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A14856 Catalogus protestantium, or, The Protestants kalender containing a suruiew of the Protestants religion long before Luthers daies, euen to the time of the Apostles, and in the primitiue church. Webbe, George, 1581-1642.; Gee, John, 1596-1639. 1624 (1624) STC 25160.7; ESTC S123319 58,161 115

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Ex Archin Colleg Bal. ol Ox●n for neither was his preferment so meane he being both Publike Reader of Diuinitie in the famous Vniuersitie of Oxford and also head of a Colledge in that Vniuersitie And also hauing beene employed as an Embassadour with certaine other Lords and men of great esteeme by King Edward the third sent into Italie Martyrol p. 390. to treate with the Popes Legats concerning the affaires betwixt the King and the Pope with full Commission Ibid. p. 393. 412. The Copie whereof Extat Acts Monum p. 390. Moreouer what dignitie or preferment here in England could haue beene wanting vnto him had he ambitiously affected the same Jbid. p. 393. 412. hauing such especiall Patrons as the King himselfe the Duke of Lancaster Earle Percie Lord Marshall the Earle of Salisburie and diuers others of the greatest in Land who continually tooke his part and stood with him Moreouer as concerning his great Learning wee haue the confession of Frier Walden his most cruell and bitter enemie who in a certaine Epistle written to Pope Martin the fift saith That he was wonderfully astonished at his most strong Arguments Walden Epist ad Martin 5. with the places of authoritie which he had gathered with the vehemencie and force of his reasons c. And for further Testimonie both of his life and learning heare the publike Testimoniall of the whole Vniuersitie of Oxford giuen vnto him and his memorie The Copie whereof followeth VNto all and singular the Children of our holy Mother the Church to whom this present Letter shall come the Vice-Chancelor of the Vniuersitie of Oxford with the whole congregation of the Masters wish perpetuall health in the LORD For as much as it is not commonly seene that the Acts and Monuments of valiant men nor the praise and merrits of good men should be passed ouer c. Hereupon it followeth that the speciall good will and care which we beare vnto Iohn Wichliffe sometime childe of our Vniuersitie and Professor of Diuinitie mouing and stirring our mindes as his manners and conditions required no lesse with one minde voice and testimonie we doe all witnesse all his conditions and doings throughout his whole life to haue beene most sincere and commendable whose honest manners and conditions profoundnesse of Learning and most redolent Renowne and fame we desire the more earnestly to be notified and knowne to all the faithfull For that we vnderstand the maturitie and ripenesse of his conuersation his diligent labours and trauailes to tend to the praise of God the helpe and safegard of others and the profit of the Church Wherefore we signifie vnto you by these presents that his conuersation euen from his youth vpwards vnto the time of his death was so praise-worthy and honest that neuer at any time was there any note or spot of suspition noysed of him But in his answering reading preaching and determining He behaued himselfe laudibly and as a stout and valiant Champion of the Faith vanquishing by the force of the Scriptures all such who by their wilfull beggerie blaspheamed and slaundered Christs Religion Neither was this said Doctor conuict of any heresie or burned by our Prelates God forbid that our Prelates should haue condemned a man of such honestie for an Hereticke who among all the rest of the Vniuersitie hath written in Logicke Philosophie Diuinitie Moralitie and the Speculatiue Art without peere The knowledge of which all and singular things wee doe desire to testifie and deliuer forth to the intent that the fame and renowne of this said Doctor may bee the more euident and had in reputation among them vnto whose hands these present Letters testimoniall shall come In witnesse whereof wee haue caused these our Letters testimoniall to be Sealed with our common Seale Dated at Oxford in the Congregation house the 