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A01405 The true and vvonderfull history of Perkin VVarbeck, proclaiming himselfe Richard the fourth Gainsford, Thomas, d. 1624? 1618 (1618) STC 11525; ESTC S102839 82,337 124

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of burs and nettles which soughtly handled sting the more violently but hardly crushed together lose their force and energie Of this sort was the Earle of Lincolne sonne to Iohn de la Poole Duke of Suffolke and Elizabeth another sister to Edward the fourth who much maligning the aduancement of this Earle of Richmond farre his inferiour as he supposed tooke hold of this open Rebellion as a meet opportunitie to beate out his own ends on such a pestilent anuile and therefore determined to vphold fortifie support this Irish expedition and take part with his new cozen who as he made him selfe belieue was escaped indeed for all the prety conueiances of the State This Earle of Lincolne besides his blood experience wisedome in great important affaire● had a priuacy of humor which many men excepted against as fantasticall and precise For he was so cautelous in his words and singular in his phrases and actions that he would neither sweare nor tell a lie by reason his communication was still seasoned with sauorie Parenthesis and breakings off or if you will Apos●opesis As I will not confidently auerre it but it is so and so if men may be credited in their mortalitie The number amounts to so many if men faile not in their computations I dare not iustifie it further then one my credit another with such like Yea in his enterprises he was both curious and Roman like for stricknesse of discipline yet valiant enough To conclude in a word had not the mantle of greatnesse ouer-couered his gesture and actions the same garbe and fashion in an inferior might haue beene thought ridiculous but to our purpose in han● When he apprehended a kind of feare and iealosie in King Henry through this false rumor he determined with the same water that draue the Mil to drowne it and out of this fiction to raise a matter of consequence whereupon he presently repaired to Sir Thomas Broughton and others who like the Theeues of Aegypt lying in the reedes by the Riuer Nilus breaking out vpon any hope of aduantage vpon the silly passengers watched all occasions to be reuenged on the King and yet could render no iust account of their discontentments and after diuers consultations concluded to saile into Flaeunders to his Aunt the Duches being his Mothers owne sister and so without further commorance after the King had dissolued the Parliament at London put the same in practise whither he was well commed with all worthy and kind embraces Not long after Francis Lord Louel repaired vnto him well accompanied where for the time secured and assembling themselues with this Position that omnia efficit consilium quod ferrum hostile efficere potest lest the World should laugh them to scorne for prosecuting idle and vaine attempts they resolue that the Earle of Liucolne and Lord Louel should repaire into Ireland and adde a better countenance to the businesse by their presence in attending and honouring their new King with all gracefull ceremonies and markes of maiestie Then with the power of the Irish-men to bring him into England by which time the Duches forces would be ready to ioine with them Last of all to giue King 〈◊〉 battaile wheresoeuer in which if they preuailed they might at their pleasures depose this counterfeit Lambert and deliuer the true Earle of Warwicke out of prison in all which they proceeded accordingly and with expedition But King Henry supposing he had setled and appeased the minds and vnstable humours of his Nobilitie by the personall presence of Edward Earle of Warwicke began to be lesse moued and disturbed yea as it were secure and carelesse of any further malice and dangerous attempt against his estate and dignitie mistrusting nothing lesse then any man to be so foolish and mad as to belieue that Lambert could be the Earle so that he coniectured nothing but the suppressing of those barbarous Irish and the sedation of that trouble vntill he heard how the Earle of Lincolne was fled out of the Realme vntill he heard how the Lord Louel was confederate with him vntil he heard how diuers were vnited vnto them vntill he heard how the Duches of Burgoine coadiuted the enterprise vntill he heard they had raised a strong party and were resolued to giue him battaile this somewhat moued him and exasperated his displeasure For when he saw no other cataplasme could serue the turne but that he must cauterise the sore and sere and cut away the putrified flesh of this corrupted and rebellious body he determined with strong hand and martiall power to doe the same Whereupon he commanded his Musters to goe forward and appointed the seuerall Captaines a Rendezvous where the whole Armie might meet as occasion and his aduersaries should incite him and lest others might pretend discontentments wants debts deuotion pilgrimages and such like and so goe out of the Realme after the rest he gaue order to all Lieutenants of Shires Sherifes Maiors Bailifes and officers to search and watch the Ports Hauens for the going out and recourse of strangers or passengers vnlicensed and vnlimitited Thus what he could not with the Foxes he was faine to compas with the Lions skin yet knowing that Victoria est tota ●ita in bona consultation● he did not cast away the other but when he saw no Councell nor policie could either l●niat their obduratnesse nor diuert their inficious intents against him he resolued with an equall strength to remoue the blocks of his peace and quietnesse cast thus in his way by flagitious contumacy and ridiculous innouation But some fires are not so easily quenched as raised or maintained for though all his aduises and good order consorted with successe yet were they not sufficient to stop the mouth or hinder the passage of the present disturbance with deputies or Commissioners therefore he set forward in person supposing they would arriue from Flanders side on some of those Coasts and so came to Saint Edmonds Bury where he was certified that the Lord Thomas Marquesse Dorcet was comming to him to excuse and purge himselfe of those crimes enforced against him or at least such ouersights in which he perfunctorily performed his duty while he was in France To him was sent the Earle of Oxford by way of anticipation to intercept at this time his iourney For the King was too full of troubles and cogitations about the suppressing his enemies and new raised tumults and so could not attend his businesse The Earle had only Commission to conuey him to the Tower which when some of the Councell supposed a hard doome he answered them plainly What need further words If he be my friend as I am confident thereof he will be contented a while to suffer a little reproach and rebuke for my sake yea peraduenture pleasure and contentment If he be otherwise it is a place of security and would I had my aduersaries as safe there as they would me
