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A07363 The generall historie of Spaine containing all the memorable things that haue past in the realmes of Castille, Leon, Nauarre, Arragon, Portugall, Granado, &c. and by what meanes they were vnited, and so continue vnder Philip the third, King of Spaine, now raigning; written in French by Levvis de Mayerne Turquet, vnto the yeare 1583: translated into English, and continued vnto these times by Edvvard Grimeston, Esquire.; Histoire generale d'Espagne. English Mayerne, Louis Turquet de, d. 1618.; Grimeston, Edward. 1612 (1612) STC 17747; ESTC S114485 2,414,018 1,530

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place but D. Egas Nugnes the Earles Gouernor going foorth with a safe-conduct they so treated as vpon a promise which Don Egas made vnto the King that the Earle of Portugall should take an oath of fealtie as to his Soueraigne he returned satisfied into his Countrey without doing any other exploit but the Earle D. Alphonso Henriques would not performe that which his Gouernor had promised wherefore D. Egas went to the King beeing at Toledo and there presenting himselfe at his feete with a halter about his necke he craued pardon for that which he had promised and could not performe which was that the Earle should do him homage for his Earledome of Portugall whom the King pardoned beeing duly informed that hee had done his best indeanour to effect his promise These wars which were the first the Castillans had against the Portugals written by the Historians of Portugall wherof notwithstanding others make no mention past about the year 1127. D. Theresa for that time had no ease Her sister D. Vrraca made her residence in Saint Vincents church beeing streightly garded yet they say that going one day to Saint Isidores church in Leon to take the treasure which her father and grandfather had giuen vnto that place as she was carrying this prey Death prodigious to D. Vrraca of Castile hauing one foote within and another without the doore shee burst in the middest a worthie and condigne punishment due for the adulteries which shee had committed and the murthers which ensued not long after to the preiudice and dishonour of the Kings house and of all the Christian Estate in Spaine as also for the sacriledge Others say that shee dyed in the Castell of Saldagne beeing brought in bed of a child by stealth So Don Alphonso Raymond remayned destitute and without a mother About that time the king of Castile prouoked by the Moores who were entered into the Territories of Toledo marched farre into their countrey and tooke from them by a long and painefull seege Calatraua taken from the Moores the towne of Calatraua the which he gaue to the Archbishop of Toledo beeing a great fauourer of the Church and Clergie into the which he put a good garrison the which some beleeue were Templers who were wonderfully increased and growne exceeding rich euen in Spaine After which D. Alphonso Raymond tooke from the Infidels Alarcos Caracuel Almodouar del campo and other places whereof he fortfied some and razed others At that time there raigned ouer the Moores in Spaine and Affricke H●li Aben-Tefin the third Miralmumin and last of the Almorauides vpon whom the King of Castile extended his limits vnto the Mountaines called Sierra Morena where he fortified Pedroche then he past into Andalousia with a great army and layd feege vnto the towne of Iaen but it was in vaine for being valiantly defended by the Moores he was forced to retire and returned with his army into Castile This King D. Alphonso had married D. Berenguela Cattelogne daughter to Don Raymond Arnould Earle of Barcelone An. 1131. who dyed in the yeare 1131. hauing held the Earledome eight and forty yeares A little before his death he made himselfe of the Order of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem called the Hospitaliers The Earledome of Prouence was fallen vnto him in the right of his wife D. Doulce and of other lands in France whereof hee caused himselfe to be called Marquis Genealogie of Cattelogne by which Lady he had two sonnes D. Raymond Berenger who succeeded him in the principalitie of Cattelogne and afterward came by marriage to the Crowne of Arragon and D. Berenger Raymond who was Earle or Marquis of Prouence thus ordered by his will of D. Doulce was also borne D. Berenguela Queene of Castille and two other daughters who were married into France The Earledome of Prouence had beene in question betwixt D. Raymond Arnould and the Earle of Tholousa and Saint Giles but their sute after many delayes was ended by accord which was That the lands of Prouence lying betwixt the riuers of Durance and Isera making at this day a part of Daulphine should belong vnto the Earle of Tholousa with the Castell of Beaucaire the Lands of Argence Castell of Bolobrege and the moitie of the cittie of Auignon and of Pont de Sorge the rest should remaine to the Earle of Barcelone According vnto this diuision D. Berenger Raymond did inherit Prouence and there was added that if any of the parties dyed without lawfull heires the other should succeede Among other Articles of D. Raymond Arnoulds restament he ordained that if his heires dyed without lawfull children his daughter Berenguela Queene of Castile and Leon and D. Ximena wife to