Word A | Word B | Word C | Word D | Occurrence | Frequency Band | MI | MI Band | Prominent |
england_n | act_n | parliament_n | time_n | 3,483 | 5 | 3.6009 | 3 | false |
ID | Title | Author | Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) | STC | Words | Pages |
A88184 | The exceptions of John Lilburne Gent. prisoner at the Barre, to a bill of indictment preferred against him, grounded upon a pretended act, intituled, An Act for the execution of a judgement given in Parliament against Lieutenant Collonel John Lilburn: which judgement is by the said Act supposed to be given the 15 day of January, 1651. | Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657. | 1653 (1653) | Wing L2108; Thomason E705_20; Thomason E708_4; ESTC R202791 | 3,835 | 8 |
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