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A70866 The first-[third] tome of an exact chronological vindication and historical demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English kings supreme ecclesiastical jurisdiction from the original planting, embracing of Christian religion therein, and reign of Lucius, our first Christian king, till the death of King Richard the First, Anno Domini 1199 ... / by William Prynne, Esq.; Exact chronological vindication and historical demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English kings supreme ecclesiastical jurisdiction Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1665 (1665) Wing P4076; ESTC R14735 1,530,072 1,129

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are inserted out of their due Chronological series or years to which they relate If they consider that this was occasioned either by the continued series of the History to which they relate hapning in divers years which could not well be dis-joyned without greater inconveniences or to unite some Records or Stories of the same kind together illustrating or ratifying each other though different in time or else by casualty or oversight at the Press and withall if they observe how the distinct years rolls of every Record and of most Historians are truly cited quoted in the Text or Margin I hope it will be reputed no Solecism nor just ground of complaint Perhaps some other curious Perusers of this Work may charge me with Tautologie or surplusage for inserting several Letters Procurations of our Kings to Popes Cardinals and Proctors sent to Rome or several Patents and Prohibitions to distinct persons Courts running almost in the same words But I hope the rarity and novelty of them never formerly published in print their confirmation and explanation of each other especially in cases of Prohibitions and the matters conteined in them not mentioned in Story together with my care to avoid the censure of omitting or concealing any records of this nature wherewith others might upbraid me And the constant Practise of the Clergy Popes Prelates Church and Laicks of Rome most likely to pick quarrels with me in repeating sundry dozens scores if not hundreds of Pater-Nosters together on their Beads though that prayer was purposely instituted by Christ himself to avoid and condemn all such repetitions and likewise Reiterations of Ave-Maries of the name of Jesus and other Petitions ejaculations in their Primers Letanies Missals Jesus Psalters Breviaries Offices Howers of the Virgin Mary Manuals of Prayers and other their Bookes of publike and private Devotion will at least acquit if not justifie me against this exception That which I deem some polite dainty Readers will most censure me for is want of Elegant lofty eloquent language embellishments and transitions But this defect my declining age want of competent time to review polish every passage together with the gravity variety of the subject matter the usual Vulgar stile of most of our Records and Law-books will apologize for this defect A plain English Garbe modest natural beauty bush being in Gods and wise mens judgements better decenter commendabler then any fantastick outlandish habit a painted spotted face or effeminate powdred frizled head not of Gods or Natures making but the Barbers or Tyre-womans To conclude all I shall desire of my ingenuous Readers is a friendly construction and kinde acceptation of these my Lucubrations a free pardon of all defects or involuntary oversights if any shall occurr therein together with their cordial prayers for Gods assistance and enablement of me in the compleating of the remaining Tomes if they shall be judged usefull for the publike or gratefull to posterity there being few or none I know or hear of who will probably be at the pains or cost to carry on or compleat them when I am translated hence to a better world and shall rest from all my studies labours in this Farewell The GENERAL CONTENTS of the BOOKS and CHAPTERS conteined in this Second Tome All the particulars whereof being many and various are comprised in the TABLE BOOK 3. CHAP. 1. page 227. COntaining Evidences of King John's Supream Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction over all Bishops Religious and Ecclesiastical persons Causes Bishopricks Monasteries Tithes Advowsons in granting Licenses to elect and to approve or reject Bishops Abbots when elected Examining the Jurisdictions of all Ecclesiastical Courts Imprisoning banishing Bishops Clergy-men seizing their Bishopricks Spiritualties Confiscating their Goods Benefices for their Contempts Rebellions Treasons against him and obedience to the Popes Interdicts and other unjust Commands with other particulars and his strenuous vigilant defence of the Rights of his Crown against Provisions and other Papal and Prelatical Usurpations in England and Ireland till the 15. year of his Reign CHAP. 2. page 270. Of King John's most unworthy prostitution not only of the undoubted Rights and priviledges of his Crown but of Himself his Diadem Kingdomes of England and Ireland after so many years Glorious Contests to the Tyrannical Usurpations of Pope Innocent and his own Trayterous Bishops and Clergy Of his resignation of his Crown and Kingdomes by Two supposed Charters but in truth only by one to the Pope and his Successors and resuming them as their Feudatory under an Annual Rent His Oath of Homage and Fealty to the Pope The Validity of this Charter these Rents and their payment debated the present and subsequent Oppositions against them This Kings Opposition