them confirmed by the Bishop of Rome whose Bull was inserted in the body of the Great Charter according to the custom of that Age. After all which he fell sick and soon after died and was buried according to his desire in this his new Church of Westminster § 7. One hundred and threescore years had now passed from the time of King EDWARD the Confessor during which space all the Kings and Queens of England had not been sparing in their Liberalities whilst living nor forgetful by their Legacies when dead to increase and multiply the Revenues of this Monastery when HENRY III. King of England commanded the old Fabrick of King EDWARD to be taken down and out of the largeness of his Princely mind began part of that work which is now standing laying the first stone thereof in the year 1220. and as an addition thereunto built a particular Chappel at the East end and dedicated it to the Virgin Mary But such was his misfortune at this time that having begun a work so ample and large that it exceeded the bounds and incomes of his revenue he was forced to have recourse to means not altogether so honourable as he could have wished to finish the same For by a wile or stratagem he procured money of the Citizens of London with which and by the help of the Monks who very much enlarged it towards the West at length after fifty years time and a wonderful charge it was finished § 8. But long had not this Church of King HENRY continued when a sudden fire hapning in the Palace hard by and the wind driving the devouring flames towards the Abby it took hold of the Church whereby the Roof which was then covered with Lead and all the Timber therein was consumed leaving nothing but the bare Walls as a mournful remembrance of its former splendour which by the assistance of King EDWARD I. and II. with the help of the Abbots was again repaired some of whom were especial Builders and Benefactors to this Monastery § 9. As SIMON LANGHAM who being Abbot and afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury he discharged a debt of 2200 marks owing by this Covent to some Merchants he gave 400 pounds towards the finishing the body of the Church Books to to the value of 830 pounds And forgave this Church a debt which was owing him of 3954 pounds § 10. NICOLAS LITLINGTON Abbot who from the foundation built the Hall and great Chamber called Hierusalem with the West and South side of the great Cloister his Arms remaining there at this day viz. Quarterly Argent and Gules in the second and third a Fret Or on a Bend B. 3. Flowersde-lucies of the third He also erected the Granary which is now the dormitory for the Kings Scholars with the Tower adjoyning and a Water Mill for the use of the same Abby § 11. JOHN ESTNEY eased this Church of 3070 pounds which was owing to the See of Rome for the confirmation of their Abbots and built the great West Window at his own charge § 12. And JOHN ISLIP who was a man of great Authority in the time of HENRY the Seventh King of England He built that which is now the Deans House repaired much of the Church and other buildings belonging to this Monastery renewing all the Butteresses and placing in the Niches thereof the Statues of all the Kings and Queens that had been Benefactors to the same § 13. In this Abbots time it was that HENRY VII before-mentioned in the year 1502. intending a more sumptuous and curious Chappel to the honour of the Blessed Virgin than what King HENRY III. had already built pulled down that Structure so reared by him and erected that stately Edifice now called by his name which by LELAND and other learned Antiquaries is stiled not unworthy Orbis Miraculum or the wonder of the World The King himself laid the first stone thereof and forbad by his last Will and Testament that any but the Bloud Royal should be interred therein expending in the raising and finishing this curious Fabrick the sum of â1400 pounds only § 14. From hence as to the buildings about the Church all things have continued without any eminent alteration or change until these our days But the Government thereof hath participated of divers variations and turns of Fortune For after it had remained almost a Thousand years under the regiment of Abbots and Monks It was resigned up by WILLIAM BENSON the Abbot and seventeen Monks into the Kings hands in pursuance of an Act of Parliament on the sixteenth day of January in the 31. year of the Reign of King Henry VIII being able to expend by the year 3471 pounds and two pence farthing so great were then her constant revenues Soon after the resignation in the year 1539. and that the Abbot was preferred but the Monks sent abroad to seek their fortunes the King took the Revenues into his own possession and ordered the Church to be governed by a Dean and Prebendaries placing therein BENSON who had been the last Abbot to be the first Dean But in the year 1541. this Government was dissolved and the Church turned into an Episcopal See having Middlesex for its Diocess and THOMAS THURLEBY for its Bishop who having much dilapidated and spent the Revenues allotted for its maintenance after nine years he was removed from thence