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A00142 A historie contayning the vvarres, treaties, marriages, and other occurrents betweene England and Scotland from King William the Conqueror, vntill the happy vnion of them both in our gratious King Iames. With a briefe declaration of the first inhabitants of this island: and what seuerall nations haue sithence settled them-selues therein one after an other Ayscu, Edward. 1607 (1607) STC 1014; ESTC S100373 186,325 406

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left to succeed him his onely child Prince Henry about as many months old as his father had raigned yeares Whose infancie was neuerthelesse mightily supported by the notable valiancie and policie of his two Vncles Humfrey Duke of Glocester and Iohn Duke of Bedford to the one was committed the protectiō of his person and kingdome to the other the managing of the warre continued in France The death of the two kings comming together within two months one after the other caused much alteration in the state wherein that nation presently stood For thervpon a great number of the French nobility who before had taken part with the Englishmē began to reuolt to Charles the Dolphine The Scotts also became now more ready to assist him then before thorow the hope they had of present aduancement which thing within two yeares after cost many of their liues first at the siege of Crauant in the County of Auxerre and in the yere following at the bloudy battaile of Vernoile fought on the 20. of August in the yeare 1424. At the former conflict besides 1800. Gentlemen of the French nation there were slaine of the Scots their partakers the Lord of Saint Iohns towne Sir Iohn of Bulgary S. Iohn Turnbull S. Iohn Haliburton Sir Robert Lisley S. William Coningham Sir William Dowglas Sir Alexander Hume S. William Lisly Sir Iohn Rotherford S. William Crayford S. Thomas Seaton S. Williā Hamilton his son Iohn Pillot the Earle Buchquhan maister of the French chiualry who in the sight lost his eie was takē prisoner But at the battaile of Vernoile of the Scottes were slaine Archibald Earle Dowglas lately created by the Dolphine Duke of Turaine Iames Dowglas his Sonne Earle of Wigton Iohn Earle of Bowghen who as it seemeth had either escaped before out of the Englishmens hands or else had r●●●eemed his liberty besides men of speciall note aboue two thousand In the meane time thorough dissention that arose betweene Mordo then the gouernour of Scotland after the decease of the Duke of Albaine his Father and his vnrulie Sonnes certaine Ambassadours were sent from thence into England to treate for the deliuery of Prince Iames of Scotland This young Gentleman was then greatlie inamored ouer a beautifull Ladie Sister to Iohn Duke of Somerset Neece to the Cardinall of Winchester and to the Duke of Excester and neere cousine to the yong King himselfe it was hoped that thorowe the alliance hee should haue in England by this marriage and the manifold fauours following the same the Prince should haue beene wonne to a perpetuall amity with this Realme which had beene now vnto him for the tearme of fifteene yeares a verie Sanctuarie for the safety of his person and an Academie for the instruction of his minde and vnderstanding The Lord protector and the Nobilitie of the Land were heereby mooued not onely vpon verie reasonable conditions to set him at liberty but also to yeeld him the fruition of her loue which happily the Prince preferred or at the least equally ballanced with the same Before his departure into Scotland hee did homage to the young king of England at Windsor Castell in the presence of three Dukes the two Archbishops twelue Earles ten Bishops twenty Barons and two hundred Knights and Gentlemen in these words viz. I Iames Steward King of Scots shall be true and faithfull to you Lord Henry by the grace of God King of England and to you I make my fidelity for the same kingdome of Scotland which I hold and claime of you And I shall beare you my faith and fidelitie of life and limme and worldly honour against all men And faithfully I shall doe to you seruice for the kingdome of Scotland So God me helpe c. This done King Iames with his Queene were honorably attended and accompanied into Scotland in the yeare of grace 1423. But not-with-standing this his solemne oath his princely education here and all the fauours hee had receiued both at his departure and during his captiuitie if it may be so tearmed whether it proceeded from a bad disposition in himselfe or as I rather take it from the malice of his Nobilitie who for the more part were French in affection this Prince of all other shewed least thankfulnesse for hauing forgotten the former courtesies hee entred into matrimoniall alliance with France then at defiance with that his late affinitie with England being euen then as it were most nearlie naturalized by his issue in bloud and kindred there-vnto Buchanan doth greatly labour his wittes there-with to wash out this blemish in the middest of the splendor and brightnesse of his manifold graces But sithence hee faileth as I take it in the very foundation of that his Apologie the frame which hee would thereon build must of necessitie fall to the ground For hee taketh it already granted that the king of England did both violate his owne faith and the lawes of all Nations by detaining the Prince as his lawfull prisoner vpon his arriuall here on the coast But it is apparant enough as before I haue shewed that either there was no truce at all betweene the two nations at that instant or if there were the same was notoriouslie broken by the Scottes in ioyning those their so great forces with the knowne enimies of this realme against their lawfull Soueraigne so farre within his owne kingdome Admit all that was done without the priuitie of the King him-selfe But how-so-euer the good aged man might iustly pleade his innocencie herein bearing as then the bare title of King how can the State bee excused against whose knowledge an enterprice of that importance could not possibly haue beene attempted if there were any hard measure offered herein by king Henrie neuerthelesse the same was so fully acquited by the inestimable benefit of his pretious education for as Buchanan himselfe reporteth thereof Tanta ingenij celeritas vigor in eo fuisse dicitur vt nullam homine ingenuo dignum artem ignorabat that truly such a captiuitie should neuer haue moued him to haue falne out with England vpon the mariage of the Lady Margaret the Scottish kings Daughter with Lewis the Dolphine some sturres arose betweene the Englishmen and the Scottes with equall losse on both sides but not of much reckoning King Iames neuer-the-lesse being there-with prouoked assembled a great powre and besieged the Castle of Roxbrough from whence he was remoued by the repaire of the Queene his wife thither that informed him of a very dangerous conspiracie against his owne person how-be-it shortly after his returne into Scotland hee was wickedly murthered by his subiects in the yeare 1436. leauing behind him a neuer dying memory of many royall vertues The young Prince his sonne Iames the second about seauen yeares olde at his fathers death hauing raigned aboue twentie yeares was slaine by misfortune at the siege of the same Castle where the King his Father had knowledge first giuen him of the plotte of his finall destruction In