against the Encroachments of his Treacherous Rebellious Bishops and Clergy who dealt most perfidiously with and stirred up the Barons warrs Rebellions against him after they had forced him to resign his Crown and protested against his unkingly actions when accomplished by their own procurement and designes With other memorable particulars and Records relating to these transactions and this Kings Charters proceedings in Ecclesiastical Elections Affairs as Supream Patron within his own Dominions BOOK 4. CHAP. 1. King Henry the 3. his succession to King John his Coronation necessitated Oath Homage Subjection to Transactions complyance with the Pope and See of Rome against his own and the Nobles wills his and their Complaints Oppositions Prohibitions against the Popes Bishops Clergies Incroachments Exactions both in England and Ireland With the chief passages concerning Ecclesiastical affairs in them during the first 20 years of his young and troublesome reign CHAP. 4. pag. 447. Containing sundry Records Patents and Historical passages evidencing this Kings Supream Jurisdiction in and over Ecclesiastical persons Courts Affairs in England and Ireland The intollerable Vsurpations Extortions Oppressions Innovations Proceedings of Popes their Legates Agents Instruments to the prejudice of the Rights Priviledges of the King Church Kingdom Subjects in both these Realms with the several Complaints and Oppositions against them The English and Irish Bishops Covents Courts Christians Encroachments upon the Kings Temporal Courts Rights Royal Dignity and Subjects Liberties The Prohibitions Writs Oppositions against them With the principal Ecclesiastical Affairs and transactions in relation to England and Ireland from the beginning of the 21. to the end of the 40th year of King Henry the 3d. his reign CHAP. 3. p. 872. Comprizing sundry evidences out of Law-books Histories and Records manifesting this Kings Soveraign Ecclesiastical as well as Temporal Authority over all Ecclesiastical persons Courts Causes in England and Ireland The Popes and his Instruments intollerable Extortions Oppressions Innovations Encroachments both upon the Kings Prerogative and Subjects Liberties Properties and their respective Oppositions Complaints against them Together with our Popish Prelates and Ecclesiastical Synods Courts illegal Usurpations upon the Kings Temporal Rights Courts Crown Dignity and Peoples Priviledges With the several Prohibitions Writs Mandates issued to restrain them And
matrem misericordis Dei refugiatque reus offensae Matris ad pium filium benignae Matris Ingerat se reus utriusque inter utrumque Injiciat se inter pium filium et Matrem Pie Domine parce servo matris tuae Pia Domina parce servo Filii tui quia me injicio inter duas tam immensas pietates non incidam inter tam potentes severitates Non erubescam quod spero in vobis hanc pietatem Dic mundi Iuder cui parcis Dic mundi Reconciliatrix quem reconciliabis si tu Domine damnas et tu Domina averteris homunculum bona vestra cum amore mala sua cum moerore confitentem But no marvell they thus place the Mother before the Sonne or Father and their Lady before their Lord because 7ly As they have obliterated their Name Title of Dominus c. and thrust in hers of Domina and Maria insteed thereof throughout Davids Psalms in their Saint Bonaventura his Psalterium beatae Mariae and Bernardinus Senensis his Officium Conceptionis Mariae authorized by their Popes Bulls So it is likewise observable that in their Horae beatissimae Mariae secundum usum Romanum Antwerpiae 1568. p. 328. to omit others set forth by authority of their Church and Popes they have metamorphosed St. Ambrose and their own Te Deum laudamus c. into Te Matrem Dei laudamus Te Mariam virginem confitemur Te aeterni patris sponsam omnis terra veneratur Tibi omnes Angeli Archangeli Tibi omnes Principatus humiliati serviunt Tibi omnes potestates et supernae virtutes tibi omnes coelorum dominationes obediunt c. Tibi cuncta Angelica creatura delectabili voce proclamabant Sancta Sancta Sancta Maria Mater Dei Virgo c. Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus creatoris Matrem collaudat c. Te tota coelestis curia coelorum Reginam honorat Te per universum mundum sancta Ecclesia invocando celebrat Matrem divinae Majestatis Venerandum te veram Regis caelesti puerperam c. Tu Angelorum Domina Tu Paradysi janua Tu scala regni coelestis c. Te ergo poscimus servulis tuis subveni Salvanos populū servorū tuorum Domina ut simus participes haereditatis tuae Et regenos extolle usque in aeternum Per singulos dies O Domina te salutamus Et laudare te cupimus in aeternum devota mente et voce Dignare dulcis Maria nunc semper sine delicto nos conservare Fiat misericordia tua nobiscum quia Maria in te confidimus In te dulcis Maria speramus ut nos defendas in aeternum 8ly In the Popish Council held at Oxford Anno 1222. 