5. day of October in the yeare of our Lord. 1406. Thus farre of Doctor Wickliffe and of the cauils which the Papists doe obiect against him The next that especially they except against in the Catalogue before recited are the Waldenses Exceptions against the Waldenses Laziardus Volaterranus Syluius And what haue they to except against these Waldenses These Waldenses say they were a beggerly raskall sort of people ignorant and vnlearned seditious factious followers of euill opinions and among the rest they would haue all things common among them To that exception of Papists against the pouertie of these Waldenses wee answer 1. Apologie for the Waldenses That pouertie can be no disgrace vnto them who liue vprightly and maintaine the truth in sinceritie Prou. 19.1 Better is the poore that walketh in his integritie then the rich that is peruerse hath not God chosen the poore of this world rich in faith Iam. 2.5 and heires of the kingdome of heau●n 2. Neither yet were they all in such pouertie Histor Walde●●●a for W●ldus whom they call the ring-leader of them was a man of great substance Reymund Earle of T●●l●use and diuers other great Potentates adhered to them and their Religion 3. Neither was their number to mall or themselues such vagabonds as the Papists d●e traduce them W●d for though the f●ry of persecution did disperse diuers of them and caused th●m to flie from place to place yet they followed their callings and many times valiantly defeated their enemies To the want of learning and grosse ignorance which the Papists obiect against them I answer first with that of the Apostle 1 Cor. 1.26 1 Cor. 1.26 27 28. Not many wise men after the flesh not many mightie not many Noble hath God called but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise c. And againe That they are best learned 1 Cor. 2.2 who haue learned to know Iesus Christ and him crucified Secondly wee denie that they were all so illiterate or vnlearned Reynerus a Writer about that time and a bitter enemie of theirs in a long processe wherein hee describeth their Doctrine testifieth that hee heard of one who did know the partie Reyner de Waldens that a certaine hereticke of this sect so it pleaseth him to stile them to conuert a certaine person to his faith in the night and Winter time swamme ouer the Riuer Ibis to come vnto him and to teach him Moreouer so perfect saith hee were they in the Scriptures that hee himselfe did see and heare a man of the Countrey vnlettered which could recite ouer the whole booke of Iob word by word without booke with diuers others which had the whole new Testament perfectly by heart And although some of them rather merrily then vnskilfully expounded the words Iohn 1.12 Sui non receperunt eum Aenaeu● Syla. Bohem. ●ist de Waldens dogmat Swine did not receiue him yet were they not so ignorant and voide of learning but that in Reynerus his time they had 40. Churches at the least and Pastors to instruct them and in
by Pope Eugenius and in the end degraded and burnt at Rome Ex Antonin 3. part fol. 165. Nicholaus Clemangis an Archdeacon De annot non soluend In Italy Laurentius Valla a Roman Patrician Cannon of S. Iohn of Lateran Ex eius tractat contra E●entit Donat constat Petrus de Aliaco Cardinall of Cambray Tract de reform eccles Leonardus Aretinus Ex eius libello in Hypocrit Nicholaus Pycennius an Italian Captaine Ex orat Arclacens in Concil Basil In Germany Antonius Cornelius Lynaichanus Ex orat ad cler Colon. de lubricitat sacerd Martyrs Henricus Grunfielder Henricus Ratgeber Iohannes Draeandorfius Petrus Thoraw Matheus Hager of whom and the doctrine for which they suffered we may reade in Bali cent Martyrol p. 614. In Bohemia Iohn Hus Bachelor of Diuinity maintained 45 Articles in Prague against the Church of Rome in effect the same that we doe for which hee was called to the Councell of Constance where for persisting therein he was condemned and afterwards burnt Concil Constant Choclaus Huss Hierome of Prague Mr of Arts seconded Iohn Hus in defence of the same doctrine and followed him in martyrdome Cocl ibid. 54 Noblemen of Morauia wrote to the Councell of Constance in defence of Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prague