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A16711 A briefe and true relation of the discouerie of the north part of Virginia being a most pleasant, fruitfull and commodious soile: made this present yeere 1602, by Captaine Bartholomew Gosnold, Captaine Bartholowmew [sic] Gilbert, and diuers other gentlemen their associats, by the permission of the honourable knight, Sir Walter Ralegh, &c. Written by M. Iohn Brereton one of the voyage. Whereunto is annexed a treatise, of M. Edward Hayes, conteining important inducements for the planting in those parts, and finding a passage that way to the South sea, and China. Brereton, John, 1572-ca. 1619.; Hayes, Edward, fl. 1602. 1602 (1602) STC 3611; ESTC S122400 31,034 49

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vs fortified within where the very elements and famine shall fight for vs though we should lie still and defend onely The Saluages neither in this attempt shall hurt vs they being simple naked and vnarmed destitute of edge-tooles or weapons whereby they are vnable either to defend thēselues or to offend vs neither is it our intent to prouoke but to cherrish and win them vnto Christianitie by faire meanes yet not to trust them too far but to prouide against all accidents Then to conclude as we of all other nations are most fit for a discouery and planting in remote places euen so vnder the heauens there is no place to be found so conuenient for such a purpose by reason of the temperature commodities apt site for trade repaire thither already of so many ships which in any other frequented countrey can not be procured in a mans age nor with expense of halfe a million So as the onely difficultie now is in our first preparation to transport some few people at the beginning the charges whereof shall be defraied by our first returne of fish and some commodities of Sassafras Hides Skinnes and Furres which we shall also haue by trading with the Saluages The proofe of which commodities shall incourage our merchants to venter largely in the next The supplie shall easily and continually be sent by ships which yéerely goe from hence vnto the Newfound-land and vs and the intercourse exchange we shall haue with all nations repairing thither shall store vs with aboundance of all things for our necessities and delightes Which reasons if they had béene foreséene of them that planted in the South part of Virginia which is a place destitute of good harbours and farre from all trade no doubt but if they had settled neerer vnto this frequented trade in the Newfound-land they had by this time béene a flourishing State and plentifull in all things who also might then haue made way into the bowels of that large continent where assuredly we shall discouer very goodly and rich kingdomes and cities It may also séeme a matter of great consequence for the good and securitie of England that out of these Northerly regions we shall be able to furnish this realme of all maner of prouisions for our nauies namely Pitch Rosen Cables Ropes Masts and such like which shall be made within those her Maiesties owne dominions by her owne subiects and brought hither thorow the Ocean frée from restraint of any other prince whereby the customes and charges bestowed by our merchants to the inriching of forren Estates shall be lessened and turned to the benefit of her Highnesse and her deputies in those parts which also shall deliuer our merchants from many troubles molestations which they now vnwillingly indure in our East trades and shall make vs the lesse to doubt the malice of those States whom now we may not offend lest we should be intercepted of the same prouisions to the weakening of our nauie the most roiall defence of this noble realme Of a conuenient passage and trade into the South Sea vnder temperate regions part by riuers and some part ouer land in the continent of America Neither vpon the discoueries of Iaques Noel who hauing passed beyond the thrée Saults where Iaques Carrier left to discouer finding the riuer of S. Laurence passable on the other side or branch and afterwards vnderstood of the inhabitants that the same riuer did lead into a mighty lake which at the entrance was fresh but beyond was bitter or salt the end whereof was vnknowen Omitting therefore these hopes I will ground my opinion vpon reason and nature which will not faile For this we know alreadie that great riuers haue béene discouered a thousand English miles into that continent of America namely that of S. Laurence or Canada But not regarding miles more or lesse most assuredly that and other knowen riuers there doe descend from the highest parts or mountaines or middle of that continent into our North sea And like as those mountains doe cast from them streames into our North seas euen so the like they doe into the South sea which is on the backe of that continent For all mountaines haue their descents toward the