Roger Earle of Foix should succeed By this noble and vertuous Queene D. Berenguela D. Alphonso king of Castile Genealogie of Castile had foure children D. Sancho who was king of Castile hee was bred vp in his youth and gouerned by D. G●itiere Fernandes de Castro The second D. Fernand who did inherite the Realmes of Leon and Gallicia and two daughters D. Isabella called by some D. Constance wife to the French King Lewis the young the seuenth of that name he that did put away Elenor Countesse of Poictiers heire of Guienne daughter to Count Willyam who after this diuorce married with Henry Duke of Aniou and Normandie who beeing heire to the Crowne of England had long and cruell warres against the French by reason of this Ladies patrimonie the which continued aboue three hundred yeares vnto King Charles the seuenth The second dughter which D. Alphonso had by D. Berenguela was called D. Sancha or by others D. Beacia who was Queene of Nauarre hauing married the king D. Sancho surnamed the Wise or the Valiant as others write There is to be seene among the tombes which are in the great Chappell of the Monasterie of Ogna an inscription of D. Garcia who they imagine was sonne to the sayd D. Alphonso who had a second wise daughter to Vladislaus Duke of Polonia called D. Ri●a by whome he had one daughter called D. Sancha who was married to D. Alphonso the fixt king of Arragon the second of that name He had familiar acquaintance with two Gentlewomen whereof the one which was called D. Maria brought him a daughter called D. Stephana or Estienette the other which was called D. Gontrude bare him D. Vrraca who was first married to D. Garcia Ramires King of Nauarre and for her second husband she married a wise and valiant Knight called D. Aluaro Rodrigues without any respect of her degree falling from a Queene to be the wife of a simple Knight it may be the Ladies of those times had no such haughtie spirits as they haue at this day or else could not distinguish betwixt vertue and fortune D. Stephana her sister was married to another Knight of the house of Castro whome they called D. Fernand Rodrigues the Castillan from whom issued a sonne called D. Pedro Fernandes de
country of Toledo he came to Burgos where hee called an other assembly and kept his court in the yeere 1170. An. 1170. touching that which lies on this side the mountaines belonging to Castille and Nagera D. Alphonso the noble King of Castille comes of years and for that the fifteenth yeere of his age was now ended all the townes forts were yeeled vp vnto him without any contradiction according to the will of his deceased father yea those which were held by D. Fernand of Castro who was neuer more seene in Castille by reason of the quarrels he had with the house of Lara but passing to the Moores hee shewed himselfe a perpetuall enemy to his country In the assembly at Burgos there was speech of the excesse and outrages done by Fernand King of Leon to reuenge the which hee resolued to proclaime warre against him but it was not put in execution long after by reason of D. Alphonsos youth who was not yet capable of so great an enterprise There they treated also of the Kings marriage with Elenor daughter to Henry the second King of England And marries Elenor of England who was as renouned as any Prince at that day in Christendome he was sonne to Geoffrey Duke of Aniou and Normandie It was this Henry which had married Queene Elenor heire of the Dutchie of Guienne and countie of Poictou put away by Lewis the seuenth the French King 5 After these things there was an enter-view of two yong Kings D. Alphonso of Castille and D. Alphonso of Arragon at Sahagun with shewes of great loue and from thence they went to Sarragosse from whence there was an Ambassage sent to effect the marriage of the King of Castille The Ambassadors were D. Celebrun Archbishop of Toledo the Bishops of Palenza Calaorra Burgos and Segobia the Earles D. Ponce and D. Nugno with other Noblemen who found the court with the Queene mother and her daughter at Burdeaux whose returne the King of Castille attended at Sarragosse where during his aboad the league was renewed betwixt Castille and Arragon and a new made for the mutuall defence of both Kings against all men except the King of England in the which were named all the great men belonging to either estate for assurance whereof there was consigned and laied in pawne the castles of Nagera Biguerra Clauijo Ocon and Arueda for the King of Castille and for the King of Arragon Hariza Daroca Aranda Epila Borja with a condition that hee which should breake the league should loose these places and the conuentions were signed and confirmed by the two Kings and their chiefest Nobles The Ambassadors of Castille were welcome to Burdeaux and their charge was very pleasing to the king of England wherevpon the Princesse Elenor was sent into Spaine beeing accompanied by Bernard Archbishop of Bourdeaux the Bishoppes of Poictiers Angoulesme Perigueux Xaintes Agen and Bazas by Raoul de la Faye Seneshall of Guienne Helie Earle of Perigort the Vicounts of Tartax Chasteleraud Chastillon Mortmar Vendome Augoulesme Labrit or Albret with very many other Noblemen and Knights By the treaty made with the Ambassadors it was sayd that the assurace and contract of marriage should bee made at Tarrassone