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A07225 Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1615 (1615) STC 17622; ESTC S114403 588,758 444

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in this waightie cause The next day the three estates sitting in the Parlament-house all on their knees exhibited a Supplication to their Highnesses the King and Queene that their humble sute by their Graces intercession and meane might be exhibited vnto the Cardinall declaring themselues sorie and repentant for the Schisme committed in this Realme against the Apostolike Sea promising in token of their repentance to be readie vnto the vttermost of their power to doe their endeauour for the repealing of the said lawes and we desire that your Maiesties will so set forth this our humble sute that we may obtayne from the Sea Apostolike by the sayd most Reuerend Father as well particular as vniuersall absolution and that we may be receiued into the bosome of Christs Church so that this whole Realme may in perfect obedience vnto the Sea Apostolike serue God and your Maiesties to the furtherance of his honour and glorie The king and Queene deliuered it vnto the Cardinall who perceauing the effect thereof to answere his expectation hee receiued it most gladly and after he had thanked Almighty God for the prosperous successe of his comming from Rome by the Popes authoritie he gaue them full absolution Then they went to the Chappell sung te Deum with great ioy of the reconciliation the report of this was sent to Rome with great speed as well by the King and Cardinals Letters which thou maist see in the Booke of Martyrs Wherevpon the Pope caused Processions to bee made with great ioy for the conuersion of England and praising the Cardinals deligence and the deuotion of the King and Queene on Christmas Euen by his Bulles hee set forth a generall pardon to all such as did truely reioyce for the same The Sonday following the second of December Gardiner Bishop of Winchester and Lord Chancellor preached at Paules Crosse Upon the third to the Romans It is time that we should awake out of sleepe for our saluation is neerer then when we beleeued First he shewed how the saying of Saint Paul was verified vpon the Gentils which had long time slept in ignorance therefore to stir vp their dulnes he desired them to wake out of sleepe then hee compared our time to theirs As the sacraments of Christ did declare Christ to come our Sacraments declare that he is come now that hee is come the Iewes sacrifices bee done away a●d ours only remaine they had him as a signe but we haue his very body in our Sacrament wherefore it is time that we now also awake who haue slept rather dreamed this twenty yeares as shall bee declared by the properties of sléepe or dreame As we going to sléepe separate our selues from company so we haue separated our selues from the Sea of Rome no Realme in Christendome like vs and as Shepheards dreame sometimes of killing mayning or drowning and sometimes of beastlinesse so we haue not onely dreamed of beastlinesse but also done it and as in sléepe all ones senses is stopped that hee cannot see not smell nor heare so the Ceremonies of the Church being to mooue our senses are taken away whereby our senses are stopped and further when a man would sleepe he wil put out the Candle least it wake him So lately all such Writers as did hold with the Apostolike Sea are forbidden to be read and Images which were Lay mens Books were cast downe and burned Wee haue beene this twenty yeares without a head for when King Henry first tooke vpon him the head of the Church it was then no Church at all After whom King Edward could not be head but was onely a shaddow of a head and in our Queenes time we had no head for she alone could not be head and her two Arch-bishoppes were both conuicted of one crime and deposed in Henry the eights time when the tumult was in the North the King would haue giuen the supremasie againe to the Pope but the houre was not then come least it had beene said he did it for feare After Master Kneuet and I were sent Ambassadors to the Emperor to be a means to reconcile the King to the Pope but the time was not come for it might be said it was done for policy the matter was likewise moued in the beginning of King Edwards raigne hut the time was not yet come for it might haue been said the King was bought sold in his infancy neither was the houre come in the beginning of the Queens raign for it would haue bin said it was done in weaknes and if it had been done when the King first came it might haue been said it had beene done by violence but now hora est when nothing can be obiected but that it is the prouidence of God Now Pope Iulius the hath sent vnto vs this most reuerend Father the Cardinall not to reuenge iniuries done but to giue his benediction to those which defamed and persc●uted him And that they may be the meeter to receiue it let vs acknowledge our selues of●enders against his Holinesse I doe not exclude my selfe of the number I will wéepe with them that wéepe and reioyce with them that reioyce The King and Quéenes Maiesties haue restored the Pope to his supremacy and the thrée Estates of Parliament haue also submitted themselues to his Holinesse and his successors for euer therefore let vs no longer stay And as S. Paul saith to the Corinthians He was their Father so may the Pope say he is ●ur Father for we receiued our doctrine first from Rome therefore he may challenge vs as his owne he hath preuented vs before we sought him he hath sent one of our Brethren to speake vnto vs not as vnto strangers and now let vs awake which so long haue slept and in our sléep don so much naughtinesse against the Sacraments and pulling downe the Altars which thing Luther would not do but reproued them which did In his prayer he prayed for the Pope and Cardinals and for the soules departed liuing in paines of Purgatory Upon Newyeares day at night thirty Men and Women and one Maister Rose a Minister were taken in a house in Bow Church-yard at the Communion and committed to prison and Maister Rose was examined before Cranmer and committed vnto the Tower Néere Lancaster in Lankishire at Cockram the Church-wardens and Parishoners made bargaine with one for the framing of their Roode who made them one and set it vp in their Church but they misliked his workemanship and refused to pay him the matter was brought before the Mayor of Doucaster th●y shewed the Mayor that the Rood they had before was a welfauoured man and he promised to make vs such another but this is the worst fauored thing that euer was séene gaping and grinning that none of our Children dare looke on him and come néere him the Mayor concluded the poore man must bee paid for if it will not serue for a God put a paire of Hornes on his head and it will
destruction that is comming towards you and your Realm● Prince Lodowicke hath sworne a great oath and sixtéene of his Earles and Nob●es are of 〈◊〉 with him that if he obtaine the Crowne of England he will ●anish and depriue of their Lands and goods all that h● now findeth to goe against their leach King and are Traytors to him vpon my Faith n●w lying at Gods mercie I was one that was 〈◊〉 to the same and with teares he said take héede in time your King for a 〈◊〉 hath kept you vnder but if Lodowicke preuaile he will put you from all hee had them kéepe his counce●l and so he dyed This trobled the Barons and seeing withall 〈◊〉 Prince Lodowicke obtained by warres he gaue to French men in spite of them saying they were but Traytors They at length concluded to submit themselues 〈…〉 neuer drunke before I trust this Wassell shall make all England glad and dranke a great draught thereof the king pledged him the Munke went away and 〈◊〉 bu●st out and hee dyed and had euer after thrée Monkes to sing continually Masse for his Soule confirmed by their generall Chapter I would you would see how religiously they bestow heir confessions absolutions and Masses King Iohn feeling himselfe not well asked for Symon the Monke they answered he was dead then the tooke his Chariot and departed and dyed within three dayes He admonished that his Sonne Henry would learne by his example to be gen●le and leuing to his natiue people He being imbalmed his bowels were bur●●ed in Crompton Abbey his Soldiers ●olded his Corps triumphantly in Armour and honourably buried him in the Cathedrall Church or Worcester hauing raigned 17. yeares 6. moneth● and odde daies After whose death the Princes Lords Barons and strangers that were on the kings part with the Councell of the Legate Gualdo proclaimed Henry his sonne king and at Gloster with the Earle there they annointed and Crowned him King b● the Legate Gualdo assisted with the Bishops of Winchester and Bath and called him Henry the third The Pope sent with all spéede that they should mightily stand ●ith the young king being but ten yeares old and defend England with Arm●ur and his thundring curses against Lodowicke Hée confirmed his Legat Gualdo and committed to his discretion all that appertained to his Office none to appeale from him Hee compelled the Prelates to bée sworne to the young King and punished them which refused Th● Bishop of Winchester laid a heauie talke vpon his beneficed men to helpe the king in his warres Gualdo left not one beneficed man vnpunished that had taken part with the French King In this yeare Gualdo was sent for home to Rome for by this time he had welfa●oredly vnladen the purses of the Clergie men and returned with all his bags well stuffed leauing Cardinall Pandulfe behind him to supply his Baliwicke The Bishop of Lincolne not long before paid 1000. markes for recouery of his Office and an hundred markes to the Legate for his goodwill so were other holy Prelates and Priests taught by his example Inocentius Pope condemned Almeri●us a worthy Bishop for an hereticke for teaching and holding against Images also he condemned the Doctrine of Ioachim Abbas as before for heresie He brought in first the paying of priuie ty●hes and the receiuing once at Easter and the reseruation of the Sacrament and the going before it with a bell and a light He stirred vp Otho against Phillip the Emperour because he was elected without his will whereupon followed much slaughter in Germany and against Otho which he had made Emperour he set vp Fredericke king of Ci●le and caused the Archbishop of Mayence to excommunicate him and depose him of his Empire for which cause the Princes of Germany did inuade his Bishopricke and burned his possession all was because Otho held certaine Cities Townes and C●stles which the Pope said belonged to him In his time came the order of Blacke Friers called the Preaching Fryers it began of one Dominicke a Spaniard who after he had Preached ten yeares against the Albigenses and others that held against the Pope comming to Lateran desired to haue his Order of Preaching Fryers confirmed which the Pope refused vntill hee dreamt that the Church of Lateran was readie to fall vntill Dominicke came and propped it vp with his sholders and so preserued it The Pope waking called Dominicke to him and gr●nted his request Dominicks mother being great with child dreame● she had a wolfe in her wombe which had a burning tor●ch in his mouth the which dreame the Preachers of that order aduance to their glory In his time came vp the order of the Minorits of one Frances an Italian hee left off shooes had but one cote of vile cloth and an hempen cord about his middle and so apparelled his Disciples teaching them to fulfill the perfection of the Gospell walke in pouertie and holy simplicitie this rule was confirmed by Pope Innocent Many Nobles and others in Rome builded manflons for him and his disciples he was likewise str●●t to his flesh leauing clothes in winter he 〈◊〉 himselfe in Ice and snow he called pouerty his Lady he kept nothing ouer night he was so desirous of Martyrdome that he went to Siria to the Solda● who receiued him honourably it is written that Christ and his Saints marked him with fiue wounds These Franciscans or begging F●●ers though they haue but one Rule they haue many Orders there by 101. seueral sorts of Friers and Nunnes which the reader if he be disposed may see in the booke at l●rge with their names Fol 70. Hildegardis a Nunne a Prophetesse liued in the yeare 1170. She reprehendeth grieuously the abhominations of the l●ues of the Spiritual Papists the contempt of their Office and destruction of Gods children with these words Now is the Law neglected amongst the Spirituall which negl●ct to Preach and to doe good things The masters and Prelates sleepe and negl●ct Iustice. The Church appeared to her in the shape of a 〈◊〉 her face 〈◊〉 with dirt and her 〈◊〉 rent complaining that the Priests did not shine ouer the people neither in Doctrine not example but contrary did driue the innocent lambe from them that Eccles●asticall order grew worse and worse and Priests destroyed the law of God and did not teach it and proph●●eth to them Gods heauie wrath and punishments She prophesieth likewise of the reformation of Religion and saith it shall be most godly saying Then shall the Crowne of the Apostolicall honour bee deuided because there shall be found no religion amongst them and the name of that dignity shall bée despised and they shall s●t ouer them other men and other Archbishops and the Apostolicall order shall haue scarce Rome and a ●ew other Countries thereabout vnder his Crown● and this shall be done partly be war●es and partly by a common consent of Spirituall and Seculer persons then Iustice shall florish and men shall honestly apply themselues to the
held the Towell and so he pr●ceeded to Masse When Masse was done the Bull was againe published the Trumpets blew the Shawmes and Sackbuts played in honor of the Kings new stile and in the midst of dinner the Heralds proclaymed his new stile this was ended with great solemnity Not vnlike to this was the receiuing of the Cardinals hat when one had brought it to him to Westminster vnder his cloak he clothed the messenger in rich aray and sent him back to Douer appointed the Bishop of Canterbury to méet him besides an other company of Lords and Gentlemen when it came to W●stminster it was set vpon a cubbord with Tapers about it the greatest Duke in the land must curtsi● thereto and to him empty seat And thus much touching Cardinall Wolsey He founded a certaine new Colledge in Oxford for furniture whereof he gathered together all the best learned hee could heare of amongst whom were Clerke Tindall Frith and Tauerner who after were found to be hereticks as they call them and were cast into a prison of the Colledge where salt fish lay through the stinke whereof they being infected the said Clerke being singular in learning died One Simon Grineus hearing a Sermon of Faber Bishop of Uienna after the Sermon he followed Faber and declared vnto him that of good zeale he had somewhat to say to him and said he was very sorie that a man of such learning should confirme such ●●n●●●elious errours which might be refuted by manifest Scripture Polycarpus vsed to stop his eares when he heard any monst●●us errours how then do you think he would haue heard you reason what the Mouse did eate when she gnaweth the consecrated Host who would not bewayle the blindnesse and ignorance of the Church Then Faber asked his name he tolde him his name was Grineus and he fained he was sent for by the King and had no leisure now to reason vpon this matter and shewed that he was desirous of his acquaintance and intreated him both for his owne matter and the Common-welth he would come the next day vnto him He willingly promised him When he was returned to supper a stranger an old man of great grauitie told him the Sergeants would by and by come vnto the lodging sent by he King to carrie Grineus to prison whom Faber had accused vnto the King exhorting Grineus straight way to depart the Town without delay and so departed Th●n we tooke Grineus and carried him vnto the Riuer Rhyne and conueyed him ouer in a Boat and returned In the meane time the Sergeants were at the lodging wherefore we iudged that this cruell purpos● was frustrate by Gods prouision therefo●e let vs giue thanks to God which giueth his Angels to be our kéepers and with quiet minds fulfill the office of our vocation P●trus Flistedius and Adolphus Clarbachus singular Diuines for differing from the Papists touching the supper of the Lord with diuers other of the Popes traditions and ceremonies by the Archbishop and Senate were burned in Cullen this was by reason som diuines had preached that the punishment death of such as these were would pacifie the wrath of God which at this time plagued Germany for the sweating sicknes did then mortally rage and raigne throughout all Germany In this yeare Solymanus the Turkish Emperour passed th●rough Hungarie with an Armie of fourtéene thousand fighting men and came into Austrich where he exercised extreame crueltie some he bereft of sight some he rent and mangled in pieces cutting off their noses eares handes armes and priuie members deflouring Uirgins cutting off womens paps openings their wombes with childe and burning the yong babes then he besieged Uienna and assayed to vndermine it and the wals being ou●rthrowne he assaulted it desperatly and seeing the Souldiers within desend the breach valiantly a month he brake vp the siege and returned with great dishonor The Emperour came to Strawsborough and commanded the Protestants to be present at Masse which they refused to do and he called the Prince Elector of Saxony to beare the Sword before him at the Masse and the Diuines resolued because he was sent for to beare the Sword and not to heare Masse therefore hee might there present himselfe There was an Assembly holden and diuers Decrées made against the Protestants and Faber and Eckius forged confutations against them with diuers other troubles At this time the new Testament was newly translated and imprinted by William Tindall wherewith the Bishoppe of London was grieued and deuised how he might destroy it The Bishop being at Antwarp and desirous to bring this purpose to passe communed how he would buy the New Testaments One Packington which was a fauourer of Tindall but made the Bishop otherwise beleeue said My Lord I can doe more in this matter then most Merchants for I know them that haue bought them of Tindall and for money I will assure you to haue euery booke of them that is printed and vnsolde Hee ●ade him get them and hee would pay for them for he intended to burne euery booke of them at Paules Crosse. Hee hereupon declared the matter to William Tindall so the Bishop had all the bookes After this Tindall corrected the same againe and had them the second time newly reprinted so they came abundantly into England The Bishop sent for Packington to know the reason thereof he said he bought all that were there and these were new printed One George Constantine was apprehended by Sir Thomas Moore L. Chancelor of England for heresie My Lord asked him who it was that maintained Tindall Ioy and a great many more of you I know they cannot liue without helpe and thou being one haddest thy part thereof I pray tell me who helpeth them thus My Lord quoth Constantine I will tell you truly It is the Bishop of London for he hash bestowed amongst vs a great deale of money vpon New Testaments to burne them which hath bin and yet is our only succour By my troth quoth Moore I think the same I told the Bishop so much before The Townes of Zurick and Berne being at contention with the Townes of the Cantons stopped all the Straits that there could no victuals passe vnto them wherefore they prouided a power to come against them of Berne and Zurick and fought a great conflict with them in which fight Swinglius being Minister of Zurick was slain and after his dead corps taken by his enemies and burned when his body was burned to ashes his heart was found in the midst of the fire whole which could not be without the great miracle of God The like happened after to Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury In this yeare the King held a Parliament at Westminster diuers Articles were put vp against the Clergie touching their excesses and extortions and there was prouided for pluralties and non-residents and for buying and selling of pardons This so displeased the Clergie that they called the commons hereticks and schismaticks and
