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england_n earl_n lord_n northumberland_n 3,582 5 12.3383 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19623 A short declaration of the ende of traytors, and false conspirators against the state & of the duetie of subiectes to theyr soueraigne gouernour: and wythall, howe necessarie, lawes and execution of iustice are, for the preseruation of the prince and common wealth. Wherein are also breefely touched, sundry offences of the S. Queene, co[m]mitted against the crowne of this land, & the manner of the honorable proceding for her conuiction thereof, and also the reasons & causes alledged & allowed in Parliament, why it was thought dangerous to the state, if she should haue liued. Published by Richard Crompton, an apprentice of the common lawes. Seene and allowed. Crompton, Richard, fl. 1573-1599. 1587 (1587) STC 6055; ESTC S109080 31,136 50

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by her Was not the saide VViat and dyuers other executed for the same Rebellion Looke into the same Booke and there it is plainely sette downe Did not y e Earles of Norththumberland and Westmerlande with fiftie Knights Esquires and Gentlemen besides a great number of the common sorte rebell in the North parts of this Realme in the xi yéere of her Maiesties ratgne to the ende to haue had alteration of this Religion and most happy state But what was the ende of these Earles were not they both attainted of treason was not the Earle of Northumberlande beheaded at Yorke and did not the other flie the Realme and were not the said fiftie persons attainted also of high treason Looke into the confirmation of their attainder by parliament in the xiii yéere of her Maiesties raigne and you shall finde it there apparant Diuers of which sayde fiftie personnes besides many other of the common sort were executed for that rebellion Consider of Arden which about the 25. yéere of her Maiesties raigne conspired her Maiesties with others death to the ende to haue had alteration of this Religion and estate were not they also then attainted of high treason was not Arden executed like a Traitor and did not Ientleman an other of them after his condemnation sor that offence hang himselfe in Newgate y e day before he that shold haue beene executed Then remember y t most rankest Traytor y t hath been heard of in our time Parry by name who notwithstanding hee had béene attainted for Burglarie and for the same attained her Maiesties pardon went afterwardes beyond the Scas and there carrying an offensiue mind against this state and Religion most wickedly with other forrainers conspired her highnes destruction and did remaine in that damnable purpose by the space of two yéeres then returned into England meaning to haue performed the same was not he in the 26. yéere of her Maiesties raigne hanged drawne and quartered as a detestable traytor to hys Prince and Countrie Did not the Earle of Northumberland conspire with the Lord Paget and Charles his Brother with Shelley and Throgmorton to haue suppressed this Religion to haue aduaunced the Romish Religion and by forraine inuasion into this Lande to haue vtterly subuerted this noble state and to haue aduaunced to the Crowne the S. Quéene In which their treasons was also imployed the destruction of our most gracious soueraigne Ladie So it appeareth by a small Treatise wherein these treasons are particularly sette forth Was not the saide Throgmorton about two yéeres last past executed as a Traytor for that cause Did not the said Earle knowing himselfe guiltye of those treasous most miserablie destroy himselfe with his owne hand in the Towre of London the xxvii yéere of her Maiesties raigne Was not the sayde Shelley shortly after condemned for that conspiracie and remaineth at the Quéenes mercie and are not the sayde Lord Pagett and his Brother attainted for that offence by vtlarie Was not Babington and thirteene other also executed in the xxviii yéere of her highnes raigne as Traitors for the like crimes And lastly haue not fourtéene Iesuites and Seminarie Priestes within these fiue yéeres béene erecuted as Traytors for practising to withdrawe her Maiesties subiects frō there due allegyance to her highnes and for that intent from the Religion now established to the Religion of Rome and to yeelde subiection to that Sea By these notable and memorable examples you may plainelie see the shamefull and miserable end of Traytors false conspirators and Rebelles against theyr Prince and soueraigne Gouernour what soeuer theyr pretences of Religion hath béene And these examples are héere sette downe for warnings to other and happy is he that can take béede by an others danger and mishappe as the wise Cato sayth Faelix quem faciunt aliena pericula cautum And was not the said late S. Queene priuie to sundry of the said conspiracies and treasons was she not a principall a better and comforter of the said offenders therein It is very euident by a Treatise published in print whereby appeareth that the Lordes and Commons of the high Court of Parliamēt hauing of long time to their intollerable gréefe sounde by howe many practises the sayd Scottish Quéene had compassed the destruction of her highnes most royall personne in whose safety next vnder God they acknowledged their cheefe felicitie to consist thereby not onelie to bereaue them of the sincere and true Religion in this Realme professed and established but to bring backe againe this noble Realme into the thraldome of Romish tyrannie and to ouerthrowe the happy estate thereof wherein although her highnesse of her aboundant gratious naturall clemency and princely magnanimitie had eyther lightly passed them ouer or with no small indulgence tolerated notwithstanding the often and earnest instances of her Nobilitie and Commons in sundry Parliaments héeretofore and further had protected her from the violent pursuite of her own people shée yet as a person obdurate in malice as it appeared continued her former practises as had béene lately manifested by certaine wicked conspiracies plotted by the sayd Babington and diuers desperate persons that had combined and confederated themselues by vowe oath in a most horrible enterprise by murther to take away the life of her Maiestie where in the Scottish Quéene did not onely aduise them but also direct comfort and abette them with perswasion counsell promise of reward and earnest obtestation Wherevpon her Maiestie at the earnest request of such as tendered y e safety of her royall personne and the quiet of the Realme did direct her Commission vnder the great seale to sundrye Lordes and others of her Maiesties priuie Counseil and a great number of Lords of Parliament of y e greatest and most auncient degree assisted with some of the principall Iudges of the Realme to heare examine and determine the same according to a Statute in that behalfe made in the xxvii yéere of her raigne Who to the number of thirty sixe hauing artended the execution of the said Commission and diuers dayes and times heard the allegations against the said Scottish Quéene in her owne presence and hearing she béeingpermitted to say what she woulde in her owne execuse dyd wyth one assent finde her culpable both in priuitie and consent to the sayd crimes obiected and also in compassing the Quéenes Maiesties death Which sentence by her owne directions vpon the hearing of the prooues and processe in Parliament was iudged to haue béene most honourable and iust And for asmuch as the said Quéene of Scots was the very ground and onely subiect whervpon such daungerous practises and complots had béen founded against her Maiesties most royall person and the estate of this Realme for these many yéenes to the ouerthrowe of sundry of the Nobilitie of the lande and daunger of Christian Religion and that they could see no hope of her desisting and her adherents