whose names together with their Letter are recorded Martyrol p. 587. A great part of the Kingdome of Bohemia forsooke the Pope claue to the doctrine which they had learned from Hus and Hierom. Coch. ibid. Zisca a noble Bohemian with a great multitude of associates wage warre against the Papists and throw Images and Idols out of their Churches Coch. ibid. Before that time there may be seene professors of the Protestants Religion betweene the yeares 1350 and 1400. In England ROger VVimbleton whose learned Sermon against diuers points of Popery preached at Pauls Crosse Anno 1389 is extant Martyrolog pag. 503. Iohn VVickliffe publique Reader of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Oxford a famous learned man whose doctrine agreeing with ours may bee seene in his propositions recorded Martyrol pag. 414. This VVickliffe had many fauorites at that time especially Iohn of Gant and Henry Lord Percie the one Duke of Lancaster the other Marshall of England Ibid. The Vniuersitie of Oxford pag. 408 and many in the Parliament Anno 43 of Edward 3 did adhere vnto him Ibid. The Letters of King Richard the third and the Acts of Parliament then declare that this doctrine was dayly preached in Churches and Churchyards at which were present great multitudes of people Anno 5. Rich. 2. c. 5. Martyrs VVilliam Santree Iohn Bad●ie Persecuted for the same Doctrine Philip Repington Nicholas Hertford William Thorpe Iohn Puruie Iohn Edwards Walter Brute Iohn Ashton Iohn Becket Iohn Seynonds Dauid Cotray William Swinderby diuers others Act. Mon. in vit Rich. 2. In France Gerardus a Deacon Henricus de Iota Henricus de Hassia 140 of those who adhered to the doctrine of the Albigenses were about this time put to death in the Prouince of Narbone Massae hist A great number more about this time were burnt in France for the like cause and were nicknamed Publicans Puritans Paterines Houedom hist Martyrol pag. 387. In Germany Taulerus a preacher of Argentine Iohannes Montzigor Rector of the Vniuersitie of Vime who openly in the schooles impugned the doctrine of Transubstantiation Martyrol p. 386. Conradus Hager Rhider About the yeare of our Lord 1390 thirty six Citizens of Mentz were burnt for the doctrine of the VValdenses and holding the Pope to be Antichrist and relying vpon the Scriptures and not vpon the traditions of the Church of Rome Brus Anal Et Martyrol p. 587. In Italy Nicholas Orem whose Sermon before the Pope and his Cardinals Anno 1546 sauoureth of our doctrine Extat Martyrol p. 382. Iohannes de Ganduno Andreas à Castro Dante 's Florentinus Franciscus Petrarcha Iohannes de rupe Scissa Iohannes de Castellione Iohannes de Poliaco In Bohemia Matthias Parisiensis a Bohemian by birth about the yeare 1370 wrote a booke of Antichrist prouing him already to bee come and that the Pope is the same Martyrol p. 386. Iacobus Milnensis Miletius The Vniuersitie of Prague in defence of VVickliffe ibid. 4●0 Peter Pain● a Scholle● of VVickliffe came in●o B●hemia brought with him VVickliffs bookes which were in quantitie as great as Saint Augustines workes Histor de Hus lib. 1. In Spaine Petrus de Corbaria Franciscus de Areatara Floreleg Before that time there may be seene professors of the Protestants Religion betweene the yeares 1300 and 1350. In England ARmachanus sometimes a Student in Oxford afterward Bishop of Armach and Primate of Ireland who before Pope Innocent the 8 his Cardinals disputed nine conclusions against the Friers Wickliffe in Trid. Besides that hee contested against diuers other abuses in the Popish Church Martyrol p. 378 for which he sustained diuers troubles by meanes of the Pope and his Cardinals Martyrol page 375. That there were diuers others about this time of that Religion here in England may appeare out of a book then compiled and entituled The complaint of the Ploughman Extat Martyrol p. 366. In France Philip the French King wrote a Letter of defiance against Boniface the 8. Nichol. Triuet William Nagaretta William Plesiano in the French Kings name solemnly protested against the Pope Martyr p. 314. The Nobles Prelates and Parliament of France censure the abuses of the Papacy ibid. p. 315. 318. 