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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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I say not Father Take to thy selfe now the treasures the Tapistries and the Prouince of Mustapha and gouerne it at thy pleasure Is it possible I should fall into thy spirit infamous man without all humanitie against all right to put to death so valiant a person as neuer was nor shal be the like in the house of Ottomās Ha ha I will take good order that thou shalt not impudenly vaunt glory that thou hast done the like to me And straight drew his dagger and strooke it so farre into his owne bodie that he fell downe dead vpon the earth Which so soone as his Father knew he made a maruellous mourning and yet left not to seize vpon all his goods which caused a tumult in the Campe of Mustapha but it was nothing in regard of that they did after they knew of his death In such sort that Solyman to the great danger of his life was constrained to chase away Rostan and to dispoile him of all his honours and dignities This death came wel for the Christians whose great enemy Mustapha was who tooke great delight in sheading their blood It brought also such great displeasure vnto the Turkes that therevpon followed amongst them this prouerbe Gietti Soltan Mustaphat That is all we thought on is ended in Musthapha For they thought that he would haue enlarged their Empire which they looked for at no other hand The French tooke Verceil in the Countrey of Turin but seeing they could not keepe it they spoyled pilled it and retyred Edward King of England being in his mortall bed in the moneth of May Northumberland caused one of his sonnes to espowse Iane Suffolke the Kings cousin This King of the age of 16. yeares dyed the 6. of Iuly to the great damage of Christian Religion So soone as Mary was peacibly Queene of Englande at her arriuall at London she caused to be tooke out of prison the Duke of Norfolke and the Bishop of Winchester a pernicious man and made him Chauncellor The Emperours Hoast after it had raced Terouane marched into Artois and there in the moneth of Iuly forced Hesden which the king of France had a litle before taken There was slaine Horace Fernese the husband of the kings bastard daughter and a great number of Gentlemen prisoners A battaile in Saxonie vppon the Riuer of Visurge betwixt the Duke Maurice and the Marquesse Albert wherein Albert was vanquished and Maurice victorious strooken with a bullet whereof he dyed two dayes after A deare victorie bought with death Michael Seruet de Ville-neuisue a Spaniard a pernicious hereticke hauing of long time written execrable things against the Trinitie proudly maintained them at Geneua after long detention the participation of the Councell of the Churches and faithfull Common-wealths of Suecia finally in the ende of October was condemned by the Lordes of the said Towne to be burned aliue The hardnesse of his heart was such that being vpon the wood hee would neuer confesse Iesus Christ the eternall sonne of God but only the sonne of Dauid and the sonne of the eternall God In England by the decree of all the Bishops of the kingdome then assembled the Edicts and statutes of the deceased King Edward concerning Religion were defaced and made voide and the Popish doctrine approued and allowed Albert agreed with Augustus the brother of Maurice by meanes of the King of Denmarke and of the Elector of Brandebourge Iane Suffolke Queene of England as is said by King Edwards testament and the three sonnes of the Duke of Northumberland were declared culpaple and condemned of Treason Iohn Alasco a Polonian Gentleman with a great number of the French and Flemish Churches flying from England did wander and stray a certaine space of time into Denmarke and Saxonie seeking a place to dwel in But they were euery where refused not only of a place of habitation but also they were commaunded to get them out yea in winter time not suffering them to remaine in their hauens The cause of this inhumanitie and inhospitalitie was their difference for the doctrine of the Supper of the Lorde whereof we haue before touched Finally a place was allowed them in East Friseland in the Towne Emden where a Church was open for them and granted by the Countesse of the said Emden a true Christian Princes Ferdinand being at Vienna reiected the supplication of the Estates of his Countrey which demaunded to permit the administration of the Supper of Iesus Christ whole vnder both kindes Iohn Fredericke Duke of Saxonie after his deliuerance from captiuitie agreed with the Duke Augustus and he acquited to him and his heire Males the Electorship the Country of Misne and the Townes where the Mines be yet he held vnto himselfe the name and Armes of the Elector The 20. of February Sibille of Cleues wife of the said Iohn Frederic dyed at Vinaine Eleuen dayes after the said Frederic also deceased happily in his Country amongst his children and other friends and the same day that he dyed was borne vnto the Elector Augustus a sonne named Alexander Thomas Wiat an Englishman conspired and rose vp against the Queene of England because of the straunge marriage she enterprised with Phillip the Emperours sonne On an other part of the kingdome Henry of Suffolke gathered people against her The one and the other were declared enemies of the Commonwealth taken and at diuers times beheaded The 12. of February Iane Suffolke King Edwards cousin germaine instituted heire of the kingdome by his testament was with her husband beheaded After them was made a great butchery of heads at London and Westminster where the Queene then was Elizabeth also her sister was imprisoned vpon her suspition Sienna was besieged by the Pope and the Duke of Florence Peter Stosze which defended it made a sallie vpon them and ouercame a great number of their people Charles Duke of Sauoy spoyled of the greatest best part of his Countrey dyed leauing Emanuell Philebert his sonne heire King Henry about the end of Iune tooke Bouuines Dinan Marienbourge Bius and wasted all the Country besieged Renty vpon the Marches of Artois but the Emperour comming and skirmishing together the king departed in the moneth of August remouing his siege from thence The Kings Armie in Tuscane which Strosze conducted was surprised by the Imperialists and for the most part ouerthrowne Phillip the Emperours sonne arruied the 19. of Iuly in England the 24. following the marriage was made betweene him and the Queene at Winchester The Marquis Albert chased from his Country withdrew into Lorraine and after to the king of France The Emperour caused a Fort to be builded nigh the place where Hesden was Cardinall Poole in a full assembly of all the Estates of the kingdome of England commenced the 12. of Nouember was restored into his dignities goods and honours of which he was depriued by King Henry the eight
he liued for a great Priest Montanus was of Phrygia of a Towne called Ardaba Hee called himselfe the Paraclet Hee forbadde marriage and inuented and instituted Fastes Against those Heretickes writte Apollinaris Hierapolitaine and before him Milciades and Apollonius Appelles the Disciple of Marcian whome Theodotius called the great Hereticke put a beginning to God Also that Christ appeared in a fantasticke bodie Tatianus and his followers Encratites and Seuerians in this time These abstained from all kindes of flesh and drunke no wine They blamed Marriage as well as fornication They cast off the Epistles both of S. Paul and S. Peter The Doctrine of Christian libertie beganne at this time to bee greatly obscured and by little and little the errour tooke encrease For although yet there was no forbidding to vse the good thinges or God yet the Historie of Alcibiades recited in Eusebius Booke 5. Chap. 3. sheweth that by little and little men beganne to place a certaine Religion in seruices forged at pleasure This Alcibiades was one of the Martyres which suffered death in Gaul vnder Marcus Antonius Verus the Emperour Hee vsed to liue so austerely as hee did eate onely bread and drunke water In so much that beeing in prison hee would vse no other diet Attalus a Romane a man renowned amongst the Martyrs being also imprisoned shewed Alcibiades a better way and brought him to this point that after hee vsed indifferently the creatures of God without scruple and with thankesgiuing Eleutherius borne in Greece at Nicopolis ruled at Rome 15. yeares and more Hee made a commaundement against the heresie of the Seuerans which then raigned that no Christian for any ceremonie should reiect any sort of meates whereof there is an accustomed vse Also that none should be dismissed of his Office vnlesse first hee be accused and conuinced of crime That Bishops should finish nothing in an accusation intended against a Bishop without knowledge of the Pope but they might determine by Sentences the causes of other Church people That a Clarke may not be drawne into any cause but before his Bishop from whom if there were cause of suspition he might appeale Christian Religion then greatly augmented and came into farre greater suertie then before Lucius King of England and his Countrey receiued the Faith Many Nobles of Rome with their wiues and children were conuerted and Baptized The said Lucius left his Kingdome and went to preach the Faith first in France after in Almaine where hee was martyred Smyrna in Asia whereof Policarpus was Bishop was ouerthrowne by Earthquake and for the repaire of it tributes and tallages were laid Commodus the 18. Emperour raigned 13. yeares cruel luxurious incestuous of his owne Neeses hee held in his Pallaice three hundreth Concubines and three hundreth buggering boyes In a wicked rage he slew Lucilla his sister Being at the hot houses and but pricked with a Flea he cast the maister of the house into the Furnace Ireneus Bishop of Lions flourished The Temple of Serapis burnt in Alexandria The Capitoll at Rome and the Librarie burnt by lightning Apollonius a Senator of Rome accused to be a Christian presented to the Senate a booke conteining a defence of the Christians He was beheaded because the Imperiall lawe had so ordeined it Heereby appeares that Popes or Bishops of Rome were not as at this present they are Apollonius a man of authoritie could not shunne the sentence of death onely because he was a Christian hauing so many friends at Rome The Imperiall Lawe then was that such as were in Iudgement conuicted to be Christians should be punished with death Commodus made die many Noble persons It is recited in the History of the Martyrs of Gaule that the Painims sollicited and by torments constrained the seruants of Christians to confesse of their maisters things impossible once to be imagined Namely that they did eate the flesh of litle children that they committed paldiardizes and whoredomes such as is vnlawfull to name In so much as they which before had vsed some moderation in Christians causes gaue themselues greater licence to exercise crueltie against them This happened at Lions and at Vienne Eusebius reciteth it in his Epistle of the faithfull of Lions and of Vienne in Chap. 1. of the 5. booke At Rome the Pallace and the Temple of Vesta and of Peace and the greatest part of the Towne was consumed by fire Commodus the 13. yeare of his Empire was strangled of the age of 32. yeares by the counsell of Martia his chiefe Concubine who fauoured the Christians and other her friends which he had condemned to death because they shewed him certain his insolencies but they by this meanes preuented him and little there wanted that the bodie of this Tyrant was not drawne into Tyber by the common people Aelius Pertmax the ninteenth Emperour held the Empire by the space of sixe moneths His couetousnesse caused his death for retaining his souldiers wages He was of the age of seuentie yeares Didius Inhanus of Millaine 20. Emperour raigned foure or seuen or two moneths as some say Hauing slaine his predecessor hee was slaine of his Successor of the age of 56. yeares For his auarice he was hated of all Some say he was slaine by a souldier of little estimation within his Pallaice Victor Bishop of Rome borne in Affricke ruled tenne yeares He ordeined that such as would not reconcile themselues should be depriued of the Table of the Lord. Hee instituted that vnlesse it were in cases of necessitie Catholicke Baptisme should be celebrated in the time of the feast of Easter As we may see in the first Decretall Epistle attributed vnto him It were incredible if all Historians did not witnesse it that for the day of celebratiō of the feast of Easter so great a schisme should happen in the Church that of a dissention and question thereof so terrible a warre should come and all by this Victors meanes who would needs haue the feast of Easter celebrated on the Sunday because of the mysterie of the resurrection and would not haue the Fastes broken but on that day Victor writ to Policrates who was a Ruler amongst the Bishops of Asia and gaue commaundement in his Letters whereat all the Bishops of Asia were greatly offended Septimus Seuerus Pertinax borne in Affrica 21. Emperour raigned 18. yeares and dyed of the age of 70. yeares in England Many Sinodes were held in diuers Prouinces touching the Feast of Easter vpon what day it should be celebrated and by common accord it was agreed that the saide Feast of Easter should be celebrated vpon the Lordes day on which was his Resurrection and on no other day But the Bishops of the Countrey of Asia were of a contrary opinion saying that they should keepe the customes of of their Auncestors touching that Which Victor seeing would needs haue depriued generally all the Churches of Asia and
because by it wee embrace him that iustifieth vs that is to say Christ our Lord with whom it vniteth and ioyneth vs. In such sort that we are made partakers of him and all the goods he hath and that frō thence good workes should come that is from Iesus who is within vs by the force and free efficacie of whom we begin to will that which is good and to employ our selues therein Zozimus a Grecian by Nation hee ordained that on the Saterday before Easter waxe should in euery Parish bee blessed That Deacons shoule hide their windowes with a cloath And that Clarkes should not publikely drinke He ruled about two yeares The Pelagian heresie was condemned of the Bishops at the Councells of Ephesus Carthage and Mitiuitaine Before Pelagius England knewe not what superstitious Monkery meant neither yet learned to preferre by vaine and friuolous allegories the righteousnes of workes before the merit of Iesus Christ But this Pelagius begun to broach this pestilent heresie vnder Maximus King of Englande the yeare of Christ 390. The Doctors which were before this Pelagius vsed in their writings this word Merite in the signification to obtaine or attaine Peter Martyr The beginning of the Kings of France THe French-men are said to be issued of the Troians and as Histories say came after the destruction of Troy with the Duke Francion to the pooles of Meotides which at this day is called the Golfe de la Tana aboue and something farre frō Constantinople as men draw towards the North neare there they builded a Towne which they inhabited vntil the time of Valentinian the Emperour sonne of Valentinian and the brother of Gratian also Emperours They were honoured by the said Emperour and made free of paying tribute for 10. yeares in consideratiō that they reduced the Almanes vnder the obedience of the Romanes But afterward when the tribute came again to be laid vpon them and they vnwilling to subiect themselues they forsooke the Country and came with their Duke Marcomir into Franconia which is betwixt Saxe and Almaine Pharamond the sonne of Marcomir was chosen for their King and began to raigne ouer them the yeare of the worlde 4383. and of Iesus Christ 420. vnder whom first they vsed Lawes and appointed foure Nobles which iudged of causes and differences betwixt men Then was the Salike Lawe made which stood vpon many articles amongst which there was one which tooke frō daughters the right to succeed in the Crowne and Realme of Fraunce Hee raigned 11. yeares Paul Emil. the