6 Henry 3. under Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canterbury that arch Rebell to King John and his Realms inthralled to the Pope by his Treasons and Rebellions the whole Council and all the Prelates Clergy of England were so intent upon the Priviledges of the Church and honour of the Virgin Mary with other Saints that in the very Prologue of their Canons and Excommunications agreed upon in that Council they quite forgot the Names of God the Son and Holy Ghost inserting Maries and the Saints in their steeds as our learned Bishop Jewel observes yea all the Editions in Lyndewoode Johannes de Aton Laurentius Surius and others attest Ex auctoritate Dei Patris omnipotentis et beatae Virginis et omnium Sanctorum not Filii Spiritus sancti praefati Concilii Excommunicamus omnes illos qui Ecclesias suo jure maliciose privare praesumunt aut per maliciam earundem libertates infringere vel perturbare contendunt It seems God the Sonne and Holy Ghost were not present in this Council but only God the Father the Virgin Mary and Saints else they could not have been thus quite forgotten 9ly In the Litania Deiparae Virginis ex sacra Scripturae desumptae quae in alma domo Lauretana omnibus diebus Sabbatis Vigiliarum Festorum ejusdem Virginis musicè decantari solent printed at the end of the Instructions and Advertisements of Dr. Gaspar Laerte of the Society of Jesus how to meditate the Mysteries of the Rosary of the most holy Virgin Mary translated out of Italian into English as they sacrilegiously wrest apply sundry Scripture Texts unto her not meant nor intended of her and amongst other Titles thus stile her Faeminarum restauratio Reparatrix Parentum Reparatrix Posterorum Mediatrix Mundi Auxiliatrix praesens Causa salutis humani generis Advocata nostra Advocata Evae Obses fidei nostrae apud Deum Scala coelorum Redemptio captivorum Adjutrix destitutorum Solatium mundi Christianorum profugium Spes desperantium Spes unica peccatorum Spes Christianorum sanctissiima Laetitia Sanctorum Expectatio et Proemium bonorum c. So they likewise obliterate the usual clauses proper to Christ as God with his Name and the Title of Lord and thus insert new petitions unto her insteed of Christ God the Lord in their Litanies Per sanctam nativitatem tuam per admirabilem annunciationem tuam per memorabilem purificationem tuam per gloriosam assumptionem tuam libera Nos Virgo gloriosa Peccatores ut veram poenitentiam nobis impetrare digneris Resp Te Rogamus audi nos Vt Societates tibi peculiari obsequio devotas conservare et augere digneris Resp Te Rogamus audi nos Vt Ecclesiae sanctae cunctoque populo Christiano curam unitatem impetrare digneris Resp Te Rogamus audi nos After which there followes in the Breviarie Intercedente beata Maria Regnum etiam Angliae una cum universis in ea commorantibus ab haereticorum feritate converte the like Metamorphoses they have made in other parts of their antient Liturgies and Missals to adore and deifie her instead of God the Father and the Sonne Finally as Cardinal Cusanus and others who assert her to be born without original sinne write that she stood in need of no Saviour Non indiguit virgo Liberatore qui ipsam absolveret a sententia in Adam et in posteros lata quod ipsa sub principatu authoris mortis nullo unquam tempore fuit Maria non est deleta de libro mortis quia in ea nunquam fuit c. So on the contrary Bernardinus de Busti seraphically and blasphemously averrs Sola benedicta Maria plus fecit Deo vel tantum ut sic dicam quantum fecit Deus toto generi humano Ipsa perfectionibus orbis ultimam perfectionem adduxit cum ea ipsi universitatis auctori ut ita dixerim nonnulla adduxit puta aeterno principio inceptionis exordium aeternitati divinae temporale periodum infinitati immensae quantitatem corpoream Whence St. Briget brings in all the Saints praying thus unto her O Domina benedicta tuportasti Dominum in te Tu Domina omnium es Quid est quod non poteris
Denmark Swecia Norway Croatia Dalmatia and Scotland are the Popes Vassals Tributaries holding all their Crowns Kingdoms from him as his Feudatories under several annual rents and tributes and an Oath of Homage and Fealty It is no wonder therefore if they pretend the like Title under the like Tenure and Vassallage to the Realms of England and Ireland Pope Alexander the 2d had the impudency to affirm That ever since the kingdom of England received Christianity it hath been in the hands and power of St Peter if his Epistle be not forged by e Baronius If this were a truth then King Iohns resignation of his kingdom to the Pope was only a restitution of that antient right the Pope had thereto before in Recognition of the Popes Soveraign Dominion over it and his resuming of it from the Pope under an annual rent nothing but an revival of the former Service due to Rome as f Marta g Carerius and h Schioppius argue in the cases of Constantines pretended Donation Charles the Great Pepins and others grants of Lands and Territories to the See of Rome But none of our Monks or Historians of that or any age since though professed Votaries to the Pope ever made such a pretence or conclusion as this Therefore it is a meer forgery a Cardinal Bellarmin and other Romanists falsely averre That the kingdom of England was semper Beneficiarium et Tributarium Romano Pontifici because King Ina and Offa Anno 740. Adelphus Anno 847. paid a penny for every house to Saint Peter by way of Tribute confirmed by several Lawes And King Henry the 2d acknowledged the Pope to be his Temporal Lord himself his Feudatory and his Kingdom the Popes Patrimony The falshood of which having at large refuted I shall pretermit as fabulous only if true it quite subverts or enervates this Charter of King Iohn and reservation of the annual rent as a New thing honor rent not formerly acknowledged by his predecessors But their principal Title to England and Ireland is from King Iohns Charter under his golden Bull which they boast to be yet extant in the Vatican by which the Pope hath as Bellarmine and Marta assert Directum Dominium in Regnum Angliae et Hiberniae that King Iohn and his Successors are thereby made Feudatories and Vassals to the Pope whence b Pope Innocent the 3d. in a vaunting manner said of King Iohn Vassallus noster est Rex Angliae et Romanae Ecclesiae To counterplead and enervate this