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A14783 Albions England a continued historie of the same kingdome, from the originals of the first inhabitants thereof: and most the chiefe alterations and accidents there hapning: vnto, and in, the happie raigne of our now most gracious soueraigne Queene Elizabeth. VVith varietie of inuentiue and historicall intermixtures. First penned and published by VVilliam VVarner: and now reuised, and newly inlarged by the same author.; Albions England. Book 1-12 Warner, William, 1558?-1609. 1597 (1597) STC 25082A; ESTC S119589 216,235 354

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frō me What lets since none may loue thee more vnles perhaps this Cell Too strict a place wherein thy selfe euē Beauties selfe shouldst dwell Let nature hide her barren formes and imperfections thus And in such Puritanes as thou commend her skill to vs. Thou wrongest Nature molding thee to molde by thee as faer Thou wrōgest mē that would beget the fruit which thou sholdst baer Thou wrong'st thy Countrie of increase thou wrōg'st me in like sort Thou wrong'st thy Kin of kindred thou wrong'st thy selfe of sport Shouldst thou but dreame what marriage were thou would'st not liue a maid One heart of two two Soules to one by wedlock is cōuaid An husbands open kissings and his secret coyings nay The very Soule of Loue more sweet then thou or I can say The ioy of babes which thou should'st beare the Seruice at thy becke The sweet consorted common weale of houshold at thy checke Would make thee seeme a Goddesse who because thou art not such Offendest God in hiding of thy Tallent Too too much Thou dotest on Virginitie permitted not impos'd On any saue on such as for no such thy selfe thou knoest Els what should meane this penning vp such vowing these Vailes Since Vessels onely are of worth that beare in stormes their sailes The Scedsters of thine Essence had they been as thou would'st be Thou hadst not been Then gratifie the same thy selfe and me And leaue these superstitious walles Thou profitst not hereby Nor are we male and female borne that fruitlesse we should dye Then loue me for beleeue me so will proue a Iubilie Her red disperst in shadowed white did adde to either more To her of beautie and to him Loue greater than before She claimes the places priuiledge and faintly cites a Tex She pleades her birth too bace and playes the No-I of her Sex And fighteth as she would be foyld But prized Durstone makes It Sacrilege and for to wife the Recluse Edgar takes In twelue yeeres would be not annoynt or crowne him King more Enioynes him seuen yeeres pennance and to edifie and store Great Monasteries fortie ere Indulgence could be got Thus Edgar for his Cloyster cheere did pay this costly shot CHAP. XXV IOhns murther bred such murmure But third Henry Iohn his sonne Assisted chiefly by the Pope his fathers Scepter wonne Who interdited Lewis till hee curst him into France And left to Henry prosperous raigne till hapned this mischance A Parliament at Oxenford did derogate so much From his prerogatiue as that the Quarrell grew to such That ciuill warres betwixt the King and Barronage began Not ending but with tragicke ends of many a worthy man Brother to brother sire to sonne and friend to friend was foe Al labouring which they should vphold their Countries ouerthrow Now was the King a Captiue and the Barrons by and by His Conquest and the ciuill strife too fast begot supply My heart vnapts mine hand to write the troth of it too trew Euen warres Idea more then tongue or eye can say or view But to conclude which still concludes the King he did subdue And shewes himselfe a gentle foe thus hauing wonne his peace And after liu'd in honour and did happily decease Whose death then warring with renowme in Syria being knowne To Edward he resailed and possest his fathers Throne THe hansell of his Scepter was the Welchmen did rebell Of whom to Edward though with losse the Victorie befell Then on the French he warred and a Winner did resayle And for that Baltoll whom he made the King of Scots did faile His Homage thence from Albanacke to England due and done Against the Scots he grieuous but a glorious warre begun Not Barwicke though for number bold vntill it flowed blood Nor any Scottish armes or hold though infinite