first booke Boniface the first of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 4. yeares His Father was a Priest called Iucundus The fourth schisme was by a Priest called Enlalius who was also ordeined whereof came great dissention and schisme which endured 7. moneths but finally Boniface was approued The sixt Councell of Carthage after some the seuenth S. Hierome died of the age of 91. yeares The Affricane Councell was now which is a confirmation and recapitulation of the Councels of Carthage The titles of the Canons are in the number 105. Boniface renewed certaine decrees attributed to his predecessors Amongst others that none should be ordeined a Priest before the age of 30. yeares c. Also that no woman or Nunne might touch or wash the Priests ornaments which are holy The Hunnes a cruell and barbarous people which came out of Scithia did great hurt all ouer and at their comming into Italie many fled towards the Adriatike sea and tooke place in those litle Iles which were in great number and liued as they could of fishing After they beganne to make certaine buildings in these Iles and principally in that which is called Miroalto it being the chiefest of them There was at this time many Churches in Italie Sozom. reciteth them lib. 4. cha 24. where hee makes mention of the faithful which retired into the places where is now builded the Towne of Venice in the Adriatike Sea There is also heereof made mention in the Epistle of the Romane Sinode which was held vnder Constantine Theodor. Liber 2. Chapter twentie and two The Emperour Honorius being at Millan and vnderstanding the dissention for the electiō of the Romane Bishops deposed them both and writ to Boniface that whē two were elected he would ordain that neither should be allowed notwithstanding for this time he allowed the election of Boniface Boniface by his Legate Faustin Bishop a fierce and proud man and Philip and Esellus Priests proposed to the sixt Councell of Carthage that it might be graunted that appellations of Bishops might be sent to Rome and that no Councell should be allowed vnlesse he send thither his Legate to doo it and alledged for his speech the decree of Nice The Bishops caused the bookes to be searched and the Registers of the Councell if it were so Also they caused to come from Constantinople a Copie of the said Councell but finding it not to be so as the said Boniface had alledged by his Legate his request was reiected See the Epistle of the said Councell of Affricke to Boniface and to Celestine in the first volume of the Councells Note here by what meanes the Popes sought to obtaine their primacie Celestine first of that name a Romane or of Campaine after some He ordeined that the Introitus of the Masse should be of some Psalme Dauid yea and the Graduall which they call the Offertorie and added vnto the thē Praiers with the song Naucler Also that the Priest should say before the Introitum the 43. Psalme Indica me Deus Supl. Chron. Item that they should sing three Sanctus Abb. Vsp This said yeare 426. the Emperour Honorius died The third generall Councell at Ephesus against Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople of 200. Bishops It was there concluded that Iesus Christ is one alone person in two natures and that the Virgine Marie by good right is called the mother of God Cyrillus Bishop of Alexandria assisted there Theodosius the younger alone obteined the Empire and raigned 26. yeares Celestine gaue commaundement to all Ecclesiasticall persons to know and obserue the Canons He sent Palladius a Greeke and Patricius into Scotland and Ireland preach the faith He sent into England Saint Germaine Bishop of Anxerce against the Pelagian heresie He ordeined that none should attempt any thing in an others parish Item that no Bishop should be ordeined against the wil of the people but that the consent of the Cleargie and of the people was requisite The Church in that time was greatly troubled and especially in Affrike the Ecclesiasticall people were cast into exile and martyred by Gensericus of the Vandales Palladius composed the life of S. Iohn Chrisostome S. Augustine Bishop of Hipone of the age of seuentie sixe yeares dyed after he had gouerned the said Church fortie sixe yeares the third moneth after his Towne was besieged by the Vandales euen when he writ against Iulian a Pelagian Bishop
Historie lib. 9. chap. 43. and others make mention that S. Iohn Baptist reuealed his head to two Monkes which were hid nigh an house and after that the said head was transported into Edissa a Citie in Phinitia where he was honoured Monkes beare witnesse in their owne cause But how came this head from thence vnto Amiens in Picardie where hee is adored See Iohn Caluin in his booke of Relikes Leo made many Epistles euen 66. in number Saint Germaine Bishop of Anxerre Seuerus Bishop of Treners Lupus Bishop of Troy were againe sent into England against the Pelagian heresie Many Councels were held at this time after that of Chalcedone The first at Auranges a Towne in the Prouince of Narbone The second at Valens The third Councell of Carpentras The fourth at Arles The fift at Venice The sixt at Tours In the Councell of Tours the censure Ecclesiastical against Priests marriages was moderated which was to be excommunicated and depriued of the Communion which was permitted them only vpon condition they should not come to higher degree or dignitie and that they should abstaine from celebrating and administring to the people Archephali heretikes in this time which cast off the Councell of Chalcedone Eucherius Bishop of Lions in this time sent a booke conteining the praise of Hermits liues to S. Hilarie Bishop of Arles who went into an Hermitage as is said Item an other booke De contemptu mundi In this time the wisest gaue themselues to write the praises of virginitie and of a contemplatiue and monastike life The bookes of the Manicheans were burnt in Rome Theodosius dyed of the pestilence at Constantinople Earthquakes Comets and other tokens were seene in heauen Anian Bishop of Orleans Lupus Bishop of Troy Nicasius Bishop of Rhemes were martyred Valentinian the Emperour slaine at Rome of his people by the fraud of Argobastus Martian chosen Emperour raigned 7. yeares he made alliance with the Vandales It was he which was wont to say that a Prince ought not to take armes as long as it is lawfull to liue in peace Rome was taken againe by Gensericke towardes whom also went Leo and entreated of him that the Towne might not be put to fire and sword Some say hee intreated nothing at this time Orleans was besieged by Attila about this time after he had wasted Almaine and a great part of France but before Orleans his people were discomfited by Merouee King of France and there was slaine 180000. men That which is said of Geneuiesue virgin at Paris is reported of this time This is now the great Diana of the Parisians Martian the Emperour was slaine at Constanstinople by the conspiracie of his owne men Childeric the fourth King of France a Panim raigned 26. yeares a man subiect to leachery which to maintaine hee laide great taxes vpon the people wherevppon hee was reiected from the kingdome A Gouernor of Soisson and Meion of called Giles a Romane succeeded in his place and raigned eight yeares but after Childeric was restored After Childeric was called againe hee gouernerned wisely vertuoufly and valiantly hee put to flight his enemy Giles and sacked the Townes of Treuers and Coloigne and hee retyred to Treuers After also he conquered Orleans and all the Countrey along the Riuer of Loire vntill Angiers and then brought all the Countrey of Angiou vnder his subiection He tooke also the Cittie of Trect and all the Countrey along the Riuer of Rhene and greatly encreased the Kingdome of France He vsed great ingratitude towardes Basin King of Lorraine called Thoringe who had kindly entertained and maintained him all the time hee was depriued of his kingdome For hee receiued the wife of the saide Basin and tooke her for his owne wife Leo Emperour first of that name a Grecian left for his successor Leo who was of Ariadne his daughter and of Zenon He sent Basalike a warriour against Gensericke King of the Vandales Constantinople and a great part of Italie was as it were in perpetuall trouble vnder this Emperour who raigned about 17. yeares Hilarie borne at Sardes Bishop of Rome ruled 7. yeares His time was full of troubles These ordinances are attributed vnto him That no Romane Bishop should chuse him a successour And this constitution stretched to all Ecclesiasticall dignitie Naucler and Suppl Chronic. That a Clarke should receiue no Inuesture of a Laie person That none should be admitted vnto orders if he were not learned and hauing all his members In a Sinode at Rome of fiftie Bishoppes it was ordained that the Decrees of the Apostolike seate should be receiued and published vniuersally There also it was ordained that the Bishop might correct that which his predecessor had euil ordeined This Pope confirmed the domination and principalitie of the Apostolike seate He made three Epistles He depriued a Bishop of his dignitie called Ireneus because by ambition he had left his Church to goe into an other which was by Canons forbidden Remy Bishop of Rhemes and Patricius his brother was Bishop of Soissons Simplicius Tiburtin succeeded Hilarie and gouerned the Romane Church 15. yeares and more after some He declared as his predecessor that the Romane Church was the chiefe and principall He builded many Temples and dedicated them Hee instituted that in the Church of Peter and Paul there should be seuen Priestes to heare the penitents and to Baptise them In the first volume of Councells Leo the younger was left a childe successor of the Empire by his Grand-father on the mothers side and hauing gouerned a yeare he was content that his Father Zeno should raigne for him In so much that with his owne hands he placed the Diademe vpon his Fathers head That which is said of king Arthur is of this time Zenon Isaurike Emperour raigned 16. or 17. yeares He was an Arrian a cruell man He was buried aliue being drunke by his wife Arriadne The English men came farre into France The Arrians exercised great cruelties Honorius an Arrian king of Vandals persecuted greatly the Christians in Affrike more then 4976. were exiled in diuers places without sparing sexe or age afterward at diuers times and with diuers punishments were put to death Some had their hands cut off some their tongues Certain times after vnder the shadow of a Councell hee made assemble all Bishops Doctors and other Catholikes to the number of 324. after Paulus Diaconus but after others 444. he sent into exile caused the Tēples to be shut vp against Catholikes gaue them to the Arrians One Bishop called Laetus was burnt to the end to feare others The Bishop of Carthage Eugenius with more thē 500. of the Cleargy were banished But 2. yeres after Honorius died miserably of vermine And Gonthamundus succeeded him He reuoked Eugenius from exile At the request also of whom all the others were called home and the Churches opened An horrible famine in Affrike Naucler It is a
said Councell it is ordeined that the Apocalips should be accounted Canonicall In the said Councell Priests were reprehended because after the Lordes praier they communicated and blessed the people wherefore in the 17. Chap. they are forbidden to communicate alone but with all the assembly after the ordinance of Iesus Christ It was also ordeined that after the Lords praier the blessing should follow And then only they should receiue the Sacrament of the bodie and blood of Christ in this order that is the Priests and the Deacons should make the Communion before the Aultar the Clarkes in the hearts and the people out of the heart The Masse yet was not as is at this day wherein Priests communicate alone In the Councell of Bracare 1. and 2. held in Spaine it was ordeined that if any did not confesse the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost three persons to be one same substance vertue and power as the Apostolike Catholike Church teacheth should be excommunicated and accursed In the 19. chap. If any beleeue soules and bodies to be subiect to the Starres as the Painims say and the Priscillianists maintaine let them be excommunicated and accursed In the 36. chap. that they should bury no dead bodies in Churches but without The Councell of Bracare 2. in the 14. chap. All they are anathematized which abstaine from eating flesh vpon superstition The same was ordeined in the Councell of Toledo 13. Note by this which is said that the Spaniards more then any other resisted the forbidding of meates and of single life Dagobert King of France raigned 14. yeares and during his raigne he gaue great reuenewes to Churches and caused to be builded the Abbey of S. Denis in France and placed there the three aforesaid bodies of S. Denis Eleutherius and Rusticus in Tombes couered with fine gold and enriched with precious stones And it wold hardly be beleeued the great riches of gold siluer and precious stones the Townes and other goods which he gaue to the said Church and Abbey of S. Denis which they yet possesse at this day He founded also the Abbey of S. Amande nigh Tournay and endowed it with great reuenewes All his study was to gather and wheresoeuer hee went to take Relickes to enrich the Abbey of S. Denis In so much that for that cause hee was called the Theefe of Relikes And as Clouis the first of that name had his trust in S. Martine of Tours so this had in the bodie of S. Hilarie of Poitiers In so much that hauing taken and rased the said Towne destroyed the Temples yea that of S. Hilarie he caused to carry the Coffin with other Relickes to S. Denis in France The cause of this sacking spoile was because the Poitiers had giuen succours of people and siluer to the Gascoignes which rebelled against him Moreouer Dagobert was a man so giuen to women that he Instituted a Colledge whither hee caused to resort the fairest women and apparelled them like Queenes for which thing being reprehended of S. Amand he sent him to exile But Gaguin saith he was after reuoked Seuerin Pope ruled at Rome two yeares His study was to repaire Churches to endowe them with many ornaments and encrease the reuenewes therof Supp Chron. Fasc Temp. His election was ratified by Isacheus exarche For thē the election of Popes was nothing vnlesse it were authorised by the Emperour or his Lieftenant Naucler The treasures of the Church of S. Iohn de Lateran were pilled by Maurice Gouernor of Rome Isacheus exarche of Italie one part of the bootie was sent to Constantinople to Heraclius This was the yeare that the said Heraclius endured that great wound of the Sarrasins Naucler In the time of this Pope dyed Mahumet the yeare 637. and after began to be worshipped of his followers Mahumet signifieth Fury or Indignation Aman Bishop of Traict baptized Sigebert the sonne of Dagobert King of France Chron. Iohn Pope 4. of that name borne in Dalmatia ruled at Rome about two yeares He ordeined that whosoeuer should take away any Church goods should be bound to restore fourfold Naucler The yeare 640. Lent began to be kept in England Chro. Sigeb Rotharis King of Lombards was an Arrian and all his people after his example In so much that there was almost no Citie nor Towne which had not two Bishops the one a Catholicke and the other an Arrian Suppl Chron. Theodorus a Grecian the sonne of Theodorus Bishop of Ierusalem gouerned the Romane Church 6. yeares 5. months and 18. dayes Supp Chron. Dagobert gaue to the Abbey of S. Denis a Faire and Market called Le Lendy betwixt Paris and S. Denis The Emperour Heraclius being aged gaue trust to Diuinations and Enchauntments of diuels This is the first Emperour that ruled in the East since the Empire was transferred thither who hath hadde that infamie to haue lost the Empire of Asia and to haue bene of the heresie of the Monothelites and Eutechians After he had thus polluted himselfe by these arts heresies and incest of his niece he died of a newe and straunge disease namely that the purses of his testicles turned vpside downe with the priuie member alwaies stiffe Insomuch that whensoeuer he vttered his vrine it sprinkled his face if a table had not beene placed about his nauell to driue it backe Egnatius and others recite the same Constantine his sonne of his first wife Eudoxia succeeded in the Empire but his mother in lawe Martine caused him to be poisoned before he had raigned a yeare and so she raigned with her sonne Heracleonas about two yeares Nauclerus rehearseth that the said Martine committed that fact by the Councell of Pirrhus Bishop of Constantinople an heretike who returned from his exile of Affrike after the death of the said Heraclius The Senate of Constantinople made the tongue of the said Empresse to be cut out and the nose of the said Heraclionas and cast them both into exile They also caused Pyrrhus to bee most shamefully put to death whom Paul succeeded as wicked an heretike as his former predecessor The Pope Theodorus in the Church of S. Peter the Cleargie and the Church being present excommunicated and declared the aboue named Paul Patriarke of Constantinople an heretike and his adherents and hauing mingled wine with Inke in a Challice he writ with his owne hand the excommunication to signifie that it was inuiolable as if Iesus Christ had writ it with his owne bloud Consider here how much the Church then although it was wholly giuen to superstitions did abhorre such as confounded the two natures in Christ. This Theodorus instituted the blessing of the Sierge on Easter Saterday Constance Emperour sonne of the said Constantine and of Gregorie his wife called otherwise by some Constantine the 3. raigned 28. yeares He was a tyrant and an heretike and persecuted the Catholiques He fauoured the heresie of Paul
