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The pretences of the French invasion examined for the information of the people of England
Lloyd, William, 1627-1717.; Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731.
Wing L2690; ESTC R20528
in_o that_o still_o keep_v it_o at_o a_o low_a ebb_n so_o that_o for_o the_o late_a king_n friend_n to_o expose_v the_o present_a government_n for_o this_o be_v like_o a_o conjurer_n complain_v of_o the_o storm_n he_o raise_v that_o ingenious_a history_n of_o bishop_n king_n be_v of_o the_o estate_n of_o the_o protestant_n in_o ireland_n under_o king_n james_n make_v it_o out_o that_o the_o late_a king_n fear_v and_o hate_v the_o increase_n of_o trade_n which_o make_v he_o use_v all_o mean_n to_o hinder_v it_o and_o all_o the_o world_n fee_n that_o no_o absolute_a monarch_n as_o he_o affect_v to_o be_v like_v that_o his_o subject_n shall_v grow_v rich_a by_o trade_n but_o our_o present_a king_n so_o soon_o as_o he_o can_v have_v peace_n will_v make_v it_o his_o first_o care_n to_o promote_v trade_n here_o as_o he_o do_v in_o the_o country_n he_o come_v from_o and_o even_o in_o the_o difficult_a time_n he_o have_v trade_n have_v be_v a_o great_a part_n of_o he_o and_o his_o parliament_n care_n final_o if_o man_n can_v remember_v the_o time_n that_o be_v so_o late_o pass_v when_o law_n and_o right_o be_v only_o the_o king_n pleasure_n dictate_v by_o mercenary_a judge_n when_o no_o party_n but_o the_o papist_n flourish_v when_o a_o general_a consternation_n have_v stop_v all_o business_n they_o can_v hope_v to_o be_v happy_a by_o his_o return_n who_o cause_v all_o these_o misery_n and_o they_o must_v expect_v now_o he_o have_v more_o perfect_o learned_a the_o french_a method_n of_o make_v a_o king_n the_o great_a of_o monarch_n by_o make_v his_o subject_n the_o vile_a of_o slave_n that_o he_o will_v practice_v it_o with_o great_a industry_n and_o application_n than_o ever_o to_o put_v it_o eternal_o out_o of_o his_o subject_n power_n to_o protect_v themselves_o again_o for_o oppress_v his_o people_n which_o be_v but_o expedient_a before_o will_v now_o be_v think_v absolute_o necessary_a so_o that_o nothing_o can_v be_v more_o improbable_a not_o to_o say_v impossible_a than_o for_o england_n to_o be_v happy_a under_o he_o that_o attempt_v to_o make_v her_o miserable_a without_o any_o provocation_n and_o must_v return_v with_o the_o same_o principle_n and_o design_n the_o same_o counsellor_n and_o interest_n he_o have_v before_o and_o with_o all_o the_o addition_n that_o revenge_n hatred_n and_o fear_n can_v make_v to_o a_o angry_a and_o implacable_a mind_n but_o it_o may_v be_v say_v his_o dear-bought_a experience_n of_o the_o ill_a success_n of_o these_o method_n will_v make_v he_o rule_v more_o moderate_o if_o he_o be_v restore_v to_o which_o i_o reply_v coelum_fw-la non_fw-la animum_fw-la mutat_fw-la the_o forecited_n book_n of_o bishop_n king_n demonstrate_v that_o after_o he_o have_v lose_v england_n and_o scotland_n and_o a_o great_a part_n of_o ireland_n upon_o his_o return_n thither_o from_o france_n he_o be_v more_o arbitrary_a and_o hard_a to_o his_o protestant_a obedient_a subject_n than_o ever_o he_o have_v be_v before_o even_o though_o it_o be_v against_o his_o visible_a interest_n and_o tend_v to_o disgust_v all_o the_o protestant_n who_o will_v have_v serve_v he_o there_o his_o declare_v himself_n papist_n at_o first_o here_o and_o all_o his_o action_n since_o show_v that_o he_o prefer_v his_o will_n and_o a_o obstinate_a pursue_v