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A07225 Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1615 (1615) STC 17622; ESTC S114403 588,758 444

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meete vs in the borders of the King though we offered him safe comming we to satisfie his minde condescended to meete him at a place which hee appointed within the Land of the French King we exhorted him humbly to submit himselfe vnto his soueraigne and King who had heaped him with such benefits and dignities after aduise with his Couns●ll hee said he would submit himselfe to the King sauing the honour of God the libertie of the Church the honestie of my person the possessions of Churches and the Iustice of him and all his in all things wee asked him whether h● would submit himselfe to vs as the King and the Bishops were content to doe he said he had a commandement from you not to answere before he and all his were restored to all their possessions then he would proceed in the matter as hee should receiue commandement from the Sea Apostolick whereof wee made relation to the King yet keeping back a great part which we had heard and séene which when the King and Nobles vnderstood the King said he was so much the more cleere for that the Archbishop would not stand to Iudgement after much heauinesse and lamentation of the King Bishops and Abbots they required of vs whether wee had any power to proceed against him and perceiuing wee had none least the Archbishop should worke any disquietnes to any of the Noble personages of the Realme agreed together with one assent to make their appellation to your audience prefixing accordingly the terme of their appeale The Archbishop saying he stood onely for the peace of the Church one of the Cardinals offered him if he would relinquish his Bishoppricke the King should relinquish his Customes He answered He could not renounce his Church sauing the honour of the Church and his person but it standeth vpon the soules health and honor of the King to renounce his customes After the Cardinals were gone the French King séeing the King of England disquieted and s●●icitous of peace pretending to set agréement betwixt them the King and the Arch-bishop both were content to stand to his arbiterment The Archbishop prostrating himselfe at the féete of the King of England said he would commit the whole matter to his owne arbiterment Saluo honore Dei the King was highly there-with displeased rebuking him of pride and stubbornenesse and charged him with sundry and great benefits bestowed on him and hee a person vnkind and forgetfull And speaking to the French King there present said whatsoeuer displeaseth this man hee saith it is contrary to the honour of God and by this meanes will vindicate to himselfe that which is his owne and mine too there haue bin Kings of England of greater and lesse puissance then I am there haue haue béen Archb. of Canterbury both great holy men what the best of them haue done to my predecessors before me let him doe the same to me and I am content the standers by with one voice cried the king hath debased himselfe enough to the Bishop the French King said what my Lord will you be better then those holy men will you be greater then Peter you haue peace and quietnes put in your hands if you will take it he answered my predecessors euery one in his time did pluck vp and correct something in his time though not all things for then there would bee no cause of this fire of temptation to try vs though some haue béen slack we are not to follow their examples we rebuke Peter for denying Christ but we commend him for resisting Nero hee could not in his conscience consent vnto him he did not dissemble wherby he lost his life by such oppressions the Church hath alwaies growne our forefathers suffered because they would not dissemble the honour of Christ shall I to haue the fauour of one man suffer the honour of Christ to be supprest the Noble men standing by noted him of arrogancy and wilfulnes and one openly protested that séeing he refused the request of both kingdomes hee was worthy of the help of neither as England had reiected him so France should not entertaine him One of the Archbishops Chapleins writeth that the French king prostrated himselfe at the féet of the Archb. repented he had giuen him such councell in a case pertaining to the honour of God desired to be assoiled and that Henry sent to the king to desire him not to support his enemy within his Realme the French King vtterly denied the Kings request and tooke part rather with the Archbishop The King of England returned from Normandy into England in the 16. yéere of his reigne kept his Court of Parliament at Westminster by assent both of the Clergy Temporalty caused his sonne Henry to be crowned King the Coronation was done by the Archbishop of Yorke other Bishops assisting Becket not beeing called tooke no little displeasure and so did the French King hearing that Margaret his Daughter was not like wise crowned with her husband wherevpon hee came with a great armie to Normandie but the King sent his sonne to him which intreated peace promising that his sonne should be crowned againe and his daughter crowned with him Becket sent to the Pope complaining of foure Bishops especially the Archbishop of York who durst be so bold in his absence without his licence to crowne the king being a matter peculiar to his Iurisdiction at whose instance the Pope excommunicated the Bishop of London the other thrée with the Archbishop hee suspended they resorted to the King declaring how miserable there case stood for fulfilling his commandement the King was highly moued The King of France with his Clergy and Courtiers slacked no occasion to incite the Pope to excommunicate the King of England also thinking to haue some aduantage against the Realme neither was the King ignorant of this which made him the readier to agree The pope sent two Legats with full commission either to driue the K. to be reconciled or to be excommunicated the King seeing himselfe in great straites which he could not auoid and by the mediation of the king of France and other great prelates and Princes of the king was content to be reconciled with the Archb. whom he receiued into his Realme and granted him free returne to his Church But he would not grant him his lands vntill he came into England and did see how he would agrée with his subiects he was ioifully receiued of his church albeit he was not very welcome vnto the yong king so that comming to London to the king he was returned back to Canterbury and bid to keepe his house hee excommunicated one Robert de Brocke on Christmas day for cutting off the taile of one of his Horses the day before hee would not absolue the foresaid foure Bishops without cau●els and exceptions who went to Normandie to the king and complained of the miserable state vncourteous handling which made him conceiue such displeasure towards Becket that
the fight of Beckets Church he lighted went barefoote to his toombe whose steps were found bloudy by the roughn●sse of the stones and receiued a whip with a rod of euery Monke of the Cloister whereby thou maist see the lamentable superstition and ignorance of those dayes and the slauery that Kings and Princes were brought too vnder the Popes Clergy the same yeere almost the whole Citie of Canturbury was consumed with fire and the said Minster church cleane burnt The next yeare in a conuocation of Bishops Abbots and other of the Clergie at Westminster there was great discention betwixt the two Arch-bishops whether Yorke must beare his Crosse in the Dioces of Canterbury and whether the Bishopricks of Lincoln Chichester Worcester and Hereford were of the sea of York Wherefore the one appealed the other vnto the presence of the Pope How much better had it beene if the Supremacie had remained in the King whereby much trauell and great wastfull expences had bin saued and there cause mor● indifferently and more spéedily decided Diuers of Glocester in the Dioces of York were excommunicated by the Archb. of Canterbury because being summoned they refused to appeare a Cardinall by the Kings procurement was sent from Rome to make peace by the meanes of the King it was agreed that Canterbury should release his claime to Glocester and absolue the Clarks thereof the bearing the crosse and other matters was referred to the other Bishops and a league of truce for fiue yeares betwixt them The next yeare Henry the second denided the Realme into six parts ordained thrée Iustices of assise on euery part to the first Norfolk Suffolk Cambridge shire Huntingdon-shire Buckingham-shire Essex Hereford-shire to the second Lincoln-shire Nottingham-shire Derby-shire Stamford-shire Warwick-shire Northampton-shire Leicester-shire Thirdly Kent Surry South-hampton-shire Sussex Berk-shire Oxford-shire Fourthly Heriford-shire Glocester-shire Worcester-shire Salop-shire Fiftly Wilt-shire Dorcester-shire Sommerset-shire De●●n-shire Cornwall Euerwick-shire Richmond-shire Lancaster Copland Westm●r-land Northumberland Cumberland In this yéere the Archbishop of Canterbury made thrée Arch-deacons where there was but one and the K. granted the pope that no Clarke should be called before a temporall Iudge except for his offence in the Forrest or his lay-fée that he holdeth and that no Bishopricke or Abbey should remaine but one yeere in the Kings hands without great cause This yeare there was great controuersie betwixt the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Abbot of S. Austen he being Elect whether the Bishop should come to his house to consecrate him or he to come to the Metropolitan church of Canterbury to be consecrated The ●bbot appealed to the audience of the Pope and went thither with a fat purse procured letters to the Bishop of Worcester to command the Arch-bishop to consecrat him in his Monastery because it did properly belong to the Iurisdiction of Rome should do so likewise to his successors without exception of obedience if the ●rchb refuse to doe it then he should doe it the Archb. vnderstanding it loth to yéeld vsed policy he watched a time when the Abbot was frō home came to the Monastery with all things appointed for the busines called for the Abbat to be consecrated the Abbot not being at home he fained himself not a little grée●ed wherevpon the Abbot was disappointed faine to fill his purse a new make a new course to Rome to the Pope of whom he receiued his consecration This yéere a Cardinal was sent into England as few yéeres there was not one sent to get m●ny he was to make peace betwixt the Archbishops of York Canterbury who kept a Councel at Westminster to which all the chiefe of the Clergy resorted with great confluence Yorke thinking to preuent Canterbury came first and placed himselfe on the right hand of the Cardinall Canterbury seeing the first place taken refused to take the second Yorke alledged the old Decree of Gregory by whom this order was taken betwixt these two Metropolitans that he that should be first in election should haue the preheminence in dignity and goe before the other From words they went to blowes Canterbury hauing more seruants was to strong for Yorke plucked him from the right hand of the Cardinall treading on him with their feet that it was well hee escaped aliue his Robes were all rent from his back this Noble Romane Cardinall which should haue ended the strife committed himselfe to flight the next day Yorke shewed his Rochet to the Cardinall to testifie his wrong and appealed and cited the Archbishop of Canterbury and certaine of his men to the Pope The kingdome of England in the Henry this second his time extended so farre as hath not béen seene The King of Scots with all the Lords spirituall and temporal did him homage for them and their successors Ireland England Normandie Aquitane Gaunt c. Unto the mountaine of Pireni in the vtmost parts of the Ocean in the Brittish sea protector of France and offered to bée King of Ierusalem by the Patriarke and Master of the Hospitall there which he refused alledging his great charge at home and it might be his sonnes would rebell in his absence The fame of his wisedome manhood riches was so renowned through all quarters that messengers came from the Emperor of Rome and from the Emperour of Constantinople and from many great Kings Dukes and other great men to determine questions of strife and aske councell of him he raigned thirty fiue yéeres and hauing great warres yet neuer set tribute or taxe vpon his subiects nor first fruits nor appropriations of benefits vpon the Clergy yet his treasure beeing weighed by King Richard his Sonne after his death weighed 900000. pounds besides Iewels and Houshold-stuffe of which 11000. pounds came by the death of Robert Arch-bishop of Yorke for hee had procured a Bull of the Pope that if any Priest dyed without Testament he should haue all his goods His Sonne Henry whom he ioyned with him in his Kingdome and at his Coronation serued him as a Steward and set the first dish at the Table renouncing the name of King the Archbishop of Yorke sitting at the right hand of the young King he told him he might greatly reioyce being no King had such an Officer as he had the young King disdaining his words said My Father is not dishonored for I am a King and a Quéenes Sonne and so is not he He tooke Armes with the French King against his Father and persecuted him but after hee had raigned a few yeares died in his youth by the iust iudgement of God After his death his Sonne Richard called Cor-de-Lyon rebelled against his Father and Iohn his youngest Sonne did not degenerate from his Brothers steps the said Richard brought his Father to such distresse of body and minde that for thought he fell into an Ague and within fou●e daies dyed Richard méeting his Corps beginning to wéepe the bloud burst out of the
