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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03448 The firste [laste] volume of the chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande conteyning the description and chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest : the description and chronicles of Scotland, from the first original of the Scottes nation till the yeare of our Lorde 1571 : the description and chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the first originall of that nation untill the yeare 1571 / faithfully gathered and set forth by Raphaell Holinshed. Holinshed, Raphael, d. 1580? 1577 (1577) STC 13568B; ESTC S3985 4,747,313 2,664

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time shall amongst vs englishmen eyther appall his honor or blot out his glory whiche in so few yeares and shorte dayes atchieued so high aduētures Of lerned men writers these I finde remembred by Baleand others to haue liued in the dais of this noble and valiant king Henry the fift Fyrst Alain de Linne borne in Lynne and professed a Carmelite Frier in that town and at length became Prior of that conuent but proceeded doctor of diuinity in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge and wrote manye treatises Thomas Otterborne that wrote an historie of Englande is thought to liue aboute this season he was a Franciscan or grey Frier as they called them and a greate student bothe in diuinitie and philosophy Iohn Seguarde and excellent Poet and a Rhetoritian he kepte a schoole and read to his schollers in Norwich as is supposed writing sundry treatises reprouing aswell the profaning of the Christian religion in Monkes and Priestes as the abuse of poetrie in those that tooke vppon them to write filthye Verses and rithmes Roberte Rose a Frier of the Carmelites order in Norwiche commonly called the white Friers both an excellent Philosopher and a diuine hee proceeded Doctor at Oxforde he was promoted to bee Priour of his house and wryting diuers treatises amongest all the Sophistes of his tyme as sayeth Bale he offended none of the Wicleuists which in that season set foorth purely the worde of God as maye appeare by hys workes Iohn Lucke a Doctor of diuinitie in Oxford a sore enimie to the Wicleuists Rich. Caister borne in Norffolke Vicar of S. Stephens in Norwiche a man of greate holynesse and puritie in lyfe fauoring though secretly the doctrine of Wicliffe and reprouing in his Sermons the vnchaste manners and filthie example that appeared in the Clergie Of Sir Iohn Oldcastell Lord Cobham ye haue heard before William Walleys a blacke Frier in Lyn and prouinciall of his order here in England Rich. Snetisham a student in Oxford where he profited so greatly in lerning and wisedome that he was accōpted for the chiefest in all that vniuersitie in respect wherof he was made chancellor of the saint he was chosen also to be one of the xij to examine and iudge vpon Wiclifes doctrine by the Archbi of Canterbury Iohn Langdene a monk of Christs church in Canterbury another of the .xij. that were chosen to iudge of Wiclifes opinions William Taylor a priest and a maister of arte in Oxford a stedfast follower of Wiclefes doctrine and was brente for the same in Smithfield at London the secōd day of March in the yeare of our Lord .1422 and last of Kyng Henry the fifths reigne Richard Grasdale studied in Oxforde and was one of those .xij. that were appointed to iudge of Wiclefs doctrine William Lyndwood a lawyer excellently learned as well in the Ciuill as Canon lawes hee was aduaunced to the seruice of this king Henry the fifth and made by hym keeper of the priuye Seal was sent in ambassade bothe to the kyng of Spayne and of Portingale aboute businesse of most weightie importance It is said that he was promoted to the Bishopryke of S. Dauid Bartholomew Florarius supposed as Bale saieth by Nicholas Brigham to be an englishmā wrote a treatise called Florarium wherof he took his surname and also an other treatise of abstinence in whiche he reproueth certaine corrupte maners in the clergie and the profession of Friers mendicants Adā Hemmelington a Carmelite Frier studied both in Oxford and in Paris William Batecon be is placed by Bale about the tyme of other learned men which liued in king Henry the fifthes tyme but in what season he liued he saith he knoweth not he was an excellent Mathematician as by the title of hys workes which he wrote it shoulde appeare Titus Liuius de Foro Luvisijs lyued also in these dayes and wrote the lyfe of this Henry the fifth an Italian borne but sith he was bothe refiant here and wrote the lyfe of this Kyng I haue thought good to place him among other of oure Englishe writers One there was that translated the sayd historie into Englishe adding as it were by waye of notes in manye places of that booke sundrye thinges for the more large vnderstanding of the historie a copie wherof I haue seene belonging to Iohn Stow citizen of London There was also aboute the same tyme an other writer who as I remember hath followed the sayd Liuius in the order of his booke as it were chapiter for chapiter onely chaunging a good familiar and easy stile which the said Liuius vsed into a certayn Poeticall kinde of writing a copie wherof I haue seene and in the life of this king partly followed belonging to maister Iohn Twine of Kent a lerned Antiquarie and no lesse furnished wyth olde and autentike