his_o own_o method_n far_o above_o his_o true_a interest_n whence_o it_o follow_v that_o we_o vain_o expect_v from_o one_o of_o his_o temper_n that_o either_o his_o past_a experience_n or_o his_o future_a interest_n shall_v teach_v he_o moderation_n any_o long_a than_o till_o he_o have_v power_n to_o oppress_v we_o and_o if_o he_o shall_v by_o a_o thousand_o promise_n or_o oath_n engage_v to_o rule_v by_o law_n his_o frequent_a breach_n of_o both_o have_v give_v we_o no_o reason_n to_o trust_v he_o and_o the_o religion_n he_o profess_v can_v so_o easy_o dispense_v with_o both_o that_o neither_o of_o they_o give_v we_o any_o security_n from_o that_o sort_n of_o obligation_n the_o interest_n of_o popery_n and_o france_n require_v he_o shall_v be_v absolute_a and_o his_o nature_n spur_v he_o on_o to_o it_o and_o nothing_o but_o fear_n can_v for_o a_o moment_n restrain_v he_o from_o be_v so_o what_o a_o shadow_n of_o a_o dream_n than_o must_v this_o be_v of_o protestant_a subject_n be_v happy_a under_o a_o bigoted_a popish_a prince_n of_o such_o a_o temper_n three_o whereas_o it_o be_v say_v we_o have_v change_v our_o old_a hereditary_a monarchy_n into_o one_o mere_o elective_a and_o by_o degree_n shall_v bring_v it_o to_o a_o commonwealth_n nor_o can_v any_o thing_n prevent_v this_o which_o will_v be_v of_o fatal_a consequence_n to_o the_o church_n but_o our_o restore_v the_o late_a king_n i_o answer_v the_o position_n be_v false_a and_o the_o consequence_n a_o mere_a shame_n the_o government_n of_o england_n always_o be_v and_o ever_o must_v be_v monarchical_a that_o twelve_o year_n when_o it_o be_v endeavour_v to_o make_v it_o otherwise_o convince_v all_o man_n that_o all_o project_n to_o the_o contrary_n must_v come_v to_o nothing_o as_o for_o this_o revolution_n it_o be_v not_o likely_a a_o parliament_n which_o make_v a_o entail_v of_o the_o crown_n in_o a_o lineal_a succession_n shall_v be_v for_o set_v up_o a_o commonwealth_n or_o alter_v the_o hereditary_a monarchy_n if_o it_o be_v allege_v there_o be_v a_o great_a breach_n as_o to_o the_o person_n of_o the_o reign_v king_n it_o be_v reply_v he_o himself_o make_v it_o and_o they_o do_v not_o make_v but_o find_v the_o throne_n void_a and_o there_o have_v be_v great_a breach_n since_o the_o conquest_n as_o to_o the_o true_a lineal_a succession_n and_o lay_v aside_o yea_o depose_v the_o reign_v king_n and_o set_v up_o his_o son_n or_o a_o remote_a person_n which_o indeed_o be_v a_o injury_n to_o the_o king_n so_o depose_v but_o still_o the_o monarchy_n be_v call_v and_o continue_v to_o be_v hereditary_a in_o our_o case_n the_o king_n desert_v we_o yea_o leave_v we_o without_o any_o government_n but_o we_o apply_v to_o his_o next_o certain_a heir_n with_o who_o at_o her_o request_n and_o for_o our_o safety_n and_o she_o by_o general_a consent_n a_o title_n be_v give_v to_o her_o husband_n and_o our_o deliverer_n but_o this_o only_a for_o life_n though_o he_o be_v much_o near_o in_o blood_n to_o the_o right_n of_o succession_n than_o either_o henry_n the_o four_o or_o henry_n the_o seven_o successive_o make_v king_n of_o england_n and_o the_o save_v the_o succession_n to_o the_o princess_n of_o denmark_n and_o her_o heir_n show_v how_o far_o that_o parliament_n be_v from_o design_v any_o such_o thing_n as_o a_o commonwealth_n we_o see_v philip_n of_o spain_n who_o have_v no_o title_n to_o be_v king_n of_o england_n but_o by_o his_o marriage_n with_o queen_n mary_n be_v make_v king_n at_o her_o request_n and_o in_o she_o right_o but_o he_o