Grand pretended Title of the Pope I shall desire the Readers to consider 1. That Sir Thomas Moor Lord Chancellor of England who c lost his head under King Henry the 8. his Master in defence of the Popes Supremacy in England is so far ashamed of Pope Innocents proceedings against King Iohn that he avowes it in print d to be utterly UNTRUE that King John did make his Realms thus Tributdry to the Pope or that ever such pensions were paid to Rome for them wherein doubtlesse he mistakes Adding That if he so did or any other English King should so do such an act was of no validity at all as Rossius Warwicensis also resolves 2ly That e Edmond Campian a great Advocate for the Papacy writes Such Instruments might happily then be moved and drawn and yet dye unratified though the copies stand recorded denying any annual pensions paid thereby for England or Ireland to Rome 3ly f M. Antonius Coccius Sabellicus informes us That this pretended Rent out of England and Ireland was granted by King Iohn out of a Religious Vow to expiate his gaining these kingdoms by fratricide without mentioning any Charter or resignation Ha●d m●ri●ò post Johannes Rex Angliae Ricardum fratrem interfecit Regnumque parricidio adeptus à Ludovico Philippi filio qui tum in Gallia regnabat gravi bello petitus est Tum vero novisse fertur si regnum sibi incolume mansisset futurum ut Anglia et Hybernia vectigales essent Apostolicae sedis magnumque auro pondus voto nuncupavit quod duae illustres Insulae quotannis Romano Pontifico penderent sui itaque Voti damnatus quum ipse tum Successores plerique ut rite actum erat ratum habuere But this voluminous Historian is utterly mistaken in his whole relation of this pension For 1. King Iohn did not murder his brother King Richard who died of a shot out of Chaluz Castle as all our g Historians record 2ly He obtained not the Realm by parricide but by his Brothers special bequest at his death and heir to him 3ly This Rent was granted before Lewis the French Kings Sonne warred on him upon Philips intended invasion but admit it true the very force of warr nulls it 4ly None of our Historians mention any such Vow of King John as the cause of this grant 5ly Not one much lesse many of his Successors acknowledged it rightly granted nor ever confirmed but protested against it as null though one or two of them now and then voluntarily paid it upon other grounds Raphael Volaterans Geogr. l. 3. f. 54. concurring with Sabellicus records that Johannis cum gravi bello à Ludovico Gallorum Rege premeretur EX VOTO Angliam Iberniamque Romano Pontifice Vectigales fecit ut auri Marcas 70. quotannis penderent Anno salutis 1208. he being mistaken in the occasion quarrel summe year of the grant which was not till 1213. and Lewis his warre above a year after that And admit it true this Vow Grant being made by Duresse and force of Warr can be of no validity 4ly h Polydor Virgil a Stranger but yet the last collector of the Popes Peter-pence in England who pried into our Histories Annals and the i Century writers out of him write thus of this Rent and Grant reciting King Iohns surrender of his Crown Nunquamnisi à Romano Papa recepturus sic enim fieri jusserat Nocentius crudelis et sanguinis Anglici sitientissimus add the Centuriators ex quo fama est Johannem cupientem perpetuare memoriam muneris accepti therfore a meer free gift not tribute in their judgements ea lege fuisse se Beneficiarium not tributarium ut Reges deinceps à Pontifice duntaxat Romano jura regni consequerentur Caeterum has reconciliationis Leges qui secuti sunt Reges mimme servarunt neque Annales Anglici de hujusmodi donatione loquuntur Iohanni tantummodo qui deliquisset imposita non item Successoribus sustinenda fuisse satis constat So that by this resolution of the Popes own Collector in England the grant of these annual rents obliged only King John himself the delinquent who imposed them not his heirs successors or kingdoms in the least degree To which the Century collectors assent 5ly a Matthew Paris and Matthew Westminster themselves both Monks extraordinary Votaries to the Popes and inveterate Enemies to King John deride scorn his Charter to the Pope which they first inserted into their Histories stiling it
Obedience to him till conformable to his Papal pleasure and to dispence with the Kings own Oathes to his Barons and people 8ly A pretended supream Antichristian Papal authority actually to deprive the King and his Heirs of his very hereditary Crown Kingdoms and give them away to other foreign Princes 9ly To command foreign Kings and all Christian Nobles Knights Souldiers by force of armes to seize upon and expell him his Kingdoms and issue out Crossadoes to War against and dethrone him as if he were a meer Saracen and Turk 10ly A Jurisdiction to deprive suspend sequester excommunicate the Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors Ecclesiastical and Temporal Peers and Cities of the Realm at his Papal pleasure and summon them to attend the Pope personally at Rome to undergo his Papal censures 11ly A liberty inserted into the Great Charter for all Bishops Clergymen Monks and others to depart out of the Realm resort to Rome or to the Kings Enemies without his Royal license first obtained and to return again at their pleasures 12ly A liberty for all Chapters Covents Monks Clergymen freely to elect whom they pleased to Bishopricks Monasteries Deaneries and other preferments in the Kings Donation and to reject whatever persons the King should specially recommend unto them though never so deserving so as the King could prefer no person to any