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A13042 The abridgement of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. Iohn Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare, 1618. by E.H. Gentleman. There is a briefe table at the end of the booke; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgments Stow, John, 1525?-1605.; Howes, Edmund, fl. 1607-1631. 1618 (1618) STC 23332; ESTC S117863 314,292 619

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Mary the Kings sister of England Iames Yerford Shriue Iohn Munda● Shriue George Monox Draper Maior This George Monox repaired the parish Church of Waltham-stowe in the County of Essex and founded there an almes house for the poore men and women and a frée schoole for children Richard Hunne a Marchant Tailor of S. Margarets parish in Brigestréete who had béene put in the Lollards Tower about the ende of October was now the 5. of December found hanged in the said Tower and after burned in Smithfield On New yeares Euen died the French K. Lewis the 12. And the 9. of Aprill a n●w peace was concluded betwéene the King of England and Frances the new King of France In the moneth of May Charles Duke of Suffolke ●●dded the Lady Mary the kings sister late Quéene of France Henry Worley Shriue Richard Gray W. Baily Shriue William Butler Grocer Maior Lady Mary King Henries daughter was borne at Gréenewich on the xi of February Margaret Quéene of Scots King Henries eldest sister who had after the death of her first husband Iames King of Scots slaine at Bramston married Archibald Douglas Earle of Anguish fled into England and lay at Harbottle where shee was deliuered of a child called Margaret Thomas Seimer Shriue Iohn Th●●ston Shriue Iohn Rost Grocer Maior The Thames was frozen that men with horse and carts might passe betwixt Westminster and Lambeth On May euen was an insurrection of young persons and apprentises of London against Aliens of the which diuers were hanged with their Captaine Iohn Lincolne a Broker the residue to the number of 400. men and 11. women tied in ropes all along one after another in their shirts came to Westminster hall with halters about their neckes and were pardoned Margaret Quéene of Scots returned into Scotland to the Earle of Anguish her husband Thomas Baldry Shriue Ralph Simon Shriue Sir Thomas Exmew Goldsmith Maior Many dyed in E●gland of the sweating sicknesse especially about London wherefore Trinitie tearme was one day at Oxford and then adiourned to Westminster The Cittie of Turney was deliuered to the French King Iohn All●n shriue Iames Spencer shriue Thomas Mirsine Skinner Maior The Earle of Surrey was sent into Ireland as 〈◊〉 there and the Earle of Kildare was 〈…〉 of that office In Iuly Cardinall Campaius came into England from the Pope to exhort King Henry to make warres on the Turkes Iohn Wilkinson Shriue Nicolas Partridge Shriue Sir Iames Yarfords Mercer Maior As K. Henry was at Canterbury with the Quéene in readinesse to haue passed the sea he heard of the Emperour Charles cōming with whom he met at Douer accompanied him to Canterbury where after the Emperour had saluted the Quéene his aunt hee tooke shipping into Flanders The last day of May King Henry passed ouer to Calice and met with Francis the French King at the Campe betwéene Arde and Guines where were many great triumphs and goodly sights Imediately after hee met with the Emperour with whom hee went to Grauelin and the Emperour returned with him to Calice where he had great cheare Iohn Skenington shriue Iohn Kyeme shriue Sir Iohn Burges Draper Maior The 27. of May was Edward Duke of Buckingham beheaded King Henry wrote a booke against Luther and therefore the Bishop of Rome named him defender of the Faith Iohn Britane Shriue Thomas Pergetter Shriue Sir Iohn Milborne Draper Maior This sir Iohn Milborne builded certaine almes houses adioyning to the Crotched friers church in London wherein he placed 14. aged poore people The 6. of March the French King attached all Englishmens goods And all Frenchmens bodies and goods were attached at London Charles the 5. Emperour came into England was honorably receiued into London by y e Maior Aldermen commons of the City the 6. of Iune the King accompanying him from thence he went to Windsor and sate in the Stall of the Garter After great feasts iustes and honourable entertainment hee departed to Hampton and sailed from thence into Spaine During this time the Earle of Surrey Lord Admirall burnt Morles in Britaine not long after entred Picardy burnt diuers towns castles Iohn Rudstone Shriue Iohn Champneis Shriue Sir Iohn Munday Goldsmith Maior The Lord Rosse the Lord Dacres of the North burned the towne of Kelsey in Scotland with 80. villages and ouerthrew 18. Towers of stone The Emperour Charles King Henry Ferdinando Duke of Austrich the Pope the Cittie of Venice and diuers others in Italy were confederate against the Frenchmen The Turks besieged the I le of Rhodes on Christmas day tooke it to the rebuke of Christendome for their dissention and negligence The Earle of Surrey burned 37. villages in Scotland dispoiled the Countrey from the East Marches to the West A Parliament at the Blacke Friars in London wherein was granted a great Subsidy Christ●en King of Denmarke and his Quéen● arriued at Douer the 22. of Iune came to London and were lodged in the Bishop of Bathe● place The Duke of Suffolke was sent into France with an army of 10000. men who passing the water of Some without battaile tooke diuer Townes and Castles Michael English shriue Nicholas Ienings shriue Sir Thomas Baldry Mercer Maior In December at the Citty of Couentry Fra●●cis Philip Christopher Pickering and Anthon● Mainyle intended to haue taken the Kings trea●sure of his subsidie as the same came toward● London therwith to haue raised men and to haue taken the castle of Killingworth and then to h●●● made battell against the King for the which they were drawen hanged and quartered at Tiborne the other of their conspiracy were executed at Couentry Ralph Dodmer Shriue William Roch Shriue Sir William Baoly Draper Maior The 9. of March was great triumph made in England for the taking of the French King before the Citty o●●auie Cardinall Wolsey obtained licence of the Pope to surpr●sie certaine small Priories to the intent to erect two Colledges at Oxford and Ipswich The Tower of Greenwich was builded A truce betweene England and France Iohn Caunton shriue Christopher ●skew shriue Sir Iohn Allen Mercer Maior The xi of February foure Marchants of the Stilyard did penance at Paules Doctor Barnes bare a fagot This yeare 1526. Charles the sonne of Gilb●rt Earle of Moun●pensier who not long before had married the Lady Iane sole heire to the Dutchy of Burbon in whose right hee was Duke of Burbon vpon priuate discontent reuolted from his King Charles the 8. and then serued vnder the Emperour the King of England and after that the said Duke the yeare aforesaid besieged Rome sackt it did great spoiles extremities vnto the Cleargy forced the Pope to flie into Castle-Angelo but himselfe was there slaine by a Friar with the shot of a Caliuer The 6. of September was proclamation for gold the French Crowne 4. s. 6. d. The Angell 7.
he forthwith tooke shipping though hee were vehemently pet●waded to the contrary for that there was at that time a great tempest to whom hee answered hee neuer heard that any King was drowned At this time hee got more honour then euer hee did in all his life for hee chased his enemies and returned with victory In the Summer blood sprang out of the earth at ●inchamsteed in Barkeshire King William on the morrowe after Lammas day-hunting in the new forrest Sir Walter Tirel shooting at a Deare vnawares hit the King in the breast that hee fell downe dead and neuer spake word his men and especially that Knight gat them away but some came backe againe laide his body vpon a Colyars cart which one silly l●●ne beast did draw to the Citty of Winchester where he was buried He raigned twelue yeares 11. monethes lacking eight dayes Hee gaue vnto the Monkes called de Caritate in Southwarke the great new Church of Saint Sauiour of Barmondes eye and also Barmondes eye it selfe He also founded a good Hospitall in the city of Yorke called Saint Leonards for the sustentation of the poore Henry Bewclarke HEnry brother to William Rufus and the first of that name for his learning called Bewclarke borne at Salby beganne his raigne the 5. of August the yeare of our Lord 1100. He restored the state of the Cleargy asswaged the grieuous paiments reduced againe S. Edwards lawes reformed the olde vntrue measures made a measure by the length of his arme which was called Vlna Iordan Brise Baron founded the house of St Iohn of Ierusalem neare vnto London in Smithfield The same Iordan gaue 14. acres of ground lying in the field next adioyning to Clarkenwell to build thereon a house for Nunnes Robert Duke of Normandy the Kings eldest brother which was now returned from Ierusalem made warre for the crowne of England but by meditation peace was made on condition that Henry should pay 3000. markes yearely to Duke Robert and if the one died without issue the longer liuer should inherit Winchester and Glocester was burnt The Cathedrall Church of Norwich was founded by Robert Bishop of Norwich The priory and Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew in Smithfield was founded by a Minstrell named Reior Robert Duke of Normandy comming into England through the subtilty of King Henry his yonger brother released to him the tribute of 3000. markes of siluer Great malice was kindled betwéene the two brethren Robert and Henry whereupon deadly warre in sued There appeared about the Sunne foure circles and a blazing starre Endo sewer to King Henry founded the Monastery of S. Iohn in Colchester Robert Duke of Normandy came to his brother and friendly desired him to beare brotherly loue towards him But King Henry feeling his conscience accusing him for obtaining the kingdome by defrauding of his eldest brother and fearing men more then God first he reconciled the Nobles of the Realme with faire promises and then pursued his brother into Normandy where betweene them were many sore battailes fought but at the last the valiant man Robert was taken The first Canons entred into the Church of our Lady in Southwarke called Saint Mary Ouery founded by William Pountlarge Knight and William Dancis Normans King Henry returning into England brought with him his brother Robert and William of Morion and put them in perpetuall prison from whence shortly after Duke Robert deceiuing his kéepers sought to escape but he was taken and by his brothers commandement hée had his eyes put out and then kept straighter till his dying day The Church of the holy Trinitie without Algate in London was founded by Mathild the Quéene A great part of Flaunders was drowned by breaking in of the sea which caused many Flemings to come into Englād at length by the kings appointment they tooke vpon them the possession of Rosse a prouince in Wales Henry Emperour of Rome required to haue Maude the Kings daughter in marriage which was graunted and the King tooke thrée shillings of euery hide of land through England This King translated the Abbey of Ely into a Bishopricke King Henry made Robert his bastard sonne the first Earle of Glocester who after builded the Castles of Bristow and Cardife with the Priory of S. Iames in Bristow King Henry went into Normandy to make warre against the Earle of Angion and spoyled the whole countrey This yeare was a great mortalitie of men and murren of beasts The citty of Worcester was burnt The tenth of October the riuer of Medway by no smal number of miles did so faile of water that in the middest of the channell the smallest vessels and boats could not passe The selfe same day the Thames did suffer the like lacke of water for betwéene the Tower of London and the bridge not onely with horse but also a great number of men and children did wade ouer on foote Chichester was burnt many stormes and a blazing starre In March was excéeding lightning and in December thunder and haile and the Moone at both times séemed to be turned into blood Maude the Quéene of England dyed and was buried at Westminster shee builded an Hospitall neare vnto London without Holborn which now is the parrish Church of Saint Giles in the field The order of the Templars Knights began Many sore battailes were fought in France and Normandy betwéene Henry King of England and Lodowicke the French King King Henry hauing tamed the Frenchmen and pacified Normandy returned into England in which voyage William Duke of Normandy and Richard his sonne and Mary his daughter Richard Earle of Chester and his wife with many noble men and to the number of 160. persons were drowned Lybussa daughter of Cracus the second King of Bohemia for a certaine space raigned as Queene ouer them and albeit shee ministred iustice indifferently yet there grewe a great disdaine male-contentment amongst all sortes of people that men should bee gouerned and directed by women and thereupon was spread a generall voyce that foorthwith they would haue a King And to appease the peoples discontent or as some thinke for her owne pleasure shee married a Peasant called Primislaus who gouerned the Bohemians and was the first that builded walles and rampiers about the Citty of Prague in the yeare 995. After the death of the said Lybussa there presently start vp one of her handmaids called Valasque a lusty Lady of wondrous Amazonian boldnesse who very cunningly caused an assembly of all the chiefe Ladies and others of note vnto whom shee made an eloquent Oration and amongst other things shee spake as followeth My most noble and worthy Ladies wee haue lost our Quéene and Mistresse whose high spirit could neuer admit that either wée or our Sexe should in any sort be subiect vnto men if therefore for the euer fréeing of our selues
