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A02638 The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng in metre, fro[m] the first begynnyng of Engla[n]de, vnto ye reigne of Edwarde ye fourth where he made an end of his chronicle. And from yt time is added with a co[n]tinuacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme, now first emprinted, gathered out of diuerse and sondrie autours of moste certain knowelage [et] substanciall credit, yt either in latin orels in our mother toungue haue writen of ye affaires of Englande. Hardyng, John, 1378-1465?; Grafton, Richard, d. 1572? 1543 (1543) STC 12766.7; ESTC S103772 402,679 836

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traitours to be bestowed gyuen abrode also the banished menne that fled as rebelles and false to their countree to bee brought in that if any grudge or eiuill will wer betwixt any one or other of the nobilite that ther it should bee forgottē turned to loue lastly that certain mony should bee payed to the kyng towardes that greate charges of his werre When he had thus studied determined to liue quietly set his realme in good ordre Charles the duke of Burgoin sēt for aide to hym against Lewes the Frēche kyng so that he could neuer bee at rest but one thyng or other shuld disquiet hym for he could not deny hym helpe consideryng the benefites that he had receiued of hym at diuerse sūdry tymes before that that he nowe fought against his dedly enemie whiche aided the erle of Warwike bothe with menne mony to come against hym Wherfore he assēblyng his coūsaill together shewyng theim the matter sent woord to the duke that he would kepe one piece or parte of a battail agaīst the kyng For in deede at that same tyme there was mortall battaill betwixt the duke Lewes that kyng because that the same Lewes was a very harde manne churlishe also hurtefull aswell to his frēdes as to his foes many Frēchmen abhorryng his cōdicions did consent to hold with that duke And emong many other one Lewes of Lucēburge did apoinct with the duke to dooe mischief to hym one waye or other so that the kyng was bothe in daūger of his owne coūtree menne also of the duke beyng a straūger The duke shewed this to kyng Edward that he might the soner allu●e entise hym to battaill And vpō this kyng Edward toke his voiage to Fraūce takyng besides his tribute that he had certain mony of the lordes commons of the realme which thei of their owne gētlenes gaue vn to hym to the sustenaūce maintenyng of his armie And for that the kyng called that tribute leuiyng of mony beneuolēce whiche neuerthelesse was giuen with an eiuill will of many one But he vsyng suche gētle fassions towardes theim praiyng theim so hartely of their assistaunce that thei could none other wise dooe but geue it hym Whiche whē he had he gathered his armie whiche was .xx. M. went to Caleys the .iiii. daye of July Whō Charles that duke did mett reioysyng gretely at his victory did instantly desire hym that he would sticke stoutely to this battaill that he might haue of that Frenche kyng that he had lost by hym But when Lewes that kyng hard that Edward came with his armie he encreased the nombre of his people as muche as he could the more nigher the daunger that he was the sooner hastely he came vpon theim And with this armie he sent foorthe Robert of Stoteuill a noble capitain to the coostes Atrebatium to resyst the power of the Englishe menne And the kyng hym self taried at Siluanect castyng with hymself what waye he might make a league of peace betwixt that duke that kyng of England hym Heryng therfore that that king was gone to Atrebates he sēt ambassodours to hym for peace whose myndes when that kyng had knowē although he had foūd but litle frēdship at his hādes in tymes past yet consideryng that all his substaūce treasure was wasted in ciuile battail that he was not hable to maintein a newe hoost if nede shuld be nor yet vnneth sustein theim whom he had vnder his bāner thought best euē for pure necessite to leaue to peace growe to atonemēt with Lewes that kyng The whiche thyng he might dooe also sauing his honour cōsideryng that bothe the duke Robert of Lucēburge aforenamed had not dooē accordyng to their promise So that at the desire of the ambassadours he went to speake with the kyng at Pinquinake a toune in Ambiā shire wher noble mēne dooe assēble together there found y● kyng Thē bothe that kynges after due salutaciō either to other had long communicaciō at the last a peace was cōfirmed stablished for many yeres for the a●●emēt wherof the Frēche kyng gaue vnto Edward toward his charge cost lxcv M. crounes from thēs forth yerely l. M. crounes After that truce made mony paid kyng Edward wēt to Caleis from thēs to Englād In this battaill none was slain sauyng onely that duke of Exceter the whiche māne was in sētuary before cōmaunded to folowe y● kyng was put to death cōtrary to that promise made This was the yere of our lord M CCCC .lxxv. frome that tyme foorth Lewes that kyng payed duely his raunsome to Edward vnto the laste yere before he dyed at what tyme he denyed