Sarrasins It was hee which enriched the Crosse with precious stones the which the Deacons vsed to carrie before the Popes The yeare of Christ 849. Leo Emperour of Constantinople was slaine in his Pallace hee beeing in his Chappell by a conspiracie of his Nobles and especially of Count Michael who after obtained the Empire nine yeares Naucler Chron Sigeb A Sinode at Rome of 64. or after some 47. Bishops was assembled by Leo wherein a great Cardinall was condemned and deposed because he had left his Parish fiue yeares and for other crimes Notwithstanding after this the same Pope ordained that a Bishop ought not to be condemned vnlesse hee were euicted by 72. witnesses A great mutation hapned in France by the Normanes Frisons Brittaines and others which wasted it Adulphus after the Chronicle of Eusebius or Ethelwolphus or Alidulphus or Adolphus after some the first Christian King of England went to Rome on Pilgrimage with his sonne Alfredus Nauclerus And graunted to the Pope Leo of each house in his Countrey a certaine peece of Siluer for tribute payable to the Popes of Rome euerie yeare in the honour of Saint Peter which custome was long time after kept This Tribute was called S. Peters pence or guilt and so was all England made subiect to the Popes seate Functius The body of S. Helena mother of Constantine the great from Rome was transpoted into France Chron. Sig. and Fasc Temp. In Almaine vpon the coast of Rhene a great famine came and after that a great earth quake whereby S. Albons Church at Magunce fell An Aduertisement As for the Popes on the Romane seate from Phocas the Emperour hitherto they haue still multiplyed newe traditions ceremonies buildings pleasures pompes and warres they haue deuised and practised murthers alterations and chaunges of Kingdomes in such sort as finally the Church vnder their gouernmenment became altogether the whore whereof is spoken in the Apocalips and the better to discouer the thing the Lord hath manifested the truth thereof to all the world in this Pope that followeth Iohn the 8. who being a woman and an whore hath shewed in her body the true portraict of the great spiritual whoredome of the Romane Popes which after still more and more is manifested Iohn 8. of that name tooke the name of an English man because of a certaine English Moonke of the Abbey of Fulden which he loued singularly as for his office hee was a Pope but for his Sexe hee was a woman This woman beeing an Almaine by Nation borne at Magunce and first called Gilberte feigned her selfe to be a man hauing taken on her mans apparell went to Athens with her amorous Louer the Monke In which place she profited excellenty in all kinde of Sciences and after the Monkes death came to Rome still dissembling shee was a woman But because she was of a very sharpe spirit and had a notable grace well and promptly to speake in disputations and publike Lectures so that many maruelled at her knowledge euerie one was so affectioned towards her and so well shee gained the hearts of all that after the death of Leo she was chosen Pope Into which office being brought shee bestowed holy orders as they call them after the maner of other Popes shee made Priests and Deacons she ordained Bishops and Abbots she sung Masses shee consecrated Temples and Aultars shee administred the Sacraments shee presented her feete to kisse and did all other things which the Popes of Rome vsed to do and yet her Actes were then of verie litle or no valew Whilest this woman was thus in the Papall office the Emperour Lotharie now olde tooke the habit of a Monke and Lewis the second of that name beeing come to Rome tooke the Scepter and Imperiall Crowne at her hands with S. Peters blessing In dooing whereof this whore of Babilon shewed her selfe to haue that power that she made Kings subiect vnto her In her time Ethelwolphus king of England gaue cowardly the tenth part of his Kingdome to the Cleargie and Monkes as Horeden saith and his sonne Ethelbaldus espoused Iudith his mother in lawe his fathers widow now dead But whilest this Pope was in his estate she was got with child by a Chaplaine of hers a Cardinal who knew well of what Sexe she was And as she went on Procession solemnly to the Church of Lateran she brought forth this child gotten in whoredome betwixt the Collosse and the Church of S. Clement in the middest of Rome in the publike streete in the presence of all the people of Rome and died in the same place as she deliuered her childe the yeare of our Lord 857. Because of such a fault as to bring forth a childe in a common streete shee was depriued of all honor accustomably done to Popes and buried without any Papall Pompe Heere thou mayest see Reader how the Romane Church cannot erre after they haue caused a Masse of the holy Ghost to bee sung This Act alone certainly doth so euidently shewe that it is the seate of the great whore and the mother of all whoredomes that there is no Apelles whatsoeuer that can better paint her in her colours But to the end that Popes and annointed Fathers may seeme to detest such a sinne they turne from that streete as from a place which they much suspect because of the euil luck Functius makes no doubt so say that this was permitted of God that this woman should be created Pope and withall that she should be an harlot publikely prooued because in these times she made kings subiects vnto her as Ethelwolphus and Alfredus were in England that they might acknowledge Antichrist for their king For God in this Papesse harlot would manifest to the world this whore of Babilon whereof the holy Ghost hath foretold to the ende the faithfull I might take heed of her But to the end those good Fathers should no more fall into such an inconueniency they haue ordained that a Deacon should handle their priuie parts in an holied Chaire to the ende hee may be knowne whether he be a man or no. But now whilest they be Cardinals and before they be chosen Popes they engender so many bastards that none can doubt if they be males neither is there any more need of so holy a ceremonie Lotharie now old hauing diuided his kingdome to his children and made himselfe a Monke as is said died the yeare 855. Lewis second of that name the sonne of Lotharie vnto whom his father had assigned whilest hee liued the Kingdome of Italie and the Empire was a kinde man and one that feared God Hee raigned nineteene yeares and died the yeare 874. Benet Pope third of that name a Romane ruled at Rome about three yeares This man when he was chosen Pope receiued the office weeping taking God to witnesse that he was not meet for such a charge Hee was three dayes in fasting and prayer desiring the Lord to giue him
was inuented by him Hugues raigned in Italie tenne yeares whom Lotharie his sonne succeeded King Charles the Simple was by treason taken of Hubert Earle of Vermandois and poysoned in the Castle of Peronne where he died and was buried in the Church of S. Foursi See the Sea of Histories Rodolphe Bourgongne 31. King of France raigned two yeares Before this time there were not so many degrees amongst Gentlemen and Noblemen nor so great diuersitie as there are at this Dukes Marquesses Counts or Clarkes simple Counts and Knights were rather names of offices then hereditarie Seigniories For Dukes Marquesses Earles or Counts were Gouernours of Countries and Lands wherevpon they were committed by Emperours and Kings Duke was a soueraigne chiefe or head of souldiers as may be seene by auncient Letters Count or Earle was a Iudge and Goueruernour ordained in a certaine Towne or Region and so Germanie was full of Countes amongst which some were called Lantgraues that is to say Countes of Regions or Countries Some Maruegraues or Marquis that is Countes of certaine Marshes or Countries Some Countes de Palatin which were Gouernors of some Kingdome subiugated or conquered This may bee seene in the second booke of the Lawes of the Lombards Some were gouernors of Bourgages and so were named Bourgraues The most auncientest name of dignitie after Kings and Princes is the name of Baron which signifieth Lord whose sonnes were called young Lords And this say some was the estate of the Nobilitie before the Othons raigned After their time all things chaunged For then Counts were made hereditarie and were lifted vp aboue Barons Marquesses Lantgraues and Palatins and that more is Bishops haue bene made Princes yea many Counts Abbots Abbesses haue obtained the title of Prince Lewis 4. of that name surnamed Vltramarin 32. King of France the sonne of Charles le Simple after his fathers imprisonment got with his mother Ogine towards his Vncle King of England but as soone as he retutned he was in strife for the Kingdome with Rodulphe of Burgongne who died about eight yeares after at Auxerre Anno. 937. and so Lewis raigned alone Leo Pope sixt of that name ruled at Rome 7. moneths and 15. dayes The Danes at this time were conuerted to the faith Stephen Pope 7. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 2. yeares and 12. dayes Supp Chron. The Duke of Bohemia Spireneus receiued the Christian faith at the perswasion of the Emperour Henry Suppl Chron. Iohn Pope 12. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 4. yeares 10. moneths and 15. dayes Supp Chron. He did nothing worthy of memorie a coward and is not numbred in the Catalogue of Popes after some Historiographers Lotharie the sonne of Hugues raigned in Italie two yeares The Sarrasins in Italie tooke the towne of Geans and spoiled it Naucler Berenger third the Nephewe of Berenger the first raigned in Italie 11. yeares with his sonne Adelbert In this place Histories are very confused The Emperour Henry the first dyed of the Palsey the yeare of his age 60. and of his Empire seuenteene hauing ordained Otho the great his sonne successor of the Empire by the consent of all the great and Noble men who after was consecrated by the Arch-bishop of Magunce Hildebert Hee had three Competitors which would needs hinder him to bee Emperour that is to say Henry his elder brother Giselbert Duke of Lorraine his brother in lawe and Eberhard Earle of Franconia but he droue them all away and reduced all vnder his obedience Wencelaus Prince of Bohemia was slaine by his brother Boislans vppon ambition to raigne But Otho reuenged the death of the said Wencelaus making warre vpon Boislans which endured fourteene yeares and finally hauing vanquished him he brought the Countrey into his obedience Chron. Sigeb and Supp Chron. Leo Pope 7. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome three yeares 6. monethes and 10. dayes Supp Chron. The heresie of Anthropomorphites which say that God hath a corporall forme was at this time renued Rotherius Bishop of Verone writ against them Stephen Pope eight of that name an Almaine or a Romane after some ruled at Rome three yeares foure moneths and 12. dayes R. Barns Some say he was murthered by certaine Romanes in a sedition In so much as he was neuer publikely seene Chron. Abb. France was afflicted by an horrible pestilence and by inward contentions The faction and puissance of Hugues of Paris troubled King Lewis exceedingly Martin Pope 3. of that name a Romane ruled 3. yeares 6. moneths and 14. dayes He was peaceable and gaue himself to repaire Temples and nourish the poore saith Supp Chron. Agapetus Pope second of that name a Romane a magnanimous man ruled at Rome 9. yeares 7. moneths and 10. daies Supp Chron. He called againe the Emperour Otho to Rome against Berenger Berenger 4. the 7. Emperour of the Lombards raigned 13. yeares The Sea of Histories The Hungarians againe in Italie Chron. Abb. Vrsp Iohn Pope 13. of that name a Romane ruled 9. yeares and three monethes His father called Alberic seeing himselfe one of the greatest power at Rome caused all the noblest and principallest rulers of the Citie of Rome to promise and sweare that after the death of Pope Agapetus they should elect his sonne Octauian Which promise was kept and he was called Iohn This Pope was so excessiuely giuen to lecherie that he maintained a publike stewes for the shame wherof some Cardinals writ to the Emperour Otho that he would remedie the publike scandall and infamie which the Church then suffered and that it was needfull he should in haste come to Rome As soone as the Pope heard of this newes he caused the nose of a Cardinall a Deacon called Iohn to be cut off beeing the principall councellor herein hee commaunded also that the hand of an other Cardinall a Subdeacon called also Iohn to be cut off because hee writ the Letters When the Emperour vnderstood that for no admonition the Pope would amend he caused him to be deposed with note of infamie Otho was crowned by him after he hauing sworne that hee would exalt the Romane Church and the Pope and that in nothing hee would hurt him as more at large is contained Dist 63.100 Tibi domino Otho remained a certain time at Rome after his coronation and admonished this Pope to change and amend his wicked life whereof hee was blamed Otho departing came against Berenger his enemie Albert the sonne of Berenger who with his father retired at Otho his comming seeing Otho departed came to Rome and with the Pope complotted against the Emperour Two Cardinalls aduertised Otho of this conspiracie and of the Popes wickednesse Otho then returned to Rome and the Pope fled after he had reuenged himselfe of the two Cardinalls Otho beeing at Rome caused the Pope to be thrice called commanding him to returne and feare