of these hurliburlies came ouer Embassadours from the French King who must be answered he grew somewhat perplexed againe till shaking off all the hindrances of his amasement he fell to practise and orderly performances Whereupon he called his Councel together they without any great difficulty determined the busines in this manner To attend vpon the Scots Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey a puissant and politike Captain prisoner at the ouerthrow of King Rich. the 3. and within two yeares set at liberty and after Iohn Lord Dinham made high treasurer of England was appointed to muster the forces of the Countie Palatine of Durham the borders round about so attēd that seruice To represse the Western Rebels the Lord Dawbney with his whole power prepared for Scotland was recalled to march against thē wheresoeuer they encamped to look vnto France Calice and Guisnes with the Garisons were much augmented and prouided for To preuent Flaunders the Nauy was prepared the Staples for the Merchants setled To keep Warbeck from comming into England ioining with the Rebels the whole nobility combined themselues especially the earle of Essex Lord Montioy who came of purpose to London to offer their seruice to his Maiesty so all places were looked vnt● with a vigilant eye manned with strength of soldiers and to answere the Embassadors of Charles the French King he sent honourable persons to receiue them and conueigh them to Douer and there a while to detaine them till some of these tumults and rebellions were extinguished and suppressed which indeed was so wisely and politikely handled that none of the Embassadors were troubled so much as with the rumors of these commotions But see the horror of despight and with what a contracted brow misfortune can looke vpon Kings themselues so that a man may well say to this Rebellion as Ouid did to Cupido in his first booke of Elegies Sunt tibi magna puer nimiumque potentia regna Cur opus affectas ambitiose nouum For as these Rebels and Cornish men departed from Wels they entertained for their chiefe Captaine Iames Twichet Lord Audley whose countenance and authoritie in the Countrie strengthened them much For by this occasion they went without intermission to Salsbury and so to Winchester and from thence into Kent hoping for further and further assistance but they were deceiued in their expectation For the Earle of Kent George Lord Aburgaue●y Iohn Brooke Lord Cobham Sir Edward Poinings Sir Richard Guilford Sir Thomas Burchier Sir Iohn Pechy William Scot and many others with a well mustred army were not only ready to defend their Countrie from al mischiefe and destruction but determined to offend them in their facinorous attempts and preiudiciall intrusion which loialtie somewhat rebated the forwardnesse of the Cornish-men and they began to suspect themselues being so farre from their Countrie and remote from any supply Notwithstanding loth to dis●earten their spirits with any depressing humor they cast away all doubts and presuming on their owne strength and forces as also animated by their leaders and conductors they were now asmuch exasperated against the Kentish-men for deceiuing their assistance as against the King for vsurping their liberty swearing reuenge against both In which ●age and heat of repining they came as farre as Black-Heath within foure mile of London and tooke a field in an arrogant ouer-daring manner on the top of an hill supposing all things consortable to their arrogancy and deceiuable hopes because as yet they passed and repassed without fighting or strong encounters But alas Blanditiae Comites tibi erunt terrórque furorque and they were abused with a vale of ignorance and couering of obstinacy For the King disposed of his affaires with great policie and circumspection not determining to giue them battaile or exagitate them at all till he had them farre from their proper dwellings and flattering friends till they were in despaire of reliefe and wearied with long and tedious iournies till their treasure was spent their vitaile consumed and prouision failing till their company dropped from them like rotten hangings on a moistned wall and their whole designes and expectation quite disanulled and then when he imagined their soules vexed with the terror of a guiltie conscience their fury asswaged with compunction and penitency their spirits daunted with repentance and remorse and all their army affrighted with madnesse and doubtfull extacies would he set vpon them and in some conuenient place circumuent and inuiron them to his owne best aduantage and their irrecouerable damage and destruction As for the Citie of London I cannot but remember and compare it vnto Rome both when Hannibal passed the Alpes to threaten the Monarchy being yet farre off himselfe and also Marius and Silla couered her fields with armed men and trampled on the bosome of their Countrie with ambitious steps and cruell feet of vsurpation then spake the Poet in this manner Quoties Romam fortuna lacessit H●c iter est bellis gomitu ●ic quisque latenti Non aufu●timuisse palam Vox nulla dolori Credita There was chaining the streetes shutting vp the shops making strong the gates doubling the watches hiding their treasure cries feares terrors and euery