and good Might stay his awing prowesse till he had their King his thrall And in that Land by Conquest made himselfe the Lord of all Then taking Scottish othes which they did breake and he reuenge With those Exploits he French attempts as gloriously did menge Yea Paganes French Cambries Scots remembring but his name Cannot forget their skarres he made though enuious of his Fame Matchles for Chiualrie and yeat his Iustice matcht the same Not partiall for the Prince his Sonne a rash vnbridled youth Whom he imprison'd hearing of his outrages the truth And vnto whom he dying spake words worth report and ruth My life quoth he a warfare right in body and in soule Resignes my robed carkasse to be rotted in the moule If well I did well shall I doe if ill as ill and worse And therefore Ned worke as I will vpon my blesse or curse When thou becom'st an earthly God mens liues to ouersee Forget not that Eternall God that ouerlooketh thee The least part of a King is his all owing him and none Lesse priuate than a Prince the weale or woe of euery one He and his People make but one a bodie weake or strong As doth the head the lims or lims the head assist or wrong Deriue thy lawes from wisest heads to be vpholden still Not adding or abstracting as conceited Tier-braines will Be cheerefull and in worke nor word be neither proud nor hot No sincere loue but seruile feare or neither so is got Encourage good Men by thy loue reforme the bad by lawe Reserue an care for either Plea and borrow least of awe Oppresse not rich men seeking so to please the poore for neither Is to be doomed but as right or wrong is found in either To loyter well deserued gifts is not to giue but sell When to requite ingratitude were to doe euill well And which saue for the ill-mist ill might els haue bene forgot Be choyce but chuse for wiuelesse haue each stranger place shot Their heire their home cost which saue the last indeed are not Reforme thee euen to day vnapt to day lesse apt to morrow Youth aptly offers vertues such as yeares vnaptly borrowe For he that plies the lappes and lippes of Ladies all his prime And falles to Armes when age failes Armes then also looseth time As if a Beare in Moone-shine should attempt the Moone to clime Well haue I driuen out my date and well thy dayes shall runne If thou proue not my Glories graue nor I plange in my Sonne The ouer-weening of thy wits doth make thy Foes to smile Thy Friends to weepe and Clawbacks thee with soothings to beguile Yea those thy Purses Parasites vnworthie thine Estate Doe loue thee for themselues nor will they leaue thee but too late I blesse thee if thou banish them and curse thee if they bide My blisse and curse be at thy choyce And so he shortly dide FOrth with a second Edward sonne to Edward wore the Crowne He to promote his Flatterers did put his Nobles downe So Robert Bruze then King of Scots found ingresse for his Armes Recouering Scottish forces and did spoyle our men by swarmes Barwicke in fine and all
Kings oppresse the mightier ones the weake Each trifling cause sufficing here their loue and leagues to breake One seazeth of his Neighbours Realme and is disseaz'd ere-long For Empire some for Enuie some and some to right their wrong Contend vnto their common losse and some like Monsters rain As Sig●ert who for tyrannie did banishment sustaine He wandred vnbewailed long a man whom men exempt From house and helpe pursuing him with capitall contempt Forlorne therefore with drouping lims and dropping eies in vaine He frendles walks the fruitles Woods and foodles did complaine A Swineheard meeting him by chaunce and pitying his estate Imploy'd the Westerne King vnknowne on his affaires to wait Nor did the needie King disdaine such roome for such reliefe An vnder-Swineheardship did serue he sought not to be chiefe But when by speech and circumstance his Maister vnderstood His seruant was the somtimes King blood cries quoth he for blood My giltles Master in thy pompe thou Tyrant diddest slay Nor vnreuenged of his death thou shalt escape away With that he tooke a Libbat vp and beateth out his braines And dead so odious Tyrants be not one for him complaines NOt all so ill yeat cause of worse vnto the English state Was Osbert of Northumberland his loue did winne him hate Enamored on Lord Buerns wife as tired