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The vain insolency of Rome, challenging salvation to her own faction discovered in two letters : the first whereof was written by a priest of the Church of Rome to a gentlewoman of York, that had got out of the snares of the popish superstition : the second sent by the same gentlewoman (instructed by a divine of the Church of England) in answer thereunto.
Priest of the Church of Rome.; Gentlewoman of York.
Wing V18; ESTC R5313
the_o vain_a insolency_n of_o rome_n challenge_v salvation_n to_o her_o own_o faction_n discover_v in_o two_o letter_n the_o first_o whereof_o be_v write_v by_o a_o priest_n of_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n to_o a_o gentlewoman_n of_o york_n that_o have_v get_v out_o of_o the_o snare_n of_o the_o popish_a superstition_n the_o second_o send_v by_o the_o same_o gentlewoman_n instruct_v by_o a_o divine_a of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n in_o answer_n thereunto_o the_o truth_n endure_v and_o be_v always_o strong_a it_o live_v and_o conquer_v for_o evermore_o 1_o esdras_n 4._o 38._o london_n print_v for_o richard_n royston_n bookseller_n to_o the_o king_n most_o excellent_a majesty_n 1673._o to_o the_o reader_n reader_n by_o the_o letter_n of_o the_o romish_a priest_n which_o immediate_o here_o follow_v thou_o will_v easy_o perceive_v with_o what_o craft_n and_o artifice_n the_o romish_a huckster_n endeavour_v to_o seduce_v the_o people_n of_o our_o church_n of_o england_n and_o general_o all_o of_o the_o reformation_n to_o the_o communion_n of_o rome_n they_o tell_v they_o that_o they_o be_v out_o of_o st._n peter_n fold_n and_o therefore_o of_o necessity_n in_o a_o state_n of_o damnation_n the_o first_o greatness_n of_o rome_n be_v found_v in_o the_o eminency_n of_o the_o city_n and_o the_o concession_n and_o indulgence_n of_o some_o of_o the_o emperor_n but_o the_o subtle_a pope_n perceive_v that_o what_o former_a emperor_n grant_v other_o in_o succeed_a time_n may_v revoke_v pervert_v that_o text_n mat._n 16._o 18._o tu_fw-la es_fw-la petrus_n etc._n etc._n thou_o be_v peter_n and_o upon_o this_o rock_n etc._n etc._n to_o the_o sound_n of_o a_o spiritual_a monarchy_n and_o the_o claim_n of_o both_o sword_n temporal_a as_o well_o as_o spiritual_a or_o at_o least_o the_o temporal_a in_o order_n to_o the_o spiritual_a and_o all_o jesuited_a papist_n neither_o see_v i_o how_o any_o of_o they_o that_o submit_v to_o the_o three_o lateran_n council_n can_v be_v otherwise_o mind_v hold_v that_o prince_n excommunicate_v may_v be_v reject_v by_o their_o own_o subject_n what_o good_a effect_n this_o new-gospel_n doctrine_n wrought_v in_o the_o world_n may_v appear_v in_o the_o instance_n of_o the_o murder_n of_o those_o two_o noble_a king_n henry_n the_o third_z and_o henry_n the_o four_o of_o france_n and_o in_o that_o design_n of_o the_o five_o of_o november_n among_o ourselves_o here_o in_o england_n it_o be_v strange_a that_o all_o prince_n in_o the_o world_n be_v not_o alarm_v as_o learned_a and_o perspicacious_a king_n james_n of_o bless_a memory_n be_v with_o these_o doctrine_n for_o whatsoever_o allegiance_n the_o romanist_n pretend_v to_o yet_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o a_o instance_n may_v fall_v out_o wherein_o they_o will_v be_v force_v to_o renounce_v their_o obedience_n either_o to_o their_o pope_n or_o king_n take_v heed_n therefore_o if_o thou_o be_v disengage_v from_o this_o seduction_n of_o come_v near_o to_o such_o snare_n and_o if_o thou_o be_v as_o alas_o too_o many_o of_o late_a among_o we_o have_v be_v catch_v in_o they_o break_v they_o with_o all_o speed_n that_o fearful_a instance_n of_o the_o learned_a latomus_fw-la of_o which_o thou_o will_v read_v in_o the_o gentlewoman_n answer_n to_o the_o priest_n letter_n here_o annex_v will_v declare_v that_o the_o great_a stickler_n for_o rome_n interest_n when_o they_o shall_v most_o need_v it_o will_v find_v little_a peace_n for_o that_o may_v be_v say_v of_o this_o spiritual_a which_o solomon_n speak_v of_o the_o carnal_a harlot_n prov._n 7._o 26_o 27_o she_o have_v cast_v down_o many_o wound_a yea_o many_o strong_a man_n have_v be_v slay_v by_o she_o her_o house_n be_v the_o way_n to_o hell_n go_v down_o to_o the_o chamber_n of_o death_n imprimatur_fw-la tho._n tomkyns_n exit_fw-la aed_n lamb._n martii_fw-la 6._o 1672._o the_o priest_n letter_n madam_n since_o my_o departure_n from_o you_o i_o have_v not_o forget_v your_o engage_v charity_n what_o regret_n may_v i_o well_o have_v that_o contrary_a to_o your_o promise_n in_o the_o long_a gallery_n you_o have_v forget_v your_o soul_n so_o precious_a to_o god_n