seas about them which are the lowest places and proper mansions of water and waters which are contained in the mountaines as it were in cisternes descending naturally doe alwaies resort vnto the seas inuironing those lands for example From the Alps confining Germanie France and Italie the mighty riuer Danubie doth take his course East and dischargeth into the Pontique sea the Rhine North and falleth into the Germane sea the Rhosne West and goeth into the Mediterran sea the Po South is emptied into the Adriatick or gulfe of Venice other instances may be produced to like effect in Africk yea at home amongst the mountaines in England Seeing then in nature this can not be denied and by experience elsewhere is found to be so I will shew how a trade may be disposed more commodiously into the South sea thorow these temperate and habitable regions than by the frozen Zones in the supposed passages of Northwest or Northeast where if the very moment be omitted of the time to passe then are we like to be frozen in the seas or forced to Winter in extreame cold and darkenesse like vnto hell or in the midst of Summer we shal be in perill to haue our ships ouerwhelmed or crusht in pieces by hideous and fearefull mountaines of yce floting vpon those seas Therefore foure Staple-places must be erected when the most short and passable way is found that is to say two vpon the North side at the head and fall of the riuer and two others on the South side at the head and fall also of that other riuer Prouided that ships may passe vp those riuers vnto the Staples so farre as the same be nauigable into the land and afterwards that boats with flat bottomes may also passe so high and néere the heads of the riuers vnto the Staples as possibly they can euen with lesse than two foot water which can not then be far from the heads as in the riuer of Chagre That necke or space of land betwéene the two heads of the said riuers if it be 100 leagues which is not like the commodities from the North and from the South sea brought thither may wel be carried ouer the same vpon horses mules or beasts of that countrey apt to labour as the elke or buffel or by the aid of many Saluages accustomed to burdens who shall stead vs greatly in these affaires It is moreouer to be considered that all these countreys do yéeld so farre as is knowen Cedars Pines Firre trées and Oaks to build mast and yeard ships wherefore we may not doubt but that ships may be builded on the South sea Then as ships on the South side may goe and returne to and from Cathay China and other most
as appeared by their tracks as also diuers fowles as Cranes Hernshawes Bitters Géese Mallards Teales and other fowles in great plenty also great store of Pease which grow in certeine plots all the Island ouer On the North side of this Island we found many huge bones and ribbes of Whales This Island as also all the rest of these Islands are full of all sorts of stones fit for building the sea sides all couered with stones many of them glistring and shining like minerall stones and verie rockie also the rest of these Islands are replenished with these commodities and vpon some of them inhabitants as vpon as Island to the Northward and within two leagues of this yet wée found no townes nor many of their houses although we saw manie Indians which are tall big boned men all naked sauing they couer their priuy parts with a blacke tewed skin much like a Black smiths apron tied about their middle and betwéene their legs behinde they gaue vs of their fish readie boiled which they carried in a basket made of twigges not vnlike our osier whereof we did eat and iudged them to be fresh water fish they gaue vs also of their Tabacco which they drinke gréene but dried into powder very strong and pleasant and much better than any I haue tasted in England the necks of their pipes are made of clay hard dried whereof in that Island is great store both red and white the other part is a piece of hollow copper very finely closed and semented together Wée gaue vnto them certeine trifles as kniues points and such like which they much estéemed From hence we went to another Island to the Northwest of this and within a league or two of the maine which we found to bee greater than before we imagined being 16. English miles at the least in compasse for it conteineth many pieces or necks of land which differ nothing frō seuerall Islands sauing that certeine banks of small bredth do like bridges ioine them to this Island On the outsides of this Island are many plaine places of grasse abundance of Strawberies other berries before mentioned In mid May we did sowe in this Island for a triall in sundry places Wheat Barley Oats and Pease which in fourtéene daies were sprung vp nine inches and more The soile is fat and lustie the vpper crust of gray colour but a foot or lesse in depth of the colour of our hempe-lands in England and being