one more disturbed for the losse of his priuat goods then the encūbrances of the Common-wealth Here was mustering of soldiers watching all day in armor staccadoing the riuer filling the streets with companies of horse and foot cutting down the Bridge locking vp their dores shutting the Gates and what else named before to be put in practise with aduantage of many peeces of ordnance both in Southwarke and the Suburbs and the strength of the Tower which they knew was reserued for the King himselfe Notwithstanding such was the instabilitie of the Citizens being a little disturbed from their quietnesse and rest their dainties and ease their banquetings and meetings their feasts and sumptuousnesse their pastimes and pleasures that they rather complained on the King and his Councell for the first occasion of these tumults then exprobrated the rebell for ingratitude and disobedience But the King without further disputing against their peeuishnesse or laying open the abuses of such refractary people deliuered them of this feare For he presently sent Iohn Earle of Oxford Henry Burchier Earle of Essex Edmond de la Poole Earle of Suffolke Sir Rice ap Thomas Humphrey Stanley and other worthy martiall men with a company of Archers and horsemen to enuiron the Hill where the Rebels were encamped round about Him-selfe with the maine battaile and forces of the Citie much ordnance and great prouision tooke St. Georges field where on a Friday at night he quartred himselfe and on the Saterday very early in the morning he poasted Lord Dawbney to Dertford who by breake of day gat the bridge of the Strand in despight of resisters which manfully defended it a while shooting arrowes a full yard long and demeaning themselues like scholerly and eloquent
restraint of his liberty and stomaching his former disgraces indignities would endure no longer but studied euery hower how to escape not yet knowing what to do when he did escape to which purpose by faire promises and false perswasions he corrupted his keepers Strangwaies Blewet Astwood and long Roger seruants of Sir Iohn Digby Lieutenant of the Tower to slay their said Master and set both Perkin and the true Earle of Warwicke at large and so to make their fortunes as they could either by domestike or forraine friends to which when the innocent Prince condiscended as glad any way to enioy his libertie and to be freed of his imprisonment for you see birds kept in golden cages beat and flutter vp and downe as scorning their enclosure to get out into their natiue Country the region of the aire mischiefe and misfortune which plaies the tyrant with many men all their liues long neuer affordeth one day or breathing time to giue them a taste of any pleasure or contentment discouered the whole conspiracy to the King and his Councell not leauing out any circumstance which might either exasperate his rage or pull forward death and destruction to the delinquents Whereupon without further disputing the matter Perkin Warbeck Iohn a Water sometimes Maior of Corck and his sonne were the 16. of Nouember arraigned and condemned at Westminster of high Treason and the 23. hanged at Tyburn Perkin mounted on a scaffold reading his confession and contrary to all expectation a●king the King and Country forgiuenesse and dying penitently with great remorce of conscience and compunction of spirit Et sic ●inis Priami Not long after Edward Earle of Warwick who had beene the 21. of Nouember arraigned at Westminster before the Earle of Oxford high Constable of England for the present was vpon the 28. 1429. beheaded at the Tower Hill For he quietly confessed the enditement concerning his consent and willingnesse to obtaine his libertie though it were by violating the law in that kinde and breaking of prison whose simplicity I rather lament then condemne the offence For it was a dangerous time for any Plantaginet to liue in and I may well cry out Omne tulit secum Caesaris ira malum But the King was indeed glad of this occasion and fortune gaue vertue the check because as he had imprisoned him without a cause he knew not what to doe with him without a fault yet some report that the principall reason of accelerating his death was a speech of Ferdinando's king of Spaine who should sweare that the mariage betweene Lady Katherine his daughter and Prince Arthur of Wales should neuer be consummated as long as any Earle of Warwick liued For the very name and title was not only formidable to other Nations but superstitions to the wau●ring and vnconstant English whereupon the King was the gladder to take hold of this opportunitie where in the conuiction of Law had cast this stumbling-block of treason in his walke and race to a longer life and yet was there nothing done but by orderly proceedings and iustifiable courses more then when the silly Prince submitted to his mercy he thought it the greatest point of mercy to looke to himselfe and so for the benefit of his posteritie and the sedation of all troubles both present and to come struck off his head and with him the head of all diuision and dissention FINIS True Histories to be preferred before all prophane and deuised rel●tions The house of Lancaster began the first wrong Rebellion in Ireland naturall Spar●ago Sebastian Mortimer Treason did neuer long prosper Margaret Duches of Burgundy chiefest enemy of Henry the seuenth The Lord Louel and Stafford rebell against Henry the seuenth No Sa●ct●ary for Traitors ● new Earle of Warwick The end of diuelish deuices our destruction Lambert Earle of W●rwicke sa●●eth into Ireland The Earle of Kildare a sauorer of this counterfet Margaret Duches of Burgundy entertaineth this quarrell Eurip. M●d●● Articles agreed vpon by the Councell to pr●uent the warre The Earle of Warwicke shewne in publike Iohn de la Pooles sonne Duke of Sus● folke by a sister of Edward the fourth Now Earle of Lincolne taketh part with Lambert The Earle of Lincol●e and Lord Louel goe into Ireland to Lambert The King rai●eth an Armie The Lord Mar● quesse Dorce● sent to the Tower Eurip. Bacch● M●rtinus Swart Lambert with his Armie commeth into England Lucan lib. 1. The King with his army is ready to the encounter Lucan