made this aunswer againe That first touching the Article of submission he woulde in no wise consent affirming as hee had done before that he had neuer offended the kings Maiestye in any such sorte as shoulde geue hym cause thus to submit himselfe praying earnestly to be brought vnto his trial wherin he refused the kings mercy and desired nothing So ye right ãâã to ãâã turned ãâã altar to ãâã but iustice And for the rest of the articles he aunswered that after he were past his triall in this firste poynt and were at libertie then it should appeare what he would do in them not being as he said reasonable that he should subscribe them in prisone Of this answer when the king and hys counsel had intelligence by the foresayde Maister of the horse Secretarie Peter the bishop of London and M. Goodricke who had bene wyth him it was agreed that he should be sent for before the whole counsel and peremptorily examined once againe whether he would stand at this poynt or no which if he did then to denouÌce vnto him the sequestration of his benefice and consequently the intimation in case hee were not reformed within 3. monethes as in the daye of his appearance shall appeare The tenor and words of which sequestration with the Intimation followeth The wordes of the Sequestration with the Intimation to the Bishop of Winchester FOr asmuch as the kings maiestie our most gratious soueraigne Lord vnderstandeth The tenour of of the sequestration read to Winchester and it is also manifestly knowne and notorious vnto vs that the clemency long sufferaunce of his maiestie woorketh not in you y e good effect and humblenes and conformitie that is requisite in a good subiect and for that your first disobediences coÌteÌpts and other misbehauiours for the which you were by hys Maiesties authoritie iustly coÌmitted to warde haue âithes your said committing dayly more more increased in you in such sort as a great slaunder and offence is therof risen in many parts of the realme whereby also much slander dissention trouble vnquietnes is very like more to ensue if your foresaid offences being as they be openly knowne should passe vnpunished The causes why this sequestratioÌ was laid against Winchester we let you wit that hauing speciall and expresse Commission and commaundement from his Maiesty aswell for your contumacies and contempts so long coÌtinued and yet daily more increasing as also for the exchange of the slaunder offence of the people which by your sayd ill demeanours is risen and for that also the Church of Winchester may be in the meane time prouided of a good minister that may and will see all things done quietly executed according to lawes and common orders of this Realme Winchester sequestred from his Byshopricke for sondry other great and vrgent causes we do by these presentes sequester all the fruites reuenues landes and possessions of your Bishopricke of Winchester discerne deeme iudge the same to be committed to the seueral receite collection and custody of such person or persons as his Maiesty shall appoynt for that purpose And because your former disobediences and contemptes so loÌg coÌtinued so many times doubled renued and aggrauated do manifestly declare you to be a person without all hope of recouery plainly incorrigible we eftsoones admonish and require you to obay his maiesties said coÌmaundement and that you do declare your selfe by subscription of youre hand both willing well conteÌted to accept allow preach and teache to others the sayde articles and all suche other matters as be or shal be set forth by his maiesties authority of supreme head of this church of England on this side within the terme of 3. monthes whereof we appoynt one month for the first monition one month for the second monition and warning and one moneth for the third and peremptorie monition Within which time as you may yet declare your coÌformitie and shal haue paper Intimation geuâ to Winchester pen and inke when you wil cal for them for that purpose so if you wilfully forbeare and refuse to declare your self obedient and conformable as is aforesayd we intimate vnto you that his maiestie who like a good gouernor desireth to keepe both his coÌmon wealth quiet and to purge the same of euill men especially ministers entendeth to proceede against you as an incorrigible person and vnmeet minister of this church to depriuation of your sayd bishopprike Neuertheles vpon diuers good considerations and specially in hope he might within his time be yet reconciled it was agreed that the sayd bishops house seruants should be maintained in their present estate vntill y e time that this Iniunction should expire the matter for the meane time to be kept secrete After this sequestration the sayde B. was commensed vnto Lambeth before the Archbishop of Cant. other the kings commissioners by vertue of the kings speciall letter sent vnto the sayde Commissioners to witte to the Archbyshop of Caunterburie Nicholas bishoppe of London The names of the Commissioners delegate in the cause of SteueÌ Gardineâ Thomas bishop of Ely Henry bishop of Lincoln Secretarie Peter Syr Iames Hales knight Doctour Leyson Doctor Olyuer lawyers and Iohn Gosnold Esquire c. before them