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Englands comfort and Londons ioy expressed in the royall triumphant and magnificent entertainment of our dread soveraigne Lord, King Charles ...
Taylor, John, 1580-1653.
Wing T456; ESTC R28877
england_n comfort_n and_o london_n joy_n express_v in_o the_o royal_a triumphant_a and_o magnificent_a entertainment_n of_o our_o dread_a sovereign_a lord_n king_n charles_n at_o his_o bless_a and_o safe_a return_n from_o scotland_n on_o thursday_n the_o 25._o of_o nouemb._n 1641._o by_o the_o right_n honourable_a sir_n richard_n gurney_n knight_n lord_n major_n and_o the_o recorder_n sir_n thomas_n gardner_n who_o be_v at_o that_o present_a both_o knight_v who_o attend_v his_o majesty_n with_o the_o other_o right_o worshipful_a knight_n and_o alderman_n sheriff_n and_o company_n of_o this_o famous_a city_n of_o london_n print_v at_o london_n for_o frcncis_n coules_n 1641._o england_n comfort_n and_o london_n joy_n not_o to_o delude_v my_o reader_n with_o a_o long_a preface_n to_o a_o short_a and_o brief_a relation_n i_o will_v first_o begin_v as_o near_o as_o true_a intelligence_n and_o eyesight_n inform_v i_o of_o this_o great_a day_n most_o magnificent_a and_o honourable_a triumph_n and_o entertainment_n of_o our_o most_o gracious_a sovereign_n at_o his_o return_n from_o scotland_n to_o this_o honourable_a city_n of_o london_n how_o some_o other_o king_n and_o prince_n of_o our_o own_o and_o other_o nation_n have_v be_v former_o entertain_v by_o the_o lord_n major_n and_o citizen_n of_o london_n it_o be_v as_o i_o have_v read_v in_o our_o english_a history_n set_v down_o by_o i_o in_o short_a towards_o the_o end_n of_o this_o discourse_n all_o these_o attend_v his_o lordship_n come_n and_o then_o they_o all_o road_n in_o order_n to_o the_o further_a ground_n join_v upon_o kingsland_n where_o they_o meet_v his_o majesty_n with_o the_o queen_n the_o prince_n charles_n the_o duke_n of_o york_n with_o the_o princess_n prince_n palatine_n duke_n marquesles_fw-mi earl_n viscount_n baron_n lord_n knight_n gentlemen-pentioner_n lady_n of_o honour_n together_o with_o 20._o scotish_a lord_n and_o other_o with_o his_o majesty_n guard_n and_o other_o of_o his_o follower_n with_o the_o spectator_n of_o all_o degree_n sex_n age_n and_o size_n be_v innumerable_a the_o bank_n hedge_n highway_n street_n stall_n and_o window_n be_v all_o embroider_a with_o million_o of_o people_n of_o all_o sort_n and_o fashion_n and_o all_o the_o way_n the_o boy_n do_v climb_v up_o tree_n and_o cling_v close_o to_o the_o bough_n like_o swarm_n of_o bee_n gracious_a sovereign_a the_o rest_n of_o the_o company_n of_o london_n be_v all_o place_v in_o their_o stand_n from_o the_o west_n end_n of_o st._n laurence_n lane_n through_o cheapside_n and_o up_o pleer-street_n to_o temple_n bar_n adorn_v and_o set_v forth_o with_o such_o accoutrement_n as_o be_v do_v by_o the_o other_o company_n before_o after_o his_o majesty_n be_v pass_v to_o the_o guild-hall_n the_o 500_o man_n and_o horse_n with_o their_o footman_n they_o pass_v up_o cheapside_n and_o there_o in_o paul_n churchyard_n they_o do_v set_v themselves_o in_o their_o former_a order_n and_o attend_v till_o his_o majesty_n have_v dine_v note_v that_o the_o king_n majesty_n with_o the_o queen_n the_o prince_n and_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o royal_a offspring_n that_o be_v there_o do_v dine_v at_o the_o east-end_n of_o the_o guild-hall_n in_o a_o place_n call_v the_o husting_n court_n the_o rest_n of_o the_o lord_n lady_n and_o other_o also_o dine_v in_o the_o hall_n entertainment_n give_v to_o king_n in_o former_a time_n by_o the_o foresay_a city_n sir_n henry_n picard_n knight_n lord_n major_a of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n do_v in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1357._o at_o