made the Emperor Hen. 4. his wife and his child to wait three daies and three nights bare-foot in winter at his gates to sue to him for his fauor and gaue away his Empire in the meane time This prophecie of Antichrists exaltation aboue Princes is verified in none but the Pope Touching the breadth of his kingdom it is not said he shall exalt himselfe aboue one or two but aboue all that are called God w ch are all Christian rulers spiritual temporal to whom God vouchsafeth this name because hee ruleth and instructeth by them and dwelleth in them if they be good this declareth the large limits of his kingdome And as he is said heere to exalt himselfe aboue all Kings so Reu. 17. 3. he is said to haue ten horns and in ver 12. they are interpreted to be ten Kings which shal giue their power and authority vnto the beast that is to say the beastly Pope and fight with the Lambe that is they shal be the Popes Butchers to destroy Gods children and as the prophecies foretell such an Antichrist as shall raigne ouer all Christian Princes so this storie shall shew thee the true fulfilling of this prophesie in the Pope Touching the length of his Kingdome it is prophecied Antichrist shall raigne three yeares and a halfe and in Reuel 12. three times and a halfe these times and these yeares are all one so is the fortie two moneths Reuel 13. 5. for there be so many moneths in three years and a halfe the same likewise is the 1260. dayes in Reuel 12. 6. for there be iust so many daies in three yeares a halfe at 360. daies to the yeare which was the number of the dayes of the Iewes yeare And it is common with the prophets to set downe a day for a year so by these prophecies Antichrist must raign 1260. yeares which is iust so many yeares as Christ preached daies and Gregory the first sheweth that Antichrist began when one Bishop exalted himselfe aboue all others And though there were manie Popes before him which did exalt themselues aboue all other Bishops yet he would not but haue himself called Seruus seruorū Dei Wherefore Sabinianus which succeeded him in the popedom was a malitious detractor of his works as thou maist see in this book Antichrist was not at his height vntill Hildebrand had gotten aboue the Emperor for then he was aboue all that was called God yet Antichrist began when the Bishop of Rome being the least of all the foure Patriarchs exalted himselfe aboue all other Bishops which was about the yeare of Christ 400. for then began pride and superstition to creep into the Church and Anno 666. according to the number of the name of the beast in Reu. 13. 18. Latin seruice was set vp in England and all other places and mass●s ceremonies letanies and other Romish ware which was long before Hildebrands time And if we account the aforesaid 1260. yeares of Antichrists raigne from thence there remaineth but about 46. yeares to come vntil God shal call together the kings of the earth to destroy Rome Touching the fall of his kingdom Mat. 24. 22. If God should not shorten his kingdom none of Gods children could be saued from his cruelty but for the elects sake Reu. 11. 13. God first destroyed the tenth part of his Kingdom thou mayest note in this book when this prophecie was fulfilled and Reu. 8. at the blowing of the foure first Trumpets the third part of all his kingdom is destroyed which prophecie we see fulfilled at this day for the third part of his kingdom are wholly become Protestants yet Reuel 11. 22. the Church of Antichrist is not heerewith moued to repent of her murders sorceries fornications and thefts but Reu. 18. 7. glorieth her selfe that she is a Queene and shall be no widdow that is shee shall neuer lose her Spouse the Pope therfore shall her plagues come at one day death sorrow and famine and shee shall be burned with fire for strong is the Lord God which will condemne her The meanes of her destruction is set forth Reu. 17. 16 the ten kingdomes that first tooke her part against Gods children shall hate the whore and make her desolate and naked and eate her flesh and burne her with fire for God doth put into their hearts to fulfill his will The manner of the destruction of Rome and the Popedome is declared Reu. 19. 17. as fowles gather together to a dead carkasse so God shall gather all Nations together to warre against Rome and shall take her and the Pope the false Prophet that worketh miracles wherby he deceiued all that receiued his marke and worshipped his Image and they shall not only be destroyed in this world but they shall bee cast aliue into a lake burning with fire and brimstone to wit into eternall damnation and Reu. 18. 20. the Angells and all Gods children are exhorted to reioyce at her destruction and vers 21. Rome shall be destroyed with such violence as a Mill-stone falleth into the Sea and there shall neuer any more Mill grinde any light corne or anie be married in Rome but it shall euer after be a desolate wildernesse as Babylon was They that cannot behold Antichrist in this Glasse 2. Cor. 4. 3. it is a signe the Diuell the God of this world hath blinded their eyes but as Salomon when hee dedicated the Temple prayed God to heare euery one that prayed therein so I beseech God with his holy spirit to illuminate all that shall reade this book that they may plainly see the pope to be Antichrist and to flie from him lest they be partakers of his punishment in this world and in the world to come AN ABSTRACT OF ALL THE HISTORIES OF THE CHVRCH from CHRIST to this day 1614. THE FIRST BOOKE IN describing the whole State of the Prim●tiue and latter times of the Church First shall be declared the suffering time of the Church 300. yeares after Christ secondly the flourishing time of the Church 300. yeares more then the declining of true Religion 300. yeares more sourthly of the raigne of Antichrist since Sathan was loosed Lastly of the reforming of the Church in this last thrée hundred yeares In the tractation of all which things the Christian Reader may by experience obserue two special points First the Nature of the World Secondly the condition of the Kingdome of Christ By the World is meant all that by ignorance know not Christ and that will not beléeue him or that persecute him The Kingdome of Christ are the beléeuers in Christ and take his part against the World and though they be much fewer then the other and alwaies lightly hat●d and molested of the world yet they are they whom the Lord doth blesse and euer will and Christs Subiects which we call the Ui●●b●e Church the●e are of two sorts first of such as onely outwardly professe Christ secondly of such as by e●ection inwardly are ioyned to Christ
him buried in Christian buriall at length by perswasion of his kinred he was buried in Christian buriall Ater the death of Sythericus King of Northumberland King Adelstone seazed that Prouince into his hands and put out his sonne Alanus who fled into Scotland maried the daughter of Constantine King of Scots by whose stirring gathered a company of Danes Scots and others and entred the North of Humber with a strong Nauie of 615. shippes King Adelstone and his people ioyned in fight with them at a place called Binford where fighting with them from morning till night after a terrible slaughter on both sides the like hath not béene seene in England King Adelstone had the victorie fiue vnder kings were slaine in that battell with Constantine King of Scots and twelue Dukes with the most part of the strangers that were there Then King Adelstone subdued the Brittaines and forced them to grant to him yearely tribute 20. lib. of gold 300 lib. of ●iluer 2500. heads of neate with a certaine number of hawkes and dogs King Adelstone caused his guiltlesse brother Edwine through sinister suggestion of his Cup-bearer to be set in an old rotten bote in the broad sea onely with one Esquire with him without any tackling where the tender Prince dismai●e with the ●age o● Windes and Flouds weary of his life cast himselfe into the Sea the Esquire shif●ed for himselfe and recouered the body of his maister and brought it to Sandich were it was buried The reason the King the more doubled of his brother was because he was by his mother of a base bloud and begotten before wedlocke for King Edward his Father comming into his Nurses house was rauished with the beautie of one Edwina a beautifull maide begat that night of her King Adelstone and afterward married her after the King was stricken with great repentance for the death of his brother by the space of seauen yeares at length the Cup-bearer his accuser bearing the Cuppe vnto the King stumbled with one foote and recouering himselfe with the other saying Thus one brother helpeth another These words so moued the king that forthwith he commaunded the false accuser of his brother to bee had out to execution and he builded two Monasteries of Middleton and Michlenes for his brothers Soule Whereby it appeareth what was the speciall cause of building of Monasteries to wit for releasing of sinnes for them departed and them aliue which is contrarie to the grace and veritie of Christs Gospell He deuised diuers good and wholsome lawes as well of the state Ecclesiasticall as Seculer which thou maist see in the booke at large whereby it is to bee vnderstoode that the vsurped power of the Bishop of Rome did not then extend or derogate from the authoritie of Christian Princes but that euery one in ●is owne Dominion had the doing of all causes whether they were spirituall or temporall he raigned 16. yeares and because he had no Issue his brother Edmond succéeded him This Edmond expelled the Danes Scots Normanes and all forraine enemies out of the Land and recouered such Cities as were in their hands from them then the King set his minde to building of Monasteries and furnishing of Churches with possessions in his time Monks were dispersed out of the Monastery of Esham and Canons substituted in their place At the first Religious houses were replenished with Priests and Canons which were Clergie men after Monkes succéeded they professed Chastitie that is to 〈◊〉 vnmaried for so they defined Chastitie in those blinde daies the Priests and Canons liued more frée from Monkish rules and obseruations were common●y marie● and in their life came néerer to seculer Christians so there was great enmitie betweene them one ●uer sought to expell the other Thus Monkes first beganne about the time of this King Edmond when straitnes of life with superstition was had in veneration which men either to haue publike fame with men or merit of God gaue themselues to leade a strict life There was a Monastery in Fraunce called Floriake of the rule of Benedict from whence came our English Monkes for after they were professed there returning into England they daily congregated men to their profession and for their outward holinesse and straite life we●e in great admiration not onely with the rude sort but with Kings and Princes who founded them Houses maintained their rules and inlarged them with possessions After King Edmund had raigned 6. yeares and a halfe he was slaine and buried at Glastenbury leauing bebing him two children Edwine and Edgar but because they were vnder age Edred brother to King Edmund gouerned as Protector nine yeares with great moderation and fidelity to the young children Edwine eldest sonne of King Edmond was crowned at Kingstone the day of his Coronation he forsooke his Nobles and went into a Chamber to a woman whom he inordinately had retained Dunstone Abot of G●astenbury followed the King into the Chamber and brought him out by the hand and accused him to Odo Archbishop causing him to be separated from her company for which ●act Odo suspended the king out of the Church The king being displeased banished Dunstone who went into Flanders where hée was in the Monastery of A●andus about that time the order of Benedict Monkes or blacke Monkes beganne to multiply in England so that Priests and Canons were put out in many places and Monkes put in their 〈◊〉 but King Edwine for the displeasure he bare to Dunstone so vexed all the Order of the said Monkes that in Malmesbury Glastenbury and other places he thrust out the Monks and set seculer Priests in their steed Edwine being hated of his Subiects for his misdemeaners was remoued from his kingly honour and his brother Edgar receiued in his stéede yet one raigned ouer all on the one side of the Th●mes and the other on the other side of the Thames but Edwine after hee had raigned 4. yeares dyed leauing no Heire wherefore all fell to Edgar Edgar at the age of 16 yeares began to raigne but was not crowned vntill 14. yeares after He sent for Dunstone home againe whom Edwin had exiled he was made Bishop of Woster and after of London and not long after of Canterbury By his intre●tie to the King Oswoldus was made Bishop of Woster and by his meanes also Ethelwaldus Abbot of Abendon was made Bishoppe of Winchester By the meanes of these thrée Bishoppes the multitnde of Monkes began first to swarme in this Realme of England By the meanes of them King Edgar builded 40. Monasteries and by the instigation of them King Edgar in diuerse great houses and Cathedrall Churches where Prebends and Priests were before displaced them and set in Monkes and many seculer Priests being put to their choyce whether they would change their habit or leaue their roomes departed out of their houses After Oswaldus was made Archbishop of Yorke and then they had their minde and when he by no perswasion could make
Cadwalader 2076. year●s vnder an hundred and two Kings and they receiued the Christian Faith in the yeare of Christ 162. In the time of Lucius their King Elutherius being Pope who sent thither Fagamus and Damianus Preachers who ordained in the realme 28. Bishops with two Archbishopes Theonus Archbishop of London and Theodosius Archbishop of Yorke so it continued 300. yeares vntill the Saxons being Infidels subdued the Realme and diuided it into seauen Kingdome and so it continued vntill Gregory sent hither Austin to conuert the Realme who was after made Archbishop of Canterbury and it was Gregories purpose to reduce the new Church of the Saxons to the order that was in the old time amongst the Britaines vnder the two Metropolitaines of London and Yorke yet hée gaue Austen this prerogatiue during his life time to haue the Iurisdiction aboue all the Bishops and Priests in England but after his dec●ase London and Yorke to ouersée the charge and he willed no distinction of Honour to be betwixt London and Yorke but that he that had béene longest Bishop of the place should be preferred Upon this it was decréed that Yorke should be subiect to Canterbury and that wheresoeuer Canterbury would hold a Councell Yorke with his Bishops should come thither and be obedient to his Decrées and when Canterbury should decease Yorke should come to Duer to consecrate the new Archbishop but if Yorke decease his successor should resort to Canterbury and where the Bishop of Canterbury should appoint to receiue his consecration swearing obedience In the 9 yeare of King Williams reigne another Counsell was holden at London w●ere was decreed that the Bishop of Yorke should sit on the right hand of Canterbury and London on the left and in his absence Winchester and that Bishops should translate the Seas from v●●lages to cities that Monks should haue nothing propper and if any so had he dying vnconf●ssed should not be buried in the Churchyard that no Clarke or Monke should be retained in another Di●cesse without Letters testimoniall that none should speake in the Councell without leaue but Bishops and Abbots that none should buy or sell any ●ffice in the Church that neither Bishop Abbot nor any of the Clergie should be at the Iudgement of any mans death or dismembring At this time diuerse good Bishops displaced Monkes and restored maried Priests againe the Bishop of Winchester placed aboue 40. Canons in stead of Monkes for his part but this godly enterprise was stopped by Lanfranke the Archbishop of Canterbury he plucked downe the old Church of Canterbury and builded vp the new After the death of the Pope Hildebrand succéeded who was surnamed Gregory the 7. he was a Sorcerer and the principal cause of all the per●urbation that hath beene since in the Church for before he wrought his feats setting vp and displacing what Bishops he listed setting them against Emperours and destroying Matrimony vnder colour of chasti●ie the Chuch was in some order and Popes quietly ruled vnder Christian Emperours and were defended by them He first contemning the authoritie of the Emperor thrust in himselfe to be Pope vanting himselfe to haue both the Ecclesiasticall and the Temporall sword committed to him of Christ and full power to binde and loose what he lifted he challenged all the Dominion both of the East and West Church he set at light Kings and Emperours who raigned but at his godamercie Bishops and Prelates as his vnderlings he kept in awe suspending cursing and chopping off their heads He ●●irred vp warres releasing Othes Fidelitie and due allegiance of Subiects to their Princes To this scope tended chiefly all his practises to abolish the mariage of Priests and to translate the authoritie Emperiall vnto the Clergy as appeared before in the Councell of Later●n for though he was not then Pope in name yet was he Pope indéed and ruled the Pope as he listed In a Councell which he held at Rome he enacted that no Priest hereafter should mary that those that were maried should be Diuorced and that none hereafter should be admitted Priest but should sweare perpetuall Chastitie The Clergie of France resisted this Decree and said it was repugnant to the word of God that the Pope should take from Priests that which God and Nature had giuen them and against the Doctrine of Saint Paul I haue no commaundement of God touching Virginitie and he that cannot liue continent let him mary And that it was against the Canons of the Apostles and the Nicen Councell and that thereby would be opened a pernicious window to vncleanesse and fornication and conclud●d they had rather giue vp their benefices then forsake their lawful wiues against the word of Christ. Likewise the Priests of Germany were as stout against the Pope but at last this gréedinesse of Liuings in weake Priests made them to yéeld vp their godly libertie to wicked tyranny He preached in a great assembly that the Emperour should die before Saint Peters day next and should be so deiected that he should not be able to gather together aboue sixe knights and that if this prophesie were not fulfilled they should plucke him from the Altar and he would be no more Pope And when he had gone about diuerse waies to murder the Emperour and yet God preserued him beyond the appointed time them subtily he turned his tale and said he ment of the soule of the King About the time Hildebrand was made Pope there was great warres betwixt Otho Duke of Saxony and the Emperour which was a fit occasion for the Pope to worke his seats First he excommunicated all that receiued Spirituall liuings of Lay-men and all the giuers thereof which he called symony whereupon he sent Legats to the emperour to appeare before him at the Councell of Lateran The Emperour appeared not whereupon hee threatned him excommunication and to depriue him of his Crowne If he would not renounce the heresie of Symony which was giuing of Spituall Liuings Wherefore Centius a Romaine Captaine caught the Pope and shut him vp into a Tower the next day the citizens plucked downe the Tower and deliuered the Pope and cut off the noses of the men of Centius but he escaped to the Emperour The emperour being moued with this arrogancie called a Councell at Wormes where all the Bishops of Germany deposed Hildebrand The Pope in his Councell of Lateran excommunicated and depriued as many as tooke the Emperours part and excommunicated the emperour depriued him of his empire and all his subiects of their Oath of alleagiance As soone as he rose out of his papal seat to excommunicate the Emperour the seat being but new and of strong tymber suddenly shiuered and rent vs pieces The princes of Almany all concluded to forsake Henry and choose another emperour except he would submit himselfe and obtaine the Popes pardon The Emperour with his wife and young sonne all hauing forsaken him laying apart his regall ornaments in sharpe winter came bare foo●●d to the
in knowne this Bishop not elected of God but intruded himselfe by f●aud and money subue●ted Ecclesiasticall order disturbed the gouernment of the Empire ●●nacing death of bodie and soule vnto our peaceable king set vp a per●ured king making discor●s amongst friends and brethren Diuorcements amongst the maried for he tooke away the marriage of Priests as Henricus Mutius witnesseth therfore we heere in the name of God congregated doe procéede in Canonicall Iudgement against Hildebrand a man most wicked preaching Sacriledge and burning maintaining periurie and murders calling in question the Catholike Faith of the body and blo●d of Christ following of Diuinations and dreames a manifest Nigromancer a Sorcerer infected with a Pith●nical spirit We adiudge him to be deposed and expelled and vnlesse he depart vpon the hearing hereof to be pe●pstually condem●●d This be●ing sent to Rome they elected Guibertus Archbishop of Rauenna which was deposed by Hildebrand as aforesaid in his place and named him Clement the 3. And because Hildebrand would not giue ouer his hold the Emperour with an Army came to Rome to depose him and Hildebrand sending to the Countesse Mathilda before mentioned required her in remission of all her sinnes to withstand the Emperour and so she did but the Emperour besieged the Citie all the Lent and after Easter got it and comming into the Temple of Saint Peter placed Clement in his Papacie Hildebrand ●●ed into Ad●ans Tower where being besieged he sent for Robert Guischardus a Normaine who with his Army when the Emperour was gone burst in at one of the gates of the C●●y spoyled it and deliuered Hildebrand and caried him to Campania where not long after he dyed in exile In the meane time whilst the Emperour was at Rome the Abbot of Cluniake and the people of Rome exhorted Hildebrand to Crowne Henry Emperour at Lateran and they would ●ause the Emp●rour to depart with his Arm● to whom he answered he would so the Emperour would submit himselfe aske pardon amend and promise obedience The Emperour not agréeing to the conditions departed and tooke the new Pope with him The Emperour was wont to pray in the Temple of Saint Mary Hildebrand knowing by spies the place where he was wont to pray hired one to cary vp stones to the roofe of the Church to let them fall vpon his head when he was at prayers the hireling ●aying his stones in order fell downe and was slaine The Romaines vnderstanding the truth drew him thrée dayes by the legs through the streets for example but the Emperour of his méekenesse commaunded him to b● buried Hildebrand being a dying bewailed his faults and sent a Cardinall to the Emperour to desire him forgiuenesse and to pardon the Emperour and all his par●akers quicke and dead of the danger of excommunication From this Pope sprang all mischéefe pride pompe and tyranny which since raigned in his successors hence was the subiection of Temporall Regiment to the Spirituall and the suppression of Priests mariages héere came in the authoritie of both Swords to the Spiritualty so that the Magistrates could doe nothing in giuing of Bishoprickes benefices in calling of Counceis in correcting the excesses of the Clergie but the Pope must doe all Nor no Bishop nor Passor in his owne Parish could excommunicate or vse any 〈◊〉 discipline against his flocke but it was onely the Popes Prerogatiue In him was the first example of persecuting Empe●ours and kings with rebellion and excommunication then Victor the third was made Pope who likewise shewed himselfe staut against the Emperours but God gaue the shrewde cowe short hornes some say hee was poysoned in his Chalice and raigned but one yeare and a halfe Notwithstanding the Popes followed still the steps of Hildebrand as the Kings of Israell Ieroboam in the time of this Victor began the Order of Monkes of the Charterhouse Next him V●banus the 2. was Pope which confirmed the Acts of Hildebrand and gaue new Decrees against Henry the Emperour and against Clement the Pope hee held two Councels one at Plac●●tia the other called Synodus Claromontana wherein he caused all Christian Princes ●o warre against the Sa●●cens for recouering Ierusalem whereupon 30000. were appointed for the same businesse by the said Vrbanus The King of Galacia with the whole Di●ces of Saint Iames was excommunicated for the prisoning of a certaine Bishop About this time the King of England fauoured not much the Sea of Rome for their pride and exactions and would not suffer his subiects to giue to Rome saying The followed not Pet●rs steps that h●nted for rewards nor had Peters power which had not his holinesse The order of Cisteri●ns was first est●blished in Burgundia by the same Vrbanus the seauen Canonical houres were first instituted in the Church By him the order of the Cartus●an M●nkes was confirmed Hee Decreed no Bishop to be made but vnder the name of some place he Decreed that Ma●●ens and houres of the ●ay should euery day be said and that the Masse of our Lady should bee said euery Saturday and the Clergy that had wiues should be depriued of their Order and that it was lawfull for subiects to breake the Oath of Alegiance with such Princes as were excommunicated and that it was not lawfull for a man and his wife both together to Christen a childe with many moe matters After him followed Pascalis the 2. he putting on a purple Uesture and a tyre on his head was brought vpon a white Palfrey into Lateran where a Scepter was giuen him and a girdle about him which hauing seauen Keyes with seauen Seales to token the seauen powers by the seauen graces of the holy Ghost of binding loosing shutting openning sealing resigning and Iudging which the Emperour Henry the 4. hearing of thought to come to Italy to salute the new Pope but vnderstanding the Popes minde against him changed his purpose This Pascalis d●posed all such Abbo●s and Bishops as the Emperour had set vp and banished many that striued at that time for the Papacie and made an Armie against Clement whom the Emperour made Pope as aforesaid and being put to flight not long after d●●d About the same time the Bishop of Fluence began to teach and Preach of Antichrist then to bée borne as Sabeli●us 〈◊〉 Pascalis put to silence the said Bishoppe and condemned his Bo●kes by a Councell which hée assembled at Tre●as Maried Priests in this Councell were condemned for Nicholaitans All Lay-men that gaue Spirituall Dignities were condemned of Symony The Statu●e of Priests Tythes was renewed counting the selling thereof sinne against the holy Ghost Hée renewed the excommunication of Hildebrand against Henry the Emperour caused cer●aine Bishoppes to depriue him of his Crowne and to place his sonn● Henry the 5. in his Fathers roome these Bishops required of the Emperour his Diademe P●●ple ●ing and other ornaments of his Crowne when the Emperour would know the reason they aleadged the Popes pleasure and for selling