elective Dignity within his Realms but whom the Chapters Covents Clergy should voluntarily elect and the Pope or his Legates actually confirm at their pleasures 13ly A power to sequester suspend deprive excommunicate and reduce to extream necessity all such Scholars Clergymen and Loyal Subjects who had so much loyalty and courage as to appear in defence of the King and his Cause against the Popes illegal injurious encroachments and to protect advance reward encourage all Traytors and Rebells against the King to advance the Popes Usurpations 14ly A power to sell Archbishopricks Bishopricks Monasteries and all other Ecclesiastical preferments Palls to those who would give most money for them to extort monies for Papal Benedictions Valedictions dismissions from attendance in General Councils or the See of Rome upon summons thither 15ly An over-awing authority over all the Bishops Clergy of England Ireland to obey the Popes most unjust treasonable commands against the expresse commands protestations of the King Barons Kingdoms to the Kings Realms and Churches prejudice 16ly A power to hear and determine by Appeal or otherwise all causes and controversies concerning elections unions or disunions of Churches or other Ecclesiastical Offices As to the Kings and Kingdoms Temporal Rights and Jurisdictions Pope Innocent made these unparalleld encroachments on them 1. An actual Interdiction of the whole Realm sundry years for a pretended personal contempt in the King alone and after that the like Interdict of the Londoners and Barons temporal Estates for their Rebellions and civil offences against the King 2ly An Antichristian power to dethrone dis-inherit the King and his Heirs of their hereditary right in the Crown Kingdoms of England and Ireland and to transfer them to foreign Kings and Enemies without the Kings or Kingdoms consent or any tryal hearing of the King or Kingdom 3ly A forcible wrested resignation from the King of his Crown Scepter Kingdoms to the Pope and his Successors without his Barons or Kingdoms consents by a void illegal extorted Charter 4ly A resuming of them by King John and his Heirs from the Pope and his Successors under an Annual Rent or Pension and extorting of an Oath of Homage and Fealty from the King as a meer Vassal and Tributary to the Pope and Church of Rome directly contrary to the Rights of the Crown and freedom Office Royaly of a King 5ly A power to confirm null repeal the Kings own Temporal Charters yea Great Charters of Liberties and the Forrest and judge of their validity or invalidity at his Papal pleasure 6ly A power to examine hear determine the Right and Title of King John and others to the Crown of England and decide them in the Court of Rome as the supream Judicature in such cases 7ly A Jurisdiction to hear and determine all civil controversies touching Priviledges Rights Franchises between the King and his Barons and excommunicate them for not submitting to his Papal Edicts therein 8ly A power to make Truces and prohibit Christian Kings to War upon each others Kingdoms under pain of Excommunication and Interdiction 9ly A pretended right to protect all Kings and Nobles who took up the Crosse from any civil proceedings Wars against each other during the Crossado and to recommend promote grant prescribe Taxes Tenths to maintain those Wars against the Turks but in truth to fill his Papal coffers 10ly A power to exempt Treacherous Rebellious Clergymen from being Out-lawed or Interdicted by the King and force the King by publike Patents to disclaim this his antient Prerogative with his power of detaining any Clerks in Prison for capital Crimes or Felonies if demanded to be delivered by and to their Ordinaries All these with some other Usurpations of lesse concernment reducible to these heads were introduced by Pope Innocent the 3d. during the reign of King John never practised in England before by any of his ambitious Predecessors and so fastned upon the necks of the King Kingdom by wholesale by means of King Johns forced resignation of his Crown to the Pope intestine Wars differences between the King his Bishops Barons this Pope and his Legates policies that his Successors for many years after though they frequently complained petitioned against them with much earnestnesse and regret yet were hardly able with all their power or policy to resist much lesse to shake them off but only by piece-meal and inches as they had strength and opportunity to do it I shall now proceed to his Sons and Successors long yet troublesome reign by like unhappy contests between the Cros●er and Scepter the King and his Barons upon pretext of publike Liberty and our Ecclesiastical affairs under him THE FOVRTH BOOK CHAP. I. K. Henry the 3d. his succession to K. John his Coronation necessitated Oath Homage Subjection to Transactions Complyance with the Pope and See of Rome against his own and the Nobles wills his and their Complaints Oppositions Prohibitions against the Popes Bishops Clergies Encroachments Exactions both in England and Ireland with the chief passages concerning the Ecclesiastical affairs in them during the first 20. years of his young troublesome reign KIng John being taken out of this world by poyson through the implacable malice of the Monks and Prelates having then many Enemies both of Earls Barons and more especially of the Popish Clergy Henry his eldest son was then but of the Age of 9. Years at which time most of the Lords of England adhering to Lewes the French Kings son whom they had sent for before in displeasure of King John to be their King and had sworn to him their Allegiance Thereupon William Earl Marshall a Noble man of great