Slaues He married his Cosens Neeces and kinswomen I will not say his Daughters vnto the best Barons and Earles yet his Grand-father was a poore plowman and his Father a Cow-heard and hauing thus tyrannously abused his office fearing examination fled with a few of his trusty seruants to Douer Castle to haue stolne beyond Sea and comming in a womans apparell with a pe●ce of cloth vnder his arme and a mete rod in his hand being taken vpon susp●tion his Kercheefe plucked off his Balaams marke or shauen Crowne appeared the people wondred rai●ed and spit on him and drew him some by the armes some by the legges ouer the Sea sands vntill they brought him to a darke Seller with shame enough to be kept till the Councell ●ent for him to the Tower of London where he was ●xamined depriued and banished the Realme after restored by King Richard and sent to Rome but died by the way As King Richard returned from the Holy Land driuen by di●●resse of weather about the parts of Austria he was taken in Synaca by Hubald Duke of the same countrey and sold to the Emperour for 60000. marke the Emperour writ of the matter to the King of France that hee might reioyce with 〈◊〉 at len●th King Richard was ransomed for 140000. Crownes and as he was comming into England besieging a Castle in Pictauia tooke his deadly wound and being sick amongst others Fulco Archbishop of Roane came to him who said to the King O mighty King thou hast thrée Daughters very vicious prouide good Husbands for them least thou incurre great damage and th● vtter ruine the King called him lying and mocking hypocrite saying all the world knoweth I haue no daughters he answerd yes if it p●ease your Grace I meane greedy couetousn●sse mischieuous pride filthy ●uxury againe I say O King beware of them and get them marriages Wherevpon the King calling his Lords and Barrons ●●●laring the matter to them and said wherefore heere before you all I giue my Daughter swelling pride vnto the proud Templers to Wife and my Daughter gréedie Auaric● vnto the couetous and Cistertian Monkes and last of all t●y filthy Daughter Luxury to the ryotous Prelates of the Church whom I thinke v●ry meete for them The King not long after departed without issue and Iohn his Brother raigned after him the Arch-bishop putting his crowne vpon his head swearing him to de●end the Church and his good lawes and destroy the euill and except he thought in his minde to doe this he charged him not to presume to take vpon him this dignitie On Iohn Baptist day next after he went to Normandy where he was royal●y receiued and a truce made betwixt him and the French King and the Earle of Flanders and all the Lords of France that were in league with King Richard cam● to him and were sworne vnto him Not long after the French King made Arthur Knight and tooke homage of him for Normandy Brittaine and all his possessions beyond the Sea and promised him help against King Iohn after the French King and King Iohn with their Nobles spake together an houre the French King asked him much land for himselfe and King Arthur wh●ch he would not g●ant but departed in w●ath The same yeere a Legate came into France and commanded the King vpon paine of interdiction to deliuer one Peter out of prison which was elected to a Bishoprick who was deliuered the same Legate came into England and commanded King Iohn vpon paine of interdiction to deliuer the Arch-bishop whom hee had kept in prison two yeares which the King denied vntill he had payed him six thousand markes because hee had tooke him in harnesse in a field against him and he swore him hee should neuer beare harnesse against a Christian man This time King Iohn his wife were diuorced because they were in the third degrée of kindred and after by the Councell of the French King was married vnto the Daughter of the Earle of Anguilla and then Arthur of Brittan did homage for Brittaine and other his possessions to King Iohn This time was strife betwixt the King and the Archbishop of Yorke because he would not suffer the Sheriffe to do such affaires as he had to d ee in his Dioces for the King and excommunicated the Sheriffe and would not go with the King into Normandy to make the marriage betwixt the French Kinges Sonne and his Néece The King of France required King Iohn to depart with all his Landes in Normandy and Pictauia c. vnto Arthur his Nephew else hee would warre against him which he denying the next day the French King with Arthur set vpon certaine of his Towns and Castles in Normandy but he was so repulsed of the English who followed so néere and so inforced vpon them that they took Arthur and many other Prisoners and left none to beare tydings home This Arthur was the Sonne of Geffery the elder Brother of King Iohn Geffery was the third Son of Henry the second and Iohn was his fift Son Arthur being taken was brought to the King home he exhorted him with many gentle words to leaue th● King of France and incline to his Uncl● hee stoutly required the kingdome of England with all things thereunto belonging to bee restored to him as lawfull heire of the Crowne Whereupon he was committed to the Tower of Roane wher● he finished his life No Story agréeth certainly how whether by leaping into the Ditch or no. The next yeare King Iohn lost all his possessions in Normandy by the force of the French King This yeare grew great dissention about chusing the Archbishop of Canterbury the younger sort of the Monkes there at midnight and before the old Arch-bishop was buried and without the Kings assent elected one Renald sending h●m to the Pope charging him vpon his oath to be secret but he reuealed the matter whereby the rest of the Monkes sent priuily to Rome and sent to the King for h●s ass●nt to chuse an Archbishop the King granted their petition desiring them to shew ●auour to Iohn Gray Bishop of Norwich which they did and elected him and the King sent to Rome at his owne charge to haue this election ratified ●he Suffragans of Canterbury sent likewise to Rome to haue both those elections frustrated because their assents were not to them The next yeare the Pope d●cided the matter betwi●t the Monkes and Suffrigans pronouncing with the Monks charging the Suffragans and Bishop to meddle no more with that election The next yeare the Pope decided the controuersie betwixt the younger Monkes and the elder Monkes and condemned both their elections comma●nding them to chuse Steuen Langton Cardinall of Saint Chrisogone for their Arch-bishop they said they durst not for feare of the King and that it was preiudiciall to their liberties He in a fury said We will you to know that we haue full power ouer the Church of Canterbury and
hee 〈◊〉 toither and tooke possession thereof and returned and maried Emmalate wife of Egelred by whom he had a sonne called Hardyknight He held a Parliament at Oxford where it was agreed that Englishmen and Danes should hold the Lawes made by King Edgar Then the Danes begun to be Christians and Canutus went to Rome and returned He gouerned the L●nd 20. yeares and left two sonnes Harold and Hardeknight which was made King of Denmarke in his Fathers time Harold called Harefore for his swiftnesse succéeded him hee banished his Stepmother Emma and tooke away her goods and Iewels Hardeknight King of Demmarke succéeded him and when he had raigned two yeares being merry at Lambeth he was suddenly strucke dumb● and died being the last king of the Danes that raigned in England In the time of these Danish Kings there was one Godwine an Earle in England when the aforesaid two s●nnes of King Egelred Alfred and Edward came from Normandy to England to visit their mother Emma and brought with them a great company of Normaines this Godwine hauing a Daughter named Godith whom he thought to haue maried to Edward and made him king Hee perswaded the king Hardeknight that the Normaines should be slaine and gat authoritie to order the matter himselfe Wherefore hée met them at Guildowne with a company of English Souldiers slewe almost all the Normaines winding their gots out of their bellyes and put out the eyes of Alfred the eldest brother and sent him to the Abby of Elie where hée fed him with bread and water vntill shorty after hée dyed Edward escaped to his mother who fearing Godwine sent him againe into Normandy This cruell fact to the Normaines séemeth to bée the cause why the Iust Iudgement of God shortly after Conquered the English Nation by the Normaines After the death of king Hardeknight last king of the Danes the Lords sent into Normandy for the aforesaid Edward yonger sonne of Quéen Emma to take possession of the Realme who came with a few Normaines and was crowned at Winchester He maried Godith Daughter of Earle Godwine hee ruled with much wisdome and 〈◊〉 24. yeares In his time his mother Emma was accused to be too familier with Alwine Bishop●● Winchester by the councell of Godwine they were committed to prison many of 〈◊〉 Bishops laboured for them to the King but Robert Archbishop of Canterbury stopp●● their su●e saying How dare you defend her shée hath def●med her sonne the 〈◊〉 and taken her ler●erous Lemman the Bishop she is accused to bee consenting to ●he death of her sonne Alfred and procured poyson for her sonne Edward it she will 〈◊〉 bare footed for her selfe foure steps and for the Bishop fiue vpon nine 〈…〉 if she escape harmelesse they shall be af●oyled she agreed theris then the ●ing and many Nobles being present she was led blindfold to the place where Irons lay burning hote and passed the nine shares vnhurt when they opened her eyes and she s●e her selfe past the paine she kneeled downe and gaue thankes to God then the King asked her forgiuenesse but the Archbishop f●ed into Normandy The said cruell 〈◊〉 Godwine tooke bread and eate it in witnesse that he was not guilty of the death of Alfred the Kings brother but as soone as hee had recei●ed the bread he was choked at the table before the king at Winsor and he was conueyed to Winchester and buried Harold the second sonne of Godwine succeeded Edward who was the last King of the S●x●ns Then the Kings so●ne of Denmarke came into England with 300. ships who entred the North and claymed the Land the Lords of the country rose against them but the Danes had the victory then H●rold gaue them a great battell and got the victory and slew the King of Denmarkes sonne After this victory Harold waxed proud and couetous and would not diuide the pr●y to his Knights but kept it to himselfe Whereas Harold had sworne to William Duke of Normandy after the death of King Edward to take possession of the Kingdome of England to his vse according to the will of King Edward that the Duke of Normandy should succéede him The Duke sent to him admonishing him of the Couenants that were agréed vpon betwixt them Harald answered thus That such a nice foolish promise ought not to be holden concerning the Land of another without the consent of the Lords of the same especially because neede and dread compelled him thereto Whereupon Duke William prepaired his Armie and sent to Pope Alexander concerning his Title and ●oiage the Pope confirmed him in the same and sent him a Banner And they tooke shipping with a great company and landed at Hastings in Sussex the Normans and Harald ioyned battell in the place where af●ter was builded the Abby of Battell in Sussex where the Normaines obtained the victory through the Iust Prouidence of God where Harold was wounded in the left eye with an arrowe and incontinently dyed when hee had raigned nine yeares and was buryed at Wal●ome This Duke William and King Edward were by the Fathers side Cosen Germaynes After this Gregory the first succeeded Siluester the second he sate 4. yeares 〈◊〉 moneth and 8. dayes Pope By the testimony of Stella Benno and Platina and many others he was a Sorce●er and was exal●ed to the Papacy by the Deuill vpon this condition that after his death he should giue himselfe to the Deuill He demaunded of the Deuill how long he should ●nioy his Popedome Hee answered Untill thou say Masse in Ierusalem thou shalt liue At length the Pope in Lent saying Masse in the Temple of the Holy Crosse which Church vnknowne to him was called Ierusalem then hee knewe hee should dye then repenting hee confessed his fault before all the people ●f●er him succeeded Iohn the 19. which brought in the Feast of All-Soules to bee celebrated next after All-Saints day by the meanes of Odilo Abbot of Cl●nake This Abbot thinking that Purgatory should bee in Mount E●na dreamed vppon a time that h●e by his Mas●es had d●liuered diuerse Sou●es from thence saying that hee heard the voyces and lamentatious of D●uils crying out for that the Soules were taken from them by Masses and Dirges fun●rall Pope Iohn the 20. succeeded him and after him Sergius the 4 after him Benedictus the 8. then Iohn the 12. who was pr●moted by Arte Magicke of diuerse Sorcerers He brought in the fast of Saint Iohn Baptist eauen and of Saint Laurence After him followed Pope Benedictus the 9. aspiring to his Papacie by Magicke practising Incha●tments and Con●●rations in words he resisted the Emperour Henricus the third sonne of Conradus and placed in his roome Pe●●us King of Hungary After for feare of Henricus he was faine to sell his Sea● so Gratianus called Gregorie the sixt for 1500. lib. at which time there was three Popes in Rome together raigning one against another Benedictus the 9. Siluester the 3. Gregorius the 6. for which
Spirituall Liuings but these Bishops being demaunded of him could not deny but hee tooke nothing of them they being preferred by him well said hée you requi●e mée well and admonishing them of their Oath and alegiance as hee sate in his Throne they pl●cke away all his Cu●periall Ornaments The good Emperour being destitute said Videat Deus Iudicat Thus leauing him they confirmed the Kingdome to his Sonne and caused him to driue his Father out who with nine persons did ●●y to the Dukedome of Li●burg the Duke bearing of it made after him the Emperour hauing before put him from his Kingdome being afraid of death cra●ed pardon of him and not reuengement the Duke pittying his estate remitted his displeasure and receiued him to his Castle and collecting men of Warre brought him to Colin His Sonne hearing thereof besieged the City but hee escaped by night to Leodium thither all they that had compassion and consiant hearts resorted to him so hee was able to pitch a Field against his enemies and so did hee desired his friendes if they that had the victory they would spare his sonne in that sight the Father had the victory and the Sonne was chased but in another battell the Sonne had the victory and the Father was taken who being vtterly dispossessed was faine to craue of the Bishop of Spire whom he had done much for to haue a Pr●bendry in the Church to serue in our Ladies quire who swore by our Lady hee should haue none Thus hee came to Leodium and there for sorro ● dyed after he had raigned 50. ●eares Pope Pascalis caused his body to be taken our of the graue and to remaine at Spite 's fiue yeares without buriall About this time Anselmus Bishop of Canterbury which brought in the Conception of our ●ady to bee hal●wed accused King Henry the first of England to Pascal●s for making certaine Bishops by his owne election the Kings Proctor in his behalfe signif●●d to the people that the King for the value of his Kingdome would not forgoe his right in setting in Bishop and Pr●lates The Pope answered Before ●od I for the price of my head will not permit it vnto him The Archbishop returning home being the Popes Legate was turned out of his Bishopricke and goods Henry the 5. Emperour after his fathers death raigned twentie yeares being at Rome could not be crowned except he would relinquish his clayme of making Popes or any other Bishops there was such a stirre made by the Pope that if the Emperour had not defended himselfe with his owne handes hée had béene slaine But the Emperour hauing the victory tooke Pope Pascalis led him out of the city made him agree to cr●wne him and to allow him his prerogatiue of election of Popes and other Bishops and being crowned returned with the Pope to Rome But as soone as the Emperour returned to Germany the Pope called a Syno●e ●euoking his agréement and exc●mmunicated the Emperour as he had done his Father The Emperour 〈◊〉 a● it marched to Rome and put the Pope to flight and placed another in his 〈◊〉 The Germaine Bishops with all they might stirred the Saxons against the●r Caesar it gr●we at length to a pitched Field The Emperour seeing no end of his conflicts was faine to forgoe his priu●ledge of the Popes election and other things belonging to the Church and Churchmen In the time of Pascalis li●ed Barnardus of whom sprung the