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A New ballad shewing how a Prince of England loved the Kings daughter of France and how the Prince was disasterously slain, and how the aforesaid Princess was afterwards married to a forester : the tune is Crimson velvet.
Wing N572; ESTC R180893
a_o new_a ballad_n show_v how_o a_o prince_n of_o england_n love_v the_o king_n daughter_n of_o france_n and_o how_o the_o prince_n be_v disasterous_o slay_v and_o how_o the_o aforesaid_a princess_n be_v ââterwards_o marrâed_v to_o a_o forester_n the_o tune_n be_v crimson_a velvet_n henry_n the_o 5_o king_n of_o france_n and_o pole_n in_o the_o day_n of_o old_a when_o fair_a france_n do_v flourish_v story_n plain_o tell_v lover_n feel_v annoy_v the_o king_n a_o daughter_n have_v beauteous_a fair_a and_o lovely_a which_o make_v her_o father_n glad_a she_o be_v his_o only_a joy_n a_o prince_n of_o england_n come_v who_o deed_n do_v merit_v fame_n he_o woo_v she_o long_o and_o lo_o at_o last_o look_v what_o he_o do_v require_v she_o grant_v his_o desire_n their_o heart_n in_o one_o be_v link_v fast_o which_o when_o her_o father_n prove_v lord_n how_o he_o be_v move_v and_o torment_v in_o his_o mind_n he_o seek_v for_o to_o prevent_v they_o and_o to_o discontent_n they_o fortune_n cross_v lover_n kind_a when_o as_o these_o prince_n twain_o be_v thus_o bar_v of_o pleasure_n through_o the_o king_n disdain_n which_o their_o joy_n withstand_v the_o lady_n lock_v up_o close_o her_o jewel_n and_o her_o treasure_n have_v no_o remorse_n of_o state_n or_o royal_a blood_n in_o homely_a poor_a array_n she_o go_v from_o court_n away_o to_o meet_v her_o love_n and_o heart_n delight_v who_o in_o a_o forest_n great_a have_v take_v up_o his_o seat_n to_o wait_v her_o come_n in_o the_o night_n but_o lo_o what_o sudden_a danger_n to_o this_o princely_a stranger_n chance_v as_o he_o sit_v alone_o by_o outlaw_n he_o be_v rob_v and_o with_o poniard_n stab_v utter_v many_o a_o die_a groan_n the_o princess_n arrive_v by_o he_o and_o by_o true_a desire_n wander_v all_o that_o night_n without_o dread_n at_o all_o still_o unknown_a she_o pass_v in_o her_o strange_a attire_n come_v at_o the_o last_o within_o a_o echo_n call_v you_o fair_a wood_n quoth_v she_o honour_a may_v you_o be_v harbour_v my_o heart_n delight_n which_o do_v encompass_v here_o my_o joy_n and_o only_o dear_a my_o trusty_a friend_n and_o comely_a knight_n sweet_a i_o come_v unto_o thou_o sweet_a i_o come_v to_o woo_v thou_o that_o thou_o may_v not_o angry_a be_v for_o my_o long_a delay_n and_o thy_o courteous_a stay_n amends_o for_o all_o i_o will_v make_v to_o thou_o pass_v thus_o along_o through_o the_o silent_a forest_n many_o a_o grievous_a groan_n sound_v in_o her_o ear_n where_o she_o hear_v a_o man_n to_o lament_v the_o forest_n chance_n that_o ever_o come_v force_v by_o deadly_a strife_n farewell_o my_o dear_a quoth_v he_o who_o i_o shall_v never_o see_v for_o why_o my_o life_n be_v at_o a_o end_n for_o thy_o sweet_a sake_n i_o die_v through_o villain_n cruelty_n to_o show_v i_o be_o a_o faithful_a friend_n here_o lie_v i_o bleed_v while_o my_o thought_n be_v feed_v on_o the_o rare_a beauty_n find_v o_o hard_a hap_n that_o may_v be_v little_o know_v my_o lady_n my_o heart_n blood_n lie_v on_o the_o ground_n with_o that_o he_o give_v a_o groan_n that_o do_v break_v asunder_o all_o the_o tender_a string_n of_o his_o gentle_a heart_n she_o who_o know_v his_o voice_n at_o his_o tale_n do_v wonder_v all_o her_o former_a joy_n do_v to_o grief_n convert_v straight_o she_o run_v to_o see_v who_o this_o man_n shall_v be_v that_o so_o like_o her_o love_n do_v speak_v and_o find_v when_o as_o she_o come_v her_o lovely_a lord_n lie_v slay_v smear_v in_o blood_n which_o life_n do_v break_v which_o when_o that_o she_o espy_v lord_n how_o she_o cry_v her_o sorrow_n can_v not_o count_v be_v her_o eye_n like_o fountain_n run_v while_o she_o cry_v out_o my_o darling_n will_v god_n that_o i_o have_v dye_v for_o thou_o his_o pale_a lip_n alas_o twenty_o time_n she_o kiss_v and_o his_o face_n do_v wash_v with_o her_o brinish_a