried at Canterbury Henry 4. FRom right wrong-doing Richard I did wrest His Crowne mis-guided but on me mis-plac'd Vnciuill Ciuill Wars my Realme molest And English men did England spoyle and wast The Sire the Son the Son the Father chas'd Vndutifull vnkind vnnaturall Both Yorke and Lancaster were rais'd and rac'd As Conquest did to either Faction fall But still I grip'd the Scepter and the Ball And what by wrong I won by might I wore For Prince of Wales I did my Son install But as my Martiall Fame grew more and more By fatall Fate my vitall threed was cut And all my Greatnes in a Graue was put HENRY THE FIFT KING OF ENGLAND And FRANCE LORD OF IRELAND c. Henry the 5. bagan his Raigne the 20. of March. Was Crouned At Westminster the 9 of Aprill 1413. He Raigned 9 Yeares 2 months died in the castel of Boyes nere paris the 13 of August 1422. buried at Westminster Henry 5. FRom my Lancastrian Sire succesiuely I Englands glorious golden Garland got I temperd Iustice with mild clemency Much bloud I shed yet bloud-shed loued not Time my Sepulchre and my bones may rot But I i me can neuer end my endlesse fame O' liuion cannot my braue acts out blot Or make Forgetfulnesse forget my name I plaid all France at Tennise such a Game With roaring Rackets bandyed Bals and Foyles And what I plaid for still I won the same Triumphantly transporting home the spoyles But in the end grim Death my life affail'd And as I liu'd I dy'd belou'd bewayl'd HENRY THE SIXT KING OF ENGLAND And FRANCE LORD OF IRELAND c. Henry the 6 of the age of 8 moneths Began his Raigne Tte 1. of September 1422. Crowned at Westminster the 6 of Nouember 1429 Afterward Crowned at Paris 7 September 1431 Raigned 38 yeares 6 moneths 4 dayes Buried at Winsore Henry 6. GReat Englands Mars my Father being dead I not of yeares or yeare but eight months old The Diadem was plac't vpon my head In royall Robes the Scepter I did hold But as th' Almighties workes are manifold Too high for mans conceit to comprehend In his eternall Register enrold My Birth my troublous Life and tragicke End 'Gainst me the house of Yorke their force did bend And Peeres and People weltred in their gore My Crowne and Kingdome they from me did read Which I my Sire and Grandsire kept and wore Twice was I crown'd vncrown'd oft blest oft crost And lastly murdred life and kingdome lost EDWARD