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A short vievv of the long life and raigne of Henry the Third, King of England presented to King Iames.
Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631.
STC 5864; ESTC S302
a_o short_a view_n of_o the_o long_a life_n and_o reign_n of_o henry_n the_o three_o king_n of_o england_n present_v to_o king_n james_n print_a mdcxxuii_o henricus_fw-la iii_o d._n g._n rex_fw-la angelo_fw-mi dux_n acquit_v etc_fw-la dom_fw-la hib_n a_o short_a view_n of_o the_o long_a reign_n of_o henry_n the_o three_o weary_v with_o the_o linger_a calamity_n of_o civil_a arm_n and_o affright_v at_o the_o sudden_a fall_n of_o a_o licentious_a sovereign_n all_o man_n stand_v at_o gaze_n expect_v the_o event_n of_o their_o long_a desire_n peace_n and_o issue_n of_o their_o new_a hope_n benefit_n for_o in_o every_o shift_n of_o prince_n there_o be_v few_o either_o so_o mean_a or_o modest_a that_o please_v not_o themselves_o with_o some_o probable_a object_n of_o preferment_n to_o satisfy_v all_o paris_n a_o child_n ascend_v the_o throne_n mild_a and_o gracious_a but_o easy_a of_o nature_n who_o innocency_n and_o natural_a goodness_n lead_v he_o safe_a along_o the_o various_a danger_n of_o his_o father_n reign_n happy_a be_v he_o in_o his_o uncle_n the_o earl_n of_o pembroke_n the_o guide_n of_o his_o infancy_n and_o no_o less_o than_o for_o thirty_o year_n after_o whilst_o de_n burgo_n that_o fast_o servant_n of_o his_o father_n against_o the_o french_a both_o in_o normandy_n and_o england_n with_o bygod_n earl_n of_o norfolk_n and_o other_o of_o like_a gravity_n and_o experience_n do_v manage_v the_o affair_n few_o and_o no_o other_o be_v the_o distemper_n then_o in_o state_n but_o such_o as_o be_v incident_a to_o all_o the_o commons_o greedy_a of_o liberty_n and_o the_o nobility_n of_o rule_n maior_fw-la and_o but_o one_o violent_a storm_n raise_v by_o some_o old_a and_o constant_a follower_n of_o his_o father_n fulco_n de_fw-fr brent_n de_fw-fr fortibus_fw-la and_o other_o man_n that_o can_v only_o thrive_v by_o the_o war_n mislike_v those_o day_n of_o sloth_n for_o so_o they_o term_v that_o calm_a of_o king_n henry_n government_n and_o the_o rather_o because_o the_o justice_n of_o quiet_a time_n urge_v from_o they_o to_o the_o lawful_a owner_n such_o land_n and_o castle_n as_o the_o fury_n of_o war_n have_v unjust_o give_v they_o for_o find_v in_o the_o uprightness_n of_o the_o king_n that_o power_n of_o protection_n shall_v not_o be_v make_v a_o wrong_a doer_n they_o fall_v out_o into_o that_o rebellion_n that_o with_o it_o albani_n end_v their_o life_n and_o competitor_n profess_v that_o those_o their_o sword_n that_o have_v set_v the_o crown_n upon_o their_o sovereign_n head_n when_o neither_o majesty_n nor_o law_n can_v shall_v now_o secure_v those_o small_a pittance_n to_o their_o master_n when_o majesty_n or_o law_n will_v not_o dangerous_a be_v too_o great_a benefit_n of_o subject_n to_o their_o prince_n when_o it_o make_v the_o mind_n only_o capable_a of_o merit_n nothing_o of_o duty_n no_o other_o disquiet_n do_v the_o state_n after_o this_o feel_v but_o such_o as_o be_v incident_a in_o all_o the_o malice_n to_o authority_n good_a and_o great_a man_n may_v secure_v themselves_o from_o guilt_n but_o not_o from_o envy_n for_o the_o great_a in_o trust_n of_o public_a affair_n be_v still_o shoot_v at_o by_o the_o aspire_a of_o those_o that_o deem_v themselves_o less_o in_o employment_n than_o they_o be_v in_o merit_n these_o vapour_n do_v ever_o and_o easy_o vanish_v so_o long_o as_o the_o helm_n be_v guide_v by_o temperate_a spirit_n and_o the_o king_n