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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11265 The true chronicle historie of the whole life and death of Thomas Lord Cromwell As it hath beene sundrie times publikely acted by the right honorable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. Written by W.S. W. S.; Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, attrib. author. aut; Smith, Wentworth, fl. 1601-1623, attrib. author. aut 1602 (1602) STC 21532; ESTC S104562 30,280 52

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friend afore my Lordship will follow thee Exit Gou. Well Mantua since by thee the Earle is lost Within few dayes I hope to see thee crosd Exit omnes Enter Chorus Cho. Thus farre you see how Cromwelles fortune passed The Earle of Bedford being safe in Mantua Desires Cromwells companie into France To make requitall for his courtesie But Cromwell doth denie the Earle his sute And telles him that those partes he meant to see He had not yet set footing on the land And so directlie takes his way to Spaine The Earle to France and so they both do part Now let your thoughtes as swift as is the winde Skip some few yeares that Cromwell spent in trauell And now imagine him to be in England Seruant vnto the maister of the Roules Wherein short time there he beganne to florish An houre shall show you what few yeares did cherish Exit The Musick playes they bring out the banquet Enter Sir Christopher Hales and Cromwell and two seruants Hales Come sirs be carefull of your maisters credit And as our bountie now exceedes the figure Of common entertainment so do you With lookes as free as is your maisters soule Giue formall welcome to the thronged tables That shall receiue the Cardinals followers And the attendants of the Lord Chancellor But all my care Cromwell depends on thee Thou art a man differing from vulgar forme And by how much thy spirit is ranckt boue these In rules of Arte by so much it shines brighter by trauell Whose obseruance pleades his merit In a most learned yet vnaffecting spirit Good Cromwell cast an eye of faire regarde Bout all my house and what this ruder flesh Through ignorance or wine do miscreate Salue thou with curtesie if welcome want Full bowles and ample banquets will seeme scant Crom. Sir what soeuer lies in me Assure I will shew my vtmost dutie Exit Crom. Hales About it then the Lords will striaght be here Cromwell thou hast those parts would rather sute The seruice of the state then of my house I looke vpon thee with a louing eye That one day will prefer thy destinie Enter Messenger Mess. Sir the Lords be at hand Hales They are welcome bid Cromwell straight attend vs And looke you all things be in perfect readinesse The Musicke playes Enter Cardinall Wolsay Sir Thomas Moore and Gardiner Wol. O sir Christopher you are too liberall what a banket to Hal. My Lordes if wordes could show the ample welcome That my free hart affordes you I could then become a prater But I now must deale like a feast Polititian With your Lordshippes deferre your welcome till the banket end That it may then salue our defect of faire Yet Welcome now and all that tend on you Wol. Thankes to the kinde maister of the Roules Come and sit downe sit downe sir Thomas Moore T is strange how that we and the Spaniard differ Their dinner is our banquet after dinner And they are men of actiue disposition This I gather that by their sparing meate Their bodie is more fitter for the warres And if that famine chance to pinch their mawes Being vsde to fast it breedes lesse paine Hal. Fill me some Wine I le answere Cardinall Wolsay My Lord we Englishmen are of more freer soules Then hungerstarued and ill complexioned spaniardes They that are rich in Spaine spare bellie foode To deck their backes with an Italian hoode And Silkes of Ciuill And the poorest Snake That feedes on Lemmons Pilchers and neare heated His pallet with sweete flesh will beare a case More fat and gallant then his starued face Pride the Inquisition and this bellie euill Are in my iudgement Spaines three headed diuell Mo. Indeede it is a plague vnto their nation And stager after in blinde imitation Hal. My Lords with welcome I present your Lordships A sollemne health Mo. I loue health well but when healthes doe bring Paine to the head and bodies surfeting Then cease I healthes nay spill not friend For though the drops be small Yet haue they force to force men to the wall Wol. Sir Christopher is that your man Hal. And like your grace he is a Scholler and a Lingest One that hath trauelled manie partes of Christendome my Lorde Wol. My friend come nearer haue you beene a traueller Cro. My Lord I haue added to my knowledge the loe Countries France Spaine Germanie and Italie And though small gaine of profit I did finde Yet did it please my eye content my minde Wol. What doe you thinke of the seuerall states And princes Courtes as you haue trauelled Cro. My Lord no Court with England may compare Neither for