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england_n call_v church_n part_n 2,516 5 4.5208 4 false
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A58837 A narrative of the planting of the Massachusetts Colony anno 1628 with the Lords signal presence the first thirty years : also a caution from New-Englands apostle, the great Cotton, how to escape the calamity which might befall them or their posterity, and confirmed by the evangelist Norton, with prognosticks from the famous Dr. Owen concerning the fate of these churches, and animadversions upon the anger of God in sending of evil angels among us / published by Old Planters, the authors of the Old mens tears. Scottow, Joshua, 1618-1698. 1694 (1694) Wing S2099; ESTC R33724 39,314 86

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way_n of_o subsistence_n which_o ●he_v first_o planter_n deserted_n and_o not_o a_o few_o do_v leave_v all_o their_o worldly_a hope_n to_o come_v into_o this_o desert_n &_o unknown_a land_n and_o smoky_a cottage_n to_o the_o society_n of_o curse_a cannibal_n as_o they_o have_v prove_v to_o be_v and_o at_o best_a wild_a indian_n what_o less_o than_o a_o divine_a ardour_n can_v inflame_v a_o people_n thus_o circumstance_v to_o a_o work_n so_o contrary_a to_o flesh_n and_o blood_n infinite_a wisdom_n and_o prudence_n contrive_v and_o direct_v this_o mysterious_a work_n of_o providence_n divine_a courage_n and_o resolution_n manage_v it_o superhumane_a sedulity_n and_o diligence-●tended_n it_o and_o angelical_a swiftness_n and_o dispatch_v finish_v it_o its_o wheel_n stir_v not_o ●it_n according_a to_o the_o holy_a spirit_n mo●on_n in_o they_o yea_o there_o be_v the_o involution_n of_o a_o wheel_n within_o a_o wheel_n god_n way_n be_v 〈◊〉_d great_a depth_n and_o high_a above_o the_o eagle_n or_o man_n cockleshell_n be_v infinite_o unable_a to_o empty_a this_o ocean_n let_v we_o commemorate_v their_o exodus_fw-la or_o departure_n from_o our_o nation_n these_o prudent_a undertaker_n send_v forth_o their_o forlorn_a hope_n in_o two_o ship_n lade_v with_o passenger_n and_o servant_n two_o year_n before_o they_o move_v with_o their_o main_a body_n and_o patent_n government_n which_o be_v full_o furnish_v with_o a_o pastor_n and_o teacher_n worthy_a higgison_n and_o skelton_n and_o all_o material_n for_o complete_n of_o a_o church_n of_o christ_n according_a to_o divine_a institution_n who_o safe_o arrive_v according_a to_o their_o predeterminate_a design_n of_o enlargement_n of_o christ_n kingdom_n and_o his_o majesty_n of_o england_n dominion_n first_o they_o set_v up_o their_o standard_n dethrone_v satan_n they_o cast_v he_o out_o of_o heaven_n which_o beyond_o time_n memorial_n he_o have_v in_o the_o native_n conscience_n and_o by_o turf_n and_o twig_n they_o take_v possession_n of_o this_o his_o large_a continent_n and_o set_v up_o the_o first_o church_n in_o these_o part_n in_o a_o place_n they_o then_o call_v salem_n at_o which_o convention_n the_o testimony_n which_o the_o lord_n of_o all_o the_o earth_n bear_v unto_o it_o be_v wonderful_o memorable_a by_o a_o save_v work_n upon_o a_o gentleman_n of_o quality_n gibbins_n major_a general_n gibbins_n who_o afterward_o be_v the_o chieftain_n and_o flower_n of_o new-england_n militia_n and_o a_o eminent_a instrument_n both_o in_o church_n and_o commonwealth_n he_o be_v the_o young_a brother_n of_o the_o house_n of_o a_o honourable_a extract_n his_o ambition_n exceed_v what_o he_o can_v expect_v at_o home_n ramble_v bither_o before_o one_o stone_n be_v lay_v in_o th●_n structure_n or_o our_o van-currier's_a arrival_n he_o wa●_n no_o debauchee_n but_o of_o a_o jocund_a temper_n and_o one_o of_o the_o merry_a mount_n society_n who_o chos●_n rather_o to_o dance_v about_o a_o may_v pole_n first_o erect_v to_o the_o honour_n of_o strumpet_n flora_n than_o to_o hea●_n a_o good_a sermon_n who_o hear_v of_o this_o meeting_n though_o above_o twenty_o mile_n distant_a from_o it_o and_o desirous_a to_o see_v the_o mode_n and_o novel_a of_o a_o church_n gather_v with_o great_a studiousness_n he_o apply_v himself_o to_o be_v at_o it_o where_o behold_v their_o orderly_a procedure_n and_o their_o method_n of_o stand_v forth_o to_o declare_v the_o work_n of_o g●●_n upon_o their_o soul_n be_v prick_v at_o the_o heart_n he_o spring_v forth_o among_o they_o desirous_a to_o be_v one_o of_o the_o society_n who_o though_o otherwise_o wel●_n accomplish_v yet_o divine_o illiterate_a be_v ther●_n convince_v and_o judge_v before_o all_o the_o secret●_n of_o his_o heart_n be_v make_v manifest_a fall_v down_o and_o worship_v god_n to_o their_o astonishment_n say_v that_o god_n be_v in_o they_o of_o a_o truth_n the_o verity_n hereof_o as_o long_o since_o it_o have_v be_v affirm_v by_o old_a planter_n so_o by_o his_o own_o manuscript_n find_v after_o his_o death_n it_o be_v confirm_v he_o about_o that_o time_n lament_v his_o christless_a estate_n which_o evidence_v that_o it_o ought_v to_o be_v say_v of_o that_o zion_n this_o man_n be_v bear_v there_o one_o winterafter_o these_o good_a spy_n have_v view_v this_o land_n who_o send_v letter_n of_o the_o prosperous_a good_a hand_n of_o providence_n upon_o they_o the_o taste_n of_o the_o fruit_n of_o this_o country_n be_v sweet_a and_o more_o welcome_a to_o their_o principal_n in_o england_n than_o the_o grape_n of_o eschol_n be_v to_o israel_n of_o ●●ld_n the_o leader_n of_o this_o people_n upon_o serious_a depate_n draw_v up_o a_o determination_n to_o settle_v the_o corporation_n and_o government_n upon_o the_o place_n and_o deputy_n to_o abide_v there_o which_o be_v effect_v and_o divine_o direct_v in_o such_o a_o choice_n of_o