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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07894 A briefe chronicle, of the successe of times, from the creation of the world, to this instant· Containing, the originall & liues of our ancient fore-fathers, before and after the Floude, as also, of all the monarchs, emperours, kinges, popes, kingdomes, common-weales, estates and gouernments, in most nations of this worlde: and how in alteration, or succession, they haue continued to this day. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1611 (1611) STC 18263; ESTC S112963 308,814 636

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kings treasury was hanged at Mont-faucon which hee himselfe first caused to be made Lewes tooke first to wife Margaret Daughter to Robert Duke of Burgundy by whom he had a Daughter Next he married Constance whom he left with child of a Sonne named Iohn that liued but eyght daies This King raigned but xviij months died at Boys de Vinciennes and is buried at S. Denis 48 Phillip the fift Surnamed the Long succéeded after his Brother Lewes Hutin in the kingdome being called Long in regard of his tal stature and slendernesse The Duke of Burgundie would haue troubled his possession of the crown in regarde of his Daughters Daughter but the Salique Law did not fauour him therein This King Phillip married Iane Daughter to Otholine Earle of Burgundy by whom hee had three daughters The first married with the Sonne to the Duke of Burgundy the second the Sonne to the Earle of Flaunders and the thirde to the Daulphine of Viennois by which marriages all Warres were asswaged in Fraunce During his raigne diuers Leapers and Lazers procured thereunto by the Iewes poysoned all the welles which caused a great Pestilence thorough the Kingdom but both the one and other were grieuously punnished therefore Neuer coulde this King obtaine of his people any impost or Taxation by him leuied He made a Law that there shold be in his kingdom but one kind of weight one measure and one money commanding that it should be duely kept But while this was in execution he died without any heires male hauing raigned fiue yeares in peace and lieth buried at S. Denis In these times certaine Troopes of Countrey people that were called Pastors and Shepherds arose againe in Fraunce as formerly some had done in the time of King Lewes the ninth These men made their vaunt that they would crosse the Seas and go warre against the Infidels They had two chiefe men of marke among them and wel beseeming such an assembly to wit a Priest that for his mis-behauiour was expulsed his Church and an Apostata Monke of the Order of S. Bennet These two fellowes so abused the hearts and beléefe of the poore popularity that silly Shepheards left their Flocks and Laborers their Manuall trades to follow these two impostures who made them verily beleeue that the Holy Land could be recouered by none but them In conclusion this heape of Rascality was quailed in Languedoc because in stead of preparing their fury against the Infidels and passing the Seas they fell vpon the Iewes whom the king had repealed into France 49 Charles le Bell Son to Phillip the fourth succéeded after his Brother in the year 1321. and likewise was King of Nauarre as his thrée predecessors had bin He had thrée wiues Blaunch whom he diuorced for her adultery Marie and Margaret Iourdain de l'Isle albeit hee was Nephew to Pope Iohn the two and twentieth was hanged and strangled at Paris for his strange offences This King fel to concord with the English appeased the Earle of Flaunders and drewe his people to a mutuall Reconciliation He was a great Iusticer raigned seauen yeares dyed at Boys de Vinciennes and is buried at Saint Denis By his death the second branch of the Capets called De Valois came to the Royalty and began in 50 PHillip de Valois Coozin Germaine to the thrée precedent Kings dying without heire male his succession was in the yeare 1328. His right to the Crowne was dearely disputed betweene him and King Edward the third of England Son to the Sister of the thrée forenamed Kings who preferring his Mothers Title would néeds be King of France contrary to the Decrée of the Law Salique and consent of al the States He did king Phillip homage for Guyenne and Ponthieu but being not well pleased therewith cut him off quite from Flanders Bretaigne Germany Crecy where Phillip lost the day with the very flower of al the French Nobility taking Calais also by their flight Truce being taken betwéene both the Kings Edward of England had both the Title of king and Armes of France or conquest which euer after was attributed to him his Phillip raigned 22. yeares died at Nogent and lieth buried at S. Denis 51 Iohn Sonne to Phillip de Valois succee-his Father in the yeare 1350. proouing as vnfortunate in those tempestuous times as his father had done before him He married Ioane Countesse of Bolongne by whom he had foure sonnes and one Daughter Raoull the Constable of France was beheaded in prison In the day at Poictiers King Iohn was taken by the English and carried into England which imprisonment of his caused many pittifull Tragedies the most furious whereof were acted in the chiefe Citties of France Foure yeares after King Iohn passed into England for the fréedome of his Ostages but there he died at London hauing raigned 13. yeares His sonne caused his body to be brought to S. Denis 52 Charles the fift Sonne to King Iohn succéeded his Father in the yeare 1364. Hee sustained very great troubles during the captiuitie of his father by a commotion which the k. of Nauar raised at Paris who was aided by the merchants of the saide Citty and woulde haue had the Regency but that Charles being then Daulphine made opposition against him He dealte for the ransome and deliueraunce of his Father after whose decease he was crowned King Hee tooke to Wife Ioane Daughter to Charles Duke of Burbon by