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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06135 A sermon preached at Torceter in the countie of Northampton the 8. of Iune, Anno Dom. 1588. at the visitation of the right reuerend Father in God, the Bishop of Peeterborow, by Iohn Beatniffe preacher of the woord of God in Brackley. Beatniffe, John. 1590 (1590) STC 1662; ESTC S116644 12,021 38

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A SERMON PREAched at Torceter in the Countie of Northampton the 8. of Iune Anno Dom. 1588. at the visitation of the right reuerend Father in God the Bishop of Peeterborow BY IOHN BEATNIFFE Preacher of the woord of God in Brackley 2. Cor. 22.28 Beside the thinges which are outward I am cumbred daily and I haue a care ouer all the Churches LONDON Printed by Iohn Charlewood for Roger VVard 1590. To the most reuerend Father in God my Lords grace Archbishop of Cāterbury Sir Christopher Hatton knight Lord high Chauncellor of England Sir William Scicil Knight Lord Burleigh Lord high Treasurer of England Sir Christopher Wray Knight Lord chiefe Iustice of England and to al other which sincerely fauour the word of God Grace and Peace be multiplied in Iesus Christ AMongest the manifold calamities and griefes of hart that fall vppon the Church in this old age of the world right Honorable and welbeloued in the Lord this is not the least that the peace of the Church is daily broken in peeces and that by such as chalenge to themselues the name of the Churche which crie as did the Iewes Ier. 7 4. The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord but I feare me be as Christ sayeth The congregation of Sathan for they dispise Rulers Reue. 2.9 Iude. 5.8 2. Tim. 1.4 and speake euill of such as be in aucthority They delight in questions and endles genealogies which gender strife rather then Godly edyfying which is in Faith These men as they trouble the publique State of the Church with Schismes so doe they also disquiete the consciences of many good Soules by making doubts and ambiguities in matters that be most plaine and easie They draw so many as they can frō obedience of the Godly Magistrate denouncing all those to be execrable cursed and abhominable which bee not of their faction yea they be growen to such grosnesse which they call Puritie that as they say they dare not defile their cleane vndefiled and regenerat Soules by ioyning in Praier with such as hold of the reformed state of this Realme So by this means they deface so much as in them is our Church our Ministery our Orders and Praiers in the Church That which they say is good that order which they obserue is godly howsoeuer it bee they dislike all others but themselues and their followers But what is this truly euen the verie practise of the false apostles in the time of Paul for they to maintaine gentilisme among the people defaced Paul and made them beleeue that hee was not the apostle of Christ euen so these men by the instigation of Satan to ouerthrow our Church and the godly gouernment thereof disgrace Paul and deface our Preachers and al to wound weake consciences and to make cōmendable themselues their new-fangled deuises This their sinister dealing hath done yea and doth at this day much harm in the church for besides the thinges forenamed it hindereth many good and godly men from dooing that good which they would I considering with my self of the disposition of these men of their manners and marke which they shoot at being by aucthority called to preach at a visitation of the right reuerende Father in God the Bishop of Peeterborrow did there as the time then serued my office the nature of my Text required resolutely defende that which they so greatly dislike that is our church and Ministerie the order of our excommunication and our praiers Since which time I haue bin often greatly vrged by dyuers good men many of my welwillers to make it publique for the benefite of the whole Church Seeing their request to be reasonable and that my office bindeth me not onely exhortari per sanam doctrinam Titus 1. verse 9. but also cotradicere maledicentibus I have satisfied their honest request and suffered it to bee published Most humblie crauing that your Honors and all others which fauor the Gospell and this our godly gouerment under our most gratious Soueraign to patronize and defende the same so shall I and others be the more encouraged to execute our offices in the Church The Lord who is the onely giuer of aucthoritie protect and defende your Honours to the glorie of his name and the benefite of this common wealth Most desirous of your Honours prosperitie Io. Beatniffe THE TEXT 1. Peter Cap 5.2 Feede yee the Flocke of God The holie Ghost by the Apostle S. Peter in these words read unto you welbeloued in the Lord doth set down a commaundement to all Pastours Ministers to all those which have cure and charge of soules committed unto them diligently and faithfully to feede the flocke of God In saying feede the flocke metaphorically hee exhorteth his fellowe labourers unto whome he speaketh to teach the Church and people of God with sounde and wholesome doctrine now whereas the holy Ghost useth so many figures in so few wordes hee sheweth what manner of man he would have ouer his flocke what manner of men hee would have to teach his Church that is to say such as be well acquainted with his speeches such as be learned in the tongues and thereby be able not only to exhort with wholsome doctrine but also to couince and stop the mouthes of aduersaries and with facilitie find out the wrettings and false enterpretations of subtil enemies which doctrine of the holy ghost doth impugne is fully against all those whatsoever they bee What countenance soeuer they carie which would perswade or beare the worlde in hand that they be able soundly to teach and utterly to conuince all erroninous doctrine Anabaptisticall factions and Papisticall opinions and that without art but what do these men Verily nothing but euen tread under their feete the excellent gifte of God I mean learning which is the ordinary meane which God in his wisedom hath appointed to true preaching They set themselues unto idlenes and so through their want of skill being set forward through a blind zeale they breede iarres in GODS Church and thereby greeue the Spirite of God by whome the Children of God are sealed vnto the day of redemption Feede I. Metaphorically teach out of the which word of the Apostle there be foure thinges to be considered First the care that God hath ouer his Church Second who they must be that muste feede Third with what they must féed Foure what they must féede Where the holy Ghost by his Apostle sayth féede I gather that he pretendeth a care ouer his Church which appeareth heerein that he doth not onelie prepare food but also giueth commandement that it may be destributed in due and equall manner procureth meanes from time to time as I may say by succession which will faithfully doe and accomplish theyr Masters message This is moste apparant for when God had chosen his Church the seede of Abraham the chosen Israell he did not onely giue them a Lawe as a Rule to leade them by and