an Expedition for the recovery of it out of the Hands of that implacable Enemy of Christianity He grants Indulgences to those who shall take upon them the Cross for the Holy War and renews in their favour the special Privileges that were allow'd by his Predecessors in the like Case In the Second Letter he ordains That to deprecate the Wrath of God the Faithful should be oblig'd to fast during five Years on all Fridays from Advent to Christmass and that they should abstain from Flesh on Wednesdays and Saturdays By a Third Letter he confirms the Orders that his Predecessors had given to all the Ecclesiastical Judges to determine the Law-suits of private Persons The Five first Letters of Clement III. relate to the Contest that arose between John and Hugh Clement III's Letters about the Bishoprick of St. Andrew in Scotland In the Sixth he confirms the Rights and Immunities of the Church of that Kingdom The Seventh is the Act for the Canonization of Otto Bishop of Bamberg The First Letter of Celestin III. is directed to the Prelates of England whom he orders to Celestin III's Letters excommunicate all those who shall refuse to obey William Bishop of Ely Legate of the Holy See and Regent of the Kingdom in the absence of King Richard who was engag'd in the Expedition to the Holy Land By the Second he takes off the Excommunication denounced by Geffry Arch-bishop of York against Hugh Bishop of Durham The Third is the Act for the Canonization of St. Ubald Bishop of Eugubio The Fourth is an elegant Exhortation to induce the Christian Princes to make Peace that they may be in a Condition to regain the Holy Land In the Fifth directed to the Bishop of Lincoln he gives him a Commission to take cognizance of the Misdemeanours and Crimes of which the Arch-bishop of York was accus'd The Sixth sent to the Dean and Arch-deacon of the Church of Lincoln is written on the same Subject In the Seventh he constitutes Hubert Arch-bishop of Canterbury his Legate in England and in the Eighth orders the Bishops of England to acknowledge and obey him in that Quality The Ninth is a Fragment of a Letter directed to the Arch-bishop of Sens in which he declares null the Divorce that Philip King of France had made with Queen Batilda the Daughter of the King of Denmark under pretence of nearness of Kin and enjoyns him to re-take her In the Tenth he entreats Hubert Arch-bishop of Canterbury to levy Recruits to be sent into the Holy Land to King Richard The Three following Letters are written about the Disorders caus'd in the Church of York by the Arch-bishop He commits the Care and Reformation of that Church to Simon Dean of the Chapter and forasmuch as the Arch-bishop had appeal'd to the Holy See before the Bishop of Lincoln exhibited an Information against him he allows him time to come to Rome till the Festival of St. Martin but in case he do not then appear he orders the Bishop of Lincoln to proceed against him and in the mean while suspends him from the Government of his Province In the Fourteenth he orders Hubert Arch-bishop of Canterbury to oblige those who had taken upon them the Cross for the Expedition to the Holy Land to set forward on their Journey at least unless they were prevented by a lawful Impediment This Letter is follow'd by that of Philip Bishop of Beauvais written to Pope Celestin in which that Prelate complains That the King of England enter d the Territories of Beauvaisis with his Forces in a hostile manner and took him Prisoner The Pope return'd an Answer in the following Letter That he had no reason to make a Complaint of the Misfortune that befel him since he presum'd to take up Arms contrary to the Duty of his Profession besides that the Conduct of the King of England ought not to be blam'd in regard that the King of France had unjustly taken from him divers Towns contrary to the solemn Promise that he had made to that Prince not to commit any Hostilities against him 'till his return to his Dominions That instead of performing that Promise he determin'd to take the advantage of his Confinement And that the King of England being at last set at Liberty had good reason to oppose the Enterprizes of the King of France In the Sixteenth he enjoyns the Arch-bishop of Canterbury the Bishop of Lincoln and the Abbot of St. Edmund to re-establish in one of the Churches of England the Monks that were turn'd out under colour of the Pope's Bull got by surprize upon a false Exhibition In the last directed to William King of Scotland he confirms the Rights and Privileges of the Churches of that Kingdom CHAP. X. A Relation of the several Contests that Thomas Becket Arch-bishop of Canterbury had with Henry II. King of England THOMAS BECKET was a Native of the City of London the Capital of England His Father was nam'd Gilbert and his Mother Matilda Gilbert in his Youth took The Life of Thomas Becket before he was Arch-bishop of Canterbury upon him the Cross for the Holy War but upon his arrival at Jerusalem he was taken Prisoner and made a Slave by the Saracens During his Imprisonment he found means to obtain the favour of the Admiral 's Daughter in whose House he was confin'd and she conceiv'd so great an Affection for him that Gilbert having at last made his Escape she travell'd to London