tie_v his_o action_n to_o the_o rule_n of_o good_a counsel_n and_o not_o to_o young_a passionate_a or_o single_a advice_n thirty_o year_n now_o pass_v wallingford_n and_o all_o the_o old_a guide_n of_o his_o youth_n now_o dead_a but_o the_o burgo_n a_o man_n in_o who_o nothing_o of_o worth_n be_v want_v but_o moderation_n who_o length_n of_o day_n give_v he_o the_o advantage_n of_o sole_a power_n his_o own_o ambition_n and_o age_n give_v he_o desire_n and_o art_n to_o keep_v out_o other_o which_o wrought_v he_o into_o the_o fatal_a envy_n of_o most_o and_o that_o increase_v in_o the_o title_n of_o earl_n &_o great_a office_n the_o king_n then_o give_v he_o time_n by_o this_o have_v wrought_v as_o in_o itself_o so_o in_o the_o heart_n of_o the_o people_n a_o revolution_n the_o affliction_n of_o their_o father_n forget_v and_o the_o surfeit_n of_o long_a peace_n perchance_o have_v let_v in_o some_o abuse_n from_o hence_o the_o commons_o to_o who_o day_n present_v seem_v ever_o worst_a commend_v the_o forgo_a age_n they_o never_o remember_v and_o condemn_v the_o present_a though_o they_o know_v neither_o the_o disease_n thereof_o nor_o the_o remedy_n litchfield_n to_o these_o idle_a and_o usual_a humour_n fall_v in_o some_o of_o the_o young_a and_o noble_a spirit_n warm_a and_o overweening_a who_o be_v as_o true_o ignorant_a as_o the_o rest_n first_o by_o sully_v the_o wisdom_n of_o the_o present_a and_o great_a ruler_n make_v each_o casual_a mishap_n their_o error_n seem_v to_o decipher_v every_o blemish_n in_o government_n and_o then_o by_o hold_v certain_a imaginary_a and_o fantastic_a form_n of_o common_a wealth_n flatter_v their_o own_o belief_n and_o ability_n that_o they_o can_v mould_n any_o state_n to_o these_o general_a rule_n which_o in_o particular_a application_n will_v prove_v idle_a and_o gross_a absurdity_n next_o confirm_v in_o their_o own_o worth_n by_o sommery_n and_o spencer_n coveâ_n they_o take_v it_o a_o fit_a time_n to_o work_v themselves_o into_o action_n and_o employment_n a_o thing_n they_o have_v long_o desire_v and_o now_o though_o unwilling_a to_o seem_v so_o do_v sue_v for_o and_o doubtless_o the_o further_a of_o their_o aim_n be_v yet_o to_o become_v quiet_a instrument_n in_o serve_v the_o state_n if_o they_o have_v be_v then_o hold_v fit_a and_o worthy_a but_o the_o king_n teach_v by_o the_o new_a earl_n that_o consilia_fw-la senum_fw-la hastas_fw-la juvenum_fw-la esse_fw-la and_o that_o such_o wit_n for_o so_o they_o will_v be_v style_v be_v novandis_fw-la quam_fw-la gerendis_fw-la rebus_fw-la aptiores_fw-la fit_a in_o be_v factious_a to_o disorder_n then_o to_o settle_v affair_n either_o deny_v or_o delay_v their_o desire_n for_o wise_a prince_n will_v ever_o choose_v their_o instrument_n parnegotijs_fw-la and_o not_o supra_fw-la creature_n out_o of_o mere_a election_n that_o be_v only_o they_o otherwise_o without_o friend_n or_o power_n among_o this_o unequal_a medley_n there_o be_v of_o the_o nobility_n minor_fw-la richard_n earl_n of_o pembroke_n gloucester_n and_o hartford_n darling_n of_o the_o multitude_n some_o for_o the_o merit_n of_o their_o father_n who_o memory_n they_o hold_v sacred_a as_o pillar_n of_o public_a liberty_n and_o opposer_n of_o encroach_a monarchy_n at_o runemeed_n the_o army_n meet_v and_o of_o the_o gentry_n peââavien_v fitz-geffeâry_a bardolph_n grisley_n maunsell_n and_o fitz-iohn_n spirit_n of_o as_o much_o acrimony_n and_o arrogant_a spleen_n as_o the_o place_n from_o whence_o they_o be_v elect_v camp_n court_n or_o country_n can_v afford_v any_o these_o by_o force_n will_v effect_v what_o the_o other_o do_v affect_v by_o