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A10173 Protestants demonstrations, for Catholiks recusance All taken from such English Protestant bishops, doctors, ministers, parlaments, lawes, decrees, and proceedings, as haue beene printed, published, or allowed among them in England; since the cominge of our king Iames into this kingdome: and for the most parte within the first six or seuen yeares thereof. And euidentlie prouinge by their owne writings, that english Catholiks may not vnder damnable syn, co[m]municate with English Protestants, in their seruice, sermons, or matters of religion: and soe conuincinge by the[m]selues, their religio[n] to be most damnable, & among other things, their ministery to bee voide, false & vsurped. Broughton, Richard, attributed name. 1615 (1615) STC 20450; ESTC S112509 81,861 158

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Parkers Registe● Soe that if any cred●●t is to bee g●uen to these men they had seene three different Registers of this matter and all of them false not onely for that which is proued before but because M. Mason Mason sup ventureth his owne their Register and pretended Bishops creditt vppon an imagined consecration in the moneth of Dec●mber in the second Stow ●istor An. 1 Elizab Hollin Speed supr yeare of Queene Elizabeth when by the testimonie of their protestant historiās Stowe Holinshed and Speed they were allowed for Bishops by Queene Elizabeth many monethes before and practised those places in the first yeare of her Raigne And for his pretended Masō Speed Hollinsh supr Bishop and Consecrator Miles Couerdale yt is euident by Mason himselfe Speed and Holinshed that hee neuer was allowed in Queene Elizabeth her time to haue a B●shopricke or bee a Bishop such is their euidence alsoe of their pretended Suffragan or Suffraganes Therefore if they were not B●shops they could not bee consecra●inge Bis●ops to giue that which they had not neither were allowed to haue by those protestants Againe M. Mason telleth vs that the Queenes Commission vnto thes pretended Consecrators and other warrant they had not was to make them Bishops secundum formam statutorum in ea parte prouisorum accordinge to the forme of the statutes prouided in that behalfe And yett the statute Stat. Henr. 8. of Bish. Stat. 1. Eliz of kinge Henry the eight and Queene Elizabeth co●demneth the making of an Archbishop except by an Archbishop and two other Bishops or sower Bishops And yett by thes men neither of thes was obserued in this pretended consecrat●on further by the same princes lawes their Stat. H●●● 8. of 〈◊〉 ag Stat. ● Eliz ●m●gin●d Suffraganes had noe power in such thin●s neither any at all out of their Bishops iuri●dictions and without their allowance both wanting in this case when there were noe Bi●●ops of those places to haue iurisdiction o● giue allowance Soe now by thes men themselues the onely difficultie remayneth of Barlowe made B●shop as M. Mason saith in time of kinge Henry 8. S●ory by kinge Edward 6 and his new inuention But for Barlowe wee ar● directly told by D. Suttcliffe that neither Sutcliff ag kell pag 4. h●e nor any of such creation is a true and lawfull Bishop for M Scory and all of his stampe or making in the dayes of kinge Edward 6. Queene Elizabeth or kinge Iames from them not onely M. Foxe But M. Mason alsoe is wittnes Foxe tom 2 ●●g 10●4 Mason li 2. pag. 92. that t●ey were not reputed for true Bishops as appeareth by thes their wordes the wordes of D. Brooke Bi●hop of Glocester the Popes delegate to Ridley at ●is degradation Wee must aga●nst our willes proceed according to our Commission to disgradinge taking from you the dignitie of preisthood for wee take you for noe Bishop And soe they thought of the rest And this was not onely the opinion of diuines and catholicks but of protestants and cheefest law●ers and Iudges themselues euen in the time of Q. El●zabeth her selfe The opinion and Report of Sr. Robert Brooke cheife Iustice of the common Brooke Abrid 1576. titul leases §. 68. pleas then published are thes It is said that Bishops in the time of kinge Ed●ard 6 were not consecrated and therefore were not Bishops And therefore a lease for yeares made by such and confirmed by the deane and C●apter shall not binde the Successor for suc● ●ere neuer Bishops Therefore if this veritie of the in●alid●tie of those pretended B●shops was thus notoriously knowne and iudged by our common lawe and iudges thereof euen in ciuill affaires much more wee are to bee of that minde concerninge the spirituall and sacred function it selfe and in religeous duties not in the power of our lawes to limitt The same is proued in the Reports of Sr. Iames Dyer Lord cheife iustice of the same Court for whereas the statute Stat. An. 2. Eliz. cap. 1. of Queene Elizabeth concerninge her straunge supreamacie in matters of Religion gaue power to all Bishops to minister the same vnto all ecclesiasticall parsons within their dioces and iurisdiction Bishop Boner being depriued from the See of London by this highest archiepiscopall or papall power of that Queene and Horne a protestant by her substituted to be Bishop of Winchester he thinking himselfe sufficiently by her allowance to bee Bishop at leaste to that purpose offereth this new oathe to Bishop Boner lyuing a prisoner within Winchester iurisdiction The Bishop refusing the oathe was indicted vppon that statute to which indictment hee pleaded quod ipse non In nouel Cases collect per ●asques Dyer chris ●ustice ac ●●om banke termin Michael an 6. 