Spirituall Liuings but these Bishops being demaunded of him could not deny but hee tooke nothing of them they being preferred by him well said hée you requi●e mée well and admonishing them of their Oath and alegiance as hee sate in his Throne they pl●cke away all his Cu●periall Ornaments The good Emperour being destitute said Videat Deus Iudicat Thus leauing him they confirmed the Kingdome to his Sonne and caused him to driue his Father out who with nine persons did ●●y to the Dukedome of Li●burg the Duke bearing of it made after him the Emperour hauing before put him from his Kingdome being afraid of death cra●ed pardon of him and not reuengement the Duke pittying his estate remitted his displeasure and receiued him to his Castle and collecting men of Warre brought him to Colin His Sonne hearing thereof besieged the City but hee escaped by night to Leodium thither all they that had compassion and consiant hearts resorted to him so hee was able to pitch a Field against his enemies and so did hee desired his friendes if they that had the victory they would spare his sonne in that sight the Father had the victory and the Sonne was chased but in another battell the Sonne had the victory and the Father was taken who being vtterly dispossessed was faine to craue of the Bishop of Spire whom he had done much for to haue a Pr●bendry in the Church to serue in our Ladies quire who swore by our Lady hee should haue none Thus hee came to Leodium and there for sorro ● dyed after he had raigned 50. ●eares Pope Pascalis caused his body to be taken our of the graue and to remaine at Spite 's fiue yeares without buriall About this time Anselmus Bishop of Canterbury which brought in the Conception of our ●ady to bee hal●wed accused King Henry the first of England to Pascal●s for making certaine Bishops by his owne election the Kings Proctor in his behalfe signif●●d to the people that the King for the value of his Kingdome would not forgoe his right in setting in Bishop and Pr●lates The Pope answered Before ●od I for the price of my head will not permit it vnto him The Archbishop returning home being the Popes Legate was turned out of his Bishopricke and goods Henry the 5. Emperour after his fathers death raigned twentie yeares being at Rome could not be crowned except he would relinquish his clayme of making Popes or any other Bishops there was such a stirre made by the Pope that if the Emperour had not defended himselfe with his owne handes hée had béene slaine But the Emperour hauing the victory tooke Pope Pascalis led him out of the city made him agree to cr●wne him and to allow him his prerogatiue of election of Popes and other Bishops and being crowned returned with the Pope to Rome But as soone as the Emperour returned to Germany the Pope called a Syno●e ●euoking his agréement and exc●mmunicated the Emperour as he had done his Father The Emperour 〈◊〉 a● it marched to Rome and put the Pope to flight and placed another in his 〈◊〉 The Germaine Bishops with all they might stirred the Saxons against the●r Caesar it gr●we at length to a pitched Field The Emperour seeing no end of his conflicts was faine to forgoe his priu●ledge of the Popes election and other things belonging to the Church and Churchmen In the time of Pascalis li●ed Barnardus of whom sprung the Barnardine Monkes The Emperour had no issue his wife was Mathildas daughter of King Henry the fi●st of England which was Gods iust Iudgement for deposing his Father Pascalis being dead Pope Gelasius was chosen by the Cardinals without the Emperour and the Emperour made another Pope Gregorius the 8. which made Pope Gelasius 〈◊〉 into France and there dyed The Cardinales choose Calixus the 2. Pope without the Emperour who before hee came to his Seat in R●me sent his Legate to excommunicate the Emperour and droue Gregorius the Emperours Pope out of Rome The Emperour fearing the vaine thunderbolts of the Popes curse perswad●d by his Princes and f●iends resigned his ●y●le pertaining to the 〈◊〉 of the Pope and the inuestiture of Bishops This being set vy in writing in the Church of Lateran in tryumph of the Emperour thus sub●ued Then the Pope made out and tooke his fellow Pope Gregorius set him on a Camell his face backward holding the tayle for a bridle brought him thro●gh the streetes of Rome and sho●● him and thrust him into a Monastery ●ée established the Decrée of the Papall Sea against the Emperour and brought in the foure Ember-fasts called ember ●aies He ordained the order of Monkes called Praemonstratenses It was 〈◊〉 by him to be iudged adultery for any person to put away his Liuing or Bishoprick●●uring his life according to Saint Paul The wife is bound vnto the husband as long as he liueth By a generall Councell at Rhemes he decréed all Clergy men should put away their wiues or be depriued of their Liuings wherupon an English writer made these verse● O bone Calixte nunc omnis clerus odit te Quondam presbyteri poterant vxoribus vti Hoc destruisti post quam tu Papa fuisti Pope Honorius the ● succeeded him he sent one Iohn Cremensis Cardinall Legat into England and Scotland in colour of redresse but to fsill his purse as all other did after him in those dayes afte● he had well refreshed himselfe in Bishops and Abbots houses he assembled the whole Clergy inquired of Priests wiues and made a Sta●tute they should haue no women in their houses vnlesse i●●h kindred as were not to be ●usp●cted and the offend●r of this Act to forfaite all his Spirituall promotion and that no kindred should mary vntill the seauenth generation and r●fling within houres at night was taken in the same vice he was so strict against to no little shame of the Clergie At this time the Emperour Henry the 5. dyed without issue the Emperiall crowne came to Lotharius Duke of Saxon. Not long after deceased Henry the first King of England In this Honorius his time came a Priest to Rome called Arnulphus who preached vehemently against the pride auarice and incontinencie of the Clergie and exhorted them to follow Christ. He was well respected of the Citizens but the Cardinals and Clergy hated him and made him away in the night by drowing him Sabelicus and Platina say they hanged him His Martyrdom he said was reuealed to him by an Angel in the Desert and said vnto them I know you will kill me priuily and no maruell for if Saint Peter were héere and rebuked your vices that exceed you would serue him so and said with a loud voice I am not afraid to suffer for the truth but God will be reuenged you play the blinde guides and leade the people to Hell In the second Booke of Councels printed at Colen either this Arnulphus or about his time one complaineth of the
because he was repentant hee was content to assoile him for the same and the rather because he had suffered so great troubles for the liberties of the Church The next day the Pope and his Cardinals beeing assembled in his secret chamber Becket made an Oration to them to this effect he confessed with griefe the cause of these perturbations was because hee entred into the sould of Christ not by the doore of Christ because the King made him Bishop not the Pope and if I had resigned it to the King againe at his commandement I had left a dangegerous example vnto the Catholique Church therfore now recognising my ingresse not to be Canonicall and my abilitie not sufficient for such a charge therfore I render into your fatherly hands the Archbishoprick heere of Canturbury and putting his Ring from his finger offered it to the Pope and desired a Bishop to be prouided for the Church of Canturbury and so with teares ended This done hee was bid stand a part after consultation they concluded being he had ventred his goods dignity and authoritie and his life for the liberties of the Church if he should now be depriued at the Kings pleasure it would be an exampl● to others hereafter none to resist his Prince in like case and so weaken the Catholick Church and derogate the Popes authoritie and his cause being maintained it would bee a president to others to doe the like so hee receiued his Pastora●l Office at the Popes hand againe with commendation and much fauour and ●he Pope sent him vnto the Abbey of Pontiuiacke in France with a Monkes habit where he was two yeares thence he remoued to Senon where he was fiue yeares so he was in exile seuen yeares The King beeing certified by his Ambassadors that the Pope inclined more to Becket then vnto him was wrathfull and sayling into Normandie sent ouer certaine iniunctions against the Pope and the Arch-bishop to this effect 1 Whosoeuer brought any interdict or curse from the Pope or Becket so bee apprehended and executed as a Traytor 2 That no Clarke Monke or conuert of any other countrey without the Iustice and Kings Letters to passe ouer or returne into the Realme otherwise to be imprisoned 3 None to appeale to the Arch-bishop or bring any transcript from them 4 No Decrée from them to stand in force or be receiued in England vpon paine of imprisonment 5 If any person shall keep the sentence of their interdict they shall bee exiled with all their kindred and take none of their goods with them and be bound without speciall licence not to resort where the Arch-bishop was 6 All the possessions and goods of such as fauoured the Pope or Arch bishop to be confiscate for the King 7 All such of the Clergy as were out of the Realme to bee warned in euery Sheere within three monethes to repayre home or else their rents and goods to ●eturne to the King 8 That the Peter pence shall be no more paid vnto the Apostolick Sea but to be reserued vnto the Kings Coffers The Arch-bishop writ to a friend of his to write to him with speed what was done touching the Kings Decrees heere set out which are these that all Hauens be diligently kept that no interdict or curse be brought in if the bringer bee a religious man his feet to be cut off if a Priest to loose his pr●uy members if a lay-man to bee hanged if a Leper to be burned if a Bishop will depart for feare of the Popes Interdict let him haue nothing with him but his Staffe and that a●l Schollers and Students beyond the Seas sha●l repaire home or loose their Benefices and if they remaine still to loose the libertie of all returning if any Priest for the Popes interdict wil refuse to sing to loose his priuy members In summe al such Priests as shew themselues Rebels to the King to bee depriued of their Benefices Further it was proclaimed that all of the kindred of Thomas Becket should bee exiled with their goods with them and sent to him which was no little vexation to him to behold Moreouer the King writ to the Abbot of Pontiuiack where he lay not to retaine him in his house or else he would driue out of his Realme all the Monkes of his Order wherevpon hee remoued by the French Kings appointment to Senon as aforesaid and found of him fiue yeares In the meane time messengers went daily from the King to the Pope and from the Pope to the King and betwixt the Archbishop and others where I finde onely rehearsals of matters which are declared sufficiently in the History whereof if the Reader be desirous to see let him resort to the booke at large After these Letters sent too and fro in the 15. yéere of Henry the second the King misdoubting that the Archbishop would procéed in excommunication against his own person made his appeale to the presence of the Pope requiring to haue certaine Legates sent from Rome from the Popes side to take vp the matter betwixt the Archbishop and him requiring also that they might be absolued that were interdicted wherevpon two Cardinals sent from the Pope with Letters from the Pope came into Normandie where they appointed the Bishop to meete before the King but the Arch-bishop delayed his comming vntill eight daies after neither would come any further then Grisorsium where the two Cardinals and the Archbishop with other Bishops conuenting together had a treatie of reconciliation which came to no conclusion The two Cardinals writ to the Pope to this effect comming to England we found the controuersie more vehement then we would for the King and the greater part about him said the Arch-bishop stirred vp the French King against him and made the Earle of Flanders his open aduersarie and after the King had receiued your Letters and brought forth other Letters diuers and altering from them receiued of vs be was moued with no little indignation saying that since wee came from you the Archbishop receiued of you other co●trarie Letters wherby he was exempted from our Iudgement Moreouer the King and the Bishops there did affirme that the complaint that was made vnto you of the ancient customes of his progenitors for the most pa●t was false affirming farther to vs that if there were any customes and lawes in his time that seemed pr●iudiciall to the Statutes of the Church he would willingly reuoke and disanull the same therefore we other Bishops and Abbots of the land hearing the King so reasonable laboured by al meanes that the King should not breake from vs but incline to vs and to haue the matter brought before vs betwixt him and the Archbishop Wherevpon we sent our owne Chaplains with Letters to him appointing him the time and place where safely hee might meete with vs yet he made his dilatories till eight dayes after which ●tirred the Kings heart more then is to be thought thus when hee refused to
meete vs in the borders of the King though we offered him safe comming we to satisfie his minde condescended to meete him at a place which hee appointed within the Land of the French King we exhorted him humbly to submit himselfe vnto his soueraigne and King who had heaped him with such benefits and dignities after aduise with his Couns●ll hee said he would submit himselfe to the King sauing the honour of God the libertie of the Church the honestie of my person the possessions of Churches and the Iustice of him and all his in all things wee asked him whether h● would submit himselfe to vs as the King and the Bishops were content to doe he said he had a commandement from you not to answere before he and all his were restored to all their possessions then he would proceed in the matter as hee should receiue commandement from the Sea Apostolick whereof wee made relation to the King yet keeping back a great part which we had heard and séene which when the King and Nobles vnderstood the King said he was so much the more cleere for that the Archbishop would not stand to Iudgement after much heauinesse and lamentation of the King Bishops and Abbots they required of vs whether wee had any power to proceed against him and perceiuing wee had none least the Archbishop should worke any disquietnes to any of the Noble personages of the Realme agreed together with one assent to make their appellation to your audience prefixing accordingly the terme of their appeale The Archbishop saying he stood onely for the peace of the Church one of the Cardinals offered him if he would relinquish his Bishoppricke the King should relinquish his Customes He answered He could not renounce his Church sauing the honour of the Church and his person but it standeth vpon the soules health and honor of the King to renounce his customes After the Cardinals were gone the French King séeing the King of England disquieted and s●●icitous of peace pretending to set agréement betwixt them the King and the Arch-bishop both were content to stand to his arbiterment The Archbishop prostrating himselfe at the féete of the King of England said he would commit the whole matter to his owne arbiterment Saluo honore Dei the King was highly there-with displeased rebuking him of pride and stubbornenesse and charged him with sundry and great benefits bestowed on him and hee a person vnkind and forgetfull And speaking to the French King there present said whatsoeuer displeaseth this man hee saith it is contrary to the honour of God and by this meanes will vindicate to himselfe that which is his owne and mine too there haue bin Kings of England of greater and lesse puissance then I am there haue haue béen Archb. of Canterbury both great holy men what the best of them haue done to my predecessors before me let him doe the same to me and I am content the standers by with one voice cried the king hath debased himselfe enough to the Bishop the French King said what my Lord will you be better then those holy men will you be greater then Peter you haue peace and quietnes put in your hands if you will take it he answered my predecessors euery one in his time did pluck vp and correct something in his time though not all things for then there would bee no cause of this fire of temptation to try vs though some haue béen slack we are not to follow their examples we rebuke Peter for denying Christ but we commend him for resisting Nero hee could not in his conscience consent vnto him he did not dissemble wherby he lost his life by such oppressions the Church hath alwaies growne our forefathers suffered because they would not dissemble the honour of Christ shall I to haue the fauour of one man suffer the honour of Christ to be supprest the Noble men standing by noted him of arrogancy and wilfulnes and one openly protested that séeing he refused the request of both kingdomes hee was worthy of the help of neither as England had reiected him so France should not entertaine him One of the Archbishops Chapleins writeth that the French king prostrated himselfe at the féet of the Archb. repented he had giuen him such councell in a case pertaining to the honour of God desired to be assoiled and that Henry sent to the king to desire him not to support his enemy within his Realme the French King vtterly denied the Kings request and tooke part rather with the Archbishop The King of England returned from Normandy into England in the 16. yéere of his reigne kept his Court of Parliament at Westminster by assent both of the Clergy Temporalty caused his sonne Henry to be crowned King the Coronation was done by the Archbishop of Yorke other Bishops assisting Becket not beeing called tooke no little displeasure and so did the French King hearing that Margaret his Daughter was not like wise crowned with her husband wherevpon hee came with a great armie to Normandie but the King sent his sonne to him which intreated peace promising that his sonne should be crowned againe and his daughter crowned with him Becket sent to the Pope complaining of foure Bishops especially the Archbishop of York who durst be so bold in his absence without his licence to crowne the king being a matter peculiar to his Iurisdiction at whose instance the Pope excommunicated the Bishop of London the other thrée with the Archbishop hee suspended they resorted to the King declaring how miserable there case stood for fulfilling his commandement the King was highly moued The King of France with his Clergy and Courtiers slacked no occasion to incite the Pope to excommunicate the King of England also thinking to haue some aduantage against the Realme neither was the King ignorant of this which made him the readier to agree The pope sent two Legats with full commission either to driue the K. to be reconciled or to be excommunicated the King seeing himselfe in great straites which he could not auoid and by the mediation of the king of France and other great prelates and Princes of the king was content to be reconciled with the Archb. whom he receiued into his Realme and granted him free returne to his Church But he would not grant him his lands vntill he came into England and did see how he would agrée with his subiects he was ioifully receiued of his church albeit he was not very welcome vnto the yong king so that comming to London to the king he was returned back to Canterbury and bid to keepe his house hee excommunicated one Robert de Brocke on Christmas day for cutting off the taile of one of his Horses the day before hee would not absolue the foresaid foure Bishops without cau●els and exceptions who went to Normandie to the king and complained of the miserable state vncourteous handling which made him conceiue such displeasure towards Becket that