madam_n return_v home_o i_o labour_v to_o get_v your_o dear_a son_n pic._n to_o return_v home_o you_o may_v come_v home_o again_o no_o loss_n madam_n like_o the_o loss_n of_o a_o soul_n i_o shall_v be_v glad_a to_o suffer_v death_n that_o you_o will_v accept_v of_o life_n some_o year_n past_a i_o be_v in_o hope_n the_o charitable_a box_n of_o cross_n lozange_n you_o do_v send_v i_o will_v bring_v you_o in_o again_o to_o st._n peter_n fold_n out_o of_o which_o no_o salvation_n sweet_a jesus_n and_o his_o unspotted_a mother_n grant_v you_o grace_n to_o do_v well_o by_o st._n francis_n xaverius_n his_o intercession_n cordial_o wish_v by_o madam_n your_o engage_v well_o wish_v friend_n and_o servant_n the_o gentlewoman_n answer_n sir_n i_o receive_v your_o letter_n and_o though_o i_o can_v despise_v the_o zeal_n of_o your_o charity_n yet_o i_o thank_v god_n that_o through_o his_o goodness_n i_o can_v now_o discern_v the_o error_n of_o it_o i_o wish_v and_o true_o i_o account_v myself_o bind_v thereunto_o in_o requital_n of_o the_o care_n which_o you_o profess_v for_o my_o soul_n that_o you_o be_v yourself_o in_o as_o good_a a_o way_n for_o salvation_n in_o respect_n of_o your_o communion_n with_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n as_o i_o be_o upon_o the_o account_n of_o my_o return_n to_o my_o dear_a mother_n the_o church_n of_o england_n since_o i_o see_v you_o i_o have_v a_o little_a better_o consider_v the_o article_n of_o our_o church_n and_o in_o they_o i_o perceive_v nothing_o commend_v to_o my_o faith_n but_o what_o be_v either_o express_o contain_v in_o the_o holy_a scripture_n or_o deducible_a by_o very_o good_a consequence_n from_o they_o but_o i_o be_o very_a well_o assure_v by_o those_o that_o know_v it_o that_o in_o some_o council_n late_o hold_v by_o your_o church_n and_o particular_o that_o of_o trent_n there_o be_v divers_a canon_n to_o which_o you_o will_v expect_v my_o consent_n neither_o agreeable_a to_o the_o holy_a scripture_n nor_o consonant_n to_o the_o pure_a age_n of_o the_o church_n and_o yet_o your_o pope_n pius_n the_o four_o curse_v all_o that_o be_v not_o of_o that_o faith_n and_o exclude_v all_o from_o salvation_n that_o believe_v not_o according_a to_o the_o tenor_n of_o they_o bishop_n morton_n be_v a_o learned_a man_n and_o he_o take_v pain_n to_o examine_v the_o ground_n of_o the_o peremptory_a decree_n of_o that_o pope_n the_o book_n wherein_o he_o do_v it_o be_v call_v the_o grand_a imposture_n of_o the_o now_o church_n of_o rome_n i_o pray_v peruse_v it_o heedful_o and_o candid_o and_o submit_v to_o the_o truth_n contain_v therein_o as_o for_o my_o promise_n in_o the_o long_a gallery_n whereof_o you_o re-mind_n i_o i_o confess_v my_o error_n in_o make_v it_o and_o i_o be_o tell_v that_o it_o be_v unlawful_a in_o the_o matter_n i_o mean_v to_o adhere_v to_o your_o corrupt_a church_n my_o sin_n of_o rash_a engagement_n will_v be_v heighten_v by_o performance_n whereas_o it_o be_v so_o far_o from_o be_v any_o to_o break_v it_o that_o it_o be_v my_o obligation_n so_o to_o do_v david_n rash_o swear_v to_o destroy_v all_o the_o male_n in_o nabals_n family_n but_o by_o the_o good_a counsel_n of_o abigail_n rather_o break_v his_o oath_n than_o proceed_v to_o add_v murder_n to_o his_o passion_n and_o true_o sir_n though_o you_o may_v think_v it_o presumption_n in_o i_o to_o give_v advice_n to_o a_o person_n of_o your_o call_n and_o gravity_n yet_o when_o i_o consider_v that_o david_n a_o great_a prophet_n and_o a_o king_n then_o anoint_v despise_v not_o the_o good_a counsel_n of_o a_o woman_n but_o say_v with_o all_o meekness_n bless_a be_v thy_o advice_n and_o bless_v be_v thou_o 1_o sam._n 25._o 33._o i_o shall_v not_o repent_v that_o i_o prompt_v these_o intimation_n unto_o you_o but_o rather_o earnest_o yet_o humble_o request_v you_o ay_o and_o adjure_v you_o in_o the_o fear_n of_o god_n to_o break_v your_o engagement_n to_o that_o pestilent_a society_n to_o which_o perhaps_o you_o be_v as_o solemn_o under_o the_o bond_n of_o a_o oath_n for_o that_o be_v i_o hear_v pope_n pius_n his_o injunction_n to_o the_o clergy_n to_o embrace_v the_o trent_n faith_n engage_v as_o david_n be_v to_o avenge_v himself_o st._n augustine_n i_o have_v hear_v be_v entangle_v in_o the_o heresy_n of_o the_o manichee_n and_o we_o be_v teach_v in_o the_o sacred_a history_n that_o st._n paul_n once_o persecute_v the_o faith_n of_o christ_n both_o these_o come_v by_o god_n mercy_n to_o the_o sight_n of_o their_o foul_a error_n and_o at_o last_o defend_v the_o faith_n which_o they_o have_v oppose_v some_o of_o your_o present_a persuasion_n and_o in_o the_o same_o degree_n of_o office_n have_v see_v