Angiou and Duke of Normandy deceased and left his sonne Hen●● his heire About this time died Gratianus hee compos●● the great Decretals Henry Duke of Normandy married Elion●● whom Lewis King of France had diuorced from him and had by her a sonne named William Quéene Maude deceased and was buried● Feuersham The King commanded the Nobles to méete a● Winchester where the Duke being receiue● with great ioy the King in sight of all men adopted him his sonne and confirmed to him the principalitie of England The Duke receiued him in place of a father granting to him all the dayes of his life to enioy the name and seate of the King Duke Henry came with the King to Oxford where the Earles and Barons by the Kings commandement sware fealty to Duke Henry sauing the Kings honour so long as he liued King Stephen died the 25. of October when he had raigned eighteene yeares ten moneths and odde daies He founded the Abbeies of Cogshall in Essex of Furnes in Lancastershire and Feuersham in Kent where his body was buried Henry the second HEnry the sonne of Ieffery Plantagenet and Maude the Empresse began his raigne ouer this Realme of England the 17. day of December and was crowned the the same day in the yeare of our Lord 1154. he was somewhat red of face short of body and therewith fat well learned noble in chiualry wise in counsell stedfast of promise and a wedlocke breaker William of Ipres and all the Flemings that had flocked into England fearing the indignation of the new king departed the land and the castles that had béene builded to pill the rich and spoile the poore were by the Kings Commandement throwne downe Quéene Elianor did beare a sonne called Henry after his father King Henry went into Normandy where with long siege he tooke diuers Castles King Henry with an Army went against the Welshmen where he felled their woods fortified the Castle of Rutland and reedified the Castle 〈◊〉 Basingwirke Quéene Elianor brought foorth a sonne named Ieffery A new coine was made in England King Henry tooke escuage of the Englishmen the sum whereof grewe to 124. thousand pounds of siluer Henry the Kings sonne not seuen yeares olde married Margar●t the French Kings daughter not two yeares old Thomas the Kings Chancellour was elect● Archbishop of Canterbury There came into England thirty Germanes as well men as women who called themselu●● Publicanes they denied Matrimony Baptism and the Lords Supper Being apprehended th● King caused they should bee marked with an ho●● Iron in the forehead and whipped them an● that no man should succour them Thus being whipped and thrust out in the winter they di● for cold London bridge was new made of timber 〈◊〉 Peter a Priest of Colchurch Malcolme the Scottish King and Kefus Prince of Southwales did homage to King Henry and his sonne Henry A Councell was holden at Claringdon in presence of the King and the Archbishops Bishops Lords Barons c. wherein was by their oathes confirmed many ordinances Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury being sworne to the same shortly after sore repented and fled the Realme A great earthquake in Ely Norfolke and Suffolke so that it ouerthrew them that stood vpon their féete and caused the bels to ring Quéene Elianor brought foorth a sonne named Iohn The warre was receiued betwixt the King of England and the French King for the Citty of Tholouse Conan Earle of little Britaine died and left his heire a daughter named Constance which hee had by the King of Scots sister which Constance King Henry married to his sonne Geffery Robert de Boscue Earle of Leicester founded the Monasteries of Gerendon of Monkes of Leiceister of Canons regular and Eaton of Nunnes was founded by Amicia his wife King Henry caused his sonne Henry to be crowned as hee thought to the quietnesse of himselfe and his realme but it proued otherwise Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury the eightéenth day of December was slaine by William Tracie Reignold Fitzs Vrse Hugh Moruil and Richard Briton Knights Nicholas Bree●espeare an Englishman who was chosen Pope by the name of Adrian the 4. He graunted the Regiment of Ireland to the King of England whereupon King Henry tooke ship at Pembroke and sailed thither King Henry the son with his wife the French Kings daughter were both together crowned at Winchester King Henry the elder was assoiled of the death of Thomas the Archbishop vpon his oath made that he was not priuy to it King Henry married the eldest daughter of He●bert Earle Morton vnto his sonne Iohn King Henry the elder returning into England in short time subdued his rebels The citie of Leicester by his commandement was burnt the wals and castle rased and the inhabitants dispersed into other cities The King of Scots was taken by King Henry led into Normandy where he compounded for his ransome Christs Church in Canterbury was burned King Henry the sonne with his brethren and others were reconciled to King Henry the Father The Kings of England both father and sonne went together to visite the tombe of Thomas late Archbishop of Canterbury The stone bridge ouer the Thames at London was began to be foūded A Cardinall and the Archbishop of Canterbury gaue 1000. Marks towards the same foundation There chanced some discord betwixt the Kings of England and France about the marriage of Richard Earle of Poitow with the French Kings daughter Richard Lucie the Kings Iusticiar layed the foundation of the conuentuall Church in a place which is called Lesnes in the Territorie of Rochester The Citie of Yorke was burned The Church of St. Andrew in Rochester was consumed with fire The Vsurers of England grieuously punished Geffery the Kings bastard sonne resigned the Bishopricke of Lincolne was made the Kings Chancellour Robert Harding a Burges of Bristow to whom king Henry gaue the Barony of Barkeley builded the Monasterie of Saint Augustines in Bristow They of Aquitane hated their Duke Richard for his crueltie and were minded to driue him out of his Earledome of Poitow and Dukedome of Aquitane and transpose those estates to his brother King Henry the younger but all men looking for victory to the young King hee fell miserably sicke and died and was buried at Roan King Henry sent many men of warre into Wales for the Welshmen emboldened by the Kings absence had slaine Many Englishmen The Abbey of Glastenbury burnt Heraclius Patriarch of Ierusalem came to king Henry desiring him of aide against the Turke but the King because of the cruelty of his sonnes was counselled not to leaue his dominion in hazard and to goe farre off This Patriarch dedicated the new Temple then builded in the west part of London This yeare 1186. The citty of Paris was paued whose stréetes vntill this
time lay as rudely as London stréetes which were not all paued in foure hundred yeares after and the north Church-yard of Paules otherwise called the Close and diuers other stréetes in London were not paued vntill the raigne of Quéene Elizabeth In the yeare 1246. the Citty of Luberke was quite consumed with fire whose misfortune made Paris London and other Citties to couer their houses with tile or slate especially if they stood close together and not to vse any thatch which vntill then was vsuall Maude the Empresse mother to King Henry the second deceased shee founded the Abbey of Bordesley Geffery Earle of Britaine the Kings son died and was buried at Paris he left issue two daughters which he had by Constance daughter of Conan Earle of Britaine who also at this time of his death was great with child and after brought a sonne named Arthur A great earthquake threwe downe many buildings among the which the Cathedrall Church at Lincolne was rent in pieces Chichester Cittie was burnt Neare vnto Orford in Suffolke certaine Fishers tooke in their nets a fish hauing the shape of a man which fish was kept by Barthelmew de Glanuile Custos of the Castell of Orford in the same Castell by the space of sixe moneths and more for a wonder he spake not a word all maner of meats he gladly did eate but most greedily raw fish At length he stole away to the sea The towne of Beuerly with the Church of St. Iohn there was burnt Phillip the French King required that his sister which had ben kept in England 22. yeares might be restored vnto Earle Richard as his wife and Earle Richard desired the same but King Henry denied this request and so they got them to armour The French King and Earle Richard pursued the King of England so hard that he was forced to yéeld all the requests as well of the French King as of his sonne Richard This was done at Gisors and so departing came to Zafe where he fell sicke and departed this life the sixth day of Iuly in the yeare of our Lord 1189. when hee had raigned 24. yeares 7. moneths lacking 11. dayes and was buried at Fonteuerald in the Monastery of Nunnes by him founded Richard Coeurdelyon RIchard the first for his valiantnesse surnamed Coeurdelion second sonne to Henry the second began his raigne and was crowned the third of September 1186. He was bigge of stature with a merry countenance he commanded that no Iewes nor women should be at his Coronation for feare of inchantments For breaking of which commandement many were slaine Elianor the old who at the commandement of her husband had béene long kept close prisoner was now set at libertie King Richard gaue ouer the castles of Berwick and Rokesburgh to the Scottish King for the sum of ten thousand pound he also sold to the Bishop of Durham his owne Prouince for a great péece of money and created him Earle of the same He also faigned to haue lost his signet then caused to be proclaimed that whosoeuer would safely enioy those things which before time they had inrolled should come to the new seale He gaue his brother Iohn the Prouinces of Nottingham Deuonshire and Cornewall In this time were many Robbers and Outlawes among whom Robert Hood and little Iohn remained in the woods despoiling and robbing the goods of the rich The saide Robert entertained an hundred tall men and good Archers with such spoiles as he got vpon whō foure hundred men were they neuer so strong durst not giue the onset Poore mens goods hée spared aboundantly relieuing them with that which hee got from Abbies and houses of rich Earles This yeare the Cittizens of London obtained to be gouerned by two Bayliffes or Shriues and a Maior Henry Cornhill Shriue Richard Reynery Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior King Richard betooke the guiding of this land to William Longshanke Bishop of Ely Chancellour of England and transported ouer into Normandy The two Kings of England and of France met at Towers and from thence set forward on their iourney towards Ierusalem The Iewes of Norwich Saint Edmonsbury Lincolne Stamford and Linne were robbed And at Yorke to the number of fiue hundred beside women and children entred a tower of the castle which the people assailing the Iewes cut the throats of their wiues and children and cast them ouer the walles on the Christians heads the residue they locked vp and burnt both the house and themselues William Bishop of Ely builded the outer wall about the Tower of London and caused a déepe ditch to be made Iohn Herlion Shriue Roger Duke Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior King Richard subdued the Isle of Cipres and then ioyned his power with Phillip y e French king in Asia conquered Acon where there grewe betwéene the two Kings a grieuous displeasure for which cause Phillip shortly departed thence and comming into France inuaded Normandy Iohn brother to king Richard tooke on him the kingdome of England King Richard restored to the Christians the citty of Ioppa The bones of king Arthur were found at Glastenbury William Hauerall Shirues Iohn Bucknot Shirues Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior William Bishop of Ely withstood the kings brother who said he wist not if his brother were aliue or not To whom the Bishop answered If King Richard be yet liuing it were vniust to take from him the crowne If he be dead Arthur the elder brothers sonne must enioy the same Nicholas Duke Shriue Peter Newlay Shriue Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior King Richard hauing knowledge that Phillip of France inuaded Normandy and that Iohn his brother had made himselfe King ouer England made peace with the Saladine for thrée yeares with a small company returning homeward he was taken by Leopold Duke of Austria who kept him in straight prison a yeare and fiue moneths Roger Duke Shriue Richard Fitz Alwine Shriue Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior The Kings friends intreating for his deliuerance his ransome was set at 100000. l. wherevpon cōmandement was directed from the Kings Iustices that all Bishops Prelates Earles Barons Abbots and Priors should bring in the 4. part of their reuenewes towards the Kings ransome and besides this the Cleargy brought in their golden and siluer Chalices and fléeced their Shriues all which was coined in mony Iohn the kings brother when he heard of the imprisonment of his brother made great war within the realme and tooke by strength the castles of Windsor Nottingham and others The king was deliuered landed at Sandwich on the 12. of March he was againe solemnly crowned After this hee called into his hands all such things as he had either giuen or sold by patents or otherwise by which meanes he got a great sum of mony and sailed into Normandy where shortly after peace was taken betwéene the two kings Also by