and should be sollemnly ratefied in the presence of the King of Arragon wherefore the two Kings came to Tarrassone where these things were celebrated and sworne with great sollemnity Guifts to th● new Queene of Castille in fouor of 〈◊〉 marriage in the yeere of our Lord 1170. and for accomplishment thereof at that instant D. Alphonso King of Castille caused all the Knights of Castille which were there present to sweare fealtie to his future spouse and moreouer hee gaue vnto her in faaour of the marriage the castles and city of Burgos Castro Xeris Auia Monçon Saldagne Tariego Dueregnas Carrion Aabeson Medina del Aampo Villa Escusa Aguillar Astudillo for her idle expences to furnish her cabinet he assigned particularly vnto her Burgos Nagera and Castro Xeris besides he gaue vnto her the rents of the port of Saint Emeterio Besgo Cabedo Briza de Centillana Calaorra Logrogno Arnedo Biguerra Granon Vilhorado Pancoruo Monasterio Poza Atiença Osma Penafiil Curiel Surita Hita Aegna Negra and others Moreouer hee promised to giue her the moytie of all hee should conquer from the Moores from the day of their marriage These promises and matrimoniall conuentions were sworne in the presence of the Archbishop of Bourdeaux and other English Ambassadors to whom in the Queenes name hee caused the forts to bee deliuered and the homages aboue mentioned to bee done all in the presence of the King of Arragon as an indifferent arbitrator for both parties These things thus finished the two Kings of Castille and Arragon parted good friends and the Ambassadors with the new spouse came with D. Alphonso the Noble to Burgos where the marriage was celebrated with great state and royal pompe after which the court parting from Burgos it came to Nagera in the countrie of Oja where the King gaue leaue to many which had come to attend the solemnitie of his marriage namely to them of Auila who had alwaies followed him to whom for their willingnesse to serue him hee graunted many priuiledges After which hee led the Queene to Toledo where hee grew so amorons of a Iew whom they called Hermosa as hee forgot his new spouse and intangled himselfe so farre in her loue Disordanat Iust of D. Alphonso king of Castille as hee almost lost his sences whereat some Knights of Castille beeing verie much greeued they thought to doe an act pleasing vnto God and profitable to the commen-weale to kill this Iew the which in the beginning the King did beare verie impatiently but in the end hee acknowledged his error and detested it Vpon the confines of Arragon and Castille there began at that time a petty estate in Albarrazin Fort of Albarrazin which place was vsurped by a Knight called D. Pedro Ruis d' Açagra who held it of God and his sword Hee was borne in Nauarre and wonne the loue of the Moores of Murcia and other neighbour places which did fauour and succor him in his enterprises and withall hee had newly made a league with D. Sancho King of Nauarre who supported him and vsed him to bridle Arragon and Castille with which estates hee had or feared some Iarres This fort which had beene in ancient time called Saint Marie of Albarrazin was a troublesome thorne in the feete of the Kings of Castille and Arragon An. 1172. into whose territories D. Pedro Ruis ● Asagra made often roads at his pleasure who hauing about this yeere of our Lord 1172. taken some places in Castille the King D. Alphonso the noble resolued to make warre against him and to take them from him if hee could for this consideration hee made a priuate league with the King of Arragon who was interessed by the which it was concluded that the King of
this enterprise I denie not but that England is a mighty Kingdome and the greatest Island that the ancients haue made mention of conteyning in circuit with Scotland two thousand miles yet late writers haue made it two hundred lesse That it is well fortified with a wall which the sea makes about it whereby it is so defended as if Scotland were vnder that iurisdiction it were not to bee inuaded by land Notwithstanding the glory which that nation hath gotten by armes is rather to be attributed to the ancient and not to them that are now for as it often happens that the minde being great with the imagination of great matters doth still retaine the same imaginations although that matters change euen so it happens here that we doe measure the forces of England not by the present Estate but as they haue beene when as they had in their possession Normandy Brittan Gascony and other florishing Prouinces of France yea they commanded in a manner absolutly ouer all France and Henry the sixth was crowned King in Paris But hee that will looke into the present Estate of England may easily iudge that it is great rather by the reputation of her ancient fame then by the quality of her present forces and that it is no more that England which was fearefull to the greatest Princes of Europe And without doubt it hath beene obserued that not long since there haue so many disgraces fallne vpon that Island Ignorance and mallice of the writer as at one instant it not onely purchased the hatred of men but of God euer since it fell into Schisme So as since the change of their religion England hath suffred great shipwrackes whereof wee may see the effects hauing lost that support whereon depended