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A03250 Troia Britanica: or, Great Britaines Troy A poem deuided into XVII. seuerall cantons, intermixed with many pleasant poeticall tales. Concluding with an vniuersall chronicle from the Creation, vntill these present times. Written by Tho: Heywood. Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641. 1609 (1609) STC 13366; ESTC S119729 272,735 468

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But ere he rests him in his earthy bed He is renown'd for many buildings rare Dunstable Priory Reading Abbey and Windsore fayre Castle that on hye doth sland 15 Duke Bohemond in Asia warres maintaining Was by the Turkes surpriz'd restor'd againe By Tanered who in Puell after raigning Infinite Turkes were by his valour slaine Baldwin defies the Souldan thereby gaining Two famous Townes Now Alphons rules in Spaine Lawes the gro●…e in France in Scotlands rights Malcolms first 〈◊〉 that Alexander ●…ight 16 Alexius did the Gracian Empire sway Henry in Rome the Pope-●…om Pascall guids In Hungary 〈◊〉 Stephen about that day A blazing-Starre appeares and long abides Two Moones are seene and in Flaminia Blood raignes Michaell the Duke of Venice rides Against the Pagans who were made his pray At ●…oppen After in his 〈◊〉 feturne He many of the Emperours townes did burne 17 Charles Earle of flaunders in the Church was slaine By the proud B●…ggis prouost which related William the sonne of Cort-hose did complaine And by French Lewes was next Earle instated Balach the Parthian did proud warres maintaine Gainst Baldwin which was by rough steele debated Baldwin surprizd fayre Stons Towers quite raced And faire Ierusalem once more defaced 18 Stephen Earle of Bulloin sonne to th' Earle of Bloys and Addela next Henry rules as King Though Maud the Empresse had th'applausiue voyce Of many English peeres through which warres spring Gloster and Chester Earles after much choise Of fields and battailes such an Army bring That Stephen is tooke and vnto Bristow sent After releast by London and by Kent 19 These Counties rayse an army and surprize Gloster for whom the Barons change King Stephen Dauid of Scotland doth gainst England rife after much warre then discords are made ecuen By th' Empresse meanes his Barons him despise First Stephen preuailes the Lords their Lands bereauen But gathering head at Wilton they preuaile Where the King flyes whom Gloster doth assaile 20 Henry Ma●…ds sonne after K. Stephens decease Is proclaim'd King which soone attones their strife By which mild Stephen raignes all his dayes in peace His sonne the French Kings Sister takes to wife Gersa the sonne of Bela gan encrease His fame among the Hungars and his life Was fearefull to the Germans Lewes swayd France The Turkes grim Alaph to their Crowne aduance 21 Earle Roger rul'd Sicilia Almany Great Barbarosse Romes Empery Conrade Adrian of England held the Papacy In Scotland raignd Malcolm a beautious mayd The English Iewes at Easter Crucifie A Christian child and life for life they paid Next Stephen King Henry second of that name Sonne to the Empresse Maud the Peeres proclame 22 Thirty fiue yeares his prosperous raigne doth last In which he Englands 〈◊〉 augmented With Scotland Ireland and then further past To th'Orcad Isles whose forces he preuented Brittaine Poictou and Guien he made fast To th' English Crowne 〈◊〉 that but late dissented His sword appeasd and after well protected Which done great Rutland Castle he erected 23 Two Sunnes at once within our skies apeare And in the Moone a bloody Crosfe was seene Lewes of France sent ouer Margaret heere His daughter to be made young Henries Queene By which the discords that both Realmes did feare In this alliance quite dispersed beene Once more the King gainst Scotland is prouoked Pope Adrian drinking with a Fly was choked 24 Vradislaus for his valour showne At Milleins siedge was by the Emperour made Bohemians second King his Armes well knowne A faire red Rampant Lyon Baldwin layde On his blacke hearse Almerious is growne King of Ierusalem who brauely staid Th ` Aegiptian power and in one gloriou●…day Wan from the Souldan Alexandria 25 Now Thomas B●…ket who before had fled To Rome and there complaind him of the King Was to his Sea restor'd after strooke dead In Canterbury Church a p●…tious thing Him Rome Cannoniz'd for a Saint which bred Much superstition Salladine doth bring A puissant host ●…his Conquests he began And by the sword Egipt and Sarry wan 26 Henry King Henries sonne was twice instated And Crown'd in England in his Fathers dayes By which