to the Bishoprick of Norwich whereby a second time it reverted to be governed by a Dean and Prebendaries But when MARY Queen of England came to the Crown after the death of her Brother King EDWARD VI. it again changed its condition for the Queen having procured a Licence from her kinsman REGINALD POLE who was Archbishop of Canterbury a Cardinal and the Popes Legate here in England for disanulling the former institution of a Dean and Prebendaries setled therein JOHN FECKNAM Abbat and fourteen Monks in the year 1556. But with her life this Government likewise ended And with the entrance of Queen ELIZABETH into the Throne it reassumed to be governed by a Dean and twelve secular Canons and Prebendaries who turned it into a Collegiate Church placing therein besides petty Canons and others of the Quire to the number of thirty Ten Officers belonging to the Collegiate Dyet two Schoolmasters forty Scholars and twelve Alms-men with plentiful maintenance for all besides Stewards Receivers Registers a Library-Keeper Collectors and other Officers the Principal being the High Steward of Westminster who is usually one of the prime Nobility Most of these Revenues were embezled and ââcrilegiously disposed of in the late Usurpation after the Martyrdom of King CHARLES I. his present Majesties most Royal Father as Dean and Chapters Lands But upon the happy Restauration of our King to his Crown and Kingdoms they return'd again to their former Proprietors and the Government continues the same at this day § 15. As the Abbots of this Monastery in
Mother the Lady Anne who died anno 1669. and Edward Cranfield who died anno 1649. Not far from these is a grey Marble stone with a plate of brass thereon for Thomas Bilson Bishop of Winchester and Privy Counsellour to King James obiit anno 1616. There is a large grey Marble stone with a little part of an Inscription and a Coat of Arms still remaining in the brass whereby so much light may be gathered that it was placed there for Sir John Golofre Knight who was second Husband to Philippa Lady Mohun afterwards Dutchess of York he died anno 1396. By him is another plated stone for Cecill Ratcliff chief Gentlewoman to the Lady Dudley For the rest of the stones I can be at no certainty to whom they belong and therefore I shall leave them without troubling you with my conjectures only giving you the names of some who are said to be here deposited Rich. de Barking Abbot of Westm chief Baron of the Exchequer and Lord Treasurer of England who died anâo 1246 he was buried in our Ladies Chappel and had a Tomb of Marble set up for him before the Altar there which in the time of William de Colchester Abbot likewise of this Monastery was taken down by Frier Combe a Sacrist of this Abby who laid a fair plain Marble stone over him with an Epitaph inscribed in brass which stone among many others was removed at the time when King Henry VII built the new Chappel and was placed at the foot of the steps ascending towards the same on the East side of this Area Henry eldest Son of King Henry VIII by Queen Katharine of Spain died an Infant and was buried at the entrance into the Chappel of St. Edward Ralph Selby Doctor of Laws who died anno 1420 was buried under a plated stone of grey Marble on the South part of this Area Anne Buxal Daughter of Sir Alain Buxal Knight and Wife to Sir John de Beverley she died on the second day of October anno 14â6 and was buried under a plated Marble stone not far from Ralph Selby By her likewise lies her Husband Sir John Beverley Knight under a like stone § 170. In the Chappel of St. Edmund were buried Margaret Dâughter of Henry Clifford Earl of Cumberland Wife of Henry Earl of Derby who died anno 1596. and George Brideman Custos of the Queens Palace at Westminster he died anno 1580. By whom is likewise interred his Wife who died anno 1590. Before the high Altar was buried one John Leeke said to be an Archbishop but I can find no such man in my Catalogues of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and therefore I can say no more of him And now leaving this part of the Church by the Monument of Brian Duppa Bishop of Winchester we are let into the North Cross again where on the right hand and against the East side are three small Chappels The first is The Chappel of St. Iohn Evangelist § 171. The Skreen whereof was made and adorned with several Carvings and Coats of Arms by John Estney Abbot of this Monastery painted and gilt with Gold who lies on the South side under a grey Marble Tomb with his Effigies thereon curiously engraven on brass in the Vestments of his Office with a Miter on his head and a Pastoral Staff in his right hand having an Epitaph round the Verge some part only remaining at this time sufficient to inform us that he died on the twenty fourth day of May anno 1438. § 172. Next to this is another grey Marble Tomb adjoyning to the head of Abbot Estney whereon is the Effigies of a Knight in Armour curiously engraven on brass and reposing his head on his Helm with several Coats of Arms about the Tomb wrought in the same brass but the Epitaph round the ledge is torn away under which lies