Scotland as also for the better strengthning of his estate to whome the same kingdome should be by him adiudged wherevnto they all agreed by writing also vnder their seuerall hands and seales as followeth A toux iceulx c. To all those which this present writing shall see or heare Florence Earle of Holland Robert de Bruce Lord of Annandale Iohn de Balliol Lord of Galloway Iohn de Hastings Lord of Abergeuennie Iohn Cumin Lord of Badenawe Patricke de Dunbarre Earle of Marche Iohn de Vescie insteed of his Father Nicholas de Sules and William de Ros send greeting in our Lord. Because that of our owne willes and common consents without all constraint we doe consent and grant vnto the noble Prince the Lord Edward by the grace of God king of England that he as superior Lord of Scotland may heare examine define determine our claimes chalenges petitions which we intend to shew and proue for our right to be receiued before him as superior Lord of the land promising moreouer that we shall take his deed for firme and stable and that he shall inioy the kingdome of Scotland whose right by declaration shall best appeare before him whereas then the sayd king of England cannot in this maner take knowledge nor fulfill our meanings without iudgement nor iudgment ought to be without execution nor execution may in due forme bee done without possession and seisme of the said lands and castels of the same We do will consent and grant that he as Superior Lord to performe the premisses may haue the seisure of all the land and Castels of the same till they that pretend title to the crowne be satisfied in the sute so that before he be put into possession and seisure he find sufficient surety to vs that pretend title to the wardens and to all the cōmonaltie of the kingdome of Scotland that he shal restore the same kingdom with all the royaltie dignitie signorie liberties customes rights lawes vsages possessions and all and whatsoeuer the appurtinances in the same state wherein they were before the seisme to him deliuered vnto him to whom by right it is due according to the iudgemēt of his Maiesty sauing to him the homage of that person that shall bee king And this restitution to be made within two months after the day in which the right shall be discussed and established the issues of the same land in the meane time shall be receiued laid vp put in safe keeping in the hands of the Chamberlaine of Scotland that now is of him whom the King of England shall to him ioyne and assotiate and this vnder their seales reseruing and allowing the reasonable charges for the sustentatiō of the land the Castles and officers of the kingdome In witnesse of all the which premises wee haue vnto these set our seales giuen at Norham the wednesday next after the feast of the Ascensiō of our Lord in the yeare 1291. Besides these two former deeds from the competitors themselues he receiued the like assurance from all the principall officers and Magistrates of that realme So as by a free and generall consent he was acknowledged their supreame Lord and was accordingly intituled in sundry Proclamations and publique Edicts directed forth in his name King Edward hauing receiued at their hands these instruments of allegiance as their proper and voluntary deeds and also their seuerall homages either in his owne person or by his deputies according to the order giuen in that behalfe he was finally put in full possession of the realme of Scotland and hauing occasion to returne presently into England to solemnize the exequies of his Mother hee committed the gouernment and custodie of the realme in his absence to the Bishops of Saint Androwes and Glascoe and to the Lords Iohn Cumin and Iames Steward who before had giuen the King possession At his returne out of England at Midsomer following hee sent out sommons to all those that made claime to the Crowne of Scotland to repaire vnto him and hauing heard what each one could say for himselfe hee perceaued that the question rested onely betweene Iohn Balliol and Robert Bruce so as that all the rest were thenceforth vtterly excluded and barred from all further title or claime These two deriued their titles from Dauid Earle of Huntington brother to William late King of Scottes in this maner This Dauid had issue by Mawde his wife one of the daughters of Hugh Bohune Earle of Chester as is aforesaid three daughters Margaret the eldest was maried to Alaine Lord of Galloway who had issue together three daughters also of whom the eldest named Dernagil was maried to Iohn Balliol the parents of this Iohn Balliol one of the two competitors Isabell the second daughter of the foresaid Dauid was married to Robert Bruce betweene whom was begotten this Robert Bruce the other competitour He claimed the Crowne as next heire male the other made claime in the right of his mother who was the next heire in bloud and as wee say in England heire at the common-lawe Bruce alleadged that hee was to bee preferred before the Mother of Balliol because the heire male must carry away the inheritance of a kingdome from the heire female meeting in the selfe same degree of bloud as in this case it stood betweene him and Dernagill To this end he alleadged a late president in the like controuersie about the Duchie of Burgundie which the Earle of Neuers claimed in the right of his wife grand-child to the last Duke by his eldest sonne which notwithstanding the brothers inheritance was adiudged to the Dukes yonger sonne King Edward hauing heard the allegations and answeres of both parties caused then to be inrolled but because the matter was of the greatest importance life onely excepted and therefore required good deliberation hee referred the further proceeding therein till Michaelmasse following and returned into England In the meane time for his better instruction he acquainted the most learned Lawyers as well of France as of this nation with the whole state of the cause and receaued their generall resolution therein At the time prefixed he repaired againe into the North-parts and comming to Berwicke hee called thither the two competitours together with the greater number of the Lords of Scotland to receiue there a finall end of this controuersie Out of this great assembly of the most graue and best experienced personages of both Nations hee made choise of a certaine number as well English as Scottish to whom as to a Iurie royall sworne and admonished to deale vprightlie the King gaue full authoritie to name him that vnto them appeared vpon the examination of their seuerall titles and the resolution of the Lawyers therevpon which was deliuered vnto them to haue the better right vnto the crowne of Scotland These men being put a part by themselues and hauing examined considered and sufficiently debated the prooues allegations and whatsoeuer could be said on either
side they all with one full consent and voyce pronounced Iohn Balioll the true and vndoubted heire to the Crowne of Scotland King Edward allowing their verdit gaue sentence accordingly Whervpon he was forthwith proclaimed king of Scotland on condition that if hee did not gouerne his kingdome with equitie iustice then vpon iust complaint thereof the king of England might put to his helping hand by some good meanes to procure reformation as he was bound therevnto by his right of Superioritie which in him was anciently inuested Further hee awarded out his writtes of deliuery of seisme at the sute of Balliol vnto the Bishops aforesaid and to Iohn Lord Cumin Iames Lord Steward and Brian Fitz-alline wardens of Scotland commanding them to deliuer vnto Iohn Balliol the full seisme and possession of that land sauing the relieues and other payments due to him of the issues and profits of the same vnto the day of the date of that writ being the xix of Nouember in the twentith yeare of the raigne of King Edward Anno Domi. 1291. also an other writte was likewise directed the same day to such as had the keeping of the Castels in forme following Edwardus dei gratia Rex Angliae c. Edward by the grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Aquitaine and Superiour Lord of the realme of Scotland To his welbeloued and faithfull seruant Peter Burdet Constable of the Castell of Berwicke sendeth greeting Whereas Iohn Balliol in Parliament lately holden at Berwick vpon Tweede came before vs and demanded the sayd realme of Scotland to be adiudged to him by vs and seisme of the same to bee to him deliuered as next heire to Margaret Daughter to the King of Norway Lady of Scotland by right of succession wee hauing heard and vnderstood the same petitions and reasons beeing diligently weyed and examined wee finde the sayde Iohn Balliol to bee next heyre to the Crowne of Scotland Where-vpon wee haue deliuered vnto him seisme and possession thereof Wee therefore command you that you deliuer vp vnto the sayd Iohn Balliol or to his Atturneys that shall bring with them these our Letters the seisme of the sayd Castell of Berwicke with all the appurtenances together with all other things to you deliuered by Indenture in manner as you receaued the same with the custodie of the sayd Castell to you committed and this without delay Witnesse our selfe at Berwicke vpon Tweede the nineteenth day of Nouember in the 20. yeare of our raigne In the same forme were writtes directed to all the keepers of the other Castels and manors belonging to the crowne of Scotland and being then in their custodie to whom K. Edward had before granted the same Then also in the presence of the new king and the nobles of Scotland the new seale which had bin before committed by King Edward to the gouernors of the realme of Scotlād during the time of vacancie was broken and put vp to be reserued in the treasurie of the King of England in token of his superiority and the trust committed vnto him for the ending of