the paymente as though he knewe before his laste dayes But the duke of Burgoyne and Roberte of Lucenburgh after they had knowen that Edwarde had made a league wyth Lewes the kynge they freted sore with hym and wrote sharpe letters of thretenyng and tauntyng hym saiyng that he was the cause that they reuenged not theimselfes of the kyng Whose fyrye and thundryng wordes the kyng no more passed vpon then of the turnyng of his hāde And as for Lucenburgh he was taken prysoner and for his proude and malicious writyng behedded at Lutece Thus kyng Edward beyng in quietnes both in his countre and abrode also although he mighte wel thynke hymself to lyue so perpetually for that he had been so great a conquerour yet consideryng that the erle of Richemōde was of nigh affinitee to Hēry the .vi. he was not out of feare daunger Therfore he thought ones to attempte the duke of Britayn agayn with giftes promyses faire wordes that he might haue y● erle whō he thought to rule as he would after that his auncestrie was geuen The ambassadours came to the duke with a great substaunce of mony that their request might bee the honestier they shewed the duke that they came to desire the erle of hym that he mighte marye the kynges doughter so that by affinite al euil wyll grudge might be forgotten and sedicion vtterlye reiected although they entended not so to cause al suche thynges to bee forgotten but by the death kyllyng of hym The duke after longe and muche deniyng theim at the laste thorowe muche entreatyng and also great rewardes that was brought gaue the earle to theim sendynge a letter to the kynge in prayse and commendation of hym not thynkynge that he commytted the lambe to the woulfe but the soonne to the father The ambassadours was verye glad that they had got hym and sayled into Englande in all the haste they coulde But the earle knowynge well that he wēt to hys death for sorowe and care that he conceaued in hys mynde was caste in an agewe When he was goone one Ihon Chenlet suche a man as could not bee found agayne in al the countre in great fauour with the duke hearing of
people on bothe parties wer distressed and taken prisoners and aboue the nombre of thirty M. slaine In the .iiii. yere was Edmond de la Poole behedded and aboute the moneth of Auguste Syr Thomas Kneuet beynge chyefe capytaine of the kynges greate shippe called the regent and a few shyppes mo sette vpon a great Caricke and other shippes of the Frenche kyngs liyng then nere vnto a toune of Britaine named Brest where after a longe and cruell fight thesaide Caricke regent being clasped together with hookes and cheynes as the maner of fyghtinge vpon the see betwene enemies is sodeynly thesaied shippes with other were set on fyre and brent so feruently that before they mighte bee losed or disseuered the shippes with the men vpon bothe parties were consumed with violence therof so that fewe escaped whiche were of the poraill But thesaide sir Thomas Kneuet with many other gentlemen of this land and also of fraunce were brent on whose soules Iesu haue mereyt This yere also after haruest wheate roase sobeinly of pryce for where for the more parte of the yere it was not solde aboue sixe shillīges .viii. d. a quarter After haruest for so muche as wheat was so sore blasted and striken was of so smal yelde it was solde for .xii. s. and .xiii. s .iiii. d. a quarter In the .v. yere the kyng besieged Turwin and discomfited the power of Fraunce at Boemy and tooke the citees of Turwyn and Turney But in the meane season the kyng of Scottes espiyng his tyme inuaded Englande with an hoste of an hundred thousande menne with whome the Earle of Surraye beynge the Kynges Leuetenaunte encountred and by the helpe of the Lorde Hawarde his soonne slewe the sayde kynge with a leuen Earles and wanne the felde For the whiche noble facte the kynge created hym afterwarde Duke of Norffolke and his soonne Earle of Surrey In the .vi. yere a peace was concluded betwene Englande and Fraunce And on saincte Denis daye the Frenche kyng maried the Lady Mary the kynges sister And he died on newe yeres daye after And therfore the kyng sente for her againe by the duke of Suffolke and other In this yere in the moneth of Februarye was borne Lady Mary the kynges doughter at Grenewiche In Aprill the Frenche Quene came in to Englande and was maryed to Lorde Charles duke of Suffolke This yere Ladye Margarete quene of Scottes and syster to the kynge fledde into Englande and laye at Harbottell And she was deliuered of a doughter named Margaret And came to London in Maye and taried there a hole yere In this yere was suche a froste that all menne myghte passe with cartes betwene Westmynster and Lambeth This yere on Maye euen was an insurreccyon of younge persones against Aliens of whiche diuers were put to execucion and the residue came to Westmynster Halle with halters aboute their neckes and were pardoned And the .xviii. daye of Mayeyquene of Scottes retourned into her countree againe This yere in Octobre the admiral of Fraunce came into England and Tourney was deliuered to the Frenche kyng