Sir John Harpedon Knight who died anno 1457. § 173. On the South side of this Monument is another grey Marble Tomb covered with a large stone being nine foot long and four foot broad where round the Ledge is still remaining in brass an Epitaph but the Verses and Coat of Arms wherewith the top of this Marble stone was further adorned are wholly perished under which lies Sir Thomas Parry Knight Treasurer of the Houshold and Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries to Queen Elizabeth who died on the fifteenth day of December anno 1560. § 174. In the midst of the floor of this Chappel is a most stately and Souldier-like Monument every way sutable to the person for whom it was made viz. for Sir Francis Vere Knight descended from the illustrious Family of the Veres Earls of Oxford He was Captain General of the English Forces in the united Netherlands in the time of Queen Elizabeth and Governour of the Briel and Portsmouth whose learned Commentaries set forth by himself in the English Tongue shews him no less a Master in the Art of War than learned in other Sciences he died anno 1698 and had this noble Tomb erected for him by the Lady Elizabeth his Wife where on a Pedestal of well polished black Marble and an Epitaph in gilded letters round the Verge lies his Image wrapped in a Night-gown and reposing himself on a quilt all of figured Alabaster over which is a Table of Lydian or Touch shadowing this Image in the nature of a Canopy supported at the four Corners by as many Martial Knights in Armour inclining their right knees towards the ground and resting the Tomb on their shoulders whereon is placed his Helm Corsset Curiass Vibrace Gauntlet Spurs and Shield which together with the Statues themselves at full proportion are all composed of admirable white Marble That for curiosity and neatness this Tomb seems little inferiour to any of the more magnificent Monuments I have described elsewhere § 175. Against the East Wall of this Chappel at the feet of his fellow Souldier and Kinsman Sir Francis Vere is another ãâ¦ã nument erected by John Earl of Clare to the remembrance of his Broââer Sir George Holles Knight a great Souldier and Serjeant Major General over the English Forces in the Low-Countries who dying at London anno 1626. was buried here On a Pedestal whereon is the Epitaph with a Town beleaguered well designed in basso relievo and two weeping Pallas's in dejected postures lying on each side thereof with Owls the Emblems of Sagacity and Vigilance standing by them is a commanding Statue of curious white polished Marble boldly insculpt and altogether furnitured like a Roman Hero one of his eyes supposed to be lost covered with Sables a Mantle falling from his shoulders a Shield on his left Arm whereon are depicted the Matches of his Family and a Commanders Battoon in his right hand seeming like old Nestor to be directing his Battallions even after his death § 176. In this Chappel without any Monuments Tombs or Grave-stones lie
King Charles II. vid. Ep. 100. The Lady Katharine Niece to K Charles II vid Ep. 101. The Lady Katharine Laura Niece to King Charles II. vid. Ep. 102. The Lady Isabeââa Niece to K. Charles II. vid. Ep. 103. Charles Earl of Levenox Uncle to King James vid. Ep. 84. Margaret Countess of Levenox Grandmother to King James vid. §. 81. Ep. 84. Lodowick Robsert Lord Bourchier Anne Lady Cottington vid. Ep. 11â Francis Cottington Baron of Hanworth and Lord Treasurer of England vid. Ep 119. Frances Countess of Sussex vid. Ep. 120. Dudley Carleton Viscount Dorcester vid. Ep. 120. Sir Thomas Bromley Kt. Lord Chancellour of England vid. Ep. 123. Sir James Fullerton Knight vid. Ep. 124. Sir John Puckering Knight Lord Keeper vid. Ep. 122. Sir Giles Dawbney Knight of the Garter vid. Ep. 117. Charles de Granada Eliz. Comitiss Ormond John Son of Tho. Com. Orâ Michael Episc St. Asaph The Lady Gorge Katharine Com. Northumberland George Flaccet Abbot of Westminster Hugh de Bohun and Mary his Sister Grand-children to Edward I. Tho. Mylling Abbot of Westminster and Bishop of Hereford Thomas Ruthall Bishop of Durham William de Collchester Abbot of Westminster Henry Carey Lord Hunsdon Cousin Germ. to Q. Eliz. vid. Ep. 129. Thomas Carey Son to the Earl of Monmouth vid. Ep. 127. Coll. Edward Popham Sir Thomas Vaughan Kt. Treasurer vid. Ep. ââ5 Thomas Cecill Earl of Exeter vid. Ep. 126. Charles Howard Son to the Earl of Carlile vid. Ep. 1â8 Juliana Crew vid. Ep. 14â The Lady Jane Crew vid. Ep. 150. John Islip Abbot of Westminster vid. §. 12. Sir Christopher Hatton Knight of the Bath vid. Ep. 130 131. The Lady Anne Dutchess of York daughter-in-law to Edward IV. S. Edward the Confessor his death and Shrine vid. §. 5 6 vid. §. 23. vid. Ep. 109. Editha Queen of England Matilda Queen of England Two Children of William de Valence Earl of Pembroke Henry Grandson to John K. of England Tho. of Woodstock Duke of Glocester Son to King Edward III. Vid. §. 59. John Waltham Bishop of Salisbury and Ld Treasurer The Chair of Coronations Vid. Ep. 116. Edw. I. King of England vid. Ep. 10â Eleanorâ Q of England vid. Ep. 10â Henry III King of England vid Ep. 108. vid. §. 