have_v not_o merit_v so_o much_o as_o our_o king_n and_o therefore_o his_o title_n be_v to_o cease_v at_o her_o death_n as_o for_o the_o prince_n of_o wales_n there_o be_v so_o clear_a indication_n of_o his_o birth_n be_v a_o imposture_n and_o the_o design_n of_o form_v that_o project_n be_v so_o know_v to_o be_v revenge_n on_o the_o princess_n for_o adhere_v to_o their_o religion_n and_o to_o get_v more_o time_n to_o force_v popery_n and_o slavery_n upon_o we_o yea_o his_o health_n and_o strength_n make_v it_o so_o unlikely_a he_o shall_v proceed_v from_o such_o crazy_a parent_n that_o till_o the_o party_n concern_v prove_v the_o affirmative_a by_o better_a witness_n and_o clear_a evidence_n and_o the_o people_n of_o england_n in_o parliament_n own_o he_o for_o the_o heir_n we_o need_v not_o go_v about_o the_o unreasonable_a task_n of_o prove_v a_o negative_a wherefore_o since_o the_o breach_n in_o the_o succession_n be_v the_o late_a king_n be_v own_o act_n and_o only_o concern_v his_o person_n and_o a_o suppose_a unknown_a heir_n we_o be_v not_o to_o answer_v for_o that_o and_o consider_v the_o hurry_n his_o unexpected_a desertion_n put_v all_o thing_n in_o and_o the_o absolute_a necessity_n of_o a_o speedy_a settlement_n the_o friend_n of_o the_o old_a english_a monarchy_n have_v just_a cause_n to_o rejoice_v it_o be_v make_v so_o near_o the_o old_a foundation_n with_o a_o small_a and_o only_o temporary_a variation_n from_o it_o which_o be_v also_o absolute_o necessary_a in_o that_o juncture_n of_o affair_n and_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o there_o be_v many_o of_o the_o best_a quality_n and_o interest_n who_o hate_v the_o notion_n of_o a_o commonwealth_n in_o england_n and_o love_v monarchy_n as_o well_o as_o any_o of_o the_o late_a king_n abettor_n who_o free_o consent_v and_o firm_o adhere_v to_o this_o establishment_n if_o it_o be_v object_v that_o king_n william_n be_v breed_v up_o in_o a_o commonwealth_n and_o incline_v to_o
find_v and_o keep_v in_o possession_n of_o all_o its_o right_n as_o his_o duty_n and_o oath_n oblige_v he_o yet_o so_o as_o the_o dissenter_n have_v ease_n and_o every_o thing_n but_o empire_n which_o from_o a_o prudent_a king_n of_o england_n they_o can_v never_o expect_v be_v not_o only_o a_o less_o part_n of_o the_o nation_n but_o so_o divide_v among_o themselves_o that_o nothing_o can_v please_v all_o party_n of_o they_o and_o therefore_o freedom_n to_o worship_n in_o their_o several_a way_n be_v all_o the_o favour_n they_o can_v be_v capable_a of_o in_o the_o best_a time_n and_o so_o they_o be_v most_o unreasonable_a to_o hope_v for_o more_o now_o beside_o let_v it_o be_v consider_v that_o our_o king_n be_v not_o only_o the_o head_n and_o protector_n of_o the_o protestant_n of_o england_n but_o of_o all_o the_o reform_a church_n in_o europe_n and_o the_o french_a king_n the_o main_a wheel_n in_o this_o design_a restauration_n be_v so_o mortal_a a_o enemy_n to_o the_o whole_a reformation_n that_o he_o desperate_o weaken_a himself_o and_o banish_v 30000_o family_n of_o useful_a subject_n only_o to_o root_v the_o whole_a profession_n out_o of_o his_o own_o dominion_n and_o now_o can_v any_o rational_o pretend_v this_o present_a king_n will_v destroy_v the_o english_a church_n or_o the_o french-persecutor_n and_o his_o client_n the_o late_a king_n of_o england_n uphold_v it_o my_o dear_a brethren_n and_o countryman_n do_v not_o so_o infamous_o abuse_v yourselves_o to_o believe_v so_o incredible_a a_o fiction_n so_o manifest_a a_o cheat_n