monumentes than ripe iudgemente and skilfull knowledge for the perfect vnderstanding therof as by the fruites of his labors parte wherof as I am enfourmed he meaneth to leaue to posteritie it will no doubt ryght euidently appere Henry the sixte 1422 Henry the .6 AFter that Death had bereft the worlde of that noble Prince King Henry the fyfth his only sonne Prince Henry beyng of the age of nyne moneths or thereaboute wyth the sounde of Trumpettes Anno. reg 1. was openly proclaimed kyng of England and of Fraunce the thirtie daye of August by the name of Henrye the sixte in the yeare of the worlde Fyue thousande three hundred eightie and nyne after the birth of our Sauiour .1422 about the twelfth yeare of the emperour Fredericke the thirde the fortie and two and laste of Charles the sixte and the firste of Iames the thirde king of Scotlande The custodie of this young prince was appoynted to Thomas duke of Excester and to Henry Beauforde Bishoppe of Winchester the duke of Bedford was deputed Regent of France and the Duke of Gloucester was ordeyned protectour of Englande whiche takyng vpon him that office called to hym wyse and graue counsellours by whose aduice he prouided and tooke order as well for the good gouernemente of the Realme of Englande and the subiectes of the same at home as also for the mayntenaunce of the warres abroade and further conqueste to be made in Fraunce appoynting valyant and expert capitaynes whiche shoulde be ready when neede required Beside this he gathered great summes of money to maynteyne men of warre and left nothing forgotten that might aduance his purposed enterprises Whyle these things were a doing in Englande the duke of Bedforde Regent of France studyed moste earnestly not onely to keepe and well to order the countreys by king Henry late conquered but also determyned not to leaue off from dayly warre and continuall trauayle tyll the tyme that Charles the Dolphin which was nowe a flote bycause king Charles his father in the Moneth of October in thys presente yeare was departed to God shoulde eyther bee subdued or brought to due obeysance And surely the death of this
the Turke By this meanes the Pope got a great masse of money and yet nothing done agaynste the Turke which in the meane season did much hurt to the Christians but God amende all that is amisse About this time died three Bishops in England Iohn Morton Archbishop of Canterburye Thomas Langton Bisshop of Wynchester and Thomas Rotheram Archbishop of Yorke After him succeeded Thomas Sauage Bishop of Lōdon a man of great honour and worthinesse in whose place succeeded William Warham of whō before is made mention And Henry Deane Bishop of Salisburie was made Archbishop of Canterburie and Richarde Foxe was remoued from Durham to the sea of Winchester Also this yeare two notable mariages were concluded but not consummate till afterwards as you shall heare in place conuenient For king Henrie graunted his daughter Ladie Margaret to Iames the fourth king of Scottes 1301 〈…〉 to ●…d Spaine And 〈◊〉 to Ar●… Prince ●…es And Ferdinando king of Spaine gaue his daughter Ladie Katherine to Arthure Prince of Wales son and heyre apparaunt to the king of England Among other articles of the maryage concluded with the Scottish king this was one that no English men shoulde be receyued into Scotlād without letters cōmendatorie of their soueraigne Lord or safeconduct of his Wardaine of the Marches and the same prohibition was in like maner giuen to the Scottes This yeare the Ladie Katherine of Spaine was sent by hir father King Ferdinando with a puissant nauie of shippes into Englande An. reg 17. The fourth of October as Stow hath noted where she arriued in the Hauē of Plimmouth the second day of October then being Saterday Vpon the .xij. of Nouember she was conueyed from Lambeth through London with all tryumph and honour that myght be deuised to the Bishops Palaice the streetes beeing hanged and Pageants erected after the maner as is vsed at a coronation Whilest this Ladie soiourned for hir recreation in the Bishops Palaice of London being in the meane time visited of the king the Queene and the kings mother there was erected in the bodie of S. Pauls Church a long bridge made of Tymber extending from the West doore of the Churche to the steppe at the entring into the Queere which was sixe foote from the grounde On the sayd bridge or stage euen directly before the cōsistorie of the church was a place raised like a Mount for eight persons to stand vpon cōpassed round about with steps to ascend and descend which was couered with fine red worsted and in like wise were all the rayles of the sayd stage On the north side of this mount was a place decked trymmed for the King and Queene and such other as they appoynted to haue On the South-side the same Mounte stoode the Maior and the Magistrates of the Citie When all things were prepared and set in order vpon the .xiiij. of Nouember then being Sunday the foresayde Ladie was ledde to the sayde Mounte The solemnization of the mariage betwene Arthur prince of Wales Katherin daughter to the king of Spaine and there Prince Arthur openly espoused hir both being clad in White both lustie and amorous he of the age of fiftene and more and she of the age of .xviij. or thereaboutes the King and Queene standing priuilye on theyr stage After the matrimonie celebrate the prince and his wife went vp into the Quere and there heard