7 Vid. §. 146. Eliz. Daughter of Henry VII vid. Ep. 113. Philippa Q. of England vid. Ep. 112. Edward III. King of Engl. vid. Ep. 111. Vid. ââ 111. Richard II. King of England and Anne his Queen vid. Ep. 1â6 âââ The Lady Margaret Daughter of Edward IV. vid. Ep. 110. The Sword and Shield of King Edw. III. Henry V. King of England vid. Ep. 1 4. Katharine Qâ of England vid. Ep. 115. Vid. Ep. 114. The West side of the Chappel of St. Edward The Area round the Chappel of St. Edward Brian Duppa Bishop of Winchester vid. Ep. 152 153. John Doughty S. T. D. vid. Ep. 154. John Windsor vid. Ep. 155. William Amundisham vid. Ep. 156. Thomas Brown vid. Ep. 158. Humph. Roberts vid. Ep. 158. William Couper vid. Ep. 157. George Wild. vid. Ep. 151. Sir Tho. Ingram Knight vid. Ep. 143. Richard Tufton Esquire vid. Ep. 144. Robert Aiton Esquire vid. Ep. 142. James Cranfield Earl of Middlesex â vid Ep. 147. Lionel Cranfield Earl of Middlesex 3. vid. Ep. 145. Anne Countess of Middlesex vid. Ep. 146. Edward Cranfield Esquire vid. Ep. ââ8 Thomas Bilson Bishop of Winchester vid. Ep. 140. Sir John Golofre Knight Cecill Ratcliff vid. Ep. 141. Rich. de Barking Abbot of Westminster Henry Son to King Hen. VIII Ralph Selby Anne Buxall Sir John Beverley Knight Marg Countess of Derby George Brideman John Leeke Archbishop John Estney Abbot of West vid. Ep. 134. Sir John Harpedon Knight Sir Tho. Parry Knight vid. Ep. 135. Sir Francis Vere Knight vid. Ep. 133. Sir George Holles Knight vid. Ep. 132. The Lord Wentworth Rich. Knevet Sir Ed. Rogers Will. Rogers Sir James Crofts Knight Eliz. Fortescue Sir Ed Spragge Knight The Lady Katharine St. John's vid. Ep. 136. Sir Hugh Vaughan Kt. Thomas Lord Wharton The Lady Eliz. Boorn Sir William Trussel Kt. The fine Skreen belonging to St. Andrews Chappel Edmund Kirton Abbot of Westmister vid. Ep. 137. Sir John Boroughs Knight vid. Ep. 138. Thomas Lord Boroughs Henry Noell Francis Lord Norris Rachel Brigham William Benson Abbot and Dean of Westminster William Bedell Sir Fran. Allen. John Redman Bartholomew Dodington George Burden John Gryffith Tho. Browne Harald King of England John Lord Wells Sir Fulk de Novo-Castro Rich. de Wendover Bishop of Rochester Hugolin Lord Treasurer Edwin Abbot of âestminster Siâ Geâffâey Man ãâ¦ã Sââ Geoffrey Mandevile Jun. Sir James Berners Oliver Lord Durdens Peter Calhan Tho. Peverel Sulcardus Eleonore Daughter to King Edw. I. Rich. Harounden Abbot Sir Wil. Stoner Will. Atclyffe Katharine Daughter to the Dutchess of Norfolkâ Walter Hungerford The Lord Salisbury Will. Haverel Tho. Bounflower Tho. Romayne Joh. Alyngreth Rog. Braharsen Sir Rich. Rous. Geoff. Haspall Sir Joh. Shoreditch c. The Cloysters The Paintings The Windows The Chapter-house The Library The Monuments Vitalis Abbot of Westminster Gislebertus Crispinus Abbot of Westminster ãâ¦ã tus Abbot of Westm Gervasius de Blois Son of King Stephen Abbot of Westminster P. Vowell Gabriel Goodman Anne Birkhead Christopher Birkhead Edw. Bernard Edward Grant Will. Punter A. D. 1676. Duke of Newcastle and his Dutchess vid. §. 30. A. D. 1645. ãâ¦ã Scot. vid. § 3â A. D. 1667. Mary James vid. §. 30. A. D. 1660. Thomas Blagge vid. §. â1 A. D. 1676. Gul. Sanderson vid. §. 31. A. D. 1666. Gulielm Johnson S. T. P. vid. §. 32. A. D. 1676. Eliz. Edmonds vid. §. 33. Pet. Heylyn S. T. D. vid. §. 33. A. D. 1677. Edward de Carteret vid. §. 33. A. D. 1773. Rich. le Neve vid. §. 33. A. D. 1677. Gilbert Thornburgh vid. §. 3â A. D. 1631. Sarah Stotevile vid. §. 33. A. D. 1670. Penel. Egerton vid. §. 33. A. D. 1600. Thom. Heskett vid. §. 39. A. D. 1634. Tho. Richardson vid. §. 38. ãâ¦ã â584 ãâ¦ã â 38. A. D. 1598. Thomas Owen vid. § 38. A. D. 1628. Peeres Gruffith vid. §. 34. A. D. â679 ãâ¦ã ãâ¦ã y. vid. §. â A. D. 1674. Carol. Morland vid. §. 34. A D. 1672. Sir Charles Harbord and Clem. Cotterel vid. §. 34. A. D. 1598. Sir Richard Bingham vid. §. 34. A. D. 1623. Guliel Camdenus Vid. §. 35. A. D. 1670. Tho. Triplet S. T. D. vid. §. 35. A. D. 1614. Isâac Casaubon vid. §. 35. A. D. 1623. Sir Rich. Coxe vid. §. 35. A. D. 1679. Gul. Outram S. T. P. vid. §. 35. A. D. 1596. Edmund Spencer vid. §. 36. A. D. 1677. Isaac Barrow S. T. P. vid. §. 35. A. D. 1631. Mich Draiton vid. §. 37. A. D. 1400. Galfr. Chaucer vid. §. 37. A. D. 1667. Abra. Cowley vid. §. 37. A. D. 1667. Abra. Cowley vid. §. 41. A. D. 1650. Gilbert Thornburg vid. §. 40. A. D. 1659. Anna Radcliff vid. §. 41. Ben Johnson vid. §. 41. A.
