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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02941 An epistle of the moste myghty [and] redouted Prince Henry the .viii. by the grace of God Kyng of England and of Fraunce, lorde of Irelande, defender of the faithe, and supreme heed of the churche of England, nexte vnder Christe, writen to the Emperours maiestie, to all Christen princes, and to all those that trewly and syncerely professe Christes religion; Ad carolum Cesarem Augustum epistola. English Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547. 1538 (1538) STC 13081.3; ESTC S109412 5,302 24

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a_o epistle_n of_o the_o most_o mighty_a &_o redoubted_a prince_n henry_n the_o viii_o by_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n king_n of_o england_n and_o of_o france_n lord_n of_o ireland_n defender_n of_o the_o faith_n and_o supreme_a heed_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n next_o under_o christ_n write_v to_o the_o emperor_n majesty_n to_o all_o christian_a prince_n and_o to_o all_o those_o that_o true_o and_o sincere_o profess_v christ_n religion_n in_o this_o epistle_n both_o the_o cause_n be_v plain_o declare_v why_o the_o king_n hyghenes_fw-fr owght_fw-mi neither_o to_z send_v nor_o go_v to_o the_o council_n indict_v at_o vincence_n and_o also_o how_o perylouse_a a_o thing_n it_o be_v for_o all_o such_o as_o profess_v the_o true_a doctrine_n of_o christ_n to_o come_v thither_o hereunto_o also_o be_v annex_v the_o protestation_n make_v the_o last_o year_n by_o the_o king_n hyghene_n his_o holle_fw-ge counsel_n and_o clergye_n as_o touchinge_v the_o councille_n inde●tted_v at_o mantua_n etc._n etc._n ¶_o reed_n both_o o_o christian_a reader_n truth_n be_v come_n home_o long_o afore_o be_v in_o captyvytye_n step_v forth_o and_o meet_v she_o by_o the_o way_n if_o thou_o see_v her_o presence_n embrace_v she_o and_o show_v thyself_o glad_a of_o her_o return_n henry_z the_z viii_n by_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n king_n of_o england_n and_o of_o france_n etc._n etc._n salute_v the_o emperor_n christian_a prince_n and_o all_o true_a christian_a man_n desyringe_n peace_n and_o concord_n among_o they_o wuhere_o as_o not_o long_o since_o a_o book_n come_v forth_o in_o our_o and_o all_o our_o counsel_n name_n which_o both_o contain_v many_o cause_n why_o we_o refuse_v the_o councylle_n than_o by_o the_o byshoppe_n of_o rome_n usurp_a power_n first_o indyct_v atte_n mantua_n to_o be_v keep_v the_o xxiii_o day_n of_o may_n after_o prorogue_v to_o novembre_v no_o place_n appoint_v where_o it_o shall_v be_v keep_v and_o where_o as_o the_o same_o book_n do_v sufficient_o prove_v that_o our_o cause_n can_v take_v no_o hurt_n neither_o with_o any_o thing_n do_v or_o decree_v in_o such_o a_o company_n of_o addicte_n man_n to_o one_o sect_n nor_o in_o any_o other_o council_n callyd_v by_o his_o usurp_a power_n we_o think_v it_o nothing_o necessary_a so_o oft_o to_o make_v new_a protestation_n as_o the_o byshoppe_n of_o rome_n and_o his_o court_n by_o subtlety_n &_o craft_n do_v invent_v way_n to_o mock_v the_o world_n by_o new_a pretence_a general_a councille_n yet_o not_o withstand_v because_o that_o some_o thing_n have_v now_o occure_v either_o upon_o occasion_n give_v we_o by_o change_n of_o the_o place_n or_o else_o through_o other_o consideration_n which_o now_o be_v know_v to_o the_o world_n may_v do_v moche_o good_a we_o think_v we_o shall_v do_v but_o even_o as_o that_o love_n enforse_v we_o which_o we_o owe_v unto_o christis_fw-la faith_n and_o religion_n to_o add_v this_o epistell_n and_o yet_o we_o protest_v that_o we_o neither_o put_v forth_o that_o book_n neither_o yet_o we_o will_v this_o epistle_n to_o be_v set_v afore_o it_o that_o thereby_o we_o shall_v seem_v less_o to_o desire_v a_o general_a councille_n thanne_v any_o other_o prince_n or_o potentate_n but_o rather_o more_o desirous_a of_o it_o so_o it_o be_v free_a for_o all_o part_n and_o universal_a and_o further_o we_o desire_v all_o good_a princis_fw-la potentatis_fw-la and_o people_n to_o eastern_a and_o think_v that_o no_o prince_n will_v more_o willing_o be_v present_a at_o such_o a_o council_n than_o we_o such_o a_o one_o we_o mean_v as_o we_o speak_v of_o in_o our_o protestation_n make_v concern_v the_o council_n of_o mantua_n true_o as_o our_o forefather_n invent_v nothing_o more_o holy_a than_o generalle_a councille_n use_v as_o they_o ought_v to_o be_v so_o there_o be_v almost_o nothe_v that_o way_n do_v more_o hurt_v to_o the_o chrystian_a common_a welthe_n to_o the_o faith_n to_o our_o religion_n than_o general_a council_n if_o they_o be_v abuse_v to_o lurk_v to_o gain_n to_o the_o establyshement_n of_o error_n they_o