meanes of Elionar the old Quéene Earle Iohn was reconciled to his brother William fitz Isable Shriue William fitz Arnold Shriue Henry fitz Alwine Maior K. Richard sent messengers to the Pope complaining vpon the Duke of Austrich for misusing of him his as they came by distresse of weather through his country whereupon the Pope excommunicated the Duke inioined him to release the couenants that be constrained the King to make Robert Beasaunt Shriue Iokt Ieiouse Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior William with the beard mooued the common people to séeke their libertie not to be subiect to the rich and mightie by which meanes he drew to him many great companies The King being warned of this tumult commanded him to cease from those attempts but the people still followed him He was taken in Bow Church in Cheape but not without shedding of blood for he was forced by fire and smoake to forsake the Church Hée with nine of his adherents had sentence of death and were hanged This counterfeit friend to the poore slew one man with his own hands polluted Bow Church with his Concubine and amongst other his detestable facts one was hee falsely accused his elder brother of treason which elder brother had in his youth brought him vp in learning and done many things for his preferment Gerard de Antiloch Shriue Robert Durant Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Richard and the Earle of Flaunders confederated together Roger Blunt Shriue Nicholas Duket Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Richard ●ooke of euery hide of land through England 5. s. The French King was intercepted by the army of King Richard so that with much a doe he escaped into Cipres Constantine Fitz Arnold Shriue Robert de Beaw Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Richard turned his armes against the Barons of Poictow that rebelled against him he set their Cities Townes on fire spoiled their country slew many of his aduersaries cruelly at the last came to the Dukedome of Aquitane and besieged the Castle of Chalne where one Bertraine de Gordon smote him with a venowmed dart which stripe the king litle regarded but inuading the Castle wan it and put the souldiers in prison of this wound aforesaide hee died the 6. day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord 1199. when he had raigned 9. yeares 7. moneths and was buried at Founteuerard his heart was buried at Roan and his bowels at the aforesaid Chalne King Iohn IOhn brother to Richard began his raigne the 26. day of May in the yeare of our Lord 1199. Of person he was indifferent but of melancholy complexion Phillip king of France in a quarrell of Arthur the sonne of Ieffery Iohns eldest brother Duke of Britaine made warre vpon King Iohn in Normandy and tooke from him diuers Castles and Townes K. Iohn granted the Shrifewick of London and Middlesex to the Citizens thereof for 300. pound yearely to be paide as of ancient time Arnold Fitz Arnold Shriue Richard Fitz Barthelmew Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Iohn required of euery Plow land 3. s. The king being diuorced from his wife Isabel the Earle of Glocesters daughter he passed ouer the sea paied forty thousand markes to the French King and returned into England with Isabel his wife daughter to the Earle of Angolesme Roger Dormer Shriue Iames Bartilmew Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior K. Iohn wēt to Lincolne where he met with William king of Scots Rotlond Lord of Gallowy and many other noble men which did to him homage Walter Fitz Alis Shriue Simon de Aldermanbury Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Arthur Earle of Britaine being made Knight by the French King whose yonger daughter he had fianced besieged the Castle of Mirable in which Quéene Elianor was inclosed but King Iohn came with a power and deliuered his mother from danger he tooke there his Nephew Arthur William de Brawsa Hugh Brune and many others Haile as bigge as hens egges c. Normand Brundel Shriue Iohn de Ely Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Arthur Earle of Britaine from Falaise was brought to Roan and put in the Tower vnder the custody of Robert de Veypont where shortly after he was dispatched of his life The King of France tooke Lisie Dandely with the castle and vale de Ruell in which were Robert Fitz Water Sayer de Quincie and many others hée tooke the strong Castle vpon Seyne builded by King Richard Water Browne Shriue William Chamberlaine Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Normandy Angiou Britaine Maine Poitow and Touraine were within a short time deliuered to King Phillip King Iohn married Iane his bastard daughter to Lewelin Prince of Wales and gaue with her the castle and Lordship of Elinsmore in the Marches of South Wales Thomas Hauarell Shriue Hamond Brond Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior The 14. of Ianuary began a frost which continued till the 22. day of March so that the ground could not be tilled whereof it came to passe that in Summer following a quarter of wheat was sold for a Marke which in the dayes of Henry the second was sold for twelue pence Iohn Walgraue Shriue Richard Winchester Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Great thunders and lightnings were séene so that many men and women were destroied be●sides cattell and houses ouerthrowne and burne● corne in the fieldes was beaten downe with hai●● stones as bigge as goose egges Iohn Holland Shriue Edmond Fitz Garrard Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Iohn tooke the 13. part of all mouable goods both of Lay Religious throughout England The Monkes of Canterbury elected Stephen Langton to be their Archbishop The Pope sent letters to King Iohn humbly exhorting him to receiue the saide Stephen being thereunto canonically elected the rather because he was an Englishman borne and a Doctor of Diuinitie c. but king Iohn being greatly offended with the prom●ting of the said Stephen sent men in armour to expell the Monkes of Canterbury and condemned them of treason At this time began the kingdome of Tartars in Tartaria Quéene Isabel was deliuered of her first sonne named Henry Roger Winchester Shriue Edmond Hardwell Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior W. B. of London and E B. of Ely and M. B. of Winchester by the Popes commaundement executed the interdiction vpon the whole realme and they ceased through all England to ministring of Ecclesiasticall Sacraments sauing of them that were in perill of death and Baptisme to children The King set all the Bishoprickes and Abbies in the Realme into the custodie of Lay-men and commanded all Ecclesiastical reuenewes to be confiscated This yeare was granted to the citizens of London by the kings letters patents that they should yearely choose to them a Maior Peter Duke Shriue Thomas Neale Shriue Hen Fitz Alwin Maior The Exchequer was remoued to Northampton by the Kings commandement hee also gathered a
great Army and went towards Scotland as farre as the castle at Northampton where the King of Scots came to them and treated peace for which he gaue 11000. Markes of siluer and deliuered his two daughters for a pledge After this he tooke homage of all fréeholders and swore all men to his allegiance The Arches and Stone bridge ouer the Thames at London was this yeare finished by Serle Mercer and William Alman then Procurators or Maisters of the Bridgeworkes Peter le Losne Shriue William Blund Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior The King commanded all the Iewes both men and women to bee imprisoned because hee would haue their money The king brought Ireland vnder his subiection hee caused the lawes of England to bee execu●●● there and money to be coined he raised a gr●● tax vpon all the Religious in England whom 〈◊〉 caused to pay such a ransome that the sum ca●● to 100000. pound besides 40000. pounds of th● white Monkes William de Brawse was chased out of England and his wife and children murdered at Win●●● Adam Wetley Shriue Stephen la Grace Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior The King went into Wales with a great for●● subdued all the Princes Nobles tooke 28. plages for their subiection and returned There 〈◊〉 him messengers from the Pope which came 〈◊〉 make an vnitie betwixt the King the Bishope Canterbury with the Monkes which were bani●shed but the Ambassadors returned without 〈◊〉 end concluded After this the king tooke of euery knight whi●● was not with him in Wales two markes of ●uer of euery shield Iohn Fitz Peter Shriue Iohn Garland Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior The Welshmen tooke diuers Castles of the King of England cut off the heads of all the souldiers burned many Townes and with a great prey returned The King caused the 28. pledges that th● Welshmen deliuered him to be hanged An Hermit in Yorkshire named Peter prophesie● openly to King Iohn and said that vpon Ascention day next comming he should bee no King but the Crowne should bee transposed to another This Peter was apprehended and put in prison The 10. of Iuly at night the cittie of London vpon the South side of the riuer of Thames with the Church of our Lady of the Canons in Southwarke being a fire and an excéeding great multitude of the people passing the bridge sodainly the North part by blowing of the South winde was also set on fire and the people which were euen now passing the bridg perceiuing the same would haue returned but were stopped with fire and it came to passe that as they protracted time the South end was fired so that people thronging themselues betwixt the two fires there came to aide them many Shippes and vessels into the which the multitude so vndiscreetely pressed that the Shippes being drowned it was saide that there were destroyed about thrée thousand persons Randolph Eland Shriue Constantine Iosue Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Pandulph the Legate admonished the King to restore Stephen Langton to his Sea of Canterbury and the Monkes vnto their Abbey The King calling to minde the manifold dangers hee was in made promise by oath to bee obedient to the Court of Rome Pandulph with the nobles of the realme came together at Douer vpon Ascention euen where the king did resigne his Crowne with the realme of England and Ireland into the Popes hands When the Ascention day was past Peter the Hermite bound to a horse taile was drawne through the stréetes of Warham and there both he and his sonne were hanged Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canterbury and the other that were banished arriued at Douer and went to Winchester to the King and absolued him Richard Pri●●● of Bermonsey builded an house against the wall of the said house of Bermonsey called the Almor● of Hospitall of Conuerts of S. Thomas Henry Fitz Alwin Maior of London deceased who had continued Maior of London foure and twentie yeares Martin Fitz Alis Shriue Peter Bate Shriue Roger Fitz Alwine Maior The ditch without the walles of London 200. foot broad was begun Pope Innocent sent Nicholas Bishop of Tus●●●lane to release the interdiction which had continued 6. yeares 3. moneths and 14. dayes Salomon Basing Shriue Hugh Basing Shriue Searle Mercer Maior S. Edmondsbury was consumed with fire The King met with the Barons in a medow betwixt Stanes and Windsor and there granted the liberties of England without any difficultie the Charter whereof is dated giuen by our hand in Rimming mead betwixt Stanes Windsore the 16. day of Iune the 17. yeare of our raigne vnto which all the whole realme was sworne The King sent vnto the realmes next adioyning to procure him Souldiers promising them large possessions By meanes of Pandulph the Pope disanulled the aforesaid charter liberties granted and also excommunicated the Barons By the other messengers were procured a great number of men of war which landing at Douer the King forthwith besieged Rochester and tooke it Iohn Trauers Shriue Andrew Newland Shriue William Hardel Maior The Pope excōmunicated the Barons by their peculiar names but they notwithstanding sent to Phillip King of France requiring him to send his son Lewis into this realme promising to make him King which the French King refused to doe till the Barons had sent him 24. pledges Gwall● a Legate was sent from the Pope into France to forbid the going of Lewis into Englād b●t his perswasions nothing preuailed he charged them vpon paine of excommunication This notwithstanding Lewis with a great army arriued in the Isle of Thanet King Iohn being then at Douer fled towards Gilford Lewis subdued all the Castles in Kent Douer onely excepted then came he to London where he was honourably receiued of the Nobles Citizens The King marched through Norfolke Suffolke till he came to Linne and appointing Sauarice de Manlion to bée Captaine there began to fortifie the towne but here filling his belly too much he got a surfet and therewith fell into a laske and when the messengers of them that were besieged in Douer were come and had declared their case the disease with griefe conceiued thereat increased Moreouer great sorrow oppressed him for that in his iourney hee had lost the ornaments of his chappel with other treasure carriages at the passage of Welstreame where many of his houshold seruants were drowned in y e water quicksands he died in the castle of Newarke on the 19. of October 1216. where the Captaine of the castle causing his body to be bowelled the same was conueied to Worcester and there honourably buried when he had raigned 17. yeares 5. moneths lacking 8. daies He had issue two sons Henry and Richard and thrée daughters Isabel Elianor and Iane. He founded the Abbey of Bowley in a new forrest of Southampton He builded the Monasteries of Farendon and Hales
