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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68075 An epitome of Frossard: or, A summarie collection of the most memorable histories contained in his chronicle, chiefly concerning the state of England and France Wherin the famous warres and conquests of king Edward the third, with the honorable atchieuements of the Blacke Prince, and other his sonnes, both in Fraunce, Spaine, and Portugall, are compendiously described. ... Compiled in Latine by Iohn Sleydane, and translated into English, by P. Golding.; Chroniques. English. Abridgments Froissart, Jean, 1338?-1410?.; Sleidanus, Johannes, 1506-1556.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606.; Golding, Per., attributed name. 1608 (1608) STC 11399; ESTC S105661 150,748 216

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himselfe to the protection of the French King The siege of Tourney continued some three moneths during which space Iane os Valoys the French kings sister and mother to the Earle of Henault laboured very earnestly to procure a composition At length shee obtained thus much that a day was appointed for a meeting to be had betweene the Lords of Fraunce and England where they agreed vpon a truce for twelue months space with condition that each party should hold whatsoeuer he had gotten by battell Herevppon the armies were both dismissed And this further was concluded that at a certain time prefixed within the yeare another treatie should be had at Arras where commissioners from both Princes and from Pope Clement should meete together and this likewise was performed There the English men demaunded much and the French men profered nothing saue the Earledome of Ponthiew which was giuen before in dowrie to King Edwards mother when shee married into England More then thus was nothing done in this treaty onely another yeere added to the truce and the King of England returned into his Country When things were thus set at a stay and that the Duke of Britaine prepared to returne into his owne country he was seised vppon in his iourney by a most violent sicknes whereof in short space he dyed leauing behind no lawfull issue male to succeed him He had two brothers of whome the one which was Earle of Mountfort was his brother onely by the fathers side the other both by father and mother but he died before him leauing issue one only daughter whome the Duke of Britaine in his life time ioyned in marriage to Charles of Bloys sisters Son to Phillip the French King For the Duke fearing it might so fall out that after his decease his brother the Earle of Mountfort would seise the seigniory of Britaine into his owne handes and by that meanes dispossesse and as it were disinherite the lawfull daughter of his brother by the whole bloud thought good to prouide a stay for the Lady by marriage and therefore his desire was the rather to match her to the kings nephew because if the other should make any attēpt hereafter he might the easilier be resisted And so it came to passe For the Earle of Mountfort had no sooner vnderstanding of his brothers death but that partly by force partly by cōposition he possessed himselfe of the greater part of Britane And then the better to supporte his cause and stablish his estate he went ouer to the King of England where relating the whole discourse of his proceedings he receiued from him the inuestiture of his dukedome And the King of England considering that by this meanes he might haue a ready passage through Britaine into Fraunce promised both his councell and furtherance to the newe Duke against his enemie whether it were the French King or any other whosoeuer For he had lost the French kings fauor before euer since he brought in the Germaines to serue in his warres vppon whome he had spent such a huge masse of money withou● accomplishing any notable enterprise And this is the true cause and originall ground of this warre Charles of Bloys being aduertised of the proceedings and enterprises of Mountfort made great complaint of him to the French King After consultation had the King commaunded that the Earle should be summoned to the Parliament of Paris The Earle came and after some debatings on both sides he was enioyned by the King not to depart the Citie for a certaine season Neuerthelesse he conueyed himselfe secretly away and so sentence was giuen with Charles It was a great blot in Mountforts case that he had been inuested in his Duchie by the King of England And thervppon the French King denouncing Charles to be rightfull heyre encouraged him with his own mouth to recouer by force of armes the seigniorie due vnto him both by iudgement of law and right of inheritance promising not only his owne ayde but procuring other Lords also to assist him in the maintenance of his rightful quarrell The warre was vndertaken in the behalfe of Charles with the power of the Peeres of Fraunce his friendly assistants Besides other at length the Citie of Nants the principall in those partes was forced by assault There Mountfort himselfe was taken prisoner and from thence conueyed to Paris to the King by whose commaundement being cast in prison he there ended his life His Lady in the meane time bearing her fortune with a true manlike resolution encouraged the fainting hearts of her people and both fortified with Garrisons and furnished with victuals the rest of the holdes yet vntaken by the enemie Vppon conclusion of the truce between the kings of England and Fraunce and dissoluing the siege before Tournay the King of England returning home perceiued what great annoyance the Scottes had wrought to his country in the meane while wherevppon he assembled an Armie The Scottes being pressed with great extremitie in the absence of the King purchased a truce of the English vppon condition that if within foure moneths space the King did not prouide for the rescue they should yeeld This was signified to the King of Scottes who therevppon returned and being ayded with forraine power wonne certaine holdes from the English Amongst other the Citie of Durham was one where no mercy was shewen to no sex age nor order whatsoeuer but the very churches and all were consumed with fire Afterward perceiuing that by further prosecutiug his enterprise he did but lose his labour and vnderstanding moreouer that the King of England approached with a mightie power vppon deliberation with his counsell he retired In the meane while ministring proffers of a truce which notwithstanding he had no intention to admitte till he had first taken aduise of the French King with whome he was formerly confederate The Lordes of Fraunce departing out of Britaine for no other respect but because the winter whether compelled them returned againe with their forces in the beginning of Sommer purposing to bring the rest of that Duchy in subiection Whereof the Lady of Mountfort being aduertised shee sent ambassadours to the King of England requiring ayde vppon this condition that her Son whome shee had borne by the Earle of Mountfort should take to wife some one of the kings daughters But the succours which he sent for the space of well nere twoo moneths together were tost vppon the Seas with stormes and contrarie windes in such sort as they could by no meanes attaine to their desired porte so that in the meane season certaine places were recoured by the French men But it is admirable to relate with what courrage and stowtnesse the Lady Mountfort demeaned her selfe Fot shee was not only content to fortifie stronge holdes and encourage her followers with comfortable speeches but shee also put on armor herselfe and attended with a troupe of horse came into the open field and prouoked her