dejected enemies to life up their heads After which he caused the Germans to elect another Emperor the Lantgrave who upon conference sided with him against the Pope who refused all termes of peace unlesse he would sweat absolutely to stand to his-Ecclesiastical censure which he refused to do unlesse he knew before hand the causes and all conditions of it without restoring the places he had gained belonging to the Empire of antient right 651. The Pope refuseth all sorts of cautions he tendred to him to settle place to the great rejoycing of Saracens Turks and other Pagans who invaded spoyled the Christians in all places during their dissentions Upon which he stops all passages to Rome by Sea and Land imploying his Son Co●rade therein forced the Pope and Cardinals to fly out of Rome and Italy disguised into France his jeer against the Pope for this his dishonourable flight 651 652 653. By assistance of the French King the Pope summoned a General Council excommunicated deposed the Emperor afresh absolves all his Subjects from their allegiance prohibits any to own or converse with him under pain of Excommunication in a most insolent manner notwithstanding all his Embassadors Advocates allegations and proffers of satisfaction 643 to 654 664 753. The Bulls causes of his Excommunication and dethroning 644 to 660. His notable stout speech after his dethroning by the Pope and Council He sets his Crown on his head bids defyance against the Pope sends notable Letters to the King of England and other Princes against the pride insolency ingratitude of the Pope and Prelates occasioned by their great endowments riches by the bounty of Christian Emperors Kings to the impoverishing of their Realms asseits it would be an act of charity very acceptable to God to resume their possessions riches which made them cast God behind their backs choaked their Religion caused them ungratefully to conspire and set themselves against their advancers Heirs exhorting them to reduce them to their primitive humility condition to substract their great noxious revenues from them which made them mad riotous rebellious and unlike the Primitive Bishops in the Apostles times who subdued Emperors Kings by their piety holineste nor by Armes 660 661 662. The great dangers many Princes Prelates apprehended would ensue by this Emperors deposing by encouraging Popes though of mean birth to trample all Emperors Kings Princes Prelates under feet at their pleasures and grow intollerably proud insolent to boast we have trampled the very greatest Lord and Emperor Frederick under feet and who art thou who rashly believest thou art able to resist us 662. The Pope exhorts the Cistercians to live and dye in his and the Churches quarrel against him who thereupon inclined to his party 662 663. All Christendome troubled with Wars by the hatred discord between the Pope and him and the Universal Church every where endangered 753 754. The French Nobles adhere to him detest the pride of the Pope the Servant of Servants who rejected all the honest conditions of peace which he offered him 755. He the greatest of all Christian Princes who had not his equal an enemy to Pope Innocent the 4. generally hated in most Kingdoms 676. Two new Emperors successively set up against him their forces defeated one of them slain in battle the other dyes 753. Appendix 27. He is poysoned by his most intimate Counsellor and Advocate Peter de Vinea corrupted by Pope Innoccut the 4. his great gifts and promises his memorable declamation against Popes ingratitude insolency advanced from nothing by his predecessors to so great wealth power who thereby endeavoured to exterminate destroy their advancers and the tottering Empire 754 756 809 810. The punishment of his poysoner the Popes great rejoycing at his misery death 754 755. Frederick King of Naples his great munificent gifts of Crown Lands revoked 319. G. GErmany Almaign Popes pretended Title to it 391. The Emperors Oath power he cannot alien his Lands or Soveraign power 316 317 318 319. See Index 14. Emperor Oath Frederick Otho Seditions Rebellions raised in it by Popes against the Emperor 411 523 5●8 536 753 754 810 811. Shaken with intestine wars by the Pope 676 698 717. Gothes obey the Greek Church 491. Granado Popes pretended Title to it 9 291. Greek Church subject to the Patriarch of Constantinople its errors opposition against separation from the Church of Rome for its detestable symony ambition corruptions the several Nations Countries obedient to it rejecting the Popes authority its claim of primacy above the Pope by St. Peters first preaching fixing his See at Antioch not Rome G 〈◊〉 us its Patriarch and Greek Churches opposition against Pope Gregory 9. who grants a Croysado against them 484 490 491 492 512 513 676 752. Greek Emperors 319 490 491 492 512. Their donations of the Lands of the Empire revoked 319. H. HAco King of Denmark Norway and Sweden his Coronation by the Popes Legate gifts to him and the Pope for it 697. Henry 5. Emperor Pope Paschal 2. and his Cardinals grant of the right of Investitures to him by his Bull Oath perjuriously revoked soon after 328. King Henry 1. of England his Charter of Laws Liberties ●ead to the Barons by Archbishop Langeton who swear to revive maintain and fight for it to death in convenient time 283. Enlarged with divers new additions in King Johns Great Charter 338. He erected endowed the Bishoprick of Carlisle 376 377. King Henry 2. of England his antient Jurisdiction over Clergymen by prescription declared voyd by the Pope 