state nor ciuill gouernement Lust dwelles in France in Italie and Spaine From the poore pesant to the Princes traine In Germanie and Holland riot serues And he that most can drinke most he deserues England I praise not for I here was borne But that she laugheth the others vnto scorne Wol. My Lord there dwelles within that spirite More then can be discerned by outwarde eye Sir Cristopher will you part with your man Hal. I haue sought to proffer him to your Lordship And now I see he hath preferred himselfe Wol. What is thy name Crom. Cromwell my Lorde Wol. Then Cromwell here we make thee Solliciter of our causes And nearest next our selfe Gardiner giue you kinde welcome to the man Gardiner imbraces him Mo. My Lorde you are a royall Winer Hath got a man besides your bountious dinner Well Knight praie we come no more If we come often or shut vp thy doore Wol. Sir Christopher Hales hadst thou giuen me Halfe thy landes thou couldest not haue pleased me So much as with this man of thine My infant thoughtes do spell Shortlie his fortune shall be lifted higher True industrie doth kindle honours fier And so kinde maister of the Roules farewell Hal. Cromwell farewell Cro. Cromwell takes his leaue of you That neare will leaue to loue and honour you Exit Omnes Enter Chorus Cho. Now Cromwells highest fortunes doth begin The Musicke playes as they go in Wolsay that loued him as he did his life Committed all his treasure to his hands VVolsay is dead and Gardiner his man Is now created Bishop of UUinchestor Pardon if we omit all UUolsayes life Because our play dependes on Cromwelles death Now sit and see his highest state of all His haight of rysing and his sodaine fall Pardon the errors is all readie past And liue in hope the best doth come at last My hope vpon your fauour doth depend And looke to haue your liking ere the end Exit Enter Gardiner Bishop of Winchester The Dukes of Norffolke and of Suffolke Sir Thomas Moore Sir Christopher Halles and Cromwell Nor. Maister Cromwell since Cardinall VVolsayes death His maiestie is giuen to vnderstand There 's certaine billes and writings in your hand That much concernes the state of England My Lord of VVinchester is it not so Gar. My Lord of Norfolke we two weare whilom fellowes And maister Cromwell
first gaue me life Alas what dutie is too much for him This man in time of need did saue my life And therefore cannot do too much for him By this old man I often times was fed Els might I haue gone supperlesse to bed Such kindnesse haue I had of these three men That Cromwell no way can repaie againe Now in to dinner for we stay too long And to good stomacks is no greater wrong Exit omnes Enter Gardiner in his studie and his man Gard. Sirra where be those men I causd to stay Ser. They do attend your pleasure sir within Gard. Bid them come hether and stay you without For by those men the Foxe of this same land That makes a Goose of better then himselfe Wee le worie him vnto his latest home Or Gardiner will faile in his intent As for the Dukes of Suffolke and of Norffolke Whom I haue sent for to come speake with me Howsoeuer outwardlie they shadow it Yet in their hearts I know they loue him not As for the Earle of Bedford he is but one And dares not gaine-say what we do set downe Enter the two witnesses Now my friends you know I sau'd your liues When by the law you had deserued death And then you promised me vpon your othes To venture both your liues to do me good Both wit We swore no more then that we will performe Gard. I take your words and that which you must do Is seruice for you God and for your King To roote a rebell from this flourishing land One that 's an enemie vnto the Church And therefore must you take your solemne oathes That you heard Cromwell the Lord Chauncellor Did wish a dagger at King Henries hart Feare not to sweare it for I hard him speake it Therefore wee le shield you from insuing harmes 2. Wit If you will warrant vs the deed is good Wee le vndertake it Gar. Kneele downe and I wil here absolue you both This Crucifix I lay vpon your head And sprinckle holy-water on your browes The deed is meritorious that you do And by it shall you purchase grace from heauen 1. Now sir wee le vndertake it by our soules 2. For Cromwell neuer loued none of our sort Gar. I know he doth not and for both of you I will preferre you to some place of worth Now get you in vntill I call for you For presentlie the Dukes meanes to be here Exit wit Cromwell sit fast thy time 's not long to raigne The Abbies that were puld downe by thy meanes Is now a meane for me to pull thee downe Thy pride vpon thy owne head lights vpon For thou art he hath changd religion But now no more for here the Dukes are come Enter Suffolke Norffolke and the Earle of Bedford Suff. Goodden to my Lord Bishop Nor. How fares my Lord what are you all alone Gar. No not alone my Lords my mind is troubled I know your honours muse wherefore I sent And in such hast What came you from the King Norff. We did and