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A panegyrick upon His Majesties glorious return from the wars, after the conclusion of a general peace. By Joseph Brown, Dr. of physick and the civil laws
Browne, Joseph, fl. 1700-1721.
Wing B5044; ESTC R229482
a_o panegyric_n upon_o his_o majesty_n glorious_a return_n from_o the_o war_n after_o the_o conclusion_n of_o a_o general_z peace_n by_o joseph_n brown_n dr._n of_o physic_n and_o the_o civil_a law_n salve_fw-la igitur_fw-la multum_fw-la regum_fw-la rex_fw-la maxim_n salvus_fw-la ingredere_fw-la optatam_fw-la patriam_fw-la salvusque_fw-la revise_n quae_fw-la loca_fw-la grata_fw-la tibi_fw-la felix_fw-la terraque_fw-la marique_fw-la aeternum_fw-la tuos_fw-la &_o te_fw-la diadema_fw-la coronet_n london_n print_v for_o a._n bosvile_n at_o the_o dyal_n over_o against_o st._n dunstan_n church_n in_o fleetstreet_n and_o to_o be_v sell_v by_o e._n whitlock_n near_o stationer_n hall_n 1697._o to_o his_o grace_n henry_n duke_z of_o norfolk_z earl_n marshal_z of_o england_n etc._n etc._n when_o poet_n write_v the_o immortal_a worth_n of_o king_n from_o what_o blost_a source_n their_o glorious_a action_n spring_n they_o may_v with_o less_o ambition_n just_o claim_v the_o umbrage_n of_o some_o high-born_a prince_n name_n such_o as_o great_a norfolk_n bold_o may_v assume_v next_o to_o his_o sov_n reign_v right_o as_o just_o due_a to_o he_o when_o bosworth_n field_n be_v once_o the_o glorious_a scene_n where_o norfolk_n blood_n do_v noble_a hanour_n gain_v when_o youthful_a surrey_n do_v as_o brave_o show_v how_o far_o a_o true_a heroic_a soul_n dun_v go_v when_o moubrey_n lion_n for_o example_n strive_v to_o kill_v the_o brutish_a herd_n to_o gain_v the_o conqeror_n love_n which_o none_o deserve_v with_o great_a worth_n we_o find_v a_o noble_a birth_n join_v with_o a_o generous_a mind_n honour_n be_v talk_v of_o much_o but_o where_o be_v the_o name_n so_o much_o of_o honour_n from_o their_o ancestor_n dare_v claim_v embalm_v with_o glory_n and_o eternal_a fame_n what_o can_v the_o noble_a off-sppring_a be_v but_o brave_a that_o such_o alliance_n from_o the_o great_a and_o noble_a have_v and_o that_o first_o power_n be_v still_o the_o generous_a soul_n that_o actuate_v and_o move_v the_o mighty_a whole_a and_o that_o high_a genius_n do_v itself_o disperse_v through_o howard_n intelectual_a universe_n the_o muse_n i_o be_o sure_a will_v bless_v my_o choice_n when_o norfolk_n name_n shall_v echo_v from_o my_o voice_n this_o mighty_a theme_n can_v come_v to_o none_o but_o you_o your_o noble_a station_n call_v it_o your_o due_n of_o honour_n law_n make_v judge_n and_o patron_n too_o well_o may_v you_o then_o these_o humble_a line_n deserve_v can_v they_o immortal_a as_o your_o honour_n live_v can_v such_o strong_a torrent_n on_o my_o number_n roll_v great_a as_o your_o worth_n capacious_a as_o your_o soul_n then_o may_v i_o boast_v no_o vain_a poetic_a fire_n but_o such_o as_o homer_n might_n himself_o admire_v when_o jove_n with_o harmony_n do_v he_o inspire_v and_o such_o the_o god_n may_v sure_o bestow_v on_o i_o when_o i_o essay_n the_o high-born_a norfolk_n pedigree_n but_o more_o when_o bold_o i_o essay_n to_o sing_v the_o imortal_a triumph_n of_o the_o great_a king_n a_o panegyric_n to_o the_o king_n assist_v some_o godlike_a muse_n assist_v my_o song_n some_o angel_n now_o with_o nectar_n touch_v my_o tongue_n let_v my_o ambitious_a lyre_n tune_v all_o her_o string_n to_o heavenly_a number_n soft_a harmonious_a thing_n such_o a_o bold_a theme_n employ_v my_o dare_a muse_n as_o none_o but_o such_o a_o rash_a artless_a bard_n dare_v choose_v since_o then_o the_o powerful_a charm_n do_v here_o begin_v i_o feel_v i_o rise_v feel_v the_o god_n within_o arise_v you_o ruin_v now_o the_o conqu'ror_n come_v with_o peaceful_a laurel_n to_o britannia_n home_n no_o more_o let_v fame_n boast_v the_o grand_a lewis_n praise_n it_o be_v william_n royal_a temple_n wear_v the_o bay_n to_o which_o more_o just_o none_o ever_o yet_o aspire_v by_o all_o adore_a by_o all_o the_o world_n admire_v since_o peace_n a_o happy_a glorious_a peace_n he_o bring_v spread_v itself_o on_o fame_n eternal_a wing_n a_o last_a triumph_n to_o britannia_n king_n what_o great_a conquest_n can_v our_o albion_n wish_v than_o have_v her_o monarch_n crown_v all_o europe_n peace_n what_o great_a can_v to_o future_a time_n be_v tell_v than_o that_o our_o william_n be_v the_o mighty_a chief_a of_o old_a that_o he_o more_o brave_a heroic_a trophy_n win_v than_o other_o general_n great_a in_o