and by them to be examined by whome were obiected against him 19. special articles in order and forme heere following Articles and positions ministred ioyntly and seuerally obiected to the B. of Winchester IN primis that the kings Maiestie iustly and rightfully is and by the lawes of God ought to be the supreme head in earth of the Church of England and Ireland Articles ministred agaynst Winchester by the Commissioners and so is by the Clergie of this realme in their conuocation and by the Act of Parliament iustly and according to y e lawes of God recognised 2 Item that his maiestie as supreme head of y e saide churches hath full power and authoritie to make and set suche Lawes Iniunctions and ordinances for and concerning Religion anâ orders in the said churches for the increase of vertue and repressing of all errours heresies and other enormities and abuses 3 Item that all and euery his graces subiectes are bound by the lawes of God to obey all his highnesse saide lawes Iniunctions and proceedings concerning religion orders in the sayd Churches Winchester sworne to the kinges supremacy 4 Item that you Steuen B. of Winchester haue sworne obedience to his Maiestie as supreme head of this Church of England and also of Ireland 5 Item that all and euery his graces subiects that disobey any of his sayde Maiesties lawes Iniunctions ordinances and proceedings already set forth published or hereafter to be set foorth published ought worthely to be punished according to his graces Ecclesiasticall lawes vsed within thys his realme Winchester after his oth fouÌd disobedient to the king and his proceedinges 6 Item that you
Cardinall Wolsey Nixe Byshoppe of Norwich Fryers of Ipswich Thomas Bilney Bacheler of both lawes Fryer Byrd Fryer Hogekins Doctour Stokes Sir Thom. Moore Fryer Brusyerd Fryer Iohn Huggen Prouinciall of the Dominikes Fryer Geffrey Iulles Fryer Iugworth M. William Iecket gentleman William Nelson Thomas Williams Thomas Bilney Arthure which abiured At Norwiche Ann. 1531. In the story aboue passed of Cardinall Wolsey Anno. 1531. mention was made of certayne Thomas Bilney Martyr whome the sayde Cardinal caused to abiure as Bilney Geffrey Lome Garret Barnes and such other of whome we haue nowe the Lorde directing vs specially to entreate This Thom. Bilney was brought vp in the Uniuersitie of Cambridge euen from a child profiting in al kind of liberal science euen vnto the profession of both lawes But at the last hauing gotteÌ a better schoolemaister euen the holy spirit of Christ who enduing his hart by priuie inspiration with y e knowledge of better more wholesome things he came at the last vnto this point that forsaking y e knowledge of maÌs lawes he coÌuerted his studye to those things which tended more vnto godlynes then gaynefulnes Finally as he hymselfe was greatly inflamed with the loue of true religion godlines euen so agayne was in hys hart an incredible desire to allure many vnto the same desiring nothing more then that hee might stir vp incourage any to the loue of Christ sincere Religion Neyther was his labors vayne for he conuerted many of hys felowes vnto the knowledge of the Gospell amoÌgst which number was Thomas Arthur and M. Hugh Latimer which Latimer at that time was crossekeeper at Cambridge bringing it forth vpon procession dayes At the last Maister Latimer Crossekeeper in the Vniuersitye of Cambridge Bilney forsaking the Uniuersitie went into many places teaching preaching being associate with Arthur whiche accompanied him from the Uniuersitie The authoritie of Thom. Wolsey Cardinall of Yorke of whome ye heard before at that time was great in England but his pompe pride much greater which did euidently declare vnto all wise men the manifest vanitie not only of his life but also of all the Byshops and Cleargie Whereupon Bilney Bilney against the pride of the Pope and of his Cardinalls with other good men maruelling at the incredible insolencie of the Cleargie which they could now no longer suffer or abide beganne to shake and reprooue this excessiue pompe of the Cleargie and also to plucke at the authoritie of the Byshop of Rome Then it was time for the Cardinall to awake and speedily to looke about hys busines Neyther lacked he in this poynt any craft or subtiltie of a serpent for he vnderstood well enough vpon how slender a foundation theyr ambitious dignitie was grounded neyther was he ignoraunt that theyr Luciferous and proude kingdome could not long coÌtinue against the manifest word of God especially if the light of the Gospell should once open the eyes of men For otherwise he did not greatly feare the power and dipleasure of Kings and Princes Only thys he feared the voyce of Christ in his Gospell least it should disclose and detect their hypocrisie and deceites and force them to come into an order of godly discipline wherefore he thought good speedily in time to withstand these beginnings Whereupon he caused the sayd Bilney and Arthur to be apprehended and cast in prison as before yee haue heard After this the xxvij day of Nouember in the yeare of our Lord 1527. the sayde Cardinall accompanyed wyth a great number of Byshops Cardinall Wolsey with his complices agaynst Bilney