this controuersie The next day the Scotish king did fealtie in the Castle of Norham vnto king Edward for his kingdome in manner following This heare you my Lord Edward King of England Soueraigne Lord of the Realme of Scotland That I Iohn Balliol king of Scotland which I hold and claime to hold of you shall be faithful and loyall and owe faith and loyaltie vnto you I shall beare of life and member and of earthly honour against all people and lawfully I shall acknowledge and doe the seruices which I ought to doe to you for the Realme of Scotland aforesaid So God mee helpe And for more testimonie hereof hee caused letters patents to bee sealed deliuered to King Edward in the presence of the Bishoppes of S. Andrewes and Glasco and of diuers others of the Nobilitie of both Nations This done King Edward appointed the bishop of Durham and the Lord Iohn S Iohn to attend Balliol into Scotland and to put him into the corporall possession of the Land which was performed accordingly For on S. Andrewes day following he was crowned at Scone in the Marble chaire in the Abbey the solemnities ended he returned backe to New-castle vpon Tine where king Edward kept his Christmasse that yeare and there vpon Saint Stephens daye the Scotish king did homage to king Edward in manner following My Lord Lord Edward king of England Superior Lord of Scotland I Iohn de Balliol king of Scotland doe acknowledge mee to bee your Liegeman of the Realme of Scotland with all the apurtenances and whatsoeuer belongeth thereto The which kingdome I hold and ought of right to claime to hold by inheritance of you and your heyres kings of England And I shall beare faith and loyaltie to you and to your heyres kings of England of life of member and earthly honour against all men which may liue and die The two kings hauing spent some time there together with much ioy and reuell tooke their leaues one of the other and parted in great kindnes Thus was this controuersie decided and taken vp which had continued from the death of Alexander the last king before him vnto this mans coronation sixe yeares and eight monthes nowe within that tearme of months ended by king Edward to the exceeding great benefit of that nation had not their inconstancie immediatlie afterwards bereaued them thereof and turned the good which they might haue gained therby well nere to their vtter cōfusion as in the History following shall appeare The next yeare af●er that king Balliol was thus established in his kingdome a controuersie arose concerning titl● of Land betweene Macduffe Earle of Fife who in the time of the interraigne was one of the sixe to whom the gouernment of the Realme was committed and the familie of the Abernethes men of good place also one of these kild the Earle whose brother making complaint thereof to his king was not only little regarded therein but vpon the hearing of the matter in controuersie hee gaue iudgement against him Macduffes brother hauing lost both his land and found the King ouer-slow in taking reuenge for the iniury offered his familie appealed to the king of England where-vpon king Balliol was called to London to answer to the others accusatiō The two kings sitting together in Parlament the Plaintife propounded his cōplaint The Scotish king beeing the partie defendant was intreated to remoue according to the order obserued in such cases into an inferiour place to answer and to plead for himselfe for it is not the manner of that most honourable assēbly to admit counsell on either side This disgrace saith Buchanan first moued king Balliol to breake off friendship with England for the warre beeing euen then in that Parliament renewed with France he was thereby the more easily drawne to enter into league and alliance with that Nation King Edward hauing had secret
kingdome Neither did King Henry forget by kind letters and messages to diuerse of that nation to second therein his Sisters designements signifying vnto them that he desired nothing more then perpetuall loue and concord betweene the two Neighbor Nations which thing as he had euer before wished yet much more at this time to the end all men might see how much hee tendred the state of their Reamle for the young kings sake his Nephew That if they would be perswaded to break of friendship with France he could finde in his heart to bestow the Lady Mary his only Child in marriage vpon their King whereby the two kingdomes should bee in great possibility to be made one Monarchy and that by the accesse of England vnto Scotland which would be the more honor to their nation That the like emulatiō malice hath bin heretofore known betweene the like neighbor countries which neuerthelesse by mariage entercourse trafique mutual kindnes hath bin vtterly suppressed buried in obliuion These exceeding kind offers of King Henry moued much debate argument at an assembly of the Scottish Lords amongst thēselues On the one side it was obiected that as France was farre remooued by scituation from them so the people differed much from the Scottes in the whole course and manner of life But the Englishmen and they were bred and brought vp vnder one and the same climate and were so like in there language lawes manners customes complexion constitution of bodie and disposition of minde wherein societie especially consisteth that it seemed God and Nature had from the beginning purposed to make them one peculier people as they hade made there seate one soile by it selfe seuered from the maine continent Further by reason of the distance and dangerous passage betweene France them the one cannot receiue frō the other either much good being friends or much h●rme beeing enemies whereas out of England either the one or other wil be alwaies ready at hand accordingly as the Englishmen ar friends or foes vnto them For there is no other waie to walke in betweene France and them but thorow a dangerous part of the Ocean which either by furie of tempests may be hindered or by the enemy fore-stawled and clogged VVhereof was made good proofe not much aboue a yeare ago when as the Duke of Albanie was so pend vp in France with the English nauie that of al one whole Sommer they could receiue no succors from thence to their exceeding losse and discontentment Thus much was then alledged in fauour of the league with England whervnto not a few amongst them were well inclined though many other that either liued vpon rapine and spoile which alwaies followeth war or that were fed afore-hand by the French king which course hath euer much preuailed with that Nation obstinatly opposed themselues against this profitable and sound aduise But being not able by any show of reason to maintaine their friuolous allegations against the truth they subtilly brake of this conference with this caution that this weighty point could not be resolued without the general consent and approbation of the Estates assembled to that end For they were well assured that the Duke to whom especially the deciding of this question pertained would neuer giue consent to shake hands with England notwithstanding Queene Margaret so labored this point for the benefit she knew would therof come to her Sonne and his kingdom that in December following shee sent the Lord Gilbert Earle of Cassels Robert Cockburne Bishop of Dunkeld and the Abbot of Combuskeneth Ambassadours into England who comming to the Court on Christmasse eue the King gaue them audience to whom the Bishop made an eloquent Oration in Latine declaring the benefits of peace and the manifold discommodities of warre How happy a thing it were if by the marriage of their young King with the Lady Mary his Maiesties Daughter a perpetuall league and alliance might bee established betweene them The King liked well of this motion so as hee might obtaine his desire in two points First and especially that the Scottish Nobility would renounce the league with France Secondly that the young king his Nephew would come and remaine with him in England till he were of perfect age to marry his Daughter But because the Ambassadors had not commission to proceede so farre the Earle returned into Scotland to acquaint the Queene and Councell there-with The two other remained at London till his returne thither againe Here-vpon a Parliament was presently holden at Edenbrough from whence the Earle of Cassels was presentlie sent againe to the King of England with a fauourable answer to his two former demands But because that in the meane season Charles the Emperour renewed his former sute for the obtaining of the sayd Lady to his wife the King tooke a pawse therein for the present time prolonging the truce