whom he had three Sonnes and one daughter He maintained great warres against the English hauing at one instant fiue seueral Armies in field against them because they were such potent enemies And to supply so mightie a charge he was faine to lay a heauie taxation vpon wine and Salt Bertrand de Guesclin a most worthy Knight was then his high Constable And the Bastille at Paris was then builded A sedition happened at Montpellier and six hundred of the seditious were executed This King was surnamed the Wise for his deep discretion goodnesse and gouernment He so loued Learning that he caused the Holy Bible to be translated into the French Language which remaineth yet in the Royal Cabinet of the Louure with many other good Bookes beside Hee had stil an eye to Iustice sitting daily to hear causes and ordering all his affayres by Counsel With much adoo he regained some Townes from the English in Poictu and Xaintonge Hee raigned sixteene yeares yeelded his soule to God at Chasteau de Beaute and lieth buried at S. Denis The Sect of the Turlupins was then abolished See Emil. Lib. 9. 52 Charles the sixt sonne of Charles the fift was crowned King at the age of fouretéen years being vnder the gouernment of his Vnckles the Dukes of Berry Burgundy and the Duke of Aniou who got into their custody many millions of Gold left by the King deceast And then no Money being to bee found the people were charged with heauy
impositions whereby great seditions happened at Paris Rouen and Orleaunce The King tooke into the Armes of France againe the thrée Floure-de-Luces onely and fell sicke of a Phrenzy by reason of two factions in his Court the Dukes of Berry and Burgundy against the Dukes of Orleaunce and Bourbon whereby many lamentable mishaps ensued The Princes tooke the gouernment into their hands and diuision happening concerning the treasure the Duke of Burgundy caused the Duke of Orleaunce to bee slaine at Paris and the Duke of Burgundy was slaine at Montereau Phillip his Sonne craued ayde of the English who presently tooke well neere all Normandy beside the vnhappy day to the French of Agincourt or Azincourt where many wo●ull Tragedies were acted on the Theater of France by the English Burgundians and the Kings Mother who was imprisoned at Paris The King of England maried Madame Katherine of France The Duke of Burgundy deliuered him the King the Quéene and the Citty of Paris where he caused him to be crowned King and many other Citties and Towns were deliuered him beside King Charls hauing raigned forty two yeares died at Paris and lieth buried at Saint Denis His raigne was long but full of calamity 54 Charles the seauenth Sonne to Charles the sixt was made King in the yeare 142. Hée found his Kingdome possessed in all partes by the English Paris and the greater part of the Realme beeing then commaunded by the Duke of Bedford Regent for young Henry King of England who called himselfe King of Fraunce held his Parliament at Paris was there crowned king and made the Seale and Monies also in his own name King Charles hauing nothing else but the Countries of Poictu Berry and Orleaunce whereon the English in a mockery called him the king of Bourges They went to besiedge the Cittie of Orleaunce but they were thence repulsed by the French Captaines For they had a Maide in their Company who was called Ioan the Pucelle and they verily beléeued that she was sent of God for the succour of King Charles and to chase the English out of France The King after the discomfiture of the English néere to Partenay was conducted to Rheimes and there crowned But the English got the Pucelle and burned her at Rouen The King made peace with the Duke of Burgundy who foorthwith left the English and afterward recouered Paris and Normandy from them King Charles raigned 38. yeares and lieth buried at S. Denis 55 Lewes the eleuenth succéeded his Father in the yeare 1461. beeing then in Burgundy whence the Duke conuayed him to Rheimes where he was crowned Hée found a number of notable Enemies both Domesticall and Forraigne For his Lords made warre against him which they tearmed The Weale-publike warre he lost the day to them at Montle-hery Gransson Nancy and Guinegaste The order of S. Michaell was then instituted and Iacques d'Armaguac beheaded His raigne was full of feare suspition and treachery which so pierced his hart that in a long time of dismay after 33. yeares gouernment he died and lieth buried at Nostre Dame de Clery 56 Charles the eight succéeded his Father Lewes in the yeare 1484. being crowned at the age of 14. yeares yet the States méeting at Tours appointed that hee should not haue any Regent Hee sustained a long warre in Bretayne which termined by his marriage with Anne eldest Daughter to Fraunces Duke of Bretayne by whom he had three Sons but could not long enioy any one of them At the request of his Confessour hee rendered to the King of Spaine the Earledomes of Roussillon and Parpignan which his Father had won Being in peace he aduentured to recouer the kingdom of Naples which he did without striking one stroke in full conquest K. Alphonsus and his son Ferdinand being thence retired left Glibert de Montpensier Vice-Roy there Returning home into France he was assailed on the way by the Romans Venitians and them of Milleyne at Fornouë where his person was in great danger the enemies being tenne to one Neuerthelesse hee charged them with such courage that he bare thence the victory He deliuered the Duke of Orleaunce béeing besiedged in Nouarre and made peace with the Duke of Millaine He returned home into France where hee dyed within a yeare after at Amboise as hée stood and beheld the Princes playing at Tennis He raigned fouretéene yeares and lieth buried at S. Denis Thus ended in him the direct ligne of Valois he dying without any heires Masle and then followed the collaterall Issue which began in 57 LEwes the twelft néerest of Kinne to Charles the eight in the