the_o governor_n the_o famous_a pattern_n of_o wisdom_n justice_n and_o liberality_n and_o of_o a_o deputy_n governor_n who_o by_o his_o experience_n at_o home_n and_o travel_n abroad_o with_o his_o natural_a and_o acquire_v a●bilities_n be_v a_o gentleman_n qualify_v above_o other_o for_o the_o chief_a rule_n and_o government_n wherein_o according_a to_o his_o just_a desert_n he_o share_v more_o than_o other_o the_o fame_n whereof_o be_v come_v abroad_o in_o the_o nation_n to_o such_o who_o heart_n god_n have_v touch_v this_o be_v upon_o the_o wing_n there_o want_v not_o number_n of_o person_n of_o all_o occupation_n skill_a in_o all_o faculty_n needful_a for_o the_o plant_v of_o a_o colony_n who_o fill_v up_o a_o fleet_n of_o eleven_o ship_n of_o considerable_a burden_n beside_o their_o attender_n some_o of_o they_o about_o four_o hundred_o tun_n the_o rest_n no●_n much_o inferior_a some_o carry_v near_o two_o hundred_o passenger_n the_o rest_n proportionable_o the_o wheel_n of_o providence_n be_v lift_v up_o very_o high_a and_o also_o be_v radiant_o magnificent_a these_o tart_a traveller_n removal_n carry_v so_o great_a a_o resemblance_n of_o departure_n into_o another_o world_n they_o be_v not_o stupid_a stoic_n but_o abound_v with_o that_o which_o grace_n do_v not_o destroy_v but_o direct_a what_o shower_n of_o melt_a tear_n drop_v into_o the_o bosom_n of_o each_o other_o who_o soul_n as_o jonathan_n and_o david_n cleave_v one_o to_o another_o yet_o alleviate_v with_o consideration_n though_o they_o be_v absent_a in_o body_n yet_o present_v in_o spirit_n and_o of_o their_o mutual_a access_n to_o the_o throne_n of_o grace_n and_o of_o meet_v at_o the_o assembly_n of_o the_o first-born_a and_o spirit_n of_o just_a man_n make_v perfect_a some_o of_o their_o choice_a friend_n as_o the_o reverend_n mr._n cotton_n and_o other_o go_v along_o with_o they_o from_o boston_n in_o lincolnshire_n to_o southampton_a where_o they_o part_v and_o he_o preach_v his_o farewell_n sermon_n that_o so_o many_o eminent_a person_n some_o of_o noble_a extract_n shall_v upon_o sea-bridge_n pass_v over_o the_o large_a ocean_n in_o the_o universe_n by_o the_o good_a hand_n of_o their_o god_n upon_o they_o have_v seek_v of_o he_o a_o right_a way_n for_o themselves_o little_a one_o and_o substance_n yea_o above_o three_o thousand_o in_o one_o year_n and_o that_o above_o three_o hundred_o ship_n since_o that_o time_n all_o lade_v with_o jewel_n of_o invaluable_a value_n far_o above_o the_o gold_n of_o ophir_n that_o each_o individual_a one_o shall_v have_v a_o celestial_a convoy_n under_o the_o flame_v sword_n of_o fly_a cherubim_n turn_v every_o way_n to_o keep_v they_o in_o their_o way_n so_o as_o they_o all_o at_o their_o port_n safe_o arrive_v not_o one_o founder_v in_o the_o sea_n split_v upon_o rock_n be_v suck_v in_o by_o sand_n overset_a by_o sudden_a gust_n nor_o take_v and_o plunder_v by_o pirate_n on_o robber_n except_o one_o call_v the_o angel_n gabriel_n who_o tutelar_a guardiau_n ship_n fail_v if_o any_o aboard_o put_v trust_v therein_o she_o be_v lade_v with_o passenger_n for_o boston_n but_o put_v in_o at_o pemiquid_fw-la where_o the_o ship_n and_o whole_a cargo_n perish_v but_o not_o one_o soul_n of_o seaman_n or_o passenger_n miscarry_v they_o meet_v with_o a_o hurricane_a before_o or_o since_o not_o know_v in_o this_o country_n raise_v by_o the_o power_n of_o he_o who_o hold_v the_o wind_n in_o his_o hand_n and_o commission_v the_o prince_n of_o the_o air_n by_o raise_v stormy_a wind_n to_o fulfil_v his_o word_n it_o be_v say_v the_o tide_n rise_v twenty_o foot_n perpen_v dicular_a above_o its_o ordinary_a height_n the_o same_o time_n another_o great_a ship_n lade_v with_o passenger_n be_v wonderful_o preserve_v when_o as_o ready_a to_o be_v split_v in_o piece_n upon_o rock_n at_o the_o isle_n of_o shoal_n at_o the_o prayer_n of_o the_o distress_a saint_n aboard_o god_n cause_v the_o wind_n to_o vere_n a_o point_n or_o two_o about_o the_o compass_n so_o as_o she_o clear_v they_o &_o they_o be_v
save_v in_o the_o mount_n the_o lord_n be_v see_v in_o this_o ship_n be_v the_o reverend_n mr._n mather_n three_o or_o four_o of_o his_o son_n and_o whole_a family_n with_o a_o multitude_n of_o other_o precious_a soul_n among_o who_o be_v the_o worthy_a jonathan_n mitchel_n then_o be_v a_o lad._n the_o like_a salvation_n about_o the_o same_o time_n be_v vouchsafe_v to_o a_o great_a ship_n lade_v with_o passenger_n bind_v for_o new-england_n the_o famous_a norton_n and_o great_a shepherd_n with_o their_o wife_n be_v aboard_o of_o she_o they_o be_v force_v back_o from_o the_o channel_n into_o north-yarmouth_n road_n where_o though_o the_o wind_n be_v off_o the_o shoar_n the_o storm_n be_v so_o violent_a as_o all_o their_o anchor_n and_o cable_n will_v not_o bring_v she_o up_o and_o be_v in_o great_a danger_n of_o founder_v in_o the_o sand_n they_o be_v force_v to_o cut_v both_o main_a mast_n and_o before_o mast_n by_o the_o board_n with_o sail●_n and_o rigging_n this_o paul_n and_o silas_n while_o able_a to_o stand_v go_v from_o cabin_n to_o cabin_n to_o encourage_v and_o pray_v with_o the_o distress_a passenger_n and_o seaman_n who_o by_o one_o wave_n be_v wash_v overboard_n and_o the_o next_o wave_n throw_v they_o aboard_o again_o there_o be_v great_a cry_v out_o then_o what_o shall_v we_o do_v to_o be_v save_v at_o the_o prayer_n of_o these_o man_n of_o god_n this_o ship_n and_o every_o soul_n aboard_o be_v give_v they_o the_o nex●_n day_n they_o all_o land_a safe_a and_o as_o soon_o as_o ashore_o two_o viper_n design_v not_o only_o to_o leap_n upon_o the_o hand_n of_o they_o both_o but_o to_o seize_v their_o