are not wont to tarry the consent of Princes therefore Wee comma●nd you vnder pa●ne of the great curse that you c●use him Whereupon they all assented sauing he whom the King had sent for the Arch bishop of Norwich Upon this the King conceiued great displeasure against the Monkes of Canterbury wherefore he banished 64. of them out of the Land The King sent Letters to the Pope sharply expostulating with him for re●u●ing the Bishop of Norwich and setting vp one Stephen Langton vnknowne to him and brought vp in the kingdome of France amongst his enemies Archbishop of Canterbury and that the Monkes without his consent presumed to promote him and meruailed that the Pope did not reuolue with himselfe how necessary his fauour had euer béene to them What great reuenues had procéeded hence thether the like whereof hath not béene receiued out of any Country on this side the Alpes and that he would stand for his liberties vnto death nor would not bee so shaken from the election of the Bishop of Norwich which he séeth so commodious to him and that if his request were not heard he would prouide by Seas that there should be no more such g●dding to Rome to export the riches of his Land thither whereby he is lesse abled against his Enemies and that he had sufficient Prelats of his owne and hath no néede of any from abroad Pope Innocentius writ to him againe Whereas wée haue written gently to you conc●rning the matter of Canterbury you haue written to vs after a threatning sort and where wée aboue our duetie haue giuen to you you have not giuen to vs ou● duetie which you are bound to doe and though your sauour as you say be necessary for vs yet consider ours is not a little opor●une vnto you and whereas wee haue not shew●d the like honour to any Prince as to you you haue so much derogated to our Honour as no Prince besides hath presumed to doe Where you say the Archbishop is vnknowne to you and brought vp amongst year enemies Then be sheweth how learned ●e was how he was Prebend at Paris and of an ho●●st stocke borne an Englishman and knowne to the King being he wrote to him thrée times before and saith that at the Monkes request he sent his Letters once or twise to the King for his assent although was not the manner of the Sea Apostolike who hath the fulnesse of the power of the Church of Canterbury to waite for princes consents in such elections therefore according to the Canons of the Fathers w● did pro●ide that the said Church should be no longer 〈◊〉 of her Pastor therefore being this election hath so orderly proceeded vpon a person so meete for the same w●e will not for any mans pleasure nor may without danger of ●ame and conscience deferre the consummation thereof And my sonne seeing we ha●e respected your Honour more then our duetie is study to Honour vs so much as ●u●tie requireth that you may deserue fauour at Gods hands and Ours and least doing contrary you bring you selfe into such a pe●ke of t●oubles that you cannot ri● your selfe againe for it will fall out he will haue the better to whom euery knée doth bowe whose turne I serue in the earth therefore obey not them that desire vnquietnesse that they might f●sh the better in a troubled water It will not be for your saftie and glory to resist God and the Church in whose quarrell the blessed and glorious Martyre Bishop Thomas hath lately shed his bloud especially seeing your Father and brother being Kings of England did giue ouer those thrée wicked Customes into the hands of the Sea Aposto●●ke but if you will yéeld your selfe humbly into our hands we will looke that you and yours shall be sufficiently prouided for Thus haue you the glorious Letter of the proud Pope I beséech you marke it well Not long after proceeded a commaundement to certaine Bishops requiring them by the authoritie Apostolicall that if the King would not receiue the Prior of Canterbury and his Monkes then they should interdict him through his Realme Whereupon the foure Bishops of London El● Winchester and Herford shewed the King thereof but the King refused the same and would not grant their request wherupon they pronounced the said In●erdiction throughout England and Wales and the Church doores were shut vp with keyes and other fastnings Then the King tooke all the possessions of the foure Bishops into his hands and apointed certaine to keepe the Liuings of the Clergie throughout the Realme The Bishops cursed all that kept or medled with Church-goods against the wils of the owners Then they went to the Bishop of Canterbury and shewed him all the matter he promised he would shortly come to Canterbury himselfe or send some which should doe as much as himselfe 〈◊〉 came to the King that the Bishops had beene beyond-Sea with the Archbishop and were returned He sent to them Bishops Earles and Abbots to shew that the King would receiue the Archbishop Steuen and the Prior and all the Monkes of Canterbury promising on his behalfe that he should neuer take any thing of the Church-goods but would make amends for them taken and the Church should haue all her Franchices as amply as in King Edwards time the Confessor This agreement was concluded and ingrossed in a payre of Indentures the saide foure Bishops set their hands to one part the other part was caried to the King which he liked well but he would not make restitution of the Church-goods The foure Bishops would not agree to put out that Article then the King sent for the Archbishop to come to him and speake with him at Canterbury and for his safe conduct to come and goe at his will sent thrée Iustices to be pledges for him whereupon the Archbishoppe came to Canterbury and the King came to Ch●●ham and sent his Treasurer to him to put out the clause of restitution which he denyed to doe or any word of the same Then the king caused to be procl●imed throughout the Realme that th●se that had any Church-liuings and went beyond-sea should returne at a certaine day or loose the●● Liuings for euer And that all Sheriffes should inquire if any Church-man from that day forward receiued any commaundement from the Pope to apprehend him and bring him before him and that they should take into their hands vnto his vse all the Church Lands that were giuen by the Archbishop Steuen or the Priors of Canterbury from the time of the election of the said Archbishop and that all the woods of the Archbishop should be cut downe and solde Thou the Pope sent ouer two Legats which resorted to the King at Northampton where he held his Parliament and saluted him they said they came from the Pope to reforme the peace of holy Church and we admonish you in the Popes behalfe that you make full restitution of the goods that you haue rauished of holy Church and of
the land and that you receiue Stephen Archbishop into his dignity and the Prior of Canterbury and his Monkes and yeeld againe to the Archbishop all his Lands and rents and Sir yet moreouer that you shall make such restitution to them as the Church shall thinke good The King answered he would gladly grant their request touching the Prior and Monkes of Canterbury but touching the Archbishop let him giue vp the Archbishopricke and I will giue him some other Bishopricke vpon this condition I will admit him otherwise not Then one of them said holy Church was neuer wont to disgrade Archbishop without reasonable cause but to correct Princes that were disobedient to her What now quoth the King threaten you me They said You haue told vs what is in your heart now we will tell you what is in the Popes will He hath wholly interdicted and accursed you for your wrongs to holy Church and the Clergy and we doe accurse all those that shall common with you hereafter and we assoyle all Earles Barons Knights and others from their homage fealty and seruice they should doe to you and to confirme this we giue power to the Bishops of Winchester and Norwich and the same power ouer Scotland we giue vnto the Bishops of Rochester and Salisbury and in Wales wee giue the same power to the Bishops of Saint Dauid Landaffe and Saint Assaph And we send throughout all Christendome to all Bishops to accurse all that helpe and comfort you in any néede And we a●●oyle all your aduersaries and command them to warr● with you and with all that are enemies to the Church Then the king answered What may you doe more They said we say to you in verbo Dei that no heire of yours after this day may be crowned Then the King sware if hee had knowne their newes hee would haue kept them out this tweluemonth Upon this occasion Pope Inocent commanded ageine in paine of his great curse that none should obey King Iohn nor kéepe company with him to eate drinke common or Councell with him or his seruants to doe him any seruice at bed boord hall or stable But the greater part that sled from him by this meanes of diuerse and sundry diseases that yeare died Betwixt England and France that yeare fell great amitie but false to the bitter betraying of England Further the Pope with his Cardinals gaue sentence definitiue that King Iohn should be deposed from his Regal Seat and promised Phillip the French King full remission of all his 〈◊〉 and cleare possession of the Realme of England vnto him and his heirs if he did either kill him or expel him Moreouer he wrote vnto other Nations that they should take vpon them the badge of the Crosse and reuenge him of the manifold iniuries done to the vniuersall Church by the cursed Tu●ke and Pagan King Iohn The next yeare the French King manned with the Bishops Monkes Prelates and Priests and their seruants began his att●mpt in hope of the Crowne of England but the English Nauie tooke 300. of the French Kings ships loaden with wheat wine meate flesh Armour and other necessaties for warre and burnt 100. within the Hauen and tooke the spoyle of them The Priests of England prouided them a false prophet one Peter Wake●ield they noysed daily amonst the Commons that Christ had twise appeared to him in shape of a childe betwixt the Priests hands once at Yorke and againe at Pomfret and breathed saying Peace peace peace and that he was rapt in spirit and hee saw the ●oyes of Heauen and sorrowes of Hell He prophecied of King Iohn that he should raigne no longer then ●scention day within the yeare of our Lord 1213. Being asked the question he could not tell whether he should be slaine expelled or of himselfe giue ouer the Crowne but he was sure he nor none of his stocke should raigne that day once fi●●shed The King laughed thereat when he sawe himselfe out of dange● He prated thereof at large so that they which l●ned the King apprehended him and put him in prison the King not knowing therof the fame hereof went through the whole Realme and the more becau●e he was imprisoned When the prophesied Ascention day was came King Iohn commaun●ed his Regal Tent to be spred abroad in the open field and passed the day with his Noble Councel and men of Honour in the greatest solemnity that euer hee did before When that day was passed withall his enemies turned it to an al●goricall vnderstanding and said He is no King for the Pope raigneth and not he yet raigned he stil and his sonne after him to proue the prophet alyer And because this false prophet had troubled the Realme peruerted the people raised the Commons against the King and was caried ouer the Sea by the Prelates and gaue incouragement to the French King to inuade the Land the King commaunded the false prophet should be hanged and his sonne least any more should rise of his race At length the King seeing himselfe so compassed with enemies and treasons and great danger that was like to follow especially fearing the French King was inforced to submit himselfe to that execrable monster and Antichrist of Rome conuerting his Land into the patrimony of Saint Peter as many other had done before him for hee was sure though not without shame being vnder his protection no forraine Potentate was able to subdue him King Iohn made a Letter obligatory to the Pope in this manner Whereas wee haue grieuously offended God and our mother Church of Rome and our body and Realme is not a sufficient satisfaction to him that humbled himselfe on the Crosie for vs through Councell of the noble Earles and Barons we freely grant vnto God and the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul and to our mother Church of Rome and to our holy Father Pope Inocent the third and all the Popes that come after him all the Realme and patronage of the Churches of England and Ireland with all the appurtenances for the remission of our sinnes and the helpe of our kinsfolkes soules and of all Christian Soules so that henceforth we will hold as Farmer to her Mother Church doing fealtie to the Pope and his successors Wee will doe homage to the Popes Legate as it were in the Popes presence paying ●or all manner of Custome which we sho●ld doe for the said Realmes yearely 1000. markes of siluer sauing to vs and our heires our Iustices and our Franchises and other realties that appertaine to our Crowne And for the assurance hereof we binde our successors and heires that if any of our heires shall goe against these things and being warned will not an end he shall then loose the foresaid Realmes for euermore But before the relea●ment of the Interdiction the king was compelled to giue ouer his Crowne and Scepter to the Antichrist of Rome for fiue dayes and to receiue it at another Cardinals hands Then all that had their hearts
in any cause without great guifts and expences whereof the pouertie of the Church is the cause therefore it is sit that you as naturall Children should helpe and succour your Mother for if wee should not receiue of you and other good men we should lacke which were a great dishonour to our dignity The King answered Hee could doe nothing because it concerned the Commons and he ass●mbled a Councell hee was answered they could conclude nothing because the Arch-Byshoppe the King and other whom it concer●ed were not there The next yeare the same Cardinall came againe into England and summoned all the Cl●argy to another Councell to be held in the Cathedrall Church of S. Paule in London for redressing of diuers and sundry matters concerning Benifices Religion and other abuses of the Church putting them in feare and hope some to lose and some to obtaine spirituall promotions at his handes Diuers pre●ious rewards were offered him in Pal●ries in rich Plate and Iewels in costly and sumptuous Garments richly furred in Coyne and Uictuall c. The Bishop of Winchester sent him fifty fat Oxen and hundred coome of pure Wheat eight tun of chosen W●ne likewise other Bishops offered to the Cardinals Boxe after their ability The Cardinall commaunded at the West end of Saint Paules Church a high solemne Throne of great State to bee prepared rising vp with a glorious Scaffold before the Cardinall begunne his Sermon there happened a great discord betwixt the Arch-byshops of Canterbury and Yorke about sitting on the right hand of the glorious Cardinall the Cardinall shewed them a Bull of the Pope in the middest of which was pictured the Crosse and Paule pictured on the right side of the Crosse and Peter on the left saying yet there is no contention betwixt these two yet Saint Peter for the Prerogatiue of his Keyes and for the Preheminence of his Apostle-ship and Cathedrall Dignitie séemeth most worthy to be placed on the right side and from that time foorth the Arch-Byshop of Canterbury hath enioyed the Dignity and Pr●heminence of the ●ight hand The Cardinall sitting like a God in the middest betwixt them made his Sermon vpon these words In the middest of the Seate and round about were foure Beasts full of eyes behind and before He compared them about him to the foure Beasts declaring how they ought to haue eyes before and behind that is they must be carefull and prouident as well in disposing secular thinges as wise and circumspect in spirituall matters contriuing and ioyning wiselie thinges past with thinges to come And this was the greatest effect of his Clearkely Sermon Then he gaue forth sundry Constitutions and Statutes for ordering of Churches dedicating Temples for seauen Sacraments for giuing Orders farming Benefices Collations and resignations Priests apparell and single life for eating of flesh in religious Houses for Arch-deacons Byshops Proctors c. The King dreading the Commons willed him to repaire home to Rome but he could not so be rid of him but hee renued his commission and still applyed himselfe to his Haruest gleaning and raking what hee could writing his Letters to euery Byshop or Arch-Deacon for procurations to beare his charges and withall to be spéedily collected and sent to him Prouided that the summe collected should not excéede aboue foure Markes of a Liuing and where small Liuings were two Liuings to ioyne and if any contradicted or gaine-sayed him to excommunicate them And they sent forth Preachers and Fryers in all places to perswade men to fight against the common enemy the Turke whom when they haue bound with a vow and signed with the crosse then they send their Bulles to release them for money and the Bishops and Arch-deacons to proclaime it The Pope was not ashamed to require the fift part of euery Ecclesiasticall liuing and further hee promised and gaue to the Romanes for helping him in warrs against Fredericke the Emperour which had married King Iohns daughter the gift of all the spirituall liuings in England belonging to the religious houses and therevpon sent expresse Commandement to the Archbishop of Canterbury and other foure Bishops ioined with him that they should prouide spirituall liuings for three hundred Romanes in the best Benefites in England at the next voidance so that the said Bishoppes should bee suspended in the meane time from all collation of Benefice the Arch-bishop séeing their vnreasonable oppressions being not able to endure it went into France And further one Petrus Rubeus was sent from the Pope to goe from Bishop to Bishop Abbot and Abbot telling them such a Bishop such an Abbot hath giuen thus much vnto the Popes Holines trusting you also will not be behinde in a matter that so much concernes the good of the Church by which cunning subtiltie he gathered together into the treasurie of the Church such a Masse of money as is almost incredible to beleeue At length the Bishoppes Abbots and Arch-deacons came to the King whose Father they had so obstinately resisted and repugned lamentably complaining of their extreame miseries of the vnmeasurable exactions of the Pope so all the Prelates were called together and vppon talking together made many exceptions aga●nst the same the Legate and his followe hearing these allegations seeing their owne vtter confus●on were the lesse importunate Not long after this followed a generall Councell at Lyons in the Kingdom● of France called by Pope Innocentius in the which Councell the English Nation did exhibite sundry Articles of all their greeuances and that the Italians did succeed one another in the benefices whose language they could not vnderstand and that there was no preaching in their Churches nor no almes giuen to the poore and that there came fresh Letters from the Pope commanding the Prelates to finde at their proper costs and charge for a whole yeare some ten armed souldiers some more some lesse to be ready at the Popes commandement when or where be should appoint After these terrible greeuances and enormities the States of England consulting together directed their Letters to the Pope for Reformation First the Abbots and Priors then the Bishoppes and Suffragans after the Nobles and Barons and last of all the King but all was neuer the better Not long after the Pope sent for new tallage and exactions which when it came to the Kings eare hee vehemently disturbed writ seuerally to euery Bishop in manner following THat whereas wee haue heeretofore written to you once twice thrice both by our Priuy Seale and our Letters Patents that you should leuy for the pope no exactions either vpon the Clergy or Laitie yet you vilepending our commandement and contrarie to our prouision made in our last Councell at London haue proceeded in collecting the said your taxes and tallages wherevpon wee greatly maruell and are mooued Wherefore we straitly will and command you that you doe so no more as you will enioy our ●auour and your possessions and if you haue made any such collection or gathering that
you suffer it not to be transported out of the Realme but kéepe it vntill the returne of the Ambassadours and that you make this our inhibition common to your Arch-Deacons and Officials At length the Ambassadors came home bringing word that the Pope was greatly displeased with the Realme saying Rex Anglorum qui iam recalcitrat frederiscat suum habet consilium ego vero meum habeo quod sequar c. And that they were halfe counted Schismatickes for speaking in the Kinges behalfe and could no more be heard the King being insenfed heere-with sent out Proclamations through all the Realme that none should consent to any taxe of Money for the Pope he hearing of it in cruell rage sent to the Prelats vppon paine of interdiction to prouide the saide summes of Money by the Feast of Assumption the King for feare of the Pope durst not stand to the liberties of the Church Moreouer the gulfe of the Romish Auarice waxt so immeasurable that he shamed not vpon his curse to aske the third part of Church goods and the yearely fruit of all vacant Benefices Otho comming to Oxford lying in the house of Osney was receiued with great honour the Schollers presenting him honourable Dishes and rewards Dinner being done they came to welcome him comming to the Gate the Porter an Italian asked what they would haue and holding the doore halfe open with contumelious tearmes thrust them out they with force thrust open the gate and came in the Romaines within fell to alarum by the eares together some of the Schollers going ●or Weapons the Maister Cooke cast scalding liquor wherein meat was sodden in the face of a poore Scholler an Irish-man which waighted for Almes another Scholler a Welsh-man séeing it shot the Cooke thorough with an Arrow and killed him Whereupon was a great clamour the Cardinall hearing the tumult like a valiant Romaine ranne vp into the stéeple and locked himselfe 〈◊〉 vntill midnight The Schollers sought all corners for the Legate crying out Where is that Usurer that Sym●niacks that Proylar and Extortioner of our Liuings and Monies Who peruerteth the King and subuerteth the Kingdome enriching himselfe with our spoyles The Cardinall heard all this and held his peace and conuayed himselfe by night vnto the King and the King sent to Oxford a garison of armed men to deliuer the Romaines which were hid for feare of the Schollers One Odo a Lawyer and thirty of the Schollers were apprehended and carried to Wallingford Castle and thence in Charts to London and by much intreaty of the Bishops were brought bare-footed to the Legats doore where they pardoned and the Uniuersity released of interdiction The State of Germany and of the Emperour Friderick the second was then as much or more pittifull then that of England who were so persecuted by Pope Innocentius Honorius Gregorius Celestinus Innocentius the fourth infamed with excommunications and did commonly warre against them in open fielde and all with English mens Money first they made him Emperour against Otho whom they depriued then for clayming his right in Apulia and Sicilia they accursed him when they had warred against him they sent him to fight against the Turkes who recouered Ierusalem Nazareth and Ioppe from the Souldane Whilst hee was occupied in these Warres these vnholy Fathers inuaded his Lands and possessions at home subduing Apulia vnder his owne possession and inhibiting his Souldiours to goe ouer to him and when the Emperour sent to the Pope and other Christian Princes his