yeare 1499. Hée beeing Duke of Orleaunce and also of Valois He repudiated Ioane Daughter to King Lewes the eleauenth whom hee had married perforce and espoused Anne of Bretaigne Widdow to the King his Predecessour He established a Parliament at Rouen gaue orders to the Uniuersitie of Paris sent his Army into Italy tooke Genes and Millayne and Lewes Sforza Duke of Milleyne who dyed a Prisoner in France The Kingdome of Naples was re-taken vnder the conduct of Monsieur d' Aubigny And the King vanquished the Venetians Army at Agnadell where hée tooke Bartholmew their Leader albeit the Pope banded with the Venetians against him Gaston de Foix tooke Boulongne and wonne the battaile néere to Rauenna where he was slaine by chasing the enemies ouer-far and yet notwithstanding the victory remained to the French with surprizall of the Cittie and many Captaines and great persons taken Prisoners Hereupon the Pope raised many heauy enemies against him whom in the ende hee woorthily vanquished He raigned 17. yeares and lieth buried at S. Denis 58 Frances de Valois as néerest of Kin succéeded King Lewes in the yeare 1515. This King bare such affection to learning that he was sir-named The Father and Restorer of the Sciences At his beginning he ouercame the Switzers took Millaine and Fontarabie Afterward being desirous to winne the Townes belonging to the Dutchy of Millaine and to bring his siedge before Pauia hee was taken Prisoner in the yeare 1524. and carried Captiue into Spaine Fraunce was then very greatly afflicted not only by this disaster but by a great Famine because the Corne was frozen vppe in the Earth The King was deliuered by a treaty holden at Madrill and married Elianor Sister to Charles the fift Emperour peace beeing then concluded in the yeare 1535. The King possessed himselfe of Sauoy Piedmont repulsing the Emperour out of Prouence But peace beeing made for tenne yeares the Emperour passed thorough Fraunce with very great entertainement War began in the Low-Countries which after many alarmes was accorded in the yeare 1544. euen then when the English won Bullen The King deceased at Rambouillet hauing raigned 32. yeares an lieth buried at S. Denis 59 Henry the second succéeded his father Frances de Valois in the yeare 1547. No way degenerating from the laudable
was also yeelded vp after it hadde endured 17000. Cannon shot and more Beside vpon some discontentment betwéene the Earle of Leicester and the States the Quéene called home the said Earle into England and the Lord Willoughby remayned there Generall of the English forces The sundry worthy seruices both by him and the English performed with the Spanish vndoubted hopes of Englands cōquest in the dreadfull yeare of 1588. Prince Maurice his entrance into the Netherlands regiment and the Duke of Parmaes wars in France all these I passe ouer referring such as desire farther satisfaction therein to the large History of the Netherlands The Prince of Parma dying at Artas after his retreate from Rouen the second of September 1592. Maurice of Nassan borne Prince of Orange Marquesse of La Vere and of ●ing c. was made great Captaine and Admirall Generall of the vnited Prouinces of the Low●countries by the Estates And Ernestus Arch-duke of Austria was also made Lieutenant Gouernour and Captaine Generall for Phillip King of Spaine Prince Maurice proouing very successefull in his warlike artemptes a Renegate or Apostat Priest in the habite of a Souldier was corrupted by the Arch-Duke Ernestus to murther the Prince Maurice at Breda and vppon his owne confession thereof hée was executed at the Hage Afterward vppon Prince Maurice his valiant surprisall of Gronning Ernestus hadde dealt in like manner with a Souldier named Peter du Four who had sometime serued in the company of the Guarde to Prince Maurice ●o vndertake the murdering of him at Lillo the which treason beeing confessed by the man himselfe he was executed in the Towne of Berghen vp-zoom Here might much be said of the honorable seruices of Sir Frances Vere and others but our purposed breuity is the onely imbarment and the Netherlandes History at large may thereof discharge me The Arch-Duke Ernestus dyed the twenty one day of February 1595. Mo●dragons forces defeated by Prince Maurice and La Motte slaine before Dourlaus the Estates vnder the King of Spaine gladly sought peace with the vnited Prouinces and sent Articles in writing to Prince Maurice for consideration of their motion This was not done but vppon good aduise in the King of Spaine perceyuing the Netherlandes and Prince Maurice his great fortunes against him adding euery daie more and more to his vtter abolition thence Hereupon Albertus the Cardinall Brother to deceased Ernestus Arch-Duke of Austria was sent by the King to gouerne there for him many Easterlings and Netherland ships which had bin staied in Spain to méet the Indian fléete were suddenly released and Phillip of Nassau who is now Prince of Orange and Earle of Buron that had long time béene restrained of his liberty in Spain for better countenancing the intended businesse he likewise was sent along with the Cardinall Albertus The Cardinall being made Gouernour for the King de Spaine tooke Callice from the French King as his first peece of seruice but for losse thereof he recouered La-fere from the Spaniards Whereuppon the Cardinall besiedged Hulst in Flanders which yeilded in the end but it was a deare purchase to the Cardinall for this siedge continuing some two months cost him the liues of aboue threescore valiant Captaines besides other Commanders Collonels and men of mark and ●bou● fiue thousand well approued souldiers Then did the king of Spaine dispense with himselfe for payment of his debtes which made many Merchants in Spaine Italy Antwerp Amsterdam and Middlebourg to become Banquerouts A league was made betwéen the French King the Quéene of England and the States against the Spaniardes and then did