their reputation and safety that is the Authority and command which they had at sea for that in former times this Island did maintaine many ships and did continually entertaine a good fleet at sea yea sometimes their preparations were admirable as amongst others when as Henry the sixth went almost with eight hundred great ships against Charles the sixth the French King making a bridge ouer the Ocean but the state and condition of that Island is changed for since Henry the seuenth and Henry the eight they could not maintaine those hundred Ordinary ships which they were wont to keepe in a redinesse for the safety of that state but the Island is growne to that extremity as they haue beene constrained not onely to diminish but also to sel the greatest part of those ships which did secure them from forraine inuasions so much doth want presse those Princes more their owne safeties But the better to explaine that which I haue spoken of the easinesse of the enterprise VVeakenesse of England compared with the power of Spaine I wil said hee propound two things the one of him that is inuaded the other of him that doth inuade whereby it shall appeere that the one is as vnable to defend as the other is powerful to offend If wee consider England which is to bee inuaded without doubt it is not able to resist the King of Spaines forces if hee will inuade it with such prouisions as he may and the importance of the action doth require the which will appeere by diuers reasons The first for that as I haue said the Island of England is at this day in great want and if in this weakenesse shee should seeke to make head against the power of a mighty Potentate it were as much as if she should seeke to support Heauen beeing nei Alcides nor Atlas Secondly VVant of ships in England in respect of this necessity he said that the crowne of England could not entertaine that number of shipping which was wont to be appointed for the gard of the realme and if they should seeke to make any prouision it were to draw force from weakenesse or to prescribe a Law to time and nature seeking in great want and in a short time to make those prouisions which require a great treasure and many yeeres Moreouer to beginne to make preparation of those things which King Philip hath in a readinesse were to put themselues in defence when as the enemy held his sword ouer their heads It were vaine for any one to say that the English in daunger may vse priuat mens shippes for the publike seruice this remedie would come to late when the daunger is at hand neither could those ships bee easily called together from remoate places neither doe priuate men willingly imploy their commodities to publike vse Wherefore it it necessary that the deseignes of Princes in great enterprises flow from the fountaine of their owne power Thirdly for that the English doe altogether want or are very defectiue of horsmen which is a chiefe ground of warre for speaking of men at armes they haue scarce any knowledge of them and as for light-horses they doe not much import vnlesse the number supply the defect of the quallity Besides all the horses of that Island being continually put to pasture are full of diseases and weake which proceeds partly from the temper of that aire Fourthly that the Kings of England haue either through negligence or disability omitted to make prouisions for the war like vnto al other Princes that they may be readie against any sodaine tumult that may rise either within or without their states for that in former times their whole care was for prouision by sea so as the land-seruice was neglected as if in an Island there were not any need to goe to field against strangers or that warre could not bee mannaged at land with sea prouisions Fiftly Behold the lying vanity of the Spaniards it is most certaine that the English are by nature desirous of innouations and change for who so shall read ouer their History hee shall finde that seditions conspiracies treasons and such like haue made their dwelling in their Iland Sixthly for that the English in respect of their ancient greatnesse are more desirous to anoy others then to be anoyed themselues when they shal see themselues charged by braue enemies they wil be daunted To see Fortune turne her face is a fearefull spectacle for them that are not accustomed therevnto Seuenthly for that England beginning to decline by the iust iudgement of God euery man knowes how easie it is to cast it downe a declyning being nothing else but a way to ruine So that mighty Empire of the Romaines when it began once to decline it fell sodainely and drew with it a great ruine Eightly for that the English nation haue not in a manner any Commanders to mannage their warre which defect beeing ioyned with the insufficiency of the souldiars of that realme it will prooue that the army of Lyons commanded by a Hart wil be little esteemed one of the Harts led by a Cony wil be ridiculous the which will happily fall out in England Lastly admit that England were furnished with