arm_n have_v know_v more_o crown_n have_v truckle_v to_o his_o vast_a success_n than_o other_o monarch_n dare_v attempt_v to_o wish_v such_o glory_n to_o his_o arm_n be_v free_o give_v as_o he_o himself_o dare_v never_o ask_v from_o heaven_n for_o fortune_n to_o his_o great_a design_n must_v yield_v and_o fate_n obey_v his_o conduct_n in_o the_o field_n such_o prosperous_a high_a success_n move_v from_o afar_o and_o come_v not_o from_o the_o formal_a pageantry_n of_o war_n for_o if_o by_o chance_n such_o glorious_a action_n move_v we_o be_v vain_o fond_a to_o think_v there_o be_v a_o jove_n arise_v brave_a briton_n now_o no_o long_o mourn_v your_o tragic_a cypress_n to_o triumphant_a laurel_n turn_v as_o newborn_a soul_n arise_v come_v glad_o show_v how_o much_o to_o caesar_n mighty_a toil_n you_o owe_v whilst_o zephir_n balmy_a blast_n do_v gentle_o cheer_v the_o tender_a plant_n of_o each_o indulge_v year_n let_v flora_n all_o her_o gawdy_a nymph_n adorn_v more_o beauteous_a than_o the_o rosy_a blush_n of_o the_o morn_n ceres_n and_o bacchus_n on_o the_o desert_a plain_n let_v they_o a_o far_o more_o fertile_a conquest_n gain_v and_o let_v diana_n once_o again_o be_v make_v free_a of_o her_o wont_a solitary_a shade_n romona_n let_v the_o fruitful_a garden_n yield_v to_o thou_o the_o luxury_n of_o all_o the_o field_n and_o let_v that_o too_o increase_v its_o usual_a store_n which_o to_o our_o settle_a peace_n may_v still_o add_v more_o than_o all_o the_o happiness_n we_o know_v before_o whilst_o pan_n propitious_a of_o the_o flock_n remain_v a_o glorious_a pattern_n to_o succeed_a swain_n this_o prodigy_n of_o peace_n we_o briton_n boast_v that_o so_o much_o noble_a blood_n have_v europe_n cost_n the_o want_n thereof_o so_o much_o benumb_v our_o grateful_a sense_n we_o yet_o enjoy_v not_o half_a its_o influence_n the_o pleasure_n so_o surprise_o do_v seize_v we_o feel_v the_o do_v too_o strong_a at_o first_o to_o ease_v this_o wondrous_a cure_n our_o great_a apollo_n wrought_v but_o how_o it_o be_v do_v be_v past_o all_o human_a thought_n each_o feel_v the_o effect_n but_o none_o the_o cause_n can_v find_v or_o william_n god_n or_o god_n to_o william_n kind_n either_o this_o pow'r_n himself_n or_o to_o he_o give_v as_o the_o choice_a favourite_n of_o bount'ous_a heaven_n this_o mighty_a act_n describe_v he_o so_o much_o more_o than_o all_o the_o high-famed_a deed_n he_o do_v before_o such_o a_o confuse_a chaos_n do_v once_o appear_v our_o utmost_a hope_n be_v but_o a_o doubtful_a war._n when_o lo_o despair_a pensive_a albion_n sit_v the_o son_n of_o war_n revive_v her_o sink_a state_n and_o give_v her_o life_n to_o hope_v a_o better_a fate_n that_o every_o corner_n of_o the_o land_n become_v enrich_v with_o triumph_n of_o the_o hero_n name_n for_o have_v achilles_n or_o alcides_n live_v to_o have_v see_v the_o scene_n of_o war_n so_o bold_o now_o revive_v they_o will_v think_v their_o hero_n here_o return_v again_o brave_o to_o fight_v not_o bare_o to_o be_v see_v that_o they_o be_v deity_n but_o warlike_a men._n so_o like_a to_o mars_n heroic_a nassau_n reign_v he_o out-rival_n all_o his_o virtue_n but_o his_o vice_n refrain_v noble_a by_o birth_n by_o bold_a experience_n wise_a inure_v to_o hard_a and_o toilsome_a victory_n bold_a even_o to_o a_o fault_n if_o such_o a_o fault_n we_o blame_v that_o gain_v our_o peace_n and_o his_o immortal_a fame_n his_o well_o teach_v passion_n rule_v his_o warlike_a rage_n and_o a_o mild_a clemency_n his_o action_n gage_v so_o soft_a by_o nature_n to_o compassion_n lead_v his_o soldier_n be_v no_o tyrant_n but_o to_o mercy_n breed_v so_o great_a in_o arm_n each_o to_o a_o caesar_n grow_v and_o as_o well_o caesar-like_a deserve_v a_o crown_n bold_a son_n of_o war_n and_o to_o that_o honour_n bear_v virtue_n be_v their_o aim_n and_o baseness_n what_o they_o scorn_v with_o arm_n like_o atlas_n they_o support_v a_o crown_n and_o they_o must_v fall_v ere_o that_o can_v tumble_v down_o the_o noble_a title_n they_o desire_v to_o gain_v be_v their_o great_a gen'ral_n honour_n to_o maintain_v under_o who_o conduct_n they_o may_v boast_v more_o fame_n then_o ever_o monarch_n yet_o on_o his_o own_o score_n dare_v claim_v if_o caesar_n know_v the_o peace_n his_o power_n do_v give_v even_o caesar_n will_v be_v proud_a under_o that_o power_n to_o live_v to_o all_o that_o be_v good_a and_o virtuous_a so_o incline_v he_o godlike_a share_v the_o praise_n of_o every_o mind_n whilst_o thing_n inanimate_a do_v seem_v to_o move_v in_o just_a obedience_n to_o express_v their_o