on purpose to meet him was baptiz'd there and afterwards marry'd to Gilbert by whom she had our Thomas who was born A. D. 1119. Before his Birth Gilbert return'd to the Holy Land where he continu'd three Years and a half having left his Wife in England This Gentlewoman took great care of the Education of her Son who in the very first blooming of his Youth shew'd the marks of what might be expected from him in a riper Age. He began his Studies at London and after having lost both his Father and Mother compleated them at Paris Upon his return to England he was employ'd in the management of Affairs and put himself into the Service of Theobald Arch-bishop of Canterbury At that time Henry Bishop of Winchester Brother to King Stephen was Legate in England who abus'd his Quality and Authority treating the other Bishops and even his Metropolitan with intolerable Arrogancy Thomas advis'd Theobald to shake off the Yoke and was sent by him to Pope Celestin II. to obtain a Revocation of Henry's Commission insomuch that being arriv'd at Rome he negotiated that Affair so successfully that the Pope depriv'd Henry of his Dignity and conferr'd it on the Arch-bishop of Canterbury Thomas was no sooner return'd to England but Theobald entrusted him with the management of the Affairs of his Church made him Arch-deacon of it some time after and bestow'd on him many Benefices Afterwards King Stephen dying and Henry II. Duke of Normandy succeeding him Thomas was constituted
The Grant of Investitures disapprov'd of by the Cardinals 27 The Lateran Council in the Year 1112. Ibid The Decrees against Henry upon the account of Investitures 28 The second Journey of Henry V. into Italy 28 The Lateran Council held in the Year 1116. Ibid Henry enters Rome Paschal withdraws Ibid Paschal returns to Rome 29 Gelasus II. elected Pope 29 Henry comes to Rome and causes Mauritius Burdin to be proclaim'd Pope Ibid The Election of Calixtus II. 29 The Conference of the Emperour with William of Champeaux about Investitures 29 The Council of Rheims in the Year 1119 29 The Pope's Negotiation with the Emperour 30 The Canons of the Council of Rheims Ibid Calixtus II. is received into Rome and Burdin depos'd with Disgrace Ibid The Treaty betwixt Calixtus II. and Henry V. about Investitures Ibid The Rise and Progress of Investitures 31 The Ceremonies of Investitures Ibid The beginning of the Contest about Investitures 32 The state of the Question in the time of Paschal II. Ibid The state of it under Calixtus II. Ibid Remarks upon the Treaty concluded between Calixtus II. and Henry V. Ibid The Execution of the Treaty made with Henry 33 The Custom of France with respect to Investitures Ibid The Custom of England with respect to the same Ibid Investitures granted to particular Princes Ibid The first general Lateran Council in the Year 1123 Ibid The Letters of Paschal II. 34 The Letters of Gelasus II. 37 The Letters of Calixtus II. Ibid CHAP. III. THE History and Letters of the Popes Honorius II. Innocent II. Celestine II. Lucius II. Eugenius III. 38 Honorius II. 38 Innocent II. Ibid Celestine II. 39 Lucius II. 39 Eugenius III. Ibid The Letters of Honorius II. Ibid The Letters of Innocent II. Ibid The Letters of Celestine II. 40 The Letters of Lucius II. Ibid The Letters of Eugenius III. 40 41 The Letters of Anacletus II. the Anti-Pope 42 CHAP. IV. THE Life of St. Bernard together with an Account of his Writings 42 The Letters of St. Bernard 44 St. Bernard's Treatise of Consideration 68 His Treatise of the Duties of Bishops 70 His Treatise of the Commandments and Dispensations Ibid His Apology to William Abbot of St. Thierry 72 His Treatise in Commendation of the new Militia 74 His Treatise of the Degrees of Humility Ibid His Treatise of the Love of God Ibid His Treatise of Grace and Free-Will 75 His Letters to Hugh of St. Victor 75 76 The Life of St. Malachy by St. Bernard 76 St. Bernard's Sermons 76 Gilbert Abbot of Hoilanda Ibid William Abbot of St. Thierry 77 Geofrey Abbot of Igny Ibid Guigue Prior of the Great Chartress Author of the Ladder of the Cloyster Ibid The Works of those Anonymous Authors which are to be met with among those of St. Bernard Ibid The Works of Gueric Abbot of Igny Ibid The Lives of St. Bernard Ibid The Works of Geofrey St. Bernard's Disciple Ibid The History of St. Bernard's Miracles 78 Other Lives written by St. Bernard Ibid Nicholas Monk of Clairvaux 78 The Character and Judgment upon St. Bernard Ibid The Several Editions of his Works 78 79 CHAP. V. OF the Life and Writings of Peter Sir-named the Venerable Abbot of Cluny 79 CHAP. VI. AN Account of the Heresies which prevail'd in the Twelfth Century 86 The Hereticks of the Twelfth Century 86 An Account of the Heretick Henry Ibid The Errors of Peter of Bruis Ibid The Publication of the Errors of Henry and Peter of Bruis 87 The Hereticks of Perigueux Ibid The Heresie of Tancheline Ibid The Hereticks of Cologne Ibid The Hereticks of Toul 88 The Hereticks in Italy call'd Cathari 89 The Hereticks call'd Passagians Ibid The Heresie of Arnold of Bresse Ibid The Condemnation of the Hereticks in the Council of Tolouse in the Year 1119 89 90 Their Condemnation in the Synod of Oxford in the Year 1160 90 Their Condemnation in the Council of Tours in