by violence and a popular sedition of the Romans and an other ordeined in his place but after the Antipope was reiected and Benet established in his Popedome with great honour who soone after dyed Supp Chron. The Historiographers doo heere alledge Peter Damianus a Cardinall of Hostia who saide that this Pope Benet after his death appeared to a Bishop his Familier vpon a blacke horse and the Bishop said vnto him Art not thou Pope Benet which art gone out of this world Hee said I am that vnhappie Benet Being againe asked how he did he answered I am greeuously tormented but yet I may be helped with the mercy of God by suffrages Masses and Almes deeds Therefore saith he goe to my successor Pope Iohn and tell him in such a coffer he shall finde a great sum of siluer let him distribute it all to the poore The said Bishop hearing these words accomplished them and after dispatched himselfe of his Bishoppricke and entered into Religion This is recited by Naucl. R. Barnes Suppl Chron. Fascitemp Iohn le Maire Bonif. Simo. Et Cora. Abb. Thus played Sathan with his Instruments to establish his kingdome by Infernall Idolatries by Purgatories Masses and such suggested things Iohn Pope 21. of that name a Romane the sonne of Gregorie Bishop of Port. Suppl Chron. ruled 9. yeares 7. moneths or about 11. yeares after Naucler And was chosen before hee was promoted to Ecclesiasticall orders against their rights He had great troubles against the Romanes but finally he was deliuered by the Emperour Conrade his helpe Supp Chron. whom also hee crowned vpon an Easter day there being present Rodolphe King of Burgongne and the King of England Naucler Henry 31. King of France raigned thirtie yeares He had great contentions with his brother Robert touching the kingdome but they agreed He founded the Pryorie of S. Martin in the fields nigh Paris and put therein Regular Chanons He raigned 27. yeares some say 28. hauing caused his sonne Philip to be crowned At this time flourished in Italie Guido Aretin a Monke of the order of S. Benet an excellent Musitian who first inuented the Gamma to learne vpon the hand and the notes Vt re mi fa sol la. See The Sea of Histories He writ also against Berengarius Trit Abb. Benet Pope ninth of that name a Tusculan before called Theophilact the Nephewe of Benet the eight surpassed in malice his vncle and gouerned the Romane Church tenne yeares foure moneths and 9. dayes after Suppl Chron. Conrade dyed at Trect and was enterred at Spire Henry the third of that name surnamed the blacke sonne of Conrade the Emperour and of Giselle was chosen King of Romanes by the Electors he was a courteous Prince merrie and liberall by nature He appeased Hungarie which was troubled with diuers seditions He did as much at Rome to the three Popes which were there His wife was Agnes daughter of the Duke of Aquitaine and the marriage was at Ingelheim at which he did an act worthie of memorie For he cast off all pompes and put away all Moris Players Dauncers and such like and in their places brought poore people The Pope Benet was accused of many crimes by the Romanes and therefore the third yeare hee was driuen from his promotion and in his place was ordained the Bishop of Saint Sabine called Siluester the third who likewise was reiected after fortie nine dayes because he was vnprofitable Benet recouered his dignitie but hee was againe cast off and it was giuen to Iohn Arch-bishoppe of Saint Iohn Port Latin who was called Gregorie the sixt Others say that Benet after he was againe receiued into his Popedome solde it for money And so at one same time the seuenth yeare of the Empire of Henry the third there were at Rome three Popes Benet the ninth Siluester the third and Gregorie the sixt One held his seate at Laterane in the Pallace An other at Saint Peters And the third at Saint Maries A Priest called Gratian mooued with zeale went vnto the Popes and perswaded them each one to take some good some of money depose themselues from the Papacie Which they did R. Barnes and Naucl. Vpon these stirres the Emperour Henry the third hauing heard of those tumults and scandalles at Rome to abolish them was constrained to goe into Italie with a great power Gratian Pope met the Emperour and gaue him a crowne of great price The Emperour receiued the Pope honourably and they came together vnto Rome The Cleargie assembled and shewed that Gratian was a Simoniacke hauing with money caused others to yeeld vp their rightes that he himselfe by that meanes might come vnto the Popedome R. Barnes and Naucler The Emperour then caused a Councell to be held wherein all those Schismatickes and Simoniacke Popes were deposed and new created See Reader and note the honour hereof as true ensignes of the seate of Antichrist The heresie of Transubstantiation commenced At this time Lanfrancus an Italian borne of Pauie flourished in France He was one of the first inuentors and authors of Transubstantiation and hereticall doctrine new and pernicious before wholly vnknowne of the auncient Doctors notwithstanding receiued since the yeare of Christ 1053. at the Councell of Verseil as shall be said The new Doctors which haue written touching Transubstantiation were Iohn Scotus and Bertramus both which guided with the spirit of truth writ properly touching the body and bloud of Christ in the Supper Abande of such new Doctours as opposed themselues against the true doctrine of the Supper 1 Pascasius Abbot of the Abbey of Corbey in Saxonie in the time of Charles le Gros the yeare of Christ 880. 2 Ratherius Monke of Lob after Bishop of Verone vnder Henry the first 3 Herigerus Abbot of Lob of Saint Benet vnder Otho the third 4 Guido Monke Abbot of S. Benet vnder Conrade the 2. 5 Adelmanus Bishop of Brixe vnder Henry the third 6 Guimondus Monke and after Archbishop vnder Henr. 3. 7 Algerus Monke of Corbey vnder Henry the third 8 Lanfrancus Archbishop of Canterbury in England before Monke of S. Benet vnder Henry the third 9 Hildebert Bishop of Mans and after Archbishoppe of Tours a Disciple of Berengarius but after a great persecutor of the holy doctrine thereof vnder Henry the fourth 10 Honorius Priest vnder Henry the fift and others as Nolsus Ancelmus Lomberdus Petrus Commestor and Innocent the the third which came after Siluester Pope third of that name a Romane Bishop of S. Sabine before called Iohn after Benet was driuen away as is said was chosen by gifts and corruption and ruled 55. dayes or two moneths Behold the time of horrour and confusion He which then was most wicked and would giue most obteined the feate soonest Supp Chron. Gregorie Pope sixt of that name ruled two yeares sixe moneths in the time of the former Schisme hee had bene adiudged a Simoniacke and Homicide yet he bought
moued Bruno to seeke remedie and comfort to his fancie without the word of the Lord was of the diuel and proceeded of his illusions This liberalitie drew many poore and needfull people vnto him that they came by troupes and he alwaies expounded some place of holy scripture in the vulgar tongue for hee was a man learned as the writings of that time witnesse and the Catalogue of the witnesses of the truth the Bishop of the place and the Prelates which carried the keyes as they say and would neither enter nor let others enter beganne to murmure that a Laie man or secular man as they call them should handle or declare in the vulgar tongue the scripture and make assemblies in his house admonishing to cease to do so vnder the paine of excommunication But for all this the zeale that Waldo had to aduance the glory of God and the desire the little ones had to learne was nothing diminished but contrary the resistance and tyrannie of the Prelates gaue occasion to discouer the errours and superstitions of the Romane seate which then were as it were hid in darknesse The like happened in our time for whē the Pope his Priests could not endure that Martin Luther should reprehend their Indulgences they were the cause that a further search was made into their errours and so discouered their abhominable blasphemies Waldo now gathered in the vulgar tongue many places out of the auncient Fathers to cōfirme and strengthen such as were of his side not only by the authoritie of holy scriptures but also by witnesse of Doctors against the aduersaries It is likely to be true by Historiographers yea euen by the writings of the aduersaries that this assembly endured certaine time it may be foure or fiue yeares that Waldo taught in the Towne of Lyons before he was driuen to exile banishment For because he was mightie and had friends he was not so soone exposed to daungers which afterward were laide for him And thus came the appellation of the Pope of Lions Some called them Waldois some Lyonists and some Insabbatati that is such as obserued neither Sabboth nor Feast and many other like names to make them odious and detestable as shall be shewed in the discourse of this Historie Alexander vnderstanding the Emperor marched to come to Rome perceiuing himselfe culpable of the treason he had done him the 7. yeare of his Popedome fled from Rome in the habit of his Coole came vnto Venice remained in a Monasterie where finally being knowne he was led by the Duke the Senate with great solemnitie into S. Markes Church The Emperor vnderstanding y t Alexander was at Venice sent Embassadors to demaund Alexander The Venetians maintained the Pope which the Emperor seeing sent thither his son Otho with an Army yet commanding him not to fight against the Venetians before his comming But Otho led with youth gaue battell lost the victory was prisoner Which the Pope seeing wold not agree with the Emperor vnlesse fist he came to Venice receiued the meanes that he wold offer Frederic to help his son came to Venice the Pope would not absolue him of y e bond of excommunicatiō vntill he presented himselfe at the doore of S. Mark his Church Whē he was come thither the Pope cōmanded him in the presence of all the people to cast himself vpon the ground and to demand pardon of him The Emperor prostrating himselfe vpon the earth at the Popes feete hee set his foote vpon the Emperors neck pressing it downe said It is written Super aspidem basiliscum ambulabis conculcabis Leonem draconem that is to say Thou shalt goe vpon the Aspe Basilike and tread vnder thy feet the Lyon the Dragō The Emperor taking in ill part the contumely answered This was not said vnto thee but vnto Peter But the Pope stepping againe vpon his neck answered Both to me to Peter The Emperour fearing the peril or an hid danger held his peace so was absolued and an accord was made betwixt them vpō condition that the Emperour should hold Alexander for the true legitimate Pope that he should restore to the Romane church all that he had vsurped takē during the war These things ended the Emperor his son departed frō Venice so ceased y e schisme This Pope gaue many priuiledges to the order of Chartreux and Canonized S. Barnard The bodies of three Kings as they call them were transported from Millaine to Colongne by the Bishop of the said place Sabell Eun. 9. lib. 5. The order of the Carmalites began in this time and the order of Willelmins Hermirs Fasc Temp. About this time Henry the second King of England seeing the power of Bishops Cleargie too great in England and that they by oathes made to the Pope did alienate themselues and the Forces of the Realme by such means weakned renewed the auncient rights called the Dignities of the Kingdome And aboue all that which saith That Bishops and Prelates shal sweare to be loyall and faithful vnto the king and the publike vtilitie of the kingdome Thomas Becket Archbishop of Cāterburie gaue that oath to the King but after repented himselfe thereof as of an vnlawfull oath and demanded therfore the Popes absolution The King grieued at such periurie banished him and about fiue yeares he was in France The questiō was long debated at Rome cost much mony vpō Embassadors going betweene the one partie the other Gratian cōpiler of the Decrees was sent on the Popes side Petrus Lombardus on Becket his side The king fearing apparent daungers on the side of France was glad to be quiet but Becket being restored and stil remaining contrary to the king and vnwilling to absolue such as before he had excommunicated he was slain by certaine Nobles of the Realme The 48. yeare after his death there was a disputation in Paris amongst the Doctors whether he were damned or saued There was one Roger a Normane who maintained that he deserued death being a Rebell against the King who is the Minister of God Others contrary maintained that by good right he ought to be held in the number of Martirs because he died for the Clergie and so the Pope Alexander canonized him This Historie sheweth vs what difference there is betwixt the Popes Martyrs and them of Iesus Christ The punishment makes not the Martyr but the cause Many haue written against this Archbishop Becket and condemning him haue maintained the Kings cause Baleus rehearseth it So doth Iohn Eliot and Iohn Bishop of Poitiers Our Ladies Church of Paris is now builded by the Bishop there called Maurice who also founded besides three Monasteries that is Negranx Hermeries and Yeres The Sea of Histories About this time were there seene in the West Countries three Sunnes in September the yeare after three Moones Chro. Euseb Baudwin fourth of that name the seuenth King of
but euen our owne soules and not onely as is said in an other place to leaue their father and mother but also to hate them yea our owne liues Briefly Iesus Christ would that we should be readie to forsake all when the confession of his truth requireth it There are learned people of our age which say they haue seene foure bookes which he writ Intituled a Collection of the Catholike and Canonicke scripture He writ also a booke Intituled the fiftie markes and signes of false Prophes Hee writ against Bonauenture who then was the chiefe Buckler of the begging Friars Matheus Paris an English Historiographer writes that in this same time there was in the schoole of Paris great disputations against Monkes which by multitude would needs oppresse and oppugne all the schoole hauing forged a new booke full of errors and blasphemies which they then reiected and intituled Euangelium eternum that is the euerlasting Gospell which they would needs bring into light But to appease this tumult there were sixe delegates of all the schoole which were of the greatest estimation in all the Vniuersitie amongst which was Guilliam de S. Amour to send them to Rome vnto the Pope and shewe the insolencies and blasphemies of those Monkes The Monkes also sent thither on their part and after great contention their errors were condemned touching their eternall Gospell But the Pope with certaine Cardinals Monkes repressed nothing the tirannie of the begging Friars thinking it was needfull that such his black gard should become mightie ouer all These be the words of Matheus Paris who was in this time Wee also finde a booke written in this time intriuled de periculis mundi of the daungers of the world which the Papists attributed vnto Guilliam de S. Amour making him alone of that opinion but it seemeth to haue bin written by many and conteineth complaines against those new rising Monkes with an aduertisement vnto the Church that by them great mischiefes would follow This S. Amour was condemned an heretike wherevpon great stirres fell out amongst the schooles at Paris but to obey the Popes commaundement Guilliam S. Amour was banished from France We heare that some of his bookes are yet at this day in the librarie at Sorbone and many other Doctors haue since written the like as in our discourse shal be said Truth is alwaies banished yet still getteth the vpper hand of all Alexander being come to Viterbe to make peace betwixt the Venetians and Geneuois died there and the seate was vacant foure moneths Albert the great and other studious people were at this time at Paris An Aduertisement From Siluester the 2. that diuellish Magician vntil this time 1260. Popes haue raigned as Incarnate diuels in all trumperies deceites oppressions of the good and manifest tirannies Their Cardinalls Legates and Bishops haue come out from them as Sathans to trouble the world The greatest Monarkes haue bene tormented by their infernall furies Examples for all are the two Emperours Henry the fourth and fift the two Fredericks first and second and other Princes of the earth From henceforward from Innocent the fourth and Alexander the fourth the Popes by a new forged Armie established and priuiledged by them they wasted and destroyed all that is to say by foure Sects of Mendicant Monkes which like true Locusts deuoured and consumed by their Sophistike doctrine whatsoeuer was greene of the word of God From which like theeues which enter into the sheepfolde by breaches and mines nothing can bee looked for henceforth but thefts robberies persecutions and murthers of the true faithfull which God gaue and raised vp to maintaine the eternall veritie Vrbain Pope 4. of that name French borne at Troy in Campagne a Monke of the order of Cysteaux Patriarke of Ierusalem ruled at Rome three yeares one moneth and foure dayes The Greekes recouered Constantinople which the