Letters gratulatory declaring what God wrought by him against the Turkes the Pope stayd the Messengers kept the Letters close and caused it to be noysed abroad that the Emperour was dead and the said Pope Gregorie the ninth wrote to the Souldane that he should not render the holy Land into the Emperours handes The Emperour hearing this stirre of the Pope tooke truce with the Souldane for tenne yeares and repayreth home and driueth the Popes Army out of Apulia and recouered all the Pope had gotten from him before The Pope laid his cursse vpon the Emperour for making truce with the Souldane and conspired with the Tuscanes and Lombards against him the Emperor at the instigations of the Princes glad to compose with the Tyrant was faine to ransome the absolution of the Pope for ten hundred thousand ounces of gold and yet hee sent to the Princes of Germany charging them to admit none of the Emperors stocke to be King of the Romaines and stirred vp the Citties of Italy against him The Emperor vnderstanding his politick and subtile traynes marched into Italy where he put downe the Rebels and recouered againe the Citties belonging to the Empire Wherefore a new excommunication was laid vpon him and all his Subiects released of obedience and loyalty and much indulgences and eternall life promised to them that would fight against him After Gregorie succéeded Celestinus the fourth who raigned not long After him succéeded Innocentius the fourth who following the steps of his predecessors called a generall Councell at Lyons as is before mentioned where standing vp he cited the Emperour his Legate required lawfull time for him to come which hee would not graunt but in his fury denounced him accursed and depriued him of his Imperiall Dignity charging him with periury and sacriledge writing Libels of defamation to all Kings The Emperour made purgation of these ●landers charging the Pope not with fained but true and most hainous crimes of slander falshood perdition periury rebellion hypocrisie and prooueth him by his Letters to be very Antichrist Hee wrote to the French King that hee much marueiled that the prudence and wisedome of the French-men did not more quicke then others sée the Popes subtilty and couetousnesse purposing to subdue all Realmes as he hath done England and doth presumptuously achieue to subdue the Maiesty of the Imperiall Crowne This Emperor departed to Apulia and there dyed being poysoned as some thinke by meanes of the Pope In the time of this Innocent dyed one Robert Grosted Byshop of Lincolne a famous learned man as that time serued whose Sermons to this day are extant in the Quéenes Library at Westminster There is one speciall Sermon written to Innocent Cestrensis writeth that he was greeued for the exactions of the Pope in England and would not admit of the Popes Nephew to be Canon of his Church Writing to the Pope that hee could not admit such into his Church which did neither know themselues nor their charges hee was therefore called to Rome and excommunicated who appealing from the Pope to Iesus Christ shortly after departed Two yeares after the said Pope being asleepe one apparelled Bishoplike appeared vnto him and striking him with his Staffe saide Surge miser veni in iudicium the next day after the Popes Bed was found bloody and he dead After Henry the third succeeded his Sonne Edward the first who raigned thirty fiue yeares Edward the second his Sonne succeeded him who raigned
to know kéep Gods commandements fearing to offend him and louing to please him hoping stedfastly in his mercy continuing in Charity gladly suffering persecutions by the example of Christ and his Apostles all these haue their names written in the Booke of life The gathering together of these that be aliue is the Church fighting against the fi●nd the prosperity of the World and the fleshly lus●s and I wil submit my selfe only to the rule and gouernance of them whom after my knowledge I may perceiue by the hauing and vsing of the foresaid vertues to be members of the holy Church These Articles and all other that I ought to beléeue by the word of God I verily beléeue in my Soule and I beleeue that the word of God is sufficient to saluation if I haue erred that I submit my selfe to be ●econciled and I beleeue the authorities of Saints and Doctors as farre as they may be approued by the word of God and no further for any earthly power or dignity Sir I pray shall I lay my hand on the Booke to sweare by it yea said he wherefore else Sir I say a Booke is a thing coupled together of diuers Creatures and Gods and Mans Law is against swearing by any Creature but I will sweare vnto you as I ought by Gods Law but for Charity tell me wherein I shall submit my selfe and wherein you will correct m● Bishop I will that you swear to forsake all the opinions of the Sect of Lollards which I shall rehearse after you haue sworne and that you will neither priuily nor openly teach none of them nor fauour none of that opinion but withstand them and them that will not yéeld make knowne to the Byshop of the Diocesse and that thou preach no more vntill I do know that thy hart and mouth accord Thorp If I consent vnto you here●n I should be euery Bishops spy Sommoner of al England yea I should deceiue many persons and be y ● cause of their death bodily and ghostly for many of them that stand now in the truth and are in the way of saluation would rather chuse to forsake the way of truth then to be scorned slandered and punished as Byshops and their Ministers now vse to d ee and I finde not in the Scripture that this office you would now enfeoff me with accordeth to any Priest or Christian therefore to do thus were to me a full noyous band for many trust so mickle in me that I would not doe it to saue my life and they might well account me a Traytor to God and man and that I had fa●sly and cowardly forsaken the truth and slandered shamefully the Word of GOD If I doe thus for feare of bondcheefe and mischeefe in this life I deeme in my conscience I were worthy to bee cursed of GOD and all his Saints from which keepe me and all Christians Almighty God Bishop Thy heart is full hard indurate as the hart of Pharaoh the Diuell hath blinded thy wits that thou hast no grace to know the truth nor the measure of mercy that I haue pro●●ered thee but I say to thee lewd Lossell eyther quickly consent to me or by Saint Thomas thou shalt be disgraded and follow thy fellow ●o Smithfield Thorp I thought with my selfe God did me great grace if of his mercy he would bring me to such an end and my heart was not afraid of his menasing but I considered in him that he was not sorrowfull that he had burned William Santry wrongfully and that he thi●steth to shed more innocent blood and I was fast mooued to hold him to be no Priest of God and mine inward Man was departed from him to haue no feare of him and I was right heauy that there was no audience of seculer men by and I prayed the Lord to comfort me against them that were against the sothfastnesse and I purposed to speake no more then my neede behooued All the while I prayed God for his grace to speake with a méeke and easie Spirit and that I might haue authorities of Scriptures or open reason for my words and his Clearks said Why muse you do as my Lord commands you Byshop Hast thou not yet bethought thee whether thou wilt doe as I haue said Thorp My Parents spent mickle Mony about my learning to make me a Priest but I had no will to be a Priest wherefore they were right heauy to mee that I thought to leaue thē at length I desired that I might go to such as were named wise and of vertuous conuersa●ion to haue the●● Councell so I communed with such till I perceiued their honest and charitable workes to passe their fame wherefore 〈◊〉 by the example of the Doctrine of them after my cunning and power I haue exercised me to know perfectly Gods Law hauing a desire to liue thereafter and that others exercised themselues faithfully there abouts Then he sheweth the reasons aforesaid and what would follow if he should forsake so suddenly the learning that he had exercised this 30. winters according to the example of some whose name I wil now recite and according to the present doing of Phillip Rampington now Bishop of Lincolne by Gods grace I will learne by them to fly such slander as th●y haue defiled themselues with and as much as is in them they haue enuenomed all the Church of God by their flaunderous reuoking at Paules Crosse and how now Phillip Rampington pursueth Christs people which will not be vnpunished of God Bishop These were fooles and heretickes when they were counted wise of thée and s●ch lose●s but now they are wise though ye deeme them vnwise Thorpe I thinke they are wise concerning this world I did thinke by their former doings that they had earnest of the wisdome of God and deserued ●●ckie grace of him to haue saued themselues and many others if they had continued faithfull and in their bu●●e f●●itfull sowing of Gods word but woe worth false couetousnesse euill councell and t●ranny by which they and many be led blindly to an euill end Bishop Which are those holy and wise men of whom thou hast taken thine information Thorpe Sir master Iohn Wicliffe holden of ●ull many the greatest Clarke then liuing ●us●ing rul● an● innocent in his liuing great men communed oft with him they so loued his learning that they wrote it and b●s●ly inforced themselues to ●ollow it and his learning is yet holden most agréeable to the learning of Christ and his Apostles and master Iohn Ayston taught and wrote accordingly and vsed himselfe right perfectly to his liues end And sometimes Phillip Rampington Nichols Herford Dauid Gotray of Pak●ing and Iohn Puruay and many other which were holden right wise and prodent taught and writ busily his foresaid learning with al● these men I was right homely and communed with them but of all other I ●hose to ●ollow Wicliffe himselfe as the most wise and godly man that I heard of or know Some of
to Church to pray their inward wits may be the more feruent in that their outward wits bee closed from outward seeing Christ blessd them that sawe him not and beleeued it sufficeth to know God in his word without Images Bishop Is it not a stirring thing to behold an Image Thorpe Being euery person of the Trinitie is eternall and you say it was not lawful to picture it before Christ and in that there were many Prophets Mar●●res and professors before Christ why was it not then as lawfull to make Images to moue men to deuotion as now it is Bishop The Synagogue of the Iewes had not authoritie to approue things as the Church now hath Thorpe Saint Gregory was of great dignitie as the Cannon Lawe witnesseth hee greatly commended a Bishoppe for forbidding Images to bee worshipped Bishop Ungratio●s losell thou sauorest truth no more then a houn● since at the Roode at the North dore at London and at our Lady at Walsingham and many other places in England are many great and praisable miracles ●one Thorpe I am certaine there is no such miracle done of God that any Image should be worshipped therefore I say as I haue often Preached None should t●ust there were any vertue in them nor vowe to them nor seeke to them nor 〈◊〉 bowe pray o●●er kisse or incense them The Brasen Serpent was 〈◊〉 by Gods biddi●g ●et the good King Ezekiah because it was incensed so worth●●y destroyed it and it is to bee dread that for the vnfaithfulnesse of ●en the F●●●d 〈◊〉 power to 〈◊〉 the miracles that now are done in such places wherefore s●eing the God of 〈◊〉 is the most vnknowne and wonderfull Spirit what Image may he be painted 〈◊〉 Bishop As holy Church suffereth Images to ●ee painted and shewed it suffiseth to th●m that are members of holy Church but thou art 〈◊〉 member cut off from holy Church thou fauourest not the ordinances thereof Thou speakest against Pilgrimage and that pilgrimages to Canterbury ●euerley Carlington Walsingham are accursed and f●●lish spending their goods in wast Thorpe There bée true trauellers trauell all their life with all their endeauour to please God that they may attaine to the heauenly Kingdome but I say now as I said at Shrewsbury I haue Preached often in other places and will doe as long as I liue God willing They that trauell their bodies and spend their money to s●eke or visite the bones of Images of this Saint or that such pilgrimage is neither praiseable or thankefull to God nor to any Saint of God since such pilgrimages almost all despise God and his commaundements and vppon Saints they waste blamefully Gods goods in such vaine Pilgrimages sometimes vpon vitious Hostices which they should doe workes of mercie withall vpon the poore and néedie they offer their go●ds to rich Priests which haue more then they n●ede many of them borrow other mens goods and neuer pay them and sometimes they steale them And they haue with them Singers that can sing wanton Songs and some will haue Bag-pipes so that euery Towne where they come with their noyse of singing piping ●angling of Canterbury Bels and the barking of dogs they make more noyse then if the king came thither with all his Clarions and Minstrels and if they bee a moneth in pilgrimage they will bee halfe a yeare after wranglers tale-bearers and lyers Bishop Lewde losell thou seest not farre enough into this matter it is fit they haue such musicke with them that when one goeth barefoote burteth his foote against a stone and maketh it bleede it is well done that his fellow sing a song or play on a bagge pipe to driue away with mirth the hurt of his fellowe and with such solace their trauell and wearin●sse is lightly and merrily brought forth Dauids last Psalme teacheth mee to haue diuerse ●nstruments of musicke Thorpe By the sentence of ●iuerse Doctors that musicke that Dauid and other Saints of the Old Lawe spake of ought not to be interpreted li●terally but gostly for Saint Paul saith all such thing● befell to them in figure therefore I vnderstand that the letter of this Psalme and other Psalmes and Sentences doth slay them that take them now literally This sence I vnderstand Christ approueth pu●ting out the minstrels ere he would quicken the Damzell Bishop Lewd losell is it not lawfull so haue Organes in the Church to worship God withall Thorpe Yea by mans ordinance but a good Sermon to the peoples vnderstanding were much more pleasant to God Bishoppe Organs and delectable Songs quicken mens wits more then a Sermon Thorpe Worldly men delight in sencible solace but the faithfull louers of Christ delight to heare Gods word and vnderstand it tru●ly and Saint Ierome saith No body may ioy with this world and raigne with Christ. Bishop What thinke you this 〈◊〉 will speake whereas hee hath no dreade being bee speaketh thus in my presence well well by God you shall bee ordained for Thou saidest Priests had no tittle to Tythes Thorpe One would know of me whether Priests by the word of God may curse one for not paying of Tythes Christ and his Apostles tooke no Tythes nor commanded none so to doe Saint Paul saith The Lord hath ordained that they that Preach the Gospell should liue of the Gospell And if Priests were now in measurable number and liued vertuously add ta●gh● busily and truely Gods word without Tythes 〈◊〉 and other du●ies the people would giue them suffici●nt liuings One of his Clarkes said How can that be sluc● by the Law Priests can scarcely constraine the people to giue them their Liuing Bishop Thou sayest it is not lawfull in any case Thorpe I neuer taught in that wise I haue Preached in many places that it is not lawfull to sweare by any creature and that none ought to swrare in any case if without an oath he may excuse himselfe to them that haue authoritie so take an oath but as he cannot otherwise excu●e himselfe he ought onely to sweare by God taking him only that is true to witnesse truth And there were many other arguments wherein was no great mat●er worth abridging if the reader be disposed hee may see the booke at large After hee had denied to sweare obedience vnto the Bishop except in those things that were according to the word of God the Archbishoppe bade the Constable haue him away in ha●●e Bishop I was led foorth and brought to a ●oule and vnhonest prison where I was neuer before when they were gone and had shut the doore I busied my selfe to thin●● on God and thanke him of his goodnesse and I was greatly comforted that I was deliuered for a time from the sight hearing and presence and scorning and menasing of mine enemies but much more I reioyced in the Lord that of his grace he kept 〈◊〉 that without heauinesse and anguish of conscience I passed away from them Now O God to the praising of th● blessed name make vs one together by
the followers of Gods law shall haue to bee deliuered from this woe The sixt Seale tell●th the state of the Church in Antichrists limmes the Angels that stood in the foure corners of the earth to hold the foure windes from blowing are the Diuels Ministers the foure windes are the foure Gospels they shall let the preaching thereof and the breath of the Holy Ghost to fall vpon men after this commeth the mysterie of the seuen Seales that Antichrist is come in his owne person whom Iesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth hee and his seruants shall show their vttermost persecution against Christ and his subiects I said in my second principle that it was to be knowne before what Iudge wee must reckon the Iudge is God himselfe that seeth all our deeds and thoughts and euery mans deeds and the secrets of their hearts shall be opened to all the world as Saint Iohn saith the dead men great and small stood about the Throne and bookes were opened and the Booke of Life was opened and the dead were iudged according to their deed written in that Booke this Booke is mens consciences that now are closed but then shall be open to all men the Booke of Life is Christs Gospel which is now hid from the damned through their owne malice in the first book is written all that is done in the second all that should be done therefore look in the Booke of the Conscience whilest thou art heere if thou findest any thing contrarie to Christs example and Doctrine scrape it out with the knife of repentance and write it better I said it were good to know what reward the good shall haue and what reward the wicked shall haue it is written Christ shall come with the same body that was crucified all that shall be saued shall cleaue to him and be rauished meeting him in the ayre they that shall be damned lying vpon the earth Then Christ shall aske account of deeds of mercy reproouing false Christians for leauing them vndone rehearsing the paines that his true seruants haue suffered then the wicked with the Diuell shall goe into euerlasting fire and the righteous into ●uerlasting life then that which is written shall be fulfilled Woe wo to them that dwel on the earth wo to the Paynim that worshipped Idols and other creatures woe to the Iew that trusted too much in the Old Law and despised Christ woe to the false Christian that knew the will of God and did it not and hath not contemplated his mercies and waies and been thankefull for his benefits and hast made thy hart a house of swine a den of theeues by vncleane thoughts and delights thou hast shut God out of thy heart and hee shall shut thée out of heauen thou hast harboured the fiend and thou shalt euer dwell with him in hell thou shouldest haue sung holy holy holy Lord but thou shalt cry woe woe woe to mee but they that bee saued shall ioy in God Ioy all amongst themselues and one of an others saluation how happie bee they that their trauels bee finished and brought to so gracious an end especially that they haue escapt the paines O how happie are they for the endlesse blisse which they haue in the sight of God In this yeare began the Councell of Constance called by Sigismond the Emperour and Pope Iohn the 23. for pacifying a Schisme betwixt three Popes all striuing for the Pope-dome which continued nine and thirty yeares the Italians set vp this Iohn the Frenchmen set vp Gregory the Spaniard set vp Benedict and euery Nation defended his Pope to the great disturbance of Christian Nations this Councell indured foure yéeres wherein all matters were decided most by foure Nations the English Germans French and Italians out of euery Nation was a president there names were Iohn the Patriarch of Antioch for France Anthony Archbishop of Rigen for Italy Nicholas Archbishop of Genes●ensis for Germanie and Richard Bishop of Bathe for England the aforesaid Pope Iohn resigned his Pope-dome for which the Emperour thanked him and kissed his féete but after he repented himselfe 〈◊〉 being disguised fled but was taken by the Emperour and put in prison this Pope was deposed by the Decree of the Councell more then fortie most hainous crimes prooued against him as for hiring a Physition to poison Alexander his predecessor and that he was an Heretick a Symoniack a Lier an Hypocrite a Murderer an Inchanter a Dice-player an Adulterer a Sodomite and many others he held a Councell at Rome about foure yeares before and euer when they assembled there was a huge Owle in the place or somewhat else in the shape of an Owle which did alwaies looke so earnestly vpon the Pope which made him still breake vp the Sessions and at length to dissolue the Councell some said it was the Spirit of God in the shape of an Owle indeed there Spirit is better figured in the shape of an Owle then of a Doue The Councell said the way to reforme the Church was to begin a minoritis the Emperour said non a minoritis sed a maioritis there was fiue and forty Sessions in this Councell there was three seuerall Popes deposed in this Councell In the eighth Session was the condemnation of Iohn Wickliffe and his fiue and fortie Articles of his memory and bones to be burned as it is before recited and in the thirtéenth Session was decréed that no Priest vnder paine of excommunication shall communicate vnto the people vnder both kindes of Bread and Wine In the fifteenth Sessions silence was commanded vnder paine of the great curse and that none should make any noise of hand foote or voice and then the condemnation of Iohn Hus was read In the seuenteenth Session the Emperour tooke vpon him a iourney to the King of Arragon to intreat with Pope Benedictus about the resignation of the papacy and an excommunication was denounced against al that should goe about to hinder the Emperours iourney and that the Councell should euery Sunday make prayers and processions for him and an hundred daies of pardon giuen to them that would be present at the said prayers and processions and that all Prelates should then weare their Pontificalibus granting besides to euery Priest that said one Masse for the same an hundred daies pardon and to all other that once a day should say one Pater-noster and one Aue-Mary for the safety of the Emperour forty dayes pardon In the nineteenth Session Ierome of Prage was accused of Heresie cast into prison and forced to abiure In the two and twentieth Session Letters were made and set vpon all Church doores admonishing Duke Frederick to restore George Bishop of Austridge such Lands Kents and Reuenues as hee detayned vnder paine of interdiction suspention and excommunication In the one and twentith Session the Bishop of Londy made a Sermon which being ended Ierome of Prage which had abiured stood vpon a Bench replying against his Sermon