and Arthur as the Archbyshop of Caunterbury Cuthbert of London Iohn of Rochester Nicholas of Ely Iohn of Exeter Iohn of Lincolne Iohn of Bathe and Welles Harry of Saint Asse with many other both Diuines and Lawyers came into the Chapterhouse of Westminster where the sayd Maister Thomas Bilney and Thomas Arthur were brought before them and the sayd Cardinall there enquired of M. Bilney whether he had priuately or publiquely preached or taught to the people the opinions of Luther or any other condemned by the Church contrary to the determination of the Church Whereunto Bilney answeared that wittingly he had not preached or taught any of Luthers opinions or any other contrary to the Catholique Churche Then the Cardinall asked him whether he had not once made an othe before that he should not preach rehearse or defende any of Luthers opinioÌs but should impugne the same euerywhere He answered that he had made such an othe but not lawfully which interrogatories so ministred and answeares made the Cardinall caused hym to sweare to aunsweare playnely to the articles and errors preached and set foorth by him as well in the Citie and dioces of London as in the dioces of Norwich and other places and that he shuld do it without any craft qualifying or leauing out any part of the truth After he was thus sworne and examined the sayd Cardinal proceded to the examination of M. Thomas Arthur there present causing him to take the like othe Thomas Arthur examined that M. Bilney did Which done he asked of him whether he had not once told sir Tho. More knight y t in the Sacrament of the altar was not the very body of Christ Which interrogatory he denied Then the Cardinal gaue him time to deliberate til noone and to bring in his answeare in writing After noone the same daye what tyme the examination of the foresayde Thomas Arthur was ended the Cardinall and Byshops by theyr authoritie Ex officio did call in for witnesses before Mayster Bilney certayne men namely Iohn Huggen chiefe Prouinciall of the Friers preachers throughout all England Geffrey Iulles and Richard Iugworth professours of Diuinitie of the same order Also William Iecket Gentleman William Nelson and Thomas Williams which were sworne that all fauour hate loue or rewarde set aparte they shoulde without concealing of any falsehoode or omitting anye truth speake theyr myndes vpon the Articles layde agaynst them or preached by hym as well within the Dioces of London as the Dioces of Norwich and because he was otherwise occupyed aboute the affayres of the Realme he committed the hearing of the matter to the Byshop of London and to other Byshops there present or to three of them to proceede agaynst all men as well spirituall as temporall as also against schedules writings and bookes set forth and translated by Martin Luther lately condemned by Pope Leo the tenth and by all maner of probable meanes to enquire and roote out their errors and opinions and all such as were found culpable to compell them to abiuration according to the lawe or if the matter so required to deliuer them vnto the secular power and to geue them full power and authoritie to determine vpon them The xxvij of Nouember in the yeare aforesayde the Byshop of London Bââney and Aâtâure bâââght befâre âuÌâtall biâhop of Lândon with the Byshop of Ely and
pleasure I must disburse money to pay for theÌ or els I cannot haue them so I will assure you to haue euery booke of them that is printed vnsolde The Bishop thinking he had God by the toe sayd do your diligence geÌtle Maister Packington get theÌ for me I wil pay whatsoeuer they cost Augustine Packington the Byshop of Londons marchaunt for I entend to burne destroy them all at Paules Crosse. This Augustine Packington went vnto William Tyndall and declared the whole matter and so vppon compact made betweene them the Bishop of London had the bookes Packington had the thankes Tindall had the money After this Tindall corrected the same new Testaments agayn and caused them to be newly imprinted so that they came thicke and threefolde ouer into England When the Bishop perceaued that hee sent for Packington and sayde to him how commeth this y t there are so many new Testamentes abroad you promised me that you would buy them all Then aunswered Packington surely I bought all that was to be had but I perceiue the haue printed more since I see it will neuer be better so long as they haue letters and stamps wherfore you were best to buy the stamps too so you shal be sure At whiche aunswere the Bishop smiled and so the matter ended In short space after it fortuned y t George Constantine was apprehended by syr Thomas More George Constantine which was then Chauncellour of England suspected of certayne heresies during the time that hee was in the custodye of M. More After diuers communications amongest other thinges M. More asked of hym saying CoÌstantine I would haue thee playne with me in one thing that I will aske and I promise thee I will shew thee fauour in all other thyngs wherof thou art accused There is beyond the Sea Tyndall Ioye and a great meany of you I knowe they can not liue w tout helpe There are some that help and succour them with money and thou beyng one