Barnardine Monkes The Emperour had no issue his wife was Mathildas daughter of King Henry the fi●st of England which was Gods iust Iudgement for deposing his Father Pascalis being dead Pope Gelasius was chosen by the Cardinals without the Emperour and the Emperour made another Pope Gregorius the 8. which made Pope Gelasius 〈◊〉 into France and there dyed The Cardinales choose Calixus the 2. Pope without the Emperour who before hee came to his Seat in R●me sent his Legate to excommunicate the Emperour and droue Gregorius the Emperours Pope out of Rome The Emperour fearing the vaine thunderbolts of the Popes curse perswad●d by his Princes and f●iends resigned his ●y●le pertaining to the 〈◊〉 of the Pope and the inuestiture of Bishops This being set vy in writing in the Church of Lateran in tryumph of the Emperour thus sub●ued Then the Pope made out and tooke his fellow Pope Gregorius set him on a Camell his face backward holding the tayle for a bridle brought him thro●gh the streetes of Rome and sho●● him and thrust him into a Monastery ●ée established the Decrée of the Papall Sea against the Emperour and brought in the foure Ember-fasts called ember ●aies He ordained the order of Monkes called Praemonstratenses It was 〈◊〉 by him to be iudged adultery for any person to put away his Liuing or Bishoprick●●uring his life according to Saint Paul The wife is bound vnto the husband as long as he liueth By a generall Councell at Rhemes he decréed all Clergy men should put away their wiues or be depriued of their Liuings wherupon an English writer made these verse● O bone Calixte nunc omnis clerus odit te Quondam presbyteri poterant vxoribus vti Hoc destruisti post quam tu Papa fuisti Pope Honorius the ● succeeded him he sent one Iohn Cremensis Cardinall Legat into England and Scotland in colour of redresse but to fsill his purse as all other did after him in those dayes afte● he had well refreshed himselfe in Bishops and Abbots houses he assembled the whole Clergy inquired of Priests wiues and made a Sta●tute they should haue no women in their houses vnlesse i●●h kindred as were not to be ●usp●cted and the offend●r of this Act to forfaite all his Spirituall promotion and that no kindred should mary vntill the seauenth generation and r●fling within houres at night was taken in the same vice he was so strict against to no little shame of the Clergie At this time the Emperour Henry the 5. dyed without issue the Emperiall crowne came to Lotharius Duke of Saxon. Not long after deceased Henry the first King of England In this Honorius his time came a Priest to Rome called Arnulphus who preached vehemently against the pride auarice and incontinencie of the Clergie and exhorted them to follow Christ. He was well respected of the Citizens but the Cardinals and Clergy hated him and made him away in the night by drowing him Sabelicus and Platina say they hanged him His Martyrdom he said was reuealed to him by an Angel in the Desert and said vnto them I know you will kill me priuily and no maruell for if Saint Peter were héere and rebuked your vices that exceed you would serue him so and said with a loud voice I am not afraid to suffer for the truth but God will be reuenged you play the blinde guides and leade the people to Hell In the second Booke of Councels printed at Colen either this Arnulphus or about his time one complaineth of the
more within Temples Monast●ries or Chappels then any where els Priests apparell ornaments of Altars Uestments Corporaces Chalices patenes and other Church-plate to serue in no steed It maketh no matter in what place the Priest consecrateth the Sacrament and that it is sufficient to vse only the Sacramental words without other superstitious ceremonies Prayers to Saints vaine they not able to helpe In saying and singing the houres and Mattens of the day the time lost A man ought to cease from his labour no day but Sunday The Feasts of Saints to be reiected coacted feasts haue no merite The truth o● these Articles be the lesse to be doubted being set out by a Popes pen. They being accused slaunderously by one Doctor Augustine vnto the Bohemian King gaue vp their confession with an Apology of their Faith They held Thomas Aquinas author of Purgatory Concerning the Supper of the Lord their Faith was it was to be eaten and not to be shewed and worshipped That it was for a memorial and not for a Sacrifice to serue for the present not to be reserued to be receiued at the table not to be caried out of doores according to the vse of the primitiue Church when they vsed to communicate sitting this they proued by Cronicles ● and by Origen vpon the third of Moses Doctor Austin asked them whether it were not the same Christ in the Sacrament which is in heauen else how can it be said there is but one Faith and one Christ then why he should not bee worshipped in the Sacrament as well as in Heauen They answered to this effect that the same Christ that is in Heauen is in the Sacrament but after diuerse manners in Heauen he is corporally locally with the full proportion and quantitie of the same body wherewith hee ascended and to be séene in the Sacrament he is but sacramentally to be remembred not to bee séene our bodies receiue the signe our spirit the thing signified They asked him againe whether Christ was not aswell in them that receiue the Sacrament as in the Sacrament before it was receiued and why it should not be worshipped as well in the brest of the receiuer as before it is receiued seeing ●e is in a more perfect manner in ●an then in the Sacrament in it he is but for a time not for the sacrament s●ke but f●r mans sake In man he is for his owne sake not for a time but for euer as it is written Qu● manducat hunc panem viuat in aeternum Then they asked whether he was there wholly God and man which if hee grant it it is contrary to Nature and Faith that any creature should be changed into the Creator If he say it is changed into his body and soule and not into the Godhead then h●e separates the natures of Christ if hee say into the body alone and not the soule then hée separateth the Natures of the true manhoode and so cannot be the same Christ that was betrayed for vs so to what part soeuer he should answere he could not defend transubstantiation without great inconueni●●ce of all sides It appeareth in a certaine Libell of Inquisition that vpon their kne●s with great reuerence they vsed to pray euery morning and euery euening and that they vsed to say grace before meate and after and after meate to edifie one another with some instruction They were so diligent and painefull in teaching that Reynerius an old Inquisitor against them writeth that one of them to bring another vnto the faith in the night and in winter swamme ouer the Riuer Ibis to come to him to teach him and they were so perfect in the Scripture that he heard an vnlettered man that could say the booke of Iob word by word without booke with others which had the New Testament perfectly by hart Hee writeth moreouer that none durst stop them for the number of their fauourers saying I haue often béen at their examination and there were numbred forty Churches of their opinions in s●much that in one parish of Camma●h were ten open schooles of them and when he had spoken what he could against them he is driuen to confesse that they both liue iustly before men and beléeue all things wel● of God and hold all the Articles contained in the Creede onely they blaspheme the Church of Rome and hate it Touching the●r persecution which commonly followeth true preaching they being scattered from Lions that the sound of their doctrine might gee abroad ●n the world some went as it is said into Bohemia many into other prouinces of France some into Lombardy and other places but these could not be suffered to liue at rest as may appeare by the consultations made by the Lawyers Bishops of France against them writ aboue three hundred yeares agone remaining yet in writing whereby it appeareth there were a great many in France Besides there was a Counsell kept in Tol●se about 355. yeares agone and all against these Waldenses they also were condemned in another Counsell at Rome before that What persecutions they had in France by three Archbishops appeareth by their writings who is such a stranger that knoweth not the condemnation of the Waldenses done so many yeeres agone so famous so publique followed vpon with so great labour expences and trauell and sealed with so many of their deaths so solemnely being condemned and openly punished wher● by we may know persecution to be no new thing in the church of Christ when Antichrist three hundred yéeres agone did rage against the Waldenses But there was neuer more trouble then was against them of late in the yeare ●545 in France by the French King which followeth in this booke when we come to the yeare wherein it was done where it shall be set forth more at large In which persecution is declared that in one towne Cabria by Miuerias were slayne eight hundred persons at once not respecting women children nor any age and forty women most of them great with child were thrust into a Barne the windowes kept with pikes were fired and consumed besides in a Caue not farre from Mussin were fiue and twenty persons fired and destroyed the same time the same tyrant at Merindolum seeing all the rest were fled away finding one yong man caused him to be tyed to an Oliue tree and destroyed with torments most cruel the foresaid Reynerius speaketh of a Glouer one of them in the towne of Cheron that in his time was brought to execution There is an old Monument of processes wherein appeareth 443. brought to examination in Pomarina Marchia and places there ab●ut in the yeere 1391. thus much of the original doctrine and lamentable persecutions of the Waldenses who as it is said began about the time of Pope Alexander Now for as much as Thomas Becket happened in this Popes time let vs somewhat story of him THE HISTORY OF THOMAS BECKET Arch-bishop of Canterbury KIng Henry the second K. of England conuenting his Nobles
Pope the whole matter to whom the Pope writeth againe wee are not a little disquieted in our spirits for your sake being our most déere Brother remember that the Apostles departed away reioycing from the face of the Councell receiue consolation that w● may reioice with you in the Lord who hath preserued you in this distresse to the corroboration of the Catholick verity and God through his punishment of afflic●ions hath wiped away the blot of your offences that they might not be called to account in the day of Iudgement bee not greeued that you are appealed to the Apostolike Sea which to vs is gratefull and accepted draw not you backe spare not to follow the appeale for the authoritie of the Church of Rome tendreth your constancie our diligence shall bee to preserue the right and preheminence of your Church to you as one working for the Church a constant and valiant Champion I thought good especially to premonish you neither for aduersitie nor whatsoeuer happens renounce not the right and dignitie of your Church The Archbishop sitting with his Crosse in his hand as before was not abashed at al that was the King sent for him presently to render account for thirty thousand markes and fruits and reuenewes of the Realme in the time when he was Chancellor he answered the King knew how often hee had made reckonings of those things and that Henry his Sonne and heyre with all the Barrons and the Lord chiefe Iustice of England told him was frée and quit to god and holy Church from all receipts computations on the Kings behalfe and so taking his discharge entred into his office for other accounts he would make none when his answere was brought to the King he required the Barons to doe their office who adiudged him to be apprehended and laid in prison the King sent the Earl of Cornwall and Deuonshire and the Earle of Leicester to shew him his Iudgement to whom he said heare my Sonne and good Earle how much the soule is more precious then the body so much ought you to obey me rather then your terrene King no Law doth permit the child to condemne their Father wherefore to auoide all your iudgements before you all I appeale to the Sea Apostolicke and as for you my fellow Bishops which rather obey man then God you also I call and claime to the Iudgement of the Pope and I doe depart from you as from the enemies of the Catholick Church and of the authoritie of the Apostolicke Sea whilst they returned this answere to the King the Archbishop passed through the throng and tooke horse holding the bridle in one hand and his Crosse in the other the Courtiers followed saying tarrie Traytor and héere thy Iudgement the vtmost gate being locked one of his seruants found a bunch of Keyes trying them found the right and opened the gate he went to the house of the Cannons where hee did lie and calling to him the poore where they could be found after supper he caused a bed to be made him betwixt two Altars but whilst the King was at supper he changed his garments and named himselfe Derman and made an escape to the Sea and taking ship sayled into Flanders and thence iournied vnto France the King sent the Bishop of London and the Earle of Arundell vnto the King of France to require him not to receiue the Archbishop nor retaine him in his Dominion and that he would be a meanes to the Pope not to shew any familiaritie vnto him but the French King contrarie to the Kings Letters and request not only harboured and cherished him but writ to the Pope intreating him vpon all loues as euer he would haue his fauour to tender the cause of the Archbishop Becket The King sent another ambassage to Pope Alexander by the Archbishop of York the Bishops of London Winchester Chichester Exeter with other Doctors and Clarkes with the Earle of Arundel with certaine moe Lords and Barrons they were friendly accepted at the Popes Court the next day following the Pope sitting in the Consistorie with his Cardinals when the Ambassadours were called for the hearing of Beckets matter and the Bishops euery one in order had made his Oration the Pope did not accept some of their spéeches and disdained some wherefore the Earle of Arundell disdained in this manner spake Though I am vnlettered and cannot vnderstand what these Bishops haue said neither can vtter my minde in that tongue which they haue done yet I must declare the cause of my sending as well as I may which was not to contend with or iniury any man especially in presence of such a one at whose beck all the world doth stoope but our Legacie is to present in the presence of the whole Church of Rome the deuotion and loue of our King which hee euer had and still hath towards you and that it might the better appeare to your excellencie hee hath appointed for the furniture of this Legacy his greatest and cheefest subiects of such worthines and parentage that if hee could haue found greater in his Realme hee would haue sent them for the reuerence of your person and holy Church of Rome I might adde more which your Sainctitude hath already proued the harty fidelity of our King towards you who at the entrance to his Kingdome submitted himselfe and all his wholly to your will and pleasure and wee beleeue there is none more faithfull in Christ then he nor more deuout to God nor more moderate in kéeping the vnity of peace neither doe I deny touching the Archbishop of Canterbury a man not vnfurnished with gifts in his calling being both sage and discréete sauing that hee seemeth to some more quick and sharpe then needeth if this blot had not beene the King and he had not discented then both the temporaltie and spiritualty might haue flourished one with the other in much peace vnder so worthy a Prince and so vertuous a pastor therefore our message and supplication to your vigilant prudence is that through your fauour and wisedome the neck of this discention may be broken and reformation of vnitie and loue by some good meanes may be sought But the Pope would not condiscend to their sute which was to haue two Legates sent from his popish side into England to examine and take vp the controuersie betweene the King and the Archbishop but because Becket was absent hee willed them to tarry his comming vp for hee being absent hee would in no case procéede against him but they alledged there time appointed to be ended and hauing other lets they could not waite for the comming of Becket and so returned back there cause frustrated without the Popes blessing to the King Within foure dayes after Becket commeth to the Popes Court offered the pope a scroule of the custome and ordinances of the King the Pope condemned and cursed the most part of them and blamed Becket for so much yeelding to them at the beginning yet
