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england_n henry_n king_n prince_n 17,085 5 6.0709 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69451 The character of a bigotted prince, and what England may expect from the return of such a one Ames, Richard, d. 1693. 1691 (1691) Wing A2975AB; ESTC R9100 14,420 28

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barefaced_a as_o the_o sun_n and_o after_o all_o this_o and_o the_o deliverance_n we_o enjoy_v must_v we_o go_v into_o the_o house_n of_o bondage_n again_o and_o put_v on_o those_o fetter_n we_o so_o late_o shake_v off_o let_v the_o seem_a warmth_n of_o this_o parenthesis_n be_v a_o little_a excuse_v yet_o i_o must_v confess_v such_o consideration_n as_o these_o be_v almost_o valid_a enough_o to_o justify_v a_o passion_n and_o make_v anger_n appear_v no_o fault_n for_o be_v the_o roman_a catholic_n the_o only_a asserter_n of_o the_o right_n of_o the_o late_a king_n james_n the_o wonder_n will_v be_v little_a body_n often_o sympathize_v at_o a_o distance_n and_o they_o by_o several_a obligation_n be_v bind_v to_o wish_v he_o success_n and_o while_o they_o terminate_v in_o empty_a hope_n let_v they_o still_o regale_n themselves_o with_o their_o airy_a diet_n i_o pity_v the_o delude_a creature_n but_o can_v blame_v they_o because_o they_o act_n upon_o their_o own_o principle_n and_o it_o will_v be_v as_o unnatural_a for_o they_o not_o to_o pray_v for_o his_o return_n as_o for_o a_o cardinal_n in_o hope_n of_o the_o popedom_n to_o wish_v success_n to_o the_o protestant_a force_n or_o a_o calvinist_n to_o drink_v a_o health_n to_o monsieur_n catinat_n but_o when_o a_o sort_n of_o man_n guide_v as_o they_o pretend_v by_o the_o dictate_v of_o a_o unerring_a conscience_n shall_v at_o this_o time_n of_o day_n open_o declare_v for_o a_o explode_a interest_n and_o these_o protestant_n too_o man_n no_o way_n leven_v with_o popery_n or_o any_o of_o she_o doctrin_n but_o zealous_a maintainer_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n devout_a and_o pious_a charitable_a and_o just_a in_o the_o chief_a employment_n of_o the_o church_n and_o the_o bright_a of_o the_o golden_a candlestick_n for_o these_o so_o open_o to_o declare_v their_o aversion_n to_o this_o present_a government_n and_o their_o fondness_n for_o the_o last_o be_v what_o do_v not_o a_o little_a elevate_v and_o surprise_v to_o use_v a_o expression_n of_o mr._n bays_n and_o come_v almost_o as_o near_o to_o a_o miracle_n as_o transubstantiation_n a_o late_a very_o eminent_a doctor_n of_o the_o church_n when_o the_o prosecution_n be_v violent_a against_o the_o dissenter_n write_v a_o most_o learned_a tract_n concern_v the_o nicety_n of_o a_o scrupulous_a conscience_n wherein_o he_o very_o curious_o anatomize_v the_o several_a meander_n and_o turn_n of_o that_o invisible_a operation_n and_o prove_v that_o humour_n discontent_n and_o interest_n do_v frequent_o wear_v the_o livery_n of_o conscience_n how_o nice_a soever_o some_o may_v be_v in_o point_n of_o religion_n i_o wish_v these_o gentleman_n can_v acquit_v themselves_o from_o the_o forementioned_a disguise_n with_o which_o they_o masquerade_n their_o political_a conscience_n one_o will_v wonder_v what_o strange_a bewitch_a sophistry_n the_o church_n of_o rome_n make_v use_v of_o to_o blind_v the_o understanding_n