7. Eliz. fol 234. ●st inde culpabilis that hee was not culpable because the said Bishop of Winchester was not a Bishop at the time of offering the oathe After this was c●r●fied into the kings bench and thus related by their cheife Iustice L. Dyer Edmond Bo●●r late Bishop o● lond●n was certified in the kings Bench by Doctor Horne Bishop of winchester for refusinge of the new oathe appointed for ecclesiasticall parsons by the statute in the first yeare of the now Queene in the first chapter offered and ministred to him in Southwarke in winchester ho●se there And concerning the former plea and Issue of Bishop Boner hee addeth thus And it was much debated by all the Iustices in the chamber of the ●orde Catlyne then cheife Iustice of England yf Boner might giue in Euidence vppon this Issue that is That h●e is not thereof culpable because the said Bishop of winchester was not a Bishop at the time of offeringe the oathe And yt was resolued by them all that if the truth and matter were such in deed yt should for that bee well receaued vppon that issue and the iury shall try yt Hitherto the wordes and sentence of all those protestant iudges Soe that as by the Censure of the Lorde Brooke and the iudges then the pretended Bishops of kinge Edwards time were clearly adiuged to bee noe B●shops Soe the same opinion now in the time of Queene Elizabeth by bothe the Cheife Iustices and all other Iudges is that the pretended Bishops of Q Elizabeth her appointinge were noe Bishops Otherwise they would not soe disgracefully to their new noe Bishops and Religion haue refused to proceed to triall of that matter and that Issue with Bishop Boner a disgraced Man and in case where they themselues were to giue Iudgment And to make this more euident in the next parlament in the eight yeare of that Queene by publicke decree Statut. An. 8. Elizab. cap. 1. or statute they absolutely free Bishop Boner and all others in his case from all penaltie and forfaicture for refusing that oathe tendered by such pretended Bishops And for noe other reason but that it was moste manifest in all true Iudgment that
such are soe renowned Saints with God in heauen and that out of the true church there is noe saluation remission of sinnes or hope of eternall life and there is but one true church Catholicks in conscience cannot forsake the Religion and communion of that sacred and sauing Roman church to communicate with protestants Againe I argue thus That church and Religion ● vnto which all former good Christians of this kingdome whether Brittanes Romanes Saxons Danes Noruegians or Normans kinges or subiects were vnited in Religion vntill the tyme of kinge Henry the eight is still in all prudent Iudgment to bee continued in and communicated withall But the Romane church and Religion is such Therfore not to bee forsaken The maior proposition is euidently true for of necessitie that Religion of Christ which is good and maketh the professors of it such is to bee embraced and followed and they which embrace and followe yt to bee imitated and communicated with and the contrary to bee auoyded and forsaken for as it is the nature of goodnes and good thinges to bee desired and embraced Soe of euill such things to bee left and refused The Minor proposition is manifest by too many protestants to bee recited in this place I will therefore onely alledge their cheifest latest and moste approued writers M. Speed taking vppon him the name of the Author of the late booke called the Theater of greate Britaine is soe partiall a reporter Theater of greate Brit. in all christian kings vntill Henry 8. of things for protestants by Instigation of their Bishops and Ministers that hee is taxed by all indifferent men that were either the Composers of yt or that haue perused it with equall Iudgment And yett hee is wittnes through the Regiments of all Christian kings of England from Lucius the first vnrill the desolution begen by K. Henry the eight that the popes supreamacies Holy sacrifices of Masse prayer to Saincts and for the deade reuerence of Holy relicks and Images pilgrimage purgatory and other catholicke doctrines now impugned by protestants were euer allowed and generally practiced in this kingdome by practice and deuoute profession whereof to omit subiects though of high renowne sonnes and daughters of kings them selues more kings and Queenes in England became religeous monkes and Nunnes and now by thes protestants are honored for glorious kinges Queenes and Saincts in heauen Then euer were protestant kinges and Queenes in all the world though neuer so● vnworthy the name of Theater of greate Brit. pag. 33. n. 8. pag. 49. n. 5. pag. 53. pag 159 p. 161. pag. 294. pag. 298. pag. 301. pag. 305. Theat supr pag. 344. pag. 47. pag. 302. pag. 306. pag. 308. pag. 310. pag. 311. pag. 338. pag. 361. pag. 364. pag. 366. Saincts or sanctitie Such were as thes protestants tell vs Kinge and Sainct Ethelbert kinge and Sainct Offa and Sainct Fremandus his sonne kinge and Sainct Cheldwald kinge and Saint Sebba and his sonne and heire kinge and Saint Sigh●rd kinge and Saint Ceolnulph kinge and Saint Egbert kinge and Saint Ethelred kinge and S. Errcombert kinge and S. Inas kinge and Saint Richarde kings and Saincts Edwards kinges and Sainct Epmunds and others women Queenes and Saincts Queene and Saint Outhburge Queene and Sainct Etheldred Queene and Saint Kineburge Queene and Saint Eadburge Queene and S. Eue Queene and S. Ethelburge Queene and S. Oswith kinge Sebba his wife not named by them Queene and Sainct kinswith Queene and Sainct Ermenh●ld Queene and S. Sexburge Queene and S. Ethelswith Queene S. Elfride Queene and S. Eanfled Queene and S. Edgine Queene and S. Edith Queene and S. Elfgine Queene and S. Emna Queene and Saint Eleanor with others That thes holy kinges and Queenes now glorious Saincts in heauen such as a false Religion could not make them were of that holy catholicke and Romane Religion which wee now professe and for profession Theater in those kinges and Queenes c. Bale l. de scrip Britan. in Augustino Parker in antiq Britan in Cranmer will in Synops Antylog c. Theater pa. 203. cap 9. Suteliff ag Kell pa. 105 Theater sup pag. 222. kinge Edw. lavves fol. 231. pag. 1. thereof vndergoe soe many miseries not only this their Theater but their pretended Bishop Bale before their soe named Archbishop Parker Doctor Willet and others testifie neither was there from the begynning by their writings any Religion or iurisdiction lawfully practised in this kingdome but from S. Peter the Apostle and the Popes of Rome of S. Peter thus they write That hee here founded churches D. Sutcliffs argument of Supreamacie and ordayned preists and deacons is reported by Simon