with Scotland for three yeares and a halfe and then the Ambassadours were all with much courtesie dismissed about the beginning of the yeare 1525. From hence-forward for the terme of about seauenteene yeares the league was still renued from time to time betweene the two Nations though now and then the borderers on both sides thorow the instigation of the Earle Dowglasse forsaken then of the Queene his wife and banished the realme againe made some out-roades one into the others Marches But all was quietly put vp and the two kings continued good neighbours one to the other In the beginning of the yeare 1534. amongst other proffers of marriage propounded by Charles the Emperour vnto king Iames who was desirous to match in his bloud a motion was made of his cousine Germaine the Ladye Mary king Henryes Daughter and Heire who as before you haue heard had beene in question but now for the space well neere of ten yeares had lien dead and no further dealt in King Iames answered in such sort as there-by it seemed that hee had a good will to hearken vnto it This Lady that was afterward Queene of England was once in speach as is before declared to haue beene marryed to the Emperour himselfe after that to Francis the French king But these motions were rather made I take it in policie then proceeding of any such meaning in eyther of those Princes neyther happilye had the King her Father any such purpose thinking her a fitter matche for his Nephew of Scotland then for eyther of them For in the latter end of this yeare the King sent thither the Bishop of Saint Dauies and the Lord William Howard brother to the Duke of Norffolke to intreate king Iames to appoint some time when the King their Maister and hee might meete together to conferre of matters of great importance tending much to the benefit of both the Realmes Further to tell him that it might come to passe if all things else sorted to his liking hee should espouse the Lady Mary his eldest Daughter for his other Daughter the Lady Elizabeth after her
conduct to passe thorowe her kingdome but will presently take order they shal be transported by her nauie into France If you make light reckning hereof wee call God and man to witnesse that wee haue not armed our selues vpon malice or stomacke but are vnwillinglie and of meere necessitie inforced to aduenture vpon extreame remidies least otherwise wee suffer the common-weale our selues and all our posteritie to bee cast downe headlong into an irrecouerable deapth of infinite calamities Neither yet shall anie daunger whatsoeuer though presentlie we sustaine much euill and more is like to fall on vs cause vs to depart from our dueties to our Queene or to resist the King her husband in anie thing which shall not manifestlie tend to the eminent daunger and destruction of our selues our posterities and ancient liberties But most gratious Prince wee doe humblie againe beseech you that weighing the equitie of our request and foreseeing what euill maie ensue of VVarre and howe necessary a thing Peace shall bee to the mis-affected estate of this your daughters kingdome it would not displease you to confirme your will to our iust petition which if you do you shall not onlie leaue to all Nations an acceptable memorie of the moderate carriage of your selfe in place of gouernment but thereby also giue tranquillitie and rest to the greatest part of Christendome Farewell At Dalkeith the fourth daie of Aprill Anno. 1560. These last wordes in the shutting vp of the letter were spoken I take it of the present estate of Scotland touching Religion For nowe had the better part of the Nobility taken vpon them the defence of the Preachers of the Gospell wherevpon they were named the Lords of the Congregation And this was the principall occasion of these broiles betwixt the Queene Regent who would haue maintained poperie and those of the Nobility How honorable and Christian a part was it then of the Queene of England to interpose her selfe into so iust a quarrell as is the defence of the most ancient apostolicall and vndoubted Religion and how much shall that Nation bee for euer bound vnto her Maiestie for so inestimable a benefit as thereby it hath hitherto happily enioyed What answere the Queene made to the Lords I find not but still one or other labored by all possible meanes to worke a reconciliation but al was in vaine for the Queene would not yeeld to the sending away of the French forces on which point the Lords stood stiflie At the approach of the army to Lieth on the sixt daie of Aprill the Frenchmen to the number of thirteene hundred issuing out of the towne tooke possession of a little Knole called the Halkes-hill thereby to preuent the Englishmen from incamping there but at length the enemy with the losse of some seauen score men was beaten backe to the very gates of the towne Diuerse Englishmen were also slaine and many more hurt but if it had beene knowne what aduantage was offred by the French their whole power it was thought might therby haue beene vtterly ouerthrowne VVhile the Lord Graie was at Muskelbrough on his way thitherward he sent Sir Iames Croft and Sir George Howard vnto the Queene to intreat an abstinence of warre for foure and twenty houres that in the meane time he might make knowne vnto her the cause of his comming in that manner and further that vpon some conditions hee would accept of peace The Queene consenting herevnto sent an Harauld to Lieth to giue knowledge thereof but whether the fault was in the messinger or in the Frenchmen the English armie was inforced to the fight after which hee refused any more parliance But proceeded to the siedge of Lieth which was no lesse valiantly assailed by the English then by the aduerse partie it was defended During which an accident happned in the towne that more indangered and damnified the enemie in one night then the assiliantes had done before in twentie For on the last day of Aprill about two hours before Sun-set a sodaine fire arose in the towne which beeing increased by an outragious winde then aloft continued till the next morning hauing consumed a great part of the buildings and amongst the rest certaine common Garners and Store-houses wherein was great prouision of corne and victualls Neither were the Englishmen slowe in pursuing the aduantage thereof For by remouing their great Ordinance on that side the towne they beat backe those which labored to quench the fire and entring the ditches tooke the height of the wall and so egarly assaulted the breaches that had not the Frenchmen fore-seene the danger they were falne into and continewally applied their businesse and stood to it manfully on euery quarter that nightes worke as it was thought would haue ended the warre for that time The siedge continued neere sixe weekes longer in which time many lost their liues on both sides At one assault which was the sharpest of all the rest an eight score Englishmen were slaine outright and not so few maymed and hurt But still thorow the especiall care and good fore-sight of the Duke of Northfolke then appointed to remaine in the North-partes for the direction of this seruice their wants whatsoeuer were from time to time supplied The French King vnderstanding into what distresse the towne was brought for the Frenchmen were now worne ouerweried with continuall watching warding sent two Ambassadors into England County Randon and Monluc Bishop of Valence to treat with the Queene for a peace with Scotland his wiues kingdome For hee held it an indgnity to seeke it at his subiects handes the Scottish Lords Her Maiesty being not vnwilling to accept of any reasonable conditions so as the French might be remoued was content to associate vnto them Maister Secretary Cecill afterwards Lord Burley and high Treasurer of England whilest he liued mine honorable good Lord and Maister and Doctor Wutton deane of Canterbury and Yorke These passing togither into Scotland after some three weeke● trauell concluded a peace on the eight day of Iuly following which was immediatly proclaimed at Lieth in these words The most mighty Princesse Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England France Ireland defender of the faith c. And the most Christian King Francis and Marie by the same grace of God King and Queene of France and Scotland haue accorded vpon a reconciliation peace and amity to be inuiolably kept betweene them their subiectes kingdomes and Countries And therefore in their names it is streitly commanded to all manner of persones borne vnder their obedience or being in their seruice to forbeare all hostility either by sea or land and to keepe good peace each with other from this time forwards as they wil answere there-vnto at their vttermost perills The most materiall articles were these that all the Frenchmen should depart the Realme with bagge and bagage within the tearme of twentie daies next following And because they wanted at that present shippes enough to receiue so great a