destruction that is comming towards you and your Realm● Prince Lodowicke hath sworne a great oath and sixtéene of his Earles and Nob●es are of 〈◊〉 with him that if he obtaine the Crowne of England he will ●anish and depriue of their Lands and goods all that h● now findeth to goe against their leach King and are Traytors to him vpon my Faith n●w lying at Gods mercie I was one that was 〈◊〉 to the same and with teares he said take héede in time your King for a 〈◊〉 hath kept you vnder but if Lodowicke preuaile he will put you from all hee had them kéepe his counce●l and so he dyed This trobled the Barons and seeing withall 〈◊〉 Prince Lodowicke obtained by warres he gaue to French men in spite of them saying they were but Traytors They at length concluded to submit themselues 〈…〉 neuer drunke before I trust this Wassell shall make all England glad and dranke a great draught thereof the king pledged him the Munke went away and 〈◊〉 bu●st out and hee dyed and had euer after thrée Monkes to sing continually Masse for his Soule confirmed by their generall Chapter I would you would see how religiously they bestow heir confessions absolutions and Masses King Iohn feeling himselfe not well asked for Symon the Monke they answered he was dead then the tooke his Chariot and departed and dyed within three dayes He admonished that his Sonne Henry would learne by his example to be gen●le and leuing to his natiue people He being imbalmed his bowels were bur●●ed in Crompton Abbey his Soldiers ●olded his Corps triumphantly in Armour and honourably buried him in the Cathedrall Church or Worcester hauing raigned 17. yeares 6. moneth● and odde daies After whose death the Princes Lords Barons and strangers that were on the kings part with the Councell of the Legate Gualdo proclaimed Henry his sonne king and at Gloster with the Earle there they annointed and Crowned him King b● the Legate Gualdo assisted with the Bishops of Winchester and Bath and called him Henry the third The Pope sent with all spéede that they should mightily stand ●ith the young king being but ten yeares old and defend England with Arm●ur and his thundring curses against Lodowicke Hée confirmed his Legat Gualdo and committed to his discretion all that appertained to his Office none to appeale from him Hee compelled the Prelates to bée sworne to the young King and punished them which refused Th● Bishop of Winchester laid a heauie talke vpon his beneficed men to helpe the king in his warres Gualdo left not one beneficed man vnpunished that had taken part with the French King In this yeare Gualdo was sent for home to Rome for by this time he had welfa●oredly vnladen the purses of the Clergie men and returned with all his bags well stuffed leauing Cardinall Pandulfe behind him to supply his Baliwicke The Bishop of Lincolne not long before paid 1000. markes for recouery of his Office and an hundred markes to the Legate for his goodwill so were other holy Prelates and Priests taught by his example Inocentius Pope condemned Almeri●us a worthy Bishop for an hereticke for teaching and holding against Images also he condemned the Doctrine of Ioachim Abbas as before for heresie He brought in first the paying of priuie ty●hes and the receiuing once at Easter and the reseruation of the Sacrament and the going before it with a bell and a light He stirred vp Otho against Phillip the Emperour because he was elected without his will whereupon followed much slaughter in Germany and against Otho which he had made Emperour he set vp Fredericke king of Ci●le and caused the Archbishop of Mayence to excommunicate him and depose him of his Empire for which cause the Princes of Germany did inuade his Bishopricke and burned his possession all was because Otho held certaine Cities Townes and C●stles which the Pope said belonged to him In his time came the order of Blacke Friers called the Preaching Fryers it began of one Dominicke a Spaniard who after he had Preached ten yeares against the Albigenses and others that held against the Pope comming to Lateran desired to haue his Order of Preaching Fryers confirmed which the Pope refused vntill hee dreamt that the Church of Lateran was readie to fall vntill Dominicke came and propped it vp with his sholders and so preserued it The Pope waking called Dominicke to him and gr●nted his request Dominicks mother being great with child dreame● she had a wolfe in her wombe which had a burning tor●ch in his mouth the which dreame the Preachers of that order aduance to their glory In his time came vp the order of the Minorits of one Frances an Italian hee left off shooes had but one cote of vile cloth and an hempen cord about his middle and so apparelled his Disciples teaching them to fulfill the perfection of the Gospell walke in pouertie and holy simplicitie this rule was confirmed by Pope Innocent Many Nobles and others in Rome builded manflons for him and his disciples he was likewise str●●t to his flesh leauing clothes in winter he 〈◊〉 himselfe in Ice and snow he called pouerty his Lady he kept nothing ouer night he was so desirous of Martyrdome that he went to Siria to the Solda● who receiued him honourably it is written that Christ and his Saints marked him with fiue wounds These Franciscans or begging F●●ers though they haue but one Rule they haue many Orders there by 101. seueral sorts of Friers and Nunnes which the reader if he be disposed may see in the booke at l●rge with their names Fol 70. Hildegardis a Nunne a Prophetesse liued in the yeare 1170. She reprehendeth grieuously the abhominations of the l●ues of the Spiritual Papists the contempt of their Office and destruction of Gods children with these words Now is the Law neglected amongst the Spirituall which negl●ct to Preach and to doe good things The masters and Prelates sleepe and negl●ct Iustice. The Church appeared to her in the shape of a 〈◊〉 her face 〈◊〉 with dirt and her 〈◊〉 rent complaining that the Priests did not shine ouer the people neither in Doctrine not example but contrary did driue the innocent lambe from them that Eccles●asticall order grew worse and worse and Priests destroyed the law of God and did not teach it and proph●●eth to them Gods heauie wrath and punishments She prophesieth likewise of the reformation of Religion and saith it shall be most godly saying Then shall the Crowne of the Apostolicall honour bee deuided because there shall be found no religion amongst them and the name of that dignity shall bée despised and they shall s●t ouer them other men and other Archbishops and the Apostolicall order shall haue scarce Rome and a ●ew other Countries thereabout vnder his Crown● and this shall be done partly be war●es and partly by a common consent of Spirituall and Seculer persons then Iustice shall florish and men shall honestly apply themselues to the
also lampes tapers and such other things profit nothing 8 That no Images should be set vp to bee worshipped ●p the Scriptures and therefore they are to be taken downe in Churches 9 That Matrimony is prohibit●d to no kind● of men by the worde but euery whoremonger is by the word sequestred from the Communion of the Church 10 That single life vnchast filthy is most vnséemely for priesthood The Bishops would not come but sent their Diuines then the disputation was begun by Swinglius Oecolampadius Bucer Capito Blaurer and diuers others defended the Conclusions Amongst others Conrado Treger an Austine Fryer of great fame impugned them who at last when hee sought for help besides the Scriptures the Masters of the Disputations would not suffer him so to doe Wherefore hee departed out of the place the disputations ended the foresaid conclusions were approued by the common consent of the most part and were ratified obserued in Ber●e and proclaimed by the Magistrate in sundry places thereabouts and Masses Altars and Images abolished in all places and immediately after was the like reformation at Constance and after at Geneua Pope Clem 7. in this yéere conspired with the Uenetians raised a great army and proclaimed war against the Emperor about the possession of Italy the Emp●●ror sent his army to Millaine tooke the City Castle marching towards Rome took it spoiled it besieged Pope Clement with his Cardinals in mount Adrian and took the pope who could not be ransomed vnder 40000. Floreines This Pope bare great hatred against the Family of the Columni because it was imperiall and threatned the Cardinall thereof to take away his Cardinals hat who answered if he so did he would put on a helmet to ouerthrow the Popes triple Crowne Our Cardinall of England hearing of the captiuitie of his father the Pope stirred vp the King all he might fight with the Emperour and defend the Faith and he should receiue a great reward of God The King answered he was sorie for it but where you would haue me defend the Faith I assure you this warre is not for th● Faith but for temporall possessions I and my people can by no meanes rescue him but if any treasure may helpe him take that which seemeth to you conuenient Then the Cardinall made out of the Kings treasure twelue score thousand pounds which he carried ouer the Sea with him then the Cardinall sent his commission to all Bishops commanding fastings and solemne processions to be had wherein they did sing the Letany after this sort Sancta Maria ora pro Clemente Papa Sancte Petre ora pro Clemente Papa c. The Cardinall passing the Seas went out of Callice with the Bishop of London the Lord Sandes the Kings Chamberlaine the Earle of Derby Sir Henry Gilford Sir Thomas Moore with many other Knights and Esquires to the number of one thousand and two hundred horses hauing in his carriage foure score Wagons and threescore Mules and Sumpter Horses he bestowed great summes of money in hyring Souldiers and furnishing out the French Kings armie and appointed certain English Captains in the K. of Englands name to go against the Emperor to rescue the Pope hee caused Clarentius king at Armes to ioyne with the French Herald openly to defie the Emperor wherupon ensued great troubles in England Spain the low Countries of Flanders Brabant and Zeland all which his priuie policies and treasons were shortly after known to the King In this yeare a Iew in Constantinople was baptized and became Christian which thing vehemently exasperated the Turks against him and fearing it should be some detriment to their Mahumeticall law they sought to kill him which they did and cast his dead carkasse into the stréets commanding that none should burie it Wherin the glorie of Christ appeared for the dead corps lying there nine daies was as fresh coloured without corruption or smell as if it had bin aliue whereat the Turks being astonished took it vp and buried it The Cardinall hauing defied the Emperour as before and made him displeased with the King of England he further whispered in the Kings eare that the Emperour had euill intreated and imprisoned the Kings Embassadours in Spaine by which meanes the Emperours Embassadour in England was imprisoned and his goods seised vntill Letters came to the contrarie and then he was set at libertie When the Embassadour complained vnto the Cardinall hee layed all the fault vpon Clarentius and that Clarentius had defied the Emperour without the Kings knowledge by the request of the Herald of France and that at his returne he should lose his head at Callice Clarentius hearing hereof came priuily into England and was brought vnto the King before the Cardinall knew it to whom he shewed the Cardinalls commission and their gentle intreatie When the King heard hereof and had mused a while he said O Lord Iesus hee that I trusted most told me all these things contrary well Clarentius I will be no more so light of credence And from thence the King neuer put any more trust in the Cardinall Some write that the Cardinall did beare the Emperour such malice because when the Pope was imprisoned as before the Cardinall wrote vnto the Emperour to make him Pope and he sent him an answere that pleased him not whereupon he writ menacing Letters vnto him that if he would not make him Pope hee would make such a rufling betwixt Christian Princes as was not this hundred yéers before to make the Emperour repent yea though it cost the whole Realme of England the Emperour returned him answere bidding him looke well vnto it lest through his doings it should cost him the Realme of England indeede Thus King Henry came to the Title of Defender of the Faith When Luther had vtterd the abomination of the Pope and his Clergie and diuers books were com into England Our Cardinall to find a remedie for it sent to Rome for this title of Defender of the Faith After the Uicar of Croydon preached that the K. would not lose it for all London and twenty miles about it When this glorious title was come from Rom● the Cardinall brought it to the King at Gréenwich and although the King had read it yet in the morning were all the Lords and Gentlemen sent for that could be to come and receiue it with honor In the morning the Cardinall went thorough the backside to the Frier obseruants and som went round about and met him from Rome part met him halfe way and some at Court gate and the King met him in the Hall and brought him into a great chamber where was a seat prepared on high for the King and Cardinall Whilst the Bull was read with all pompe wise men laughed then the King went into his Chapp●ll to heare masse the Cardinall being inuested to sing masse the Earle of Essex brought the bason of water the Duke of Suffolke gaue the asasy the Duke of Northfolk