the Lords put a book of articles against the Cardinall that he procured the Legat without the Kings consent whereby he took away the right of all Bishops that in all writings to Rome and other Princes he wrote Ego Rex meus that he standered the Church of England to be brought into a reprobate sense sending to Rome to be Legat to reforme the Church and carried the great Seale with him to Flanders and that without the kings consent he sent commission to conclude a league betwéen the King and the Duke of Florence and that hauing the French pocks he presumed to come and to breathe on the King and that hee had caused the Cardinalls Hat to be put on the Kings coyne that he had sent innumerable substance to Rome to obtaine his Dignities to the great impouerishment of the Realme with many other things The princely possessions and great pride of the Clergie in those dayes did not only farre excéede the measure of subiects but surmounted the estates of Kings and Princes In Henry the fourth his dayes the Temporalties in the possessions of the Clergie of England amounted to three hundred twentie two thousand marks by the yeare And it appeareth by a Libell giuen to Henry the eight compiled by one Master Fish that the Cleargie had gotten into their hands more then the third part of the lande of the Realme and the goodliest Lordships Mannors and Territories are theirs besides the tenth part of corne and all things else and seruants wages and they looke so narrowly to their tythes that they will haue the tenth egge or else the good wife getteth no rights at Easter and shall be taken as an her●ticke beside what they get by their foure offering dayes prouing of wills priuie tythes offerings to pilgrimages and at their first Masses euery one that is buried must pay somewhat for Masses and Dirges to be sung for them else they will accuse their frinds and executors for hereticks What money get they for mortuaries by hearing confessions and yet will keepe no Councell by hallowing of Churches Altars Superaltars Chappels and Bels by cursing men and absoluing them againe for money What a multitude of money gather the Pardoners in a yeare by cyting men to the Court and releasing them for money and what abundance the begging Friers get yearly There be two and fifty thousand parish Churches in England and euery house in the Realme payeth a pennie a quarter to euery of the fiue s●rts of begging Friers which is twenty pence yearely for euery house in England And the number of the Clergie reckoned with men women and children of the Laie●ie are but one of foure hundred and their substance draweth nigh to the halfe of the whole substance of the Realme and they doe nothing therewith but exempt themselues from the obedience of your grace and translate all power to themselues and that your subiects may rebell against yon and be vnder them as they did vnto your noble predecessor King Iohn they then interdicted the Realme wherefore your Realme hath stood tributarie not to any temporall Prince but to a cruell diuellish bloud-sucker drunken in the bloud of the Saints and Martyrs euer since and what doe they more nothing but apply themselues to haue to doe with euery mans wife daughter or mayde that Cuckoldrie and baudry should raigne amongst your subiects that no man should know his child and that their bastards should inherite euery mans possessions they haue made an hundred thousand idle whoores in your Realme which would haue gotten their liuing honestly had not their superfluous riches inticed them to vncleanenesse and idlenesse they catch the p●cks or be burnt or the leprosie and beare it vnto another yea some one of them shall boast amongst his fellowes that he hath had to do with an hundred women When they haue intised mens wiues vnto them they spend away their husbands goods and make the women runne away from their husbands and runne away themselues with the wife and goods bringing man and wife and children to idlenesse theft and beggerie Who is able to number the broad bottomlesse Ocean full of euils that this sinfull generation may lawfully and vnpunished bring vpon vs Who is shee that will worke for three pence a day when she may haue at least twentie pence a day to fleepe an houre with a Frier Monke or Priest and who will labour for foure pence a day that may haue at least twelue pence a day to be bawde to one of these What a sort are there that marrie Priests Lemans but to cloake the Priests incontinencie and that they may liue of Priests for their labour and who is he though he be grieued neuer so sore for the death of his Ancestor rauishment of his wife or his daughter robberie trespasse maime debt or any other offence dare lay it to their charge by any way of action if he do then by and by he is accused of heresie and except he beare a faggot they will excommunicate him and then all his Actions be dashed Notwithstanding the statute to Mortmayne they doe daily get into their hands more lands the Kingdome of the bloud-suckers is like to preuaile aboue your Kingdome for to them is giuen daily out of you Kingdome and that which is once giuen them neuer commeth from them againe What Kingdome can indure that ●uer giueth and receiueth nothing again All their colour for their gathering these things into their hands is that they pray for vs to deliuer our soules out of Purgatorie without whose prayers and especially the Popes pardon we could neuer be deliuered thence but the truth is there is no Purgatorie but it is a thing inuented by the couetousnesse of the spiritualtie And if there were a Purgatorie if the Pope can deliuer them there with money he can deliuer them without and if hee can deliuer one he can deliuer all and so destroy Purgatorie and then is he a cruell tyrant without all charitie if he keepe them in prison and paine vntill men will giue him money They will not let the New Testament goe abroad in the mother tongue lest their cloaked hypocrisie and that their cruelty vncleanenesse and vnmercifulnesse be seeue and that they seeke not Christs honour but their own that remission of sins are not giuen for the Popes pardon but for Christ by true faith in him And except your Maiestie suffer their hypocrisie to be disclosed the people will think you take away their liberty from them to buy their soules out of Purgatorie by giuing to the spiritualtie as their predecessors haue done therefore let their hypocrisie be vttered and that shall be more speedfull in this matter then all the lawes that possibly can be made The Author of this Booke was fled to Tindall where he wrote this Booke for feare of the Cardinall when the King had read this he caused his Wife to send for him home he was brought to the King and after he had
Psalme Dauid saith The word of God is true and his way verity euery man is vanity and lying and Christ saith Euery one that heareth my words and doth them is like one that buildeth his house vpon a sure foundation and that there is none other foundation by S. Paule and he would haue vs follow one doctrine of Christ to a vnitie of faith that we may bee perfect men not carried about with euery winde of doctrine brought vp by the slights and wilines of men that ●tudie to deceiue vs. Touching the question that there are many things to be beléeued vpon paine of saluation that are not in the Scripture I say lawes ordained for the ciuill regiment of the body and all other Lawes so they be not hurtfull to Faith or Charitie but help to the same we ought to keep them not onely for feare of punishment but for Conscience sake although such ordinance be not expressely in the Scripture but I say there is nothing that is not expressely in the Scriptures that is to bee beleeued vpon necessitie of saluation Touching your Question of purgatory and whether soules departed be there in torment and purged I say there is a purgatory in this world which is the fire of tribulations through which all Christians shall passe as S. Paul saith All that liue godly in Christ shall suffer persecution In this purgatory I doe reckon my selfe now to stand God send me well to perseuere vnto his honour Other Purgatory doe I know none neither can any be proued by any place of Scripture And S. August de ebrietate saith let no man deceiue himselfe for there be two places the third is not knowne He that with Christ hath not deserued to raigne shall perish with the Diuell and in his Booke de vanitate seculi he saith know you that when the soule is departed from the body it is incontinent for the good deeds put into paradice and else throwne headlong into the Dungeon of hell for the sinnes and to this all Scripture agreeth Touching your question whether Martirs Apostles and Confessors departed ought to be honored and prayed vnto Saint Augustine in his Booke de vera religione would haue that we should worship no men departed be they neuer so good and holy no nor yet an Angell nor to honour them but onely in imitating their good liuing as they followed God not building Churches to them no the Angels would not haue vs builde Churches to them but would with them we should honour the Maker of all things They refuse all honour sauing honor Charitatis which loue wee should expresse in helping the poore and helplesse And the Scripture teacheth that there is but one Mediator and we are exhorted in all places of Scripture to call vpon God in néed but in no place to call vpon any Saint Touching your demaund whether Oblations and Pilgrimages may deuoutlie and meritoriously be done vnto the Sepulchers and Reliques of Saints Moses when he died would be buried where no man should know which was his graue it was because the Iewes which were prone to new fangled worshipping should not fall into Idolatr● worshipping him as God for the great and many miracles that were wrought by him when he was aliue It is no point of my beleefe to thinke that Oblations Pilgrimages at Saints graues and Reliques are meritorious workes neither is there any deuotion at all in doing of them Touching fasting daies and time I say they are good for diuers respects but it is no deadly sinne to breake them for they are but the traditions of men Touching your question whether Images ought not to be in the Churches for a remembrance of Christ and his Saints I know no Images made with hands that ought to be worshipped For the Psalme saith Confusion be vnto all such as worship carued Images and glory in pictures And S. Augustine in his Book de vera religione let vs not be bound to worship the workes of men for the workemen are more excellent then the things that they make whom notwithstanding we ought not to worship and if Christs Doctrine were so opened that people might vnderstand it as Prelates chiefely ought to doe by teaching we should haue no need of Images for nothing is so effectuall to excite the remembrance of Disciples as the liuely voice of good teachers Touching your demands whether men forbidden to preach as suspected of Heresi● ought to cease from preaching Christ and his Apostles were counted heretickes and the Apostles were forbidden oftentimes of the High Priest and others to preach any more and were imprisoned and scourged for it yet they would not leaue preaching but told them to their faces they must obey God which bad them preach rather then men which forbad them yea the Angel deliuering them out of prison bad them go preach againe This is for our instruction doubt not for such practice is shewed in all ages so you may sée when men bée wrongfully infamed of heresie and so prohibited by Bishops to preach the Word of God they ought not to stop for any mans commandement Touching your question of hauing the Bible in English in England In my opinion I say it was not well done to inhibit it and worse that the Bishops haue not sithence amended it if they could that the people might haue it to vse vertuously And I will adde one reason the Scripture is the food and sustinance of mans soule as it appeareth by many places of the Scripture as other meate is the foode of the body then if he be an vnkind Father that kéepeth away the bodily meate the space of a wéeke or a month from his Children it should seeme that our Bishops be no gentle Pastors or Fathers that kéep away the food of mens souls from them both months yeares and ages especially when others offer the same Touching you question whether faith onely iustifieth I answer with S. Augustine Good works make not a man iustified or right wise but a man once iustified doth good works These Articles being directed to the Archbishop of Canterburie which was not Cranmer but Doctor Warham whereby it may be gathered that this godly learned man was long before he disputed before the King or was condemned to death vpon the day that was appointed for him to suffer this holy martyre of God was brought out of prison vnto the house of the Lord Cromwell and carried into his inward chamber where it is reported Cromwell asked him forgiuenesse for what he had done And being admonished of his houre of death he was greatly comforted and comming into the hall he saluted the Gentlemen and sate down to breakfast shewing no manner of sadnes or feare after breakfast he was carried to the place of execution where he should offer himselfe a sacrifice of sweet sauour vnto the Lord who is blessed in his Saints for euer and euer Amen The storie of one COLLINS ONe Collins a Gentleman was burnt at London
Sacrament Ridley preached at Paules Crosse that the Diuell beleeued better then you for he beleeued Christ is able to make of stones bread and you will not beleeue Christs body is in the sacrament yet thou buildest thy faith vpon them Haukes What they haue done I know not but what they do I know I build my faith vpon no man If these and many more should recant yet will I stand to that which I haue said and then they departed The next day Doctor Chadsey comming to the Bishop I was sent for into the Garden Bonner He thinketh there is no Church but in England and Germany I said and you thinke there is no Church but at Rome Chad. How say you to the Church of Rome I said it is a Church of a sort of vicious Cardinals Priests Monks and Friers which I will neuer credit nor beleeue then he said what say you to the Pope Haukes From him and all his detestable enormities good Lord deliuer vs he said so we may say from King Henry the eighth and all his detestable enormities good Lord deliuer vs. Bonner He will not come into the Chappell he cannot abide the masse nor the sacrament nor any seruice but in English then Chadsey said Christ neuer spake English Haukes Neither spake he in Lattine but alwaies in such a tongue as they vnderstood And Saint Paule saith Tongues profit nothing if a Pipe or a Harpe make no certaine sound who can prepare himselfe to battaile So if wee heare a tongue that we vnderstand not we receiue no profit Bonner The Catholike Church ordred that the Latine seruice should serue thorow the whole world that they might pray in one tongue that there be no strife I say this did your Councels of Rome Chad. You are to blame to reprooue the Councells through the whole World Haukes Saint Paule reproueth them saying If any preach any other Doctrine then that which I haue taught doe you hold him accursed Then he said hath any preached to you any other Doctrine I said yes since I came into this house I haue beene taught praying to Saints and to our Lady and to trust in the Masse holy Bread and holy water and in Idols he said they taught him not amisse in that I said cursed bee he that teacheth me so and I will not credit him nor beléeue him Chad. What be those Idols you are offended with I said the Crosse of wood Siluer Copper or Gold c. Boner I say euery Idoll is an Image but not euery Image an Idoll if it be an Image of a false God it is an Idoll but if an Image be made of God himselfe it is no Idoll but an Image Haukes Lay your Images of your true God and of your false God together and both your Image and Idoll haue hands and feele not eyes and see not feete and goe not mouthes and speake not so there is no difference Chad. God forbid I should reioice in any thing but in the crosse of Christ I asked him whether he vnderstood Paul so he answered me not Boner When can we haue a godlier remembrance when wee ride by the way then to see the Crosse I said if it were such profit why did not Christs Disciples take it vp and set it on a pole and carry it in procession with Salua festa dies Chadsey said it was taken vp Haukes You say Elenor tooke it vp and she sent a peece of it to a place of Religion where I was with the visiters at the dissolution and we called for the peece of the crosse which was so esteemed and had robbed so many and made them commit Idolatry and it was but a peece of a Lath couered ouer with Copper and double gilded as it had béen cleane gold Then the Bishop cryed fye on him and hey left me And Chadsey said it was pitty I should liue and I said I had rather die then liue in this case The Bishop after writ somewhat that hee should set his hand too and there was in it that I Thomas Lankes had talked with mine Ordinarie and with certaine good godly and learned men Hee answered hee would not grant them to bee good godly and learned men After also hee told the Bishop as for your cursings raylings and blasphemings I care not for them for I know the mothes and wormes shall eate you as they eate Wooll or Cloth and at length with diuers others in the month of Iune hee was condemned and beeing carried into Essex at Cophall by martyrdome he changed his life His friends priuily desired him that in the middest or the flame he would shew some token that they might bee certaine whether the paine were so great that one cannot keepe his minde constant therein which hee promised to doe and if it were tolerable to hold vp his hands ouer his head and when his breath was taken away his skin drawne together his fingers consumed in the fire and all men looked that hee would giue vp the Ghost Hee mindfull of his promise● made did lift vp his hands halfe burned and burning with heate aboue his head to the liuing God euen on a sodaine and with great reioicing striketh them three times together by which thing contrarie to all mens expectation béeing seene there followed so great reioycing and cry of the multitude as though heauen and earth would haue come together and presently he sunke downe and gaue vp the Ghost THOMAS WATS HE was of Billerica in Essex beeing brought to the Bishop of London hee put certaine Articles to him The effect of the answere whereof followeth That he hath and doth beleeue that Christs body is in heauen and no where else and that hee will neuer beleeue that Christs body is in the Sacrament and that the Masse is full of Idolatry and abhomination neuer instituted by Christ and that he neuer did nor doth beleeue that a Priest can absolue him of his sinnes but he beleeueth it is good to aske councell at the Priests mouth and he confessed that he said openly in the sessions that all that is now vsed and done in the church is abhominable hereticall and scismaticall and altogether naught And he doth beleeue that the Pope is a mortall enemy to Christ his Church and that hee prayeth as Tooly did that we may be deliuered from the tyrannie of the Pope and all his enormities And after he had been many times brought before Boner and his company and the Bishop perceiuing neither his threatnings nor flattering promises nothing to preuaile he condemned him and after he was carried to Chemes-ford there most patiently and constantly sealed his faith with his bloud by most cruell fire The morning before hee died hee said words to this effect to his Wife and Children Wife and good Children I must now depart from you henceforth I know you no more but as the Lord hath giuen you to mee so I giue you againe vnto the LORD whom I charge you to obay