enemie Moreouer being besieged in a certaine Castle and put to great distresse when for the most part all that were about her perswaded to yeeld shee alone amongst men persisted in opinion to the contrarie and with this resolution held it out so long till at last the English forces which had wandred a great while vppon the Seas arriued to her rescue A certaine French captaine called Lewis of Spaine tooke the Citie of Dinant in Britaine by composition the Citizens hauing slaine their gouernour in the market place because he refused to yeeld it Another Citie neere adioyning named Gerand was taken by the same Captaine by force where not so much as Children and little infants nor the Temples consecrated to Gods seruice could escape the vttermost rigour of warre but were all destroyed with fire and Sword The Duke was much displeased with this impious cruelty and worthylie caused the authors of such wickednesse to be hanged He also receiued the citie of Vannes vppon composition without consent of the captaine and many other places besides To be short diuerse encounters passed both by Sea and Land with variable fortune on both sides A towne and Castle in those partes called Hamibout was assaulted with great violence but defended with more valour for therin at that time remayned the Duchesse of Britaine whome wee spake of before The French men perceiuing they spent their time in vaine and that Winter began to approach perswaded Charles of Bloys to dismisse his Armie and withall to take a truce and place his souldiers in Garrison It was so done and the Duchesse sayled ouer to the King of England who sent an Armie into Britaine against the French men About this time the noble men of England counselled their King to take a stedfast truce with the Scottes for three yeeres space if it might be shewing how great a burthen it would be to him to supporte so huge a charged of wars round about him in Scotland on the one side in Fraunce on the other Herevppon Ambassadours were sent to the Scottish King but nothing could be effected for he would determine vppon nothing without the French kings counsell The King of England mooued therewithall raysed a mightie power in purpose to bring the Scottes to vtter subuersion But in the meane time by the mediation of good men a truce was obtained stablished The English Armie which we spake of erewhile met with the French kings fleete well appointed vppon the coast of Britaine There they encountred one another and continued in fight till within the euening Somewhat before midnight there arose a very dangerous tempest which scattered them in such sort that they were separated more then an hundreth miles asunder In this conflict also the Countesse of Mountfort her selfe performed knightly seruice At length the English men recouered a hauen not farre from the City of Vannes at that time in possession of the French men where putting on land their forces they valiantly approched the Citie And in conclusion diuiding their army into three partes with two of them they fiercely assaulted the town in two seuerall places in the night season and whilste al men resorted thither to make resistance they brought the rest of their forces to a place vnfortified and so entred the towne putting all that were in it eyther to the Sword or to flight There were two French Lords which had the custody of this towne whome it full sorely greeued to see the Citie thus taken Therefore assembling such forces as they could rayse vppon the suddaine they gaue a fresh assault to the towne and so surprised it agine from the enemy In these conflicts Robert of Artoys admirall of the English fleete and Generall of the warre was wounded who being conueyed to London for the cure of his hurts in short space after there ended his life Whereat the king of England conceiued so great greefe and displeasure that of purpose to reuenge the death of so worthy a man so deerely esteemed he himselse sailed ouer with a mighty power of shipping into Britaine So great was the number of the English forces that at one instant they besieged three of the most puissant Cities in all that countrey Renes Vannes and Nants where Charles of Bloys with his wife at the same time remained besides the towne of Dinant which they tooke by force Charles of Bloys wrote to the French King concerning the state of his affaires the arriuall of the English the besieging of his townes earnestly requiring that he would succour him in this great distresse The French King sent his sonne the Duke of Normandy who with an Armie of some forty thousand tooke his way directly towardes Vannes at that time very streytly besieged by the English And had not the winter season brought great impediment to their purpose it had surelie come to a field battell But at length through the intercession of twoo Cardinals sent from Pope Clement a truce was agreed vppon for three yeares and a solemne o the taken of the Princes for the due obseruation thereof in the meane space So the King of England returned into his owne countrey Whilste the warres were yet open the Englishmen had laid siege to the Citie of Vannes latelie before recouered by the French and it was stoutly defended by twoo noble men the one called Lord Clisson the other Henrie of Lyon It was these mens fortune in a certaine light skirmish to be taken prisoners by the English and because there was a Lord of England also remaining among the French vpon conclusion of the truce communication was had for the exchange of prisoners The King of England for the redeeming of his deliuered to the French men the Lord Clisson detayning the other still prisoner Herevppon as is most likely some emulous obseruers of Clissons cariage raysed a suspition that he should be secretly affected to the English and that for this respect he rather then the other obtained his libertie To be short this iealousie encreased so farre that he lost his head for it at Paris And for the like cause diuers other noble men suffered the like punishment Sure it was a lamentable spectacle especially considering that Clisson in the recouerie of Vannes from the English had so honourablie performed the office both of an excellent Captaine and valiant souldier This act of the French kings was taken in so ill part by the King of England esteeming it done in his reproch that he commaunded Henrie of Lyon to be presently set at libertie and freely forgaue him his raunsome onelie enioyning him at his returne to signifie to the French King how he interpreted these proceedings no otherwise then as intended to his dishonour and that thereby he held the late truce to be violated wherefore he should expect no other from him but as an enemy This message was deliuered to the French King and the King of England sent an armie into Aquitane with certaine other forces