the Year 1163 Ibid The Council of Lombez in the Year 1176 against the Hereticks Ibid The Hereticks condemn'd at Tolouse 91 The Condemnation of the Albigenses in the Lateran Council in the Year 1179 91 The Heresie of Terrick Ibid The Hereticks call'd Publicans or Poblicans 91 The Errors of Eon de l'Etoile Ibid CHAP. VII AN Account of Peter Abaelard his Wrttings Errors and Condemnation 92 The Life and Adoentures of Abaelard 9â The Council of Soissons in the Year 1121 93 The Letter of Heloissa to Abaelard 94 The Letter of Abaelard to Heloissa 95 Another Letter of Heloissa 95 Abaelard's Reply Ibid A Third Letter of Heloissa Ibid Abaelard's Reply 96 Abaelard's Letters 96 The Charge brought against Peter Abaelard 97 The Decrees of the Council of Sens in the Year 1140 against Peter Abaelard 100 The Pope's Confirmation of the Judgment pass'd by the Council of Sens 103 Abaelard's Apology Ibid The Retreat of Abaelard to Cluny and his Death Ibid The Examination of Abaelard's Doctrine The Works of Abaelard Ibid CHAP. VIII THE History of the Errors and Condemnation of Gilbert de la Porrée Bishop of Poitiers 113 The particular Opinions of Gilbert de la Porrée 113 The Council of Paris in the Year 1147. about him Ibid The Council of Rheims in the Year 1148. 113 114 The Condemnation of Gilbert in the Council of Rheims 114 The Writings of Gilbert de la Porrée 115 His Letter about the Eucharist Ibid CHAP. IX THE History and Letters of the Popes who sat upon the Papal's Chair from Eugenius III. to the end of this Century 115 Anastasius IV. 115 Adrian IV. 115 Alexander III. 116 The Council of Pavia in the Year 1160 against Alexander Ibid The Kings of France and England declare for Alexander Ibid The Assembly of Lodi in the Year 1161 117 Alexander III. goes into France Ibid A Conference at Avignon upon the Subject of Schism Ibid The Council of Tours held by Alexander in the Year 1163. 117 Alexander III. returns to Rome Ibid The Assembly of Wirtzburgh in the Year 1166 against Alexander Ibid The War of the Emperour Frederick in Italy 118 Pedâe concluded between Frederick and Alexander Ibid Lucius III. 119 Urban III. Ibid The Assembly of Geinlenheusen in the Year 1186. Ibid Gregory VIII Ibid Clement III. Ibid Celestine III. Ibid The Letters of Anastasius IV. 120 The Letters of Adrian IV. Ibid The Letters of Alexander III 121 The Letters of Lucius III. 122 The Letters of Urban III. 123 The Letters of Gregory VIII Ibid The Letters of Clement III. Ibid The Letters of Celestine III. Ibid CHAP. X. AN Account of the Contests between Thomas Becket Arch-bishop of Canterbury and Henry II. King of England 124 The Life of S. Thomas before he was Arch-Bishop of Canterbury 124 The Election of S. Thomas to the Arch-bishoprick of Canterbury Ibid The Original of the Contests between the King of England and St. Thomas 125 The Assembly of London in
exasperated if they sometimes go beyond the bounds of their Authority but must be left to God's Judgment when they will not yield to the humble admonitions and Remonstrances of the Clergy for his part Ivo protests that were he oblig'd in obedience to his Superiors to readmit an Excommunicate person in to the Church without penance or satisfaction he would do it by some such Form as this Do not deceive your Self I admit you into the visible Church notwithstanding the Crimes you are guilty of but I cannot open to you the Gates of the Kingdom of Heaven and therefore I absolve you no farther than I have power to do it those of more Courage and Piety may find out better methods in such cases This seems to me proper enough not that I hereby prescribe to others but to prevent farther mischiefs to the Church think it best to submit thus far to the necessity of the Times The CLXXIId Letter contains a judgment given by Ivo in Favour of the Monks of St. Laurner at Blois against the Abbot and Monks of Vendôme concerning a Chappel near Baugency which he adjudges to belong to the Jurisdiction of the former notwithstanding the Abbot of Vendôme's having appeal'd to the Holy See In the CLXXIIId he relates to Pope Paschal what had pass'd at the Tryal of Rotroc who he tells him has now appeal'd to his Holiness In the CLXXIVth he assures Mathilda Queen of England that he will pray for the Soul of her Brother Edgar King of Scotland who died without issue in the Year 1107. for though he doubts not but his Soul is in Abraham's bosom yet since we cannot be certain of the State of Souls in the other World it is a piece of commendable Devotion to pray even for those in Heaven that their happiness may be augmented and for those in Purgatory that their sins may be forgiven them In the CLXXVth he excuses himself to Pope Paschal for not appearing at the Council he cites him to held at Troyes Anno 1107. by reason of his being very much indispos'd but tells his Holiness he has sent his three Arch-Deacons in his stead In the CLXXVIth to the same Pope he prays him not to oblige Volgrin Chancellor of the Church of Chartres to accept of the Bishoprick of Dol to which he was Elected by the Deputies of that Church in the Council of Troyes and. In the CLXXVIIth Letter he acquaints the Clergy of Dol that Volgrin will not accept of that Bishoprick In the CLXXVIIIth he Counsels Geofry Bishop of Beauvais