cunning_a but_o all_o impatient_a to_o see_v their_o end_n thus_o frustrate_a and_o that_o so_o long_o as_o the_o king_n follow_v the_o direction_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o kent_n they_o have_v small_a hope_n of_o their_o desire_n they_o make_v often_o meeting_n paris_n and_o as_o one_o say_v of_o they_o clam_n &_o nocturnis_fw-la colloqujs_fw-la aut_fw-la flexum_fw-la in_o vesperum_fw-la die_fw-la in_o the_o end_n sommery_n and_o spencer_n two_o that_o be_v far_o in_o opinion_n with_o the_o rest_n gentleman_n by_o foreign_a education_n and_o employment_n more_o qualify_v then_o usual_o man_n of_o these_o time_n and_o that_o set_v upon_o their_o own_o desert_n the_o best_a place_n when_o the_o stream_n shall_v turn_v which_o one_o of_o they_o spencer_n do_v unworthy_o obtain_v for_o he_o die_v in_o actual_a rebellion_n justiciarius_fw-la angliae_fw-la against_o his_o master_n advise_v that_o the_o best_a mean_n to_o remove_v that_o great_a and_o good_a obstackle_n the_o earl_n of_o kent_n out_o of_o the_o way_n of_o their_o advancement_n be_v by_o sift_v into_o his_o action_n and_o side_v with_o his_o opposite_a peter_n bishop_n of_o winchester_n a_o ill_a man_n but_o gracious_a with_o the_o king_n make_v still_o their_o end_n that_o the_o worthy_a be_v drive_v out_o by_o the_o worst_a they_o shall_v either_o be_v able_a to_o mate_v he_o with_o his_o own_o vice_n which_o will_v be_v ever_o more_o visible_a as_o he_o be_v more_o potent_a and_o so_o remove_v he_o at_o pleasure_n or_o else_o give_v over_o the_o king_n to_o such_o minister_n to_o their_o bad_a desire_n as_o lose_v he_o the_o heart_n of_o his_o people_n may_v smooth_v they_o away_o to_o their_o bad_a desire_n honour_n quos_fw-la quieta_fw-la republica_n desperant_fw-la prima_fw-la perturbata_fw-la consequi_fw-la se_fw-la posse_fw-la arbitrantur_fw-la this_o counsel_n hear_v approve_a and_o put_v
in_o practice_n the_o corrupt_a and_o ambitious_a bishop_n be_v easy_o ensnare_v to_o their_o part_n by_o money_n and_o opinion_n of_o increase_n of_o power_n article_n be_v in_o all_o have_v forge_v and_o urge_v against_o the_o earl_n albanâ_n as_o sale_n of_o crown_n land_n waste_v of_o the_o king_n treasure_n and_o last_o that_o which_o these_o doubtful_a time_n hold_v capital_a his_o give_a allowance_n to_o any_o thing_n that_o may_v breed_v a_o rupture_n between_o the_o sovereign_n and_o the_o subject_n as_o he_o have_v do_v in_o make_v way_n with_o the_o king_n to_o annihilate_v all_o patent_n grant_v in_o his_o nonage_n albani_fw-la and_o enforce_v the_o subject_n to_o pay_v as_o the_o record_n say_v non_fw-la juxta_fw-la singulorum_fw-la facultatem_fw-la sed_fw-la quicquid_fw-la justiciarius_fw-la estimabat_fw-la well_o he_o clear_v himself_o of_o all_o but_o the_o last_o and_o do_v worthy_o perish_v by_o it_o for_o art_n that_o fill_v prince_n coffer_n be_v ever_o the_o ruin_n of_o their_o first_o inventor_n bad_a time_n corrupt_v good_a counsel_n and_o make_v the_o best_a minister_n yield_v to_o the_o lust_n of_o prince_n therefore_o this_o king_n can_v pass_v blameless_a that_o will_v so_o easy_o blemish_v all_o former_a merit_n of_o so_o good_a a_o servant_n for_o that_o wherein_o himself_o be_v chief_a in_o fault_n but_o prince_n nature_n be_v more_o variable_a and_o soon_o cloy_v than_o other_o more_o transitory_a their_o favour_n and_o as_o their_o mind_n be_v large_a so_o they_o easy_o over_o look_v their_o first_o election_n tie_v their_o affection_n no_o further_o than_o their_o own_o satisfaction_n the_o bishop_n now_o alone_o manage_v the_o state_n choose_v his_o chief_a instrument_n peter_n