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B11858 An apology of an appeale Also an epistle to the true-hearted nobility. By Henry Burton, pastor of St. Mathewes Friday-Street. Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1636 (1636) STC 4135; ESTC S106955 19,673 40

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be admonished to beware of them in case they should ever come to be obtruded upon them as namely these Innovations in the Booke of Common Prayer First in the Collect for the Queen and royall Progeny these words are put out in the later Editions Father of thyne Elect and of theyr Seed as if they would blotte out the King Queene and the royall Progeny out of the number of Gods elect Secondly in the Epistle for the Sunday before Easter they have put out IN and made it AT the name of Iesus every knee c. Which alteration is directly against the Act of Parliament The second booke wherein I showed a notorious alteration was that ordered by Parliament to be read on the 5th of November in the First Collect or Thanksgiving for the happy deliverance of his Maiesty the Queen the Prince and the States of Parliament For in the former booke it is thus said 〈…〉 their Counsell and root out that Babylonist 〈◊〉 Antichristian Sect which say of Ierusalem Downe with it Downe with it even to the ground But in the new book printed 1635. it is thus Infatuate their Counsell and root out that Babylonish and Antichristian Sect OF THEM which say of Ierusalem c. Againe in the old booke it is said And to that end strengthen the hands of our gracious King the Nobles and Magistrates of the Land with judgement and justice to cutte of these workers of iniquity whose Religion is Rebellion whose Faith is Faction c. But in the new book they have altered it thus And to that end strengthen the hands of our gracious King the Nobles and Magistrates of the Land with judgement and justice to cutte of THESE workers of iniquity WHO TVRNE RELIGION INTO REBELLION AND FAITH INTO FACTION The third Booke wherein they have made many alterations is the Fast-Book set forth by your Majesties Authority in the first yeare of your Raigne and which your Majesty in your late Proclamation commaunded to be reprinted and published and read in Churches at this Fast Yet notwithstanding we find these alterations in the last impression this yeare in the first Collect these words are expunged Thou hast delivered us from Superstition and Idolatry wherein wee were utterly drowned and hast brought us into the most cleare and confortable light of thy blessed word by the which we are taught how to serve and honour thee and how to live orderly with our neighbours in truth and verity Also they have left out in three severall prayers the mention of the Lady Elizabeth your Majesties only Sister and her issue Also the prayer for the Navy and the prayer for seasonable weather And a whole Collect begining thus It had been best for us c. Also in the last page Order for the Fast are these words left out To auoyd the inconvenience that may grow by the abuse of Fasting some esteeming it a meritorious worke others a good worke and of it selfe acceptable to God without due regard of the end c. Againe they charge me that I spake against altering of Communion Tables into Altars and against bowing unto them and against setting up of Crucifixes over them and against saying a second Service at the High Altar at the end of the Chancel whence the people cannot heare especially in greater Churches and against putting downe of Sermons in the afternoones upon the Lords dayes and insteed thereof nothing allowed but Catechising by bare Question and Answere out of the Common Prayer Booke without expounding the Principles of Religion layd downe in the Creed ten Commaundements and the Lords Prayer so that the people and youth especially are left in their ignorance Also they charged me for saying that Ministers might not safely preach of the Doctrines of Grace and Salvation and against the Arminians without being troubled for it Also that Ministers in Norfolke and Suffolke were suspended from their Ministry and meanes for not conforming to new rites and Ceremonies imposed upon them contrary to the Law of the Land These things with sundry other of like nature were objected against me in the said Articles which because a Copy cannot be procured from the Registers office I cannot so punctually set downe but referre unto the Articles themselves remaining with the Register of the High Commission All which Innovations expressed being found by evident proofe to be most true contrary to the Lawes and Statutes of the Realme the established Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England your Maiesties Declarations and Proclamations and many of them of very dangerous consequence tending to iustify and extenuate notorious treasons and traitors advance and vsher in Popery Superstition and Idolatry and giving generall distaste to all your Majesties loyall and faitfull Subiects who here upon grow iealous of some dangerous plot now in agitation by these Innovators to undermine and overthrow both our Religion good Lawes yet my mentioning of them in my Sermons meerly out of loyalty and duty to your Maiesty upon that solemne day for which they were most proper to warne my flocke to take heed of such Innovations as whereby Popery and Superstition doe not only craftily creep steale in upon us but is haled in with head and shoulders is charged upon me as Sedition Here then let your Maiesty be pleased to iudge whither this be matter of Sedition as for which I should be suspended from my Ministry and meanes and openly defamed as a seditious person As if a Shepherd admonishing his sheep of the danger of the wolfe or a watchman the City of the approch of the enemy or a faithfull and vigilant Servant to his Prince and Country descrying Cunning traitors who under a colour of freindship and fidelity to the King and State doe practise the overthrow of both should therefore upon the outcry of the wolfe or the complaint of the enemy or the recrimination of the Traitors be adiuged and condemned of Sedition for discharging that duty which both God and his word and the soules of Gods people require of him Thus much of the matter of the Articles upon the very resoltancy where of I was moved to Appeale as aforesayd Againe for the further illustration of the iust cause of my Appeale I except against the in competancy of those Iudges who plainly appeare to be both parties in the cause and Adversaries to my person for the cause sake and therefore both by the Common Civil and Canon Law yea by the very Lawes of God and Nature which prohibit any man to be a iudge in his owne cause especially when the party is an enemy to him that is to be iudged by him and therefore by the Lawes of God and man I have iust cause of Appeale from them unto your Royall Maiesty Where in the first place I distinguish and put a maine difference between those Honorable Nobles Iudges Counseillors of State and other Lay persons of the High Commission whom I except not against but mention with all