Metaphra●●es out of the greeke antiquities not likely to corrupt for the Romane church Guilielmus Eisingrenius in the first of his Century whoe saith that Peter was here in Neroes tyme They vrge for Pope and S. Eleuthertus epistle to kinge Lucius the lawes of S. Edward published by their protestant frend M. Lambert of Kent out of their Bishop Parkers library And by them and those their published lawes is euident that the Brittanes did not onely receaue all spirituall Iurisdiction Religion Bishops and preists from that holy Pope but temporall benefites more then protestants are gratefull for or I meane to vrge or stand vppon The wordes of those their cited lawes in the very page before are thes concerning King Edwards lavve● fol. 130 pa. 2. the Crowne of England The whole land all the Ilands to Norway and Denmarke belonge to the Crowne of his kingdome and are of the appendancies and dignities of the kinge and it is one Monarchie and o●e kingdome and was sometime called the kingdome of Britanye and now called the kingdome of Englishmen For Lord Eleutherius Pope whoe first sent an hallowed Crowne to Britanny and Christianitie by Gods inspiration to Lucius kinge of the Britannes appointed and allowed to the Crowne of the kingdome such metes and bowndes as are said before Of our Conuersion and Religion by S. Augustine and after they haue spoken sufficiently before I will add but one testimonie of their primatiue kinge and Saint Ina● their words bee thus Kinge Ina builded the renowned abbey of Theater pa. 298. 299. n. 11. Glastembury moste stately to the honor of Christ Peter and Paule where formerly stood the old Cell of Ioseph of Aremathia Which this kinge Ina after a moste sumptuous maner new built The Chappell whereof he garnished with gold syluer and gaue riech ornaments therto as altare Chalice Censor candlesticks Bason and holy water buckett Imadges and pale for the altare of an incredible value For the golde there vppon besiowed amounted to three hundred three pownde whaight and the syluer to twoe thowsand eight hundred thirtie fiue pownde besides prctious gemmes embrouched in the celebrating vesteres hee instituted a yearely payment to the See of Rome a penny for an howse on lammas day called Peter pence After hee had raigned in
they were noe Bishops being of necessitie either made by a woman which they confesse could not doe yt or by the pretended Bishops of kinge Edwards makinge vtterly alsoe as before condemned by lawe and the Iudges themselues And yett of thes twoe ab●urdities that which was the worst and moste absurde to bee made by a woman vncapable must needs bee their case For the new Booke of cōsecr statu An. 3. Ed 6. ca 12. Stat. 1. Mar. Booke of Article● of Religion 1562 articul 36. Stat. An. 8. Elizab. c. 1. forme and fashion of making pretended Bishops and preists in the time of the child kinge Edward the sixt abolished by Queene Mary was neuer reuiued by the english protestants vntill their booke of Articles made in the fourth or fift yeare of Queene Elizabeth made in their conuocation consisting as before is euident onely of lay men without authoritie receaued yt and was neuer allowed by parlament vntill this in the eight yeare of Queene Elizabeth Soe that by noe possibilitie thes after Acts if they had beene powerable in religeous causes the contrary whereof is euident could make soe many yeares before pretended and vnlawfull Acts and consecrations now to bee true and lawfull Therefore thes pretended protestant Bishops and Ministers can by noe power by their owne proceedings bee lawfull wanting both true forme matter maner men ordering and the Acts and Cōc Floren. in ●niō will apud ●arkes p. 137. 180. Park ib. ●il● sur● p. ●2 mort pa 2 Apol. p. 340 l. 4 c. 18 Relat. ca. 47 ●eild p. 202. 218. functions themselues as is before proued and ●ppeareth by the councell of ●lorence which D. Wille● M. Parkes and others allow for generall which D. Bil●on D. Mo●ton their Relator of Religi●n and D. Feild assure vs hath supreame power and authoritie to commaund all whomsoeuer to obey the definitions thereof Neither need I appeale to generall councells though their graunt in this Question for by their owne parl●ments Articles common writings and publicke doctrine yt is more then euident that their pretended Bishops by whome their ministers and other pretended Bishops bee made bee noe more Bishops then their ordina●y ministers none at all noe more then all lay men bee noe more nor soe much as kinge Edward 6. a child Q. Elizabeth a woman and our present and euer of mee moste honored kinge Iames were or is by their proceedings which is thus made euident by their owne Religion Euery distinct order hath some really and essentially distinct Act and office to execute which others from which it is distinguished haue not nor can performe But the pretended callinge of protestant Bishops in England by their owne proceedings hath noe such really and essentially distinct Act or office Therefore by their ow●e Religion it is noe distinct order The m●ior proposition is euidently true for euery dist●●ct Order power facultie or habilitie spirituall or other is soe knowne and distinguished The minor proposition is thus proued by themselues For whereas our Pontificall and scholes ascribe to episcopall Order Pōtifical in Ord. Sacer. ep●schol insacr ord in 3. p. d. Th. c. Articles of Relig. Artie sacram c thes Acts to cōsecrate Christne giue twoe sacraments Orders and confirmation thes protestants by their publick Articles and practice both deny all thes and yett ascribe noe other peculiar Act or office to their pretended Bishops make ministers and confirme children I answeare they deny both them to bee Sacraments and soe hauing noe misticall consecration but being onely ceremonies may bee vsed by men noe Bishops and soe in all protestants Presbyteries pretended ministers allowed by them are made by onely ministers and where the ceremonie of confirmation is allowed by protestants out of England it is al soe ministred by onely ministers and if thes doe not giue grace effectually as they say it is not necessarie to appoinct a