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england_n act_n parliament_n time_n 3,483 5 3.6009 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A88184 The exceptions of John Lilburne Gent. prisoner at the Barre, to a bill of indictment preferred against him, grounded upon a pretended act, intituled, An Act for the execution of a judgement given in Parliament against Lieutenant Collonel John Lilburn: which judgement is by the said Act supposed to be given the 15 day of January, 1651. Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657. 1653 (1653) Wing L2108; Thomason E705_20; Thomason E708_4; ESTC R202791 3,835 8

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the_o exception_n of_o john_n lilburne_n gent._n prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n to_o a_o bill_n of_o indictment_n prefer_v against_o he_o ground_v upon_o a_o pretend_a act_n entitle_v a_o act_n for_o the_o execution_n of_o a_o judgement_n give_v in_o parliament_n against_o lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburn_n which_o judgement_n be_v by_o the_o say_a act_n suppose_v to_o be_v give_v the_o 15_o day_n of_o january_n 1651._o london_n print_v for_o richard_n moon_n at_o the_o seven-star_n in_o paul_n churchyard_n near_o the_o great_a north-door_n 1653._o the_o exception_n of_o john_n lilburne_n gent._n prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n to_o a_o bill_n of_o indictment_n prefer_v against_o he_o ground_v upon_o a_o pretend_a act_n entitle_v a_o act_n for_o the_o execution_n of_o a_o judgement_n give_v in_o parliament_n against_o lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburn_n which_o judgement_n be_v by_o the_o say_a act_n suppose_v to_o be_v give_v the_o 15_o day_n of_o jan._n 1651._o the_o say_v john_n lilburne_n prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n say_v that_o the_o say_a indictment_n be_v insufficient_a in_o the_o law_n and_o he_o humble_o offer_v these_o exception_n follow_v against_o the_o same_o except_o 1._o the_o say_a indictment_n be_v ground_v only_o upon_o a_o act_n ineitule_v a_o act_n for_o the_o execution_n of_o a_o judgement_n give_v in_o parliament_n against_o lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburn_n and_o it_o do_v not_o appear_v either_o by_o the_o title_n of_o the_o say_a act_n recite_v in_o the_o indictment_n or_o by_o any_o thing_n contain_v in_o the_o say_a act_n that_o either_o the_o say_a act_n itself_o be_v a_o act_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n or_o of_o the_o parliament_n sit_v at_o westminster_n or_o that_o the_o say_v suppose_v judgement_n for_o the_o execution_n whereof_o the_o say_a act_n be_v suppose_v to_o provide_v be_v give_v in_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n or_o in_o the_o parliament_n sit_v at_o westminster_n nor_o yet_o when_o the_o say_a parliament_n do_v commence_v or_o end_v or_o whether_o the_o same_o be_v hold_v by_o prorogation_n or_o otherwise_o and_o it_o be_v evident_a in_o law_n that_o no_o law_n can_v at_o that_o time_n be_v make_v but_o by_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n for_o by_o the_o law_n then_o in_o be_v the_o power_n of_o make_v law_n be_v only_o in_o those_o person_n which_o be_v know_v and_o distinguish_v by_o that_o title_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n and_o in_o that_o name_n only_a address_n be_v make_v to_o they_o both_o by_o the_o people_n of_o england_n and_o by_o all_o foreign_a state_n and_o prince_n and_o all_o address_n refuse_v that_o want_v that_o title_n now_o for_o aught_o that_o appear_v in_o the_o say_a act_n whereupon_o the_o say_a indictment_n be_v ground_v it_o may_v be_v as_o well_o a_o act_n of_o a_o parliament_n in_o france_n or_o scotland_n or_o naples_n as_o a_o act_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n