lib. 2. The Earle of Lincolne commeth forward to Newarck to meet the King Stoke field The armies ioyne The King obtaineth the victory against the Rebells Lucan lib. 9. The Duches of Burgundy is rather enraged then da●n●ed with the newes Euri● Medea The Duches of Burgundy raiseth new troubles Another Richard the fourth Peter Warb●ck instructed by the Duches h●w to demeane himselfe Perkins Oration to the Irish Lords The French King sendeth for Perkin Lucan Lib. 7. Perkin welcommed to Lady Margaret Eurip. Hippolitus Coronatus England strangely possessed with the humor of Perkin Sr. Robert Clifford sent to Perkin Lucan lib 6. The King prepareth for Pe●kin Pa●●● Hel●●● Embasie to the Arch-Duke Eurip. Andromache The Duches answer to Doctor Warrham oran●tion O●id Epist. Petr●rck d● contemptu mu ndi dial 3. The Embassador returne into England Quid. de arte amandi lib. 3. Eurip. Iphigenia in aulide A riot 〈◊〉 the Esterlings Sir William Stanley accused Eurip. Herefu●●●● Sir William Stanley beheaded Eurip Heraclida Libel ●rs hanged Speciall Commissioners sent into Ireland Lucan lib. 5. The North of Ireland Sueuorum mor●scu Politian● The Earle of Kildare accused by Sr. Edward Poinings The King progresse intercepted vpon report of Perkins lan●ding 〈◊〉 lib. 9. Perkin commeth to Kent Eurip. Hecuba Perkins company defeated he driuen backe to se● Ouid. 6 6. ●a●torum Perkin resolueth for Ireland and so into Scotland Perkins Oration to the King of Scots The King of Scots resolueth to assist Perkin Ouid. Epist. Helena Paridi The King of Scoss prouideth Perkin of a wife The Ladies answer Perkin marieth the Ladie Katherin Gourdon daughter to the Earle Huntley The Scots inuade England in the behalfe of Perkin ●ucan lib. 2. Perkin lamenteth the English slaughters The Kings a●●●swer Lucan lib. 3. Perkins answer Eurip. Helena They prepare in England against Perkin Arebellionin the west diuerteth the army out of Scotland ●●mock and Ioseph Captains of the Reb●lls Men in authority Eurip. H●ra●lida The Armies in England raised Lord Audley Captaine of the Rebels Black-Heath●ield London Lucan lib. 1. The Rebels ●uercome Lord Audeley executed Lib. 8. Lib. 9. The King of Scots prepareth against England King of Scots besiegeth Norham Castle The Earle of Surrey raiseth the siege Lucan lib. 7. The Earle of Surrey entreth Scotland The King of Scots offreth a priuate combate to the Earle of Surrey The King of Spaine would marry his daughter to Prince Arthur An Embassador to the King of Scots from Spaine Lucan lib. 7. An Emb●ssador from Engl●nd to Scotland The King of Scots will not deliuer Perkin Eurip supplice● Perkin discharged out of Scotland Perkin retorne●h into Ireland Perkin ec●meth into England Perkin besiedgeth Excester Perkin discomfited leaueth Excester and departeth to Taunton The Lord Dawbney generall of the Kings force● The King commeth forward with his Army The Duke of Buckingham Eurip. suppl●ce● 〈…〉 Perkin desperat of all reliefe taketh Sauctuary Eurip. supplice● The Lord Daubney sent after Perkin The Army of Perkin submitteth to the King without fighting The King r●turneth to Ex●ester Perkins Wife taken Eurip. Hecuba Perkin submittet to the King Lady Margaret much troubled with this discomfortable newes Perkin deceiueth his keepers an●● escapeth Perkin commeth to the Prior of Shene Perkin once againe 〈◊〉 but ignominiously vsed 〈◊〉 lib. 5. Perkins confession Lib. 3. de pont● Perkin committed to the Tower Li. 4. de 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Perkin corrupting his keepers to escape out of the Tower is tak●n and hanged at Tiburn The Earle of Warwicke beheaded
THE TRVE AND WONDERFVLL HISTORY OF Perkin Warbeck PROCLAIMING himselfe RICHARD the fourth Eurip. Iphig in Tauris Nullus sibi similis in periculis homo quoties ad audaciam ex metu venerit LONDON Printed by E. G. for NATHANIEL BVTTER and are to bee sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Pyde-Bull 1618. Historia est Testis temporum Lux veritatis Vita memoriae Magistra vitae Nuntia vetustatis Cicero de Orat. Lib. 2. Historia nihil aliud est nisi annalium confectio cuius rei memoriaeque publicae retinendae causa ab initio res omnes singulorum annorum mandabat literis Pontifex maximus efferebatque in album proponebat tabulam domi c. TO THE RIGHT HOnourable THOMAS Earle of Arundel primer Earle of England and one of his Maiesties most honourable Councell c. RIGHT HONOVRABLE SVch as my poore selfe that am only a looker on of your vertues as a Passenger in a streete beholding the Frontispice of some delicate Edifice but debarred the entrance and search into the inward roomes must be contented or if you please indebted to the opinion and report of others which I haue found so ample and enlarged concerning your great Honour and greater worthinesse that I will forbeare any further insinuation least I step into a kind of flattery a vice incident to most men refused of none yet in all fortunes to be disclaimed of a Gentleman only I must adde this that I am proud of mine owne assurance that you are borne to adorne our Country and illustrate our Court wherein your industrie loyaltie and immaculate truth shall make your vertues compleat and triumphant Therefore great Lord haue I chosen out this History meerely for the strangenesse and charactred you the Patron of my endeauours for the obseruations that the remarkeable passages heerein proposed of which euen Scotland had a part may serue for all persons in such dignity and eminent places both for precept and caution For Precept to florish in their owne honours and moue in their owne orbes sticking close to the glory of their Countrie and clinging to the sides of Maiesty that the King may aske what shall be done to the man whom he would honour and the Common-wealth follow them with Panegyricall applauses who preserue her peace from the rauishing and deforming of strangers be the hopes to the contrary neuer so probable or inductiue For Caution not once to put any confidence in deceiuers nor belieue the Diuell himselfe though he promise to giue the Kingdomes of the World which are none of his yet I confesse him Prince of the same that is of the abuses and impieties