a solemne Masse sung by the Archbishop of Canterbury associate with .xix. Prelates mytred And after the Masse finished the Bryde was ledde homewardes to the Bishoppes Palayce by the Duke of Yorke being then a goodly yong prince and the Legate of Spaine Next after followed the Ladie Cicile sister to the Queene supporting the trayne of the spouse But to speake of all the solemne pompe noble companie of Lordes and Ladies and what a sumptuous feast and plentifull was kept with dauncing and disguisings woordes myght sooner fayle than matter worthye of rehearsall But euery day endeth and nyght ensueth and so when nyght was come the Prince and his beautifull Bride were brought and ioyned togyther in one bedde where they lay as man and wife all that night During the time of these iustes and triumphs were receyued into London an erle a bishop and diuerse noble personages sente from the king of Scots into England for conclusion of the mariage betwene the Lady Margaret and him which Erle by proxie in the name of king Iames hys maister Margaret eldest daughter to king Henry affied to Iames king of Scots 1502 affyed and contracted the sayde Ladie Which affiance was published at Paules crosse the day of the conuersion of Saint Paule in reioycing whereof Te Deum was soong and great fiers made through the Citie of London These things being accomplished the Ambassadours as well as Spaine as Scotland tooke their leaue of the King and not without great rewardes returned into their countreys When the Ambassadours were departed he sent his son Prince Arthur again into Wales to keepe that Country in good order appoynting to him wise and expert Counsaylers as sir Rycharde Poole his kinsman which was his chiefe Chamberlayne also sir Henrie Vernon sir Rycharde Croftes sir Dauid Philip sir William Vdall sir Thomas Englefield sir Peter Newton knightes Iohn Walleston Henry Marion and Doctor William Smith president of his counsaile and doctor Charles of the which two doctors the one was after Bishop of Lincolne and the other Bishop of Hereford A few monethes before the maryage of prince Arthur Edmonde de la Poole Earle of Suffolke sonne to Iohn Duke of Suffolke and Ladie Elizabeth sister to king Edward the fourth beeing balde and cashe withall was indyted of murther for sleaing of a meane person in his rage and furie and although the king pardoned him whom hee might iustly haue put to death for that offence yet bycause he was brought to the barre afore the kings Bench Edmonde Erle of S●… flieth into flaunders and arraigned which fact he tooke as a greate maime and blemishe to hys honour shortly after vpon that displeasure hee fledde into Flaunders vnto his Aunte the Ladie Margaret the king not being priuie to his going ouer Neuerthelesse whether he was perswaded by his friends therevnto whom the king hadde wylled to deale with hym therein or whether vpon trust of his innocencie true it is that he returned againe and excused himselfe to the king so that he thought hym to be guiltlesse of anye cryme that myght bee obiected agaynst him But when the maryage betwixt the prince and the Ladie Katherin of Spaine was kept at London this Erle eyther for that he had passed hys compasse in excessiue charges and sumptuousnesse at that great tryumph and solemnitie and by reason thereof was farre run into debt eyther else through the procurement of his aunt the foresayd Lady Margaret or pricked with some priuie enuie which could not paciently with open eyes behold king Henry being of the aduerse faction to
to bee of his fathers right deare and famyliar friendes whose names were as followeth William Warham Archebishop of Canterburie and Chauncellour of Englande Counsailers to king Henry the eight Richard Foxe Bishop of Winchester Thomas Howarde Earle of Surrey and Treasorer of Englande George Talbot Earle of Shrewesburie and Lorde steward of the kings householde Charles Somerset Lorde Chamberlaine Sir Thomas Louell sir Henrie W●…at doctor Thomas Ruthall sir Edward Poynings These graue wise counsailors fearing least such aboundance of riches and wealth as the king was nowe possessed of might moue his yong yeres vnto riottous forgetting of himselfe for vnto no King at any time before was 〈◊〉 greater or the ●…e ●…iches as well in readie come as in ●…wels and other moueable 〈…〉 as 〈◊〉 to him by his father And therefore hys saide counsaylers trauayled in such prudent ●…with him that they got him to bee present with them 〈◊〉 they sa●…e in counsaile so to ●…ynt hym with matters pertaining to the politike gouernement of the Realme that by little and little then might applie himselfe to take 〈◊〉 him the 〈◊〉 and administration of publike affayres with the whiche at the first he coulde not w●… endure to be muche troubled being rather inclined to 〈◊〉 suche pleasaunt pastimes as his youthfull 〈◊〉 yeares did more delight in ●…d therefore 〈…〉 verie wel conten●… that other gr●… 〈…〉 should take paines therein The same day also that the king came to the Tower the Lorde Henrie Suf●… brother to the Duke of Buckingham was arrested and admitted to the Tower and 〈◊〉 day also d●…ctor Rutha●… was named 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 The xxv●… day of Aprill was 〈…〉 the kings grace 〈◊〉 all the 〈…〉 by his father and also pardoned at suche persons as were then infu●…te for any offence whatsoeuer it was treason ●…ther and fellonie 〈◊〉 excepted And nowe wheras the perfourmance