distinct order for their ministration Soe there is now nothing left for thes pretended Bishops but pretended iurisdiction but this is from the kinge that is Queene Elizabeth and kinge Edward 6. before supreame in this busines and soe by their Religion more truely and better Bishops then Ridley Parker Whiteguift or any of that pretended calling And as the pretended Commissioners Stat. Ed. 6. Stat. An. 1. Eliz. cap. 1. Foxe tom 2 in Ed. 6. Eliz. Holin supr c. of kinge Edward and Q. Elizabeth related by their Statutes Foxe Hollinshed others withall power from them to reforme Religion were in thes mens doctrine more worthie the name of Bishops then they which haue that name but want that office power Soe his maiestie in their Religion by his supreamacie inspirituall things may by his letters patents and commission not onely with kinge Edward and Q Elizabeth authorize his Foxe in Ed v. in B. Card Stowe Hollinsh Speed c. An. 1 Eliza in histor lay Councellors and mere temporall men to Iudge depriue and depose Bishops but to bee allowed for Bishops Archbishops and higher patriarkes without any consecration or other ceremony They which gaue this power to Q. Elizabeth and our Soueraigne were onely lay men and neither any of them in particul●r or all in generall equall vnto him that is supreame Therefore it is his power by their doctrine at his pleasure without any ministers concurrence or consent to take order and neuer more neede then when their Religion is become a mockery of all true Religion in thes affaires and to make any the meanest subiect without any im●osing of handes speaking or prayer ouer him or other complement in such busines greater in callinge and dignitie then hee that beareth the name Archbishop primate of all England amonge them But the present soe named Archbishop of Obiect Canterbury director of M. Mason and his directed scholler perhaps will say that allthough D. Sutcliffe and too many others to bee cited and the said soe called Archbishop himselfe in and at other places and times for their adnantage and to serue their turne doe teach affirme as a matter of faith that the Pope is Antichrist noe true Bishop preist or maker of such yett in this their worke asscribed to M. Mason they confesse the contrary and therein they affirme that one of their pretended Consecrators Barlowe was a true Bishop and made by Romane or true catholick Consecration in the time of kinge Henry 8. And soe in time of necessitie such as their begynning was might make a Bishop Alas I cannot tell how to make Answ answeare to this obiection or rather petition not for any difficultie conteyned in yt But for feare of offence in speaking truth and giuinge the lye to soe many protestant Bishops and Doctors before soe confidently telling vs they doe not differ in any essentiall or materiall point of Religion such as this is But put into this perplexitie I must vse this Dilemma if their first opinion That the Pope is Antichrist and cannot
pa. 87. 88. 89. 91. which neither prince nor potentate kinge nor Caesar on earth cā giue Ministeriall power is a worke of seperation because it seuereth them that haue yt from other men and maketh them a speciall Order consecrated vnto the seruice of the moste high in things wherewith others may not ineddle The Character of Order is an actiue power which giueth an Abilitie publickly to administer the sacraments Then the pretended ministery of England not being of this holy Order as is proued from them before hath noe power to minister sacraments especiall this which consisteth in soe holy consecration which they not onely want but deny to bee exercised Therefore there remaineth but one Sacrament Baptisme which these protestants can by any sembl●n●e of reason make clayme vnto if this were graunted yett they are allreadie by themselues condemned not hauing either sacraments duely ministred or sacraments how soeuer duely or vnduly ministred and soe haue noe note of the true church by their owne doctrine But I will alsoe shew that by their owne testimonie they either haue not this sacrament or not duely ministred And thus I argue by their doctrine Noe ministringe of Baptisme by women lay men or any but a lawfully admitted minister is duely ministred But with protestants in England lawfull ministers doe not baptize by their owne testimonie Therefore Baptisme with them is noe true baptisme or not duely ministred by their owne Iudgment The maior proposition is proued by his Maiesties Censure in their Hampton Conference where their Bishop Barlowe speaking of three things to bee then cheefely entreated writeth thus The third was priuate baptisme if priuate Cōferēce at Hampt Court pa. 8 for place his maiestie thought it agreed with the vse of the primatiue church if for parsons that any but a lawfull minister might baptise any Where hee vtterly disliked and in this point his highnes grewe somewhat earnest against the baptizing by Women and laickes The first of the other Copie 1 sup annexed protestant copies reporteth the Kings speache in this maner Hee spake bitterly against Copie 2. priuate Baptisme saying hee had as liue an ape as a vvoman should bapti●e ●●s child The next protestant copie of that conference speaketh thus The kinge concluded against priuate Baptisme By which it seemeth that Baptisme ministred by any but a truely and lawfully ordered preist or minister was not Baptisme And then to proue the minor proposition the english protestants of england haue not true baptisme Because as is proued before by their owne writings they haue noe true ministers And soe by their owne publicke communion booke teaching comm booke tit publ Baptisme that none are admitted into the Church of Christ but by Baptisme the protestants of England by their owne doctrine are noe Christians Which abs●rditie to follow vppon this doctrine ioyned with the defect of their protestant ministery may seeme to haue beene perceaued by D. Bilson their protestant Bishop of Winchester for that protestant Author of Copie 1. of Conference sup the first copie writeth thus The Bishop of Winchester sayde that if h●● tooke avvay priuate