the Lords put a book of articles against the Cardinall that he procured the Legat without the Kings consent whereby he took away the right of all Bishops that in all writings to Rome and other Princes he wrote Ego Rex meus that he standered the Church of England to be brought into a reprobate sense sending to Rome to be Legat to reforme the Church and carried the great Seale with him to Flanders and that without the kings consent he sent commission to conclude a league betwéen the King and the Duke of Florence and that hauing the French pocks he presumed to come and to breathe on the King and that hee had caused the Cardinalls Hat to be put on the Kings coyne that he had sent innumerable substance to Rome to obtaine his Dignities to the great impouerishment of the Realme with many other things The princely possessions and great pride of the Clergie in those dayes did not only farre excéede the measure of subiects but surmounted the estates of Kings and Princes In Henry the fourth his dayes the Temporalties in the possessions of the Clergie of England amounted to three hundred twentie two thousand marks by the yeare And it appeareth by a Libell giuen to Henry the eight compiled by one Master Fish that the Cleargie had gotten into their hands more then the third part of the lande of the Realme and the goodliest Lordships Mannors and Territories are theirs besides the tenth part of corne and all things else and seruants wages and they looke so narrowly to their tythes that they will haue the tenth egge or else the good wife getteth no rights at Easter and shall be taken as an her●ticke beside what they get by their foure offering dayes prouing of wills priuie tythes offerings to pilgrimages and at their first Masses euery one that is buried must pay somewhat for Masses and Dirges to be sung for them else they will accuse their frinds and executors for hereticks What money get they for mortuaries by hearing confessions and yet will keepe no Councell by hallowing of Churches Altars Superaltars Chappels and Bels by cursing men and absoluing them againe for money What a multitude of money gather the Pardoners in a yeare by cyting men to the Court and releasing them for money and what abundance the begging Friers get yearly There be two and fifty thousand parish Churches in England and euery house in the Realme payeth a pennie a quarter to euery of the fiue s●rts of begging Friers which is twenty pence yearely for euery house in England And the number of the Clergie reckoned with men women and children of the Laie●ie are but one of foure hundred and their substance draweth nigh to the halfe of the whole substance of the Realme and they doe nothing therewith but exempt themselues from the obedience of your grace and translate all power to themselues and that your subiects may rebell against yon and be vnder them as they did vnto your noble predecessor King Iohn they then interdicted the Realme wherefore your Realme hath stood tributarie not to any temporall Prince but to a cruell diuellish bloud-sucker drunken in the bloud of the Saints and Martyrs euer since and what doe they more nothing but apply themselues to haue to doe with euery mans wife daughter or mayde that Cuckoldrie and baudry should raigne amongst your subiects that no man should know his child and that their bastards should inherite euery mans possessions they haue made an hundred thousand idle whoores in your Realme which would haue gotten their liuing honestly had not their superfluous riches inticed them to vncleanenesse and idlenesse they catch the p●cks or be burnt or the leprosie and beare it vnto another yea some one of them shall boast amongst his fellowes that he hath had to do with an hundred women When they haue intised mens wiues vnto them they spend away their husbands goods and make the women runne away from their husbands and runne away themselues with the wife and goods bringing man and wife and children to idlenesse theft and beggerie Who is able to number the broad bottomlesse Ocean full of euils that this sinfull generation may lawfully and vnpunished bring vpon vs Who is shee that will worke for three pence a day when she may haue at least twentie pence a day to fleepe an houre with a Frier Monke or Priest and who will labour for foure pence a day that may haue at least twelue pence a day to be bawde to one of these What a sort are there that marrie Priests Lemans but to cloake the Priests incontinencie and that they may liue of Priests for their labour and who is he though he be grieued neuer so sore for the death of his Ancestor rauishment of his wife or his daughter robberie trespasse maime debt or any other offence dare lay it to their charge by any way of action if he do then by and by he is accused of heresie and except he beare a faggot they will excommunicate him and then all his Actions be dashed Notwithstanding the statute to Mortmayne they doe daily get into their hands more lands the Kingdome of the bloud-suckers is like to preuaile aboue your Kingdome for to them is giuen daily out of you Kingdome and that which is once giuen them neuer commeth from them againe What Kingdome can indure that ●uer giueth and receiueth nothing again All their colour for their gathering these things into their hands is that they pray for vs to deliuer our soules out of Purgatorie without whose prayers and especially the Popes pardon we could neuer be deliuered thence but the truth is there is no Purgatorie but it is a thing inuented by the couetousnesse of the spiritualtie And if there were a Purgatorie if the Pope can deliuer them there with money he can deliuer them without and if hee can deliuer one he can deliuer all and so destroy Purgatorie and then is he a cruell tyrant without all charitie if he keepe them in prison and paine vntill men will giue him money They will not let the New Testament goe abroad in the mother tongue lest their cloaked hypocrisie and that their cruelty vncleanenesse and vnmercifulnesse be seeue and that they seeke not Christs honour but their own that remission of sins are not giuen for the Popes pardon but for Christ by true faith in him And except your Maiestie suffer their hypocrisie to be disclosed the people will think you take away their liberty from them to buy their soules out of Purgatorie by giuing to the spiritualtie as their predecessors haue done therefore let their hypocrisie be vttered and that shall be more speedfull in this matter then all the lawes that possibly can be made The Author of this Booke was fled to Tindall where he wrote this Booke for feare of the Cardinall when the King had read this he caused his Wife to send for him home he was brought to the King and after he had
Cardinall signifying that he would drowne himselfe and to leaue his clothes there and another Letter to the Mayor of the Towne to search for him in the water because he had a Letter written in parchment wrapt in wax about his neck for the Cardinal which would teach all men to beware of him vpon this they were seuen daies a searching for him but he went to London in a poore mans apparell and thence to Anwerpe to Luther and there answered all the Bishops of the Realme and made a Booke called acta Romanorum pontificum and another Booke with a supplication to King Henry When it was told the Cardinall he was drowned he said perit memoria eius cum sonitu but this lighted vpon himselfe for shortly after he poyso-himselfe In the beginning of the Raigne of Quéene Anne he and others came againe into England and continued a faithfull Preacher in the Citie of London and in her Graces time well entertained and promoted and after sent by King Henry the eight Ambassador to the Duke of Cleaue for the marriage of the Lady Anne of Cleaue betwéene the King and her and was well accepted vntill Gardiner came out of France but then neither Religion nor the Queene prospered nor Cromwell nor the preachers Then followed alteration in marriage vntill hee had grafted the marriage into another stocke by the ●ccasion whereof hee began his bloudy worke Soone after Doctor Barnes and his Brethren were carried to the King to Hampton Court to be examined But the King seeking meanes of his safety bad him goe home with Gardiner and confer with him they not agréeing Gardiner sought opportunitie to dispatch Barnes and the rest as he had done by the Que●ne the Lady Anne of Cleue and the Lord Cromwell and he appointed them three to preach thrée Sermons at the Spittle which were baites to minister iust occasion of their condemnations A hen they were sent for to Hampton Court and from thence carried vnto the Tower and came not thence but to their deathes Then the Protestants went beyond Sea Priests were diuorced from there Wiues certaine Bishops deposed and other good men denied Christ and bore Faggots then they were put to d●ath without iudgement a Papist and a Protestant were laid vpon one hurdle and drawn to Smithfield This was Winchesters deuise to colour his tyrany Then Barnes hid the Sheriffe beare him witnes he died Christianly and Charitably and prayed them all to pray for him and if the dead may pray for the quick we will pray for you so they forgaue their enemies and kissed one another and stood hand in hand at the stake vntill the ●●re came and so rested in Christ. The same day one Powell Fetherstone and Abel were hanged drawne and quartered in the same place for denying the Kings Supremacie and maintaining the Kings marriage with the Lady Katherine Dowager The reason was because as one halfe of the Councell being Papists called vpon Barnes Garet and Hierome to be executed so the other part of the Councell called vpon these thrée Papists to be executed In this yéers a Boy one Richard Mekins but fiftéene yeares old was burned in Smithfield for speaking somewhat against the Sacrament of the Altar In like manner Richard Spencer Priest leauing his papistry married a Wife and got his liuing by day-labour Hee was burnt in Salisbury because hee was thought to hold opinion against the Sacrament and one Andrew Hewet was burned with him About this time Cardinall Poole Brother to the Lord Mountegew was attainted of high treason and fled to Rome where he was made Cardinall of Saint Mary Cosmoden where he remained vntill Quéene Maries time Stokely Bish●p of London and Tunstone Bishop of Duresme writ to him to perswade him to abandon the Supremacy of the Pope and to conforme himselfe to the Religion of his King which Letter thou maist reade in the Booke at large which sufficiently proueth the Pope not to be supreme head of the Church but because this Doctrine is as sufficiently proued in other places I omit to abridge it In this yeere the King by the aduice of his Councell sent forth a Decree for the setting vp the Bible in the great volume in euery parish Church in England This yeare Iohn Porter a Taylor a lusty yong man was by Bonner Bishop of London cast into Newgate for reading in the Bible in Paules Church where he was miserably famished to death About this time Iohn Longland Bishop of Lincolne burned two vpon one day one Thomas Barnard and the other Iames Morton the one for teaching the Lords Prayer in Engl●sh and the other for kéeping the Epistle of Saint Iames in English In this yeare the Kings Maiestie vnderstanding that all Idolatry and vain● pilgrimages were not vtterly abolished within these Dominions directed his Letters vnto the Archbishop of Canterbury for the spéedy amendment of the same Anthony Pierson Priest Robert Testwood singing man Henrie Finmore Taylor and Iohn Marbeck singing man were burned at VVindsor THese Articles were obiected against Pierson that he had said Euen as Christ once hanged betweene two theeues so when he is holden vp betwixt the Priests handes he hangs betwixt two theeues except the Priest sincerely preach Gods word That he preached that Christ should not be eaten as he did hang vpon the Cross● with his flesh torne and the bloud running about their mouthes but he was to be eaten this day that we might also feed on him to morrow and next day and continually and that he was of more power after his resurrection then he was before That Christ sitting amongst his Disciples commended the Scriptures vnto them when he said This is that bread this is that body of Christ so when hee brake bread and bade them deuide it amongst them and eate it for it was his bodie and likewise the cup saying This is my bloud hee signified to vs that wee should receiue the Scriptures and distribute them vnto the people It was obiected against Finmore that he had said that the Sacrament of the Altar was but a similitude and that if it were God he had eaten twenty Gods in his life He condemned Testwood for iesting with the Priest when he lifted vp the host saying Ho take héed that he fall not That Marbeck with his owne hands had writ notes out of certaine Authors which were repugnant to the masse and sacrament of the Altar and that he said The Masse was impure and defiled with much vngodlinesse and it spoyleth God of his honour and that the eleuation of the sacrament represents the Calues of Ieroboam and is worse Idolatrie then those were and that therein Christ was counted a mocking-stock There was a fift man named Bennet vnto whose charge it was laid that hée should say the daily Masses vsed in the Church were superfluous and that it were sufficient the seuenth day were kept holy Bennet and Marbeck were pardoned by the King the other thrée stoutly suffered