person_n but_o how_o stange_o preserve_v be_v not_o unknown_a to_o some_o of_o we_o though_o the_o house_n be_v beset_v by_o they_o when_o as_o they_o be_v at_o a_o pious_a meeting_n then_o call_v a_o conventicle_n next_o year_n they_o arrive_v all_o safe_a at_o boston_n the_o ship_n for_o that_o year_n be_v disinable_a ought_v we_o not_o now_o to_o cry_v out_o consider_v the_o circumstance_n oh_o the_o wheel_n the_o wheel_n he_o who_o sit_v upon_o the_o throne_n appear_v with_o the_o rainbow_n about_o his_o head_n and_o the_o spirit_n o●_n the_o live_a creature_n be_v in_o the_o wheel_n from_o their_o original_a motion_n the_o wave_n obey_v the_o voice_n and_o the_o wind_n fulfil_v the_o pleasure_n of_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o universe_n so_o a_o the_o first_o whole_a fleet_n arrive_v safe_a in_o a_o small_a time_n without_o loss_n of_o any_o but_o of_o one_o person_n these_o noble_o grateful_a passenger_n appoint_v ●nd_o set_v apart_o a_o day_n of_o thanksgiving_n to_o the_o almighty_a god_n for_o the_o great_a goodness_n and_o nighty_a work_n they_o have_v see_v in_o their_o vovage_a ●nd_v with_o noah_n dove_n have_v find_v rest_n for_o ●he_n sole_n of_o their_o foot_n ma●ched_v forth_o from_o their_o float_v ark_n and_o celebrate_v the_o high_a praise_n of_o he_o who_o have_v thus_o gracious_o and_o wonderful_o safe_a guard_v they_o and_o land_a they_o they_o sing_v the_o song_n of_o moses_n and_o of_o the_o lamb_n who_o they_o in_o this_o voyage_n have_v follow_v and_o ●ow_o pay_v their_o vow_n to_o god_n to_o serve_v he_o and_o ●o_o build_v he_o a_o habitation_n and_o according_a to_o he_o example_n of_o noah_n and_o abraham_n who_o up●n_o their_o safe_a land_n and_o arrival_n each_o build_v ●n_o altar_n to_o jehova_n so_o they_o be_v content_a ●ith_n hut_n and_o smoky_a cottage_n first_o apply_v themselves_o to_o build_v the_o lord_n a_o habitation_n ●efore_o they_o set_v up_o their_o own_o house_n and_o join_v in_o church-fellowship_n set_v up_o the_o king_n ●f_a zion_n throne_n in_o his_o order_n and_o worship_n ●aving_a six_o eminent_a minister_n who_o come_v along_o ●ith_v they_o and_o divers_a hundred_o of_o choice_a material_n thus_o far_o a_o abbreviate_v of_o this_o colony_n foundation_n and_o manner_n of_o its_o lay_v the_o good_a news_n from_o this_o far_a country_n and_o ●om_n these_o man_n of_o desire_n be_v ca●●ied_v into_o ●ngland_n be_v as_o cold_a water_n to_o a_o thirsty_a soul_n ●e_v style_n of_o their_o letter_n be_v so_o full_a of_o divine_a ●ravity_n and_o of_o a_o gracious_a savour_n so_o grateful_a 〈◊〉_d those_o of_o full_a age_n who_o by_o reason_n of_o use_n have_v their_o sense_n exercise_v to_o discern_v both_o good_a and_o evil_n as_o it_o put_v they_o upon_o study_n to_o increase_v their_o number_n stir_v up_o each_o other_o to_o get_v among_o they_o to_o new_a england_n the_o grace_n pour_v into_o the_o heart_n and_o lip_n of_o these_o first_o planter_n drop_v down_o into_o pen_n of_o private_a christian_n like_o sweet_a smell_a myrrh_n so_o as_o they_o begin_v their_o letter_n with_o apostolical_a benediction_n and_o conclude_v they_o with_o salutation_n a_o letter_n then_o from_o new-england_n and_o for_o a_o considerable_a time_n after_o be_v venerate_v as_o a_o sacred_a script_n or_o as_o the_o write_n or_o some_o holy_a prophet_n it_o be_v carry_v many_o mile_n where_o divers_a come_v to_o hear_v it_o because_o the_o savour_n of_o christ_n name_n be_v as_o good_a ointment_n pour_v forth_o therefore_o the_o virgin_n love_v he_o and_o a_o multitude_n of_o pious_a soul_n through_o the_o whole_a nation_n be_v in_o their_o spirit_n press_v to_o join_v in_o this_o work_n so_o as_o their_o malignant_a observer_n in_o their_o word_n and_o write_n melancholy_a burtons_n melancholy_a render_v they_o furijs_fw-la religionis_fw-la acti_fw-la man_n act_v by_o religious_a fury_n and_o the_o festuss_n of_o those_o time_n declare_v they_o to_o be_v person_n distract_v say_v of_o their_o much_o religion_n as_o he_o say_v of_o paul_n much_o learning_n that_o it_o have_v make_v they_o mad_a in_o a_o short_a time_n after_o their_o arrival_n a_o snake_n creep_v forth_o which_o lay_v latent_fw-la in_o the_o tender_a grass_n one_o who_o pretend_v himself_o a_o religious_a reformado_n and_o to_o withdraw_v from_o the_o noise_n of_o secular_a affair_n come_v over_o in_o the_o first_o fleet_n he_o offer_v to_o join_v in_o church-fellowship_n here_o but_o be_v refuse_v upon_o suspicion_n to_o be_v what_o indeed_o he_o prove_v to_o be_v viz._n a_o roman_n catholic_n and_o of_o such_o note_n among_o they_o gardner_n christopher_n gardner_n as_o he_o have_v at_o jerusalem_n receive_v the_o order_n of_o the_o knighthood_n there_o call_v the_o holy_a sepulchre_n which_o order_n he_o appear_v to_o be_v of_o by_o letter_n intercept_v send_v by_o a_o man_n of_o place_n in_o england_n a_o profess_a enemy_n to_o this_o colony_n thus_o satan_n proto-emissary_n against_o this_o people_n be_v discover_v in_o his_o prime_a plot_n and_o secret_a snare_n who_o design_v to_o smother_v this_o embryo_n colony_n or_o to_o strangle_v this_o babe_n not_o yet_o out_o of_o its_o swaddle_a band_n for_o which_o deliverance_n high_a praise_n be_v celebrare_v to_o the_o name_n of_o zion_n saviour_n not_o long_o after_o a_o desperate_a i_o be_v spring_v by_o this_o people_n grand_a adversary_n according_a to_o advice_n of_o a_o politician_n elsewhere_o to_o blow_v up_o religion_n by_o religion_n encourage_v the_o liberty_n this_o people_n have_v obtain_v to_o leave_v their_o nation_n say_v let_v they_o go_v by_o their_o party_n and_o faction_n as_o their_o brethren_n at_o