so_o that_o it_o do_v not_o appear_v that_o the_o say_a indictment_n be_v ground_v upon_o any_o law_n of_o england_n or_o that_o john_n lilburne_n prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n be_v indict_v for_o any_o fact_n that_o be_v a_o crime_n by_o any_o law_n of_o england_n and_o then_o the_o same_o be_v void_a in_o law_n except_o 2._o the_o say_a indictment_n be_v ground_v upon_o a_o pretend_a act_n entitle_v a_o act_n for_o the_o execution_n of_o a_o judgement_n give_v in_o parliament_n against_o lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburne_n and_o so_o relate_v only_o to_o some_o judgement_n suppose_v to_o be_v give_v in_o parliament_n against_o the_o say_a lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburn_n and_o if_o no_o such_o judgement_n be_v give_v the_o act_n be_v void_a and_o the_o judgement_n also_o now_o it_o do_v not_o appear_v that_o any_o judgement_n for_o any_o crime_n whatsoever_o be_v give_v in_o parliament_n against_o the_o say_v lieut._n col._n john_n lilburn_n 1._o before_o any_o judgement_n can_v be_v give_v in_o law_n against_o any_o english_a man_n for_o any_o crime_n there_o must_v be_v either_o a_o indictment_n presentment_n or_o some_o information_n or_o accusation_n against_o he_o to_o that_o court_n that_o judge_v he_o for_o some_o crime_n suppose_v to_o be_v commit_v by_o he_o 2._o the_o party_n accuse_v must_v either_o appear_v before_o that_o court_n or_o be_v outlaw_v for_o not_o appear_v 3._o if_o the_o party_n appear_v he_o must_v either_o confess_v the_o crime_n or_o misdemeanour_n whereof_o he_o be_v accuse_v or_o else_o plead_v to_o the_o indictment_n presentment_n or_o information_n or_o accusation_n against_o he_o and_o come_v to_o trial_n thereupon_o and_o as_o some_o of_o these_o aught_o in_o law_n to_o precede_v a_o judgement_n against_o any_o english_a man_n so_o also_o some_o of_o these_o aforementioned_a proceed_n in_o order_n to_o a_o lawful_a jugment_v aught_o to_o be_v enter_v upon_o such_o record_n wherein_o any_o such_o judgement_n be_v enter_v &_o unless_o it_o do_v appear_v upon_o the_o record_n wherein_o any_o judgement_n be_v enter_v against_o any_o englishman_n for_o any_o crime_n that_o some_o such_o proceed_n as_o abovesaid_a have_v be_v make_v be_v before_o the_o judgement_n pass_v against_o he_o the_o judgement_n be_v to_o beholden_a for_o erroneous_a and_o void_a and_o aught_o so_o to_o be_v repute_v now_o it_o do_v not_o appear_v either_o by_o the_o say_v pretend_a act_n as_o it_o be_v recite_v in_o the_o indictment_n nor_o by_o any_o record_n of_o the_o suppose_a judgement_n produce_v nor_o any_o otherwise_o that_o there_o be_v any_o indictment_n presentment_n or_o information_n to_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n against_o the_o say_v lieut._n col._n john_n lilborn_n or_o if_o there_o be_v it_o do_v not_o appear_v that_o he_o ever_o appear_v to_o the_o same_o nor_o that_o he_o be_v ever_o outlawed_a for_o not_o appear_v neither_o do_v any_o plead_n by_o the_o say_v lieut._n col._n john_n lilburn_n to_o any_o such_o indictment_n or_o information_n appear_v not_o any_o trial_n of_o he_o for_o the_o same_o and_o therefore_o if_o any_o such_o pretend_a judgement_n be_v enter_v as_o the_o say_v suppose_v act_n and_o the_o indictment_n of_o john_n lilburn_n prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n thereupon_o do_v relate_v unto_o the_o same_o be_v erroneous_a and_o void_a in_o law_n and_o by_o consequence_n the_o say_a indictment_n be_v void_a except_o 3._o the_o say_a indictment_n be_v erroneous_a and_o insufficient_a in_o law_n for_o that_o it_o be_v only_o ground_v upon_o and_o recite_v a_o act_n which_o act_n be_v declare_v to_o be_v make_v for_o the_o execution_n of_o a_o judgement_n pass_v in_o parliament_n against_o lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburne_n the_o fifteen_o day_n of_o january_n 1651._o when_o in_o truth_n there_o be_v no_o such_o judgement_n either_o in_o matter_n or_o form_n pass_v in_o parliament_n on_o the_o say_v 15_o day_n of_o january_n 1651_o as_o be_v enact_v by_o the_o say_v suppose_v act_n to_o be_v execute_v against_o the_o say_a lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburn_n and_o as_o be_v also_o recite_v in_o the_o say_a indictment_n to_o be_v enact_v by_o the_o say_a act_n to_o be_v put_v in_o execution_n against_o he_o first_o there_o be_v no_o judgement_n pass_v in_o parliament_n upon_o the_o say_v fifteen_o day_n of_o january_n 1651._o that_o the_o say_v lieut._n col._n john_n liburn_n shall_v depart_v out_o of_o england_n within_o 20_o day_n after_o the_o say_v 15_o day_n of_o january_n 1651._o as_o be_v mention_v in_o the_o say_a indictment_n second_o there_o be_v no_o judgement_n pass_v in_o parliament_n the_o say_v fifteen_o day_n of_o january_n 1651._o that_o the_o say_v lieut._n col._n john_n lilburn_n shall_v depart_v out_o of_o england_n scotland_n and_o ireland_n or_o the_o island_n territory_n or_o dominion_n thereof_o within_o any_o limit_a time_n whatsoever_o or_o under_o any_o penalty_n whatsoever_o as_o be_v mention_v in_o the_o say_a indictment_n 3_o there_o never_o be_v any_o judgement_n pass_v in_o parliament_n the_o say_v 15_o day_n of_o jan._n 1651._o that_o the_o say_v l._n c._n john_n lilburne_n shall_v be_v execute_v as_o a_o felon_n without_o benefit_n of_o clergy_n in_o case_n the_o say_a lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburne_n shall_v be_v find_v or_o be_v remain_v in_o england_n scotland_n or_o ireland_n after_o the_o expiration_n of_o twenty_o day_n or_o any_o other_o time_n whatsoever_o to_o be_v account_v from_o the_o say_v fifteen_o day_n of_o january_n 1651._o and_o if_o no_o such_o judgement_n do_v appear_v to_o have_v be_v pass_v against_o the_o say_a lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburne_n as_o be_v aforesaid_a and_o as_o be_v recite_v by_o the_o say_a indictment_n to_o be_v enact_v to_o be_v put_v
in_o execution_n against_o he_o than_o the_o original_a ground_n of_o the_o say_a indictment_n be_v nul_fw-fr and_o void_a which_o be_v a_o judgement_n suppose_v to_o be_v pass_v in_o parliament_n against_o the_o say_a lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburn_n in_o matter_n and_o form_n as_o aforesaid_a upon_o the_o 15_o day_n of_o january_n 1651._o which_o be_v enact_v by_o the_o say_a act_n recite_v in_o the_o say_a indictment_n to_o be_v put_v in_o execution_n whereas_o no_o such_o judgement_n ever_o pass_v and_o therefore_o can_v be_v suppose_v or_o admit_v by_o the_o law_n to_o be_v enact_v to_o be_v put_v in_o execution_n and_o upon_o this_o ground_n the_o prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n conceive_v the_o say_a judgement_n to_o be_v insufficient_a in_o the_o law_n except_o 4._o the_o say_v john_n lilburn_n further_o except_v against_o the_o say_a indictment_n as_o insufficient_a in_o the_o law_n in_o regard_n of_o the_o uncertainty_n of_o the_o same_o the_o law_n require_v all_o allegation_n against_o any_o man_n to_o be_v certain_a for_o that_o the_o say_a indictment_n do_v recite_v and_o ground_n itself_o upon_o a_o act_n make_v for_o the_o execution_n of_o a_o judgement_n pass_v in_o parliament_n against_o lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburn_n and_o then_o charge_v john_n lilburn_n late_o of_o london_n gentleman_n to_o have_v be_v find_v in_o england_n that_o be_v to_o say_v in_o london_n contrary_a to_o the_o say_a act_n but_o aver_v not_o that_o the_o say_v john_n lilburn_n now_o prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n indict_v by_o the_o name_n of_o john_n lilburn_n