of_o her_o votary_n to_o that_o degree_n that_o they_o be_v continual_o mistake_v their_o own_o interest_n and_o tame_o to_o deliver_v up_o their_o body_n soul_n reputation_n and_o fortune_n for_o the_o reversion_n of_o purgatory_n hereafter_o only_o for_o the_o slight_a gratification_n of_o their_o humour_n here_o and_o i_o appeal_v to_o the_o great_a asserter_n of_o king_n james_n his_o interest_n if_o they_o can_v produce_v any_o crown_v head_n in_o england_n since_o the_o conquest_n who_o be_v half_a so_o infatuate_v and_o bigoted_a to_o the_o interest_n of_o the_o see_v of_o rome_n as_o the_o late_a king_n indeed_o we_o read_v of_o a_o religious_a edward_n and_o a_o pious_a devout_a henry_n but_o our_o english_a history_n can_v afford_v we_o one_o instance_n of_o a_o prince_n who_o will_v sacrifice_v his_o own_o honour_n his_o kingdom_n safety_n his_o interest_n abroad_o and_o the_o love_n of_o his_o subject_n at_o home_n mere_o out_o of_o a_o mistake_a zeal_n to_o the_o advancement_n of_o the_o romish_a faith_n the_o most_o solemn_a oath_n and_o protestation_n esteem_v no_o more_o than_o word_n of_o course_n and_o that_o which_o be_v hold_v sacred_a among_o all_o mankind_n value_v as_o nothing_o in_o competition_n with_o a_o command_n from_o the_o apostolic_a chair_n the_o old_a lady_n at_o rome_n with_o all_o her_o wrinkle_n have_v still_o some_o charm_n to_o subdue_v great_a prince_n and_o though_o she_o have_v abuse_v depose_v and_o murder_v so_o many_o of_o her_o lover_n yet_o she_o find_v every_o day_n some_o new_a admirer_n who_o be_v proud_a of_o her_o charm_n a_o practice_n which_o come_v as_o near_o a_o miracle_n as_o any_o that_o church_n in_o her_o legend_n can_v boast_v of_o and_o i_o hope_v some_o passage_n in_o the_o late_a reign_n be_v not_o so_o forget_v but_o they_o may_v serve_v to_o justify_v the_o truth_n of_o the_o assertion_n indeed_o for_o our_o amusement_n we_o be_v once_o tell_v by_o a_o popular_a pen_n that_o allow_v a_o king_n upon_o the_o english_a throne_n principled_a for_o arbitrary_a government_n and_o popery_n yet_o he_o be_v clog_v and_o shackled_a with_o popular_a and_o protestant_n law_n that_o if_o he_o have_v never_o so_o great_a a_o mind_n to_o it_o there_o be_v not_o a_o subject_a in_o his_o dominion_n will_v dare_v to_o serve_v he_o in_o his_o design_n how_o true_a this_o assertion_n have_v since_o prove_v let_v any_o indifferent_a person_n judge_n the_o late_a king_n himself_o both_o dare_v and_o find_v no_o small_a number_n of_o his_o subject_n as_o resolute_a as_o their_o master_n to_o alter_v the_o whole_a frame_n of_o the_o english_a government_n he_o find_v not_o man_n only_o of_o his_o own_o communion_n but_o man_n of_o all_o religion_n or_o rather_o of_o no_o religion_n at_o all_o who_o desperate_a fortune_n push't'em_v on_o to_o the_o most_o dare_a enterprise_n his_o single_a command_n add_v life_n to_o their_o motion_n and_o no_o wonder_n he_o find_v tool_n to_o work_n withal_o when_o all_o the_o obligation_n of_o law_n be_v shrink_v into_o the_o small_a compass_n of_o a_o prince_n will_v and_o the_o musty_a line_n of_o magna_fw-la charta_fw-la dwindle_v to_o a_o sic_fw-la volo_fw-la sic_fw-la jubeo_fw-la several_a other_o artifices_fw-la be_v use_v to_o let_v we_o conceive_v a_o popish_a prince_n no_o such_o terrible_a bugbear_n