much vprore was by warre debated The sonnes against the father tumults raise The Pope gainst th'Emperour Fredericke animated Fredericke submits and at his foot he layes His princely head whilst with a Lordly checke The Pope his foot sets on the Emperors necke 27 Andronicus hauing his Maister slaine The childe Alexius left to his tuition Three yeares the Gracian Empire doth maintaine Baldwin the fift a Chiln of faire condition Is Crowd in Syon Saladin againe Gainst Palestine doth make new expedition Subdues Ierusalem and ●…nce his dayes The Infidell the holy kingdome sways 28 Henry the sonne before the Father dyes Whose warres his Brother Richard takes in hand And by hostility the King defies Vnable gainst his puissant sonne to stand Sickenesse and griefe of thoughts the King surprise Who dying to Prince Richard leaues the Land Richard in A●…nes a bold reputed Knight Who for his stout heart Cordelyon hight 29 Eleuen full years nine months and twenty dayes He sat inthr●…'d Now Bayliffes first begun In London many Christian princes raise Fresh powers to gaine Ierusalem late wun Almaine France England Burgoine whom most praise To this Sicilia Venice Pysa run And quell the Pagans Richard Cipresse tooke And Acon where the French King him forsooke 30 Frederick the Empetor hauing late subdude The lesse Armenia where his Fame was sowned Through greatest part of Asia gan inttude And of that Tri-part world was soueraigne Crowned But by misfortune or by rashnes●…ude Was after in the flood Selephins drowned Richard exchang'd with Gui of Lessingham The Crowne of Cipresse for Ierusalem 31 Grac'st with the title of the holy King Returning with a small and slendet traine Towards England where his Brother Iohn vsurping Tooke to himselfe a short rebellious raigne The Austrich Duke King Richard enuying Surpriz'd him first then gaue him to be slaine To s fierce Lyon whom vnarm'd he beat And from his bulke his warme heart tore and eat 32 Thence ransom'd after warre prince Iohn submits Whilst Saphandenus Egipts Empire swayde In Spaines Tribunall the eight Alphons sits Emericus Hungariaes King is made To Innocent the third th'Emperour submits Who eighteene years the Papall Crosier staide He first deuisd Auricular confession Which since his time the Popes keepe by succession 33 Richard besideging Gailerd long with Steele Was with an Arrow from the Castle wounded Shot by the hand of one Peter Bazeele He slaine Retrait the valiant English sounded His want the Cleargy Peeres and Commons feele In whom Religion power and state abound Next him King Iohn succeeds by the Lands doome Who whilst he raign'd despisd the threats of Rome 34 Raign'd seuenteene years him phillip King of France
Glendoure raysd armes Hotspur rebeld Woorster Northumberland with others moe Whom Edward met at Shrewsbury and queld Giuing those Lords a Mortall ouerthrow The Milleine Duke that many yeares exceld In Tyranny at length was layde full low Leauing to Iohn his Sonne the Dukedomes Seat This yeare was stated Mahome●… the great 74 Charles of Cremona by the Treason dide Of base Cabrinus Fundulus his slaue Th'Arch-Byshop Scroope that Edward late defide Surprizd in field came to a timelesse graue In Poland at Cracouia full of pride Was founded th'Accademy some depraue The Burgoin Duke that did his hands imbrew In Orleance blood whom he by Treason slew 75 Saint Andrewes Vniuersity begon In Scotland Ioh●… the Milleine Duke is slaine Of his owne Subjects Ladislaus won The Citty Rome which he gaue vp againe King Edward dying left vnto his son Henry the fift a faire and prosperous raigne Ten yeares he did his Royall fame aduance and to his Crowne annext the Realme of France 76 Great Amurath sway'd Turky Iohn Castile The sixt Charles France Pope Martin Peters Chaire at Henries claime to France the French-men smile With many taunts they Englands puissance dare King Henrie crost the seas and in small while at Agin-court manag'd a fight so rare That in one battaile he the Land ore-tun Leauiug the Crowne successiue to his son 77 Ieremy Prague and Iohn Husse dye by fire about religious causes Ziscaled The Thaborytes and further gan aspire against the Emperour to list his head French Katherine was Crownd Queene by great desire Of all our English peeres Duke Clarens sped against the Dolphin but alas in vaine By multitudes he was ore-set and slaine 78 Henry t' auenge his Brothers death prepares againe to inuade France where he breaths his last Pale death that in his rigour no man spates Beteaues him life his infant sonne not past Eyght months of age assumes the Lands