of them haddest thy part therof and therfore knowest from whence it came I pray thee tell me who be they that helpe them thus My Lord quoth Constantine I will tell you truely it is the Bishop of London that hath holpen vs for he hath bestowed among vs a great deale of mony vppon new Testamentes to burne them and that hath bene and yet is our only succour and comfort Now by my truth quoth More I thinke euen the same for so much I told the Bishop before he went about it Of this Georg Constantine moreouer it is reported by Syr Tho. More that he being taken and in holde Out of Mores preface agaynst Tyndall seemed wel content to renounce hys former doctrine not onely to disclose certayne other of hys fellowes but also studyed deuised how those books which he himselfe and other of his fellowes had brought and shipped might come to the Bishops hands to be burned and shewed to the foresayd Syr Tho. More Chauncellour the shipmans name that had them and the markes of the fardels George Constantine a discloser of his fellowes by the whiche the bookes afterward were taken burned Besides this hee is reported also to haue disclosed diuers of his companioÌs of whome some were abiured after some had abiured before as Rich. Necton who was committed to Newgate vpon the same and is thought there to haue dyed in prison or els had not escaped theyr handes but should haue suffered burning if the reporte of M. More be to be credited More in hys preface agaynst Tindall Notwithstanding the same Constantine afterward by the helpe of some of hys frendes George Constantine a troubler of Ferrat Bishop of S. Dauids escaped out of prison ouer the seas and after that in the time of king Edward was one of them that troubled the good Bishop of S. Dauids which after in Queene Maryes tyme was Burned But of Constantine enough Mention was made in the leafe before pag. 1040. how the Byshops had procured of the king a proclamation to be set forth in the yeare of our Lorde 990. for the abolishing of diuers bookes aforenamed and also for y e withstanding of al such as taught or preached any thing agaynst the dignitie and ordinaunces of the Church of Rome Upon this proclamation insued great persecution and trouble against y e poore innoceÌt flock of Christ as here following you may see with the sayd proclamation also prefixed before y e same the tenour whereof is this * A proclamation for resisting and withstanding of most damnable heresies sowen within this realme by the disciples of Luther and other heretikes peruerters of Christes religion THe king our soueraigne Lord of his most vertuous and gratious disposition This proclamation was made throughout all England the yeare of our Lorde 1519. and the 21. yeare of K. Henry 8. considering that this noble realme of England hath of long tyme continued in the true Catholicke fayth of Christes religion and that his noble progenitours kinges of thys hys sayd realme haue before thys tyme made and enacted many deuout lawes statutes and ordinaunces for the mayntenaunce and defence of the sayde fayth agaynst the malicious and wicked sectes of heretickes and Lollardes who by peruersion of holye Scripture do induce the erroneous opinions sow sedition amoÌg Christen people and finally disturbe the peace and tranquillitie of ChristeÌ realmes as late happened in some parties of Germany where by the procurement and sedition of Martin Luther and other heretickes wer slayn an infinite number of Christen people coÌsidering also that as well by the corruption malice of indiscrete preachers sautors of the sayd erroneous sects as by certayn hereticall and blasphemous bookes lately made and priuily sent into this realme by the disciples fautors adherents of the sayd Martin Luther other heretickes the kings subiects are like to be corrupted vnlesse his highnes as the defeÌsor of the faith do put to his most gracious helpe authoritie royal to the due speedy reformation thereof his highnes therfore lyke a most gracious Prince of his blessed vertuous disposition for the incomparable zeale which he hath to Christes religion faith for the singular loue affection that he beareth to all his good subiects of this his realme specially to the saluation of their soules according to his office duetye in that behalfe willeth and intendeth to prouide with all coÌuenient expedition that this his noble realme may be preserued froÌ the said pestiferous cursed seditious errours And for as much as his highnes is credibly informed that some of the said errours be already sowen spread within this his realme partly by the corruption of indiscreete preachers partlye by erroneous bookes compiled printed written as well in the English tongue as in latine other languages repleat with most venemous heresies blasphemies slaunders intollerable to the cleane eares of any good