324. Rude Duke of Bourgundy about the yeare 1348 disswadeth the French King from permitting in his Realme the Popes Decrees and Decrerals whose sage counsell then giuen as yet remaineth among the French Kings Records Testatur Carol Molinaus In Germany Gulielmus Ockam about the yeare 1326 wrote in defence of the Emperour Ludouicus against the Pope who wrote also diuers other Books in which he confuteth the vsurped Supremacie of the Pope and entring into mention of the Popes Decrees extrauagant declareth how little regard is to bee giuen thereto Iohn Sleid. lib. 4. Vlricus Hangenor Treasurer to the Empe●or Lud●uicus publiquely opposed himselfe against the Popes proceedings Martyrol p 358. Gregorius Ariminensis about the yeare of our Lord 1346 maintained the same doctrine of grace and free will which the Protestants at this day doe and dissented from the Papists and Sophisters counting them worse then Pelagians Ex Trithe●io Petrus de Bruis who laid the Axe to the root of Popery and in set-Treatises opposed most of his documents Pap. Mess in Bonif. Luitpoldus Andreas Landensis In Italy Marsilius Patauinus in his booke entituled Defensor pacis held these conclusions 1 That the Pope hath none authority ouer other Bishops much lesse ouer the Emperour 2 That the Word of God ought to bee iudge in causes Ecclesiasticall 3 The Clergie and Pope ought to be subiect to Magistrates 4 That Christ is the head of the Church and that hee neuer appointed any Pope to be his general Vicar 5 That the mariage of Priests is
Pope for an Hereticke and at the last was murthered Iornal c. 171. Martyrol p. 130. Noctus and Werefrithus at the same time here in England were of the same opinions Ibid. In Germanie Huldericke Bishop of Ausburgh about the yeare 867. wrote an Epistle to Pope Nicholas the 1. prouing by substantiall reasons that Priests ought not to bee restrained from Marriage Ex tat haec Epist Martyrol p. 125. Illyric in Catal. Meminit etiam huius Epistolae Aeneas Siluius in sua perigr Germaniae descriptione The Bishop of Rauenna also about this time wrote against the Supremacie of the Bishp of Rome Anast in vit Nich. In Constantinople Michael the Emperour and Photius the Patriarch of Constantinople stoutly resisted the Popes supremacie in opposition of whom the Embassadors of Pope Adrian the 2. came to Constantinople where a Councell being gathered by Basilius against Photius great policie was vsed in that Councell to haue all things framed to the content of the Romish Bishop Michael was slaine Photius deposed and to his place Taratius a great defender of the adoration of Images is preferred Ex epist Nich. ann Mich. Anastas in vit Nich. 1. Betweene the yeares 800. and 850. In England Iohn Mailros Claudius Clemens Two learned men of Scotlan sent by King Acha●us to Charles King of France and the first professors of Learning in the Vniuersity founded in Paris These two were much disliked by the Prelates of the Romish Church because they would not assent to all the superstitions of that Church in an age so miserably deformed Patrick Symps hi●t of the Ch. 2. Booke cent 8. p. 386. In France Claudius Bishop of Tours opposed himselfe against the adoration of Images Inuocation of Saints Pilgrimage c. Ionas Aurel. de Cult Imag. Albertus Ballus a Bishop in France was Excommunicated by Pope Zacharie because hee held diuers things contrary to the Romish superstitions Hist Magda eut 8. cap. 10. In Germanie Lotharius the Emperour reduced the Pope to the obedience of the Empire and sent three Arch-Bishops twenty Bishops and diuers noble men to Rome who disputed against the Pope and confuted him Anastas vit Pent in Serg. 2. Betweene the yeares 750. and 800. Bertram that famous learned man very skilfull in the Scriptures and of a life vnblamable as Trithemius testifieth of him wrote a Booke about this time against Transubstantiation which booke is now extant Trithem Catul. script Alcwinus and the Bishops of England wrote an Epistle substantially grounded out of holy Scripture about this time to the French King against setting vp of Images and other popish practises Continuatio Bedae in ann 792. In Germanie Charles the great assembled a Counsell at Franckeford about the yeare 794. wherein was condemned the worshipping of Images Concil Fr. The same Charles also caused a booke to be made against the 2. Nicene Counsell where the worshipping of Images was decreed with another set forth by Ludonicus his Son to the same effect Both which are to bee seene at this day Rhegino Chron. 