of the deceassed kings will was thoughte right expedient with a●… speede to be perfourmed A pro●… a Proclamation was also 〈…〉 and published throughe the Realme that if any man coul●…e proue himself to he ●…t and depriued of his goods wrongfully by the Commissioners of the forfeytures he shoulde come and present his plaint to the king being redie to satisfie euerie one of all iniuries sustained After this Proclamation was notified abrode all suche as had beene constrained eyther by right or wrong as Polidor sayth to pay any thing for anye forfeytures of lawes and customes by them transgressed came flocking to the Court there declared their griefs in what sort they had wrōgfully bin compelled as they ●…urmiled to pay this or that summe The counsaile heard euery mans complaint suche as were founde to haue paide any thing without plaine proof of iusticau●… they tooke such order for them that they had ther money again Which being once knowen it was a strange thing to see how thick other came in yea euen those that had bin worthily fined punished for their disorderly transgressions making er●…est suit for restitutiō feining forging many things to make their cause seme good and to stand with equitie and the better to be hearde in their suyte they made friends as wel with brybes and large giftes as otherwise leauing no wayes vnassayed to compasse their desires whiche greedinesse in such multitude of futers brought the commissioners and other that had delt in the forfeytures into daunger and did themselues no good for the counsell perceyuing that it was not possible to satisfie them all refused to heare anye further complayntes or suites for restitution but thought it best to committe those to prison by whom the compleynantes pretēded themselues to haue bin wrōged herevpon was sir Rich. Empson knight Empson and ●…ey committed to the 〈◊〉 and Edmonde Dudley Esquier great counselloures to the late Kyng attached and broughte to the Tower thereby to quiet mens myndes that made suche importunate suite to haue their money agayne restored whiche in the late Kynges dayes they hadde beene compelled to disburse through the rigorous proceedings as they alledged of the sayd two counsellours and others Truely greate exclamation was made agaynst them as it often happeneth that where anye thyng is doone contrarye to the lykyng of y e people those that be dealers vnder the Prince by hys commaundemente proceede in the execution thereof runne in hatred of the multitude But howe so euer it was theyr apprehension and committyng to prison was thoughte by the wyse to bee procured by the malice of them that in the late Kynges dayes were offended with theyr authoritie Shortely after as Edwarde Halle sayeth were apprehended dyuers other persones that wer called promoters as Canby Page Smith Derbye Promoters perished Wrighte Symson and Stocton of the whyche the more parte ware papers and stoode on the Pillorie When all things were prepared ready for the funeralles of the late Kyng his corps with all sumptuous pompe and solemne Ceremonyes was conueyed from Richmont to Saint Georges fielde where the Clergie of the Citie mette it and at the Bridge the Mayre and hys brethren wyth many Commoners all cloathed in blacke lykewyse mette it and gaue theyr attendaunce on the same thorough the Citie to the Cathedrall Churche of Saincte Paule where was song a solemne Dirige and Masse and a Sermon made by the Bishoppe of Rochester Iohn Fysher The nexte daye the corps was had to Westminster and there the daye followyng put into the earth wyth all due solemnities as apperteyned After that the funeralles of the sayde la●…e Kyng were once ended great preparation was made for the Coronation of thys new King whiche was appoynted on Midsomer daye next ensuyng Duryng the tyme of whyche preparation the Kyng was aduysed by some of his counsell to take to wyfe the Ladye Katherine late wyfe to hys brother Prince Arthur least she hauing so greate a dowrie as was appoynted to hir might marrye out of the realme whiche should be to his hinderaunce The Kyng beeyng hereto perswaded Lady Katherin Prince Arthure his widow maried to his brother King Henry the eyght espoused the sayd Ladye Catherine the thirde daye of Iune the whyche maryage was dispensed with by Pope Iuly at the suite of hir father kyng Ferdinando On the eleuenth day of this moneth of Iune the King came from Greenewiche to the Tower ouer London bridge and so by Gracechurche with whome came many a Gentleman rychely apparelled but specially the Duke of Buckingham whiche had a gowne all of Goldesmithes worke very costly On Friday the two and twentith daye of Iune the Kyng with the Queene being in the Tower of London made foure and twentie knightes of the Bath And the morrowe following being Saterday the 24. of Iune his grace with the Queene departed frō the Tower thorough London the streetes beeing hanged with tapestrie cloth of arras very richly And a great parte of the South side of Cheape with clothe of gold and so was some part of