as_o common_a fame_n represent_v he_o as_o that_o the_o idolatrous_a superstition_n of_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n be_v by_o a_o long_a series_n of_o time_n so_o wear_v off_o the_o mind_n of_o the_o people_n and_o the_o reformation_n so_o strong_o root_v the_o church_n of_o england_n so_o firm_o establish_v the_o romanist_n so_o detest_v for_o their_o innovation_n in_o doctrine_n and_o absurdity_n in_o ceremony_n etc._n etc._n that_o it_o be_v impossible_a ever_o to_o fix_v popery_n here_o but_o alas_o it_o be_v mere_a delusion_n we_o quick_o see_v through_o the_o juggle_v and_o the_o state-quack_n discover_v their_o leigerdemain_a trick_n too_o open_o and_o have_v not_o almighty_a god_n by_o a_o most_o surprise_a and_o almost_o unparlleled_a providence_n deliver_v we_o i_o know_v not_o by_o this_o time_n but_o that_o the_o name_n protestant_n have_v be_v as_o odious_a in_o england_n as_o the_o term_n of_o huguenot_n be_v now_o in_o france_n and_o the_o dominican_n and_o franciscan_n leave_v their_o cell_n in_o lincolns-inn-field_n and_o the_o savoy_n to_o have_v sing_v their_o regina_fw-la coelorum_fw-la in_o all_o the_o cathedral_n in_o england_n i_o be_o not_o ignorant_a how_o some_o person_n do_v still_o magnify_v the_o merit_n of_o the_o late_a king_n as_o to_o his_o private_a virtue_n as_o his_o be_v descend_v of_o the_o blood_n royal_a his_o inviolable_a tenderness_n for_o his_o friend_n the_o exact_a correspondency_n of_o his_o mouth_n and_o heart_n his_o courage_n against_o the_o dutch_a etc._n etc._n but_o these_o be_v glimmer_v ray_n of_o he_o which_o shine_v upon_o some_o few_o only_a for_o when_o he_o come_v to_o his_o meridian_n they_o change_v their_o nature_n and_o the_o scorch_a beam_n of_o his_o zeal_n for_o his_o religion_n get_v the_o ascenednt_n of_o all_o his_o other_o accomplishment_n which_o so_o cloud_v his_o discern_a faculty_n that_o he_o mistake_v his_o friend_n for_o his_o enemy_n and_o his_o enemy_n for_o his_o friend_n the_o most_o sage_a and_o deliberate_a advice_n give_v he_o in_o opposition_n to_o belove_a jesuit_n be_v censure_v as_o intrenchment_n upon_o his_o prerogative_n and_o the_o single_a ipse_fw-la dixit_fw-la of_o father_n peter_n value_v above_o the_o joint_a council_n of_o the_o realm_n the_o college_n of_o oxford_n and_o cambridg_n esteem_v as_o nursery_n of_o heretic_n and_o the_o precedent_n and_o fellow_n of_o magdelen_n college_n most_o illegal_o eject_v from_o their_o just_a right_n to_o receive_v upon_o the_o foundation_n a_o sort_n of_o spark_n who_o be_v neither_o scholar_n nor_o gentleman_n privilege_n be_v swallow_v up_o by_o prerogative_n and_o know_v
the_o character_n of_o a_o bigoted_a prince_n etc._n etc._n the_o character_n of_o a_o bigoted_a prince_n and_o what_o england_n may_v expect_v from_o the_o return_n of_o such_o a_o one._n license_v may_v the_o 9th_o j._n f._n 1691._o london_n print_v for_o richard_n baldwin_n at_o the_o oxford-arm_n in_o warwick-lane_n 1691._o the_o character_n of_o a_o bigoted_a prince_n etc._n etc._n it_o have_v be_v the_o great_a unhappiness_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n for_o some_o year_n last_o pass_v to_o be_v trouble_v with_o two_o very_a different_a sort_n of_o person_n of_o quite_o contrary_a temper_n the_o one_o party_n of_o so_o very_o costive_a