Prince Maurice goe to Tournhoult where the Earle of Varax was slaine Amiens also was surprised by the Spaniardes but soone besiedged and recouered by the French King albeit the Cardinall offered succour which prooued in vaine Prince Maurice besiedged and tooke the Townes of Alpen Meurs Rhinberg Groll Brefort Enscheyde Oldenzeel Otmarsom Goor and Lingen all which seruices he performed in thrée monthes Then hapned another treacherous plot against the life of Prince Maurice by perswasion of the Iesuites at Doway and vnder-taken by Peter Panne a Cooper by Trade but beeing then a Broaker or Banquerout Merchant who hauing receiued the Sacrament to performe the déede either with Knife Ponyard or Pistoll the Prouinciall of the Iesuites made a long Sermon to encourage him in the action and assuring him of Paradice if he performed it vsed these wordes to him besides Goe in peace for thou shalt go like an Angell in the guard of God But the man beeing terrifyed in conscience discouered the whole Treason without any compulsion and was therefore executed at Leyden in Holland The King of Spaine growing weake and sickly gaue his Daughter the Infanta named Isabella Clara Eugenia in marriage to the Arch-duke Cardinall Albertus with transaction of the Netherlands and Bourgogne whereupon hee left his Cardinals habit went to fetch the Infanta Soone after died the King of Spaine on the 13. day of September Anno 1598. being seuenty one yeares old add foure months The Arch-Duke and the Infanta beeing come into the Neatherlandes had their instalment at Brussels Louaine Antwerp c. The Emperour sent to the States concerning a peace but theyr resolution held to make warre in Flanders Then happened the siedge and memorable battaile of Nieuport where Prince Maurice tooke dyuers Fortes from the Spanyards and ouer-threw the Arch-dukes Army he being there in person but gladly fled away leauing his Armes Horse of Combate all his Houshold Artillerie and baggage behind him and lost 6000. men beside 800. taken Prisoners among whom was Don Francesco de Mendoza Admirall of Arragon Marquesse of Guadaleste and Lieutenant Generall of the Arch-Dukes Army who was led to Oostend Don Baptista de Villa noua led to Horne in Holland Don Alonzo Ricquell to Delft Don Gonzalo Hernandes de Spinola to Vtrecht Don Pedro de Montenegro to the Hague Don Pedro de Valasco to Berghen with Don Francisco de Torres Don Antonio de Mendoza Don Pedro de Leusina to Enchuisē besides the Arch-dukes thrée Pages Count Carlo Rezi Don Diego de Guzman and Mortier Don Pedro de Monte-maior his chiefe taster likewise his Phisition Barber Harbinger Rider Cook Porter the Grooms of his Chamber most of the Archers and Halberdiers of his Guard and in a manner all his houshold with thrée Priestes or Monkes 40. Auncients and 37. Pentioners tearmed by them Ancient and Sergeants reformed He lost also sixe pieces of Ordynance 136. Ensignes of foot taken and fiue Cornets of horse comprehending the Mutiners Standerd and the recouered lost Colours Moreouer on the Arch-Dukes side were slaine the Earle of Saume the Earle of La Fere the Seneshall of Montelimar the Baron of Pimereull Chassy Ortigny Son to the President Richadot Don Gaspar de Sapena Colonel who dyed at Oost-end
crowne of England and after much contention being taken and committed Prisoner vnto Cardiffe Castle in VVales after 26. yeares imprisonment hee there dyed and was buried at Glocester Maud King Henries Daughter was maried to the Emperor Henry but his other children William Duke of Normandy his Sister Marie Countesse of Perch Richard Earle of Chester with his Brother Otwell Gouernor to Duke William and the saide Earle of Chester his wife the Kinges Neece with diuers others to the number of 140. persons beside 50. Marriners following the king out of Normandie were all drowned King Henry raigned 35. years died in the Forrest of Lyons in Normandie and was buried in the Abbey of Reading which he had founded In this king Henry first of that name ended the line of the Norman kings concerning their heires male who had raigned about 69. yeares and then began the French by Title of the heyres generall Stephen Earle of Bullen and Mortaigne son to Stephen Earle of Bloys by Adela Daughter to king William the Conquerour vsurped the crowne from Maud the Empresse and her young sonne Henry which caused great Warres betweene him and her and very miserable times to the people till by an assembly of the Lordes at Winchester Articles of peace and agreement were concluded King Stephen raigned eyghteene yeares ten moneths and three and twenty dayes and was buried in the Abby of Feuersham in Kent Henry sur-named Fitz-Empresse and Shortmantle succeeded next in the crown of England He expelled strangers out of the Land and had a long and troublesome contention with Thomas Becket Arch-Bishop of Canterburie Hee crowned his sonne Henry as fellow-King with him which procured him much mollestation by meanes of his Quéene and his other sonnes In his time was the conquest of Ireland Dublin and Waterford being woon by Earle Strongbow He had diuers Concubines but especially fayre Rosamond whom he kept in a Labyrinth at Woodstock where she was poysoned by Q. Elianor King Henry the second raigned 34. yeares nine months and two dayes and dying was buried at Font-Euerard in the Dutchy of Alanson In him ended the raigne both of the Normans and French-men ouer the Realme of England Richard Earle of Poictiers and second Son to King Henry was crowned King at Westminster He went to the Holy-land and performed many worthy seruices there his brother Iohn in his absence aspired to rule the whole land being prouoked thereto by the French king As King Richard besiedged the Castle of Chalus Cheuerel he was wounded with an impoysoned quarrell shot at him by one Barturam de Gurden or Peter Bazile whereof he dyed hauing raigned nine yeares nine moneths and odde daies and was buried at Font-Euerard