King of England afterwards bought of him that took them for twentie thousand crownes The Englishmen marching still forward passed ouer the riuer Seane towards Roane and their light horsmen scoured the country euen vnto the Suburbes of Paris where encountring the townsmen of Amience well appointed posting towardes Paris vppon commaundement from the King because of long time before they had been charged with no seruice for the warres they let fiercely vpon them and bereft them of their carriage The French King in the meane while notwithstanding the Parisians earnest sute to the contrary departed from Paris to Saint Dennis whither as then the rest of the Peeres were assembled From thence pursuing his enemie with a certaine vehement and wonderfull desire to fight he remoued to Amience The King of England assayed to passe his armie ouer the riuer Some but there was neither foord knowne nor bridge possible to be taken they were all so surely garded by the French men At length after proclamation of enlargement and reward to any French prisoner that should performe it a certaine young man taken by chaunce discouered a forde The French men suspecting they would passe ouer at the same place opposed themselues strongly against them and entertained them in the riuer with a sharpe skirmish Neuerthelesse the Englishmen waded through and put them to flight By this time the French King was come to Abbevile and the King of England wayted for him in the plaine fieldes to giue him battell When the time of battell approched the King of England made his prayers to God to send him an happy victory and diuided his wholy Armie into three parts In the vauntgarde was his Sonne in the reregard himselfe The fight was furious on both sides but at length the Englishmen obtained the victory which may seem a wonder considering the huge multitude of their enemies In this battell the King of England who awaiting oportunitie had not yet put himselfe in preasse being aduertised that his Sonne fighting valiantly in the forefront was wellnighe oppressed by the enemy he made answere to the messengers in this sort Demaunde no helpe of me this day so long as my Son liueth For I will that he now shewe some proofe of his valor and that the honour of the victory be wholy his and theirs that are appointed to attend him In this battell was slaine Henrie of Lutzenburge Father to Charles King of Bohemia who although he were blinde would needes adventure against the enemy notwithstanding Towards night the French King accompanied with very fewe withdrewe himselfe out of the field The King of England caused the dead bodies of the French men to be numbred and there were found slaine eleven Princes fourescore Barons twelue hundreth Knights and about thirtie thowsand others By commaundement from the King all the noble men were buried in the villages neere adioyning and three daies truce was graunted to giue buriall to their dead After the King of England had obtained this notable victorie he tooke his way directly towards Calice and environning the towne with a stronge siege there planted himselfe in purpose not to depart before he had constrained them to yeelde for famine Meane while the French King sent word to his Sonne the Duke of Normandy lying still at the siege of Aguillion that he should giue ouer his enterprise and conuey his forces againe into Fraunce to withstand the English men who subdued all things before them as they passed Before this aduertisement came to the Army there was another battell fought betweene the French and the English wherein was present Phillip son to the Duke of Burgundy who falling with his horse soone after departed this life During the siege of Aguillion wherof an English Baron was captaine the Earle of Derbie whome the King of England had before sent into Aquitaine remayning at Burdeaux Assoone as he vnderstood that the siege was raysed and the Duke of Normandy departed he assembled to the number of six thousand men and raunging through a great part of the countrie thereabouts at length tooke Poitiers by assault and then returning againe to Burdeaux dismissed his souldiers leauing no Garrison in Poitiers because the towne was vtterlie raced Whilste the King of England was busied about the siege of Calice David King of Scottes partly of his owne motion partly by procurement of the French King perswading himselfe that all the souldiers of England or at leastwise the greater part were gone a warfare with their King assembled his forces to the number of fortie thousand or there about and invaded England The Queene of England in the mean time behaved her selfe with great courage and discretion consulting with the Lords and Prelates of her Real me about the direction of her affaires So an armie was levied vpon the suddaine and the enemie fiercely encountred certaine Archbishops and Bishops of England being present in the conflict whose power notwithstanding it were sarre inferiour in number to the Scottes yet they obtained the victorie In this battell the Scottish King himselfe with many others were taken prisoners The number of them that were slaine amounted to fifteene thousand the rest saued themselues by flight After the accomplishment of this honourable victorie the Queene of England crossed the seas and went to visite the King her husband In the battell before mentioned amongst others was also slaine the Earle of Flaunders who by reason of the rebelliu of Iaques de Artevill was compelled to put himselfe into the French Kings protection He left a Sonne named Lewis at that time about fifteene yeeres of age Now the King of England was in great expectation that through the politicke assistance of Iaques de Artevill he should haue brought the Flemminges to receiue him for their soveraigne and that his Sonne the Prince of Wales with their generall acceptance should haue obtained the Lordship of all Flaunders But the author of so wicked a deuise was slaine as is already declared for the Flemmings would not disinherit the Son of their Lord though they loued not his Father The King of England therefore began to treate of a marriage betweene the young Earle who was then remaining in the French Court for he fled thither with his Father at such time as the state grew troublesome in Flaunders and a daughter of his named Isabell Against this match the Duke of Braband opposed himself for he also had a daughter at the same time whom he desired to match with the young Earle Meanes were found by the Flemminges to conuey the Earle from the French King and he returned into Flaunders in hope to recouer his Fathers possession The King of England in the meane while was nothing slacke in soliciting his sute with the Lordes of Flaunders By them the matter was mooued and the match profered to young Lewis But he vtterly refused it protesting that he would neuer marrie the daughter of him that had slaine his Father When the