saying he that leaueth father or mother praueth our pilgrimage with many moe Many dangerous hazards he suffered amongst the Popes friends and Gods enemies for the Gospell sake When there was a Proclamation set forth for the calling in of the Bible in English and many other good bookes he hazarded himselfe to write to King Henry the eight to disswade him therefrom which Letter thou mayest see in the booke at large at length by the means of Doctor Butts and of good Cromwell he was made Bishop of Worcester and continued so a few yeares instructing his Diocesse according to a diligent Pastor but as before both in the Uniuersitie and at his Benefiee he was tossed and turmoyled by the wicked so in his Bishopricke some sought his trouble insomuch that he was accused to the King for his Sermons Thus he continued in this laborious function of a Bishop for certaine yeares vntill the comming vp of the sixe Articles and altering of Religion so when he could not keepe his Bishopricke with a good conscience of his owne free will he resigned the same at which time Shaxton Bishop of Salesburie resigned also with him his Bishopricke These two remained a great space vnbishopped keeping silence vntill the time of King Edward A little after Latimer had renounced his Bishopricke hee was sore bruised with the fall of a tree and comming to London for remedy hee was troubled of the Bishops and at length was cast into the Tower where he continued prisoner vntill the Raigne of King Edward then the golden mouth of this preacher shut vp long before was opened againe and beginning a fresh to set forth his plough againe and continued all the time of the said King labouring in the Lords haruest most fruitfully hee preached for the most part twice euery Sunday to no small shame of vnpreaching prelates which occupied great rome to doe little good he did most euidently prophes●e of all these kinde of plagues which after ensued so plainely that if England euer had a Prophet he might seeme to be one and he did euer affirme that the preaching of the Gospel would cost him his life and he was certainely perswaded that Winchester was kept in the Tower to be his death which fell out right for after the death of King Edward and Queen Mary proclaimed a Purseuant was sent down vnto him by the doing no doubt of Winchester Latimer had warning thereof six houres before the Purseuant came whereby he might haue ●scaped but he prepared himselfe towards his iourney before the Purse●ant came who maruelled to sée him so prepared for his iourney he told the Purseuant he was a welcome guest and be it knowne vnto you and the whole World that I goe as willingly to London at this present being called of my Prince to giue a reckoning of my Faith and Doctrine as euer I was to goe vnto any place in the world and I doubt not but that God which hath made me worthy to preach to two most excellent Princes so he will able me to witnesse the same to the third either to her comfort or discomfort eternally When the Purseuant had deliuered his Letters he departed affirming that hee was not commaunded to tarry for him whereby it appeared they would not haue him appeare but rather to haue fled out of the Realme they knew his constancy would deface them in Popery and confirme the godly in the truth When he came through Smithfield he said merrily Smithfield bad long groned for him after he had béene before the Councell hee was sent to the Tower and from thence he was transported to Oxford with Cramer Arch-bishop of Canterbury and Ridley Bishop of London there to dispute as before is said Of the order of the disputations and bow they were condemned thou maist sée before where they continued vntill this time in continual prayer godly conference and writing Latimer sometimes continued so long knéeling at prayer that hee was not able to arise without helpe three thinges especially he prayed for in his Prayers First as God hath appointed him to preach his Word so hee would giue him grace to stand to the same vntill his death Secondly that God would restore his Gospel vnto England againe once more which once more hee inculcated oftentimes into the eares of the LORD as if he had spoken vnto him face to face Thirdly hee prayed for the preseruation of Queene ELIZABETH then but Lady ELIZABETH whom with ●eares he still named desiring God to make hee a comforter to this comfortles Realme the Lord most graciously granted al these things which he requested The twentith day of September a Commission was sent from the Cardinall to the Bishops of Lincolne Glocester and Bristow to examine Doctor Ridley and Maister Latimer vpon the points they were condemned for at Oxford and if they would not recant there opinions to disgrade them c. The first point was whether the reall presence of Christ was in the Sacrament D. Ridley first appeared before them when the Commission was read he standing bare-headed assoon as he heard the Cardinall named and the Popes Holines he put on his cap the Bishop of Lincolne reprehended him for it and told him if he would not of himselfe put off his cap another should doe it for him He answered that it was not done for any contumacy that he bare vnto their own persons nor for any derogation of the Cardinall in that he was borne of the Bloud Royall was indued with much le●rning excellent vertues ●ut in that he is Legate to the Pope and with that he put on his cap whose vsurped supremacie I vtterly renounce which I will not onely denounce in words but in gesture be●auiour and all my doings expresse the same wherevpon by the commandement of the Bishop of Lincoln his cap was taken off he appeared twice and thus he did at both times their answeres were both to one effect in substance First they made their protestation that notwithstanding their answers it should not be taken thereby that they would acknowledge any authority of the Pope but that they answered as subiects to the king and Queene to the first point they did confesse that in the sacrament by spirit and grace is the very body and bloud of Christ because that euery man receiuing bodily the bread and wine in the Sacrament spiritually receiue the body and bloud of Christ and thereby is partaker of the merits of his passion but they denied the naturall body and bloud of Christ to be really in the outward sacrament The second question was whether after consecration of the sacrament of the Altar there did remain any substance of bread and wine to that they answered there was such a change in the bread and wine as no man but God can make being the bread had that dignity to exhibit Christs body yet the bread is still bread and the wine still wine for the change is not in the nature but in the
that he was commended by the Ambassadors to the king for his singular wisedome grauitie and learning that he wonne such great credit that he was alone sent Ambassador to the Emperour to debate this businesse but the Emperour refused to determine the matter but remitted the whole question to the Popes court after he was sent to Rome Ambassadour to the Pope where he behaued himselfe with ●o lesse diligence that he compelled the Popes chiefe diuines by arguments to grant the mariage to be against the law but yet by the dispensation of the Pope it might be made lawfull Warram Archbishop of Canterbury dying he was sent for by king Henrie and made Archbishop of Canterbury then came in the question of the Popes supremacy and all the weight of the businesse was chiefly laid vpon Cranmers shoulders he therefore alone receiued answered and confuted all the obiections of the Papists he proued that the Popes Lordship was not brought in by any authoritie of Scriptures but by ambitious tyranny and that the chiefest power on earth belonged to the Emperor to kings and Potentates to whom the Pope Cardinals Bishops Priests by Gods commandement were no lesse subiect then other men and therefore it were best by the consent of the king and other estates the ambitious Lordship of the Pope being driuen out of England should keepe it selfe within his owne Italy as a riuer is kept within his bankes which was performed by act of Parliament then by little and little he reformed the Church into a more wholesome discipline of Christ and laboured to banish the Popes errours heresies and corruptions and he obtained of the king that certaine learned men should make a booke of Ecclesiasticall institutions which was called the Bishops Booke then the abolishing of Monasteries began to be talked of the kings desire was that all the Abbey lands should come vnto his coffers the Archbishop and others would haue them imployed to other good vses whereby the king being bent against Cranmer especially by the instigation of Gardiner Bishop of Winchester which sought all occasions to hinder the Gospel he set forth the 6. Articles by full consent of Parliament which contained the summe of Popish religion What slaughter by the space of 8. yeares these Articles made is already declared but after he forgoing his anger with the Archbishop séeing he stood against him in conscience not in stubburnesse he began to fauour him and thought to haue taken away the 6. Articles and reformed other matters if he had liued but Cranmer and the Lord protector brought it to passe in king Edwards dayes his story how he was vsed in Quéene Maries reign is mentioned before and his disputations at Oxeford and how he was condemned there and left in prison vntill this time And because the sentence was voyde in law because it was giuen by persons excommunicated for they were not then absolued by the Pope nor his authoritie receiued in the realme therefore there was a new commission sent from the Pope for the conuiction of Cranmer Latimer and Ridley and the Bishop of Glocester was appointed the Popes delegate and after they had condemned Latimer and Ridley as before is said The said Legate and his company being set in Saint Maries Church apparelled in his Pontificalibus as if the Pope in person had bene there the Bishop of Canterbury was brought before them putting off his cappe he did obeysance to the king and quéenes proctors then looking in the Legats face he put on his bonnet againe making no obedience toward him wherefore the Bishop sayd vnto him that it might beséeme him well waying the authoritie which he did represent to doe his duety to him he answered hee had sworne neuer to admit the Pope into this Realme and therefore he would commit nothing by signe or token which might argue his consent to the re●eiuing of him and that he did it not to any contempt of his person Then the Legate made an eloquent oration to put him in remembrance that from a meane gentleman he was raised to bee a Princes Ambassadour and further to be Archbishop and Primate of the Realmealmost 30 yeares and s● farre in trust with the king that he made him president of his councel and after left him in speciall trust for the gouernement of the young Prince during his minoritie such blessing God had giuen him whilest he continued in the Catholicke faith He exhorted him on the other side to consider how he was now fallen from his dignities and officices and in high displeasure of the King and Quéene iudged to die for high treason and all these things to haue happened vnto him only because he had seuered himself from the Sea of Rome and was become a father of new deuised religion and although your estate is so miserable that the meanest in this assembly will not change his condition and calling with you yet further he was like to fall by the iust iudgement of God into hell and euerlasting damnation if he did not repent of his errours and schismes whilest he had time of repentance whereunto he exhorted him earnestly repeating many places of Christs mercies to them that repent and shewed that to returne to the Church was the o●ely way to saue both body and soule and I doubt not but the King and Quéene will perdon your condemnation of treason if you will returne vnto the Church and forsake your opinions which I desire you to do Then Cranmer desired license to speake which was gently granted him first he made protestation that hee did not answere to him as to a lawfull Iudge because he was deputed for the Pope but to giue a reason of his faith which God hath commanded him to doe to euery one that shall demand a reason thereof Then he said My Lord you haue learnedly put me in remembrance of many things touching my selfe which I will not answere I acknowledge Gods goodnesse vnto me and thanke him as heartily for this estate that now I am in as euer I did for the time of my prosperity shewing that his greatest griefe was to sée the Popes Iurisdiction restored to England againe Alas what hath the Pope to do in England whose lawes are so farre different from the Lawes of this realme that whosoeuer sweareth to both must néedes incurre periury in the one And I am heartily sorry to thinke that her grace the day before her Coronation tooke an oath to obserue the lawes of this realme and also tooke an oath to the Bishop of Rome promising to maintaine that Sea which was impossible but shee must néeds be forsworne in the one And as for the matter of Heresie wherewith you charge mee I call God to witnesse I know none which I maintaine but if it be heresie to deny the Popes authority and the religion which the sea of Rome hath published vnto the world these latter yeares then all the ancient Fathers of the primitiue Church the Apostles and Christ himselfe
secret friend to submit her selfe vnto the Quéen which would be to her great commoditie she answered she would not submit her selfe vnto them which she had not offended if I haue offended I craue no mercy but law I would I were as cléere out of the perrill of mine e●emies as I know my selfe out of the danger of the law About this time there was great consulting amongst the Bishops and Gentlemen touching a marriage for her Grace which some of the Spaniards wished to be with some stranger that she might goe out of the Realme with her portion then a Lord said that the King should neuer haue quiet Common-wealth in England except her head were striken from her shoulders the Spaniards answered God forbid that their King and Master should consent to such a mischiefe From that day the Spaniards neuer left good perswasions vnto the King that he should neuer obtaine the like honour as he should in deliuering the Lady Elizabeth out of prison whereby at length she was happily released of the same Shortly after she was sent for to Hampton Court Sir Henry Benifield and his souldiers with the Lord of Tame and Sir Ralph Chamberlaine guarding of her the first night she came to Ricot the next to M. Dormers house and so to Colbrook where she lay at the George all night as she came thither thréescore of her Gentlemen and Yeomen met her which had not séene her Grace a long season before but they were commanded in the Quéens name to depart the towne and shée was not suffred to speak with them that night al her men were taken from her but her Gentleman vsher thrée Gentlewomen and two Grooms one of her Wardrop the next day her Grace entred Hampton Court where she lay a fortnightere euer any had recourse vnto her at length came the Lord William Howard to ●er who vsed her Grace maruellous hanourably she requested him to be a meane that shée might speak with some of the Councell Not long after came to her Gardner Bishop of Winchester the Lord Arundel the Lord of Shrewsbury and Secretary Peter who with great humility humbled themselues vnto her Grace My Lords quoth she I am glad to sée you for me thinks I haue bin kept a great while from you desolatly alone wherefore I would desire you to be a meane to the King and Quéens Maiesties that I may be deliuered from prison wherein I haue bin kept a long space Then Gardner knéeled down and requested her to submit her selfe to the Quéen and then he doubted not but her Maiestie would be good vnto her she answerd rather then she would do so she would lie in prison all the dayes of her life adding that she craued no mercy but the law if euer she did offend her Maiesty in thought word or déed and in yeelding I should confesse my selfe to be an offendor which I neuer was towards her Maiesty by occasion wherof the King and Quéen might euer hereafter conceiue an ill opinion therefore it were better for me to lie in prison for the tr●th then to be abroad and suspected of my Prince So they departed promising to declare her message to the Qué●n The next day Gardner came again vnto her Grace and knéeling down declared that the Quéen maruailed that she would so stoutly vse her selfe not confessing ●o haue offended so that it should séeme the Quéens Maiesty wrongfully to haue imprisoned her Grace Nay quoth she the Quéen may punish me as it pleas●th her Nay quoth Gardner her Maiesty willed me to certifie you that you must tell her another tale ere that you be at liberty her Grace answered that she had as liue be in prison with honesty and truth as to be abroad suspected of h●r Maiesty this I will stand vnto for I will neuer bely my selfe Then he knéeled down and said then your Grace hath aduantage of me and other the Lords for your long imprisonment I take God to record quoth she I séeke no vantage at your hands for your so dealing with me then the other kneeled downe and desired her Grac● that all might be forgotten and so they departed A seuen-night after the Queen● sent for her at ten of the clocke at night then she desired her Gentlemen and Gentlewomen to pray for her for that she co●ld not tell whether she should euer se● them againe When she came vnto the Que●ne she kneeled downe and desired God to preserue her Maiestie not in any wise doubting but that she should proue her selfe as true and faithfull a subiect towards her Maiestie as euer did any and therefore she desired her Maiestie so to iudge of her and said she should not ●nd other of her whatsoeuer report had gone of her the Queen answered you will not confesse your offence b●t stand stoatly in your truth I pray God it may so fall out It it do not quoth she I desire no fauour nor pardon at your Maiesties hands Wel said the Queene you stiffely still perse●ere in the truth belike you will not confesse but that you haue b●ene wrongfully punished I must not say so if it please your Grace to you why then said the Queene belike you will vnto others no quoth she I haue borne the burden and must beare it I humbly beseech your Maiestie to haue a good opinion of me and to thinke me to be your true subiect not only hitherto but as long as life lasteth and so they parted with a few comfortable words in English but what she said in Spanish God knoweth It is thought that King Philip was there behinde a cloth and not seene and that he shewed himself● a very friend vnto that matter Thus her Grace went vnto her lodging againe a●d the seuen-night after she was released of Sir Henry Benifield and was set at libertie from imprisonment she went into the Countrey and had appointed to goe with her Sir Thomas Pope one of the Queens Councellors M. Gage one of her Gentlemen Ushers And thus straightly was she looked vnto all the time of Q. Maries raigne Then there came vnto her house Maister Ierningham and Norris Gentleman Usher Quéene Maries Men who tooke from her Grace Mistris Ashly to the Fléet and thrée other of her Gentlewomen vnto the Tower which was no little trouble vnto her Grace saying That shee thought that they would fetch all away in the end but God be praysed shortly after was fetched away Gardiner whereby the life of this so excellent a Princesse the wealth of all England was preserued for the said wicked Gardner had long laboured his wits and bent all his deuises to bring this our deere Souera●gne out of the way as by his words and doings did well appeare After the death of this Gardner followed the death also and dropping away of other her enemies whereby by little and little her i●opardy decreased and more gentle entertainmant did daily grow vnto her vntill in the moneth of Nouember the seauenteenth day
3 B●zaes Register of Martyrs vnder Decius 11 Boniface the forerunner of Antichrist 24 Beda Priest wrote 37. vollums 27 Boniface an Englishman Archbishop of Mentz and Martir Ibid. Bohemians suppresse Idolatrous Temples 127 Basill besiedged by the Dolphi● of France 145 Barnes a Fryer beares Fagots for eating flesh on a Fryday 166 Bilney a great Preacher of the truth his articles abiuration and martyrdome afterwards 177 Bayfield a Monke of Berry a valiant Martyr his cruell vsage and martyrdome 179 Baynham a Lawyer whipt rackt and martyred for maintaining the truth 181 Bartrucke a Scottish Knight confutes certaine Articles of the Papists for which he is condemned and his picture burried 193. 194. 195. Byble at large set vp in euery Church 200 Bonners examination his pride before the Commissioners 225 His vnreuerent and forward words his imprisonment and depriuation 226 B●ner compares Priests to the virgin Mary 240 Bradfords declaration of the manner of disputaon he meant to hold 244 Beckets Image twice set vp at Mercers Chappell and throwne downe 256 Bishoppe of Chester who condemned George Marsh burned with a harlot dies therof 268 Barlow for bearing witnesse of the truth sent to the Fleet. 269 Berd the Promoter his cruelty to Iames Treuisam and other Professors 281 Bartlet Greene Gent. in trouble for writing the Queene is not yet dead meaning Queene Mary and afterwards for denying the Sacrament of the Altar condemned burnt 313 Blind Boy martyred at Glocester 323 Bloudy Commission granted by King Philip and Queene Mary to prosecute the poore members of Christ whereupon 22. are brought before Bonner out of Essex 330 Barbara Final burned at Canterbury 332 Bradbregs widow burned at Canterbury Ibid Bends wife burned at Canterbury Ibid Berry a Priest and Commissary a Persecutor of the faithfull his suddaine and fearefull end 356 Bate a Barber a persecutor of the faithfull his suddaine death 362 C CAligula Caesar. 2 Commodus Son to Verus Emperor 7 Contention between the East West Church for the obseruation of Easter day Ibid Constantine the Emperor borne in Brittaine 18 His prayers to his Souldiers Ibid. His immunity to the ministry his prouision for liberall sciences 19 Constantine with the helpe of three legions of Souldiours out of Brittany obtains the peace of the vniuersall Church 20 Councell at Sternhalt for the obseruation of Easter 25 Councell of Constance 26 Carolus Magnus proclaimed Emperor 25 Cambridge erected by Sigisbert 29 Chester built 33 Cloud halfe blood halfe fire seene in England 39 Canutus succeeds Siranus and erects the monastery of S. Edmonsbury 40 Councell at Vercellis 43 Councell at Mentz vnder Pope Leo 9. Ibid. Councell at Latteran Ibid. Councell at Mantua against Priests marriages Ibid. Controuersie betweene Canterbury and Yorke for the Primacy 45 Calixtus the second Pope 50 Complaints of sundry abuses in the Church 51 Contention betweene the Bishop of Yorke and Canterbury 68 Conclusions put vp to the Parliament 93 Councell of Constance for pacifying a schisme betwixt 3. Popes in which Iohn the Pope was deposed proued to be an hereticke a murtherer a Sodomite and many others in the 8. Session Iohn Wickliff and his forty Articles were condemned 112 Councell of Basill send Ambassadors to the Bohemians with their answers 130 Councell of Basil begun 137 Contention between two Popes 145 Constantinople taken 146 Clement the seuenth Pope his wicked life and death 162 Collins for holding vp a little Dogge when the Priest was at Masse burned and the Dogge with him 190 Cowbridge after he was almost starued martyred at Oxford 191 Cardinall Poole attainted of high treason flyes to Rome 200 Commotions in Oxfordshire Yorkshire Norfolke and Suffolke 222 Commotions in Oxford and Buckingham appeased by the Lord Grey 224 Commotion in the North. ibid. Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury offers to defend the book of common-prayer 235 Communication between Doctor Ridley and Secretary Bourne in the ●ower 240 Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury sent to Oxford to dispute 242 Cat apparelled like a Priest hanged at the Crosse in Cheapside 244 Cardinal Pools Oration in the Parlament-house 246 Christianus king of Denmark his Letters to Q. Mary for Miles C●u●rdale 256 Causon of Thunderst in Essex for maintayning the truth burned at Kayley 262 Christopher Wade burned at Dartford for denying the reall presence in the Sacrament 281 Cornelius Burgie burned 295 Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury his parentage and education hee is sent Ambassador to the Emperour he is sent Ambassadour to the Pope he seekes to banish Popish errors and to reforme the Church he is charged with heresie for denying the Popes power he is condemned and disgraded by Bonner Bonners Oration in disgrace of him he is allured to recant by fair promises and entreaty his martyrdome from fol. 315. to 32● Christopher Li●●er burned 322 Cisley Ormes burned 343 Cuthbert Simpson Martyr 354 Christian George burned 357 Christopher Browne burned at Canterbury 365 D. DEscription of the Primitiue and later times of the Church 1 Domitius Caesar. 2 D●cius tyrannie against Christians 11 Danes enter England and burn the I le of Sheppey in Kent 30 Danes take Yorke 32 Dunston Abbot of Glastenbury banished by E●● wine 36 Danes arriue and do much spoile 39 Danes suddenly slaine vpon S. Brices day 40 Danes begin to be Christians 41 Diuers Popes at one time 52 Dominicans or black Fryers order instituted 78 Diuorce of K. Henry the eighth and Q. Katharine 174 Duke of Norfolk committed 201 Destruction of Merindall Cabriers in Fr. 202 ●od alias Scot burnt at Callice 206 Da●id Beaton Archb. and Cardinal in Scotland his miserable end and buriall in a dunghill 215 Duke of Sommerset protector his history proclamation against him sent to the Tower discharged againe committed to the Tower again arraigned at Westminst and condemned beheaded at Tower-hill 230 231 232 Duke of Northumberland beheaded 235 Dagger throwne at the Preacher at Paules crosse ibid. Disputations in the Conuocation house about the Sacrament 256 Duke of Suffolk brought to the Tower ib. Duke of Suffolke beheaded at the Tower-hill 239 Derick Caruer condemned 281 Dunstone Chittenden famished in the Castle of Canterbury 329 Denis Burges Martyred at Lewis 332 Denis Brigs martyred 349 Dunning the cruell Chancellors sudden death 356 E. EVstachius a Captain with his wife family martyred 4 England troubled only with the tenth persecution 16 Ethelbert King of Kent 21 Edwine conuerted by Paulinus and christened at Yorke 25 Ethelwood conuerts the people of South-sax 26 Empire translated from the Grecians to the Frenchmen 28 Egbert sole King 30 Ethelwolph Bishop of Winchester succeedes K. by the Popes dispensation his superstition ibib Edw. the elder subdues Wales and Scotland and is alwaies victorious 35 Edmund expels the Danes and is slaine at Glassenbury 36 Edwine crowned at Kingstone ibid. Edward succeds Edgar and is murthered 39 Egelred King ibid. Elphegus Bishop of Canterbury put to death at Grenwich 40 Eldred driues out Canutus ibid. Edmund sirnamed Ironside