habere debent de domino rege hominibus suis Pro ista verò conuentione fine firmiter obseruando domino regi Henrico filio suo haeredibus suis à rege Scotiae haeredibus suis liberauit rex Scotiae domino Regi castellum de Rockesburgh castellum Puellarum castellum de Striuelinge in manu domini Regis ad custodienda castella assignabit rex Scotiae de redditu suo mensurabiliter ad voluntatem domini Regis Praeteria pro praedicta conuentione fine exequendo liberabit rex Scotiae domino Regi Dauid fratrem suum in obsidem comitem Duncanum comitem Waldenum similiter alios comites Barones cum alijs viris potentibus quorum numerus octo-decem Et quando Castella reddita fuerint illis Rex Scotiae Dauid frater eius liberabuntur Comites quidem Barones praenominati vnusquisque postquam liberauerit obsidem suum scilicet filium legitimum qui habuerit alij nepotes suos vel propinquiores sibi haeredes castellis vt dictum est redditis liberabuntur Praetereà Rex Scotiae Barones sui praenominati assecurauerint quod ipsi bona fide sine malo ingenio sine occasione facient vt Episcopi Barones caeteri homines terrae suae qui non affuerunt quando rex Scotiae cum domino Rege finiuit eandem ligiantiam fidelitatem domino Regi Henrico filio suo quum ipsi fecerunt et vt Barones homines qui affuerunt obsides liberabunt domino Regi de quibus habere voluerit Praetereà Episcopi Comites Barones conuentionauerunt domino Regi et Henrico filio suo Quod si Rex Scotiae aliquo casu a fidelitate domini regis filij a conuentione praedicta recederit ipsicum Domino Rege tenebunt sicut cum ligio domino suo contrà regem Scotiae contrà omnes homines ei inimicantes Et episcopi sub interdicto ponent terram regis Scotiae donec ipse ad fidelitatem Domini Regis redeat Praedictā itaque conuentionem firmitèr obseruandum bone fide sine malo ingenio Domino Regi Henrico filio suo haeredibus suis à Wilhelmo Rege Scotiae Dauid fratre suo Baronibus suis praedictis haeredibus eorum assecurauit ipse Rex Scotiae Dauid frater eius omnes Barones sui praenominati sicut ligij homines domini Regis contrà omnem hominem Henrici filij Regis salua fidelitate patris sui hijs testibus Richardo episcopo Abrincensi Iohanne Salisburiae Decano Roberto Abbate Malmesburiae Radulpho Abbate Mundesburg nec non alijs abbatibus comittibus baronibus duobus filijs suis scilicet Richardo Galfrido ex Rog. Houeden Besides the deliuery of the three Castles expressed in the former Charter the Scotish King did absolutely depart with all and surrender vnto King Henry and to his Heire for euer the Towne and Castell of Berwicke which forthwith was committed to the custody of Sir Geffrey Neuille The Castles of Edenbrough and Rockesbrugh were likewise kept by the kings apointment by Sir Roger and Sir William de Stutuille This meeting at Yorke was in the yeare 1175. where this businesse beeing dispatched the two Kings departed in kindnesse the one into Scotland the other towardes London Not long after king William vpon his summons repayred to North-Hampton where King Henrie had called a Parliament Diuerse Bishops and Abbotes of Scotland attended their king thither to acknowledge their subiection to the Church of England according to the Articles comprised in the former Charter and their ancient custome in former times but by no meanes they would yeeld thereunto notwithstanding that the Archbishop of Yorke shewed sufficient proues and priuileges granted by sundrie Bishops of Rome iustifiyng the right he pretended to the primacie ouer all the Scotish Clergie But because the Archbishop of Canterburie hoped to bring them vnder his iurisdiction or else enuying that his inferior should be axalted so farre aboue him hee so wrought with the king his Maister as that for the present there was no subiection acknowledged eyther to the one or other These two kings liued together in all loue and kindnesse in so much as the king of England imployed king William in his absence in his more weighty affayres in Normandie Also hee gaue vnto him to wife his cousin the Ladie Ermengard Daughter to Richard Vicount Beaumonte that was sonne to a Daughter of king William the Conquerour The mariage was solemnized at Woodstocke at the charge of the King who withall resigned to the Bridegroome his whole interest in the Castell of Edenbrough which King William forth-with bestowed vpon his new Wife as a portion of her dowrie augmenting the same with an hundred pounds land by the yeare and fortie knights fees Not long before this marriage Dauid king Williams Brother had marryed also an English woman named Mawde one of the Daughters of Hugh Bohun Earle of Chester otherwise called Keuelocke by which marriage hee was strongly allyed with the Nobilitie of England for his wiues three Sisters Mabell Agnes and Hauise were married to Daubigne Earle of Arundell Ferrers Earle of Darbye and to Quincie Earle of Lincolne These mariages were meanes of good agreement betweene these two nations for a long time after Within two or three yeares after the marriage of king William king Henry deceased in the fiue and thirtith yeare of his raigne whome his two Sonnes Richard and Iohn succeeded one after the other During the raigne of the former no occasion of quarrell was offered on either side but the two kings liued together in all familiaritie and perfect friendshippe for immediatly after the coronation of king Richard the Scotish king beeing honourablie attended with the Archbishop of Yorke the kings base Brother and with diuerse Barons and others of England passed thorough the realme to Canterburie where king Richard had assembled in counsell his Lords spirituall and temporall At this meeting king William and Dauid his Brother together with the English Lords tooke an oathe to continue true to the king of England and to abide in due obedience vnder him and his lawes beeing now to leaue them for a season for hee was so farre passed on his iourney towards the Holy-land as it was then called And the more firmely to binde the Scotish king by his liberalitie to the obseruance of this othe hee there restored vnto him all the other three Castles at Berwicke Rockesbrough and Sterlinge and withall that parte of Northumberland which king Henrie his Father had taken from him when hee was his prisoner Further king Richard resigned vnto him the counties of Cumberland and Huntington but with this condition that all the Castels should still abide in the custodie of such as king Richard should place in them Lastly he released him of all further paiments and summes of money due for his ransome excepting tenne thousand
for the proofe of this pretended Superioritie ouer the Kings of Scotland praeter to vse his owne words veteres fabulas recentes iniurias besides old farlies late iniuries I will not stand vpon the testimonies fetched from beyond the Danish and some of the Saxon Kings because happilie they may seeme not much to the purpose beeing without the compasse of the last conquerors title vnder which the succeeding kings of England must make their claime but let vs see what interest they can deriue from and vnder him It is granted that all the kings of Scotland from the conquest till that time haue done homage one after other to the kings of England but not for the Realme of Scotland say they for what then forsooth for those landes and signories which they held of the kings of England with in England I would then gladly know when in the sixt yeare or there-about of the Conquerors raigne vpon the conclusion of peace betweene him and king Malcolme of Scotland for the auoiding of further controuersie in time to come the two kingdomes were seuered and diuided by markes and bounds in so memorable manner as is before declared what landes and possessions did king Malcolme then hold pertaining to the Crowne of England Cumberland saith Buchanane that part of Northumberland saith an other that lyeth betweene the riuer of Tweed Cumberland and Staenmore well but whatsoeuer they were were they not included and contained within those limits and bounds then erected If not to what purpose serued that notorious diuision of the two kingdomes either then haue the Sootish writers erred in the approbation of that most solemne particion or else must king Malcome then doe homage to the Conqueror for his