In this yere at Frankforde Charles the fyfte was chosen Emperoure And the Earle of Surrey was sent to Ireland In this yere the kyng and the Frenche kynge met at the campe betwene Arde Guines where were greate triumphes And after the kynge and the Emperoure mette and the kyng went to Graueling with the Emperoure And the Emperoure came to Caleys with the kyng had greate chere and the kyng retourned This yere the duke of Buckyngham was beheaded at the toure hyll the .xvii. daye of Maye And in Iune the Cardinall wēt to Calays to entreate a peace betwene themperoure the French kyng and ●aried there to Decembre without any thinge concluded This yere the fridaye before Penthecoste that is to wytt the sixte daye of Iune Charles the emperoure was honourably receiued into the Cytee of London of the Maire Aldermenne and cominaltye oure saied soueraigne Lorde accōpaignieng hym And fro London he went to Windesore and sat in his stall of the Garter And from thens went to Hampton and sayled into Spaine Duringe whiche tyme the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admirall brent Morleys in Brytaine and after landed at Caleys and entred Picardye and brent tounes and castelles and besyeged Hesdyn but because of wynter he reysed his syege and retourned This somer the duke of Albany was entring England with a greate armye but when he heard that the Earle of Shrewisburye was comminge to fyghte with hym he tooke a truce for vi monethes In this .xiiii. yere Christian Kynge of Denmarke came into Englande in Iune Also the Earle of Surrey brent Iedworth and many other townes in Scotlande This yere also the Turke besieged the Rhodes and on Christmas daye he tooke it The Duke of Suffolke wente into Fraunce with ten thousand menne and passed the water of Som̄e withoute battayle and tooke and destroyed many townes and in Decembre retourned The same yere the duke of Albanye besieged the castell of Warke and hearing of therle of Surreys comming with a greate armye he cowardely sledde In the .xvi. yere there came oute of Scotlande the byshop of Dunkell and other ambassadours vnto that kynges maiestie And on saynt Mathews daye was the French kyng taken by themperour A mutyng in Norffolk and Suffolke for paymēt of mony A peas concluded betwene Englād and Fraunce And the French kyng was deliuered in Marche This yere was the coyne enhaunced In the .xviii. yeare the citee of Roome by the viceroy of Naples and the duke of Burbon the same dake beinge fyrste slaine was taken and almost distroied And Clemēt the .vii. than byshop of Rome diuers Cardinalles there found were taken and broughte in captiuitee and vnder the rule of Charles the Emperoure This yere also the Cardinall went into Fraunce with greate pompe In October the great master of Fraunce came to London with great triumphe In this xix yere was the sweatyng sickenesse for the which cause ther was no watch at midsomer In the .xx. yere was the Cardinall deposed of the chauncellourshyp and a peace betwene the Emperour and the kyng concluded In the .xxi. yere was holden a parlyament wher was refourmed diuerse enormitees of the clargye In the .xxii. yere was a man boyled in Smith feeld for poysoning The cardinal dyed on saynct Andrewes euen In the .xxiii. yere Gryffeth Rice was behedded for treason In October the kyng wente ouer the sea and met the Frenche kyng at Caleis In the .xxv. yere in Apryll was a Nonne called the holy mayde of Kent ii Monkes and two Freers hanged and behedded for treasō blasphemye and ypocrysie This yere a peace was concluded wyth Scotlande In this xxvi yere was holden a Parlyamente at Westminster wherin emong other moost godly and necessary statutes it was ther decreed and enacted that the kynges maiestie should be from thensforth
There were kylled at that vattaill with their fiue capitaines spoken of euen now of that partie about foure thousand Of the kynges part there were not halfe of theim whiche fought in the forewarde slain Thē was Lambert the child whiche was falsly reported to bee the Dukes soonne of Clarēce and his maister sir Richard Simond preest both taken but neither of theim putte to death because Lambert was yet but a child and did seme to dooe that more by compulsion of his maister thē of his owne will and the other was a preest whiche for his defaulte was cast into perpetuall prisone But this Lambert was taken into the Kynges kechin and after was made one of the kynges faukeners and is yet a lyue And thus was all that Margarete went about at this tyme turned to naught and to none effecte whiche thyng whē she heard tell of in Flaūders she was verie lory at the hearte made greate mone And yet could she not bee contēt but immediately after inuēted an other thyng to vexe and trouble kyng Henry as it shal be shewed here after Kyng Henry when he had all thynges brought thus to passe and vtterly vanquisshed these his enemies thought hymself at one tyme deliuered from twoo eiuils together that is to saie from bothe feare that was present and also that was to come For it was not to bee thought that thei whiche were so fewe in nombre