French had held 55. yeares Chron. of the Kings of France and the Sea of Hist. Vrbain instituted the Feast of the Sacrament and the Octaues with Indulgences whereof he was free to such as obserued the said Feast Martin fift Pope doubled them and added yet others to such as fasted the eue and as went to the Precession and Communion that day S. Thomas d' Aquin Iacopin made the office of the said feast with the Prose and the Hymne and sent it to the Pope who for a recompence of such an inuention sent him a Doue of siluer c. Naucler The yeare of Christ 1263. Vrbaine sent to S. Lewis King of France that he would send him his brother Charles Count Angiou and Count de Prouence with a good Armie then hee would crowne him King of Sicilie and giue him Pouille Calabria Hee said that the said Kingdome was held of the Romane Church and that the king of Sicilie was the Popes man Vrbain caused the Croisado to be preached in France against Manfroy who occupied the said Sicilia The said Charles came and marched in battaile against Manfroy and after against Conradin and ouercame them both and so obtained the Lands but the end was miserable For the Sicilians after in the yeare 1282. rebelled against him maintaining the quarell of the king of Arragon whom they would needs haue for their king And they marked the doores and gates of whatsoeuer houses the French men lay in in the Countrey then at an euening slew them all indifferently and opened which they knew to be great with childe with the French men and cast away their fruite that there might remaine none of that generatiō in that Countrey This occasion was afterward ordinarily called The Euensong of Sicilie In this time Bonauenture Generall of the Friers wrote two bookes against M. Guilliam de S. Amour The one of the pouertie of Christ and the other an Apologie of the poore The Bishoppricke of Ratisbone was offered vnto him but he refused it louing better to follow his studies and died of the age of 80. yeares Chron. Abb. Vnder this Pope the Idolatrie of Chaplets was inuented at Amiens in Picardie called Peter the Hermit See Peter Viret of the spring of Chapelets The Souldane made a great Armie in Siria A Comet seene 3. monethes together This Pope died at Peruse and for troubles the seate was vacant 10. monethes Clement Pope fourth of that name borne at Narbone ruled at Rome 3. yeares 9. monethes and 21. dayes before hee was called Hugo Falcodius hee had bene an aduocate and was after the king of France his Councellor After the death of his wife he was Bishop of Puy and after Archbishop of Narbone lastly Cardinall and Bishop of Sabine Finally by the Pope Vrbane hee was sent into England for the reformation of peace and being in that Legation was chosen Pope at Peruse after the death of Vrbain He caused to come info Italie Charles brother of the king of France and made him Senator of Rome and sent two Cardinalls into the Church of
things to this passe that Wencelaus son of Ottocaire should take to wife Gertrude the Emperors daughter on the other side Rodolphe the Emperour his sonne should espowse Agnes the daughter of Ottocaire Austrich also came vnto the Emperours sonne Albert. The Tartarians Till this time the Tartarians were vnknowne in Europe Now they shewed themselues and finally entred into Hungarie with fiue hundreth thousand men from thence into Polonia Schlesia Morauia See Monstre lib. 4. Some recite that in this time Haalon King of the Tartarians ouercame the Countries of Persia and tooke Babilon then called Baldaca with the great Caliphe who in the Mahumetist lawe is to bee compared vnto the Pope of Rome in authoritie and treasure This Haalon hauing the Caalipho prisoner as is said inuented and ordained in a great mockerie his death in this sort It is conuenient saith hee that that man speake of the Caliphe which loued so much gaine should be nourished with precious viands go then and place him in the middest of heaps of gold and precious stones and let him vse such meates As then he had certaine time bene kept in great affluence of gold and siluer and in the middest of these riches he died with hunger See Paralip Vrsp. Innocent Pope fift of that name borne at Burgongne after Supp Chron. and Cor. Abb. Or in Lombardie after Fasci Temp. before called Peter de Tarentaise Prior Prouinciall of the Iacobins in France Maister and Doctor in Theologie Archbishop of Lyons Cardinall d' Ostia and great Penitenciary of the Pope See how these Grashoppers Mendicants enter alreadie into power to appoint ouer them the King Abadon as is spoken Apocalips 19. Whilest this man was Bishop of Ostia and Cardinall whose office it is to consecrate the Pope Bonauenture Friar was also Cardinall and Bishop of Albe This Peter or Innocent beeing chosen Pope came soone after to Rome Where hauing bene crowned in the Church of S. Peter that hee might rest at his pleasure he sent Embassadors men of great authoritie which commaund them of Tuscane which had conspired to destroy the Pisans and the Geneuois and Venetians beeing at deadly foode to lay downe their Armes vpon paine of excommunication The Embassadors of Charles King of Sicilie were also there present by meanes of whose authoritie hee hoped things should more easily haue such issue as they desired The Tuscanes straight did what was commaunded them And aboue all the Florentines which also for that cause he declared and absolued of the Interdict which Gregorie his predecessor had published against them But the Geneuois Venetian whose hearts had of long time beene inueterated consumed one an other by losses and mutuall victories which notwithstanding Innocent would haue made consent vnto that he pretended if he had longer liued he tooke the matter so much to heart But he dyed sixe moneths and two daies after he was chosen Pope the same yeare of his predecessour Gregorie and was buried in the Church of Laterane This saith Carsulanus although he had determined to do many things yet did nothing worthie of memorie because he was preuented by death This Pope as Platina saith displeased much the secular Priests because that being at Viterbe after he had heard the processe that was betwixt them and the Iacobins touching the sepulcure of Clement the fourth hee ordeined by sentence that his bodie should be buried by the said Iacobins Rodolphe Adrian Pope fift of that name borne at Genes of the house of Tolisques before called Othobonus was created Pope at Rome in the Pallace of Lateran after the death of Innocent his vncle hauing bene ordeined by him Cardinall Deacon of Saint Adrian and sent into England with large power to leuie a great summe of money But as hee sought to appease certaine discordes betwixt the King and his Barons that hee might dispatche his businesse the more easilie hee was clapt vp in prison by the Londiners but finally deliuered againe The yeare of our Lorde 1266. hee helde a Sinode in Northumberland and an other at London whether resorted a great number of Bishoppes and Priests There after they had brought to such estate as he thought good the things appertaining to the Popedome hee published certaine lawes which in time to come England should vse in such things as concerned Popery He declared wicked all such Bishops as had rashly followed the Princes part against King Henry the third which yet were absolued by him partly by gifts presents and partly because he was constrained vnto a quicke transportation to the Pope of Rome Being then created Pope of Rome he tooke incontinently his way towardes Viterbe and sought to bring into Italie the Emperor Rodolphe to diminish the power of Charles King of Sicilie this was hee which a little before they had lifted vp into that roome against all iustice and equitie who at that time did his pleasure and as he would at Rome But Rodolphe being wrapped in warre against the Bohemians could not satisfie Adrians request As for Charles meaning to flie the enuie against him transported into Achaia all his forces which he had prepapared to make warre to the end by that meane to make a way to be Emperour of Constantinople Adrian had a will saith Platina to cause that all Seignories belonging vnto the Church should come into great assurance against such as oppressed them and to reduce into an other forme the constitution of his predecessour Gregorie touching the shutting vp of Cardinalls at the Popes election But death hindered his enterprises and opposed it selfe against the greatnes of his courage What could he do saith Wicelius Apostate of the truth that was a Pope but of fortie dayes For be deceased at Viterbe the yeare 1276. before he could be consecrated and was enterred in the Couent of Friars the fourth day of his Popedome and the seat was vacant about 28. dayes Many debates and contentions happened amongst the Bishops and Pastors against the Mendicant Monkes which troubled Churches because whether Bishops Priests would or no they would ascend into Pulpits to preach Amongst such as complained of them besides Guilliam d'Amour of whom we spake before there was Bernard the Glossator of the Decretalls Godfrey des Fountaines Henry de Gaud and many others Laurent an English man Doctour of Paris in this time maintained the opinion of Guilliam de Saint Amour and writ against the Monkes a Booke conteining an admonition against false Prophets and an other by which he defendeth the said de Saint Amour The Booke that the bogging Friars set out Of the eternall and spirituall Gospell to e●●●●ct the true Gospell of our Lord was publikely burnt and to couer their filthinesse and impudencie they saide that a certaine Monke which long time before was dead had made it Iohn 22. of that name of Portugal borne in the Towne of Lisbone making profession of Phisicke called before Peter of Portugall of a Cardinall and
Iohn they proceeded also against Pope Gregorie the 12. who was cyted to appeare in person but he would not come there yet either by faire meanes or force hee sent Malateste Lord of Armenia with an ample procuration and power to resigne the said right hee had in the the Papall dignitie into the hands of the said Councell The which was done and the said Gregorie 12. was created Legate in the Marquesdome of Ancone where he died soone after with mourning in the Towne of Racany which is a Port of the Adriatike Sea Iohn le Maeire There remaineth yet the third Antipope Peter de la Lune Of him it was that Gerson often said We must needs take away this man of the Moone called Benet the 13. who would not obey the Councell but died obstinately in the Kingdome of Arragon and commaunded his Cardinalls on his death-bed that as soone ar he was dead they should elect an other which they did and elected Clement the 8. borne at Barselone wherein they profited litle For the Pope Martin as shall bee saide had the Popedome whole and had the obedience of all the Princes in Christendome yet the saide Clement the eight was after made Bishop of Maiorque See Iohn le Maire That Pope Benet troubled much the Emperour Sigismond For seeing hee would not consent to any agreement the said Emperour was constrained in person first to goe into France vnto the King then to the King of England to make an attonement betwixt those two Kings Item towards the King of Arragon in Spaine with certaine Embassadors deputies of the saide Councell to exhort them to hold the hand to the vnion of the Church and to perswade the said Pope to doo as others did which hee would neuer be brought vnto Then the Princes of Spaine the Arragonians the Cathelains Armignaes and the Kings of Fraunce and England seeing his obstinacie followed the opinion of the Councell and withdrew themselues from the obedience of Pope Benet the thirteenth which Sigismond signified to the said Councell Naucler Sigismond returned after to Constance about Candlemas and the Councell with burning Candles excommunicated and depriued the said Benet of his Popedome after declared him an heretike a schismatike the 18. day of March 1417. Naucl. This Pope Iohn whilest he was placed in the Romane seate amongst other Ieasts of a Pope he did that which followeth in diuers Authors He had stirred maruellous warres against the king Ladislaus and assembled a Councell at Rome to find means to driue him from his kingdome He also commanded to make a procession with the head of S. Iohn Baptist for that subtilly and cautelously he had determined to sell it to the Florentins He approoued the Sect of such as named themselues De la Chemise or Frisonniers which lifted themselues vp in the territorie of Luques and admitted the congregation of that new reformation in the Monasterie of S. Iustine commenced at Padoue by Lewis Barbe As Pope Martin the fift was at Florence this Pope beeing deliuered from prison contrarie to the opinion of all so that all that were present maruelled thereat came thither towards him and after he had kissed his feete acknowledged him as his Pope the successor of S. Peter saluted him as if he had bin some earthly God Martin mooued with affection certain daies after receiued him into the number of Cardinals and hee made him Bishop of Tusculū but after certain moneths he finished his life sad and grieuous the yeare of the Lord 1419. in the same Towne of Florence where he was honourably buried with great pompe in the Temple of S. Iohn Baptist by Cosme de Medicis who euer bore him great loue In the said Councell the Counts of Cleues and Sauoy were erected to Duchez by the Emperour Sigismond Things being effected as is said the Emperours will was that there should now be an handling to correct the maners of Ecclesiasticall persons and to reforme the Church but it was said that this could not well bee done during the vacation of the Apostolike seate wherefore it was concluded to proceed to a new election of a Pope Naucler Martin Pope fift of that name called Otho a Romane Cardinal Deacon of the house of Colonnois of one same accord and will by the consent of all was chosen of 33. Cardinalls at the Councell of Constance and was called Martin because hee was consecrated on S. Martins day hee gouerned fourteene yeares The Emperour Sigismond very ioyfull that the Cardinalls had chosen such a Pope and so necessarie to the Christian common-wealth entred into the Conclaue where without regarding his dignitie falling on his knees before the Pope in great reuerence hee kissed his feete On the other part the Emperour receiued him beningly and heartily thanked him for the diligence and paines which he had taken to establish the vnion of the Church Naucler After that the Emperour had long time trauelled to assemble this Councell of Constance desiring to see the particular reformation of the Church excused it that Rome had bene long without an head and the time would not permit to begin a reformation for the Councell had long endured Wherefore an other Councell should bee assigned at Basil where that should be done and so the Emperour was frustrate of his purpose and hope for seeing a reformation in the Church-people In the said Councell was dispatched Letters and Bulls to Lewis Duke d' Aniou to goe take possession of the kingdome of Pouille for him and his Naucler Martin Pope returning from Constance to Rome remained two yeares at Florence and for recompence of his entertainement he ordained that the Bishop of that place should bee a Metropolitane and subiected there vnto the Church of Volaterre Pistorie and Fesides The Hussites came vp at this time which reiected all humane traditions more purely preaching the doctrine of Iesus Christ which engendred many contentions betwixt Lay-men and Clarkes A pestilence was at Florence where died more then 16. thousand men Chron. Euseb Mahomet Emperour of the Turkes died after he had raigned 14. yeares Wencelaus died taken with feare because of a tumult raised at Prage hee fell into an Apoplexie and from that euill into a palsie which within 18. daies tooke away his life the yeare of his raigne 20. Charles 7. of that name king of France the onely sonne of Charles the 6. succeeded his father Hee was assailed by the English and Bourgonions and hauing lost as it were all the Countrey of the Frontiers tooke his recourse into Bourges and there remained a certaine time and therefore the enemies in mockerie called him king of Bourges Henry sonne of Charles his sister called himself in his titles king of England of France and at Paris was crowned king of France A pucell or maide plaide the part of a man at Armes and gaue succours to Orleance which was besieged constrained the enemies to leaue the siege conducted the king