in the Chace He left the Hounds and with a fewe dismounts at Buerns Place Her husband absent heartely his Lady entertaines The King and feasts him Royally not sparing cost or paines But he that fed on Fansies food and hungred whil'st he eates Thought Venus sparer in her loues then Ceres in her meates The Trayne and table voyded then he taking her apart Directs her by his tongue and teares vnto his louing heart Delay he sayth breedeth doubts but sharpe deniall death Or do not long surcharge my blisse or soone discharge my breath For if my praiers adde no edge vnto thy begged doome The vintage of my thriftlesse lo●e is blasted in the bloome Be fauorable to my fire for thy sweete sake be bolde I durst attempt euen Hell if hell so sweete a thing might holde Doe thinke her coie or think her chaste my Censure I suspend Some Women yeeld not at the first yeat yeeld they in the ende She gaue repulses to his lust and he replies of Loue Not all the Writs Diana had might Cupids Plaint remoue She countermaunding his demaund he ceased Courting now And did with her by violence what vertues disalow And then departed leauing her in selfe-conceit disgraste More trespassed then some would thinke and yeat perhaps as chaste Home came her Lord whose browes had buds and found his wife in tears And foolish thing she told a troth for which reuēge he swears But so the man did proue a beast he better might haue hid it Some such are mistically domme yeat domly doe forbid it His Wiues escapes done secretly if by the man detected Shewes hilled būps supposed būps meerehornes not hornes suspected At Denmarke in his Cosins Court he telleth of his wrong And gaines against his soueraigne Lord of Danes an Armie strong Hungar and Hubba and himselfe Conductors of this Hoast Did with their forren forces land and spoyle the Northerne Coaste The vicious valiant Osbret that had vanquished ere then The King and Kingdome of the Scots though wanting armes men Thought skorne his foes should beard him so bar him vp in walles And therefore issuing out of Yorke vpon the Danes he falles A Bloodie Bargaine then begonne no fight might fearcer be And of the Danish part were slaine for euery English three But manhood lost and number wonne the Danes they got the fielde And Osbret dyed valiantly that not to liue would yeeld MEane while the Danes with fresh supplies ariue at euerie Shore And warre almost in euery shire infesting England sore With whome couragious Etheldred contended long in vaine By them was he King Ella and the holy Edmund slaine Nothing was done but all vndone till King Alured hee In daunger of his Royall selfe did set his subiects free For euery day in euery place the Danes did so increase That he nor any English King enioy one day of peace Nor mightier men at Armes than they might any wheare be found Who in their diuers Wars els-where did diuers Realmes confound For as the Gothes the Vandales Hunnes and Saxons earst did range So now the Danes did plague the world as sent by interchange This Westerne and victorious king and greatest Monarke heere Perceiuing of this spoyled Isle a toward Ruine neere Disguised like a Minstrill poore did haunt the Danish Tents And with his feats and melodie the Enemie presents And of their sloth their gluttonie and Counsels priuie so He tooke aduantage giuing them a sodaine ouerthrow And s●ayeth Hubba Hungar and the Cause of their repayr And putteth all to sword and Seas that vnbaptized wair Yeat to Northumberland return'd fearce Gurmond with the Danes Meane time did king Alured die the Hatchet of their Tranes But Adelstane one king betwixt not onely clear'd the Land Of Danes but of all England had sole Empire in his hand Thus of this long dismembred Realme was he the onely King In which till Egelred his raigne did prosper euerie thing He raigning much of England then the Lordly Danes did hold Exacting Tributes euery yeare and selling Peace for Gold And which no doubt did hatch those Plagues the King a wicked one Did enter by his Brothers blood extorting thus his Throne King Edgar that subdu'd the Scots and slaughtered the Danes And of the VVelch had tribute Wolffs of whom it more remaines That as it were in Triumph-wise Eight Vnder kings did roe Him Sterns-man on the Riuer Dee with diuers honors moe This Edgar by a former