affayres Vnder protection Bedfards Duke was great With Regency of France a Sorceting Maide Fought on the Dolphins part and brought him ayde 79 Who in small time was King of France proclaymde at Orleance braue Mountacute is slaine Prince Sigismond is Roman Emperor nam'd Eugenius doth the papall Sea maintaine Phillip guides Milleine now was Talboot fam'd Who many lost Townes did in France regaine Now flourisht Francis Forza in his pride The Lyons in the Tower this yeare all dyde 80 Zeuza liues Persiaes King for Sorcery Dame Elen Cobham the Protectors Wise With diuers others were found treacherously To haue cnnspyred against King Henries life Dame Margaret to the King of Scicily Sole-Daughter which began much future strife To Henries Bed with Suffolke crost the Scas now liu'd the braue Prince Huniades 81 Humphrey the Duke of Gloster was depriu'd His harmelesse life at Bury Suffolke now Was banisht England where he long had striu'd By the Kings grace to make the Barons bow Iacke Cade a mutit ous Rebell now suruiu'd Dating the Kings Edicts to disalow This was the yeare of Iubilee In Menz Faustius first printed at his owne expence 82 The Turkish Mahomet sackt and despoylde Constantinople at this time was fought Saint Albons battaile where the King was foyld and by the Duke of yorke a prisoner blought To London the sixt Henry being much toyld With Kingdomes cares his peace and quiet sought Making proud yorke protector now was fam'd George Castriotus Scanderbag sir-nam'd 83 Great Warwicke at Northampton the King met In battaile of the Barons many slew Surpri'd the King in person without let The Duke of Torke reuiues his claime anew Whom many of the chiefest Lords abet And in the Parlement his right pursue Being Titled heyre apparant to the Crowne at Wakefield him King Henries Queene put downe 84 Great Warwi●…ke at Saint Albons she made flie Rescuing the King her husband in small space Torkes sonne the Earle of March gan to defie and sought by armes King Henry to displace Neere Torke both powers each other soone discry Where the fourth Edward hath the King in chace and now the victors Lord it where they please Whilst Margaret with her young son crost the Seas 85 Twelue Kingdomes and two hundred Citties more Great Mahomet subdues next Exham field Was fought by them that Henry would restore But to King Edwards powers perforce they yeild Who wiues the Lady Gray she that before Was wife to Sir Iohn Gray Warwick his shield aduancst against the King whom he had Crownd and for French Bona seekes him to confound 78 Edward flyes England Henry is restord and Edward with an army Lands againe Where Warwickes pride vpon his shield is scord Edward ore-comes his powers on Barnet plaine Earle Warwicke by the Commons is deplord Edward the fourth once more vsurpes his raigne Gloster kils Henries sonne then madly fares Gainst Henrie whom he murdred at his Prayers 87 Cassanus gouernd Persia Mistris Shore Was famous for her beauty Hungary Mathias ruld The Pope not knowne before at twenty fiue yeares made the lubily The Duke of Clarens is lamented sore Being in a Wine-but murdred treacherously Edward expyres two sons he leaues behind Three Daughters and a Brother most vnkind 88 The eleauenth of Aprill and the eleauenth sad yeare Of his young age fift Edward gins his raigne But eare he yet was Crown'd Richard too neare His Vncle did his hands with murther stayne Both Edwards Children by his doome seuere Were Butcherd in the Tower and fouly slaine now famous wearc Gaza Sabellicus Pycus Myrandula Aldus Minutius 89 George Valla Hermolaus Barbarus Pelitian Platine with a many moe Marcilius Ficinus Pomponius Latus With Iohannes de monte regio Now Venice and Ferara peace discusse Great Baiazeth sustaines an ouerthrow By the bold Souldan next instated came Vsurping Richard cald third of that name 90 Two yeares two months and two dayes he inioyes Regality whilst Charles the eyght swayes France And Innocent the eyght his power imployes In Rome his Bastards to inhance Richard the Duke of Buckingham destroyes Who thought the Earle of Richmond to aduance Henry Earle Richmond M●…lford Hauen sought Where landing he the field of Bosworth fought 91 Richard there slaine Henry the seauenth sits Crown'd Twenty three yeares Vgnerus Persia guides Fredericke the Empire Henry to make found The breach that Torke and Lancaster deuides a happy nuptiall contract doth propound With fayre Elizabeth whom soone he brides She heyre to yorke This yeare a disease new The Sweating sicknesse first in England grew 82 Spaines Ferdinand the kingdome of Granade Wan from the Sarazens Lambert a Child Taught by a Priest cald Simon came to inuade England with a new stile by him compil'd As Sonne to Clarens in this claime were made Chiese Leaders Francis Louel once exil'd Broughton and Lincolnes Earle with whom took