to punish one of his Clergy who had admitted to Divine Service and consorted with an Excommunicated person In the CLXXIXth to Adela Countess of Chartres he complains of her denying the Clergy of his Church the privileges of Travelling the Roads and of buying Bread and Wine and threatens her in case she do not Revoke the Orders she has publish'd to this Effect that the whole Clergy of the Province shall dayly curse her at the high Altar The CLXXXth Letter gives Ledger Arch-Bishop of Bourges advice to abate sometimes the Rigour of justice and not to be so wholly govern'd by some of his Clergy as not to doe any thing but according to their Pleasures even in judicial matters as hapned lately in the case of Arnoulf of Vierson who was so exasperated by his hard usage that he was forc'd to appeal to Rome upon the very first hearing before them The CLXXXIst is to Richard Bishop of Albane the Popes Legate upon a dispute between the Monks of Vezelay and those of St. Lucian at Beauvais about a Church they both of them laid claim to The CLXXXIId is to Daimbert Arch-Bishop of Sens concerning a difference between Ivo and the Chapter of Chartres who had oppos'd and violently affronted him for conferring the Office of Sub-Dean upon Fulk The Arch-Bishop is agreed upon to be Judge between them and Ivo prays him to appoint the day and place where their cause shall be heard which he wishes may be at Chartres In the CLXXXIII to William Bishop of Paris he asserts that if a Man challenge a Woman for his Wife upon pretence that her Father promis'd her to him he must bring witnesses of such promise and that the Tryal by single combat is not to be allowed in cases of this Nature The CLXXXIVth to Walter Library-Keeper of Beauvais maintains that all Actions about Goods belonging to the Church are to be brought before Ecclesiastical Judges In the CLXXXVth he gives answer to what William Arch-Bishop of Rouen had written him about one who had gottten himself Ordain'd Sub-Deacon before he had pass'd the inferior degrees of Holy Orders In strictness of Law Ivo acknowledges that he should not be permitted to exercise the functions of the Order he has obtain'd nor to Rise to the higher Orders however if his Life and Conversation be unexceptionable and the good of the Church require it he thinks the Arch-Bishop may give him the Clerical Benediction and let him assist at Ordinations not to be Re-Ordain'd but to Confirm him in his Orders In the CLXXXVIth Letter he Answers several Questions propos'd to him by Laurence a Monk of the Monastery of Charity 1. He asserts that we are oblig'd to avoid only those that are Excommunicated for the most notorious and abominable faults 2. That of such we are not to receive any thing but in extream necessity nor are we to give them any thing but for their relief in utmost want and misery 3. That those of the Clergy who buy of Lay-men goods that formerly belong'd to the Church or receive such from them by way of Gift are much to blame if they doe it with any other design but of restoring them to the Church 4. That they who in private Confession discover themselves to be guilty of the greatest crimes are not therefore to be Excommunicated nor put to publick penance as publick offenders however they are to be admonish'd to abstain from the Sacrament and from the Functions of their Orders if they are Ecclesiasticks 5. That the Sacraments are not the less profitable for being administred by wicked Priests nor 6. by Simoniacal ones or such as are Married 7. That the People ought not to abandon their Prelate nor fail in their obedience to him though in many respects blameable till he is publickly Condemn'd or Excommunicated 8. That Confession of common and small sins may be made to any Christian but that great faults are to be confess'd only to those who have the power of binding and loosing 9. That one may entertain an Excommunicated Person provided he doe not Eat with him nor salute him In the CLXXXVIIth he admonishes the Countess of Chartres to leave troubling the Abbot and Monks of Bonneval on Account of the murder of Hugh the Black In the CLXXXVIIIth to Ralph Arch-Bishop of Rheims he delivers his opinion That a Woman who is deliver'd of a Child within two or three Months after her Marriage is not
Year as also the Honour and Dignity that he had conferr'd upon him in setting the Imperial Crown on his Head He declares at the same time That he does not repent of having given him Satisfaction and that he should be very glad to find an opportunity to bestow on him greater Favours if it were possible This Letter being deliver'd to Frederick by Bernard Cardinal of St. Clement and by Roland Cardinal Priest of St. Mark whom the Pope had sent on purpose to bear it That Prince at first entertain'd them very honourably but at the second Audience having read that Passage of the Letter in which it was express'd That the Pope had conferr'd on him the notable Benefit of the Crown he fell into so great a Passion that he could not forbear reviling the two Legates who had brought it ordering them immediately to retire out of his Dominions After their departure he prohibited all his Subjects to go to Rome and set Guards on the Frontiers to stop those who were about to travel thither