Supper he could but he then minded no miracle but to suffer for sinne Was not Christ at the Table and aliue when he said so and suffered not vntill the next day he took bread brake bread gaue bread and they eate bread and all this while he was aliue with them or else they were deceiued Feck You ground your Faith on them that say and vnsay and not vpon the Church Iane. I ground my Faith on Gods word and not on the Church for the Faith of the Church must be tryed by Gods word and not Gods word by the Church shall I beléeue the Church that taketh from me the halfe of the Lords supper and s●e deny the Lay-men part of their saluation and I say that is not the spouse of Christ but the spouse of Diuell hee will adde plagues to that Church and will take from it their part out of the booke of life doe they learne that of Paule when bee ministred to the Corinthians in both kinds Feck That was done to avoyde an heresie Iane. Shall the Church alter Gods will for a good intent how did King Saule Then Feckham tooke his leaue and sayd he was sorry for her and sayd hee was sure they two should neuer méete Iane that is true if God turne not your heart you are in an ill case I pray God send you his spirit hee bath giuen you a great gift of vtterance if it please him to open your eyes She wrote a letter to her father to comfort him and to shew how ioyfull shee was to die and she wrote another letter to one Master Harding who was late Chaplaine to her Father and fell from the truth of Gods word and rebuked him that hee put his hand to the plow● and looked backe and lost the comfortable promises that Christ maketh to them that forsake themsel●es to follow him thou did●st séeme to bee a liuely member of Christ but now an impe of the Diuell once tho beautifull Temple of God now the filthy kennell of Sathan once the vnspotten spouse of Christ now the vnshamefast Param●●●re of Antichrist once my faithfull brother now an Apostata once a floute Christian souldier now a cowardly run-away thou séede of Sathan and not of Iuda the Diuell the world and desire of life hath made thée of a Christian an Infidell thou hast taught others to be stro●g and thy selfe dost shamefully shrinke thou hast taught others not to t●cale and thy selfe hast committed most haynous sacriledge and robbest Christ of his right members and of thine own body and soule thou chosest rather to liue miserably with shame in the world then to die gloriously to ●aygne with Christ in wh●m in death is life how darest thou refuse the true God and worship the inuention of man the goulden Calfe the Whore of Babilon the Romish Religion the ab●ominable Idoll the most wicked Masse wilt thou teare againe the pretio●s body of our Sauiour with thy fleshly teeth and she exhorted him that the ●ft falling of th●se Heauenly showers might pearce his stony heart and the two edged word of Gods word seare asunder the sinnewes of wordly respects that thou mayst once againe forsake thy selfe and imbrace Christ. The night before she suffered the sent a new Testament to her sister Katherin and wrote a letter to her in the end thereof that though it were not outwardly trimmed with gould yet inwardly it was more worth then precious stones It was the last will that Christ bequeathed to vs wretches it will b●ing you to eternall life teach you to liue and learne you to die you shall gaine more by it then by the possession of your wofull fathers lands thinke not that your yong year●s will lengthen your life for soone if God call goeth the yong as the old deny the world despise the Diuel and the flesh reioice in Christ as I do I exhort you that you neuer swarue from the Christian faith neither for hope of life nor feare of death if you deny Christ hee will deny you and shorten your dayes put your whole trust in God she made a prayer full of faith which thou mayest sée in the booke at large When she cam● vpon the Scaffold she protested her innocency in the cause shee was to die for and prayed them to beare her witnesse that she dyed a true Christian woman and that she looked to bee saued by no meanes but by the mercy of God in Christ and my negligence of the word of God and louing of the world brought this punishment vpon me and I thanke God that hee hath giuen me a time of repentance then she prayed them whilest she was aliue to assist her with their prayers then she sayd the one and fifti●h Psalme in deuout maner then she made her selfe ready and gaue her things to her Maides and caused a handkerchife to be tyed about her face the hang-man asked her forgiuenesse and shee forgaue him most willingly and prayed him to dispatch her quickly then she laid her head vpon the blocke and said Into thy hands I commend my spirit and so finished her life With her also was beheaded the Lord Gilford her husband Iudge Morgan who gaue the sentence of condemnation against her shortly after fell madde and continually cried to haue the Lady Iane taken from him and so ended his life Not long after her death was the Duke of Suffolke her father beheaded at the Tower-hill about which time also were condemned many Gentlemen and Yeomen whereof some were executed at London and some in the countrey and Thomas Gray brother to the said Duke was executed The foure and twentieth of Februarie Bonner sent a Commission to al Pastors and Curats of his Diocesse to take the names of all such as would not come the Lent following to auricular confession and to the receiuing at Easter The fourth of March following the Queene sent certaine Articles to Bonner to ●e speedily put in execution that the Canons in King Henries time should be vsed in England that none exact any oath of any Ecelesiasticall person touching the supremacie that none defamed with heresie he admitted to ecclesiastical benefice or office that Bishops and other officers diligently trauell about for repressing of heresies vnlawfull books and ballads and that Schoole-masters and Preachers teach no euil doctrine that they depriue all married Priests except they renounce their wiues but if they returne to their wiues to bee diuorced both from wife and benefice that for want of Priests the parishi●ners goe to the next parish to seruice or one Curate serue diuers places That processions in Latine bee vsed after the old order for the obseruing of Holy daies and Fasting daies that the ceremonies of the Church be restored that Ministers which were ordered in King Edwards time should be new ordered that the parishioners bee compelled to come to their seuerall Churches that Schoolmaisters be examined and if they be suspected to place Catholick men in their roome and
same should also haue ioyned the mighty armie which the Duke of Parma had made ready in the Low-countries which Army should land in this realme and so both by sea land this realme should be inuaded and a speedy conquest made thereof whereupon it was gathered that neither by sea nor by land there could be much resistance made that there would be a strong party in this realme of papists to ioine with the forrein forces but within eight or nine daies of the appearance of the popish so great a nauie vpon the coast of England it was forced to flée from the coast of Flanders neer Callice towards the vnknown parts of the cold North and all their hope of an imagined conquest was quite ouerthrowne It could procéed of no reason of man nor of any earthl● power but onely of God that such a worke so long time a framing to be so suddenly ouerthrown Before this Army of Spaine was ready to come forth vnto the seas there were sundry things printed and sent into this realme to not●fie vnto the people that the realme should be conquered the Quéene destroyed and all the Noble men wealthy that did obey her would withstand the inuasion should be with all their families ●ooted out and their liuings bestowed vpon the Conque●ors and a new Bull was published at Rome by the Pope whereby the Quéen was accursed and pronounced to be depriued of her Crowne and the inuasion and conquest of the Realme committed by the Pope to the King Catholick which was the King of Spaine to execute the sam with his armies both by Sea and Land and to take the crowne vnto himselfe and there was a large explanation of this b●ll written by Cardinall Allen calling himselfe therein the Cardinall of England and a number of them were sent ouer ready printed into England most bitterly written against the Queene and her Father King Henry the eight and her Nobi●itie and Councell In the Fleet were aboundance of Princes Marquesses Condez and Do●s which came to haue possessed the roomes of all the Noble men in England and Scotland Don Brnardin Mendoza in an open assembly did say in a brauerie that the young King of Scots whom hee called a boy had deceived the King of Spaine but if the Kings Nauy might prosper against England The King of Scots should loose his Crowne when the brute was brought of the Spanish Fléet and of the Armie of the Sea coast of Flanders with their shippings Charles Lord Howard Lord High Admirall of England who is of the most Noble house of the Duke of Norffolke had the charge of the greatest company of the Quéenes Ships an other company were appointed to remaine with the Lord Henry Seymer second Sonne to the Duke of Somerset and brother to the Earle of Hertford these continued in the narrow Seas betwixt England and Flanders to attend the Duke of Parmas actions A third company were armed in the West part of England towards Spain vnder the conduct of Sir Francis Drake but after it was vnderstood that the great Nauy of Spaine was ready to come out of Li●b●ne my Lord Admirall was commaunded to saile with the greatest ships to the west parts of England to ioyn with Drake whom he made Uice-admirall and the Lord Thomas Howard second Son vnto the Duke of Norffolke and the Lord Sheffield with a great number of Knights went with the Lord Admirall When the Popish Army came vnto the Coasts of England it séemed so great that the Englishmen were astonied at the sight of them yet the Lord Admiral and Drake hauing but fifty of the English ships out of the hauen of Plimouth they ●uriously pursued the whole Nauy of Spaine being about 160. ships so that with the continuall shot of the English one whole day the whole Nauy fled without returning and after the English Nauy being increased to an hundred ships renued the fight with terrible great shot all the whole day gaining alwaies the winde of the Spanish Nauy and for nine daies together forced them to flye and destroyed su●ke and tooke in thrée daies fight diuers of the greatest shippes out of which great numbers were brought to London besides many that were killed and drowned and many were brought vnto other parts of the realme to the great dissh●nour of Spaine in which fight the Spaniards did neuer take nor sinke any English ship or boate or breake any mast or tooke any one man prisoner so that some of the Spaniards let not to say That in all these ●ghts Christ shewed himselfe a Lutheran The King of Scots gaue straight commaundement vpon all his Sea coasts that no Spaniards should be sufferd to land in any part b●t that the English might be relieued of any wants The Popish Fleet was by tempest driuen beyond the Is●es of Ork●ay in an vnaccustomed place for the young Gentlemen of Spain which had neuer felt storms and colde weather about those northerne Islands their Marriners and Souldiers died daily by multitudes as by their bodies cast vpon the land did appeare And after twentie daies and more hauing spent their time in miserie then as they returned homeward the Lord ordained the windes to be so violently contrarious that the Nauy was disse●ered vpon the high Seas west vpon Ireland and a great number of them driuen vpon sands dangerous bayes and rockes all along vpon the north and west parts of Ireland in places distant aboue an hundred miles asunder whereby we may see how God fauoured the iust cause of Q. Elizabeth in shewing his anger against those proud boasting enemies of Christs peace and she and her Realme professing the Gospell of Christ are kept and de●ended according to the Psalme vnder the shadow of his wings from the face of the wicked that sought to afflict her and compasse her round about to take away her soule Iohn Weldon William Hartley and Robert Sutton IOhn Weldon Priest was borne at Tollerton in Yorkshire he was indicted of ●reason in Middlesex first he took exception to the indictment that it was false then to the Iurie that they were vnfit men to try him because they were Lay men and vnto the whole Bench as vnworthy to bee his Iudges because hee did know them to be resolued before hand to condemne all Catholikes brought before them He acknowledged himselfe to bee a Priest and therefore not triable by the Common Lawes Whereupon persisting in that hee would make no answere and his Treasons manifest he was condemned to be hanged drawne and quartered William Hartly Priest was condemned for the same treasons that Welden was it was proued that he sent a Letter to Paris to Seminary Priests importing the full resolution of the said Hartly and some other of his confederats immediatly vppon the landing of the Spaniards to haue surprised the Tower of London and to haue fired the Citie he affirmed that if the Pope doe depriue the Quéene and discharge her subiects of their obedience and
had beene warned to beware of the foureteenth day yet making no account thereof hee went downe into the Court whereas a man of a meane condition detained him a quarter of an houre then hee went into his Caroch by the Duke of Espernon who sat● in the first place of the Boote vppon the Kinges right hand Montbazon the Marshall Lauardin La Force and Praulin being followed by two Foote-men and one of his Guard on horsebacke hauing commaunded Mounsier de Vitry and the rest of his Guard to stay behinde Being betwixt the draw-bridge and the poole this miserable wretch who watched his opportunity drew néere vnto the Caroch on the right side thinking his Maiesty had béene there but seeing he was on the left hand and hearing them commaund the Coachman to go on he went the néerest way by the narrow lanes and met with his Maiesty in the stréet called Ferroneire neere vnto S. Innocents Church wher staying to make way for a Cart to passe the King leaned downe on the one side towards Mounsier Esper●●on pressing him to reade a letter without spectacles The Duke of Montbazon turned towards them and one of the footmen was busie tying vp his garter on the other side so as this monster had opportunity to stab the King into the left pa● but the wound was not great whereupon crying out O my God I am wounded he gaue him m●anes to giue him a second blow which was mortal the knife entring betweene the fift and sixt rib it cut asunder the veine leading vnto the hart and the wound was so déepe as it entred into caua vena the which was pierc●d wherewith the King did presently spit blood losing all apprehension and knowledge for any thing they could perceiue They had great diff●culty to saue the murderer from killing presently yet in the end hee was conuaied to the house of Retz The King was carried backe vnto the Louure vpon the way they met with the Dolphin who went to take the ayre but they caused him to returne and be caried into the Quéenes Chamber The King was laid vppon a Couch in his Cabinet whereas presently after he gaue vp the Ghoast In that these Papisticall and trayterous attempts tooke effect vnto the murthering of these two French Kings when the Lord of his infinite goodnesse still preserued Quéene Elizabeth and our now dread Soueraigne King Iames from so many and from more dangerous practises It may certainly be concluded that if they had no worse feared the Papists then they did and put their trust in God as wel as they and had according to their example purely purged their Realmes from Papistry the sure prouidence of God would haue beene as sure their Castle strong hold and defence as it was to them and their Realmes at all times and in all occasions and needs NOw by the especiall Grace of God and the assistance of his blessed Spirit I haue sayled vnto my expected Port al laud and praise and thanks therefore be giuen vnto the Father the Son and Holy Ghost And I most hartily beseech him that this Booke may beget in the Readers a true dislike of all ceremonies superstitions and false Doctrines of Papistry and to make them truely zealous of Gods word and commandements O Lord conuert all Papists that belong vnto thee and hasten according to thy promises to gather all Kings together to destroy the Popedome in the meane time grant all Kings Princes and others Grace to beware of him that he corrupt not the soules of them nor their subieces nor hurt their persons or estates And lastly I beséech thee to gather together the number of thine elect and hasten thy comming to iudgement that thou ma●st take thy beloued Spouse from the miseries of this World vnto thy eternall glory prepared for her com Lord Iesus come quickly FINIS An Alphabeticall Table containing the principall matters and all the Martyrs that suffered for the truth from the Primitiue Church to the end of Queene Mary A AGrippa cast into prison by Tyberius page 2 Andrew Peters Brother crucified 3 Anthia martyred 5 Ant. Pius Edict in fauour of the Christians Ibid Attalus burned on an Iron chaire 6 Aurelius fauours the Christians 9 Affaires of the Church of England and Scotland beginning with King Lucius 19 Austin with aboue forty Preachers sent into England 22 He goes in procession to Canterbury Ibid. Consecrated Arch-bishoppe in France by the commandement of Gregory 23 He assembled the Bishoppes charging them to preach the word of God Ibid Hee baptiseth 10000. in the Riuer Swale on Christmas day 24 His death Ibid. Abbaies erected 29 Alfride opprest by the Danes his misery hee makes Dunwolphus a Swineheard Bi. of Winchester he is comforted by Gods prouidence and ouercomes the Danes causing them to be christned 33 Adelstane crowned King at Kingstone forceth the Brittaines to pay him tribute sends his Brother to Sea in an old Boate builds Monasteries for the release of his sins 35 Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury accuseth Henry the first King of England to the Pope he is turned out of his Bishopricke and goods 50 Anacletus Pope 51 Arnulphus a Priest put to death for preaching against the Auarice and incontinency of the Cleargy 51 Adrian the fourth an Englishman Pope 52 Choakt with a fly 54 Auarice of the Popish Prelats 80 Amadeus Duke of Sauoy chosen Pope 138 Abraham of Colchester burned for maintaining the truth 142 Alexander the sixt poysons the Turkes brother for 2000. Florins 151 Abiurations in Henry the eight his time referred to the Booke at large 126 Adulphus Clarbachus burned for maintaining the truth at Colen 170 Articles against Cardinall Wolsey 171 Andrew Hewit a Prentise burned for maintaining Fr●ths opinions 183 Anne of Bullen her charitable good works 184 Articles agreed vpon in Parliament 196 Abell hanged for the supremacy 200 Anthony Pierson burned at Windsor 201 Adam Damlip his persecution and martirdome at Callis 205 Anne Askew her confession condemnation persecution and martyrdome 207. 