leyden_n and_o amsterdam_n have_v do_v so_o they_o will_v destroy_v each_o other_o but_o the_o lord_n most_o gracious_o countermine_v it_o for_o the_o design_n of_o both_o the_o magistrate_n and_o minister_n with_o the_o body_n of_o this_o people_n be_v not_o with_o the_o rigid_a separatist_n to_o cast_v off_o all_o communion_n with_o the_o church_n of_o england_n but_o to_o act_v the_o part_n of_o the_o good_a old_a nonconformist_n who_o though_o they_o can_v not_o close_o with_o the_o hierarchy_n nor_o with_o the_o corruption_n in_o discipline_n and_o worship_n yet_o in_o her_o faith_n and_o doctrine_n they_o own_a she_o to_o be_v their_o mother_n and_o therefore_o have_v by_o pattent-charter_n from_o his_o majesty_n a_o grant_v to_o remove_v they_o peaceable_o improve_v the_o same_o and_o leave_v their_o native_a land_n and_o at_o their_o departure_n they_o draw_v up_o and_o publish_v a_o manifesto_n to_o the_o whole_a nation_n of_o the_o ground_n of_o this_o their_o undertake_n not_o know_v whether_o ever_o they_o shall_v see_v land_n style_v those_o who_o they_o part_v from_o in_o their_o superscription_n reverend_n fathaer_n and_o brethren_n the_o humble_a request_n of_o his_o majesty_n loyal_a subject_n the_o governor_n and_o company_n of_o new-england_a to_o the_o rest_n of_o their_o brethren_n in_o and_o of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n for_o the_o obtain_n of_o their_o prayer_n and_o removal_n of_o their_o suspicion_n and_o misrepresentation_n of_o their_o intention_n etc._n etc._n london_n print_v for_o john_n bellamy_n 1630._o their_o
subscription_n sign_v be_v your_o assure_a friend_n and_o brethren_n john_n winthrop_n governor_n richard_n saltonstall_n isaac_n johnson_n tho._n dudley_n deputy_n governor_n charles_n fines_n george_n phillips_n cum_fw-la multis_fw-la ajiis_fw-la from_o yarmouth_n ab_n ard_n the_o arabella_n april_n seven_o 1630._o these_o magnanimous_a hero_n who_o memory_n be_v bless_v who_o name_n not_o only_o during_o new_a england_n have_v a_o be_v but_o shall_v be_v have_v in_o everlasting_a remembrance_n they_o then_o declare_v though_o there_o may_v be_v some_o among_o they_o otherwise_o mind_v yet_o they_o be_v not_o of_o they_o and_o desire_a remembrance_n in_o their_o prayer_n as_o above_o in_o this_o their_o dangerous_a design_n not_o long_o after_o this_o mr._n cotton_n farewell_o sermon_n above_o mention_v be_v print_v as_o london_n and_o since_o re_fw-mi print_v at_o boston_n entitle_v god_n promise_n to_o his_o plantation_n wherein_o he_o exhort_v they_o to_o remember_v england_n their_o mother_n and_o that_o they_o shall_v not_o be_v like_o those_o ingrateful_a bird_n who_o when_o they_o have_v swim_v over_o a_o stream_n or_o river_n forget_v the_o wing_n that_o have_v hatch_v they_o the_o serpent_n soon_o get_v into_o this_o eden_n and_o according_a to_o his_o maxim_n act_v divide_v and_o overcome_v he_o sow_v the_o seed_n of_o discord_n &_o division_n among_o we_o so_o as_o this_o heterodoxy_n be_v preach_v public_o that_o there_o be_v no_o communion_n to_o be_v hold_v with_o the_o church_n o●_n england_n and_o that_o if_o any_o of_o our_o church-member_n have_v transient_o hear_v a_o minister_n which_o conform_v to_o the_o church_n of_o england_n without_o declare_v repentance_n for_o it_o he_o be_v to_o be_v excommunicate_v and_o that_o no_o communion_n wa●_n to_o be_v hold_v with_o any_o unregenerate_a person_n that_o they_o ought_v not_o to_o pray_o or_o crave_v a_o blessing_n at_o meal_n before_o wife_n or_o any_o relation_n unconvert_v of_o which_o conversion_n their_o opinion_n be_v the_o test_n and_o not_o only_o so_o but_o tha●_n the_o oath_n of_o allegiance_n to_o his_o majesty_n be_v not_o to_o be_v take_v nor_o be_v it_o lawful_a to_o take_v any_o other_o kind_n of_o oath_n because_o no_o power_n to_o be_v settle_a by_o oath_n but_o christ_n kingly_a power_n only_o and_o that_o our_o patent_n ought_v to_o be_v sen●_n back_o to_o our_o king_n nor_o ought_v we_o to_o have_v to_o do_v therewith_o thus_o be_v now-england_n attack_v by_o satan_n and_o this_o from_o a_o eminent_a preacher_n note_v for_o piety_n in_o his_o life_n and_o conversation_n as_o his_o strict_a observer_n characterisec●_n he_o this_o child_n of_o light_n walk_v in_o darkness_n about_o forty_o year_n not_o only_o by_o reject_v the_o church_n of_o england_n and_o its_o baptism_n bu●_n his_o second_o baptism_n also_o take_v up_o the_o seekers_n persuasion_n look_v for_o new_a apostle_n williams_n mr._n roger_n williams_n yet_o di●_n not_o his_o root_n turn_v into_o rottenness_n the_o root_n of_o the_o matter_n abode_n i●_n he_o as_o by_o his_o faithful_a defence_n of_o the_o fundamental_o of_o christian_a religion_n in_o a_o public●_fw-la dispute_n and_o about_o the_o year_n 1677._o put_v ●ut_v a_o book_n against_o the_o quaker_n thus_o the_o ●ord_n infinite_a in_o wisdom_n and_o goodness_n dispose_v of_o satan_n malice_n so_o as_o he_o be_v out_o shoot_v 〈◊〉_d his_o own_o bow_n the_o lord_n hold_v the_o magistracy_n and_o ministry_n in_o unity_n according_a to_o the_o ●ntegrity_n of_o their_o heart_n so_o as_o this_o small_a new_a ●igged_v vessel_n be_v preserve_v against_o this_o violent_a storm_n which_o the_o prince_n of_o darkness_n raise_v upon_o she_o at_o first_o set_v forth_o with_o design_n to_o have_v overset_v and_o founder_v she_o ●hus_o be_v munificent_a mercy_n magnify_v towards_o ●is_n people_n when_o sew_v in_o number_n and_o in_o ●heir_n low_a estate_n such_o be_v the_o conduct_n of_o ●ur_n moses_n and_o aaron_n that_o they_o kiss_v each_o o●●er_n in_o the_o mount_n of_o god_n the_o report_n of_o this_o admirable_a divine_a