thus apt for these and the like graines the sowing or setting after the ground is clensed is no greater labour than if you should set or sow in one of our best prepared gardens in England This Island is full of high timbred Oakes their leaues thrise so broad as ours Ceders straight and tall Béech Elme hollie Walnut trees in aboundance the fruit as bigge as ours as appeared by those we found vnder the trees which had lien all the yéere vngathered Haslenut trées Cherry trées the leafe barke and bignesse not differing from ours in England but the stalke beareth the blossoms or fruit at the end thereof like a cluster of Grapes forty or fifty in a bunch Sassafras trées great plentie all the Island ouer a trée of high price and profit also diuers other fruit trées some of them with strange barkes of an Orange colour in feeling soft and smoothe like Ueluet in the thickest parts of these woods you may sée a furlong or more round about On the Northwest side of this Island néere to the sea side is a standing Lake of fresh water almost thrée English miles in compasse in the middest whereof stands a plot of woody ground an acre in quantitie or not aboue this Lake is full of small Tortoises and excéedingly frequented with all sorts of fowles before rehearsed which breed some low on the banks and others on low trees about this Lake in great aboundance whose yong ones of all sorts we tooke and eat at our pleasure but all these fowles are much bigger than ours in England Also in euery Island and almost in euery part of euery Island are great store of Ground nuts fortie together on a string some of them as bigge as hennes egges they grow not two inches vnder ground the which nuts we found to be as good as Potatoes Also diuers sorts of shell-fish as Scalops Muscles Cockles Lobsters Crabs Oisters and Wilks exéeding good and very great But not to cloy you with particular rehearsall of such things as God Nature hath bestowed on these places in comparison whereof the most fertil part of al England is of it selfe but barren we went in our light-horsman from this Island to the maine right against this Island some two leagues off where comming ashore we stood a while like men rauished at the beautie and delicacie of this swéet soile for besides diuers cléere Lakes of fresh water whereof we saw no end Modowes very large and full of gréene grasse euen the most woody places I speake onely of such as I saw doe grow so distinct and apart one trée from another vpon gréene grassie ground somewhat higher than the Plaines as if Nature would shew her selfe aboue her power artificiall Hard by we espied seuen Indians and cumming vp to them at first they expressed some feare but being emboldned by our curteous vsage and some trifles which we gaue them they followed vs to a necke of land which we imagined had beene seuered from the maine but finding it otherwise we perceiued a broad harbour or riuers mouth which ranne vp into the maine and because the day was farre spent we were forced to returne to the Island from whence we came leauing the discouery of this harbour for a time of better leasure Of the goodnesse of which harbour as also of many others thereabouts there is small doubt considering that all the Islands as also the maine where we were is all rockie grounds and broken lands Now the next day we determined to fortifie our selues in a little plot of ground in the midst of the Lake aboue mentioned where we built an house and couered it with sedge which grew about this lake in great aboundance in building whereof we spent thrée wéeks and more but the second day after our comming from the maine we espied 11 canowes or boats with fiftie Indians in them comming toward vs from this part of the maine where we two daies before landed and being loth they should discouer our fortification we went out on the sea side to méete them and comming somewhat néere them they all sat downe vpon the stones calling aloud to vs as we rightly ghessed to doe the like a little distance from them hauing sat a while in this order captaine Gosnold willed me to goe vnto them to sée what countenance they would make but as soone as
euery where shew great likelihood of Minerals A very rich mine of Copper is found whereof I haue séene proofe and the place described Not farre from which there is great hope also of a Siluer mine There be faire quarries of stone of beautifull colours for buildings The ground bringeth forth without industrie Pease Roses Grapes Hempe besides other plants fruits herbs and flowers whose pleasant view and delectable smelles doe demonstrate sufficiently the fertility and swéetnesse of that soile and aire Beasts of many kindes some of the bignesse of an Oxe whose hides make good buffe Déere both red and of other sorts in aboundance Luzerns Marterns Sables Beauers Beares Otters Wolues Foxes and Squirrels which to the Northward are blacke and accounted very