therein both raging and raigning and the rather because the end hath euer beene perdition of body soule honour estates and posteritie nor can the pleading of simplicitie in the seduction or ignorance in the credulity serue the turne For though Princes ma●y times haue beene drawne to pardon the offences of Subiects and refractary delinquents wallowing or rather sunk ouer head eares in the mierie bogs of such conuulsions yet are they not alwaies to be presumed vpon nor will the Common-wealth endure the indignitie or giue way to any person whatsoeuer in vilipending the gouernment I humbly therefore request your Honour to reade ouer this true and strange Story and take in worth my good meaning which presenteth the same vnto you I protest without any other motiue then to see you florish as a supportation of our Common-wealth and iewel of our kingdome As for the faults and my presumption I expect that that vertue and goodnesse which must make you famous in this world and happy in the world to come will extend but her owne properties to my pardon and admission knowing that if I haue done ill wisdome is not bought in the market and yet God bids vs come without money if well it is in your honourable fauour and noble acceptation Your Honours humble obser●ant THOMAS GAINS●ORDE Lucan lib. 8. DEstruit ingentes a●imos vita superstes Imperio nisi summa dies cum fine bonum Affuit celeri praeuertit tristia letho Dedecori est fortuna prior quisquam ne secundis Tradere se fatis audet nisi morte parata A PREFACE Nec adulatori Neque detractori TO speake of the commendation of history is not my meaning nor of the necessity my purpose For besides the definition and explanation of Tully himselfe you haue at least forty seuerall bookes which begin as I do with a preface as a preparatiue to the Reader to take their books within their gentle embraces meerely vpon the commendation of history I leaue all vnnamed except Sr. Henry Sauill for Tacitus Sr. Walter Raleigh for his history of the world Dr. Haward for the three Norman Kings and Henry the fourth In whose writings let vs write what we can as much is written as either delight profit or priuate respect can extend vnto so that I say I desist from that generall insinuation concerning the credit or particular satisfaction of history and come to more familiar opening the carpet of the businesse proposed Onely this I will adde that I had rather read one true story handsomly set vpon the frame of Precept and Caution then a thousand fictions diuerting my imaginary conceits to thinke vpon and as wee say spend themselues on impossibilities and corrupt my meditation with vaine foolish beastly and triuiall deuises which are the more ridiculous because there is substance and matter enough in verity to set on worke any humour and inuention whatsoeuer satisfie apprehensions euen in their wanton and exoticke wandrings For in this house of repast which my Iuy-bush inuites you to wouldst thou be made partaker of the attributes appropriate to the Diuine Maiesty Heere are manifested his prouidence wisdome mightinesse power iustice mercy preuention loue goodnesse maiesty c Wouldst thou be made acquainted with the secrets of Religion heere are demonstrated the vanities of ceremonies the necessity of adoration the encumbrances of superstition the simplicity of times the darknesse of Popery the feare of excommunication the reuerence of Priest-hood and the folly of deuises Wouldst thou know the policies of gouernment and dignity of a King heere you shall see what the desire of soueraignty can doe the iealousie of a Princes estate the reuenge of wrongs the feare of troubles and innouation the inconstancy of the people the danger of factions und the senerall passages of a prosperous or declining estate Wouldst thou bee quickned with the remembrance of pleasure heere are particulars of delight courtings of Ladies amorous encounters triumphant shewes deceitfull vanities and some idle relations Wouldst thou see vertue mounted on a pinnacle of her palace heere are wisdome grauity constancy magnanimity endurances of misfortune and moderation of power and greatnesse Wouldst thou behold vice in her deformity heere are enuy hatred malice pride ambition desire of reuenge rebellion contumacy stubbornnesse and
in the like either mislike or contention From thence the King went to Norwich where he solemnised the feast of Christmas and so departed to Walsingham vnder pretence of deuotion as the superstition of those times coacted For according to that ancient Poet Ritus ver● extra Iusticiam sunt reijcientes cultus deorum It was an instinct of Nature to confesse a Deity and maintaine the Sacrifices and offrings to the same Now because the most part of the World knew not the true God they inuented seuerall Idols to represent their seuerall Deities to whom they brought their praiers and oblations nor durst they enterprise any businesse without offertories and deuotion that their true intents might be acceptable to the God which commanded them yea such as professed Religion and abused their knowledge inuented Images deuises to please the naturall man because with the reason of Idolater they would not kneele to the aire in va●ne which was and is the errors of Christians both of the Greeke and Latine Church Now because our Lady was in these times the mediator of the Papists and the Lady of Walsingham the most famous shrine of our Country as that of Loretto is at this hower for Italy The King went thither for the impetration of prosperity in his affaires and ouerthrow and dissipation of his enemies which finished he retourned to Cambridge and so to London In the meane while the fire-brand and fuell of this contention Lady Margaret Duches of Burgundy had blowne the coales to such a heat that there were two thousand Almaines in a readinesse vnder the conduct of Martin Swart a noble man of Germanie and a martiall man by profession bold expert and daring whom after great rewards and secret directions from a well contracted Oratory she sent into Ireland with al his company where they ariued a● Dublin and were ioyfully welcomed by the Prince and the other Lords the coufederates especially