wife had Edward by an other This Egelred a Sonne vnto a kind and cruell Mother For as she labors to preferre her owne by well and ill So to destroy her Son-in-law she wanted meanes not wil. And meanes did hit King Edward hunts and hunting lost his Traine Whom man-les at her Castle Corfe the Queene did entertaine He hauing seene to whom he came in curtesie to see Made haste away in Quest of them that still a hunting be And when he mounted should depart to him his Stepdame drinkes Whom pledging him an Hierling stab'd life-les downe he sinkes Thus Egelred obtain'd the Crowne but for his cr●wing so His Subiects grudge and he became a Preface to their woe For when this proud and vitious king was neither lou'd of his Nor liued safely for the Danes his secret Edict is That sodainely in one selfe hower throughout the Land should passe charge A common Massaker of Danes which so performed was Hartfordia VVelwyn VVealth-wyn then for promptnesse in that Beginning other Townes as it themselues from Danes inlarge CHAP. XXI THis common mu● her of the Danes was common mirth to all The English whom they did oppresse with slaueries not small Compelling mē
shall returne their Disaduantage thus If ye obserue no shore is left the which may shelter vs And so hold out amidst the Rough whil'st they hale in for Lee Whereas whil'st men securely sayle not seldome shipwracks bee What should I cite your passed Acts or tediously incence To present Armes your faces shewe your hearts conceiue offence Yea euen your courages deuine a Conquest not to faile Hope then your Duke doth prophecie and in that hope preuaile A People braue a terren Heauen both Obiects wroth your warres Shall be the Prizes of your Prow's and mount your fame to Starres Let not a Traytors periur'd Sonne ex●rude vs from our right He dyes to liue a famous life that doth for Conquest fight By this the furious Battels ioyne a bloody day to eyther And long they fight the victory inclining vnto neyther At length the English had the ods who keeping close aray Vnto the Duchie Forces gaue no entraunce any way Who fayning feare and Martially retyring as opprest The English so became secure and follow on disperst To which aduantage furiously the Normanes did returne And got a bloody victorie In vayne the English spurne Amidst the Pikes against the pricke King Harold then was slayne From whom began the Normanes sole but soone conioyned rayne For second Henry Mawd her Sonne freed Englands blood agayne Since when and euer may they so that Of-spring ruled vs Of whose Coniunction in the Crowne the Genalogue is thus King Edmund Irn-side Issue had Edward the Out-law he Had Margaret Mawd by Malcolme thē the King of Scots had she Mawd to the Conqueror his Sonne first Henry Mawd did bei●e This second Mawd the Angeos wife had second Henry heire EDward King Harolds Preregnant of the same Change foretold Who present and succeeding times thus dying did vnfold It is a world to note quoth he the wayes that men adore And how Hypocrisie hath bred of Godlike Deuils store That speake to seeme that seeme to shift that shift to spoyle by guile That smooth sooth yeat deceiue with Scriptum est meane while But let them heaue their hands to Heauen they haue their hier in Hell That seeme deuout to cloake deceit and say but doe not well The Rich are retchles in their willes their liking is for law The Poore repine and Goods not theirs by idle shiftings claw The Lords and Landed ouer-rent and cunningly the same The Parasite doth ouer-reach and beares away the game One riseth by anothers fall and some doe clime so fast That in the Clowdes they doe forget what Climates they haue past But Eagle-winged mindes that fly to nestle in the Sunne Their lofty heads haue leaden heeles and end where they begun It is a common point on which the aged grossely ronne Once to haue dared sayd and seene more then was euer done The Youth are foolish-hardie or lesse hardie then they ought Effeminate phantasticall in few not few are nought At Cyprus not the wanton Saint nor yeat her wylie Sonne Did want her Orgies nor at Rome did Vesta lacke her Nonne The Lampsacens gaue Pryapus his filthie Rites and Create To Ioue his Bulles and Si●ilie to Ceres tithed Wheat The Thracians with their Bacchanales did Lybers Temple fill And Italie did blood of