tumult at his Sermon raisde A man vnknowne his Doctrine much disdaining Threw at his face a Dagger Ridley praysd Mongst protestants and Cramner fauour gaining In Edwards dayes were for Arch-traitors blaz'd And dide by fire Northumberland that sped To Cambridge on the Tower-hill lost his hed 114 The Turkish Solyman with his owne hands Slew his sonne Mustapha the Cardinall In Henries dayes but late exild his Lands Was by the Queene re●…cald now gan to fall The protestants against them strictly stands The Catholicke Cleargy the proud Genowayes brall With the French King who after in small while Wan by the Turkes ayde the rich Corsicke I le 115 Englands great Queene espousd Phillip of Spaine Sir Thomas Wyat for rebellion dide Duke Suffolke Father to the Lady Iane Was at the Tower beheaded Coortney allyde To the blood Royall once more they restraine Of Liberty the fourth Paule full of pride Supplies the pope-dome the same year did chance Much warr●… and trouble betweene Spaine and France 116 Lady Elizabeth was keptin hold and by the Queene committed to the Tower There harshly vsd her life to danger sold By souldiers the●…ce remooud to Wood-stocke Bower Sir Henry Benning-field somewhat too bold Vpon her iust proceedings looking sower a blazing Comet twelue full nights appeared Great Lones of Money by the Queene were reared 117 Great dearth in England For base murder dide at Salisbury Lord Sturton Callis lost Which was by England many yeares supplide Since the third Edward the proud Clergy mgrost all the spirituall fruits to glut their pride Phillip tooke fea and left the English Coast For griefe of which Mary soone after craisd and dide with Cardinall Poole in England raisd 118 Next whom the faire Elizabeth is Crownd a Princesse with all gracious Thewes indude She did the Gospell quicken and confound Romes Antichrist all such as he pursude With fire and Inquisition she guirt round With safety and her Lands pure face imbrude With blood of Innocents her prospetous raigne Cleard and wipt off each foule and bloody staine 119 Henry the French King in the ●…ilt was layde Breathlesse at Paris Paules is burnt a peace Betweene the Realmes of France and England made Newhauen siege and a great plag●…les increase Lord Henry Stewart to the hests obayd Of the Scotch peeres whose v●…gings neuer ●…ease Till to their generall comforts he was seene Espousd to Lady Mary Scotlands Queene 120 Now came the Baden margra●… with his wife To London she heere brought him a new sonne Whom the Queene Christend breathing a new life In his decaid estate Now was begun The Burse on Cornhill whose renowne grew rife In euery place where Traffickes gaine is won In Scotland to restore a kingdome torne Iames of that name the fixt this yeare was borne 121 Henry of Scotland was by Traytors slaine And Shan Oneile in Ireland put to flight By bold Sir Henry Sidney with the gaine Of a great battaile where theyr Treasons light Vpon the Traytors with a gallant trayne The Muscouite lands in his Emperors right T' establish Trafficke now as rebels stand Th'Earles of Nor thumber land and Westmerland 122 Debate with Scotland and in Norfolke grew Conspiracy the Queene in person came To Gressams Burse to take a princely view To which she gaue at his request a name Royall Exchange this yeare the Christians slew Many proud Turkes and beate them backe with shame Into theyr Foretresses and Citties walled This was the battaile of Lepantho called 123 A massacre in Paris now their heads The Norfolke Duke lost and Northumber land A blazing starre six months together spreds Her fiery rayes now by the violent hand Of one George Browne who murdrous futy leads Was Maister Saunders slaine the matter scand Anne Dreury for that fact and Saunders wife George Browne with trusty Roger lost his life 124 By Furbusher Cathaia was made knowne The Essex Earle this yeare at Dinelon dide In Ireland where his Fame was dreadfull growne Ioh 〈◊〉 Cassimerus did through London ride Desmond rebeld Drake that had compast rowne The world and many dangerous Fortunes tride Was Knighted by the Queene Mounsier arriued Thinking the English Monarchesse t' haue wiued 125 William the Prince of Orenge was betrayde And with a Pystoll by a souldier slaine Poland Musco into England made avoyage and did six months heere remaine Purser and Clinton Pyrars that