kingdome of Scotland which being granted then let it bee showed how and when his heires after him were discharged of that seruice Againe how came it to passe that in the said sixt yeare of the raigne of the Conquerour Michael the elect Bishop of Glascoe receaued consecration at the hands of Thomas then the Atchbishop of Yorke as of the primate of Scotland binding himselfe by oath to the obedience of that Sea Tothade the Bishop of Saint Androwes did the like at the commandement of Malcome the third king of Scotland If then a Bishop of England had right to this supremacie ouer the cleargie of Scotland why should then the like preheminence bee denied to the kings of England at that time ouer the seculer state of the same kingdome Further what moued King William of Scotland together with Earle Dauid his brother and the Scotish Lords then present both temporall and spirituall to acknowledge and sweare fealtie to King Henry the second forsooth because his subiects loued him so well that for his redemption they would haue yeelded to any conditions whatsoeuer As though king Henry was so vnreasonable that contrary to the custome of all nations he would not accept of any other submissiō but that he should be the first king of Scotlād that became his vassaile when was it euer heard before that kings haue so dealt one with another as though an vsuall ransome yea a very small sum seeing he was taken with the losse of little bloud or none at all would haue bin refused for his liberty I doubt much whether the Lords of Scotland would euer haue yeelded to an exacted subiection for the loue onely of their king especially hauing then amongst them the Lord Dauid a man of so worthy parts as he was no way inferiour to his brother Lastly what mooued king Alexander the third and his Lords to acknowledge the like allegiance to King Henry the third the two kingdomes being seperated in manner as at the agreement betweene the Conqueror and Malcolm Cammoir Therefore these are friuolous shifts because they will not seeme altogether mute in a matter so much importing as they take it the glory of their Nation But howsoeuer some others amongst them haue beene ouer-come with ouer vehement an affection towards their natiue countrie whereby many times they haue suppressed the trueth when it sounded somewhat too harshe for their hearing yet I cannot but maruell at Buchanan a man well learned and iudicious how hee could be drawne into so peruerse a conceit of King Edwards demeanure in this action Where-vnto it is now time to returne hoping a time will come when as this difference shall not be offensiue any more The King of England about Easter next according to his appointment repaired in●o the North-parts and beeing come to Norham hee caused all the Prelates and Barons of Scotland to bee called before him to whom he declared his readinesse to vnder-take the deciding of this great controuersie concerning a title to a kingdome That in requiring his assistance and making offer to stand to his finall sentence therein they had done no more then by the duty of their allegiance they were bound vnto whereof if any amongst them doubted they might be thorowly satisfied by taking a view of such records and obseruations as hee caused faithfully to bee gathered out of the best Historiographers of both Nations which then were openly read amongst them which being so fresh in memory no man made further question thereof Wherevpon King Ed●ard was acknowledged Superior Lord of Scotland of all the competitours and a writing was drawne subscribed and confirmed with their hands and feales testifying this their voluntarie recognition in these words A toux iceulx qui ceste presente lettre verrunt ou orrunt c. To all them that this present writing shall see or heare Florence Earle of Holland Robert le Bruce Lord of Auuandale Iohn Cumine Lord of Badenowe Patrike de Dunbarre Earle of Marche Iohn de Balliol Lord of Galloway Iohn Hastings Lord of Abergeuennie Iohn de Vescie insteed of his Father Nicholas de Sules and Walter Rosse send greeting in our Lord. Whereas all we pretend to haue right to the kingdome of Scotland and intend to declare chalenge and proue the fame before him that hath the best authoritie iurisdiction and reason to examine our right and that the noble Prince the Lord Edward by the grace of God King of England by good and sufficient reasons hath informed vs that the superior domination of Scotland belongeth to him and that hee ought to haue the knowledge hearing examining and defyning of our right we of our free-willes without all violence and constraint do will consent and grant to receiue our right before him as the superiour Lord of our land We will also and promise that we shall haue and hold his deed for firme and stable and that hee shall haue the kingdome vnto whom before him best right shall giue the same In witnesse whereof we haue to these letters put our seales Yeuen at Norham the Tuesday next after the feast of the Ascension of our Lord in the yeare 1291. for the more strong ratification hereof the King further demanded full possession and seisure of the realme of
no reckning of the holie Fathers threates wherevpon the Bishoppes published his terrible execrations against them so as King Robert Iames Dowglasse and Thomas Randolfe with all their partakers were at euerie masse thorough out England solemlie accursed three times Neuerthelesse the next yeare the Scottes inuaded the land againe a fresh so that all this cost and coniuration little or nothing auailed One companie vnder the conduct of the Earle of Murry assailed the Bishopricke of Durham An other was leade by Iames Dowglasse and the Lord Steward of Scotland who also deuiding themselues the one companie wasted the Country towardes Hartlepoole and Cleueland the other intended as much to Richmonde where the townes-men to redeeme their peace departed with a good round some of mony payed vnto them as they had done also latelie before While the Scottes tooke their pleasure in this manner in the North partes for the space of fiueteene daies the gentlemen there about repayred to Pomfret to the Earle of Lancaster offring to ioyne with him against the enemie but the Earle was not disposed to aduenture his life in the quarell of him who as he tooke it had done him much wrong But howe true soeuer that was most certaine it is that he both wronged himselfe and highlie offended his Soueraigne in taking armes against him shortly after which cost him no lesse price then the losse of his life as it bee fell to diuerse others his partakers at the battaile at Borowgh-bridge the sixteene daie of March 1321. This Earle was the greatest in title and possessions that euer yet was in England for hee was together inuested with the Earldomes of Lancaster Lincolne Leicester Derbie and Salisburie So as if hee had continued faithfull to his Prince hee might haue beene a great ayde vnto him and the realme but contrarywise as it hath beene often since seene in this land his greatnesse made him an enemie both to King and country as appeared by diuerse letters out of Scotland intercepted in their carriage hither to the Lords of his confederacie which were openly read and published afterwards in London During these troubles the Scots and French-men ceased not to molest the realme on both sides for King Robert about Midsomer following entred by the West Marches as farre as Kendall and from thence thorow Lancashire to Prestone in Andernesse burning and wasting all that stood in their way foure-score miles within the land and hauing taken their pleasure for the space of three weekes returned home without battaile The King of England being thus molested by their continuall incursions hauing also sent his Brother Edmond Earle of Kent ouer into G●yenne for the defence thereof against the French-men passed yet once againe into Scotland King Robert vnderstanding what great preparation was made and in readinesse for to come against him thought it not fitte to hazard his estate being now brought to the height of his desires vpon the tickle successe of a battaile or two and therefore hee caused all the Cattle and Sheepe in the countrie to bee driuen vp to the Mountaines and what-so-euer else might serue the Englishmen to any good vse was either bestowed in some place of strength or else made vnfitte for any purpose Hee with his horse-men with-drew them-selues further into the land then that it should stand with the safetie of his enimies to approach them Hereby it came to passe that when King Edward was come to Edenborough hee was forced for want of victuals and other necessaries