Adrian having heard this News wrote the Third Letter to the Bishops of France and Germany in which after having related the Matter as it happen'd he entreats them to use their utmost endeavours to oblige Frederick to return to his Duty At the same time he wrote to him in the Fourth Letter That it was not his meaning that the Word Beneficium should be taken for a Fee but for a good Action that in that sense it might well be said That he had done him a Favour in conferring on him the Imperial Crown because he perform'd an Act of Kindness in so doing and that when he wrote that he gave him the Imperial Crown Giving denotes no more than that he set it upon his Head That they who had otherwise interpreted those Terms were spiteful Persons that only sought for an opportunity to disturb the Peace of the Church and of the Empire Lastly if that Expression were offensive to him he ought not nevertheless to have acted as he had done nor to forbid all his Subjects in general to go to Rome but he might have given him notice of it by his Ambassadors He gives him to understand that he sent two other Cardinals by the advice of Henry Duke of Bavaria and entreats him to receive them favourably to the end that the Business might be accommodated through the Mediation of that Duke The Letter in which Frederick desires the confirmation of Guy the Son of the Count of Blandrata chosen Arch-bishop of Ravenna follows the former It is written in very respectful and submissive Terms The Pope denies him that favour in the Fifth Letter under pretence that he was unwilling to remove Guy from the City of Rome and in the Sixth complains of Frederick's Letter because he set his own Name before that of the Pope exacted Homage and Fidelity of the Bishops refus'd to admit his Legates to Audience and hinder'd his Subjects from going to Rome The Seventh is written to the Arch-bishop of Thessalonica whom he exhorts to be reconcil'd with the Church of Rome and to procure the Re-union of the Greek Church The Eighth is a Confirmation of the Treaty made with William King of Sicily The Fifteen following are taken out of the fourth Tome of the Historians of France by Du-Chesne The Ten first and the Twenty Fourth are written in favour of Hugh Chancellor of that Kingdom to whom he grants an Arch-deaconry of Arras and the Revenues of a Prebend in the Cathedral of Paris He likewise wrote to the Bishops of Arras and Paris and to some other Persons on the same Subject The Three other Letters are directed to King Lewis and in the Twenty first he advises him to bring the Inhabitants of Veze'ay under subjection to the Abbots of that place and to oblige them to restore what they had taken from him The Twenty fifth twenty sixth Twenty seventh and Twenty eighth relate in like manner to the Abbey of Vezelay By the Twenty ninth he renders the Abbey of Baune in the Diocess of Besanson subject to the Jurisdiction of that of Cluny as a Priory that ought to depend on it The Six following relate to the Primacy of Toledo and the Affairs of Spain The Thirty sixth Thirty seventh Thirty eighth Thirty ninth and Fortieth treat of Matters concerning the Primacy Patriarchate and Rights of the Arch-bishop of Grado In the Forty seventh and last publish'd by M. Baluzius and directed to Berenger Metropolitan of Narbonne he confirms the Declaration made by Ermengarda Lady of the Mannor of Narbonne by which she prohibitted the Alienation of the Revenues and Estates of the Arch-bishop of that Province after his decease and denounces an Anathema against those who should presume to do it Father Dachery has inserted in the first Tome of his Spicilegium a Privilege granted by Pope Adrian IV. to the Monastery of Casaure The First Letter of Alexander III. is written to the Canons of Bononia about his Election Alexander III's Letters The Second to Arnulphus Bishop of Lisieux on the same Subject and about the Assembly of Pavia The Third is the Bull for the Canonization of Edward I. King of England The following relate to the Affair of Thomas Becket Arch-bishop of Canterbury except the Thirty second which is an Instruction to the Sulâân of Iconium who was desirous to embrace the Christian Religion The Forty fifth Forty sixth and Forty seventh are the Letters which were written by him concerning the Treaty of Peace that he made at Venice with the Emperor Frederick In the Forty eighth he recommends to a certain Indian King commonly call'd Prester John the Legate whom he sent into his Country In the Forty ninth he returns thanks to Hugh for a Book which he had sent to him and entreats him to endeavour to procure the Reconciliation of the Emperor of Constantinople with the Church of Rome The Fiftieth is the Letter for the calling of the General Council at Lateran The Fifty first is a Letter about the Opinion of Peter Lombard who maintain'd That Jesus Christ quatenus Man is not a Thing The Fifty second is a Confirmation of the Rights and Privileges of the Arch-bishop of Colen The Two following relate to the Erection of the Bishoprick of Alexandria della Paglia a City newly built in the Milanese Territory He nominated the first Bishop but to the end that that Nomination might not be prejudicial to the Inhabitants he left them the liberty of proceeding to an Election for the future The Fifty fifth Fifty sixth and Fifty seventh contain the Confirmation of the promotion of John to the Bishoprick of St. Andrew in Scotland against Hugh who was nominated by the King By the Fifty eighth directed to Casimir Duke of Poland he ratifies certain Constitutions made by that Prince for the preservation of Church Revenues The Fifty ninth is a circular Letter directed to all the Christian Princes in which he exhorts them to afford succours