towne as the castle with all the territory thereto belonging Also Calice and many other places besides whereof as the number is great so the rehersall would be tedious Item that the king of Fraunce should renounce his title to all these and release all fealtie and right which he his heires or successors might by any meanes clayme therein that the king of England should hold them all frankly and freely without acknowledgment of any homage or superiority to the king of Fraunce or his successors in that behalfe Item that the king of England should againe for himselfe his heires and successors disclaime all title right and interest which eyther hee or his posteritie might pretend to the crowne of France Item that he should resigne all the portion which he challenged in the Dukedomes of Normandy Aniow and Turon also all his right to Britaine These and many other articles described more at large in my author both the Kings and their sonnes were solemnly sworne to obserue And for further assurance the French King gaue in hostage the Dukes of Orleance Aniow Berry Burbon besides some twelue Earles and Barons and diuerse personages of good account sent particularly from all the chiefe Citties of Fraunce These being all conveyed to London the French king was set at libertie and returned againe to Paris to the great reioycement of his subiects Immediately vpon his returne he directed forth letters to all his officers Lievetenants and Captaines to avoyd out of all such Townes Castles and holds as hee had departed withall to the King of England But it is wonderfull to report with what vnwillingnesse they all for the most part obayed this commandement for it seemed a very strange and difficult matter for them to vndergoe the yoke and subiection of the English But the French King beeing a iust and vertuous Prince would for no respect infringe his oath or swarue from his covenants Therfore he gaue commaund that all things should bee performed according to the expresse tenor of the agreement In like manner the King of England sent commissioners to surrender againe certaine Castles and holdes taken in the warres into the French kings possession When the townes and fortresses were in this sort delivered the soldiers which had now accustomed themselues so long time together to liue vpon spoyle and pillage considering that in regard of the wicked acts they had formerly committed it would bee little for their profit and lesse for their safetie to returne home againe determined from thenceforth to seeke their fortunes And thereupon assembling themselues together they ranged through Champaine and the places adioyning wasting and destroying all things before them and as it commonly falleth out their number daily encreased The French king beeing informed of their mischieuous proceedings sent Iaques of Burbon against them with an armie He found them encamped vppon a very high hill the scituation wherof was such that it was impossible to take any perfect view of their forces being indeed some sixteen thousand they appeared to his scouts not aboue 5000. When it came to the encoūter it was fiercely fought on both sides but fortune inclined to the worser party Many gallant gentlemen perished in this conflict the Duke of Burbon himselfe with Peter his eldest Son were verie sore wounded and being conveyed to Lyons died within three daies after When these villaines had obtained this victorie they tooke their waie directly towards Avinion at whose approche the Pope and his colledge of Cardinals were not a little affrighted for such was both their courage and their crueltie that no man durst oppose himselfe against them Neuerthelesse the Pope and his Cardinalls being thus driuen to their shifts and hauing no other meanes to represse this mutinous multitude to whome no mischiefe came amisse commaunded a croysie to be preached against them with a graunt of cleere remission of all their sinnes which tooke it vppon them Many assembled but when there was no mention of pay they shrunke away euery one The very same time the Marques of Mountferrat made warre vppon the Duke of Millaine The Pope therefore practised with him to lead away this rebellious rebell into Lumbardie And euen so it fell out for when the Pope and Cardinalls had paied them threescore thousand crownes and that the Marques also had promised them entertainment besides they followed him and did him good seruice in his warres The french King passed through the Dukedome of Burgundy which was then lately fallen to him by the death of the younger Duke towards Avmion to visite the Pope who in short space after deceassed And when they could not determine vpon a new election by reason of the inordinate strife which was chiefelie betweene twoo contending for the papacie at length a certaine abbot of Saint Victors in Marseilles a learned and godlie man was chosen and from thenceforth called Pope Vrbane The King of Ciprus the same time arriued at Avinion and made earnest intercession to the Pope and the french King for the vndertaking of an expedition against the Saracens and other enemies of the christian faith The Pope promised his furtherance and in a publike assembly propounded the matter Wherevppon the french King with a great part of his nobility tooke vpon them the signe of the crosse Afterward the King of Ciprus trauelled into Bohemia to the Emperour and from thence through Germante Brabant and Flaunders he came into England making the like petition to King Edward but he honourably excused himselfe Out of England he returned vnto Amience where the french King then soiourned and after that he repaired into Gascoine to the Prince of Wales who about the same time had a Son borne named Edward The noble men that were left in hostage for the french King began to grow discontented for the long restraint of their liberty and king Edward being of a gentle and curteous disposition had giuen them leaue to go ouer to Calice as well to recreate and refresh their mindes as also that from thence being so neere Fraunce they might the more commodiously dispose of their affaires in their owne countrey They sent oftentimes to the King and the Duke of Normandy his Sonne But the King was so busied about the preparation of his voyage against the Sa●acens withall so troubled by the King of Navarre who still continued in armes against him that he could not convenientlie intend to dispatch them By meanes whereof it came to passe that the Duke of Aniow the kings Sonne leaving the rest of his felow pledges returned againe into Fraunce The french King had a mervailous desire to see the King of England againe because he had so honourably entreated him whilste he was his prisoner He was counselled to the contrary notwithstanding he still persisted in his purpose and so much the rather for that he would excuse his Sonne for departing without licence So he went and was entertained very royally But not long after