which bred many diseases amongst his people within fifteene dayes after his entrie into Scotland to returne home-wardes hauing onely by assault taken Norham Castell King Robert vnderstanding how much the English Armie was weakned by the great mortalitie of the common souldiours ouer-passed not so fitte an opportunitie but with all speed pursued the Englishmen wasting and spoiling the land euen as farre as Yorke and hauing gotten knowledge that king Edward was then at the Abbey of Beighland hee so couertly conducted his Armie thither as that setting on his enimies at vnawares he put them all to flight the king himselfe hardly escaping their hands In this conflict for some small resistance was made such as their short warning would afford The Lord Iohn Britaine Earle of Richmonde was taken prisoner besides diuers other of the inferiour sort The kings treasure and furniture with all the prouision and preparation pertayning to the host was either spoyled or caried away This hapned about the twelft of October anno 1322. After this defeature the Scottes passed further into the land comming to Beuerley the towns-men gaue them a summe of money wherewith they bought their peace hauing now remained in England a month foure daies they returned from thence home-wards King Edward now despairing of any better successe in time to come and withall foreseeing what trouble was likely to arise within his owne realme as afterwards came to passe sought meanes to obtayne peace with Scotland which in the end was yeelded vnto and the same to endure for thirteene years about the tenth of Iuly in the yeare following it was proclamed in the chiefe citties townes of both Nations The Scottes were also now content to be reconciled to the Pope hauing first recouered obtayned in England whatsoeuer they well-nere desired At the same time the league was renewed with Charles the French King lately then come to his Crowne with an addition to the former articles viz that if at any time after controuersie should arise about the succession and right to the Crowne of Scotland the same should be heard and determined by the Nobility and peeres of those two Nations onely King Edward hauing obtained peace with Scotland the French King beganne to quarell with him for default of his personall apearance being summoned therevnto to acknowledge his homage for the duchie of Aquitaine and the country of Poytou vpon which occasion the Queene his wife and the Prince of Walles were sent into France to treate with the king her brother of an agreement betweene him her husband which she effected Neuerthelesse whether she was staied their against her will vpon some complaint made of her husband or that she could not happily indure the two Spencers who were then in greatest estimation with him it seemed she had no great desire to returne into England which being perceiued or rather plotted by diuers of the Nobility and others fauoring her part more then the kings they daylie passed ouer vnto her by whom beeing brought into England the greater number forsooke the King and ioyned themselues with the Queene and her Sonne into whose handes he was thereby forced in the ende to resigne his Crowne and Scepter and shortlie after to yeeld his bodie to the violence of his cruell tormentors who beereaued him of life as the others did of lybertie hauing raigned neere twentie yeares Such was the ende of this vnfortunate King by whose misgouernment the Realme was greatlie impouerished and weakned
vnto him if by any good meanes a firme peace and amitie with England might bee obteined tooke occasiō now in the time of truce to send for the Bishop of Durham who was shortly after admitted by king Henry to repaire into Scotland Beeing come to the kings presence after much friendly speach hee made knowne vnto him his great desire to confirme a perfect peace and vnitie with England by takeing to wife the Lady Margaret eldest Daughter to the king his Maister The Bishop willingly promised his best indeuour to bring the matter to passe which about three yeares after was effected accordingly not-with-standing that in the meane season Prince Arthur the kings eldest sonne deceasing Prince Henry his brother remained onely a barre betweene her and the Crowne True it is that this Ladye was affianced and by proxie contracted to the Scottish king while Prince Arthur yet liued about sixe weekes after his marriage with the Lady Katherine of Spaine Neuer-the-lesse if king Henry had beene disposed vpon his sonnes death to haue broken and auoyded the same it had beene no difficult point for him to haue preuailed so much with the Pope who not long after dispenced in a matter of greater offence with the marriage I meane of king Henry the eight with the said Lady Katherine his brothers wife It is reported by Morgan that when the king of Englands Councell began to fore-cast some perill in this match with Scotland his Maiestie vpon good aduise answered that although that thing should come to passe hereby which they seemed to stand in doubt of namely the intitling of king Iames and his posteritie to the Crowne of England hee so little distrusted that any inconuenience should insue thereof vnto this realme as that for his part he thought nothing could happen more gratious to both nations which by that meane should be vnited and made one Monarchie And further that Scotland being much inferior in quantitie and qualitie vnto England should bee therefore reputed and held but a dependence on it as Normandie was at the time of the Conquest And lastlie when that should come to passe hee that by this mariage should be heire to both kingdomes would in his stile of regalitie preferre England before the other This was the ninth time that since the conquest the Scottish Kings haue married with the English Nation and for the more part with the bloud royall from all which some issue hath sprung two onely excepted For first Malcolme Cammoire king of Scotland married Margaret sister to Edgar Atheling whose sonne king Dauid married Mawde the Daughter and heire of Waltheolfe Earle of Northumberland whose sonne Prince Henry maried a Daughter of Earle Warham whose sonne king William married the Lady Ermangard the daughter of Richard Vicount Beaumont who was sonne to a Daughter of William the Conquerour Alexander the second their sonne married the Lady Iane Sister to King Henrie the second but had no issue by her Alexander the third his sonne married Margaret Daughter to King Henry the third whose posteritie ended in Margaret their grand-child the heire of Norway After this Dauid Bruse whose great Grand-mother was Daughter to Hugh Bohume Earle of Chester and wife to Dauid brother to King William of Scotland maried Iane Sister to King Edward the second but hee dyed with-out issue where-vpon the crowne of Scotland descended vnto the Noble and ancient familie of the Stewards the third king whereof Iames the first maried the Lady Iane Daughter of Iohn Earle of Somerset which Iames was great Grand-father to this Iames who now last of all maried the eldest Daughter of this King Henry from whom Iames the sixt now King is lineally descended in the third degree both by Father and Mother Though in the meane time none of our Kings haue maried with Scotland saue onely King Henrie the first whereby the Crowne returned to the Saxon bloud as hath beene declared yet diuers of our Nobilitie haue matched in the bloud royall of Scotland Hereby it appeareth how much that Nation hath alwayes sought to strengthen it selfe by alliance with England though France hath of late so much preuailed that therein it hath beene preferred before vs but with no very good successe as the sequell declareth During the life of King Henry which was within two months of sixe yeares after this marriage no occasion of quarrell was offered on either part but all loue and kindnesse that might bee desired passed betweene the two Kings Neither did king Henry the eight that succeeded his Father giue his brother in lawe king Iames anie iust occasion to breake friendshippe with him but it seemeth the same wholy proceeded from the subtile practise of France our ancient enemie as many times before that Nation had done the like for it hath beene euer their policie to sowe dissention betweene England and Scotland to the end they might set the king of England on worke at home fearing hee would otherwise be too busie with them This Henrie hauing with great felicity raigned neere foure and twenty yeares leaft behinde him vnto his Sonne king Henrie the eight so assured and setled a kingdome and withall such aboundance of treasure as neuer any