Charles to bee crowned at Rheims passing through the places which the enemies held The English after were driuen from Paris The Taberlites Adamites Orebites heretikes in Boheme were in this time See Naucler Sigismond with the Pope and Almaine banded themselues together to make war against the Bohemian Hussites but they got nothing but were faine to leaue them Naucler Iohn Gerson maintained in this time that wee must rather beleeue the sentence and opinion of one Doctor approoued and confirmed by the Canonicke Scripture then the Popes declaration Item that wee ought rather to beleeue a Doctor well learned in the holy scriptures and alleadging a Catholick authoritie then a generall Councell A Councell began at Pauie but the pestilence became so great there that they were constrained the place and time and was ordained at Pise the yeare 1424. and from thence remitted to Basill seuen yeares after in the yeare of Christ 1430. The Venetians corrupted with store of siluer the Captaine generall of the Duke of Millaine called Carmagnolle a valiant man but a Traitor who stole from the said Duke the strong Towne of Brixe and the yeare following the Towne of Pergamum and their appendances which places King Lewis the 12. recouered the yeare 1509. after that the Venetians against all right and reason had avowed themselues to be right possessors thereof the space of 80. years Iohn le Maire The Pucelle or Maide aboue mentioned called of Orleance borne in Lorraine called Iane did things incredible in warlike affaires for the King of France his succour Finally hauing found meanes by force and subtiltie to enter into the Towne of Campaigne which was besieged making sallies vpon the enemies was taken by Iohn de Luxembourge and from thence sent to Roane to the Duke of Sommer set where hauing beene kept certaine time she was burnt She was accused to be an Enchauntresse See the Annales of France The Pope Martin of the age of 63. yeares died at Rome of an Apoplexie He commanded before his death to assemble the Councell of Basill For in the Councell of Constance it was concluded that from 10. yeares to 10. yeares there should be held an Vniuersall Councell of the Church which was not obserued Eugenius 4. of that name borne at Venice of the order of Celestines called before Gabriel Condelmer the sonne of one called Angelus being Cardinall Priest of the title of S. Clement obtained the Papall dignitie in the place called Minerua as Platina saith by this meanes When Gregorie the 12. who was of the house of Corrariens and Venetians by Nation was chosen Pope being before Canon of the Celestines of the congregation of S. George in the place of Alga he carried with him this Gabriel who was of his profession Henry King of England of the age of 12. yeares was crowned in the great Temple of Paris as King by the Cardinall of Winchester Sigismond went to Rome and was Crowned Emperour by the Pope Eugenius after he had raigned 23. yeares Chron. Euseb At the instance of certaine reporters and flatrerers which said that Martin his predecessor had bene very curious to gather great treasures some brought this man into such a rage that he caused his Vice-chauncellor with all his familiars and Nephewes to be taken and dispoiled of their goods After this the Romanes applying themselues to recouer their auntient libertie crying let vs goe to Armes and hauing driuen away all Eugenius his officers and taken Francis Condelmer his Nephewe or bastard and his Chamberlaine they created new Magistrates which they called Gouernours and had power of death and life ouer all Eugenius amongst so many troubles being vncertain what to doo began to thinke to flie away hauing then chaunged his habit and taking a Monkes frocke onely with a Monke called Arsennius put himselfe in a fishers boate and without that they which kept him perceiued he retired to Ostia by the Riuer Tiber Then when certaine of the Romanes knew that he was fled they assailed him as well as they could with stones and shot From thence he went vnto Pise and after vnto Florence in certaine Gallies which purposely had beene prepared for that purpose Where making his residence certaine yeares hee made sixteene Cardinalls amongst which there were were two Grecians namely Bessaron who was a cunning man in Philosophie borne at Nice and Isidorus of Russia and Guillam de Stouteuile Archbishop of Rouan The Coucell of Basill After the Councell of Constance there was an other held at Basill which Cardinall Iulian began by the Popes commandement beeing forced so to doo by the Emperour Sigismond And because then Sigismond was gone into Italie as is said to receiue the Imperiall Crowne the Italians sought to perswade the Pope to breake the Councell of Basill and bring it vnto them that the Townes of Italie might bee inriched with the great summes of money that should be brought thither and that the Countrey should not bee subiected vnto straungers alleadging for a shewe that Sigismond came for no other cause but to make himselfe Lord ouer Italie Sigismond after his Coronation returned vnto Basill This Councell endured tenne yeares and there the Cardinall Iulian called of S. Angelo was President The Bohemians being called vnto the said Councell with sure accesse and safe conduct proposed 4. Articles wherin they differed from the Romane Church 1 The Communion giuen to the people vnder both kinds 2 That ciuill dominion is forbidden by diuine right to the people of the Church 3 The preaching of the people ought to be free 4 That publike sinnes ought not to be borne if it were but to shunne a greater mischiefe In the said Councell the Bohemians were permitted to communicate vnder both kindes as a thing lawfull by the authoritie of Christ and profitable and healthfull to all such as duly receiued it Vadian Naucler In the time of this Councell of Basill was Papistrie set vp in Bohemia by the great meanes and industrie of Sigismond but incontinently after they came to that they did before Naucler About the yeare of Christ 1436. as saith Naucler or 1438. after others Eugenius would needs transport the Councell of Basill to Ferrara for his commoditie and after vnto Florence his excuses were because the Greeke Church would rather agree there with the Romane Church then at Basill notwithstanding the Councell proceeded against him and he was cyted three times but would not appeare There was against him proposed that he was a fauourer and a louer of warres a persecutor of Church men and a man of bloud and scandalous Naucler In the Counccell of Ferrara were presented the Pope Eugenius the Patriarke of Constantinople and the Emperour of the same place Iohn Paleologus with his brother and fiue hundreth men so was the said Church of Greece revnited with the Romane Church The said Councell was transported from Ferrara to Florence the yeare 1439. The Grecians accorded the holy Ghost to proceed as well
Religion then that of the Protestants Moreouer if they thought good of it hee had a great desire to send Theologians and learned men into Amaigne or else if they woulde they might sende theyr learned Diuines into Fraunce to communicate together of certaine points of Religion The Senate of Auspurge receiued the doctrine of the Gospell The 24. of Iuly the Town of Munster is besieged and by might taken by the Count d'Obersten Captaine of the Armie and by their Bishop About the end of the moneth of Ianuary Iohn de Leiden Head of the Anabaptists Coipperdolin and Chrechring his companions being tyed to postes were slaine at Munster the Head alone confessing his fault and something repenting Henry King of England had by his wife Anne Bullen a faire daughter called Elizabeth The Emperour entred into Prouence with his Armie but wanting victualls for his Campe he was constrained to retyre to Gene. A great number of his souldiers dyed and amongst others his Lieutenant Anthonie de Leue. Francis the King of France his eldest sonne dyed at Tournon vpon Rosne of the age of 18. yeares Sebastian de Moncucul an Italian was drawne with 4. horses For giuing him poyson as it is said Perone besieged by Henry Count de Nassau and by Adrian d'erouy Count de Reux There arose a great sedition in England against the King For that bee had plucked downe and banished the Popes authoritie The Emperour by Sea returned from Genes ouer into Spaine Alexander de Medices Duke of Florence is slaine by Lawrence his kinsman promising him the enioying of a Ladie his neighbour of excellent beautie Iames the fift King of Scotland espowsed Magdaline king Francis his eldest daughter The Emperours Armie in Artois vnder the conduction of Florent de Bure tooke by force S. Paul besieged Terouanne but could not winne it The eleuenth of October was borne Edwarde King Henry his sonne of England of Iane Semer which he tooke to wife after Anne Bullen Anne de Mont-mourancy is created Constabled France which is a soueraigne degree of honour which office had bene vacant 15. yeares since the reuolt of Charles de Bourbon The Emperour and the king Francis assembled Nice where the Pope was to make a peace betwixt them and although they accorded not in the principall yet they concluded a truce betwixt them for tenne yearers Margarite the Emperors bastard-daughter after the death of the aforesaid Alexander is married vnto Octauian the Popes sonne in lawe Henry of England caused the Relickes of S. Thomas of Canterburie to be taken out of his Schrine and made them publikely to be burnt The Emperour and king Francis met at Aignes mortes in Languedoc and entertained one an other Charles d' Egmond Duke de Gueldres deceased very olde and William Duke of Cleues possessed his Countrey as well by the dead mans will as by the Nobilitie of the Countrey Castelubro a Towne of Illyrica in the gulfe of Ambracia is taken from the Turke by the Emperour and the Venetians allied together Touching this Pope Paul amongst a great number of his acts I will recite but this litle following that the world may know how great their sanctitie is which the Papists maintaine with an his voyce to be Peters succors and the Vicars of Iesus Christ This Paul was an Astrologian a Magician and Diuine and amongst his most familiars had one called Denis Seuila a Magician whom therefore afterward hee made a Cardinall with one named Gaurice of Portugall Cecius and Marcell Negromancians and wicked villaines Of these did hee enquire the fortune of himselfe and his bastards He got his red hatte in this maner Hee had a sister called Iulia Farnese which hee deliuered to Pope Alexander that hee might be a Cardinall and Bishop of Hostia and to finde meanes to pay his debts For those good Popes commonly are so inflamed with whoredome that they make no difficultie to promise redde hats and Bishopprickes to such as will bring them their sisters or else that which is more horrible their young bretheren to violate Many by such practises obtaine great riches fatte Benifices And as Agrippa saith there is no shorter way then that to come therevnto This murderer poysoned his mother and a Nephewe to this end that all the succession of the Farneses might fall vpon him Moreouer seeing the other of his sisters whose carnall company he had sometime had followed too openly the maners and conditions of them of the house of Farnese and that shee loued more the company of others then his hee poysoned her also Beeing a Legate in Marke d'Ancone in the time of Iulius the second hee most wickedly abused a maide issued of a noble house of that Towne For hee counterfeited and disguised himselfe feigning to bee one of the Gentlemen of the Legates house so vnder the colour of a promise to marrie her deflowred her Who after shee knew the truth what hee was and that shee was not his legitimate wife but his whore at the least by the Canon lawe shee became almost out of her wittes And of this marriage came that great Porteenseigne and Captaine of all Buggerers and Sodomites Peter Lewis As one Nicholas de Chesme found him one day adulterously abusing his wife Laurea Farnese who was the saide Pauls Neece hee wounded him so well with his dagger that hee carried the marke thereof all his life Hee slewe with poyson Bosuis Sforza the husband of his daughter Constance whom before hee had often vsed as his whore to the ende hee might more at his ease and with greater libertie enioy her This Dotard very tyrannously oppressed them of Peruse and droue from the Seignorie Ascanius Columne a very iust Prince This detestable Robber and Rouer tooke and vsurped for himselfe the Towne of Camer after hee had driuen away the Lady thereof which was a woman endowed with a rare and singular religion and prudence and did so much with his practises with Cardinalls that hee exchaunged the said Citie of Camer which was not his owne with the townes of Parme and Plaisance to the end to make his sonne Lewis Lord maister of them Which act afterward by a iust iudgement of God was cause of the death of the said Peter Lewis He often consulted with his Cardinalls how hee might hinder a Nationall Councell in Almaine and commaunded his Embassadors that they should enflame the hearts all Princes against the King of England Anne de Cleues sister of William Duke of Cleues is accorded in marriage to the king of England In the moneth of Maya Comete appeared in the ayre and almost the same day deceased Elizabeth the Emperours wife In August Castelnouo in Illirica is taken againe vpon the Emperor by Barbarosse the great Turkes Lieftenant almost all the garrison of the Spaniards slaine The Citizens of Gaunt rose vp against Mary Regent in the lowe Contries for the Emperour for which cause it was need-full for him to haste