by compulsion The Duke following their counsell made restitution of all and besides put euery officer in his place againe as he found them when he first seized the castles into his possession The fame hereof being presently spred into Fraunce met the commissioners also vpon the confines of Britaine Who when they came before the Duke because of his owne accord he had already performed that which otherwise they should haue requested at his handes they proceeded to the other part of their commission which was to require him that at a day prefixed he would repaire to the towne of Bloys vppon the riuer Loire there to meete and conferre with the Kings vncles The Duke condiscended and being come thither accordingly they exhorted and entreated him that for assurance and confirmation of peace he would speake with the King himselfe and doe homage vnto him as all others had done he only excepted The Duke as one that was not ignorant how great enemies he had about the King namely the Constable and Iohn his Son lately set free out of England discreetly and earnestly excused himselfe Neuertheles after the Kings vncles had made him faithfull promise that he should both goe and returne in safety without any offence or interruption he was contented at length to beare them company to Paris When the Duke of Lancaster had sent many letters from Bayon into England for succours and could not preuaile seing all mens affections generally enstranged from the voiage of Spaine it was a mighty greefe and corrosiue to his heart considering with himselfe how strong and well furnished an army he had brought forth against his enemy through the puissance whereof he had conquered no small number of townes and fortresses and afterward how cruelly fortune had dealt with him and his ouerthrowing the whole course of his proceedings in such sort as he sawe no possible meanes left how euer to obtaine his inheritance of the kingdōe of Castile In musing vpon this his misfortune he compared it to that calamity which the Duke of Aniow suffered in Calabria who being come into Italy vpon large hopes and great expectation not only fayled of the endes whereto he aspired but spent his life also in the pursute of his enterprise This only was a comfort to him in all his discouragements that he had a daughter by his wife Constance whome he thought some French Lord of high estate eyther in respect of her birth or possibility would desire to haue in marriage Now the Duke of Berry was at the same time a widdower and his freinds now and then discoursing with him about a wife amongst others mentioned also the Duke of Lancasters daughter The Duke presently began to conceiue some good affection that way and therevppon aduertised the Duke of Lancaster of his intent whome when he had found nothing strange in the matter he sent Cōmissioners againe to negotiate with him further in that behalfe The Duke of Lancaster in the meane time politickly dispersed the fame hereof into all countries far and neere by sending to his freinds instructed for the purpose both the copyes of his owne and the Duke of Berries letters for he was well assured that these tydings would meruailously trouble and disquiet the King of Spaine Who indeed assoone as he heard of the matter began to enter into a deepe consideration with himselfe how great inconuenience might redound vnto him by this marriage namely that peace being established between England and Fraunce both those nations vniting their forces together would make warres vppon Spaine and so conuey the possession of the crowne to the Duke of Lancasters wife Wherefore vpon aduise which his counsell it was thought good to make a secret motion that the Duke of Lancasters daughter might be giuen in marriage to Henrie his sonne whome hee had by the King of Arragons daughter Herevpon a sew were sent and those slenderly accompanyed least the French men by whose friendship he possessed his kingdome should come to any knowledge of the businesse intended The Duke gaue good eare to their message And yet he put the French commissioners still in great hope euer making this exception that he would go through with nothing without the consent and approbation of the King of England his nephew to whome he had wholy referred the conclusion of these matters and with this answere he dismist them But he carryed himselfe much more familiarly towards the Spaniards through his wiues procurement who sawe by this meanes that her daughter without any empeachment or difficulty should orderly succeed in the inheritance of that flourishing kingdome for the obtayning whereof so many travailes and painefull aduentures had been sustained by her husband The hatred kindled euery day more and more betweene the Brabanders and Gelders and the Brabanders assembling about fortie thousand men besieged Graue a towne neere adioyning to the riuer Maze The duke of Gelders lying the same time at Nymmeghen because he had great confidence both in the townsemen and the Garrison left at Graue did not greatly passe for that siege Neuerthelesse he required ayde of the King of England sor so it was conditioned between them when he made his defiance to the French King But the state of England was so intangled with ciuill dissention and troubled with expectation of wars out of Scotland that no ayd could be obtayned from thence And the Brabanders seeing they wasted their time in vaine sent some tenne thousand of their men abroade to harry their enemies countrey The Duke of Gelders being certified thereof gathered together about three hundred horsemen and contrary to the perswasions of almost all his Counsell with that small company marched towardes his enemy with great courage esteeming it better to die fighting manfully in the field than to be shut vp within the walles of a towne and besieged Therefore when hee had put his men in array hee exhorted them to knightly prowesse and valiant demea●our giuing so great encouragement by example of his owne resolution that setting sputres to their horses they all in one troupe ranne suriously vpon their enemies preuenting their expectation with such a desperat charge before they could settle themselues to any orderly resistance that they easily ouercame them and with small losse obtained an honorable victorie Many perished some slaine in fight others drowned in the riuer Maze such as escaped fled with all the speede they could make and carried tidings of their ouerthrowe to the campe before Graue Whereupon so great terrour rose presently amongst them that without further delay they abandoned the siege and for haste left all their prouision and baggage behinde them The French king being exceedingly desirous to take reuengement of the Duke of Gelders for those arrogant and reprochfull Letters he had sent him raised a mighty armie Many disswaded him from this voiage and among the rest his vncles but because the duke of Brittaine was now fully concluded withall insomuch that he had