de_fw-fr rivallis_n a_o man_n like_o himself_o displace_v the_o native_n and_o draw_v poictoin_n and_o briton_n into_o office_n of_o best_a trust_n and_o benefit_n and_o the_o king_n into_o a_o evil_a opinion_n of_o his_o people_n for_o nothing_o be_v more_o against_o the_o nature_n of_o the_o english_a then_o to_o have_v stranger_n rule_v over_o they_o of_o this_o man_n time_n wendover_n a_o author_n then_o live_v say_v juditia_fw-la committunter_n injustis_fw-la leges_fw-la ex_fw-la legibus_fw-la pax_fw-la discordantibus_fw-la justitia_fw-la iniuriosis_fw-la thus_o the_o plot_n of_o the_o tumultuous_a baron_n go_v clear_a and_o have_v not_o the_o discreet_a bishop_n calm_v all_o by_o dutiful_a persuasion_n roffen_n ely_n and_o inform_v the_o king_n that_o the_o support_n of_o this_o bold_a man_n power_n who_o carriage_n before_o have_v lose_v his_o father_n normandy_n the_o love_n of_o his_o people_n and_o in_o that_o his_o crown_n will_v by_o teach_v the_o son_n to_o reject_v in_o passion_n the_o just_a petition_n of_o his_o loyal_a subject_n as_o of_o late_a the_o earl_n of_o pembroke_n his_o earl_n martial_n of_o england_n the_o due_a of_o his_o office_n drive_v all_o the_o state_n into_o discontent_n by_o his_o bad_a advice_n and_o corrupt_a manner_n doubtless_o the_o rebellious_a lord_n have_v end_v this_o distemper_n as_o their_o design_n be_v in_o a_o civil_a war_n denial_n from_o prince_n must_v be_v supply_v with_o gracious_a usage_n that_o though_o they_o cure_v not_o the_o sore_n yet_o they_o may_v abate_v the_o sense_n of_o it_o but_o best_o it_o be_v that_o all_o favour_n come_v direct_o from_o themselves_o denial_n and_o thing_n of_o bitterness_n from_o their_o minister_n thus_o be_v the_o stranger_n all_o displace_v and_o banish_v rivallis_n extortion_n ransack_v hall_n by_o many_o strict_a commission_n of_o enquiry_n the_o bishop_n send_v away_o disgrace_v find_v now_o that_o nulla_fw-la quae_fw-la sita_fw-la scelere_fw-la potentia_fw-la diuturna_fw-la and_o that_o in_o prince_n favour_n there_o be_v no_o subsistence_n between_o the_o high_a of_o all_o and_o precipitation_n the_o lord_n still_o frustrate_a of_o their_o malicious_a end_n begin_v to_o sow_v of_o these_o late_a ground_n of_o the_o people_n discontent_n querelas_fw-la &_o ambiguos_fw-la de_fw-la principe_fw-la sermon_n &_o quaeque_fw-la alia_fw-la turbamenta_fw-la vulgi_fw-la and_o take_v it_o up_o a_o fashion_n to_o endear_v and_o glorify_v themselves_o with_o the_o senseless_a multitude_n by_o deprave_v the_o king_n discretion_n and_o government_n who_o nature_n too_o gentle_a for_o such_o insolent_a spirit_n be_v force_v as_o trevet_n say_v to_o seek_v as_o he_o present_o do_v advise_v and_o love_n among_o stranger_n see_v no_o desert_n can_v purchase_v it_o at_o home_n all_o bear_v themselves_o like_o tutor_n and_o controller_n few_o like_a subject_n and_o counsellor_n god_n we_o see_v hold_v the_o heart_n of_o prince_n and_o send_v they_o such_o councillor_n as_o the_o quality_n of_o the_o subject_n merrit_v litchf_n for_o mountford_n a_o frenchman_n become_v the_o next_o object_n of_o the_o king_n delight_n a_o gentleman_n of_o choice_n blood_n education_n and_o feature_n on_o this_o man_n content_n the_o heady_a affection_n of_o the_o sovereign_n do_v so_o much_o dote_v that_o at_o his_o first_o entrance_n of_o grace_n in_o envy_n of_o the_o nobility_n he_o make_v he_o earl_n of_o leicester_n and_o in_o no_o less_o offence_n of_o the_o clergy_n wendover_n by_o violate_v the_o rite_n of_o the_o holy_a church_n give_v he_o his_o vow_a veil_a sister_n to_o wife_n more_o of_o art_n then_o usual_a some_o have_v