so that the quicke might vnneth bury the dead The beasts cattel also by the corruptnesse of the grasse whereof they fed died horse-flesh was counted great delicates the poore stole fat dogs to eate some in hid places did eate the flesh of their owne children The Théeues that were in prison did plucke in péeces those that were newly brought amongst them and gréedily deuoured them halfe aliue Hamond Goodcheape Shriue William Bodele Shriue Stephen Abingdon Maior There arriued in England two Cardinals to make peace betwéene England Scotland and to reconcile vnto the K. Thomas Earle of Lancaster When they came neare vnto the towne of Derlington certaine robbers Gilbert Middleton and Walter Selbie being their Captaines suddenly set vpon the family of the Cardinals robbed them of their treasure but the Cardinals came to Dirham where they tarried a few daies for answere of the Scots and so returned to Yorke Gilbert Middleton was taken carried to London and there drawne and hanged Sir Iosseline Denuile his brother Robert with 220. in the habite of Friers did many notable robberies they spoyled the Bishop of Dirhams pallaces leauing in them nothing but bare wals for the which they were hanged at Yorke William Causton Shriue Ralph Ballancers Shriue Iohn Wengraue Maior The new worke of the Chappell on the South side of the Church of S. Paul in London being begunne there were found in the foundation more then 100. heades of Oxen and Kine which then confirmed greatly the opinion of those who haue reported that of olde time it had béene the Temple of Iupiter and that there was the sacrifice of beasts Edward de Bruse the king of Scots brother who by the space of 3. yeares had assaulted Ireland and had crowned himselfe King was taken by English men and beheaded at Dundalke Iohn Brior shriue William Furneis shriue Iohn Wengraue Maior The towne of Barwicke was betraied to the Scots through the treason of Peter Spalding A great murrain of kine happened dogs rauens eating of the kine were poysoned and did swell to death so that no man durst eate any béefe Iohn Pounting Shriue Iohn Dalling Shriue Iohn Wengraue Maior The king being at Yorke the Scots entred England came to Yorke and burnt the suburbs of the citty tooke sir Iohn of Britaine Earle of Richmond prisoner with many other Many herdsmen certaine women of England would goe séeke the holy land to kill the enemies of Christ as they saide but because they should not passe ouer the great sea they slew many Iewes in the parts of Tolose and Gascoine wherefore many of them were taken and put to death Simon Abingdon shriue Iohn Preston shriue Hamond Chickwell pepperer Maior Thomas Earle of Lancaster with many Earles and Barons came to Sherborn and from thence with baners displaied to S. Albones from thence they sent to the King being at London requiring him to banish the two Hugh Spencers At length the King granted to their petition so that Hugh Spencer the elder was banished but the yonger Hugh could not be taken Reginald at Conduit Shriue William Prodom Shriue Nicholas Farendon Goldsmith Maior Certaine leapers who had couenanted with the Iewes to poison all the Christians in Europe laid poyson in Iewels springs and pits for the which many were burnt Roger Mortimer the Earles of Richmond and Arundell submitting themselues to the King were sent to the Tower of London After this when the Kings Army and the Army of the Barons met neare vnto Burton vpon Trent the Earle of Lancaster fled and the King pursuing them to Burbrige Thomas Earle of Lancaster was taken and beheaded at Pomfret Richard Constantine Shriue Richard Harkeny Shriue Hamond Chickwell pepperer Maior Andrew Harkeley Earle of Carleil was charged with treason for making peace with the Scots for which he was sent to Yorke hanged headed and quartered Iohn Grantham Shriue Richard of Ely Shriue Hamond Chickewell pepperer Maior Roger Mortimer Lord of Wigmore gaue his kéepers a sléepy drinke escaped through all the watches of the Tower and passed into France Adam of Sarisbury Shriue Iohn of Oxford Shriue Nicholas Farendon Goldsmith Maior King Edward sent the Quéene his wife vnto her brother the French King to establish the peace who went ouer with a small company by her mediation a peace was fully finished whereupon Edward the Kings sonne went ouer Bennet of Fulsham Shriue Iohn Cawson Shriue Hamond Chickwell pepperer Maior Whiles the Quéene with her sonne remained in France longer then the Kings pleasure was would not come againe without Roger Mortimer and other Noble men that were fled out of England the King banished them both and all o●●●r that tooke their parts Gilbert Morden shriue Iohn Cotten shriue Richard Britaine Goldsmith Maior Isabell the Queene with her sonne Edward Edmond of Woodstooke the Kings brother Roger Mortimer and many other Noble men that were fled out of England arriued at Orwell besides Harwich in Essex immediately the Earle Marshall the Earle of Leicester the Bishops of Lincolne Hereford Diuelin and Ely being ioyned to the Quéene made a great army The Cittizens of London beheaded such as they tooke to be the Quéenes enemies they tooke also Walter Stapleton Bishop of Exceter and beheaded him and two of his seruants because hee gathered a great army to withstand the Quéene Richard Rothing shriue Roger Chanticle shriue Richard Britaine Goldsmith Maior This Richard Rothing Sheriffe builded 〈◊〉 Parrish Church of Saint Iames at Garlick 〈◊〉 in London The Quéene besieged Bristow wh●● was seene rendred and the morrow after her c●●ming Hugh Spencer the elder was drawne 〈◊〉 hanged The King Hugh Spencer the younger and Robert Baldocke determined to flye into 〈◊〉 Isle of Lombardy but being in great danger 〈◊〉 the sea at last arriued in Wales where they 〈◊〉 taken the King was committed to Henry 〈◊〉 of Lancaster his kinsman Hugh Spencer was condemned at Herefor● where he was drawne hanged headed and quartered Simon Reading was drawne and hanged Robert Baldocke died in Newgate The Quéene with her sonne Edward Roger Mortimer and other went to Wallingford Castle and before the twelfth day came to London where they were ioyfully receiued On the morrow after they held a Parliament where by common decrée they deposed the King and elected Edward his eldest sonne He was thus deposed when he had raigned ninetéene yeares sixe moneths and odde dayes Edward the third EDward the third about the age of fourtéene yeares beganne his raigne the twenty fiue of Ianuary in the yeare of our Lord. 1326. In feates of Armes he was very expert At the beginning of his raigne hee was chiefely ordered by his Mother Isabell The inhabitants of the Towne of Bury besieged the Abbey burnt the gates wounded the Monkes bare out all the gold and siluer ornaments bookes charters the assay to their coine stamps and all
other things appertaining to their mint c. The King confirmed the liberties of the Citty of London The 22. of September at night King Edward the second was cruelly murthered in the Castle o● Barkeley by the practise of the Quéene his wife the Lord Mortimer and the Bishop of Herefor● He was buried at Glocester Henry Darcy Shriue Iohn Hauten Shriue Hamond Chickwell Grocer Maior Peace was made betwixt the Englishmen and Scots so that Dauid the sonne of Robert Brce married Ioane of the Tower King Edwards sister By procurement of the old Quéene and Roge● Mortimer Edmond of Woodstocke Earle of Kent the Kings Vncle was beheaded at Winchester Richard Laz●r Shriue Henry Gisors Shriue Iohn Stanland Maior Roger Mortimer was taken by William M●●tacute and sent to London where he was condem●ned and hanged The 15. day of Iune was borne Edward 〈◊〉 blacke Prince Robert of Ely Shriue Thomas Whoorwood Shriue Sir Iohn Pultney Draper Maior This Sir Iohn Pultney builded the Colledge 〈◊〉 London called Saint Laurence Pultney and ●●tle Alhalowes a Parish Church in Tha●● stréete and also the Carmelite Fryars Church 〈◊〉 Couentry Iohn Motking Shriue Andrew Aubury Shriue Sir Iohn Pultney Draper Maior Henry Earle of Lancaster and of Leicester founded the new Hospitall by the Castle of Leicester wherein were an hundred poore impotent persons The King of England with force came before Berwicke where they that kept the Castle and Towne vsed many deceitfull treaties Nicholas Pike Shriue Iohn Husband Shriue Iohn Preston Draper Maior The Scots came with great multitudes minding to dissolue the siege of Berwicke whom the King couragiously met and slewe of them eight Earles 1300. horsemen and of the common souldiers 35000. neare vnto Halidon The townsemen of Berwicke yéelded to the King of England both the castle the towne who placing garisons there he sent Edward Baliol and other Nobles to kéepe the Realme of Scotland Iohn Haman Shriue William Hansard Shriue Sir Iohn Pultney Draper Maior Edward Baliol king of Scots did homage to king Edward at ●ew Castle vpon Tyne and shortly after he receiued homage of the Duke of Britaine or his Earledome of Richmond Iohn Kingstone Shriue Walter Turke Shriue Reginald at Conduit Vintner Maior Part of the Vniuersitie of Oxford went t● Stamford because of a variance that fell be wée● the Northerne and Southerne Schollers The Sea bankes brake in through all England but specially in the Thames so that all the cas● and beasts neare thereunto were drowned Walter Morden Shriue Richard Vpton Shriue Richard Wotton Maior King Edward made his eldest sonne Ed●● Earle of Chester and Duke of Cornewall It was enacted that no wool should be conuai● out of the Realme Iohn Clarke shriue William Curtis shriue Sir Iohn Pultney Draper Maior The Towne of Southampton was burnt 〈◊〉 the French Kings Galleys It was enacted that whatsoeuer Clothwor● of Flanders or of other countries would d●● and inhabite in England should come quietly 〈◊〉 the most conuenient places should bee asigned 〈◊〉 them with great liberties and priuiledges This yeare 1338. as saith the French Chro●●●cle there happened in Auignon so strange te●ble mortalitie that brooks riuers were red 〈◊〉 bloud And that from the graues and sepulch●● of the dead there issued streames of bloud 〈◊〉 vnheard of mortalitie was foretold the Fren● by father Robert a Iacobin Frier who hear● bewailed the sinnes and wickednesse of this C●●ty and other places for the which hee often pr●thed vnto them that God would surely visite them vnlesse they speedily repented but they obeyed not his doctrine This sickenesse continued a long time and dispersed into Germany and other nations many a yeare after Also it was enacted that none should weare any cloth made without the realme the K. the Quéen and their children onely excepted The king caused to confiscate all the goods of the Lumbards and also all the Monks of the order of Clume and Citiaux through the whole Realme Walter Beale shriue Nicholas Craine shriue Henry Darcy Maior King Edward with Quéene Phillip his wife and a great army passed the Seas into Flanders and so to Colleine where he made friendship with the Emperour and was made his vicegerent Hee quartered the armes of England and France William of Pomfret Shriue Hugh Marberell Shriue Henry Darcy Maior A sudden inundation of water at New Castle ●pon Tine bare downe a péece of the Towne ●all where an hundred and twenty men and wo●en were drowned The King appointed himselfe to be called King of England and of France William Thorney Shriue Roger Fresham Shriue Andrew Aubery Grocer Maior The King gathered a Nauy of two hundred and sailed towards Flanders where hee fought with the enemies a most cruell battell by sea in the which the Frenchmen were ouercome and slaine of them 30000. men There was ta●en 200 ships and the rest fled By the assistance of the Duke of Brabant and the Earle of Hainalt with them of Gaunt and Cypres he entred the North parts of France and besieged the Citty of Turney In the meane season the Earle of Henalt Sir Walter Manny and Reignold Cobham burnt 300. Townes great and small taking preyes Adam Lucas Shriue Bartholomew Maris Shriue Andrew Aubury Grocer Maior Two Cardinals were sent from the Pope who demanded a truce for thrée yeares betwixt the two Kings in which space the title that the King of England pretended might be discussed Richard of Barking shriue Iohn of Rokesley shriue Iohn of Oxford Vintener Maior King Edward sailed ouer into Britaine when he tooke diuers castles and other strong holds that resisted him After this he besieged Vannes and though Phillip de Valois came downe with a great multitude of people yet a truce was taken and Vannes remained to the King of England Iohn Loukin Shriue Richard Keslinbury Shriue Simon Frances Mercer Maior King Edward commanded florences of Gold to be made the penny of the value of vi s. viii pence the halpeny and farthing after the rate William Mountacute Earle of Salisbury conquered the Isle of Man from the Scots which Isle Edward the third gaue the same Earle and caused him to be crowned King of Man Iohn Steward shriue Iohn Alisham shriue Iohn Hamond Maior King Edward held a solemne feast at his Castle at Windsor where he established the most honourable order of the Garter to the number of 26. Knights which were chosen of the most noble and valiant persons of this Realme He also augmented the Cappell which his progenitors Kings of England had before erected with 8. Canons in the Castle of Windsor adding a Deane and 15. Canons more 24. poore knights with other Ministers Geffery Wickingham shriue Thomas Legge shriue Iohn Hamond Maior The Scots to the number of 30000. William Dowglas being their leader entred into Westmerland and burnt Carlile and
Scotland besieged Barwicke which was shortly rendred vnto him Edward Prince of Wales returned into England with Iohn King of France and Phillip his son Roial Iusts were holden in Smithfield before the Kings of England France and Scotland Stephen Candish Shriue Bartholomew Frostling Shriue Sir Iohn Stodie Vintner Maior This Sir Iohn Stody gaue vnto the Vintners of London all the quadrant wherein the Vintners hal now stādeth with the tenements round about where he founded 13. houses for 13. poore people which are there kept of charitie rent-free Dauid le Bruce King of Scots was deliuered from the long imprisonment he had béene in his ransome being set at 100000. markes to be paaid the next 10. yeares following Iohn Barnes Shriue Iohn Buris Shriue Iohn Loukin Stock fishmonger Maior King Edward with a Nauy of ships passed the sea to Calice so into Burgundy In the meane season the Normans with a smal Nauy arriued at Winchelsea partly burnt the town slewe such as did withstand them wherefore the Prelates of England assembled in armor but the french were gone Simond of Benington shriue Iohn Chichester shriue Simon Dolfeby Grocer Maior A finall peace was concluded King Edward came into England and straight to the Tower to sée the French King where hee appointed his ransome to be thrée millions of Florences and so deliuered him out of all imprisonment Iohn Penis Shriue Walter Berney Shriue Iohn Wroth Fishmonger Maior Men and beasts perished in England in diuers places with thunder and lightning Friends were séene and spake vnto men as they trauelled William Holbech shriue Iames Tame shriue Iohn Peach Fishmonger Maior A great death pestilence in England in which died Henry Duke of Lancaster who was buried at Leicester King Edward commanded all Pleas to be made in English and not in French This time was granted to the K. for 3. yeares 26. shillings 8. pence of euery sacke of wooll Iohn of S. Albons Shriue Iames Andrew Shriue Stephen Candish Draper Maior A great winde in England ouerturned many stéeples and townes The French King the King of Cypres and the king of Scotland came all into England to speake with King Edward who receiued them with great honour and gaue them great gifts A frost in England lasted from the mids of September to the moneth of Aprill Richard Croydon Shriue Iohn Hiltofte Shriue Iohn Notte Pepperer Maior The ix day of Aprill died Iohn King of France at the Sauoy beside Westminster his corps was honourably conueyed to Saint Denis in France Iohn de Mitford Shriue Simon de Mordon Shriue Adam of Bury Skinner Maior Ingram Lord of Cowsey married Lady Isabell the Kings daughter Iohn Buckleworth Shriue Thomas Ireland Shriue Iohn Loukin Fishmonger Maior The King commaunded that peter-pence should no more be paide to Rome The 3. day of Aprill was borne at Burdeaux Richard son to Edward the blacke Prince who was after King of England Iohn Ward Shriue Thomas Attalie Shriue Iohn Loukin Fishmonger Maior This Iohn Loukin stockfishmonger foure times Maior of London builded a chappell called