durste bee so bold to entre into the realme and make battaile against the kyng whom they knewe wel ynough would bryng with hym a great and well armed hooste but that they had other felowes of the same coniuracion whiche would mete and ayde theim all that they could in tyme and place conuenient Therefore when the kyng sawe the hoste of his enemies manifestly before his eyes he commaunded that no mā shoulde kyll the earle of Lincolne but that he should bee brought to hym alyue to the entent that he might shewe and bewraye all the other whiche were of the conspiracie But that the sowdyers would not do least the sauyng of hym should bee the destrucciō as it should haue been in dede of many other This battayle was fought in the yeare of oure Lorde a thousande foure hundreth foure score the secōde yere of this Hēryes reigne In the whiche yere also Thomas Burscher archebyshop of Cāterburye died into whose roume succeded Iohn Morton late bishop of Ely whome Alexander of that name the sixte bishop of Rome made Cardinall Now to retourne to my purpose After this the kyng when he had gathered al the prayes and spoyles together and had buryed theim that there wer slain went forth to Lincolne and there taryed three dayes and had euerye daie one procession to thanke God almightie that he had the ouerhande of his enemies And incontynently sent his banner to Walsyngham to be consecrate to our Lady there to bee kepte for a perpetuall mo●ument of victorie Then did he execuciō of suche rebellions as were there taken shortely after tooke his iorneye foorth to Yorke and there likewyse suche as were founde gyltye dyd he punyshe strayghtlye When all this was dooen he wente vnto Newcastle and frome thence sente into Scotlande Richarde Foxe whiche not longe before was made bishop of Exeter and Richarde Edgecombe knight as Ambassadoures to kynge Iames for a league of peace For this Henrye thought it a great pleasure and cōmoditee to bee in peace and concorde with kinges gouernours whiche laye aboute this his realme and specially and before all other with kyng Iames because that there no rebellions might trust whiche otherwise perchaunce woulde haue trusted to haue ayde or succoure at his hande so that thereby there durste none againe take weapon against hym The ambassadoures when they wer come into Scotland to the kyng were of hym both gently and after the moste louing fashion receiued and heard and then dyd he plainlye declare and open to theim that he hym selfe loued kyng Henrye and his no man 〈◊〉 but that that moste parte of his Scottes and subiectes could in no case agree with the English menne Wherfore excepte that he should offend or 〈…〉 se theim he desired the legates to bee contēt with truce for .vii. yeres in promesse but in dede he sayed that peace betwene theim on his parte shoulde neuer bee broken and or euer those seuen yeres should bee passed that he would geue truce for seuen yeres lenger so that kyng Henry and he would euer bee in peace and moste assured amytie And this did kyng Iames because he knewe that no facte of his people shoulde bee alowed When the Ambassadoures hearde this they tooke the yeres that were offered theim as concernynge peace and by and by retourned home to kyng Hēry againe and shewed hym all the mattier in ordre With the whiche tydynges he was veraye well contented Shortely after the kyng departed thence towarde London and in the waye at Leicetre mette hym Abassadoures from the Frenche kyng which shewed hym that their kyng Charles had recouered many tounes and cyties whiche before were possessed of kyng Maximilian and that he kepte battayle nowe with Fraunces the duke of Brytayne because he kepte and socoured in his dominion certaine that were traytours and rebellions against hym of the whiche the chief was Lewes duke of Orlyance and therfore he desyred hym of his frendship familiaritie that either he would helpe hym orelles medle of neyther partie But kynge Henrye althoughe he had founde muche frendship at the Frenche kynges hande yet for as muche as he spyed whereof this stryfe beganne with this message was not well contente For the cause that the Frenchemenne tooke battayle was because they sawe that the Duke was an olde manne and had neuer a chylde and thereby that they myghte brynge that Dukedome into their subieccion When kyng Henrye perceiued this and also howe louyng the Brytaynes had been euer to Englande and finally remembred the tendre loue which was betwene the duke and hym thought it best if nede wer to helpe the Britaynes Yet for as muche as he had founde the Frenche kyng veray kynde in tymes past and had partely by his helpe recouered his kyngdome he was veraye lothe to medle in so muche that he coulde not well tell what was best in this mattier to bee dooen But at the laste he fully purposed if necessitie shoulde require to helpe the duke in all that he might Yet least he should make of his highe frende hys extreme enemie his aunswere was to the ambassadoures that he did intende to make their kyng and the duke frendes again Wherfore assone as the Frenche kynges ambassadoures were dimissed he sent on message Christopher Vrswycke to Charles the kynge of Fraunce Firste to certifye hym that he was veraye glad of the victorye that he had vpon Maximilian secondarely what tumulte and insurreccion was made here in Englād thyrdly and especially to desyre hym to bee at one againe with the Duke of Brytayne And then he commaunded this Vrswycke that if the kyng of