St. Rictruda published by the Continuers of Bollandus to the 12th of May. BALDWIN Earl of Flanders and Emperor of Constantinople has writ a long circular Baldwin Letter being a Relation of the taking of Constantinople by the Latins in 1204 wherein he takes care to forget nothing that may render the Greeks odious It is to be met with in the Annals of Rainaldus and in a Collection of some Pieces by Aubert de la Mire GEOFFREY Lord of Villehardwin near Troies in Champagne composed in French the Geoffrey History of the taking of Constantinople by the Latins where he himself assisted It is written in an old Stile but after a noble and impartial manner GONTHIER a Monk in the Monastry of Paris in the Diocess of Basil who flourished about Gonthier the beginning of this Century has left us the History of the taking of Constantinople by the Latins the Circumstances of which he had from Abbot Martin an Eye-witness It was published by Canisius in the first Tome of his Antiquities ARNOLD Provost of the Church of Hildesheim and afterwards Abbot of Lubeck flourished Arnold in the Reigns of the Emperors Philip and Otho IV. He is the Author of the Continuation of the Chronicle of the Sclavonians made by Helmoldus from the year 1171 to the year 1209. This Work was printed at Lubeck in 1659 larger in the first Edition of Helmoldus at Franckfort in 1556 which contains only the nine first Chapters Yet this wants the four last Chapters which have been published by Meibomius with the Opuscula Historica and printed at Helmstadt in 1660. Vossius's Remarks upon this Author is that he is to be credited in what relates to the History of the Sclavonians but not in what he has written of the Histories of Italy Sicily and Greece GERVAIS Sirnamed of Tilbury from the name of the Town where he was born Gervais which is in England upon the Thames of the Family of Henry the II. King of England and Great Marshal of the Kingdom of Arles flourished much about the year 1210 and wrote divers Historical Works among others An Universal History of the Kingdoms of the West with the Title of Otia Imperialia An History of England and some others which are kept up in Libraries out of which there 's no great likelihood of their quickly being set free WALTER MAPES an Englishman distinguished himself by his Wit under Henry II. Walter Mapes John and Richard Kings of England Though he was Canon of Salisbury Chanter of Lincoln and afterwards Archdeacon of Oxford yet he could not forbear making Satyrical Verses upon the Popes Cardinals and other Ecclesiasticks wherein he very freely censures their Irregularities You may see these Poetical Pieces themselves in the first Tome of the memorable Lessons of Voltius and a Catalogue of them here The Revelation of Priest Golias Four Pieces against disorderly Ecclesiasticks and one against the Irregularities of the Court of Rome WILBRANDUS of Oldenburg Canon of Hildesheim in the year 1211 made a Voyage Wilbrandus into the Holy Land whereof he has given us a Relation a part of which was published by Allarius in his Collection of Pieces printed at Cologn in 1653. Allatius commends this Author for a learned and curious Man his Stile is close and Historical but he dos not make use of many barbarous words ROBERT a Regular Canon of the Order of Premontre in the Monastry of St. Marianus Robert and Hugh of Auxerre composed a Chronology from the beginning of the World to the year 1212 the time of his Death It was published by Nicholaus Camuzatus Canon of Tours and printed at Troies in 1608 with a Continuation of it by HUGH Canon Regular of the same Monastry LAMBERT of Leige a Benedictine Monk of St. Laurence of Duitz is thought most probably Lambert to have flourished at the beginning of this Age. He wrote the Life of Herbert Archbishop of Cologn some Hymns and some Epigrams About the same time the Life of St. William Abbot of Roschild who died in 1202 was wrote A nameless Author by an Anonymous Author PETER a Monk of the Valleys of Cornay of the Order of Citeaux in the Diocess of Paris Peter accompanied his Abbot Guy afterwards Bishop of Carcassonne in his Voyage to Languedock to encounter the Albigensâs he being one of the 12 Abbots appointed by Innocent III. for this purpose Peter by the Order of Innocent III. has wrote a History of the Albigenses printed at Troies in 1615 and in the Library of Citeaux published by Father Tissier We shall have occasion to talk of him when we come to the History of the Albigenses About the same time WILLIAM of Puilâârent wrote a Chronicle of the Heresy of the William Albigenses printed at Thoulouse in 1623 and among Duchesne's French Historians JOHN of Oxford Dean of Salisbury flourished about the beginning of this Century and John of Oxford wrote a History of England and a Relation