French King in forsaking his freindship which notwithstanding was the thing that he studied by all possible meanes to preserue and continue The King of Spaine answered that indeed there had beene debating of certaine matters in his name with the duke of Lancaster but it should be in no wise preiudiciall to the state of Fraunce and that he would neuer attempt any action whereby in the least degree he might seeme to haue broken the bondes of freindship and alliance between them Assoone as he had dismissed the ambassadours with this answere immediatly after he went through with the marriage and therevppon the Lady Constance to put the matter out of question conueyed Katherine her daughter into Spaine and there marryed her to Henrie the yong Prince of Castile Which done shee made diligent serch for her fathers bones and when the place of his buriall at length was discouered she caused them to be taken vp and honourably entumbed againe at Siuill Through the trauell and industrie of certaine well disposed persons communication was had concerning a truce betweene the Kings of England and Fraunce with their confederates viz. Spaine Portugall and Scotland Now because the Scottes lately before had some good successe against the English there was much adoe to draw them to any agreement neuertheles their King being well inclined to quietnes in the end they also changed their copie So a truce was concluded for three yeeres in such sort that whosoeuer should by any meanes infringe it should be accounted as a wicked and periured person We haue spoken before of the Duke of Ireland who being driuen out of England and lately through faire promises allured out of the low countries into Fraunce remained there a while but could not purchase any setled aboade or continuall resting place For the Lord Cow●y a man of great authority about the French King vppon iust and weighty occasions hated him extreamely For the Duke of Ireland hauing taken to wife this Lord Cow●yes daughter fell afterwards in loue with an other woman and by dispensation from Pope Vrbane who was ready by all meanes to pleasure the King of England diuorced his wife and marryed his paramour The Lord Cowey therefore father of the wronged Lady being deeply mooued with such dishonourable iniury would neuer be in quiet till he had bayted out of Fraunce this man whome the world charged with more crimes then that alone See here the ●bbing and slowing of humain estates the affections of Princes and the ends of wicked persons The French King was perswaded by some about him to make a progresse into the furthest partes of his kingdōe as a thing so acceptable to the people as nothing could be more effectuall to winne their hartes So he tooke his iourney through Campaigne Burgoigne and other prouinces till he came to Avinion and when he had visited the Pope went from thence to Mountpelyer Which Citty although by reason of trasicke and merchandize it be very wealthy yet it had been so oppressed with tributes and exactions that as then it was much impouerished For as long as king Charles the fift liued the duke of Aniow had the rule of all those countries to the great enriching of his owne cofers And at such time as in pursute of greater fortunes he vndertook his voyage towards Naples by consent of the Peeres the duke of Berry succeded in his gouernment But assoone as the king came to one and twenty yeares of age he displaced his vncles from their authority and tooke the administration of their offices into his owne hands Now when he came into Prouince and the places adioyning many grieuous complaints were preferred against his vncle of Berry who had beyond measure polled the poore commons of their goods and brought them in a manner to extreame desperation Yee might daily haue seene great numbers of suters putting vp petitions and supplications complaining of deceyt iniury violence rapes extortions and proscriptions It greiued the King exceedingly to see the miseries of his people and therefore for an example to terrify others he caused the Duke of Berries treasurer the cheifest man in those quarters to be burned● for there came many accusations against him of great wrong and oppression which he had done in the country The Duke of Berry by his letters made earnest intercession to saue his life but he could not preuaile When the King vndertooke this iourney he would in no wise be accompanyed by his vncles wherewith they were greatly offended but especially because they sawe some others of meane estate to growe in great reputation about him About this time departed Pope Vrbane out of this life whereof Clement being certified within ten dayes after at Avinion he earnestly commended his cause to the French King desiring him that now vpon this occasion he would vse his credit with the Emperour the King of Hungary and other Princes to the intent that all discord being remooued peace and quietnesse might at length be established in the church He was in good hope that now when his aduersary was dead the supremacy would entirely haue falne to him But he was farre deceiued for the Cardinalles created Boniface of Naples The Moores and Barbarians made often excursions vppon the Genowaies and the Citties and Ilands vnder their subjection Which thing they might more commodiously doe because vppon the confines comming from Genoa towards their country they held a very strong and defensible towne called Affricke Out of this towne they issue forth against their enemies by sea with great ease and aduantage and if need require they haue recourse againe into the same as a most safe harbor receptacle The Genowayes therfore enforced through the cōplaints entreaty of their freinds began to consider how they might worke redresse And because they vnderstood there was a truce lately concluded between Fraunce England and the kingdomes conconfederate they sent ambassadours to the French King requiring him of succour The King was so inclinable to this warre that he not only vndertooke it himselfe but solicited diuers of his neighbour Princes to set their helping hands to performance of the enterprise Therefore assembling no small power out of Fraunce Britaine Artoys Flaunders and England he sent it into Lombardy vnder the conduct of Lewis Duke of Burbon with whome he ioyned in commission the Lord Cowcy a man of most knowledge and experience and in greatest iudgement and direction in military affaires that liued in those times These taking shipping together at Genoa at length ouercame the contrary waues and tempests which encountred them at sea and arriued safely in their enemies country Now as the Moores were consulting because they saw that the Genowayes vppon this redoubling of their puissance by the comming of the french and other forraine nations to their ayd would besiege their Citty a certaine graue old man amongst them descended of a noble family gaue counsell in this manner That they should not giue battell
