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england_n high_a lord_n treasurer_n 4,230 5 10.7514 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09732 A nevv, cheape and delicate fire of cole-balles wherein seacole is by the mixture of other combustible bodies, both sweetened and multiplied. Also a speedie way for the winning of any breach: with some other new and seruiceable inuentions answerable to the time. Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1611? 1603 (1603) STC 19995; ESTC S114744 14,274 32

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the second part of M. Venners Tragedie lately acted at the Swanne on the banke side with better profite to himselfe then pleasure to the beholders And because seuetal men haue conceiued seueral and strange opinions herein some expecting a miraculous preparation of the wood some doubting the durabilitie thereof of the which sort for the most part I find the Coppersmiths who are vnwilling to beleeue anie thing that maketh against their trade and liuing others charging the Author as not hauing hitherto disclosed anie matter of worth anie way answerable to the glorious titles of his bookes and so arguing re ad personam do vtterly condemne this secret with the rest some imagining the same both to be possible and durable but yet so curious as that simple wits are neuer able to repaire it being once out of frame al these I say are either in some measure to be satisfied or els they may well conclude that I haue hitherto told but a tale of a tub All which obiections although I haue elswhere sufficiently answered yet once againe I will cursorily runne them ouer that I may cleere both my selfe and the inuention of all vniust malicious and ignorant calumniations And here not only to relie vpon the graue censure of the right honorable the Lord high Treasurer of England my good Lord and master who vouchsafed me his honourable presence at my house when both my fire tub portable pumpe and boulting hutch were made readie for his comming whose good approbation only is able to counterpoise and ouerwey the shallow and light conceits of all my aduersaries to the first I answer that my defence is meerely naturall and not drawne from that chargeable and incombustible oyle of Talcum fitter to bee thinly laid vpon the face of a Ladie then grosly spent or dawbed vpon the sides of a wooden vessel nor yet from the haire of a Salamander whose bodies are rare and hard to come by Yea it is such as vpon the discouerie wil proue so easie and familiar as that I feare the beholders will rather condemne their owne weaknesse then wonder at my inuention and yet the same both royally and really performed And as for the durabilitie thereof I will make this warrant to all that shall haue cause to vse it that how long soeuer anie wooden vessel wil last that is continually employed about cold water the same shal endure as long though in the like maner exercised in the heating or boiling of liquor And so I dare boldly conclude as sometimes heretofore I haue done that if my wooden Salamander were not more endangered by the element of water then it is by the element of fire we should not need new vessels but for new ages The third sort of cauillers because they shew themselues to be only carping Sophisters no sound logitians as arguing from the matter to the person syllogizing vpon particulars in hoc in illo errauit Ergo in omnibus I hold them scarcely worth the answering and yet because I wil haue no aduantage taken of my silence though I might answer them as others haue done before me to the like Carpere vel noli nostra vel ede tua Yet least that great and costly Mill in Iremonger lane where the horses trampling vpon a moueable floore did euen with feare and trembling spend and wast their spirits or that monstrous timber stote that should haue blown vp dispersed the Spanish squadrons but now lieth rotting in his own ruins not worth either the time or timber that was consumed in it together with some other martiall engines whereof there hath bin a great and long expectation without anie good seruiceable vse made of them so as hitherto they do nothing els but ludere hiantem coruum I say least these a few other of the like kind and qualitie should in the gulf of disgrace drowne all the credit future hope of other Artists that there are already both by my selfe and other English-men manie new excellent most profitable deuises both by writing and otherwise made knowne to the world whereof some are not sufficiently as yet vnderstood most of them not regarded and in a manner all of them either not at all or verie slenderly rewarded I meane not with pension for that were chargeable nor with fauours because they are not vsual but with thanks which is the basest recompence that Arte may looke for But you require some instances of particulars at my hands what say you then to such a cariage for a cannon whereby the peece with the helpe of two men only may be turned mastered and charged at pleasure in as good sort as ten men are able to doe at sea with their vsual cariages What thinke you of a portable boate which one man may carie with ease and yet wil hold eight persons And of a light strong sodaine bridge to be made by vniting these boates and thereby sodainly to conuey euen a whole armie ouer a large riuer What if an inuention bee shewed how a seruiceable vessel may chace with ten or twelue great peeces of ordinance as readily and as aptly as now any ship doth with two or with foure peeces only What if such new kind of sailes be deuised as shal verie neere double the way which anie ship now maketh Nay what if such a Pinnesse were warranted to be made as should vpon her owne motion without the helpe of any mariner to direct her make a speedy way against all wind and weather vpon the seas for one halfe mile at the least and being laden with all kind of shot and fire-worke vpon the first touch of any other vessel shal presently giue fire to a traine and so spend her selfe and endanger such ships as are then next vnto her And what would you say to a peece of ordinance which one man may sufficiently manage and yet twentie of them shal make fiue hundred Muskettiers to abandon the field But to conclude these warlike inuentions with a shot of the highest execution both for land sea What if a bullet bee deliuered that shal breake into a thousand parts each part carying both his fire powder shot with it so as no garrison vnder the wals of any warlike towne or citie no band of souldiers lying in the safest trenches they can deuise to make can possibly be free from the furie of this bullet which because it may be shot compasse at anie reasonable distance must needes force them to forsake their ground Some of these new inuentions the Author hath already shewed to diuers of his honorable and priuate friends and the rest vpon reasonable reward shall bee made good for any publike seruice I could wish that some profitable vse of this Gentlemans wit were presently made whilest God doth spare him on earth amongst vs for I feare when death hath depriued vs of this worthie Inginer he wil scarcely leaue any true successour of his skil behind him In