tear_n every_o bleed_a wound_n her_o fair_a face_n bedew_v wipe_v off_o the_o blood_n with_o her_o golden_a hair_n speak_v my_o love_n quoth_v she_o speak_v fair_a prince_n to_o i_o one_o sweet_a word_n of_o comfort_n give_v lift_v up_o thy_o fair_a eye_n listen_v to_o my_o cry_n think_v in_o what_o great_a grief_n i_o live_v all_o in_o vain_a she_o sue_v all_o in_o vain_a she_o woo_v the_o prince_n life_n be_v flee_v and_o go_v there_o stand_v she_o still_o mourn_a till_o the_o sun_n approach_v and_o bright_a day_n be_v come_v on_o the_o second_o part_n to_o the_o same_o tune_n in_o this_o great_a distress_n quoth_v this_o royal_a lady_n who_o can_v now_o express_v what_o will_v become_v of_o i_o to_o my_o father_n court_n never_o will_v i_o wander_v but_o some_o service_n seek_v where_o i_o may_v place_v be_v whilst_o she_o thus_o make_v her_o moan_n weep_v all_o alone_a in_o this_o deep_a and_o deadly_a fear_n a_o forester_n all_o in_o green_a most_o comely_a to_o be_v see_v range_v the_o wood_n do_v find_v she_o there_o round_o beset_v with_o sorrow_n maid_n quoth_v he_o good_a morrow_n what_o hard_a hap_n have_v bring_v you_o here_o hard_a hap_n do_v never_o chance_n to_o a_o maiden_n ever_o here_o lie_v slay_v my_o brother_n dear_a where_o may_v i_o be_v place_v gentle_a forester_n tell_v i_o where_o may_v i_o procure_v a_o service_n in_o my_o need_n pain_n will_v i_o not_o spare_v but_o will_v do_v my_o duty_n ease_v i_o of_o my_o care_n help_v my_o extreme_a need_n the_o forester_n all_o amaze_v on_o her_o beauty_n gaze_v till_o his_o heart_n be_v set_v on_o fire_n if_o fair_a maid_n quoth_v he_o you_o will_v go_v with_o i_o you_o shall_v have_v your_o heart_n desire_v he_o bring_v she_o to_o his_o mother_n and_o above_o all_o other_o he_o set_v forth_o this_o maiden_n praise_n long_o be_v his_o heart_n inflame_v at_o length_n her_o love_n he_o gain_v so_o fortune_n do_v his_o glory_n raise_v thus_o unknown_a he_o match_v with_o the_o king_n fair_a daughter_n child_n seven_o he_o have_v ere_o she_o to_o he_o be_v know_v but_o when_o he_o understand_v she_o be_v a_o royal_a princess_n by_o this_o mean_n at_o last_o he_o show_v forth_o her_o fame_n he_o clothe_v his_o child_n then_o not_o like_o to_o other_o man_n in_o party_n colour_n strange_a to_o see_v the_o right_a side_n cloth_n of_o gold_n the_o left_a side_n to_o behold_v of_o woollen_a cloth_n still_o frame_v he_o man_n thereat_o do_v wonder_n golden_a fame_n do_v thunder_v this_o strange_a deed_n in_o every_o place_n the_o king_n of_o france_n come_v thither_o be_v pleasant_a weather_n in_o these_o wood_n the_o hart_n to_o chase_v the_o child_n there_o do_v stand_v as_o their_o mother_n will_v where_o the_o royal_a king_n must_v of_o force_n come_v by_o their_o mother_n rich_o clad_v in_o fair_a crimson_a velvet_n their_o father_n all_o in_o grey_a most_o comely_a to_o the_o eye_n when_o this_o famous_a king_n note_v every_o thing_n do_v ask_v how_o he_o dare_v be_v so_o bold_a to_o let_v his_o wife_n to_o wear_v and_o deck_v his_o child_n there_o in_o costly_a robe_n of_o pearl_n and_o gold_n the_o forester_n bold_a reply_v and_o the_o cause_n descry_v and_o to_o the_o king_n he_o thus_o do_v say_v well_o may_v they_o by_o their_o mother_n wear_v rich_a clothes_n with_o other_o be_v by_o birth_n a_o princess_n bear_v the_o king_n upon_o these_o word_n more_o heedful_o behold_v they_o till_o a_o crimson_a blush_v his_o conceit_n do_v cross_v the_o more_o i_o look_v quoth_v he_o upon_o thy_o wife_n and_o child_n the_o more_o i_o call_v to_o mind_v that_o daughter_n who_o i_o lose_v i_o be_o that_o child_n quoth_v she_o fall_v on_o her_o knee_n pardon_v i_o my_o sovereign_a liege_n the_o king_n perceive_v this_o his_o daughter_n deer_n do_v kiss_v till_o joyful_a tear_n do_v stop_v his_o speech_n with_o his_o train_n he_o turn_v and_o with_o she_o sojourn_v straight_o he_o dube_v her_o husband_n kt._n he_o make_v he_o earl_n of_o flanders_n one_o of_o his_o chief_a commander_n thus_o be_v their_o sorrow_n put_v to_o flight_v print_v for_o f._n coles_n t._n vere_n and_o j._n wright_n