the foresayd Iohn Tewkesbery of our iurisdiction to be a conteÌner of the first abiuration moreouer before after the foresaid first errors and other daÌnable opinions to haue fallen to be an hereticke fallen to haue incurred the payn of such fallen hereticks we do pronounce determine declare condemne thee of y e premisses to haue incurred the dauÌger of the greac excoÌmunication do pronouÌce thee to be excoÌmunicated also do declare thee the sayd Tewkesbery so daÌnably falleÌ agayne into heresy to be in the secular power in their iudgemeÌt as the holy Canons haue decreed here we do leaue thee to the foresayd secular power to their iudgement beseeching them earnestly in the bowelles of Iesus Christ that such seuere punishment and execution as in this behalfe is to be done against thee may be so moderated that no rigorous rigor be vsed In wordes they pretend moderation but their doinges be cleane contrary but to the health and saluation of thy soule and to the terror feare and rooting out of heretickes theyr conuersion to the Catholicke fayth vnity by this our finall decree which we declare by these our writings This foresayd sentence definitiue agaynst Iohn Tewkesbery was read and pronounced by the Bishop of London the 16 day of the month of December the yeare aforesayd The death and martirdome of Iohn Tewksbery in the house of Syr Thomas More high Chauncellor of England in the Parish of Chelsey After the whych sentence the Sheriffes receiued the foresayd Tewkesbery into theyr custody and caried him away with them and afterwardes burned him in Smithfield as is aforesayd hauing no writ of the king for theyr warrant * The apprehension of one Edward Frese a Paynter EDward Freese was borne in Yorke and was Prentise to a Paynter in the same Citty and by the reason of working for his maister in Bearsy Abbay The story Edward Freese or by some such occasion was knowne vnto the Abbot of the same house for he was a boy of a pregnaunt witte and the Abbot fauored him so much that he bought his yeares of his mayster and would haue made him a Monke And the ladde not liking that kinde of liuing and not knowing how to gette out because he was a Nouice ran away after a long space and came to Colchester in Essex and remayning there according to his former vocation was maried and liued like an honest man After he had bene there a good time he was hyred to paynt certayne clothes for the new Inne in Colchester which is in the middle of the market place in the vpper border of the clothes he wrote certeine sentences of the Scripture and by that he was plainely knowne to be one of them which they call heretickes And on a time he being at his worke in the same Inne they of the Towne when they had sene his work The cause ãâã the takyng of Edward Freese went about to take him he hauing some incling therof thought to shift for himselfe but yet was taken forceably in y e yarde of the same Inne after this he was brought to London and so to Fulham to the bishops house where he was cruelly imprisoned with certein others of Essex that is to wit one Iohnson and his wife Wylye his wife and his sonne father Bate of Rowshedge Iohnson his wife Wylye his sonne Father Bate They were fedde with fyne manchet made of saw dust or at the least a great part therof and were so straightly kept that theyr wiues and theyr frendes could not come at them After the Painter had bene there a long space by much sute he was remoued to Lollardes tower His wife in the time of her sute whiles he was yet at Fulham being desirous to see her husband preasing to come in at the gate being then bigge with child the porter lift vp his foote and stroke her on the belly that at leÌgth she dyed of y e same but the child was destroyed immediately After that they were all stocked for a long time then they were let lose in theyr prisons againe Some had horse locks on theyr legs some had other yrons This painter woulde euer be writing on the walles with chauke or a coale in one place he wrote Doct. Dodipall would make me beleue that the Moone were made of grene cheese And because he would be writing many thinges he was manicled by the wrestes so long till the flesh of his armes was growne higher then his yrons By the meanes of his manicles he could not kemme his head and he remayned so long manicled that his heare was felded together After the death of his wife his brother sued to the king for him and after long sute he was brought out in the Consistory at Paules and as his brother did report they kept him three dayes without meate before he came to his answere Then what by the long imprisonment and much euill handling and for lack of sustenaunce the man was in that case that he could say nothing but looke and gase vpon the people like a wilde man and they asked hym anye questioÌ he could say nothing but my Lord is a good man And thus when they had spilt his body and destroyed his wittes they sent him backe agayne to Bersie Abbey but he came away againe from thence and would not tary amongest them albeit he neuer came to his perfect minde to his dying day Valântine his wife ãâã in ãâã His brother of whom I before spake whose name was Ualentine Freese his wife gaue theyr liues at one stake in Yorke for the testimony of Iesus Christ. Also the wife of the sayd father Bate while he was at Fulham made many supplications to the king wythout redresse at the last she deliuered one to his owne hands and he read it himselfe whereupon she was appoynted to go into ChauÌcery lane to one whose came as is thought was M. Selyard at the last she got a letter of the same