pre●ence_n with_o this_o people_n in_o their_o civiland_n sacred_a administration_n reach_v our_o nation_n even_o to_o ●he_n astonishment_n of_o those_o who_o cast_v no_o good_a eye_n upon_o we_o but_o to_o the_o encouragement_n of_o ●hose_n otherwise_o mind_v so_o as_o that_o the_o well-affected_n come_v over_o as_o cloud_n and_o like_a dove_n to_o ●●eir_n window_n such_o be_v their_o increase_n that_o in_o ●even_a year_n time_n the_o massachuset_a patient_n can_v ●ot_n contain_v they_o this_o vine_n spread_v forth_o ●er_o branch_n on_o the_o other_o side_n of_o this_o bay_n to_o ●nd_v a_o rehoboth_n it_o be_v say_v that_o about_o this_o time_n 〈◊〉_d two_o year_n there_o come_v over_o seventy_o ●odd_a ●hips_n who_o one_o with_o another_o transport_v a_o ●undred_o passenger_n to_o the_o astonishment_n of_o ●e_n sober_a part_n of_o our_o nation_n at_o which_o time_n use_v before_o as_o the_o harvest_n be_v great_a &_o white_a so_o the_o lord_n thereof_o thrust_v forth_o not_o only_a labourer_n but_o multiply_v aholiab_n and_o bezaliell_n rob_v our_o nation_n to_o supply_v this_o people_n with_o such_o as_o be_v fill_v with_o the_o spirit_n 〈◊〉_d wisdom_n and_o understanding_n in_o all_o spiritu●●_n skill_n in_o the_o structure_n and_o furniture_n of_o th●_n great_a work_n and_o about_o set_v up_o the_o tabernacle_n of_o the_o congregation_n and_o the_o ark_n 〈◊〉_d the_o testimony_n according_a to_o the_o pattern_n i●_n the_o mount_n of_o who_o a_o quaternion_n viz._n mr._n cotton_n eminent_a for_o spiritual_a clothe_n and_o mather_n for_o celestial_a die_v hook●●_n for_o soul_n fish_v stone_n for_o building_n up_o i●_n the_o holy_a faith_n three_o of_o who_o come_v in_o th●_n same_o ship_n and_o one_o of_o they_o not_o long_a a●te●_n with_o the_o reverend_a john_n davenport_n the_o famo●●_n rogers_n of_o rowley_n beside_o the_o worthy_a fin●_n fruit_n of_o new-england_n the_o proto-pastor_n an●_n teacher_n who_o our_o pen_n fail_v to_o enumerate_v such_o be_v the_o cloud_n of_o they_o who_o come_v ove●_n first_o and_o last_o seventy_o seven_o minister_n and_o fou●teen_o young_a student_n fit_a for_o the_o ministry_n these_o voluntary_a exile_n for_o the_o word_n 〈◊〉_d god_n and_o testimony_n of_o jesus_n have_v be●●_n under_o exercise_n of_o spirit_n and_o burden_v b●●_n mens_fw-la set_v up_o their_o post_n and_o threshold_n b●●_n god_n post_n and_o threshold_n and_o now_o war●ed_v by_o the_o lively_a sense_n of_o god_n preserve_v goodness_n and_o safe_a land_n of_o they_o after_o ●●tedious_a passage_n some_o encounter_v though_o som●_n have_v but_o six_o week_n other_o twenty_o and_o od●●_n week_n durance_n yet_o without_o loss_n or_o famish_v of_o one_o person_n all_o this_o while_n shut_v up_o but_o ●afeguarded_v about_o four_o inch_n distance_n from_o death_n these_o votary_n be_v under_o the_o fervour_n of_o their_o late_a obligation_n they_o anoint_v jacob_n pillar_n than_o they_o have_v opportunity_n and_o according_o bewail_v and_o be_v ashamed_a of_o their_o misdoing_n beg_v pardon_n and_o assistance_n from_o the_o god_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o all_o flesh_n and_o direction_n from_o on_o high_a to_o set_v up_o the_o throne_n and_o place_n of_o the_o sole_n of_o christ_n foot_n after_o solemn_a implore_v the_o discovery_n of_o the_o form_n and_o fashion_v of_o god_n house_n the_o come_n in_o and_o go_n out_o of_o the_o church_n of_o god_n which_o be_v the_o house_n of_o god_n the_o ground_n and_o pillar_n of_o truth_n they_o agree_v upon_o the_o practice_n of_o that_o which_o be_v call_v the_o way_n of_o the_o congregational_a church_n which_o for_o thirteen_o year_n together_o they_o walk_v in_o the_o practice_n of_o before_o ●he_v synod_n further_o confirm_v the_o same_o as_o be_v ●fterwards_o notify_v which_o doctrine_n and_o practice_n be_v publish_v to_o the_o european_a world_n in_o the_o book_n of_o the_o key_n and_o vindication_n of_o the_o way_n of_o the_o congregational_a church_n in_o new_a england_n pen_v by_o the_o reverend_a teacher_n of_o boston_n church_n and_o other_o worthy_a script_n by_o divers_a worthy_a minister_n of_o this_o country_n in_o answer_n to_o the_o reproach_n put_v upon_o they_o by_o some_o eminent_a divine_n elsewhere_o of_o a_o mr._n samuel●nother_n ●nother_z persuasion_n yet_o one_o rutherford_n of_o their_o chieftain_n for_o piety_n in_o his_o spiri●●_n and_o learning_n declare_v in_o ●●ual_a antichrist_n print_n his_o full_a assent_n to_o the_o book_n of_o the_o key_n in_o all_o its_o particularity_n except_o in_o one_o punc●ilio_fw-la about_o of_o the_o power_n of_o synod_n which_o as_o he_o apprehend_v the_o book_n o●_n keyes_n do_v too_o much_o straighten_v the_o lord_n presence_n with_o our_o father_n in_o thei●_n civil_a and_o sacred_a concern_v signal_o appear_v with_o our_o honourable_a counsellor_n our_o prudent_a and_o ancient_a the_o mighty_a