rich furres Fowles both of the water and land infinit store and varietie Hawks both short and long winged Partriges in abundance which are verie great and easily taken Birds great and small some like vnto our Blacke-birds others like Canarie-birds And many as well birds as other creatures strange and differing from ours of Europe Fish namely Cods which as we encline more vnto the South are more large and vendible for England and France then the Newland fish Whales and Seales in great abundances Oiles of them are rich commodities for England whereof we now make Soape besides many other vses Item Tunneys Anchoues Bonits Salmons Lobsters Oisters hauing Pearle and infinit other sorts of fish which are more plentifull vpon those Northwest coasts of America than in any parts of the knowen world Salt is reported to be found there which els may be made there to serue sufficiently for all fishing So as the commodities there to be raised both of the sea and land after that we haue planted our people skilfull and industrious will be Fish Whale and Seale oiles Soape ashes and Soape Tarre and Pitch Rosen and Turpentine Masts Timber and boords of Cedars Firres and Pines Hempe Flaxe Cables and Ropes Saile-clothes Grapes and Raisens and Wines Corne Rape-séeds oiles Hides Skinnes Furres Dies and Colours for painting Pearle Mettals and other Minerals These commodities before rehearsed albeit for the most part they be grosse yet are the same profitable for the State of England specially aswell in regard of the vse of such commodities as for the imploiment also of our people and ships the want whereof doth decay our townes and ports of England and causeth the realme to swarme full with poore and idle people These commodities in like sort are of great vse and estimation in all the South and Westerne countreys of Europe namely Italie France and Spaine for the which all nations that haue béene accustomed to repaire vnto the Newfound-land for the commoditie of fish and oiles alone will henceforward forsake the Newfound-land and trade with vs when once we haue planted people in those parts by whose industrie shall be prouided for all commers both fish and oiles and many commodities besides of good importance value Then will the Spaniards and Portugals bring vnto vs in exchange of such commodites before mentioned Wines Swéet oiles Fruits Spices Sugars Silks Gold and Siluer or whatsoeuer that Europe yéeldeth to supply our necessities and to increase our delights For which Spanish commodities and other sorts likewise our merchants of England will bring vnto vs againe Cloth Cattell for our store and bréed and euery thing els that we shall néed or that England shall haply exchange for such commodities By this intercourse our habitations will be made a Staple of all vendible commodities of the world and a meanes to vent a very great quantitie of our English cloth into all the cold regions of America extended very farre This intercourse also will be soone drawen together by this reason That néere adioining vpon the same coasts of New-found-land is the greatest fishing of the world whether doe yéerely repaire about 400 sailes of ships for no other commoditie than Fish and Whale-oiles Then forasmuch as merchants ar diligent inquisitours after gaines they will soone remooue their trade from Newfound-land vnto vs néere at hand for so great increase of gaine as they shall make by trading with vs. For whereas the voyage vnto the Newfound-land is into a more cold and intemperate place not to be traded nor frequented at all times nor fortified for securitie of the ships and goods oft spoiled by pirats or men of warre the charges great for salt double manning and double victualling their ships in regard that the labor is great and the time long before their lading can be made readie they cary outwards no commodities for fraight and after sixe moneths voyage their returne is made but of Fish and Oiles Contrariwise by trading with vs at our intended place the course shal be in a maner as short into a more temperate and healthfull climat at all times of the yéere to be traded harbors fortified to secure ships and goods charges abridged of salt victualling and manning ships double because lading shall be prouided vnto their hands at a more easie rate than themselues could make it They shall carry fraight also outward to make exchange with vs and so get profit both waies and then euery foure moneths they may make a voyage and returne of both fish and oiles and many other commodities of good worth These reasons aduisedly waighed shall make our enterprise appeare easie and the most profitable of the world for our nation to vndertake The reasons we chiefly relie vpon are these namely 1 Those lands which we intend to inhabit shall minister vnto our people the subiect and matter of many notable commodities 2 England shall affoord vs people both men women and children