208. Adam Wallace martired in Scotland for holding the masse to be Idolatry 215 Altars in Churches puld downe 226 Anne Potten burned the next after Samuel for professing the truth 290 Anthony Burward of Callice for saying the Sacrament of the Altar was an Idoll burned at Canterbury 291 Alexander the Keeper of Newgate his crueltie to M. Philpot and his man 311 Agnis South about the Sacrament of Penance condemned and burned 314 Anne Albright for denying the realty in the Sacrament condemned and burned Ibid. Agnes Potten burned at Ipswich 320 Adam Foster Husbandman Martyr 326 Askin a constant Martyr 327 Alice Potkins starued to death 329 Agnes Stamley burned 331 Alexander Horsman Martyr 332 Ambrose died in Maidstone Goale 339 Agnes Siluerside alias Smith condemned 340 Agnes Banger martyred 348 Anne Try Martyr 349 Alexander Lane Martyr 362 Alexander Gouch martyred Ibid Alice Driuers a constant Martyr Ibid. Alice Snoth burned at Canterbury 365. B BArtholmew crucified and beheaded
chosen King by the Citizens of London and Nobles 41 Edricus kills Edmund ibid. Edward the sonne of Emma chosen King and crowned at Winchester ibid Elinor Cobham banished into the Isle of Man 147 Elizabeth Sampson conuented for speaking against Pilgrimages ibid. Elizabeth Burton called the holy-maid of Kent a notable imposter put to death 184 Edward the sixt King of England restores the Scriptures in the mother tongue 220 Edward the sixt dies his praier at his death 233 234 Elizabeth Warne Martyr 285 Edward Sharpe like pure golde tried in the fire 329 Edmund Allen and Katharine his wife martyrs 332 Elizabeth a blinde maide Martyr ibid. Elizabeth Hooper burned 339 Ellen Euring denying the lawes set out by the Pope condemned 340 Elizabeth Falkes examined and condemned ibid. F. FRedericke the Emperour ouerthrown by the Venetians and taken 54 Franciscans order begun 78 Fredericke the second Emperour persecuted by Popes 83 Foure and twenty burned in Paris 185 Fiue burned in Scotland 186 Fetherston for denying the supremacie hanged 200 Frier burned at Rochest●r 343 G. GOdwin forswearing himselfe choked 42 Gregory the eighth Pope 50 Grosthead Bishop of Lincolne 84 George Carpenter burned 167 George Constantine apprehended for heresie 171 Gefferey Lon for dispersing of Luthers bookes forced to abiu●● 178 Giles Germa●e burned at S. Giles in the fields 192 George Blage Knight imprisoned and condemned for speaking against the Masse but pardoned 209 George Wisard of Scotland his persecution and martyrdome 214 Gardner Bishop of Winchester sent to the Tower 220 Gernsey and Gersey inuaded by the French 225 Gardner an Englishman cruelly tormented at Lisbon in Portugall for maintayning of the truth 228 Gibbets set vp for Wiats souldiers 244 Gardner Bishop of Winchester his Sermon at Paules crosse 247 Gardner calls the Preacher before him at Saint Mary-Oueries 249 Gods iudgement vpon the Parson of Arundell 264 George Marsh cruelly vsed and burned 267 George Tankerfield of London Cook condemned 285 George King died in prison ibid. George Catmer burned 290 George Broadbridge burned at Canterburie 291 Gardner Bishop of Winchester his historie and death 303 George Soper burned at Canterburie 304 George Parke burned at Canterbury ibid. George Ambrose Fuller burned in Smithfield 327 George Stephens martyred 332 George Eagles alias Trudgeouer hanged drawn and quartered betweene two Theeues 342 George Eagles sister burned 343 H. HIeraclius cuts off the Popes hands feet 24 Harold last King of the Saxons 42 Hildebrana Pope a Sorcerer 45 Honorious the second Pope 51 He is taken with whores ibid. Henry the first king of England dies ibid. Henry the second his pennance for the death of Becket 67 He diuides the Realme into sixe parts and ordaines Iustices of Assizes 68 His great fame and large Dominions ibid. Henry the Sonne of Henry the second his disobedience and death 69 Hildegris is a Prophe●●sse 79 Henry the third King of England 81 Henry the fift crowned 104 Hugh Pie of Ludney for holding sundry opinions contrary to the Church of Rome accused and purged before the Bishoppe of Norwitch 141 Henry the fifts cruell commition for a●taching sundry suspected of Lolardy ibid. Harman Peterson committed to the Counter for not being confessed in Lent 161 Henry Voz burned at ●●uxels for maintaining Luthers opinions 161 Henry Sudphen of Breame his piety persecution and martyrdome 163. 164. Henry the 8. entitled defender of the faith 170 His solemnity at the receiuing of the title of defender of the faith ibid. Henry Finmore Taylor burnt at Winsor 201 Haruy a Commissary a persecutor hanged drawne and quartered 206 Homes a Yeoman of the Guard his cruel●ie to Doctor Taylor 261 Higbed of Horden burnt at Horden 262 Humphry Middleton martired at Canterbury 280 Henry Laurence burnt at Canterbury 284 Hugh Latimer Bishoppe of Worcester his conference with Antonian his parentage his godly Sermuns his charity to the poore and needy accused of heresie his subscription to certaine Articles propounded vnto him he is committed to the Tower his prayer for the Lady Elizabeth his martyrdome at Oxford with Bishoppe Ridley from folio 293. to 303. Hugh Lame Rock an old lame man burned at stratford the Bow 322 Hooke burned at Chester 329 Hugh Fox burned in Smithfield 354 Henry Pond burned in Smithfield 362 I IErusalem destroyed by Tytus Vespasian 2 Iohn banished to bathmos 3 Iudas Thadeus slaine ibid. Iraeneus with many others martired 8 Ignatius martyr 4 Iue King of West Saxons goes to Rome 26 Innocentius the second Pope 51 Iohn King of England 71 Iohn Claydon a Currier burnt in Smithfield 104 Iohn Hus his History his Articles put to him his answer his constant end 113. 114. 115. Ierome of Prag● his hard vsage and marryrdome 125. 126. Iohn Wadden Priest burned 142 Iohn Wendham of Alborough cruelly handled for maintayning the truth ibid. Iohn Beuerley whipped for the truth ibid. I●hn Stelley of Flixton forced to abiure 143 Iohn Burrell forced to abiure ibid. Iohn Finch forced to doe penance ibid. Iubilee at Rome 145. 146. Iulius the second Pope exceedes all his predece●sors in iniquity 151 Iohn Coyns for contemning the Sacrament of the Altar and not receuing at Easter died at Saint Martins 160 Iames Gossen Dutchman committed for not receiuing at Easter 161 Iohn Wi●cock a Scotish Frier committed for preaching against holy water and purgatory ibid. Iohn Esry burned ibid. Iohn Athelane burned 165 Iohn Thewxbury burned in Smithfield 179 Iohn Randall found in his study hanged in his girdle 180 Iohn Frith Martyred 18● Iohn Lambert martyred 187. 188 Iohn Painter burned 192 Iniunctions set out in the 38. yeare of King Henry the eight ib●d Iohn Porter a taylor famished to death 200 Idolatry supp●essed 〈◊〉 Iames Morten burned ibid. Iohn Marbeck condemned and pardoned by the King 211 Iohn Athee indited for speaking against the Sacrament ibid. Iohn Adams burnt 209 Iohn Lacels a Gentleman burnt ibid. Iohn Browne burnt 219. Iohn Hun troubled about the Sacrament 221 Ioh. Alasco vncle to the k. of Poland banisht 239 Iests of a Roode at Cockram in Lancashire 248 Iames George dies in prison and is buried in the fields 249 Iohn Rogers first Martyre in Q. Maries daies 249. 250 Ihon Hooper his martyrdome 254. Ihon Laurence burned at Colchester 264. Iudge Hales his History and death 265. Iulius the third Pope his wicked life and prophanenesse 266. Ihon Awcoke died in prison Ibid. Iohannes de casa a Deane of the Popes chamber playes the Sodomite and defends it Ibid. Iohn Cardmaker his martyrdome 268. Iohn Warne burned Ibid. Iohn Hardley his martyrdome 274. Iohn Simpson suffered at Rochford for maintayning the truth Ibid. Iohn Bradford his reasons against transubstantiation and his martyrdome 275 to 278. Iohn Lease a prentice burned with Maister Bradford 278 Iohn Bland martyred 279. Iohn Franbesh martyred 280. Iames Treuisam persecuted and after his death buried in More fields 281 Iohn Lanuder of Godstone martired for the truth 282. Iohn Aleworth dyed in prison 283. Iames Abbs burned
at Bury Ibid. Iohn Denley martired Ibid. Iohn Newman burned 284. Iohn Wade dyed in prison and was buried in the fields 285. Iohn Leishord Martyr Ibid. Iohn Trunchfield Martyr 290. Iames Tutty of Breachley burned 291. Iohn Gorway martyred at Lichfield Ibid. Iohn Glover persecuted 292. Iohn Webbe burned at Canterbury 304 Iames Gore died in prison at Colchester Ibid Iohn Philpot accused of herisie after twice examination comitted to Bonners cole house his third examination before Bonner his fourth examination before the Bishoppes his ninth examination he is condemned and brought to Newgate his patient and constant end from folio 304 to folio 312. Iohn Tucson burned in Smithfield 312 Isabell Foster burned in Smithfield Ibid. Iohn Warne burned in Smithfield Ibid. Iohn Warne of Tenterden in Kent about the Sacrament of the Altar condemned 314. Ioane Sole of Harton about the Sacrament of the Altar and auriculer confession condemned 315 Ioane Cotmer burnt at Canterbury Ibid. Iohn Cauel burned in Smithfield 321. Iohn Huillier Minister burnt at Cambridge 321 Iohn Mace burned at Colchester 322 Iohn Spencer burned at Colchester Ibid. Iohn Hammon burned at Colchester Ibid. Iohn Ap Rice a blind man burned at Stratford the Bow Ibid. Ioane Hornes martyred 323. Iohn Hartpoole burned at Rochester Ibid. Ioane Bache widdow burned at Rochester Ibid. Iohn Osward martyred at Lewis 324. Iohn Clement Wheelewright persecuted Ibid. Iohn Colstocke of Wellington for denying the reall presence forced to recant 326. Iohn Norres dies in the Kings Bench and buried on the backside Ibid. Iohn Carelesse of Couentry after long imprisonment and many examinations dies in the Kings bench 327. Iohn Guyn a constant Martyr ibid Iulines Palmer a godly Preacher in K. Edwards dayes martyred ibid. Iohn Forman martired 328 Ioane West burned Ibid. Iohn Hart martyred 329 Iohn Clarke pined to death in the Castle in Canterbu●y Ibid. Iohn Archer of Cranbrooke weauer pined to death at Canterbury ibid. Iohn Philpot of Tenterden Martyr 330 Iohn Bradbridge of Staplehurst Martir 332 Ioane Mannings of Maidstone in Kent Martyr Ibid. Iohn Fishcocke burnt at Canterbury Ibid. Iames Morris martyred at Lewis Ibid. Iohn Iohnson about the Sacrament condemned 340. Iohn Thurston a constant confessor of Iesus Christ dyed in Colchester Castle 341. Iohn Cures Shoomaker of Sisam in Northamptonshi●e burned 343. Iames A●stoo burned at Islington 345. Iohn Ioyes of Lezfield in Suffolke martired 349 Iohn Forman Martyr Ibid. Iohn Weauer Martyr Ibid. Iohn Milles Martyr Ibid Iohn Hart Martyr Ibid. Iohn Osward Martyr Ibid. Iohn Ashdon Martyr Ibid. Iohn Hallingsdale burned in Smithfield 351. Iohn Rowth Minister for affirming the Pope to bee very Antichrist after many persecutions for the truth burned Ibid. Iohn Deuenish burned in Smithfield 354. Ioane Seaman persecuted for the truth of the Gospell 356 Iohn Floyd Martyr 357 Iohn Holyday Martyr ibid Iohn Slade burned at Brainford 359 Iohn Vale died in prison and buried in a dunghill 360 Iohn Alcocke cast into a dungeon dies and is buried in a dunghill 361 Iohn Cook Sawier burned at S. Edmunds Burie 362 Iames Asley Martyr ibid. Iohn Dauid burned at Bury 362 Iohn Sharpe burned at Bristow 365 Iohn Cornford burned at Canterbury ibid. Iohn Herst burned at Canterbury ibid. Iohn Baker burned at Siuill in Spaine 366 K. KNights of Rhodes instituted 51 Katharine Par Henry the eighth his last wife her troubles for the Gospell 209 Kathaerine Knoches and her two daughters martyred for the truth 228 Katharine Hut widdow Martyr 323 Katharine Knight alias Tinley burned at Canterbury 365 L. LVcan put to death 2 Lawrence broiled 12 Licinius ioyned with Constantine calls learning the vice of Princes hangs Theodorus on a crosse 16 Lucius his letters to Elutherius Bishop of Rome 20 London burnt 39 Lurdanes why so called 40 Letters between the Emperour and the Pope 53 Lewes the French Kings sonne comes into England and takes himselfe to be King 77 Lodouicus King of Hungary drowned in a bog 167 Leyton for affirming both kindes in the Sacrament burned at Norwich 191 Lancelot one of the guard burned 192 Lady Iane beheaded 236 Latimer Bishop of Worcester sent to dispute at Oxford 242 Lawrence Sanders Parson of Al-hallowes in Breadstreet his examination Martyrdome 252 M. MArke the Euangelist burned 3 Matthias stoned ibid. Mahomets beginning and lawes 26 Monasteries erected 29 Martin crowned Pope the Emperor on foote leading a horse on the right hand and the Marquesse of Brandenburg on the left hand 112 Margery Bac●ster for disswading the people frō Idolatry and superstition sore troubled 143 Martin Luther a stout champion of the church against the Pope his History 154 Matthew Ward about the Sacrament committed to the Counter 161. Myracle of a Iew Christned in Constantinople 160 Mekins a boy burned in Smithfield 200 Mustle borow field where thirteen or fourteene thousand Scots were slaine 224 Mary Queene of England 234 Morgan a Iudge troubled in conscience for sentencing the Lady Iane fals mad and dies 239 Marsh accused to haue taken the Pixe and crucifixe out of the Sepulcher he and his Wife committed to the Counter 243 Margery Polley widdow burned at Tunbrigde 281 Michael Trunchfields wife burned in Ipswich about the Sacrament 320 Mantrell burned at Salisbury Ibid. Margaret Ellis condemned to bee burned but died in Newgate 322 Martin Hunt imprisoned in the Kings Bench for the truth dies and is buried in the backeside 326 Mother Tree martyred 328 Mathew Bradbridge of Tenderden martyred 330 Margaret Hide burned in Smithfield 331 Margery Awstoo burned at Islington 345 Margaret Thurstone martyred at Colchester 348 Margery Mearing for affirming the Masse to be abhominable burned 353 Mother Bennet an ancient woman persecuted for the truth 356 Mathe● R●c●rby Martyr 357 Marke Burges burned at Lisbon in Portugall 166. N. NEro Caesar. 2 Nunneries erected 27 Normans aduanced in Church and Common-wealth 44 Nicholas Canon pennanced and thrise whipped 144 Nine millions of gold leuied in Fraunce of the Prelats in fourteen yeare 146 Nicholas South committed to Newgate for not being shriuen in Lent 161 New Testament translated into English by William Tindall 167 Nicholas Chamberlaine burned at Colchester 274 Nichlas Ha●● burned at Rochester 281 Nicholas Finall of Tenderden Martyr 330 Nicholas White burned at Canterbury 332 Nicholas Pa●due burned at Canterb. ibid. Nicholas Holden Martyr 349 Nicholas Burton Merchant of London cruelly persecuted and burned at Cadix in Andalousia 366 O. OSwald by praier vnto God ouercoms Cadwallo 25 Ostright rauisheth the wife of Br●wer a Nobleman in reuenge wherof he cals in the Danes 32 Otho the Emperour puts out Pope Iohns eyes and hangs Cressentius the Consull 39 Old-Castle Lord Cob●am his historie 131. the King secretly admonisheth him to submit himselfe to the holy Church his answere thereto the Archbishop sends his Sum●er to him with a sit●tion he is arrested and sent to the Tower 133. his later examination and answere to the Archbishops questions 135. 136. hee is led againe to the Tower and