baptisme hee ouerthrevv all antiquitie Further I argue thus The protestants of England by their owne testimonies to bee vsed in the next chapters and as appeareth alsoe by them allreadie are hereticks therefore by their doctrie printed their children are not to bee baptized And soe by them there is noe baptisme priuate or not priuate amonge them because they onely baptise children The Antecedent is euident and the consequent published Ormerod dialog 1. by M. Ormerod in these wordes Children of hereticks and of such as by excommunication are cut from the church may not bee baptised Therefore by these protestant positions noe protestants in England being either to baptise or bee baptized there is noe Baptisme among them much lesse Baptisme duely ministred which is the poynt in question And soe not any one sacrament to giue grace amonge them therfore noe meruaile if soe greate prophane sins impieties raigne amōg them as they testifie hereafter Further whereas it is proued that Christ instituted all those seauen sacraments which bee vsed in the Romane church with their grace matter forme c. these men doe not retayne any one or not duely ministred by their owne testimonies Therfore noe true church with them nor spirituall communion to bee had with them To these I add this argument from themselues soe agreing together in all materiall things such as sacraments bee noe companie where the sacraments bee not or not duely ministred is the true church or to bee communicated within Religion But the english protestant supposed church by their owne testimonies is such Therefore it is not the true church nor to bee communicated with in Religion the Articul 19 maior proposition consisteth of their publicke and Authorized article of Religion The minor is thus proued by these agreing protestants M. Ormerod relateth their sentence in these words amonge the protestants sacraments Ormer pict purit l. 3. dial 1. are vvickedly mangled and prophaned yea and vvickedly ministred For confirmation whereof their Bishop Barlowe hath thus written by the testimonie of their late Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Chauncellor before the kinge The vicar of ●a●●sdale was proued before Cōfe●ēce at Hampton pag 99. the Lord Archbishop to deale breade out of a baskett for the communion euery man putting in his hand and taking out a peece The protestant Author of the booke named An abridgment Abridgmēt pag. 72. of Lincoln dioces writeth thus of their publickly allowed practicall of Religion It appointeth sondry things that tend directly to the prophanation of the holy sacraments either by prostituting them to vnvvorthie parsons or administringe them vnreuerently And D. Willet the stiled Professor of diuinitie seemeth to bee of the same opinion And therefore coueteth to retayne a name of a church vnto them though they haue noe sacrament at all not b●ptisme yt selfe to bee ministred in yt wherevppon his words bee these It is ●rr●neous to thinke that Baptism● Willet An til pa. 127. and the church can not bee sepera●ed The 5. Demonstration is Because these protestants manifestly acknowledge that their pretended church is not the true church of Christ AND by this it is euidently demonstra●ed by these protestants against themselues that soe longe time pretending to bee ref●●ners of Religion and church they are now conuinced by their owne Testimonies not to haue the true church but rather noe church of Christianitie att all For wheresoeuer the pure word of God is not preached the sacraments duely ministred and lawfully called ministers to doe these things ther is not the true church but rather noe christian church att all But as is proued by these english protestants such is their st●te and condition Therefore they eyther haue noe christian church at all or at the leaste noe true church by their owne confession Therefore
dostrine as hee propou●ded them and M. Foxe maintaineth them Some of them as they were propounded by Tyndall Foxe to 2. mon. in Tyndall first edition and maintayned by Foxe doe followe in these words The lawe maketh vs to hate God It is vnpossible for vs to consent to the will of God The lawe requireth vnpossible thinges of vs. Speaking of mā he speaketh thus Christ is in thee thou in him knitt together vnseperably neither cast thou bee dāned except Christ be dāned with thee neither can Christ bee saued except thou bee saued with him Euery man is Lord of other mens goods I am bounde to loue the Turke with all my might and power yea and aboue my power There is noe worke better then an other to please God to make water to was he dishes to bee a Sowter or an Apostle all is one to washe dishes and to preache is all one touching the deed to please God To worshipp God otherwise then to beleeue that hee is Iust and true in his promises is to make God an I d●ll God moued the hartes of the Egiptians to hate the people likewise hee moued kings Paule was of higher Authoritie then Peter Yf S. Paule were alyue I would compare my selfe to S. Paule and bee as good as hee The children of faithe are vnder noe lawe God bindeth vs to that which is vnpossible for vs to accomplishe synne cannot condemne vs. Soe longe as the Successors of the Apostles were persecuted and martyred there were good christian men and noe longer All these and other such damnable positions are mayntayned in one place of this protestant Doctors booke dedicated to his maiestie appoynted to bee written by their Archbishop D. Bancroft and published with common priuiledge Wherevppon and from such like proceedings the protestant Author of the booke named Aduertisement speaking of the errors of this their english protestant Religion writeth thus Millions of millions runne to eternall flames Christianitie is denyed in England by Aduertisem●●t An. 1604. publicke Authoritie Of other their heresies hellish errors and damnable deuises against the authoritie Reg●ll and cyuill power of Princes and such morall affaires I will entreate hereafter in the meane time I add these protestant positions registred by M. Ormerod in these Ormerod dial 1. wordes All synnes are equall it is as greate a synne to doe any seruile worke vppon the sabboth day as to doe murther and committ adultery it is as greate a synne to throwe a boul● on the sabboath day as to kill a man It is as greate a syn to kill a mans cocke as to kill his Seruant Their Bishop of Winchester D. Bilson setteth Bilsō Suru pag. 467. downe other their straunge errors in this maner the protestants cleare not Christ from synne it was rife in the pulpitts and vsuall in Catechismes that the death of Christ Iesus on the Bils pr●f sup crosse and his blood sh●dd for the remission of our syns were the leaste cause and meane of our Redemption And reciting further these protestants p. 466. 