Iohn Lord of Ireland Earle of Mortaign and Glocester brother to king Richard was crowned at westm He had long tedious contentions with his Barons as also with the pope by whose meanes Lewes the French kinges sonne was drawne into the businesse had the crowne offered him by the Lords whereon he wrought great spoile in the Land King Iohn raigned 17. years six months and 27. dayes and dying by poyson was buried at VVorcester Henry third of that name and eldest Son to King Iohn succeeded immediately after his Father albeit he was but nine yeares old the Barons and French Lewes being still very mollestuous against whom VVilliam Marshal Earle of Pembroke was chiefe Generall of the Kings forces and preuayled worthily This King Henry raigned 56. yeares and 27. dayes and was buried at Westminster Edward eldest Sonne to King Henrie and Surnamed Long-shankes was crowned at Westminster after his returne home from the Holy Land This King conquered Wales and deuided it into Shyres and banished the Iewes for euer out of England Hauing raigned 34. yeares seauen months and twenty dayes hee dyed and was buried at VVestminster Edward of Carnaruon sonne to King Edward the first succeeded in the kingdome after his Father This king did ouermuch affect an Esquire of Gascoigne called Pierce Gauaston and disshonoured many of his Lords to aduance him as he did the like by the two Spensers the Father and Sonne At length he was imprisoned by his Barons with helpe of the Queene and Prince and then deposed when he had raigned nineteene yeares sixe months and seauenteene dayes Edward the third son to king Edward the second was crowned at Westminster in his Fathers life time Flanders yeelded themselues all their Townes to King Edward and laying claime to the Crowne of France in right of his Mother Queen Isabell he entred that land with a puissant army and quartered the Armes of France with his owne of England He deuised the woorthy Order of the Garter and Prince Edward Surnamed the Blacke Prince beside his famous victories in Fraunce reseated Don Peter king of Castile in his kingdom which his bastard Brother Henrie vsurped against him K. Edward the third raigned fifty yeares and fiue monethes and dying at Sheene was buried at Westminster Richard second of that name son to Edward the Blacke Prince being about eleauen yeares old succeeded after his Grand-father King Edward the Duke of Lancaster and the Earle of Cambridge being Protectors of the yong kings person The rebellion of Iacke Straw and Wat Tyler with the Essex and Kentishmen then hapned and the worthy act of William Walworth Lord Maior of London in arresting the traitor Great stormes arose betweene the king and hys Nobles because he had let to Farme the realme of England to Lords that abused the king and much misgouerned him sending abroad blanke Charters c. Whereupon in the end Articles were framed against the king and he committed to the Tower of London Henrie Surnamed Bullingbrooke sonne to Iohn of Gaunt being proclaimed king and Richard quite depryued when he had raigned 22. years three months nine dayes Dying hee was buried at Langley Henry Plantagenet borne at Bullingbroke in the County of Lincolne beeing Cosin-Germaine to king Richard the second succeeded next by Richards depriuation and entailed the crown to him and his heires Owen Glendoure with his VVelchmen entered into Rebellion against the king and did put him in great daunger of his life by Treason by conueying a Caltrop into his bed This king Henry raigned 13. yeares and odde months and was buried at Canterburie with great solemnity Henry of Monmouth sonne and heire to king Henry the fourth succeeded after his father Hee vrged his title to France and fought the famous battell at Agin-court Hee raigned nine yeares sixe months and foure daies and dying at Boys de Vinciennes in France was buried at Westminster Henry of windsore being but nine moneths olde did yet succeed in his lawfull right He was also crowned king of France at Paris and had his time troubled with many grieuous combustions both abroad and at home as also diuers foughten battailes
kingdomes of England and Scotland hath vnited them in one sole Monarchy of Great Britaine Long may hee raigne to Gods glory and comfort of his Kingdomes ¶ A briefe Catalogue of the Princes of Wales from the time that King Edward the first had conquered Wales to this instant 1. EDward borne at Caernaruon therefore called Edward of Caernaruon being Sonne to king Edward of England first of that name was the first Prince of Wales of the English bloud after the death of Prince Lhewelyn and came to Chester in the 29. year of his fathers raigne where he receiued the homage of the frée-holders of Wales 2 Edward of Windsore beeing eldest son to king Edward the second in the 15. yeare of his fathers raigne was created Prince of VVales and Duke of Aquitaine in a Parlament holden at Yorke 3 Edward borne at Woodstock sonne and heyre to king Edward the third in the 17. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of Wales at London This Prince was surnamed the Blacke Prince hee tooke Iohn the French King prisoner and dyed in the 46. yeare of his age his father yet liuing 4 Richard sonne to Edward the Black Prince was created Prince of Wales at Hauering in the Bower in the fiftie yeare of king Edward the 3. his Grandfather and was afterward king of England by the name of king Richard the second 5 Henry of Monmouth sonne and heire to king Henry the fourth was in the first yeare of his fathers raigne created Prince of Wales at VVestminster 6 Edward of Westminster sonne and heyre to king Henry the sixt in the 31. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of wales and Earle of Chester at westminster 7 Edward eldest sonne of king Edward the 4. borne in the Sanctuary at Westminster in the 11. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of Wales and Earle of Chester at London He was afterward king of England by the name of Edward the fift but neuer crowned because both he and his Brother were made away by the treachery of their Vnckle Richard Duke of Glocester that vsurped the Crowne 8 Edward the onely Sonne of king Richard the third being a child of ten years olde in the first yeare of the said kings raign was created prince of wales at London 9 Arthur sonne and heire to king Henrie the seuenth in the fift yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of wales at London dying at Ludlow Castle in the 17. yeare of his fathers raigne was buried with great Funerall solemnity at Worcester 10 Henry Duke of Yorke son to King Henry the seauenth and Brother vnto Prince Arthur was after the saide Princes death in the ninetéenth yeare of his Fathers raigne created Prince of Wales and was afterward King of England by the name of King Henry the 8. In the 26. yeare of his raigne the Principality and Countrey of Wales was by Parliament incorporated and vnited vnto the Kingdome of England and all the Inhabitants thereof made equall in freedomes liberties rightes priuiledges lawes and in all other respects to the naturall subiects of England 11 Edward sonne to King Henry the eight and borne at Hampton Court the Principality of Wales being incorporated as hath bin sayde to the Crowne and kingdome of England was no otherwise Prince of Wales then vnder the generall Title of England as the King his Father was king of England and vnder the name king of Wales as it being a member of England Nor do I read of any other creation or inuesture that he had in that Principality He was King after his Father by the name of K. Edward 6. 1 Marie Daughter to King Henry the eight by the Princesse Katherine Dowager Widdow of Prince Arthur was Princesse of Wales 2 Elizabeth Daughter also to King Henrie t●e eight was in a Parliament in the 25. yeare of her Fathers raigne declared Princesse and Inheretrix of the crowne of England with all dominions to the same belonging and therefore was as her Sister Princesse of Wales All these fore-named Princes of Wales were created solemnely by and in Court of Parliament except three which were Richard the second Edward the fifte and Edward Sonne to Richard the thyrde Those that were created out of Parliament were Princes whose fortunes proued hard and disastrous For Richard the second was deposed and after murdered Edward the fift was also murdered in the Tower of London and Edward sonne to Richard the thirde dyed within three moneths after as a iust iudgement of God for his Fathers wickednesse 12. Henrie sonne and heire to our dread Soueraigne King Iames in the eight yeare of his Fathers raigne ouer England c. was created in the Court of Parliament at Westminster Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Rothsay Earle of Chester and Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter The strong arme of Heauen be his continuall keeper and defender Briefe Obseruations not vnfitly annexed to this our short Summary of England ¶ Of Bishopprickes and their circuites CAnterbury erected first by Augustine the Monke in the time of Ethelbert king of Kent by prouincial regiment reacheth ouer all the South and west parts of this Lande and Ireland also and there are few shyres wherein the Arch-byshop hath not some peculiets But in it selfe as from the beginning was and is proper to the See It extendeth but ouer one parcell of Kent which Rudburne calleth Cantwarland the Iurisdiction of Rochester including the rest so that in this one County both the greatest Archbishopricke and least Bishoppricke are vnited together Canterbury hath vnder it one Arch-deaconry that hath iurisdiction ouer 11. Deanries or 161. Parish Churches In time of popery vndername of first fruites it paide to Rome at euery alienation 10000. Ducats or Florens beside 5000. which the new elect did vsually pay for his pall each ducat being then worth an English Crowne Rochester included within the limits of Kent was erected also by Augustine in the raygne of Ceolrijc ouer the west-Saxons It hath one Arch-Deacon whose gouernement in spirituall causes ruleth 3. Deanries or 132. parish Churches whereby appeareth that in Kent are 393. parish churches whereof the saide two Arch-deacons haue cure and charge It paid to Rome at the bishops admission 1300. Ducats or Florens London was erected at first by king Lucius who made it an Archbishops See as in due place hath already bin remembred and so it continued till Augustine translated that title to Canterbury It includeth Essex Middlesex and parte of Hertfordshire containing in quantity the ancient Kingdome of the East Angles before it was vnited to the West-Saxons It hath foure Arch-deaconries viz. London Essex Middlesex and Colchester that haue vnder them 363. parish Churches beside peculiers The Archdeaconry of S. Albanes was added thereto by king Henry the eight which hath also 25. parishes whereof foure are in Buckingham the rest in Hertfordshire It payed to Rome
liberty The deedes of Clodion for enlarging his Kingdome 450 The beginning of the Kinges of France in generation Attila with his Hunnes inuaded Gaule The ●ight of Attila out of Oval When Gaul began to be cald Franc● 460 The incontinent life of Childerick Childebert wronged his dearest frend The first Christian K. of France The Romaines Dominion ended in France How Clouis conuerted and becam a Christian by means of his Queene The Emperour sent Clouis a Crowne of Gold 515. Foure kings raigning together in France Clothaire Childebert warre in Spaine 559 Clothaire Sole-Monarch of the Gaules 567 Cherebert an vnchast King 157 Fredegond Concubine to Chilperick F●edegonde caused the King to bee murdered 587 Childebert seeketh to reuenge his fathers death Fredegonde a woman of great spirit Brunehault executed 631. The building of the Church of S. Denis Iewes banished out of France 645 The treachery of Grimoald Maire of the Pallace Clouis sole