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A letter from a Protestant of integrity to a principal peer of the realm now sitting in Parliament by way of animadversion on a letter from a person of quality to the same peer of the realm : occasioned by the present debate upon the penal laws.
C. D.
Wing D53; ESTC R26472
throughout_o his_o whole_a book_n as_o if_o they_o only_o be_v his_o antagonist_n my_o lord_n i_o be_o not_o advocate_n for_o the_o presbyterian_o the_o chief_a unhappy_a decline_a party_n among_o we_o yet_o i_o can_v in_o retire_a and_o serious_a thought_n but_o wish_v the_o present_a violence_n and_o contempt_n pour_v on_o they_o may_v be_v find_v to_o redound_v to_o the_o honour_n and_o good_a of_o our_o king_n and_o kingdom_n whatsoever_o transcendent_a power_n over_o king_n and_o state_n some_o ambitious_a man_n clothe_v with_o that_o appellation_n may_v pursue_v we_o can_v deny_v the_o generality_n of_o that_o party_n to_o have_v do_v his_o majesty_n most_o eminent_a service_n and_o be_v they_o as_o conformable_a in_o their_o ecclesiastic_n as_o they_o be_v sound_a in_o their_o politic_n they_o will_v be_v rank_v among_o the_o best_a most_o learned_a and_o serious_o pious_a of_o his_o majesty_n subject_n to_o give_v they_o their_o due_n which_o we_o say_v must_v not_o be_v deny_v to_o the_o devil_n i_o find_v crofton_n himself_o who_o be_v deem_v the_o most_o violent_a of_o they_o in_o the_o very_a book_n for_o which_o he_o now_o suffer_v so_o full_o and_o plain_o to_o assert_v his_o majesty_n supremacy_n immunity_n from_o all_o humane_a condition_n as_o to_o his_o subject_n allegiance_n and_o co-action_n and_o so_o full_o square_a in_o all_o his_o politic_n that_o i_o can_v but_o question_v the_o prudence_n not_o to_o say_v the_o justice_n of_o his_o so_o long_a and_o severe_a durance_n but_o my_o lord_n let_v these_o man_n be_v what_o they_o will_v i_o be_o sure_a the_o presbyterian_o lose_v not_o nor_o do_v our_o church_n gain_v by_o these_o and_o the_o like_a rage_a reproach_n represent_v they_o the_o only_a protestant_n as_o if_o our_o prelatical_a clergy_n be_v as_o they_o be_v suspect_v to_o be_v the_o fast_a friend_n to_o papacy_n and_o roman_a catholic_n sure_o my_o lord_n this_o person_n of_o quality_n never_o hear_v of_o cranmer_n bancroft_n hall_n moreton_n usher_n davenant_n downam_n and_o many_o other_o prelate_n who_o be_v anti-presbyter_n and_o yet_o by_o pen_n and_o pulpit_n press_v no_o peace_n with_o rome_n it_o be_v sir_n the_o strength_n of_o schism_n to_o suggest_v and_o give_v man_n cause_n to_o suppose_v our_o suppression_n thereof_o be_v the_o strike_a hand_n with_o superstition_n my_o lord_n when_o presbyter_n be_v out_o of_o play_n i_o hope_v the_o papist_n shall_v find_v the_o protestant_n spirit_n abide_v on_o the_o prelate_n and_o clergy_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n who_o will_v not_o cease_v from_o their_o pulpit_n and_o press_n to_o declare_v that_o papist_n or_o roman_a catholic_n qua_fw-la tale_n believe_v and_o affirm_v no_o faith_n be_v to_o be_v keep_v with_o heretic_n as_o they_o account_v all_o protestant_n that_o the_o pope_n be_v in_o all_o thing_n to_o be_v obey_v as_o a_o power_n absolute_a and_o infallible_a that_o the_o pope_n may_v and_o can_v dispense_v with_o and_o absolve_v all_o oath_n civil_a or_o religious_a obligation_n the_o very_a sinew_n of_o humane_a society_n that_o he_o be_v christ_n vicar_n and_o as_o such_o have_v the_o universal_a power_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o the_o earth_n and_o may_v give_v they_o to_o who_o he_o will_v that_o the_o pope_n excommunication_n discharge_v all_o natural_a and_o civil_a relation_n and_o the_o duty_n thereof_o absolve_v the_o subject_n from_o allegiance_n to_o their_o lawful_a and_o natural_a prince_n warrant_v the_o subject_n rebellion_n or_o neighbour_n invasion_n and_o usurpation_n that_o the_o pope_n may_v pardân_v a_o impiety_n plââ¦ed_v before_o it_o be_v perpetrate_v as_o he_o do_v to_o the_o monk_n which_o poison_a king_n john_n and_o the_o conspirator_n in_o the_o gunpowder_n treason_n against_o king_n james_n all_o which_o must_v be_v most_o serious_o abjure_v without_o a_o popish_a mental_a reservation_n before_o this_o advocate_n security_n that_o the_o pope_n himself_o shall_v never_o be_v able_a to_o withdraw_v his_o client_n from_o their_o allegiance_n to_o his_o sacred_a majesty_n can_v he_o take_v or_o of_o force_n be_v altogether_o insociable_a and_o can_v live_v with_o we_o or_o any_o protestant_n with_o the_o safety_n of_o humane_a society_n which_o be_v more_o than_o jar_n and_o tumult_n and_o