the Earle of Lincolne who well knew that no enterprise was to be entertained without men and money and good beginnings were the drawers on of successe in the end Thus they made no more adoe but in the pride and strength of their conspiracy they proclaimed yong Lambert King of England withall the glorious titles and glorious manner appropriat as the time and Countrie afforded which ended with other ceremonies and some circumstances to set as vpright their businesse as they could they protracted no time but knowing the secret of expedition which as their case stood must be their best friend prepared for England the Army consisting as yet principally of high Almaines and a multitude of beggerly Irish which according to the Roman saying were many men and few Soldiers For their best defences were Scains and Mantles and heere and there a slender dart more fitter for a maigame and to moue wonderment then to oppose against good defences and well ordred troopes Of these the Lord Thomas Gerardine was Captaine and with these and the rest they landed for a speciall purpose or if you will to vni●e themselues with Sir Thomas Broughton one of the chiefe commanders in this vnhappy conspiracy at the Pile of Foudray within a little of Lancaster These affaires so notorious and so publike could not haue so secret a passage and contriuance but the worthy and wise King must needes be made acquainted with the same whereupon he dispatched certaine horse and scout-masters through the West parts of the Realme to attend the arriuall of his enemies abroad yea peraduenture to ouerwatch the actions of his friends at home as much troubled with the vnconstancy of these as perturbed with the rebellion of them Presently after he raised a sufficient Armie ouer which the Duke of Bedford and Earle of Oxford were principall commanders whom he sent forward before him then he came in person to Couentrey where the principall rendezuous was appointed and where he first heard of the landing of his enemies Within a while he could fill vp a scedule with the chiefe Traitors names and the manner of their troopes and proceedings Last of all he called a Councell proposing only two principall matters vnto them First whether it were better to encounter with his enemies out of hand as Achitophel perswaded Absalom to do against Dauid and so to dissipate them by maine force and expedition according to the Poet Tolle moras semper nocuit differre paratis Secondly or weary them out by delaies and detracting of time as Quintus Fabius surnamed after Maximus did by Hannibal and so sent him far enough from Rome into Brutia and Apuleia whereupon he was eternized with Vnus homo nobis cunctando restituit rem The conclusion was that though many times great Armies whose fury at the first rushes could not be rebated were at last spent with time expectation and many inconueniences as want of pay commotions mutinies encombrances in a strange Country feare of forraine people mortalitie famine and such like yet as the affaires of the Kingdome stood all speed and an orderly festination was to be put in practise lest like a ball of snow in a moist cold and misty Country which by often rowling groweth greater and greater they might augment their numbers with their rage and madnesse being so neere the Scots open enemies and in the north parts dissembling friends Whereupon the King remooued to Nottingham and tooke a field neere vnto a wood called Bowers whither came vnto him the Lord George Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury the Lord S●range Sr. Iohn Cheny and many other Commanders with sufficient forces and furniture to encounter better men then heauy Almaines and vnarmed Irish and so the Kings army wonderfully encreased had the fulnesse of his subiects obedience to his great satisfaction and the comfort of all the rest For a Prince can in nothing bee so well pleased as in the loyalty loue and obseruation of the subiect nor the souldier contented as in the amity and full assurance of one another especially being all of a nation and language to vnderstand the wants of such as would be supplied and be releeued with the willingnesse of those which are ready to performe the same In this space the Earle of Lincolne entred Yorke-shire by easie iournies for not ouerwearying his princely Nephew vnaccustomed to trauell and after his precize manner hee both commanded that no violence should be offered to any of the Inhabitants commended all those which repaired vnto him vsing such humility and affable demeanour that it wan the hearts of many as yet vnsettled vnto him and strengthened the loue of such as had already submitted themselues Notwithstanding being much frustrated in his expectation of many coadiutors and failing in that sufficiency which hee presumed vpon hee began a little to entertaine an ill companion to all noble designes feare and mistrust casting vp an vntoward reckoning of his proceedings in this manner To retire backe againe were to meet death and destruction by a
circuit of patience but answered this our Captaine somewhat like himselfe that he was as loyall to the King as he as seruiceable as he as louing to his countrey and crowne of England as hee and so defied him to his face which added only fuell to the former fire that the vndaunted Souldier apprehended and attached him of high treason which seemed an vnsufferable peece of businesse and had it not beene within Dublin or some principall place vnder the English command an Herculean and intricate Labour But thus is this great Earle vnder arrest and without any more adoe carried into England to answer the matter But when he came before the King and Councell to bee examined of treason and matters laid to his charge eyther his innocencie was a Perseus shield against this Gorgons head of calumniation or his wit and delicate iudgement brought him out of the labyrinth of those troubles or the times afford●d not such seueritie and proceedings or the King had other matters to thinke vpon or indeed it was no pollecie to rub these new soares with rude hands according to the rule Horrent admotas vulnera cruda manus For hee was quietly dismissed thanked rewarded