6 7. He ejects the Abbesse and Nuns of Ambresbury for their Incontinency and puts others in their places 228. His contests with Becket abjuration of the antient priviledge of Investitures and right of conferring Bishopricks before the Popes Legate 250. Revokes resumes the Crown Lands Mannors Castles granted by King Stephen an Usurper to the Nobles as voyd and the Counties of Northumberland Cumberland Westmerland from the King of Scots 324. King Henry 3. of England his Coronation at Gloucester at 9. years old after his Fathers death his Oath Homage to the Pope 369 370. The Bishops Nobles Castellans Homage Fealty and Fidelity to him he remains in the custody of William Earl of Pembrock his chief advancer Ibid. Many Barons revolt from Lewes to him for breach of his Oath and detaining their Lands Casties 370. He routs Lewes his forces Articles of agreement between them ratified by Oath out of which sundry Bishops Abbots Clerks were excepted 371 372. The Popes Usurpations on him by reason of his infancy necessities assistance of him against the French and revolted Barons 369 372 1068. His memorable Prohibitions Writs to restrain the Usurpations Extortions exorbitant Encroachments of Popes Popes Legates Delegates Archbishops Bishops and other Agents in England and Ireland upon the rights of his Crown the Liberties Properties Consciences of his Subjects Courts Officers and redresse their grievances See Prohibitions Elections Excommunications Oathes Index 14. and Index 3 4 5 6
earth in every consecrate Host Chalice Pix in millions of places at once 15 66 67 68 69 70. His three actual descentions from Heaven to Earth since his ascention at the Death Funeral Assumption of the Virgin Mary 20 to 27 68. To other Popish Saints and Catharine of Senis with whom he daily conversed imprinted his wounds on and exchanged hearts with her gave her the Hostia with his own hands 69 70. His frequent corporal apparitions in their Hostiaes in form of a little Infant Lamb raw fl●sh blood asserted in Popish Legends to evidence the truth of their Transubstantiation though meer Fables Diabolical delusions or Priests impious frauds 71 to 76. Of blood miraculously issuing out of his Images Crucifixes broken pierced 14. Reliques of his blood shewed adored in several places 14 711 to 780. All his Soveraignty Kingly power Offices of Advocate Mediator Intercessor Redeemer Saviour of Adam Eve mankind with divine worship attributed transferred by Romanists to the Virgin Mary 16 to 64. Made wholly subject obedient subservient to her motherly commands will in all things in Heaven 20 to 24 27 28 39 40 46 53 55. Papists appeals from his Justice anger to her mercy 16 24 25 53. Papists easier ascend into Heaven by Maries white then his red Ladder 31 36 37 48 49. See Mary Christ a counterfeit one put to death 383. Church Kings Oath duty care right to protect the Churches in their Realms their Rights Liberties reform all corruptions in them their Prelates Members to make Laws Canons concerning all Church-affairs erect Churches for Gods worship and build divide unite Churches c. as supreme Patrons Governors of them 2 3 4 5 227 228 230 231 233 304 305 516 522 575 596 607 637 688 721 748 890 896 899 968 995 to 1007 1011 1012 1016 1017 1027 1028 1033. See more Bishops Great Charter Emperor Kings and Index 2 3 4 5 6 10 12. Church who what it is not yet agreed on by Popes and Romanists 305 306 307 308. Church of Rome its Popes Papists detestable Blasphemies Errors Idolatry in Adorations Masses Matens Crowns Hours Letanies Magnificats Rosaries Mariales Idol●zing Deifying the Virgin Mary advancing her above entitling her to all the powers attributes of God Offices of Christ adoring invoking relying on her more then God or Christ corrupting altering Scriptures for that end 13 to 64. See Mary More heretical idolatrous therein and other Saints invocation then the Collyridians 56 to 63. Then Pagans 56 57. Then bruit beasts 56. Their monstrous absurdities of hers and other Saints seeing Prayers in their new-found Looking-glasse of the Trinity 57 58. Of their Doctrine of an invisible standing universal daily contradictory Miracle of Transubstantiation and pretended Miracles to confirm it 15 66 to 80. Of Crucifixes dropping blood 14. Of their Images and Pourtra●ctures of Christ as yet an Infant in her armes or still hanging on his Cross and the Virgin Mary as a crowned Queen sitting on a Throne with a Scepter ruling and commanding him 15 16 22 23 24. In saying not only Aves Prayers but Pater Nosters to her her Images and frequent repetitions of them together with Salve Mariaes direct Prayers for her as if not yet saved 51 52 53. In blotting the Second Commandement out of all their Howrs Psalters Primers Missals Rosaries Breviaries Litanies of our Ladies late Catechisms because incompatible with their Images benedictions adorations of her 62 63. Their Legends blasphemies of St. Catharine of Senis Dominick Francis 64 65 69 70. Of Dominican Freers hid under her large M●ntle and Robes in Heaven 5● Concerning Popes transcendent Soveraign Universal power Monarchy over all Churches Kingdoms Emperors Kings Prelates Councils 5 6 7 8 9. Their detestable avarice rapines oppressions bribery symony injustice corruptions Rebellions Treasons against Kings and other impious atheistical practises See Index 10 11 12. throughout and 14. Rome Popes Frederick King Henry 3. King John All just grounds for the Church of Englands and others separation from and never to apos●a●ize to her 62 80. as the Greek Church did long since who excommunicated her 490 491 492. See Greek Church The