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Reasons against making the present East-India Company the root for carrying on the future trade humbly offered in a letter to a member of Parliament.
R. S.
Wing S136; ESTC R224958
reason_n against_o make_v the_o present_a east-india_n company_n the_o root_n for_o carry_v on_o the_o future_a trade_n humble_o offer_v in_o a_o letter_n to_o a_o member_n of_o parliament_n much_o honour_a sir_n since_o you_o be_v please_v to_o command_v my_o thought_n upon_o the_o present_a state_n of_o the_o east-india_n company_n i_o shall_v deliver_v my_o sense_n with_o as_o much_o brevity_n as_o i_o can_v and_o although_o you_o be_v please_v to_o argue_v for_o they_o at_o a_o better_a rate_n than_o many_o of_o they_o can_v for_o themselves_o yet_o i_o can_v reconcile_v myself_o whole_o to_o your_o sentiment_n for_o the_o follow_a reason_n i._o for_o that_o this_o great_a extensive_a trade_n under_o the_o conduct_n it_o have_v be_v of_o late_a year_n have_v be_v manage_v only_o to_o serve_v the_o ambitious_a design_n of_o two_o or_o three_o aspire_a man_n without_o any_o regard_n have_v to_o the_o common_a good_n ii_o the_o distress_n and_o exigence_n they_o have_v bring_v on_o their_o affair_n at_o home_n and_o abroad_o have_v lay_v they_o under_o a_o disability_n of_o carry_v on_o the_o trade_n their_o factor_n write_v by_o a_o ship_n late_o arrive_v that_o poverty_n and_o desolation_n reign_v throughout_o all_o their_o factory_n that_o they_o have_v be_v so_o long_a stranger_n to_o supply_n from_o england_n that_o they_o fear_v their_o master_n have_v quite_o forget_v they_o iii_o a_o act_n of_o parliament_n will_v give_v such_o great_a advantage_n to_o the_o future_a adventurer_n that_o i_o be_o moral_o assure_v one_o thousand_o pound_n pay_v in_o upon_o a_o establishment_n by_o act_n of_o parliament_n will_v with_o a_o moderate_a success_n of_o trade_n in_o five_o year_n time_n be_v current_o sell_v for_o six_o thousand_o pound_n and_o very_o probable_o in_o a_o little_a time_n after_o the_o pass_a such_o a_o act_n will_v swell_v to_o near_o half_a that_o vain_a and_o this_o position_n will_v appear_v so_o reasonable_a to_o any_o who_o be_v conversant_a in_o the_o east-india_n trade_n especial_o now_o at_o this_o time_n when_o all_o eastern_a good_n be_v buy_v at_o so_o low_a rate_n in_o the_o country_n and_o sell_v at_o such_o excessive_a prize_n in_o all_o european_a market_n that_o the_o computation_n i_o have_v make_v will_v be_v find_v modest_a to_o any_o critical_a enquirer_n from_o which_o i_o infer_v that_o consider_v the_o deportment_n and_o behaviour_n of_o the_o present_a company_n at_o home_o and_o abroad_o one_o will_v think_v they_o shall_v be_v the_o last_o man_n in_o the_o nation_n to_o who_o such_o a_o blessing_n shall_v be_v offer_v who_o have_v make_v so_o ill_a a_o use_n of_o their_o grant_n and_o charter_n hitherto_o iv_o a_o condemn_v and_o censure_v by_o some_o national_a act_n the_o violence_n and_o depredarion_n commit_v on_o the_o subject_n of_o the_o great_a mogul_n by_o direction_n of_o this_o present_a company_n will_v tend_v very_o much_o to_o secure_v the_o honour_n of_o the_o english_a nation_n and_o will_v be_v look_v on_o with_o a_o good_a eye_n in_o the_o court_n of_o that_o great_a prince_n and_o let_v the_o present_a adventurer_n say_v what_o they_o please_v so_o long_o as_o they_o continue_v under_o reproach_n and_o disesteem_v with_o the_o native_n they_o can_v never_o hope_v to_o trade_n with_o that_o freedom_n honour_n and_o security_n which_o a_o new_a company_n may_v expect_v to_o be_v caress_v with_o the_o poor_a indian_n will_v not_o easy_o lay_v down_o their_o fear_n and_o jealousy_n but_o will_v be_v under_o constant_a apprehension_n of_o meet_v again_o with_o the_o same_o treatment_n so_o long_o as_o they_o have_v to_o do_v with_o the_o same_o men._n to_o what_o i_o have_v be_v ââging_v it_o be_v very_o likely_a they_o will_v reply_v that_o by_o the_o credit_n of_o a_o act_n they_o can_v carry_v on_o the_o trade_n themselves_o without_o call_v in_o the_o help_n of_o a_o additional_a subscription_n in_o this_o they_o say_v the_o truth_n but_o the_o argument_n be_v so_o frivolous_a and_o have_v be_v so_o often_o expose_v that_o i_o shall_v give_v it_o no_o other_o answer_n but_o that_o i_o hope_v you_o will_v oblige_v they_o to_o bring_v in_o very_o good_a testimonial_n of_o the_o faithful_a discharge_n of_o the_o trust_n hitherto_o repose_v in_o they_o before_o they_o be_v admit_v to_o put_v in_o their_o plea_n to_o have_v the_o preference_n of_o so_o royal_a a_o largess_n as_o a_o act_n of_o parliament_n while_o there_o be_v so_o many_o other_o of_o their_o fellow-subject_n no_o doubt_n as_o well_o qualify_v and_o deserve_a who_o be_v capable_a of_o improve_n it_o to_o as_o good_a purpose_n as_o themselves_o i_o be_o your_o most_o faithful_a servant_n r._n s._n