a_o faith_n that_o they_o can_v believe_v nothing_o and_o the_o other_o of_o so_o easy_a a_o belief_n that_o they_o can_v swallow_v every_o thing_n the_o first_o of_o these_o can_v not_o see_v the_o sun_n of_o truth_n in_o its_o bright_a meridian_n and_o even_o mathematical_a demonstration_n signify_v nothing_o in_o order_n to_o persuade_v they_o they_o can_v not_o or_o at_o least_o will_v not_o see_v their_o native_a country_n hurry_v to_o the_o very_a jaw_n of_o ruin_n and_o imitate_v nero_n in_o his_o stupidity_n who_o can_v unconcerned_o tune_v his_o harp_n when_o rome_n be_v in_o flame_n every_o thing_n about_o they_o seem_v pleasant_a and_o gay_a they_o never_o suffer_v their_o mind_n to_o be_v ruffle_v with_o anxious_a thought_n for_o the_o future_a so_o they_o enjoy_v the_o present_a and_o observe_v in_o the_o literal_a but_o corrupt_v sense_n the_o command_n of_o our_o saviour_n to_o take_v no_o care_n for_o the_o morrow_n the_o most_o surprise_v relation_n move_v they_o not_o a_o jot_n and_o they_o give_v as_o equal_v a_o credit_n to_o a_o information_n or_o confession_n upon_o oath_n as_o they_o will_v have_v allow_v to_o a_o chapter_n in_o rabelais_n his_o history_n of_o garagantua_n the_o other_o be_v of_o a_o quite_o different_a stamp_n they_o can_v credit_v the_o most_o improbable_a story_n and_o the_o most_o far_o fetch_v lie_n be_v with_o they_o esteem_v as_o oracle_n they_o be_v ever_o at_o coffeehouse_n or_o place_n of_o such_o resort_n still_o listen_v to_o every_o idle_a pamphleteer_n discourse_n with_o more_o attention_n than_o to_o a_o sermon_n they_o can_v not_o see_v a_o chimney_n on_o fire_n but_o immediate_o some_o treachery_n they_o believe_v be_v in_o agitation_n and_o a_o drunken_a midnight_n quarrel_n in_o the_o street_n alarm_v their_o thought_n into_o the_o belief_n of_o a_o massacre_n they_o have_v nothing_o in_o their_o mouth_n but_o plot_n and_o design_n and_o holy_a write_v itself_o stand_v upon_o the_o same_o bottom_n in_o their_o creed_n with_o some_o witness_n deposition_n their_o imagination_n hag-rid_a with_o suspicious_a and_o fear_n daily_o present_v they_o with_o such_o frightful_a scene_n that_o they_o be_v not_o only_o uneasy_a to_o themselves_o but_o likewise_o to_o all_o about_o they_o which_o render_v their_o day_n unpleasant_a and_o their_o night_n unquiet_a insomuch_o that_o some_o of_o they_o dare_v not_o go_v to_o bed_n for_o fear_n next_o morning_n they_o shall_v wake_v and_o find_v their_o throat_n cut._n from_o these_o two_o very_a corrupt_a humour_n in_o the_o late_a time_n be_v produce_v those_o two_o odious_a character_n of_o whig_n and_o tory_n which_o be_v band_v about_o so_o long_o in_o jest_n that_o they_o soon_o turn_v earnest_n and_o he_o be_v think_v either_o a_o knave_n or_o a_o blockhead_n who_o will_v not_o suffer_v himself_o to_o be_v dignify_v or_o distinguish_v by_o one_o of_o those_o title_n this_o humour_n continue_v for_o some_o year_n with_o great_a violence_n and_o disorder_n during_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o k._n charles_n the_o second_o in_o all_o which_o time_n it_o be_v obvious_a whoever_o wear_v the_o crown_n a_o great_a person_n then_o at_o court_n manage_v affair_n at_o the_o helm_n that_o great_a prince_n who_o have_v see_v both_o the_o extreme_n of_o a_o prosperous_a and_o a_o