aboue 10000 which may very happily be spared from hence to worke those commodities there 3 Newfound-land shall minister shipping to carrie away all our commodities and to bring others vnto vs againe for our supplie Now two of these reasons are already effected vnto our hands that is to say The place where we shall finde rich commodities and ships to vent them It remaineth onely for our parts to carrie and transport people with their prouisions from England where the miserie and necessitie of manie crie out for such helpe and reliefe This considered no nation of Christendom is so fit for this action as England by reason of our superfluous people as I may tearme them and of our long domesticall peace And after that we be once 200 men strong victualled and fortified we can not be remooued by as many thousands For besides that we haue séene both in France and the Low-countreys where 200 men well fortified and victualled haue kept out the forces both of the French Spanish kings euen within their owne kingdomes it shall be also a matter of great difficulty to transport an army ouer the Ocean with victuals and munition and afterwards to abide long siege abroad against
hurtfull than those of Spaine There are in Florida many Beares Lions Stags Roe-bucks Wild-cats and Conies There be many Wild-hennes as bigge as Peacocks small Partridges like those of Africa Cranes Ducks Rolas Black-birds and Sparrowes There be certeine Blacke birds bigger than Sparrowes and lesser than Stares There be Sore-hauks Faulcons Gosse-hauks and all fowles of pray that are in Spaine The Indians are well proportioned Those of the plaine countreys are taller of stature and better proportioned than those of the mountaines Those of the Inland are better furnished with corne and wealth of the countrey than those of the sea coast The countrey on the sea coast toward the gulfe of Mexico is barren and poore and the people more warrelike The coast beareth from Puerto del Spirito Santo vnto Apalache and from Apalache to Rio de Palmas almost from East to West from Rio de Palmas vnto Noua Hispania it runneth from North to South It is a gentle coast but it hath many sholds and banks or shelues of sand A Note of such commodities as are found in Florida next adioining vnto the South part of Virginia taken out of the description of the said countrey written by Mounsieur Rene Laudonniere who inhabited there two Sommers and one winter THe countrey of Florida is flat and diuided with diuers riuers and therefore moist and is sandy towards the sea-shore There groweth in those parts great quantitie of Pyne trées which haue no kernels in the apples that they beare Their woods are full of Oakes Walnut trées blacke Cherrie trées Mulberie trées Lentiskes which yéeld Masticke and Chestnut trées which are more wilde than those of France There is great store of Cedars Cypresses Baies Palme trées Grapes There is there a kinde of Medlars the fruit whereof is better then that of France and bigger There are also Plumme trées which beare very faire fruit but such as is not very good There are Raspesses and a little bery which we call among vs Blues which are very good to eat There grow in that countrey a kinde of Rootes which they call in their language Hazes whereof in necessitie they make bread There is also the trée called Esquine which I take to be the Sassafras which is very good against the pocks and other contagious diseases The Beasts best knowen in this countrey are Stagges Roes Deere Goates Leopards Ownces Lucernes diuers sorts of Woolues wilde Dogges Hares Connies and a certeine kinde of beast that differeth little from the Lion of Africke The Fowles are Turkie Cocks Partridges Perrots Pigeons Ringdoues Turtles Blacke birds Crowes Tarcels Faulcons Leonards Herons Cranes Storkes wilde Géese Mallards Cormorants Herneshawes white red blacke and gray and an infinit sort of all wildfoule There is such aboundance of Crocodiles that oftentimes in swimming men are assailed by them Of serpents there are many sorts There is found among the Sauages good quantitie of Gold and Siluer which is gotten out of the ships that are lost vpon the coast Neuerthelesse they say that in the mountains of Apalatcy there are mines of Copper which I thinke to be Gold There is also in this countrey great store of Graines and Herbes whereof might be made excellent good dies and paintings of all kinde of colours They sowe their Maiz or Corne twice a yéere to wit in March and in Iune and all in one and the same soile The said Maiz from the time that it is sowed vnto the time that it is gathered is but thrée moneths in the ground They haue also faire Pumpions and very good Beanes They haue certeine kinds of oile wherewith they vse to annoint themselues A briefe extract of the merchantable commodities found in the South part of Virginia ann 1585. and 1586. Gathered out of the learned worke of master Thomas