denaide allegiance to the Queene at length were tane By William Barrowes Antwerpe sackt and spoyld By Parmaes Duke who long against it toyld 126 Northumberland himselfe in the Tower slew Iago Domingo and Carthagen By Drake and Furbusher whom most men knew Carletle and many gallant Englishmen Surprisd and ●…ckt the Earle of Liester grew Great in the Land and sayld to Flushing then Where his Commission he at large relates Being made chiefe Generall to the Belgian states 127 Embassadors from Denmarke gratulate Her highnesse raigne the Earle of Arundell Conuict aleague twixt England and the state Of Scotland Noble Candish furnisht well In two good ships well mand and builded late Compast the world the foureteene Traitors fell and suffer'd for the guilt at Zutphen dide Noble Sir Phillip Sidney souldiers pride 128 His death a generall griefe mongst souldiers bred a Parlyment The great At made of Spaine Rode on the English Coast and gainst vs sped But by our Fleet they were repulst againe at Tilbery the Campe was brauely led By Elizabeth in person in whose traine all Englands Chiualry mustred and met Leister meane time to Nature paid his debt 129 Portugall voyage Lodwicke Grewill prest For murder the bold Duke of Guise betraid And slaine by the third Henry when he least Suspected Death a Fryer no whit dismaid Incouragd by the Guisians as t is ghest Murdred the King then Henrie Burbon laid Claime to the Crowne whom England so supplies That by her ayde his warlike Fortunes rise 130 Whom Essex Willoughby Norris assist Sir Roger Williams with a many moe Strong Paris they besiege and as they list March thorough France maugre the common foe Hacket is hangd in Cheape who did persist In blasphemy In London gan to grow a grieuous Plague Lopes arraind and tride Drawne from the London Tower at Tyburne dide 131 Cales sieg'd and won the Duke of Bulloine lands In England th' Islands voyage this yeare came Embassadors from Denmarke from whose hands The Queene receiu'd rich presents Now with Fame Th' Earle Cumberland renownd in forraigne Lands Wan Iohn de Porterico sackt the same Lord Burleigh Treasurer submits to fate Since the sixt Edward Counsellor of state 132 Essex is sent for Ireland gainst Tyrone a Muster at Mile-end Essex comes backe With a small traine of followers after whom Lord Montioy speeds against the dangerous packe Of Irish Rebels whose braue valours showne In
implacable Prince his rage thus wreakes Behold what doome the Impartiall Deities Alot the wretch that Lawes of honor breakes So with his shiled Gergonian him pursude Hardning the face which he behind him skrewd 45 At th' instant his retorted necke waxt hard His spread Armes stiffe his fixt eyes shewing feare And you would thinke his shape all sence debard Spake as it stood words that a man might heare These tumults done and Hymens rights prepard The Prince intends another course to beare He takes his leaue consorted with his Bride And to his Mother his swift steps applide 46 In the Mid-way he youthfull Danaus meets His hopefull Brother who at the first sight Salutes him and his wife with kind regreets In many a sweet discourse they spend that night At length the Murke and Palped darkenesse fleets From the skies azurd forehead with the light The Princes rise and speed them to the shore To which the mast-lesse boat their mother bore 47 Now Phrigian Mydas famous for his eares In giuing Apolloes honor to God Pan And for his golden wish the Scepter beares Of Phrigia In Israell that good man Samgor was Iudge whose power so great appeares He of the Philistyns kild many a man And in one battaile whilst the Trumpets blew VVith an Oxe-goade sixe hundred Heathen slew 48 But in these passages great Saturnes Sonne That with the Troians was at broad hostility At Ganimeds request a league begun Now Ihoue and Troos are one he whose ability Could not defend his Troy from being ore-run Now can commaund Troyes foes with much facility So to yeeld way rebates the greatest stroake So softest walles hard bullets soonest choake 49 T'wixt England and great Spaine two potent Nations Like enmity hath long time beene commenced And whilst Eliza liu'd her proclamations Oppos'd their pride and her owne Prouince fenced But now with mutuall kind Congratulations All iniuries on both sides are dispensed And our great Englands Ihoue for Spaines best vse Hath at their suite granted a termine Truce 50 Troos yeelds his due to Nature him succeeds Ilion his Sonne who Ilions high Towers reard More famous for his buildings then braue deeds A royall Prince and more beloud then feard He for a