adverse_a fortune_n by_o his_o death_n yield_v the_o throne_n to_o his_o only_a brother_n in_o the_o begin_n of_o who_o reign_n the_o two_o discriminate_a name_n before_o mention_v seem_v to_o have_v be_v utter_o forget_v the_o former_a in_o see_v a_o prince_n the_o darling_n of_o their_o thought_n and_o wish_n now_o become_v a_o monarch_n and_o the_o latter_a in_o their_o mistake_a apprehension_n of_o his_o unexpected_a clemency_n in_o afford_v they_o liberty_n of_o conscience_n the_o storm_n be_v now_o abate_v and_o man_n temper_n grow_v more_o compose_v the_o virtue_n of_o the_o sovereign_n fill_v every_o mouth_n with_o his_o praise_n his_o goodness_n his_o justice_n and_o his_o piety_n be_v the_o theme_n of_o common_a discourse_n and_o nothing_o but_o the_o name_n of_o james_n the_o just_a hear_v in_o the_o most_o ordinary_a conversation_n it_o do_v not_o become_v a_o subject_a too_o nice_o to_o inquire_v into_o the_o miscarriage_n of_o a_o crown_v head_n but_o this_o must_v be_v confess_v very_o ill_a thing_n be_v do_v even_o to_o the_o alteration_n of_o the_o fundamental_o both_o of_o our_o religion_n and_o government_n and_o this_o must_v be_v own_a by_o every_o one_o who_o ear_n be_v not_o stop_v by_o invincible_a prejudice_n or_o partiality_n it_o will_v be_v vain_a labour_n to_o descend_v to_o particular_n in_o a_o discourse_n which_o be_v design_v to_o be_v of_o another_o nature_n the_o jewish_a feast_n of_o tabernacle_n though_o long_a time_n abrogate_a by_o the_o come_n of_o our_o saviour_n hinder_v not_o nor_o forbid_v i_o to_o reflect_v on_o the_o danger_n i_o escape_v in_o the_o wilderness_n i_o may_v lawful_o i_o think_v select_v such_o day_n in_o the_o year_n to_o consider_v how_o corporation_n be_v regulate_v bishop_n imprison_v and_o other_o irregularity_n commit_v in_o the_o late_a reign_n without_o assemble_v a_o conventicle_n and_o there_o in_o some_o lewd_a harrang_v swell_v every_o miscarriage_n to_o a_o prodigious_a greatness_n the_o action_n of_o prince_n evil_a one_o especial_o be_v their_o own_o proper_a herald_n and_o every_o one_o of_o his_o subject_n carry_v some_o short_a remark_n of_o his_o reign_n in_o their_o memory_n i_o do_v not_o believe_v that_o history_n can_v parallel_v the_o joy_n and_o triumph_n of_o any_o nation_n upon_o their_o deliverance_n from_o oppression_n with_o the_o universal_a triumph_n of_o the_o english_a upon_o the_o never_o to_o be_v forget_v late_a revolution_n they_o seem_v like_o man_n keep_v a_o long_a time_n in_o durance_n and_o now_o be_v blessed_v with_o the_o sweet_n of_o liberty_n nay_o even_o some_o of_o our_o present_a murmerer_n themselves_o be_v most_o forward_o active_a to_o show_v their_o zeal_n for_o the_o than_o prince_n of_o orange_n who_o by_o his_o come_n seem_v to_o open_v the_o scene_n of_o a_o new_a world_n and_o restore_v the_o english_a to_o the_o poet_n time_n of_o the_o golden_a age_n again_o but_o like_o true_a israelite_n we_o long_o again_o for_o the_o onion_n and_o garlic_n of_o egypt_n and_o will_v fain_o be_v under_o our_o old_a taskmaster_n once_o more_o the_o wound_n which_o be_v seem_o heal_v be_v now_o break_v out_o again_o and_o what_o we_o lose_v in_o the_o ancient_n tory_n we_o find_v revive_v in_o the_o modern_a jacobite_n we_o be_v tell_v in_o a_o prophetic_a discourse_n some_o year_n since_o