former times had divers high Priviledges and Honours annexed to their Function as to be intrusted with the custody of the Regalia for the Coronation of our Kings and Queens and to have a place of necessary Service on those days of Solemnity to exercise Archiepiscopal Jurisdiction in their Liberties and to sit as Spiritual Lords in Parliament c. so in all those Rights except that of Parliament the present Deans of this Collegiate Church succeed who is likewise in Commission of the Peace within the City and Liberties of Westminster and with the Chapter is invested with all manner of Jurisdiction both Ecclesiastical and Civil not only within the City and Liberty of Westminster but within the Precinct of St. Martins le Grand which was first annexed thereunto by HENRY VII within the Walls of London And in the other from that of the Archbishop of Canterbury And when the Convocation is adjourned from St. PAULS for the conveniency of being nigh the Parliament when they sit at Westminster hither the Bishops first declare upon a Protestation made by the Dean there that they intend not thereby to violate that high priviledge which was granted to this Church by King EDWARD the Confessor viz That no Bishop or Archbishop may come there without leave of the then Abbot but now Dean first obtained § 16. And as the Abbots in antient time were men generally well esteemed although chosen by the Monks and no small Fa-vorites of their Princes as may be gathered by the several places of great trust and honour that were bestowed on them As to be Archbishops of Canterbury Bishops of other Dioceses Lord Treasurers and Chancellours of England c. so likewise have the Deans since the Reformation not come much behind them in the like dignities and special honours § 17. By all which we may see how from Age to Age especially for these last eight hundred years what care hath been taken to add to the reputation of this our Church by the several new erections reparations and bounteous gifts that have been heaped thereon the great priviledges and immunities that have been granted thereto with the particular favours of our Kings in advancing the Governours thereof and all this as well since as before the Reformation and the continuance thereof to this day A Catalogue of the Abbots of Westminster Silvardus Ordbrutius Alswynus Alfgarus Adymerus Alfnodus Alsricus S. Wulsinus Alswinus Wolnothus Edwinus Galsridus Vitalis Gislebertus Herebertus Gervasius de Blois Laurentius Walterus Gulielmus Pos ãâ¦ã Radulphus P ãâ¦ã Gulielm de Humes Richard de Barking Rich. de Crokesley Philippus Levisham Richardus de Ware Walter de Wenlock Rich. de Kedington Williel Curlington Thomas Henley Sim. de Burcheston Simon Langham Nicolas Litlington Guliel de Colchester Rich. Harounden Georgius Flaccet Richardus Sudbury Edmundus Kirton Thomas Milling Johannes Estney Johannes Islip Guilielmus Benson Johannes Fecknam The Bishop of Westminster Tho. Thurleby A Catalogue of the Deans of Westminster Gulielmus Benson Richardus Coxe Hugo Weston Guilielmus Bill Gabriel Goodman Lancelot Andrews Richardus Neyle Georgius Monteine Robertus Tompson Johannes Williams Johannes Earle Johannes Dolben now Dean of Westminster and Bishop of Rochester A description or survey of the Abby Church of St. Peters Westminster with the Monuments Tombs and Grave-stones therein as they are now standing c. § 18. Having in the preceding discourse given you an information of the rise progress and continuance of this our famous Abby in its buildings in its Buildings Government and names of her Governours in general I shall now enter into the particular description thereof by observing what is most worthy our remembrance and therein I care not if for once I play the Mystagogus my self and lead my noble Traveller from one Tomb to another from one monument to a second and so to a third until we have gone over them all that his curiosity may not want a plenary satisfaction § 19. If then we intend to take a view of her outward shape and proportion before we come to behold her beautious entrails we shall see it best and least confused on the North and South-east parts thereof as being less incumbred with private buildings by which she seems in some places altogether hid and obscured On the South-East part you behold that curious Chappel of the Blessed Virgin built by King HENRY VII whose Battlements Windows Supports and Adornments speak no less the Magnificence of the Founder than the Mastership of the Inventer and skill of the Workmen as being of that exact composure that nothing in the whole world of the same kind is said to exceed if equal it On the North part you rather behold the Skeleton of a Church than any great comeliness in her appearance being so shrivelled and parcht by the continual blasts of the Northern Winds to which she stands exposed as also the continual smoaks of Sea-Coal which are of a coroding and fretting quality which have added more furrows to her declining years that little of her former beauty now remains On this side is a most noble Door or Portal with a Porch thereunto that opens into the cross of the Church and on each side thereof two lesser Portico's one of which only serves at present for the convenience of entering therein This Porch in former times hath been of great esteem and reputation assuming to its self no less a name than that of the Porch of Solomon that it hath been a curious neat and costly Porch in foregoing times the remains thereof at this day do in some measure declare for therein were placed the Statues of the twelve Apostles at full proportion besides a multitude of lesser Saints and Martyrs to adorn it with several intaglio's devices and fret-works that helped to the beauty thereof But that it came in any proportion to the stately rich and noble Porch of King