imposed vpon him lawes of extreame rigour Amongst others that hee should subiect himselfe to that which the Pope would ordaine vpon him touching Religion The Duke wished rather to die whereat the Emperor maruelling remitted that condition but yet he tooke from him all his goods sauing 50000. Crownes which the Duke Maurice vnto whom that spoyle came should giue him yearely The 21. of May Wittemberge yeelded it selfe by that Dukes commaundement after hee had acquited to his sonne and his subiects the oath of fidelitie they ought him and Maurice tooke season thereof An example of magnanimitie and constancie more then Heroicke that is Christiā which God giueth to his in the middest of the greatest afflictions of this world The estates of the Empire assembled at Vlme There the Emperours Embassadors purposed to make a league frō thenceforward to appease all troubles if any such arise like this last But the pestilence dissipated this conspiration against the Gospell and the estates retired to Ausbourge The Lantgraue of Hesse to obey the conditions of peace proposed vnto him came vnto the Emperour at Hale and after supper as he would haue departed he was stayed He complained that hee was betrayed and promises not performed vnto him The Emperour before the estates at Ausbourge declared the cause wherefore he set him not at libertie to be this That hee exhibited not the Letters and secrets of the League of Smalcalde And taketh witnesse vnto Maurice and Brandebourge that he neuer meant him lesse then a perpetuall prisoner The doctrine of the Papists dispenseth herein namly that vnto Heretickes men should keepe no faith Peter Lewis the Popes sonne was shine at Plaisance in his Castle by a Band of 36. which had cōspired against him They hanged his body in a chaine on the toppe of the Castle walls a thing much pleasing the people He was slaine the 10. of September on the same day wherevpon his Father Pope Paul being cunning in Negromancie had warned him to take heed The end of tyrants are miserable and horrible and should put vs in mind of Gods iudgement Certaine time after he had beene cast into the graues the Plaisantines themselues massacred him with the stabs of Daggers After Dom Ferdinand de Gonsague strengthned the towne with a Garrison The Masse was abolished in England by a decree iudgement of the publike Councell of all the Realme The Venetians after the Emperours fashion made a very rigorous Edict against such as are called Lutherans One called Francis Spiera of the Citadelle a Towne of the Territories of Venice for that in the said Venice before Iohn Cuse the Popes Legate he had renounced the truth of the Gospell which hee knew fell into dispaire and of a vehement and great apprehension thereof got a great malladie and sicknesse wherein hee could no way be comforted and whatsoeuer any alleadged of Gods promises of his mercie he would still answere that they nothing appertained vnto him because he said hee had sinned against the holy Ghost And in that dispaire finished he pitiously his dayes This is a great good example worthy to be earnestly thought on Maximilian the eldest sonne of Ferdinand from Trent arriued in Spaine and in great magnificence espowsed Mary the Emperours eldest daughter his Cousin-germaine Iane the onely daughter of the king of Nauarre who before was promised vnto the Duke of Cleues was giuen in marriage vnto the Duke of Vendosme The Emperour giueth charge to certaine traytors of the truth namely Iulles Pflug Michael Sidonius and Iohn Islebe Agricula with a Secretarie of Grauiele to build a booke of Religion and called it Interim This booke shooke Almaine more then all the grieuous persecutions that had bin before It was called the Emperours booke Ellenor the dead king Francis widowe left France and retired into her brothers lowe Countries The Bourdelois in Guienne mutined against the King because of a subsidie or taxation and slew the kings Lieftenant there whereof they were by the Constable chastised He constrained themselues to make the fire and to burne all their priuiledges He caused a great number of the chiefe of the towne to be put to death They were constrained to follow the Funeralls of the said Lieftenant slaine in the habit of Criminalls carrying Torches in their hands and demaunding mercie Ambrose Blaurer Minister of Constance and with him a great number of the Bourgesses left the Towne because of Religion The Princes and Townes of Almain are sollicited and forced by the Emperour to giue answere vnto the approbation of his booke The Emperor also caused to be set out a forme of Ecclesiasticall reformation for an outward shew which after they had heard recited they approoued and promised to cause them to be obserued in their Churches with the Popes good pleasure The Duke of Wirtemberge at the alone commandement of the Emperour straightway caused the booke to be read vnto the people forbidding them to do any thing to the contrary The Duke of Saxonie being prisoner was much sollicited to receiue the Emperours booke of reformation but he still remained constant without bowing or yeelding either by threatnings or promises which was cause that his gardes began to handle him more roughly and rudely The Preacher which he alwaies till then had with him fearing danger found meanes to escape A great diuersitie of courage betwixt the two Dukes The Duke Maurice returning into his Countrey proposed the Emperours decree caused the Diuines of Leipsic and of Wirtemberge to assemble and determine therevpon Which after they had two or three times assembled they ordained of things indifferent commonly called Adiaphores In the end they set out in writing at Leipsic a forme of Religion which all Duke Maurice subiects should follow The Bishop of Strasbourge summoned the Ministers and Regents of the schoole which held the Colledge of S. Thomas to receiue the Emperours decree Bucer and Phagius with the Senates leaue departed the first day of April to goe into England whither they were called by Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury Thus the Lord prouideth for his After he hath taken his truth from one place he sendeth them into an other to doe his worke there The King of Fesse in Affricke being chased by a certaine Zepziphe king his neighbour who from low estate was growne vnto that greatnesse implored helpe of the Emperour at Auspourge Whilst Religion was thus troubled in Almaine the Pope thought it good to make his profit thereof Therefore he sent their Legates into Almaine with an Indult by which power was giuen vnto them to receiue all such as they would into the bosome of the Church and to permit by the Popes authoritie to communicate the Supper of the Lord vnder both kinds and to eate all kinde of meates at all times The Ministers of the Lantgraues Country refused the Indult Phillip of Austrich made his entry into Bruxelles where his Father was and is receiued in great magnificence and pompe the
porke was who answered that his Phisitian appointed that none should be serued Then cryed he in this manner Bring me my porke flesh Al di spetto di Dio that is to say in despight of God This now is a common ieast and ordinarie amongst rakehells and rascalls ruffians and bawdes through Italie as Also many other speeches as infamous and dishonest Blasphemies vsed in Italie authorised by the Popes word Hauing one day seene a Peacocke at his dinner which he had not touched keepe said he this cold Peacocke for my supper spread the table in the Garden for I will then haue company As then he sat supper he saw other hot Peacockes serued vpon the table and not seeing his colde Peacocke which hee commaunded to be kept being exceedingly vexed he disgorged an execrable blasphemie against God At which certaine Cardinals that sate with him at the table said Let not your holines be so chollericke for so small a matter Wherevnto Iulius answered If God would bee so angry for an Apple as to cast our first Father Adam out of Paradice wherefore should it not bee lawfull for mee that am his Vicar to be angry for a Peacocke seeing a Peacocke is of much more valewe then an Apple As hee was about to create Cardinall Peter Betan Bishop of Fano of the order of the Iacobins certaine of the Cardinalls resisted him and amongst other things alleadged that he was infected with the heresie of the Lutherans Vnto whom Iulius answered Although it be so should it not be wisely done by putting a redde hat on his head to purge him of that euill and so retaine him one of ours with such a bond then to suffer him to flie from vs and ioyne with our enemies that we haue in Almaine as Vergerius did The 10. of September Affrike a Towne of Affrike was taken by the Emperours Armie vnder the conduction of the Viceroy of Sicilie Dracut Lord of the Towne withdrew towards the Turke his maister and the warre began againe more sharpe betwixt the Emperour and the Turke A sedition in Ausbourge because of certain Spaniards which in the moneth of August made mockes in the Church at the Sermon A woman also of the said Towne mocked a Priest which in his Surplice walked through the Towne with his hoste The Emperour had put the said woman to death had it not bene that Mary the Gouernour of the lowe Country entreated for her and saued her Maurice and Albert his cosin the Elector of Brandebourg and Henry of Brunswic tooke Armes against them of Magdebourge Nicholas Pernot sieur de Granuelle dyed at Ausbourg about the end of August to the Emperours great griefe Anthony Pernot his sonne Bishop of Arras succeeded in his estate About the beginning of Nouember Virich Prince of Wittemberge deceased from this world and his sonne Christopher was his successour Stephen Bishop of Winchester was dispossessed of his Bishopprick in England and put in prison because he would not submit himselfe vnto the Kings Edicts and lawes touching Religion The last of February Bucer dyed at Canterbury and was very honourably buried with a great number of Epitaphes made by learned men lamenting his death The Councell of Trent was deferred by the Pope from the first of May vntill the first of September In Saxonie diuers prodigious things were seene as three Sunnes and three Moones now pale and bleake or blew now red as blood The king of France caused to be published a very cruell Edict against the Lutherans confirming yea passing all his former Edicts and left nothing behinde that appertained to extreame crueltie On all sides the Papists assembled at Trent on the Councell day likewise from Almaine resorted the Electors Ecclesiasticall The Cardinall of Cressentia was President in the Popes place The Emperour and the King Ferdinand sent thither also their Embassadors But the King of France by his Embassadour disavowed the Councell for generall reputing it but a particular congregation to the profit of some His protestation was held for none without vouchsafing to record it Le sieur d' Brisac tooke in Piedmont and about Turin a certaine number of Townes and amongst others Cheri and Saint Damian The Turks Army after hauing assayed the Fort of Malta and rushed vpon Tripoly in Affrické and tooke it The Emperour accused the King of Fraunce to bee the Authour of this losse An Edict published by the King of Paris whereby it was forbidden to transport any siluer out of the kingdome to Rome because of the warre betwixt the King and the Pope There came a writing from the Emperors Court whereby was declared the cause and originall of the warre of Parma and wherefore hee receiued Plaisance into his protection The fact of Duke Octauius is condemned and detested The French to the contrary shewe also by writing the daunger wherein Octauius was at Parma the iust cause that the King had to succour it and that wrongfully the Emperour had taken the Towne of Plaisance The Duke of Somerset is againe imprisoned in October by the meanes of the Duke of Northumberland vnto whome came the gouernment of the Realme after him The eleuenth Session of the Councell of Trent was in October where was confirmed the locall presence transubstantiation and all that euer was inuented for the Deification of that faire morsell of bread George de Martinuse of Dalmatia commonly called the Monke a man of great authoritie in Hungarie was made Cardinal who was after slaine the 18. of December in his own house by certaine Italians vnder colour that he dealt with the Turke suspitiously although before he had so wrought with the wife of the deceased Vaiuoda that she gaue ouer the gouernment of Transiluania to the King Ferdinand In Nouember the Duke Maurice agreed altogether with them of Magdebourge The ende of her euils and calamities was the entry of a great warre yea of all ill luck vnto the Emperour For Maurice hauing practised with Kings and Princes straungers determined with himselfe by force to deliuer the Lantgraue his Father in lawe which notwithstanding hee deferred a certaine time because first he thought it good to prooue all by loue The Duke of Somerset the vncle of King Edward was beheaded at London at the instance of the Duke of Northumberland Maurice by a writing dedicated vnto the states of the Empire greatly complaineth of the discord of Religion amongst them Item of the captiuitie of Lantgraue a prisoner by treason to the great dishonour of the Emperour Albert of Brandebourge complaineth also of the miserable seruitude of Almaine and hauing expressed the causes thereof he declareth that he and his companions do iudge the Ecclesiasticall people to be the chiefe authours of all the abouesaid euils And Maurice and Albert allyed and ioyned themselues together at Rotebourge Ausbourge besieged by them is taken The Fathers of the Councel at Trent being at discord the Imperialists against the Romanists after they vnderstood
fell to a peace about the end of this yeare The Cardinall Don Henry brother of King Don Iohn the third grandfather of Don Sebastian was by a generall consent of the Nobles and Gouernours chosen and sworne king of Portugall who like an other Anius was made king of a preist of whom Virgill saith in the 3. of his Aeneiads Rex Anius Rex idem hominum Phaebique Sacerdos Of this Cardinal say the Portugalls that he was borne in the Eclips of the Moone and in the Eclips of the Moone he died M. Cyprian Val. Almaine was troubled by the cries and factions of the Vbiquitaries against whom certain Princes common-weales and learned mē opposed thēselues both with liuely voice writing The faith and obedience of the king of France his subiects began to decline Vpon the 31. of Ianuary Henry Cardinall King of Portugall departed this life he began to die in the Eclips of the Moone and died with the end thereof as if that the celestiall signe had wrought that effect in him being a man of a weake body which it doth not in strength or at the least not so suddenly as Astrologians do write neither is the houre to bee neglected being the same wherein he was borne 68. yeares before This was the last King of Portugall in whom ended the right Masculine line And as the first Lord of Portugall although vnder the title of an Earle was called Henry so doth it seeme the last should be so termed He was Bishop Gouernour of the Realme Inquisitor Maior Legate Apostolicke and King On the sixt of Aprill being wednesday in Easter weeke about sixe of the clocke towards euening a certain Earthquake happening in London and almost generally throughout England so amazed the people as was wonderfull for the time This Earthquake endured in or about London not passing one minute of an houre but in Kent and on the Sea coasts it was felt three times as at Sandwich at sixe of the clocke at Douer at the same houre These and many other places in East Kent the same Earthquake was felt three times to mooue at sixe at nine and eleuen Hollenshead The first of May after 12 of the clocke in the night was an other Earthquake felt in diuers places in East Kent namely at Ashford and great Chard King Phillip performed the funerall obsequies of Sebastian in the Church of S. Ierome at Madrill although it was secretly muttered that the Duke of Alua should say the King should haue performed it in Potugall in our Ladies Church of Belem where the other kings are accustomed to be interred inferring it may bee that Phillippe was successor vnto Sebastian or at the least should assure himselfe by force of the succession after Henry causing himselfe to be sworne Prince Ieronimo Conestaggio In the beginning of Iune the Frislanders passing Rhene returned into their Countrie and meeting the Count Hollocke with 22. Auncients and two thousand horsmen gaue him an ouerthrow in which were slaine of the Counts part one thousand and fiftie and on their owne side but fiftie and fiue by this encounter the siege was raised at the Groine and many Townes Hauens and holdes of Friseland were redeemed Genebrard After K. Henries death whē Katherine Duchesse of Brabant Anthony the bastard sonne of King Lewis and others had promised themselues the next succession at the last Phillip king of Spaine who was for that named of the dying Cardinall was inuested by the consent of the Lords spirituall and temporall Others chiefly they of Lisbone did sweare to Don Antonio but Phillip with a great power both by sea and land of the which he made the Duke of Alua Generall came to Lisbone and expulsed Don Antonio and recouered the Citie Who beeing hotly pursued by Sanches d' Auila was constrained to flie into France and England for succour Chytreus In the moneth of Iuly Stephen king of Poland comming out of Luchem in Moschouie tooke by force two Fortresses Vualisium and Vsuum and after that Vuielukim but hauing lost many of his men at the end of the yeare hee returned Genebrard On the nineteenth day of August the king of Spaines prescription was published against the Prince of Orange at Namours In these monethes of Iuly and August Fera a Citie in Picardie was deliuered to the Huguenots Emanuel Philebert Duke of Sauoy died this moneth a Prince most famous for his courage wisedome and religion leauing his sonne and heire and sucessor Charles The first day of September of this present yeare the Grecians and Muschouites began to recken the yeare from the worlds creation 7089. Certain Spaniards and Italians confederate with the Earle of Desmond and some of the Cleargie of Ireland landed there and tooke certaine holds and Castles but they were soone discomfited and chased away Ferdinand Duke of Alua began to exercise his tyrannie at Aquisgrane a chiefe Citie of the Empire vpon certaine Citizens and others that came from Antwerpe and the lowe Countries such as were of the reformed religion by whose conference and conuersation very many of Aquisgrane when they had embraced their profession desired of the Senate that they might vse a publike exercise of their Religion which when it was denied neuerthelesse they met openly at Sermons and the celebration of the Sacramens Which beeing shewed vnto the Emperour certaine Commissioners were appointed to roote out the religious and onely to establish the doctrine and rites of the Pope The Emperour himselfe wrote also vnto the Senate that they should banish those Preachers forth with and that they should iustly keepe the old lawe which was that none should be admitted of the Senate vnlesse they were altogether Catholicke D. Chytraeus The eight day of October immediately after the new Moone there appeared a blazing Starre in the South bushing towards the East which was nightly seene the aire being cleare more then two moneths In this yeare there was great abundance of corne wine and all maner of fruite and in Autumne in many places Roses did bud againe A great sicknesse did followe spreading it selfe throughout all Europe This is the yeare which the Grecians holde for the seuen thousand yeare from the beginning of the world Genebrardus Iohannes Martianus a Millanois Embassador for Spaine to the Turke hauing obtained a truce for three yeares returned from Constantinople into Spaine but so as neither desired others friendship but that the Turke molested by the Souldan feared the Christians and the Spaniard hauing enough to do at home was constrained by warre to seeke repossession of his owne Idem In Ianuary Proclamation was published at London for the reuocation of sundry the Queenes Maiesties subiects remaining beyond the Seas vnder colour of studie and yet liuing contrary vnto the lawes of God and of the Realme And also against retaining of Iesuites and Massing Priests sowers of sedition and other treasonable attempts I. S. Queene Anne the wife of King Phillip fell sicke