Magdalenes at Kingston vpon Thames to the which he ioyned an hospitall wherein was a master two Priests and certaine poore men he builded the parish Church of S. Michael in crooked lane Edward Prince of Wales taking compassion vpon Peter K. of Spaine who was driuen out of his Kingdome by Henry his bastard brother entered Spaine with a great puissance and in a battell at Nazers put to flight the foresaid bastard he restored the foresaide Peter to his former dignity but not long after Henry the bastard whiles K. Peter sate at a table suddenly thrust him through with a speare Robert Girdler Shriue Adam Wimondhom Shriue Simon Mordin stock fishmonger Maior The third pestilence was this yeare a bushell of wheat at London sold for 2. s. 6. d. Iohn Piel Shriue Hugh Holditch Shriue Iohn Chichester Goldsmith Maior A great part of Gascoine fell from the Prince because of y e exactions he laid vpon them also sicknes increasing vpon him he returned into England William Walworth shriue Robert Gayron shriue Iohn Barnes Mercer Maior This Iohn Barnes gaue a chest with 3. lockes 1000. Markes to be lent to yong men vpon sufficient gage The King demanded of the Cleargie and cōmonaltie a subsidie of 10000 pounds The Bishops were remoued from the Chancelor treasurer priuy scale Lay men put in their stead Robert Hatfield Shriue Adam Staple Shriue Iohn Barnes Mercer Maior The Frenchmen besieged Rochell to the remouing whereof was sent the Earle of Pembroke with a number of men of armes vpon whom fell the Spanish Nauy who slew and tooke the Englishmen and burnt their Nauy the Earle and many Noble men were carried into Spaine Iohn Philpots shriue Nicholas Brember shriue Iohn Piel Mercer Maior Iohn Duke of Lancaster entred France with a strong power passed through y e realme without battell but in the deserts and mountaines of Aluerne for lack of victuals many of his army died Iohn Awbry shriue Iohn Fished shriue Adam of Bury Skinner Maior This yeare 1374. died the most famous learned Poet Francis Petrarch borne in Tuscany he was of singular iudgement in al acts sciences a great Philosopher and an excellent Poet Orator hee was very religious and vertuous he despised the worlds vain-glory he died in his hermitage neare Pauia And about the same time died the renowned Iohn Boccace This Boccace was a famous Poet borne in Florence he wrote many excellent eloquent histories in diuers languages Iohn Duke of Lancaster with Simon de Sudbury and other assembled at Brudges to treate of peace betwéene the realms of England France This treaty continued almost two yeares and ended without conclusion of peace Richard Lyons Shriue William Woodhouse Shriue William Walworth Fishmonger Maior Iohn hastings Earle of Pembroke comming into England after hee had ransomed himselfe for a great masse of mony which he neuer paied died Iohn Hadle Shriues William Newport Shriue Iohn Ware Grocer Maior Richard Lions Adam of Bury citizens of London were accused by the Commoners of diuers frauds deceits which they had done to the King Richard Lions for mony did wisely compound and escaped the other conueied himselfe into Flanders Prince Edward departed out of this life was buried at Canterbury and then king Edward created Richard sonne of Prince Edward Earle of Chester Duke of Cornwall Prince of Wales and because the King waxed féeble and sickly hee betooke the rule of the land to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Iohn Northampton shriue Robert Laund shriue Adam Staple Mercer Maior King Edward ended his life at his manour of Shene the 21. day of Iune in y e yeare 1377. when he had raigned 50. yeares 4. moneths od daies whose body was buried at Westminster He builded
Dunstons in the East of London a great fray happened wherethrough many people were sore wounded Thomas Petwarden Fishmonger slaine out of hand The beginners of the fray which was the Lord Strange sir Iohn Russel knight through the quarrell of their two wiues were brought to the counter in the Poultry excōmunicated at P. Crosse King Henry sailed into Normandy and tooke the Castle of Tonke and shortly after get Caen Beyonx and many other Townes and Castles Henry Read shriue Iohn Gedney shriue Richard Marlow Ironmonger Maior Sir Iohn Oldcastle was sent vnto London by the Lord Powes out of Wales which sir Iohn was conuict by Parliament drawne to S. Giles field hanged and consumed with fire The Parson of Wrotham in Norfolke which had haunted New-Market-heath and there robbed and spoiled many was with his concubine brought to Newgate of London where he died Iohn Brian Ralph Barton Brian deceased Shriue Iohn Pernesse succeeded Shriue William Seuenoke Grocer Maior This William Seuenoke founded in the towne of Seuenocke in Kent where hee had béene nourished a frée schoole and xii almes houses King Henry besieged the Citty of Roan halfe a yeare and more which was yéelded to him Richard Whitingham shriue Iohn Butler shriue Richard Whittington Mercer Maior This Richard Whittington builded the library in the Gray Friars Church in London his Excecutors of his goods builded Whittington Colledge they repaired S. Bartholomews Hospitall in Smithfield they bare some charges to the pauing and glazing of the Guildhall and also of the library there they new builded the West gate of London of old time called Newgate K. Henry was made Regent of France wedded Lady Katherine the Kings daughter of France at Troys in Champaine the feast being finished the King besieged and won many townes in France Iohn Burler Shriue Iohn Welles Shriue William Cambrige Grocer Maior The King suppressed the French houses of religious Monks Friars and such like in England A Subsidie was demaunded but the Bishop of Winchester lent the King 20000. pound to ●●ay the matter The King sailed into France Richard Goslin Shriue William Weston Shriue Robert Chichely Grocer Maior This Robert Chichely w●lled in his testament that vpon his mind day a competent dinner shuld be ordained for 2420. poore men housholders of the Citty and 20. pound in money to distribute amongst them which was to euery man two pence At this time such was the generall capital command sway of the King of England in France as her own Chronicles testifie that in the Court of Chancery in Paris all things were sealed with the seale of King Henry of England and the great seale of England was there new made and vsed wherein was the Armes of France England and as the King sate in his chaire of state he held two Scepters in his hands that is to say in his right hand was a scepter smooth plaine only the proportion of the French coine commonly called a French crowne in his left hand he held a scepter full of curious arts carued and wrought with the armes of England as is vsed in the English mony and on the top thereof a Crosse Presently vpon this the french were so vexed with the english gouernmēt that they practised al meanes to extirp the English as well by praiers as otherwise and neuer ceased vntill they had obtained their desire Calice onely excepted which was English many yeares after Henry the Kings sonne was borne at Windsor on the 6. day of December K. Henry being at Boys S. Vincent waxed sicke died the last of August in the yeare 1422. when he had raigned 9. yeares 5. moneths odde daies hee founded two Monasteries vpon the Thames the one of the Religion of the Carthusians which he named Bethlem the other of religious men women of S. Briget which he named Sion Hee founded Garter principall King of Armes He lieth buried at Westminster Henry of Windsor HEnry the 6. being an infant of 8. moneths olde began his raigne the last of August in the yeare 1422. the gouernance of the Realme was committed to the Duke of Glocester and the guard of his person to the Duke of Exceter to the Duke of Bedford was giuen the the regiment of France William Eastfield Shriue Robert Tatarsall Shriue William Walderne Mercer Maior The xxi of October died Charles King of France by reason whereof the kingdome of France should come to King Henry and the Nobles of France except a few that held with the Dolphine deliuered the possession thereof to the Duke of Bedford to the vse of King Henry A subsidy was granted for thrée yeares fiue nobles for euery sacke of woolle that should passe out of the land This yeare the West gate of London called Newgate was new builded by the Excecutors of Richard Whittington Nicholas Iames Shriue Thomas VVadford Shriue VVilliam Cromer Draper Maior Iames the yong King of Scots who was taken by the Englishmen in the 8. yeare of Henry the 4. and had remained in England prisoner till this time was now deliuered and maried in S. Mary Oueries in Southwarke to the Lady Iane daughter the Earle of Somerset The battell at Vernoill in Perch betwéene the Duke of Bedford Regent of France and the Arminakes but the English party preuailed Simon Seman shriue Iohn Bywater shriue Iohn Michael Stockefishmonger Maior By a Parliament was granted to the King for 3. yeares to helpe him in his warres a subsidie of 12. d. the pound of all Marchandise brought in or carried out of the Realme and 3. s. of euery tun of wine which was called tonage or poundage but since it hath béene renewed at sundry Parliaments and now called custome It was enacted that all the Marchant strangers should be lodged with English hosts and within 40. dayes to make sale of all they brought or else what remained to be forfeit to the King William M●ldred shriue Iohn Brok●●ll shriue Iohn Couentry Mercer Maior The morrow after Simon Iudes day the Maior caused a great watch to be kept with most part of the citizens in armor to stand by the duke of Glocester against the Bishop of Winchester who lay in Southwark with a great power of Lancashire and Cheshire men but the matter was appeased by the Archbishop of Canterbury The 28. of September was an earthquake which continued the space of two houres Iohn Arnold Shriue Iohn Higham Shriue Iohn Rainwell Fishmonger Maior This Iohn Rainwell gaue certaine tenements to the citie of London for the which the same citie is bound to pay foreuer such Fifteenes as well bee granted to the K. for Downgate Bill●ngsgate and Algate ward c. This yeare the tower of the drawbridge of London was begun by the same Maior Henry Frowicke shriue Robert Otley shriue Iohn Godney Draper Maior From the beginning of Aprill vnto Hallontide
was so great aboundance of raine that not onely hay but corne also was destroyed Thomas Duthouse shriue Iohn Abbot shriue Henry Barton Skinner Maior The Duke of Norfolke passing through London bridge his barge ouerwhelmed so that 30. persons were drowned and the Duke with other that escaped were drawne vp with ropes A Britaine murthered a widow in white chappel parish without Algate of London bare away her goods but being pursued he took succour of the Church of S. George in Southwark from whence he was taken forswore the land But as he happened to come by the place where hee had done the murder y e women of the parish withstones shéeps hornes and kennell dung made an end of him William Russo Shriue Ralph Holland Shriue William Eastfield Maior Before the towne of Champaine was taken a woman armed the Frenchmen called her La Pucella de Dieu through whom the Dolphin trusted to haue conquered all France Walter Chartsey Shriue Robert Large Shriue Nicholas Wotton Draper Maior Francis Sforce son to Sforce of Cutygnola was by his father Viscount Philip Maria adopted for his heire caused him to beare the serpent in his Scutchion which was the ancient Armes of the said Viscount And in the yeare 1430 died Phillip Maria the yeare following y e forenamed Francis Sforce by reason of his singular vertue valour was made Duke of Millaine he was called Sforce because his father was so called who was so surnamed for his valour Noble acts of chiualry for albeit at the first hee was but of meane and lowe place yet by his owne merit he attained by degrées the highest place in Campe making all men to obey serue him by force and was thereupon surnamed Sforce which name hath descended vnto his heires euer since This Francis had many victories against Pope Eugenius and against the Florentines Venetians and Mylaneseys he had almost extirped the Gwelphes and Ghibelines he was feared and honoured of all Italy he made peace with Venice other cities he reedified the great Castle of Millaine and builded a faire hospitall within the Citie and gaue thereunto large reuenewes onely for the vse of the poore hée was at great charges in building the Church of Saint Ambrose he raigned 16. yeares his soune Galease Maria succéeded him who banished his owne mother and abounded in all vices he was slain in S. Stephens Church hauing raigned 9. yeares hée left behind him 4. children Read the Supplement of Chronicles At Abington began an insurrection of certaine lewde persons y e intended to haue wrought much mischiefe but the chiefe authour being Balif●e of the towne named VVilliam Mundeuile a Weauor with others were put to death Iohn Adorley Shriue Stephen Browne Shriue Iohn VVels Grocer Maior This Iohn Welles caused the Conduit called the Standard in Cheape to be new builded This yeare 1431. King Henry of England being but 12. yeares of age was triumphantly crowned King of France in our Lady Church in Paris in the presence of the English and French Cleargie and Nobilitie and was with great honour generally receiued as King The Frenchmen euer after called him little Harry as appeareth by their Chronicles to this day King Henry after he was crowned at Paris in France shortly after returned into England and came to London where hee was royally receiued of all the Crafts men riding in gownes of white and red hoods imbrodered richly Iohn Oluey shriue Iohn Paddesley shriue Iohn Perney Fishmonger Maior Foure Souldiers of Calice beheaded and an hundred and ten banished and before that time was banished an hundred and twenty Thomas Chalton Shriue Iohn King Shriue Iohn Brokeley Draper Maior The Earle of Huntington was sent with a company of Souldiers into France where hee atchieued many enterprises Thomas Barnewell Shriue Simon Eyre Shriue Roger Otely Grocer Maior The Thames was frozen that the Marchandise which came to the Thames mouth was carried to London by land Thomas Catworth shriue Robert Clopton shriue Henry Frowicke Maior Charles of France recouered the citty of Paris the towne of Hartflew and S. Denis Thomas Morsted Shriue William Gregory Shriue Iohn Michael Fishmonger Maior The gate on London bridge