Solomon is not to be imagined nor can we think that those who christened and gave it that name were so ignorant or vain as so to believe but as a thing excellent in those times and far surpassing any of the same kind it was looked upon as a piece of work well deserving no common name and therefore had the title of Solomons Porch appropriated thereunto § 20. But leaving the outward view of this ruinous building let us see whether her entrails the inside be altogether as decayed and forlorn For though she seems by her outward shape and appearance to be cloathed with the disconsolate veil of Widowhood yet if we enter by the great West door which leads you into the body thereof you will behold her sound at heart not adorned with the gayeties of a new made Bride yet endowed with all the graces of a noble Matron sufficient at once to attract the eyes and contemplations of the Ingenious to admire her and frighten away the vanity of Idle Fools by her venerable
dedicated to Saint Blase in which Chappel Nicolas Lââlington Abbot of Westminster whom I have mentioned before was buried in the year 1386 after he had governed this Monastery twenty five years And Edward a Monk of Westminster who was Son of Owen Tuddor by Queen Katharine the Widow of Henry V. and Daughter of Charles VI. King of France he was Brother to Edmund Earl of Richmond and Uncle to King Henry VII There is neither Inscription or Epitaph remaining to distinguish their Grave-stones from the rest From hence going to the East-side of this Cross and next to Cowleys Tomb is a little Chappel of St. Benedict § 18. Which is sometimes called the Deans Chappel by reason some of the Deans of Westminster have been buried therein for whom there are two Tombs remaining On the South side that of Gabriel Goodman S. T. D. and Dean of this Church forty years he founded an Hospital and School at Ruthin in Denbighshire the town where he was born but dying on the Seventeenth day of July in the year 1601. aged 73. was buried here and had a Monument of black and white Marble with his Statue kneeling thereon erected to his memory and is yet in being On the North side one of his Predecessors under a raised Tomb of grey Marble having his Effigie engraven thereon in Brass with Arms and Epitaphs was interred viz. William Bill S. T. D. who was Master of Trinity College in Cambridge President of Eaton Dean of this Collegiate Church and grand Almoner to the Queen a man liberal in his gifts to this Colledge by several pieces of Silver Plate and other Largesses bestowed thereon he died on the fifteenth of July in the year 1561. Next to him on the same North side is an antient Tomb of Free-stone mixed with grey Marble and Brass with the Image of Alabaster representing an Archbishop in his Pontificalibus under a Canopy of the same stone placed there to remember Simon Langham that famous Monk Prior and Abbot of this Monastery afterwards Bishop of Ely London and Archbishop of Canterbury Bishop of Praenest in Italy Cardinal S. Sextus Chancellour and Lord High Treasurer of England and the Popes Legat here he died in the year 1367 at Avenion and was buried in the House of the Carthusians there which himself had founded but afterwards his bones were translated and interred here hard by the Altar of St. Benedict Against the East Wall of this Chappel is a most stately Monument above twenty six foot high most nobly adorned with Corinthian Columns and Pyramids of Alabaster Porphyry Lydian and diverse coloured Marble variously wrought and curiously gilt with Gold on whose Pedestal is the Image of a Countess in her Robes of estate cumbant at full proportion being erected by the command of Edward Earl of Hertford and Baron Beauchamp Son of Edward Duke of Somerset c. Vncle to King Edward VI. to the memory of his Wife the Lady Frances who was Daughter of William Baron Howard of Effingham Knight of the Garter High Admiral to Queen Mary Lord Chamberlain and Privy Seal to Queen Elizabeth and Son of Thomas Duke of Norfolk she died in the year 1598. In the midst of the Area of this Chappel is a noble Tomb of black and white Marble whereon are placed the Images of Lyonel Cranfield Earl of Middlesex who was Lord High Treasurer of England with that of the Lady Anne his second Wife he died in the year 1645. § 47. Next to this Chappel you are let into the Area or passage that leads you round the Chappel of the Kings by an Officer of the Church who attends there to wait upon all persons that are desirous of seeing the Monuments within whose Fee is what the particular bounty of each Gentleman shall think convenient to give him you may therefore save the civil Officer that trouble and better inform your self by taking these directions The first place you are led into on this South side will be the Chappel of St. Edmund the Archbishop but before you enter therein I would not have you overpass a little Monument between the Chappel of St. Benedict and this of St. Edmund being a small raised Tomb adorned with diverse coloured stones and Arched under which are the Effigies of four Children painted thereon in plano but there is no Inscription or Table