what_o treatment_n we_o be_v to_o expect_v if_o a_o prince_n of_o the_o romish_a communion_n shall_v settle_v upon_o the_o throne_n the_o effect_n of_o which_o every_o one_o who_o be_v not_o wilful_o blind_a must_v acknowledge_v do_v he_o not_o drive_v jehu-like_a in_o a_o full_a career_n to_o rome_n be_v not_o his_o emisary_n in_o every_o great_a town_n in_o england_n regulate_v corporation_n and_o poison_v the_o mind_n of_o the_o people_n with_o popish_a doctrine_n be_v not_o all_o place_n of_o trust_n both_o civil_a and_o military_a fill_v up_o with_o those_o of_o the_o romish_a faith_n or_o other_o who_o he_o make_v use_v of_o for_o his_o own_o end_n be_v they_o not_o come_v to_o a_o excessive_a height_n of_o impudence_n both_o in_o their_o sermon_n and_o discourse_n be_v not_o the_o torrent_n swell_v so_o high_a that_o they_o hourly_o expect_v the_o deluge_n be_v not_o the_o fence_n of_o the_o law_n the_o security_n of_o the_o subject_a attempt_v to_o be_v break_v down_o and_o magna_fw-la charta_fw-la when_o in_o opposition_n to_o the_o prince_n will_v be_v value_v no_o more_o than_o a_o cancel_a deed_n of_o conveyance_n be_v not_o a_o ambassador_n send_v to_o rome_n and_o a_o nuntio_n entertain_v here_o to_o settle_v the_o protestant_a religion_n no_o doubt_n and_o a_o thousand_o other_o practice_n commit_v as_o direct_o opposite_a to_o the_o interest_n of_o the_o english_a nation_n as_o fire_n be_v contrary_a to_o water_n be_v all_o this_o do_v in_o a_o corner_n be_v not_o their_o action_n as_o
unaccountable_a humour_n if_o we_o still_o persist_v like_o the_o seditious_a among_o the_o jew_n we_o shall_v do_v ourselves_o more_o mischief_n within_o the_o wall_n than_o our_o enemy_n can_v possible_o do_v without_o when_o the_o glory_n of_o their_o city_n and_o nation_n yield_v to_o the_o arm_n of_o the_o roman_n who_o can_v never_o have_v conquer_a they_o have_v not_o their_o murmurer_n within_o do_v more_o execution_n to_o themselves_o than_o all_o the_o batter_a ram_n of_o titus_n can_v possible_o effect_v against_o their_o wall_n but_o now_o to_o show_v the_o reverse_n of_o the_o medal_n if_o king_n jame_n return_n to_o reassume_a his_o just_o forfeit_v right_o as_o no_o human_a reason_n can_v possible_o suppose_v he_o to_o come_v in_o without_o the_o assistance_n of_o the_o french_a let_v we_o consider_v what_o a_o field_n of_o blood_n will_v our_o country_n be_v he_o come_v in_o like_o a_o conqueror_n will_v make_v we_o quick_o feel_v the_o difference_n between_o the_o easy_a government_n we_o now_o live_v under_o and_o the_o insupportable_a tyranny_n we_o must_v then_o endure_v his_o imaginary_a zeal_n for_o the_o defence_n of_o the_o protestant_a religion_n be_v long_o since_o quench_v by_o the_o affront_v he_o pretend_v to_o have_v suffer_v by_o those_o of_o that_o communion_n then_o will_v rome_n erect_v her_o standard_n in_o defiance_n to_o all_o the_o method_n of_o the_o reformation_n and_o popery_n become_v the_o stand_a religion_n of_o the_o nation_n it_o can_v be_v suppose_v that_o the_o instruction_n he_o have_v receive_v from_o his_o great_a patron_n lewis_n will_v easy_o be_v forget_v and_o he_o who_o when_o in_o a_o private_a capacity_n will_v ever_o hardly_o forgive_v one_o who_o he_o suppose_v have_v do_v he_o wrong_n will_v now_o be_v hardly_o bring_v to_o forget_v