Fraunce shoulde bee so contente to go foorthe immediatlye to the Duke and desyre hym lykewyse of the same But when the kyng was come againe to London there was ioye and myrthe for the victorye the he had on euery syde For not onely the kyng but also euerye one of his cytezyns reioysed veraye muche Wherfore the kyng shewed hym selfe both beraye humane and courteous toward all menne and also rewarded all theim that tooke paynes in that battaile moste bountefully And not long after delyuered Lord Thomas Marques out of the ●oure and loued hym veraye well In the meane season Christofer Vrswicke was come to the frenche kyng of hym after the most louing fassion that coulde bee receiued And as sone as he had shewed his message the kyng shewed him selfe to bee there with veray well pleased Then went the ambassadour streight thence as it was cōmaunded hym into Britain and shewed the duke what kyng Henry would haue dooen But the duke because hym self had been sicke a great while therby his memory wit was d●●aied called to hym to heare the message bothe Lewes the duke of Orleaunce and other of his councell whiche Lewes in no wyse woulde haue any peace to bee made but saied that it was more mete that kyng Henrye seing he had founde suche kyndnesse at the Dukes hande and Britaine was suche a good defence to England to helpe to kepe battayle all that he might against the frenchmen Then retourned this Christofer againe into Fraunce declared to the king Charles what aunswer was made of the Britains and shortely after came into Englande againe But still in the meane time the Frenche kyng went aboute busely to ouercome the Brytains and the more he was nigh of his purpose so much the more did he exhorte desire kyng Henry to make peace betwene theim wherfore he sēt Bernarde Daubeney knighte in all the haste to kyng Henrye to desire hym in any wise to make some ende of this cōtrauersy And therupon the kyng being desirous of the same chose thre oratours the Abbot of Abindon Iohn Lilie the bishop of Romes collectoure and Richard Tonshal a knight and a veray wise man to gooe firste to the Frenche kyng and then to the duke to make amitee and frendshyp againe betwene theim But or euer these ambassadoures proceded on their iourney Iohn Lilye fell sicke of the goute therfore for hym was chosen Christofer Vrswycke and they together wente as they were cōmaunded Firste into Fraunce to the kyng and thence withoute delaye into Britain But Fraunces the duke in no case would take suche condicyons as wer there offered wherfore they came back againe into Fraunce without their purpose and there tarieng signified to kyng Henry by their letters all that was dooen But or their letters came to the kynges handes Edward Woodilile a bold Champion came to hym desired veraye earnestly that he myght haue an host of men to helpe the Britains and leasire it should cause any dissencion betwene the Frenche kyng and hym he saied that he would gooe priuely and without a pasporte to th entent it might bee thought that he stole out of the land But the kyng for as much as he trusted that peace shoulde bee made woulde in no wyse graunt his peticion Wherfore this Edward wēt streight into the ysle Veches which was in his dominacion there so sone as he had gathered his menne together about foure C sayled ouer to the Britaines ioyned hym selfe with theim against the Frenchmē whiche thing when it was knowen in Fraunce made the ambassadours greatly afraid of their liues But whiles they were in this feare and the Frēchemen thought it dooen maliciously of Kyng Henry there came other Ambassadours frome hym to the Frenche kyng certifieng hym declaring by most euident tokēs that it was nothing in dede as it was thought to haue been To the which message albeit the kyng had lytle credēce yet he made as thoughe he had not bene angry at all So the Ambassadours renewed peace betwene their king hym for .xii. monethes and retourned home again shewed the kyng all such thinges that they had either hearde or sene there wherof he gathered that the Frenchmen did nothing lesse entend then to haue peace made Wherfore without delay he called a parliament there consulted of the aidyng of the Brytains then of the exspence that should bee therin made after of other mattiers And assone as the parliament was broken vp he caused musters to bee taken in euery toune thorowoute his realme Yet leaste peraduenture he might seme willingly to breake the amitee whiche was betwene the Frenche kyng and hym he sent Ambassadours into Fraunce to certifye the kyng that of late he had kepte a parliament and there that it pleased all the nobles that he should sende helpe to the Britains because they at