before_o god_n before_o jesus_n christ_n and_o the_o elect_a angel_n that_o he_o shall_v observe_v those_o thing_n namely_o the_o canon_n he_o have_v before_o appoint_v about_o church_n order_n and_o officer_n that_o he_o shall_v mind_v those_o thing_n without_o prefer_v one_o before_o another_o do_v nothing_o by_o partiality_n there_o must_v be_v no_o partial_a deal_n no_o preferment_n of_o one_o commandment_n of_o christ_n before_o another_o deacon_n must_v not_o be_v keep_v in_o place_n with_o rejection_n of_o the_o elder_n that_o rule_v well_o nor_o other_o debar_v of_o their_o double_a honour_n especial_o those_o who_o labour_v in_o the_o word_n and_o doctrine_n and_o the_o holy_a alwise_a god_n know_v that_o the_o church_n will_v apostatise_v and_o that_o antichrist_n who_o mystery_n of_o iniquity_n then_o wrought_v will_v in_o special_a manner_n run_v encounter_n to_o scripture_n purity_n and_o pollute_v the_o sanctuary_n stream_n of_o church_n ordinance_n and_o officer_n especial_o rule_v elde●●_n because_o of_o their_o pragmaticalness_n with_o the_o teach_v elder_n about_o church_n rule_n he_o jumble●_n and_o make_v one_o officer_n of_o teach_v and_o rul_v elder_n prudential_o to_o avoid_v seism_n and_o calle●_n hem_v both_o presbyter_n or_o priest_n mean_v whil●_n he_o court_v and_o carress_v the_o deacon_n who●_n he_o distinguish_v some_o he_o call_v subdeacons_a to_o attend_v the_o vestry_n to_o help_v on_o the_o surplice_n and_o h●ly_a garment_n of_o the_o priest_n or_o presbyter_n other_o he_o advance_v to_o hear_v auricular_a confess●ons_n and_o say_v mass_n but_o prudent_o consider_v that_o the_o care_n and_o trust_v of_o the_o church_n stock_n and_o treasury_n be_v commit_v unto_o they_o especial_o when_o i●_n be_v augment_v with_o that_o ca●led_a constantine_n gift_n concern_v which_o history_n tell_v we_o of_o a_o voice_n hear_v in_o the_o heaven_n hodie_fw-la venerum_fw-la effunditur_fw-la etc._n etc._n this_o day_n poison_n i●_n pour_v into_o the_o church_n that_o man_n of_o sin_n before_o see_v how_o useful_a deacon_n may_v be_v to_o hi●_n clergy_n he_o advance_v the_o grave_a of_o they_o to_o be_v arch_a deacon_n and_o to_o be_v of_o the_o number_n o●_n cardinal_n so_o call_v because_o they_o be_v the_o cardines_fw-la hook_n or_o hinge_n that_o the_o scarlet_a whore●_n chair_n or_o seat_n hang_v on_o this_o curse_a conclave_n be_v the_o only_o elect_v and_o elector_n of_o the_o pope_n their_o work_n on_o high_a festival_n be_v to_o vest_n their_o pontifex_n maximus_n in_o his_o pontificalibus_fw-la of_o purple_a and_o scarlet_a deck_v with_o jewel_n and_o gold_n vast_o exceed_v all_o imperial_a state_n and_o the_o splendour_n of_o jaddu●_n the_o 〈…〉_o to_o alenander_n to_o confirm_v he_o in_o his_o con●est_n of_o the_o world_n whilst_o at_o the_o high_a altar_n ●e_n be_v offer_v up_o the_o blasphemous_a sacrifice_n ●●ese_n arch-deacon_n attend_v upon_o he_o as_o other_o deacon_n at_o the_o lord_n supper_n let_v the_o candid_a ●eader_n pass_v by_o this_o digression_n design_v to_o show_v what_o a_o fine_a thread_n this_o mystery_n of_o iniquity_n at_o ●irst_n spin_v but_o now_o the_o son_n of_o perdition_n sit_v ●s_a god_n in_o the_o temple_n of_o god_n who_o christ_n will_v destroy_v with_o the_o brightness_n of_o his_o come_v etc._n etc._n christ_n renew_v and_o double_v the_o same_o charge_n ●n_o the_o same_o epistle_n as_o it_o be_v adjure_v and_o conjure_v timothy_n and_o in_o he_o all_o the_o church●s_n in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n as_o they_o look_v to_o answer_v it_o at_o that_o great_a day_n and_o before_o jesus_n christ_n who_o make_v a_o good_a confession_n before_o pontius_n pilate_n that_o they_o keep_v his_o commandment_n without_o spot_n and_o unrebukable_a until_o the_o appear_v of_o jesus_n christ_n how_o shall_v all_o these_o obtestation_n and_o injunction_n make_v all_o new-england_n church-member_n and_o officer_n dreadful_o to_o quake_v and_o tremble_v under_o the_o consideration_n of_o what_o gild_n we_o lie_v under_o by_o breach_n of_o this_o command_n moreover_o the_o king_n of_o saint_n and_o lord_n of_o heaven_n and_o earth_n have_v magnify_v and_o exalt_v this_o people_n above_o any_o in_o the_o low_a world_n with_o charter_n privilege_n to_o im-body_n themselves_o into_o spiritual_a corporation_n found_v upon_o divine_a institution_n and_o direct_v by_o scriptural_a regulation_n by_o which_o charter_n of_o right_n they_o be_v empower_v to_o assemble_v and_o incorporate_v themselves_o to_o choose_v and_o appoint_v their_o own_o officer_n act_v the_o whole_a in_o his_o sacred_a majesty_n name_n and_o sole_o by_o his_o authority_n tha●_n agree_v together_o he_o have_v pass_v under_o th●_n great_a seal_n of_o heaven_n and_o give_v his_o royal_a parol●_n oath_n and_o amen_o to_o bind_v or_o loose_v in_o heaven_n whatsoever_o they_o shall_v bind_v or_o loose_v on_o earth_n the_o key_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n be_v give●_n to_o this_o church_n confess_v and_o profess_v chris●_n to_o be_v the_o son_n of_o the_o live_a god_n the_o gate_n o●_n hell_n shall_v not_o prevail_v against_o it_o yea_o he_o whos●_n name_n be_v i_o be_o be_v in_o the_o midst_n of_o two_o or_o three_o assemble_v in_o his_o name_n &_o authority_n but_o if_o they_o by_o their_o faction_n or_o fraction_n can_v agree_v o●_n through_o their_o sullen_a wilfulness_n do_v nonuser_n desuser_n refuser_n any_o of_o these_o sacred_a statute_n which_o they_o by_o scripture_n charter_n be_v oblige_v to_o act_v by_o they_o forfeit_v their_o franchise_n &_o may_v expect_v a_o divin●_n quo-warrant_a to_o be_v sue_v out_o by_o their_o king_n against_o they_o who_o require_v this_o at_o your_o hand_n this_o be_v not_o the_o feast_n fast_a or_o duty_n the_o lord_n require_v by_o not_o observe_v all_o thing_n he_o ha●h_v command_v they_o forfeit_v the_o challenge_n of_o his_o promise_a presence_n with_o they_o if_o they_o refuse_v any_o officer_n which_o he_o have_v instate_v in_o the_o church_n they_o expose_v themselves_o to_o the_o forfeiture_n of_o the_o say_a charter_n and_o he_o who_o know_v not_o what_o a_o deluge_n of_o superstition_n be_v by_o this_o door_n of_o neglect_n let_v into_o the_o first_o church_n he_o be_v not_o so_o verse_v in_o divine_a and_o humane_a church_n history_n as_o the_o time_n of_o the_o fulfil_a prophecy_n we_o be_v cast_v into_o call_v for_o our_o cry_v out_o the_o