Emperour D. Alphonso and with him the Earle of Barcelone accompanied with a good number of his Knights of Cattelogne to honour these kings It was this king Lewis who had put away Elenor Dutchesse of Guienne and Cou●esse of Poictiers who married with Henry king of England which was the cause of long warres in France The yeare following 1151. Arragon and Barcelone for as much as the towne of Tarragone was not wel peopled it may be for that it did belong vnto the Archbishop and the Clergie and that feare of the Moores which were neere kept the people in those places which were commanded by martiall men The Archbishop D. Bernard Cord made cession againe of the sayd Towne vnto the Earle D. Raymond resigning it into his hands with the permission of Pope Eugenius the third and with the consent of the Chapter and Bishops Suffraganes ganes of the Church Don Raymond put it instantly into the hands of a Knight called Robert and did inuest him with a title of Principalitie The same yeare his wife D. Petronille Queene of Arragon was brought in bed of her sonne Don Raymond whose name after the decase of his father was changed to Don Alphonso and hee inherited the Realme of Arragon and Principalitie of Cattelogne Genealogie of Arragon This deliuerie was so dangerous as the Queene resoluing to dye made her will and instituted her after-birth for her heire and the Earle his father for Gouernour of his Estates but God deliuered her and sent her health after which shee had Don Sancho who was Earle of Roussillon and of Cerdagne and two daughters D. Aldonça the eldest married to Sancho the first of that name and second King of Portugall the other was wife to Don Armingol Earle of Vrgel After Queene Petronilles lying in Don Raymond cleansing the rest of the Countrie which lyes betwixt Sarrgossa and Torrosa of Moores hee to-oke from them the Castell of Mirauet A little before D Berenguels Queene of Castile was deceased who desired to be interred at Saint Iemes for the great opinion she had of the Apostles intercession as she had beene instructed by her Prelates D. Sancho the seuenth of that name the 20. King of Nauuarre 18 D. Sancho surnamed the Wise Nauarre sonne to D. Garcia beeing come to the Crowne of Nauarre hee made an Assembly and enteruiew of Princes at Tudele neere vnto Aigues-chaudes whither came the Emperour D. Alphonso and his sonne Don Sancho King of Castile and D. Raymond Berenger Prince of Arragon where they conspired against the new King of Nauarre and set downe many Articles concerning the warre as the Emperour and Earle had done some yeare before Among others they agreed That the Realme of Nauarre should be conquered at their common charge and diuided equally betwixt them except the forts which the Nauarrois held belonging to the Crowne of Arragon the which should be re-united As for the towne of Tudele the Iurisdiction should be diuided the moitie thereof entring into that portion of the lands which lye from Ebro to Montcajo and that for one halfe of the Realme of Nauarre which the Earle should enioy he should as Gouernour of Arragon do homage to the King of Castille That by Saint Michels day next ensuing the Infant Don Sancho should take vnto him D. Blanche the Infanta of Nauarre to marry her or if the thought good to leaue her These and such other like conditions were concluded betwixt these Princes to the ruine of the young King D. Sancho of Nauarre and of his Estates if God had not preserued him With this resolution the Castillan and Arragonois parted from Tudele and went euery one into his Countrie to giue order for that which was needfull for the warres thinking that their enemie who was but a child could not defend himselfe against so great forces but God had otherwise decreed and confounded all their practises Soone after D. Pedro ● ' Athares dyed who had fayled to bee King of Nauarre and Arragon the founder of the Monasterie of S. Mary of Veruela where he was interred The Nauarro is doubting some practise against their Prince in this Assembly of Tudele were very carefull to fortifie their frontier places and to renew the allyances of the house of Nauarre with the French king and other Noblemen of that nation The young king D. Sancho was crowned after the death of his father in the Church of Pampelone where he sware to obserue the lawes and statutes of the Countrie which were the same which they call at this day the lawe of Arragon according to the which Nauarre Guipuscoa and the places ioying to Nauarre were then gouerned Saint Sebastian which was at that time a place of great trafficke had priuiledges granted by him and so had the Towne of Durando in Biscaye They surnamed this king the Sage for that in truth he was a wife and a discreet Prince and for his valour and courage hee was called by some Valiant Hee had some knowledge of learning honored learned men and was studious of the Scriptures as the vse was in those times and shewed himselfe a great Iusticer for all which vertues he was much esteemed by other Princes and was honoured feared and loued of his subiects The armies of the league made at Tudele beganne to annoy him at his first entrance and did him some harme vppon his fronters yet he did not loose any place of importance for although hee were very young yet he was of an actiue spirit and a noble courage and was well and faithfully assisted by his allies and serued by the Nauarrois The warre was hottest in the valley of Roncall but there is no mention that either in that yeare or in the other following there was any memorable exployt done and they hold that Lewis the French king who had beene a