Shoemaker burned at Northampton 329 Steuen Kemp of Norgate martyred 330 Simon Miller condemned and burned 339 Steuen Cotton burned at Brainford 359 Steuen White burned at Brainford ibid. T. TIberius Caesar willed Christ might be adored as God 2 Thomas slaine with a dart 3 Thousands die for the faith 4 Tribute called Dane-gilt paid 40 Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury his history contayning the contention between him and Henry the second King of England from Folio 59. to 65. he is slain by 4. souldiers in the Church at Canterbury 66 Thomas Pye of Albarogh inioyned six whippings sixe seuerall Sundaies 141 Thomas Bagley Priest burned in Smithfield 144 Thomas Rheydon a French Carmelite Frier condemned to be burned 145 Thomas Norrice burned at Norwich 147 Thomas a Priest of Norwich burned 148 Thomas Bingy burned at Norwich ibid. Thomas Becket his prouerbe 155 Thomas Lancaster for bringing in prohibited bookes committed 161 Thomas Hittin burned in Maidstone 175 Thomas Garnet Curate of All-hallowes in Hunnie lane for dispersing of Luthers books forced to abiure 178 Thomas Cromwell Earle of Essex his history and death 198 Thomas Barnes Doctor of Diuinitie for preaching against the Cardinall burned 199 Thomas Gerrard Martyr ibid. Thomas Forret a Scotish Deane his troubles and martyrdome 212 Thomas Tunstone Bishop of Duresme cast into the Tower 220 Thomas Dobs for inueighing against papistry committed to prison and there dies ibid. Thomas Grey the Dukes brother executed 239 Two Sunnes both shining at once 243 Thomas Hawkes for not christening his childe after the popish manner apprehended his conference with Bonner Harpsfield Fecknam and others at Copthall in Essex 269 270 271 272 273. Thomas Wats of Billirrikies in Essex his conference with the Bishop about the Sacrament and martyrdom 273 Thomas Osmond for maintaining the truth burned at Maningtree 274 Thomas Iueson burned 282 Thomas Fust burned at Ware 289 Thomas Leys died in prison for the truth 285 Thomas Cob of Harehill Butcher burned 291 Thomas Heyward burned at Lichfield ib. Thomas Whittle troubled in conscience for yeelding to the Bishop of London gets his Bill and teares it in pieces 305 Thomas Whittle Priest after conflicts with the papists martyred 312 Thomas Went burned in Smithfield ibid. Thomas Browne burned in Smithfield ibid. Thomas Spurge burned in Smithfield 321 Thomas Spicer burned at Beckles 323 Thomas Harland burned at Lewis 324 Thomas Reed burned at Lewis Ibid Thomas Auington burned at Lewis Ibid. Thomas Wood Minister burned at Lewis Ibid. Thomas Miles burned at Lewis Ibid. Thirteene burned at Stratford the Bow Ibid. Thomas Free-man condemned but saued by Pooles dispensation 325. Thomas Barnes condemned to beare a faggot 326. Thomas Paret dyed in the Kings Bench and burien in the back-side Ibid. Thomas Dangate Martyr at Grinsteed in Sussex 328. Thomas Rauensdale Martyr 329. Thomas Horne and a woman consumed with the fier at Watton-vnderhedge in Glocestershire Ibid. Three in the Castle of Chichester dyed in prison for the truth and buried in the fields Ibid. Thomas Hudson of Selling Martyr 330 Thomas Steuens of Bedingham martyred for the truth 330 Thomas Loseb● burned 331 Thomas Thirtell martired 331 Thomasine Awood martyr 332 Thomas Perald martyr 340 Tyrrell one of the race of those that murthered King Edward the fift His cruelty to the faithfull Ibid Thomas Moore for saying his maker was in heauen and not in the Pix burned at Leicester 341 Thomas Carman for praying with Crashfield and drinking with him when he was burned apprehended 343 Thomas Athoch Priest martyr 349 Thomas Auington Martyr Ibid. Thomas Rauensdale Martyr Ibid. Thomas Spurdan examined before the Bishop and Chancellor of Norwich sent to prison Ibid. Thomas Carman Martyr 355 Thomas Hudson affirming the Masse to bee a patcht monster martired Ibid. Thomas Benbridge for maintayning the truth rather broyled then burned 361 Thomas Hall burned at Bristow 365 Thomts Benion burned at Bristow Ibid V VSkatell driues the Danes out of England 40 Vicount of Melun his counsell to the English 77 Valentine Freese burned at Yorke 181 Vsher Tunstall for hauing the Pater-noster and Creed in English forced to abiure 143 W VVInchester Church founded 29 Westminster Abby begun by a Citizen Ibid. William Conquerour enters the land 42 Receiued for King and crowned on Christmas day driues the Danes out of the North forceth Malcolme King of Scots to pay tribute 44. Waldenses their beginning and progresse 55. the Articles they held 56. 57. Wickliffe beginning to preach the Gospell of Christ 85. his conclusions in a conuocation at Lambeth 86. his conclusions condemned of herisie and error by William Archbishop of Canter●●y 88 his bookes condemned by the Councel of Constance his letter to Pope Vrban the sixt Ibid diuers of the Nobilitie and Vniuersitie fauour him 90. 91. William Santrey martyr 95 William Thorps examination before Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury from follio 95. to 103. William Taylor for fauouring Wickliffs opinon● burned in Smithfield 104. William White a follower of Wickliffe forced to recant 141 William Wright a persecutor 143 Wolsey Cardinall his graetnesse and pride 166 William Tracy for affirming in his will that hee trusted onely in God after his death was taken vp and burned 185. William Button his merry Questions to Papists 206 Weston preached at Paules Crosse to pray for souls departed 243. Walter Mantell for constantly maintaining the truth hanged 244 Warwick his cruelty to Doctor Taylor 256 William Pygot burned at Braintree 264 Woman put in the Cage for speaking against the Pope 267 William flower alias Branch martyred 268 William Tooly Poulterer hanged for robbing a Spaniard his body oster buriall taken vp and deliuered to the seculer power to be burned for heresie 269 William Bamford burned at Harwich for the truth 274 Wodroffe Sherife of London after his crueltie shewed to M. Bradford taken lame and so continued 279 William Minge a constant Confessor dyed in Maidstone layle Ibid. William Coker burned at Canterbury 284. William Hooper burned at Canterbury Ibid. William Steere of Ashford for saying the Sacrament of the Altar was an abhominable Idoll burned at Canterbury Ibid William Andrew for defence of his religion died in Newgate and cast into the fields 290 William Allen for refusing to follow the Crosse in procession burned at Walsingham 291 William Glouer persecuted for the truth 292 William Wolsey burnt at Ely 293 William Wiseman dying in Lollards Tower cast into the fields but buried by good men 304 William Times Ioyner burned in Smithfield 321 William Poole martyr 323 William Sl●ch dyed in the Marshalsey and buri●●● in the backside of the prison 324 William Adherall Minister imprisoned ibid. William Saennard condemned but saued by Cardinall Pools dispensation 325 William Adams condemned but saued by Cardinall Pools dispensation ibid. William Fo●ter of Stone starued to death in the Castle of Canterbury 329 William Waterer of Bed●●gdy martyred 330 William Hay of Hith martyred ibid William Lowick of Cranbrook martired ibid. William Prouting of Thorneham
taught heresie And hee desired all them present to beare him witnesse that he tooke the Traditions and Religion of the Pope to bée most erronious false and against the doctrine of holy Scriptures which hee had often proued by preaching and writing and the Pope to bee very Antichrist so often preached by the Apostles and Prophets in whom most euidently doth concurre all the signes and tokens whereby hee was painted vnto the world to bee knowne by for hee aduanceth himselfe aboue all Emperours and Kings of the world whom he affirmeth to hold of him and to be at his commandement and the stories make mention of his intollerable pride and tyranny vsed to them as no King would haue done to his subiects nor a good maister to his seruants setting his féet vpon Emperours necks and making others to hold his stirrops and remoued others from their Empires hath not onely occupied the highest places in the world aboue Kings but hath presumed to fit in the seat of Almighty God which is the conscience of man to kéepe the possession thereof he hath promised forgiuenesse of sins he hath brought in Gods of his own framing and inuented a new religion full of lucre quite contrary to the Scriptures only for maintaining of his kingdome displacing Christ from his glory holding his people in miserable seruitude of blindnesse to the losse of a number of soules which God at the latter day shall exact at his hands boasting in his Canons decrées that he can dispense against Peter Paul the old Testament New that in his fulnesse of power he can do as much as God If any man can be aduanced aboue him let him be iudged Antichrist This enemy of God and our redemption is so euidently painted out in the Scriptuers with such manifest tokens which all sée clearely appeare in him that except a man will shut his eyes and heart against the light hee cannot but know him therefore I will neuer giue my consent to the receiuing of him into the Church of England and my Lord sand you that be here examine your own consciences you are sworne against him you are learned and can iudge the truth I pray God you be not wilfully blind I haue discharged my conscience to the world I will write my mind to her grace which letter you may sée in the book at large Storie and Martine diuers times interrupted him saying he spake blasphemy and would faine haue the Bishop put him to silence who notwithstanding suffered him to end his spéech Then they charged him that he was sworne vnto the Pope when he was made Archbishop but he denied it and said It appeareth that he did not by the record of the countrey which one of them confessed Many maruelled that in so perilous a time he had so sincerely proceeded choosing rather to venture the losse of his life and all his glorious pompe then to do any thing that might spill his conscience Then they obiected that he was married which he confessed Doctor Martine said his children were bond-men to the Sea of Canterbury At which he smiled saying If a benificed Priest had a Concubine and had bastards by her they are not bond-men to the benifice I trust you wil make my childrens cause no worse Then D. Martine demanded of him who was the supreme head of the Church he said Christ Martine said you made K. Henry supreme head of the Church He said of the people of England Ecclesiasticall Temporal and not of the Church for Christ is the onely head of the Church and of the Faith and Religion of the same The Articles of religion touching the Sacrament denying transubstantiation the Sacrifice of the Masse and the reall presence he affirmed as he taught in his Booke Then they cited him to appeare 80 daies after at Rome and then sent him to prison where thou maist sée their visored face of Iustice as though the Court of Rome would condemne no man before hee answered for himselfe but the same time the Pope sent letters executory vnto the King and Queene to disgrade and depriue him which was done before twenty dayes were done And though he were kept in prison at the end of the 80 dayes hee was decreed Contumax and thereupon condemned Upon S. Valentines day next after the Archbishop was disgraded and condemned by Bonner Thurlby Bishop of Ely who sometimes was Cranmers Chaplaine and preferred by him at which time Bonner which a long time had borne great malice towards him and reioyced greatly see this day wherein he might triumph ouer him at his pleasure made an Oration to the people in this sort This is the man who hath euer despised the Popes holinesse and now is to be iudged by him this is the man that hath pulled downe so many Churches and now is come to be iudged in a Church this is the man that contemned y ● blessed Sacrament of the Altar and now is come to be condemned before the said Sacrament hanging ouer the Altar this is the man that like Lucifer sate in the place of Christ vpon an Altar to iudge others and now is come before the Altar to bee iudged himselfe Thus he continued halfe an houre heaping vp a number of lies together beginning euery one with This is the man so lothsomly that he made euery man weary When they had disgraded him they stript him of his gowne put vpon him a poore yeoman Bedles gowne thrid-bare and as ill-fauouredly made as could be and a Townsmans cap vpon his head and so deliuered him to the secular power in this filthie gowne he was carried vnto prison The Queene Bishops hauing kept the Archbishop now almost three yeares in prison seeing by no means they could preuaile with him all this while to turn him from his religion they suborned certaine men which should by intreaty and faire promises or any other means allure him to recantation so the wily Papists flocked about him labouring to draw him from his former sentence to recantation especially Henry Sidall and Frier Iohn a Spaniard they shewed him how acceptable it would be to the Kings Queene and how gainfull it would be both bodily spiritually they added that the Councell Noble-men bare him good wil promising him both his life ancient dignity saying the matter was but small the setting of his hand to a few words but if hee refused there was no hope of pardon for the Queene was purposed that shee would haue Cranmer a Catholique or else no Cranmer at all By these and such like prouocations they at last w●nne him to subscribe It may bee supposed that it was for hope of life and better dayes to come But it appeareth by a Letter of his to a Lawyer that the most cause why hee desired his life to bee delayed was that hee might make an end of a Booke against Marcus Antonius a Papist which hee had begun but it is manifest