belonging thereto in this Tomb are inclosed the bones of Richard John and Katharine Children of King Henry III. and was set up by Edward I. King of England for three of his Sons and a Daughter which he had by Eleanor his Queen Daughter of Ferdinand III. King of Castile viz. John Henry Alphonsus and Eleonore From this Tomb we go into the Chappel of St. Edmund § 48. On the right hand of the entrance you have a very antient Tomb of grey Marble about three foot high adorned with divers Coats of Arms which serves as a Pedestal to support a Wainscot Chest covered over with plates of Brass richly enamelled and thereon the Image of William de Valence Earl of Pembroke with a deep Shield on his left Arm in a Coat of Male with a Surcoat all of the same enamelled Brass gilt with Gold and beset with the Arms of Valence viz. Bar-rule Ar. B. an orle of Martlets Gules round about the inner ledge of this Tomb is most of the Epitaph remaining in the antient Saxon Letters and the rest of the Chest covered with Brass wrought in the form of Lozenges each Lozenge containing either the Arms of England or that of Valence alternately placed one after the other enamelled with their colours Round this Chest have been thirty little Brazen Images some of them still remaining twelve on each side and three at each end divided by certain Arches that serve as Niches to inclose them And on an outward ledge at the foot of each of these Images are placed a Coat of Arms in Brass enamelled with their colours This William de Valence for whom this curious Tomb was made was Son of Hugh le Brun Earl of March in the Confines of France and Poictiers by Isabel his Wife Widow of King John c. as I have said before in the description of his Sons Monument and being half Brother to King Henry III. was by him advanced to great honours who having married Joan the Daughter of Warren de Montechensey died in the year 1304 and had this Monument erected to his memory § 49. On the West side of this Chappel and next to the Tomb of William de Valence Earl of Pembroke is a most noble Monument for one of the Successors of that renowned Family of the Talbots Earls of Shrewsbury viz. Edward the eighth Earl thereof who died on the eighteenth of February 1617. aged 57 years and the Lady Jane his Countess who was the eldest Daughter and one of the Co-heirs of the last Lord Ogle of that name On a large Table of black Marble supported
under which lies Thomas of Woodstock sixth Son to King Edward III. who was Earl of Buckingham and Duke of Glocester a man of great Nobility and Renown whom Richard II. his Nephew betrayed and afterwards caused him to be barbarously murthered at Calis anno 1397. He married Elenore one of the Daughters and Co-heirs of Humphrey de Bohun Earl of Hereford and Essex who lieth buried in St. Edmunds Chappel as I have declared before by whom he had Issue one Son and three Daughters viz. Humphrey who died without Issue Anne who was Wife of Edmund Earl of Stafford Joan who died unmarried and Isabel who was a Nun at the Minoresses in London § 153. Towards the North side of this Chappel at the foot of the Tomb of King Edward I. is another large grey Marble stone fairly set forth with fine ingraved brass whereon is the Effigies of a Bishop in the Vestments of his Office with a Miter on his head and a Pastoral staff in his right hand with the Pictures of the twelve Apostles divided and embroidered on either side of him and other artificial Imagery work about it the Epitaph round the Ledge being worn away but was here placed by the command of Richard II. whose Favourite he was to the memory of John Waltham the twenty sixth Bishop of Salisbury anno 1388. He was constituted Master of the Rolles 1382 then Keeper of the Privy Seal and in the year 1391. Lord High Treasurer of England in which Office he continued until his death which hapned in the year 1395. and was buried in this place § 154. Here is likewise on the West side the Feretory of St. Edward hard by the Skreen that separates the High Altar from this Chappel the Chair or Seat whereon our Kings are accustomed to be Inaugurated and Crowned It appears extreamly antient both in its fashion and materials being made of solid hard firm wood with a back and sides of the same under whose Seat supported by four Lions curiously carved insteed of feet lies that so much famed stone whereon the Patriarch Jacob is said to have reposed his head in the Plain of Luza it is of a blewish steel-like colour mix'd with some eyes of red triangular rather than any other form and being broken resembles a Peble The ruines of the Chair it self shews that heretofore it hath been fairly painted and gilt with Gold but at present it is much defaced you have a small Table of Verses hanging thereon but by reason they give us little light concerning the antient story of this stone and Chair I shall trouble your patience with a short Narrative thereof which is reported to have been first in Gallicia of Spain at Brigantia where Gathel King of Scots there sate on it as his Throne Thence it was brought into Ireland by Simon Brech first King of Scots who transplanted it into that