great friend to Don Garcia his deceased father French king fauours the king of Nauarre did wonderfully crosse the enterprises of the League and hindred them all he could beeing either vppon his treatie of marriage or else newly married to Dona Isabells Infsanta of Castile in fauour of which allyance the Emperour D. Alphonso did desist from that warre or did neglect it and Don Sancho his sonne King of Castile who had his choice to marrie D. Blanche Genealogie of Castile or to leaue her married her and had a Ionne by her at the end of the yeare called D. Alphonso who was king of Castile and Toledo after the father Some hold that the marriage of king Lewis with D. Isabella was after all this in the yeare 1154. and that the King of Nauarre came to Burgos to the celebration thereof the which was admired by the French for the exceeding pompe The Countrie of Nagera was then one of the chief gouernments of Castile for the Gouernour thereof was Captaine generall of the fronter towards Nauarre The Infant Don. Sancho who was called king of Castile did enioy those lands
continued almost fiue and twentie yeares We must not wonder if Secular Princes were in combustion seeking to rule one ouer another hauing it may be some plausible pretext seeing that the Prelates of Spaine were a president for them without any reason Primacie of Toledo confirmed The Primacie which hee of Toledo held ouer other Bishops was not acknowledged of all for the Archbishop of Braga and he of Saint Iames resfused to obey him but the Primate of Primates Adrian the third sending l Hyacinth his Legat from Rome forced them by a sentence The end of the ninth Booke THE TENTH BOOKE of the Historie of Spaine The Contents 1. D. Alphonso the seuenth King of Castile and the fourth of that name called the Noble and the troubles which did rise by the factions of Castro and Lara 2 D. Alphonso the second of that name and sixth King of Arragon Earle of Barcelone 3 Confirmation of the Order of Calatraua 4 Beginning and continuance of the ancient house of Biscay 5 Marriage of King D. Alphonso the noble and of Elenor daughter to Henry the second King of England 6 Warre of Nauarre against Castile and Arragon 7 Marriage of D. Alphonso the second king of Arragon with D. Sancha of Castile to the disgrace of the daughter of Manuel Emperour of Constantinople 8 Prou●nce annexed to the Crowne of Arragon the which is exempted from all fealtie and homage to Castile 9 Institution of the knights of the sword of the Order of S. Iames in Galicia Their increase and forces with their Commanderies and benefices 10 Commanderies and other benefices of the Order of Calatra●a and their strength 11 Continuance of the warre against Nauarre and the taking of the lands of Bureu● and Rioja from this Realme by the Castillans 12 Sedition of the Nobilitie of Castile to defend their Immunities 13 Continuance of the deedes of D. Alphonso Henriques the new King of Portugal and the quarrels betwixt him and the king of Leon. 14 Limitations and diuisions of the conquests which were to be made vpon the Moores betwixt the Christian Princes of Spaine 15 Exploits of the Portugals against the Moores 16 Continuance of the raigne and deeds of D. Fernand the second king of Leon. 17 Beginning of the towne of Victoria in Alaua Expedition of the Nauarrois in Castile and other deeds of armes of D. Sanc●o the seuenth 18 Cattelog●e reiects the Soueraigntie of the French 19 The last acts of D. Alphonso Henriques king of Portugal 20 D. Sancho first of that name the second king of Portugal 21 Marriage of D. Fernand the 28. king of Leon and his death 22 D. Alphonso the ninth of that name and 29. king of Leon. 23 Submission of the king of Leon to him of Castile Assembly of the ordinarie estates in Castile Enmitie and hatred betwixt fiue Christian kings raigning in Spaine 24 Deeds of D. Sancho king of Portugal the first of that name and the institution of the Order of Au●z 25 Continuance of the deeds of D. Alphonso king of Castile the building of the fort of of Nauarre neere to Nagera 26 Aben Ioseph Mazemut king of the Moores and his exploits against the Christians of Spaine 27 D. Sancho the strong 21 King of Nauarre the 8. of that name 28 Spoiles done by the Moores in the countries of Castille and Leon. 29 D. Pedro the 2. of that name 7. King of Arragon his marriages and submission to the Pope 30 Descent of the house of Champagne vnto Thibault King of Nauarre the first of that family 31 Inuasions of the realme of Nauarre by the Castillans and Arragonois the Prouince of Guipuscoa taken from it 32 Buildings and reparations of D. Alphonso the Noble King of Castille marriage of D. Blanche his daughter with Lewis father to Saint Lewis the French King 33 D. Rodrigo Ximenes Archbishop of Toledo his deeds buildings and the vniversity made at Palence by King D. Alphonso 34 Great preparatiues of warre both by the Christian Princes and the Moores the memorable battaile of Muradal 35 Armories of Nauarre 36 The last exploits of D. Sancho King of Portugal D. Alphonso second of that name and third King of Portugal 37 Exploits of D. Pedro the 2. King of Arragon Hatred betwixt him and Symon Earle of Montfort his death in the warre of the Albigeois mooued by Saint Dominike 38 D. Iaques the 1. of that name 8. King of Arragon 39 Seditions at Pampelone Exercises of armes appointed by D. Sancho the 8. King of Nauarre as necessary for a warlike nation 40 Order of the Knights of Alcantara 41 D. Henry the first of that name and 8. King of Castille 42 Councel of Saint Iohn de Latran vnder Innocent the 3. sute for the Primacy of Spaine This tenth Booke conteines the descent and continuance of the royall families of Spaine that is Of Nauarre 21 D. Sancho 8. Of Leon. 29 D. Alphonso 9. Of Portugal 2 D. Sancho 1. 