with the tower vpon it next to Southwarke fell downe the 2. furthe● arches of the saide bridge and no man perished King Henry put downe the Maior of Norwich sent the Aldermen some to Lyn some to Canterbury tooke their Franchises into his hand and appointed Iohn Wels sometime Maior of London to be Warden of Norwich All the Lions in the Tower of London died William Hales Shriue William Chapman Shriue VVilliam Eastfield Mercer Maior This VVilliam Eastfield builded the water conduit in Fléetstréete Owen Theodor fowly hurting his kéeper brake out of Newgate but was again taken afterward This Owen as was saide had priuily married Quéene Katherne late wife to Henry the fifth and had foure children by her Hugh Diker shriue Nicholas Yoo shriue Stephen Browne Grocer Maior A great minde in London almost blewe downe one side of the stréete called the old Change A stack of wood fell downe at Bainards Castle killed 3. men By the fall of a staire at Bedford where the shi●e day was kept 18. persons were slain Many strumpets were set on the pillory and banished the city except they wore their ray hoods Philip Malpas Shriue Roger Marshall Shriue Robert large Mercer Maior It was ordained that all Marchant strangers should go to host with Englishmen to make sale of their Marchandises and buy againe what they would within the space of 6. months giuing their host for euery 20. s. worth 2. d. except the Easterlings Also that euery housholder that was an aliant should pay to the King xvi pence the yeare and euery seruant aliant vi pence Sir Rich VVich Vicar of Hermetsworth in Essex was burnt on Tower-hill the 17 of Iune The 18. of Iuly the posterne of London by East-smithfield against the Tower of London sanke by night Iohn Sutton Shriue William Wettinhall Shriue Iohn Paddesley Goldsmith Maior A combate was fought at Tote hill betwéene two theeues the appealer had the field of the defendant Roger Bolingbrooke with Thomas Southwell were taken as conspirators of the kings death for it was said that the same Roger should labour to consume the Kings person by way of necremancy Elianor Cobham Dutchesse of Glocester was cited to appeare before Henry Chichely Archbishop of Canterbury to answer certaine matters of necromancy witchcraft sorcery heresie and treason where when she appeared the foresaid Roger was brought forth to witnes against her and said that she was the cause first stirred him to labour in that art Then she was committed to the ward of Sir Iohn Steward Knight Then was taken also Margerie Gurdmain a witch of Ely whose sorcery and witchcraft the said Elianor had long time vsed wherefore the same witch
ordained a number of chosen archers to giue daily attendance on his person whom he named Yeomen of the Guard King Henry sent vnto the Lord Maior of London requiring him and his Citizens of a prest of 6000. markes Wherefore the Maior with his Brethren and Commons granted 2000. pound which prest was repaied againe the next yeare following Wheate was sold for 3. s. the bushell and bay salt at the like price The Crosse in Cheape was new builded Iohn Perciuall Shriue Hugh Clopton Shriue Henry Collet Mercer Maior Iohn Perciuall being the Maiors Caruer was by Hugh Brice late Maior chosen Shriue of London for the yeare following The king married Elizabeth the eldest daughter al Edward the fourth by which meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster were vnited Francis Louel and Humphrey Stafford rebelled in the North which commotion was quieted by the Duke of Bedford there was slaine Iohn Earle of Lincolne the Lord Louell Martine Swart and other there aboue foure thousand This battel was sought high to a village called Stoke On the twenty one of September Quéene Elizabeth brought foorth her first sonne named Arthur Iohn Fenkill Shriue William Remington Shriue William Horne Salter Maior King Henry comming to London made W. Horne Maior of London and Iohn Perciuall Alderman Knights betwixt Hornsey and Iseldon A prest for the King in the Citie of London of 4000. pound and shortly after was another prest of 2000. pound which were both repaied againe the next yeare William Isaake Shriue Ralph Tinle● Shriue Robert Ta●e Mercer Maior A taske of the tenth peny of all mens goods and lands was granted to K. Henry to aide the Duke of Britaine against the French King through which taske the commons of the North made all insurrection and slew the Earle of Northemberland wherefore Iohn Achamber their Captaine with other were hanged at Yorke William Capel Shriue Iohn Brooke Shriue William White Draper Ma●or Roger Shauelocke a Taylor within Ludgate of London being a ma● of great wealth flew himselfe for whose goods was great busines betwéene the Kings Alm●er and the Shriues of London H. Coote ● Reuil Shriue Hugh Pemberton Shriue Iohn Mathew Mercer Maior King Henry required a beneuolence which was granted towards his iourney into France Henry the Kings second sonne borne at Gréenwich the 22. of Iune The Conduit in Grace stréet was begun to bee builded by the Excecutors of Thomas Hill late Maior Wheate was sold at London for twentie pence the bushell Thomas Wood Shriue William Browne Shriue Hugh Clopton Mercer Maior This Hugh Clopton during his life a Batcheler builded a stone bridge at Stratford vpon Anon. King Henry tooke his voyage into France with a great Army to aide the Britons against the French King William Purchase Shriue William Welbecke Shriue William Martin Skinner Maior King Henry returned into England Two Pardone ●s were set on the Pillory in Cornehill thrée market dayes for forging of false pardons and for that one of them had fained himselfe to be a Priest he was sent to Newgate where he died the other was driuen out of London with shame enough A riot made vpon the Easterlings or Stilliard men by Mercers seruants and others of the City of London for the which many of them were sore punished Robert Fabian shriue Iohn Winger shriue Sir Ralph Austrie Fishmonger Maior This Ralph Austrie roofed with timber couered with lead the Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintry and also glazed the same Church c. King Henry holding his roial feast at Christmas at Westminster on the twelfth day feasted the Maior of London Ralph Austry and his brethren the Aldermen Commoners after dinner he dubbed the Maior Knight and caused him his brethren to tary behold the disguisings other disports in the night following shewed in the great hall hanged with arras staged all along on both sides which disports being ended the K. Quéene and Ambassadors and other States being set at a Table of stone 60. Knights Esquires serued 60 dishes to the Kings messe and as many to the Quéenes neither fish nor flesh the Maior with 24. dishes to his messe of the same maner seruice with sundry wines in most plenteous wise Finally the King and Quéene being conueied into the Pallace the Maior with his company in barges returned and came to London by the breake of the next day Wheat was sold at London at 6. d. the bushell bay salt for 3. d. halfe peny Nantwich salt for sixe pence the bushell white herring for 6. s. the barrell red herring at 3. s. the cade red sprats 6. d. the Cade and Gascoine wine at 6. l. the tun Nicholas Alwine Shriue Iohn Warner Shriue Richard Chaurie Salter Maior Sir William Stanley was beheaded on tower hill White herring being good were sold for 3. s. 4. d. the barrell at London Perkin Warbecke arriued at Deale in Kent where when hee and his company saw they could haue no comfort of the country they withdrewe to their ships againe but the Maior of Sandwich with certaine commons of the countrey vickered with the residue that were vpon the land and tooke aliue of them 169. persons who were hanged in Kent Essex Sussex and Norfolke Thomas Knesworth Shriue Henry Somer Shriue Sir Henry Coliet Mercer Maior The 16. of Nouember was holden the Serieants feast at the Bishops place of Ely in Holborne where dined the King Quéene and all the chiefe Lords of England In Aprill was concluded an amitie and entercourse betwéene this land and the countrey of Flanders c. The Scots entred England and by the setting on of Perkin Warbecke did much harme Iohn Shaw Shriue Richard Haddon Shriue Sir Iohn Tate Mercer Maior This Iohn Tate newly builded and enlarged S. Anthonies Church in London a Colledge of a goodly foundation with a frée Schoole and certaine almes houses for ●oore men Sir Reignald Bray with others of the Kings Counsell declared to the Maior of London that the K. desired to borrow of the Citizens 10000. li. The Maior desired respite till the 5. day following at which time was assembled at the Guild-hall the common counsell thither came the forenamed sir Reignald Bray with other of the Kings Councel at which day with great submission and praier made vnto them to bee good meanes for the Citty vnto the Kings Grace the commons lastly granted to lend vnto the King 4000. li. which of his Grace was well and thankfully accepted and truly repaied By meanes of a Parliament that was granted to the King a commotion was made by the Commons of Cornewall which vnder the leading of Iames Lord Audley with Michel a Blacksmith and other came to Blacke-heath where the King met with them discomfited and tooke their Captaines there was slaine of the rebels about 300. and taken about 1500. The Lord Audley was beheaded on the Towerhill the
s. 6. d. The Royall 11. s. 3. d. c. Stephen Pecocke Shriue Nicholas Lambert Shriue Sir Thomas Seymer Mercer Maior In Nouember December Ianuary fell such raine that thereof ensued great floods which destroied corne fields pasture beasts Then was it dry till the 12. of April from that nime it rained euery day and night till the 3. of Iune Such scarsitie of bread was at London and all England that many died for default thereof The bread carts comming from Stratford towards London were met at the Miles end by the citizens so that the Maior Shriues were forced to goe rescue the same to sée them brought to the markets appointed Wheate was then at xv s. the quarter Shortly after the Marchants of the Stilyard brought from Danske such store of wheate rye that it was better cheape at London then in any other part of the Realme Iohn Hardie Shriue William Hollis Shriue Sir Iames Spencer Vintner Maior A French Craer of 30. tun being manned with 38. Frenchmen and a Flemish Craer of 27. tun and 24. Flemings méeting at Margate the one chased the other along the Riuer of Thames to the Tower-wharfe of London where Sir Edmond Walsingham Lieutenant of the Tower staied them and tooke their Captaines and men The xvii of Iune the terme was adiourned till Michaelmas because of the sweating sicknes that then reigned there was no such watch in London at Midsomer as before had béen accustomed Ralph Warren Shriue Iohn Long. Shriue Sir Iohn Rudstone Draper Maior In April May Iune Iuly Cardinal Campaius with Cardinal Woolsey sate at the Blacke friars in London where before them was brought in question the kings mariage with Quéene Katherine as to be vnlawfull but they long time protracted the conclusion of the matter which delay King Henry tooke very displeasantly Cardinal Campaius departed towards Rome and shortly after Cardinall Woolsey was discharged of the Chancellorship and the king seised all his goods with his palace at Westminster called Yorke palace into his hands Sir Thomas Moore was made Chancellor of England Michael Dormer Shriues Walter Champion Shriue Sir Ralph Dodmer Mercer Maior William Tindall translated the new Testament into English printed the same beyond the seas A peace was agreed betwéene King Henry of England the Emperour the Frence King the King of Boheme and Hungary In the moneth of October the King came to the blacke Friars and began there a Parliament King Henry commanded the Bishops to call in Tindals translation of the new Testament and to sée another truly translated to be set forth King Henry vpon occasion of delay made by the Pope in his controuersie of diuorsment caused proclamatiō to be made forbidding all his subiects to purchase any thing from the Court of Rome The plague of pest being hot in the Cittie of London blew crosses called Per signum Tau were commanded to bee set ouer the doores of houses infected It was proclaimed that no Gascoine wine should be retailed aboue 8. d. the Galon Also that taules calued betwixt the first of Ianury and the first of May should not be killed but reared vp William Dancy Shriue Richard Choping Shriue Sir Thomas Pargetor Salter Maior The Cardinall being conuict of a premunire was arested by the Earle of Northumberland deliuered to the Earle of Shrewsbury and brought to Leicester Abbey where he deceased the 29. of Nouember and was there buried The whole Cleargy of England being iudged to be in the premunire in their conuocation concluded a submission wherein they called the King supreame head of the Church of England and were contented to giue the King 100000. pound to pardon their offence Richard Rise a Cooke was boiled in Smithfield for poysoning diuers persons at the Bishop of Rochesters place The xi of Aprill vii men with their horses and a Ferriman were all drowned at Lambeth Thomas Bilney was burned at Norwich Richard Gressam Shriue Edward Altam Shriue Sir Nicholas Lambert Grocer Maior In the moneth of Nouember a Serieants feast was held at Ely house in Holborne Looke more in the Suruey of London The 25. of May was taken betwéene London and Gréenewich two great Fishes called Hurl●pooles The oath which the Clergy had vsed to make to the Bishop of Rome was made voide by statute and a new oath confirmed wherein they confessed the King to be supreame head Sir Thomas Moore after suite made was discharged of the Chancellorship Thomas Audley Knight made Lord Chancellor Fiue men were hanged and quartered at Tower hill for coyning and clipping This yeare 1532. Alexander sonne of Lawrence of Medicis Duke of Vrban was by the speciall sauour of his vncle Pope Clement the 7. made the first Duke of Florence By the aduice of his vncle he gouerned his countrey and exercised great iustice vpon his people sate personally in the seate of iudgement and gaue sentence whereby he gained high estimation hee married the Emperours daughter and had no issue but in the end hee inclined to lust offered violence vnto modest Ladies And for his reward his kinsman Lawrence slew him by treason Anno. 1537. After him succéeded Gosmo de Medicis who tooke wa●ning by the others folly and gouerned his people very peaceably and did many acts worthy of memory he builded a colledge in Pisa for the aduancement of poore mens children The King suppressed the Priory of Christchurch in London and gaue their Church place lands to Sir Thomas Audley The xix of August William Warham Archbishop of Canterbury deceased The King repaired the Tower of London Lady Anne Bullein was made Marchiones of Pembroke King Henry went to Calice and so to Bulletin where hee met with the French King R. Rainold N. Pichon Shriue Iohn Martin Shriue Sir Stephen Pecocke Haberdasher Maior The 12. of Aprill being Easter euen the Lady Anne Bolein who had béene priuily married to K. Henry was proclaimed Quéene of England and on Whitsonday with solemnitie crowned at westminster The 5. of Iuly Quéene Katherine was proclaimed Prince Arthurs widow It was enacted that Butchers should sell their béefe and mutton by waight béefe for an halfe peny the pound and mutton thrée farthings at that time fat oxen were sold for 26. s. 8. d. the péece fat weathers for 3 s. 4. d. the péece fat Calues the like price a fat lambe for twelue pence The Butchers of London sold peny péeces of béefe for the reliefe of the poore euery péece two pound and a halfe sometime thrée pound for a peny and 13. sometime 14. of those péeces for twelue pence mutton 8. d. the quarter and an hundred weight of béefe for 4. s. 8. d. The 7. of September betwéene the houres of 3. 4. of the clocke in the afternoone was the Lady Elizabeth daughter to K. Henry borne at Gréenwich and there christened in the Fryars Church