474. def pag. 126 122. Bilson sup pa. 490 def p. 134. Bils p. 496. 486. def pa. 131. 136 Bils p. 497. 503. def pa. 137. 138. Bils p. 515. def pa. 141. Bils p. 517. def pag. 142. Parkes epis dedicat pag. 139. sect 20. Povvell l. de diaphor ep d●●icat Parkes apol epist. dedic doctrines thus relateth them Christs will was contrary to Gods will Christ in his agonie knevv not Gods will Christ was forsaken both in bodie soule Christ suffered hell Torments Christ suffered the paynes of hell Christ suffered the death of the soule the death of the soule is such paynes and sufferings of Gods wrathe as allwayes accompanie them that are seperated from the grace and loue of God God did forsake Christ Thus our most blessed Sauiour Redeemer of mankinde consequently both Christians and all mankinde is damned with him by these blasphemous protestāts M. Parkes hath told vs that the parson of Christ is prophanely irreligeously spoken of the scripture is falsefyed to fastē blasphemie vpon Christ heauen hell the diuinity humanity yea the verie soule and saluation of Christ our Sauiour himselfe is called in questiō M. Powell hath published with publicke allowāce in his booke printed by Robert Barker the kings printer this doctrine To holde that Christ was a lawe maker is an insolent pseudographema false scripture M. Parkes againe complaineth thus The Creede it selfe which hath allwayes beene the verie badge and Cognizance vvhereby to discerne and know the faithfull from vnbeleeuers Christians from heathens and Catholicks from hereticks is the mayne point in questiō Which is cōfirmed by their Bishop Barlowe in his sermon before the kinge Barl ●erm septem 21 An 1606. in these wordes The whelps of those beasts are multiplied vvith vs in England of which S. Paule speaketh 1. Cor. 15. 32. vvhich made a lest of the soules immortaliti● and the bodies resurrestion Therefore seing these bee the moste materiall D. George Abb. against D. Hill p. 101. essentiall and fundamentall points in Religion and their present protestant Archbishop hath peremptorily told vs. protestants and puritanes did neuer differ in any point of substance wee all ioyne in all materiall points of saluation and noe Goliath against vs can proue the contrary And Povvell ag epis apol pag. 52. M. Powell saith Hee lyeth which saith they differ in substantiall points they are all guiltie of these heresies The 7. particular protestant demonstration for Catholicks iust recusancie is Because English protestants by their owne writings are Scismaticks FVRTHER that these english protestants are Scismaticks and soe by that title alsoe not to bee communicated with in spirituall things is manifest by that which is written before and more directly in this order followinge Noe Scismaticks are to bee communicated with in Religeous matters But the protestants of England by their owne testimonies are Scismaticks Therefore not to bee communicated with in such busines The maior proposition is euidently true and before graunted by these protestans for this time I will therefore onely cite their Bishop of Peterborough D. Doue his words bee these This proposition noe hereticks nor Scismaticks are to bee communicated Doue persuas pag. withall is vndoubtedly true because it is grounded vppon scripture c. The minor proposition that english protestants bee Scismaticks is proued by this their owne definition of Scisme published by D. Feild in this maner Scisme is a Feild l. 3. c. 5. pa. 70. breache of the vnitie of the churche the vnitie of the church consisteth in three things First the subiection of the people to their lawfull pastors Secondly the connexion and communion wich many particular churches and the pastors of them haue amonge themselues Thirdly in holdinge the same Rule of faith Then if Scisme is a breache of the vnitie of the church and this vnitie consisteth in three things and
PROTESTANTS DEMONSTRATIONS FOR CATHOLIKS RECVSANCE ALL TAKEN FROM SVCH ENGLISH Protestant Bishops Doctors Ministers parlaments lawes decrees and proceedings as haue beene printed published or allowed among them in England since the cominge of our king Iames into this kingdome and for the most parte within the first six or seuen yeares thereof AND EVIDENTLIE PROVINGE by their owne writings that english Catholiks may not vnder damnable syn cōmunicate with English Protestants in their Seruice Sermons or matters of Religion and soe conuincinge by thēselues their Religiō to be most damnable among other things their ministery to bee voide false vsurped Princes haue persecuted mee without a cause Psalm 118. By IOHN HEIGHAM at Douay VVith Licence ANNO 1615. A BRIEFE TABLE OF THESE DEMONSTRATIONS The 1. Demonst. Because by their owne testimonies it would be an act and offence vnreasonable irreligious and damnable pag. 1. The 2. Demonst. In respect of their Ministers vnlawfull false and intruded and not to be cōmunicated with by their owne writinges pag. 21 The 3. Domonst Because the not preaching of the worde of God is not among them by their owne testimonies pag. 49. The 4. Demonst Because English Prot. by their owne testimonies want the due administration of Sacraments pag 56 The 5. Demonst Because these Prot. manifestli● acknowledg that their pretended church is not the true c●urch of God pag. 62 The 6. Demōst Because English Prot by their owne testimonies are rotorius heretiques pag. 65 The 7. Demonst Because English Prot. by their owne writi●ges are scismatiques