of his Voyage into Sicily About the same time with him lived JOHN Abbot of Fordeham Confessor to John John of Fordeham King of England He wrote the Life of St. Wolfrick the Actions of King John and a Chronicle of Scotland About the year 1214 JOCELINE BRAKELONDE an English Monk of the Monastry Joceline of Brakelonde John Gray of Usk composed a Chronicle of his Monastry a Treatise of the Election of Hugh and the Life of St. Robert Martyr JOHN GRAY Bishop of Norwich much about the same time wrote a Chronicle as did Adam of Barking HUGH WHITE a Benedictine Monk of Peterborough has wrote a History of his own Hugh White Monastry and of the Foundation of the Church of Mercy PREPOSITIVUS a famous Divine of Paris flourished about the year 1225. He composed Prepositivus a Sum of Scholastical Divinity which has not yet been printed but is very common in Manuscript in Libraries St. Thomas sometimes quotes it in his Sum. CESAIRE Monk of the Order of Citeaux in the Monastry of Heisterback into which he Cesaire was entred in 1199 and was afterwards made Prior of that of Villiers in Brabant composed a great Work in 12 Books Dialogue-wise in imitation of St. Gregory containing an account of the Miracles and Visions that happened in his time particularly in Germany He assures us in the Preface that none of it is his own Invention but all that he wrote he had from others But yet he is not to be excus'd for his too easily crediting those who did not deserve it and upon their relation heaping together as he has done in this Work a great many idle and forged Stories He likewise composed in 1226 three Books of the Life and Passion of St. Engelbert Arch-bishop of Cologn and Homilies upon the Sundays and Holidays of the whole year These Works have been printed viz. His History of Miracles at Cologn in 1591 and in Father Tissier's first Tome
At first the Clergy and Laity were alarm'd at his Coming but that Cardinal behav'd himself with The Council of London 1237. a great deal of Moderation and Prudence He reconcil'd the Lords refus'd part of the Presents which they offer'd him and appointed a Synod to be held at London for the reforming the Discipline The King of England shew'd him a great deal of Respect which made the Grandees of the Kingdom to murmur The King of Scotland was more reserv'd and would not permit the Legate to enter his Dominions telling him that he had no occasion for a Legate in his Kingdom that all was well enough there that they had never seen any Legate there that he would never suffer any that besides he would not do well to expose his Person by coming thither because the People of his Country were Savage and Cruel and might perhaps abuse him The Council Appointed to be Held at London by the Legate was Held there on the next Day after the Octave of St. Martin The Legate appear'd there seated on a Magnificent Throne the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury on his Right-Hand and the Arch-Bishop of York on his Left who both of them made Protestations for the preservation of their Privileges Afterwards the Legate made a Speech to the Prelates of the Council on the Prudence and Wisdom of Ecclesiasticks On the Morrow the King sent Commissioners to the Council who should warn the Legate That he did nothing which might infringe the King's Prerogative and one of them stay'd in the Council to take care of it The Legate order'd the Letters of his Legation to be Read On the third Day they made an end of Reading the Decrees which the Legate propos'd in the Council which began to be Read the first Day They are Thirty one The First concerns the Dedication of Churches and implies That it deriv'd its Original from the Old and New Testament and has been observ'd by the Holy Fathers under the New That it ought to be Solemniz'd with greater Dignity and Care since then they only Offer'd Sacrifices of Dead Beasts whereas now they Offer on the Altar by the Hands of the Priest a Living and True Sacrifice namely the Only Son of God Therefore the Fathers have with Reason order'd That so Sublime an Office should be Celebrated only in Consecrated Places at least when no necessity requires its being done elsewhere Having therefore seen and understood that a great many despise or neglect this Sacred Ministry and having met with a great many Churches even Cathedrals which tho' Ancient have not as yet been Consecrated with the Holy Oyl to remedy this Neglect they order That all Cathedral Conventual and Parochial Churches which are compleatly Built shall be Consecrated within two Years by the Diocesan Bishops or by their Authority and the same time is prescrib'd for those which shall be Built hereafter And that this Stature may be observ'd they prohibit the Celebration of Mass in those Churches which shall not have been Consecrated within two Years after they shall be Built They forbid the Abbots and Curates to pull down old Consecrated Churches under a pretence of making them finer without the consent of the Bishop of the Diocess who shall take care to see whether it be fit to be granted or no and if he grants it he shall see that the new One be finish'd forthwith As to Chappels they order nothing in particular with respect to them The next Canons contain the Doctrine of the