one_o time_n entertain_v and_o feast_v 4._o king_n viz._n edward_n the_o three_o king_n of_o england_n john_n king_n of_o france_n david_n king_n of_o scotland_n and_o william_n king_n of_o cyprus_n also_o edward_n the_o black_a prince_n of_o wales_n the_o prince_n dauphin_n of_o france_n with_o all_o the_o nobility_n and_o gentry_n of_o lord_n knight_n lady_n and_o other_o be_v worthy_o entertain_v by_o the_o say_a lord_n major_n to_o their_o great_a contentment_n and_o memorable_a honour_n of_o this_o famous_a city_n but_o to_o come_v to_o near_a time_n i_o find_v in_o master_n stowe_n chronicle_v that_o queen_n elizabeth_n in_o anno_fw-la 1585._o the_o 27._o of_o her_o reign_n that_o she_o have_v be_v on_o progress_n and_o come_v to_o her_o palace_n of_o saint_n james_n be_v entertain_v by_o the_o lord_n major_n his_o brethren_n the_o alderman_n and_o citizen_n 200._o of_o the_o commoner_n be_v in_o velvet_n coat_n with_o gold_n chain_n on_o horseback_n 1000_o of_o the_o company_n on_o foot_n and_o 100_o more_o that_o bare_a torch_n sir_n wolstan_n dixey_n knight_n skinner_n be_v then_o lord_n major_n king_n james_n of_o bless_a memory_n at_o his_o return_n from_o scotland_n in_o the_o fifteen_o year_n of_o his_o reign_n anno_fw-la 1517._o be_v meet_v at_o hyde_n park_n by_o the_o lord_n major_n sir_n george_n bol_n knight_n lord_n major_n and_o the_o alderman_n and_o more_o than_o 400._o commoner_n of_o the_o city_n with_o chain_n of_o gold_n and_o velvet_n coat_n and_o a_o present_a a_o purse_n with_o five_o hundred_o pound_n present_v to_o his_o mâjesty_n the_o like_a entertainment_n his_o majesty_n king_n james_n have_v at_o his_o come_n to_o the_o cathedral_n church_n of_o st._n paul_n in_o london_n in_o the_o 18._o year_n of_o his_o reign_n 1620_o when_o sir_n william_n cockain_n be_v lord_n major_n where_o also_o all_o the_o company_n stand_v within_o place_n in_o the_o way_n with_o banner_n ann_n escouchion_n and_o the_o street_n rail_v with_o rich_a present_n give_v in_o the_o 5._o year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o our_o now_o gracious_a king_n charles_n 1629._o sir_n james_n cambell_n knight_n than_o lord_n major_n feast_v eleven_o lord_n all_o knight_n of_o the_o garter_n and_o each_o of_o they_o fifty_o man_n with_o chain_n of_o gold_n and_o livery_n beside_o many_o other_o of_o the_o nobility_n gentry_n and_o commoner_n then_o there_o noble_o entertain_v verse_n present_v to_o his_o majesty_n when_o israel_n with_o judah_n do_v contest_v which_o of_o they_o ought_v to_o love_v king_n david_n best_o judah_n claim_v kindred_n of_o the_o king_n and_o say_v 42._o that_o he_o by_o right_n shall_v still_o with_o they_o have_v stay_v but_o isr'el_n bold_o to_o they_o straight_o reply_v that_o dauld_v only_o be_v with_o they_o to_o abide_v and_o that_o in_o he_o they_o have_v ten_o part_n at_o least_o and_o therefore_o have_v most_o right_o and_o interest_n these_o word_n cause_v wicked_a sheba_n bichri_n son_n most_o mad_o to_o rebellious_a arm_n to_o run_v but_o sheba_n head_n which_o first_o contrive_v those_o jar_n 20._o be_v lope_v and_o so_o be_v end_v all_o the_o war_n i_o wish_v great_a britain_n the_o like_a song_n to_o sing_v in_o love_n who_o best_o shall_v love_v and_o serve_v the_o king_n let_v sheba_n head_n be_v lose_v and_o let_v we_o be_v england_n and_o scotland_n both_o in_o unity_n he_o be_v we_o and_o they_o and_o he_o be_v they_o and_o we_o let_v we_o love_v and_o serve_v he_o with_o our_o prayer_n and_o power_n that_o as_o the_o king_n be_v one_o so_o we_o as_o one_o may_v praise_v god_n for_o establish_v his_o throne_n when_o he_o our_o sun_n of_o joy_n from_o we_o set_v forth_o his_o ray_n illustrious_a lighten_v all_o the_o north_n whilst_o sigh_n like_o cloud_n and_o shower_n of_o tear_n and_o care_n be_v london_n and_o fair_a england_n southern_a