are ouerthrowen and slayne by the people of the North partes 240.59 Danes besiege London and are repulsed with dishonour 240 64. Danish lute vtterly excluded frō the crowne of England 259.75 Danish Nauie and armie sent home into Denmarke 259.95 Danes after King Hardicnutes death prohibited to raigne in England 169.3 Danish garisons expulsed the realme or rath●● slain 269.4 Danes within al the Realme of England murdered in one day and houre 242.67 Danes in what slauerye they kept this Realme and the people 243.1 Danes returne with a nauy and inuade England 243.38 Danes trucebreakers 243.74 and. 245. 96. Danes set vpon and slayne in great number by Vckellus gouernour of Northfolke 244.3 Danes arriue at Sandwiche with a new army 244.111 Danes returne into Kent from spoyling of moste places in England 245.13 Danes arriue at Gipswich inuade the countrey 245.32 Danes receiue money for peace but yet absteyne not frō their wonted crueltie 245.96 Danishe shippes retayned to serue the king of Englande vpon conditions 246.65 Danes in great number drowned in the Thames 247.93 Danes besiege Londō and are shamefully repulsed 247.96 and .254.19 Danes driuen out of the fielde and put to the worse by the Englishmen at Gillingham 254.29 Danes ouerthrowen at Brentford by the Englishe men 255.7 Danish shippes withdrawe to Rochester 255.28 Danes vanquished and put to flight by the Englishmen at Oxeford 255.50 Damieta a citie in Egypt besieged by the Christians 617.4 Damieta wonne by the Christians 617.58 Dampfront surrendred to the French kyng 558.43 Dauid ap Owen rewarded with the lands of Ellesmare 449.74 Dauenes Iames slayne 〈◊〉 Sarasins 503.45 Danes soiourne in the I le of Wight 241.49 Danes sayle awaye into Normandie 241.57 Danes in Cumberlande ouerthrowen and the countrey wasted by the English men 241.60 Danes chased and slayne nygh Seuerne by the Englishe men 221.36 Danes in great penurie in the I le of Stepen 221.38 Danes sayle away out of England into Ireland 221.41 Danes put to flight by the citizens of Canterbury 221.58 Danes ouerthrowen slayne by the English men at Tottenhal Woodfield 221.65 Dauid king of the Scots hys armie discomfited and put to flight 370.44 Danes subdued by the English men and constrayned to receyue the Christian fayth 227.78 Dangerous traueilyng in Englande for feare of theeues 298.22 Danes and Englishe exiles enter into the North partes of Englande with a great armye 300.25 Danes and English exiles put to flight by king William 301.18 Danes depart to their shippes with booties before king Williams commynge vnto them 301.37 Danuille castle wonne by kyng Henry the second 428.85 Dauid brother to the King of Scottes commeth to visite King Henrie the seconde of England 411.100 Dauid King of Scots taketh Northumberlande into his possession 376.59 Dauid De a Barde 4.44 Dauid ap William a Barde 4.45 Dauid Prince of Wales keepeth his brother Griffith in prison 659.60 he delyuereth him to Henry the third 660. 61. Dauid commeth to London doth homage 660.76 Danes arriue in England and are driuen to their shippes 200. Danes sent into Englande to viewe the land 200.24 Danes too much fauoured in England 231.103 Danes arriue in Kent with a power and spoyle the I le of Thanet 238.33 Danebault Admirall of France sore annoyeth the Englishe coaste 1602.10 landeth 2000. men in the I le of Wight who are repelled w t slaughter eadem 50. Dacres Lorde Dacres of the North his rode into Scotland 1522.46 Danebalt Hygh Admyrall of Fraunce is honorably receiued 1609. is richely rewarded eadem 57. Darus towne taken by y e Englishmen 503.49 Dauid brother to the Prince of Wales made knight and rewarded by the kyng and maryed 788.12 a. rebelleth 790.22 b. taken 793.18 a beheaded his head set by his brothers 793.45 b. Dampfront yeelded to y e English pag. 1192. col 2. lin 38. Danbeney William beheaded 1443.38 Dauid King of Scotland inuadeth England in the right of Maude the Empresse 366.67 Dauid King of Scottes raunsomed 962.5 b. Damieta lost to the Sarazens 622.2 Darcy Thomas knight of the Garter and Lord Darcy of the army sent into Hispaine 1469. Dauid Thomas pag. 1345. col 1. lin 10. Dacres Leonard rebelleth is discomfited in fight and fleeth into Scotland 1841.34 Danes in Northumberland dare attempte nothyng against the Englishmen 222.65 Daubency Giles created Lorde Daubeney 1426.37 deputie of Calice and Generall of an armie into Flaunders 1435.40 discomfiteth the power of y e Rebels in Flaunders 1436.30 chief Chamberlaine 1444.30 General for the King at blacke heath field 1447.20 dyeth 1461 30. Daubeney Bernard a Scot Ambassadour from y e french King 1433.5 Daniell ordeined Byshop of Winchester 191.7 Dacres Lord arreigned and acquited 1563.26 Danish Pyrats arriue at Sādwich and spoyle it 270.26 Danes sayle into Flaunders there sell their English booties 270.37 Thomas Dogworth knight discomfiteth Frenchmen at Roche Darsen 940.54 b. he is slaine 946.13 a. Danes arriuing in Englande with an armie against Kyng William depart purposing neuer more to come agayne into England 309.26 Daui Hall knight slayne pag. 1304. col 1. lin 3. Dauid Floid taken and beheaded pag. 1304. col 2. lin 57 Danes made tributaries to the Britaines 24.50 Dacres Thomas Bastard hys valiant seruice 1595.30 Danes vanquished and slayne nigh Winchester 208.58 Darcie Thomas Lord Darcie sent Cōmissioner into Cornwal 1451.53 Arnold Dandreghen Marshall of Fraunce 915.43 a. Danes inuade the West partes of this lande and rob them 241.36 Dauid Earle of Huntington sworne to King Iohn 542. 81. dyeth 1873 Dauid brother to the King of Scotland giuen in Hostage to King Henry the second of England 401.80 Lord Dalbrets sonne discomfiteth the Mashall of Fraunce 946.10 b. Daneth Sumō owner of Danuille castle 468.45 Danes robbe the English marchantes 1086.26 b. Day Iohn a Printer 188.15 Dannus looke Elanius Robert Dartois made Earle of Richemont 900.50 a. vanquisheth the Frenchmen at S. Omers 910.57 b. Darcie Lord atteinted 1570. 