3. D. Alphonso 2. Of Arragon 6 D. Alphonso 2. 7 D. Pedro. 2. 8 D. Iaques 1. Of Castille 7 D. Alphonso 4. 8 D. Henry 1. D. Alphonso the noble the seuenth King of Castille the fourth of that name THE death of the King D. Sancho confirmed his surname of desired for that there followed dangerous combustions begunne betwixt two great families of Castille through iealousie and desire of rule The young Kings person beeing then but foure yeeres old was vnder the charge of D. Guttiere Fernando Ruis de Castro according vnto the will of the deceased King his father who had also ordained that the captaines and Gouernors of Prouinces and places should continue in their charges Troubles in Castille by reason of the Kings No●●age vntill that his sonne D. Alphonso should bee fifteene yeeres old compleate Those of the house of Lara being men of great account were discontented with this decree of which family the chiefe was the Earle D. Manrique de Lara who had two brethren D. Aluaro and D. Nugno all sonnes to D. Pedro de Lara of whom wee haue made mention and of D. Aba forsaken by the Earle D. Garcia de Cabra with these there ioyned by reason of consanguinity D. Garcia d' Acia their brother by the mothers side sonne to that Lady D. Aba and the Earle D. Garcia de Cabra her first husband they were greeued to see the Kings person and the chiefe affaires of the Realme in the hands of them of Castro who held many places and good gouernments in Castille and Toledo wherefore they sought all occasions to seize vpon the authority and to dispossesse their aduersaries D. Guttiere Fernandes was an ancient Knight wise faithfull and without any malice who gaue no man occasion to complaine but great meanes to such as enuied his honour to hurt him by his sincerity Hee had also beene Gouernor to the King D. Sancho his father in his youth and was so worthy a knight as they say hee had made and armed fiue hundred Knights with
the Kings person notwithstanding whether remorse of so foule an act altered the mindes of these knights of Lara or that all the bretheren were not a like affected as D. Manrique D. Nugno the yongest of the brethren tooke king D. Alphonso and carried him to Atiença not respecting the accord made with the King D. Fernand who holding himselfe deceiued by D. Manrique sent him word by a knight that hee was a traytor and that he would bee reuenged The Earle made no other answer but that it was lawful for him to doe any thing to deliuer his King and natural Prince from captiuity Afterwards the Earle meeting with the King D. Fernand who accused him of treachery and demaunded Iustice of the Estates of Castille he answered againe that he knew not that he was a traytor but that hee repented him not to haue done his best endeauor to deliuer his King a child of so tender age from such vniust slauery After many reasons and allegations of either side The yong King D. Alphonso giuen in garde to the inhabitants of Auila the Earle D. Manrique was absolued but the King D. Fernand kept in a manner all the places and townes in Castille except some of the lesser which continued vnder the obedience of the King D. Alphonso who was not in any great safety vntill they had found meanes to put him into the Citie of Auila where hee was faithfully kept by his good subiects the inhabitants thereof vntill he was twelue yeeres old wherefore they say commonly in Spaine the Loyal of Auila The tumults and confusions of Castille Nauarre inuited D. Sancho King of Nauarre surnamed the wise to make his profit which is the marke whereat all worldly men doe aime yet had he some iust pretension to doe it especially to inuade the lands lying vpon the riuer of Oja which the Emperour D. Alphonso had laied hold on during the vacancie and Interregne of Nauarre and Arragon So as hee went to armes entred in hostile manner into that Prouince and tooke Logrogno Entrena and Cerezo and passing on he also tooke Birbiesca and in a manner all that was in his way euen vnto Burgos all which places he did fortefie but yet he enioyed them not long The King of Nauarre did all these things without any resistance made by them of Castille beeing fauoured by the confusion of the time and the infancy of the young King D. Alphonso besides that towards Arragon hee found himselfe assured by a peace concluded with the Earle D. Raymond Berenger Death of D. Ra●mon● berenger Earle of Barcelone 1162. the which was the better confirmed by his death which happened in the yeere 1162. in Piedmont in the Bourge of Saint Dalmace neere vnto Turin This Prince went by sea into Italy with his Nephew the Earle of Prouence to conferre with the Emperor Frederic Barbarossa who made warre then in the Dutchy of Milan D. Alphonso the second and the sixth King of Arragon 2. THis Earle had gouerned Cattelogne and Barcelone thirty one yeeres Arragon and the realme of Arragon