share_n but_o this_o return_n our_o sadness_n do_v destroy_v our_o tear_n of_o grief_n be_v turn_v to_o tear_n of_o joy_n our_o night_n of_o woe_n we_o patient_o endure_v our_o morning_n joy_n be_v come_v we_o be_v assure_v he_o be_v come_v to_o salve_v this_o kingdom_n discontent_n to_o cure_v all_o wrenche_n fracture_n sprain_n and_o rent_n where_o church_n and_o common_a wealth_n be_v dislocate_v and_o all_o good_a man_n amaze_v and_o amate_v god_n great_a lieutenant_n four_o great_a kingdom_n king_n no_o doubt_n but_o he_o those_o mischief_n down_o shall_v ding_v to_o hell_n black_a vault_n from_o whence_o they_o first_o ascend_v and_o with_o a_o bless_a peace_n all_o strife_n be_v end_v now_o follow_v the_o speech_n speak_v to_o his_o majesty_n dread_a sovereign_n who_o royal_a presence_n do_v now_o again_o revive_v our_o once_o deject_a heart_n be_v overwhelm_v with_o sorrow_n for_o your_o majesty_n so_o long_a absence_n behold_v behold_v most_o royal_a sovereign_n how_o your_o loyal_a subject_n and_o well_o affect_a people_n triumph_v make_v such_o acclamation_n of_o joy_n as_o not_o only_o happy_a of_o your_o majesty_n return_n but_o safe_o return_v their_o heart_n hand_n and_o countenance_n speak_v that_o which_o their_o tongue_n be_v not_o able_a to_o express_v true_o subject_n be_v joyful_a whilst_o ill-affected_a traitor_n bulrush_n like_o bow_v down_o their_o head_n as_o be_v fearful_a to_o behold_v so_o sacred_a a_o majesty_n as_o your_o royal_a self_n who_o pious_a and_o religious_a action_n be_v no_o less_o than_o quotidian_a lector_n to_o be_v read_v to_o all_o christian_a prince_n abroad_o and_o a_o pattern_n to_o all_o your_o subject_n at_o home_n pompey_n be_v force_v to_o fly_v when_o mighty_a caesar_n once_o do_v come_v in_o place_n so_o let_v all_o your_o enemy_n fly_v and_o be_v consume_v before_o your_o sacred_a person_n welcome_o welcome_o dread_a sovereign_n upon_o which_o word_n shall_v my_o tongue_n for_o ever_o harp_n yet_o will_v my_o heart_n still_o confess_v that_o expression_n be_v want_v unto_o my_o loyal_a desire_n bless_a and_o for_o ever_o let_v they_o be_v happy_a those_o loyal_a and_o our_o well_o affect_a brethren_n the_o scot_n i_o mean_v which_o give_v so_o good_a entertainment_n to_o so_o royal_a a_o prince_n who_o reign_n your_o well-affected_a subject_n here_o present_a do_v pray_v to_o the_o heavenly_a jehovah_n who_o hither_o to_o have_v be_v your_o majesty_n protector_n and_o defender_n may_v be_v as_o long_o as_o happy_a which_o conjunction_n will_v prove_v a_o happy_a union_n so_o the_o great_a god_n of_o heaven_n bless_v your_o sacred_a majesty_n your_o royal_a consort_n and_o our_o most_o hopeful_a prince_n and_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o royal_a progeny_n with_o health_n peace_n and_o happiness_n in_o this_o world_n and_o eternal_a joy_n in_o the_o next_o in_o ovid_n metamorphosis_n i_o find_v taylor_n transform_v form_n and_o strange_a misshape_a shape_v of_o human_a transmutation_n from_o their_o kind_a to_o wolf_n to_o bear_n to_o dog_n to_o pie_n to_o ape_n yet_o these_o be_v but_o poetical_a escape_n or_o moralize_v of_o uxnat'rall_a deed_n to_o show_v that_o treason_n murder_n incest_n rape_n from_o bestial_a mind_n in_o human_a form_n proceed_v but_o through_o thy_o power_n which_o my_o poor_a muse_n inflame_v a_o great_a wonder_n be_v perform_v by_o i_o i_o have_v transform_v a_o boat_n from_o off_o the_o thames_n unto_o a_o horse_n to_o come_v to_o welcome_v thou_o and_o now_o thy_o gracious_a sight_n i_o do_v attain_v i_o will_v turn_v that_o horse_n into_o a_o boat_n again_o and_o all_o who_o thy_o return_n do_v not_o delight_n let_v they_o be_v hang_v and_o then_o they_o have_v their_o right_n finis_fw-la 2_o sam._n 19_o 41_o 42._o chap._n 20._o verse_n present_v to_o the_o king_n own_o hand_n by_o john_n taylor_n