3. executed eadem 24. Damsanus consecrated Archbyshop of Cantorbury 172.75 Dampfront yeelded to y e french pag. 1277. col 1. lin 14. Dale a village pag. 1413. col 2. lin 37. lin 41. Sir Thomas Dogworths worthines 926.10 a. Damianus and Fugatius sent into Britaine 74.77 Darby towne wonne from the Danes 222.20 Dam Hauen 578.20 Dearthe exceeding great in Englande 749.10 accompanyed with a great death and specially of poore people 750.63 Dearth and death in Englande in the dayes of Richarde the first 541.64.541.73 Degsastane battaile fought by the Saxons against y e Scots 153.37 Defiance to the Frenche Kyng by Edward the fourth pag. 1346. col 2. lin 38. Dearth great and great plentie 1766.42 Dudley Guilford maryed vnto the Ladie Iane Gray 1714. 26. is committed to the rowre 1720.21 is atteinted 1723.50 is beheaded 1732.30 Delapoole William Lord committed to the towre 1457.34 Death 943.37 b. 968.30 a. 971.16 b. 980.30 b. 996. 1. b. 1013.54 b. 1076.9 b. 1079.35 a. 855.1 b. Dolphin fishe taken at London
chiefly furthered his title too the crowne 372.48 Stephē woteth not whom to trust 372.55 Stephen accused in the counsell at winchester for wrongfully imprisoning of the Bishops 372 68. Sterling Castell gaged to the King of Englande 439.41 Stigande depriued of his Archbishoprike why 304.58 Stigande dieth in prison at winchester 305.6 Stafford Edwarde eldest sonne to Edward Duke of Buckingham restored to his name dignitie and possessions 1426.40 Stanley Thomas Lorde Stanley created Earle of Darby 1426.34 Strangwers Thomas knight 1448.50 Stonhenge vpon the plain of Salisburie wherefore there erected 123.27 Stigande and Abbot Egelsine captaines of the Kentishmen agaynst K. William 292.43 Star passeth through the Moone 194.73 Strenwolde slaine by the Danes 239 Stomacking betweene the Clergie of the prouinces of Canterburie Yorke aboute the Metropolitane prerogatiue 348.77 Starres seene falling from heauen 325.27 Stigande fleeth into scotlande 303.22 Stephen taketh himselfe dishonourably too flight from Wilton Nunrie 380.2 Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canterburie a moouer of dissention agaynst king Iohn 586.67 Stones at Stonehenge set out of Ireland 123.25 Strawes Iacke confession at his death 1036.30 a Striuelin Abbay in scotlande builded 203.22 Stanley Edward knight captaine of the rereward at Floddon fielde 1149 52. created Lord Mont. eagle 1494.35 Stutesburie or Sterdesburie Castell made plain with the ground 445.20 Straunge wonder of the Moone 728.14 Starre straungely appearing at the byrth of Edwarde the first 655.2 Stephen Abbot of Glastenburie 135.45 Straunge wonders at the time that the Brytaines reuolted from the Romanes 60.109 Statute of Premunire ordeyned 995.50 a Strife betwixt the Archbishoppe of Canterburie and York for carying of their crosses 516.104 Stanehorre in the I le of Tenet 599.82 State of the Church neglected in Englande 223. 32. Standforde bridge kept by the Norwegians 284.72 Statute agaynst purueyours 969.23 a Streneshall or Trentsall Abbey builded 208.10 Stodham william knight 595.29 Strawberries pag. 1372. col 1. lin 29. Starres plainely scene about the sunne at the Eclipse 362.96 Sture a riuer 17.31 Straunge wilde beastes kept in woodstock park 364.15 Statutes why so called 354 8●… Stephen Archbishoppe of Canterburie dyeth 631.6 Store riuer 19.58 Strangbow Richarde dyeth 444.74 Stonie Stratforde pag. 1416. col 1. lin 27. Stillington Doctor pag. 1349. Statute for making of clothes 947.50 a Steterus King of Albania 22.91 Stafforde towne pag. 1415 col 1. lin 22. Stanes 245.25 Stilico son in law to Honorius 107.19 Stewes suppressed 1067.12 Stiermarke called Valeria 105.7 Stow Iohn cited 560.5 Stuteuile william made keeper of Topclife Castell 433.35 Sture riuer 215.53 Stamford 252.58 Striuelin Castell left void 821.50 a. besieged 839.45 b. Stradluid 276.41 Stephanus cited 4.7 Sutton Edwarde knight 1450.16 Subsidy and foure fiftenes graunted 1578.40 Subsidie graunted to king Richard the second 1008 45. a. Subsidie graunted 1524. 58. Subsidie 1604.47 Subsidie pag. 1226. col 1. lin 53. pag. 1234. col 2. lin 2●… Suffolke Earle fleeth too Calais 1066.20 b Sutton william Doctor 1443.41 Sudburie Adam Abbot of Ierueux put too death 1570.14 Sens and Monstreau besieged and taken pa. 1209 col 1. lin 33. Surrey Duke Marshall of Englande 1099.18 a Subsidie graunted 788.23 b. 830.50 b. Subsidie of wolles 809. 20. b. 903.34 b. Subsidie 839.18 b. 869.2 b. 902.44 a. 907.20 a. Southwark spoyled by rebels 1026.45 a Subsidie too Henrie the fourth 1141. col 1. lin 23 pag. 1150. col 2. lin 33. pag. 1135. col 1. lin 22. pag. 1345. col 2. Subsidie payed onelye by great men 1012.15 b Subsidie of 800000. demaunded 1524.5 Subsidie 1858.23 Sullemny Gilbert drowned in a tempest 411.95 Subsidie money restored againe too the owners 279.59 Subsidie of woolles 911. 