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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02858 The life, and raigne of King Edward the Sixt Written by Sr. Iohn Hayward Kt. Dr. of Lawe. Hayward, John, Sir, 1564?-1627.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1630 (1630) STC 12998; STC 12997a.5; ESTC S122951 125,151 202

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and maintained the s●…cond to be cured and relecued and the third to be chastised and reduced to good order When this was 〈◊〉 to the King he gau●… to the Citie for education and maintenance of the first sort of poore the Gray-Friers Church neere Newgate-market with all the reuenues there to belonging for cure and releefe of the second ●…ort he gaue Saint Bartholomewes neere 〈◊〉 for correction of the third hee appoin●…ed his house at Bride●…ell the ancient Mansion of many English King●… and which not long before had beene repaired and beautified by Henry the ●…ighth for the entertainment of the great Emperour Charles the fifth for increase of 〈◊〉 of their places together with the new re-edified Hospitall of Saint Thomas in Southwork the King gaue seuen hundred and fifty markes yearely out of the rents of the Hospitall of Saint Iohn Baptist or the Sauoy with all the bedding and furniture at that time belonging to that place and when the charter of this gift was pr●…sented vnto him with a blanke space for lands to be afterwards receiued in Mortm●…ine to a yearly valew without further licence the King presently with his owne hand filled vp the void space with these words foure thousand markes by yeare this done with reueren●… gesture and speech he thanked God for prolonging his life to finish that businesse and so hee was the first Founder of those three pious workes which by many additions are now growne to be the most absolute and famous of that kinde in Europe The Kings sicknesse daily increased and so did the Duke of Northumberlands diligence about him for he was little absent from the King and had alwayes some well assured to espie how the state of his health changed euery houre and the more ioyfull hee was at the heart the more sorrowfull appearance did he outwardly make whether any tokens of poyson did appeare reports are various certainly his Physitians discerned an inuincible malignitie in his disease and the suspition did the more increase for that the complaint being chiefly from the lights a part as of no quicke sense so no seat for any sharpe disease yet his sicknesse towards the end grew highly extreme but the Duke regarded not much the muttering multitude knowing right well that rumours grow stale and vanish with time and yet somewhat either to abate or delay them for the present hee caused speeches to be spread abroad that the King was well recouered in health which was readily beleeued as most desired to be true Hereupon all persons expressed ioy in their countenance and speech which they inlarged by telling the newes to others whom they incountred who haply had heard it often before and as the report increased so there with increased also the ioy Thus whilest euery men beleeued and no man knew it was made more credible by religious persons who openly in Churches gaue publike thankes for the Kings recouery But when the speech of his danger was againe reuiued and as in newe it happeneth the more stopped the more increased to the worse then as if the second time he had beene lost the people did immoderatly breake forth into passions complaining that for this cause his two Vncles had beene taken away for this cause the most faithfull of his Nobilitie and of his Councell were disgraced and remoued from Court this was the reason that such were placed next his person who were most assuredly disposed either to commit or permit any mischiefe that then it did appeare that it was not vainly coniectured some yeares before by men of iudgement and fore-sight that after Somersets death the King should not long enioy his life To qualifie these and some broader speeches it was thought conuenient that the King sometimes should shew himselfe abroad albeit little either with his pleasure or for his health yet a thing which in long consuming sicknesses euen to the last period of life men are often able to doe Whilest the King remained thus grieuously sicke diuers notable mariages were solemnized at once in Durham place The Lord Guldford fourth sonne to the Duke of Northumberland married Lady Iane the Duke of Suffolkes eldest daughter by Frances daughter to Mary second sister to King Henry the eighth also the Earle of Pembrokes eldest sonne married the Lady Katherine the Duke of Suffolkes eldest daughter by the said Lady Frances who then was liuing and Martin Kayes Gentleman Porter married Marie the third daughter of the Duke of Suffolke by the said Lady Frances lastly the Lord Hastings sonne to the Earle of Huntington tooke to wife Katherine youngest daughter to the Duke of Northumberland hereupon the common people vpon a disposition to interpret all Northumberlands actions to the worst left nothing vnspoken which might serue to st●…rre their hatred against the Duke or pitie towards the King but the Duke was nothing moued herear for being equally obstinate both in