temple_n of_o the_o lord_n will_v not_o free_v we_o from_o be_v dischurch_v more_o than_o jerusalem_n be_v she_o be_v seat_n to_o shilo_n n._n england_n need_v not_o to_o travel_v into_o asia_n to_o learn_v it_o every_o poor_a french_a refugee_n who_o have_v set_v his_o foot_n in_o n._n england_n preach_v it_o unto_o we_o who_o church_n have_v yield_v more_o faithful_a martyr_n than_o all_o the_o other_o reform_a church_n in_o europe_n their_o care_n of_o supply_v the_o poor_a church_n out_o of_o the_o large_a treasury_n and_o by_o the_o liberality_n of_o the_o rich_a be_v exemplary_a and_o the_o provide_v maintenance_n to_o the_o widow_n and_o orphan_n of_o their_o decease_a pastor_n be_v presidential_n it_o be_v the_o special_a work_n of_o their_o national_a synod_n and_o do_v condemn_v we_o christ_n that_o know_v their_o charity_n service_n faith_n and_o patience_n after_o their_o re_fw-mi reformation_n will_v make_v this_o thyatiras_n last_o work_v to_o be_v more_o than_o her_o first_o oh_o that_o we_o may_v apply_v our_o heart_n to_o these_o thing_n that_o they_o may_v sink_v into_o our_o soul_n king_n out_o of_o their_o natural_a clemency_n may_v abate_v from_o the_o severity_n of_o law_n but_o if_o contempt_n be_v add_v it_o aggravate_v the_o offence_n our_o case_n be_v such_o as_o only_o sovereign_a grace_n can_v cure_v god_n have_v oft_o wrought_v for_o his_o name_n sake_n let_v we_o plead_v it_o with_o he_o lord_z we_o be_v call●d_v by_o thy_o name_n leave_v we_o not_o let_v we_o not_o be_v abhor_v for_o thy_o name_n sake_n let_v not_o the_o throne_n of_o thy_o glory_n be_v further_o disgrace_v before_o popish_a and_o pagan_a adversary_n it_o be_v say_v that_o none_o but_o parliament_n laxness_v ●o_o maintain_v their_o just_a and_o legal_a propriety_n 〈◊〉_d undo_v the_o body_n polittck_n of_o a_o nation_n so_o no●●_n can_v undo_v our_o spiritual_a corporation_n but_o their_o member_n give_v up_o their_o due_a just_a church_n power_n and_o privilege_n into_o the_o band_n of_o some_o diotrephes_n as_o befall_v the_o primitive_a church_n as_o we_o begin_v with_o a_o caution_n from_o our_o great_a cotton_n so_o we_o shall_v draw_v to_o a_o conclusion_n with_o the_o animadversion_n of_o the_o great_a congregational_a champion_n dr._n owen_n who_o in_o the_o vindication_n of_o these_o church_n from_o scism_n cha●ged_v upon_o they_o by_o dr_n still_v sfleet_n the_o say_v reverend_a man_n who_o there_o and_o in_o his_o other_o elaborate_v work_n upon_o that_o subject_a do_v
but_o paraphrase_n and_o comment_n upon_o the_o book_n of_o mr._n cotton_n key_n as_o he_o himself_o have_v publish_v to_o the_o world_n in_o answer_n to_o mr._n cawdry_n that_o upon_o search_n of_o the_o scripture_n and_o weight_n of_o argument_n thence_o deduce_v find_v the_o work_n of_o the_o key_n exact_o answer_v the_o ward_n of_o the_o lock_n of_o christ_n kingdom_n he_o be_v proselit_v from_o the_o classical_a unto_o the_o congregational_a way_n of_o church_n let_v it_o with_o all_o submissiveness_n be_v consider_v whether_o its_o rumination_n may_v not_o be_v our_o concern_n who_o write_v of_o the_o state_n of_o these_o church_n say_v that_o when_o a_o people_n through_o a_o apprehension_n of_o their_o own_o ignorance_n weakness_n and_o unmeetness_n well_o if_o it_o be_v not_o laziness_n and_o idleness_n to_o discern_v and_o judge_v matter_n of_o religion_n for_o themselves_o and_o their_o own_o duty_n be_v keep_v and_o debar_v from_o it_o or_o when_o through_o their_o own_o sloth_n negligence_n and_o viciousness_n shall_v be_v real_o uncapable_a to_o manage_v their_o own_o interest_n in_o church_n affair_n as_o fit_v only_o to_o be_v govern_v if_o not_o as_o bruit_n creature_n yet_o as_o mute_a person_n these_o thing_n shall_v be_v employ_v by_o the_o ambition_n of_o the_o clergy_n engross_a ●ll_a thing_n in_o the_o church_n to_o themselves_o as_o they_o do_v ●n_o former_a age_n that_o if_o the_o old_a popedom_n do_v not_o return_v a_o new_a one_o will_v be_v erect_v as_o bad_a as_o the_o other_o god_n forbid_v this_o prognostic_n shall_v be_v the_o fate_n of_o our_o church_n yet_o when_o we_o read_v the_o apostle_n paul_n advice_n to_o colosse_n say_v to_o archippus_n take_v heed_n to_o thy_o ministry_n which_o thou_o have_v receive_v of_o the_o lord_n when_o we_o consider_v the_o neglect_n of_o it_o we_o know_v not_o what_o to_o say_v the_o say_v learned_a man_n in_o a_o book_n publish_v since_o his_o death_n concern_v the_o rule_n and_o order_n of_o congregational_a church_n which_o he_o assert_v to_o be_v the_o only_a apostolical_a church_n both_o according_a to_o the_o rule_n of_o scripture_n and_o according_a to_o the_o example_n of_o primitive_a humane_a antiquity_n to_o who_o next_o unto_o the_o sacred_a scripture_n we_o owe_v great_a veneration_n and_o credence_n which_o he_o in_o the_o say_a book_n cit_v in_o that_o discourse_n treat_v of_o the_o rule_v elder_n office_n and_o duty_n he_o say_v i_o admire_v that_o any_o man_n shall_v have_v so_o much_o confidence_n in_o his_o own_o ability_n so_o as_o to_o suppose_v himself_o meet_a and_o able_a for_o the_o discharge_v of_o both_o sort_n of_o e●ders_n in_o the_o least_o church_n of_o christ_n in_o the_o same_o treatise_n he_o further_o affirm_v it_o be_v evident_a that_o neither_o the_o purity_n order_n nor_o the_o beauty_n or_o glory_n of_o the_o church_n of_o christ_n nor_o his_o majesty_n or_o authority_n in_o the_o government_n of_o they_o can_v be_v long_o preserve_v without_o the_o multiplication_n elder_n in_o they_o according_a to_o the_o proportion_n to_o 〈◊〉_d number_n of_o their_o respective_a member_n for_o w●_n whereof_o the_o church_n of_o