if_o my_o lord_n roman_n catholic_n be_v find_v to_o be_v brat_n of_o babylon_n and_o child_n of_o antichrist_n believe_v and_o practise_v damnable_a doctrine_n and_o deceive_v unto_o the_o destruction_n of_o such_o as_o drink_v their_o poison_n from_o who_o the_o elect_a of_o god_n have_v their_o name_n write_v in_o the_o book_n of_o life_n be_v require_v to_o depart_v they_o will_v not_o fear_v to_o affirm_v that_o to_o give_v they_o the_o least_o connivance_n be_v no_o less_o than_o damnable_a for_o our_o church_n know_v no_o venial_a sin_n and_o yet_o acquit_v themselves_o from_o the_o charge_n of_o gall_n spleen_n madness_n turbulence_n extravagant_a heat_n indiscreet_a and_o hair-brained_n zeal_n and_o the_o like_a epithet_n frame_v out_o by_o this_o supplicant_n who_o wisdom_n it_o have_v be_v by_o soft_a word_n and_o strong_a reason_n to_o convince_v man_n judgement_n and_o persuade_v the_o indulgence_n of_o his_o party_n in_o who_o behalf_n he_o pass_v from_o his_o passion_n to_o offer_v something_o to_o salve_v the_o insolvible_a objection_n against_o their_o defired_a liberty_n his_o first_o answer_n be_v my_o lord_n according_a to_o the_o subtlety_n of_o the_o man_n of_o sin_n urge_v with_o a_o double_a sophism_n refer_v we_o for_o the_o demonstration_n of_o the_o papist_n sociabilty_n unto_o the_o time_n and_o place_n where_o and_o when_o popery_n be_v predominate_a and_o bauk_v their_o barbarous_a cruelty_n witness_v by_o the_o bloody_a and_o inhuman_a persecution_n of_o those_o few_o martyr_n those_o dark_a time_n afford_v he_o have_v the_o confidence_n to_o tell_v your_o lordship_n that_o from_o the_o saxon_n to_o king_n edward_n the_o six_o to_o be_v a_o roman_n catholic_n be_v never_o a_o bar_n to_o loyalty_n obedience_n to_o civil_a government_n nor_o can_v any_o deny_v but_o that_o france_n spain_n italy_n the_o empire_n and_o poland_n have_v ever_o account_v and_o do_v still_o he_o as_o the_o best_a subject_n and_o least_o dangerous_a to_o the_o civil_a state_n who_o be_v best_a affect_v to_o that_o religion_n my_o lord_n this_o advocate_n deal_v wise_o to_o appeal_v to_o those_o time_n and_o place_n in_o which_o the_o ignorant_a devotion_n to_o s._n peter_n key_n or_o awful_a dread_n of_o s._n paul_n sword_n make_v prince_n themselves_o most_o slavish_a vassal_n to_o the_o papacy_n to_o take_v their_o crown_n at_o the_o pope_n courtesy_n and_o let_v his_o holiness_n kick_v they_o off_o at_o his_o will_n to_o dance_v attendance_n at_o the_o gate_n of_o canusium_n or_o suffer_v themselves_o to_o be_v whip_v at_o canterbury_n or_o his_o holiness_n to_o tread_v on_o their_o royal_a neck_n and_o give_v their_o crown_n to_o who_o he_o please_v in_o which_o case_n they_o dare_v not_o but_o deem_v the_o people_n affection_n to_o that_o power_n to_o which_o themselves_o swear_v allegiance_n to_o be_v the_o best_a mark_n of_o loyalty_n the_o very_a thought_n to_o the_o contrary_n be_v a_o heresy_n worthy_a the_o pope_n curse_n and_o loss_n of_o their_o crown_n but_o my_o lord_n one_o instance_n of_o a_o prince_n full_o free_v from_o this_o tyrannical_a yoke_n will_v be_v much_o more_o convince_a but_o my_o lord_n this_o suppliant_a be_v sure_a a_o stranger_n to_o the_o base_a and_o barbarous_a usage_n of_o the_o emperor_n henrious_a the_o four_o and_o five_o fredericus_fw-la barbarossa_n and_o fredericus_fw-la secundus_fw-la childericus_fw-la king_n of_o france_n our_o own_o william_n rufus_n king_n john_n king_n henry_n the_o second_o and_o other_o with_o the_o commotion_n perturbation_n invasion_n usurpation_n and_o rebellion_n against_o they_o and_o many_o other_o prince_n make_v by_o and_o upon_o a_o blind_a obedience_n of_o the_o roman_a catholic_n at_o the_o command_n of_o their_o holy_a father_n the_o pope_n or_o think_v he_o the_o sound_n here_o of_o never_o reach_v to_o england_n or_o will_v he_o have_v pipinus_fw-la rodulphus_fw-la anselm_n thomas_n becket_n and_o the_o clergy_n under_o henry_n the_o eight_o account_v most_o sociable_a man_n and_o loyal_a subject_n that_o he_o can_v with_o this_o confidence_n affirm_v that_o from_o the_o saxon_n time_n unto_o king_n edward_n the_o fixth_n to_o be_v a_o roman_n catholic_n be_v the_o best_a mark_n of_o loyalty_n without_o doubt_n he_o hope_v that_o on_o the_o repeal_n of_o the_o pepal_n law_n against_o the_o papist_n the_o statute_n of_o the_o submission_n of_o the_o clergy_n will_v meet_v with_o cvi_fw-la index_n expurgatorius_fw-la and_o that_o monument_n of_o roman_n catholic_n disloyalty_n be_v quite_o obliterated_a my_o lord_n i_o wonder_v not_o so_o much_o to_o observe_v this_o person_n of_o quality_n to_o be_v