Herriot which was there remaining the space of eleuen moneths SIlke of Grasse or Grasse-silke the like whereof groweth in Persia whereof I haue séene good Grograine made Worme-silke Flaxe and Hempe Aslom Wapeih a kinde of earth so called by the naturall inhabitants very like to Terra Sigillata and by some of our Physitions found more effectuall Pitch Tarre Rozen and Turpentine there are those kinds of trées that yéeld them aboundantly and in great store Sassafras called by the inhabitants Wynauk of whose soueraigne and manifold vertues reade Monardes the Phisician of Siuile in his booke entituled in English The ioyfull newes from the West Indies Cedar Uines of two sorts Oile there are two sorts of Wall-nuts both holding oile Furthermore there are thrée seuerall kindes of Berries in the forme of Oake Acornes which also by the experience and vse of the inhabitants we finde to yéeld very good and swéete Oile There are also Beares which are commonly very fat and in some places there are many their fatnesse because it is so liquid may well be termed Oyle and hath many speciall vses Furres Ottars Marternes and Lucernes Déere skinnes Ciuet Cattes Iron Copper The foresaid Copper we also found by triall to hold Siluer Pearle One of our company a man of skill in such matters had gathered together from the Sauages aboue fiue thousand Swéet Gummes of diuers kinds and many other Apothecary drugs Dies of diuers kinds There is Shoemake well knowen and vsed in England for blacke the séed of an herbe called Wasebur little small rootes called Chappacor and the barke of a trée called by the inhabitants Tangomockonomindge which Dies are for diuers sorts of red Commodities in Virgina knowen to yeeld victuals PAgatowr or Mays which is their principall corne Okindgier called by vs Beanes Wickonzour called by vs Pease Macocquer called by vs Pompions Mellons Gourds An herbe which in Dutch is called Melden being a kinde of Orage c. An herbe in forme of a Marigold sixe foot in height taken to be Planta Solis Vppowoc or Tabacco of great estimation among the Sauages Rootes OPenauck a kinde of Rootes of round forme as bigge as Wall-nuts some farre greater Monardes calleth them Beades or Pater nostri of Sancta Helena and master Brereton Ground Nuts Okeepenank are Rootes of round shape found in dry grounds the inhabitants vse to boile and eat many of them Tsinaw a kinde of Roote much like vnto that which in England is called the China Roote brought from the East Indies Coscushaw a Roote taken to be that which the Spaniards in the West Indies doe call Cassauy Habascon a Roote of hot taste almost of the forme and bignesse of a Parsney Léekes differing little from ours in England Fruites CHestnuts there are in diuers places great store vsed diuers waies for food Walnuts there are two kinds and of them infinit store in many places where are very great woods for many miles together the third part of the trées are Walnut trées they vse them for meate and make a milke of them of verie pleasant taste and holesome Medlers a kinde of very good fruit they are as red as
cherries and very lushous swéet Mutaquesunnauk a kinde of pleasant fruit almost of the shape and bignesse of English Peares but they are of a perfect red colour as well within as without they grow on a plant whose leaues are very thicke and full of prickles as sharpe as néedles some which haue béene in Noua Hispania where they haue séene that kinde of red Die of excéeding great price which is called Cochenile to grow do describe his plant right like vnto this of Mutaquesunnauk howbeit the Cochenile is not the fruit but a graine found on the leaues of the plant and stricken off vpon sheetes and dried in the sunne Grapes there are of two sorts which I mentioned in the merchantable commodities Strawberies there are as good and as great as in any English garden such as we haue in England Mulberies Apple-crabbes Hurts or Hurtleberies Sacquenummener a kinde of berries almost like vnto Capers but somewhat greater which grow together in clusters vpon a plant or hearbe that is found in shollow waters being boiled eight or nine houres according to their kinde are very good meat and holsome otherwise if they be eaten they will make a man for the time franticke or extremely sicke A Réed which beareth a séed almost like vnto our Rie or Wheat and being boiled is good meat In our trauells in some places we found wilde Pease like vnto ours in England but that they were lesse which are also good meat A kind of Berry like vnto an Acorne of fiue sorts growing on seuerall kindes of trées the one sort is called Sagatemener the second Osamener the third Pummuckoner the inhabitants vse to dry them vpon hurdles like Malt in England when they vse them they first water them till they be soft and then being sod they make loues of bread of them of these thrée kindes also the inhabitants doe vse to make swéet oile The fourth