2. In Constantinople In the yeare of our Lord 755. and in the 13. yeare of the Raigne of Constantinus Copronymus a generall Councell of 338. Bishops were assembled at Constantinople in which Councell the worshipping of Images is condemned and the placing of them in Oratories and Temples was forbidden Zonar Tem. 3. p. 88. Betweene the yeares 700. and 750. In England Beda translated St. Iohns Gospel into English Malmsh Adelbartus Clemens These two here in England about this time preached against the Popes Supremacie Traditions Images Purgatorie Masses for the dead and in defence of Priests marriage Illyr Catal. test tom 1. p. 633. In Constantinople Philipicus Leo Isaurus Two Emperours of Constantinople opposed themselues against the Popes supremacie and the worshipping of Images Zon. tom 3. p. 84. Betweene the yeares 650. and 700. In England AIdan Finian Coleman Three Scottish Bishops Also Cutbertus Iurummanus Cedda Wilfridus of whom it is testified that they gaue themselues wholly to the preaching of the word and followed that life which they preached giuing good example to others that they abhorred the papall pompe and had many bitter controuersies with the Court of Rome Bed lib. 2.23 lib. 4 c. 3. Martyrol p. 110. In Constantinople About the yeare 681. and in the 12. yeare of Constantius P●g●natus a generall Counsell was held at Constantinople where was disanulled the Doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning prohibition of Marriage to men in spirituall offices as also it was ordained that the Patriarch of Constantinople should bee equall in authority with the Pope of Rome Sext. Synod Can. 13. Also it was forbidden to make the holy Ghost in likenesse of a Doue Caxanc in can 82. In Portugall In the Councell of Bracara there held about this time the Cup was appointed to bee ministred to the Laietie as well as the Bread in the Administration of the Sacrament against the practise of some who then vsed to dip the Bread and so to giue it which was one beginning of the halfe Communion Concil Bracaz 3.1 Betweene the yeares 600. and 650. In England MEllitus Brockmaile 1100. Monkes of Bangor not Monkes after the Popish order but liuing by the sweat of their browes and labour of their owne hands who were miserably slaine because they withstood the proceedings of Austin the Monke who from the Pope was sent ouer into England Polychus 20. Martyrol p. 107. In France Serenus Bishop of Marsils in France about this time opposed the popish bringing in of Images into the Churches and brake downe all the Images that that were set vp in his Diocesse Alphons v. Imago In Greece The whole Greeke Church complained at Phocas when first he gaue the Supremacie to Boniface Plat. Bonif. 3. Gregorie Bishop of Rome no lesse contesting against that Supremacie taxing the desire thereof as a Character of Antichrist Greg. Epist 32. 34. 38 39. Thus haue we traced the foot-steps of the Protestant Church 400. yeares and vpward before the Conquest of England by William Duke of Normandy a thousand yeares before Luthers time or the daies of Henry the eight and haue found our Religion professed and maintained by diuers persons and in sundrie places not only here in England but also in most parts of Christendome euen to the time when Poperie began to shew it selfe in her colours in the daies of Boniface the 3. of that name Bishop of Rome and Phocas the Emperour 2 Thes 2.7 At what time as that mysterie of iniquitie which began to worke in the Apostles dayes did gather head and display it selfe how easie it will bee for vs to deriue the succession hereof from an higher discent and to shew the continuance thereof from the Apostles time shall hereafter be made manifest In the meane while we will for a while looke backe vnto our pope-Catholike Aduersaries and finde out their starting holes by examining what they obiect or can except against the