Monarch of the Gaules The care of Clouis for feeding the poore 663 The Maires of the Pals lace ouerrule the Kings 666 Childerick was slaine in hunting and his Q. also 680 Landresill murdered by Ebroin Pepin Heristel Maire of the Pallace 694. The woorthy deeds of Pepin Heristell 698 The power and authority of Pepin Heristel Charles Martell Bastard sonne to Pepin Heristell 716. Hermanfroy Maire of the Pallace Hermanfroy preuailed against Thibaulte 720 Charls Martell maire great Gouernour of France 722 The subtle pollicy of Charls Martell 727 Charles Martel ruled the whol kingdome Charles Martell made a gret slaughter of the Sarrazins 741 The death of Charles Martel who left three Sonnes Pepin maketh means to inioy the Kingdome The death of Childerick and his wife 751 Pepin aideth Rome against the Lombards Pepin instituted the Court of parliament Robert the Deuill 768 Charlemain made Emp of the west And the first that was called most Christian King The ending of the Lombards kingdome The vnfortunate battaile of Ronceuaux The twelue Peeres of Fraunce 816 Great difference betweene the Sonne and Father The sons in Armes against theyr father and their vsage to him The Lordes of Fraunce release their Emperour 843 The Normans became Maisters almost of all France K. Charles poysoned by his phisition 879 The Pope escaped out of prison 881 The base sons of Lewes made Kings The strange death of both the Kinges 186 A dishonorable composition with the Normans A great sl●ughter of the Normans Charles le Gros expulsed from the Empire kingdom 891 Charles the Simple sent for out of England crowned K. 900 Neustria now named Normandy Charles cōpelled to resigne his Kingdome 927 Hugh the great Cou●t of Paris Lewes d' Outremer or of beyond-Sea Raoull died very strange lie 929. Hebert Earl of Vermandois executed 956 The death of Hugh the great Earl of Paris 986 Charls duke of Lorraine seeketh to be King D. Charles disabled by Hugh Capet 987 D. Charles and his wife Children surprized by treason 997 The vertues of Robert son to Hugh Capet His Wiues children 1030. The ending of the kingdome of Burgundy The King of the Russians 1061. The conquest of England by William the Bastard 1110 The Pope flieth for refuge into France Knights Templers Chartreux Monkes 1138 1300. persons ●u●ned in a church A marriage betweene England France 1181. Vertuous deedes in a King Fifty thousand men slain in one battaile 1224 1227 Peace between Englande and France Peazants ari●e and do great hurt in France K. of France cald a Saint 1271 The Sicili-Vespres 1286. A Booke written by the King The Popes Buls against the King burned The Popes See was brought to Auignon 1314 Enguerrand executed at Mont-faucon 1316. Marriages make peace in France Another rising of Peazants in France 1321 Iourdain de l'Isle hanged at Paris 1328. The Battell of Crecy great losse of the French 1350. King Iohn as a prisoner brought into England 1364. Fiue armies at one time againste the English The Bibles first verssion into the French tongue 1380 〈…〉 Factions in the Court of France The King of England crowned in France 1423 Ioane the Pucelle of France 1461 The order of S. Michael instituted 1484. The Kingdom of Naples wonne by the French 1499 The kingdome of Naples reconquered Gaston de Foix. 1515 The King carried prisoner into Spaine The English wonne Bullen 1547. S. Laurance day at Saint Quintines King Henry hurt in ●●lting died soone after 155● The tumult of Amboise 1560 Anthony of Bourbon Lieutenant Generall The bloudy massacre at Paris 1574 The holy League or Vnion The King murdered by a Iacobine Fryer 1589. Iacques Clement Francis Rauilliart 1610. * A people neere to the Se●thians Battauia is Holland Zeland named by Zelandus 863 The two Sonnes of Counte Haghen Thierry Earl of Holland Zeland and Lord of Frizeland The Frizelanders rebell againe A dreadfull Comet Ecclipses and earthquakes Adelbold Byshop of Vtrecht 1039. The Bishops of Cullen and Liege 1048. Two millitary Stratagems 1063. Robert the Frizon Robert Earl of Flanders 1077 The Crook backt duke of Lorraine The Fryzons conquered in two battels 1119 Dider duke of Sauoy 1133 Lotharius Conrade Emperors 11●3 Earledomes of Ostergo Westergoe 1166 The Dam or Sluce called dogs Sluce 1208. L. William of Holland 1198. 1203. The gouernmet of a Woman despised Women beat Men with Distaues and stones 121● Edmund of Lancaster son to the K. of England The wonderful birth of 365. Children This History is auouched for a truth by diuers good Authors Earle William king of the Romans K. William cruelly slain 1290 The History of the death of Earle Floris Aseuere r●uenge for the Earles death 1297 Wolfart of Borssele his secret intention 1300 The end of the race of the Dukes of Aquitain and succession of the Earles of Henault 1301. Iohn de Reuesse drowned 1305 The good Earle william 1316 A wonderfull dearth A straunge example of an vnmercifull Sister A worthy action of Iustice don by this good Earle William 1337 Earle William a worthy souldier 1338 1342 Robert of Arckel gouernour of Vtrecht 1346 Margaret the Empresse Princesse of Holland The factions of Cabillaux and Hoecks 1351. A grear effufion of bloud Mathilda daughter to Henry duke of Lancaster 1358 The Barons of Eughien beheaded 1368. A Sea Woman seen in the Zuyderzee 1401 1404 Phillip the bold Duke of Burgundy 1417 Iohn of Bauaria Byshop of Liege Iohn of Bauaria the Bishop reckoned the 29. Earl of Holland 1463 The Titles of Phillip Duke of Bourgogne The order of the golden Fliece instituted 1467. The Art of printing first inuented The warlike Duke of Bourgogne The Earle of Campobachio 1477 The Duke of Gueldres slaine 1479 Newe tumults of the Cabillaux and Hoecks 1482 Engelbert earl of Nassawe 1491 1494 The Titles of Phillip Arch-duke o● Austria 1497 1503 Iane daughter to Isabel married to the Arch-duke Phillip 1505 1506 1508 1515 1519 1520 Lady Margaret sole Gouernesse 1526 1531. Mary of Austria 1554. 1549.