at Bury Ibid. Iohn Denley martired Ibid. Iohn Newman burned 284. Iohn Wade dyed in prison and was buried in the fields 285. Iohn Leishord Martyr Ibid. Iohn Trunchfield Martyr 290. Iames Tutty of Breachley burned 291. Iohn Gorway martyred at Lichfield Ibid. Iohn Glover persecuted 292. Iohn Webbe burned at Canterbury 304 Iames Gore died in prison at Colchester Ibid Iohn Philpot accused of herisie after twice examination comitted to Bonners cole house his third examination before Bonner his fourth examination before the Bishoppes his ninth examination he is condemned and brought to Newgate his patient and constant end from folio 304 to folio 312. Iohn Tucson burned in Smithfield 312 Isabell Foster burned in Smithfield Ibid. Iohn Warne burned in Smithfield Ibid. Iohn Warne of Tenterden in Kent about the Sacrament of the Altar condemned 314. Ioane Sole of Harton about the Sacrament of the Altar and auriculer confession condemned 315 Ioane Cotmer burnt at Canterbury Ibid. Iohn Cauel burned in Smithfield 321. Iohn Huillier Minister burnt at Cambridge 321 Iohn Mace burned at Colchester 322 Iohn Spencer burned at Colchester Ibid. Iohn Hammon burned at Colchester Ibid. Iohn Ap Rice a blind man burned at Stratford the Bow Ibid. Ioane Hornes martyred 323. Iohn Hartpoole burned at Rochester Ibid. Ioane Bache widdow burned at Rochester Ibid. Iohn Osward martyred at Lewis 324. Iohn Clement Wheelewright persecuted Ibid. Iohn Colstocke of Wellington for denying the reall presence forced to recant 326. Iohn Norres dies in the Kings Bench and buried on the backside Ibid. Iohn Carelesse of Couentry after long imprisonment and many examinations dies in the Kings bench 327. Iohn Guyn a constant Martyr ibid Iulines Palmer a godly Preacher in K. Edwards dayes martyred ibid. Iohn Forman martired 328 Ioane West burned Ibid. Iohn Hart martyred 329 Iohn Clarke pined to death in the Castle in Canterbu●y Ibid. Iohn Archer of Cranbrooke weauer pined to death at Canterbury ibid. Iohn Philpot of Tenterden Martyr 330 Iohn Bradbridge of Staplehurst Martir 332 Ioane Mannings of Maidstone in Kent Martyr Ibid. Iohn Fishcocke burnt at Canterbury Ibid. Iames Morris martyred at Lewis Ibid. Iohn Iohnson about the Sacrament condemned 340. Iohn Thurston a constant confessor of Iesus Christ dyed in Colchester Castle 341. Iohn Cures Shoomaker of Sisam in Northamptonshi●e burned 343. Iames A●stoo burned at Islington 345. Iohn Ioyes of Lezfield in Suffolke martired 349 Iohn Forman Martyr Ibid. Iohn Weauer Martyr Ibid. Iohn Milles Martyr Ibid Iohn Hart Martyr Ibid. Iohn Osward Martyr Ibid. Iohn Ashdon Martyr Ibid. Iohn Hallingsdale burned in Smithfield 351. Iohn Rowth Minister for affirming the Pope to bee very Antichrist after many persecutions for the truth burned Ibid. Iohn Deuenish burned in Smithfield 354. Ioane Seaman persecuted for the truth of the Gospell 356 Iohn Floyd Martyr 357 Iohn Holyday Martyr ibid Iohn Slade burned at Brainford 359 Iohn Vale died in prison and buried in a dunghill 360 Iohn Alcocke cast into a dungeon dies and is buried in a dunghill 361 Iohn Cook Sawier burned at S. Edmunds Burie 362 Iames Asley Martyr ibid. Iohn Dauid burned at Bury 362 Iohn Sharpe burned at Bristow 365 Iohn Cornford burned at Canterbury ibid. Iohn Herst burned at Canterbury ibid. Iohn Baker burned at Siuill in Spaine 366 K. KNights of Rhodes instituted 51 Katharine Par Henry the eighth his last wife her troubles for the Gospell 209 Kathaerine Knoches and her two daughters martyred for the truth 228 Katharine Hut widdow Martyr 323 Katharine Knight alias Tinley burned at Canterbury 365 L. LVcan put to death 2 Lawrence broiled 12 Licinius ioyned with Constantine calls learning the vice of Princes hangs Theodorus on a crosse 16 Lucius his letters to Elutherius Bishop of Rome 20 London burnt 39 Lurdanes why so called 40 Letters between the Emperour and the Pope 53 Lewes the French Kings sonne comes into England and takes himselfe to be King 77 Lodouicus King of Hungary drowned in a bog 167 Leyton for affirming both kindes in the Sacrament burned at Norwich 191 Lancelot one of the guard burned 192 Lady Iane beheaded 236 Latimer Bishop of Worcester sent to dispute at Oxford 242 Lawrence Sanders Parson of Al-hallowes in Breadstreet his examination Martyrdome 252 M. MArke the Euangelist burned 3 Matthias stoned ibid. Mahomets beginning and lawes 26 Monasteries erected 29 Martin crowned Pope the Emperor on foote leading a horse on the right hand and the Marquesse of Brandenburg on the left hand 112 Margery Bac●ster for disswading the people frō Idolatry and superstition sore troubled 143 Martin Luther a stout champion of the church against the Pope his History 154 Matthew Ward about the Sacrament committed to the Counter 161. Myracle of a Iew Christned in Constantinople 160 Mekins a boy burned in Smithfield 200 Mustle borow field where thirteen or fourteene thousand Scots were slaine 224 Mary Queene of England 234 Morgan a Iudge troubled in conscience for sentencing the Lady Iane fals mad and dies 239 Marsh accused to haue taken the Pixe and crucifixe out of the Sepulcher he and his Wife committed to the Counter 243 Margery Polley widdow burned at Tunbrigde 281 Michael Trunchfields wife burned in Ipswich about the Sacrament 320 Mantrell burned at Salisbury Ibid. Margaret Ellis condemned to bee burned but died in Newgate 322 Martin Hunt imprisoned in the Kings Bench for the truth dies and is buried in the backeside 326 Mother Tree martyred 328 Mathew Bradbridge of Tenderden martyred 330 Margaret Hide burned in Smithfield 331 Margery Awstoo burned at Islington 345 Margaret Thurstone martyred at Colchester 348 Margery Mearing for affirming the Masse to be abhominable burned 353 Mother Bennet an ancient woman persecuted for the truth 356 Mathe● R●c●rby Martyr 357 Marke Burges burned at Lisbon in Portugall 166. N. NEro Caesar. 2 Nunneries erected 27 Normans aduanced in Church and Common-wealth 44 Nicholas Canon pennanced and thrise whipped 144 Nine millions of gold leuied in Fraunce of the Prelats in fourteen yeare 146 Nicholas South committed to Newgate for not being shriuen in Lent 161 New Testament translated into English by William Tindall 167 Nicholas Chamberlaine burned at Colchester 274 Nichlas Ha●● burned at Rochester 281 Nicholas Finall of Tenderden Martyr 330 Nicholas White burned at Canterbury 332 Nicholas Pa●due burned at Canterb. ibid. Nicholas Holden Martyr 349 Nicholas Burton Merchant of London cruelly persecuted and burned at Cadix in Andalousia 366 O. OSwald by praier vnto God ouercoms Cadwallo 25 Ostright rauisheth the wife of Br●wer a Nobleman in reuenge wherof he cals in the Danes 32 Otho the Emperour puts out Pope Iohns eyes and hangs Cressentius the Consull 39 Old-Castle Lord Cob●am his historie 131. the King secretly admonisheth him to submit himselfe to the holy Church his answere thereto the Archbishop sends his Sum●er to him with a sit●tion he is arrested and sent to the Tower 133. his later examination and answere to the Archbishops questions 135. 136. hee is led againe to the Tower and
escapes into Wales he is condemned of heresie and treason and drawne to S. Giles in the fields hanged by the middle burned 137 O●colampadius testimony of diuers good men 166 Oldman of Buckingham burned for eating Dacon in Lent 181 Ombler a rebell in the North refuseth the kings pardon is afterward taken and executed at Yorke 224 P. PIl●t slew himselfe vnder Tiberius 2 Parmenias put to death 3 Persecution the first by Domitius Nero. ibid. Persecution the second by Domitian ibid. Persecution the third vnder Trayanus 4 Phocas Bishop of Pontus cast in a hote Furnace ibid. Persecution the fourth vnder Antonius Verus 6 Poly●arpus his constancie and death ibid. Persecution the fift vnder Pertinax 7 Parmachus with his wife and children put to death 9 Persecution the sixt vnder Maximinus ibid. Persecution the seuenth vnder Decius ibid. Persecution the eighth 12 Persecution the ninth vnder Aurelian 13 Persecution the tenth vnder Dioclesian 14 Paul●s Church in London built by Ethelbert K. of Kent 21 Phocas kils Mauritius the Emperor 24 Popes work masteries against the Greek Emperors 27 Paschalis Pope dies 50 Popes Pall instituted 69 Pope by his policy leuies a great summe of money in England 83 Prophecies of the Popes persecutions 91 Pope Martins death 137 Pope Eugenius the fourth 138 Paule Craws a Bohemian for holding Wickliss opinions deliuered to be burnt 144 Printing the ruine of the Pope and Antichrist inuented in Germany 145 Philip Norrice an Irishman sore troubled for the truth 147 Pope a Weauer in Eye martyred about the Sacrament 148 Peake burned in Ipswich for giuing a Sacrament cake to a Dog ibid Pius the second Pope his prouerbes 150 Paulus secundus Pope a hater of learning learned men 151 Petrus Ruerrius in two years spent 200000. fl●rins permitteth the Cardinals to play the Sodomits the three hote moneths ibid. Prodigies and Prophecies shewing the fall of Antichrist 154 Petrus Flistedius burned at Collen 170 Packington a fauourer of Tindall deceiues the Bishop of London 171 Patrick Hamilton a Scottish man of the bloud royall burned for the truth 175 Pauy a persecutor hanged himselfe 182 Puttedue for taunting a Priest condemned and burnt 191 Peter a German burnt at Colchester about the Lords Supper Ibid. Powell hanged for denying the kings supremaciy 200 Persecution in Callice 204 Persecution in Scotland 218 Peter Martyr banished for religion out of England 239 Priest of Canterbury saies Masse one day and the next preacheth against it 243 Philip Prince of Spaine lands at Southhampton maried at Winchester 245 Priests doe penance at Paules Crosse. 246 Procession through London for their conuersion to the Catholick Religion 249 Patrick Packington martyred 284 Persecution at Wenson in Suffolke 323 Persecution at Mendlesam Suff●lke ibid. Persecution in Couentry and Lichfield 329 Philip Humphreys burned at Berry 362 Q QVeene Mary crowned Q●arrels betweene the Spaniards English about two whoores 248 Queeene Mary said to be with child Ibid. R RA●enna giuen to the Popes by Pipinus king of France Richard Ceu●r de Lyons rebellion against his Father 69 Richard the first King of England 70 Richard the second deposed 95 Richard Turmin a Baker burned in Smithfield 104 Rebels ouerthrowne and executed 223 Ridley made Bishop of London 226 Redman his iudgement rouching certain points of Religion on his death-bed 227 Ridley Bishop of London visits the Lady Mary and offers to preach before her which shee refuseth 233 His conference in the Tower with Secretarie Bourne 240 241 He is sent to Oxford to dispute 242 His report of the vanity of the disputation at Oxford ibid. Rose a Minister with thirtie men and women taken at communion in Bow Church-yard 248 Rowland Taylor Doctor his disputtation with Gardner his cruell vsage and constant Martyrdome 255 Robert Farrar Bishop of ● Dauids in Wales for re●using to subscribe to certaine Popish articles burned at Ca●rnaruan 260 Rawlins White burned in Cardiff 261 Richard Hooke for the truth ended his life at Chichester 284 Richard Collier burned at Canterbury ibid. Richard Wright burned at Canterbury ib●d Robert Smith his examination and conference with Bo●ner and martyrdome 285. to 289. Robert Samuel a godly preacher burned 290 Roger Coo burned at Y●xford in Suffolk 291 Robert Swater of Hith burned at Canterbury ib. Robert Glouer Gentleman burned at Couentry 292 Robert Picot Painter burned at Ely 293 Ridley Bishop of London his parentage carried to Oxford like a traytor his conferenc●e with Antonian his protestation against the Popes authoritie his prayer at his Martyrdom from folio 292. to 303. Robert Spicer burned at Salisbury 32● Robert Drakes burned in Smithfield Richard Spurge Fuller burned in Smithfield for denying the reall presence Ibid. Richard Nicoll burned at Colchester 322 Robert Bacon a persecutor and an enemy to the truth 323 Robert Lawson Linnen Weauer Martyr 326 Robert Bernard martyred for the truth at Aye Ibid. Richard Woodman his martyrdome 332 Ralphe Hardin a persecuter of George Eagles hanged 342 Richard Crashfield his examination and martyrdome Ibid. Ralphe Alberton his examination before Bonner and martyrdome at Islington 345 Richard Roth burned at Islington Ibid Richard Gibson burned in Smithfield 351 Richard Day burned at Colchester 357 Raynald Eastland Martyr Ibid Robert Southam Martyr Ibid Roger Holland Marchant taylor his conference with Bonner his prophesie of the ceasing of persecution and martyrdome 357. 358. 359 Robert Miles burned at Brainford 359 Richard Yeoman persecuted and martyred 360 Robert Miles alias Palmer burned at S. Edmundsbury 362 S SEneca put to death 2 Stephen martyred 3 Simon burned Ibid Simon Zelotes crucified Ibid Simon the Brother of Iude s●aine Ibid. Sulpitius and Seruilia martyred 4 Simproniss● with her seuen sonnes martyred 5 Seuerus the Emperor slaine at Yorke 8 Sands of the Sea as easie to bee numbered as the names of those that suffered vnder Decius 10 Six thousand six hundred and sixty Christian souldiers martyred vnder Mauritius 14 Simon Zelotes spread the Gospell in Britaine 19 Sinode at Aquisgrane 31 Swanus spoile and cruelty 40 His sudden death ibid. Steuen Langhton Archbishop of Canterbury 77 Sau●noral●a a learned Monk of Florence burnt and his ashes cast into the Riuer 147 Sixtus the fourth Pope builds Stewes of both kinds in Rome reduceth the Iubilee from 50 to 25. years institutes the feasts of our Lady canonizeth Bonauenture Francis for Saints 151 Scholler of Abbeuill burned for taking the host from the Priest at masse 162 Solimans Letter to the great master of Rhodes ibid. Senate of Bearne assigne disputation and propound their Articles 168 Soli●an the Turkish Emperour enters into Austria with a great Army and besiegeth Vienna 171 Schisme in Holland about the Pater-n●ster 216 Stories of certaine Friers of Orleance in France 218 Storie of certaine Monks of Sueuia 219 Sanders declaration for disputation 244 Steuen Knight his martyrdom and his prayer at his death 264 Steuen Harwood burned at Stratford for the truth 289 Simon Ioyne burned at Colchester 322
Shoemaker burned at Northampton 329 Steuen Kemp of Norgate martyred 330 Simon Miller condemned and burned 339 Steuen Cotton burned at Brainford 359 Steuen White burned at Brainford ibid. T. TIberius Caesar willed Christ might be adored as God 2 Thomas slaine with a dart 3 Thousands die for the faith 4 Tribute called Dane-gilt paid 40 Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury his history contayning the contention between him and Henry the second King of England from Folio 59. to 65. he is slain by 4. souldiers in the Church at Canterbury 66 Thomas Pye of Albarogh inioyned six whippings sixe seuerall Sundaies 141 Thomas Bagley Priest burned in Smithfield 144 Thomas Rheydon a French Carmelite Frier condemned to be burned 145 Thomas Norrice burned at Norwich 147 Thomas a Priest of Norwich burned 148 Thomas Bingy burned at Norwich ibid. Thomas Becket his prouerbe 155 Thomas Lancaster for bringing in prohibited bookes committed 161 Thomas Hittin burned in Maidstone 175 Thomas Garnet Curate of All-hallowes in Hunnie lane for dispersing of Luthers books forced to abiure 178 Thomas Cromwell Earle of Essex his history and death 198 Thomas Barnes Doctor of Diuinitie for preaching against the Cardinall burned 199 Thomas Gerrard Martyr ibid. Thomas Forret a Scotish Deane his troubles and martyrdome 212 Thomas Tunstone Bishop of Duresme cast into the Tower 220 Thomas Dobs for inueighing against papistry committed to prison and there dies ibid. Thomas Grey the Dukes brother executed 239 Two Sunnes both shining at once 243 Thomas Hawkes for not christening his childe after the popish manner apprehended his conference with Bonner Harpsfield Fecknam and others at Copthall in Essex 269 270 271 272 273. Thomas Wats of Billirrikies in Essex his conference with the Bishop about the Sacrament and martyrdom 273 Thomas Osmond for maintaining the truth burned at Maningtree 274 Thomas Iueson burned 282 Thomas Fust burned at Ware 289 Thomas Leys died in prison for the truth 285 Thomas Cob of Harehill Butcher burned 291 Thomas Heyward burned at Lichfield ib. Thomas Whittle troubled in conscience for yeelding to the Bishop of London gets his Bill and teares it in pieces 305 Thomas Whittle Priest after conflicts with the papists martyred 312 Thomas Went burned in Smithfield ibid. Thomas Browne burned in Smithfield ibid. Thomas Spurge burned in Smithfield 321 Thomas Spicer burned at Beckles 323 Thomas Harland burned at Lewis 324 Thomas Reed burned at Lewis Ibid Thomas Auington burned at Lewis Ibid. Thomas Wood Minister burned at Lewis Ibid. Thomas Miles burned at Lewis Ibid. Thirteene burned at Stratford the Bow Ibid. Thomas Free-man condemned but saued by Pooles dispensation 325. Thomas Barnes condemned to beare a faggot 326. Thomas Paret dyed in the Kings Bench and burien in the back-side Ibid. Thomas Dangate Martyr at Grinsteed in Sussex 328. Thomas Rauensdale Martyr 329. Thomas Horne and a woman consumed with the fier at Watton-vnderhedge in Glocestershire Ibid. Three in the Castle of Chichester dyed in prison for the truth and buried in the fields Ibid. Thomas Hudson of Selling Martyr 330 Thomas Steuens of Bedingham martyred for the truth 330 Thomas Loseb● burned 331 Thomas Thirtell martired 331 Thomasine Awood martyr 332 Thomas Perald martyr 340 Tyrrell one of the race of those that murthered King Edward the fift His cruelty to the faithfull Ibid Thomas Moore for saying his maker was in heauen and not in the Pix burned at Leicester 341 Thomas Carman for praying with Crashfield and drinking with him when he was burned apprehended 343 Thomas Athoch Priest martyr 349 Thomas Auington Martyr Ibid. Thomas Rauensdale Martyr Ibid. Thomas Spurdan examined before the Bishop and Chancellor of Norwich sent to prison Ibid. Thomas Carman Martyr 355 Thomas Hudson affirming the Masse to bee a patcht monster martired Ibid. Thomas Benbridge for maintayning the truth rather broyled then burned 361 Thomas Hall burned at Bristow 365 Thomts Benion burned at Bristow Ibid V VSkatell driues the Danes out of England 40 Vicount of Melun his counsell to the English 77 Valentine Freese burned at Yorke 181 Vsher Tunstall for hauing the Pater-noster and Creed in English forced to abiure 143 W VVInchester Church founded 29 Westminster Abby begun by a Citizen Ibid. William Conquerour enters the land 42 Receiued for King and crowned on Christmas day driues the Danes out of the North forceth Malcolme King of Scots to pay tribute 44. Waldenses their beginning and progresse 55. the Articles they held 56. 57. Wickliffe beginning to preach the Gospell of Christ 85. his conclusions in a conuocation at Lambeth 86. his conclusions condemned of herisie and error by William Archbishop of Canter●●y 88 his bookes condemned by the Councel of Constance his letter to Pope Vrban the sixt Ibid diuers of the Nobilitie and Vniuersitie fauour him 90. 91. William Santrey martyr 95 William Thorps examination before Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury from follio 95. to 103. William Taylor for fauouring Wickliffs opinon● burned in Smithfield 104. William White a follower of Wickliffe forced to recant 141 William Wright a persecutor 143 Wolsey Cardinall his graetnesse and pride 166 William Tracy for affirming in his will that hee trusted onely in God after his death was taken vp and burned 185. William Button his merry Questions to Papists 206 Weston preached at Paules Crosse to pray for souls departed 243. Walter Mantell for constantly maintaining the truth hanged 244 Warwick his cruelty to Doctor Taylor 256 William Pygot burned at Braintree 264 Woman put in the Cage for speaking against the Pope 267 William flower alias Branch martyred 268 William Tooly Poulterer hanged for robbing a Spaniard his body oster buriall taken vp and deliuered to the seculer power to be burned for heresie 269 William Bamford burned at Harwich for the truth 274 Wodroffe Sherife of London after his crueltie shewed to M. Bradford taken lame and so continued 279 William Minge a constant Confessor dyed in Maidstone layle Ibid. William Coker burned at Canterbury 284. William Hooper burned at Canterbury Ibid. William Steere of Ashford for saying the Sacrament of the Altar was an abhominable Idoll burned at Canterbury Ibid William Andrew for defence of his religion died in Newgate and cast into the fields 290 William Allen for refusing to follow the Crosse in procession burned at Walsingham 291 William Glouer persecuted for the truth 292 William Wolsey burnt at Ely 293 William Wiseman dying in Lollards Tower cast into the fields but buried by good men 304 William Times Ioyner burned in Smithfield 321 William Poole martyr 323 William Sl●ch dyed in the Marshalsey and buri●●● in the backside of the prison 324 William Adherall Minister imprisoned ibid. William Saennard condemned but saued by Cardinall Pools dispensation 325 William Adams condemned but saued by Cardinall Pools dispensation ibid. William Fo●ter of Stone starued to death in the Castle of Canterbury 329 William Waterer of Bed●●gdy martyred 330 William Hay of Hith martyred ibid William Lowick of Cranbrook martired ibid. William Prouting of Thorneham