purpose and desire and mounting his hopes aboue the pitch of reason he resolued then to dissemble no longer but began openly to play his game For albeit the Lady Iane married to his fourth sonne had not right to the succession of the Crowne for that shee was excluded first by the two Ladies Mary and Elizabeth daughters of King Henry the eighth next by the issue of Lady Margret married into Scotland eldest sister to King Henry the eighth lastly by her owne mother the Ladie Frances who then was liuing yet Northumberland sottishly mad with ouer great fortune procured the King by his Letters Patents vnder the great Seale of England to appoint the Lady Iane to succeed him in the inheritance of the Crowne in this contriuance he vsed the aduice of two especially Lord chiefe Iustice Montague who drew the Letters Patents and Secretary Cecil these furnished the Patent with diuers reasons whereof some were of Law and some of policie in State The pretensions of Law were these that albeit the Crowne of the Realme by an Act of the fiue and thirtieth of King Henry the eighth was in default of his issue of his body and of the body of Edward his sonne lawfully begotten limited to remaine to the Lady Mary his eldest daughter and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten and in default of such issue the remainder thereof to the Lady Elizabeth his second daughter and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten vnder such conditions as should be limited by the said King vnder his Letters Patents vnder the great Seale or by his last Will in writing signed with his hand yet because the said limitations were made to persons illegitimate both the marriages betweene King Henry the eighth and their seuerall mothers being vndone by sentences of diuorce and the seuerall diuorcements ratified by authoritie of Parliament in the eight and thirtieth yeare of King Henry the eighth which Act remained then in force both the Lady Mary and the Lady Elizabeth were thereby disabled to claime the Crowne or any honours or hereditaments as heires
furnished he should awaite occasion to sollicite the same Lastly that he should carry a nimble eare as well touching any variation in all these ●…atters as for other occurrences in France Spaine Italie Almaine and thereof advertise the king But notwithstanding all these cautions and preventions of peace or truce betweene the Emperour and the French the king of England finding the Emperour slow in his performances and much suspecting his secret ends entertained a treatie of peace with France but secretly and a farre off and to bee governed as occasions should v●…ry and in reg●…rd h●…reof agreement was made that all ships and goods which had bin surprised at sea by the English vpon the French or by the French vpon the English since the beginning of that treatie should be freely discharged And albeit the English had great adu●…ntage in value of reprisalls as being alwaies both more strong and actiue at sea yet the king by his proclamation commanded that forthwith restitution should be made Hostility being thus suspended with France preparation was made for warres against Scotland the occasion whereof did thus arise MARY STYWARD sole daughter heire to Iames the 5. King of Scots began her raigne ouer the Realme of Scotland vpon the 18 of December 1542 being then not aboue 7 daies olde so as the Sunne no sooner almost saw her an infant then a Queene and no sooner was sh●…e a Queene but she was desired of Henry then King of England to be assured in marriage to Prince Edward his only sonne being then not much aboue 6 yeares of age Vpon this ouerture the gouernor of Scotland assembled the nobility of the Realme at Edenburgh where after much debatement of the cōmodities or discommodities like to ensue they concluded in the end that in March then next ensuing a Parliament should be held to giue perfection and forme to that businesse In the meane time S. Ralph Sadler knight was sent embassador from England to the Gouernor and other Lords of Scotland who followed his charge with so good diligence and advice that in the same parliamen●… authority was giuen to William Earle of Glancorne S. George ' Douglasse S. William Hamilton S. Iames Leirmouth knights and to one of the secretaries of state to conclude this marryage These commissioners came into England with whom before the end of Iulie the same yeere all covenants were concluded instruments of the contract of marriage interchangeably sealed and sworne and a peace established for ten yeares which time expyred both the Prince and the Queene should be of age to consent The French King all this ti●…e was so enteartined with warres against the Emperor that he had no sence of these proceedings but when he vnderstood that these agreements were passed as well for marriage as for peace he b●…nt his best endeuour to dissolue them both First with intention to impeach both the greatnesse and strength of the English nation after with desire to winne this marriage for Francis who afterwardes was King of France To this purpose the French K. sent for Mathew Earle of Levenoxe who then serued vnder his pay in Italie and furnished him with mony forces and friends and aboue all with many encouragements to take vpon