all times had dooen more benefites to Englande then all other naciōs and therfore that he should either leaue of battail orelles that he shoulde not bee greued if he dyd obey the mindes of his Lordes and prelates and yet that he woulde promise hym this one thing that his should medle with hym no lēger then he was in Britain kepte battaile vpon theim With these commaundementes the ambassadours went foorth and declared to the French kyng all the minde and wyll of their kyng which thyng he litle cared for and thought as it came to passe in dede that the Englishemen there coulde lytle auayle In the meane season the Britains fought one felde at a place called sainte Albanes there sped beray euel For of theim Lewes duke of Orleaūce with many mo were taken and Edwarde Wooduile Iames Galeot an Italian and a veray good warryer with diuers other noble menne slaine Whiche thing when kyng Henry heard tell of he thinking it tyme to make haste sente spedely Roberte Brooke Lorde Iohn Cheinye Iohn Midelton Raufe of Helton Richarde Corbet Thomas Leightō Richard Lacon Edmond Cornewell all lustye capitaines with .viii. thousand wel armed men to the Brytains to helpe theim in theyr nede whiche by reason the wind serued theim came thither so sone as they could desire But when the Frenche menne knewe of their comming whome they knewe so longe as they were freshe and lusty to bee in a maner inuincible at the firste wer blanke all and durste scarsely looke oute of their tentes but afterwarde trusting that they might wery theim they went many of theim together into diuers places and kepte many bikeringes with the English menne but they theim selfes euer bare the worste away howsoeuer the Englishmen sped they sped naught Whiles they this kynde of warre did exercise the Duke Fraunces died and then was all dasshed For the chyefe rulers of the Brytains being some of theim corrupted with money some sturred vp with ambicyon fell into deuisyon amonge theim selues and semed
nomore to endeuoure to defende their commune weale but rather to destroy and vtterly extinguishe it Which thing the englishe menne perceiuing and also suffering muche colde were compelled of necessitee within fyue moonethes that their wente thyther to come backe agayne into Englande Then Charles the French kyng maried Anne the Dukes doughter and gat al Britayn by that meanes into hys hādes But of this it shal be spoken more here after It was decreed here in Englande before there were any souldyours sent into Brytayne that for the expence of that warre euery man should paye as thei were hable a tribute whyche the mooste parte of theim that dwelte in the byshopryke of Durhā and Yorke shyre dyd vtterly refuse to pay and complayned of the matter to their Lorde the Earle of Northumberland And he immediately signified to the kyng by his letters that the people dyd greatly lament and was sory saiyng that thei were neuer put to so muche coast as thei had been of late dayes nowe that ther was so much requyred of theim that neither thei were hable to pay so great a summe nor would pay it Yet for al that the kyng cōmaunded the Erle to get it on thē and make theim pay it whether thei would or not least peraduenture it myght be a cause that yf at any time a tribute agayne should bee required of thē to make an insurreccion Which thyng when the people hearde of by and by they ranne vnto the earle and as the authoure of the tribute paiyng kylled hym out of hande And when thei had so done thei chase Ihon Egremonknight a verey dicious personne to bee their captayne and so arraied them selfes and went agaynst the kyng makyng cries in euery towne that thei came to fight for no nother cause but to defēde that cōmon libertie But when the mattier shoulde come to blowes thei waxed colde all the sorte of theim and euerye one wished that this tumulte wer retracted which was nowe alredy begonne so that at the cōclusiō not one scacely scaped without his great discommodite For the kynge assone as he hearde of this insurreccion went downe with an hoost to Yorke wherof these slaues and traitours beyng greatly afraied fledde some hether and some thether and durst not abide and sustaine the power of the kynges army Wherfore thei wer sone taken and punished greuousely accordyng to their deseruyng euery one of theim But Ihon Egremont whiche was their captain fledde into Flanders to Margarete of whome we spake before And the kyng so sone as this busines was quēched tooke his iourny back again vnto London and committed the tribute whiche was in Yorke and about Yorke to bee taken vp holy to Richard Toustal And this was the yere of our lord a thousand foure hundred .xc. and the fourth yere of the reigne of this kyng Henry And in thys yere also the kynge of Scottes was sore vexed For his subiectes roase agaynst hym and made his sonne Iames whiche was as yet but a chylde their capitain Wherfore he sent to the kynge of Englande to the Frenche kyng and to the byshoppe of Roome Innocentius to desire theim to make some end of thys ciuile battayle and contencion whiche was betwene hys people and hym