Isle about seven hundred years before Christ It was brought out of Ireland by King Ferguze abut 370 years afterwards into Scotland and in the year of our Lord 850 was placed at the Abby of Scone in the Sheriffdom of Perth by King Kenneth where the Coronation of his Ancestors usually had been celebrated who caused this Distich to be ingraven upon it Ni fallat vatum c. And to be inclosed in this wooden Chair Afterwards when Edward I. King of England had overcome John Balliol King of Scots in many Battels he returned in the year 1297 to England bringing with him great Spoyls among which this Throne with the Crown and Scepter of their Kings were likewise taken and offered by him here at the Shrine of St. Edward and ever since hath been made use on as the accustomed Throne whereon our Kings do usually âit on the days of their Inauguration As to the Prophesie insculpt on this Stone it seems happily to be accomplished sometime since when James VI. King of Scotland came to the Imperial Crown of England whose Grandson and Heir King Charles II. our present Sovereign now enjoys it § 195. The North side of this Chappel is taken up by three noble Tombs That towards the West is a plain Monument of grey Marble raised about five foot from the ground being on the right hand of the entrance without any Inscription or adornments more than a Table of Verses hanging by to inform you that Edward I. King of England Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine Lord of Ireland and Son to King Henry III. by Eleanor Daughter to the Earl of Province lies there intombed He took to Wife Eleanor Daughter to Ferdinand III. King of Castile and Lions who warred often with the Scots and that successively won Barwick c. and in the years 1308. died and was buried here § 156. Eleanora first Wife to this Edward King of England lies under that neat Tomb Northeast of the Feretory of St. Edward whose Pedestal is composed of Freestone and grey Marble whereon are the Arms of England Castile Leon and Pontois ingraven with a Sepulchre painted on the backside to be seen in the Area with divers Monks praying thereat all in plano on this Tomb is her Image in curious wrought Brass gilt with Gold her hair dishevelled and falling in very comly order on her shoulders her head crowned under a âine Canopy supported by two Cherubims of the same curious gilded Brass half encompassed on her left side with a screen of Iron wrought through in divers pleasant forms and delightful figures an Epitaph carved on the ledge in French and a Table hanging by in Latine and English Rhime to tell us further that she was only Daughter to Ferdinand III. King of Castile and Leon by Joan his second Wife Heir to Guydo Earl of Ponthieu by which the Earldom of Ponthieu devolved of right to the Kings of England She was Mother of King Edward II. and died in the year 1298. § 157. Between these two lie the Father of this Edward King of England viz. Henry III. under a most sumptuous Monument made Altar-wise of three ascents the first containing only a plain Pedestal of grey Marble wherein there be several Ambries and Lockiers made use of heretofore to lay up the Vestments and rich Copes belonging to the Altar of St. Edward The other is a composure of curious work framed of diverse coloured Marbles and glittering stones resembling those on the Feretory of S. Edward chequered and gilt with Gold supported at each corner by four twisted or Serpentine Columns of the same speckled Marble all brought from beyond the Seas by his Son Edward on purpose to adorn this his Fathers Sepulchre on the top whereof is placed his Image in his Royal Habiliments of solid Brass curiously wrought and gilt with Gold having a Lion at his feet an half Canopy over his head and an Epitaph in French round the ledge all of the same gilded Brass with a Table of Verses hanging by to let us know that this Henry King of England
thereunto On the South side whereof is graved the Cavalcade and Ceremony of his own Coronation and on the North that of his Queens with the Archbishops Bishops and Nobility of the Realm assisting On each side the curious Iron doors composed of grate work beholding the Shrine of St. Edward are two large Statues of Mitered Abbots with several other lesser Images of holy men and devout women among the Primitive Christians in the adjoyning Niches In the Chappel it self is a raised Tomb of grey Marble whereon is nothing remaining but part of a wooden Image without the head which being made as it is said of Silver was sacrilegiously stolen from thence by the impious hands of some pretenders to Reformation who have likewise deprived and stripped it of the fine embroydered and gilded Plates of brass wherewith it was all over covered leaving us nothing now to behold but the frame to which they were affixed On the South side of this Tomb is a Wooden Chest or Coffin wherein part of the Skelleton and perched body of Katharine Valois his Qu. from the waste upwards is to be seen of whom many fabulous stories are reported for her lying here But the truth is that when Henry VII caused the old Chappel of our Lady at the entrance whereof