28. b. 969.29 a Subsidie 981.44 a. 991.1 b 997.45 a. Subdeacons to liue chastly 347.53 Subdeacons commaunded too forsake their wines 347.56 Subsidie graunted to king Iohn 537.68 Subsidie leuied by King Iohn 548.17 Sussex wasted by the Danes 240.73 and 245.4 Sonne punished for the fathers offence 240.44 Sussex brought vnder subiection of the westsaxons 203.64 Suffolke spoyled by the Danes 245.53 Suthune bishop of winchester 206.56 Sunne suffreth a great Eclipse 192.86 Subiectes vntoward too helpe the King with money 746.30 Suidhelme succeedeth Sigibert in the kingdom of the Eastsaxons 174.90 Suidhelme baptised by Cedda 174.96 Suspicion had that the Poictouines should poison the Englishe Nobilitie 754.1 Suale riuer 148.48 Suardus or Gunhardus a great Duke in France 22.51 Sunne eclipsed with a wōderfull tempest following 461.108 Sunne straungely eclipsed 41.112 Sute of Court when it was first receyued for a law 742.50 Suetonius cited 48.55 51.61 Subsidie of two shillings of euerie ploughe lande graunted too the King 617.50 Sudburie hill pag. 1337. col 1. lin 15. Subsidie 1590.21 Subsidie 1023.37 a Swaine becommeth a Pirate and dishonoureth his noble Progenie by committing robberyes 273.104 Swaine vpon remorse of conscience goeth on pilgrimage to Hierusalem 273.107 Swain dieth of a colde by iourneying but as other say was slaine by sarasins 273.111 Swarde Martine an Almaine and Colonell of two thousand Almains landeth at Sowdrey 1430.50 his valour and strength ibid. is slaine 1431.44 Swanus returneth againe intoo Englande with a fresh army 248.26 Swanus by little and little bringeth the whole realme of England into subiection 248.34 Swanus getteth the whole rule of Englande and is reputed for king 249.49 Swanus vseth his victorie cruelty ▪ not onely agaynst the laitie but also agaynst the spiritualtie 249.57 Swithed or Swithred succeedeth Selred in the kingdome of the Eastsaxons 197.41 Swithed the last king that particularlye gouerned the Eastsaxons 197.41 Swithed expulsed oute of his Kingdome by Egbert 197.42 Swanus King of Denmarke landeth in Englande with an armie and spoyleth the Countrey 243.67 Swanus returneth wyth his fleete into Denmark 144 9. Swanus returneth againe into Englande with a mightie armie 244.15 Sweating sicknesse 1550.38 Sweating sicknesse persecuteth Englishmen in al Countreys 1708.30 Swaine banished the land 272.11 Swaine putteth away hys lawfull wife and kepeth Edgina Abbesse of the Monasterie of Leoffe 270.12 Swanus endeth his lyfe with greate yeares in Denmarke 250.1 Swarde Richarde an outlaw spoyleth the possessions of the Earle of Cornwall 644.55 Swaben Duke Henrie came to king Iohn from the Emperor Otho and returneth againe ●…67 40 Swaine sonne too Earle Godwin banished the Realme 270.10 Swaine returneth and is pardoned 270.22 Swainwicke 212.50 Swanescombe 292.50 Swedeners by the English people called by the name of Danes 215.15 Swanus departeth againe intoo Denmarke 246.74 Swanus returneth intoo Englande with an huge armie to reuenge his sisters death 247.56 Catherine Swinfordes byrth 1088.1 a Sweating sicknesse verie mortall 1426.54 a remedie therefore 1427.10 Swanus king of Dēmark sendeth a Nauie intoo England to recouer his title to the Crowne 300. 24. Sweating sicknesse rageth 1460.40 Sweating sicknesse rageth 1504.5 Swanus with a summe of money payed to him departeth again into Denmarke 248.17 Swedeners ouerthrowne by King Cnute in Denmarke 261.16 Swanus myraculosly woūded
of the Citizens put to the sacke by such power of Lords and men of warre as the king sent against them Shortly after Edward king Hardiknoughts brother came foorth of Normandie to visyte him and his mother Queene Emme of whome he was moste ioyfully and honorably welcomed and entertayned and shortly after made returne backe againe Mat. VVest Ran. Higd. ex Mariano It should appere by some writers that after his comming ouer out of Normandie he remayned still in the Realme so that he was not in Normandie when his halfe brother Hardiknoughte dyed but heere in Englande althoughe other make other reporte as after shall be shewed Polyd. Also as before ye haue hearde some writers seeme to mean that the elder brother Alfrid came ouer at the same tyme. But surely they are therein deceyued for it was knowne well inough howe tenderly kyng Hardienute loued his brethren by the mothers syde so as there was not any of the Lordes in his dayes that durste attempte any suche iniurie agaynste them The bishop of of VVorcester accused for making avvaye of Alvred True it is that as well Earle Goodwyn as the bishop of Worcester that was also put in blame suspected for the apprehending and making away of Alvred as before ye haue heard were charged by Hardicnute as culpable in that master insomuch that the sayd Bishop was expulsed oute of his sea by Hardiknought And after twelue months space was restored by meanes of such summes of money as he gaue by waye of an●…nde●… Earle Goodwyn was also put to his purgation Erle Goodvvin excuseth selfe by taking an othe that hee was not g●…ute Whiche othe was the better allowed by reason of suche a present as he gaue to the king for the redeemyng of his fauour and good will The gift vvhiche Erle Good●…vvin gaue to the king thereto to wit a ●…appe with a sterne of gold conteyning therin 〈◊〉 souldiours wracing on eche of their annex two bracelettes of golde of .xvj. 