Babes on Saturnes Altars spill And fatall wreathes of Myr●ill boughes were sacred vnto Dys In fewe there was no Pagane God his Sacrifice did mis. But English-men nay Christian men not onely seeme prophane But Man to Man as Beast to Beast holds ciuill dueties vayne Yea Pulpits some like Pedlers packs yeeld forth as men affect And what a Synode shall conclude a Sowter will correct The rude thus boasting Litrature one Schisme begets another And grossely though a Sehis●●e yeat hath cach Schismatike his Soother Meane while the learned want their Meed none with profit heares The tedious Doult whose artles tongue doth preach to weary eares Here could I enter in a Field of matter more than much But gesse that all is out of frame and long time hath bin such And what shall be let time disclose This onely will I touch A Greene Tree cut from withered Stock deuided Furlongs three From proper Roote it shall reioyne and after fruitfull bee Thus sayd the King And thus doe some expound that Prophesee The Tree this Land the Stock and Roote the thralled English line King Har●ld and the VVilliams twaine the Furlongs some define Henry the Normane that begot on Mawde his English Queene Mawde second Henries Mother was the Trees Returne to greene King Stephen first though not so firme did in this Turne proceede But second Henrie perfectly restalled VVodens Seede THE FIFTH BOOKE OF ALBIONS ENGLAND CHAP. XXIII ASsisted by the former Bowne persist my Muse and tell How by the Normane Conquest here an other world befell New lawes not Labyrinths as now through wrested Quirkes came in New Lords also at whom for most our auncient Crests begin The English sinke the Normanes swimme all topsie turute was Vntill the Conquerour had brought his whole command to pas Then was one Edgar sonne vnto the out-law Edward he To holy Edward had been heire had not King Harold be And VVilliam pleading too by sword admits no milder law So Edgar in his soonest flight his safest issue saw Who with his mother daughter to the King of Hungarie And Sisters did attempt into his Grandsiers Realme to flie Thus Englands hope with Englands heir in one same Barke did sayl When desprate from their villanage was English blood of baile 〈◊〉 God that to the hopeles is not helples if he please Did driue the storm-beate English ship into the Scottish seas Wheare cast a shore King Malcolme soone had notice of the wracke And did become a gracious Lord vnto their present lacke And Agatha a Votarisse tooke Margaret to Queene Protects her brother euen by Armes against King Williams teene Vntill by warre and wise conuay he so to passe did bring That Edgar reconciled was vnto the English King In credit though withheld his Crowne and thus at least did good His flight Scotch-queen'd his Sister she regraded Englands blood For let we Edgar gainst the haer preserued as exprest And either VVilliam luckie Knight at armes interred rest And set first VVilliams yongest sonne first Henry on the Throne Through him the royall English and the Normane bloods grew one On Mawd Scotch Malcomes daughter by the foresaid Margaret he Had Mawd that solie did suruiue her drowned brothers three Her Empresse to the Emperour then newly being ded Did Geffrey Plantaganet the Earle of Anioy wed And she vnto Plantaganet did second Henry beire Of England Angeo Gascoyne and of Normandie the heire Yeat Stephen first VVilliams daughters son whō th' Earle of Bloys did marrie Did with the Empresse and her son now King now Captiue varrie But lastly tyred and inter'd all England by his death Was quietly second Henries who was lawfulst heire by birth With Hengests blood our droupen Muse it
default that might his health impaer And Damsell quoth she for it seemes this houshold is but three And for thy Parents Age that this shall chiefely rest on thee Doe me that good else would to God he hither come no more So tooke she horse and ere she went bestowed gould good store Full little thought the Countie that his Countesse had done so Who now return'd from farre affaires did to his sweet-Heart go No sooner set he foote within the late deformed Cote But that the formall change of things his woondring Eies did Note But when he knew those goods to be his proper goods though late Scarce taking leaue he home returnes the Matter to debate The Countesse