honorable and due respect and between all those Prelates who are Innovators and eo nomine as they are Innovators onely together with all those that have a neere relation unto them and dependance upon them as bearing office under them and hoping for grace and preferment by them which are the usuall body of the Court determining all causes brought before them First that these against whom I except are parties thus I prove because the Innovations which I charge the Innovators with are both done by them or by their Officers and also they appeare in the cause as Patrons to Defend and maintaine the same against me so as upon the very reading of the said Articles I could not but presently apprehend that the laying of these things to my charge by way of recrimination did professedly ingage them parties in the cause Secondly because they are my Adversaries in the Cause that this is soe I prove as followeth First because they are Adversaries to those truthes delivered by me and charged by them as matter of Sedition against me which notwithstanding I am ready to maintaine against them with my life although I never so much as once dreamed that impiety and impudency it selfe in such a Christian State as this is and under such a gracious Prince durst ever thus publickely have called me in question and that upon the open stage not only for the manifest truth of those notorious and audacious Innovations contrary to the Law but also and which I can never sufficiently admire that these things should be obiected against me which I preached upon the foresaid text and day alledged in the said Articles My Sonne feare thou the Lord and the King c. Wherein according to my duty and the text I so much urged and pressed all maner of obedience and service to God and to the King as all those who heard me can testify earnestly admonishing Gods people and the Kings Subiects to beware and not to meddle with such Innovators as according to my text are enemies of God and of the King and divide between the King and his people Secondly they against whom I except as aforesaid are my Adversaries in that they usurpe such a title of their Iurisdiction as cannot consist with that title of Iurisdiction which the Law of the Land hath annexed to your Imperiall Crowne from whence all maner of Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction what soever hath its immediate and sole dependance and derivation as appeareth by the Statute of 26. H. 8. c. 1. 37. H. 8. c. 17. 1. Ed. 6. c. 2. 1. Eliz. c. 1. and 1. Iac. c. 25. which repealed Queen Maries Act. of repeale of the said Statute of Ed. 6. c. 2. whereby the same Statute standeth now in force And the said Statute of 1. Eliz. c. 1. uniting all manner of Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction whatsoever unto the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme enacteth the Oath of Supremacy and Allegiance eo nomine to that very end and purpose that none should presume to exercise any Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction within this Realme but by vertue of the Kings Letters Patents and in the Kings Maiesties name and right notwithstanding these men against whom I except as aforesaid haveing all of them severally often solemnely taken the said Oath of Supremacy and Allegiance being undoubtedly bound thereby doe continually exercise their Episcopall Iurisdiction without any such Letters Patents of your Maiesty or your Progenitors in their owne names and rights only and not in your Maiesties name and right to the manifest breach of their Oathes aforesaid and to the manifest vsurpation of your Maiesties right and in high contempt of your Majesty contrary to your Maiesties peace your Crowne and dignity And therefore under your Maiesties royall favour I account all such my Adversaries and so in competent Iudges of my cause aforesaid The rather because this very Act which they thus notoriously transgresse is the ground whereupon their Commission in causes Ecclesiasticall is erected and that principally for the better observation of the said Act and the punishment of all Delinquents against it as appeares by all the Commissions Ecclesiasticall into which this clause of the Statute is inserted Now if these men thus dayly infringe this Act themselves and soe abuse that very power and Commission by which they now clame to be my Iudges in affront of your Maiesties royall Iurisdiction what indifferent justice I may expect from them I humbly referre unto your Majesties just and royall consideration Thirdly they who are Adversaries of God and of the King are my Adversaries But all Innovators either in matters of Religion or of the Common weale are Adversaries of God and of the King therefore they are my Adversaries The first Proposition noe good Christian or loyall Subject will deny but that the Adversaries of God and of the King are his Adversaries And for the other Proposition the text proveth it for Innovators are there opposed to the feare of the Lord and of the King And those men against whom I have excepted as aforesaid either are the Innovators themselves or chiefe Authors Abbetters or Countenauncers of those Innovations and therefore they are my Adversaries and so incompetent Iudges of my Cause Fourthly they are my Adversaries for this reason o● argument They which are Christs enemies are my enemies But these are Christs enemies therefore my enemies That they are Christs enemies I prove They who oppose the word of God in the Ministry of it in stopping the mouthes of Gods Ministers and persecuting of them without and against all Law are Christs enemies But these doe so Therefore c. That they doe so is cleare by their practise which will aboundantly appeare upon due examination Fiftly they who are the Kings enemies are my enemies But these Innovators by overturning the State of Religion in bringing in their new Superstitious rites and Ceremonies whereby both God is justly incensed to wrath against the Land and the peace of the same is disturbed are the Kings enemies Therefore they are my enemies They are the Kings enemies that openly and affrontingly with a high hand and shamelesse forhead trangresse and oppose his Majesty royall Lawes Proclamations and Declarations against all Innovations in matters of Religion c. And thereby disturbe the peace of his Majesties Kingdome and weaken the State thereof distracting the peoples hearts by making them both to feele their present oppressions especially upon their Consciences and to feare the utter subversion of the true Religion by your Majesties Lawes established amongst us Againe they who with all their might and maine persecute and op●ign● those faithfull loyall Subjects Ministers and people who most plead and stand for his Majesties just and royall Prerogative in Causes Ecclesiasticall his Lawes Declarations Proclamations and the established Doctrine and Religion of Christ in the Church of England and most oppose all Innovations and enemies to them must needs be the Kings enemies But thus do those from whom I Appeale