a_o national_a indignity_n he_o will_v never_o certain_o listen_v to_o any_o overture_n of_o capitulation_n and_o it_o be_v impossible_a to_o believe_v that_o thing_n can_v be_v ever_o accommodate_v between_o a_o incense_v prince_n and_o as_o he_o suppose_v a_o rebellious_a people_n he_o have_v not_o so_o long_o breathe_v in_o the_o air_n of_o france_n as_o not_o to_o learn_v its_o tyrannical_a and_o arbitrary_a maxim_n and_o the_o as_o he_o think_v meritorious_a zeal_n of_o propagate_a his_o own_o religion_n will_v let_v he_o stick_v at_o nothing_o how_o arbitrary_a soever_o to_o establish_v it_o we_o may_v indeed_o imagine_v he_o to_o be_v of_o a_o merciful_a nature_n and_o that_o all_o shall_v be_v forget_v as_o if_o never_o do_v and_o that_o a_o act_n of_o indemnity_n will_v make_v all_o even_o again_o but_o those_o who_o be_v so_o blind_v as_o to_o believe_v these_o fair_a promise_n let_v they_o but_o look_v into_o a_o act_n of_o his_o own_o date_v at_o his_o residence_n in_o dublin_n and_o in_o a_o proclamation_n of_o he_o to_o his_o pretend_a subject_n in_o scotland_n may_v 4._o 1689._o he_o be_v most_o gracious_o please_v not_o only_o to_o encourage_v his_o friend_n to_o be_v destroyer_n of_o mankind_n but_o likewise_o offer_v they_o pardon_n for_o such_o inhuman_a cruelty_n tell_v they_o in_o the_o say_a proclamation_n it_o be_v his_o pleasure_n they_o shall_v rise_v in_o arm_n and_o assault_v and_o destroy_v and_o what_o ever_o bloodshed_n and_o slaughter_n mutilation_n or_o fire-raisings_a shall_v be_v do_v to_o these_o rebel_n as_o he_o call_v the_o scotch_a his_o proclamation_n shall_v be_v their_o sufficient_a warrant_n for_o such_o acts._n if_o this_o be_v his_o kindness_n for_o the_o scotch_a nation_n can_v we_o think_v the_o english_a will_n more_o civil_o be_v treat_v no_o no_o let_v we_o no_o long_o amuse_v ourselves_o with_o fancy_n of_o his_o clemency_n and_o kindness_n we_o live_v under_o a_o government_n where_o we_o may_v be_v happy_a if_o we_o please_v and_o nothing_o but_o our_o discontent_n can_v render_v we_o miserable_a for_o as_o certain_a as_o there_o be_v a_o providence_n if_o ever_o such_o a_o fatal_a revolution_n shall_v happen_v not_o savoy_n nor_o piedmont_n nor_o all_o the_o place_n where_o the_o arm_n of_o the_o french_a have_v ravage_v be_v ever_o such_o scene_n of_o blood_n and_o confusion_n as_o england_n will_v be_v we_o be_v now_o in_o our_o crisis_n and_o a_o few_o month_n will_v in_o all_o probability_n determine_v the_o fate_n of_o europe_n in_o general_n and_o of_o our_o own_o country_n in_o particular_a and_o upon_o the_o success_n of_o the_o confederate_a army_n head_v by_o our_o most_o victorious_a prince_n depend_v the_o liberty_n or_o slavery_n of_o the_o most_o civilise_v part_n of_o the_o world_n postscript_n at_o the_o conclusion_n of_o this_o discourse_n i_o imagine_v some_o smile_a reader_n find_v fault_n and_o by_o his_o look_n will_v seem_v to_o tell_v i_o the_o landscape_n be_v as_o ill_o draw_v as_o they_o be_v ill_o design_v and_o that_o the_o lion_n be_v not_o so_o fierce_a as_o he_o be_v paint_v nor_o will_v the_o return_n of_o a_o prince_n of_o the_o romish_a communion_n be_v so_o terrible_a to_o his_o protestant_a subject_n as_o i_o will_v seem_v to_o represent_v but_o in_o answer_n to_o this_o i_o must_v acquaint_v the_o gentleman_n