was a bed and he with her his lodging tooke Sir welcome home quoth she this Night for you I did not looke Then did he question her of such his Stuffe bestowed so Forsooth quoth she because I did your Loue and Lodging knoe Your Loue to be a proper Wench your Lodging nothing lesse I hild it for your health the house more decently to dresse Well wot I notwithstanding her your Lordship loueth me And greater hope to hold you such by queat then brawles I see Then for my duetie your delight and to retaine your fauour All done I did and patiently expect your better Hauour Her Patience Witte Aunswere wrought his gentle teares to fall When kissing her a score of times Amend sweete wise I shall He said and did it And your Grace may Phillip so recall But he whoso he was that thus had dubled Tales to cease Queene Maries griefe for Phillips guile as well had hild his peace Her no perswading might disswade from pe●siuenes of hart Vntill that his Vnkindnes in her Deaths-Scene acts it part But howsoere or whatsoere her cause of death might seeme Her death did many a good mans life from Tyrannie redeeme For as in Passion so was she in Papistrie extreame And were not the abodement bad at her to end our Theame Our Cattell vnto stronger draughts we should and would vnteame But to the Head land shall our Plough vnles we breake our Beame Yeat ere we eare to it for it shall be our Holly-day Of somwhat sayd and somwhat scapt rests thus much by the way CHAP. XLIIII BEFORE we toucht little els what Courses hapt at home But now in few at forren Acts of Natiue Kings we rome Of Bri●tish and of English Kings more famous than the rest This sparing Catalogue ensewes whose deedes we thus digest * Ae●eas Off-spring famous Brute did set from Greekish thrall Sixe thousand Phryg●an Knights by him did Guyan Guffer fall He conquering this Ile his Name vnto his Conquest gaue And of his Cornish Cambries men couragious yet we haue * Torkes Builder Ebranke that subdu'de the ●imbrians and the Gawles And built the best of Scottish Townes next in our Nomber falls * When Brennus and Belynus had Eight spacious Kingdomes wonne Had slaine two Consulls sacked Rome and matchles Armes had done And built ten Cities best that be in Italie this day Those Kinglie Brothers as must all their debt to Nature pay * G●rg●●nus slew the Dactan King wonne Tribute and the same Gaue Spanish Exiles Ireland whence our Scottish Nation came * C●ssi●●lane did twice beate backe from Brittish Seas and Shore The worthie Coesar that but then was victor euermore And thirdly had preuailed but for Luds reuolted Sonne When as braue Nennius hand to hand of Caesar honor wonne * Guydar and Aruiragus wonne of Claudius Caesar spoyle The former in a second Field did s●out Vaspasian foyle * When as the wandring Scots and Pichts King Mar●us had subdude He gaue the Liuers dwellings lesse than where they since intru'de * Constanti●s wedding Coyls heyre was Monarke of the West Who with this Ilands Scepter of Romes Empire was possest * Great Constantine that worthely a Worthie might be said The Brittish Romaine Emperour throughout the world obayd He made his Siege Bizantium that retaines his name ere since And made but so vnwitting marde the Priest of Rome a Prince * Maximian as Emperiall and as valerous as any With Brittish armour did subdue both Kings and Kingdomes many * What speake we of great Arthur of his Chiualrie or Court Precelling all sole President of vertue prow's and port A King of many Kings his Knights in all Exploits were seene He was in deede a Worthie and the Worthiest of the Neene * Fiue Crownes King Malgo prized * And in Battells fiftie fiue Against the Mis●reants valiantly did King Alured thriue ●ollo whose Seede should conquer vs he hence did brauely beate That ma●ger Fraunce in Normandie his Scythian Troopes did seate * He that re-monarchiz'd our Ile King Athelstone did slay Sixe Kings twelue Dukes and countlesse tale of Heathen in one day The one of Nyne his Knight Sir Guy we touch but by the way Omitting other Kings and Knights too long in few to say Of Brittish race a many and of Saxon Princes some Whose blood by Normaine Mixture now is tripartite become O● For perhaps from such Consort the Brutes casseerd will be Three blended blouds of Nations three hath giuen vs Natures three The