Whiche afterwarde sente theyr ambassadours as they were desired but all in vayne For the rude sort would nedes fight onlesse he would resygne his crowne wherfore shortely after thei fought and in that battayle kylled the kyng and gaue his sonne Iames whiche was the fourth of that name the crowne But the byshoppe of Romes legate Hadrian came to late For whyles he was in Englande with kyng Henry worde came that the kyng of Scottes was slayne in battayle and hys soonne made kyng And therfore he taried here in England for a space and was veray muche made of and hyghly commended to the kyng by Ihon Mortō archbyshop of Canterburie Whereby he came into so high fauour with kyng Henry that he made him bishoppe of Herforde and shortly after that least gaue hym the bishopprike boothe of Welles and Bathe And not longe after he retourned with these honours to Roome and there of Alexander was made Cardinall There beganne also of freshe certayne businesse as concernynge Brytaine before this geare was appeased whiche was that Maximilian beyng at that tyme without a wyfe would haue maried the duke of Briteines doughter and had one that wowed for hym which lady promisyng hym fayth trueth to the entent that she might not go from her word he vsed this way with her when she went to her bed the night after as to the bedde of wedlocke the wower that was hired putte one of his fete into the bed to the knee in the sight cōpany of many noble matrōs ladies for a token testimony that the mariage was consūmate thei .ii. as mā wife But this did nothing auaile for Char the Frenche kyng was desireous to marye her hearyng that Maximiliā was sure to her dyd the more busely set vpon the Britaynes to th entent he might both haue the ladye and the countree also at his wyll for he estemed that mariage to bee of no strength or force Neuerthelesse he feared kyng Henry muche least that he would stoppe his purpose whiche kyng had made a league and Ferdinande also the kyng of Spayne had made the same with the Britaynes to assist theim in all their ieoperdies and perilles that should chaunce to theim by foren countrees wherfore he sent in al post hast Francese Lucemburgense Charles Marignane and Roberte Gaguine to kyng Henry for a peace to bee confirmed and hadde desyrynge hym that their kyng might ordre the mariage of the Ladye Anne as wer thought best without any let or hynderaunce of it by hym but kyng Henry would not agree to theim that the lady should bee maried to hym consyderyng she was made sure to the kyng Maximilian for that it was against all right and lawe bothe of God and manne Albeit the kynge would gladly make a peace betwene theim bothe and so demissyng the kynges Ambassadoures with a large and ample rewarde sent Thomas Goldestone abbot of Cantorbury and the lord Thomas of Ormondye ambassadours streight after theim In this meane space Alexander B. of Rome the sixt of that name after Innocētius sent the bishop of Cōcordiense legate to the Frenche kyng for certayne mattiers and emong other for a peace and vnitee to bee confederate betwyxt hym and kyng Henry the whiche when he had easely obteyned he came to Englande and there beyng entretained moste roially of the kyng had his purpose and desire of hym The Englishe ambassadours then beyng with the Frenche kyng purposed to haue a peace concluded whiche first demaunded certain thynges of the kyng ere that it should bee made albeit the kyng would graūt theim nothyng and was sore moued with their request askyng So the shortly after the Frenche kyng sent to the noble menne of
sorowe to the Englishe men for thei cried out of the kyng and saied it was not for his honour so to dooe but the kyng as a wise manne moste prudent prince saied it should be the death of many noble puisaunt capitaines if he should continue thesame battaill therefore it might be to his sore reproche if it wer in his power not to tendre as well the health of his cōmons as his owne whiche saiyng did somewhat coule pacifye their grief And after this dooen the kyng returned backe to Calise for because it was enformed hym that one Richard the named hym self the sonne of kyng Edwarde had made an insurreccion in Flaūders through the counsaill of lady Margarete the quene to fight against hym which thyng kyng Henry consyderyng did the more spedely hasten to conclude a peace And the condicion of this peace to bee made was this that the Frenche kyng should paye to kyng Henry a certain summe of meny the whiche was leauyed by the ambassadours for the cost and charges that the kyng was put to in that battayll and also should yerely for a certain space paye or cause to bee payde to the kyng of Englād for a full recompence x●v thousand crounes The whiche Frenche kyng after that beyng in warre with the Italians payd the said tribute to the most noble prince and our souereigne lorde kyng Hērye the. v●● sonne to Henry the seuenth for a full recō 〈…〉 cion and frendship to bee had for euer This was the yere of our Lorde a thousand foure hundreth foure score and thirtene and the seuēth yere of his reigne Also in this inuadyng