and of Deputie made Lieutenant and so sent backe againe vpon the engaging of his hononr to withstand the landing of Perkin if euer he came into Ireland By this occasion the King was without feare of battaile and determined his progresse about Midsommer to visit his mother lying at Latham in Lancashire still wife to the earle of Derbie But as he was preparing his iourney newes came of Perkins landing in England which a while diuerted him and enforced his retardance from his first determination For in truth when the Duches of Burgundie had notice of all the Kings proceedings both in England and Ireland and that the principall offenders were condemned and executed and confederats dissipated and ouerwatched shee found too late her owne slacknesse and the first misfortune of the King of France his retractions from assisting the Prince For whether I name Peter or Perkin or Warbeck or Prince or Richard Duke of Yorke or Richard the fourth all is one man and all had one end And questionlesse if at his first repairing into Ireland hee had made for England while that rumour had possessed the people and the looking after nouelty busied them with strange and impossible hope while euery one stood amazed to gaze after wonders while the conspiracy was in growth and had diuers factious Nobles to forme it to a larger birth while the souldiers desired to bee doing and men grew weary of ease and quietnesse The businesse might haue plunged the Kingdome and successe tooke a flight with strong wings indeede whereby you may perceiue the sweetnesse and benefit of expedition in all dangerous businesse and resemble vniustifiable actions to theeuish bargaines which either must bee made away in the darke or hastned apace in the proudest market place according to the saying Praceps facit omne timendum Victor in nulla non creditur esse Carina Notwithstanding our great Duches remained vndaunted and in a manner of scorne to depend vpon others promises she aduentured on her owne power and determined to put him vnder the wings of Fortune let her ouershade him as she pleased so gathering his forces together and furnishing her ships with a sufficient company and some valiant Captaines shee sent him to sea and onely prayed to the wrathfull Nemesis as authour of her reuenge for successe and thriuing in so glorious an attempt Heere were of all nations and conditions of men Bankrupts Sanctuary-men Theeues Robbers Vagabonds and diuers others who affecting liberty rapine and spoile desisted from honest labor to be the seruants of dishonest rebellion His fortune as we now prophanely abuse that terme draue him on the coast of Kent before Deale-Castle where being becalmed he cast anchour sending diuers on shore to certifie the Inhabitants of this arriuall preparation purposes and well ● furnished army and to put them in minde of their ancient liberties priuiledges and vndaunted courages which haue giuen battell to Kings and made their owne peace with Conquerors But alas this oratory flew like a shaft without a head and they had learnt other lessons of stability and loyalty as finding the sweetnesse of peace and happinesse of gouernment Notwithwanding they called a Councell and I beleeue if they had beene fully resolued that hee was the true Prince indeed they would haue entertained the motion For some of their fingers itched to be doing but suspicious of his originall and former weaknesse and wisely apprehending how shame and reuenge dogged treason and rebellion at the heeles they concluded to continue firme and faithfull to the State and so with a kinde of policy to allure them to land they sent diuers to Perkin with flattering hopes of their assistance while they were indeede mustering of forces to surprize them as fast as they should land which when Perkin perceiued he imagined that all could not be well or consorting to his expectation For in this point his wit and experience serued him to vnderstand thus much that common people and multitudes stirred to sedition vse no solid councells or settled discourses but come flocking with their fulnesse and forwardnesse to assist their friends and follow their pretences according to Euripides description of a confused company and rebellious army In infinito enim exercit● Incoercita turba nauticaque licentia Violentior igne malus vero qui mali nihil agit Whereupon hee durst not land himselfe and was sorry so many of his company were on shore but seeing there was no remedy he sent others if neede were to releue them or bring them backe againe to his ships When the Kentishmen beheld such a rabble of strangers and dissolute persons and wisely foresaw that there was no no man of honor or eminence to giue credit to the attempt they presently coniectured that they came rather to spoile and forage the coasts then to releeue a distressed Prince in his right and so running the right way indeed stood firmly for their Countrey and set vpon them as they were stragling vp and downe in the villages enforcing the better sort and better armed backe againe to their boats and surprizing such as could not maiutaine the quarrell and had presumed too farre from the maine battell of whom they tooke 160. prisoners yea the principall Captaines themselues while they laboured to perswade the retreat and to gather them together after some martiall forme of resistance viz. Moumford Corbet Whight Bets Quintine or Geuge who were all brought to Sr. Iohn Pechy high Sheriffe and so raled in ropes like horses drawing in a cart sent vp to London and there executed in diuers places adioyning to the City whereby Perkin had matter of disconsolation for the time and time enough to saile backe againe into Flanders to entertaine better aduice and more company The King as