be_v call_v general_a &_o even_o by_o their_o name_n do_v admonysshe_v we_o that_o all_o christian_a man_n which_o do_v descent_n in_o any_o opinion_n may_v in_o they_o open_o frank_o and_o without_o fear_n of_o punyshement_n or_o displeasure_n say_v their_o mind_n for_o see_v such_o thing_n as_o be_v decree_v in_o general_a council_n touch_v equal_o all_o man_n that_o gyve_v assent_v thereunto_o it_o be_v mete_v that_o every_o man_n may_v bold_o say_v there_o that_o he_o thynk_v and_o verylye_o we_o suppose_v that_o it_o ought_v not_o to_o be_v callyd_v a_o general_a councylle_n where_o alone_a those_o man_n be_v hard_a which_o be_v determine_v for_o ever_o in_o all_o point_n to_o defend_v the_o popysshe_a part_n and_o to_o arm_v themselves_o to_o fight_v in_o the_o bysshoppe_n of_o rome_n quarelle_fw-fr though_o it_o be_v against_o god_n and_o his_o scripture_n it_o be_v no_o general_a council_n neither_o it_o ought_v to_o be_v callyd_v general_a where_o the_o same_o man_n be_v only_a advocate_n &_o adversary_n the_o same_o accuse_a and_o iuges_fw-la no_o it_o be_v against_o the_o law_n of_o nature_n either_o that_o we_o shall_v condescende_v to_o so_o unresonable_a a_o law_n against_o ourselves_o either_o that_o we_o shall_v suffer_v ourselves_o to_o be_v leave_v without_o all_o defence_n and_o be_v oppress_v with_o great_a injury_n to_o have_v no_o refuge_n to_o succour_v ourselves_o at_o the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n and_o his_o be_v our_o great_a enemies_n as_o we_o and_o all_o the_o world_n may_v welle_v perceyve_v by_o his_o do_n he_o desire_v nothing_o more_o than_o our_o hurt_n and_o the_o destruction_n of_o our_o realm_n do_v not_o we_o than_o violate_v the_o judgement_n of_o nature_n if_o we_o gyve_v he_o power_n and_o authority_n to_o be_v our_o judge_n his_o pretend_a honour_n first_o get_v by_o superstition_n after_o increase_v by_o violence_n and_o other_o way_n as_o evylle_v as_o that_o his_o power_n set_v uppe_o by_o pretence_n of_o religion_n in_o deed_n both_o against_o religion_n and_o also_o contrary_a to_o the_o word_n of_o god_n his_o primacye_n bear_v by_o the_o ignorancie_n of_o the_o world_n nourysh_v by_o the_o ambition_n of_o bishop_n of_o rome_n defend_v by_o place_n of_o scripture_n false_o understande_v these_o iii_o thing_n we_o say_v which_o be_v fall_v with_o we_o and_o be_v like_a to_o fall_v in_o other_o realm_n short_o shall_v they_o not_o be_v establish_v again_o if_o he_o may_v decide_v our_o cause_n as_o he_o ly_v if_o he_o may_v at_o his_o pleasure_n oppress_v a_o cause_n mooste_o rightuouse_a and_o set_v up_o he_o most_o again_o truth_n certain_o he_o be_v very_o blind_a that_o see_v not_o what_o end_n we_o may_v look_v for_o of_o our_o controversy_n if_o such_o our_o ennemye_n may_v gyve_v the_o sentence_n we_o desire_v if_o it_o be_v in_o any_o wise_a possible_a a_o council_n where_o some_o hope_n may_v be_v that_o those_o thing_n shall_v be_v restore_v which_o now_o be_v depravate_v be_v like_o if_o they_o be_v not_o amend_v to_o be_v the_o utter_a ruin_n of_o christian_a religion_n and_o as_o we_o do_v desire_v such_o a_o councyll_n and_o think_v it_o mete_v that_o all_o man_n in_o all_o their_o prayer_n shall_v crave_v and_o desire_v it_o of_o god_n even_o so_o we_o think_v it_o perteyn_v unto_o our_o offyce_v to_o provyde_v both_o that_o these_o popish_a subtlety_n hurt_v none_o of_o our_o subject_n and_o also_o to_o admonyshe_v other_o christian_a princis_fw-la that_o the_o byshoppe_n of_o rome_n may_v not_o by_o their_o consent_n abuse_v the_o authority_n of_o king_n either_o to_o the_o extinguysh_n of_o the_o true_a preach_v of_o scripture_n that_o now_o begin_v to_o spring_v to_o grow_v and_o spread_v abroad_o either_o to_o the_o trouble_v of_o princis_fw-la liberty_n to_o the_o dimynishinge_v of_o king_n auctority_n and_o to_o the_o great_a blemysshe_n of_o their_o princely_a majesty_n we_o doubt_v nothing_o but_o a_o reder_n not_o partial_a will_v soon_o approve_v such_o thing_n as_o we_o write_v in_o the_o treatise_n follow_v not_o so_o moche_v for_o our_o excuse_n as_o that_o the_o world_n may_v perceyve_v both_o the_o sundry_a deceit_n craft_n &_o subtlety_n of_o the_o papist_n and_o also_o how_o much_o we_o desire_v that_o controversy_n in_o religion_n may_v once_o be_v take_v away_o all_o that_o we_o say_v there_o of_o mantua_n may_v here_o well_o be_v speak_v of_o vincence_n they_o do_v almost_o agree_v in_o all_o point_n neither_o it_o be_v like_a that_o there_o will_v be_v any_o more_o at_o this_o concille_n at_o vincence_n than_o be_v the_o last_o year_n at_o mantua_n trewelye_o he_o be_v worthy_a to_o be_v deceyve_v that_o be_v twice_o mock_v will_v not_o beware_v the_o three_o tyme._n if_o any_o this_o last_o year_n