of his predecessours did the like before him He died in the yeare of our redemption 1509. In the third yeare of this last king Henries raigne it fell out that Lewis the French king made sharpe warre on Pope Iulius in Ittalie wherevpon thorough the solicitation of Maximilian the Emperour and Ferdinand king of Spaine whose Daughter king Henrie had married by dispensation from that martiall Prelate hee was easilie drawne to ioyne with them in the Popes behalfe King Iames hauing not long before receiued manie fauoures of the French King and amongst the rest two shippes fraught with gunnes speares and all other kinde of munition for warre a good preparatiue to the practise following was thereby made more inclinable to the French faction And for a further spurre therevnto diuerse of his clergie who had likewise tasted of the liberality of king Lewis sought all occasiones where-by to prick him forward in that course This could not be compassed till such time as they had first alienated him wholie from his former affection towards England To which end the Bishoppe of Murrey a priuie man of that faction was sent to King Henrie now well-nere after nine yeares silence to demand a certaine pretious vestement and rich attire which as was pretended was giuen to the Scottish Queene by her brother Prince Arthur at his death King Henry distrusting some subtilty herein to the end hee would preuent all occasion of vnkindnesse answered that the king his brother should not onely haue at his hands that which was dewe but else whatsoeuer he desired of him The Bishoppe with this answere which was better happelie then he either wished or exspected returned home But howsoeuer King Iames regarded the message this Bishoppe was forth-with sent into France and after him certaine shippes well
further charged to warne thee not to vse the acquaintance companie or counsell of women for if thou doe otherwise it will turne to thy losse and dishonour This being said hee with-drew him-selfe backe againe into the prease When seruice was ended the king inquired earnestly for him but hee could no where bee found neither could any of the standers by of whom diuerse did narowlie obserue him meaning afterwards to haue questioned further with him feele or perceiue how or when hee passed from them Queene Margaret after the death of her husband challenged the protection of the realme as the king by his last Will and Testament disposed the same so long as shee continued a widow Being therein established first of all she wrote to king Henry her brother intreating him not onely to cease from pursuing warre further vpon Scotland beeing euen then at warre with it selfe but also to bee a defence vnto her and the infant her sonne not much aboue a yeare old against all such as happily would oppose thēselues against her Here-vnto King Henry answered that with the peaceable hee would haue peace but to the froward seditious he would be an enemy Not long after Queene Margaret hauing maried Archibald Dowglas the prime and choise man amongst all the Scotish nobility the realme began to be deuided into two mighty factions They of the Dowglassian party would haue the gouernmēt continued in the Queene because thereby the realme should still haue peace with England which at that season was a point very necessarily to be respected The aduerse party of whom the Lord Hume was the principall man pretending an ancient custome in that case importuned the election of Iohn Duke of Albanie sonne to the former Duke Alexander This gentleman for the most part had liued before in France and was wholy deuoted to the seruice of King Francis who to bind him the faster vnto him had dealt very honorably with him at his departure into Scotland Immediatly vpon his arriuall great dissention arose betwixt him and others of the Scottish Nobility but especially the Lord Hume who as before I haue touched was the chiefe meane of his preferment to that place Queene Margaret much fearing the issue hereof together with her husband and some other of that faction for her more safely repaired into England During her abode there she was deliuered at Herbottle of a Daughter the Lady Margaret Dowglas grand-mother to King Iames the sixt now king by his father as her brother King Iames the fift was his grand-father by his mother So as his Father and Mother were the children of brother and sister namely of Iames the fift and this Lady Margret his halfe sister But the new Regent the Duke of Albanie so excused himselfe by Ambassage to the king of England in that point that within a yeare after the Queene returned into Scotland honorably attended and richly appointed of all things fit for her estate The Earle Dowglas her husband who in the meane season had obtained the Regents fauour receiued her at Berwicke and from thence did accompanie her home All quarrels in the meane time being well appeased in Scotland the Regent passed ouer into France committing the yong Prince together with the gouernment of the realme in his absence to certaine of the Nobilitie but aboue all the rest hee reposed most trust in a Frenchman named Anthonie Darcie Captaine of the Castell of Dunbarre whom he ioyned in commission with the Scottish Lords to the end he might giue him intelligence of all their proceedings in his absence It was this mans hap soone after to be slaine by the Scots for more despite to haue his head stroken off and set vpon Hume Castell to the view of all that passed by This outrage was cōmitted the twelfe of September in the yeare 1517. which gaue beginning to some new broiles amongst them During the absence of the Duke the Dowglassian faction bare greatest sway for the continuance whereof king Henry laboured the French King to keepe the Duke still with him neuer-the-lesse by reason of some trouble likely to arise betweene France England the Regent returned into Scotland about fiue yeares after his departure thence with a purpose to abate the ouer-great powre of the Dowglas Immediatly herevpō Gawen Dowglas Bishop of Dunkell a very reuerend man came into England informed the king how great an aduersary the Regent was to his whole family and that he alone had taken on him the custody of the yong king the sequell whereof hee much feared This Bishop died shortly after at London was buried in the Sauoy church King Henry vpon this complaint sent Clarentius king at Armes into Scotland to admonish the Duke to auoide the country according to the Articles agreed vpon the summer before in the last truce takē with the French king for the king held it very vnreasonable and inconuenient to admit him sole Gardian ouer the yong Prince that was next heire after him to the Crowne least happily by such opportunity he might be tempted to cōmit the like vnnatural cruelty which some haue done in the like case both in England Scotlād That therfore the king his maister said Clarentius had great reason to prouide for the safty of his nephew wherof hee could no way bee better assured then by keeping him from that place and authority in Scotland But of all these threats the Regent seemed to make light account Now began the French king to quarrell againe with king Henry before the truce was fully expired where-vpon all the Frenchmen and Scots that then inhabited in London and other places of the realme were put to their fines and a strong Nauie was forth-with sent to the Sea vnder the conduct of Sir William Fitz-Williams Vice-admirall and seauen other were at the same time sent also against Scotland the which entring into the Furth set fire on diuerse Scottish ships and so returned with their prisoners into England The same yeare the Lord Rosse and the Lord Dacres of the North who were appointed to keepe the borders entred also with their forces into Scotland and burnt the towne of Kelsoe besides many other villages ouer-threw sundry holdes and piles of stone and then returned home with their booties The Regent being here-with prouoked to reuenge raised a great powre where-with approaching the Marches he fully purposed to inuade England But whether it were that hee thought himselfe ouer-weake to incounter the English armie that was comming on apace vnder the conduct of the Earle of Shrewsburie or that hee stood not well assured of some of his owne company which was more likely he was well contented to harken vnto peace so that a truce was taken for some few monthes and then with no little staine to his reputation he turned back-againe In October following the Duke passed ouer againe into France promising his fauorites that if a peace were not in the meane time concluded with England hee would