pag. 78 The 8 Demonst Becau●e the publique Prot. seruice is false hereticall iustlie condemned and damnable by their owne doctrin pag. 85. The 9. Demonst Because these Prot. by their owne testimonies are manifest dessemblers wilful deceiuers seducers lyers and periured in matters of Religion pag. 91. The 10. Demonst. Because these Prot by their owne testimonies are generallie most vild ●i●●ed impious and gracel●s people pag. 106 The 11. Demonst Because English ●rot by their owne writinges are not onlie enemies to the temporall princes claime of supremacie in ecclesiastical causes but deny also his soueraignitia in matters temporall pag. 112. TO OVR MOST MIGHTIE SOVERAIGNE KING IAMES AND ALL HIS MOST HONORABLE NOIBLITIE MOST MIGHTIE KINGE and MOST honorable Lordes as among humane and naturall Combinations non are greater more generall and binding then those of one nature nation and kindred Soe in nature nothinge can bee more vnnaturall then vnworthily to dissolue violentlie to seperate or destroy these vnions soe inuiolably to bee preserued All persecuted Catholicks of this kingdom armen vnited and comprehended in mankinde equally as you or the most renowned of you or other protestants They are of the same nation our best belowed England english with you And verie late and new would that persecuting protestants discēt appeare whoe could truely say hee hath noe preist or Catholicke of his familie which in this longe and greuous persecution hee persecuteth not and himselfe in them If any man obiect that Religion for which they suffer is of an heauenly and high or nature religing and binding not only man to man but man to his God and maker by the greatest felatie and homadge must answeare by yout one proceedings This is soe far from excusinge your persecutions that it vtterly accuseth in all true Iudgment more condemneth them For your doctors assure vs that the church of Christ cannot bee without true discipline to punish and correct offendors and make yt an vnseparable note thereof yett your same protestant both lawes writers and proceedings are witnesses that your pretēded Examples watrant and power to punish as you doe the Reuerēd preists and other Catholicks of this kingdom are by manie hundred yeares to yonge to make your Religion soe old and powerable that yt may safelie and securely persecute your Mother church of Rome that brougt vs forth to Christ whose obedient and dutifull children you and all others ought to bee That claymed authoritie by which you afflict vs neuer receaued life vntill the decaying time of kinge Henry the eight And then your soe named Archbishop Parker Statut. An. 24. vel 25. Henric. 8. Math park in antiquit Britannic in Henr. 8. Ioan Bal. l. descr●ptor Brit. in Augustino fol. 34. 35. writeth that the popes power and Religion had raigned in England aboue neyne hundred yeares From the first conuersion of this english nation by S. Augustine as hee meaneth and an other of your stiled protestant Bishops in the words is witnes Augustinus Romanus Benedictini sodali●ij monachus à Gregorio primo ad Anglosaxones papistica fide initiandos Apostolus mittitur Augustine a Roman monke of the company of Benedict was sent from Gregory the first an Apostle to instruct the English Saxons in the papisticall faithe And to proue this faith was then Bal. supr fol. 34. receaued hee addeth Ethelbertus Rex Romanismum cum adiunctis superstitionibus suscepit Kinge Ethelbert receaued Romanisme or Romi●h Religion with the superstitions adioined For soe your writers terme that sacred doctrine Your blodye lawe against the venerable preists of that holie church and profession is of noe greater Antiquitie then the seuen and twenteth yeare of the Raigne of Queene Elizabeth Statut. An. 27. Elizab. cap. and then but the Edict of a woman not much powerable in spirituall busines Yett Romane preisthood must needes bee as auncient as Romane Religion Which your owne cited Author Bal. supr fol. 35 pag. 1. farther warranteth in this maner Augustinus introduxit altaria vestimenta vasa sacra reliquias ceremoniarum codices quae omnia cum benedictione Petri miserat ei Gregorius Nam primum eorum studium erat circa missarum oblationes sedes episcopales ac decima● ob id coactâ synodo mandauit Romanus vbique consuetudines seruari Augustine brought in altares vestiments holy vessels Relicks and bookes of ceremonies all which with the blessing of Peter Gregorie had sent vnto him For their first or cheife studie was about the oblations of masses episcopall Sees and Tithes And therefore assemblinge a synode hee commaunded the Romane customes to bee kept euery where Then if besides our seruice and Ceremonies as the Romane and commaunde of that Mother church Altares masse and sacrifice were then in vse our preisthood could not bee wanting for a principall doctor in your church with publick allowance writeth VVee cannot dislike the Morton Appeale pag. 162. l. 2. cap. 6. sect 1. Reinolds conf pag. 550. sentence of D. Reynaldes concerning the mutuall Relation and dependance betweene an Altar and sacrifice But graunt that Altare doth as naturally and necessarily inferr a sacrifice as a shryne doth a Saint a father a sonne And hee addeth thus Cardinall Bellarmine said truly Viz sacrifice preisthood are Relatiues Then if your doctors doctors Reynolds and Morton with their approuers approue this doctrine they must approue also the antiquitie and honor of our sacred