Churches accusation against Pope Innocent 4. before Christs Tribunal for making her a slave a Table of Money changers destroying her faith manners justice truth 812. See Christ Popes Churches not to be divided 489. Their priviledge 881. See Sanctuary Church-yards their priviledge 881. See Sanctuary Cinqueports their Jurisdiction 887. See Index 13. Cistercian Monks their priviledges wool prayers desired deny Procurations to Popes Legates Aydes to the King who denyed them license to go to their general Chapter oppressed them for it Popes Letters for conferences with them Visitations of them Writs against their Merchandizing and other matters concerning them 261 262 297 404 405 569 570 603 604 622 626 828 829 846 847 848 889 993. See Monks Citations by the Pope from all Realms 5. Of Bishops Officials Officers for oppressions vexations complaints Writs against them 489 699 700 701 704 705 706 830 831 910 949 950 969 970. To Rome and out of the Realm prohibited See Prohibitions disobeyed 235 929 930. obeyed 717. Cities Jurisdictions not to answer or be sued out of them 887. Clerks Clergymen Priests all subject to Kings coertion correction secular power government for Ecclesiastical Temporal affairs crimes 2 3 4 230 253 to 259 264 267 268 272 273 351 512 577 827 828 860 878 892 893 900 904 905 1011 1012 See Arrests Popes Popish Prelates Canonists exemptions of their persons estates from all Kings Princes Laymens Jurisdictions for all crimes 5 6 7 8 515 516 536 537 538 656 657 811 812 827 828 857 858 859 878 890 to 912 All secular Laws Customs Prescriptions Aydes Taxes imposed on them against their pretended Priviledges voyd by Popes Canons and Canon Law Ib. Greater then Kings subject only to Gods Jurisdiction exempted by taking Orders from Civil Jurisdictions Courts for all crimes formerly committed cannot be accused witnessed against judged by Lay-men by Canonists assertions Popes and their own Constitutions nor yet their Whores Concubines 6 7 8 272 429 512 516 521 890 to 912. Appendix 4 to 16. See Canon Law Prohibitions Clerks imprisoned for crimes to be delivered over to their Ordinaries upon demand to make their Purgations 230 272 283 351 577 892 893 903 904 910. Not to bear or wear Armes 227 1024 1041. To contribute to Ta●es Armes for publick defence as Bishops should appoint 994 1006 1007 1008 1024 1025. See Armes Aydes They all desert Oxford because the King executed two Clerks imprisoned for murder the Town interdicted the Executioners put to penance for it by the Popes Legate 257 287. Their goods seised livings sequestred for obeying the Popes Interdict and not officiating upon the Kings Writs and Proclamations 254 255. Those who obeyed communicated with received livings from him or defended his rights suspended deprived forced to Rome by the Bishops and Popes Legate 258 259 334 335. To
230. 886. 887. 904. 905. Against womens marriages who h●ld Castles or Lands in Capite without the Kings license 602. Against the Crucesignati or others going over-Sea out of the Realm without the Kings special license 3. 4. 603. 850. 865. Against offering violence to the goods or persons of Clerks Churches or Churchyards 996. 997. 999. Against ayding or assisting those who detain the Kings Castles from him 378. 379. Against Monks selling Leather Wool or using Merchandice 480. 993. Not to distrain a Bishop for Debts after his resignation 728. Not to disturbe the Liberties of the City and Citizens of York by Ecclesiastical Suits or Censures to the Dean and Chapter 830. 831. Nor of Newcastle 969. 970. Against removing monies of Delinquents and Aliens out of Monasteries 938. Against offering violence to Jews or their goods 1012. 1013. Against Noblemens siding with Bishops in their quarrels 788. Against holding Markets or Fairs in times of War or other special Fairs 269. 715. Against suits between persons for Tithes when the Patron may be prejudiced 875. 876. See Indicavit Or for the money of Tithes sold 882. Untill it be discussed by the King and Counsil whether the right belongs to the King or whether the cause belongs to the Kings or the Ecclesiastical Court 388. 389. 819 825. 876. 885. 886. 942. Against examining things in the Ecclesiastical Court that have been judged in the Kings Courts in cases of presentations to Churches and the like 725. 874. 875. 876. 877. For the King where the party is bound by admitting the Jurisdiction 873. 874. 875. 882. 883. 886. 888. 889. To what Judges Delegates or Subdelegates they are to be directed 879. 880. 881. Judge Bractons learned Treatise of Prohibitions 879 to 889. Relief by them against Popes Usurers renounced conditions in their bonds 468. Complaints and Constitutions of the Clergy against granting Prohibitions to curb their Usurpations on the Crown and peoples Liberties their Excommunicating Interdicting those who sued for or granted them 889 to 912. Attachments awarded against Bishops Archdeacons Officials Popes Delegates others for contempts in proceeding against them 3. 4. 5. 372. 437. 458. 477. 561. 675. 717. 718. 720. 739. 740. 758. 860. 883. 884. 885. 886. 894. 897. 898. 901. 902. Appendix 8. 9. 10. 11. Prohibitions of the Pope contemned by the Archbishops Bishops and Clergy of Apulia in crowning obeying Manfred for their King 948. Prophecies false treasonable suborned to affright King John 266. 267. Protections against violence injustice suits granted by our Kings to some persons their estates Churches 231. 242. 49● 808. 835. 984. 1006. 1014. 1020. 1049. Of Popes to Kings persons crossed for their Wars 340. to 350. 374. 375. 383. 410. Of persons appealing to the