Selected quad for the lemma: england_n

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england_n bishop_n chancellor_n winchester_n 3,408 5 12.4209 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05025 A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590 Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1517; ESTC S111924 311,536 274

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and all the ordinances therof without accompt or 〈◊〉 as hath beene plentifully shewed in all this discouery and yet more shall appeare if we now take a litle view of th●…ir Commission which is the very abisme golph from whence spring flow all these innumerable enormities into euery pa●… of this whole land their Church THIS INDEFINITE monstrous Commission I hauing neuer seene their letters pattents or any copie therof cannot othervise describe then by certaine appa●…ant circumst●…nces as the men of whome yt consisteth and that haue the chiefe rule therof the persons causes ouer which this Cōmission is set and hath iurisdiction and the maner of vsing their sayd power The Commissioners are certayne ecclesiasticall ciuile persons as first the Primate of England the Arch-b of Canterburie then I suppose the Metropolitane of Yorke with certaine other Bishops as London Winchester c. certaine Deanes Arch-deacons Chancelors with sundry especial ciuile Doctors c. The ciuil persons of this Commission are now of late dayes some few of her Ma ties honorable Councell the two chiefe Iudges certaine Courtiers as the two Maisters of her Maiesties requests certaine chosen Aldermen the Recorder of London certaine other officers about the Citie as the Li●…ftenant of the Tower the post-Mr sundry other that I know not not hee●…e to recite that rabble of aduocates proctors scribes pursuyuāts attending thervpon These thus ioined in this high great Commission haue or at the least exercise by vertue therof absolute power iurisdiction ouer the whole Church of England and euery particular congregation of the same and ouer eu●…ry minister member of the same euen ouer al the Q. Subiects They also exercise finall iurisdiction absolute power ouer all causes ecclesiasticall whatsoeuer to handle and determine to visite enquire punish to make new lawes orders decrees and to inioine the same as authentike vpon all Churches as before the holy oracles of God They haue power also to assume any cause or plea out of any other of their inferior spiritual Courtes as they call them into their owne hands to ratifie or disanul any thing there done They haue power also to erect and to authorise new litle high Commissions in any Citie of the land where yt pleaseth them only with this exc●…ption that they alwaies acknowledg the supreme power of their parent at Lambeth Yet further this great high Commission hath absolute power ouer sundrie and what not ciuil causes insomuch as they feare not to meddle with matters belonging to the Q. crowne or pre●…ogatiue roial or to any of her Courts of plea whatsoeuer yea they haue not doubted to intercept caus●…s belonging vnto depending in the high Court of parliament if Mr. PENRY in his app●…ale say true Th●…y haue power to cite summon or conuent by their pursuyuants cursitors what person of the land eith●…r man or woman at any time when they please they haue power to command all the Q. officers as Maiors of Cities Sherifs c. to serue attend watch ride by day or by night vpon their busines whatsoeuer also to apprehend to incarcerate or to deliuer out of prison what person or pe●…sons how innocent or flagitious soeuer vpon their barre warrant without further enquire or delay yea they haue power to fetch vp any of these officers before thē from their charge in her Maiesties seruices there also to ymprison them if they so thinke good They haue power to authorize these rakehel ●…obbers their pursuyuants to herry molest or attach any of the Q. ●…aithful subiectts they list to breake open ●…ansack their houses by day or by night to spoyle carie away what and whome they please without controulement their warrants being made indefinite without anie certaine perscription or limitation Wel being thus furnished with this power they come together at their Session as charrets armed to the batt●…l a great tayle of officers court of a●…tendants being assēbled the apparance wherof exceedeth I suppose that of the Vaticane at Rome no praier vsed before neither the booke of God opened in this their ecclesiastical councel The parties conu●…nted are to attend being called to appeare before them before whome being come what affaires soeuer they haue whither of a whole Church or of manie congregations what office or degree soeuer they be of they must there stand their head●…s discou●…red before them no place giuen them with or by these Commissioners Yf they be to propoūd speake or complaine of any thing they mu●…t doe yt by the officers of this Courte their Aduocates Proctors R●…gisters Scribes seou●…dum modum formam and that to no small charge by that time all these voultures haue their fees otherwise thē by these they may not plead in this Courte the iudgments of this Court they must receaue without contradictiō or gaynsaijng there is no appeale no help●… no m●…anes to reu●…rse the same be they neuer so vni●…st Any oth●…rs that are blamed and accused vnto this Courte haue not he●…re pl●…ce to answere vnto such things as shalbe obi●…cted against them by their accusers b●…ing brought face to face or to defēd themselues according to equitie but heere they shall hardly know their accusers or accusations at anie time vntil they haue taken an othe to answere truly vnto such things as shalbe demāded of thē in that Court wherby they are driuen to accuse themselues and so minister matter abundantly vnto their aduersaries The othe that is heere administred is that laying their hand or finge●…s vpon a booke they sweare by God by the contents of the booke to answere truly vnto such things as shalbe demanded of them and so kissing the booke their othe is accepted no further leisure giuen to consider what th●…y answere vnto their demandes But if anie make conscience or denie to receaue this idolatrous wicked othe which though yt be proued vnto them to be n●…uer so vnlawful and contrarie to the commandement of God Deut. 6. 13. De●…t ●…0 20. to be neuer so superstitious in deuising adding yea in inioyning ceremonies where God in these lawes hath made none but cōmanded to sweare without anie ceremonies by the name of God only though yt be proued to be neuer so idolatrous in ioyning any thing vnto or with God in swearing by any thing besides or with God though the fearful curse of God be shewed to be denoūced against such mane●… of swearing swearers by the Lords prophets in these words They that sweare in the sin of S●…maria that say thy God O Dan liueth and the way of Beerschebah liueth euē they shal fal neuer ●…ise vp againe and in an other place that the Lord will cut off al that sweare by IEHOVAH as they sweare by 〈◊〉 be this othe prooued neuer so vnnecesfarie the cause not requiring anie such triall be yt proued neuer so vnnatural yt being to accuse thēselues y