following being the 24 of May they were admitted to the Common pleis barre and the same day kept their solemne feast in the middle Temple hall At this feast Sir E. Philips was chosen the Kings Sergeant you shall vnderstand that albeit some of the Sergeants were knighted yet amongst themselues they had no precedence but euery man held his place according to his antiquity The 1 of Iune there was one whipped through London for presuming to come to the Court hauing his house infected The 4 of Iune Valentine Thomas hauing béene many yéeres prisoner in the Tower was arraigned at the Kings Bench Barre and there condemned of high treason for conspiracy against our late Quéene and some of her Councell and the 7 of Iune about sixe of the clocke he was drawne from the Kings Bench in Southwarke to S. Thomas Waterings and there hanged and quartered About this time came Ambassadors from many forraine Princes namely Monsieur Rosney from the French King Don Iohn de Tassis from the King of Spaine others came from the Archduke from the King of Poland the Signory of Venice the Duke of Florence and the States of Holland The twenty one of Iune Roger Earle of Rutland was sent Ambassador vnto Christianus the fourth King of Denmarke to solemnise the Baptisme of his sonne and to present him with the Garter being attended by W. Segar Norroy King of Armes he returned into England the thirtieth of Iuly The 2. of Iuly the King solemnized the feast of S. George at Windsor and enstalled Prince Henry Knight of the Garter and there the chiefe Ladies of England did their homage vnto the Quéene There were also made Knights of the Garter with Prince Henry the Duke of Lenox the Earle of Southampton the Earle of Marre and the Earle of Pembrooke Within few daies after were made diuers Proclamations for the apprehension of Anthony Copley Sir Griphin Markham Knight and William Watson and William Clearke Priests and about the same time were apprehended as traytors the Lord Cobham and his brother the Lord Grey sir Walter Rawleigh and others The 21. of Iuly at Hampton Court Henry Wri●●hesley Earle of Southampton was created and restored the Lord Thomas Howard created Earle of Suffolke Charles Lord Montioy created Earle of Deuonshire Sir Thomas Egerton Baron of Elesmire sir William Russell Baron of Thornehaugh sir Henry Grey Baron of Grooby sir Iohn Peter Baron of Writtle sir Iohn Harington Baron of Exton sir Henry Danuers Baron of Dawnsey sir Thomas Garrerd Baron of Gerrardes Bromley sir Robert Spencer Baron of Wormeleighton sir Thomas Edmonds is sent Ambassadour Lieger to the Arch-duke The twenty thrée of Iuly the King made sixty and one Knights of the Bath Against this time of Coronation the citizens had made wondrous great prouision but through the terrible encrease of pestilence in the City and Suburbes their sumptuous Pageants and other triumphant entertainments stood like ruines being not yet finished and the King constrained to omit his former determination in ryding through London as Kings haue accustomed and all Londoners prohibited by Proclamation from comming at Court there died that wéeke of all diseases eleuen hundred and thrée the twenty fiue of Iuly being Munday and the feast of Saint Iames the Apostle King Iames the first of that name King of England and the most noble Lady Quéene Anne his wife were both crowned and anointed at Westminster by the most reuerend Father in GOD Iohn Whitgift L. Archbishop of Canterbury in presence of all the Nobility and diuers others namely Sir Robert Lee Maior of London in a Robe of crimson Veluet all the Aldermen in scarlet gownes and twelue Citizens admitted to attend them The twenty sixt of Iuly the King sent for all the Aldermen of London to Westminster and knighted them and the same day the King knighted sir Christopher Parkens Doctor of the Law Master of the Requests and Deane of Carlil● At this time the Bishops commanded the 5 of August to be held as a Holy-day with prayers preaching and thanksgiuing to God for the Kings escape from being murthered by Earle Gowry in Scotland The plague encreased still most grieuously in London and thereupon it was ordayned that euery Wednesday there should be a generall fasting and prayer with preaching throughout the land to draw the people vnto humble and hearty repentance of their sinnes This yeare Bartholmew Fayre was forbidden and Michaelmas tearme adiorned vnto Mensem Michaelis and to be kept at Westminster but by reason of the sicknes it was afterward held at Winchester and the Lord Maiors triumphs and great feast at Guild hall was this yéere omitted At this time there was a strict Proclamation against Inmates and diuers new built houses and sheds standing noysomely ch●aking the stréetes or other places all which were by expresse order beaten downe there was also great care and prouision for the banishing of Rogues and Vagabonds according to the tenour of the Statutes in that behalfe Sir William Rumney Sir Thomas Middleton Shrieues Sir Thomas Bennet Mercer Maior The 8 of October Robert Lord Spencer was sent by his Maiestie vnto Fredericke Duke of Wytenberge to inuest him Knight and Companion of the most noble Order of the Garter and returned before Christmas The 4 of Nouember the Lord Cobham the Lord Grey of Wilton were conueied from London Tower vnto Winchester to be arraigned and to that purpose the 19 of Nouember were also conueyed from the Tower to Winchester Sir Walter Rawleigh Sir Griffin Markham Knights George Brooke brother to the Lord Cobham Anthony Copley Gentleman William Watson and William Clearke Priests and the same day out of the Gate-house at Westminster went Sir Edward Parham Knight and Brooksby Esquire of Leycester-shire they were all condemned of high treason saue onely sir Edward Parham who was acquitted by the Iury. The 29 of Nouember were executed the two Priests and sixe dayes after was George Brooke hanged and the ninth of December sir Griffin Markham and the two Barons after they had bin seuerally brought vpon the scaffold in the Castle of Winchester and had made their confessions and prepared themselues likewise seuerally to die vpon the sudden the Kings warrant written with his owne hand was there deliuered to sir Beniamin Tichborne high Shiriffe of Hamshire commanding him to stay execution these thrée and sir Walter Rawleigh were returned prisoners to the Tower the 15 of December From the 23 of December 1602 vnto the 22 of December 1603 there died of all diseases within London and the Liberties thirty eight thousand two hundred and forty foure whereof the plague thirty thousand fiue hundred seuenty eight and the next yéere following London was cleare of that infection and then were all the shires in England grieuously visited note the worke of God The 29 of February died the most renowned and reuerend Father
by the frée election of the Treasurer and Counsell of Virginea and with the full consent of the generality of that company was constituted and authorized during his naturall life to be Lord Gouernour and captaine generall of all the English Colonies planted or to be planted in Virginea according to the tenor of his Maiesties Letters Pattents granted this present yeare vnto the said company The Lord La Warre had his Pattent sealed by that Company the twenty eight day of February this yeare 1609. he went accompanied with Knights and Gentlemen of qualitie And in Iune next there was one ship with 20 men and a yeares competent prouision for the whole Colony sent after him The ninth of February the Parliament began at Westminster and continued vntill the twenty third of Iuly and was then prorogued vntill the 16 of October following and then the Lords and Commons sate againe vntill the sixt of December and then it was adiourned vnto the ninth of February The Kings Maiesty in his princely prouidence for the present and future good of his Kingdomes and chiefely for preuention of all rebellion in the Kingdome of Ireland and in his especiall fauour and kingly respect vnto the City of London did in Iuly last make a liberall offer vnto the Lord Maior and citizens of London for the present possession and plantation of Englishmen in the Prouince of Vlster And when the Lord Maior and Citizens had well aduised themselues therein then in August they sent foure discréet expert persons being accompanied and directed by Sir Thomas Philips as the Lords of the Councell had appointed to suruay that Prouince and to obserue the profits with the estate and condition thereof and to report what ruines were to be repayred and what cities castles and townes were presently to be builded and when these 4 suruayors were returned they ascertained the Lord Maior Citizens aswell of the true estate and validity thereof as of the seuerall commodities honor dignity y t would therby ensue then they humbly accorded vnto the Kings most gratious and bounteous offer then the Lord Maior Citizens vpon mature deliberation leuied 20000. li. to be employed in these Irish affaires by vertue of their act of common Councell they constituted 24 Committies consisting of 6 Aldermen and 18 Commoners the two chiefe wherof were called the gouernor deputy all which are to be new chosen euery yeare hauing power authority giuen them to order dispose of all matters for plantation traffique rule gouernment in that North part of Ireland whereupon the 14 of February they made publication therof signifying vnto all handy crafts men their present entertainment employment in this expedition that they should haue their full wages with their dwelling houses and other good meanes for the honest maintenance of themselues their families vpon knowledge wherof there came about 300 seuerall persons who were presently fitted and furnished with all things necessary with all conueniency were sent to Vlster and so this expedition procéeded prosperously William Cokaine Alderman was the first gouernor Thursday the 3 of May the French Quéene with all solemnity was crowned in Paris hauing béene ten yeares before maried to the king and the next day after the King was murthered in his coach as he rode through Paris by a base villain that stabd him into the body with a long knife twice that he died instantly and his body was carried to the Loouer presently vpon the Kings death the Quéene was made Regent during her sons minority viz. Lewis the 13. The 20 of May being Sonday our King Quéene the Prince the Duke of Yorke the Lady Elizabeth and all the Lords and Ladies in the Court mourned in blacke for the death of this French King Henry the 4. and about the end of Iune was he buried in Paris with as great royalty as euer was any king of France Vpon the murther of this French king the Lords Commons of the Parliament of England humbly besought the King our soueraigne Lord to haue a more especiall care then formerly had béene for the preseruation of his royall person also to take spéedy order for the auoiding imminet danger and kéeping his Subiects in their due obedience and forthwith the Commons of the Parliament for manifestation of their allegiance loue and duety they voluntarily of their owne accord tooke the oath of allegiance and after them the Lords of the vpper house did so likewise who also ministred the same oath vnto all their seruants and followers and such as refused to take the oath were put from their Lords seruices and the Bishops in their Conuocation house ordained that euery Bishop in their seuerall visitations should minister the same oath vnto all their Clergy which they performed accordingly this oath was also ministred vnto others as followeth according to the tenor of a speciall statute made this Session of Parliament in that behalfe The appointed time now drew neere for Prince Henry to be created Prince of Wales and vpon thursday the last of May the Lord Maior and Aldermen being accompanied with 54 seuerall companies of citizens of London in their seuerall Barges bearing Armes distinguished by their proper Ensignes banners and streamers in braue and warlike manner and therewithall plenteously furnished with sundry sorts of excellent musicke and had also to entertaine the Prince diuers ingenious and pleasant trophies vpon the water all which in very comely order went to Chelsea the Lord Maior as Admirall going formost where from nine a clocke in the morning vntill past three in the afternoone they attended the comming of the Prince who could not come sooner by reason of the low ebbe at which tsme the Prince came from Richmond being very honourably accompanied and attended And from Chelsea the Lord Maior and citizens conducted his Highnesse vnto the court at White-hall as they returned from Chelsea the citizens ledde the way and the Lord Maior followed them going alwaies next before the Princes Barge To sée this ioyfull fight the people for 7 miles space swarmed on both sides the riuer the Thames was couered with boates barges and lighters full fraught with men women and children And vpon Sonday the 3 of Iune the King made 25 knights of the Bath whose names follow And the next day the King created and crowned the Prince his eldest Sonne Henry Prince of Wales in the Great White Chamber at Westminster being performed with all magnificence and solemnity and with the full consent of the Lords spirituall and temporall and commons of the Parliament being all there present the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London were also present at this Creation the Princes titles were proclaimed viz. Henry Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall and Rothesey and Earle of Chester In honour of this Creation there was the next night at the Court a most rich and royall maske of Ladies viz. the Quéene the