old_a and_o late_o have_v de●nerated_v into_o anarcby_n or_o confusion_n or_o else_o gi●●_n themsel_n uss_v up_o unto_o the_o dominion_n of_o some_o prelati●●_n teacher_n to_o rule_v at_o pleasure_n which_o be_v the_o poi●●_n and_o bane_n of_o the_o other_o primitive_a church_n and_o t●●_n will_v do_v the_o same_o for_o the_o future_a in_o the_o neglect_n this_o order_n god_n avert_v these_o sad_a omen_n that_o they_o shou●●_n befall_v our_o church_n and_o yet_o when_o w●_n read_v how_o the_o mystery_n of_o iniquity_n wrought_v apprent_o in_o some_o who_o love_v the_o pre-eminence_n even_o in_o the_o apostle_n time_n we_o be_v at_o a_o loss_n a●_n humble_o leave_v it_o with_o he_o who_o face_n be_v n●_n to_o be_v see_v but_o his_o back_n part_v only_o while_o he_o pass_v before_o we_o in_o his_o glory_n and_o take_v way_n his_o hand_n have_v not_o new-england_n experience_v this_o grea●_n truth_n what_o be_v become_v of_o the_o majesty_n authority_n and_o glory_n of_o christ_n appear_v in_o ou●_n church_n unto_o which_o christ_n defence_n be_v promise_v when_o we_o be_v complete_v according_a t●_n rule_n as_o at_o the_o first_o let_v we_o take_v christ_n counsel_n to_o remember_v from_o whence_o we_o be_v fall_v &_o repent_v remember_v our_o ruler_n which_o hau●_n declare_v unto_o we_o the_o word_n of_o god_n whos●_n fatth_n follow_v consider_v what_o have_v bee●_n the_o end_n of_o their_o conversation_n jesus_n chris●_n the_o same_o yesterday_o to_o day_n and_o for_o ever_o let_v we_o no●_n be_v carry_v about_o with_o divers_a doctrine_n and_o to_o mind_n what_o mem●●●_n 〈…〉_o ●orton_n have_v leave_v we_o to_o chew_v upon_o in_o his_o treatise_n call_v the_o heart_n of_o new-en●and_a rend_v at_o the_o blasphemy_n of_o the_o time_n who_o ●ords_n be_v it_o concern_v new-england_n always_o 〈◊〉_d remember_v that_o original_o they_o be_v a_o plantation_n religious_a not_o a_o plantation_n of_o ●rade_n the_o profession_n of_o the_o purity_n of_o doctrine_n worship_n and_o discipline_n be_v write_v upon_o their_o fore●ead_n a_o spot_n of_o this_o vast_a jeshimon_n convert_v ●nto_o cornfield_n orchard_n street_n inhabit_a ●nd_v a_o place_n of_o merchandise_n can_v denominate_v new-england_n all_o these_o notwithstanding_o if_o ●●e_v fall_v away_o from_o her_o profession_n call_v she_o ●habod_v the_o glory_n be_v depart_v in_o such_o a_o case_n ●hat_n be_v say_v of_o samnium_n sometime_o a_o fa_n ●●ous_a city_n in_o italy_n viz._n that_o they_o can_v not_o ●nd_v samnium_n in_o samnium_n will_v be_v ve●fied_v in_o these_o church_n vix_fw-la that_o new-england_a be_v not_o to_o be_v find_v in_o new-england_a nor_o boston_n in_o boston_n god_n ●orbid_v that_o after_o new_a england_n have_v now_o shine_v twenty_o year_n and_o more_o like_o a_o light_n upon_o a_o hill_n it_o shall_v at_o last_o go_v out_o in_o the_o snuff_n of_o morelianism_n thus_o far_o the_o word_n of_o bostons_n great_a and_o second_v seraphical_a teacher_n who_o for●y_a year_n since_o declare_v these_o fear_n about_o we_o as_o will_n further_o appear_v in_o the_o last_o page_n of_o this_o scribble_v narrative_n in_o his_o funeral_n elegy_n upon_o mr._n cotton_v death_n when_o our_o stock_n and_o farm_n be_v not_o so_o multiply_v nor_o our_o trade_n ●nd_v merchandise_n so_o increase_v nor_o the_o number_n of_o our_o member_n nor_o mortuary_n so_o grea●_n as_o now_o as_o holy_a herbert_n in_o his_o pious_a poem_n foretell_v of_o we_o as_o gold_n and_o grace_n never_o yet_o do_v agree_v religion_n always_o side_v with_o poverty_n that_o as_o the_o church_n shall_v thither_o westward_o fly_v so_o sin_n shall_v trace_v and_o dog_n she_o instant_o yet_o we_o can_v maintain_v our_o officer_n no_o question_n be_v then_o about_o the_o minister_n table●_n how_o they_o shall_v be_v supply_v the_o silver_n and_o gold_n in_o darius_n his_o exchequer_n be_v the_o lord_n and_o he_o bring_v it_o out_o to_o advance_v temple-work_n if_o the_o church_n stock_n need_v enlargement_n a_o word_n then_o from_o the_o deacon_n be_v sufficient_a to_o bring_v forth_o more_o then_o enough_o yea_o to_o moses_n call_v for_o a_o restraint_n such_o inlargedness_n of_o heart_n than_o appear_v as_o some_o old_a planter_n may_v remember_v it_o be_v a_o awful_a speech_n of_o a_o worthy_a minister_n of_o the_o gospel_n late_o utter_v upon_o a_o falt-day_n in_o a_o neighbour_n congregation_n that_o he_o fear_v the_o church_n do_v not_o understand_v the_o cause_n of_o god_n present_a controversy_n that_o it_o be_v reformation_n god_n look_v for_o who_o use_v this_o motive_n to_o provoke_v to_o duty_n that_o if_o the_o present_a generation_n do_v not_o attend_v and_o do_v their_o duty_n the_o next_o shall_v not_o and_o will_v not_o be_v capable_a of_o it_o and_o indeed_o how_o can_v it_o be_v expect_v that_o they_o shall_v reform_v that_o which_o they_o know_v not_o to_o be_v a_o evil_a nor_o to_o fall_v upon_o practice_n of_o a_o unknown_a precept_n pastor_n and_o teacher_n be_v account_v as_o supernumeraries_n no_o rule_n but_o for_o one_o officer_n in_o a_o church_n and_o as_o for_o rule_v elder_n they_o have_v be_v take_v up_o by_o tradition_n that_o there_o be_v but_o one_o word_n in_o the_o whole_a bible_n for_o they_o yet_o the_o faith_n once_o give_v to_o the_o sain_n be_v earnest_o yet_o regular_o to_o be_v contend_v for_o by_o they_o but_o they_o will_v find_v they_o more_o than_o twice_o mention_v in_o rom._n 12._o among_o church_n officer_n viz._n the_o teacher_n be_v to_o attend_v on_o teach_v the_o pastor_n or_o exhorter_n on_o exhortation_n the_o giver_n to_o do_v it_o with_o simplicity_n he_o that_o rule_v with_o diligence_n can_v there_o be_v a_o full_a