to their enemies in regard of their great number but rather suffer them quietly to encampe and settle themselues before the Citty for it was strong ynough to abide the violence of their siege for a long season Therefore let their enemies roast themselues abroad in the heate of the scorching sunne beames whilst they being fenced from the iniury of the weather with houses and shadowy places rested at their ease within the Citty For it would come to passe that when their prouision by little and little was consumed themselues tormented with heate and tyred with a thousand other discommodities they would get home againe without speeding of their purpose The olde mans counsell was well liked and the citty being besieged both by sea and land many light skirmishes were daily interchanged The Barbarians sent an Ambassador desiring to knowe for what causes this warre was mooued against them The French men made answere that the chiefe reason was because their forefathers had put the Sauiour of the world to a shameful death for that they excluded baptisme were blasphemers of God and spake vnreuerently of the holy Virgine mother of Christ these were the occasions why they bent their forces against them as the common enemies of christendome This answer seemed but a mockery to the Moores so farre were they from any thoght of misliking their religion The Sicillians and other countries neere adioyning brought corne wine and other prouision aboundantly into the campe of the besiegers But by reason of the hotenesse of those countrey wines and the extreame intemperatenesse of the ayre it could not be otherwise but that very many fell into most dangerous diseases Amongst these inconueniences the duke of Burbon now altogether out of season beeing haughty prowde and cruell and such a one as no man almost might presume into his presence would remitte no parte of his seueritie insomuch that through his default shewing himselfe alwaies rough and intractable many notable exploits were omitted After two moneths siege when they had bestowed all their labour in vaine virtaile waxing scant and scarcitie being feared because the winter approched and their watching grew painefull for the Barbarians did continually molest them in the night the pestilence being also mistrusted to hang ouer their heads most were of opinion that the best course was to dissolue the army This also was another thing which they suspected that the Genowayes perhaps might fall to agreement with their enemies and ther was already such a rumor spread through al the camp Vpon these considerations therefore the French men raysing their siege which greatly displesed the Genowais addressed themselues homeward Wherupon the Barbarians resuming greater courage began to conceiue large hopes and to promise themselues the performance of great matters heereafter And that they might be able to repulse their enemies with greater force another time they ioyned in league with the Princes that bordered about them Iohn king of Spaine within two yeares after his sonne had married the duke of Lancasters daughter departed this life leauing the succession of the Crowne to Henry his sonne Moreouer at such time as the marriage was concluded this also was one couenant betwixt them That the King of Spaine should yearely pay to the Duke of Lancaster and his wife a hundred thousand crownes and for assurance therof should deliuer as pledges foure of the chiefe Earles of his kingdome Galeas duke of Millaine surprized his vncle Barnabas by treason and put him to death The sonne of this Barnabas tooke to wife the Earle of Arminackes sister And Lewis duke of Orleance brother to King Charles the sixt had maried Valentine the daughter of Galeas Now the Earle of Arminacke vpon the incessant importunity of his sister assembled an army of the companions in France and leading them into Italy layd siege to Alexandria a towne pertaining to the Dutchy of Millaine Galeas who soiourned the same time at Pauy sent thither fiue hundred horsemen to lie there in garrison for his enemies were not then of so great number that they could enuiron the towne round about The Captaine of those horsemen being a skilfull man of armes after he had laine a while at Alexandria issued forth one day with 300. horse to draw his enemies to some disaduantage for he knew well they would proffer some skirmish to the townes-men Therfore at his going out he gaue commandement that in their fight they should retire from the enemy and suffer him to pursue them till they had drawne him within compasse of their danger He was nothing deceiued in his opinion for as they were skirmishing after their ordinary maner the townesmen gaue backe till they came to the place where their fellowes lay in ambush who incontinently brake foorth with great violence The French men thus vnexpectedly engaged behaued themselues with great courage and valour but being ouerwearied with trauell and faint with heate of the Sunne they were vnable to sustaine the reviewed force and fury of their enemies The Earle himselfe hauing gotten out of the preasse to take ayre found a brooke there by whereof he drunke so aboundantly that he was sodainely taken with such a sicknesse as both presently bereft him of his speech and within few houres after of his life His souldiers by this means discouraged made as much haste as they could to get themselues out of Italy But many of them being intercepted slaine in their passage the rest when they came to the confines of Fraunce were by the Kings commaundement prohibited to enter The Duke of Britaine who had larely beene at Paris and done his homage according to the custome being vnable to change the disposition of his nature though he had bin oftentimes reconciled to the French King yet in his heart he could not choose but hate him and loue the King of England At such time as this attonement was made at Paris hee promised from thencefoorth to become a Clementine But assoone as hee was returned into his owne countrey hee performed nothing lesse And when the Kings Officers were sent vnto him hee would not admit them to his presence carying himselfe altogether in such a fashion as it might plainely appeare hee sought new occasions of warre and contention Many counselled the King to leuie armes against him to abate his pride and arrogancie which was in tollerable But the Kings vncles and especially the Duke of Burgoigne whose wife was the Duke of Britaines kinswoman employed their trauell to this effect that a day certaine might be assigned for communication So a meeting was had at Tours and certaine pointes were there rehearsed wherein the Duke might seeme to haue contemned the kings authority The Duke answered respectiuely to euery of them and sharpely enough glauncing couertly somtimes at certaine persons of base linage in the Court vpon whose counsell and opinions the King much depended Such difference and alteration was about the matter that it seemed not likely to be otherwise ended than by
