Word A | Word B | Word C | Word D | Occurrence | Frequency Band | MI | MI Band | Prominent |
england_n | henry_n | king_n | prince_n | 17,085 | 5 | 6.0709 | 4 | true |
ID | Title | Author | Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) | STC | Words | Pages |
A02941 | An epistle of the moste myghty [and] redouted Prince Henry the .viii. by the grace of God Kyng of England and of Fraunce, lorde of Irelande, defender of the faithe, and supreme heed of the churche of England, nexte vnder Christe, writen to the Emperours maiestie, to all Christen princes, and to all those that trewly and syncerely professe Christes religion; Ad carolum Cesarem Augustum epistola. English | Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547. | 1538 (1538) | STC 13081.3; ESTC S109412 | 5,302 | 24 |
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