besiegyng of Bonony whiche we spake of before there was none killed sauyng onely syr Ihon Sauage whiche goyng out of his tent with syr Ihō Riseley was taken priuely rydyng about the walles of the toune and there because he would not yelde was slain of the Frenche men albeit the other syr Ihon Rysely fled and escaped their daunger After this the kyng went frō Calis to England again yet that he might not be wtout some trouble or busynes quene Margaret of Spaine whiche euer watched to do hym a displeasure perceauyng that the erle with his cōpaignie could not haue suche successe in their businesse as she would haue wished theim she inuēted a new way to worke treason against him There was a certain yoūg mā of Tornace very beautiful faire in coūtenaunce of a pregnaunt witte whiche yoūg mā was called Peter surnamed Warbecke for his cowardnes nycknamed of the Englishe men called Perkyn which yoūg mā trauaylyng many countrees could speake many lāguages for his basenes of stocke birth was knowen of none almost Therfore the quene thynkyng this yoūg man to bee mete whō she might feigne to be the duke of Yorke and sōne to her brother kyng Edward kept hym a certain tyme with her priuely and tellyng hym what he should be that he might the rather persuade mē to be the kynges sonne did send hym into Irelāde after what time she knewe that kyng Henry had apointed to fight against the Frenche kyng where he was honorably receaued taken of euery manne as a prynce for whose right they promysed all to fight and helpe hym in all that they could After this it came to the Frēche kynges eare that such an one was in Ireland for whō the kyng did send to see caused hym to be brought before him when he came into his p̄sence the kyng accepted hym gladly after a princely fashiō intreteined hym But after the he came in loue with the kyng of England the sayd Charles did dimisse the yoūg mā would no lōger kepe hym least that some inconueniencie or cause of strife should chaunce thorough it Wherfore the young manne went to Flaunders agayne to the quene Magarete whiche quene did receaue hym with suche gladnesse that she coulde not well rule her selfe for this cause onely she dyd shewe her selfe so ioyfull and merye that menne mighte perswade theim selfe that this was Richard the kynges soonne and vpon that cause truely men did the more reuerence to the younge manne and that more firmely beleue hym to bee the righte heire sonne to kyng Edwarde Also after this rumour blased abrode aswel in England Fraunce as Flaundres there beganne great sedicion to spryng and firste they that were long in sanctuary for the greate offences that they had commytted and other that wer cast in pouertie gathered a compaignie of mē and sayled ouer into Flaunders to the counterfaicte Edwarde otherwise named Peter also many of the noble men conspired together and to the entent they might bryng their purpose wel about they did send certain to the Quene Margarete to knowe when thesame Edwarde might come conueniently into Englande the thei beyng certified of thesame might the more easely receaue bryng hym into the realme So that by the consent and agrement of theim all syr Robert Clyfforde knight Wyllyam Barley wer sent to shewe all their myndes aduyce as concernyng the newe founde duke to the Quene Margarete Whome the Quene did accepte gladlye and persuaded theim that it was true that was publyshed of Rycharde the duke and streight vpon shewed theim thesame Peter whiche was muche lyke Richarde praysyng his vertues and qualitees that he had wonderfullye The said Robert whē he had seen thesame yoūg manne beleued surely that he was of the kynges bloode and wrote to Englande to his coumpaignye and felowes of his conspiracie that he knewe hym to bee the kynges soonne by his face euery proporcion of his body And when these letters came vnto Englande the chief capitaynes of this businesse did openly diuulgate and publyshe that it was trewe that was spoken and saied abroad of the Duke but it was dooen by suche a crafte that no manne coulde tell who was the authoure of that rumoure When the kyng perceiued that many men did geue credence to his vaine fable he thought beste for his owne safegard to prouide a remedy for it also mystrusting that some conspiracye had bene made bicause that sir Robert Clifford had fled priuely into Flaundres commaunded certain knightes that were chosen and piked menne of warre with a bonde of menne to kepe the borders surely the no manne might escape or sayle ouer the sea without a pasporte or licence geuen by hym Also that men myghte not contynue in the false perswasion and belefe that they had conceyued of the duke he caused certain spies to search in all the citees of Belgike to knowe of what progenie this mysnamed Richarde was and to geue theim highe rewardes that would shewe the verite and truth of the same matter So that they sailynge into Fraunce euerye manne dyd gooe into a contraye quarter and enquired diligently for hym and at the length certain of theim came to a towne called Tornace and there were certifyed by the testymonye of