their towne Wherevnto they condiscended but vppon certaine conditions which were these 1. That it should be lawfull for the men of Rochell vtterly to race their Castle out of which they had often received so great displeasure and to lay it levell with the ground 2 That the French men should solemnely promise neverto erecte any castle there againe 3 And that Rochell from thenceforth should perpetually remaine a member of the crowne of Fraunce and never be alyenated to any other Lord by any possible meanes that might be devised according as times and states should happen to alter afterward When the King who was made acquainted with these proceedings by the Lords had confirmed and ratifyed these covenants Rochell became subiect again to the French and the revolting of this towne gave occasion to many other of their neighbours to doe the like The French kings captaines holding it discretion to follow their fortune vsed such industry that in short space they recovered all the territorie of Poytow and the country adioyning not without some helpe and furtherance from the Britons who were exceedingly inclined to the French King though their Lord wholly favoured the King of England as by whose meanes he had obtayned his Dukedome It happened not long after that the Englishmen immediately vppon their comming into Britaine burnt vp seaven great shippes of the King of Spaines as they lay there in harbour Herevppon suspicion arose that this matter was done by the Duke of Britaines consent and direction whereof the French king being advertised by certaine Lords of Britaine sent the Constable to make warres vppon the Duke and to conquer his country as one who had forseited his estate by entring into a league with the English men against him of whome he had received the investiture of his Dukedome and to whome as the custome is he had sworne homage and fealtie The Duke of Britaine in this extremitie distrusting his owne subiects fled into England And the Constable by the helpe of the Britons themselves brought much of the country in subiection David King of Scotland deceassed without issue and by right of succession the crowne descended to Robert It is said before that King Edward after his sonne the Duke of Lancaster was come with his wife into England had determined to send him ouer againe to make warres in Picardy But the matter was delayed For this yeere was the first time of his arrivall at Calice accompanied with the Duke of Britaine and thirteene thousand soldiers They raunged through a great part of Picardy putting all to fire and sword but they abstayned from besieging of townes for the French king had long before sufficiently strengthned them with garrisons And as they marched forward making havocke of all things the French army still followed without intermission notwithstanding they never came to ioyne battell but by intercession of the Popes legates a truce was taken and a time appointed for another meeting at Bruges in Flaunders there to treate of waightyer matters Before this truce was proclaymed the Duke of Britaine by the Englishmens ayd had recovered diverse places and was like to have gotten more had not the newes of this truce beene a stay to his proceedings Therfore discharging his army and leaving good garrisons in the places recovered he returned into England About the calends of November the ambassadors of both Kings repayred to Bruges that there by mediation of the Popes Legates they might treate of a marriage betweene Richard sonne to the Prince of Wales and Marie the French Kings daughter The matter was diversely debated but could not bee brought to any perfect conclusion Pope Gregorie taking offence thereat departed from Avinion and went to Rome About this time Prince Edward the King of Englands eldest sonne a most worthy and valiant gentleman ended his life at London After whose death king Edward assembling the rest of his sons and the nobilitie of his realme declared publikelie vnto them his purpose that Richard the sonne of his sonne deceassed should succeed in the inheritance of the kingdome And because he had long since imparted asmuch both to the noble men and the residue of his sonnes before he made his last voyage into Fraunce it was no hard matter to perswade them all to approve his determination and to confirme the same by oath Within a while after the King himselfe also departed this life not without great sorrowe of as many as knewe him for he was a Prince so renowmed that even the French King himselfe when he heard of his death gave this report that he thought him worthy to be numbred amongst the wisest of princes After his deceasse succeeded Richard his grand sonne according to his owne appointment in his life time and was crowned king of England the eleuenth yeere of his age Anno Dom. 1377. The Duke of Lancaster was chosen protectour and tooke vpon him the government of the realme during the kings minority who in the meane while was trayned vp vnder the instruction of a certaine noble man appoynted to that charge by generall election It is declared before how the French King the better to maintain his warres against England had made a league with the King of Navarre but it fell out afterward that two gentlemen of the house of Nauarre attending vppon the king of Navarres sonnes in the French court were had in suspition of giving poyson to the King Which fact when they had publickly confessed before the people they were put to execution for the same Immediately herevpon the French King sent an army into the sea coast of Normandy belonging to the King of Nauarre vnder the conduct of the Constable who easily subdued all that part of the country Besides this the King of Spaine the French kings new confederate made warre also vpon the King of Nauarre who beeing driuen to this distresse required ayd of Richard King of England of whome he accordingly obtayned it The Duke of Britaine remayning still in England made importunate suite to the young King from time to time for ayd but the king gaue alwaies a dea●e ●are to his request For the Duke of Lancaster aspiring to get that seigniory to himselfe assembled a power and sayled over into Britaine where he layd siege to certaine places but the French army wherof the Constable was generall compelled him to depart The second Booke IN the former booke is declared how the French men recouered a great parte of Aquitaine from the English There were many still notwithstanding in those places which stood stoutly for the King of England The Duke of Aniow therefore comming thither with an army subdued in a mannner all that euer remayned The Gascoignes had lately before sent into England for succour but by reason there was trouble and insuirection budding vp within the realme their sending was to none effect For the Duke of Lancaster who had all the authoritie in his hands was