him brauely the honour of his house and Ancestors to remoue the Earle of Arraine from the Regency of Scotland and to reverse such pactions as he had made The Earle at his first arrivall in Scotland was ioyfully received as a man most engaged in domesticall factions He alwaies vsed curtesie and modestie disliked of none sometimes sociablenes and fellowship well liked by many generally he was honoured by his nation and well reputed by strangers in favour of him the Pope s●…nt the Patriarch of Apulia his Legat into Scotland who in the Popes n●…me did faithfully assure that both forces mony should be sent into Scotland to resist the English He●… drew the greatest of the Cleargie on his side who were most powerfull to draw on others On the other side the king was not negligent to support his party with supplies wher by great troubles ensued in Scotland which fell not within the times that I hau●… in hand In the end the Earle of Arraine abandoned the king of England and applyed himselfe only to the French by reason whereof the Regencie was confirmed to him which otherwise he had bin vpon adventure to loose And as the Earle of 〈◊〉 did forsake the English and adioine to the French so the Earle of Levenoxe being forsaken by the French applyed his service wholy to the English which did not only continue but much encrease the calamities of Scotland during the time of king Henries raigne King Henrie at the time of his death g●…ue a sp●…ciall charge to the Lords of his counsaile that they should omit no ●…ndevours whereby the said marri●…ge might be procured to take effect Herevpon they pursued this quarrell in the same st●…te the king left it But before they attempted any thing by Armes the Lord Protector assailed the Scottish nobility with a friendly letter Herein he rem●…mbred them of the promises sea●…es and oathes which by publike authority had passed for concluding this marriage that these being religious bonds betwixt God and their soules could not by any politike act of state be dissolved vntill their Queene should attaine vnto yeares of dissent Hee farther added that the providence of God did then manifestly declare it selfe in that the male princes of Scotland failing the kingdome was left to a daughter and in that King Henry left only one sonne to succeed That these two princes were agreeable both for yeares and princely qualities to bee ioyned in marri●…ge and th●…reby to knit both Realmes into one That this vnion as it was like to bee both easily done of firme continuance so would it be both profitable and honourable to both the Realmes That both the easinesse and firmn●…s might be coniectured for that both people are of the same language of like habit and fashion of like qualitie and condition of life of one climate not only annexed entirely together but sev●…red frō all the world 〈◊〉 For as these are sure arguments that both des●…ended from one originall and had bin vnder one governement so by reason that likenes is a great cause of liking and of loue they would be most forceable meanes both to ioine and to hold them in one body again that the profit would rise by extinguishing warres betwe●…ne the two nations by reason whereof in former times victori sabroad haue bin impeach●…d invasions and seditions occasioned th●… confines of both Realmes laid w●…st or else made a nurserie of rapines robberies and murthers the inner parts often deepely pierced and made a wretched spectacl to all eies of humanity and pittie That the honour of both Realmes would enerease as well in regard of the countries sufficient to furnish not only the necessities but the moderate pleasures of this life as also of the people
effusion of Christian blood and for that the English had not done any vnmanlike outrage or spoile he was content they might returne and should haue his safe conduct for their peaceable passage Then the Trumpeter that the Lord Huntly his master sent message by him that aswell for breefe expedition as to spare expence of christian blood he would fight vpon the whole quarrell either with 20 against 20 or with 10 against 10 or more particularly by single combate betweene the Lord Generall and himselfe which in regard the Scots had advantage both for number and freshnesse of men in regard also that for supply both for provision and succors they were at home he esteemed an honourable and charitable offer To the Herald the Lord Generall answered that as his comming was not with purpose or desire to endammage their Realme as he was there he would neither intreat nor accept of him leaue to depart but would measure his marches in advancing or retiring as his owne iudgment guided by advice of his counsaile should deeme expedient To the Trumpeter he returned answere that the L. Huntley his master was a young gentleman full of free courage but more desirous of glory then iudicious as it seemed how to win it That for number of Combatants it was not in his power to conclude a bargaine but was to employ all the forces put vnder his charge to the best advantage that he could that in case this were a particular quarrell betweene the Governour and him he would not refuse a particular combat but being a difference betweene the 2 kingdomes it was neither fit nor in his power