alas_o all_o these_o good_a word_n be_v only_o to_o lull_v you_o asleep_o till_o you_o at_o the_o peril_n of_o your_o neck_n get_v he_o power_n enough_o to_o extirpate_v you_o and_o your_o religion_n also_o i_o doubt_v not_o but_o for_o a_o while_o he_o will_v maintain_v the_o establish_a church_n and_o renew_v his_o indulgence_n because_o he_o can_v get_v foot_v no_o other_o way_n but_o it_o be_v easy_a to_o foresee_v how_o short-lived_a all_o these_o sham-favour_n will_v be_v they_o spring_v from_o fear_n and_o desire_v of_o opportunity_n to_o be_v revenge_v and_o so_o soon_o as_o ever_o the_o fear_n cease_v and_o that_o opportunity_n come_v he_o will_v most_o certain_o kick_v down_o the_o ladder_n by_o which_o he_o ascend_v and_o pull_v off_o the_o mask_n appear_v what_o he_o be_v in_o his_o nature_n and_o principle_n and_o not_o what_o his_o necessity_n have_v make_v he_o seem_v to_o be_v so_o that_o if_o this_o disguise_n be_v credit_v the_o person_n impose_v on_o will_n and_o must_v pay_v for_o their_o credulity_n with_o the_o woeful_a price_n of_o help_v to_o destroy_v the_o most_o pure_a and_o flourish_a church_n in_o the_o world_n in_o assist_v to_o reinstate_v he_o and_o fight_v for_o he_o they_o fight_v against_o their_o own_o religion_n which_o the_o primitive_a christian_n for_o all_o their_o heroic_a loyalty_n will_v not_o do_v and_o which_o no_o man_n ought_v to_o do_v either_o for_o interest_n or_o revenge_n for_o my_o part_n i_o think_v true_a religion_n so_o far_o above_o all_o worldly_a concern_v and_o the_o preservation_n of_o it_o so_o principal_a a_o advantage_n of_o government_n that_o the_o prince_n who_o will_v certain_o suppress_v that_o must_v be_v more_o intolerable_a than_o he_o that_o will_v take_v away_o my_o liberty_n estate_n or_o my_o life_n and_o it_o must_v be_v a_o damnable_a sin_n in_o i_o to_o assist_v he_o in_o it_o or_o put_v he_o into_o a_o capacity_n to_o do_v it_o no_o oath_n or_o allegiance_n can_v bind_v i_o to_o this_o it_o may_v oblige_v i_o to_o suffer_v but_o not_o to_o act_v for_o such_o a_o design_n wherefore_o for_o shame_n let_v his_o irish_a and_o english_a popish_a subject_n alone_o carry_v on_o this_o impious_a design_n who_o can_v only_o hope_v for_o advantage_n by_o his_o restauration_n and_o who_o be_v only_o bind_v in_o conscience_n to_o help_v he_o neuter_n we_o must_v stand_v at_o least_o and_o that_o will_v suffice_v to_o show_v how_o contemptible_a a_o party_n that_o be_v which_o must_v be_v set_v up_o on_o the_o nation_n ruin_n and_o how_o impossible_a it_o be_v for_o he_o to_o cut_v down_o the_o protestant_a religion_n in_o england_n without_o borrow_v a_o handle_n from_o the_o tree_n he_o will_v fell_v take_v warning_n by_o what_o be_v past_a and_o what_o must_v be_v the_o inevitable_a consequence_n of_o your_o desert_v this_o king_n or_o assist_v the_o late_a prince_n even_o the_o ruin_n of_o this_o most_o famous_a church_n of_o england_n and_o the_o endanger_v the_o whole_a estate_n of_o protestantism_n through_o all_o europe_n in_o vain_a will_v you_o complain_v of_o this_o consequence_n when_o it_o be_v too_o late_o to_o remedy_v it_o your_o gild_n shame_n and_o sorrow_n will_v then_o only_o remain_v for_o have_v have_v a_o hand_n in_o so_o deplorable_a a_o mischief_n for_o my_o part_n i_o have_v deliver_v my_o own_o soul_n and_o give_v you_o fair_a warning_n god_n of_o his_o infinite_a mercy_n open_v your_o eye_n in_o time_n and_o grant_v you_o a_o right_a judgement_n in_o this_o and_o in_o all_o thing_n finis_fw-la