Selyard to the Byshop and when she had it she thought all her sute welbestowed hopinge that some good shoulde come to her husband thereby And because the wicked officers in those dayes were crafty and desirous of his bloud as some others had proued theyr practise some of her frendes would needes see the content of her letter Gods good prouydence and not suffer her to deliuer it to the bishop as they thought so they found in deed for it was after this maner After commendations had c. Looke what you can gather agaynst Father Bate send me word by your trustye frend Syr William Saxy A crafty leter of a wicked officer that I may certify the kinges Maiesty c. Thus the poore woman when she thought heâ sute had bene done was in lesse hope of her husbandes life theÌ before But within short space after it pleased
thus Steph. Winchester takyng his leane biddyng the Pope farewell endeth with a freÌdely exhortatioÌ Steph. Wint. taketh his vale of the Pope but not his ultimum vale willyng him to be wise circumspect not to striue stubburnely agaynst the truth The light of the Gospell sayth he so spreadeth his beames in all mens eyes y t the works of the Gospell be knowne the mysteries of Christes doctrine are opened both learned and vnlearned men women beyng Englishmen borne do see perceiue that they haue nothyng to doe with Rome nor with the Byshop of Rome but that euery Prince in his owne dominion is to be taken and accepted as a Uicare of God Uicegerent of Christ in his owne bouÌdes And therfore seyng this order is taken of God The office of teaching The office of of Ruling that one in the Church should beare the office of teachyng an other should beare y e office of rulyng which office is onely limited to princes he exhorteth him to consider the truth and to folow the same wherein consisteth our true and speciall obedience c. To this booke of Stephen Winchester De obedientia we will adioyne for good felowshyp y e Preface also of Edmund Boner ArchdeacoÌ then of Leycester prefixed before the same to the enteÌt that the reader seyng the iudgemeÌtes of these men as they were then agayne the sodeine mutation afterward of the sayd parties to the coÌtrary opinioÌ may learne thereby what vayne glory and pompe of this world caÌ worke in the frayle nature of man where Gods grace lacketh to susteine The Preface of Boner before the sayd booke of Winchester De obedientia proceedeth thus in effect as foloweth ¶ The Preface of Edmund Boner Archdeacon of Leycester prefixed before Stephen Gardiners booke De obedientia FOr asmuch as some there be no doubt as the iudgements of men be alwaies variable which thinke the controuersie which is betweene the Kings roiall Maiestie Boners preface beâore Winchesters booke of obedience and the Bishop of Rome consisteth in this point for that his Maiestie hath taken the most excellent and most vertuous Lady Anne to wife which in very deede is farre otherwise and nothing so to the intente therefore that all true harty fauourers of the Gospell of Christ Queene Anne which hate not but loue the truth may the more fully vnderstand the chiefe point of the controuersie and because they shall not be ignoraunt what is the whole voice and resolute determination of the best and greatest learned Bishops with all the nobles and commons of England not only in that cause of Matrimony but also in defending the doctrine of the Gospell The doctrine of the Gospell heere shall be published the Oration of the Bishop of Winchester a man excellently learned in all kinde of learning entituled DE VERA OBEDIENTIA that is See how these clawbackes can clung togeather in truth and in false hood and al to fashioÌ theÌselues to the world and the time present concerning true obedience But as touching this Bishops worthy praises there shall be nothing spoken of me at this time not only because they are infinite but because they are farre better knowne to all Christendome then becommeth me heere to make rehearsall And as for the Oration it selfe which as it is most learned so it is most elegant to what purpose should I make any words of it seeing it praiseth it selfe inough and seeing good wine needeth no tauerne bushe to vtter it But yet in this Oration whosoeuer thou art most gentle Reader thou shalt beside other matters see it notably and learnedly handled of what importaunce and how inuincible the power and excellencie of Gods truth is which as it may now and then be pressed of the enemies so it can not possibly be oppressed and darkened after such sorte but it sheweth it selfe againe at length Mens traditons The contents of Winchesters booke De vera obedientia The kinges mariage with Queene Anne more glorious and more welcome Thou shalt see also touching obedience that it is subiect to truth and what is to be iudged true obedience Besides this of mens traditions which for the most parte be most repugnaunt against the truth of Gods law And there by the way he speaketh of the Kings said highnes mariage which by the ripe iudgemente authoritie and priuiledge of the most and principall Vniuersities of the world and then with the consent of the whole Church of England Supreme head he contracted with the most excellent and most