all the trobles and mollestations The Great Maister hauing gouerned his Order about eighteene yeares and an halfe departed this life in the yeare 1373 31 In the same yeare Robert de Iuliac or of Gulich great Priour of Fraunce was chosen Great-Maister who at the time of his election had the charge of his Priory but vnderstanding the newes he went forthwith to Auignon where he was receiued with great honor an assemblie general of this Knightly Order being then there held and the Great Maister had the gouernment of Smyrna imposed vpon him vnder paine of excommunication At his comming to Rhodes he qualified all the contentions which had hapned in the time of his absence At this time went the Pope to hold his seat at Rome againe which he and his predecessors had kept at Auignon for the space of seauenty one yeares 1376. In which yeare the 29. of Iune dyed the Great Maister and then 32 In his place came Iohn Fernandes d'Heredia a Natiue of Arragon in the Citty of Valentia who was Prior of Cathalognia and Castillian d'Emposta Twice he had bin marryed and chancing to be a Widdower he was made a Knight of Rhodes in the time of Villeneufue who was then Great Maister Being then but a simple Knight hee went to visite the holy Sepulchre and other memorable places in the holie Land He was also Ambassador from Pope Clement the sixt to the Kings Phillip 6. of France and Edward the third of England and did verie good seruice to King Phillip in the yeare 1346. For he being dismounted from his horse on a day of battaile against the English he gaue him his owne horse whereby the King escaped to a place of safety In like manner he fortified the Bastions and new wals of Auignon whereof hee was made Gouernor by the Pope Being great Maister hee tooke his way to Rhodes in the yeare 1377. and being required by the Generall of the Venetians Army to vnite their forces together they went to Morca in the yeare 1378. where they besiedged the Citty of Patras and tooke both it and the Castle The great Maister fighting man to man with the Gouernor of Patras slewe him manfully Afterwarde in an ambuscado of Turkes hee was taken prisoner by reason hee was too well knowne to them Whereuppon to worke his liberty Patras and other places which had bin won from them were re-deliuered to the Turkes And yet notwithstanding they would néeds carrie him with them into Albania where they kept him as a slaue thrée yeares In the year 1381. the great Maisters fréedome was bought with money and hee returning to Rhodes the Ambassadors of Smirna came to desire succour of him In the yeare 1391. Baiazeth Emperour of the Turkes made some preparation to besiege Rhodes whereupon Phillebert de Naillac Priour of Aquitaine was sent by his fellow knights to Auignon with Letters to the great Maister to require aide against Baiazeth Naillac returning to Rhodes in the yeare 1396. Heredia the great Maister died and was buried at Caspa 33 Newes beeing brought to Rhodes that Heredia the great Maister was dead Phillebert de Naillac grand Priour of Aquitaine borne in France succéeded in his roome At the Spring time he was inuited by Sigismond King of Hungaria to come and assist him with his Knights against Baiazeth which hee did in person in the yeare 1397. And then was a battaile fought at Nicopolis where Baiazeth had the victorie the K. of Hungary being glad to saue himselfe and with the Great Master retyred to Rhodes Thither also did the Emperor of Constantinople send all his precious Iewelles to be kept by the Great Maister fearing least Baiazeth shoulde surprize Constantinople But hee was disappointed by Tamberlain who ouercame Baiazeth and kepte him captiue in a Cage of yron so long as he liued and the siege of Constantinople being raised the great Master sent home again the Emperors Iewels After the foyle of Baiazeth the great Maister de Naillac sailed with an army into Caria there builded an inexpugnable fortresse which he named S. Peters Castle in the year 1399. vnder the raigne of Charles the sixt king of France In the yeare 1403. there happened wars betweene the k. of Cyprus and the Genewayes which was pacified and ordered by the wisedome and authority of the great Maister to whom the Soldan of Egypt sent an Ambassador for request of peace In the yeare 1409. the Great Maister gaue his personall assistance in the Counsell of Pisa assembled to quench the Schismes which were then crept into the Church and the guard of the Conclaue was committed to the great Maister when Alexander the fift was elected Pope The sayde Maister was likewise at the generall Counsell of Constance where thrée Popes were deposed and Martine 5. elected an 1414. the guard of the Conclaue being then againe giuen to the great Maister Trauelling into France he held a general assembly of his knights at Auignon afterward at Florence and last at Ancona whence returning to Rhodes an 1420. he held there a general chapter and in the beginning of Iune 1421. he dyed 34 And then in the deads place Anthony de Fluuiano or de Riuers reported to be a natiue of Arragon but more say of England was created Great Maister In his time began the generall Counsell of Basile 1430. And not long after the Soldan of Egypt puft vp with the victory which he wonne at Cyprus brake the Truce and prepared a great Armye with intent to besiedge Rhodes But when hee heard that the Great Maister was prouided of sufficient strength to withstand him he left off his determination and so the Order that way remained in quiet This Great Master founded and endowed a Chappel in the Citty of Rhodes which afterwarde hee made a Church for his Knights And the 29. of October hee died after hee had gouerned in his place with much wisedome 16. years an halfe 35 The sixt of Nouemb. in the same year 1437 Iohn de Lastic borne in Auuergne was elected Great Maister albeit he was absent at his election remained in Auuergne whereof he was prior Before he wold go to Rhodes he made a general assembly of his knightes at Valentia in the month of Decem. 1438. when he cam to Rhodes he began to build the new hospital for sick people which the precedent great M. by his wil had appointed to be done at his expences In his time Pope Eugenius 4. was deposed by the Counsell of Basile and Foelix the fift created in his place who was held at Rome to be an Antipope In the yeare 1440. the Soldane of Egypt beeing come néer to the port of the isle of Cast-Lerouge which appertained to the Knights and from thence turning towards Rhodes he was put to flight by an army of the Knights who had but eight Gallies and in the Soldanes army there were eightéene and there were slaine about seauen hundred Sarazins beside a