then were not known by any name Sir Edw. Cooke Lord chief Iustice of the common pleas A Tombe for Queen Elizabeth A monstrous mother The King of Denmarke arriueth in Englād Sir William Wade The King of Denmarke returneth Prince Dolphin of France christned Churches repaired Morefield otherwise called the new walks A truce betweene the Emperour of Germany and the great Turke Shrieues Maior The Lord Hay maried Great flouds A Seminary executed Reconciliation between the Graue of Emden his Subiects An. reg 5. 1607 The King manifesteth his minde to both houses Great flouds in diuers houses Prince Ienuile came into England Vnlawfull assemblies to lay opē inclosures Doctor Rauis lord Bishop of London The King dineth with the Lord Maior and made free of the Cloath-workers His Maiestie paieth 600000. l. which was lent vnto Elizabeth Ambassadors from the States Sir Thomas Kneuit made Baron A Parliament Sir Iulius Caesar made a Priuie Coūsellor The King Prince feasted at Merchantailors hall Prince Henry made free of the Merchantailors Strangers Noblemē Knights The new Master Wardens of the Merchantailers The Earle of Arundels eldest sonne The Earle of Tyrone and other Irish lords fled out of Ireland The King of Spaines second son borne The death of the Ladie Mary Sir Iaruais Clyfton made barō The Lord Awbignye maried Inmates increase of building forbidden by proclamation Also the preseruation of timber vniformity of building throughout London commanded by proclamation Contemners censured in the Star-chamber The old rottē Banquetting house of timber taken down and a new builded of bricke and stone Prouision for such Preachers as shall preach at Pauls Crosse Shrieues Maior The discouerie of the Earle of Tyrons treason The Lord Maxwell brake out of prison Sir Thomas Parry sworne a Priuie Counsellor of Estate A great frost All the Hartichokes in gardens about London were kild with this frost Viscount Hadingtō maried Allgate new builded An. reg 6. 1608 A Seminarie executed S. Edmōds Bury spoiled by a sudden fire The King was very forward to do them any fauor Doctor Mountague Lord Bishop of Bath and Wels. The Earle of Dorset dieth The oth of allegiance ministred vnto suspitious persons The Earle of Northampton made L. Priuie Seale The Earle of Salisbury made Lord high Treasurer of England The Earls of Dunbar Montgomery made Knights of the Garter Francis Earle of Comberland is the other lord Lieutenant Sir Alexander Hay knighted A Iesuite executed The corps of the lord Marquesse Dorset taken vp whole hauing been 78 yeares enterred Doctor Neyle Lord Bishop of Rochester Shrieues Maior The Viscount of Cramburne maried Consorts of pirats within the Streights and in the maine sea This Sir Francis Verney did turne vpon hope of aduācement but hee became extreame poore and miserable Pirats executed Strange shifting of the tides The yong Earle of Dorset maried and the Earle of Hertfords grandchild maried An. reg 7. 1609 A general truce in the Netherlands for twelue yeares The first generall planting of Mulbery trees in England In Dawpheny other parts of France there was silke made a good while before but not thorowout the whole kingdome vntill of late yeres M. Nicholas Ieffe many others had put it in practise long before Britaine Burse builded They were there entertained with pleasant ingenious speeches gifts and deuises Al forrain nations forbidden to fish vpon the coasts of England Scotland Ireland without speciall licence The King heareth the Bishops and secular Iudges The King heareth the complaints touching his nauie A triall of fight between a Lyon a Horse and a Bare The parents of the childe had as much as ●aw and reason could afford Kingly paiments beyond president There was neuer the like royall payment made by any King to the cōmon subiects The first making of Allome in England An ancient duty Let al that are pardoned note this for example His hand was nailed at the Gybet end before his face The originall and foundation of the East India Company Shrieues Maior Translation and consecration of Bishops Prince Henry his first feats of Armes The first discouery and plantation of Virginea The Lord La Warre goeth to Virginea The Parliament adiorned The plantation of the North of Ireland by the Citizens of London An. reg 3. 1610 The king of France murdered Prince Henry created Prince of Wales Knights of the Bath A proclamation touching Iesuits and Recusants The oath of allegiance ministred The Lord Clifford maried The King buildeth the greatest and goodliest ship of war that euer was built in Englād The Lord Wotton sent to take the oth of the French King Three Bishops consecrated Shrieues Maior The Citie of Londō buildeth new granaries and store houses The prince of Anhalt commeth to see the King Sir Edward Cecill Lord Generall of all the English and Sots forces in Cleuelād and Gulich A Monke and a Seminary executed M. Palyns bounty The Prince of Wales setleth his houshold The Parliament dissolued by Proclamation dated the 31 of December The Prince of Wales his maske at Whitehall A speciall Ambassador frō the Frēch King M. Teasdale his bounty Dunbar deceased Viscont Fenton a Priuie Counsellor Sir Marmaduke Dorrell buildeth a Parrish Church Sir Henry Montegue made Sergeant An. reg 9. 1611 Viscon● Rochester created Doctor Abbot L. Archbishop of Canterbury Sir Thomas Dale and sir Thomas Gates sent with supplies to Virginia Sir Thomas Ouerbury The King in person commeth into the Star-chāber to see the triall of his Pixe Proclamation against the transportation of gold siluer and the quoin aduanced The Duke of Yorke the Earle of Arundell and the Viscont Rochester made knights of the Garter Doctor Buckeridge B. of Rochester The yong Landgraue of Hesson arriueth in England The oath of Alleageance ministred Proclamatiō against al encrease of buildings with in Londō and the Suburbs and 20 miles therof Doctor King Lord Bishop of London France Spaine match togither The Earle of Pembrooke a Priuie Counseller Shrieues Maior Two Heretiques burned An. reg 10 1612 Viscont Rochester a Priuie Counsellor Two Seminaries executed The Lord Sanquire executed Lotteries in Londō Roger Earle of Rutland deceast The King buildeth a royall Toombe for his mother translateth her corps from Peterborow to Westminster Great windes shipwrack An Ambassador from the King of Persia to the King of Great Brittaine Hicks-hall builded Sir Baptist Hicks his farther boūtie Lent strictly kept Shrieues Maior The Palsgraue a●●ueth in England Henry Prince of Wales deceased The Palsgraue and Graue Maw●ice made Knights of the Garter The Lady Elizabeth married vnto the Palsgraue A present from London Prince Charles bishopped An. reg 11 1613 The Palsgraue and the Lady Elizabeth set forward for Heydelberg A Ianus borne shipwrack great flames fiers The Globe burnt The Millita●y exercis● of Armes in the Artill●●y Garden again p●t in practise Sir Peeksall Brocas doth penance at Paules Crosse Sir Iohn Merick sent Lord Ambassador
other things by ingines or stéele Loomes by William Lee somtime Master of Arts of Saint Iohns colledge of Cambridge and sixtéen yéeres after this he went into France and taught it to the French because he was not regarded in England The 5 of March a Wench was burned in Saint Georges field without Southwarke for poysoning her Mistris and other This yeare 1589 Henry Duke of Guise and his brother the Cardinall Guise were both slaine by commaundement of the French King Henry the third This Duke was wonderously beloued of the Clergy and of the Peeres and commons of France he was also very highly estéemed of the Conclaue and of many other forraine Princes The manner of his death was taken very grieuously especially by such as had combinde themselues in league to suppresse the Protestants and preferre the Romane Catholike Religion Within a while after the said King Henry the third was also slaine by a Frier in reuenge of the death of the two brethren before named and the Frier himselfe was instantly slaine by such as were about the King who slew him with the said enuenomed knife wherewith hee stabd the King This Henry the third was the last of the house of Valois And presently vpon his death Henry of Burbon King of Nauarre laid iust claime to the crowne who with great difficultie and almost eight yeares sharpe warres with the Leagers he got peaceable possession of the whole Kingdome But at the first the Leagers droue him into diuers extremities and forced him to flie into Déepe where he was ready to haue embarked for England if the Quéene had not spéedily sent a resolute Armie vnto him vnder command of the Lord Willowby And from that time the Quéene ayded him with diuers Armies vnder the commaund of the Earle of Essex Generall Norris sir Roger Williams and many others besides incessant supplies vpon sudden occasions from London Kent Essex Suffolke Surrey Sussex and Hamhshire both of horse men and munition The next yeare following the great and ancient Citie of Paris was besieged by their new King Henry the fourth which City vntill their day of visitation was a glorious and a flourishing City and the most populous of all the cities in Europe vntill for their better defence they were constrained to pull downe all their suburbes and albeit the siege held not full fiue moneths yet such was the extremitie of famine vnto all the inhabitants as it may well be said to be greater and more miserable then either the siege of Samaria or Ierusalem for after they had eaten vp all manner of herbage and carrian and all manner of moist leather with whatsoeuer else they could get to eate they did eate many children concerning which and many other memorable and capitall Accidents you may reade more at large in my larger Chronicle Yet sith I haue speken thus much of France I will also for thy further delight giue thee a touch of some of the chiefe ancient Kings thereof Faramond was the first King of France in the yeere 431 and raigned 11 yéeres Clodouius alias Clouis was the fift King of France in the yeare 485 he was the first King of France that was christened he was baptized by S. Remy Arch-bishop of Reynes after diuers victories vpon his enemies and had enlarged his territories Pope Anastasius sent him the name and title of Patrician and Consull with a crowne of gold richly adorned with precious stones At this time the Arrian heresie much troubled Christendome Clotarius alias Cotane the first seuēth King of France his son Cranus w t a strong faction rebelled against him whō he ouerthrew in battaile tooke him prisoner burned him his wife and children and the chiefe of his seruants Pepinus alias Pepin the Briefe began in the yeere 750. He instituted the Parliament at Paris Carolus Magnus alias Charles le Maine so called for his many noble Acts which he did for the generall good of Christendome beganne his raigne in the yéere 800 hee was King of France forty six yeares and Emperor thirtéene yeares and died at 71 yeares of age On Wednesday in Easter wéeke by shooting of a Gunne in the Towne of Vlfringhampton in Staffordshire about the number of 80 houses were burned In the moneth of April 3000 footmen were sent from hence into Britaine in France vnder the conduct of Sir Iohn Norris Knight to ioyne with the Prince sonne of the Duke Mountpoinsier and Generall of the French Kings forces in the Prouince which company were often since supplied About this time as I am informed Robert Iohnson a zealous Minister Preacher and Parson of Northlumffingham in the County of Rutland finding the poore of those quarters to be vnprouided for and no Grammer Schoole erected in that country for edification of youth at his owne proper costs and charges caused two faire free Gramer Schools to be builded in Okam and Vppingham the two market townes of that shire and in each of them prouided a Schoolemaster and an Vsher more he caused Hospitals to be builded in the said Towns both called Christs Hospitall in euery of which may be placed twenty foure poore people and for their maintenance héere he bought and procured lands of the Quéen with a corporation mortmaine for the same This man hath left a good example to the other Ministers and Preachers to the glory of God for hee preached both by word and life not to inrich himselfe but was bountifull to the poore both in his own Parish where he was maried and kéepeth a good house and also in the Towne of Stamford where hee was borne in which Towne for many yeares together hee caused forty poore mens children to be taught at his charges The 21 of September being the Feast of Saint Mathew in the afternoone was a great stir at Lincolnes Inne by Prentisrs and others against young Gentlemen students at Law there for some rude demeanore late before by them done against the inhabitants of Chancerie Lane which had like to haue growne to great mischiefe had not the same béene by wise Magistrats soone appeased for the vprore grew great and violent suddenly Nicholas Mosley Robert Brooke Sir Iohn Allot Fishmonger the 28 of Oct Hee deceased in the moneth of September next following and sir Rowland Heyward clothworker serued out the rest of that yéere In the moneth of Ianuarie one Nichols a Purueyer for conuerting to his owne vse certaine prouision taken for her Maiesty was hanged for example to other the like purueyers The 16 of Iuly Edmond Copinger and Henry Artington Gentlemen came into Cheap and there in a carre proclaimed newes from heauen as they said to wit that one William Hacket Yeoman represented Christ by partaking his glorified body by his principall spirit and that they were two Prophets the one of mercie the other of Iudgment called and sent of God to assist him in his great work