late_o of_o london_n gentleman_n be_v one_o and_o the_o same_o person_n with_o the_o say_a lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburn_n mean_v and_o intend_v by_o the_o say_a act_n by_o reason_n whereof_o and_o for_o that_o there_o be_v several_a person_n know_v and_o distinguish_v by_o the_o name_n of_o john_n lilburn_n of_o london_n gentleman_n and_o for_o that_o the_o say_v john_n lilburn_n prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n do_v not_o acknowledge_v that_o he_o now_o be_v or_o at_o the_o make_n of_o the_o say_a act_n or_o pass_v the_o say_v suppose_v judgement_n be_v a_o lieutenant_n colonel_n or_o that_o he_o can_v be_v notify_v and_o distinguish_v by_o that_o title_n he_o the_o say_v john_n lilburn_n prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n can_v join_v any_o certain_a issue_n with_o the_o keeper_n of_o the_o liberty_n of_o england_n upon_o the_o say_a indictment_n for_o the_o say_a indictment_n not_o aver_v the_o say_a john_n lilburn_n now_o prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n to_o be_v the_o same_o person_n and_o not_o other_o or_o divers_a from_o that_o john_n lilburn_n intend_v and_o mean_v in_o the_o say_a act_n and_o distinguish_v from_o all_o other_o of_o the_o same_o name_n by_o the_o title_n of_o a_o lieutenant_n colonel_n if_o the_o prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n shall_v plead_v the_o general_a issue_n of_o not_o guilty_a he_o shall_v confess_v himself_o to_o be_v the_o same_o john_n lilburn_n intend_v by_o the_o say_a act_n else_o he_o be_v not_o concern_v to_o plead_v to_o the_o say_a indictment_n and_o by_o consequence_n if_o the_o prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n shall_v plead_v not_o guilty_a to_o the_o say_a indictment_n the_o only_a issue_n to_o be_v try_v in_o point_n of_o fact_n between_o the_o keeper_n of_o the_o liberty_n of_o england_n and_o the_o prisoner_n will_v be_v whether_o john_n lilburn_n prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n be_v find_v in_o england_n upon_o the_o 15_o day_n of_o june_n 1653._o and_o by_o consequence_n the_o prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n though_o he_o be_v not_o the_o person_n intend_v by_o the_o say_a act_n may_v be_v ensnare_v and_o condemn_v as_o a_o felon_n only_o because_o his_o name_n be_v john_n lirburn_n and_o if_o any_o other_o john_n lilburn_n shall_v in_o like_a manner_n plead_v to_o the_o say_a indictment_n he_o shall_v suffer_v because_o he_o be_v call_v john_n lilburn_n for_o all_o which_o error_n and_o insufficiency_n in_o the_o law_n in_o the_o say_a indictment_n act_n and_o suppose_a judgement_n the_o say_a john_n lilburn_n prisoner_n at_o the_o bar_n humble_o pray_v that_o the_o say_a indictment_n may_v be_v quash_v and_o in_o case_n the_o honourable_a court_n be_v not_o full_o satisfy_v in_o the_o say_a error_n and_o insufficiency_n of_o the_o say_a indictment_n he_o pray_v that_o council_n learn_v in_o the_o law_n may_v be_v assign_v he_o and_o a_o competent_a time_n give_v for_o he_o to_o advise_v with_o they_o and_o for_o they_o to_o prepare_v their_o argument_n upon_o all_o the_o say_a matter_n of_o law_n and_o that_o the_o case_n be_v of_o very_o great_a difficulty_n and_o much_o concernment_n to_o the_o liberty_n of_o all_o the_o people_n of_o england_n and_o be_v a_o case_n without_o any_o precedent_n and_o the_o shed_n or_o spare_v of_o innocent_a blood_n depend_v upon_o a_o resolution_n thereof_o he_o humble_o pray_v that_o the_o say_v difficult_a point_n of_o law_n arise_v upon_o the_o case_n may_v be_v argue_v before_o the_o reverend_a judge_n of_o the_o law_n as_o have_v be_v accustom_v in_o such_o case_n that_o their_o opinion_n may_v be_v have_v thereupon_o john_n lilburne_n present_v the_o 16_o of_o july_n 1653._o finis_fw-la