left none but Lord Cromwell with him Gard. O what a dangerous time is this we liue in There 's Thomas Wolsay hee s alreadie gone And Thomas Moore he followed after him Another Thomas yet there doth remaine That is farre worsse then either of those twaine And if with speed my Lords we not pursue it I feare the King and all the land will rue it Bed Another Thomas pray God it be not Cromwell Gard. My Lord of Bedford it is that traitor Cromwell Bed Is Cromwell false my hart will neuer thinke it Suff. My Lord of Winchester what likelihood Or proofe haue you of this his treacherie Gar. My Lord too much call in the men within Enter witnesses These men my Lord vpon their othes affirme That they did here Lord Cromwell in his garden Wished a dagger sticking at the hart Of our King Henrie what is this but treason Bed If it be so my hart doth bleed with sorrow Suff. How say you friends what did you here these words 1. wit We did and like your grace Norff. In what place was Lord Cromwell when he spake them 2. wit In his Garden where we did attend a sute Which we had waited for two yeare and more Suff. How long i st since you heard him speake these words 2. wit Some halfe yeare since Bed How chance that you conceald it all this time 1. wit His greatnesse made vs feare that was the cause Gard. I I his greatnesse that 's the cause indeed And to make his treason here more manifest He calles his seruants to him round about Telles them of Wolsayes life and of his fall Saies that himselfe hath manie enemies And giues to some of them a Parke or Manor To others Leases Lands to other some What need he doe thus in his prime of life And if he were not fearfull of his death Suff. My Lord these likelihoods are very great Bed Pardon me Lords for I must needs depart Their proofes are great but greater is my heart Exit Bedford Norff. My friends take heed of that which you haue said Your soules must answer what your tongues reports Therefore take heed be warie what you doe 2. wit My Lord we speake no more but truth Norff. Let them depart my Lord of Winchester Let these men be close kept Vntill the day of triall Gar. They shall my Lord here take in these two men Exit witnesses My Lords if Cromwell haue a publike triall That which we do is voide by his deniall You know the king will credit none but him Nor. T is true he rules the King euen as he pleases Suff. How shall we do for to attache him then Gard. Marie my Lords thus by an Acte he made himselfe With an intent to intrap some of our liues And this it is If any Councellor Be conuicted of high treason He shall be executed without a publike triall This Act my Lords he causd the King to make Suff. A did indeed and I remember it And now it is like to fall vpon himselfe Nor. Let vs not slack it t is for Englands good We must be warie els hee le go beyond vs Gar. Well hath your Grace said my Lord of Norffolke Therefore let vs presently to Lambeth Thether comes Cromwell from the Court to night Let vs arest him send him to the Tower And in the morning cut off the traitors head Norf. Come then about it let vs guard the towne This is the day that Cromwell must go downe Gard. Along my Lords well Cromwell is halfe dead He shaked my hart but I will shaue his head Exeunt Enter Bedford solus Bed My soule is like a water troubled And Gardiner is the man that makes it so O Cromwell I do feare thy end is neare Yet I le preuent their malice if I can And in good time see where the man doth come Who little knowes how neares his day of dome Enter Cromwell with his traine Bedford makes
though our maisters loue Did binde vs while his loue was to the King It is no boote now to denie these things Which may be preiuditiall to the state And though that God hath raisde my fortune hyer Then any way I lookt for or deseru'de Yet my life no longer with me dwell Then I prooue true vnto my Soueraigne What say you maister Cromwell haue you those writings I or no Crom. Here are the writings and vpon my knees I giue them vp vnto the worthy Dukes Of Suffolke and of Norffolke he was my Maister And each vertuous part That liued in him I tenderd with my hart But what his head complotted gainst the state My countries loue commands me that to hate His sudden death I greeue for not his fall Because he sought to worke my countries thrall Suff. Cromwell the King shall here of this thy dutie Whom I assure my selfe will well rewarde thee My Lord le ts go vnto his Maiestie And show these writings which he longs to see Exit Norffolke and Suffolke Enter Bedford hastily Bed How now whos 's this Cromwell By by soule welcome to England Thou once didst saue my life didst not Cromwell Crom. If I did so 't is greater glorie for me that you remember it Then of my selfe vainelie to report it Bed Well Cromwell now is the time I shall commend thee to my Souereigne Cheere vp thy selfe for I will raise thy state A Russell yet was neuer found ingrate Exit Hales O how vncertaine is the wheele of state Who latelie greater then the Cardinall