〈◊〉 wryght a triple habergion gyles on their 〈◊〉 with guilt ●●●genets owthers heads a sworde with gilt haltes girded to their ●●●is a 〈◊〉 Axe after the maner of the Danes outheld ●…ere shulder ●… begat with 〈◊〉 ●●●tles gilt in their left hande a durche in their 〈◊〉 ●●rlde And thus to cōclude they were furnished at all percer with armour and weapon arro●…ding It hath binsayd that Erle Goodwyn wyllded to marrie his daughter to one of these brethren Polidor and perceyuing that the elder brother Alfred would disdayne to haue hir thought good to dispatche him that the other taking hir to wyfe might be nexte heire to the Crowne and so at length enioy it as it afterwardes came to passe Also about that tyme when the image of the kings of Englande was in marier extincte the Englishe people were muche carefull as hathe bene sayde aboute the succession of those that shoulde enioy the crowne Wherevpon as one Brightwold a Monke of Glastenburye that was afterwarde Bishop of Winchester or as some haue written of Worcester studyed oftentymes theron It chaunced that he dreamed one nyght as he slepte in bedde that he sawe Saincte Peter sacre and annoynt Edwarde the sonne of king Egelred as then remaining in exile in Normandie king of Englande And as he thought he dyd demaunde of Saincte Peter who shoulde succeede the fayde Edwarde 3 Wherevnto aunswere was made by the Apostle Haue thou no care for such matters for the kingdome of Englande is Gods kingdome which surely in good earnest may appeare by many great argumentes to be full true vnto suche as shall well consider the state of this realme from time to tyme howe there hath bin euer gouernours raysed vp to maynteyn the maiestie of the Kingdome and to reduce the same to the former dignitie when by any infortunate mishap it hath bin brought in daunger But to return now to Kyng Hardiknought after that hee had reygned two yeares lackyng tenne dayes The death of K. Hardicnute Sim. Dunel Math. VVest 1042. as hee satte at Table at a greate feast holden at Lambheth he fell downe sodenly with the ●…ot in his hande and so dyed not without some suspition of poyson Thys chaunced the .8 daye of Anne at Lambheth aforsaid where the same daye a marriage was solemnised betweene the lady Githa the daughter of a noble man called Osgote Clappa and a Danishe lorde called Canute Prudan His bodie was buried at Winchester besides his fathers K. Hardicanute his conditions His liberalitie in housekeping He was of nature very curteous gentle and liberall specially in keeping good cheere in his house so that he woulde haue his table couered foure tymes a day furnished with great plentie of meats and drinks wishing that his seruantes and all straungers that came to his palaice Hen. Hunt might rather haue than want It hath bin commonly told that Englishmen lerned of him their excessiue gourmandize and vnmeasurable filling of their panches wyth meates and drinks Of vvhome the englishemen learned excessiue feedlng wherby they forgate the vertuous vse of sobrietie so muche necessarye to all estates and degrees so profitable for all common wealths and so commendable both in the sight of God and all good men In this Hardiknought ceased the rule of the Danes within this lande with the persecution which they had executed against the English nation for the space of .250 yeres and more that is to witte The end of the Danish rulers euer sith the .x. yeare of Brithrike the king of Westsaxons at what time they first began to attempt to inuade the Englishe coastes Howebeit after Harison they shoulde seeme to haue ruled heere but .207 reckening from their brynging in by the Welchemen in despite of the Saxons at which time they first begā to inhabit here whiche was .835 of Christe .387 after the comming of the Saxons and .35 neere complet of the reigne of Egbert Edwarde Edward H. Hunt IMmediately vpon y e death of Hardiknought and before his corps was committed to buryall his halfe brother Edwarde sonne of kyng Egelred beogotten of Queene Emme was chosen to be king of Englande by the generall consent of all the nobles and cōmons of the realme Polidore Therevppon were Ambassadours sente with all speede into Normandie to signifie vnto him his election and to bring him from thence into Englande in delyueryng pledges for more assuraunce that no fraude nor deceipte was ment of the Englishmen But that vpon his comming thyther he shoulde receyue the Crowne without all contradiction 〈…〉 Edwarde then ayded by hys cousin William Duke of Normandie tooke the sea and with a small companye of Normans came into Englande where hee was receyued with greate ioye as king of the realme H. Hunt VVil. Mal. The .3 of Ap●● and immediatly after was crowned at Winchester by Edsinus then archbishop of Canterbury on Easterday in the yeare of our Lorde .1043 whiche fell also
first sent vnto Saint Colmes Ins Put in prison and from thence to Dunfermling and lastly to Lochleuin where he dyed and was buried in S. Sarffis I le in Lochleuin 1479 William Schewes is cōsecrated Archbishop The sayd William Schewes was consecrate Archbishop of Sainte Androwes on passion Sunday in Lente within Holy Roode house the king being present many of the nobles of the Realm And there y e sayde Archbishop receiued y e pall as a signe of his Archbishops dignitie so was cōfirmed primate legate of y e Realm notwithstāding y e impediment made against Graham before by the Bishops about y e same This yere also The Duke of Albany imprisoned Alexander Duke of Albany was committed to prison by the king his brother within y e Castel of Edenburgh through euil counsel but he brake out escaped to Dūbar wher he caused the Castel to be furnished with al necessaries leauing his seruants within it He escaped passed himself into France was there of y e king honorably receyued and louingly intreated Edenburgh besieged In the beginning of May following the king