Saxon prowesse Dan●sh pompes and Normaine Pollicee And of the Romanes and the Pic●ts we are no portion small Foure of which Nations Scythia bred we thriuing in them all * KIng VVilliam Englands Conquerour from Rollo sixt with pray Of twice fiue hundred Townes in Fraunce vn-●o-met sayld away * Henry the second vpon whom the scotch-Scotch-King tendant was Which Scots their often ouerthrowes we henceforth ouerpasse Who to our Kings Lords Parramounts not warres but vprores bring Spoylde Frauncè wonne Ireland and deceast of Iuda chosen King * Next Lyon-harted Richard he wonne Cypris Siria and Ierusalem debelling quite the Sowldan from his Land He skalde the strong Aegyptian Oste and king'd his Sisters sonne And plagued Fraunce and Austrich for the wrongs they had him don * First Edward made the Turks Sauoies the French Flemings trēble * The third so nam'd to them and moe did Mars himselfe resemble Whose Knights in 2. Richards dayes so tickeld France and Spaine And parts Lugdinian that no King but Richard seem'd to raine Ten thousand were his housholde Scotch digests we here disdayne * The fourth and * fifth of Henries were as actious as the rest Especially the latter was the formost with the best * Not yeat Fourth Edwards honor from his Ancestors digrest On these doo vulgar Eares and Eyes so brimlie waite and gaze As they distaske our priuate Penne notorious Laudes to blaze Our Catalogue omitteth some for Artes and Iustice good Some natur'de well aduised ill some worthie Laethe flood Not one fore-cited but deserues at least an Homers Muse Although with Agamemnons Vaile Apelles shift I vse But colours to that Painter Art vnto that Poet none So good to paint and prayse at ful our following Crowns saue one Since Tuders Seede Henry the Seauenth ariued Englands
her Homager may England Scotland call Which ouer-passe not now possest in this Accompt we shall Of either Land the Marches and much more for most now Ours The warlike Picts possessing Here built Castles Towns Towers 〈…〉 tes Scots and Romaines then our Lords oft daunting with their Powers T●●●●stly ciuil Strife Scots disskingdom'd thē frō Hence Whom Orkney Ilands as is sayd haue harbour'd euer sence The Br●●aines by these Picts of long opprest with thraldome sore To be deliu'red of such Foes did Saxon Aides implore So playing as did Aesops Horse that angrie with the Hart To be reueng'd did craue in ayde of Man to take his part Till when the Horse was neuer back't nor bitted Either now He hauing suffered would haue helpt but then he knew not how The Brataines hauing called so the Saxons to their aide Could not be rid of them to whom they had themselues betraide But by the same were they at length debelled into VVailes Each of whose Kings of long time Three in Englands Monarch failes The Saxons getting Brutaine thus which they did England name At once of them in seuerall Parts Seauen Kings did rule the same All which by VVesterne Adelstane in Monarchie was got Which since saue Iron-sids the Danes once Deuidēt chang'd not Fiue Irish Kingdōs likewise add now drown'd in Englands Crowne The Seauenteenth was the Isle of Man in Ours now also downe Our Mandeuil here cited of Earle Mandeuil exact In Stephens Raigne so famous Man in Scots Possession sack't And with the Spoyle of al that Isle thence and his Brother pack't Consent of times Names and Records affirme may seeme no lesse But Monteacute Count Salsburie it wonne and did possesse Of Percies after Stanlies next and still gesse I holds Man From honorable long Descents and from they first began All loyall hospitalious lou'd still powre-full and I pray That in that Noble house those Termes may neuer-more decay This Man was diuers hundred yeares a Kingdome and not small Rul'd Hebrides the Orcades to Thul the Islands all And chances there and Changes worth the note did oft befall As how the naturall Incolants the Iselanders subdew Them Norses ●rish them them Scots and English them in few Beauchamp the Earle of VVarwick first and last and but a while Was King of VVight Sixt Henries Gift that Honor and that I le VVhich added Eighteene Kingdoms al possest ieke Englands Stile These now thus couched all in One saue Parcell Scots withhold Of Penthland and some barren Isles subdu'd to Man of old Since hath one Monarch ruled vs hath rendered