King of the Vandales persecuteth the Christians and dieth of vermine 472 Hospitalls 164 Hospitall of the holy Ghost builded at Rome 474 Hospitaliers called the knights of S. Iohn of Porsale 321 H. K. of Nauarre 643 Heluetians 658 Huguenots 667 H. the 3. K. of France 669 H. 4. King of France crowned 686 He is absolued of the Pope 691 Hussites do reiect all humane traditions 221. Are assaulted by Sigismond Emperour and the Pope 691 Hypona besieged by the Vandales 346 I IAcobius founded vpon Pope Honorius his dreame 351 Iacobius of Berne 494 Idolatrie finds the Pope a defender thereof 209 Idolatry of them of Gaunt 228 Idolatrie of Chaplets 362 Iohn Baptist preacheth 4 Iohn Apostle and Euangelist dyeth 27 Iohn of Antioche heretike and a Iew compiled the Alicoran 190 Iohn king of England subiected his Crowne to the Pope 227 Ignatius cast to beasts 31 Innocent the first 146 Iohn the 1. Pope 167.2.169 Iohn surnamed Teutonicus opposeth himself against the Popes demaunding of tenthes in Almaine 421 Iohn Duke of Britaine slain with a wall 262 Iohn 22. an heretike 392 Iohn de Roquetaillade martyred 421 Iohn Colunban and Frances Vincent the first Iesuites 417 Iohn Wickliffe 443 Iohn Gerson 443 Iohn Hus commendeth the doctrine of Wickliffe to the people 426 Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prage go to the Councel and are burned 442. Their death Ibid. Iohn 24. saluted of an Owle is much troubled 440. Hee flyeth from the Councell of Constance Iohn Paleoleauge Emp. of Constantinople 400 Iohn Guttenberge inuentor of Printing 455 Iohn Pusters Called Gurman and Peter Sheffert sell their printing Ibid. Iohn Huniades escapes from the battaile 372. Dyeth Ibid. Iohn Iustinian of Geneua beheaded 391 Iohn an English man burnt 479 Iohn Fissers author of the repentants order 364 Iohn Picus Prince of Miradula 297 Iohan of Orleance a maide burnt 448 Ierome died 149 Ierome Sauanaroll burned 229 Iulius Max. Emperor slaine 54 Iust. of faith 147 Iulius Philipp Emperour 57 Ierusalem diuided into 2. Sects 4 Is in sedition 6. Left of the Christians is besieged 22. Horrible famine 23 Ierusalem taken 23 Ierusalem changeth the name 34 Ierusalem taken by Cosroes king of the Persians 121 Ierusalem taken by the Mahometists 282 Ierusalem taken by the Christians 299 Ierusalem raced euē to the foundations 92 Images broken 57. Taken out of Churches 29. Restored Ibid. Taken away and burnt forbidden to honor them vpon paine of death 54. Throwne downe by Sabin K. of Bulgaria Ibid. Images and paintings abolished in Churches 223 Images set vp by Hyren 223. Impugned by Charlemaine Ibid. Imbert Dauphin of Viēna makes himselfe a Iacobin 426 Indians brought to the Romane Church promise to keepe the Sacrament of confirmatiō 439 Indulgences do penetrate euen to such as are in purgatory 498 Inuention to pray for the dead 122 Inuestatures agreed to Henry reuoked 239 Inuestatures resigned to Pope Calixtus 25 Ionathes high Priest slaine by Ioseph 49 Ioseph the Historiographer 26 Iouinian a Christian Emper. 122 Iesuites originall 417 Ireneus is slaine 50 Isaach Exarch ratifieth the election of Stephen 123 Italy and Burgoine subiected to Arnulphe 100 Italy the sea of seditions 224 Italy in great factions 427 Italy gouerned by three Cardinalls hauing the power of Senators 361 Italy afflicted by the Turkes 373 Iubile first 299 Iubile remitted to fiftie yeares 412 Celebrated at Rome Ibid. Iubile of 25. yeares to 25 yeares Iubile celebrated by Alexander the 6. 371 Iohn de Austria 623 Iohannes Basilides 649 Iames king of Scots besieged and taken 660 Innocent 9. 678 His death Ibid. Irish rebellion 630 Iewes and Leonards punished for poysoning waters 406 Iewes crucifie a Christian chude 466 Iulian Medices slaine in hearing Masse 396 Iustin Emperour 166 Iustin the Pelagian dieth out of his wits 225 Iustinian seduced by Antsenius to depart from his error Ibid. Iustinian compileth the Romane lawes 171 Dieth of phrenzie Iustinian Emperor breaketh his faith giuen to the Sarasins 222 Sent inta exile Ibid. Kisseth the Popes feet 230. His head is cut off Iul. an Emp. 100. His death 122 K KIngdome of Cyprus 473. Of Aragon made a pray by the Pope King of Bulgaria dooth receiue the faith 251 King of the Romans Emp. diuers names but of one substance 460 King Phillip 2. 635 King of Nauarre excommunicated 657 King Phillip displeased with the Pope 670 He dieth 708 King of Er● excōmunicated 668 King of France conuerted 683 L LAntgraues 366 Lambert Bishop of Liege rebuketh Pepin for adultery 274 Lewis 184 Laudo Pope 264 Lansrancus the first author of Transubstantiation 285 Laurence Deacon of Rome suffereth Martyrdome 68 Laurentius Valla 245 Laurence de Medices excommunicated 333 Legends of Saints forged 182 Leger Bishop martyred 320 Leo Emperour burneth Images 257 Leo Emp. of Constantinople slain in his Pallace 343 Leontius and Tiberius Emperors beheaded 376 Letanies the great instituted 154 Leuites 5 Libertie to preach the Gospell in France 215 Liberius the Arrian canonized 256 Lombards raigned in Italy 262 Lombards haue the Empire conuerted to the faith 279 They occupie the Exarchate Linus 20. His death 25 Libraries 95 Licinius Emperour 81 Longin Gracian the first Exarch in Italy 176 Lotharius dieth a Monke 277 Lewis Debonaire giueth power to the Romane Cleargie to elect the Pope 345 Lewis sonne of king Phillip first came to Artois 301 Lewis S. marketh blasphemers with an hotte Iron 299 Lewis Emperour declared heretike by the Pope 297 Crowned by 2. Senators of Rome Ibid. Giueth a reason of his faith 390 Lewis Archbishop brake his neck in a daunce 154 Lewis Duke of Orleance murdered at Paris 453 Leo the 10. Pope 153 Lucian the Apostate 30 Lucius king of England receiued the faith 44 Lucius B. of Rome martired 564 Lucrece daughter wife daughter in law to the Pope 484 Luitprandus king of Lombards besiegeth Rome 297 Leopold D. of Austriche takes the King of England prisoner 322 Lupus Bishop of Troy approueth Letanies 167 Luquois entreateth the libertie of their common-wealth 312 Liuonia or Lisland conuerted to the faith 362 Lēt attributed to Telesephorus 35 First Lent in England 194 Lotharius Emperour 233 Liberius Emperour 113 Luther 106. Excommunicated 504 Lewis Beltram Friar 671 M MAhomet an Arabian a false Prophet 189. Adored after his death 221 Mahomets Alcaron 190 His Paradise lawes and ceremonies Ibid. Mahomet and the Pope conferred together 192 Mahometists take Ierusalem 282 Maister of the Synagogue 52 Mancinellus 486 Manes heretike broiled aliue 99 Manichees books burnt at Ro. 27 Manicheus againe condemned are cast out of Rome 151 Mantell episcopall 253 Marke preacheth in Egypt 15 Marke the Euangelist dyeth 19 Marcelline offereth a graine of incense to Idolls 203 Marcian heretike 40 Marcion heretike 38 Margarite Queene of Nauarre condemned to perpetual prison for fornication 375 Marriage publike 30 Mariage forbidden to Priests 91 Mary the mother of our Lord dyeth 15 Martian Emperor slaine 149 Martine Empresse hath her tongue cut out 216 Marcell Bishop
the Supper Simmachus Bloudshead Hospitalls Hormisda Clouis founder of Temples Iustin the olde The death of Anastatius Hormisda Iustine of a swine-heard became an Emperour Iohn Pope first of that name In the first volume of the Councells The faith put behinde Iustinian He that endures not what he shuld must endure that he would not Eztreame Vnction Dedication The treason of Theodatus Iustinian Vigilius Monkes first in France The ciuil Law of Iustinian 2. Volume of Councels Priscillian heresie Vigilius byeth the Popedome deare Pelagius Punishment of heretikes Canonicall houres Vniuersall Memorie of the dead Lent Each Citie should nourish his poore Iohn the 3 Oppressions of the poore Iustine the younger The kingdome of the Lombards Iustin the younger Benet 1. Exarches in Italie Tiberius 2. Pelagius 2. An heape of superstitions Mauricius Visegothes conuerted Gregorie the first Maurice Combat for the premacie Seruant of Seruants Monkes S. Gaul The Monkes of S. Benet priuiledged Images The ceremonies of the Church S. Gregories Masse The word Messe The stations at Rome Councels Legends Maurice punished for his couetousnesse Phocas Sauinian Boniface 3. Lampes Houres of the day distinguished Election of the Pope Phocas Boniface 4. The Romane Bishop made vniuersall Declination of the Empire The Feast of All-Saints Heraclius Deus dedit Boniface 5. Heraclius Priuiledges of Churches Asia lost Honorius Heraclius Austrasia Neutria Soisons Gaul beganne to be called France Heraclius seduced The Artians yet Their Paradice Reproach to Christians Infamous ceremonies Pilgrimages Their Priests and Religious men Diuers opininions of saluation What they hold of Christ Fasting Friday Two Hornes That Priests might not communicate apart Burialls Theefe of Relikes A Colledge of faire women Iohn Pope 4. First Lent in England Theodorus Le Lendy Theodorus Constantin The straunge death of Heraclius Constance The Searge at Easter Reliques sold to giue to the poore A Councell against the Monothelite heretikes Eugenius The death of Pope Martin Collation of benifices Profession and habits for Nunnes inuented Ierusalē taken Prisons Ecclesiasticall S. Claud. Constantin Vitalian The King of Hungarie slaine in adulterie Rome hitherto was not in the rule of Popes Constantin the fourth Adeonatus Pogonatus Constantin the fourth Agathon Rauenna subiect to the Romane sea by force The beginning if leaden seales Constantin the fourth Adeonatus The approbation of the Masse in Latin Marriage permitted to some and forbidden to others Who ought to carry children to Baptisme Constantin the fourth Agathon One person in Christ Two natures in christ diuine and humane The virgin Marie the mother of God Two wills in Christ Persecution in France Leo the 2. Cōstant 4. The vse of the Mantle Such as forbad eating of flesh are excōmunicated Benet 2. The election of the Pope Iohn 5. An other ceremonie of consecrating the Pope Conon Iustinian or Iustin. 2. A second Herodias Iustinian Sergius Pope Saxons The Frisons conuerted to the faith Iustinian Disloyall and cruell Leontius Absimarus Iohn 6. The deuotion of Popes The first Duke of Venice Iustinian Sarrasins in Graneda Sisinnius Schisme the seuenth Constantine Iustinian kisseth the Popes feete Phillippicus Against Images Anastatius Theodosius the 3. Leo the 3. Hee is the 37. Emperour Gregory 2. Leo 3. The Sarrasins besieged Constantinople Images taken away Sedition at Rauenna for Images The end of the Patriarkeship in Italie Leo. 3. Gregory 2. The great Maister of the Pallace Leo. 3. Gregory 3. Praying and offering for the dead Leo 3. Gregory 3. Zacharie Christians slaues The ambition of Pippin The King of France deposed and made a Monke Lachis King of Lombards deposed Cōstantine the fift Cōstantine the fift Sinode in France vnder Pippin Sinodes each yeare Paganisme Seuen Castles Stephen 2. A Councell at Constantinople against Images To marry Stephen The Exarchate giuen to the Pope Paul Saints bones taken out of their graues and cast into the sea Cōstantin 2. Philippicus an Antepope Stephen 3. One Pope condemneth an other Gloria in excelsis The warres of Chalemaine Cōstant 5. Adrian The ende of the kingdome of the Lombards Kissing the Popes feete Leon. 4. Constantine the 6. Cōstantine the 6. Erectiō of the Vniuersitie of Paris Images prohibited Images forbidden in Spaine Hirene Adrian Councells in the time of Charlemain This was S. Boniface then accounted the Apostle of Almaigne Leo. 3. Constantine the 6. Charlemain Emper. 801. the first name of treschristian the first of Emperours that were Crowned by the Popes Charlemain Hirene Nicephorus Diuision of the Empire Accord of diuision Charlemain The alliance of Scotland with France Bauiere conquired Nicephorus Wherefore God sends great Monarks Lewis surnamed the Debonaire Emperour Stephen 4. A subtill Foxe Lewis The right of choosing and Inuesture of Bishops belonged to the Emperours The Pope purgeth himselfe by oath Eugenius 2. Schisme Michael Emperour of Constantinople Rome then was not yet the Popes Gregorie 4. Rome A Councell at Aix wherin the superfluities of Bishops were cut off Rabanus Strabus The Ordinarie Close Lotharie Lotharie Sergius 2. A marke of the beast Benefices sold to them which would giue most Leo. 4. The people seperated frō Priest in the Church The Castle of S. Angelo S. Peters pence in England Iohn 8. The great whore Lewis 2. Lewis 2. Benet 3. A Pope deposed and after restored Nicholas 1. Lotharie excommunicated One Epistle of Huldric Bishop to Pope Nicholas Math. 19. vers 11. 1. Cor. 7. vers 25. 1. Cor. 7. vers 2. This decree is contrarie to the Bishops and Prelates in Queene Maries dayes More then 6000. heads of Infants found in the Popes Moate through the wicked decree Of the single life of Priests S. Augustine to Donatus What it is to marry in the Lord. What a virgin is after the Apostle Augustine ad Bonifacium The absurd and filchy saying of Papists Gregorius 2. Timo. 3. Adrain 2. Diuision betwixt the Latine Greeke Church Chales 2. This is not Fryer Scotus Iohn 9. Lewis le Begne Charles 3. Charles le Gros. Charles le Grosse Martin 2. Adrian 3. The order of Clugny Berno and Odo Curator The end of the Emperour Charles Stephen 5. The signe of the Crosse Arnulphus Formosus Schisme 9. Benafice 6. Messe denomine Iesu Stephen 6. Romaine Lewis 3. Theodorus 2. Lewis 3. Iohn 10. Benet 4. Leo. 5. Christopher To be a Monk the refuge of the miserable Sergius 3. A Monster represented the estate of that time Conrade 1. Anastasius 3. Laudo 1. Beringer 2. Iohn 11. Henry 1. Henry 1. Duke Coūt or Earle Lantgraues Marqusses Palatins Bourgraues Baron Leo. 6. Stephen 7. Iohn 12. Berenger 3. Otho the great Wencelaus Otho the great Leo. 7. Anthropomorphites Stephen 8. Martin 3. Agapetus 2. Berenger 4. Iohn 13. They were called Cardinalls as chiefe of the Cleargie Leo. 8. Crueltie of the Venetians Benet 5. Otho 1. Leo. 8. The Emperours right to chuse the Pope set vp againe Scholasticall diuinitie Iohn 14. Otho 2. Benet 6. Otho 2. The Duke of Lorraine Vassal of the