Sacraments In the Second the number of them is determin'd and 't is declar'd That they ought to be Celebrated with Purity and Graââ¦tously The Third is upon Baptism 't is therein determin'd That the time of Administring it Solemnly is Holy Saturday and the Saturday in Whitsun-Week that Infants ought to be Baptiz'd on those Days and it enjoins Curates to Teach their Parishioners the Form of Baptism that so they may Administer it in Case of necessity The Fourth is against those who require Money for giving Absolution and the other Sacraments The Fifth imports That the Bishops shall take care to Nominate in each Deanery Prudent and Wise Confessors to Confess the Clerks who are asham'd to Confess themselves to the Deans and that there shall be in Cathedrals a General Penitentiary The Sixth That those who are to be Ordain'd shall be Examined and that a Register shall be kept of those who shall be Approv'd that so others might not mix themselves with them The Seventh prohibits the Farming out of Benefices and especially Dignities The Eighth imports That if any Churches be Leas'd out it shall be only for five Years The Ninth That they shall not Let out Leases for ever The Tenth That the Vicars shall be Priests and oblig'd to Personal Residence in the Churches which they are to Serve The Eleventh That they shall not give away the Benefices of the Absent upon the Report of their being Dead unless they are assur'd of it The Twelfth prohibits the dividing of Benefices The Thirteenth renews the Decrees concerning Residence and against those who have Pluralities The Fourteenth regulates the manner of the Habits of the Clergy and recommends to the Bishops to be the first in giving an Example to others The Fifteenth to prevent the Marriages which some Clerks contracted Clandestinely to save their Benefices declares the Children born of such Marriages uncapable of holding Benefices The Sixteenth renews the Ecclesiastical Statutes against Clerks who kept Concubines The Seventeenth prohibits the Children of Clerks from Possessing the Benefices of their Fathers The Eighteenth is against those who Protect and give Shelter to Highway-Men The Nineteenth prohibits all the Monks from Eating Flesh and orders That their Novices shall be oblig'd to Profess at the end of their Year Which is likewise extended to Regular Canons The Twentieth enjoins the Arch-Deacons to do their Duty with Diligence and not to burden the Churches by excessive Duties of Procuration The Twenty first forbids the Ecclesiastical Judges to hinder the Parties from Agreeing The Twenty second exhorts the Bishops to Reside in their Churches there to Celebrate Divine Service on the chief Festivals of the Year on the Sundays of Advent and Lent and to see that their Diocesses be Visited The Twenty third imports That Care shall be taken to Place able Judges especially in Matrimonial Causes and that the Judges of Abbots who are in Possession shall not pass a definitive Sentence till after they have Consulted the Bishop of the Diocess The Eight other Constitutions relate to the various Forms of Justice and the Conditions which make these Acts Authentick These Decrees were Read in the Council and the Prelates of England hearkened to them very quietly There was only the Bishop of Worcester who Remonstrated touching the Prohibition of having Pluralities That this Law could not be observ'd in England because there were a great many Persons of Quality that enjoy'd several Benefices who liv'd honourably upon them and
Century Genuine Works c. Collections of the Decretals BERNARD Of Compostella Flourish'd the beginning of the Century Genuine Works still Extant A Collection of the Decretals of Innocent III. A Commentary or the Decretals A Treatise of Cases on the five Books of Decretals A Collection of the Bulls of the Pope An Anonymous AUTHOR Who Flourish'd under Innocent III. A Genuine Work c. A Collection of the Decretals of Innocent III. Writ during and since the General Council of Lateran WILBRAND Of Oldemburg Canon of Hildesheim Flourish'd the beginning of the Century A Genuine Work c. A Relation of the Expedition to the Holy Land ROBERT Regular Canon of Premontre Flourish'd the beginning of the Century A Genuine Work c. A Chronology from the beginning of the World to the Year 1212. JOHN Of Oxford Dean of Salisbury Flourish'd the beginning of the Century Genuine Works c. The History of England The Relation of his Voyage into Sicily JOHN Abbot of Fordeham Flourish'd the beginning of the Century Genuine Works c. The Life of S. Wolfric The Actions of John King of England The Chronicle of Scotland JOCELIN Of Brakelande Monk of Uske Flourish'd at the same time Genuine Works c. The Chronicle of the Monastery of Uske A Treatise of the Election of Hugh The Life of S. Robert JOHN GREY Bishop of Norwich Flourish'd the beginning of thâ Century Dyed in the year 1216. A Genuine Work c. His Chronicle ADAM Of Barkingen an Englishman Flourish'd about the same time A Genuine Work c. His Chronicle HUGH WHITE Monk of Peterburgh Flourish'd at the same time Genuine Works c. The History of the Monastery of Peterburgh The Original of the Church of Mercia S. FRANCIS Of Assisy Born in 1182. Founded his Order in the year 1208. Dyed in the year 1226. Genuine