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england_n earl_n lord_n privy_a 6,059 5 11.5175 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20476 The explanation. of the true and lavvful right and tytle, of the most excellent prince, Anthonie the first of that name King of Portugall, concering his warres, againste Phillip King of Castile, and against his subiectes and adherentes, for the recouerie of his kingdome. Together vvith a briefe historye of all that hath passed aboute that matter, vntill the yeare of our Lord. 1583. Translated into English and conferred with the French and Latine copies. By the commanundement and order of the superiors.; Explanatio veri ac legitimi juris, quo serenissimus Lusitaniae Rex Antonius eius nominis primis nititur. English António, Prior of Crato, 1531-1595.; Hollyband, Claudius, 16th cent. 1585 (1585) STC 689; ESTC S100205 44,552 60

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Bishop of Guardia The next day after his maiesties comming to this place he sent his Agent to Santaren to declare to the gouernour and Magistrates of the Towne how he was determined to come thither praying them to receaue and defend him in case thennemy pursued him thither Wherevpon the gouernour and Magistrates vppon notice of the Kinges comming went with a great companye of the Citizens to meet him halfe a myle without the Towne and there very humblye receaued him not without great lamentation for that which had happened at Lisbon the day before and so conducted him to the royall palace of the City offering all with one accorde to spende their liues and gooddes in his defence if he woulde staye there Bur for that the Towne was not verye strong nor conuenientlye furnished with a garrison munitions of warre and other necessaryes to abyde a siege he stayed there onely twoo dayes to heale his woundes and then tooke his iourney towarde Porto of Portugall a sea towne indifferent strong about fifty myles from Lisbon whither the Duke of Aluaes armye easely coulde not passe where the Kinge might haue conuenient place and oportunitie to repayre his armie and stay for ayde which he hoped for out of Fraunce or England In this iourney the king Don Anthonio was accompanyed by the Byshop of Guardia the Erle of Vimioso Emanuell de Sylua then gouernour of the sayde Citie of Santaren Peter de Meneses and his maiesties Agent beeing all of his priuie counsell with manye other Lordes Gentlemen and other persons of great worshippe and calling to the number of about twoo hundred horsemen and a thousande footemen And in the same by reason of his woundes became so weake and feeble that he coulde not abyde to sit his horse nor be carryed in his Litter but was dryuen to be borne vppon mens shoulders Then comming to the Towne of Montemaior not farre from Col●mbre his maiestie stayed there six daies to refresh himselfe and cure his woundes gathering men togeather in the meane space to aboute the number of eyghte thousande wherewith he martched to the Citye of Auero and was in all places as he passed through the countrey receaued and acknowledged as Kinge notwithstanding that the Kinge of Castile had alreadye subdued Lisbon the chiefe Cytye of the kingdome When the sayde Kinge Don Anthonio drewe neere to this Cytye of Auero hee sommoned thinhabitantes to take his parte and topen the gates of their Cytie vnto him according to their oathe Vppon refusall whereof on theire behalfe madehee gaue in charge to therle of Vimioso whome after that hee made Counstable of Portugall to doe his endeuour to take it by force giuing also the spoyle of the Cytye to the souldiours And thoughe it were well furnished with munitions of warre and other necessaries yet the greater parte of the Citizens refufed to make resistaunce againste Kynge Anthonies men insomuche that the Towne was taken easily by scaling the walles and otherwise and so brought vnder his obedience and sacked But yet vppon the taking of the same his maiestie gaue suche order that the soldiours exceeded not in their insolencie so that all thinges were soone in quietnesse his maiestie lodging there first in the monasterye of rhe dominican freres by the space of three dayes wente from-thence to a verye fayre large house pleasauntlye scituated vppon the riuer and beelonging to Francisco de Tauares a gentleman who a little before was gone to the king of Castile to sue for pardon bycause he had saluted and acknowledged king Anthonie for king When Kinge Anthony had caused certaine traytours in this Cyty to be executed by order of law he continued his iourney towarde the said towne of porto of Portugall lykewise sommoning the citizens of the same to acknowledge him for their king and to open the gates of their cyty vnto him In this towne was then gouernor Pantaleon de Sà brother of Frauncis de Sà one of the three gouernours which presentlye after Don Anthonie was chosen King fled to the king of Castile This gouernour being likewise wonne to the King of Castiles side was a meane with other of his complices that entrance into this towne was denyed to King Anthony his maiestie conceauing greate displeasure thereat assembled men from all partes thereaboutes to encrease his armie made al possible preparation to passe ouer the Ryuer and take the towne by force When all thinges necessary for the siege were in a readines as the king was marching with all his hoste against the town hauing in his campe about twelue thousand men and yet the most of them vnarmed the Citizens began presentlye to ryse in such a mutinie against Pantaleon the gouernour and his complyces who pretended to resist Don Anthonio and his men that the sayde gogouernor and his pertakers had much a doe to saue themselues by flight from the furye of the people whereby it came to passe that al the religious and clergy men of the towne camme foorth to meete the King beseeching his maiestie to pardon the Cytizens in that they had not yeilded the towne into his hands vpon the first sommonce according to their alleagence and the dutye of their oath Whereupon the King in thend was content of his naturall clemēcie to pardon their offence vpon condition they should compound with the souldiours to whome he had graunted the sacking of the towne By reason whereof the Citizens promised for the safegarde of the same from sacking to giue the souldioures a hundred thousande Duckets And so the Kinge at his entraunce into the towne was honorablye receaued by the Citizens whereupon his maiestie presently sent the Bishop of Guardia from thence with al speede to the next prouince called Entre dueroe Minho to encourage thinhabitans and gather men victuals for thaugmenting and prouision of his campe and so stayed certaine daies in the same towne expecting aide and gunpowder from Fraunce Nowe the Duke of Alua vnderstanding howe Kinge Anthony was come to Porto and there encresed his army feared least his Maiesty should receaue aide from Fraunce and therefore in all hast sente Sancho de Auila sometime gouernour of the Castle of Antwerp with two thousand horsemen and eyght thousand foote men Artillerie and all other munitions and necessarye prouision of warre to besiege the saide towne of Porto who ariued there about thirtie daies after King Don Anthonio came thither Nowe when the said King Don Anthonio was informed of thenimies comming he gaue order to all townes where they should passe to giue them free passage without resistaunce for that his maiestie coulde not defende them by reason he wanted horsemen and gunpowder and that the greatest part of his souldiors which serued him in the getting of Porto were retyred hoame to their owne houses When Sancho Dauila was come before the Towne of Porto hee stayed with his armie and planted his artillery vppon the farther side of the riuer of Dureto ouer against Porto from