make Bishops preists bee true then their pretended Bishops and ministers claymed by his ordination are not true and lawfull but voide and inualidate If their second opinion contradictorie to the first bee true that the Pope is not Antichrist but the true Vicar Preist and Bishop of Christ as one or the other is moste true Then first because it is not my nature to giue yt they must take this infamous and notorious lye amongst them by their owne Iudgment Secondly as their brethren before haue tolde them they must confesse that the Pope of Rome and Offer supr pag. 16. that church and in them God and Christ Ihesus himselfe haue had greate wronge and indignitis offered vnto them and that the protestant churches are schismaticall in forsakinge the vnion and communion with them Thirdly that their extreamest and bloody persecutions against the sacred preists and Catholicks of England haue longe time beene and still continued are yett moste barbarous and Antichristian Fourthly that they must doe penance and seeke absolution of this by his maiesties Censure their Mother church Fiftly they must still continue in this state K. speach in parlam recantinge their former false brauings and heresies or els neuer to bee credited hereafter This is all the choise I can propose vnto then lett them make their owne election And which soeuer they chuse this is their miserable and desperate case that they haue not now any one true or lawfull Bishop or preist except some few vnhappy Renegadoes from the Romane church in England by their owne proceedings For if I should graunt which Mason proueth not that Barlowe was a true Bishop made in the time of kinge Henry 8 and a Consecrator of Matthew Parker which soe many their owne testimonies before deny yet● M. Mason hath told vs before that his commission power and purpose was to make him an Archbishop according to the forme of the protestant Mason sup in cōsecrat Matth. park statutes which as before was onely to giue him false iurisdiction without order And yett as I haue proued by them s●lu●s true iurisdiction maketh not a true and lawfull Bishop Secondly whatsoeuer is the Catholick opinion in making Bishops and whether onely one or more consecratinge Bishops of necessitie are required whereof wee doe not dispute because their commission was onely Stat. Henr. 8. of making Bishops stat An. 1. Eliz. reuiuing yt according to the forme of their statutes the statutes of kinge Henry 8. and Queene Elizabeth as before required foure Bishops and soe their practise is in all M. Masons pretended consecrations of Yonge Grindall Packhurst Mason in cons of yonge c. Coxe Iuell Pilkinton Sandes Downame Bentham and the rest though pretending to be onely ordinary Bishops But for Archbishops their statutes of necessitie require fower and being repealed by Q Elizabeth Thirdly M. Mason sup concil Flor. in vnione Mason and others graunt with the generall Councell of Florence that nothing is soe essentiall in true ordination as the true and lawfull forme and matter And yett M. Mason and his directors bee wittnesses that Parker by whome they all now clayme was soe farr from hauinge the catholicke true forme matter and maner of consecration That they plainely acknowledge Hee was made and admitted far otherwise and in different maner to all true Masōineōs of Matth. Park Archbishops of Canterbury before him from S. Augustines time and our first Christianitie Fourthly if by impossibilitie against all those euidence and without any Rituall or Order at all then all both ours and their owne as before condemned not one or any part of any vsed or lawfull to bee vsed any man could bee seduced to thinke that in their begynninge they had true Bishops of them which had beene made preists by catholike consecration yett because M. Mason his Mason in consecr directors and others and their generall practise assure vs that noe man not beinge a true and lawfull preist can possibly bee made a Bishop Stowe Hollinsh hi●t An. 1. Eliz. Articles of Relig. c. And bothe Barlowe and all their other pretended Consecrators were professed enemyes to preisthood sacrifice and holy oblation for the quicke and deade and that forme was condemned by their lawes and a quite contrary by statutes of kinge Edward and Q. Elizabeth made allowed and euer since practised against yt these men as I said cannot possibly now haue either true Bishop or preist amonge them all such in probabilitie deade longe since But M. Mason obiecteth that true preisthood Mason in cōsecrat of preists is not sacrificing preisthood nor giuen by such forme but by these wordes Rec●aue the Holy Ghost whose synnes you forgiue they are forgiuen Obiest and whose synnes you retaine they are retayned And soe the Romane church euer retayninge in consecration those wo●des as well as those of offeringe sacrifice for the lyuing and deade they still retayned true preisthood the protestants by that title and meanes receaued yt from them I Answeare him this is but his new and singular inuention for D. Sutchffe speaking Answ of our preists hath these wordes their preists are not called to preach and baptize● but to Sutcliff ag D. Kell pag. 4. Feild l. of t●e church c. sacrifice Christs body and blood vnder the accidents of breade and wine for the quicke and the deade Like is the doctrine of the rest And allthough we graunt the former wordes of losing and bindinge to bee requisite to absolue from synnes yett neither we nor protestants truely relating our doctrine can call yt the principall act of preisthood whereof wee dispute and which if it ●ee wanting the secondary is not giuen For proofe of this M. Mason himselfe bringeth more testimonies out of scriptures Councells and fathers then euer he or protestants will answeare I must be breife Therefore Mason in sacrific● c. I vrge him but vppon these his graunts Christ was a preist after the order of M●lchizedech and soe was to offer sacrifice according to that Order for as the Apostle saith Euery high preist is to offer sacrifice to God for the people therefore he graunteth that Christs bodie and blood giuen or offered to God for the people is a true sacrifice Which Christ manifestly affirmed to be done at his institution of this sacrifice when hee said this is my bodie which is gi●en for you my blood which is shedd for you in remission of synns Otherwise hee had neuer performed the function of his preisthood after the order of Melchisedech Therefore seeing Christs bodie was giuen and his blood shed both for the quick the deade and wee are preists after that order we are by our preisthood to offer sacrifice for the people because the Apostle saith euery highe preist Archicireus is to d●e yt and to bee a preist and high preist differ not in the preisthood office and sacrifice but in the Archi to bee higher or lower greater