deem_v this_o act_n of_o the_o king_n make_v the_o tie_n of_o his_o dependency_n the_o strength_n of_o his_o assurance_n so_o both_o at_o his_o will_n sulgrave_n mountford_n make_v wanton_a thus_o with_o dalliance_n of_o his_o master_n forget_v moderation_n for_o seldom_o discretion_n in_o youth_n attend_v great_a and_o sudden_a fortune_n he_o draw_v all_o public_a affair_n into_o his_o own_o hand_n all_o favour_n must_v pass_v from_o he_o all_o preferment_n by_o he_o all_o suit_n address_v to_o he_o the_o king_n but_o as_o a_o cypher_n set_v to_o add_v to_o this_o figure_n the_o more_o of_o number_n great_a be_v the_o sovereign_n error_n when_o the_o hope_n of_o subject_n must_v recognize_v itself_o bee-holden_a to_o the_o servant_n which_o ought_v immediate_o to_o be_v acknowledge_v from_o the_o goodness_n and_o good_a election_n of_o himself_o though_o prince_n may_v take_v above_o other_o some_o reposefull_a friend_n with_o who_o they_o may_v participate_v their_o near_a passion_n yet_o ought_v they_o so_o to_o temper_v the_o affair_n of_o their_o favour_n that_o they_o corrupt_v not_o the_o effect_n of_o their_o principality_n at_o this_o the_o great_a and_o grave_a man_n begin_v to_o grieve_v know_v the_o unworthy_a without_o honour_n or_o merit_n thus_o to_o deal_v alone_o in_o that_o which_o shall_v pass_v through_o their_o hand_n and_o to_o leap_v over_o all_o their_o head_n to_o the_o great_a honour_n and_o office_n and_o therefore_o run_v along_o with_o the_o then_o rise_a grace_n of_o the_o king_n half_a brethren_n though_o stranger_n hope_v thereby_o to_o divide_v that_o power_n which_o otherwise_o they_o see_v impossible_a to_o break_v leicester_n confident_a of_o his_o master_n love_n and_o impatient_a to_o bear_v either_o rival_n in_o favour_n read_v or_o partner_n in_o rule_n oppose_v they_o all_o but_o find_v in_o his_o ebb_n of_o favour_n the_o fortune_n of_o other_o and_o that_o this_o king_n can_v ever_o as_o easy_o transfer_v his_o fancy_n as_o he_o have_v settle_v his_o affection_n great_a we_o see_v must_v be_v the_o art_n and_o cunning_n of_o that_o man_n that_o keep_v himself_o a_o float_n in_o the_o stream_n of_o sovereign_n favour_n since_o the_o change_n of_o prince_n will_n which_o for_o the_o most_o part_n be_v full_a of_o fancy_n and_o soon_o satiate_v be_v hardly_o arrest_v who_o so_o will_v effect_v this_o must_v only_o attend_v the_o honour_n and_o service_n of_o his_o master_n and_o despoil_v of_o all_o other_o respect_n transform_v himself_o into_o his_o inward_a inclination_n and_o work_n into_o necessity_n of_o employment_n by_o undergo_n the_o office_n of_o most_o secrecy_n either_o of_o public_a service_n or_o prince_n pleasure_n he_o must_v also_o beat_v down_o competitor_n of_o worth_n by_o the_o hand_n of_o other_o conceal_v his_o own_o greatness_n in_o public_a with_o a_o feign_a humility_n and_o what_o impotency_n or_o government_n he_o affect_v let_v it_o rather_o seem_v the_o work_n of_o other_o out_o of_o conveniency_n than_o any_o appetite_n of_o his_o own_o now_o be_v the_o reins_n of_o rule_n by_o this_o advantage_n take_v by_o the_o rebellious_a lord_n leic_a and_o put_v alone_o into_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o king_n half_a brethren_n adam_n guido_n godfray_n and_o william_n himself_o as_o before_o et_fw-la magna_fw-la fortuna_fw-la licentiam_fw-la tantum_fw-la usurpans_fw-la for_o to_o act_v his_o own_o part_n he_o be_v ever_o wyer-drawne_a when_o he_o have_v such_o worthy_a servant_n as_o will_v often_o for_o his_o honour_n urge_v it_o for_o these_o master_n as_o wallingford_n term_v they_o tanta_fw-la elati_fw