that_o i_o fear_v i_o have_v commit_v un_o error_n on_o the_o other_o hand_n and_o instead_o of_o add_v fierce_a colour_n to_o make_v the_o piece_n seem_v tremendous_a i_o have_v use_v such_o faint_a shadow_n as_o do_v not_o heighten_v the_o picture_n partiality_n and_o prejudice_n be_v very_o ill_a spectacle_n and_o but_o too_o often_o cause_v a_o false_a medium_fw-la i_o have_v see_v a_o picture_n which_o if_o one_o look_v oblique_o upon_o on_o the_o left_a hand_n be_v represent_v the_o head_n of_o three_o fair_a lady_n but_o if_o you_o change_v the_o position_n of_o your_o body_n and_o stand_v on_o the_o right_a hand_n of_o the_o design_n the_o very_a same_o picture_n show_v you_o a_o monkey_n and_o two_o parrot_n i_o know_v not_o on_o which_o hand_n my_o reader_n be_v judgement_n stand_v which_o value_v faculty_n of_o we_o we_o find_v to_o be_v very_o often_o delude_v for_o if_o i_o may_v apply_v a_o place_n in_o holy_a writ_n very_o pertinent_a to_o this_o purpose_n only_o exchange_v the_o case_n of_o the_o father_n for_o that_o of_o the_o son_n they_o who_o form_n such_o terrible_a idea_n of_o the_o imaginary_a severity_n they_o feel_v under_o the_o present_a reign_n where_o they_o be_v only_o beat_v with_o rod_n will_v at_o the_o return_n of_o their_o idolise_v prince_n be_v chastise_v with_o scorpion_n finis_fw-la book_n print_v for_o r._n baldwin_n new_a prediction_n of_o the_o fate_n of_o all_o the_o prince_n and_o state_n in_o the_o world_n price_n 4._o sodom_n fair_a or_o the_o market_n of_o the_o man_n of_o sin_n contain_v a_o true_a account_n of_o the_o price_n of_o the_o pope_n pardon_n and_o dispensation_n be_v a_o treatise_n very_o useful_a and_o necessary_a for_o all_o young_a english_a papist_n who_o intend_v to_o take_v holy_a order_n or_o travel_v through_o italy_n and_o all_o such_o as_o intend_v to_o be_v cheat_v both_o out_o of_o their_o soul_n and_o mony_n to_o which_o be_v add_v the_o history_n of_o adultery_n as_o it_o be_v now_o at_o rome_n by_o law_n establish_v with_o the_o life_n of_o clement_n the_o six_o and_o blasphemous_a bull_n which_o he_o publish_v for_o the_o year_n of_o jubilee_n 1350._o a_o journal_n of_o the_o late_a motion_n and_o action_n of_o the_o confederate_a force_n against_o the_o french_a in_o the_o unite_a province_n and_o the_o spanish_a netherlands_o with_o curious_a remark_n on_o the_o situation_n strength_n and_o rarity_n of_o the_o most_o considerable_a city_n town_n and_o fortification_n in_o those_o country_n together_o with_o a_o exact_a list_n of_o the_o army_n the_o present_a state_n of_o christendom_n consider_v in_o nine_o dialogue_n between_o i._o the_o present_a pope_n alexander_n the_o viii_o and_o lewis_n the_o fourteen_o ii_o the_o great_a duke_n of_o tuscany_n and_o the_o duke_n of_o savoy_n iii_o king_n james_n the_o second_o and_o the_o marescal_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr fevillade_n iv._o the_o duke_n of_o lorraine_n and_o the_o duke_n of_o schomberg_n v._o the_o duke_n of_o lorraine_n and_o the_o elector_n palatine_n vi_o lovis_n the_o fourteen_o and_o the_o marquis_n de_fw-fr louvois_n vii_o the_o advoyer_n of_o berne_n and_o the_o chief_a syndic_n of_o geneva_n viii_o cardinal_n ottoboni_n and_o the_o duke_n de_fw-fr chaulnes_n ix_o the_o young_a prince_n abafti_n and_o count_n teckly_n