present sends foure milke-white Steedes To Cretan Ihoue a Present much indeerd Who by the Knight that such a treasure brought Re-sends a pretious gold-branch quaintly wrought 51 Much richer gifts in enterchange of state Our Soueraigne to the lofty Spaniard gaue The warlike Constable who came of late From Hespery a fiue yeares truce to craue More precious presents and of dearer rate Bare Englands Admirall both rich and braue When from K. Iames sent with a princely traine He was the great Embassador for Spaine 52 Ihoues branch cald the Palladium the King plac'st In Pallas royall Temple where it stood Till Troyes proud wals were quite deiect and rac'st And Islions lofty Turrets swam in blood Great Islion dies and he that next him grac'st The Troian Crowne a prince not all so good Laomedon of whom vve heere vvill stay To beare the Sonnes of Danae on their way 53 Who as they past the desart from a farre They might espy a goodly Knight lie spread Vpon the grasse he seem'd a man of Warre For he was arm'd at all points saue the head On his faire brow appear'd no souldier scarre It seemes he had not Armes long managed Exchanges past of many a kind salute Thus speaks the ●…med Knight whilft they stand mute 54 Who hath not of the great Acrisius hard Acrisius hē that built the brazen Tower Novv Arges King no longer but debard His nat●…e kingdome by his Brothers power His Brother Pricus hath against him ward And all his glor●…s reft him in an hovver Stay there quoth Perseus you haue toucht me neerly Acrisius vvrongs King Pricus shall buy deerely 54 Weare Acrisius Grand-child and discended From beautious Danae and that fort of Brasse That Lady Rumor hath so farre commended Who in Gold-liquid-showre-drops courted was Oh! vvhere vvas I Acrisius t' haue defended With Pricus blood to haue staind the Argiue grasse Both Abas sonnes a Prince frugall and thrifty He Linceus sonne the sole remaine of fifty 56 Is Brother-hood abroad so light esteemed That kingdomes can such holy knots vnty Let me no more Ihoues Royall soone be deemed But for Acrisius wrongs King Pricus die He that in all the world austeerest seemed And stood vpon most points of honesty Hath prou'd the greatest Hypocrite like those Without precise within religious foes 57 Assist me Noble Knight in this aduenture Quoth the great Gorgon-tamer when replide The armed stranger by the firme Inde●…ture Of honor I am else-where bound to ride But if with me you will my voyage enter And see what shall my Chiualry betide My Noble taske atchieu'd I then wil lead you To Pricus where my knowledge much may sted you 58 When I the Triple-shapt Chimere haue slaine Whose dreadfull forme makes all Sicilia quake Bellerephon will then returne againe And your attempt gainst Pricus vndertake The Princes wonder at Chimeraes name And that one knight his desperate life should stake Against such ods asking what Imposition Hath sent him on this dangerous expedition 59 Or whether vncompeld he be so mad To seeke assur'd destruction and to scale The Deuils den where nothing can be had But certain ruine his tough skin is Male A terrible huge Lyons head which drad A Chieures body and a Serpents tale Him whose vast gorge whole armies cannot fill Why should one desperate Knight attempt to kill 60 Bellerephon replies by Pricus doome Not my owne will I am compeld to go Else in my growing yeares that yet but bloome I 'de flesh my sword on a more equall foe But in Sicilia I must seeke my Toombe Or kill the triple-Monster dreaded so Sayth Perseus then VVhat makes him so seuere Attend quoth he great Princes you shall heare 61 Oh! Why did Nature frame these Women fayre And make theyr outward features Angell-bright When their blacke insides staynd and spotted are With Lust with Pride Contempt disdaine Spight Why should the snowy Swans in beauty ●…re Haue such blacke feet Why should the Lilly white Beare such ranke smel Can men withstand their fates When golden vessailes bring in poysoned cates 62 I thought I might haue gatherd a fresh Rose And not haue prick't my finger with a Thorne Or a sweete flower out of the Garden chose But not a Nettle in my hand haue worne Still next the sweetest flower the Nettle growes The rarest beauty hath the rudest scorne The Rouers Shippe beares the best promising sayles The foulest Serpents the most golden skales 63 By a fayre Woman is my youth mispent My Innocent youth that neuer loue imbraced Her deuillish mind to mallice wholly bent My fortunes hath o're turnd my Name disgraced And I through her maleuol●…t entent Like a poore exile from my Countrey chaced Oh woman