secure VVhereas Pluralitie of Kings did euer Losse procure Twise ioyn'd our Ilanders in one when twise did Caesar faile Disioyning He Picts Saxons Danes and Normaines did preuaile The Spanyard in Conceit deuoures our Countrie in no hope But of Disiunctiues who thinks he lesse loue their Prince than Pope Let France admonish England turn'd Religion turnes not Spayne From thirsting France Neutralitie brought late-lost Calice Baine And Spanish't-French liue Peasants-like that French did Princes raign Our Elders illy did they well for so should not be done Much lesse to causeles Armes against their Prince ought Subiects ron So badly brook't this Spanyards fam'd Espousall with their Queene That euen at VVestminsters Law-Barres were harnest Pleaders seene Fear'd with the trooped Bands y t wold that Banes with swords forbid Of which were pittied those that dide the Rest winkt-at and hid Their meaning had it Praise had not the Manner bin in fault The Manner now doth hold may none in selfe-same Meaning hault But arm'd be euery hand and heart hence Englishly to beate Spayn that our Bodies wold inthral Rome that our Soules doth threat Yeat which hath blinded bridled and beguil'd them many a day Their Inquisition wish I from the Spanyards rid away What good remaines to wish the Pope this that had none bin borne From him to steale his ill-got Coyne from vs to ship our Corne. The best things brought from Rome to vs conuert troe I to ill But new Rome left of old Rome now abreuiat we will CHAP. LXXIV WHen Stafford and his double Charge to Italie were come In health and rich for hence brought they in Coine no little Some With Iewels of rare estimate and else-what of great worth For Mandeuil they seeke and him at last did listen forth That in Constantinople yet he was a Marchant saide And thither Staffords Letter was to him with speed conuaide Purporting only that himselfe at Rome his comming staide Meane while in Rome the Mistris once of all the world they view Such wonders couch't in Ruins as vnseene might seeme vntrew Once was it compast as is read with fiftie miles of wall Now some to twentie some to lesse in that accompt doe fall It hauing Towers so many as the yeare hath dayes in all From fortie miles was water brought in Pipes o● Arches thether Were vaulted walkes through euery Streete gainst Sunne and rainy weather The sumptious Bathes with Pallaces thereto of rare delight The roomesome Ponds where very Ships some Festiuals did fight The Trophie Arches where to life Triumphants were purtraide The Statures huge of Porphyrie and costlier matters made The Theaters Pyramides the Hill of halfe a mile Raisde but of tribute Pot-sheards so to boast their Power long while The Obelisks of one whole Stone neere fortie yards or more Huge Pillers caru'd in Masonrie with Prowse of Knights before The stately Bridges sometimes Eight now fewer Tyber crosse The Thirtie goodly Gates of which is now of number losse The huge Colosses Conduites and else-what that shew'd a State Beyond beleefe of ruin'd Rome in part repair'd of late They wonder at how the world could yeeld such Pomp debate Though some the seauen inclosed Hils did ancient Rome containe Lye waste or Vine-yards more doth yeat of Maiestie remaine Euen in the Rubble of the old than in the now renew'd Though Rome retaines a Statelines nor fairer Pyles are view'd The round Pantheon once the House of all the Heathen Gods Stands yet a Temple but lesse deckt for rich by too much ods On Auentine the down-fals are of Temples store to see On Tarpie of the Capitol were wont their Guild to bee On Palantine of Pallaces on Caelius signes of Playes Quirinall Exquell Viminall of Bathes shew braue decayes These Hils with Vatican and old Ianiculum ore-past Shew we how Rome did rule was rul'd and ruin'd at the last FRom Ianus called Noe of some ●aphet of some Noes Sonne And Iaphets sonne of others Rule in Tuscan first begonne Raign'd in sixe hundreth twentie yeares of Latines Twentie one Son of the Eight of which was Brute first Soueraign of our Throne The last of these Numitor was whome Romulus did kill And building Rome slew Remus there to lord-it at his will * This Citie then Receptacle for all how vile skils not Of Italie by one and one the Sixteene State-Lands got Tarquinius raign'd the Seauenth in Rome