fiue and twenty He was wise and valiant but too ambitious He lest D. Raymond his sonne who was afterwards called D. Alphonso heire of both Estates by his testament by the which hee gaue vnto D. Pedro his second son the Earledome of Cerdagne with the same rights as Cont Bernard William had held it and moreouer the demeins and reuenues of the lands of Carcassone Disposition of D. Raymond Berengers wil. and rights of Narbonne and other places in Languedoc reseruing the homage vnto the Earle of Barcelon and King of Arragon his eldest substituting to D. Pedro his third son D. Sancho in case hee died without children and them two to their eldest brother D. Alphonso either of them in his Siegneuries with his children vnto Henry the second King of England his ally and faithfull friend the Queene D. Petronille his wife remayning Regent and tutresse of her Son and Realme but she brought D. Alphonso being but 12. yeeres old to the gouernment of the State vnder the conduct of the Earle of Prouence his cousin germain the Queene giuing ouer that charge as vnfit for women This was the first King of Arragon that was Earle of Barcelone since which time these two Estates have not beene diuided Returning to D. Sancho King of Nauarre Nauarre hee gouerned his realme wisely and iustly and had about him many good and vertuous Prelats and Knights amongst the which were D. Viuian Bishop of Pampelone the Earle D. Bela Ladron Lord that is to say gouernor in Alaua Rodrigues Martines Gouernor in Maragnon Pedro Ruis in Estella and Gallipienço Sancho Ramires in Sanguessa Ximeno of Ayuar in Roncal Ximen Aznares in Tafalla Sancho Esquerra in Saint Mary of Vxua Martin de Lees in Peralta Aznar de Rada in Falses and in Valtierra Peter of Araçury in Logrogno and Tudele with diuers others As for his domestike affaires hee was married to D. Sancha Infanta of Castille whom others call Beacia or Beatrix daughter to the Emperor D. Alphonso by whom he had a goodly issue D. Sancho who was King after his father D. Fernand and D. Ramir Geneology of Nauarre the which was Bishop of Pampelone for Ecclesiastical charges which had great reuenues were not there giuen to Pastors which had care of Christians manners and consciences but were portions for Kings children hee was otherwise called D. Remy Beside three sonnes she brought him three daughters D. Berenguela who was married to Richard King of England surnamed Corde-Lion and had for her dowry the country of Maine in France where shee spent the remainder of her daies like a vertuous widow after the decease of the King her husband D. Sanchos second daughter was D. Theresa otherwise called Constance who died a virgin and the third was D. Blanche married to Thiband Earle of Champaigne and Brie from whom the race of the Kings of Nauarre of the house of Champaigne had their beginning in D. Thiband their son About the yeere 1165. An. 1165. the sentence of the Processe betwixt the Bishops of Pampelone and Sarragosse begunne in the time of D. Lope Predecessor to D. Viuian with D. Pedro of Zarroja for the lymits of their Dioceses and Iurisdictions which had beene iudged by the Legat Hyacinthe Cardinal of the title of Saint Mary in Cosmedin was confirmed by Pope Alexander the third successor to Adrian the fourth beeing at Montpellier in France who also by his Bull confirmed the preuiledges of the Church of Pampelone and the order of the regular Chanoins of Saint Augustin instituted by D. Pedro Roda the Bishop as other Popes his Predecessors had done During these things Portugal D. Alphonso Henriques King of Portugal hauing some quiet with the Moores who were not well setled vnder the obedience of the Almohades spent his time about the fortification of the fronter townes of his realme vnto the yeeres 1165. when as he went
King D. Sancho vntil that their victuals beganne to faile them During this siege the Deputies of the Prouince of Guipuscoa came to D. Alphonso King of Castille making offer that if he would goe thether in person they would yeeld vnto him hauing long desired to bee vnited to the crowne of Castille for that they were ouercharged by the Kings of Nauarre whose fortunes they had followed seuentie seuen yeeres This offer was very pleasing vnto D. Alphonso as a matter of great aduantage wherefore leauing D. Diego Lopes de Haro to continue the siege of Victoria he went in person to Guipuscoa which Prouince put it selfe vnder his protection Guipuscoa yeelded to the King of Castille and of the Kings of Castille vpon certaine conditions and deliuered into his hands the forts of Saint Sebastien and Fontaraby with the castle of Veloaga which is in the valley of Ojarçun which frontierd vpon France a fit place to assure him a passage if need were into Guienne which was then held by the English for that hee had married a Princesse of England Besides these places they gaue him the castle of Athau vpon the frontiers of Nauarre which is now ruined the castle of Achoros Val du L'eniz and the castle of Arrasate called at this present Mondragon vpon the frontiers of Biscay with the fort which was then built vpon the mountaine of Helosua the ruines whereof are to bee seene at this day which mountaine is in the iurisdiction of the towne of Vergara and is otherwise called Arizona This D. Alphonso King of Castille obtained this prouince of