noble Lady Queene Anne After that touching the Kings Maiesties title as perteining to the supreme head of the Church of England Lastly of all The Bishop of Roomes pretensed supremacy of the false pretenced supremacie of the Bishop of Rome in the Realme of England most iustly abrogated and how all other Byshops being felowlike to him in their function yea and in some points aboue him within their owne prouinces were before time bound to the King by their othe But be thou most surely perswaded of this good Reader that the Bishop of Rome if there were no cause else but onely this mariage Boâner knewe well what morsell would best please his father of Rome that mony bribes would soone stoppe his mouthe would easely content himselfe specially hauing some good morsell or other geuen him to chaw vpon But when he seeth so mighty a King being a right vertuous and a great learned Prince so sincerely and so hartely fauour the Gospell of Christ and perceiueth the yearely and great pray ye so large a pray that it came to as much almost as all the Kings reuenues snapped out of hys hands and that he can no longer exercise his tyranny in the Kings Maiesâies Realme * Seeing thou knewest the Pope to be such a cruell tirant why then wouldest thou against thy knowledge become his slaughter man alas heeretofore too cruell and bitter nor make lawes as he hath done many to the contumelie and reproch of the Maiestie of God which is euident that he hath done in time past vnder the title of the Catholicke Church and the authoritie of Peter and Paule when notwithstanding he was a very rauening Wolfe dressed in sheepes clothing calling himselfe the seruaunt of seruaunts to the great damage of the Christen common wealth heere heere began all the mischiefe thereof rose these discords these deadly malices and so great and terrible bustling For if it were not thus could any man beleeue that this Iuppiter of Olympus which falsely hath arrogated vnto himselfe an absolute power without controlment woulde haue wrought so diligently by all meanes possible to stirre vp all other Kings and Princes so traiterously against this so good and godly and so true a Gospellike Prince as he hath done Neyther let it moue thee gentle Reader that Winchester did not before now apply to this opinion for he himselfe in this Oration sheweth
therefore the Pope hath no such primacy geuen him eyther by the wordes of Scripture or by any generall Councell nor by commoÌ conseÌt of the holy catholicke Church by the holy Fathers of the Catholique church asseÌbled in the first general councelles And finally they doe transgresse theyr own profession made in theyr creation For all the Bishops of Rome alwayes when they be consecrated and made Bishops of that See doe make a solemne profession and vowe that they shall inuiolably obserue and keepe al the ordinances made in the eight first generall Councels among the whiche it is specially prouided enacted that al causes shal be finished and determined with in the prouince where the same begun and that by the byshops of the same prouince and that no Byshop shall exercise any iurisdiction out of his owne dioces or prouince And diuers such other Canons were then made and confirmed by the sayd councels to represse and take away out of the Church all such primacy and iurisdiction ouer kinges and Byshops as the Byshops of Rome pretend nowe to haue ouer the same Concilium tertium Carthaginense cap. 26 Gregorius lib. 4. epistolarum indictione 13. epist 13. And we finde that diuers good fathers Byshops of Rome did greatly reproue yea and abhorre as a thing cleane contrary to the Gospel and the decrees of the church that anye Byshop of Rome or els where shoulde presume vsurpe or take vpon him the title and name of y e vniuersal byshop or of the head of all priestes or of y e highest priest or any such lyke title For confirmation whereof it is out of all doubt y t there is no mention made neyther in Scripture nor in the writinges of any Autenticall doctor or author of the Church being within the tyme of the apostles that Christ did euer make or institute any distinction or difference to be in the preeminence of power order or iurisdiction betweene the Apostles theÌselues or betweene y e bishops themselues but y t they were all equall in power order authoritie iurisdiction And that there is now and sith y e time of the Apostles any such diuersitie or difference among the Bishops it was deuised by the ancient fathers of the primitiue Church for the conseruation of good order and vnitie of the Catholicke church and that eyther by the consent and authoritie or els at the least by the permission and sufferaunce of the princes and ciuill powers for the tyme ruling c. And shortly after followeth And for the better confirtion of this part we thinke it also conuenient that all Byshops and preachers shal instruct and teach the people coÌmitted vnto theyr spirituall charge that Christ did by expresse words prohibit that none of his Apostles nor any of theyr successors should vnder the pretence of the authority geuen vnto them by Christ take vpon them y e authoritie of y e sword y t is to say the authoritie of kings or of any ciuill power in this