either to vndertake the adventure vpon his owne fortune or bearing a publike charge to hazard himselfe against a man of private condition Then the Earle of Warwicke said I marvaile Trumpeter that thy master would make his challenge so fond as he might well knowe it could not be accepted For tell mee Trumpeter can he thinke it fit that he to whose charge is committed the command of all this Army abroad and at home the Kings person and protection of all his Realmes should vndertake a combate with a particular man But he might haue found others his equals amongst vs by whom he might haue beene assured that he should be answered And therewith turning his speech to the L. Generall vnder your Graces favour I accept the challenge And bring me word Trumpeter that thy master will performe with mee as thou hast said and thou shalt haue 100 crownes for thy travaile Nay answered the L. Generall you haue a great charge in the Army which vpon a private mans challenge you must not abandon But Herault tell the L. Governor and the L. Huntley That we haue entred your country with a sober company for so the Scots terme a thing that is meane your army is both great and fresh but let them appeare vpon indifferent ground and assuredly they shall haue fighting enough And bring me word Herault that they will so doe and I will reward thee with 1000 crownes This Earle of Huntley was a man young bold adventerous of very good resolution and skill in Armes But this challenge was so farre beyond the point both of discretion and honor that the English that knew his noble spirit did beleeue that his name was therein abused which hee manifested to be true by disavowing it openly afterwards For it is not fit that a man should abandon his publike charge to vndertake both the office and danger of a private Souldier And therefore the like challenge of Tullus was refused by the commander of the Albanes For that the contention was not betweene their persons but between the Citties of Alba and Rome So Sertorius was refused by Metellus Antonius by Augustus and Iohn Emperor of Constantinople by a king of Scythia So Antonius Caracalla by reason of his often challenges was esteemed not to be so valiant as vaine And herevpon the histories of our times forbeare not to blame Charles the fift Emperour Henry the eight king of England and Francis the first king of France for that they often adventured rather as Souldiers then as Commanders But doubtlesse the L. Governour made a most honourable offer and the rather for that it was conceiued by the English that he held himselfe no lesse assured of victory then he was of his owne resolution to fight whereto it seemed that he wanted not good reason cheifly vpon confidence of his owne forces and partly vpon expectation of 12 Gallies and 50 ships well appointed out of France to assayle the English at their backs All the chiefe Captaines yeelded to the same advice of giving battaile as out of their owne iudgements because they saw it agreeable to that which the L Governour had determined To these the residue attributed so much that albeit diverse were of a different opinion yet they chose rather to condemne their owne vnderstanding then to question theirs During this enterparlance the Scots discharged 4 great shots against the English campe without harme as it happened but not without breach of the Laws of the field whereby not only publike messengers are priviledged to passe without either danger or scorne but vntill they haue discharged their message all hostility should surcease Howsoeuer this happened the Generall of the English army vnwilling to bee behind in any equall or honourable offer sent letters to the L. Governour of Scotland Wherein he desired him and theresidue of the Scottish nobility to consider That both armies consisted of Christians to whom nothing should be more deere then peace nothing more detestable then effusion of humane blood That the cause of this warre did not proceed from ambition avarice or hate but from desire of perpetuall peace betweene their people and nations which could no way so firmely be knit as by knitting their Princes together in marriage That many other respects set aside their King for his birth his yeares his royall estate his princely personage education and qualities was such a marriage for their Queene that a more convenient could not be found that in case all the Nobility of Scotland were not of one minde The English would bee content that their Queene should bee brought vp amongst them vntill she should be of age to make her owne choice Provided that in the meane time she should not bee transported to any forraigne country or any agreement made for any other marriage That vpon this condition there should be an abstinence of hostility for all that time and they would in quiet manner withdraw their army and repaire all dammages which indifferent Commissioners should adiudge No answere was hereto returned but rumors ran freshly among the Scottish souldiers that the intention of the English was to take away their Queene by force and vnder pretence of marriage to reduce the kingdome vnder their dominion and verily it may seeme almost incredible that all these faire ouertures made by men well esteemed for honest dealing