sort is called Sapummener which being boiled or perched be like vnto rosted Chesnuts of this sort they make bread also The fift sort is called Mangummenauk the very Acorne of their kind of Oake being dried as the rest and after watered they boile them and their seruants and somtimes the chiefe themselues eate them with their fish and flesh Beasts DEere vp into the countrey very great and in some places great store Conies of a gray colour like vnto hares they make mantles of the furre or flue of their skinnes Saquenuckot and Maquowoc two kindes of small beasts greater then Conies which are very good meat Squirels which are of a gray colour we haue taken and eaten Beares which are of blacke colour They are good meat And being hunted they climbe vp into trées and are killed by the Saluages with their arrowes and sometimes by vs with our Caliuers The Lion is sometimes killed by the Saluages and eaten Woolues or Wooluish dogges I haue the names of eight and twenty sorts of beasts dispersed in the maine of which their are onely twelue kindes by vs as yet discouered Fowle TUrkie cocks and Turkie hennes Stock-doues and Partriges Cranes hernes and in Winter great store of Swannes and Géese There are also Parrots Falcons and Marlin haukes Of all sorts of foules I haue the names in the countrey language of fowrescore and sixe Fish STurgions Herrings Porpoises Troutes Rayes Old-wiues Mullets Plaice and very many other sorts of very excellent fish Seacrabs Oisters great small round long Muscles Scalops Periwincles and Creuises Seekanauk a kinde of crustie shell-fish which is good meate about a foot in bredth hauing a crusty taile many legges like a Crabbe and her eyes in her backe They are found in shallowes of water and sometimes on the shore Tortoises both of land and sea kinde they are very good meats and their egges also Certaine briefe testimonies touching sundry rich mines of Gold Siluer and Copper in part found and in part constantly heard of in North Florida and the Inland of the Maine of Virginia and other countreys there vnto on the North part neere adioining gathered out of the works all one excepted extant in print of such as were personall trauellers in those countries IN the second relation of Iaques Cartier the 12 chapter he reporteth that he vnderstood by Donnacona the king of the countrey and others that to the Southwest of Canada there are people clad with cloth as the French were very honest and many inhabited townes and that they haue great store of Gold and red Copper c. In the discouery of the Inland of Florida farre to the North begun by Fernando de Soto gouernour of Cuba in the yéere 1539. and to be séene in print in the hands of Master Richard Hackluyt The Indians in many places farre distant the one from the other gaue them often and certaine aduertisement that beyond the mountaines Northward there were mines of Gold at a place called by them Chisca and some shewed the maner which the Indians vsed in refining the same This place in mine opinion cannot be farre from the great riuer that falleth into the Southwest part of the Bay of Chesepioc The Indians enformed Mounsieur Rene Laudonniere in Florida that there were mines of red mettall which they call in their language Sieroa Pira in the muuntaines of Apalatcy which vpon triall made thereof by the French was found perfect Gold as appeareth Pagina 352. In the third volume of the English voiages and in the same relation there is very often mention of Siluer and excellent perfect and faire perles found by the french in those parts In the late discouerie of New Mexico made by Antonio de Espeio on the backe side of Virginia extant in Spanish and English in the third volume of the English voyages paginis 303. c. there is mention of rich Siluer mines and sometimes of Gold in aboundance eleuen or twelue times found as they trauelled Northward by men very skilfull in minerall matters which went in the voyage for that purpose The large description and chart of which voyage containing great numbers of townes and diuers great riuers discouered in that action made in Mexico by Francisco Xamuscado 1585 being intercepted afterward by the English at sea we haue in London to be shewed to such as shall haue occasion to make vse of the same The constant report of many of the Saluages to the worshipfull Master Ralfe Lane then gouernour of the English colonie in Virginia of the rich mine of Wassador or Gold at a place by them named Channis Temoatam twentie daies iourney ouerland from the Mangoaks set downe by himselfe at large in the first part of his relation of the said countrey of Virginia extant in the third volume of the English voyages pagina 258. is much to be regarded and considered by these that intend to prosecute this new enterprise of planting nere vnto those parts I could giue large information of the rich copper mine in the East side of the Bay of Menan within