For feare and loue and now who lower lies Gaye honours are but Fortunes flatteries And whom this day pride and promotion swels To morrow enuie and ambition quels More Who sees the Cob-web intangle the poore Flie May boldlie say the wretches death is nigh Gard. I know his state and proud ambition Was too too violent to last ouer-long Hales Who soares too neare the sunne with golden winges Mealtes them to ruine his owne fortune bringes Enter the Duke of Suffolke Suf. Cromwell kneele downe in king Henries name Arise sir Thomas Cromwell thus beginnes thy fame Enter the Duke of Norffolke Norf. Cromwell the maiestie of England For the good liking he conceiues of thee Makes thee maister of the iewell house Chiefe Secretarie to himselfe and with all Creates thee one of his highnesse priuie Counsell Enter the Earle of Bedforde Bed Where is sir Thomas Cromwell is he knighted Suf. He is my Lorde Bed Then to adde honour to his name The King creates him Lord keeper of his priuie Seale And maister of the Roules Which you sir Christopher do now enioy The King determines higher place for you Crom. My Lords these honors are too high for my desert More O content thee man who would not choose it Yet thou art wise in seeming to refuse it Gard. Here 's honors titles and promotions I feare this climing will haue a sudden fall Norff. Then come my Lords le ts al together bring This new made Counseller to Englands King Exit all but Gardiner Gard. But Gardiner meanes his glorie shall be dimde Shall Cromwell liue a greater man then I My enuie with his honour now is bred I hope to shorten Cromwell by the head Exit Enter Friskiball very poore Fris. O Friskiball what shall become of thee Where shalt thou go or which way shalt thou turne Fortune that turnes her too vnconstant wheele Hath turn'd thy wealth and riches in the Sea All parts abroade where euer I haue beene Growes wearie of me and denies me succour My debters they that should releeue my want Forsweares my monie saies they owe me none They know my state too meane to beare out law And here in London where I oft haue beene And haue done good to manie a wretched man Am now most wretched here dispisd my selfe In vaine it is more of their hearts to trie Be patient therefore laye thee downe and die He lies downe Enter good man Seely and his wife Ioane Seely Come Ioane come le ts see what hee le doe for vs now Iwis we haue done for him when many a time and often he might haue gone a hungrie hungrie to bed Wife Alas man now he is made a Lord hee le neuer looke vpon vs hee le fullfill the old Prouerbe Set Beggers a horse-backe and thei le ride A welliday for my Cowe such as he hath made vs come behinde hand we had neuer pawnd our Cowe els to pay our rent Seely Well Ioane hee le come this waye and by Gods dickers I le tell him roundlie of it and if hee were tenne Lordes a shall knowe that I had not my Cheese and my Bacon for nothing Wife Doe you remember husband how hee woulde mouch vp my Cheese cakes he hath forgot this now but wee le remember him Seelie I we shall haue now three flappes with a Foxe taile but I faith I le gibber a ioynte but I le tell him his owne staye who comes heere O stand vppe heere hee comes stand vppe Enter Hodge verie fine with a Tipstafe Cromwell the Mace caryed before him Norffolke and Suffolke and attendants Hod. Come away with these beggars here rise vp sirra Come out the good people runne afore there ho Friskiball riseth and stands a farre off Seelie I wee are kicked awaye now wee come for our owne the time hath beene he woulde a looked more friendlye vpon vs And you Hodge we know you well inough though you are so fine Cro. Come hether sirrah stay what men are these My honest Host of Hounslow and his wife I owe thee mony father do I not Seelie I by the bodie of mee dooest thou woulde thou wouldest paye me good foure pound it is I haue a the poste at home Cro. I know t is true sirra giue him ten Angels And looke your wife and you do stay to dinner And while you liue I freelie giue to you Foure pound a yeare for the foure pound I ought you Seelie Art not changed art ould Tom still Now God blesse the good Lord Tom Home Ioane home I le dine with my Lorde Tom to day And thou shalt come next weeke Fetch my Cow home Ioane home Wife Now God blesse thee my good Lorde Tom I le fetch my Cow presentlie Exit Wife Enter Gardiner Cro. Sirra goe to yon stranger tell him I desire him Stay at dinner I must speake with him Gar. My Lorde of Norffolke see you this same bubble That same puffe but marke the end my Lord marke the ende Nor. I promise you I like not somthing he hath done But let that passe the King doth loue him well Cro. God morrow to my Lord of Winchester I know you beare me hard about the Abbie landes Gar. Haue I not reason when religion is wronged You had no colour for what you haue done Cro. Yes the abolishing of Antichrist And of this Popish order from our Realme I am no enemy to religion But what is done it is for Englands good What did they