my grand-father Direck Orsbeck after whose decease my grand-mother married Peter Flamine Receiuer of Tourney Deane of the boat-men ouer Lescheld my mothers father was called Peter De Faro which kept the keyes of St. Thomas gate within the said towne I had also an vnckle Mr. Iohn Statime of St. Pias Parish with whom I dwelled very young hee married mine aunt Iane and brought me vp very well yet my mother not contented as being very chary of mee had mee to Antwerp to lea●●e Flemish more exactly to a kinsman of my fathers Iohn Steinbeck with whom I remained a full halfe yeare but by reason of the wars I returned to Tourney where I was placed with Mr. Barlo who within another yeere carried me to the mart at Antwerp where I fell sicke awhile and so was boorded in a Skinners house much conuersant with the English nation whereby I learnt the language as you see From thence I went to Barrow mart lodged at the old man Afterward Mr. Barlo left me at Middle-borough with Iohn Strew a Merchant who first made me beleeue I was better then I was From Antwerp I sailed into Portugall with my Lady Brampton in a ship called the Queenes ship serued a Knight in Lichborne called Don Peter Las de Cogna who had but one eye yet the manner of his behauiour and order of his house made mee tarry a yeere Then Pregent Meno a Brittaine carried mee into Ireland and either commanded so by my Lady Margaret who as shee said was my aunt or proiecting something for his own priuate would needs perswade me I was a Plantaginet of the house of Yorke For when I arriued in Corck because I was somwhat hādsomly apparrelled they would needs bestow vpon me the title of the E. of Warwick sonne to George Duke of Clarence formerly in Ireland which Iohn Le Wellin the Maior maintained and for as much as my deniall was contrary to their expectation they brought me to the crosse and made me sweare which I did disclaiming him or any of his kinred vntill Stephen Poitron with Iohn a Water came vnto me as resolued I was King Richards bastard-sonne then in the hands of the King of England perswading mee not to bee afraid or daunted at any thing For they would ayd me assist me euen to the obtaining the crowne of England yea they knew of their owne knowledge the Earles of Desmond and Kildare were ready to aduenture their liues and estates for my sake After this they carried mee into Flanders to Lady Margaret Regent and Duches of Burgundy who preuailed so far with me that I took vpon me the person of Richard Duke of Yorke second sonne of King Edward the fourth and so with reasonable preparation I returned backe againe into Ireland where the sayd Iohn a Water Stephen Poinings Iohn Tiler Hubert de Brough the foresayd Earles and many others entred with mee into a dangerous rebellion and I was proclaimed by them Richard the fourth From hence the King of France sent for me by Loyte Lucas and Stophen Frian but making peace with England he left me to my fortunes Then I sayled into Flanders where my supposed Aunt made more of me then before so I attempted England but was driuen backe againe into Flanders from whence I went into Scotland and from thence againe into Ireland and so into England When the people had heard him out they wondred both wayes at the matter and stood as it were confounded betwixt shame and indignation If it were a co●lusion to thinke how grossely the Kingdome and some of the best therein yea many Kingdomes had beene abused with such an imposture to the prosecuting seuerall ●acinorous actions and disturbance of the peace and tranquility of the Common-wealth If it were not so and that for feare of life hee confessed the contrary being the true Plantaginet and a Prince borne to so great a fortune then they wondred if any man could bee so base as to deiect himselfe to such ignominy and opprobrious disgraces when to die had been honorable to sell ones life in the field far better then to plead on a scaffold where the many changes must needs distract him and make a poore soule neither fit for life nor death But whatsoeuer he was they could not chuse but deplore his estate and misfortune as naturally and ordinarily all men are bemoaned in aduersity especially such an one that was so forward in the race and iourney to Maiesty and pulled backe so often by the sleeue and turned with a fury into the house of desolation and dungeon of disconsolate wretchednesse when to haue perished at once had beene a fauour of death and fortune indeede according to our Poet Mitins ille perit subita qui mergitur vnda Quam sua qui liquidis brachia lassat aquis When the King had this way satisfied himselfe and pleased the people as he thought hee made no more adoe but to preuent inconueniences clapt him in the Tower from whence he escaped not vntill hee was carried to Tiborne and there swallowed vp by the neuer satisfied paunch of Hell for his former abuses and intolerable wickednesse which hapned very shortly after For iust at this instant a roguish Augustane Frier called Patricke on the borders of Suffolke after Peter Warbecks example taught a poore scholler one Ralph Wilford to take vpon him the title of the Earle of Warwicke as yet in the Tower of London but supposed to escape as corrupting his keepers intimating the glory of the action and the brauery of such an enterprize wherein who would be so base and cowardly as not aduenture his life and put in practise any designe to attaine to a Diadem especially by so easie meanes as personating a Prince and assuming the title of the next heire to the crowne And when some of his better vnderstanding friends laid open the danger impossibility of the attempt with the odiousnes perf●diousnes of the Treason he answered the first with one Poet Fa●naque post Cineres maior venit mihi nomen Tum quoque cum vinis annumerarer erat And the latter with another Si enimiiniustè facere opportet potissimumpropter Imperium ius violandum est alias pium esse conuenit But although this mischiefe was quietly blowne ouer like a weake and thin cloud suddenly dispeirced by a forcible winde For both Master and Scholer were quickly apprehended the one hanged on Shrouetuesday at Saint Tho. Watrings and the Fryar condemned to perpetuall imprisonment yet it left such an impression behinde to the troub●●●g as a man may say the whole Region of the aire that the King would dally no longer but like the Sunne in his full strength at the next incensing of his maiesty dissolued all such vapours and gaue the law leaue to play her part to the finall extirpation of the very roots of sedition which presently was thus set on worke Peter Warbeck impatient at this