world yea or any authoritie to make lawes or ordinances in cauââs appertayning vnto ciuil powers Truth it is the priestes and byshops may execute all suche temporall power iurisdiction as is coÌmitted vnto them by y e ordinance authoritie of kings or other ciuil powers by the consent of the people as officers and ministers vnder the sayd kinges and powers so long as it shall please the sayd kinges and people to permit and suffer them so to vse and execute the same Notwithstanding if anye bishop of what estate or dignitie so euer he be be he bish of Rome or of any other citie prouince or dioces do presume or take vppon him authoritie or iurisdiction in causes or matters which appertayne vnto kinges and the ciuill powers and their Courtes and will mayntayne or thinke that he may so do by y e authoritie of Christ and his Gospell although y e kings and princes would not permit and suffer hym so to doe No doubt that Byshop is not worthy to be called a Byshop The Bishop of Rome iudged to be a tyrant and vsurper but rather a tyranne an vsurper of other mens rightes contrary to the lawes of god and is worthy to be reputed none otherwise then hee that goeth about to subuert the kingdome of Christ. For the kingdome of Christ in his Church is a spirituall and not a carnall kingdome of the world that is to say the very kingdome that Christ by himself or by his Apostles and disciples sought here in this worlde was to bring all nations from the carnall kingdome of the prince of darkenes vnto the light of hys spirituall kingdome so to raygne himselfe in the harts of the people by grace fayth hope and charitie And therefore sith Christ did neuer seeke nor exercise anye worldly kyngdome or dominion in this worlde but rather refusing and fleeing from y e same did leaue the said worldly gouernance of kingdomes realmes and nations to be gouerned by Princes potentates in like maner as he did finde them commaunded also his Apostles and Disciples to doe the seÌblable as it was sayd before what soeuer priest or bishop will arrogate or presume vpoÌ him any such authoritie and will pretend e the authoritie of the Gospell for his defence therin he doth nothing els but in a maner as you would say crowneth Christ agayne with a crowne of thorne and traduceth bringeth him foorth agayne with his mantle of purpure vppon his backe to be mocked and scorned of the world as the Iewes did to their owne damnation This doctrine was subscribed and allowed by the witnes and testimony of these byshops and other learned meÌ whose names hereunder follow as appeareth in the Byshops booke aforenamed * Testes Thomas Cantarien Edouardus Ebor. Iohannes London Cuthbertus Dunel .. Stephanus Winton Robertus Carliolen Iohannes Exon. Iohannes Lincoln Iohannes Bathonien Rolandus Couen Lich. Thomas Elien Nicolaus Sarum Ioannes Bangor Edouardus Herefor Hugo Wigornien Ioannes Roffen Richardus Cicestren Guliel Norwicen Gulielmus Meneuen Robertus Asâauen Robertus Landauen Richardus Wolman Archdiaco Sudbur Gulielmus Knight Arch. Richmond Ioannes Bel. Arch. Gloucester Testimonies of Bishops of England against the Pope Edmundus Boner Archdia Leicester Gulielmus Skippe Archdiaco Doset Nicholaus Heth. Archdiaco Stafford Cuthbertus Mashall Arch. Notingham Ricardus Curten Archdia Oxon. Gulielmus Glife Galfridus Dovnes Robertus Oking Radulphus Bradford Richardus Smith Simon Mathew Ioannes Prin. Guliel Buckmaster Gulielmus May. Nicolaus Wotton Ricardus Coxe Ioannes Edmundes Thomas Robertson Ioannes Baker Thomas Barret Iohannes Hase Ioannes Tyson These were Doctours of Diuinitie and of both Lawes Iudge now thy selfe louing reader per confessata allegata that is by these thinges heretofore confessed alledged allowed prooued and confirmed by penne set forth by wordes defended and by othe subscribed by these Bishops and Doctours if eyther Martine Luther himselfe or anye Lutherane els could or did euer say more
vpon the bourd and the Bishop in washing standing so betweene me and the dore that I could not get out The strauÌgenes betweene Winchester and Boner Winchesters bookeÌ of instructions to Boner Thyrlebye and Winchester great togeather and there would he needes that I should wash with hym and sup and I suppose all the way from Barella to Bloys he talked not aboue foure times with me and at euery time sauing at Molyns where he by mouth told me somewhat of the Kings affaires heere in Fraunce and at Veronne when he aunswering to my requests in writing deliuered me his booke of his owne hand for mine instructions the copie whereof is now sent heere withall there was quicke communication betweene vs. His talking by the way was with M. Thirleby who I thinke knoweth a great deale of his doing and will if he be the man I take him for tell it plainely to your Lordship I my selfe was out of * * Why Boner was out of credite with Wynchester Winchesters fleshe trembled at the first comming of Doct· Thirleby to succeede him credence with the Byshop not being appliable to his manners and desires And surely as M. Thirleby told me at his first comming to Lyons and then speaking with the Bishop the Bishop seemed to be so well content to returne and so glad of his comming to succeede him that